1996 SHARE INCENTIVE PLAN

                       DATED FOR REFERENCE MARCH 29, 1996

                                   ARTICLE 1

                           PURPOSE AND INTERPRETATION


1.1 The purpose this Share Incentive Plan will be to advance the interests of
the Company by encouraging equity participation in the Company through the
acquisition of Common Shares of the Company.


1.2 In the Plan

         ASSOCIATE has the meaning assigned by the Securities Act;

         BOARD means the board of directors of the Company;

         CHANGE OF CONTROL means the acquisition by any person or by any person
         and its joint actors (as such term is defined in the Securities Act),
         whether directly or indirectly, of voting securities (as such term is
         defined in the Securities Act) of the Company which,' when added to all
         other voting securities of the Company at the time held by such person
         and its joint actors, totals for the first time not less than 35% of
         the outstanding voting securities of the Company;

         COMMON SHARES means common shares without par value in the capital of
         the Company;

         COMPANY means Novopharm Biotech Inc.;

         DIRECTOR means a director of the Company or any of its subsidiaries;

         EFFECTIVE DATE for an Option means the date of grant thereof;

         EMPLOYEE means an individual who is an employee of the Company or of
         any subsidiary or affiliate Company including the Novopharm Biotech


         EXPIRY DATE means the day on which an Option lapses as specified in the
         Commitment therefor;

         INSIDER means

                  (i) an insider as defined in the Securities Act, other than a
                  person who fits within that definition solely by virtue of
                  being a director or senior officer of a subsidiary of the
                  Company, and

                  (ii) an Associate of any person who is an insider by virtue of
                  Section (i);

         NOVOPHARM BIOTECH PARTNERSHIP means the Partnership formed between the
         Company and Novopharm Limited;

         OPTION means the right to purchase Common Shares granted hereunder to a
         Service Provider;

         OPTION COMMITMENT means the notice of grant of an Option delivered by
         the Company hereunder to a Service Provider and substantially in the
         form of Schedule "A" hereto;

         OPTIONED SHARES means Common Shares subject to an Option;

         OPTIONEE means an individual to whom an Option is granted by the
         Company under the Plan;

         OUTSTANDING ISSUE means the number of Common Shares outstanding on a
         non-diluted basis excluding shares issued pursuant to share
         compensation arrangements over the preceding one-year period;

         PARTICIPANT means a person that becomes an Optionee or is issued Common
         Shares under the Share Bonus Plan;

         PLAN means the Share Option Plan the terms of which are set out herein;

         REGULATORY APPROVAL means the approval of the Vancouver Stock Exchange,
         the Toronto Stock Exchange or any other securities regulatory agency
         that may have jurisdiction in the circumstances;

         RESERVED FOR ISSUANCE refers to Common Shares that may be issued in the
         future upon the exercise of stock options which have been granted;


         SECURITIES ACT means the Securities Act, S.B.C. 1985, c. 83, as amended
         from time to time;

         SERVICE PROVIDER means

                  (i) an employee or director of the Company or of any of its
                  subsidiaries or affiliates including the Novopharm Biotech
                  Partnership, and

                  (ii) any other person or company engaged to provide directly
                  or indirectly ongoing management consulting and other research
                  or collaboration services to the Company or any of its
                  subsidiaries or affiliates, including the Novopharm Biotech

         SHARE COMPENSATION ARRANGEMENT means the Plan described herein and any
         other stock option, stock option plan, employee stock purchase plan or
         any other compensation or incentive mechanism involving the issuance or
         potential issuance of shares to one or more Service Providers,
         including a share purchase from treasury which is financially assisted
         by the Company by way of a loan, guaranty or otherwise;

         SUBSCRIPTION PRICE means the amount payable per Common Share on the
         exercise of an Option, as determined in accordance with section 3.1;

         TAKE OVER BID has the meaning assigned to that term in the Securities
         Act but excludes an exempt take over bid pursuant to section 80 of the
         Securities Act.

                                    ARTICLE 2

                                SHARE OPTION PLAN


2.1 There is hereby established a Share Option Plan to recognize contributions
made by Service Providers and to create an incentive for their continuing
relationship with the Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Any share
options granted by the Company prior to the date hereof, all of which are listed
in Schedule B hereto, are not included hereunder or affected hereby.



2.2 Options to purchase unissued Common Shares may be granted hereunder to
Service Providers.


2.3 Subject to specific variations approved by the Board, all terms and
conditions set out herein will be incorporated into and form part of an Option
granted hereunder.


2.4 The maximum aggregate number of Common Shares that are Reserved for Issuance
under the Plan is 1,500,000 Common Shares.


2.5 The number of Common Shares Reserved for Issue to any person under this Plan
shall in no event exceed 5% of the then Outstanding Issue.

2.6 No Option may be granted if, together with any other Share Compensation
Arrangement, it could result, at any time, in

         (a) the number of Common Shares that may be Reserved for Issuance under
         the Plan pursuant to Share Compensation Arrangements (including stock
         options under any pre-existing share compensation arrangement) granted
         to Insiders exceeding 10% of the then Outstanding Issue,

         (b) the number of Common Shares that may be issued to Insiders within a
         one year period exceeding 10% of the Outstanding Issue (or 5% to any
         one Insider and his or her associates), and

         (c) the number of Common Shares Reserved for Issuance to any one
         Insider and such Insider's associates pursuant to Share Compensation
         Arrangements (including stock options under any pre-existing Share
         Compensation Arrangement) exceeding within one year 5% of the
         Outstanding Issue.


2.7 Any Common Shares not acquired under an Option which has expired or been
cancelled or terminated may be made the subject of a further Option pursuant to
the provisions of the Plan.



2.8 The Board will be responsible for the general administration of the Plan and
the proper execution of its provisions, the interpretation of the Plan and the
determination of all questions arising hereunder. Without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, the Board has the power to

         (a) allot Common Shares for issuance in connection with Options granted
         under the Plan,

         (b) grant Options hereunder,

         (c) subject to Regulatory Approval, amend, suspend, terminate or
         discontinue the Plan, or revoke or alter any action taken in connection
         therewith, except that no amendment or suspension of [he Plan will,
         without the written consent of all Optionees, alter or impair any
         Option granted under the Plan,

         (d) save and except for the provisions of Section 2.8(a), delegate all
         or such portion of its powers hereunder as it may determine to one or
         more committees of the Board, either indefinitely or for such period of
         time as it may specify, and thereafter each such committee may exercise
         the powers and discharge the duties of the Board in respect of the Plan
         so delegated to the same extent as the Board is hereby authorized so to
         do, and

         (e) may in its sole discretion reduce the benefits that may be granted
         to Service Providers under the Plan but may not increase such benefits.

                                    ARTICLE 3

                        TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF OPTIONS


3.1 The Subscription Price per Optioned Share shall be the greater of:

         (a) the closing price for the Common Shares an the stock exchange on
         which the Common Shares of the Company are traded at the date of the
         grant on the last trading day before the date of grant of the Option;


         (b) if the Board determines that the Subscription Price determined in
         Section (a) is not a representative price, the weighted average of the
         trading prices for the Common Shares on the five trading days before
         the date of grant of the Option;

         (c) if the Company's Common Shares are listed on more than one stock
         exchange at the date of grant of the Option, then as calculated in (a)
         and (b) above using the trading price or prices on the stock exchange
         on which a majority of the Common Shares are listed; or

         (d) if the Common Shares arc not listed on a stock exchange then the
         price determined by the Board using good faith discretion.


3.2      (a) Subject to Section 3.2(b) and (c), the term of an Option will be
         five years from the Effective Date thereof.

         (b) If the Board determines that in the case of an Optionee

                  (i) hired or appointed for special purposes not expected to
                  exceed five years,

                  (ii) likely to retire within five years from the date of
                  grant, or

                  (iii) whose employment or appointment is otherwise subject to
                  special circumstances (such circumstances to be determined by
                  the Board in its discretion),

         it is desirable to grant to such an Optionee an Option which may be
         wholly exercised during a period less than five years from the
         Effective Date or for which the vesting of rights should be varied, the
         Board shall have the power to vary the terms of that Optionee's Option
         in such manner as in its discretion the Board shall determine. In no
         event will the term of any Option be longer than 10 years.

         (c) The Board may provide in the case of a particular Optionee that in
         the event of a Change of Control or Take Over Bid, the Option held by
         that Optionee may be exercised by the Optionee in full at any time or
         from time to rime on or before its Expiry Date.


3.3 Subject to Section 3.4, Options granted under the Plan shall vest and be
cumulatively exercisable in instalments at a rate to be fixed by the Board which
will generally be in equal


thirds over a 36-month period. Options may be exercised only after vesting and
may not be exercised after the tenth anniversary of the grant of the Option.
Vesting, at the discretion of the Board, will generally be subject to:

         (a) the Service Provider remaining employed by or continuing to provide
         services to the Company or any of its subsidiaries and affiliates
         including the Novopharm Biotech Partnership and receiving a
         satisfactory performance review by the Company or its subsidiary or
         affiliate during the vesting period; or

         (b) remaining as a Director of the Company or any of its subsidiaries
         or affiliates during the vesting period.


3.4 At the time an Option is granted the Board may determine with respect to any
Service Provider that it is desirable to grant to the Service Provider an Option
for which the vesting of rights should be other than as provided in Section 3.3,
and may fix such vesting period for that Option as it may, in its sole
discretion, determine to be appropriate. However, in no event will any Option be
exercisable after the tenth anniversary of the granting of such Option.


3.5 No Option may be exercised after the Optionee, if a Director has ceased to
be a Director or if an Employee or other Service Provider has left the employ or
service of the Company or any of its subsidiaries and affiliates, except as

         (a) in the case of the death of an Optionee, any Option held by him at
         the date of death shall become exercisable, whether or not the Optionee
         was eligible to exercise the Option at the date of the Optionee's
         death, in whole or in part but only by the person or persons to whom
         the Optionee's rights under the Option shall pass by the Optionee's
         will or laws of descent and distribution. All such Options shall be
         exercisable only for six months after the date of death or prior to the
         expiration of the term of the Option in respect thereof, whichever is
         sooner unless the Board otherwise determines to extend such period;

         (b) if an Optionee ceases to be an Employee or Service Provider to the
         Company or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates (other than as a
         result of termination with cause) or ceases to act as a Director of the
         Company or a subsidiary of the Company, an Option held by such Optionee
         may be exercised following the date an which such Optionee ceases to be
         so employed or providing services or ceases to be a Director, as the
         case may be for a period of thirty (30) days (unless the Board
         determines to


         extend this period in special circumstances) but only to the extent
         that the Optionee was eligible to exercise the Option at the date the
         Optionee ceased to be an Employee, Service Provider or Director of the
         Company or any subsidiary or affiliate of the Company; and

         (c) in the case of an Optionee being dismissed from employment or
         service for cause, the Option and all option rights that had accrued to
         the Optionee to the date of termination shall immediately terminate;

but provided that in no event may the term of the Option exceed 10 years.


3.6 Subject to Section 3.5(a) an Option shall be exercisable only by the
Optionee to whom it is granted and shall not be assignable.


3.7 The number of Common Shares subject to an Option will be subject to
adjustment in the events and in the manner following:

         (a) in the event of a subdivision of Common Shares as constituted on
         the date hereof, at any time while an Option is in effect, into a
         greater number of Common Shares, the Company will thereafter deliver at
         the time of purchase of Optioned Shares hereunder, in addition to the
         number of Optioned Shares in respect of which the right to purchase is
         then being exercised, such additional number of Common Shares as result
         from the subdivision without an Optionee making any additional payment
         or giving any other consideration therefor,

         (b) in the event of a consolidation of the Common Shares as constituted
         on the date hereof, at any time while an Option is in effect, into a
         lesser number of Common Shares, the Company will thereafter deliver and
         an Optionee will accept, at the time of purchase of Optioned Shares
         hereunder, in lieu of the number of Optioned Shares in respect of which
         the right to purchase is then being exercised, the lesser number of
         Common Shares as result from the consolidation,

         (c) in the event of any change of the Common Shares as constituted on
         the date hereof, at any time while an Option is in effect, the Company
         will thereafter deliver at the time of purchase of Optioned Shares
         hereunder the number of shares of the appropriate class resulting from
         the said change as an Optionee would have been entitled to receive in
         respect of the number of Common Shares so purchased had the right to
         purchase been exercised before such change,


         (d) in the event of a capital reorganization, reclassification or
         change of outstanding equity shares (other than a change in the par
         value thereof) of the Company, a consolidation, merger or amalgamation
         of the Company with or into any other company or a sale of the property
         of the Company as or substantially as an entirety at any time while an
         Option is in effect, an Optionee will thereafter have the right to
         purchase and receive, in lieu of the Optioned Shares immediately
         theretofore purchasable and receivable upon the exercise of the Option,
         the kind and amount of shares and other securities and property
         receivable upon such capital reorganization, reclassification, change,
         consolidation, merger, amalgamation or sale which the holder of a
         number of Common Shares equal to the number of Optioned Shares
         immediately theretofore purchasable and receivable upon the exercise of
         the Option would have received as a result thereof. The subdivision or
         consolidation of Common Shares at any time outstanding (whether with or
         without par value) will not be deemed to be a capital reorganization or
         a reclassification of the capital of the Company for the purposes of
         this Section 3.7(d),

         (e) an adjustment will take effect at the time of the event giving rise
         to the adjustment, and the adjustments provided for in this Section are

         (f) the Company will not be required to issue fractional shares in
         satisfaction of its obligations hereunder. Any fractional interest in a
         Common Share that would, except for the provisions of this Section
         3.7(f), be deliverable upon the exercise of an Option will be cancelled
         and not be deliverable by the Company, and

         (g) if any questions arise at any time with respect to the Subscription
         Price or number of Optioned Shares deliverable upon exercise of an
         Option in any of the events set out in this Section 3.7, such questions
         will be conclusively determined by the Company's auditors, or, if they
         decline to so act, any other firm of Chartered Accountants, in
         Vancouver, British Columbia or Toronto, Ontario that the Company may
         designate and who will have access to all appropriate records and such
         determination will be binding upon the Company and all Optionees.


                                    ARTICLE 4



4.1 Upon grant of an Option hereunder, the Secretary of the Company will deliver
to the Optionee an Option Commitment detailing the terms of his or her Option
and upon such delivery the Service Provider will be a Participant in the Plan
and have the right to purchase the Optioned Shares at the Subscription Price set
out therein.


4.2 An Optionee who wishes to exercise his Option may do so by delivering

         (a) a written notice to the Company specifying the number of Optioned
         Shares being acquired pursuant to the Option, and

         (b) cash or a certified cheque payable to the Company for the aggregate
         Subscription Price for the Optioned Shares being acquired.


4.3 Not later than five days after receipt of the notice of exercise described
in Section 4.2 and payment in full for the Optioned Shares being acquired, the
Company will direct its transfer agent to issue a certificate to the Optionee
for the appropriate number of Optioned Shares.

                                   ARTICLE 5



5.1 The benefits, rights and options accruing to any Optionee under any of the
Plan will not be transferable by any Optionee other than in the manner provided
for in the Plan. During the lifetime of an Optionee, all benefits, rights and
options may only be exercised by the Optionee or by his guardian or legal



5.2 Nothing contained in the Plan will confer upon any Optionee any right with
respect to employment or provision of services with the Company or any
subsidiary or affiliate of the Company, or interfere in any way with the right
of the Company to terminate the Optionee's employment or service at any time.
Participation in the Plan by an Optionee will be voluntary.


5.3 The Company makes no representation or warranty as to the future market
value of Common Shares issued in accordance with the provisions of the Plan.


5.4 The Plan will be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the
Province of British Columbia.


5.5 The Board reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to at any time
amend, modify or terminate the Plan. Any amendment to any provision of the Plan
will be subject to any necessary approvals by any stock exchange or regulatory
body having jurisdiction over the securities of the Company.