THE VALIANT FUND
                                 CODE OF ETHICS

      The Valiant Fund (the "Trust") has determined to adopt this Code of Ethics
to specify and prohibit certain types of personal securities transactions deemed
to create conflicts of interest and to establish reporting requirements and
enforcement procedures pursuant to the provisions of Rule 17j-1 under the
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, (the "1940 Act").

A. Legal Requirement.

      Rule 17j-1(a) under the 1940 Act makes it unlawful for any officer or
trustee of the Trust (as well as other persons), in connection with the purchase
or sale by such person of security "held or to be acquired" by the Trust:

(1)   To employ any device, scheme or artifice to defraud the Trust

(2)   To make to the Trust any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to
      state to the Trust a material fact necessary in order to make the
      statement made, in light of the circumstances under which they are made,
      not misleading;

(3)   To engage in any act, practice, or course of business which operates or
      would operate as a fraud or deceit upon the Trust; or

(4)   To engage in any manipulative practice with respect to Trust.

A security is "held or to be acquired" if within the most recent 15 days it (i)
is or has been held by the Trust, or (ii) is being or has been considered by the
Trust of its investment adviser for purchase by the Trust. A purchase or sale
includes the writing of an option to purchase or sell.

B. Trust Policy

It is the policy of the Trust that no "access person"(1) shall engage in any
act, practice or course of conduct that would violate the provisions of Rule
17j-1(a) set forth above.

C. Procedures

      The Trust does not believe that personal transactions by its access
persons in any securities other than securities that the Trust is permitted to
purchase would be prohibited by Rule 17j-1(a). Accordingly, as used in this
Code, a "reportable security" includes only securities that the Portfolios of
the Trust would be permitted to acquire under their investment objectives and
policies set forth in the Trust's then current prospectus under the Securities
Act of 1933, as amended, and does not include securities issued or guaranteed by
the U.S. Government, its agencies or instrumentalities, bankers' acceptances,
bank certificates of deposits, commercial paper and shares of registered
open-end investment companies. The term "security" includes any financial
futures contract, any warrant for or option in or security convertible into that

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(1)   An "access person" includes: (a) each trustee or officer of the Trust; (b)
      each employee (if any) of the Trust (or of any company in a control
      relationship to the Trust) who in connection with his regular duties
      obtains information about the purchase or sale of a security by the Trust
      or whose functions relate to making such recommendations; and (c) any
      natural person in a control relationship to the Trust who obtains
      information concerning recommendations made to the regard to the purchase
      or sale of a security.


1.    In order to provide the Trust with information to enable it to determine
      with reasonable assurance whether the provisions Rule 17j-1(a) observed by
      its access persons:

(a)   Each access person of the Trust, other than a trustee who is not an "
      interested person" (as defined in the 1940 Act), shall submit reports in
      the form attached hereto as Exhibit A to the Trust's Treasurer showing all
      transactions in "reportable securities" in which the person has, or by
      reason of such transaction acquires, any direct or indirect beneficial
      ownership.(2) Such reports shall be filed not later than 10 days after the
      end of each end calendar quarter, but need not show transactions over
      which such person had no direct or indirect influence or control.

(b)   Each trustee who is not an "interested person" of the Trust shall submit
      the same quarterly report as required under paragraph (a), but only for a
      transaction in a "reportable security": where he or she knew at the time
      of transaction or, in the ordinary course of fulfilling his or her
      official duties as a trustee, should have known that during the 15-day
      period immediately preceding or after the date of the transaction, such
      security is or was purchased or sold, or considered for purchase or sale,
      by the Trust. No report is required if the trustee has no direct or
      indirect influence or control over the transaction.

2.    All "access persons" of the Trust shall certify on an annual basis that
      they are aware of their obligations under this Code and that they have
      complied with the Code and with its securities reporting requirements.

3.    "Access persons" other than Trustees who are not "interested persons" of
      the Trust are prohibited from trading in a reportable security on a day
      during which any portfolio of the trust has a pending buy or sell order in
      that security. Profits from any transactions in violation of this
      provision must be disgorged to the Trust or a charity. Trustees who are
      not "interested persons" are subject to this prohibition only if they knew
      or, in the ordinary course of fulfilling their official duties as
      trustees, should have known, of the pending buy or sell order.

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(2)   "Beneficial ownership" of a security is determined in the same manner as
      it would be for purposes of Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act
      1934, except that such determination should apply to all securities.
      Generally, you should consider yourself the beneficial owner of securities
      help by your spouse, your minor children, a relative who shares your home,
      or other persons if, by reason any contract, understanding, relationship,
      agreement or other arrangement, you obtain from such securities benefits
      substantially equivalent to those of ownership. You should also consider
      yourself the beneficial owner of securities if you vest or revest title in
      yourself, now or in the future.


4.    "Access persons" other than Trustees who are not "interested persons" of
      the Trust shall direct their brokers to provide the Treasurer with
      duplicate copies of confirmations and account statements.

5.    " Access persons" other than Trustees who not "interested persons" of the
      Trust shall disclose personal securities holding in reportable securities
      upon commencement of employment by the Trust and thereafter on an annual

6.    All "access persons" of the Trust other than trustees who are not
      "interested persons" of the Trust must obtain prior approval of all
      personal securities transactions in "reportable securities." The following
      procedures shall be followed procedures shall be following in obtaining
      advance clearance.

      a.    Advance clearance must be obtained from the Clearing Officer.

      b.    Transaction Clearances must be obtained no more than three days
            prior to making a purchase or sale of a "reportable security" .

      c.    Clearance must be obtained in writing by completing and signing a
            form provided for that purpose by the Trust, which form shall set
            forth the details of the proposed transaction.

      d.    A copy of all completed clearance forms, with all required
            signatures shall be retained by the Treasurer of the Trust.

      e.    The Clearing Officer may refuse to grant clearance of a person
            transaction in his or her sole discretion without being required to
            specify any reason for the refusal. Generally, the Clearing Officer
            will consider the following factors in determining whether or not to
            clear a proposed transaction:

            (i)   Whether the amount or nature of the transaction or person
                  making it is likely to likely to affect the price or market
                  for the security;

            (ii)  Whether the individual making the proposed purchase or sale
                  being made or being considered by the Trust;

            (iii) Whether the security proposed to be or sold is one that would
                  qualify for purchase or sale by the Trust;

            (iv)  Whether the transaction is nonvolitional on the part of the
                  individual such as receipt of a stock dividend or a sinking
                  fund call.

7.    The Treasurer shall notify each "access person" of the Trust of their
      duties and obligations under this Code and shall deliver a copy of this
      Code to each such person.

8.    The Treasurer shall report to the Board of Trustees:


      (a)   at the next meeting following the receipt of any report on schedule
            to each reported transaction in a security which was within 15 days
            before or after the date of the reported transaction (i) held or
            acquired by the Trust, or (ii) considered by the Trust for purchase
            or sale, unless (in either case) (i) the transaction reinvestment of
            dividends pursuant to a plan, or (ii) the amount involved in the
            transaction was less than $25,000;

      (b)   with respect to any transaction (whether or not required to be
            reported to the Board by the operation of subparagraph (a) above)
            that he or she believes may evidence a violation of this Code;

      (c)   apparent violations of the reporting requirement states herein.

9.    The Board shall consider reports made to it hereunder shall determine
      whether the policies established in paragraph B have been violated, and
      what sanctions, if any, should be imposed. The Board shall review the
      operation of this policy at least once a year.

10.   This Code, a copy of each report by an access person, any written report
      hereunder by the Treasurer, and list of all persons required to make
      reports shall be preserved with the Trust's records for the period
      required by Rule 17j-1

D.    Adviser's and Sub-Adviser's Code of Ethics.

      Any investment Adviser or Sub-Adviser of the Trust shall;

1.    Submit to the Board of Trustees of the Trust a copy of a Code of Ethics
      adopted pursuant to Rule 17j-1 and satisfactory to the Trust;

2.    Promptly report to the Trust in writing any material amendments to such

3.    Promptly furnish to the trust upon request at any time and from time to
      time copies of any Reports made pursuant to such Code; and

4.    Shall immediately furnish to the Trust, without request, all material
      information regarding any violation of such Code.

      Dated: May 6, 1993
      Amended: December 13, 1994

                                                           The Board of Trustees
                                                           The Valiant Fund
