THIS AGREEMENT is made as of this 13th day of December 2004,

B E T W E E N:

                        VIVENTIA BIOTECH INC., a corporation continued under the
                        laws of Ontario

                        (the "CORPORATION")

                        - and -

                        Michael Cross of the Town of Morrison, in the Province
                        of Ontario

                        (the "EXECUTIVE")


A.    The Corporation and the Executive wish to enter into this Agreement to set
      forth the rights and obligations of each of them as regards the
      Executive's employment with the Corporation.

            NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual covenants and
agreements contained in this Agreement and other good and valuable consideration
(the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged), the Corporation
and the Executive agree as follows:


1.1.   In this Agreement,

      1.1.1. "AFFILIATE" has the meaning attributed to such term in the Business
      Corporations Act (Ontario) as the same may be amended from time to time
      and any successor legislation thereto;

      1.1.2. "AGREEMENT" means this agreement and all schedules attached to this
      agreement, in each case as they may be amended or supplemented from time
      to time, and the expressions "HEREOF", "HEREIN", "HERETO", "HEREUNDER",
      "HEREBY" and similar expressions refer to this agreement and unless
      otherwise indicated, references to sections are to sections in this

      1.1.3. "BASIC SALARY" has the meaning attributed to such term in section

      1.1.4. "BENEFITS" has the meaning attributed to such term in section 5.3;

                                     - 2 -

      1.1.5. "BIO-PHARMACEUTICAL BUSINESS" has the meaning attributed to that
      term in section 2;

      1.1.6. "BONUS" has the meaning attributed to such term in section 5.2;

      1.1.7. "BOARD" means the board of directors of the Corporation;

      1.1.8. "BUSINESS DAY" means any day, other than Saturday, Sunday or any
      statutory holiday in the Province of Ontario;

      1.1.9. "CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION" means all confidential or proprietary
      information, intellectual property and confidential facts relating to and
      used or proposed to be used in the business of the Corporation and its
      Affiliates and includes all information which is confidential based upon
      its nature or the circumstances surrounding its disclosure, including such
      information acquired by the Executive during any period in which the
      Executive was affiliated with the Corporation in any capacity, including
      as an employee, director or shareholder, and includes, without limiting
      the generality of the foregoing, information:

      (a)   relating to the Corporation's or an Affiliate's biotechnology or
            bio-pharmaceutical products and services, products and services
            related to bio-technology or the Bio-Pharmaceutical Business, or to
            the Corporation's or an Affiliate's research and development
            projects or plans;

      (b)   relating to the Corporation's or an Affiliate's trade secrets,
            technology, patentable and unpatentable inventions, discoveries,
            texts, cell lines, nucleic acid, protein and peptide sequences,
            synthetic procedures, processes, test procedures and results,
            records, specifications, data, formulations, know-how, samples,
            specimens, manufacturing processes, toxicology, regulatory and
            clinical information;

      (c)   relating to the Corporation's or an Affiliates business policies,
            strategies, operations, finances, plans or opportunities including
            the identity of, or particulars about, the Corporation's clients or
            suppliers or other Person with whom the Corporation has a business
            relationship; and

      (d)   marked or otherwise identified as confidential, restricted, secret
            or proprietary including, without limiting the generality of the
            foregoing, information acquired by inspection or oral disclosure;

      provided that Confidential Information does not extend to the skill,
      expertise, know-how and experience of the Executive gained in the
      performance of his employment. The Confidentiality Agreement is attached
      as Schedule A.

      1.1.10. "DISABILITY" means the mental or physical state of the Executive
      such that the Executive has been unable as a result of illness, disease,
      mental or physical disability or similar cause to fulfil his obligations
      under this Agreement either for any consecutive four

                                     - 3 -

      month period or for any period of aggregating twelve (12) months (whether
      or not consecutive) in any consecutive twenty-four (24) month period;

      1.1.11. "EMPLOYMENT PERIOD" has the meaning attributed to such term in
      section 4;

      1.1.12. "ESA" means the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (Ontario) as the
      same may be amended from time to time and any successor legislation

      1.1.13. "JUST CAUSE" includes the willful failure of the Executive to
      properly carry out his duties after notice by the Corporation of the
      failure to do so and an opportunity for the Executive to correct the same
      within a reasonable time from the date of receipt of such notice, or
      theft, fraud, or dishonesty by the Executive involving the property,
      business or affairs of the Corporation or the carrying out of the
      Executive's duties or any other conduct or omission which is to be treated
      as just cause by the courts of Ontario from time to time;

      1.1.14. "PERSON" means any individual, partnership, limited partnership,
      joint venture, syndicate, sole proprietorship, company or corporation with
      or without share capital, unincorporated association, trust, trustee,
      executor, administrator or other legal personal representative, regulatory
      body or agency, government or governmental agency, authority or entity
      however designated or constituted;

      1.1.15. "RETIREMENT" means resignation of the Executive on or after the
      Executive attains the age of sixty-five (65);

      1.1.16. "SEVERANCE AMOUNT" has the meaning attributed to such term in
      section 9;

      1.1.17. "SUBSIDIARIES" has the meaning attributed to such term by the
      Business Corporations Act (Ontario) as the same may be amended from time
      to time and any successor legislation thereto;

      1.1.18. "TERMINATION WITHOUT CAUSE" means termination for any reason other
      than for Just Cause or for Disability or by reason of resignation or
      Retirement by the Executive;

      1.1.19. "YEAR OF EMPLOYMENT" means any twelve (12) month period commencing
      on January 1, 2005 or on any anniversary of such date, provided that for
      the purposes of this Agreement, the "FIRST YEAR OF EMPLOYMENT" shall be
      deemed to commence on February 9, 2004 and to end on December 31, 2004.


            The Corporation shall employ the Executive and the Executive shall
serve the Corporation in the position of Chief Operating Officer. The Executive
shall report to the President and CEO. In the capacity as Chief Operating
Officer, the Executive will play an important strategic role in the conduct of
the business and will be privy to, and acquire detailed

                                     - 4 -

knowledge of, Confidential Information and other business sensitive information
about the Corporation and its Affiliates and will assist in the business of:

   research, development, clinical trials, regulatory
            compliance, marketing, sales, manufacturing, distribution, licensing
            or other exploitation of:

   monoclonal antibody products, including without limitation
            human monoclonal antibodies;

   the use of the human immune system to identify
            therapeutically or diagnostically relevant antibodies and their
            cognate antigens for cancer;

   and any exploitation thereof, related research, products
            and services to any of the above and products derived from any of
            the above


Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Executive's duties shall

2.2.  management of activities that relate to the Bio-Pharmaceutical Business,
      including operational development (process development, manufacturing,
      quality control, quality assurance, metrology, IT and engineering) and
      production and other activities as directed by the President or Board of


            The Executive represents and warrants that neither his execution of
the Employment Agreement nor his performance of the duties and obligations set
out in the Employment Agreement does or will violate or breach any obligation he
may have to any third party or imposed by statute, contract or order of any
judicial or quasi-judicial authority. During the Employment Period, the
Executive shall faithfully, honestly and diligently serve the Corporation. The
Executive shall (except in the case of illness or accident) devote all of his
working time and attention to his employment and shall use his best efforts to
promote the interests of the Corporation. Duties and responsibilities of the
Executive are outlined in Appendix B.


            The term of employment of the Executive under this Agreement will
commence on February 9, 2004 and will continue until terminated in accordance
with section 8 of this Agreement (the "EMPLOYMENT PERIOD").


5.1.  Basic Remuneration. The Corporation shall pay the Executive a gross annual
      salary of $180,000 (the "BASIC SALARY") payable in periodic equal
      instalments in accordance with

                                     - 5 -

      the practices of the Corporation applicable to its other senior
      executives. The corporation shall review the compensation of the Executive
      on an annual basis (minimally) and make recommendations to the Board (or
      Compensation Committee) regarding any changes to the basic remuneration of
      the Executive.

5.2.  Bonus Remuneration. The Board may award the Executive, an annual bonus of
      cash, stock options, other share based compensation or any combination
      thereof. Such bonus shall be awarded in the sole discretion of the Board
      (the "BONUS") at the recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer. Each
      year, at the time that the Board approves the Corporation's annual
      business plan and annual budget, the Executive and the Board (or a
      committee thereof) shall mutually agree on the objectives upon which any
      Bonus shall be based. Such objectives may include subjective and objective

5.3.  Benefits. The Corporation shall provide to the Executive, in addition to
      Basic Salary and Bonus, if any, the benefits (the "BENEFITS") generally
      available to the executives of the Corporation, such benefits to be
      provided in accordance with, to the extent permitted by and subject to the
      terms and conditions of the applicable fund, plan or arrangement relating
      thereto in effect from time to time. The Corporation acknowledges that the
      Executive shall be subject to the provisions of the Corporation's
      liability insurance for directors and officers. The Corporation shall
      maintain a life insurance policy for the Executive in the amount of
      $1,000,000 during the term of the Executives relationship with the
      Corporation. Such policy will be for the benefit of the Executive's family
      at the death of the Executive.

5.4.  Pro-Rata Entitlement in First Year of Employment. Notwithstanding sections
      5.1 and 5.2 hereof (i) the Basic Salary shall be prorated in respect of
      the First Year of Employment such that the Executive shall be entitled to
      receive and the Corporation shall be required to pay in respect of such
      year only that proportion of the Basic Salary that the number of days in
      the First Year of Employment is to 365; and (ii) any bonus payable in
      respect of the First Year of Employment shall be awarded in the sole
      discretion of the Board.

5.5.  Pro-Rata Entitlement in the Event of Termination. If the Executive's
      employment is terminated pursuant to section 8.1.1, 8.1.2, or 8.1.3,
      bonus, if any, will be payable at the board's discretion.

      If the Executive dies or retires during the Employment Period, the
      Executive shall be entitled to receive in respect of his entitlement to
      bonus remuneration and the Corporation shall be required to pay in respect
      thereof, only that proportion of the bonus remuneration in respect of the
      year of employment at which the effective date of the termination of
      employment or the date of death occurs that the number of days elapsed
      from the commencement of such year of employment to the effective date of
      termination or the date of death is to 365, provided that said bonus shall
      be equal to or greater than 66% of the bonus remuneration the Executive
      earned in the year proceeding termination.

                                     - 6 -


            The Corporation shall pay or reimburse the Executive for all travel
and out-of-pocket expenses reasonably incurred or paid by the Executive in the
performance of his duties and responsibilities upon presentation of expense
statements or receipts or such other supporting documentation as the Corporation
may reasonably require. All travel and other expenses incurred by the Executive
shall be in accordance with the Corporation's travel and expense policies.

In accordance with the Corporation's current policy governing the provision of
automobiles to executive personnel, the Corporation shall provide the Executive
with a monthly car allowance of $900.00 per month payable in periodic equal
instalments in accordance with the practices of the Corporation applicable to
its other senior executives. At the time of the Annual Budget review, the
Corporation shall review the provision of automobiles to the Executive.


The Executive shall be entitled while employed by the Corporation to four weeks
vacation with pay per year. Vacation shall be taken by the Executive at such
time as may be acceptable to the Corporation having regard to its operations and
no more than two (2) weeks of vacation shall be taken consecutively. If the
Executive has not taken the full vacation to which the Executive is entitled in
any calendar year, the Executive will be paid at the end of such calendar year
Basic Salary in respect of the accrued unused vacation. Except as required under
the ESA, the Executive shall not be entitled to carry over any unused portion of
vacation to the following calendar year and will lose the entitlement to such
unused portion. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that the Executive's
employment is terminated pursuant to section 8, the Executive shall not be
entitled to receive any payment in lieu of any accrued unused vacation except to
the extent, if any, required by the ESA.


8.1.   Notice. The Executive's employment shall terminate or be terminable:

      8.1.1. by the Executive on three (3) months prior written notice to the

      8.1.2. by the Corporation at any time without prior notice and, subject to
      the provisions of the ESA and the Human Rights Code (Ontario), without
      further obligation to the Executive for reasons of Just Cause or because
      of the occurrence of Disability;

      8.1.3. by the Corporation, for any reason other than for Just Cause or
      Disability, at any time without prior notice and without further
      obligation to the Executive other than those obligations of the
      Corporation set out in section 9 of this Agreement;

      8.1.4. upon the death of the Executive; and

      8.1.5. upon the Retirement of the Executive.

                                     - 7 -

8.2.   Effective Date. The effective date on which the Executive's employment
       shall be terminated shall be:

      8.2.1. in the case of termination pursuant to section 8.1.1, the last day
      of the three (3) month period set out in the notice;

      8.2.2. in the case of termination pursuant to sections 8.1.2 and 8.1.3,
      the day the Executive is deemed, under section 12 to have received notice
      from the Corporation of such termination;

      8.2.3. in the event of the death of the Executive, on the date of his
      death; and

      8.2.4. in the event of the Retirement of the Executive, on the date of his


       (a)  If the Executive's employment is terminated as a result of
            Termination Without Cause, the Corporation shall (subject to the
            Executive's obligations contained herein):

            (i)   for a period of 12 months from the effective date of
                  Termination Without Cause make the following payments
                  (collectively referred to herein as the "SEVERANCE AMOUNT") to
                  the Executive. In addition, the period of termination payments
                  and benefits shall be extended by one month for each
                  additional year of employment completed by the Executive
                  commencing February 9, 2004:

                        (I)   payments to the Executive in the same amount and
                              on the same basis as the Basic Salary being paid
                              to the Executive immediately prior to the
                              effective date of termination; and

                        (II)  continue to provide the Executive with Benefits,
                              in accordance with, and to the extent permitted by
                              and subject to the terms and conditions of the
                              applicable fund, plan or arrangement relating

                        (III) payment to the Executive up to a maximum of
                              $10,000.00 to cover all costs associated with
                              career relocation and outplacement services
                              obtained by the Executive, upon presentation of

            (ii)  all payments made to the Executive shall be subject to
                  applicable deductions and withholdings and shall be in full
                  satisfaction of any and all entitlement that the Executive may
                  have to notice of termination or payment in lieu thereof,
                  severance pay and any other payments to which the Executive
                  may otherwise be entitled to pursuant to ESA and any other
                  applicable law. The Corporation shall cooperate with the
                  Executive with

                                     - 8 -

                  respect to the payment of all payments due on termination such
                  that the Executive shall be entitled to obtain the benefit of
                  any tax shelters or strategies that may be available or may
                  become available;

            (iii) notwithstanding any other provisions in this Agreement, the
                  exercise of the Executive's options will be in accordance with
                  the terms of the Viventia Biotech Inc. Share Option Plan,
                  attached as Schedule C.;

            (iv)  if, following Termination Without Cause, the Executive
                  breaches any of the provisions of the Confidential
                  Information, Intellectual Property, Non-Competition and
                  Non-Solicitation Agreement (attached as Appendix A), the
                  Executive shall not be eligible, as of the date of such
                  breaches for any Severance Amount and all obligations of the
                  Corporation to pay the Executive the Severance Amount shall
                  (subject to applicable minimum amounts payable pursuant to the
                  ESA) cease.


            The Executive acknowledges that a breach or threatened breach by the
Executive of the provisions of the Confidential Information, Intellectual
Property, Non-Competition and Non-Solicitation Agreement will result in the
Corporation and its shareholders suffering irreparable harm which is not capable
of being calculated and which cannot be fully or adequately compensated by the
recovery of damages alone. Accordingly, the Executive agrees that the
Corporation shall be entitled to interim and permanent injunctive relief,
specific performance and other equitable remedies, in addition to any other
relief to which the Corporation may become entitled.


            The Executive shall co-operate in all respects with the Corporation
if the question arises as to whether a Disability has occurred. Without limiting
the generality of the foregoing, the Executive, or his representatives, shall
authorize the Executive's medical doctor or other health care specialist to
discuss the condition of the Executive with the Corporation and shall submit to
examination by a medical doctor or other health care specialist mutually
selected by both the Corporation and the Executive's Power of Attorney or
personal representative.


            Any notice or other communication required or permitted to be given
hereunder shall be in writing and shall be delivered by prepaid first-class
mail, by facsimile or other means of electronic communication or by
hand-delivery as hereinafter provided. Any such notice or other communication,
if mailed by prepaid first-class mail at any time other than during a general
discontinuance of postal service due to strike, lockout or otherwise, shall be
deemed to have been received on the fourth Business Day after the post-marked
date thereof, or if mailed by registered mail, shall be deemed to have been
received on the day such mail is delivered by the post office,

                                     - 9 -

or if sent by facsimile or other means of electronic communication, shall be
deemed to have been received on the Business Day following the sending, or if
delivered by hand shall be deemed to have been received at the time it is
delivered to the applicable address noted below either to the individual
designated below or to an individual at such address having apparent authority
to accept deliveries on behalf of the addressee. Notice of change of address
shall also be governed by this section. In the event of a general discontinuance
of postal service due to strike, lock-out or otherwise, notices or other
communications shall be delivered by hand or sent by facsimile or other means of
electronic communication and shall be deemed to have been received in accordance
with this section. Notices and other communications shall be addressed as

if to the Executive:

      Dr. Michael Cross
      28 Telfer Glen Road
      Morriston, Ontario
      N0B 2C0

if to the Corporation:

      Viventia Biotech Inc.
      10 Four Seasons Place
      Suite 501
      Toronto, Ontario
      M9B 6H7

Attention:                     President and Chief Executive Officer
Telecopier number:             (416) 335-9306


            The inclusion of headings in this Agreement is for convenience of
reference only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation hereof.


            Each of the provisions contained in this Agreement is distinct and
severable and a declaration of invalidity or unenforceability of any such
provision by a court of competent jurisdiction shall not affect the validity or
enforceability of any other provision hereof.


            This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties
pertaining to the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement supersedes
and replaces all prior

                                     - 10 -

agreements, if any, written or oral, with respect to the Executive's employment
by the Corporation and any rights which the Executive may have by reason of any
such prior agreement or by reason of the Executive's prior employment, if any,
by the Corporation. There are no warranties, representations or agreements
between the parties in connection with the subject matter of this Agreement
except as specifically set forth or referred to in this Agreement. No reliance
is placed on any representation, opinion, advice or assertion of fact made by
the Corporation or its directors, officers and agents to the Executive, except
to the extent that the same has been reduced to writing and included as a term
of this Agreement. Accordingly, there shall be no liability, either in tort or
in contract, assessed in relation to any such representation, opinion, advice or
assertion of fact, except to the extent aforesaid.


            Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, no amendment or
waiver of this Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing by the
party to be bound thereby. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall
constitute a waiver of any other provision nor shall any waiver of any provision
of this Agreement constitute a continuing waiver unless otherwise expressly


            This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein.


            This Agreement may be signed in counterparts and each of such
counterparts shall constitute an original document and such counterparts, taken
together, shall constitute one and the same instrument.

                                     - 11 -


            The Executive acknowledges that:

19.1. the Executive has had sufficient time to review and consider this
      Agreement thoroughly;

19.2. the Executive has read and understands the terms of this Agreement and the
      Executive's obligations hereunder;

19.3. the Executive has been given an opportunity to obtain independent legal
      advice, or such other advice as the Executive may desire, concerning the
      interpretation and effect of this Agreement; and

19.4. this Agreement is entered into voluntarily and without any pressure.

            IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement.

                                        VIVENTIA BIOTECH INC.


                                        By: __________________________________
                                             Name:  Nick Glover

                                             Title: President and Chief
                                                    Executive Officer

                                             I/We have the authority to bind the

     in the presence of

___________________________________     ______________________________________
 Witness                                 Michael Cross


                                   Appendix A

                              VIVENTIA BIOTECH INC.


            In consideration of my employment with Viventia Biotech Inc.
("VIVENTIA"), I acknowledge, understand and agree with Viventia as follows:


All Confidential Information (as defined in paragraph 2 below) whether it is
developed by me or by others employed or engaged by or associated with Viventia,
is the exclusive and confidential property of Viventia and will at all times be
regarded, treated and protected as such, as provided in this Agreement. Failure
to mark any written material as confidential will not affect the confidential
nature of such written material or the information contained therein.


"CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION" means all information, intellectual property
(including trade secrets) and facts, relating to and used or proposed to be used
in the business of Viventia and its affiliates, acquired by the Executive during
any period in which the Executive was affiliated with Viventia in the capacity
of an Executive, director or shareholder which is confidential based upon its
nature or the circumstances surrounding its disclosure, and includes, without
limiting the generality of the foregoing information:

      (i)   relating to Viventia's or an affiliate's products and services or to
            Viventia's or an affiliate's research and development projects or

      (ii)  relating to Viventia's or an affiliate's trade secret, technology,
            patentable and unpatentable inventions, discoveries, processes, test
            procedures and results, records, specifications, data formulations,
            formulas, know-how, samples, specimens, manufacturing processes and
            regulatory information; or

      (iii) relating to Viventia's or an affiliate's business policies,
            strategies, operations, finances, plans or opportunities, including
            the identity of, or particulars about, Viventia's or an affiliate's
            clients or suppliers.


"CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION" will not include information publicly known that is
generally used by persons in my current position with Viventia, and the general
skills and experience gained during my employment with or engagement by Viventia
which I could reasonably have been expected to acquire in similar employment
with or engagement by other companies. The phrase "PUBLICLY KNOWN" shall mean
readily accessible to the public in written publications without breach of this
or similar agreements. The burden of proving that information or skills and
experience are Confidential Information shall be on the party asserting such
exclusion. "CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION" shall also not include information the
disclosure of which is


                                   Appendix A

required to be made by any law, regulation, governmental authority or court,
provided that before disclosure is made, notice of the requirement is provided
to Viventia, and (to the extent possible in the circumstances) Viventia is
afforded an opportunity to dispute the requirement.


As a consequence of my acquisition of Confidential Information, I will occupy a
position of trust and confidence with respect to Viventia's affairs and
business. In view of the foregoing and of the consideration to be provided to me
by Viventia, I agree that it is reasonable and necessary for me to make the
following covenants regarding my conduct during and subsequent to my employment
with or engagement by Viventia. I hereby agree as follows:

      (i)   Non-Disclosure. During and after my employment with or engagement by
            Viventia, I will not disclose Confidential Information to any person
            or entity other than as necessary in carrying out my duties on
            behalf of Viventia, without first obtaining Viventia 's consent, and
            I will take all reasonable precautions to prevent inadvertent
            disclosure of such Confidential Information. This prohibition
            against disclosure of Confidential Information includes, but is not
            limited to, disclosing the fact that any similarity exists between
            the Confidential Information and information independently developed
            by another person or entity, and I understand that such similarity
            does not excuse me from abiding by my covenants and other
            obligations under this Agreement.

      (ii)  Using, Copying, etc. During and after my employment with or
            engagement by Viventia, I will not use, copy, transfer or destroy
            any Confidential Information other than as necessary in carrying out
            my duties on behalf of Viventia, without first obtaining Viventia 's
            consent, and I will take all reasonable precautions to prevent
            inadvertent use, copying, transfer or destruction of any
            Confidential Information. The prohibition against my use, copying,
            transfer or destruction of Confidential Information includes, but is
            not limited to, licensing or otherwise exploiting, directly or
            indirectly, any products or services (including software in any
            form) which embody or are derived from Confidential Information, or
            exercising judgment or performing analysis based upon knowledge of
            Confidential Information.


I agree to disclose to Viventia all information relating to Intellectual
Property (as defined below) prior to any public disclosure thereof, including
but not limited to the nature of the Intellectual Property, production data,
technical and engineering data, test data and test results, the status and
details of research and development of products and services, and information
regarding acquiring, protecting, enforcing and licensing proprietary rights
developed by me during my employment with Viventia, either individually or in
collaboration with others, which relates directly or indirectly to the business
of Viventia. I acknowledge and agree that all right, title and interest
whatsoever in and to the Intellectual Property, including the foregoing and any
copyright, is and will be the exclusive property of Viventia and it will have
absolute discretion to determine how such Intellectual Property is used. All
work done while I am employed by Viventia is a


                                   Appendix A

work for hire under which Viventia is the first owner for copyright purposes and
any and all copyright will vest in Viventia. I hereby waive all moral rights
that I may have in the Intellectual Property and agree that this waiver may be
invoked by Viventia, and by any of its authorized agents or assignees, to use
any of the Intellectual Property. I agree that, in performing my duties as an
Executive of Viventia, I will not use or disclose any information that is
confidential to any third party or that is subject to the copyright, patent,
trade secret, or topography, rights of any third party. I agree to execute all
such instruments and do all such things as may be reasonably necessary or
desirable to give full effect to the foregoing and will cooperate and assist
Viventia in enforcing its rights under this paragraph.

"INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY" means all legally recognized rights, including patents,
copyrights, trade marks, topographies, and trade secrets which result or derive
from my services provided to Viventia or with the knowledge or use of
Confidential Information, and includes, but is not limited to developments,
inventions, designs, works of authorship, improvements and ideas, whether or not
patentable or copyrightable, conceived or made by me (individually or in
collaboration with others) during my employment with Viventia or which result
from or derive from Viventia's resources or which are reasonably related to the
business of Viventia.


      (a) No Solicitation.

      I acknowledge the importance to the business carried on by Viventia of the
      human resources engaged and developed by it and the unique access my
      employment offers to interfere with these resources. Accordingly, I will
      not while employed or engaged by Viventia and for 12 months thereafter,
      hire, engage or retain or induce or solicit, attempt to induce or solicit
      or assist any third party in hiring, engaging or retaining or inducing or
      soliciting any employee or consultant of the Company, to leave the Company
      or to accept employment or engagement elsewhere.


I will not, while employed or engaged by Viventia and for 12 months thereafter,
directly or indirectly, in any manner whatsoever including either individually,
or in partnership, jointly or in conjunction with any other person, or as
principal, agent, owner, consultant, contractor, Executive, officer, director,
advisor or shareholder:

      (i)   be engaged in any undertaking;

      (ii)  have any financial or other interest (including an interest by way
            of royalty or compensation arrangements) in or in respect of the
            business of any person which carries on a business; or

      (iii) advise, render or provide services to, lend money to or guarantee
            the debts or obligations of any person that carries on a business;


                                   Appendix A

in any province of Canada or any state of the United States, if, at the relevant
time, Viventia is carrying on business in such province or state, which is a
Competitive Business (as defined below).

"COMPETITIVE BUSINESS" means any Bio-Pharmaceutical Business in Canada and the
United States that involves the use of anti-cancer antibody-cytotoxin


(a)   I agree that my obligations as set forth in this Agreement will commence
      as of the date on which I was first employed by Viventia.

(b)   I acknowledge that a breach by me of this Agreement will result in
      Viventia, its affiliates and shareholders suffering irreparable harm which
      is not capable of being calculated and which cannot be fully or adequately
      compensated by the recovery of damages alone. Accordingly, I agree that
      Viventia will be entitled to interim and permanent injunctive relief,
      specific performance and other equitable remedies, in addition to any
      other relief to which Viventia may become entitled if I breach or threaten
      to breach this Agreement.

(c)   My obligations under this Agreement are to remain in effect in accordance
      with each of their terms and will exist and continue in full force and
      effect notwithstanding any breach or repudiation, or alleged breach or
      repudiation, of this Agreement or my employment agreement by Viventia.


This Agreement shall be binding on me and my heirs, executors and legal


This Agreement shall be governed by the laws in force in the Province of


This Agreement is supplemental to and separate from the agreement under which I
am employed or engaged by Viventia. However, if there is any conflict or
inconsistency between the provisions of such other agreement and this Agreement,
the provisions of this Agreement will govern and prevail.


                                   Appendix A

            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have signed and sealed this Agreement as of
the date set forth below.

     in the presence of

___________________________________      _____________________________________
 Witness                                  Michael Cross


                                   Appendix B

Viventia Biotech Inc.

Job Profile for: Chief Operating Officer (COO)

Duties and Responsibilities:

      -     The COO reports directly to the CEO, and is the second most senior
            member of the Company's executive management team.

      -     Directs, manages and co-ordinates the operational activities of the
            Company according to the policies and objectives established by the
            President and CEO & by the Board of Directors.

      -     Assists the President & CEO in establishing policies and objectives
            concerning the operations, financial performance, and strategic
            growth of the Company.

      -     The COO directs management in matters concerning the operational
            development, production, and implementation of the Company's
            products and services.

      -     The COO has responsibility for a variety of operational Departments:
            Process Development, Production, Manufacturing, CMC, Quality
            Control, Quality Assurance, Engineering, IT and Metrology. Other
            direct reports may evolve or be added according to strategic and/or
            operational growth of the Company, or as requested by the President
            & CEO.

      -     Formulates, recommends and directs budgetary and operational
            objectives as well as the development of short and long-term
            strategic plans for assigned departments and oversees their

      -     The COO directs, co-ordinates, evaluates and controls the operating
            performance of the assigned departments and optimizes the use of
            human, material and financial resources.

      -     The COO will be responsible for overseeing the conception and
            implementation of activities relating to the flow of the Company's
            products through production following process transfer, including
            the transfer process, scale-up, GMP production, downstream
            processing, quality control and assurance, regulatory compliance,

      -     The COO formulates, recommends and oversees the implementation of
            manufacturing, quality and facility short and long-term strategic
            plans, including GMP compliance according to development stage,
            facility improvements, commercial scale plant and infrastructure
            enhancements, etc.

      -     The COO will be expected to provide strategic and practical
            assistance to the development and implementation of the Company's
            financing and corporate communications plans.

      -     The COO will provide strategic and practical support for the
            Company's financial department.

      -     The COO will assist in various business development related
            activities, as requested by the President & CEO.

      -     The COO will perform other duties as assigned by the President &