Rule 424(b)(3) Registration No. 333-50201 FOR US LAW PURPOSES ONLY: PROSPECTUS SUPPLEMENT TO OFFER TO PURCHASE/PROSPECTUS DATED 29 JUNE 1998 (CONTAINED IN REGISTRATION STATEMENT NO. 333-50201) THIS LETTER IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION Not for release, publication or distribution in or into Canada, Australia or Japan. 20 August 1998 To holders of General Cable securities and, for information only, to participants in the General Cable Share Schemes Dear sir or madam Offer for General Cable PLC (the "Offer") You will recently have received the Offer Document and the Disclosure Document dated 29 June 1998 in connection with Telewest's offer to acquire General Cable. I am writing to you now to provide you with an update on the progress of the Offer and to provide you with additional information on Telewest. The Offer for General Cable Telewest announced on 19 August 1998 that it intended to declare the offer unconditional in all respects on 28 August 1998 provided it had received acceptances in respect of not less than 75% or more of General Cable shares (including the General Cable shares represented by General Cable ADSs) to which the Offer relates and subject to satisfaction of the remaining conditions of the Offer. Acceptance form If you are a holder of General Cable shares and you have lost your acceptance form or if you have any questions relating to its completion, you should contact Telewest's registrar, Lloyds Bank Registrars, telephone number 01903 702767. If you are a holder of General Cable ADSs and you have lost your acceptance form or if you have any questions relating to its completion, you should contact Telewest's Information Agent, Innisfree, on 888 750-5834. Additional information I enclose a number of announcements made by Telewest over the last few days in connection with: o the proposed appointment of Tony Illsley as its new Chief Executive; o Telewest's recent agreement with Comcast and NTL in relation to interests in Birmingham Cable and Cable London; and o the Offer and the associated Pre-emptive Issue. I also enclose a copy of Telewest's Interim Report for the six months to 30 June 1998 for your information. Yours sincerely Gary Ames Chairman This letter does not provide any advice as to whether you should or should not accept the Offer. If you are in any doubt about the action you should take, you are recommended to seek your own financial advice from your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or other independent financial adviser authorised under the Financial Services Act 1986 immediately. Schroders, which is regulated in the UK by The Securities and Futures Authority Limited, is acting for Telewest and no one else in connection with the Offer and will not be responsible to anyone other than Telewest for providing the protections afforded to customers of Schroders or for providing advice in relation to the contents of this letter. The Directors and the Proposed Directors of Telewest, whose names are set out on page III-3 of the Offer Document, accept responsibility for the information contained in this letter. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Directors and Proposed Directors of Telewest (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained in this letter for which they accept responsibility is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. Unless otherwise stated, terms used in this letter are as defined in the Offer Document of Telewest dated 29 June 1998. THIS PROSPECTUS SUPPLEMENT CONSISTS OF THIS LETTER PLUS THE ACCOMPANYING: (1) PRESS RELEASE DATED 17 AUGUST 1998 RELATING TO THE PROPOSED APPOINTMENT OF TONY ILLSLEY; (2) PRESS RELEASE DATED 17 AUGUST 1998 RELATING TO THE AGREEMENT CONCERNING BIRMINGHAM CABLE AND CABLE LONDON; (3) PRESS RELEASE DATED 19 AUGUST 1998 RELATING TO THE OFFER AND THE PRE-EMPTIVE ISSUE; AND (4) INTERIM REPORT FOR THE SIX MONTHS 30 JUNE 1998. THE SECURITIES TO BE ISSUED IN CONNECTION WITH THE OFFER HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED OR DISAPPROVED BY THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION OR ANY STATE SECURITIES COMMISSION NOR HAS THE COMMISSION OR ANY STATE SECURITIES COMMISSION APPROVED OR PASSED UPON THE ACCURACY OR ADEQUACY OF THIS LETTER OR THE ACCOMPANYING MATERIALS. ANY REPRESENTATION TO THE CONTRARY IS A CRIMINAL OFFENCE. Not for release, publication or distribution in or into Canada, Australia or Japan. Telewest Communications plc ("Telewest") Telewest names Illsley as new Chief Executive Telewest today announced the appointment of Tony Illsley as its new Chief Executive. Illsley will be formally appointed to the board and take up his appointment in the autumn. Illsley, 42, has been with PepsiCo, Inc. since 1984 and has been President of Walkers Snack Foods Limited since 1995. Walkers Snack Foods is one of PepsiCo's leading business units with a turnover of more than (pound)500 million and employing approximately 4,000 people. Gary Ames, Chairman of Telewest, said: "We are delighted to welcome Tony Illsley to Telewest. He has a strong record in marketing and leadership and joins Telewest at a time when our proposed merger with General Cable PLC will create one of the largest UK cable companies. We look forward to Tony building on our company's momentum and establishing Telewest as the leader in broadband video, voice and data." Tony Illsley, Chief Executive designate of Telewest, said: "I look forward to joining Telewest. It is now well past the major build phase and has enormous potential as it develops its product and service range and deploys customer focussed marketing and communications. The forthcoming digital launch will only expand this potential." 17 August 1998 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Press enquiries Telewest 01483 750900 David Van Valkenburg, interim Chief Executive Ian Hood, Director of Communications Dewe Rogerson 0171 638 9571 Anthony Carlisle Notes to editors Tony Illsley Prior to his current role, Illsley was President of Pepsi-Cola Asia Pacific, responsible for the company's operations in the region and for developing and executing their expansion strategy for China. Before this, Illsley spent five years as Pepsi-Cola's President in Japan restructuring the company's operations in this market and improving the company's market share and profitability. From 1984 to 1988 he held leadership roles in the group's European soft drinks operations culminating in responsibility for the then 7-UP European Division with general management responsibility for ten countries. Before joining PepsiCo, Illsley worked for five years at Colgate Palmolive in the United Kingdom, holding various senior marketing roles for key brands. He was born in Newark, Nottinghamshire, is a business administration graduate of Bath University and is married with two children. Telewest Telewest is a leading provider of cable television and residential and business cable telephony services in the UK. Telewest owns and operates 28 cable franchises and has minority equity interests in a number of affiliated companies which own and operate nine affiliated franchises. As at 30 June 1998, these owned and operated and affiliated franchises covered approximately 27% of the homes in the United Kingdom in areas for which cable franchises have been awarded. At that date, these franchises together included approximately 5.2 million homes and approximately 344,500 businesses, of which approximately 4.4 million and approximately 290,000 were the Telewest Group's equity homes and equity businesses, respectively. As at 30 June 1998, the network in those franchises had passed approximately 3.4 million of the Telewest Group's equity homes (approximately 3.2 million of which had been passed and marketed) and the Telewest Group had approximately 725,500 equity cable television customers, 988,500 equity residential telephone lines and 134,900 equity business telephone lines. On 15 April 1998, Telewest and General Cable PLC announced the terms of a proposed merger. The enlarged group's owned and operated and affiliated franchises will cover approximately 32% of the homes in the United Kingdom in areas for which cable franchises have been awarded. Not for release, publication or distribution in or into Canada, Australia or Japan. Telewest Communications plc ("Telewest") Agreement between Telewest, Comcast and NTL Telewest announced today that it has entered into an agreement with Comcast UK Cable Partners Limited ("Comcast") and NTL Incorporated ("NTL") relating to Comcast's ownership interest in Birmingham Cable Corporation Limited ("Birmingham Cable") and Telewest's and Comcast's respective ownership interest in Cable London plc ("Cable London") and other related matters. Under the terms of the agreement, amongst other things: * Telewest has agreed to acquire Comcast's 27.47% interest in Birmingham Cable for (pound)125 million, plus (pound)5 million for certain subordinated debt and fees owed to Comcast. Completion is expected to occur by no later than 31 December 1998; and * Telewest and Comcast have agreed within a certain timeframe to rationalise their interests in Cable London. Consequently, by no later than 30 September 1999, Comcast (or NTL following the amalgamation of Comcast and NTL) will notify Telewest of a price at which Telewest, at its option, will be required either to purchase Comcast's 50% interest in Cable London or sell its 50% interest in Cable London to Comcast (or NTL). In addition, Telewest and General Cable PLC ("General Cable") have agreed that Telewest will now acquire General Cable's 44.95% interest in Birmingham Cable through its merger with General Cable rather than as a separate purchase of such interest, as previously announced. On completion of these transactions, Telewest will own over 99% of Birmingham Cable. Birmingham Cable operates in the Birmingham and Solihull area of the United Kingdom. As at 31 December 1997, Birmingham Cable had some 471,000 homes of which approximately 95% had been built and passed. It had some 126,000 cable television customers and some 117,000 cable telephony customers in its franchise area. In the financial year ended 31 December 1997, it generated revenues of approximately (pound)67 million, operating cash flow of approximately (pound)9 million and reported a consolidated loss on ordinary activities before taxation of approximately (pound)30 million. As at 31 December 1997, Birmingham Cable had consolidated net assets of approximately (pound)71 million. Telewest currently intends to fund the acquisition of Comcast's interest in Birmingham Cable through new borrowings. Commenting on these developments, Charles Burdick, Group Finance Director of Telewest, said: "This deal strengthens Telewest and resolves the various ownership issues associated with Birmingham Cable and Cable London. Birmingham Cable's operations are contiguous with our Midlands franchises and together they will represent one of the largest clusters of cable franchises in the United Kingdom with almost one million homes. This will enable enhanced economics to be realised as we develop and deliver voice, video and data products to our customers." 17 August 1998 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Press enquiries Telewest 01483 750900 Charles Burdick Dewe Rogerson 0171 638 9571 Anthony Carlisle Not for release, publication or distribution in or into Canada, Australia or Japan. TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS PLC ("TELEWEST") ACCEPTANCE LEVELS AND CLOSING DATE FOR TELEWEST'S RECOMMENDED OFFER FOR GENERAL CABLE PLC ("GENERAL CABLE") AND TELEWEST'S PRE-EMPTIVE ISSUE In connection with its offer for General Cable, Telewest announces the following matters. OFFER FOR GENERAL CABLE 1. As at 3.00 p.m. (London time) on 18 August 1998, valid acceptances of Telewest's recommended offer for General Cable (the "Offer") had been received in respect of 230,488,876 General Cable shares (representing approximately 63 per cent. of General Cable's issued share capital). 2. As contemplated in its press release dated 4 August 1998, Telewest reserves the right to reduce the percentage threshold in condition 1 of the Offer (set out in Part A of Appendix I of the Offer Document) (the "Acceptance Condition") from 90% to 75%. 3. Telewest intends to implement such reduction on 28 August 1998 and to declare the Offer unconditional in all respects on that day, or as soon as possible thereafter, once: (a) valid acceptances of the Offer have been received (and not, where permitted, withdrawn) in respect of 75% or more of General Cable shares (including General Cable shares represented by General Cable ADSs) to which the Offer relates; and (b) all the remaining conditions of the Offer have been and remain fulfilled or there are, at that date, no circumstances indicating that any such conditions may not be capable of fulfilment. 4. When the Offer is declared unconditional, holders of General Cable shares (including General Cable shares represented by General Cable ADSs) will no longer have withdrawal rights under the Offer. Holders of General Cable shares who do not want to accept the Offer if the Acceptance Condition is reduced from the 90% level should either not accept the Offer until after 28 August or withdraw their acceptances prior to 28 August 1998. 5. The mix and match election under the Offer will remain open for five days following the date the Offer is declared unconditional. All holders of General Cable securities accepting the Offer after the mix and match election terminates will receive the basic terms of the Offer. 6. On 23 February 1998, the date when General Cable announced that it had received indications that certain of the discussions which it was having with third parties might lead to an offer, Telewest held no General Cable shares or rights over General Cable shares. 7. On 29 March 1998, the date when Telewest and General Cable announced that merger discussions were at an advanced stage which might result in a recommended offer being made by Telewest for General Cable and the likely terms thereof, General Utilities Holding Limited ("GUHL"), a subsidiary of Compagnie Generale des Eaux S.A. (now Vivendi S.A.), irrevocably undertook to accept such an offer, if made, in respect of its holding of 146,785,916 General Cable shares (representing 40.2 per cent. of General Cable's then issued share capital), if Telewest announced a firm intention to make such an offer on or before 15 April 1998. On 15 April 1998, Telewest announced the terms of the Offer (subject to certain pre-conditions which have been waived or satisfied) and GUHL confirmed its previous undertaking to accept the Offer. Acceptances in respect of these shares have now been received and are included in the acceptance figures given above. PRE-EMPTIVE ISSUE 1. The latest time and date for acceptance and payment under the Pre-emptive Issue is 3.00 p.m. (London time) on 28 August 1998. Telewest does not presently intend to extend the Pre-emptive Issue beyond 28 August. Any announcement of an extension will be made by 5 p.m. (London time) on 21 August 1998. 2. Consequently, at present, the latest time and date for the splitting of the Application Forms under the Pre-emptive Issue is 3.00 p.m. (London time) on 26 August 1998. 3. Pending fulfilment of the conditions of the Pre-emptive Issue (including the Offer becoming unconditional in all respects and Admission (as defined in the Pre-emptive Issue Circular dated 29 June 1998)), application monies will be kept in a separate bank account and any interest earned on such monies will be retained for the benefit of Telewest. 4. If the conditions of the Pre-emptive Issue are not fulfilled by 18 September (or such later date as Telewest and Schroders may agree), the Pre-emptive Issue will lapse and all application monies will be returned to applicants. 19 August 1998 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESS ENQUIRIES TELEWEST 01483 750900 Charles Burdick J. HENRY SCHRODER & CO. LIMITED ("SCHRODERS") 0171 658 6000 James Steel Schroders, which is regulated in the UK by The Securities and Futures Authority Limited, is acting for Telewest and no one else in connection with the Offer and the Pre-emptive issue and will not be responsible to anyone other than Telewest for providing the protections afforded to customers of Schroders or for giving advice in relation to the Offer and the Pre-emptive issue. 1998 Interim Report TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS [Graphic Omitted] The above omitted graphic includes photographs of a television and its remote control, a telephone and a computer keyboard. TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS PLC THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF 1998 HAVE BEEN A DEFINING PERIOD IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE UK CABLE INDUSTRY AND OF TELEWEST IN PARTICULAR. WE BELIEVE VIRTUALLY ALL THE KEY INDICATORS OF OUR BUSINESS PERFORMANCE AND GROWTH POTENTIAL SHOW OUR FUTURE PROSPECTS TO BE POSITIVE WE EXPECT OUR PROGRESS AND POTENTIAL TO BE ENCHANCED BY OUR PLANNED MERGER WITH GENERAL CABLE PLC AND WE ARE ENCOURAGED BY THE RENEWED INTEREST IN OUR INDUSTRY A. Gary Ames Chairman 968,503 RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS More than a third of the homes Telewest has marketed now take at least one of our services. Of these more than 50% subscribe to both telephone and television services. 27,498 BUSINESS CUSTOMERS Our business customers take an average of 4.2 lines - or 116,634 lines in total. As we add General Cable to the Group we expect to see significant future growth in this sector. NATIONAL NETWORK Our franchises are now connected by a high capacity fibre network. In addition to margin improvements this positions us well to benefit from anticipated rapid growth in the wholesale and retail data market. (pound)54.3m EBITDA Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation were more than three times higher than in the first half of 1997 and were more than the total for the whole of last year. (pound)225.9m REVENUE Revenue in the first half of 1998 was up 24.5% over the first half of 1997. MARGIN IMPROVING A continuing focus on costs and suppliers, together with continuing economies of scale have produced a 3.4 percentage point improvement in telephony margin and a 6.7 percentage point rise in television margin. Page 1 1998 Interim Report TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEVISION SINCE WE INTRODUCED OUR `MILLENNIUM' PACKAGES IN FEBRUARY, OUR CUSTOMERS HAVE ENJOYED MORE CHOICE AND GREATER FLEXIBILITY. THEY HAVE REWARDED US BY SUBSCRIBING IN RECORD NUMBERS [Graphic Omitted] The above omitted graphic depicts in bar graph format television penetration rates of 21.1%, 22% and 22.8% for the first half of 1996, the first half of 1997 and the first half of 1998, respectively. 642,303 CABLE TELEVISION CUSTOMERS Our `Millennium' packages are attracting a new audience for cable television services, while providing a better service for our existing customers. 22.8% CABLE TELEVISION PENETRATION Cable television penetration in the first half of 1998 was our highest to date and is further evidence of the success of our `Millennium' packages. The improvement has been achieved despite the significant reduction in our build programme and the consequent reduction in the number of potential new subscribers available. 33.7% CABLE TELEVISION CHURN Though churn increased marginally on the corresponding period in 1997, it improved on the first quarter and we are determined to make further improvements. Our research indicates that churn is no longer related primarily to product issues, which we believe we have now successfully addressed. Consequently, our focus now is on making further improvements to the quality of customer service we offer. (pound)1.7m CABLE TELEVISION REVENUE The provision of television to business customers is an increasingly important aspect of our service. Not just for the (pound)1.7m of revenue it has generated in the year to date, but also because business customers are increasingly looking for added value and single supplier relationships. 20% ON THE FRONT ROW We have now launched the `Front Row' Pay Per View movie service in all Telewest franchises. At 20%, the average buy rate exceeds our expectations. We are now accelerating our plans to expand the service from four to eight channels. 46% CABLE TELEVISION MARGIN Our cable television margin in the first half of 1998 increased by 6.7 percentage points on the corresponding period in 1997. Growing customer numbers, complemented by an improving regulatory environment, have enabled us to negotiate more favourable terms with programmers and structure our packages to improve our margin opportunity. Page 2 1998 Interim Report TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONY THE TELEPHONY SERVICES OFFERED BY TELEWEST HAVE BECOME FIRMLY ESTABLISHED IN BOTH THE RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS TELECOMS MARKETS OUR PERFORMANCE DURING THE FIRST HALF OF 1998 IS A REFLECTION OF TELEWEST'S KEY ADVANTAGE - THE COST EFFECTIVE PROVISION OF A BROAD RANGE OF TELECOMS SERVICES, THROUGH OUR HIGH CAPACITY BROADBAND NETWORK [Graphic Omitted] The above omitted graphic depicts in bar graph format 498,646, 720,508 and 853,121 residential telephony customers for the first half of 1996, the first half of the 1997 and the first half of 1998, respectively; 17,365, 23,173 and 27,498 business telephony customers for the first half of 1996, the first half of 1997 and the first half of 1998, respectively; and 516,011, 743,681 and 880,619 total telephony customers for the first half of 1996, the first half of 1997 and the first half of 1998, respectively. 853,121 RESIDENTIAL TELEPHONY CUSTOMERS The number of our residential customers is up 18.4% over the corresponding period in 1997. 27,498 BUSINESS TELEPHONY CUSTOMERS We have achieved significant growth during the period, boosted by a flexible approach to service provision and strong local account management. 116,634 BUSINESS TELEPHONY LINES The number of our business telephony lines is up 4I.2% on the same period in 1997. 30.6% RESIDENTIAL TELEPHONY PENETRATION Despite significant `win back' activity by BT, penetration has continued to climb and is up 1.7 percentage points on the corresponding period in 1997. Second-line penetration more than doubled to 5%, reflecting growing use of the Internet and a change in the working habits of our customers. 21.1% RESIDENTIAL TELEPHONY CHURN This is a small increase over the corresponding period in 1997. Ongoing investment in IT support systems and staff training are being implemented to reduce churn. 4.2 BUSINESS TELEPHONY LINES PER CUSTOMER Our business customers now take an average of 4.2 lines, up from 3.6 for the same period in 1997. Page 3 1998 Interim Report TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS DATA AS OWNER OF A NATIONAL BROADBAND NETWORK WITH LOCAL LOOP ACCESS IN THE AREAS WE SERVE, TELEWEST IS WELL POSITIONED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE STRONG GROWTH IN DEMAND FOR DATA SERVICES [Graphic Omitted] The above omitted graphic is a map of the UK depicting national coverage of the broadband network and international linkage via leased lines to the US and Europe. 19,810 CABLE INTERNET DIAL-UP CUSTOMERS Because around 60% of our Cable Internet customers also subscribe to our telephony service, the provision of this Internet service generates high margin telephony revenues, as well as subscription revenues. Telewest's Cable Internet service has been consistently highly rated by users and, as a result, little churn is evident. BROADBAND INTERNET ACCESS An increasing number of our business customers access our Internet service via leased line at speeds of up to 2Mb. We expect the number of customers to grow significantly as more businesses recognise the benefits of being online. WHOLESALE INTERNET SERVICES In addition to the direct Internet service, Telewest also provides backbone Internet services to 30 smaller Internet Service Providers and cable operators. CABLE MODEM INTRODUCTION Telewest expects to introduce a high speed Internet service using cable modem technology during the first half of 1999. This will enable users to access the Internet at speeds up to 7Mb more than 100 times faster than dial-up speeds currently available. The service will initially be offered as a premium product to high spending residential and business users, before a more widespread consumer launch. MANAGED DATA SERVICES Telewest's networks are particularly well suited to the implementation of managed data networks. An increasing number of customers are taking advantage of this service. NATIONAL NETWORK With our national network complete Telewest is now able to enter the wholesale data market by offering point-to-point Virtual Private Networks and national enterprise networks. Page 4 1998 Interim Report TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS OUR FUTURE ON 15TH APRIL 1998 WE ANNOUNCED THAT THE BOARDS OF TELEWEST AND GENERAL CABLE PLC HAD AGREED A PROPOSED MERGER. WE EXPECT THE MERGER TO STRENGTHEN THE COMBINED GROUP'S STRATEGIC POSITION AS A LEADING UK CABLE OPERATOR THE INCREASED SCALE AND SCOPE OF THE COMBINED GROUP WILL PROVIDE OPPORTUNITIES TO ENHANCE OUR COMPETITIVE POSITION IN THE DELIVERY OF EXISTING AND NEW SERVICES David R. Van Valkenburg Chief Executive [Graphic Omitted] The above omitted graphic depicts in bar graph format sector leadership in homes (NTL, CWC and Telewest with 5,182,000, 5,867,000 and 6,101,203 homes, respectively), homes marketed (NTL, CWC and Telewest with 2,429,000, 3,850,000 and 4,241,934 homes marketed, respectively), residential cable telephony subscribers (NTL, CWC and Telewest with 846,000, 950,950 and 1,210,780 residential cable telephony subscribers, respectively) and cable television subscribers (NTL, CWC and Telewest with 702,000, 780,000 and 934,517 cable television subscribers, respectively). ONE THIRD OF THE UK CABLE MARKET Opportunities exist to enhance our business telephony capabilities, using General Cable's expertise in this area. There are also opportunities to produce incremental revenues from integrated residential services across a wider base. In addition, we believe we can achieve cost savings and scale economies across the Group. NO.1 THE LARGEST UK CABLE OPERATOR In addition to the merger with General Cable we have stated our intention (subject to price and financing) to exercise our rights to acquire Comcast UK Cable Partners' interests in Birmingham Cable and Cable London. Once acquired the combined group would be the largest UK cable operator with access to 6.1m homes and approximately 400,000 businesses. POSITIONED FOR GROWTH After completion of the merger with General Cable, Telewest believes it will be in a stronger position to exploit its competitive position. As a locally responsive provider of bundled services we have already experienced strong growth and increasing market share. We believe that the additional scale and scope coupled with growing demand for services will position us for market leadership. DIGITAL SERVICES Telewest expects to begin the introduction of digital services in the last quarter of 1998, with a trial service in one franchise area. This is expected to be followed by a rollout to the other franchises beginning in the first half of 1999. Telewest's digital service is designed to offer a greatly expanded range of broadcast television, Pay Per View and Near Video on Demand, as well as Internet access and a broad range of interactive services from a variety of content suppliers. In strategic terms the introduction of digital services will enable us to harness the power and capacity of broadband cable networks. We believe Telewest's key advantages over the other delivery platforms include: (Y) Significant network capacity which will enable us to expand the range of services on offer according to demand, complemented by the ability to tailor services for specific geographic areas and demographic groups. (Y) A high capacity return path which eliminates the need for a secondary connection to a telephony network, provides instant interactivity and allows for the development of increasingly sophisticated services. (Y) The ability to provide the consumer with an easy upgrade path from analogue services and no requirement to purchase a set top box. We believe the launch of digital service provides us with a powerful opportunity to leverage the investment we have made by developing new products and services that utilise our existing infrastructure. Page 5 1998 Interim Report TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS FINANCIAL REVIEW OUR STRONG PERFORMANCE IN THE FIRST HALF OF 1998 HAS RESULTED IN AN EBITDA OF (pound)54.3M, WHICH EXCEEDS THE FULL YEAR 1997 RESULT WE BELIEVE THESE ARE EXCELLENT RESULTS AND PROVIDE A FIRM BASE FOR THE NEXT STAGE IN OUR DEVELOPMENT Charles J. Burdick Group Finance Director (pound)54.3M EBITDA Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation Our EBITDA in the first half of 1998 is already ahead of the full year result for 1997. (pound)88.8M CABLE TELEVISION REVENUE Our `Millennium' packages have provided consumers with much greater choice and flexibility. We believe this new approach to marketing our services appeals to many who would not have subscribed to our services previously. Revenue per customer has remained stable despite the introduction of `small basic' entry level packages. (pound)98.9M RESIDENTIAL TELEPHONY REVENUE An increase in our total customer base, improving margins and greater second-line penetration have all contributed to a 27.1% increase in revenue over the corresponding period in 1997. (pound)28.1M BUSINESS TELEPHONY REVENUE Business telephony revenue has increased by 41%. Our increasing revenue indicates that our customers are using us more as they come to appreciate our products and our ability to deliver service excellence. (pound)110M CAPITAL EXPENDITURE Capital expenditure has declined to almost half the (pound)208 million for the first half of 1997. This decline is primarily the result of our strategic decision last year to reduce construction activity and of our continued focus on costs. ((pound)39.8M) OPERATING LOSS Operating losses through the first half of 1998 have declined in line with expectations and are approximately two thirds of the figure for the corresponding period in 1997. Page 6 1998 Interim Report TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS Financial Review Continued We have achieved a strong performance in the first half of 1998. EBITDA of (pound)54.3m has already exceeded the full year 1997 result. We believe our decision to focus the operations on consumer and business packaging, service and choice is paying off. Penetration of the customer base continues to improve, with CATV reaching 22.8% and residential telephony reaching 30.6%. These are the highest levels to date. Revenue has grown by 24.5% over the corresponding period in 1997. Business telephony is producing substantial growth, up 41%, with increased revenue per customer. Internet sales have provided the Company with more than one million pounds of additional revenue so far this year. Margins continue to grow, with telephony up 3.4 percentage points to 75.3 percentage points and CATV up 6.7 percentage points to 46%. We continue to benefit from a redistribution of the packages of products in our customer base with new CATV customers increasingly choosing `Basic' only or `3-4 premium pay channels', our higher margin products. Second-line penetration in our residential telephone customer base at 5% is up from 2.2% a year ago. Churn results to date are not satisfactory and they remain a focus of attention. SG&A costs for the first half of 1998 were 40.9% of revenues compared to over 50% in 1997 and capital expenditure of (pound)110m is substantially reduced from (pound)208m last year. Expense and cash management continue to receive strong focus. Telewest ended the first half of 1998 with (pound)1.51 billion of debt split between (pound)0.60 billion of senior bank debt and (pound)0.91 billion of bond debt. Telewest is operating within its recently restructured bank facilities. We are looking at financing options in regard to the exercise of our pre-emption rights resulting from the Comcast/NTL merger. All references to financial information above are UK GAAP. Safe Harbour Statement under the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: the foregoing includes certain forward looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties which could lead to actual results significantly different than those anticipated by Telewest. For a discussion of certain of these risks and uncertainties see the Telewest's 1997 Annual Report and Second Quarter 10Q. Page 7 1998 Interim Report TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS OPERATING STATISTICS OWNED AND OPERATED FRANCHISES 2nd Quarter 1998 Net Additions Net additions Net additions Net additions Net additions Q2 YTD Q2 YTD 1998 1998 1997 1997 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CABLE TELEVISION Homes marketed 27.720 62,372 103,615 207,039 CATV customers 24,426 36,315 18,235 31,821 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESIDENTIAL TELEPHONY Homes marketed 29,398 65,070 119,243 242,020 Residential telephony customers 21,536 42,763 50,931 100,131 Residential telephony lines 31,334 59,491 56,282 109,168 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUSINESS TELEPHONY Business telephony customers 966 2,023 1,668 2,291 Business telephony lines 6,619 15,645 8,061 14,778 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As at 30 June As at 30 June 1998 1997 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CABLE TELEVISION Homes marketed 2,822,566 2,542,992 CATV customers 642,303 559,963 CATV penetration 22.8% 22.0% Quarterly churn rate (annualised) 28.8% 32.9% Rolling 12 month churn rate 33.7% 32.2% - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESIDENTIAL TELEPHONY Homes marketed 2,790,224 2,496,754 Residential telephony customers 853,121 720,508 Residential telephony penetration 30.6% 28.9% Residential telephony lines 895,659 736,177 Quarterly churn rate per line (annualised) 21.7% 19.1% Rolling 12 month churn rate 21.1% 19.2% - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUSINESS TELEPHONY Business telephony customers 27,498 23,173 Business telephony lines 116,634 82,601 Average number of lines per customer 4.2 3.6 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNET Dial-up customers 19,810 8,806 Cable television and residential telephony customers 528,614 422,484 Cable television only customers 113,689 137,479 Residential telephony only customers 324,507 298,024 Internet only customers 1,825 2,454 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 8 1998 Interim Report TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS OPERATING STATISTICS OWNED AND OPERATED AND OPERATED AND AFFILIATED FRANCHISES* 2nd Quarter 1998 Net Additions Net additions Net additions Net additions Net additions Q2 YTD Q2 YTD 1998 1998 1997 1997 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CABLE TELEVISION Homes marketed 30,355 66,041 114,776 233,044 CATV customers 24,880 38,127 19,445 36,854 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESIDENTIAL TELEPHONY Homes marketed 32,102 68,452 130,503 268,184 Residential telephony customers 23,527 48,318 55,835 109,647 Residential telephony lines 33,795 66,006 61,423 119,129 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUSINESS TELEPHONY Business telephony customers 1,192 2,381 1,764 2,508 Business telephony lines 8,164 18,297 8,988 16,535 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As at 30 June As at 30 June 1998 1997 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CABLE TELEVISION Homes marketed 3,162,623 2,859,879 CATV customers 725,479 636,453 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESIDENTIAL TELEPHONY Homes marketed 3,130,779 2,811,225 Residential telephony customers 943,000 795,747 Residential telephony lines 988,547 812,650 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUSINESS TELEPHONY Business telephony customers 30,712 25,806 Business telephony lines 134,970 95,104 Average number of lines per customer 4.4 3.7 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Operating statistics for affiliated franchises represent Telewest's equity interests in Cable London plc (50.0% interest), Birmingham Cable Corporation (27.5% interest) and The Cable Corporation (16.5%). Page 9 1998 Interim Report TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS OPERATING STATISTICS OWNED AND OPERATED FRANCHISES As at 30 June 1998 London and Midlands and Scotland and South East South West North East North West Total - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CABLE TELEVISION Homes marketed 630,203 838,017 757,473 596,863 2,822,556 CATV customers 149,808 185,740 178,507 128,248 642,303 CATV penetration 23.8% 22.2% 23.6% 21.5% 22.8% - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESIDENTIAL TELEPHONY Homes marketed 624,210 838,140 731,783 596,091 2,790,224 Residential telephony customers 160,580 278,555 230,664 183,322 853,121 Residential telephony penetration 25.7% 33.2% 31.5% 30.8% 30.6% Residential telephony lines 175,602 289,383 238,958 191,716 895,659 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUSINESS TELEPHONY Business telephony customers 6,583 9,105 6,410 5,400 27,498 Business telephony lines 31,669 42,493 20,759 21,713 116,634 Average number of lines per customer 4.8 4.7 3.2 4.0 4.2 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 10 1998 Interim Report TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS OPERATING STATISTICS OWNED AND OPERATED FRANCHISES As at 30 June 1998 London South South West North East Scotland South East North West Midlands Total - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CABLE TELEVISION Homes marketed 364,964 382,232 225,079 532,394 265,239 596,863 455,785 2,822,556 CATV customers 81,224 85,153 55,711 122,796 68,584 128,248 100,587 642,303 CATV penetration 22.3% 22.3% 24.8% 23.1% 25.9% 21.5% 22.1% 22.8% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESIDENTIAL TELEPHONY Homes marketed 358,947 382,355 222,882 508,901 265,263 596,091 455,785 2,790,224 Residential telephony customers 76,583 121,904 76,346 154,318 83,997 183,322 156,651 853,121 Residential telephony penetration 21.3% 31.9% 34.3% 30.3% 31.7% 30.8% 34.4% 30.6% Residential telephony lines 85,729 128,809 78,004 160,954 89,873 191,716 160,574 895,659 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUSINESS TELEPHONY Business telephony customers 5,034 5,229 1,790 4,620 1,549 5,400 3,876 27,498 Business telephony lines 25,478 23,266 5,071 15,688 6,191 21,713 19,227 116,634 Average number of lines per customer 5.1 4.5 2.8 3.4 4.0 4.0 5.0 4.2 OPERATING STATISTICS AFFILIATED FRANCHISES As at 30 June 1998 Cable London Birmingham Cable The Cable Corporation Total Affiliates Total Equity Total Equity Total Equity Total Equity - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CABLE TELEVISION Homes marketed 358,497 179,249 415,099 114,152 282,827 46,666 1,056,423 340,067 CATV customers 87,604 43,802 116,893 32,146 43,809 7,228 248,306 83,176 CATV penetration 24.4% 24.4% 28.2% 28.2% 15.5% 15.5% 23.5% 24.5% - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESIDENTIAL TELEPHONY Homes marketed 358,497 179,249 415,099 114,152 285,782 47,154 1,059,378 340,555 Residential telephony customers 88,094 44,047 128,247 35,268 64,027 10,564 280,368 89,879 Residential telephony penetration 24.6% 24.6% 30.9% 30.9% 22.4% 22.4% 26.5% 26.4% Residential telephony lines 94,110 47,055 128,247 35,268 64,027 10,564 286,384 92,887 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUSINESS TELEPHONY Business telephony customers 3,202 1,601 4,523 1,243 2,234 369 9,959 3,213 Business telephony lines 16,568 8,284 20,022 5,506 27,548 4,545 64,138 18,335 Average number of lines per customer 5.2 5.2 4.4 4.4 12.3 12.3 6.4 5.7 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 11 1998 Interim Report TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS UK GAAP UNAUDITED SUMMARISED CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For the six months ended 30 June 1998 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 1998 1997 1997 Note (pound)000 (pound)000 (pound)000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TURNOVER Cable television 88,758 76,845 159,918 Telephony - residential 98,918 77,849 166,645 Telephony - business 28,106 19,901 43,882 Other (Internet, Ad Sales etc) 10,095 6,847 16,053 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 225,877 181,442 386,498 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPERATING LOSS (39,816) (59,985) (127,764) Share of results of associated undertakings (3,457) (5,418) (11,126) Other interest receivable and similar income 2,968 5,266 14,662 (includes the group share of interest receivable in associated undertakings of(pound)104,(pound)683 and (pound)5,565 respectively) Interest payable and similar charges 3 (101,317) (82,206) (185,681) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loss on ordinary activities before tax (141,622) (142,343) (309,909) Tax on loss on ordinary activities 3 (115) (521) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loss on ordinary activities after tax (141,619) (142,458) (310,430) Minority interests (68) (210) (293) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loss for the financial period (141,687) (142,668) (310,723) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loss per equity share (pence) (10.0) (10.0) (21.8) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 EARNINGS/ (loss) BEFORE INTEREST, TAXES, DEPRECIATION, AND AMORTISATION ("EBITDA") - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating loss (39,816) (59,985) (127,764) Add: Depreciation 94,079 76,358 177,341 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EBITDA 54,263 16,373 49,577 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 OPERATING COSTS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Programming expenses 47,923 46,626 93,441 Telephony expenses 31,315 27,440 50,145 Selling, general, and administrative expenses 92,376 91,003 193,335 Depreciation 94,079 76,358 177,341 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 265,693 241,427 514,262 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 12 1998 Interim Report TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS 3 Interest payable and similar charges - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 1998 1997 1997 (pound)000 (pound)000 (pound)000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Share of interest of associated undertakings 7,721 5,588 15,751 On bank loans and overdrafts and other loans Wholly repayable within 5 years 41 8,207 16,941 Wholly or partly repayable in more than five years 24,398 5,282 14,741 Finance costs of Senior Discount Debentures 40,548 34,344 71,661 Finance costs of Senior Debentures 11,370 11,318 22,657 Finance charges payable in respect of finance lease and hire purchase contracts 2,490 1,976 4,702 Exchange losses on foreign currency translation, net 5,218 15,023 30,954 Other 9,531 468 8,274 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101,317 82,206 185,681 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The consolidated financial statements as set out on pages 10 and 11 which are unaudited, have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Company's 1997 Annual Report. The balance sheet, profit and loss account and cash flow statement at 31 December 1997 is derived from the statutory accounts for 1997 which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors have reported on those accounts: their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. Page 13 1998 Interim Report TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS UK GAAP UNAUDITED SUMMARISED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET At 30 June 1998 30 June 30 June 31 December 1998 1997 1997 (pound)000 (pound)000 (pound)000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIXED ASSETS 1,790,807 1,720,546 1,809,213 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CURRENT ASSETS Stocks 91 72 32 Debtors 81,479 68,242 70,457 Cash at bank and in hand 26,295 61,732 29,582 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 107,865 130,046 100,071 CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year (197,523) (210,395) (334,756) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net current liabilities (89,658) (80,349) (234,685) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total assets less current liabilities 1,701,149 1,640,197 1,574,528 CREDITORS: amounts falling due after more than one year (1,573,948) (1,203,004) (1,305,708) Minority interests (708) (557) (640) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL AND RESERVES 126,493 436,636 268,180 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 14 1998 Interim Report TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS UK GAAP UNAUDITED SUMMARISED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 1998 1997 1997 (pound)000 (pound)000 (pound)000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash inflow from operating activities 40,861 (2,493) 68,624 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 1,833 2,988 3,599 Interest paid (32,501) (20,044) (63,479) Interest element of finance lease payments (2,490) (2,594) (4,702) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance (33,158) (19,650) (64,582) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets (110,304) (207,504) (436,100) Sale of tangible fixed assets 4,354 922 6,066 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash outflow from Capital expenditure and financial investment (105,950) (206,582) (430,034) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acquisitions and disposals Investment in associated undertakings and other participating interests (3,719) (9,113) (9,633) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash outflow from Acquisitions and disposals (3,719) (9,113) (9,633) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Management of liquid resources Decrease in fixed deposits, net 8,710 21,523 53,288 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Financing Cash paid for credit facility arrangement costs (5,900) 0 0 Proceeds from borrowings 110,000 222,500 392,500 Repayment of borrowings (10) 0 (2,375) Capital element of finance lease payments (5,397) (2,063) (3,971) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash outflow from financing 98,693 220,437 386,154 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Increase in cash 5,437 4,122 3,817 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 15 1998 Interim Report TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS US GAAP UNAUDITED SUMMARISED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS 3 months 3 months 3 months 6 months 6 months 6 months ended ended ended ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 30 June 30 June 30 June 30 June 1998 1998 1997 1998 1998 1997 $000 (pound)000 (pound)000 $000 (pound)000 (pound)000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revenue Cable television 74,267 44,578 38,744 147,871 88,758 76,845 Telephony - residential 84,103 50,482 38,175 164,797 98,918 77,849 Telephony - business 24,330 14,604 10,614 46,825 28,106 19,901 Other 9,644 5,789 3,519 16,818 10,095 6,847 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 192,344 115,453 91,052 376,311 225,877 181,442 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating loss (42,403) (25,452) (36,421) (88,325) (53,016) (73,187) Interest income 1,626 976 1,748 3,444 2,067 4,110 Interest expense (66,085) (39,667) (32,920) (137,258) (82,388) (63,234) Foreign exchange losses, net (13,396) (8,041) (172) (2,351) (1,411) (24,299) Share of losses of affiliates (7,280) (4,370) (5,345) (18,449) (11,074) (10,323) Minority interest in profits of consolidated subsidiaries, net (70) (42) (93) (113) (68) (210) Other, net 417 251 352 1,327 797 473 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loss before income taxes (127,191) (76,345) (72,851) (241,725) (145,093) (166,670) Income tax expense (28) (17) (51) 5 3 (115) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NET LOSS (127,219) (76,362) (72,902) (241,720) (145,090) (166,785) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loss per ordinary share (dollars/pounds) (0.14) (0.08) (0.08) (0.26) (0.16) (0.18) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Earnings/(loss) before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation ("EBITDA") - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating loss (42,403) (25,452) (36,421) (88,325) (53,016) (73,187) Add: depreciation and amortisation of goodwill 89,891 53,956 45,510 178,727 107,279 89,560 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EBITDA 47,488 28,504 9,089 90,402 54,263 16,373 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Operating costs and expenses - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Programming (37,762) (22,666) (23,428) (79,840) (47,923) (46,626) Telephony (28,512) (17,114) (13,061) (52,171) (31,315) (27,440) Selling, general and administration (78,584) (47,169) (45,474) (153,898) (92,376) (91,003) Depreciation (78,893) (47,355) (38,902) (156,736) (94,079) (76,358) Amortisation of goodwill (10,997) (6,601) (6,608) (21,991) (13,200) (13,202) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (234,748) (140,905) (127,473) (464,636) (278,893) (254,629) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The consolidated financial statements as set out on pages 12 and 13 which are unaudited, have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Company's 1997 Annual Report. The balance sheet, profit and loss account and cash flow information at 31 December 1997 is derived from the statutory accounts for 1997 which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors have reported on those accounts: their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The economic environment in which the Company operates is the United Kingdom ("UK") and hence its reporting currency is Pounds Sterling ("(pound)"). Merely for convenience, the financial statements contain translations of certain Pounds Sterling amounts into US Dollars at $1.666 per (pound)1.00, the 10.00am mid-point of the buying and selling rates of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on June 30, 1998 (the Noon Buying Rate of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on such date was $1.6695 per (pound)1.00). The presentation of the US Dollar amounts should not be construed as a representation that the Pounds Sterling amounts could be so converted into US Dollars at the rate indicated or at any other rate. Page 16 1998 Interim Report TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS US GAAP Unaudited summarised consolidated balance sheets 30 June 30 June 31 December 1998 1998 1997 $000 (pound)000 (pound)000 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assets Cash and cash equivalents 43,807 26,295 29,582 Receivables and prepaid expenses 135,744 81,479 70,459 Investments 125,072 75,073 85,373 Property and equipment 2,854,173 1,713,189 1,705,520 Goodwill 754,215 452,710 465,905 Other assets 73,049 43,847 56,513 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total assets 3,986,060 2,392,593 2,413,352 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liabilities Debt 2,513,154 1,508,496 1,373,054 Other liabilities 482,689 289,729 300,908 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total liabilities 2,995,843 1,798,225 1,673,962 Minority interests 1,180 708 640 Shareholders' equity 989,037 593,660 738,750 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 3,986,060 2,392,593 2,413,352 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 17 1998 Interim Report TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS US GAAP Unaudited summarised consolidated statements of cash flows 6 months 6 months 6 months ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 30 June 1998 1998 1997 $000 (pound)000 (pound)000 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash flows from operating activities Net loss (241,720) (145,090) (166,785) Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in operating activities Depreciation 156,736 94,079 76,358 Amortisation of goodwill 21,983 13,195 13,202 Amortisation of deferred financing costs and issue discount on senior discount debentures 71,761 43,074 37,178 Unrealised loss on foreign currency translation 2,161 1,297 24,061 Share of losses of affiliates 18,448 11,073 10,323 Gain on disposals of assets (1,211) (727) (473) Minority interests in profits of consolidated subsidiaries, net 113 68 210 Changes in operating assets and liabilities Change in receivables (8,963) (5,380) (117) Change in prepaid expenses (3,430) (2,059) (1,089) Change in accounts payable 18,356 11,018 (8,648) Change in other liabilities (21,402) (12,845) (6,363) Net cash provided by/(used) in operating activities 12,832 7,703 (22,143) Net cash used in investing activities (182,709) (109,669) (215,695) Net cash provided by financing activities 164,423 98,693 220,437 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (5,454) (3,273) (17,401) Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (23) (14) 17 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 49,284 29,582 79,116 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 43,807 26,295 61,732 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 18 1998 Interim Report TELEWEST COMMUNICATIONS The contents of this Interim Report, for which the directors of Telewest are solely responsible, have been approved by J. Henry Schroder & Co. Limited, a member of The Securities and Futures Authority Limited, for the purposes of Section 57 of the Financial Services Act 1986. The Directors and the Proposed Directors of Telewest, whose names are set out on page III-1 of the Offer Document dated June 29, 1998 accept responsibility for the information contained in this Interim Report. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Directors and Proposed Directors of Telewest (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained in this Interim Report for which they accept responsibility is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. Schroders, which is regulated in the UK by The Securities and Futures Authority Limited, is acting for Telewest and no one else in connection with the offer by Telewest for the entire issued share capital of General Cable PLC and will not be responsible to anyone other than Telewest for providing the protections afforded to customers of Schroders or for providing advice in relation to the contents of this Interim Report. Telewest Communications plc Genesis Business Park Albert Drive, Woking Surrey GU21 5RW United Kingdom Telephone: 01483 750900 Facsimile: 01483 750901 E-mail: Homepage: Registered in England 2983307 London Stock Exchange symbol: `TWT' NASDAQ symbol: `TWSTY' Page 19