Company No. 1812511

                        THE COMPANIES ACTS: 1948 TO 1985


                          COMPANY LIMITED BY GUARANTEE


                            MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION

           (altered by Special Resolution passed on 9 May 1984 and by

                Resolution in Writing passed on 18 December 1997)


                             REUTERS FOUNDERS SHARE

                                 COMPANY LIMITED


     1  The name of the Company is "Reuters Founders Share Company Limited".

     2  The registered office of the Company will be situate in England.

     3* The objects for which the Company is established are:-

            (1) To subscribe for, or otherwise acquire and hold the share
            referred to in the Articles of Association of Reuters Group Plc
            ("Reuters") as the Founders Share ("the Founders Share").

          * A new clause 3 (in place of the previous clause 3) was adopted
            by a Special Resolution passed on 9 May 1984.

            (2) To exercise all such rights and powers as are now or may at any
            time be vested in the Company including (without limitation to the
            generality of the foregoing) such rights as are now or may at any
            time be vested in or attached to the Founders Share so as to secure
            (as far as, by the exercise of such rights and such other rights and
            powers as may now or hereafter be vested in the Company, the Company
            is able to do so) that, in the opinion of the Company, the following
            principles ("the Reuter Trust Principles") are complied with:

                  (a) that Reuters shall at no time pass into the hands of any
                  one interest, group or faction;

                  (b) that the integrity, independence and freedom from bias of
                  Reuters shall at all times be fully preserved;

                  (c) that Reuters shall supply unbiased and reliable news
                  services to newspapers, news agencies, broadcasters and other
                  media subscribers and to businesses, governments,
                  institutions, individuals, and others with whom Reuters has or
                  may have contracts;

                  (d) that Reuters shall pay due regard to the many interests
                  which it serves in addition to those of the media; and

                  (e) that no effort shall be spared to expand, develop and
                  adapt the news and other services and products of Reuters so
                  as to maintain its leading position in the international news
                  and information business.

            In this clause 3(2) "Reuters" means Reuters and every subsidiary of
            Reuters from time to time supplying news services.

            (3) To enter into the 1984 Deed of Mutual Covenant with Reuters and
            others, and thereafter to agree to and become a party to such
            alterations of, additions to, or substitutions for such Deed of
            Mutual Covenant as may be made in accordance with its terms or as
            the Company may thereafter think fit to approve, and to exercise and
            enforce such powers and rights and to perform and to discharge such
            obligations as shall be conferred or (as the case may be) imposed
            upon the Company by such Deed of Mutual Covenant, whether in its
            original form or with and subject to any such alterations and
            additions as aforesaid.

            (4) To do all such things as may be considered by the Company to be
            incidental or conducive to any of the above objects including (but
            without limitation to the generality of the foregoing):

                  (a) borrowing and raising money and securing or discharging
                  any debts or obligations of or binding on the Company, in such
                  manner as may be thought fit, and giving guarantees and

                  (b) taking all steps (including instructing solicitors and
                  counsel and instituting and carrying on all legal proceedings)
                  to enforce and maintain the foregoing objects; and

                  (c) procuring the registration or incorporation of the Company
                  in or under the laws of any territory outside England.

            Provided always that the Company shall not dispose of or permit or
            procure the disposal of the Founders Share or of any interest
            therein, or grant or permit or procure the grant of any rights in
            respect of the Founders Share or any such interest, and whether
            directly or indirectly, and whether by one or more operations or

        4   The liability of the Company is limited.

        5   Every member of the Company undertakes to contribute to the assets 
        of the Company in the event of its being wound up while he is a member, 
        or within one year afterwards, for payment of the debts and liabilities 
        of the Company contracted before he ceases to be a member, and the costs

        charges and expenses of winding up, and for the adjustment of the rights
        of the contributories among themselves such amount as may be required
        not exceeding ten pounds.

  WE, the several persons whose names and addresses are subscribed,
  are desirous of being formed into a Company, in pursuance of this
  Memorandum of Association.

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10/11 Gray's Inn Square
London WC1R 5JL


Blackfriars House
19 New Bridge Street
London EC4V 6BY


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Dated the 5th day of April, 1984

WITNESS to the above Signatures:

10/11 Gray's Inn Square
London WC1R 5JL


  Company No. 1812511

                             THE COMPANIES ACT: 1985


                          COMPANY LIMITED BY GUARANTEE


                             ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION

          (adopted by Resolution in Writing passed on 18 December 1997)


                             REUTERS FOUNDERS SHARE

                                 COMPANY LIMITED



     1  In these regulations (if not inconsistent with the subject or context):-

"the Act"                     means the Companies Act 1985 including any
                              statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for
                              the time being in force.

"AAP Services"                means AAP Information Services Proprietary

"the 1984 Deed of             means the deed of mutual covenant dated 9 May 1984
Mutual Covenant"              between Reuters Holdings Plc, the Company and
                              others as amended by a Supplemental Deed dated 31
                              January 1989, a Second Supplemental Deed dated 31
                              March 1989, a Third Supplemental Deed dated 26
                              October 1989, a Fourth Supplemental Deed dated 26
                              April 1994, a Fifth Supplemental Deed dated 18
                              July 1995 and as altered or added to from time to

"the Deed of                  means the deed of mutual covenant dated [ ]     
Mutual Covenant"              referred to in Clause 3(3) of the Memorandum of 
                              Association as altered or added to from time to 

Distress Notice"              bears the same meaning as in the Deed of Mutual

"the Founders Share"          means the Founders Share of #1 of Reuters .

"Founders Share Rights"       means the rights and powers whatsoever vested in
                              or attached to the Founders Share or which may be
                              exercised by the holder of the Founders Share
                              including (without limitation to the generality of
                              the foregoing) the rights and powers conferred
                              upon the Company by the Deed of Mutual Covenant.

"the Reuters Directors"       means the Directors from time to time of Reuters.

"in writing"                  means written or produced by any reasonably
                              durable substitute for writing or partly one and
                              partly the other.

"Members of NPA Nominees"     means a company which is for the time being the
                              holder of not less than one ordinary share in NPA
                              Nominees and which is entitled to one or more
                              votes in respect of such ordinary share at general
                              meetings of NPA Nominees.

"the Newspaper Associations"  means the Press Association, NPA, AAP Services and

"the Nomination Committee"    means the Committee constituted pursuant to these
                              regulations and comprising the persons set out in
                              regulation 3(b). 

"NPA"                         means The Newspaper Publishers Association

"NPA Nominees"                means NPA Nominees Limited.

"NZPA"                        means New Zealand Press Association Limited. 

"the Office"                  means the registered office of the Company from
                              time to time. 

"the Press Association"       means The Press Association Limited.

"the Reuters Group"           means Reuters and its subsidiaries from time to

"Reuters "                    means Reuters Group Plc. 

"Reuter Trustees"             means the persons who are members and directors of
                              the Company from time to time. 

"the Reuter Trust             bears the same meaning as in the Memorandum of
Principles"                   Association. 

"Seal"                        means the Common Seal of the Company. 

"Secretary"                   shall include any person appointed by the Reuter
                              Trustees (in the capacity of directors) to perform
                              any of the duties of the Secretary, and where two
                              or more persons are appointed to act as Joint
                              Secretaries shall include any one or more of these

"the Three Newspaper          means the Press Association, AAP Services and 
Associations"                 NZPA. 

"the United Kingdom"          means Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 

     Words denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa; words
     denoting the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender; and words
     denoting persons shall include bodies corporate.

     Unless the context otherwise requires, words or expressions used in these
     regulations shall bear the same meanings as in the Act.

     Except where the context otherwise requires, any reference to any statute
     or statutory provision shall be construed as including a reference to any
     statutory modification or re-enactment thereof from time to time in force.

                                 REUTER TRUSTEES

2    (a) The number of members shall be as the Reuter Trustees shall resolve 
from time to time, but shall not be less than fourteen.

     (b) The members and directors of the Company shall be known as Reuter 

     (c) No persons shall be admitted to membership of the Company other than 
the Reuter Trustees appointed in accordance with regulation 3.

3    (a) As at the adoption of these regulations, the Reuter Trustees are: Sir 
Frank Rogers, The Rt. Hon. The Lord Browne-Wilkinson, Sir Michael Checkland, Dr
CND Cole, Mr JEC Dicks, Mr P Gyllenhammar, Sir Gordon Linacre, Mr K Morgan, The
Rt. Hon. the Viscount Rothermere, Mr EJL Turnbull, Mr RJ Winfrey, and Mr AO

     (b) The Nomination Committee shall be made up of the following:-

         (i)   the five longest serving Reuter Trustees from time to time*;

        (ii)   the Chairman for the time being of the Reuter Trustees,
               unless he is included by virtue of paragraph (i) above

        Reuter Trustees                    Date of first appointment    Nominated by
        ---------------                    -------------------------    ------------ 
        Mr K Morgan                                    09.05.84       
        Dr CND Cole                                    09.05.84        Press Association
        The Rt. Hon The Viscount Rothermere            09.05.84        NPA Nominees
        Mr JEC Dicks                                   15.05.84        Press Association
        Sir Gordon Linacre                             18.02.86        NPA Nominees
        Mr RJ Winfrey                                  01.11.87        Press Association
        The Rt. Hon. The Lord Browne-Wilkinson         02.05.89
        Sir Frank Rogers                               01.11.89        NPA Nominees
        Mr EJL Turnbull                                09.06.93        AAP Services
        Sir Michael Checkland                          03.02.94
        Mr AO Sulzberger                               07.07.94
        Mr P Gyllenhammar                              21.10.97


         (iii) one person appointed by each of the Press Association,
               NPA Nominees, NZPA and AAP Services unless, in the case of any
               of them, a Reuter Trustee included by virtue of paragraphs (i)
               or (ii) was nominated by them as a Reuter Trustee pursuant to
               any regulations of the Company which preceded the adoption of
               these regulations, in which event its power of appointment will
               not apply for so long as its nominee is so included*;

         (iv)  two persons appointed by the Chairman for the time being
               of Reuters; and

                 (v) two persons appointed by the chairman of the Nomination
                 Committee after consultation with the European Commission on
                 Human Rights, such persons to be acceptable to the European
                 Commission on Human Rights.

     (c) The Chairman for the time being of the Reuter Trustees shall be the 
chairman of the Nomination Committee.

     (d) The Nomination Committee shall, having regard to the requirements set
out in this regulation 3, be entitled from time to time to nominate such persons
to be Reuter Trustees as may be necessary to fill any vacancies in the number of
Reuter Trustees. Proceedings of the Nomination Committee shall be in accordance
with regulations 38 to 42.

     (e) A person who is nominated as a Reuter Trustee or admitted to membership
of the Company as such shall be an individual who the Nomination Committee

         (i)   is of high standing in the world in which his reputation was 
               made; and

        (ii)   understands and subscribes to the Reuter Trust Principles.

and who does not hold office as a director or employee of the Reuters Group.

     (f) The Reuter Trustees shall, at any time, include:-

          (i)   at least two persons who are resident in the United Kingdom; and

          (ii)  at least two persons who are resident outside the United
          Kingdom, other than in a country where English is generally
          regarded as the national language.

     (g) Any resolution of the Nomination Committee to the effect that they have
reasonable cause to believe any matter in pursuance of any provision of these
regulations shall be conclusive and binding on all persons concerned.

     (h) If one of the Three Newspaper Associations shall give a Distress Notice
in accordance with the Deed of Mutual Covenant, or if the Company shall give a
Distress Notice in respect of one of the Three Newspaper Associations in
accordance with the Deed of Mutual Covenant, then the member of the Nomination
Committee appointed by that Newspaper Association shall cease to be a member of
the Nomination Committee and the Newspaper Association will cease to be entitled
to appoint a member of the Nomination Committee.

4 Every nomination of a person to be a Reuter Trustee by the Nomination
Committee and in accordance with regulation 3 above shall be subject to the
approval of the Reuter Trustees (acting by a majority). Such approval shall not
be unreasonably withheld or delayed.



        5(a) Every nomination of a person to be a Reuter Trustee shall be
        effected by delivering at the Office a form of nomination signed by an
        authorised representative of the Nomination Committee, a form of
        undertaking signed and sealed by the person thereby nominated and a form
        of approval signed by the majority of the Reuter Trustees.

            (b) Every such form of nomination shall be in the following form or
        in such other form as the Reuter Trustees (acting in the capacity of
        directors) may from time to time approve:-

            "To: Reuters Founders Share Company Limited

            The Nomination Committee hereby nominates ..........................



            [full name and address of person nominated]

            to be a member and director of Reuters Founders Share Company
            Limited as a Reuter Trustee pursuant to the powers in that behalf
            conferred on us by its Articles of Association.

            Dated this ........................... day of ......................

            Signed by ........................................................."

            (c) Every such form of undertaking shall be in the following form:-

                 "To:   Reuters Founders Share Company Limited
                        Reuters Group Plc


                 of ............................................................

            HEREBY UNDERTAKE that upon my becoming a Reuter Trustee (as defined
            in the Articles of Association of Reuters Founders Share Company
            Limited) and so long as I shall be a Reuter Trustee I shall exercise
            all the voting and other rights and powers vested in me as a Reuter
            Trustee to secure that:-

            (a) the Reuter Trust Principles (as defined in the Memorandum of
            Association of Reuters Founders Share Company Limited) are generally
            observed by Reuters Group Plc and every subsidiary for the time
            being of Reuters Group Plc and by Reuters Founders Share Company

            (b) every person duly nominated to be a Reuter Trustee in accordance
            with the Articles of Association of Reuters Founders Share Company
            Limited shall forthwith be admitted to membership of Reuters
            Founders Share Company Limited; and

            (c) the provisions of the Articles of Association of Reuters
            Founders Share Company Limited relating to the nomination and
            admission of persons to be Reuter Trustees shall not be amended
            without your prior written consent.

            IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand this      day of    .


SIGNED as a DEED and DELIVERED               }
by the above-named .......................
in the presence of:-

     Witness ...........................................

     Address ...........................................


     Occupation ........................................"

(d) The nomination shall be accompanied by a form of approval in the following
form or in such other form as the Reuter Trustees (acting in the capacity of
directors) may from time to time approve:-

"To: Reuters Founders Share Company Limited


[name(s) of Reuter Trustees approving the nomination]


being all or a majority in number of the Reuter Trustees hereby approve the
nomination of



[full name and address of person nominated]

to be a member and director of Reuters Founders Share Company Limited pursuant
to the powers in that behalf conferred on me/us by its Articles of Association.

Dated this ................... day of ...................

Signed .................................................."

(e) If, and only if, a form of nomination which complies with paragraph (b) of
this regulation, a form of undertaking which complies with paragraph (c) of this
regulation and a form of approval which complies with paragraph (d) of this
regulation, shall each have been delivered at the Office, the Secretary shall
forthwith enter the name of the person so nominated in the register of members
and the register of directors of the Company.



      6    (a) Each Reuter Trustee shall retire from membership of the Company 
        and from office as director at the close of the Annual General Meeting
        commencing on or next after the fifth anniversary of his becoming or
        being renominated to be a member and director, unless he shall otherwise
        have ceased to be a Reuter Trustee.

            (b) A Reuter Trustee retiring at an Annual General Meeting pursuant
        to paragraph (a) of this regulation shall be eligible for renomination
        as a member and director of the Company. A Reuter Trustee who is
        re-nominated and approved shall be reappointed as a member and director
        for a further term of five years, but a Reuter Trustee who is not
        renominated and approved shall cease to be a member and director of the
        Company at the close of such Annual General Meeting.

            (c) Notwithstanding paragraphs (a) and (b) above, a Reuter Trustee
        shall retire from membership of the Company and from office as a
        director at the close of the Annual General Meeting commencing on, or
        the next after, the seventy-fifth anniversary of his birth, unless he
        shall otherwise have ceased to be a Reuter Trustee.

            (d) Until the close of the Annual General Meeting of the Company in
        2000, a Reuter Trustee retiring at an Annual General Meeting pursuant to
        paragraph (c) of this regulation shall be eligible for re-nomination for
        a further term of one, two or three years as a member and director of
        the Company. A Reuter Trustee who is re-nominated and approved shall be
        re-appointed as a member and director for such further term of one, two
        or three years. A Reuter Trustee who is re-nominated for a term less
        than three years may be re-nominated and re-appointed for a further
        term, always provided that a Reuter Trustee must retire at the close of
        the AGM commencing on, or the next after, the seventy-eighth anniversary
        of his birth, and may not be subsequently re-nominated.

            (e) The provisions of this regulation 6 shall not, however, apply to
        The Rt. Hon. the Viscount Rothermere and to Dr CND Cole in each case for
        so long as he shall remain a Reuter Trustee.

      7      Without prejudice to any other regulation in that regard, a Reuter
        Trustee shall forthwith cease to be a member and director of the Company
        and the Secretary shall delete his name from the register of members and
        the register of directors of the Company if:-

                  (a) he resigns his membership or directorship by writing under
                  his hand left at the Office, or if he in writing offers to
                  resign as a member and director and the Reuter Trustees (in
                  the capacity of directors) resolve to accept such offer;

                  (b) he becomes a director or employee of Reuters or of any
                  subsidiary from time to time of Reuters ;

                  (c) he ceases to be a director by virtue of any provision of
                  the Act or he becomes prohibited by law from being a director;

                  (d) he becomes bankrupt or makes any arrangement or
                  composition with his creditors generally;

                  (e) for any reason whatsoever he ceases to be a director of
                  the Company;

                  (f) he shall for more than twelve consecutive months have been
                  absent without permission of the remaining directors from
                  meetings of the directors held during that period and the
                  directors resolve that his office be vacated;

                  (g) he is, or may be, suffering from mental disorder and 

                        (i)    he is admitted to hospital in pursuance of an
                               application for admission for treatment under the
                               Mental Health Act 1983 or, in Scotland, an
                               application for admission under the Mental Health
                               (Scotland) Act 1960; or

                        (ii)  an order is made by a court having jurisdiction
                              (whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) in
                              matters concerning mental disorder for his
                              detention as for the appointment of a receiver,
                              curator bonis or other person to exercise powers
                              with respect to his property or affairs.

     8  The Company may, by Ordinary Resolution of which special notice shall
        have been given in accordance with Section 379 of the Act, remove any
        Reuter Trustee from office as a director and from membership of the
        Company before the expiration of his period of office notwithstanding
        anything in these regulations.

     9  On any resolution to remove a Reuter Trustee from office as a director
        each Reuter Trustee (other than the Reuter Trustee to whom the
        resolution relates) shall be entitled, if he votes against the
        resolution, to a total number of votes which is one more than the total
        number of votes which may be cast in favour of the resolution.

                                GENERAL MEETINGS

    10  The company shall in each year hold a General Meeting as its Annual
        General Meeting in addition to any other meetings in that year, and
        shall specify the meeting as such in the notice calling it; and not more
        than fifteen months shall elapse between the date of one Annual General
        Meeting of the Company and that of the next. The Annual General Meeting
        shall be held at such time and place as the Reuter Trustees (in the
        capacity of directors) shall appoint.

    11  Every General Meeting other than an Annual General Meeting shall be
        held at such time and place as the Reuter Trustees (in the capacity of
        directors) shall appoint and the notice calling the meeting shall
        specify it as an Extraordinary General Meeting.

    12  Any one or more of the Reuter Trustees (in the capacity of directors)
        may, whenever they think fit, convene an Extraordinary General Meeting.

                           NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETINGS

    13  An Annual General Meeting and a General Meeting called for the
        passing of a Special Resolution shall be called by twenty-one days'
        notice in writing at the least, and any other General Meeting of the
        Company shall be called by fourteen days' notice in writing at the
        least. The notice shall be exclusive of the day on which it is served or
        deemed to be served and of the day for which it is given, and shall
        specify the place, the day and hour of meeting and, in the case of
        special business, the general nature of that business and shall be
        given, in accordance with regulation 52 to the Reuter Trustees Provided
        that a General Meeting of the Company shall, notwithstanding that it is
        called by shorter notice than that specified in this regulation, be
        deemed to have been duly called if it is so agreed by all the Reuter
        Trustees (in the capacity of members).


    14  All business shall be deemed special that is transacted at an
        Extraordinary General Meeting, and also all that is transacted at an
        Annual General Meeting, with the exception of the consideration of the
        accounts, balance sheets and the reports of the Reuter Trustees (in the
        capacity of directors) and the auditors, and the appointment of and the
        fixing of the remuneration of the auditors.

    15  No business shall be transacted at any General Meeting or at any
        adjourned General Meeting unless a quorum of Reuter Trustees is present
        at the time when the meeting proceeds to business;


        two Reuter Trustees present in person or by proxy shall be a quorum at
        any General Meeting or at any adjourned General Meeting.

    16  If within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting a
        quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened upon the requisition of
        members, shall be dissolved; in any other case it shall stand adjourned
        to the same day in the next week, at the same time and place, or to such
        other day and at such other time and place as the Reuter Trustees (in
        the capacity of directors) may determine.

    17  The Chairman of the Reuter Trustees, if any, shall preside as
        chairman at every General Meeting of the Company, or, if there is no
        such chairman, or if he shall not be present within fifteen minutes
        after the time appointed for the holding of the meeting or is unwilling
        to act, the Reuter Trustees present (in the capacity of members) shall
        elect one of their number to be chairman of the meeting.

   18   The chairman of a General Meeting may, with the consent of any
        meeting at which a quorum is present (and shall if so directed by such a
        meeting), adjourn the meeting from time to time and from place to place,
        but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than
        the business left unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment
        took place. When a General Meeting is adjourned for more thirty days or
        more, notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given as in the case of
        an original meeting. Save as aforesaid it shall not be necessary to give
        any notice of an adjournment or of the business to be transacted at an
        adjourned meeting.

   19       (a) At any General Meeting a resolution put to the vote of the
        meeting shall be decided on a poll, on which every Reuter Trustee who is
        present in person or by proxy shall (subject to regulation 23) have one
        vote. In the case of an equality of votes the chairman of the meeting
        shall not have a casting vote.

            (b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this regulation, a poll
        shall be taken in such manner as the chairman of the meeting directs,
        and the result of the poll shall be deemed to be a resolution of the

            (c) A poll on the election of a chairman of the meeting, or on a
        question of adjournment, shall be taken forthwith. A poll on any other
        question shall be taken at such time as the chairman of the meeting
        directs, and any other business may be proceeded with pending the taking
        of the poll.

            (d) All business may be transacted at a General Meeting in
        accordance with, and subject to, these regulations, notwithstanding that
        the number of Reuter Trustees from time to time may be less than

   20   On a poll at a General Meeting votes may be given either personally
        or by proxy.

   21       (a) A proxy shall be a Reuter Trustee; and the appointment of any
        person other than a Reuter Trustee to be a proxy shall be invalid.

            (b) An instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing in any
        usual or common form or in any other form which the Reuter Trustees (in
        the capacity of directors) may approve and shall be signed by the
        appointer or his attorney, but the signature on such instrument need not
        be witnessed. Where an instrument appointing a proxy is signed on behalf
        of the appointer by an attorney, the letter or power of attorney or a
        duly certified copy thereof must (failing previous registration with the
        Company) be lodged with the instrument of proxy pursuant to paragraph
        (c) of this regulation, failing which the instrument may be treated as

            (c) An instrument appointing a proxy must be left at the Office at
        any time before the time appointed for the holding of the meeting or
        adjourned meeting or (in the case of a poll taken otherwise than at or
        on the same day as the meeting or adjourned meeting) at any time before
        the time appointed for the taking of the poll at which it is to be used
        and in default shall not be treated as valid. The instrument shall,
        unless the contrary is stated thereon, be valid as well for any


        adjournment of the meeting as for the meeting to which it relates. An
        instrument of proxy relating to more than one meeting (including any
        adjournment thereof) having once been so delivered for the purposes of
        any meeting shall not require again to be delivered for the purposes of
        any subsequent meeting to which it relates.

            (d) A vote cast by proxy shall not be invalidated by the previous
        death or insanity of the principal or by the revocation of the
        appointment of the proxy or of the authority under which the appointment
        was made: provided that no intimation in writing of such death, insanity
        or revocation shall have been received by the Company at the Office
        before the commencement of the meeting or (in the case of a poll taken
        otherwise than at or on the same day as the meeting or adjourned
        meeting) before the time appointed for the taking of the poll at which
        the vote is cast.

            (e) A proxy shall have one vote for each Reuter Trustee for which he
        is proxy in addition to his own vote as a Reuter Trustee.

    22  A resolution in writing executed by or on behalf of all the Reuter
        Trustees (in the capacity of members) from time to time shall be as
        effectual as if it had been passed at a General Meeting of the Company
        duly convened and held and may consist of several instruments in the
        like form each executed by or on behalf of one or more Reuter Trustees.

                            VOTES AT GENERAL MEETINGS

    23  At a General Meeting every Reuter Trustee (in the capacity of a
        member) shall have one vote, save that, in the event of a resolution
        being proposed at any General Meeting of the Company to alter or remove
        Clause 3 of the Memorandum of Association, to amend the Articles of
        Association of the Company, or to wind up the Company voluntarily, each
        Reuter Trustee shall be entitled, if he votes against the resolution, to
        a total number of votes which is one more than the total number of votes
        which may be cast in favour of the resolution.


    24  The directors of the Company shall be the Reuter Trustees for the
        time being. No person shall be capable of being appointed a director
        other than a Reuter Trustee.

    25  Any person who ceases to be a member of the Company shall, ipso 
        facto, cease to be a director.


    26  (a) Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Memorandum and Articles
        of Association and to any directions given by special resolution, the
        business of the Company shall be managed by the Reuter Trustees (in the
        capacity of directors), who may exercise all the powers of the Company.

        (b) In the performance of their duties as directors, the Reuter 
        Trustees shall:-

            (i) be entitled, at the invitation of the Reuters Directors, to
            attend meetings of the Reuters Directors and to confer with the
            Reuters Directors, and generally be available to act in a
            consultative capacity with the Reuters Directors;

            (ii) be entitled to receive from the Reuters Directors periodical
            reports of the activities of the Reuters Group, and be entitled to
            make such representations (if any) to the Reuters Directors on
            matters of general interest affecting the Reuters Group, as the
            Reuter Trustees may from time to time think fit; and

            (iii)generally act in accordance with the Reuter Trust Principles
            and endeavour to ensure in so far as they are able to do so by the
            proper exercise of the powers from time to time vested in them
            (including the exercise of the Founders Share Rights) that the
            Reuter Trust Principles are complied with.

    27  All cheques, promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange and other
        negotiable instruments, and all receipts for moneys paid to the Company,
        shall be signed, drawn, accepted, endorsed or otherwise executed, as the
        case may be, in such manner as the Reuter Trustees (in the capacity of
        directors) shall from time to time by resolution determine.

    28  The Reuter Trustees shall (in the capacity of directors) cause
        minutes to be made in books provided for the purpose:-

            (a) of the names of the Reuter Trustees present at each meeting of
        the Reuter Trustees (whether in the capacity of members or in the
        capacity of directors); and

            (b) of all resolutions and proceedings at all General Meetings of
        the Company and all meetings of the Reuter Trustees in the capacity of

    29  The Reuter Trustees (in the capacity of directors) may delegate any
        of their powers other than those set out in regulations 30 and 31 below
        to any committee consisting of two or more Reuter Trustees (in the
        capacity of directors). Any such delegation may be made subject to any
        conditions the Reuter Trustees (in the capacity of directors) may
        impose, and either collaterally with or to the exclusion of their own
        powers and may be revoked or altered. Subject to any such conditions,
        the proceedings of a committee with two or more members shall be
        governed by the regulations relating to the proceedings of directors so
        far as they are capable of applying.


    30      (a)  For the purposes of this regulation:-

                 (i) where a person would in accordance with Part VI of the Act
                 (as in force at 29 February 1984, the date of incorporation of
                 Reuters Holdings Plc, notwithstanding any later repeal,
                 amendment or re-enactment thereof) and/or regulation F15 of the
                 Articles of Association of Reuters be taken to be interested in
                 shares in which another person is interested or would in
                 accordance therewith be taken to be interested, such other
                 person shall be deemed to be his associate;

                 (ii) in addition, two or more persons shall be deemed to be
                 associates if there are, in the opinion of the Reuter Trustees
                 (in the capacity of directors), reasonable grounds for
                 believing that they have or are attempting to obtain Control
                 pursuant (either wholly or in part) to some arrangement between

                 (iii) arrangement means any agreement, understanding or
                 arrangement of any kind, whether formal or tacit, and whether
                 or not legally binding other than the 1984 Deed of Mutual
                 Covenant and the Deed of Mutual Covenant;

                 (iv) "Control" means the ability to control the exercise of 30
                 per cent or more of the votes which can be cast on a poll at a
                 General Meeting of Reuters (disregarding the Founders Share
                 Rights and disregarding any suspension of the voting rights of
                 any shares pursuant to the Act or the Articles of Association
                 of Reuters ).

            (b) If any Reuter Trustee becomes aware of any facts which might
        lead to the Reuter Trustees taking the view that a person and his
        associates (if any) has or have obtained or is or are attempting to
        obtain, directly or indirectly, Control, he shall without delay inform
        the other Reuter Trustees of such facts and summon or require the
        Secretary to summon (and the Secretary shall forthwith summon) a meeting
        of the Reuter Trustees (in the capacity of directors).

            (c) If the Reuters Directors shall give written notice of such facts
        as aforesaid to the Company, then the Secretary shall without delay
        inform the Reuter Trustees of such facts and shall forthwith summon a
        meeting of the Reuter Trustees (in the capacity of directors).


            (d) If there are, in the opinion of a majority of the Reuter
        Trustees present at any meeting of the Reuter Trustees summoned as
        aforesaid (and whether information regarding such facts has been sent to
        all the Reuter Trustees or not), reasonable grounds for believing that
        any person and his associates (if any) has or have obtained or is or are
        attempting to obtain, directly or indirectly, Control then:

                 (i) any one or more of the Reuter Trustees or the Secretary
                 shall serve or cause to be served at the registered office of
                 Reuters a notice in writing (hereinafter called a "Founders
                 Share Control Notice"), signed by any one or more of the Reuter
                 Trustees, to the effect that the Company is of that opinion;

                 (ii) the Reuter Trustees present at such meeting shall decide
                 on the manner in which the Founders Shares Rights shall be
                 exercised in order to ensure that the Reuter Trustee Principles
                 are complied with.

            (e) If at any time after the service of a Founders Share Control
        Notice, the Reuter Trustees (in the capacity of directors) shall pass by
        a majority (the Chairman to have a casting vote in the event of equality
        of votes), a resolution to the effect that in the opinion of the Reuter
        Trustees no person or no person and his associates has or have obtained
        or is or are attempting to obtain, directly or indirectly, Control then
        the Reuter Trustees shall as soon as practicable thereafter (provided
        that they are still of that opinion) serve or cause to be served at the
        registered office of Reuters a notice in writing, signed by any one or
        more of the Reuter Trustees, rescinding such Founders Share Control
        Notice, but the service of any such notice in writing pursuant to and in
        accordance with this paragraph (e) (in this regulation called a
        "Rescission Notice") shall be without prejudice to the entitlement of
        the Company subsequently to serve or cause to be served at the
        registered office of Reuters another Founders Share Control Notice
        pursuant to and in accordance with paragraph (d) above.

            (f) In deciding whether in the opinion of the Reuter Trustees there
        are reasonable grounds for believing that any person and his associates
        (if any) has or have obtained or is or are attempting to obtain,
        directly or indirectly, Control, a Reuter Trustee shall be precluded
        from voting if the Reuter Trustees present at the meeting in question
        (other than such Reuter Trustee) are of the unanimous opinion that such
        Reuter Trustee:-

                 (i) is a person who with his associates (if any) has or have
                 obtained or is or are attempting to obtain, directly or
                 indirectly, Control; or

                 (ii) has a material financial interest in an arrangement in
                 which any such person and his associates (if any) is or are

         Such Reuter Trustee shall be counted in the quorum at the meeting
         notwithstanding that his vote is disregarded.

            (g) If any Reuter Trustee becomes aware of any facts which might
        lead to the Reuter Trustees taking the view that a Distress Notice
        should be given in respect of one of the Newspaper Associations and to
        the best of the knowledge and belief of that Reuter Trustee such
        Newspaper Association has not given a Distress Notice in accordance with
        the Deed of Mutual Covenant, then he shall without delay inform the
        other Reuter Trustees of such facts and summon or require the Secretary
        to summon and the Secretary shall forthwith summon a meeting of the
        Reuter Trustees (in the capacity of directors). If in the opinion of the
        majority of the Reuter Trustees present at such meeting (the Chairman to
        have a casting vote in the event of equality of votes), and whether
        information regarding such facts has been sent to all the other Reuter
        Trustees or not a Distress Notice should be given in respect of one of
        the Newspaper Associations then the Company shall give such a Distress
        Notice in accordance with the Deed of Mutual Covenant.


    31  If the Company receives notice or any Reuter Trustee receives
        information that any resolution the passing of which by the requisite
        majority of votes, would be, or would be deemed by the Articles of
        Association of Reuters to be, a variation or abrogation of the rights
        attached to the Founders Share (in this regulation referred to as a
        "relevant resolution") is to be proposed at a General Meeting of Reuters

            (i) a meeting of the Reuter Trustees (in the capacity of directors)
            shall , unless the Reuter Trustees unanimously determine otherwise,
            be summoned by the Secretary or by any Reuter Trustee;

            (ii) a resolution proposed at the meeting of the Reuter Trustees
            that the voting rights attached to the Founders Share be exercised
            to defeat a relevant resolution shall be passed if two or more
            Reuter Trustees (whether in a minority or not) shall have voted in
            favour of the resolution;

            (iii)if such resolution shall be passed then any one of the Reuter
            Trustees or the Secretary shall be, or shall be deemed to have been,
            authorised to act as the representative of the Company at the
            General Meeting of Reuters at which the relevant resolution is to be
            proposed in accordance with Section 375(1)(a) of the Act; and

            (iv) any person authorised or deemed to have been authorised to act
            as the representative of the Company shall be bound to exercise the
            voting rights attached to the Founders Share in accordance with the
            resolution passed by the Reuter Trustees.


    32  The Reuter Trustees acting as directors of the Company may meet
        together for the despatch of business, adjourn, and otherwise regulate
        their meetings, as they think fit. Questions arising at any meeting
        shall (subject to regulation 31) be decided by a majority of votes. In
        the case of an equality of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall not
        have a casting vote, except as specified in regulation 30. A Reuter
        Trustee may at any time summon a meeting of the Reuter Trustees (in the
        capacity of directors), and the Secretary shall do so on the requisition
        of a Reuter Trustee at any time.

   33       (a) Any Reuter Trustee may at any time, by an instrument in writing
        under his hand and deposited at the Office or delivered at a meeting of
        the Reuter Trustees as directors, and in his capacity of director,
        appoint another Reuter Trustee to be his alternate and may in like
        manner at any time terminate such appointment. The appointment of any
        person other than a Reuter Trustee to be an alternate shall be invalid.

            (b) An alternate shall cease to be an alternate if his appointor
        ceases to be a Reuter Trustee, but if a Reuter Trustee retires and is
        reappointed at the General Meeting at which he retires, any appointment
        of an alternate made by him which was in force immediately prior to his
        retirement shall continue after his reappointment.

            (c) An alternate appointed by a Reuter Trustee shall be entitled to
        vote as a director of the Company at any meeting of the Reuter Trustees
        (as directors of the Company) at which the Reuter Trustee appointing him
        is not personally present, and generally at such meeting to perform all
        functions of his appointor as a Reuter Trustee in addition to his own
        functions as a Reuter Trustee. If he attends any such meeting as an
        alternate for more than one Reuter Trustee, his voting rights shall be
        cumulative in addition to his own vote. If his appointor is for the time
        being absent from the United Kingdom or temporarily unable to act
        through ill health or disability, his signature to any resolution in
        writing of the Reuter Trustees acting as directors of the Company shall
        be effective in place of the signature of his appointor.

    34  The quorum necessary for the transaction of business at a meeting of
        the Reuter Trustees acting as directors of the Company shall be two.


    35  The continuing Reuter Trustee or Reuter Trustees may act (in the
        capacity of directors) notwithstanding any vacancy in their body, but if
        the number of Reuter Trustees (in the capacity of directors) is less
        than the number fixed as the quorum, the continuing Reuter Trustee or
        Reuter Trustees may act only for the purpose of filling vacancies or of
        calling a general meeting.

    36  The Reuter Trustees may (in the capacity of directors) elect a
        chairman of their meetings who is the Chairman of the Reuter Trustees
        and determine the period for which he is to hold office; but, if no such
        chairman is elected or if at any meeting the chairman is not present
        within fifteen minutes after the time appointed for holding the same,
        the Reuter Trustees present may choose one of their number to be
        chairman of the meeting.

    37  A resolution in writing, signed by all the Reuter Trustees from time
        to time (in the capacity of directors), shall be as effectual as if it
        had been passed at a meeting of the Reuter Trustees or (as the case may
        be) a committee of Reuter Trustees (in the capacity of directors) duly
        convened and held, and may consist of several instruments in the like
        form each executed by or on behalf of one or more of such Reuter


    38  The members of the Nomination Committee may meet together, adjourn
        and otherwise regulate their meetings as they think fit. Questions
        arising at any meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes. In the
        event of an equality of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall have a
        casting vote. Meetings shall be summoned by the chairman of the
        Nomination Committee who shall also direct when business is to be
        transacted by written resolution in accordance with regulation 41 below.

    39  The quorum necessary for the transaction of business at a meeting of
        the Nomination Committee shall be five.

    40  The chairman of the Nomination Committee shall be the Chairman for
        the time being of the Reuter Trustees; however, if at any meeting the
        chairman is not present within fifteen minutes after the time appointed
        for holding the same, the members of the Nomination Committee present
        may choose one of their number to be chairman of the meeting.

    41  A resolution in writing, executed by or on behalf of all the members
        of the Nomination Committee from time to time, shall be as effectual as
        if it had been passed at a meeting of the Nomination Committee duly
        convened and held, and may consist of several instruments in the like
        form each executed by or on behalf of one or more members of the
        Nomination Committee.

    42  The members of the Nomination Committee shall be entitled to be paid
        all travelling, hotel and other reasonable expenses incurred in
        attending and returning from all meetings of the Nomination Committee
        and in carrying on the functions of the Nomination Committee. The
        members of the Nomination Committee shall not be entitled to any


    43  All acts done by any meeting of the Reuter Trustees or (as the case
        may be) a committee of Reuter Trustees (whether in the capacity of
        directors or in the capacity of members), or by any person acting as a
        Reuter Trustee in whatever capacity, shall, notwithstanding that it be
        afterwards discovered that there was some defect in the nomination,
        approval, or appointment of any such Reuter Trustee or person acting as
        aforesaid or that they or any of them were disqualified, be as valid as
        if every such person had been duly nominated, approved (if applicable)
        and appointed and was qualified to be, and was, a Reuter Trustee.



    44  Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Secretary shall be
        appointed by the Reuter Trustees (acting in the capacity of directors)
        for such term, at such remuneration and upon such conditions as they may
        think fit; and any Secretary so appointed may be removed by them (acting
        in such capacity).

    45  A provision of the Act or these regulations requiring or authorising
        a thing to be done by or to a Reuter Trustee and the Secretary, shall
        not be satisfied by its being done by or to the same person acting both
        as a Reuter Trustee and as, or in place of, the Secretary.

                                    THE SEAL

    46  The Reuter Trustees (acting in the capacity of directors) shall
        provide for the safe custody of the Seal, which shall only be used by
        the authority of the Reuter Trustees (acting in such capacity), and
        every instrument to which the Seal shall be affixed shall be signed by a
        Reuter Trustee (acting in the capacity of a director) and shall be
        countersigned by the Secretary or by a second Reuter Trustee (acting in
        such capacity) or by some other person authorised by the Reuter Trustees
        (acting in the capacity of directors) for the purpose.


    47  The Reuter Trustees shall (in the capacity of directors) cause
        accounting records to be kept in accordance with the Acts.

    48  The accounting records shall be kept at the Office or, subject to the
        Act, at such other place or places as the Reuter Trustees (in the
        capacity of directors) think fit.

    49  The Reuter Trustees shall from time to time in accordance with the
        Act cause to be prepared and laid before the Company in General Meeting
        such income and expenditure accounts, balance sheets and reports as are
        required by the Act in relation to the Company.

    50  A copy of every balance sheet (including every document required by
        law to be annexed thereto) which is to be laid before the Company in
        General Meeting, together with a copy of the Auditors' report and Report
        of the Reuter Trustees (in the capacity of directors) shall not less
        than twenty-one days before the date of the meeting be sent to every
        Reuter Trustee, provided that this regulation shall not require a copy
        of those documents to be sent to any person of whose address the Company
        is not aware.


    51  Auditors shall be appointed and their duties regulated in accordance
        with the Act.


    52  Any notice or document may be served on or delivered to any Reuter
        Trustee (whether in the capacity of a member or a director) by the
        Company either personally or by sending it by mail, postage paid, or by
        telegraph, telex or facsimile to that Reuter Trustee at his registered
        address or to the address supplied by him to the Company as his address
        for the service of notices or by delivering it to such address as
        aforesaid. Any such notice or document posted in the United Kingdom to
        an address outside the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and
        Republic of Ireland shall be sent by airmail. Any such notice or
        document shall be deemed to have been duly served or delivered in the
        case of post on the same day of the next week and in the case of
        telegraph, telex and facsimile on the next following day.

    53  Notice of every General Meeting shall be given in any manner
        hereinbefore authorised to:-


            (a)   every Reuter Trustee; and

            (b)   the Auditors from time to time of the Company.

         No other person shall be entitled to receive notices of General

    54  The accidental omission to give notice of a General Meeting or a
        directors' meeting to, or the non-receipt of notice of any such meeting
        by, any person entitled to receive notice shall not invalidate the
        proceedings at that meeting.

                         EXPENSES OF THE REUTER TRUSTEES

    55  The Reuter Trustees shall be entitled to be paid all travelling,
        hotel and other reasonable expenses incurred in attending and returning
        from all meetings of the Reuter Trustees as directors and members of the
        Company and in carrying on the functions of the Company (including but
        without limitation) the exercise of the rights, powers and duties
        exercisable by the Company and by the Reuter Trustees. The Reuter
        Trustees shall not be entitled to any remuneration save that the
        Chairman of the Reuter Trustees shall, with effect from 1 January 1993,
        be entitled to be paid a fee at the rate of #20,000 per annum, accruing
        from day to day, during the period for which he holds such office and
        such fee shall, for the avoidance of doubt, be disregarded for the
        purposes of regulation 3.