THIS INDENTURE made as of the 31st day of March, 2000


                            ALMAD INVESTMENTS LIMITED
                      (hereinafter called the "Landlord"),

                                                              OF THE FIRST PART,

                              VIVENTIA BIOTECH INC.
                       (hereinafter called the "Tenant"),

                                                              OF THE SECOND PART

     WITNESSETH that in consideration of the rents, covenants and agreements
hereinafter reserved and contained on the part of the Tenant to be paid,
observed and performed, the Landlord has demised and leased, and by these
presents does demise and lease unto the Tenant approximately Twenty One Thousand
Five Hundred (21,500) square feet of Rentable Area (the "Leased Premises")
commonly known as 136-147 Hamelin Street, in the City of Winnipeg, in the
Province of Manitoba forming part of the property (the "Property"), commonly
known as 131-147 Hamelin Street in the City of Winnipeg, in the Province of

     TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Leased Premises for a term of Three (3) years
commencing on the 1st day of April, 2000 and from thenceforth next ensuing and
fully to be completed and ended on the 31st day of March, 2003, (hereinafter
called the "Term"), and for the minimum rent and additional rent set forth in
Section 1.01 hereof.


The Tenant hereby covenants with the Landlord as follows:

1.01      RENT - The Tenant shall pay rent as follows:

     (a)  MINIMUM RENT - The Tenant shall pay to the Landlord or as the Landlord
          may direct in writing, in lawful money of Canada, without set-off,
          compensation or deductions except as may otherwise be provided for in
          this agreement, yearly in each and every year, Minimum Rent for the
          Leased Premises in the amount of One Hundred Thirty Nine Thousand and
          Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($139,750.00) per annum, plus goods
          and service tax thereon, payable in monthly installments of Eleven
          Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Five Dollars and Eighty Three Cents
          ($11,645.83) plus goods and service tax thereon, on or before the 1st

          day of each and every month of the Term. The Minimum Rent is
          calculated at a rate of Six Dollars and Fifty ($6.50) per square foot
          of Rentable Area.

     (b)  ADDITIONAL RENT - The Tenant shall pay additional rent as set forth in
          Section 1.02 hereof. The Additional Rent is estimated at $7.65 per
          square foot of Rentable Area plus goods and service tax thereon for
          the fiscal year 2000. The Tenant shall pay the Additional Rent to the
          Landlord in equal monthly installments together with the monthly
          installments of the minimum rent. At the end of the fiscal year, the
          Tenant shall be advised of the actual amount required to be paid and
          if necessary, an adjustment shall thereupon be made between the
          parties within (15) days of the Landlord so advising.

1.02      ADDITIONAL RENT - The Tenant shall pay to the Landlord as Additional

     (a)  its Proportionate Share of all taxes, rates, charges, local
          improvements and assessments whatsoever whether municipal, provincial
          or federal that may be levied during the Term hereof upon the Leased
          Premises or upon the Landlord on account thereof to the entire
          exoneration of the said Landlord save and except as for personal or
          corporate income taxes and capital taxes whether assessed by the
          Provincial or Federal Government and all Estate and Succession Duties
          or Taxes whether assessed by the Federal or Provincial Government, and
          save and except for any separate school taxes which may be levied as a
          result of any election by the Landlord, without limiting the
          generality of the foregoing, the taxes, rates, charges and assessments
          to be paid by the Tenant shall include taxes for local improvements or
          works assessed upon the Leased Premises, business taxes arising from
          the use or occupancy of the Leased Premises by the Tenant or any
          subtenant holding under the Tenant, provided that if any taxes, rates,
          charges, local improvements and assessments whatsoever as aforesaid
          are levied separately in respect of the Leased Premises to pay the
          full amount as Additional Rent;

     (b)  its Proportionate Share of all Operating Costs. Operating Costs means
          the total amount paid or payable, whether by the Landlord, for public
          utilities, building services, replacement of the Property and
          maintenance equipment (excluding additions to the building and
          provided that capital costs are amortized in accordance with generally
          accepted accounting principles), maintenance and janitorial services
          for the Property or any part or parts thereof, such as are in keeping
          with maintaining the standard of a first-class building having regard
          for its age, location and use, including all repairs and replacements
          required for such maintenance, including, without limiting the
          generality of the foregoing, repairs and non-structural replacements
          to the roof, structure of the Property and the land adjoining the
          Property (including the parking area), the cost of providing hot and
          cold water, the cost of heating, the cost of window cleaning,
          insurance costs (the types and amounts of insurance being at the
          Landlord's sole discretion), service contracts with independent
          contractor's engineers' wages and all wages, salaries, costs and
          expenses incurred in connection with the maintenance and

          operation of the Property, and all other wages, salaries, costs and
          expenses paid or payable by the Landlord in connection with the
          cleaning, operating, servicing and maintaining the Property and its
          appurtenances or any part or parts thereof, plus a further sum of
          fifteen percent (15%) of the above costs (excluding Building
          depreciation and mortgage interest) as an administration charge.

     (c)  all other sums of money payable by the Tenant to the Landlord

     provided that if and so often as the Tenant neglects or omits to pay taxes,
     rates, charges and assessments as aforesaid, when the same become due and
     payable, the Landlord shall be entitled to pay the same and collect the
     same from the Tenant as rent hereby reserved and in arrears; provided,
     however, that the Tenant shall have the right at its own expense to take
     proceedings in the name of the Landlord to contest the legality of any such
     taxes, rates, charges and assessments, the amount thereof and the time or
     manner of payment sought to be enforced and in the event that the Tenant
     takes any such proceedings in the name of the Landlord, the Tenant hereby
     agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Landlord from all costs and
     expenses whatsoever with respect to or arising from such proceedings.

     In this section, "Proportionate Share" means the proportion that the floor
     space of the Leased Premises bears to the aggregate of the floor space,
     measured in square feet, of the premises located on the Property (including
     the Leased Premises).

1.03      MAINTENANCE OF PREMISES - The Tenant shall at all times during the
     Term of this Lease, at its sole cost and expense, well, properly and
     sufficiently repair, maintain and keep the Leased Premises with the
     appurtenances (including, without restricting the generality of the
     foregoing, signs and inside and outside plate glass windows and doors,
     including all overhead or exterior doors to be installed) in good and
     substantial repair and shall repair, maintain and replace all fixtures and
     things which at any time during the Term of this Lease are located or
     erected in or upon the Lease Premises, such repair, maintenance and
     replacement to be made by the Tenant when, where and so often as need shall
     be, except for:

               (a)  repairs required to be made by the Landlord pursuant to the
                    provisions of Clause 4.01 hereof; and

               (b)  reasonable wear and tear;

     Unless such excepted repairs are necessitated by the acts or omissions of
     the Tenant, its agents, employees, invitees or licensees. The cost of any
     repair or replacement required to be made of the Leased Premises as a
     result of any act or omission of the Tenant, its employees, servants,
     agents or licensees shall be paid in full by the Tenant. Provided further,
     notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained, the Tenant shall
     make all repairs and replacements to the Leased Premises made necessary by
     reason of burglary or attempted burglary.

     (c) It is understood that the Tenant will organize maintenance for the
     grounds and maintenance to keep all sidewalks, roadways and parking areas
     bordering on the Building free of ice and snow and the grass, if any,
     fronting the Building, cut and properly cared for. All contracts for this
     maintenance are to be approved by the Landlord in writing and the Tenant
     will be charged back their proportionate share of these costs as Operating

     Any maintenance costs which are shared with other tenants must have prior
     written approval from the Landlord.

1.04     LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS - Prior to the commencement of any improvements
     to the Leased Premises by the Tenant, plans for same shall be submitted by
     the Tenant to the Landlord, which plans shall be subject to the Landlord's
     written approval, not to be unreasonably withheld. No other leasehold
     improvements or alterations shall be made to the Leased Premises by the
     Tenant, except in accordance with the provisions of section 1.08 hereof.
     The Landlord shall not be responsible for any costs of leasehold
     improvements made to the Leased Premises during the Term. The Tenant shall
     pay or cause to be paid and satisfied promptly, as same shall become due
     and payable, all costs and claims for work and labour done and material
     supplied and other work and expenses incurred or suffered in connection
     with or arising out of any of the leasehold improvements made by the

     The leasehold estate or interest of the Landlord in the Leased Premises
     shall be free and clear of any and all liens for work done, labour
     performed or material supplied or other work or services furnished in
     connection with or arising out of any leasehold improvements or other
     construction made by the Tenant. The Tenant shall do all things necessary
     to prevent, to the extent it is able, the filing of any builders' liens
     against the title to the Leased Premises.

1.05      CONDITION OF LEASED PREMISES - The Tenant shall keep the Leased
     Premises and every part thereof in a clean and tidy condition and not to
     permit waste paper, garbage, ashes or water or objectionable material to
     accumulate thereon. The Tenant covenants that it has satisfied itself prior
     to the execution of this Lease that its intended use of the Leased Premises
     complies with all applicable zoning by-laws. The Tenant acknowledges having
     fully inspected the Leased Premises and agrees to accept the Leased
     Premises in their present state of condition and repairs.

1.06     INSPECTION AND REPAIR - The Tenant shall permit the Landlord at all
     reasonable times, upon reasonable prior written notice, unless in the case
     of an emergency, to enter the Leased Premises to inspect the condition
     thereof and where such inspection reveals that the repairs are necessary to
     make such repairs in a good and workmanlike manner within one (1) calendar
     month from the date of delivery of notice from the Landlord requiring such
     repair; provided that in the event that the Tenant does not effect the said
     repairs within one month, or such longer period as may be reasonable in the
     circumstances and agreed to by the Landlord and Tenant in writing within
     one week of the delivery of notice requiring such repairs, the Landlord may
     effect such repairs and charge the cost thereof to the Tenant as additional

1.07      OVERLOADING FLOORS - The Tenant shall not bring upon the Leased
     Premises or any part thereof any machinery, equipment, article or thing
     that by reason of its weight, size or use might damage the Leased Premises,
     and not at any time to overload the floors of the Leased Premises, and if
     any damage is caused to the Leased Premises by any machinery, equipment,
     article or thing or by overloading or by any act, neglect or misuse on the
     part of the Tenant or any of its servants, agents or employees or any
     person having business with the Tenant, forthwith to repair or pay to the
     Landlord the cost of making good such damage.

1.08      ALTERATIONS INVOLVING CHANGE - The Tenant shall not make any
     alterations involving structural changes without securing the Landlord's
     prior written consent, which consent may be withheld by the Landlord in its
     sole discretion, it being understood that upon obtaining such consent,
     plans for such structural changes must be submitted by the Tenant to the
     Landlord before commencement of the work, which plans shall be subject to
     the Landlord's written approval. It is understood between the parties that
     the Tenant shall have the right to make any and all non-structural
     alterations in and additions to the Leased Premises that may be deemed
     necessary for the proper carrying on of its business or that of any
     sub-tenant, provided however:

               (a) that nothing shall be done to weaken the building;

               (b) that the Tenant shall be responsible for any damage caused to
               the Leased Premises thereby. It is further understood and agreed
               between the parties hereto that the costs of any and all
               renovations herein referred to shall be borne by the Tenant.

               (c) that the Tenant shall indemnify and save harmless the
               Landlord from and against all liens and from and against all
               damage and injury to the Leased Premises or to the property of
               others and against all liability of the Landlord to any person or
               persons which may arise by reason of all such repairs,
               alterations, improvements, removals or additions; and

               (d) that prior to making any non-structural alterations or
               additions to the Leased Premises, the Tenant shall submit
               detailed plans to the Landlord and obtain the Landlord's written
               approval, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld.

1.09      HEATING - The Tenant shall use the heating equipment supplied by the
     Landlord or such other equipment installed by the Tenant, to heat the
     Leased Premises at all reasonable times and shall maintain such heat at a
     temperature to prevent damage of any nature or kind whatsoever to the
     Leased Premises, and if damage does occur to the Leased Premises due to the
     Tenants failure to heat, the tenant agrees to pay for the repairs arising
     thereby, other than for damages caused as a result of a failure by the
     utility to provide gas or electricity, which failure is beyond the control
     of the Tenant, to the extent not covered by insurance which the Landlord is
     required to maintain hereunder.


          The Tenant shall:

          (a) Subject to the right of the Tenant to assign this lease or sublet
          a portion of premises as herein provided, not use or occupy or suffer
          or permit the Leased Premises or any part thereof, to be used or
          occupied for any purpose other than for research, development and
          pilot scale production of human pharmaceuticals or such other uses
          which comply with municipal by-laws and are approved in writing by the
          Landlord, acting reasonably;

          (b) conduct its business upon the Leased Premises in such a manner as
          to comply with the statutes, by-laws, rules and regulations as any
          Federal, Municipal or other competent authority for the time being in
          force and shall not do anything upon the Leased Premises in
          contravention of any of them or which will be a nuisance; provided
          that nothing contained in this paragraph 1.10(b) shall prohibit the
          Tenant from opening for business on such Sundays and holidays as it
          sees fit;

          (c) at all times promptly comply with all rules, orders, regulations
          and requirements of the Insurance Advisory Organization and any
          Governmental or Municipal authority from time to time in effect for
          the prevention of fires or the correction of hazardous conditions, to
          the extent such hazardous condition was caused by the Tenant or for
          whom the Tenant is in law responsible.

1.11      (a) ASSIGNMENT - The Tenant will not, and will not permit a subtenant
          to, assign this Lease in whole or in part, or sublet all or a part of
          the Leased Premises or any part thereof, without the prior written
          consent of the Landlord in each case, which consent shall not be
          unreasonably withheld. The consent by the Landlord to an assignment or
          subletting will not constitute a waiver of its consent to a subsequent
          assignment or subletting, or a waiver of the obligation of the
          Guarantor as set forth in paragraph 1.1 l(b) herein. Any such
          assignment, transfer or subleasing, or otherwise shall be subject to
          all the terms and conditions of this lease, and the Tenant will remain
          jointly and severally liable with any such transferee, whether such
          joint and several responsibility be mentioned or not in any consent to
          such transfer, assignment or sub-leasing. An assignment or sub-letting
          of this lease or the Leased Premises if consented to by the Landlord
          will be prepared by the Landlord's solicitors together with such
          additional documents as reasonably required by the said solicitors and
          all reasonable legal costs of its preparation will be paid by the
          Tenant. If the Tenant or any sub-tenant or assignee of this Lease is a
          corporation, then any sale or other disposition resulting in a
          substantial sale of its assets or change in the shareholders
          controlling such corporation at any time during the Term or any
          renewal thereof shall be and be deemed to be an assignment of this
          Lease and, accordingly, the prior written consent of the Landlord to
          any such sale or disposition shall be required. A change in control of

          shareholdings of the Tenant as between the existing shareholders upon
          execution of the Lease, shall not be deemed an assignment of the lease
          as aforesaid.

          (b) GUARANTEE - In the event that the Tenant assigns this Lease or
          sublets all or part of the Leased Premises during the initial term
          with the consent of the Landlord, in consideration of the premises and
          other valuable consideration, the receipt whereof and the sufficiency
          whereof is hereby acknowledged by the Tenant, the Tenant as Guarantor
          does hereby unconditionally guarantee all obligations of the then
          Tenant under this Lease and accordingly covenants with the Tenant that
          all the covenants, agreements and other obligations of the then Tenant
          herein shall be fully performed, the guarantee being upon the
          following terms:

          (i)    The liability of the Guarantor to the Landlord is for all
          purposes as if the Guarantor was primary obligor herein, and not only
          sureties for the obligations of the then Tenant, and the Landlord is
          not obliged to resort to or exhaust any recourse which it has against
          the then Tenant or any other person before being entitled to claim
          against the Guarantor;

          (ii)   Any account settled or stated or any other settlement made
          between the Tenant and the Landlord, and any determination made
          pursuant to the provisions of this Lease which is expressed to be
          binding upon the then Tenant is binding upon the Guarantor;

          (iii)  The Guarantor shall make payment to the Landlord of any amount
          properly payable by the then Tenant to the Landlord but unpaid upon
          demand, and shall upon demand perform any other obligations under this
          Lease which the then Tenant has failed to perform, and any demand made
          by the Landlord upon the Guarantor is deemed to have been effectually
          made if notice thereof is sent as provided in paragraph 4.07;

          (iv)   No assignment of the Lease, sublease or any other dealings
          therewith by the then Tenant, whether with or without the consent of
          the Landlord, affects the guarantee;

          (v)    Nothing except the performance in full of all the obligations
          of the then Tenant under this Lease throughout the Term shall, except
          as provided in paragraph 1.11(c), discharge the Guarantor of this

          (vi)   If during the Term the then Tenant makes an assignment for the
          general benefit of its creditors, or an order is made for the winding
          up of the then Tenant, or a receiving order in bankruptcy is made by
          or against the Landlord, and the assignee, liquidator or trustee
          surrenders possession of the Premises or any part of them or disclaims
          the lease, the Guarantor shall forthwith upon the demand of the
          Landlord at the Guarantor's expense, accept from the Tenant a lease of
          the Premises (the "New Lease") for a period equal in duration to the
          residue of the

          term remaining unexpired from the date of surrender or disclaimer at
          the same Minimum Rent and Additional Rent and with the same covenants
          and provisos as are reserved and contained in the Lease.

          (c) This guarantee and all the liabilities and obligations of the
          Guarantor hereunder shall forthwith cease and terminate upon the
          completion of the Initial or Renewal Term.

1.12      NUISANCE - The Tenant shall not do or omit to do or permit to be done
     or omitted anything upon or in respect of the Leased Premises the doing or
     omission or which (as the case may be) shall be or result in a nuisance.

1.13      INDEMNITY - The Tenant shall keep the Landlord indemnified against all
     claims, demands, costs, counsel fees, expenses and liabilities whatsoever
     by any person, firm or firms, corporation or corporations and whether in
     respect of damage to person or property arising out of or occasioned by the
     maintenance, use or occupancy of the Leased Premises, or the subletting or
     assignment of the same or any part thereof, except where same is caused by
     the failure of the Landlord to repair pursuant to paragraph 2.02 hereof or
     by the willful acts or negligence of the Landlord, and except to the extent
     covered by insurance which the Landlord is required to maintain under this

1.14      PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS - The Tenant shall permit the Landlord to show
     the Leased Premises to prospective purchasers at reasonable times, upon 24
     hours prior notice.

1.15      INTEREST ON OVERDUE AMOUNTS - On all rents, payments and charges which
     the Tenant herein covenants to pay or which the Landlord shall pay on
     behalf of the Tenant, the Landlord shall be entitled to receive interest at
     the rate of prime plus three (3) percentage points per annum from the date
     all such amounts are due. Such interest charges shall be payable by the
     Tenant to the Landlord within ten (10) days of receipt of demand from the
     Landlord and shall be treated as Additional Rent due by the Tenant
     hereunder; provided however that the payment of interest by the Tenant
     shall not operate or be deemed to operate to waive or excuse breach of any
     covenant by the Tenant.


     The Landlord hereby covenants with the Tenant as follows:

2.01      QUIET ENJOYMENT - The Tenant, by paying the rent hereby reserved and
     observing and performing the several covenants and stipulations herein on
     its part contained, shall peacefully hold and enjoy the Leased Premises
     during the Term without any interruption by the Landlord or by any person
     rightfully claiming under or in trust for it. The Tenant shall have
     uninhibited ingress and egress to the docking facilities of the Leased
     Premises subject only to any necessary repairs to the roadway and asphalt
     services as completed from time to time by the Landlord, which repairs, if

     shall be completed by the Landlord as expeditiously as possible, and after
     reasonable prior written notice to the Tenant.

2.02 TRADE FIXTURES OF TENANT - All trade fixtures installed by the Tenant and
     or its directly related predecessor companies on the Leased Premises shall
     remain the property of the Tenant at its sole risk during the Term hereof.
     At the termination of the Term by the effluxion of time, the Tenant shall
     remove the same; provided however that where such removal is undertaken,
     the Tenant shall make good any damage occasioned by such removal, thereby
     returning the Leased Premises to their original state as at the time of the
     commencement of the original term (January 1993), reasonable wear and tear

2.03 PARKING - The Tenant shall be entitled to the use of 24 energized parking
     stalls at no additional cost located in or near the front of the Leased
     Premises and such additional parking spaces along side the Leased Premises
     as the Landlord in its sole discretion shall determine. If such additional
     parking spaces shall be provided, the use thereof shall be such as will not
     interfere with loading at the rear of the premises.

2.04 LANDLORD'S OBLIGATIONS - The Landlord in the same manner and to the same
     extent as prudent and reputable owner and operator of a similar property

     (a)  keep or cause the Property to be kept in good repair and in a clean,
          orderly and safe condition;

     (b)  keep or cause to be kept in good repair the base building equipment
          installed by the Landlord to heat, ventilate and air-condition the
          Property and for the distribution of utilities (any additional
          equipment installed by or on behalf of the Tenant, for the Tenant's
          sole benefit is the responsibility of the Tenant to maintain); and

     (c)  effect as expeditiously as possible all repairs which it is required
          to make.

2.05 ACCESS - The Tenant shall be permitted to access the Leased Premises 24
     hours per day, 7 days per week throughout the Term, as same may be renewed
     or extended, and the Landlord shall provide, upon request by the Tenant and
     at the Tenant's sole cost, after hours lighting, heating, ventilation and
     air conditioning.



     (a)  The Tenant shall take out and maintain the following insurance at the
          Tenant's sole expense, in such form and with such companies as the
          Landlord may reasonably approve:

          (i) comprehensive general liability insurance against claims for
          bodily injury, including death, property damage or loss arising out of
          the use and/or occupation of the Leased Premises, or the Tenant's
          business on or about the Leased Premises; such insurance shall
          identify the Landlord as an additional insured so as to indemnify and
          protect both the Tenant and the Landlord and shall contain a "cross
          liability" or "severability of interests" clause so that the Landlord
          and the Tenant may be insured in the same manner and to the same
          extent as if individual policies had been issued to each, and shall be
          for an amount of not less than Two Million ($2,000,000.00) Dollars in
          respect of any one accident and not less than Two Hundred Thousand
          ($200,000.00) Dollars in respect of property damage for any one

          (ii) all risks insurance upon its merchandise, stock-in-trade,
          furnitures, fixtures and improvements and upon all other property in
          the Leased Premises owned by the Tenant or for which the Tenant is
          legally liable, and insurance upon all glass and plate glass in the
          Leased Premises against breakage and damage from any cause, all in an
          amount equal to the full replacement value thereof, which amount in
          the event of a dispute shall be determined by the decision of the
          Landlord, acting reasonably;

          (iii) boiler and machinery insurance on such boilers and pressure
          vessels as may be installed by, or under the exclusive control of, the
          Tenant in the Leased Premises; and

          (b) The policies of insurance referred to above shall contain the

          (i) provisions such that the Landlord is protected notwithstanding any
          act, neglect, or misrepresentation of the Tenant which might otherwise
          result in the avoidance of a claim under such policies and such that
          such policies shall not be affected or invalidated by any act,
          omission or negligence of any third party which is not within the
          knowledge or control of the insured(s);

          (ii) provisions that such policies and the coverage evidenced thereby
          shall be primary and non-contributing with respect to any policies
          carried by the Landlord and that any coverage carried by the Landlord
          shall be excess coverage;

          (iii) all property and boiler insurance referred to above shall
          provide for waiver of the insurer's rights of subrogation as against
          the Landlord;

          (iv) policies of insurance shall not be cancelled without the insurer
          providing the Landlord thirty (30) days written notice stating when
          such cancellation shall be effective.

3.02      LANDLORD'S INSURANCE - the Landlord shall take out or cause to be
          taken out and keep or cause to be kept in full force and effect:

          (a) standard fire, extended coverage, riot, vandalism, and malicious
          mischief insurance, on the buildings and improvements located on the
          Property, on a replacement cost basis, in an amount such as would be
          carried by a prudent owner, subject to such deductions and exceptions
          as the Landlord may determine; such insurance shall be in a form or
          forms normally in use from time to time for buildings and improvements
          of a similar nature similarly situated, including, should the Landlord
          so elect, insurance to cover any loss of rental income which may be
          sustained by the Landlord;

          (b) boiler and machinery insurance on such boilers and pressure
          vessels as may be installed by, or under the exclusive control of, the
          Landlord on the Property (other than such boilers and pressure
          vessels to be insured by the Tenant hereunder);

     The Landlord's and Tenant's insurance policies shall contain a waiver by
     the insurer of any rights of subrogation or indemnity or any other claim
     over which such insurer might otherwise be entitled against the
     Landlord/Tenant and for those for whom in law they are responsible.
     Provided that nothing herein shall prevent the Landlord from providing or
     maintaining such broader coverage as the Landlord may determine. The Tenant
     shall pay to the Landlord as Additional Rent the Tenant's Proportionate
     Share of insurance premiums paid by the Landlord. The Landlord's
     Proportionate Share shall be calculated on the basis set out under Section
     1.02 of this Lease provided that if the Leased Premises are insured
     separately from any other premises located on the Property the Tenant shall
     pay to the Landlord as Additional Rent the full insurance premiums paid by
     the Landlord in respect of the Leased Premises.

3.03      INCREASE IN INSURANCE RATE - the Tenant will not do or permit to be
     done upon the Leased Premises anything which shall result in a nuisance or
     which shall cause the rate of insurance upon the Leased Premises to be
     increased, and if the insurance rate shall be increased as aforesaid, the
     Tenant shall pay to the Landlord the amount by which the insurance premium
     shall be so increased. If notice of cancellation shall be given respecting
     any insurance policy or if any insurance policy upon the Leased Premises or
     any part thereof shall be cancelled or refused to be renewed by the insurer
     by reason of the Tenant's use other than the permitted use provided for
     herein or occupation of the Leased Premises or any part thereof, the Tenant
     shall remedy or rectify such use or occupation upon being requested to do
     so in writing by the Landlord, and if the Tenant shall fail to do so within
     fifteen (15) days of receipt of such writing, the Landlord, at its option,
     may terminate this lease forthwith by leaving upon the Leased Premises
     notice in writing of its intention to do so, and thereupon rent and any
     other payments for which the Tenant is liable under the Lease shall be
     apportioned and paid in frill to the date of such termination of the Lease
     and the Tenant shall immediately deliver up possession of the Leased
     Premises to the Landlord.


     Provided always, and it is hereby agreed between the parties as follows:

4.01      DESTRUCTION OR DAMAGE OF LEASED PREMISES - If and whenever during the
     Term of this Lease the Leased Premises shall be destroyed or damaged by
     fire, lightning or tempest or any other perils, then and in every such

          (a) if the damage or destruction is such that the Leased Premises are
          rendered wholly unfit for occupancy, or it is impossible or unsafe to
          use and occupy them, and if in either event the damage cannot be
          repaired with reasonable diligence within 120 days from the happening
          of such damage, then either party may within thirty (30) days of the
          happening of such damage or destruction terminate this Lease by giving
          to the other notice in writing of such termination in which event this
          Lease shall cease and be at an end as of the date of such damage and
          the rent and all other payments for which the Tenant is liable under
          the terms of this Lease shall be apportioned and paid in full to the
          date of such damage. If neither the Landlord nor the Tenant so
          terminates this Lease, then the Landlord shall repair the building
          with all reasonable speed and the rent hereby reserved shall abate
          from the date of the happening of the damage until the damage shall be
          made good and the Tenant can again use and occupy the Leased Premises;

          (b) if the damage be such as the Leased Premises are wholly unfit for
          occupancy, or if it is impossible or unsafe to use or occupy them, but
          in either event the damage can be repaired with reasonable diligence
          within 90 days from the happening of such damage, then the rent hereby
          reserved shall abate from the date of the happening of such damage
          until the damage shall be made good and the Tenant can again use and
          occupy the Leased Premises and the Landlord shall repair the damage
          with all reasonable speed;

          (c) if the damage can be made good as aforesaid within 90 days of the
          happening of such damage and the damage is such that the Leased
          Premises are capable of being partially used for the purposes for
          which they are hereby demised, then until such damage has been
          repaired the rent shall be reduced by the fraction that the part of
          the Leased Premises which is rendered unfit for occupancy is of the
          whole of the Leased Premises and the Landlord shall repair the damage
          with all reasonable speed.

          (d) In the event that the Landlord and Tenant shall be unable to agree
          as to the state of fitness of the Leased Premises and its condition,
          the question in dispute shall be referred to arbitration in accordance
          with Section 4.23 hereof but the certificate of an Architect selected
          by the Landlord, duly qualified to practice as such in the Province of
          Manitoba, shall bind the parties as to the length of time reasonably
          required to make any necessary repairs.

4.02      EXPROPRIATION - If the whole or any part of the Lease Premises shall
     be taken by any public authority under the power of eminent domain, the
     Term hereby granted shall cease from the day possession shall be taken for
     such public purposes insofar as the premises so taken comprise part of the
     Leased Premises; and the Tenant shall be liable

     only for rent in respect of the Leased Premises or part thereof so taken to
     the day of the taking, and if less than the whole be so taken, the Landlord
     or Tenant may at its option cancel and terminate this agreement with
     respect to the remainder of the Leased Premises, but notice of such
     cancellation must be given to the other within thirty (30) days after
     notice of such taking has been received by the Landlord; but if the
     Landlord or Tenant shall not elect to cancel the said Lease, the Tenant
     shall remain in possession of the remainder of the Leased Premises and the
     rent thereof shall be reduced in proportion that the space remaining
     possessed of the Landlord bears to the total ground floor space of the
     Leased Premises at the date of the commencement of this Lease. All
     compensation or damages awarded in respect of such taking of the Leased
     Premises and any diminution in value of the remainder thereof shall be the
     property of the Landlord but the Tenant shall be entitled to receive such
     compensation or damages as it may be able to establish against such public
     authority in respect to loss of its business, depreciation of and cost of
     removal of stock and fixtures.

4.03 HOLDING OVER - If the Tenant shall remain in possession of the Leased
     Premises after termination of the Term hereby granted, or any renewal
     thereof as herein provided, without other special agreement, a tenancy from
     year to year shall not be created by implication of law, but the Tenant
     shall be deemed to be a monthly tenant only at a rent payable monthly in
     advance at a rate of One Hundred and Fifty (150%) percent of the annual
     rent payable immediately prior to such termination, and otherwise upon and
     to the same terms and conditions as are herein contained, except provisions
     for renewal, and nothing, including acceptance of any rent by the Landlord,
     operates to extend any tenancy except a specific agreement in writing
     between the Landlord and Tenant.

4.04 RE-ENTRY - If the Tenant shall default in making payment of the rents
     hereby reserved or any part thereof, when due and fails to pay same within
     five (5) days after notice to do so is provided by the Landlord or if the
     Tenant shall default in performance of observance of any of its other
     covenants herein contained, the Landlord, after ten (10) days written
     notice to the Tenant of such default and any default not being cured within
     the said period or such longer period as may reasonably be required in the
     circumstances (such period to be agreed upon in writing by the Landlord
     within the 10 days), may at its option at any time thereafter re-enter upon
     the Leased Premises or any part thereof in the name of the whole, and
     thereupon this Lease shall absolutely determine but without prejudice to
     the right of action of the Landlord in respect of any breach of the
     Tenant's covenants herein contained.

4.05 WAIVER - No condoning, excusing or overlooking by the Landlord of any
     default, breach or non-observance by the Tenant at any time or times in
     respect of any covenant, proviso or condition herein contained shall
     operate as a waiver of the Landlord's rights hereunder in respect of any
     covenant, proviso or condition hereunder in respect of any continuing or
     subsequent default, breach or non-observance, or so as to defeat or affect
     in any way the right of the Landlord herein in respect of any such
     continuing or subsequent default or breach, and no waiver shall be inferred
     from or implied by anything done or omitted by the Landlord save only
     express waiver in writing. All rights and remedies of the Landlord in this
     Lease contained shall be cumulative and not alternative.

     shall have (in addition to any other right or remedy of the Landlord) the
     same rights and remedies in the event of default by the Tenant in payment
     of any amount payable by the Tenant hereunder, as the Landlord would have
     in the case of default in payment of rent.

4.07    NOTICE - Any notice required or contemplated by this Lease shall be
     sufficiently given if mailed by prepaid registered mail addressed to the
     proper party as follows:

          The Landlord at:   305 Milner Ave., Suite 309
                             Toronto, Ontario
                             M1B 3V4

          The Tenant at:     147 Hamelin Street
                             Winnipeg, Manitoba
                             R3T 3Z1

     The date of the giving of any such notice shall be deemed conclusively to
     be two (2) days following the date upon which it was mailed. The above
     address may be changed by either party at any time hereafter by giving
     fifteen (15) days written notice to the other party.

4.08    UNAVOIDABLE DELAYS - In the event that either the Landlord or the Tenant
     shall be delayed, hindered or prevented from the performance of any act or
     covenant required hereunder, by reasons of any Unavoidable Delay (as herein
     defined) not the fault of the party delayed, then performance or such act
     or covenant shall be excused for the period during which such performance
     is rendered impossible, and the time for the performance thereof shall be
     extended accordingly, but this shall not operate to excuse the Tenant from
     the prompt payment of rent or any other payments required under this Lease.
     "Unavoidable Delay" means a delay caused by fire, strike or other casualty
     or contingency beyond the reasonable control of a party who is, by reason
     thereof, delayed in the performance of such party's covenants and
     obligations under this Lease in circumstances where it is not within the
     reasonable control of such party to avoid such delay (but does not include
     any insolvency, lack of funds or other financial cause of delay).

     covenants and agrees that if at any time during the Term, any of the goods
     and chattels of the Tenant on the Leased Premises are seized or taken in
     execution or attachment by any creditor of the Tenant, or if the Tenant
     shall make any assignment for the benefit or creditors or any bulk sale or
     becomes bankrupt or insolvent, it shall take the benefit of any Act now or
     hereafter in force for bankrupt or insolvent debtors, or if any order shall
     be made for the winding up of the Tenant, or if the Leased Premises shall
     be used for any other purpose than as permitted under the terms of this
     Lease, or if the Tenant shall without the written consent of the Landlord
     abandon the Leased Premises, then and in every such case the then current
     month's Minimum Rent and Additional Rent and the

     next ensuring three (3) months Minimum Rent and Additional Rent shall
     immediately become due and be paid and the Landlord may re-enter and take
     possession of the Leased Premises as though the Tenant or the servants of
     the Tenant or any other occupant of the Leased Premises were holding over
     after the expiration of the said term, and the said term shall, at the
     option of the Landlord forthwith become forfeited and determined, and in
     everyone of the cases above such accelerated rent shall be recoverable by
     the Landlord in the same manner as the rent hereby reserved and as if the
     rent were in arrears and the said option shall be deemed to have been
     exercised if the Landlord or its agents shall give notice to such effect to
     the Tenant.

4.10      NON-LIABILITY OF LANDLORD - Provided the Landlord and those for whom
     in law the Landlord is liable are not negligent, the Landlord shall not be
     liable nor responsible in any way for any personal or consequential injury
     of any nature whatsoever that may be suffered or sustained by the Tenant or
     any employee, agent or customer of the Tenant or any other person who may
     be upon the Leased Premises, or for any loss of or damage or injury to any
     property belonging to the Tenant or its employees or to any person while
     such property is on the Leased Premises and in particular (but without
     limiting the generality of the foregoing) the Landlord shall not be liable
     for any damage or damages of any nature whatsoever to any such property
     caused by the failure, by reason of breakdown or other cause, to supply
     adequate drainage, snow or ice removal or by reason of the interruption of
     any public utility or service or in the event of steam, water, rain or snow
     which may leak into, issue or flow from any part of the said building, or
     from the water, steam, gas, sprinkler or drainage pipes of plumbing works
     of the same or from any other place or quarter or for any damage caused by
     anything done or omitted by any tenant, but the Tenant shall use all
     reasonable diligence to remedy such condition, failure or interruption of
     service when not directly or indirectly attributable to the Tenant, after
     notice of same, when it is within its power and obligation to do so. Nor
     shall the Tenant be entitled to any abatement of rent in respect of any
     such condition, failure or interruption of service as aforesaid.

4.11      INSPECTION OF PREMISES - The Tenant shall examine the Leased Premises
     before taking possession hereunder and such taking of possession shall be
     conclusive evidence against the Tenant that at the time thereof the Leased
     Premises were in good order and satisfactory condition except for defects
     not apparent on inspection; and that the Tenant shall make no claim for nor
     hold the Landlord liable for or bound by any promise, representation or
     undertaking with respect to any alteration, remodelling or redecorating of
     or installation of equipment or fixtures in the Leased Premises, except
     such, if any, as is expressly set forth in this Lease; and that in case of
     any such express provision, unless same provides for completion of
     alteration, remodelling or decorating, or such installation after the
     Tenant's taking of possession hereunder, such taking of possession shall
     constitute conclusive evidence as against the Tenant that said alteration,
     remodelling, or decorating, or installation of equipment or fixtures has
     been satisfactorily completed.

4.12      SIGNS - The Tenant may, at its sole cost and expense, manufacture,
     maintain and install an exterior facia sign on the Leased Premises, subject
     to the Landlord's approval

     as to size, location and suspension of said sign, which said approval shall
     not be unreasonably or arbitrarily withheld, provided that the said sign
     complies with all of the regulations and/or by-laws of the City of Winnipeg
     or any other governing authority in force at the time of this demise, or
     which may come into force, and the Tenant hereby agrees, firstly: to
     indemnify and save harmless the Landlord from any and all causes of action
     which might arise from the erection and maintenance of such sign, and
     secondly: to pay to the Landlord upon written demand for same any
     Encroachment License fee that may be assessed against the Landlord by the
     City of Winnipeg or any other governing authority in force at the same time
     of this demise, in connection with the erection and maintenance of said
     sign. The Tenant shall, with respect to any signs painted on the Leased
     Premises, repaint or remove any such signage upon the termination of the
     Lease at its own expense. The Landlord will co-operate with the Tenant in
     obtaining any necessary consents from the said City. The Tenant shall
     repair any and all damage to the Leased Premises resulting from removal of
     the signage.

4.13      PLACE FOR PAYMENTS - All payments required to be made by the Tenant
     herein shall be made to the Landlord at the Landlord's office at 305 Milner
     Ave., Suite 309 Toronto, ON, M1B 3V4 or to such agent or agents of the
     Landlord or at such other place as the Landlord shall hereafter from time
     to time direct in writing.

4.14      "FOR SALE" SIGN - The Landlord may place upon the Leased Premises, a
     notice of reasonable dimensions and reasonably placed so as to not
     interfere with the Tenant's business, stating that the Leased Premises are
     for sale or, during the last six (6) months of the Term, to let, which
     notice the Tenant shall not remove or permit to be removed.

4.15      SUBORDINATION OF LEASE - Subject to the provisoes hereinafter
     contained, upon the request of the Landlord, the Tenant shall subordinate
     its rights hereunder to the charge of any mortgage or mortgages or the
     charges resulting from any other method of financing or refinancing,
     declaration of trust, debenture issue or any such method of financing or
     refinancing, now or hereafter in force against the land and building, and
     to all advances made or hereafter to be made upon the security thereof.
     Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Landlord shall not at any time encumber
     the title to the Leased Premises and the Tenant shall not be required to
     subordinate its rights hereunder as aforesaid without the Landlord first
     obtaining a non-disturbance agreement from the encumbrancer, mortgagee,
     chargee or trustee, as the case may be, in favour of the Tenant whereby the
     encumbrancer, mortgagee, chargee or trustee agrees that so long as the
     Tenant is not in default under the terms of this Lease, the Tenant shall be
     entitled to remain undisturbed in its possession of the Leased Premises and
     to enjoy peaceful possession thereof pursuant to the terms of this Lease
     notwithstanding the exercise of any or all rights of any such encumbrancer,
     mortgagee, chargee or trustee, as the case may be, under their security

4.16      ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY TENANT - The Tenant or the Landlord shall promptly,
     whenever requested by the other from time to time, execute and deliver to
     the Landlord (and if required by the other, to any mortgagee, including any
     trustee under Deed of Trust and mortgage designated by the Landlord) a
     certificate in writing as to the then status of

     this Lease, including as to whether it is in full force and effect, is
     modified or unmodified, confirming the rental payable hereunder and the
     state of the accounts between the Landlord and the Tenant, the existence or
     nonexistence of default or any other reasonable matters pertaining to this
     Lease as to which the other shall request a certificate.

4.17      MODIFICATION OF LEASE - This Lease may not be modified or amended
     excepting only by an instrument in writing signed by the parties hereto.

4.18      RENEWAL - Provided that the Tenant has not been and is not currently
     in default of any of its obligations herein contained for which it has
     received notice and failed to remedy within the applicable cure period and
     provided this Lease shall not have terminated for any cause whatsoever, the
     Tenant shall have the right to renew this Lease for a further period of one
     (1) year as and from the expiration of the Term, on the same terms and
     conditions as herein contained subject, however, to the following:

          (a) The Tenant shall notify the Landlord in writing at least 180 days
          prior to the expiration of the Term that it elects to renew the Lease
          for a further one year period.

          (b) The Minimum Rent payable for the Renewal Term shall be determined
          by mutual agreement by no later than 90 days prior to the expiration
          of the current Term, but in any event shall not be less than the
          minimum rental payable during the current Term.

          (c) In the event that the parties are unable to agree as to the
          Minimum Rent payable for the Renewal Term at least 90 days prior to
          the expiration of the current Term, the Minimum Rent payable shall be
          determined by arbitration pursuant to clause 4.23 hereof.

4.19      "GST" - The Tenant will pay to the Landlord (acting as agent for the
     taxing authority if applicable) or directly to the taxing authority (if
     required by the applicable legislation) the full amount of all goods and
     services taxes, sales taxes, value added taxes, multi-stage taxes, business
     transfer taxes, and other taxes imposed on the Tenant in respect of the
     Rent and any other consideration payable by the Tenant under this Lease, or
     in respect of the rental of premises by the Tenant under this Lease
     (collectively and individually "GST"). GST is payable by the Tenant whether
     it is characterized as a good and services tax, sales tax, value-added tax,
     multi-stage tax, business transfer tax or otherwise. GST so payable by the
     Tenant will be: (i) calculated and paid in accordance with the applicable
     legislation; (ii) paid by the Tenant at the same time as the amounts to
     which the GST apply is payable to the Landlord under the terms of this
     Lease (or upon demand at such other time or times as the Landlord from time
     to time determines); and (iii) considered not to be Rent, despite anything
     else in this Lease, but the Landlord will have all of the same remedies for
     and rights of recovery with respect to such amounts as it has for
     non-payment of Rent under this Lease or at law and any other consideration
     of any nature or kind.

4.20      CAVEATS - Subject to the provisions of clause 4.15 herein, the Tenant
     agrees with the Landlord not to file a caveat under The Real Property Act
     (Manitoba) against the land in respect of this lease unless it be in such
     form as the Landlord shall have approved in writing, which approval shall
     not be unreasonably withheld.

4.21      PARTIAL INVALIDITY - If a term, covenant or condition of this Lease or
     the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held to any
     extent to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Lease or the
     application of the said term, covenant or condition to persons or
     circumstances other than those to which or to whom it is held invalid or
     unenforceable will not be effected.

4.22      NET LEASE - The Lease shall be deemed and construed to be a "net
     lease" and, except as herein otherwise expressly provided, the Landlord
     shall receive all Minimum Rent and Additional Rent and all other payments
     hereunder to be made by the Tenant free from any charges, assessments,
     impositions, expenses or deductions of any and every kind or nature
     whatsoever except as otherwise herein expressly provided.

4.23      ARBITRATION - If at any time a dispute, difference of question shall
     arise among the parties hereby concerning any question relating to this
     Lease, the right or liabilities of any of the parties hereof, or any other
     dispute involving either the interpretation of this Lease or anything
     contained herein, then any such dispute, difference or question shall be
     decided by arbitration, such arbitration to be initiated by one (1) party
     serving written notice to the other party of his desire to have the matter
     arbitrated. The matter requiring arbitration shall be referred to a single
     arbitrator if one can be mutually agreed upon by the parties within seven
     (7) days of the notice of desire for arbitration being served. In the event
     that the parties cannot agree upon a single arbitrator, then each party
     shall name one arbitrator within a further period of seven (7) days
     therefrom and the arbitrators so named shall appoint one more arbitrator.
     If one of the parties refuses or neglects to appoint an arbitrator within
     the period herein set out, then the arbitrator appointed by the other party
     together with the additional arbitrator appointed by the arbitrator so
     named as above provided, shall sit and hear the arbitration. In the event
     that the arbitrators named by the parties to the arbitration cannot agree
     upon the additional arbitrator as above provided within seven (7) days of
     the date of appointment of the last of them, then after the expiry of such
     seven (7) day period, any one of the parties may apply to a Judge of the
     Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba or its successor to appoint the
     additional arbitrator to sit and hear the arbitration. The decision arrived
     at by a single arbitrator or a majority of the arbitrators, as the case may
     be, shall be binding upon all the parties and no appeal shall lie
     therefrom. The provisions of this section shall be deemed to be a
     submission to arbitration within the provisions of The Arbitration Act
     (Manitoba) and any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof.

4.24      HEADINGS AND CAPTIONS - The headings herein are inserted for the
     convenience of reference only and are not to be considered when
     interpreting this Lease.

4.25      TIME - Time shall be of the essence hereof.

4.26 LEASE CONTAINS ENTIRE AGREEMENT - This Lease contains the entire agreement
     between the parties and it is admitted, so that they shall be forever
     estopped from asserting to the contrary, that there is no condition
     precedent or warranty of any nature whatsoever and no collateral condition
     or covenant whatsoever to the within Lease.

4.27 ENUREMENT - It is further agreed and declared that this lease shall extend
     to, be binding upon and enure to the benefit of the parties hereto, and
     their respective successors and assigns.

4.28 GOVERNING LAW - This Lease will be interpreted under and is governed by the
     laws of the Province of Manitoba.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto executed this Agreement as of the day and
year first above written.

                                          ALMAD INVESTMENTS LIMITED

                                     )    Per:   /s/
                                     )        ----------------------------------
                                     )    Per:
                                     )        ----------------------------------

                                          I/We have the authority to bind the

                                          VIVENTIA BIOTECH INC.

                                     )    Per:   /s/ Michael A. Byrne
                                     )        ----------------------------------
                                     )           MICHAEL A. BYRNE
                                     )           CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER
                                     )    Per:   /s/
                                     )        ----------------------------------

                                          I/We have the authority to bind the

                            LEASE AMENDING AGREEMENT

THIS AGREEMENT made as of the 26th day of June, 2003



         (the "Landlord")

                                                              OF THE FIRST PART,



         (the "Tenant")

                                                             OF THE SECOND PART,


A. By a Lease dated the 31st day of March, 2000 between Almad Investments
Limited, the Landlord and Viventia Biotech Inc., the Tenant, the Landlord leased
to the Tenant the premises at 131-147 Hamelin Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, namely
136-147 Hamelin Street comprising of Twenty One Thousand Five Hundred (21,500)
square feet of Rentable Area, and more particularly described in the Lease (the

B. And whereas Almad Investments Limited transferred legal title to the property
to 131-149 Hamelin Holdings Limited;

C. And whereas 131-149 Hamelin Holdings Limited entered into a building lease
with 131-149 Hamelin Street Leaseholds Limited pursuant to which all existing
leases were assigned to 131-149 Hamelin Street Leaseholds Limited, as Landlord;

D. And Whereas 131-149 Hamelin Street Leaseholds Limited has agreed to enter
into this Lease Amending Agreement on the terms and conditions set forth herein.

E. And Whereas the Tenant has been in overhold from April 1, 2003 through to
June 30, 2003 on the same terms and conditions as contained in the Lease dated
the 31st day of March, 2000.

NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and in
the Lease, the parties hereby agree as follows:

1.   The execution of this Agreement shall constitute an extension of the Lease
     between the parties hereto and extend the termination date of the Lease to
     June 30, 2008. The term July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2008 shall be
     referred to as the renewal Term (the "Renewal Term"). This Renewal Term
     shall be governed on all the terms and conditions contained in the Lease,
     except as follows:

     (a) Premises shall consist of approximately Twenty Seven Thousand Five
     Hundred (27,500) square feet of Rentable Area, as shown on the attached
     floor plan. Schedule "A". For further clarification the Premises will
     consist of

     approximately 21,500 square feet of Rentable Area known as 147 Hamelin
     Street and approximately 6,000 square feet of Rentable Area known as 133
     Hamelin Street.

     (b) The annual Minimum Rent for the Renewal Term shall be based as follows:

     On the Premises known as 147 Hamelin Street:
     Years 1-3:            $ 6.50 per square foot of Rentable Area per annum
     Years 4-5:            $ 7.00 per square foot of Rentable Area per annum
     On the Premises known as 133 Hamelin Street:
     Years 1-2:            $ 4.50 per square foot of Rentable Area per annum
     Year 3:               $ 5.00 per square foot of Rentable Area per annum
     Years 4-5:            $ 5.50 per square foot of Rentable Area per annum

     Payable in equal monthly installments plus any additional charges, without
     deductions, in advance on the first day of each month during the Renewal

     (c) There shall be no tenant inducements or special conditions under the
     Renewal Term, including but not limited to free rent and tenant
     improvements, unless otherwise stated herein.

     (d) The Landlord shall grant the Tenant the months of July 2003 and August
     2003 Minimum Rent free on 133 Hamelin Street.

     (e) The following is added to Article 1.01 (b) of the Lease. "It is
     understood and agreed by the Tenant and the Landlord that the Tenant is
     currently paying gas and water directly to the utilities and that the
     Landlord is billing the Tenant for the entire Hydro usage for the Building.
     The Landlord will issue quarterly credits to the Tenant for any Hydro usage
     consumed by 131 Hamelin Street. The usage for 131 Hamelin Street is
     determined by the reading of two electrical panels and an electricians
     estimate of a third electrical panel. All three panels provide electrical
     power to 131 Hamelin Street."

     (f) The following is added to Article 1.02 (b) of the Lease. "It is agreed
     that the consumption of utilities by the Tenant is in excess of normal
     usage and therefore the Tenant will pay for utilities based on consumption
     and not on Proportionate Share."

     (g) The Premises known as 133 Hamelin Street are to be taken in "as is"
     condition. It is acknowledge that the Tenant in 131 Hamelin Street has use
     of 100 amps of the 200 amps currently available in 133 Hamelin Street.

2.   This Agreement shall be attached to the Lease and shall become a part
     thereof as if originally included therein.

3.   The Landlord and the Tenant covenant and agree with each other that, save
     and except as specifically provided herein, this Lease Amending Agreement
     shall be on the same terms, conditions, covenants, agreements, obligations
     and provisos contained in the Lease insofar as the same shall be deemed to
     be incorporated herein and shall be binding upon the

     Landlord and the Tenant as though the "Landlord" and "Tenant" referred to
     in the Lease were the Landlord and the Tenant respectively herein, and that
     the Landlord and the Tenant will respectively duly observe and perform the
     same. If there shall be any conflict between the terms of the Lease and the
     terms hereof, the terms hereof shall apply.

4.   The parties hereto covenant and agree that they have good right, full power
     and authority to enter into this Agreement in the manner as aforesaid.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto executed this Agreement as of the day and
year first above written.

                                             )  LEASEHOLDS LIMITED
  in the presence of:                        )                 Landlord
  /s/ B. McCarthy                            )
                                             )Per: /s/ Aubrey Dan
                                             )  -------------------------------
                                             )  AUBREY DAN, PRESIDENT

                                             )  I/We have the authority to bind
                                                the corporation.

   in the presence of:                       )                      Tenant
                                             )Per: /s/  Michael A. Byrne
                                             )   -------------------------------
                                             )   MICHAEL A. BYRNE
                                             )   CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER

                                             )   I/We have the authority to bind
                                                 the corporation.

                                  SCHEDULE "A"

                             131-149 HAMELIN STREET
                                 BUILDING PLAN

                                  (FLOOR PLAN)

                            LEASE AMENDING AGREEMENT

THIS AGREEMENT made as of the 26th day of January, 2004



                 (the "Landlord")

                                                              OF THE FIRST PART,

                 VIVENTIA BIOTECH INC. (the "Tenant")

                                                             OF THE SECOND PART,

A. By a Lease dated the 31st day of March, 2000 between Almad Investments
Limited, the Landlord and Viventia Biotech Inc., the Tenant, the Landlord leased
to the Tenant the premises at 131-147 Hamelin Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, namely
136-147 Hamelin Street comprising of Twenty One Thousand Five Hundred (21,500)
square feet of Rentable Area, and more particularly described in the Lease (the

B. And whereas Almad Investments Limited transferred legal title to the property
to 131-149 Hamelin Holdings Limited;

C. And whereas 131-149 Hamelin Holdings Limited entered into a building lease
with 131-149 Hamelin Street Leaseholds Limited pursuant to which all existing
leases were assigned to 131-149 Hamelin Street Leaseholds Limited, as Landlord;

D. And Whereas 131-149 Hamelin Street Leaseholds Limited has agreed to enter
into this Lease Amending Agreement on the terms and conditions set forth herein.

E. And Whereas the Tenant has been in overhold from April 1, 2003 through to
June 30, 2003 on the same terms and conditions as contained in the Lease dated
the 31st day of March, 2000.

F. And Whereas by a Lease Amending Agreement dated the 26th of June, 2003 the
Landlord leased to the Tenant an additional Six Thousand (6,000) square feet and
the Landlord and Tenant agreed to extend the termination date of the Lease to
June 30, 2008.

NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and in
the Lease, the parties hereby agree as follows:

1.   The execution of this Agreement shall constitute an expansion of leased
     space. The Landlord agrees to lease to the Tenant and the Tenant agrees to
     lease from the Landlord an additional Three Thousand Six Hundred (3,600)
     square feet, commonly known as 131 Hamelin Street, in the City of Winnipeg
     (the "Expansion Premises") The Expansion Premises shall be governed on all
     the terms and conditions contained in the Lease, except as follows:

     (a) The Expansion Premises shall consist of approximately Three Thousand
     Six Hundred (3,600) square feet of Rentable Area.

     (b) The annual Minimum Rent for the Expansion Premises shall be based as

     February 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005:
                       $ 4.50 per square foot of Rentable Area per annum
     July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006:
                       $ 5.00 per square foot of Rentable Area per annum
     July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2008:
                       $ 5.50 per square foot of Rentable Area per annum

     Payable in equal monthly installments plus any additional charges, without
     deductions, in advance on the first day of each month during the Renewal

     (c) There shall be no tenant inducements or special conditions for the
     Expansion Premises, including but not limited to free rent and tenant
     improvements, unless otherwise stated herein.

     (d) The following is deleted from Article 1.01 (b) of the Lease. "The
     Landlord will issue quarterly credits to the Tenant for any Hydro usage
     consumed by 131 Hamelin Street. The usage for 131 Hamelin Street is
     determined by the reading of two electrical panels and an electricians
     estimate of a third electrical panel. All three panels provide electrical
     power to 131 Hamelin Street"

     (e) The Premises known as 131 Hamelin Street are to be taken in "as is"

2.   This Agreement shall be attached to the Lease and shall become a part
     thereof as if originally included therein.

3.   The Landlord and the Tenant covenant and agree with each other that, save
     and except as specifically provided herein, this Lease Amending Agreement
     shall be on the same terms, conditions, covenants, agreements, obligations
     and provisos contained in the Lease insofar as the same shall be deemed to
     be incorporated herein and shall be binding upon the

     Landlord and the Tenant as though the "Landlord" and "Tenant" referred to
     in the Lease were the Landlord and the Tenant respectively herein, and that
     the Landlord and the Tenant will respectively duly observe and perform the
     same. If there shall be any conflict between the terms of the Lease and the
     terms hereof, the terms hereof shall apply.

4.   The parties hereto covenant and agree that they have good right, full power
     and authority to enter into this Agreement in the manner as aforesaid.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto executed this Agreement as of the day and
year first above written.

                                             )   LEASEHOLDS LIMITED
  in the presence of:                        )                  Landlord
/s/ B. McCarthy                              )Per: /s/ Aubrey Dan
                                             )   -------------------------------
                                             )   AUBREY DAN, PRESIDENT

                                             )   I/We have the authority to bind
                                                 the corporation.

   in the presence of:                       )                            Tenant
                               March 5, 2004 )Per: /s/  Michael A. Byrne
                                             )   -------------------------------
                                             )   MICHAEL A. BYRNE
                                             )   CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER

                                                 /s/ Nick Glover
                                                 NICK GLOVER
                                                 PRESIDENT AND CEO

                                                 I/We have the authority to bind
                                                 the corporation.