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In connection with its offer for General Cable, Telewest announces the following


1.       As at 3.00 p.m. (London time) on 18 August 1998, valid acceptances of
         Telewest's recommended offer for General Cable (the "Offer") had been
         received in respect of 230,488,876 General Cable shares (representing
         approximately 63 per cent. of General Cable's issued share capital).

2.       As contemplated in its press release dated 4 August 1998, Telewest
         reserves the right to reduce the percentage threshold in condition 1 of
         the Offer (set out in Part A of Appendix I of the Offer Document) (the
         "Acceptance Condition") from 90% to 75%.

3.       Telewest intends to implement such reduction on 28 August 1998 and to
         declare the Offer unconditional in all respects on that day, or as soon
         as possible thereafter, once:

         (a)      valid acceptances of the Offer have been received (and not,
                  where permitted, withdrawn) in respect of 75% or more of
                  General Cable shares (including General Cable shares
                  represented by General Cable ADSs) to which the Offer relates;

         (b)      all the remaining conditions of the Offer have been and remain
                  fulfilled or there are, at that date, no circumstances
                  indicating that any such conditions may not be capable of

4.       When the Offer is declared unconditional, holders of General Cable
         shares (including General Cable shares represented by General Cable
         ADSs) will no longer have withdrawal rights under the Offer. Holders of
         General Cable shares who do not want to accept the Offer if the
         Acceptance Condition is reduced from the 90% level should either not
         accept the Offer until after 28 August or withdraw their acceptances
         prior to 28 August 1998.

5.       The mix and match election under the Offer will remain open for five
         days following the date the Offer is declared unconditional. All
         holders of General Cable securities accepting the Offer after the mix
         and match election terminates will receive the basic terms of the

6.       On 23 February 1998, the date when General Cable announced that it had
         received indications that certain of the discussions which it was
         having with third parties might lead to an offer, Telewest held no
         General Cable shares or rights over General Cable shares.

7.       On 29 March 1998, the date when Telewest and General Cable announced
         that merger discussions were at an advanced stage which might result in
         a recommended offer being made by Telewest for General Cable and the

         likely terms thereof, General Utilities Holding Limited ("GUHL"), a
         subsidiary of Compagnie Generale des Eaux S.A. (now Vivendi S.A.),
         irrevocably undertook to accept such an offer, if made, in respect of
         its holding of 146,785,916 General Cable shares (representing 40.2 per
         cent. of General Cable's then issued share capital), if Telewest
         announced a firm intention to make such an offer on or before 15 April
         1998. On 15 April 1998, Telewest announced the terms of the Offer
         (subject to certain pre-conditions which have been waived or satisfied)
         and GUHL confirmed its previous undertaking to accept the Offer.
         Acceptances in respect of these shares have now been received and are
         included in the acceptance figures given above.


1.       The latest time and date for acceptance and payment under the
         Pre-emptive Issue is 3.00 p.m. (London time) on 28 August 1998.
         Telewest does not presently intend to extend the Pre-emptive Issue
         beyond 28 August. Any announcement of an extension will be made by 5
         p.m. (London time) on 21 August 1998.

2.       Consequently, at present, the latest time and date for the splitting of
         the Application Forms under the Pre-emptive Issue is 3.00 p.m. (London
         time) on 26 August 1998.

3.       Pending fulfilment of the conditions of the Pre-emptive Issue
         (including the Offer becoming unconditional in all respects and
         Admission (as defined in the Pre-emptive Issue Circular dated 29 June
         1998)), application monies will be kept in a separate bank account and
         any interest earned on such monies will be retained for the benefit of

4.       If the conditions of the Pre-emptive Issue are not fulfilled by 18
         September (or such later date as Telewest and Schroders may agree), the
         Pre-emptive Issue will lapse and all application monies will be
         returned to applicants.

19 August 1998
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TELEWEST                                                            01483 750900
Charles Burdick

J. HENRY SCHRODER & CO. LIMITED ("SCHRODERS")                      0171 658 6000
James Steel

Schroders, which is regulated in the UK by The Securities and Futures Authority
Limited, is acting for Telewest and no one else in connection with the Offer and
the Pre-emptive issue and will not be responsible to anyone other than Telewest
for providing the protections afforded to customers of Schroders or for giving
advice in relation to the Offer and the Pre-emptive issue.