OCTOBER 29, 2001

Rig Name                        Depth         Design                                 Location                  Status
Ocean Crusader                  200'          Mat Cantilever                           GOM                    Shipyard
Ocean Drake                     200'          Mat Cantilever                           GOM                   Contracted
Ocean Champion                  250'          Mat Slot                                 GOM                    Shipyard
Ocean Columbia                  250'          Independent Leg Cantilever               GOM                   Contracted
Ocean Spartan                   250'          Independent Leg Cantilever               GOM                   Contracted
Ocean Spur                      250'          Independent Leg Cantilever               GOM                   Contracted
Ocean Sovereign                 250'          Independent Leg Cantilever            Indonesia                Contracted
Ocean Heritage                  250'          Independent Leg Cantilever            Indonesia                Contracted
Ocean King                      300'          Independent Leg Cantilever               GOM                   Contracted
Ocean Nugget                    300'          Independent Leg Cantilever               GOM                   Contracted
Ocean Summit                    300'          Independent Leg Cantilever               GOM                    Shipyard
Ocean Warwick                   300'          Independent Leg Cantilever               GOM                   Contracted
Ocean Titan                     350'          Independent Leg Slot                     GOM                   Contracted
Ocean Tower                     350'          Independent Leg Slot                     GOM                   Contracted
Ocean Liberator                 600'          Aker H-3                             Ivory Coast                 Stacked
Ocean Century                   800'          Korkut                                   GOM                  Cold Stacked
Ocean Ambassador                1,100'        Bethlehem SS-2000                        GOM                     Stacked
Ocean Nomad                     1,200'        Aker H-3                              North Sea                Contracted
Ocean New Era                   1,500'        Korkut                                   GOM                     Stacked
Ocean Bounty                    1,500'        Victory Class                         Australia                Contracted
Ocean Guardian                  1,500'        Earl & Wright Sedco 711 Series        North Sea                Contracted
Ocean Princess                  1,500'        Aker H-3                              North Sea                Contracted
Ocean Whittington               1,500'        Aker H-3                                Brazil                 Contracted
Ocean Epoch                     1,640'        Korkut                                  China                  Contracted
Ocean General                   1,640'        Korkut                                Australia                Contracted
Ocean Prospector                1,700'        Victory Class                            GOM                  Cold Stacked
Ocean Endeavor                  2,000'        Victory Class                            GOM                   Contracted
Ocean Concord                   2,200'        F&G SS-2000                              GOM                   Contracted
Ocean Lexington                 2,200'        F&G SS-2000                              GOM                   Contracted
Ocean Saratoga                  2,200'        F&G SS-2000                              GOM                   Contracted
Ocean Yorktown                  2,850'        F&G SS-2000                             Brazil                 Contracted
Ocean Voyager                   3,200'        Victory Class                            GOM                   Contracted
Ocean Yatzy                     3,300'        DP DYVI Super Yatzy                     Brazil                 Contracted
Ocean Worker                    3,500'        F&G 9500 Enhanced Pacesetter             GOM                   Contracted
Ocean Quest                     3,500'        Victory Class                            GOM                   Contracted
Ocean Winner                    3,500'        Aker H-3                                Brazil                 Contracted
Ocean Alliance                  5,000'        Alliance Class                          Brazil                 Contracted
Ocean Star                      5,500'        Victory Class                            GOM                   Contracted
Ocean Victory                   5,500'        Victory Class                            GOM                   Contracted
Ocean America                   5,500'        Ocean Odyssey                            GOM                   Contracted
Ocean Valiant                   5,500'        Ocean Odyssey                            GOM                   Contracted
Ocean Baroness                  6,500'        Victory Class                         Singapore             Shipyard Upgrade
Ocean Rover                     6,500'        Victory Class                            GOM                     Upgrade
Ocean Confidence                7,500'        DP Aker H-3.2 Modified                   GOM                   Contracted
Ocean Clipper                   7,500'        DP Fluor/Mitsubishi                     Brazil                 Contracted

Table Continued...

Rig Name                    Operator        Current Term                       Start Date                  Estimated End Date
Ocean Crusader                  -                           -                  mid September 2001          early December 2001
Ocean Drake                  Chevron        60-day extension plus option       early October 2001          late November 2001
Ocean Champion                  -                           -                  early August 2001           mid November 2001
Ocean Columbia               Murphy         one well plus option               early October 2001          early November 2001
Ocean Spartan                  BP           six month term                     late May 2001               late November 2001
Ocean Spur                     BP           120-day extension plus option      early October 2001          early February 2002
Ocean Sovereign               Maxus         two-year term                      mid September 2000          mid October 2002
Ocean Heritage                Maxus         one-year term                      late January 2001           late January 2002
Ocean King                     BP           one-well                           mid September 2001          late October 2001
Ocean Nugget                 Seneca         three workovers plus options       early October 2001          mid November 2001
Ocean Summit                    -                           -                  mid June 2001               mid November 2001
Ocean Warwick                  BP           90 day extension plus option       early October 2001          early January 2002
Ocean Titan                 Dominion        one-well plus option               late September 2001         early December 2001
Ocean Tower                 Spinnaker       drill and complete one-well plus   late October 2001           early January 2002
Ocean Liberator                 -                           -                                 -                             -
Ocean Century                   -                           -                                 -                             -
Ocean Ambassador                -                           -                                 -                             -
Ocean Nomad                   Shell         one well                           late October 2001           mid November 2001
Ocean New Era                   -                           -                                 -                             -
Ocean Bounty               Bass Strait      one well                           mid October 2001            mid November 2001
Ocean Guardian                Shell         nine months plus option            mid May 2001                mid February 2002
Ocean Princess              Talisman        three-month term                   early September 2001        early December 2001
Ocean Whittington             Devon         one well plus option               mid October 2001            mid November 2001
Ocean Epoch                   CACT          second option well                 early August 2001           late November 2001
Ocean General                  OMV          four wells plus one abandonment    early October 2001          late January 2002
Ocean Prospector                -                           -                                 -                             -
Ocean Endeavor               Walter         second of two wells                mid October 2001            late November 2001
Ocean Concord                Walter         complete one well                  mid September 2001          early November 2001
Ocean Lexington              Murphy         nine month term plus option        early June 2001             early March 2002
Ocean Saratoga           Pogo Producing     two wells                          mid August 2001             early December 2001
Ocean Yorktown             Enterprise       15-well development                mid September 2001          late August 2003
Ocean Voyager               Westport        one well plus option               mid September 2001          late October 2001
Ocean Yatzy                 Petrobras       five-year term plus option         early November 1998         early November 2003
Ocean Worker                  Shell         four-year term plus option         mid January 1998            mid January 2002
Ocean Quest                    BHP          one well                           mid August 2001             early November 2001
Ocean Winner                Petrobras       18-month extension                 early July 2001             early November 2002
Ocean Alliance              Petrobras       two-year term - DO                 early September 2000        early September 2002
                                            exercised early
                                            termination option for
                                            third year
Ocean Star                 Kerr McGee       two wells plus option              late October 2001           early December 2001
Ocean Victory                  BP           three months plus option           late October 2001           mid January 2002
Ocean America               Anadarko        one well assignment from BP        early April 2001            late November 2001
Ocean Valiant             Amerada Hess      810 day term                       late April 2001             late December 2001
Ocean Baroness                  -                           -                                 -            early March 2002
Ocean Rover                     -                           -                                 -            Second Quarter 2003
Ocean Confidence               BP           five-year term                     early January 2001          early January 2006
Ocean Clipper               Petrobras       three-year term                    mid January 2000            early January 2003

Table continued...

Rig Name                            Dayrate (in thousands) Future Contract and Other Information
Ocean Crusader                                -            shipyard for scheduled survey then available
Ocean Drake                         lower 20's             available
Ocean Champion                                -            shipyard for inspection and repair then available
Ocean Columbia                      lower 20's             available
Ocean Spartan                       upper 40's             120-day extension plus option with BP in mid 40's ending late
                                                           March 2002.
Ocean Spur                          lower 40's             available
Ocean Sovereign                     lower 30's             available
Ocean Heritage                      mid 30's               available
Ocean King                          mid 50's               shipyard for scheduled survey then available
Ocean Nugget                        lower 20's             available
Ocean Summit                                  -            available
Ocean Warwick                       upper 40's             available
Ocean Titan                         lower 50's             available
Ocean Tower                         lower 20's             available
Ocean Liberator                               -            available
Ocean Century                                 -                                               -
Ocean Ambassador                              -            available
Ocean Nomad                         lower 70's             two wells with Veba in lower 70's ending mid February 2002.
Ocean New Era                                 -            available
Ocean Bounty                        upper 90's             Woodside to demobe rig to Freemantle in mid 80's ending early
                                                           December 2001
Ocean Guardian                      lower 70's             available
Ocean Princess                      upper 60's             three month option plus option with Talisman in upper 70's ending
                                                           early March 2002.
Ocean Whittington                   lower 60's             available
Ocean Epoch                         lower 60's             five wells plus options with BP in Vietnam in lower 60's ending early
                                                           March 2002, rate change after 3/1/02 to lower 70's ending late May 2002.
Ocean General                       mid 90's               available
Ocean Prospector                              -                                               -
Ocean Endeavor                      lower 30's             available
Ocean Concord                       lower 40's             available
Ocean Lexington                     upper 40's             available
Ocean Saratoga                      mid 50's               available
Ocean Yorktown                      lower 60's             available
Ocean Voyager                       mid 40's               available
Ocean Yatzy                         120's                  available
Ocean Worker                        120's                  available
Ocean Quest                         lower 90's             one well with Kerr McGee in lower 80's ending early December 2001
Ocean Winner                        lower 80's             available
Ocean Alliance                      110's                  downtime for repairs from early September 2001 through early November
                                                           2001.  Loss of hire insurance includes 30-day deductible.
Ocean Star                          120's                  available
Ocean Victory                       120's                  available
Ocean America                       110's                  available
Ocean Valiant                       120's                  available
Ocean Baroness                                -            LOI for two wells plus options with Murphy in 170's ending mid
                                                           August 2002.
Ocean Rover                                   -            available
Ocean Confidence                    170's                  available
Ocean Clipper                       lower 90's             available

DOTS = Diamond Offshore Team Solutions, Inc.
GOM = Gulf of Mexico