18 February 1998

                          THE PRESS ASSOCIATION LIMITED


                              NPA NOMINEES LIMITED








                                REUTERS GROUP PLC

                             DEED OF MUTUAL COVENANT


        This DEED OF MUTUAL COVENANT is made the 18 day of February 1998

        a company incorporated in England whose registered office is at 85 Fleet
        Street EC4P 4BE;

  (2)   NPA NOMINEES LIMITED (No. 1781639 ("NPA NOMINEES"), a company 
        incorporated in England whose registered office is at 34 Southwark 
        Bridge Road, London SE1 9EU;

        incorporated in the state of Victoria, Australia whose registered office
        is at 351 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia;

        a company incorporated in New Zealand whose registered office is at 
        Newspaper House, 93 Boulcott Street, PO Box 1599,  Wellington,
        New Zealand;

        SHARE COMPANY"), a company incorporated in England whose registered 
        office is at 85 Fleet Street, London EC4P 4AJ; and

  (6)   REUTERS GROUP PLC (No. 329675) ("REUTERS GROUP"), a company incorporated
        in England whose registered office is at 85 Fleet Street, London EC4P
        4AJ on its own behalf and on behalf of Reuters Holdings Plc.


(A)       By an Agreement called an "Agreement of Trust" dated 9 July 1953 (as
          subsequently amended) and made between the Press Association, The
          Newspaper Proprietors Association Limited (now called The Newspaper
          Publishers Association Limited), Australian Associated Press and the
          New Zealand Press Association (the "1953 AGREEMENT"), the parties
          thereto agreed (as the holders of all the stock of Reuters Limited
          then in issue) to comply with the principles set out in it in respect
          of their holdings of stock in Reuters Limited.

(B)       The parties (in (A) above) entered into a deed of mutual covenant
          dated 9 May 1984 following the reconstruction of Reuters Limited and
          the acquisition of the whole of its issued voting share capital by
          Reuters Holdings in order to record the terms on which they agreed to
          ensure that the Reuter Trust Principles (as defined in this Agreement)
          were complied with and the terms upon which the `A' Shares (as defined
          in that Deed) in Reuters Holdings were to be held.

(C)       The Founders Share Company is a company limited by guarantee not
          having a share capital whose objects as amended by special resolution
          passed on 18 December 1997 include holding the Founders Share (as
          defined in this Deed) and entering into the 1984 Deed of Mutual
          Covenant (and all subsequent alterations of, additions to or
          substitutions for it).

(D)       The deed of mutual covenant (in (B) above) was subsequently amended by
          a Supplemental Deed dated 31 January 1989 (the "FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL
          DEED"); by a Supplemental Deed 31 March 1989 (the "SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL
          DEED"); by a Supplemental Deed dated 26 October 1989 (the "THIRD
          SUPPLEMENTAL DEED"); by a Supplemental Deed dated 26 April 1984 (the
          "FOURTH SUPPLEMENTAL DEED"); and by a Supplemental Deed dated 18 July
          1985 (the "FIFTH SUPPLEMENTAL DEED") (together the "1984 DEED OF
          MUTUAL COVENANT").

(E)       The parties have agreed to enter into this Deed as part of the
          re-organisation of Reuters Holdings whereby the issued voting share
          capital of Reuters Holdings will be cancelled through a scheme of
          arrangement (the "SCHEME") under Section 425 of the Companies Act 1985
          (as amended) (the "ACT"). In return for the cancellation of such
          shares, cash and shares in Reuters Group will be issued to the
          shareholders of Reuters Holdings and the current arrangements in
          connection with the Founders Share held by the Founders Share Company
          will be replicated in the Articles of Association of Reuters Group and
          in this Deed.

(F)       The amendments made by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth 
          Supplemental Deeds will be consolidated in this Deed.

  NOW THIS Deed WITNESSES as follows:


    1.1     In this Deed, the Reuter Trust Principles mean:-

            (a)       that Reuters shall at no time pass into the hands of any
                      one interest, group or faction;

            (b)       that the integrity, independence and freedom from bias of
                      Reuters shall at all times be fully preserved;

            (c)       that Reuters shall supply unbiased and reliable news 
                      service to newspapers, news agencies,  broadcasters and 
                      other media subscribers and to businesses, governments,
                      institutions, individuals and others with whom Reuters has
                      or may have contracts;

            (d)       that Reuters shall pay due regard to the many interests 
                      which it serves in addition to those of the media; and

            (e)       that no effort shall be spared to expand,  develop and 
                      adapt the news and other services and products of Reuters
                      so as to maintain its leading position in the
                      international news and information business.

    1.2     In this Deed (including in the Recitals), the following words and 
            expressions have the meanings set out opposite them unless the
            context otherwise requires:-

            THE ASSOCIATIONS means the Press Association, NPA Nominees, AAP
            Services and New Zealand Press Association
            CHANGE OF CONTROL means a change or changes (whether as a result
            of a single action or event or a series of actions or events)
            whereby the ability to control the board of directors of an
            Association (including the ability to control, appoint or remove
            a majority of such directors) is acquired by or becomes vested in
            persons other than the present members of that Association and
            their respective Affiliates for the time being

            DISTRESS NOTICE means a notice of the occurrence of a
            Relevant Event given pursuant to Clause 5.5, 5.6 or 5.7 by (or on 
            behalf of) one of the Associations or by the Founders Share
            Company in respect of any of them

            FORM OF UNDERTAKING means a Deed in the form set out in the Appendix
            to this Deed

            FOUNDERS SHARE means the Founders Share of #1 of Reuters Group

            THE FOUNDERS SHARE COMPANY'S ARTICLES means the Articles
            of Association of the Founders Share Company, as altered from time
            to time

            THE FOUNDERS SHARE COMPANY BANK ACCOUNT means a bank account in the
            name of "Reuters Founders Share Company Limited" with a United
            Kingdom clearing bank nominated by the Founders Share Company from
            time to time

            FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE means a change or changes (whether as a result
            of a single action or event or a series of actions or events)
            whereby NPA or a Newspaper Association ceases to be an entity
            whose principal business (for this purpose disregarding any
            shares in Reuters Group owned by that person) concerns the
            representation of the interests of and/or the provision of news
            agency services to the national and/or regional and/or provincial
            newspaper publishing industries in the United Kingdom and
            Ireland, in Australia or in New Zealand (as the case may be)

            NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION means one of the Three Newspaper Associations

            NOMINATION COMMITTEE means the committee which, in accordance
            with the Founders Share Company's Articles, is responsible for
            nominating Reuter Trustees for appointment

            NPA means The Newspaper Publishers' Association Limited

            THE OFFICE means the registered office of Reuters Group from time to

            THE OPERATIVE DATE means the date on which this Deed takes effect in
            accordance with the provisions of Clause 2

            REUTER TRUSTEES means the persons who are members and directors of
            the Founders Share Company from time to time

            REUTERS means Reuters Group and every subsidiary of Reuters Group
            from time to time supplying news services

            REUTERS HOLDINGS means Reuters Holdings PLC

            REUTERS GROUP'S ARTICLES means the Articles of Association of
            Reuters Group, as altered from time to time

            THE THREE NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATIONS means the Press Association, AAP
            Services and New Zealand Press Association

            WHOLLY OWNED SUBSIDIARY means a wholly owned subsidiary within the
            meaning of section 736 of the Companies Act 1985.

   1.3     In this Deed, the expression "Relevant Event" means:-

           (a)      in relation to each of the companies referred to in this
                    Clause 1.3:-

                    (i)       the appointment of a receiver in respect of all or
                              a substantial part of its assets; or

                    (ii)      the making of an order by a
                              court of competent jurisdiction for the compulsory
                              winding-up of the company;

           (b)      in relation to the Press Association:-

                    (i)       a Change of Control; or

                    (ii)      a Fundamental Change;

           (c)      in relation to NPA, a Fundamental Change;

           (d)      in relation to AAP Services:-

                    (i)       a Change of Control;

                    (ii)      a Fundamental Change; or

           (e)      in relation to New Zealand Press Association:-

                    (i)       a Change of Control; or

                    (ii)      a Fundamental Change.

   1.4     In this Deed, bodies corporate shall be taken to be Affiliates of one
           another if:-

           (a)      one is a wholly owned subsidiary of the other; or

           (b)      they are both wholly owned subsidiaries of a third
                    body corporate.

   1.5     Words or expressions used in this Deed in the masculine gender and/or
           singular form include these words or expressions in the feminine or 
           neuter gender and plural form (as the case may be), and in each case 
           vice versa.

   1.6     In this Deed, words denoting persons include bodies corporate.

   1.7     Neither the table of contents of nor the headings in this Deed affect
           its interpretation.

   1.8     Unless otherwise indicated, references to Clauses and the Appendix in
           this Deed are references to Clauses and the Appendix of this Deed.

   1.9     In this Deed, any reference to any statute or statutory provision 
           (other than section 736 of the Companies Act 1985) shall be construed
           as including a reference to any statutory modification or 
           re-enactment thereof from time to time in force.

  1.10     No provision of this Deed shall be construed as having the effect of
           preventing any of the parties from engaging in any trade or business
           in competition with Reuters Group or any subsidiary thereof or with
           any of the other parties hereto or of imposing any obligation on any
           of the parties to take, buy or accept or otherwise acquire the goods
           or services of any of the parties or of any of its subsidiaries.

  1.11     The written consent of the Founders Share Company shall be deemed to
           have been given for any of the purposes of this Deed if, and only if,
           a certificate signed on behalf of the Founders Share Company by not
           less than two of the Reuter Trustees shall have been received at the
           Office confirming that a resolution giving the consent in question
           has been duly passed at a meeting of the Reuter Trustees (in their
           capacity as directors of the Founders Share Company) or by written
           resolution of the Reuter Trustees (in their capacity as directors of
           the Founders Share Company) pursuant to Regulation 37 of the Founders
           Share Company's Articles.

  1.12     References in this Deed to Regulation numbers of Reuters Group's
           Articles and of the Founders Share Company's Articles are to the
           Regulations bearing that number at the date of this Deed.


           The provisions of this Deed shall take effect at such time as the
           Scheme becomes effective (the "OPERATIVE DATE"). The Scheme will
           become effective as soon as an office copy of the order of the High
           Court in England and Wales sanctioning the Scheme under Section 425
           of the Act and confirming under Section 137 of the Act the reduction
           of capital provided for by the Scheme shall have been delivered to
           the Registrar of Companies in England and Wales for registration and,
           in the case of the confirmation of the reduction of capital,
           registered by him.


           On the Operative Date the 1984 Deed of Mutual Covenant shall
           automatically terminate and be of no further effect save for any
           obligations of Reuters Holdings under Paragraph 5 of Part II of the
           Second Schedule to the Second Supplemental Deed ("Indemnities and
           Administrative Services") arising prior to the Operative Date.


   4.1     Each of the Associations, being resolved to safeguard the principles,
           the character and the reputation of Reuters, severally covenants with
           the other Associations severally and with the Founders Share Company
           and Reuters Group severally to use its best endeavours (subject as
           provided in Clauses 1.10, 4.3 and 4.4) to ensure that the Reuter
           Trust Principles are complied with.

   4.2     Each of the Founders Share Company and Reuters Group severally
           covenants with each of the Associations severally to use its best
           endeavours (subject as provided in Clause 4.4) to ensure that the
           Reuter Trust Principles are complied with.

   4.3     The obligations of each of the Associations under Clause 4.1 shall be
           deemed to have been satisfied by the proper discharge by each of the
           Associations of their respective obligations under Clause 5 in order
           to ensure (in so far as by the proper exercise of such rights and the
           proper discharge of such obligations each such party is respectively
           able to do so without incurring any expenditure or pecuniary
           liability) that the Reuter Trust Principles are complied with.

   4.4     No party to this Deed shall be obliged by the provisions of this
           Clause4 to purchase or subscribe or otherwise to acquire, or to sell,
           transfer or otherwise dispose of, or deal in any manner in shares or
           other securities of Reuters Group or to refrain from doing any such


   5.1     Each of the Three Newspaper Associations severally covenants with
           each other of the Three Newspaper Associations severally and with NPA
           Nominees, the Founders Share Company and Reuters Group severally to
           exercise its respective rights under the Founders Share Company's
           Articles to appoint one person to be a member of the Nomination
           Committee from time to time.

   5.2     Subject to the provisions of Clause 5.9, NPA Nominees covenants with
           each of the Three Newspaper Associations severally and with the
           Founders Share Company and Reuters Group severally to exercise its
           right under the Founders Share Company's Articles to appoint one
           person to be a member of the Nomination Committee from time to time
           in accordance with the directions in writing of NPA.

   5.3     The Founders Share Company covenants with each of the Three Newspaper
           Associations severally and with NPA Nominees and Reuters Group
           severally that no person shall be admitted to membership of the
           Founders Share Company unless he shall first have executed and
           delivered a Form of Undertaking.

   5.4     The Founders Share Company covenants with each of the Three Newspaper
           Associations severally and with NPA Nominees that, subject to the
           provisions of Clause 5.8, every person duly nominated and approved as
           a Reuter Trustee in accordance with the Founders Share Company's
           Articles and the provisions of this Deed shall be admitted to
           membership and become a director of the Founders Share Company
           forthwith upon execution under seal and delivery by such person of a
           Form of Undertaking.

   5.5     Each of the Three Newspaper Associations severally covenants with
           each other of the Three Newspaper Associations severally and with NPA
           Nominees, the Founders Share Company and Reuters Group severally that
           it will give a Distress Notice forthwith to each of them if a
           Relevant Event shall occur in respect of it.

   5.6     Subject to the provisions of Clause 5.9, NPA Nominees covenants with
           each of the Three Newspaper Associations severally and with the
           Founders Share Company and Reuters Group severally that it will give
           a Distress Notice forthwith to each of them if NPA directs it in
           writing so to do by reason of a Relevant Event having occurred in
           respect of NPA.

   5.7     The Founders Share Company shall, if it has by resolution of the
           Reuter Trustees in accordance with Regulation 30(i) of the Founders
           Share Company's Articles so resolved, give a Distress Notice to each
           of the Three Newspaper Associations, NPA Nominees and Reuters Group
           that a Relevant Event has occurred in respect of one of the Newspaper

   5.8     If a Distress Notice is duly given by one of the Three Newspaper
           Associations, or by the Founders Share Company in respect of any of
           the Three Newspaper Associations then if the Distress Notice is given
           by (or by the Founders Share Company in respect of) any of the Three
           Newspaper Associations the obligations of that Newspaper Association
           under Clause 5.1 shall cease.

   5.9     If:-
                    (a) NPA shall fail (for whatever reason) to give a direction
                        in writing to NPA Nominees with respect to the 
                        appointment of a person to the Nomination Committee; or

                    (b) a Distress Notice is duly given by NPA Nominees, or by
                        the Founders Share Company, in respect of NPA:

                    (i) the provisions of Clause 5.2 and Clause 5.6 shall 
                        forthwith cease to have effect; and

                   (ii) the provisions of Clause 5.10 shall forthwith take

   5.10    Subject to the provisions of Clause 5.9, NPA Nominees covenants with
           each of the Three Newspaper Associations severally and with the
           Founders Share Company and Reuters Group severally to exercise its
           rights under the Founders Share Company's Articles to appoint one
           person to be a member of the Nomination Committee from time to time.

   5.11    The giving of a Distress Notice by any of the Associations, or by the
           Founders Share Company in respect of any of them, shall not prejudice
           any right or remedy of any party to this Deed against such person.


    6.1    Reuters Group covenants with the Founders Share Company that its
           Board of Directors and the respective Boards of Directors of its
           wholly owned subsidiaries will in the performance of their respective
           functions have due regard to the Reuter Trust Principles and to the
           rights and duties of the Reuter Trustees set out in the Founders
           Share Company's Articles in so far as by the proper exercise of their
           respective powers by such Boards of Directors and in accordance with
           the other duties of directors those principles are capable of being
           observed by such Boards of Directors.

    6.2    Reuters Group covenants with the Founders Share Company that it will
           forthwith give to the Founders Share Company full particulars of
           every inscription made in its registers of interests in shares and
           their associated indexes (if any) kept in accordance with section 211
           of the Companies Act 1985 and Regulation F.15 of Reuters Group's
           Articles and that it will forthwith upon request by the Founders
           Share Company give to the Founders Share Company a copy or copies of
           such registers and/or indexes or any part or parts thereof.

    6.3    Each of the Associations severally covenants, and Reuters Group
           covenants, with the Founders Share Company that it will give notice
           to the Founders Share Company of any single action or event or series

           actions or events which become known to it and which, in the opinion
           of such Association or of Reuters Group, as the case may be, would or
           might result in a breach of the Reuter Trust Principles.


    7.1    Reuters Group covenants with the Founders Share Company (both for the
           benefit of the Founders Share Company and as trustee for the Reuter
           Trustees from time to time) that Reuters Group will pay into the
           Founders Share Company Bank Account on demand all such sums of money
           as the Founders Share Company shall from time to time certify are
           required by it:-

           (a)      to indemnify the Reuter Trustees in respect of their
                    travelling, hotel and other reasonable expenses incurred in
                    attending and returning from all meetings of the Reuter
                    Trustees as directors and members of the Founders Share
                    Company and in carrying on the functions of the Founders
                    Share Company, including (but without limitation) the
                    exercise of the rights, powers and duties exercisable by the
                    Founders Share Company and by the Reuter Trustees;

           (b)      to indemnify the Founders Share Company in respect of all
                    disbursements, fees and expenses which have been incurred or
                    paid or will or may become liable to be incurred by it
                    including in particular (but without limitation) all
                    expenses incurred in enforcing the Reuter Trust Principles
                    and any other provisions contained in this Deed and in
                    carrying out the objects of the Founders Share Company,
                    whether by judicial proceedings or otherwise;

           (c)      to indemnify the Founders Share Company in respect of the
                    fee payable to the Chairman of the Reuter Trustees, with
                    effect from 1 January 1993, at the rate of twenty thousand
                    pounds per annum, accruing from day to day in accordance
                    with the Articles of Association of the Founders Share

           (d)      to comply with all statutory requirements from time to time
                    in force (and whether arising under taxation statutes or
                    statutes relating to companies or otherwise) and applicable
                    to the Founders Share Company; and

           (e)      to permit the Founders Share Company to maintain in the
                    Founders Share Company Bank Account a credit balance of
                    approximately ten thousand pounds to enable the Founders
                    Share Company to discharge any such fees, costs and expenses
                    as are referred to in this Clause 7.

    7.2    Reuters Group covenants with the Founders Share Company to pay on
           demand the cost of (or at the option of the Founders Share Company
           procure the provision without cost to the Founders Share Company of)
           all company secretarial services and other ancillary administrative
           services which the Founders Share Company may from time to time

    7.3    Reuters Group shall be entitled to pay any sum due under this Clause
           7 (other than any sum due pursuant to Clause 7.1(e)) into the
           Founders Share Company Bank Account on terms that any sum so paid and
           which shall not within 30 days of being so paid have been utilised
           for the certified purpose shall forthwith on request in writing from
           Reuters Group be refunded to Reuters Group.

    7.4    The obligations of Reuters Group to make any payment into the
           Founders Share Company Bank Account under this Clause7 shall not be
           affected by, nor shall the amount of any such payment be reduced on
           account of, any contractual or common law right of set-off, or any
           amount counter-claimed by Reuters Group in respect of any sum owing,
           or alleged to be owing, from the Founders Share Company to Reuters


    8.1    Subject to the provisions of this Clause 8, the provisions of this
           Deed may be varied at any time by a supplemental deed between such of
           the parties as are required to consent to such variation by this
           Clause 8.

    8.2    No variation may be made to this Deed without the written consent of
           each of the Associations and the Founders Share Company.

    8.3    No variation may be made to this Deed which would extend or increase
           the obligations or liabilities of any party to this Deed without
           written consent of that party.

    8.4    This Deed may be terminated at any time with the written consent of
           each of the Associations and the Founders Share Company.


    9.1    Each of the parties to this Deed severally covenants with each of the
           Associations and the Founders Share Company severally that it will
           not assign or sub-contract any of its rights or sub-contract the
           performance of any of its obligations under this Deed (except the
           performance of administrative duties).


           Save as expressly provided in relation to Reuters Group in Clause
           12.4, this Deed shall not constitute any party hereto the agent of
           any other party, nor shall it constitute a partnership between any of
           the parties.

     11    NOTICES

   11.1    Any notice or other communication under this Deed shall be in writing
           and in English.

   11.2    Any such notice or other communication may be given by letter
           delivered, or sent postage prepaid by first class post, to the
           recipient at its address stated herein. Any such notice or other
           communication may be given by telex or facsimile transmission to the
           recipient, but any such notice or other communication so given shall
           promptly be confirmed by letter.

   11.3    The address of any party to this Deed may be changed by notice given
           to each person who at the date of the giving of such notice is a
           party to this Deed.

   11.4    Any notice or other communication delivered to the recipient shall be
           deemed to have been received on delivery. Any notice or other
           communication sent by first class post shall be deemed to have been
           received forty-eight hours after being put in the post if sent within
           the United Kingdom and seven days after being put in the post if sent
           to or from an address outside the United Kingdom. Any notice or other
           communication sent by telex or facsimile transmission shall be deemed
           to have been received twenty-four hours after despatch.


   12.1    This Deed shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
           laws of England.

   12.2    Each of the parties to this Deed irrevocably submits to the
           non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts and waives any
           objection to proceedings in any such court on the grounds of venue or
           on the grounds that the proceedings have been brought in an
           inconvenient forum or any similar grounds.

   12.3    The provisions of Clause 12.2 shall not affect the right of any party
           to this Deed to take proceedings in any other jurisdiction in which
           jurisdiction can be founded.

   12.4    Each of the parties to this Deed not having its registered office in
           the United Kingdom irrevocably appoints Reuters Group as its agent
           for service of process in any proceedings brought before any English
           court. Reuters Group irrevocably accepts such appointment. The
           provisions of this Clause 12.4 shall not affect the right to serve
           process in any manner permitted by law.

           IN WITNESS whereof this Deed has been executed by the parties on the 
           date first above written.

SIGNED by                                   
LIMITED acting by:
H J Roche
- ------------------------                                  H J ROCHE
Director                                                  R B SIMPSON
R B Simpson
- ------------------------

hereunto affixed in the presence
Sir Frank Rogers
- ------------------------                                  FRANK ROGERS
Director                                                  S ORAM
S Oram
- ------------------------

LIMITED was hereunto affixed in
the presence
L C Casey
- ------------------------                                  L C CASEY
Director                                                  P J ROBSON
P J Robson
- ------------------------

J Maasland as attorney for
ASSOCIATION LIMITED                                       J MAASLAND

hereunto affixed in the presence
Lord Browne-Wilkinson
- ------------------------
Sir Frank Harris                                          BROWNE-WILKINSON
- ------------------------                                  FRANK HARRIS

acting by:
R O Rowley
- ------------------------                                  R O ROWLEY
Director                                                  SIMON A YENCKEN
Simon A Yencken
- ------------------------

                                  THE APPENDIX

                               Form of Undertaking

   TO:       Reuters Founders Share Company Limited
             Reuters Group Plc
             The Press Association Limited
             NPA Nominees Limited (on behalf of the
             Newspapers Publishers Association Limited)
             AAP Information Services Proprietary Limited
             New Zealand Press Association Limited



   HEREBY  UNDERTAKE that upon my becoming a Reuter Trustee (as defined in the
   Articles of  Association  of Reuters  Founders Share Company  Limited) and so
   long as I shall be a Reuter Trustee I shall exercise all the voting and other
   rights and powers vested in me as a Reuter Trustee to secure that:-

   (a)    the Reuter Trust  Principles (as defined in the Memorandum of 
          Association of Reuters  Founders Share Company  Limited) are generally
          observed by Reuters Group PLC and every  subsidiary for the time being
          of Reuters Group PLC and by Reuters Founders Share Company Limited;

   (b)    every person duly nominated to be a Reuter Trustee in accordance with 
          the Articles of Association of Reuters  Founders Share Company Limited
          shall forthwith be admitted to membership of Reuters Founders Share
          Company Limited; and

   (c)    the provisions of the Articles of Association of Reuters  Founders
          Share Company  Limited  relating to the nomination and admission of
          persons to be Reuter Trustees shall not be amended without your prior 
          written consent.

   IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand this            day of       .

   by the above named
   in the presence of:-
























