AGREEMENT OF SALE





                         CUC REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, INC.


                              19840 Pioneer Avenue
                               Torrance, CA 90503

                           Dated as of July 23, 1996

                           Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
                                767 Fifth Avenue
                            New York, New York 10153
                                 (212) 310-8000



                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

     Section                                                           Page
     -------                                                           ----

          1.   Sale-Purchase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1
          2.   Purchase Price  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2
          3.   Manner of Payment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2
          4.   Permitted Exceptions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2
          5.   Closing Date  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2
          6.   Violations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    3
          7.   Apportionments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    3
          8.   Title Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    4
          9.   Closing Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    5
          10.  Representations and Warranties  . . . . . . . . . . . .    7
          11.  Seller's Covenants  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   12
          12.  Mechanic's Liens  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   13
          13.  Broker  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   14
          14.  Condemnation and Destruction  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   14
          15.  Environmental Inspection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   15
          16.  Default . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   15
          17.  Indemnification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   16
          18.  Non Liability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   16
          19.  Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   16
          20.  Entire Agreement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   17
          21.  Amendments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   17
          22.  Waiver  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   18
          23.  Successors and Assigns  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   18
          24.  Paragraph Headings  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   18
          27.  Governing Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   18
          28.  Restrictions on Assignment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   18
          29.  Time of the Essence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   18
          30.  Counterparts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   18
          31.  Separability  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   18
          32.  Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   19

          A.   Legal Description
          B.   Deed
          C.   Bill of Sale
          D.   Assignment and Assumption of Lease
          E.   Lease
          F.   List of Contracts



               THIS AGREEMENT OF SALE (the "Agreement"), made as of the 23rd
     day of July, 1996, between ROBERT M. DAVIDSON AND JANICE G. DAVIDSON
     (collectively, "Seller"), individuals having an address c/o Davidson &
     Associates, Inc., 19840 Pioneer Avenue, Torrance, CA 90503 and CUC
     REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, INC. ("Purchaser"), a Delaware corporation,
     having an office at 707 Summer Street, Stamford, Connecticut 06901.

                              W I T N E S S E T H :

               1.   Sale-Purchase.  In consideration of the mutual
     covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, and subject to the
     consummation of the Merger (as hereinafter defined) Seller agrees to
     sell and convey to Purchaser, and Purchaser agrees to purchase from
     Seller, all of Seller's right, title and interest in and to that
     certain plot, piece or parcel of land located in the City of Torrance,
     County of Los Angeles, State of California, more particularly
     described in Exhibit "A" annexed hereto and made a part hereof (the
     "Land"), together with:  (a) all easements, rights of way, privileges,
     appurtenances and other rights pertaining thereto; (b) all buildings
     and improvements and fixtures now or hereafter erected thereon
     (collectively, the "Building"), and all fixtures, machinery, equipment
     and other articles of personal property now or hereafter attached or
     appurtenant thereto, or used in connection therewith which are owned
     by Seller, if any; (c) leases in which Seller is the lessee, if any,
     of equipment used in the operation or maintenance of the Premises, if
     and to the extent same are transferrable, and, if the consent of the
     lessor thereunder is required, if such consent is obtained by
     Purchaser prior to the Closing Date; and (d) all right, title and
     interest, if any, of Seller in and to any land lying in the bed of any
     street, road or avenue opened or proposed, public or private, in front
     of or adjoining the Premises, to the center line thereof, and all
     right, title and interest of Seller in and to any award made or to be
     made in lieu thereof and in and to any unpaid award for damage to the
     Premises by reason of change of grade of any street (the Land, the
     Building and other rights, improvements and property heretofore
     mentioned being hereinafter collectively referred to as the
     "Premises").  Seller shall execute and deliver to Purchaser, on the
     delivery of the Deed (hereinafter defined) and the consummation of the
     transactions contemplated hereby (the "Closing"), all proper instru
     ments for the conveyance of such title and the assignment and
     collection of any such award.


               2.   Purchase Price.  The purchase price for the Premises
     (the "Purchase Price") shall be Five Million Five Hundred Forty-Five
     Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($5,545,000.00)

               3.   Manner of Payment.  The Purchase Price, as the same may
     be affected by apportionments, shall be paid at Closing (hereinafter
     defined) as provided in this Section.

                    A.  At the Closing and upon the terms and subject to
     the conditions of this Agreement, Purchaser shall deliver to Seller a
     certificate or certificates representing the number of shares of
     Purchaser's common stock equal to (x) the Purchase Price hereunder,
     divided by (y) Thirty-Seven and 50/100 Dollars ($37.50) (the closing
     price for Purchaser's common stock on February 16, 1996), registered
     in the name of Seller (the "Shares"), and cash in lieu of fractional
     shares.  All shares of Purchaser's common stock delivered to Seller
     under this Agreement shall be free and clear of all liens and encum-
     brances, fully paid and non-assessable.

                    B.  Purchaser agrees that the Shares shall be deemed
     Registrable Securities under the Registration Rights Agreement (as
     such term is defined in the Merger Agreement referred to in Section 5

                    C.  The parties acknowledge and agree that no portion
     of the Purchase Price has been allocated to any personal property to
     be conveyed hereunder.

               4.   Permitted Exceptions.  The Premises shall be sold, and
     fee simple title thereto shall be conveyed, free and clear of any and
     all liens or encumbrances, other than (i) the exceptions to title
     shown on the Title Report (hereinafter defined) and (ii) non-
     delinquent real property taxes ("Permitted Exceptions").  The issuance
     by the title company of the Title Policy (as hereinafter defined)
     shall be conclusive evidence of Seller's compliance herewith.

               5.   Closing Date.  The closing of the sale of the Premises
     hereunder (the "Closing") shall be held simultaneously with and at the
     same location as the closing of the merger (the "Merger") under that
     certain Agreement 



     and Plan of Merger (the "Merger Agreement"), dated as of February 19,
     1996, among Davidson & Associates, Inc., CUC International Inc. and
     Stealth Acquisition II Corp.  

               6.   Violations.  The work required to eliminate any
     violations of law or municipal ordinances, orders or requirements
     which have been noted in, or issued by, the departments of building,
     fire, labor, health or other Federal, State, County or Municipal
     departments having jurisdiction against or affecting the Premises on
     or prior to the Closing Date shall be performed by Seller, at Seller's
     sole cost and expense, by the Closing Date.  Purchaser and Purchaser's
     representatives shall have the right to enter upon and inspect the
     Premises for any such violations from time to time on or before the
     Closing Date.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Seller shall not be
     required to perform work with respect to a given violation in the
     event that either (i) Purchaser has received notice of such violation
     from Seller prior to March 29, 1996 or (ii) Purchaser had actual
     knowledge of such violation prior to March 29, 1996.

               7.   Apportionments.
                    A.   Purchaser and Seller agree to make apportionments
     as of 11:59 p.m. of the day next preceding the Closing Date of non-
     delinquent real property taxes, water rates and charges, sewer taxes,
     assessments, rental income and expenses and other items which may
     customarily be apportioned at real estate closings.

                    B.   Seller has made and agrees to continue to make
     available for Purchaser's examination at any time after the date
     hereof, all records, statements and accounts bearing on or relating to
     (a) rents and revenues and the collection thereof, and (b) the
     operation of the Premises and expenditures made in connection
     therewith.  On the Closing Date, Seller shall furnish Purchaser with a
     comprehensive and complete statement of prepaid rents and other
     revenues and uncollected rents and other revenues certified as true
     and complete, and shall pay over to Purchaser any rents and other
     revenues collected by Seller which pertain to any period of time
     commencing with the Closing Date.

                    C.   If any refund of real property taxes, water rates
     and charges or sewer taxes and rents is made after the Closing Date
     for a period prior to the Closing Date, the same shall be applied
     first to the costs incurred in obtaining same and the balance, if any,
     shall be paid to the Seller (for the period prior to the Closing Date)
     and the Purchaser (for the period commencing with the Closing Date).



                    D.   To the extent that rents are received by Purchaser
     or Seller after the Closing Date, the amount thereof shall be applied
     in the following order of priority: (i) first, to the month in which
     the Closing occurred; (ii) second, to any month or months following
     the month in which the Closing occurred; and (iii) third, to any month
     or months prior to the month in which the Closing occurred.  If rents
     or any portion thereof received by Purchaser or Seller after the
     Closing are payable to the other party by reason of this allocation,
     the appropriate sum, less a proportionate share of any reasonable
     attorneys' fees, costs and expenses of collection thereof shall be
     paid promptly to the other party, which obligations shall survive the

               8.   Title Insurance.
                    A.   Seller has furnished to Purchaser a current
     preliminary title insurance report and commitment (the "Title
     Report"). Seller shall forthwith undertake, with due diligence, to
     eliminate those exceptions appearing in the Title Report which
     Purchaser is not required to accept under the terms of this Agreement
     (i.e., exceptions other than Permitted Exceptions). If the Title
     Report discloses judgments, bankruptcies or other returns against
     other persons having names the same as or similar to that of Seller,
     Seller on request, shall deliver to Purchaser affidavits showing that
     such judgments, bankruptcies or other returns are not against Seller. 
     Seller also shall deliver any affidavits and documentary evidence
     required by the Title Company to eliminate exceptions appearing in the
     Title Report which Seller contests.  

                    B.   At the Closing, Seller shall deliver to Purchaser
     a CLTA title insurance policy (the "Title Policy") showing fee simple
     title vested in Purchaser subject only to Permitted Encumbrances.  



                    C.   The premium for the Title Policy to be issued by
     the Title Company to Purchaser shall be paid at the Closing by Seller. 
     Seller shall pay any additional premium or charge required by the
     Title Company to remove (a) exceptions relating to mechanic's liens,
     and (b) any other exceptions that Seller elects to remove by making
     such payment.  Seller shall also pay any and all recording and filing
     fees and transaction taxes incurred in connection with the transfer of
     the Premises for Purchaser, including, without limitation, all
     transfer, transfer gains, stamp and sales taxes.

                    D.   The Seller shall eliminate any liens or
     encumbrances affecting the Premises which may be removed or satisfied
     by the payment of a liquidated sum of money, and Seller shall not be
     deemed unable to convey title in accordance with the terms of this
     Agreement if it shall fail or refuse to eliminate any such liens or
     encumbrances.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Seller, in lieu of
     satisfying such liens or encumbrances, may deposit with the Title
     Company such amount of money as may be determined by the Title Company
     as being sufficient to induce it to insure the Purchaser against
     collection of such liens and/or encumbrances, including interest and
     penalties, out of or against the Premises, in which event such liens
     and encumbrances shall not be objections to title.  Notwithstanding
     the foregoing, Seller shall not be required to eliminate a given lien
     or encumbrance of which Purchaser had actual knowledge prior to March
     29, 1996.

               9.   Closing Documents.
                    A.   At the Closing, Seller, at its sole cost and
     expense, shall deliver to Purchaser the following:

                         (i)  a grant deed in the form annexed hereto as
     Exhibit "B" (the "Deed"), so as to convey to Purchaser good,
     -----------       ----
     marketable and insurable fee simple absolute title to the Premises,
     free and clear of all liens and encumbrances other than Permitted
     Exceptions, which Deed shall be in recordable form, duly executed and
     acknowledged, and shall have affixed thereto, at Seller's sole cost
     and expense, any requisite surtax, documentary tax stamps, and/or
     transfer tax in the proper amount. Seller shall defend, indemnify and
     hold Purchaser harmless from and against any damage, loss, cost and
     expense, including attorney's fees and disbursements, arising out of
     or resulting from Seller's failure to pay for any transfer taxes which
     are or may become due and payable as a result of the sale of the
     Premises.  The provisions of this Section 10A(i) shall survive the



                        (ii)  a bill of sale in the form annexed hereto as
     Exhibit "C" (the "Bill of Sale") conveying, transferring and selling
     -----------       ------------
     to Purchaser all right, title and interest of Seller in and to all of
     the personal property of Seller being sold to Purchaser, if any, which
     Bill of Sale shall contain a warranty that such property is free and
     clear of all liens, encumbrances and security interests (other than
     the Permitted Exceptions) and adverse claims.  Seller shall prepare,
     execute and file any required sales tax return and pay any sales tax
     due thereon.  Seller shall defend, indemnify and hold Purchaser
     harmless from and against any damage, loss, cost and expense,
     including attorney's fees and disbursements, arising out of or
     resulting from Seller's failure to pay for any sales tax which is or
     may become due and payable as a result of the sale of such personal
     property.  The provisions of this Section 10A(ii) shall survive the

                       (iii)  all required permanent certificates of
     occupancy for the Building and improvements comprising a part of the
     Premises to the extent in the possession of Seller at Closing;

                        (iv)  all original (a) licenses and permits
     pertaining to the Premises and which may be required for the use or
     occupancy thereof, (b) records and other documents pertaining to the
     ownership, operation and maintenance of the Premises as may be in
     Seller's possession, and (c) insurance policies affecting the Premises
     and which are to be transferred to Purchaser at Purchaser's request
     and (d) service and other contracts relating to the Premises, all to
     the extent in the possession of Seller at Closing, together with an
     assignment (the "General Assignment") of such items thereof as shall
     be assignable;

                         (v)  all assignable guaranties and warranties
     which Seller has received in connection with any work or services
     performed, or to be performed with respect to, or equipment installed
     in the Premises, all to the extent in the possession of Seller at
     Closing, and Seller shall cooperate with Purchaser in enforcing any
     such guaranties and warranties not assignable, which obligation shall
     survive the Closing;

                        (vi)  an assignment of any leases in the form of
     the Assignment and Assumption of Lease annexed hereto as Exhibit "D";
                       (vii)  Seller's executed counterparts of any lease
     and any amendments, and other letters or other documents



     relating thereto, together with schedules of security deposits paid by
     the tenant thereunder, applications thereof heretofore made by the
     Seller, current deposit balances and the Seller's separate certified
     check, payable to the order of the Purchaser (or as otherwise directed
     by the Purchaser), in the amount of the security deposit held under
     the lease, it being agreed that the Seller shall not apply, release or
     return any such security deposit prior to the Closing Date.  The
     Purchaser shall execute a receipt for the security deposit paid over
     to it at the Closing, and shall execute an agreement whereby the
     Purchaser holds the Seller free and harmless from any liability for
     any application thereof made after the Closing Date;

                      (viii)  the original Title Policy showing only such
     exceptions as are Permitted Exceptions;

                        (ix)  an executed Affidavit of Non-Foreign Status,
     in form acceptable to Purchaser, certifying that Seller is not a
     "foreign person" pursuant to Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code
     of 1986 and the Temporary and Proposed Treasury Regulations
     promulgated thereunder;

                         (x)  any keys in Seller's possession to entrance
     doors to, and equipment and utility rooms located in, the Premises,
     which keys shall be properly tagged for identification; and

                        (xi)  such other documents as may be reasonably
     required to effectuate the transaction contemplated by this Agreement.

               10.  Representations and Warranties.
                    A.   Seller represents, warrants and agrees that:

                         (i)  Seller owns legal and beneficial title to the

                        (ii)  the lease set forth in Exhibit "E" (the
     "Lease") is true, correct and complete and has not been modified or
     amended and is valid and enforceable in accordance with its terms, is
     in full force and effect, and neither the landlord nor, to the
     knowledge of Seller, the tenant thereunder (the "Tenant") is in
     default of any of its obligations under the Lease; the Tenant is in
     possession of the premises leased by it; the rents under the Lease are
     actually being paid; the Tenant has not paid any rent for more than
     one (1) month in advance; other than as specifically provided in the
     lease, the Tenant does not claim and



     is not entitled to "free" rent, rent concessions, rebates, rent
     abatements, set-offs or offsets against rent or other charges; all
     work required to be performed by the landlord under the Lease, if any,
     has been completed and fully paid for; Seller has assigned none of its
     rights under the Lease; no representation or covenant has been made by
     Seller to the Tenant except as incorporated in the Lease; all
     representations made by the landlord in the Lease or any documents
     relating thereto are true and correct; any consents or notices
     required to be obtained or given under the terms of the Lease in
     connection with this transaction have been obtained or given, as the
     case may be; and that neither the Lease nor any security deposit made
     thereunder are then subject to any liens, security interests or
     adverse claims;

                       (iii)  the copies of the real property tax bills for
     the Premises for the current tax year which have been furnished by
     Seller to Purchaser are true and correct copies of all of the tax
     bills for the Premises;

                        (iv)  to Seller's knowledge, the Premises comply
     with all building, fire, zoning and other ordinances and regulations
     applicable thereto;

                         (v)  to Seller's knowledge, the Premises and the
     present condition thereof do not violate any applicable deed
     restrictions or other covenants, restrictions or agreements, site plan
     approvals, zoning or subdivision regulations or urban redevelopment
     plans applicable to the Premises, as modified by any duly issued

                        (vi)  no notes or notices of violation of law or
     municipal ordinances or of Federal, State, County or municipal or
     other governmental agency regulations, orders or requirements relating
     to the Premises have been entered or received by Seller, and Seller
     has no reason to believe that any such note or notice may or will be

                       (vii)  to Seller's knowledge, all water, sewer, gas,
     electricity, telephone and other utilities serving the Premises are
     supplied directly to the Premises by facilities of public utilities
     and the cost of installation of such utilities has been fully paid

                      (viii)  there is no action or proceeding (zoning or
     otherwise) or governmental investigation pending, or, to the knowledge
     of Seller, threatened against or relating to Seller, the Premises or
     the transaction contemplated by this Agreement,



     nor, to the knowledge of Seller, is there any basis for such action,
     and Seller shall indemnify Purchaser against, and shall hold Purchaser
     harmless from, any and all damages, costs, expenses and liability,
     including, without limitation, attorney's fees and disbursements,
     incurred or sustained by Purchaser because of said litigation or the
     prosecution or defense thereof or any appeals or ancillary proceedings
     with respect thereto;

                        (ix)  Seller has no knowledge of any federal,
     state, county or municipal plans to change the highway or road system
     in the vicinity of the Premises or to restrict or change access from
     any such highway or road to the Premises or of any pending or
     threatened condemnation of the Premises or any part thereof or of any
     plans for improvements which might result in a special assessment
     against the Premises;

                         (x)  to Seller's knowledge, all roads bounding the
     Premises are public roads and the Deed is the only instrument
     necessary to convey to Purchaser full access to and the right to such
     roads freely as well as all rights appurtenant to the Premises in such

                        (xi)  all fixtures, machinery and equipment
     included in this sale are owned free and clear of any liens and
     encumbrances, except for the Permitted Exceptions;

                       (xii)  to Seller's knowledge, the foundation,
     structure and roof of the Building are sound;

                      (xiii)  Seller has not retained anyone to file
     notices of protest against, or to commence actions to review, real
     property tax assessments against the Premises, and is not aware that
     any such action has been taken by or on behalf of the Tenant;

                       (xiv)  (a)  to Seller's knowledge, the Premises are
     free of contamination from any substance or material presently
     identified to be toxic or hazardous (collectively, "Hazardous
     Material") according to any applicable federal, state or local
     statute, rule or regulation (collectively, the "Law"), including,
     without limitation, any asbestos, pcb, radioactive substance, methane,
     volatile hydrocarbons, industrial solvents or any other material or
     substance which has in the past or could presently or at any time in
     the future cause or constitute a health, safety or other environmental
     hazard to any person or property; (b) to Seller's knowledge, no
     discharge, spillage, uncontrolled loss, seepage or filtration of oil
     or petroleum or chemical liquids or solids, liquid or gaseous products



     hazardous waste, or hazardous substance has occurred at, upon, under
     or within the Premises or any contiguous real estate; (c) neither the
     Seller nor, to Seller's knowledge, any other party has been, is or
     will be involved in operations at or near the Premises which could
     lead to the imposition on the Seller or any other owner of the
     Premises of liability or the creation of a lien on the Premises under
     the Law or under any similar applicable laws or regulations; and (d)
     to Seller's knowledge, neither the Premises, nor any portion thereof,
     now contain, nor in the past have contained, any underground or
     aboveground tanks for the storage of fuel oil, gasoline and/or other
     petroleum products or by-products. Seller shall defend, indemnify and
     hold Purchaser harmless from and against any claims against Purchaser
     and any loss, cost, damage and expense, including, without limitation,
     attorney's fees and disbursements, suffered by Purchaser, arising out
     of or in any way related to a breach of the aforesaid representation
     and warranty and the provisions of this Section 11(xiv) shall survive
     the Closing;

                        (xv)  Seller is not a "foreign person" as defined
     in Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and the Temporary
     and Proposed Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder;

                       (xvi)  other than as set forth on Exhibit "F"
     annexed hereto and made a part hereof, there are no service,
     maintenance, employment or any other contracts or agreements to which
     Seller is a signatory and which affect the Premises;

                      (xvii)  other than the Lease, there are no leases
     executed with the respect to the Premises and no person or entity
     other than the Tenant has any right of possession to all or any
     portion of the Premises;

                     (xviii)  no person or entity has any option to
     purchase to the Premises and no person has a right of first refusal to
     purchase the Premises;

                       (xix)  Seller has furnished to Purchaser an accurate
     schedule of all insurance policies now affecting the Premises and the
     only insurance policies carried on the Premises are those set forth on
     said Schedule; and

                        (xx)  Seller hereby represents, warrants and
     covenants that it has not taken and will not take or agree to take any
     action with respect to the Premises or the sale thereof to Purchaser
     which would prevent the Merger (as defined in the



     Merger Agreement) from qualifying, or being accounted for, as a
     pooling of interests.

                    B.   Seller acknowledges that each of the
     representations, warranties and agreements made by it in this Section
     11 and elsewhere in this Agreement is material to Purchaser hereunder.

                    C.   All of the representations, warranties and
     agreements set forth herein and elsewhere in this Agreement shall be
     true upon the execution of this Agreement and shall be deemed to be
     repeated at and as of the Closing Date.

                    D.   Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein
     contained, if Purchaser determines that any of Seller's
     representations or warranties are untrue or Seller has not complied
     with any of its obligations under this Agreement, then Purchaser shall
     have no recourse against Seller for any such breach or failure to
     perform or under any indemnification provision provided in this
     Agreement unless and until Seller's liabilities, damages, costs and
     expenses exceed $100,000.00, and then only for such excess, and
     Seller's liability in respect of such indemnities (i) shall not exceed
     10% of the Purchase Price, and (ii) shall be satisfied solely by
     delivery to Purchaser of shares of Purchaser's common stock valued at
     the date preceding delivery of such shares to Purchaser.

               11.  Seller's Covenants.  Seller covenants that, between the
     date hereof and the Closing Date:

                    A.   Seller shall perform all of Seller's obligations
     as landlord under the Lease, will not modify, cancel, extend or
     otherwise change in any manner any of the terms, covenants or
     conditions of the Lease, any guaranty, the insurance policies carried
     on the Premises, or any of the other agreements affecting the Premises
     or enter into any new leases of space in the Premises or any other
     occupancy agreements affecting the Premises, without the prior written
     consent of Purchaser;

                    B.   Seller shall not enter into any employment
     contract, service contract or any other agreement in respect of the
     Premises without the prior written consent of Purchaser;

                    C.   Seller shall not permit any mechanic's or other
     lien, charge or order for the payment of money to be filed against the



                    D.   Seller shall cause the conditions of Purchaser's
     obligation to close title to be met subject, however, to the
     provisions of Section 8A hereof; and

                    E.   Seller shall execute such documentation and take
     such action in connection with the transaction contemplated hereby as
     Purchaser shall reasonably request in order that the Merger shall
     qualify, and be accounted for, as a pooling of interests.

                    F.   Other than the use and storage of Hazardous
     Materials incidental to Seller's business and provided such use or
     storage, as the case may be, is in compliance with Law, from the date
     hereof until the Closing hereunder, the Premises shall remain free
     from Hazardous Material in any form.  If Hazardous Material shall be
     discovered at any time prior to the Closing hereunder, the work
     required to eliminate any such Hazardous Material affecting the
     Premises shall be performed by Seller, at Seller's sole cost and
     expense, by the Closing Date.  Seller shall use its best efforts and
     due diligence to have all such Hazardous Material removed before the
     Closing Date.  In the event that any of such work is not completed, or
     all Hazardous Material has not been removed from the Premises, prior
     to the Closing, Seller shall deposit with Purchaser's attorneys in
     escrow, at the Closing, an amount sufficient to cover the cost of said
     removal, as estimated in good faith by Purchaser, and Seller shall
     remove such Hazardous Material, as promptly as possible after the
     Closing at Seller's sole cost and expense, notwithstanding the amount
     of any such estimate.  If the work required to remove such Hazardous
     Material has not been completed within sixty (60) days after the
     Closing, Purchaser shall be entitled to take the necessary action to
     remove such Hazardous Material and shall be entitled to reimbursement
     for sums expended in that regard from sums held in escrow by
     Purchaser's attorneys.  In the event the amount of funds remaining in
     the escrow shall be insufficient to complete the work necessary to
     remove such Hazardous Material from the Premises, Seller shall
     promptly upon demand deposit in escrow the amount reasonably estimated
     by Purchaser to be sufficient to complete such work.  After all
     Hazardous Material in the Premises has been removed, any sums
     remaining in such escrow shall be promptly returned to Seller. 
     Promptly upon request made by Purchaser, Seller shall furnish
     Purchaser with any required authorization to make searches for such
     Hazardous Material.  The provisions of this Section 12F shall survive
     the Closing.

               12.  Mechanic's Liens.  If, subsequent to the Closing Date,
     any mechanic's or other lien, charge or order for the



     payment of money shall be filed against the Premises or against
     Purchaser or Purchaser's assigns, based upon any act or omission, or
     alleged act or omission before or after the Closing Date, of Seller,
     its agents, servants or employees, or any contractor, subcontractor or
     materialman connected with the construction and completion by Seller
     of improvements at the Premises, or repairs made to the Premises by or
     on behalf of Seller (whether or not such lien, charge or order shall
     be valid or enforceable as such), within ten (10) days after notice to
     Seller of the filing thereof, Seller shall take such action, by
     bonding, deposit, payment or otherwise, as will remove or satisfy such
     lien of record against the Premises.  The provisions of this Section
     13 shall survive the Closing.

               13.  Broker.  Seller and Purchaser each represent to the
     other that they have dealt with no real estate brokers or other
     persons acting as such in connection with this transaction.  Seller
     and Purchaser each agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the
     other party from or against any claim for brokerage commissions
     asserted as a result of such party's acts or omissions.  The
     provisions of this Section 14 shall survive the Closing.

               14.  Condemnation and Destruction.
                    A.   If, prior to the Closing Date, all or any
     significant portion of the Premises is taken by eminent domain (or is
     the subject of a pending or contemplated taking which has not been
     consummated), Seller shall notify Purchaser of such fact and Purchaser
     shall have the option to (A) terminate this Agreement upon notice to
     Seller given not later than ten (10) days after receipt of Seller's
     notice, or (B) take title to the Premises or such portion thereof as
     shall not have been taken, in which event Seller shall assign and turn
     over, and Purchaser shall be entitled to receive and keep, all awards
     for the taking by eminent domain.  For purposes hereof, a "significant
     portion" includes any portion of the Building comprising a part of the
     Premises, the parking areas or driveways thereon, any means of ingress
     thereto or egress therefrom or any other portion of the Premises on
     which improvements have not yet been constructed.  Notwithstanding the
     foregoing, Purchaser shall have no right to terminate this Agreement
     pursuant to this Section 15A unless the Tenant has the similar right
     to terminate the Lease pursuant to the terms thereof.

                    B.   If a material part of the Building comprising a
     part of the Premises, the parking areas or driveways, any means of
     ingress thereto or egress therefrom or the personal property



     subject to this Agreement is destroyed by fire or other casualty
     ("material" herein deemed to be any destruction greater than
     "immaterial" as defined below), or if the Tenant shall have exercised
     any right to terminate the Lease pursuant to the terms thereof, Seller
     shall notify Purchaser of such fact and Purchaser shall have the
     option to terminate this Agreement upon notice to Seller given not
     later than thirty (30) days after receipt of Seller's notice.  In the
     event there is damage to or destruction of an immaterial part of said
     Building, parking areas, driveways, means of ingress or egress or
     personal property by fire or other casualty, or if the Tenant shall
     have failed, or shall be deemed to have failed, to exercise any right
     to terminate the Lease pursuant to the terms thereof, the damage shall
     be repaired by Seller and the Closing Date shall be adjourned at
     Seller's request for one or more specified periods, not exceeding
     sixty (60) days in the aggregate, in order to permit Seller to make
     such repairs, it being agreed that if such repairs are not completed
     within said sixty (60) day period, Purchaser may elect (i) to postpone
     the Closing Date for one or more further periods until such repairs
     are completed, or (ii) to close title notwithstanding that such
     repairs have not been completed, in which event Seller's obligation to
     make such repairs shall survive the Closing hereunder.  An
     "immaterial" part of the buildings, parking areas, driveways, means of
     ingress or egress or personal property shall be deemed to have been
     damaged or destroyed if the cost of repair or replacement shall be Two
     Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000) or less.  Notwithstanding
     the foregoing, Purchaser shall have no right to terminate this
     Agreement pursuant to this Section 15B unless the Tenant has the
     similar right to terminate the Lease pursuant to the terms thereof.

               15.  Environmental Inspection.  Purchaser or Purchaser's
     representative shall have the right, from time to time or at any time
     prior to the Closing, at Purchaser's sole cost and expense, to obtain
     an environmental study of the Premises to determine the existence of
     any Hazardous Material.  Purchaser or Purchaser's representatives
     shall be permitted to conduct such tests as Purchaser or Purchaser's
     representatives may deem appropriate and shall be entitled to access
     to the Premises for such purposes upon reasonable advance oral notice,
     provided that reasonable precautions shall be taken to avoid
     disturbing the operations at the Property.  Purchaser shall pay all
     costs incurred in making such studies and shall indemnify, defend and
     hold Seller harmless from any loss incurred by Seller resulting from
     any damage or personal injury incurred in connection therewith
     (provided that such indemnity shall not encompass any liability
     arising out of the presence or existence



     of hazardous substances discovered during the course of such studies). 
     The indemnification provisions of this Section 16 shall survive the

               16.  Default.  Subject to Section 8E hereof, if Seller is
     unable to convey title to the Premises in accordance with the terms of
     this Agreement, or in the event Seller fails to comply with any
     provisions of this Agreement, then Purchaser shall have all legal
     rights and remedies available at law or in equity by reason of
     Seller's default, including, without limitation, the right to obtain
     specific performance of Seller's obligations hereunder and/or
     injunctive relief.

               17.  Indemnification.  (a)  Seller hereby agrees to defend,
     indemnify and hold Purchaser harmless from and against all losses,
     damages, costs and expenses, including, without limitation, legal fees
     and disbursements, incurred by Purchaser subsequent to the date of
     this Agreement by reason of any claims made against Seller or others
     relating to the Premises and arising from acts, occurrences or matters
     that took place or were claimed to have taken place prior to the
     Closing hereunder.  The provisions of this Section 18 shall survive
     the Closing.

               (b)  Purchaser hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold
     Seller harmless from and against all losses, damages, costs and
     expenses, including, without limitation, legal fees and disbursements,
     incurred by Seller subsequent to the date of this Agreement by reason
     of any claims made against Purchaser or others relating to the
     Premises and arising from acts, occurrences or matters that took place
     or were claimed to have taken place after the Closing hereunder.  The
     provisions of this Section 18 shall survive the Closing.

               18.  Non Liability.  Seller agrees that neither the
     partners, directors, officers, employees nor agents of Purchaser have
     any personal obligation hereunder, and that Seller shall not seek to
     assert any claim or enforce any rights hereunder against such
     partners, directors, officers, employees, or agents of Purchaser.

               19.  Notices.  All notices, demands or requests made
     pursuant to, under or by virtue of this Agreement must be in writing
     and mailed to the party to which the notice, demand or request is
     being made by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested,
     or by overnight express hand delivery, or by facsimile transmission
     provided telephonic confirmation of receipt is obtained promptly after
     receipt of transmission, as follows:



               if to Purchaser:

               CUC Real Estate Holdings, Inc.
               707 Summer Street
               Stamford, CT  06901
               Attention:  Amy N. Lipton, Esq.
               Facsimile:  (203) 348-1982

               with a copy to:

               Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
               767 Fifth Avenue
               New York, NY  10153
               Attention:  Howard Chatzinoff, Esq. 
                    and Elliot L. Hurwitz, Esq.
               Facsimile:  (212) 310-8007

               if to Seller:

               c/o Davidson & Associates, Inc.
               19840 Pioneer Avenue
               Torrance, CA  90503
               Attention:  Robert M. Davidson
               Facsimile:  (310) 793-0601

               with a copy to:

               Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher
               333 South Grand Avenue, 48th Floor
               Los Angeles, CA  90071
               Attention:  Peter F. Ziegler, Esq.
               Facsimile:  (213) 229-7520

     or to such other address as the person to whom notice is given may
     have previously furnished to the other in writing in the manner set
     forth above.  Notices hereunder may be given by a party or such
     party's attorneys named above.

               20.  Entire Agreement.  This Agreement contains all of the
     terms agreed upon between the parties with respect to the subject
     matter hereof.

               21.  Amendments.  This Agreement may not be changed,
     modified or terminated, except by an instrument executed by the
     parties hereto who are or will be affected by the terms of such



               22.  Waiver.  No waiver by either party of any failure or
     refusal to comply with its obligations shall be deemed a waiver of any
     other or subsequent failure or refusal to so comply.

               23.  Successors and Assigns.  The stipulations aforesaid
     shall inure to the benefit of, and shall bind, the heirs, executors,
     administrators, successors and assigns of the respective parties.

               24.  Paragraph Headings.  The headings of the various
     paragraphs of this Agreement have been inserted only for the purposes
     of convenience, and are not part of this Agreement and shall not be
     deemed in any manner to modify, explain, explore or restrict any of
     the provisions of this Agreement.

               26.  No Third Party Rights.  Subject to Section 24 hereof,
     nothing in this Agreement is intended or shall be construed to confer
     upon or to give to any person, firm or corporation other than the
     parties hereto any right, remedy or claim under or by reason of this
     agreement.  All terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be for
     the sole and exclusive benefit of the parties hereto.

               27.  Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed by the
     laws of the State of New York.

               28.  Restrictions on Assignment.  This Agreement may not be
     assigned by Purchaser or Seller without the prior written consent of
     the other which may be withheld in the sole and absolute discretion of
     either party; provided, however, Purchaser shall have the right to
     assign this Agreement without the consent of Seller to a wholly-owned
     subsidiary of Purchaser and Purchaser may designate a subsidiary or
     affiliate to accept title to the Premises at Closing.

               29.  Time of the Essence.  Time is of the essence for all
     time periods specified in this Agreement.

               30.  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in any
     number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original but
     all of which, taken together, shall constitute but one and the same

               31.  Separability.  Except as herein otherwise expressly
     provided, no waiver of any breach of any agreement or provision herein
     contained shall be deemed a waiver of any



     preceding or succeeding breach thereof or of any other agreement or
     provision herein contained.

               32.  Termination.  This Agreement shall terminate upon the
     termination of the Merger Agreement.



               IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed by
     the parties hereto as of the day and year first above written.


                                   /s/ Robert M. Davidson
                                   Robert M. Davidson

                                   /s/ Janice G. Davidson                  
                                   Janice G. Davidson


                                   CUC REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, INC.

                                   By: /s/ E. Kirk Shelton
                                      Name: E. Kirk Shelton
                                      Title: Vice-President



                                   EXHIBIT "A"

                                LEGAL DESCRIPTION

                        [ATTACH LEGAL FROM TITLE POLICY]



                                   EXHIBIT "B"

                      [TO BE PREPARED BY SELLER'S COUNSEL]



                                   EXHIBIT "C"

                                  BILL OF SALE



                                   EXHIBIT "D"




                                   EXHIBIT "E"




                                   EXHIBIT "F"

