IDEON GROUP, INC.

          Stamford, CT -- August 7, 1996 -- CUC International Inc.
     (NYSE:CU) announced today that it has completed its previously
     announced acquisition of Ideon Group, Inc.  (NYSE:IQ), whose SafeCard
     Services subsidiary is a leading provider of credit card enhancement
     services to over 13 million members across the United States.

          Walter A. Forbes, chairman and chief executive officer of CUC
     International, stated, "With the completion of this acquisition, we
     believe we will now be the strongest and highest-quality provider of
     credit card protection services.  While CUC already has a successful
     credit card protection membership service, SafeCard has a larger
     membership base and long-standing relationships with key clients.  By
     leveraging our marketing and management expertise with Ideon's solid
     position in credit card protection services, we are confident that we
     can offer consumers and our business partners an outstanding service."

          Pursuant to the merger, each outstanding share of Ideon Common
     Stock has been converted into .3944 of a share of CUC International
     Common Stock.  Cash will be paid in lieu of fractional shares.

          CUC International Inc. is a leading technology-driven,
     membership-services company, currently providing over 48 million
     consumers with access to a variety of services including home
     shopping, travel, insurance, auto, dining, home improvement, lifestyle
     clubs, checking account enhancements, and discount coupon programs. 
     CUC recently completed its acquisitions of Davidson & Associates, Inc.
     and Sierra On-Line, Inc., leading educational and entertainment
     software companies whose software development talent is an integral 
     part of CUC's interactive strategy.

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