Washington, D.C. 20549

(Mark One)
                       SECURITIES  EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the quarterly period ended          September 30, 1999


                      EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
For the transition period from_________________ to _____________________________

Commission file number          0-14621

                          NEW SKY COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          New York                                       16-1229730
- -------------------------------                   ----------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of                       (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                     Identification Number)

       731 Powers Building, 16 West Main Street, Rochester, New York 14614
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

                                 (716) 454-5490
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

   (Former name, former address and fiscal year, if changed since last report)

        Indicate by check mark whether registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities and Exchange Act
of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

Yes______X_______     No_____________


         Indicate by check mark whether registrant has filed all documents and
reports required to be filed by Sections 12, 13 or 15(d) of the Securities and
Exchange Act of 1934 subsequent to the distribution of securities under a plan
confirmed by a court.

Yes______________     No_______________

        Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's
                   classes of common stock, as of the latest
              practicable date.              193,736,923 as of November 1, 1999

                         PART 1 - FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1. Financial Statements.               Item 2. Management's Discussion and
     Provide the information required         Analysis of Financial Condition
by Rule 10-01 of Regulation S-X                    and Results of Operations.
(17CFR Part 210).                           Item 303 of Regulation S-K
                                            (Sec. 229.303 of this chapter).


PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                           PAGE(S)

Statement of Operations
  Nine months ending 9/30/99 & 9/30/98                                       3

Consolidated Balance Sheet
  As of 9/30/99 & 12/31/98                                               4 & 5

Statement of Cash Flows
  Nine months ended 9/30/99 & 9/30/98                                        6

Management's Discussion of Statement of
  Income and Financial Condition                                        7 - 10

PART II - OTHER INFORMATION & SIGNATURES                                    10

Financial Data Summary                                                      11

                                     Page 2

                          NEW SKY COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                           STATEMENT OF INCOME (LOSS)

                                        For Three Months Ended        For Nine Months Ended
                                        ----------------------        ---------------------

                                    September 30,  September 30,  September 30,  September 30,
                                       1999            1998          1999           1998

Gross Film Receipts                   $      0       $      0       $      0       $      0
  Less: Amortized Film Costs          $      0       $      0       $      0       $      0
                                      --------       --------       --------       --------
Net Film Receipts                     $      0       $      0       $      0       $      0
                                      --------       --------       --------       --------

General and Administrative Expenses   $  8,240       $  7,758       $ 27,085       $ 60,637
                                      --------       --------       --------       --------

Income (Loss) Before Other Income
  and Related Expenses                $ (8,240)      $ (7,758)      $(27,085)      $(60,637)
                                      --------       --------       --------       --------

Other Income (Loss)                   $      0       $      0       $      0       $      0
                                      --------       --------       --------       --------

Income (Loss)                         $ (8,240)      $ (7,758)      $(27,085)      $(60,637)
                                      ========       ========       ========       ========

Net Per Common Share                       NIL            NIL            NIL            NIL
                                      ========       ========       ========       ========

                                     Page 3

                          NEW SKY COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                  BALANCE SHEET
                (As of September 30, 1999 and December 31, 1998)


                                          September 30, 1999      December 31, 1998
                                             (Unaudited)             (Audited)
                                          ------------------      -----------------

Current Assets:
  Cash and Cash Items                       $        0               $         0
Accounts Receivable:
    Trade Accounts                                   0                         0
  Current Amortizable Portion
    of Film Inventory                                0                         0
                                            ----------               -----------

Total Current Assets                        $        0               $         0
                                            ----------               -----------
Fixed Assets:
Property and Equipment:
  Property and Equipment                             0                         0
  Film Inventory                             1,159,166                 1,159,166
                                            ----------               -----------
  Total Property and Equipment               1,159,166                 1,159,166
    Less: Accumulated Depreciation                   0                         0
                                            ----------               -----------

Net Property and Equipment                   1,159,166                 1,159,166
                                            ----------               -----------

Other Assets                                   125,400                   100,400
                                            ----------               -----------

TOTAL ASSETS                                $1,284,566               $ 1,259,566
                                            ==========               ===========

                                     Page 4

                          NEW SKY COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                  BALANCE SHEET
                (As of September 30, 1999 and December 31, 1998)


                                        September 30, 1999   December 31, 1998
                                           (Unaudited)          (Audited)
                                        ------------------   -----------------
Current Liabilities:
  Accounts Payable                         $   181,425        $   154,340
  Notes Payable                                 25,000                  0
  Leases                                         2,068              2,068
  Accrued Expenses                              41,017             41,017
                                           -----------        -----------

Total Current Liabilities                  $   249,510        $   197,425
                                           -----------        -----------

Stockholders' Equity:
  Common Stock $.0001 Par Value
    200,000,000 Shares Authorized
    193,736,923 Shares Issued and
     Outstanding (193,736,923 Shares
     on September 30, 1999)                $    19,374        $    19,374
  Additional Paid-In Capital                 5,962,028          5,962,028
                                           -----------        -----------

  Total Paid-In Capital                      5,981,402          5,981,402

Accumulated Deficit                         (4,946,346)        (4,919,261)
                                           -----------        -----------

Total Stockholders' Equity                   1,035,056         1,062,141
                                           -----------        -----------

  STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                     $ 1,284,566        $ 1,259,566
                                           ===========        ===========

                                     Page 5

                          NEW SKY COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                             Statement Of Cash Flows
           Nine Months Ended September 30, 1999 and September 30, 1998

                                             Nine Months Ended    Nine Months Ended
                                             September30, 1999    September 30, 1998
                                             -----------------    ------------------
Operating Activities:

  Net Income (Loss)                              $(27,085)          $(60,637)
  Adjustments to reconcile
    Net Income and Net Cash:
     Depreciation and Amortization                      0                  0
     (Increase)Decrease in Accounts
      Receivable                                        0                  0
     (Increase)Decrease in Prepaid
      Expenses                                          0                  0
     Increase(Decrease) in Accounts
      Payable and Accrued Expenses                 52,085             36,086
     Amortization of Film Costs                         0             30,000
                                                 --------           --------
         Net Cash Provided (Used)                $ 25,000           $  5,449
                                                 --------           --------

Investing Activities:
     Additional Film Inventory                   $      0           $ (5,505)
     Investment in Web site                        25,000                  0
                                                 --------           --------

         Net Cash Provided (Used)                $(25,000)          $ (5,505)
                                                 --------           --------

Financing Activities:

         Net Cash Provided (Used)                $      0           $      0
                                                 --------           --------

  Increase (Decrease) In Cash
    and Cash Equivalents                         $      0           $    (56)
  Cash and Cash Equivalents at
    Beginning of Period                          $      0           $     56
                                                 --------           --------

      Cash and Cash Equivalents
       at End of Period                          $      0           $      0
                                                 ========           ========

                                     Page 6

                             STATEMENT OF MANAGEMENT

In the opinion of management, the accompanying unaudited financial statements
contain all adjustments necessary to present fairly the financial position of
the Company as of September 30, 1999 and the results of operations and cash
flows for the nine months then ended.

       During the quarter, the Company and it's Co-Producing partner, Syracuse
       Productions, LLC, have been screening their film "FREAK TALKS ABOUT SEX"
       for potential distributors and purchasers of rights in the film. In
       October, the film was screened at the Hamptons International Film
       Festival and placed second in the audience choice awards and received an
       Honorable Mention from the jury, which included the actor, William Hurt.
       After the end of the quarter, the producers agreed in principle with HBO
       for a debut of the film as a Cinemax Friday Night Premiere starting
       December 17, 1999. The producers believe that the wide exposure the film
       will receive by the limited screening on Cinemax will enhance the
       subsequent sale of other rights in the film, including home video,
       foreign, internet and other television and does not preclude a theatrical
       release of the film.. "FREAK TALKS ABOUT SEX" is a comedy starring Steve
       Zahn, who has recently appeared in "OUT OF SIGHT" and "YOU'VE GOT MAIL"
       and will star in the current Miramax film "HAPPY TEXAS" and Josh
       Hamilton, who has recently appeared in the NBC mini-series "THE 60'S."
       The Company owns one-third of the profits of the film after the investors
       recoup their investment plus twenty percent (20%). For proprietary
       reasons, the Company may not disclose the budget of the film and by
       contractual provision may not disclose the amount received from HBO for
       the rights to the film..

       The Company continued pursuing production of its film property "THE
       GODMOTHER" (formerly "RESPECT YOUR GODFATHER"). The film is a comedy
       co-written by, among others, Joel and Ethan Coen, who have previously
       written "RAISING ARIZONA," "THE BIG LEBOWSKI" and "FARGO." The Company
       has received letters of intent, subject to availability and negotiation
       of contract terms, to appear in the film from Katherine Helmond, star of
       television's "SOAP" and "WHO'S THE BOSS?", Alex Rocco, best known for his
       role as Moe Green in "THE GODFATHER" and Max Casella, co-star of the
       recent feature film "ANALYZE THIS" and "DOOGIE HOWSER" on television.
       Both Helmond and Rocco starred in the Company's previous film, "LADY IN
       WHITE." The Company is attempting to raise financing for production of
       the film.

                                     Page 7

       During the first quarter of 1998, the Company acquired a forty percent
       (40%) interest in the business called The Movie Place, which owns and
       operates the Internet site "movieplace.com." The Web site features movie
       reviews and interviews with movie stars by nationally syndicated movie
       reviewer Mike Cidoni, along with links to movie trailers and movie
       showing times around the country. Successful coverage of "STAR WARS: THE
       PHANTOM MENACE" and "SOUTH PARK" have significantly raised the page views
       of the site. The site has retained an advertising broker to procure
       additional advertising. The interest was purchased for $25,000.00, which
       The Movie Place will expend to enhance and market the Web site and for
       working capital. The Company procured the funds for the investment by a
       loan on a promissory note from its Chairman and President, Carl R.
       Reynolds. The Promissory Note is in the amount of $25,000.00, payable on
       demand and bears interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum. A
       copy of the Promissory Note and the Agreement with The Movie Place were
       annexed to the Form 10-Q for the period ending March 31, 1999. The
       Company hopes to help develop the site into a significant Web site of
       interest for movie fans and as an agent for raising production funds for
       independent films by the Company and others. During the quarter,
       Movieplace.com, Inc. began developing plans to debut a movie critics
       program weekly on the internet site starting in early 2000. The program
       will consist of a panel of movie critics, including Movie Place's own
       critic, Mike Cidoni, discussing recently released films. The ultimate
       goal would be to have the program syndicated as a weekly television

       The Company entered into a distribution agreement for a so-called
       "Director's Cut" of its feature film "LADY IN WHITE" which was released
       on DVD format during the first quarter of 1998. All remaining outstanding
       distribution agreements on the film expire in 2002 or 2003, at which time
       all rights will revert to the Company.

       The Company continues to carry its investments in feature films as an
       asset of the Company under Film Inventory, amortizing these costs when
       funds are received on the various film investments and at other times
       management believes a write-down of the unamortized costs is appropriate.

       The Company has title to and/or interests in the following feature film
       properties, which are in development or completed: "FREAK TALKS ABOUT
       SEX", "THE GIANT" and "THE GODMOTHER". The Company has released two
       feature films: "FEAR NO EVIL" and "LADY IN WHITE". The Company was also
       an investor, in 1989, in a feature film entitled "GRAVE SECRETS",
       produced by Planet Productions, Inc.

       The Company received no revenues in the second quarter.

                                     Page 8

       Management believes that the Company has no material risk or costs
       associated with the Year 2000 problem as its records are not
       computerized. The Company cannot assess the risk of third-party vendors
       or licensees of films already in release, but the Year 2000 problem could
       affect the accounting of any licensees to the Company for royalties. The
       Company does intend to inquire of any potential future licensees
       regarding their Year 2000 compliance as part of the negotiations for any
       licensing or royalty agreement.

       The Company has not filed Federal or New York State tax returns for the
       years 1992, 1993 and 1994 and has not paid any tax due for those years
       nor for 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998 because of lack of funds for the
       preparation of the returns and the payment of tax. The Company believes
       no Federal tax would be due due to the Company's continuing losses.
       However, the Company believes it owes New York State tax based upon
       capital and has been accruing estimated amounts for such tax since 1992.

       The Company is an independent motion picture production company.
       Independent motion picture production involves a number of risks and
       elements that must coalesce to produce a successful feature film. These
       elements include: procuring rights to a screenplay and financing to
       finance the budget of the film, procuring talent for production,
       direction, acting and post-production, which includes editing, music and
       mixing and obtaining distribution of the completed film. Inadequate
       performance of any of these elements, or miscalculation of the tastes of
       the movie-going public can cause the film to not obtain distribution
       and/or be a box-office failure. The potential market for motion pictures
       is divided into two components: foreign and domestic (U.S and Canada).
       Within each of these markets there are several different potential
       revenue streams: theatrical, pay television, free television, video
       cassette and new emerging sources such as CD-ROM, laser disc and DVD.
       Distribution of an independent film may be accomplished by a single
       distributor acquiring worldwide rights in all media, or the markets and
       elements of each can be sold off by the producer to separate
       distributors. The lead time from original acquisition of a screenplay to
       final cut of the film and ultimate exhibition, if any, and receipt of
       revenues can take several years. Therefore, the revenue streams and
       profitability of an independent production company can vary greatly
       year-to-year and project to project. There is significant competition in
       the independent film business. Many more films are produced each year
       than receive distribution or recover their investment. In addition,
       independent films compete against major studios who have significantly
       greater resources and can therefore employ the most talented people to
       make films and better promote their films. The Company employs only one
       person, the President, Carl R. Reynolds, but has working relationships
       with other persons who provide access to different elements needed to
       produce a film, including financing, production and securing talent.

                                     Page 9

1(B)  Financial Condition -

       1. Working capital is inadequate (Current Ratio is nil). In the near
       term, the Company will be dependent on revenues from its share of
       profits, if any, derived from the film "FREAK TALKS ABOUT SEX" and
       producers' fees, if any, payable from the budget of any film that gets
       into production. In the meantime, the Company keeps its expenses at a
       minimum. 2. The Company has an outstanding loan to its Chairman and
       President, Carl R. Reynolds in the amount of $25,000.00 and current
       payables and accrued expenses.

                                     PART II
                        Other Information and Signatures

                          NEW SKY COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

Item 1.  Legal Proceedings  -  None.

Item 2.  Change in Security  -  None.

Item 3.  Defaults upon Senior Securities  -  None.

Item 4. Submission of matters to a vote of securities holders - None.

Item 5.  Other information  - None.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                          NEW SKY COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

Date: November 12, 1999.              /S/ Carl R. Reynolds
                                      Carl R. Reynolds  President/
                                                        Chief Financial Officer
/s/ Carl R. Reynolds
- --------------------
- --------
November 12, 1999
- -----------------

                                     Page 10