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                          CLOSURE OF PRE-EMPTIVE ISSUE

Telewest announces that, as envisaged in its announcements on 4 August and 19
August 1998, its Pre-emptive Issue closed at 3pm on Friday 28 August 1998.

At that time, Telewest had received applications for 221,501,992 new Telewest
shares at 92.5 pence per share, representing approximately 85.0 per cent. of the
new Telewest shares available under the Pre-emptive Issue. New Telewest shares
which have not been applied for will be taken up by MediaOne Group, Inc.,
Tele-Communications International, Inc. and Cox Communications, Inc. in
accordance with their commitments under the Subscription Agreement.

The Directors expect that the new Telewest shares issued in connection with the
Pre-emptive Issue (and in connection with Telewest's Offer for General Cable)
will be admitted to the Official List of the London Stock Exchange Limited, and
that dealings will commence, at 9.00 a.m. today.

1 September 1998

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TELEWEST                                                          01483 750900
Charles Burdick

J. HENRY SCHRODER & CO. LIMITED ("SCHRODERS")                     0171 658 6000
James Steel

Schroders, which is regulated in the UK by The Securities and Futures Authority
Limited, is acting for Telewest and no one else in connection with the Offer and
the Pre-emptive Issue and will not be responsible to anyone other than Telewest
for providing the protections afforded to customers of Schroders or for giving
advice in relation to the Offer and the Pre-emptive Issue.