
               GUARANTY AGREEMENT, dated as of May 27, 1994 (this "Guaranty
     Agreement") by UIC-DEL. CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation (herein
     called the "Guarantor"), to Signet Bank/Maryland (the "Bank"). 
     Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein have the meanings
     specified in Section 7 hereof.

               Reference is made to that certain Amended and Restated Loan
     Agreement dated August 11, 1992, as amended (the "Loan Agreement"), by
     and among AAI Corporation, a Maryland corporation ("AAI"), AAI
     Engineering Support, Inc., a Maryland corporation ("Engineering"), AAI
     Manufacturing Assembly, Inc., a Maryland corporation ("Assembly"), AAI
     Systems Management, Inc., a Maryland corporation ("Systems"), AAI
     Medical Corporation, a Maryland corporation ("Medical"), Seti, Inc., a
     Pennsylvania corporation ("Seti"), AAI/ACL Technologies, Inc., a
     Maryland corporation ("AAI/ACL"), and AAI Microflite Simulation
     International Corporation, a Maryland corporation ("AAI Microflite",
     and AAI, Engineering, Assembly, Systems, Medical, Seti, AAI/ACL and
     AAI Microflite jointly and severally, individually and collectively,
     the "Borrower"), and the Bank.  The Loan Agreement provided, inter
      alia, for the extension by the Bank to the Borrower of a revolving
     credit facility in an original aggregate principal amount not to
     exceed $30,000,000.00.  The "Termination Date" as defined in the Loan
     Agreement has occurred without extension by the Bank, and all of the
     "Obligations" as therein defined have become due and payable.  The
     Borrower and the Guarantor have requested the Bank to extend the
     Termination Date to August 20, 1994, and as a condition to consenting
     to such request the Bank has, inter alia, required the execution
     hereof by the Guarantor.

               NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of and in order to induce
     the Bank to extend additional credit to the Borrower, the Guarantor
     agrees as follows:

               SECTION 1.  GUARANTY.

               (a)  The Guarantor hereby guarantees absolutely and
     unconditionally to the Bank the due and punctual payment of all
     obligations under the Loan Agreement and the "Note" (as therein
     defined and herein the "Note"), and the payment, performance and
     observation of all obligations, covenants and agreements of the
     Borrower under the Loan Agreement, the Note and under the other



     "Loan Documents" (as defined in the Loan Agreement and herein the
     "Loan Documents") and all attorneys' fees, costs and expenses of
     collection incurred by the Bank in connection therewith and in
     connection with the enforcement of this Guaranty Agreement.

               (b)  This is a guaranty of payment and performance and the
     Guarantor waives any right to require that any action be brought
     against the Borrower or any other Person or to require that resort be
     had to any security.  The Bank may, at its option, proceed against the
     Guarantor in the first instance to collect any monies, the payment of
     which is guaranteed hereby, or enforce any obligations, covenants or
     agreements, the performance of which is guaranteed hereby without
     first restoring to any direct or indirect security or to any other
     remedies including, by way of example but not of limitation, any right
     of setoff at the same or at different times, as the Bank may deem
     advisable, and the liability of the Guarantor hereunder shall in no
     way be affected or impaired by any acceptance by the Bank of any
     direct or indirect security for, or other guarantees of, any
     indebtedness, liability or obligation of the Borrower to the Bank or
     by any failure, delay, neglect or omission by the Bank to realize upon
     or protect any such indebtedness, liability or obligation, or any
     notes or other instruments evidencing the same or any direct or
     indirect security therefor.

               (c)  The Guarantor hereby consents that the Bank, from time
     to time, before or after any default by the Borrower, with or without
     any further notice to or assent from the Guarantor, may, without in
     any manner affecting the liability of the Guarantor, and upon such
     terms and conditions as the Bank may deem advisable:  (1) extend the
     time for performance or payment in whole or in part by renewal or
     otherwise, compromise or release any indebtedness, liability,
     obligation of or undertaking of the Borrower or of any other Person
     secondarily or otherwise liable for any indebtedness, liability or
     obligation of the Borrower, or waive any default with respect thereto
     or waive any provision of the Note, the Loan Agreement or any of the
     other Loan Documents; (2) sell, release, surrender, modify, impair,
     exchange, substitute or extend the duration or the time for the
     performance or payment of any and all property, of any nature and from
     whomsoever received, held by the Bank as direct or indirect security
     for the payment or performance of any indebtedness, liability,
     obligation or undertaking of the Borrower or of any other Person
     secondarily or otherwise liable for any indebtedness, liability,
     obligation or undertaking of the Borrower; (3) settle, adjust or
     compromise any claim of the Bank against the Borrower or any other
     Person secondarily or otherwise liable for any indebtedness, liability
     or obligation of the



     Borrower; or (4) add or partially release any guarantor, maker,
     surety, endorser, indemnitor or other party or parties primarily or
     secondarily liable for the payment and/or performance of any
     indebtedness, liability or obligation of the Borrower (including,
     without limitation, the addition or release of any presently existing
     or future subsidiary or affiliate of AAI as one of the "Borrower"
     under the Loan Agreement).  The Guarantor hereby ratifies and confirms
     any such extension of time, renewal, release, waiver, surrender,
     exchange, impairment, substitution, settlement, adjustment,
     compromise, addition or release and agrees that the same shall be
     binding upon the Guarantor, and hereby waives any and all defenses,
     counterclaims or offsets which the Guarantor might or could have by
     reason thereof, it being understood that the Guarantor shall at all
     times be bound by this Guaranty and remain liable to the Bank
     hereunder.  No modification, change or amendment (executed by the
     party or parties against whom enforcement thereof may be sought) of
     any provision of the Loan Agreement, the Note or any of the other Loan
     Documents will release the Guarantor from its obligations hereunder.

               (d)  The Guarantor hereby waives:  (1) notice of acceptance
     of this Guaranty by the Bank or of the creation, renewal or accrual of
     any liability of the Borrower, present or future, or of the reliance
     of the Bank upon this Guaranty (it being understood that every
     indebtedness, liability and obligation of the Borrower to the Bank
     created pursuant to the Loan Agreement, the Note or any of the other
     Loan Documents shall conclusively be presumed to have been created,
     contracted or incurred in reliance upon the execution of this
     Guaranty); (2) demand of payment or performance by the Bank or any
     other Person from the Borrower or from any other Person indebted in
     any manner on or for any of the indebtedness, liabilities or
     obligations hereby guaranteed; (3) presentment and demand for payment
     by the Bank or any other Person of any instrument of the Borrower or
     of any other Person, protest thereof, and notice of its dishonor to
     any part thereto and to the Guarantor; (4) notice of the occurrence of
     a default or Event of Default under the Note, the Loan Agreement or
     any of the other Loan Documents; (5) notice of any indulgences or
     extensions granted to Borrower; (6) any and all notice of every kind
     and description which may be required to be given by any statute or
     rule of law in any jurisdiction; and (7) all subrogation and other
     rights and claims of the Guarantor against the Borrower arising on
     account of this Guaranty or any sums paid by the Guarantor collected
     by the Bank pursuant to this Guaranty.




               (a)  Corporate Existence and Power.  The Guarantor is a
     corporation duly incorporated, validly existing and in good standing
     under the laws of the State of Delaware, and has all corporate powers
     and all material governmental licenses, authorization, consents and
     approvals required to carry on its business as now conducted.  The
     Guarantor is duly qualified as a foreign corporation, licensed and in
     good standing in each jurisdiction where qualification or licensing is
     required by the nature of its business or the character and location
     of its property, business or customers and in which the failure to so
     qualify or be licensed, as the case may be, in the aggregate, could
     have a material adverse effect on the business, financial position,
     results of operation, properties or prospects of the Guarantor.  The
     Guarantor is not a "foreign person" within the meaning of Section 1445
     or 7701 of the Internal Revenue Code.

               (b)  Corporate and Governmental Authorization;
     Contravention.  The execution, delivery and performance by the
     Guarantor of this Guaranty Agreement are within its corporate power,
     have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate and shareholder
     action, required no action by or in respect of, or filing with, any
     governmental body, agency or official and do not contravene, or
     constitute (with or without the giving of notice or lapse of time or
     both) a default under, any provisions of applicable law or of the
     articles of incorporation or by-laws of the Guarantor or of any
     agreement, judgment, injunction, order, decree or other instrument
     binding upon or affecting the Guarantor or result in the creation or
     imposition of any Lien on any of its assets.

               (c)  Binding Effect.  This Guaranty Agreement constitutes a
     valid and binding agreement of the Guarantor, in each case enforceable
     against the Guarantor in accordance with their respective terms,
     except as the enforceability hereof and thereof may be limited by
     bankruptcy, insolvency or similar laws applied to Guarantor and
     affecting the enforceability of creditors' rights generally.

               (d)  Financial Information.  The UIC-Del. Corp. Trial
     Balance as at April 24, 1994, a copy of which has been delivered to
     the Bank, fairly presents the financial position of the Guarantor as
     of such date.  As of April 24, 1994, the Guarantor did not have any
     material contingent obligation, contingent liability or liability for
     taxes, long-term lease or unusual forward or long-term commitment,
     which is not reflected on its financial statements or notes thereto. 
     Since April 24, 1994, there has been no material adverse change in the



     financial position, results of operation or prospects of the

               (e)  Litigation.  There is no action, suit or proceeding
     pending against or, to the knowledge of the Guarantor, threatened
     against or affecting, the Guarantor or any of its Subsidiaries before
     any court or governmental body, agency or official in which there is a
     reasonable possibility of a decision which could materially adversely
     affect the business, financial position or results of operations of
     the Guarantor or which in any manner draws into question the validity
     of this Guaranty Agreement, the Loan Agreement, the Note or any other
     Loan Document and there is no basis known to the Guarantor for any
     such action, suit or proceeding.  There is no case, voluntary or
     involuntary, or other proceeding pending against or, to the knowledge
     of the Guarantor, threatened against or affecting, the Guarantor or
     any of its Subsidiaries seeking liquidation, reorganization or other
     relief with respect to it or its debts under any bankruptcy,
     insolvency or other similar law now or hereafter in effect or seeking
     the appointment of a trustee, receiver, liquidator, custodian or other
     similar official of it or any substantial part of its property.

               (f)  Marketable Title.  The Guarantor has good and
     marketable title to all its properties and assets, including, without
     limitation, the Note and the Letter of Credit, subject to no Lien. 
     All leases necessary in any material respect for the conduct of the
     Guarantor's business are valid and subsisting and are in full force
     and effect.

               (g)  Taxes.  The Guarantor has filed all United States
     Federal income tax returns and all other material tax returns which
     are required to be filed by it and has paid all taxes due as shown on
     such returns or pursuant to any assessment received by the Guarantor. 
     Neither the Internal Revenue Service nor the income tax authority of
     any State has initiated any audit (which has not been concluded, and
     the Guarantor having paid any amount determined to be owing) or
     otherwise questioned any tax returns of the Guarantor. The charges,
     accruals and reserves on the books of the Guarantor in respect of
     taxes or other governmental charges have been established in
     accordance with GAAP.  The provisions on the books of the Guarantor
     for tax liabilities for the current fiscal period and for open tax
     years are adequate in the opinion of management.  The Guarantor is not
     the subject of any proposed income or franchise tax assessment for
     which adequate reserves have not been established on the books of the



               (h)  Conflicting Agreements and Other Matters.  The
     Guarantor is not a party to any contract or agreement or subject to
     any charter or other corporate restriction which materially and
     adversely affects its business, property or assets or its financial
     condition.  Neither the execution nor delivery of this Guaranty
     Agreement or fulfillment of nor compliance with the terms and
     provisions hereof will conflict with, or result in a breach of the
     terms, conditions or provisions of, or constitute a default under, or
     result in any violation of, or result in the creation of any Lien upon
     any of its properties or assets pursuant to the articles of
     incorporation or by-laws of the Guarantor, any award of any arbitrator
     or any other agreement (including any agreement with stockholders),
     instrument, order, judgment, decree, statutes, law, rule or regulation
     to which the Guarantor is subject.  The Guarantor is not a party to,
     or otherwise subject to any provisions contained in, any instrument
     evidencing Debt of the Guarantor, any agreement relating thereto or
     any other contract or agreement (including its articles of
     incorporation) which limits the amount of or otherwise imposes
     restriction on the incurring of, Debt of the Guarantor of the type
     evidenced hereby.

               (i)  Governmental Consent.  Neither the nature of the
     Guarantor, nor any of its business or properties, nor any relationship
     between the Guarantor and any other Person, nor any circumstance in
     connection with the execution or delivery of this Guaranty Agreement
     is such as to require any authorization, consent, approval, exception
     or other action by or notice to or filing with any court or
     administrative or governmental body in connection with the execution
     and delivery of this Guaranty Agreement or fulfillment of or
     compliance with the terms and provisions hereof.

               (j)  Disclosure.  Neither this Guaranty Agreement nor any
     other document, certificate or statement furnished to the Bank by or
     on behalf of the Guarantor pursuant hereto contains any untrue
     statement of a material fact or omits to state a material fact
     necessary in order to make the statements contained herein and therein
     not misleading in light of the circumstances in which they were made. 
     To the best knowledge of the Guarantor, there is no fact peculiar to
     the Guarantor which materially adversely affects or in the future may
     (so far as the Guarantor can now foresee) materially adversely affect
     the business, property or assets, or the financial condition of the
     Guarantor and which has not been set forth in this Guaranty Agreement
     or in the other documents, certificates and statements furnished to
     the Bank by or on behalf of the Guarantor prior to the date hereof in
     connection with the transactions contemplated hereby.




               (a)  The obligations of the Guarantor under this Guaranty
     Agreement, and the rights of the Bank to enforce such obligations by
     any proceedings, whether by action at law, suit in equity or
     otherwise, shall not be subject to any reduction, limitation,
     impairment or termination, whether by reason of any claim of any
     character whatsoever or otherwise, including, without limitation,
     claims of waiver, release, surrender, alteration or compromise, and
     shall not be subject to any defense, setoff, counterclaim, recoupment
     or termination whatsoever.

               (b)  The obligations of the Guarantor under this Guaranty
     Agreement are absolute, unconditional and continuing under any and all
     circumstances, and no such obligation shall be to any extent or in any
     way discharged, impaired or otherwise affected, except by performance
     in full thereof.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
     the obligations of the Guarantor shall not be discharged or impaired
     or otherwise affected by:

               (1)  any default, failure or delay, willful or otherwise, in
     the performance by the Borrower of any of its obligations under the
     Loan Agreement, the Note or the other Loan Documents;

               (2)  any creditor's rights, bankruptcy, receivership or
     other insolvency proceeding of the Borrower or in respect of the
     property of the Borrower or any merger, consolidation, reorganization,
     dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the Borrower or of the

               (3)  impossibility or illegality of performance on the part
     of the Borrower of its obligations under the Loan Agreement, the Note
     or any of the other Loan Documents;

               (4)  the invalidity, irregularity or unenforceability of the
     Loan Agreement, the Note, any of the other Loan Documents or any
     documents referred to therein or herein;

               (5)  any order, judgment, decree, ruling or regulation
     (whether or not valid) of any court of any federal, state or local
     governmental unit or any body, agency, department, official or
     administrative or regulatory agency of any thereof or any other
     action, happening, event or reason whatsoever which shall delay,
     interfere with, hinder or prevent, or in any way adversely



     affect, the performance by the Borrower of any of its obligations
     under the Loan Agreement, the Note or any of the other Loan Documents;

               (6)  the extension of the time for payment or performance by
     the Borrower of any amount owing or payable under the Loan Agreement,
     the Note or any of the other Loan Documents, or of the time for
     performance by the Borrower or any other Person of any other
     obligations under or arising out of any such documents, or the
     extension or the renewal of any thereof;

               (7)  the modification or amendment (whether material or
     otherwise) of any obligation, undertaking or condition to be performed
     by the Borrower under the Loan Agreement, the Note or any of the other
     Loan Documents;

               (8)  any failure, omission, delay or lack on the part of the
     Bank to enforce, assert or exercise any right, power or remedy
     conferred on the Bank in the Loan Agreement, the Note or any of the
     other Loan Documents or any action on the part of the Bank granting
     indulgence or extension in any form;

               (9)  the release or discharge of the Borrower or the Bank
     from the performance or observance of any obligation, undertaking or
     condition to be performed by Borrower or the Bank under the Loan
     Agreement, the Note or any of the other Loan Documents by operation of

               (10)  the sale, divestiture or other disposition of any or
     all of the interest of UIC or the Guarantor in the Borrower, or any
     other change in the relationship of the Guarantor and the Borrower;

               (11)  the sale, divestiture or other disposition by the
     Borrower or any or all of its properties or any assumption by any
     person or entity of the Borrower's obligations under the Note;

               (12)  the existence or nonexistence of the Borrower as a
     legal entity or any merger or consolidation of the Borrower or
     Guarantor into or with any other person or entity or any sale, lease
     or transfer of substantially all of the assets of the Borrower or

               (13)  the power or authority or lack thereof of the Borrower
     to execute and deliver the Note, the Loan Agreement or any of the
     other Loan Documents;



               (14)  the legality, validity or enforceability or lack
     thereof of any of the Note, the Loan Agreement or any of the other
     Loan Documents;

               (15)  any event or circumstance which might otherwise
     constitute a legal or equitable discharge or defense of a guarantor,
     indemnitor or surety under any applicable law; or

               (16)  any other cause, whether similar or dissimilar to the

               SECTION 4.  NON-FINANCIAL COVENANTS.  The Guarantor agrees
     that so long as any obligation, covenant or agreement which the
     Guarantor has guaranteed hereunder remains unsatisfied, it shall
     comply with, perform and observe the following covenants and
     provisions and shall cause each Subsidiary to comply with, perform and
     observe said covenants and provisions as are applicable thereto:

               (a)   Information.  The Guarantor will deliver or cause to
     be delivered to the Bank, promptly upon any transmission thereof, the
     following reports, certificates and opinions:

               (1)   promptly (and in any event, within five Business Days)
     after obtaining knowledge of the commencement of, or a material threat
     of the commencement of, an action, suit or proceeding against the
     Guarantor which could materially adversely affect the business,
     properties, financial position, results of operations or prospects of
     the Guarantor or which in any manner questions the validity of this
     Guaranty Agreement, the Loan Agreement, the Note or any of the other
     Loan Documents or any of the other transactions contemplated hereby or
     thereby, written notice setting forth the nature of such pending or
     threatened action, suit or proceeding and such additional information
     as may be reasonably requested by the Bank;

               (2)   promptly upon transmission thereof, copies of all
     press releases and other statements made available generally by the
     Guarantor to the public concerning material developments in the
     results of operations, financial condition, business or prospects of
     the Guarantor;

               (3)   promptly upon receipt thereof, copies of each report
     submitted to the Guarantor by independent public accountants in
     connection with any annual, interim or special audit made by them of
     the books of the Guarantor including, without limitation, each report
     submitted to the Guarantor concerning its accounting practices and
     systems and any final



     comment letter submitted by such accountants to management in
     connection with the annual audit of the Guarantor; and

               (4)   from time to time such additional information
     regarding the financial position, results of operations or business of
     the Guarantor as the Bank may reasonably request.

               Bank is authorized to submit a copy of any financial
     statement delivered to it pursuant to this Section 4(a) to any
     regulatory body having jurisdiction over it, to rating agencies and,
     on a confidential basis, to any prospective participant or assignee.

               The Guarantor will, upon reasonable notice by the Bank (and
     at the expense of the Bank except during the continuance of a Default
     or an Event of Default, in which case at the expense of the
     Guarantor), permit representatives of the Bank to visit and inspect
     the properties of the Guarantor and its Subsidiaries and examine and
     make abstracts from any of their books and records at any time during
     normal business hours and as often as may reasonably be requested, and
     to discuss the business of the Guarantor and its Subsidiaries with
     officers and employees of the Guarantor and its Subsidiaries and with
     its independent certified public accountants.  The Bank shall use its
     best efforts to hold all nonpublic information obtained confidential
     in accordance with its customary procedures to the extent that the
     Guarantor or any of its Subsidiaries clearly identifies such
     information as confidential.

               (b)   Notice of Default.  Forthwith upon the occurrence of
     any Default, and not later than three Business Days after such fact
     becomes known to an Executive Officer of the Guarantor, the chief
     financial officer of the Guarantor will deliver or cause to be
     delivered to the Bank notice of such Default setting for the details
     thereof, the period of existence thereof and the action which the
     Guarantor is taking or proposes to take with respect thereto.

               (c)   Payment of Obligations.  The Guarantor will pay and
     discharge, as the same shall become due and payable, (1) all its
     obligations and liabilities, including all claims or demands of
     materialmen, mechanics, carriers, warehousemen, landlords and other
     like persons which, in any such case, if unpaid, might by law give
     rise to a Lien upon any of its property or assets, and (2) all taxes,
     assessments and charges or levies made upon it or its property or
     assets, by any governmental body, agency or official except
     obligations, liabilities, taxes, assessments, charges and levies being
     diligently contested in good faith by



     appropriate proceedings and reserved against in accordance with GAAP.

               (d)   Maintenance of Property; Insurance.
               (1)   The Guarantor will, and will cause its Subsidiaries
     to, keep all property useful and necessary and in its business in good
     working order and condition, subject to ordinary wear and tear, and
     form time to time make or cause to be made all repairs, renewals,
     replacements, extensions, additions and improvements to such
     properties and assets as are necessary and proper.

               (2)   The Guarantor will, and will cause its Subsidiaries
     to, maintain with financially sound and reputable insurance companies,
     comprehensive liability insurance on all its properties in at least
     such amounts and against at least such risks (and with such risk
     retentions) as are usually insured against by companies engaged in the
     same or a similar business and will furnish to the Bank upon request
     full information as the insurance carried.

               (e)   Conduct of Business and Maintenance of Existence.  The
      Guarantor will, and will cause each Subsidiary to, continue to engage
     in business of the same general type as now conducted by the Guarantor
     or such Subsidiary, and will preserve, renew and keep in full force
     and effect its corporate existence and its rights, privileges and
     franchises necessary or desirable in the normal conduct of business. 
     The Guarantor will not engage in any business other than substantially
     the same line of business as conducted by the Guarantor on the date of
     this Guaranty Agreement or liquidate, wind-up or dissolve, whether
     voluntarily or involuntarily (or suffer any such liquidation or
     dissolution) or make any material change in its capital structure or
     any of its business objectives, purposes and operations.

               (f)   Compliance with Laws.  The Guarantor will, and will
     cause each Subsidiary to, comply with all applicable laws, ordinances,
     rules, regulations, and requirements of governmental authorities
     (including, without limitation, ERISA and the rules and regulations
     thereunder and all Environmental Requirements) except where the
     necessity of compliance therewith is contested in good faith by
     appropriate proceedings or where noncompliance would not materially
     and adversely affect the Guarantor's business or financial position.

               (g)   Accounting and Records.  The Guarantor will, and will
     cause each Subsidiary to, keep proper books of record and



     account in which full, true and correct entries in conformity with
     GAAP shall be made of all dealings and transactions in relation to its
     business and activities, will maintain its fiscal reporting periods on
     the present basis.

               SECTION 5.  FINANCIAL COVENANTS.  The Guarantor hereby
     agrees that so long as any obligation, covenant or agreement which the
     Guarantor has guaranteed hereunder remains unsatisfied, it shall
     comply with, perform and observe the following covenants and
     provisions and shall cause each Subsidiary to comply with, perform and
     observe said covenants and provisions as are applicable thereto:

               (a)   Restriction on Liens.  The Guarantor will not, and
     will not permit any Subsidiary to, at any time create, assume, incur
     or suffer to exist any Lien on any property or asset of any kind, real
     or personal, tangible or intangible, now owned or hereafter acquired
     by it or assign or subordinate any present or future right to receive
     assets.  Without limitation of the foregoing, the Guarantor
     specifically covenants not to cause or permit to exist any Lien on the
     Note or on the Letter of Credit.  Simultaneously with the execution
     hereof by the Guarantor, the Guarantor shall deliver the Note and the
     Letter of Credit to the Bank, and the Bank shall retain possession
     thereof until all obligations and liabilities of the Borrower to the
     Bank guaranteed by the Guarantor hereunder have been irrevocably
     satisfied in full.  The Guarantor further agrees to turn over to the
     Bank, promptly following its receipt thereof, any and all payments
     (including prepayments) made under, pursuant to or in satisfaction of
     the indebtedness evidenced by the Note or the Letter of Credit,
     excluding the payment of interest under the Note due May 31, 1994. 
     The Bank shall have the right, at its option, to apply any or all of
     the payments delivered to it pursuant to the preceding sentence to any
     of the obligations and liabilities of the Borrower guaranteed
     hereunder, or to hold such payments as additional collateral for the
     satisfaction of such obligations and liabilities, and the Guarantor
     agrees to execute and deliver to the Bank, promptly upon its request,
     such additional agreements, instruments and documents as the Bank may
     reasonably require in connection therewith.  The Bank shall have no
     liability or duty to the Guarantor at any time to collect or enforce
     any rights of the Guarantor under the Note or the Letter of Credit, or
     to preserve any rights of the Guarantor thereunder, the sole duty of
     the Bank in this regard being to exercise reasonable care with respect
     to such instruments for as long as they remain in its actual



               (b)   Consolidations, Mergers and Sales of Assets. (1) The
     Guarantor will not, and will not permit any Subsidiary to, sell,
     lease, transfer or otherwise dispose of all, or substantially all, of
     the property or assets of the Guarantor or such Subsidiary to any
     other person or consolidate with or merge into any other Person or
     permit any Person to merge into the Guarantor.

               (2)   The Guarantor will not during any fiscal year sell,
     lease, transfer or otherwise dispose of any of its property or assets
     (other than in the ordinary course of business).

               (c)   Transactions with Affiliates/Shareholders.  The
     Guarantor will not, and will not permit any Subsidiary to, directly or
     indirectly enter into any transaction, including without limitation,
     the purchase, sale or exchange of property or the rendering of any
     service to, the Borrower or to any Affiliate of the Borrower or the
     Guarantor except in the ordinary course of business pursuant to the
     reasonable requirements of the business of the Guarantor and upon fair
     and reasonable terms no less favorable to the Guarantor than would be
     obtained in a comparable arms-length transaction with a person not an
     Affiliate or shareholder of the Guarantor.

               (d)   Restricted Payments.  The Guarantor will not, and will
     not permit any Subsidiary to, make a Restricted Payment other than the
     payment of cash dividends to UIC.

               SECTION 6.  EVENTS OF DEFAULT.  If one or more of the
     following events ("Defaults") shall have occurred and be continuing,
     whether such occurrence shall be voluntary or involuntary or comes
     about or is effected by operation of law or otherwise:

               (a)   the Borrower shall fail to pay when due any principal
     or premium of the Note when due, or shall fail to pay within five (5)
     days of the due date thereof any interest or other amount payable
     under the Loan Agreement, the Note or any of the other Loan Documents;

               (b)   the Borrower or the Guarantor shall fail to observe or
     perform any covenant, term of condition contained in the Loan
     Agreement or this Guaranty Agreement and such failure shall not be
     remedied within any specified cure period;

               (c)   any material representation, warranty, certification
     or statement made by the Borrower or the Guarantor in the Loan
     Agreement or this Guaranty Agreement or in any



     certificate, financial statement or other document delivered pursuant
     thereto or hereto shall prove to have been incorrect in any material
     respect when made;

               (d)   the Borrower or the Guarantor shall fail to perform or
     observe any agreement, term or condition contained in any agreement
     for borrowed money, which failure results in or would permit the
     acceleration of the maturity of any Debt of the Borrower or the
     Guarantor and which failure is not cured within the cure period
     originally specified in such agreement;

               (e)   either the Borrower or the Guarantor (or both) shall
     commence a voluntary cause or other proceeding seeking liquidation,
     reorganization or other relief with respect to itself or its debts
     under any bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law now or hereafter
     in effect or seeking the appointment of a trustee, receiver,
     liquidator, custodian or other similar official of it or any
     substantial part of its property, or shall consent to any such relief
     or to the appointment of or taking possession by any such official in
     an involuntary case or other proceeding commenced against it, or shall
     make a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, or shall fail
     generally to pay its debts as they become due, or shall take any
     corporate action to authorize any of the foregoing;

               (f)   an involuntary case or other proceeding shall be
     commenced against either the Borrower or the Guarantor (or both)
     seeking liquidation, reorganization or other relief with respect to it
     or its debts under any bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law now
     or hereafter in effect or seeking the appointment of a trustee,
     receiver, liquidator, custodian or other similar official of it or any
     substantial part of its property, and such involuntary case or other
     proceeding shall remain undismissed and unstayed for a period of 60
     days; or an order for relief shall be entered against the Borrower
     under the federal bankruptcy laws as now or hereafter in effect;

               (g)   the Guarantor fails for a period of 15 days to pay one
     or more final judgments or orders for the payment of money which are
     either unappealable or unstayed, when the sum of such judgments is in
     excess of $1,000,000.00;

               (h)   if at any time UIC fails to own 100% of the issued and
     outstanding voting stock of the Guarantor;

               (i)   if an adverse change deemed material by the Bank in
     good faith shall occur with respect to the business, assets,



     operations, business prospects or financial condition of the
     Guarantor; or

               (j)   an Event of Default shall occur under the Loan
     Agreement, the Note or any of the other Loan Documents.

               Upon the occurrence of any such Event of Default, the Bank
     shall have whatever rights in law or equity it might have to enforce
     this Guaranty Agreement.

               SECTION 7.  DEFINITIONS

               "Affiliate" means (i) any Person that directly, or
     indirectly through one or more intermediaries, owns 5% or more of the
     voting capital stock of the Guarantor (ii) any Person other than the
     Guarantor and a Subsidiary of the Guarantor of which 5% or more of the
     voting securities, including common stock or partnership interests, is
     owned by the Guarantor or (iii) any Person which possesses, directly
     or indirectly, the power to direct or cause the direction of the
     management or policies of a Person, whether through the ownership of
     voting securities, by contract, or otherwise.

               "Business Day" means any day except a Saturday, Sunday or
     other day on which commercial banks in the City of Baltimore are
     authorized by law to close.

               "Debt" of any Person means at any date, without duplication,
     obligations which under GAAP are shown as liabilities on the balance
     sheet of such Person, excluding accrued taxes and accrued operating
     expenses, but including (i) all obligations of such Person for
     borrowed money, (ii) all obligations of such Person evidenced by
     bonds, debentures, notes or other similar instruments, (iii) all
     obligations of such Person to pay the deferred purchase price of
     property or services (other than trade accounts payable arising in the
     ordinary course of business), (iv) all obligations of such Person as
     lessee under capital leases, (v) all obligations of such Person to
     purchase securities or other property which arise out of or in
     connection with the sale of the same or substantially similar
     securities or property, (vi) all non-contingent obligations of such
     Person to reimburse any bank or other person in respect of amounts
     paid under a letter of credit or similar instrument; (vii) all
     obligations of others secured by a Lien on any asset of such Person,
     whether or not such obligation is assumed by such Person and (viii)
     all obligations of others guaranteed by such Person.

               "Default" has the meaning specified in Section 6.



               "Executive Officer" means any member of the Board of
     Directors, the President, any Vice President (including various grades
     of such office), the Treasurer or the Secretary of the Guarantor.

               "GAAP" means generally accepted accounting principles in the
     United States.

               "Letter of Credit" means Irrevocable Standby Letter of
     Credit No. P622514 dated February 26, 1985, issued by The Chase
     Manhattan Bank, N.A. for the benefit of the Guarantor in the original
     face amount of $46,000,000.00 including all amendments, extensions and
     supplements thereof and thereto.

               "Lien" means, with respect to any asset, any mortgage, lien,
     pledge, charge, security interest, or encumbrance of any kind in
     respect of such asset, including any agreement to give any of the
     foregoing.  For the purposes of this Guaranty Agreement, the Guarantor
     and its Subsidiaries shall be deemed to own subject to a Lien any
     asset which it has acquired or holds subject to the interest of a
     vendor or lessor under any conditional sale agreement, capital lease
     or other title retention agreement relating to such asset or with
     respect to which a financing statement under the Uniform Commercial
     Code of any jurisdiction has been filed or an agreement to give such a
     financing statement has been entered into.

               "Note" means, as the same may be amended, modified,
     extended, renewed, supplemented or replaced from time to time, that
     certain Promissory Note dated February 26, 1985, made by Smith &
     Nephew Investment Group, Ltd., a Delaware corporation, and payable to
     the order of the Guarantor in the original principal amount of Forty-
     Two Million Six Hundred Ninety-Nine Thousand Three Hundred Eighty-Four
     Dollars ($42,699,384.00).

               "Officer's Certificate" means a certificate signed in the
     name of the Guarantor by its President, one of its Vice Presidents,
     its Treasurer or its Secretary.

               "Person" means an individual, a corporation, a partnership,
     an association, a trust or any other entity or organization, including
     a government or political subdivision or any agency or instrumentality

               "Restricted Investments" means any stock or equity interest
     in, or any note or other debt of any Person other than the Company or
     the Guarantor, provided however, that the term Restricted Investments
     shall not include:  (i) direct obligations



     of the U.S. Government, or obligations guaranteed by the U.S.
     Government, maturing no later than one year from the date of
     acquisition; (ii) negotiable certificates of deposit issued by banks
     having a combined capital and surplus in excess of $100,000,000 and
     are rated A or better by either Standard and Poor's Corporation or
     Moody's Investors Services, Inc. or B or better by Thompson's
     BankWatch; (iii) commercial paper with minimum rating by Standard and
     Poor's Corporation or Moody's Investors Services, Inc. of A1/P1
     maturing within 270 days; (iv) short term tax-exempt obligations given
     the highest credit rating of either Standard and Poor's Corporation or
     Moody's Investors Services, Inc.; and (v) repurchase agreements with
     commercial banks whose certificates of deposits are eligible for
     purchase under clause (ii) and which mature within 270 days.

               "Restricted Payment" means any (a) payment of cash
     dividends, (b) payment of funds to repurchase of the stock of the
     Guarantor, (c) any prepayments of subordinated debt, and (d)
     Restricted Investments.

               "Subsidiary" means any corporation at least a majority of
     the voting stock of which, now or in the future, is owned or
     controlled by the Guarantor, directly or indirectly through one or
     more Subsidiaries.

               "UIC" means United Industrial Corporation, a Delaware

               SECTION 8.  NOTICES.  Except as otherwise provided herein,
     any notice required hereunder shall be in writing, and shall be deemed
     to have been validly served, given or delivered after transmission by
     hand or by facsimile (if a copy thereof is promptly deposited in the
     United States malls, registered first class mail, with proper postage
     prepaid or by Federal Express) or by Federal Express or similar
     service or five business days after deposit in the United States
     mails, registered first-class mail, with proper postage prepaid and
     addressed to the party to be notified at the following addresses (or
     such other address as such party shall designate in a notice delivered
     to the other party hereunder);

               (A)   If to the Bank, to:

                     Signet Bank/Maryland
                     7 St. Paul Street
                     Baltimore, Maryland  21203
                     Attention:  Mr. David A. Bauereis



               (B)   If to the Guarantor, at:

                     c/o United Industrial Corporation
                     18 East 48th Street
                     New York, New York  10017
                     Attention:  Treasurer

                     with a copy to:

                     AAI Corporation
                     York and Industry Lane
                     Cockeysville, Maryland  21030
                     Attention:  Mr. Paul J. Michaud

               SECTION 9.  SEVERABILITY.  Wherever possible, each provision
     of this Guaranty Agreement shall be interpreted in such manner as to
     be effective and valid under applicable law.  If, however, any
     provision of this Guaranty Agreement shall be prohibited by or invalid
     under applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective to the
     extent or such prohibition of invalidity, without invalidating the
     remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of this
     Guaranty Agreement, unless the ineffectiveness of such provision
     materially and adversely alters the benefits accruing to either party

               SECTION 10.  ENTIRE AGREEMENT; WAIVERS.  The Guarantor
     hereby agrees that this instrument contains the entire agreement
     between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and that
     there is and can be no other oral or written agreement or
     understanding whereby the provisions of this instrument have been or
     can be terminated, affected, varied, waived, amended or modified in
     any manner, unless the same be set forth in writing and consented to
     by the Bank.

               SECTION 11.  SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS.  This Guaranty
     Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the
     respective successors, participants and assigns of the Guarantor and
     the Bank.  This Guaranty Agreement shall, without further consent of,
     or notice to, the Guarantor, pass to, and may be relied upon and
     enforced by, any assignee or transferee of the Bank.

               SECTION 12.  GOVERNING LAW, ETC.  This Guaranty Agreement
     is, and shall be deemed to be, a contract entered into, under and
     pursuant to the laws of the State of Maryland, and shall be binding
     upon the Guarantor and its successors and assigns.



               SECTION 13.  NO WAIVER.  No delay on the part of the Bank in
     exercising any rights hereunder or failure to exercise the same shall
     operate as a waiver of such rights; no notice to or demand on the
     Guarantor shall be deemed to be a waiver of the obligation of the
     Guarantor or of the rights of the Bank to take further action without
     notice or demand as provided herein.

               SECTION 14.  HEADINGS.  The descriptive headings of the
     several paragraphs of this Guaranty Agreement are inserted for
     convenience only and do not constitute a part of this Guaranty

               SECTION 15.  COUNTERPARTS.  This Guaranty Agreement may be
     executed in any number of counterparts each of which shall be deemed
     an original, and all such counterparts shall together constitute the
     same Guaranty Agreement.

     All representations and warranties made by the Guarantor herein shall
     survive the execution and delivery of this Guaranty Agreement, the
     Loan Agreement the Note and the other Loan Documents, regardless of
     any investigation made by the Bank or the Bank's access to any

               SECTION 17.  DURATION.  This Guaranty Agreement shall remain
     in effect until all amounts payable under the Loan Agreement, the Note
     and the other Loan Documents shall have been paid in full.

               IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Guarantor has caused this Guaranty
     Agreement to be duly executed under seal as of the date first above
     set forth.


     ______________________        By:Robert W. Worthing  (SEAL)
                                      Title  Secretary  



     STATE OF _____________
     COUNTY OF ____________

               On this __th day of ________, 1994, before me, the
     undersigned officer personally appeared _________________ who
     acknowledged himself/herself to be the ______________ of UIC-Del.
     Corporation, a Delaware corporation, and that (s)he, as such
     _____________, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing
     instrument for the purposes therein contained, by signing the name of
     the corporation by himself/herself as _______________.

                                   Notary Public

     My commission expires:_________________