EXHIBIT 3.1

                          CONVERTIBLE SECURED DEBENTURE

I S S U E D   B Y:

                              VIVENTIA BIOTECH INC.

I S S U E D   T O:

                                  LESLIE L. DAN

                                NOVEMBER 3, 2004

                                TABLE OF CONTENTs

ARTICLE 1. INTERPRETATION.........................................................................................1

         1.1.     Definitions.....................................................................................1

         1.2.     Interpretation..................................................................................8

         1.3.     Schedules.......................................................................................8

         1.4.     Proper Law and Attornment.......................................................................8

         1.5.     Non-Business Days...............................................................................9

         1.6.     Application of Payments.........................................................................9

ARTICLE 2. DEBENTURE..............................................................................................9

         2.1.     Indebtedness....................................................................................9

ARTICLE 3. INTEREST...............................................................................................9

         3.1.     Interest........................................................................................9

ARTICLE 4. CONVERSION.............................................................................................9

         4.1.     Optional Conversion.............................................................................9

ARTICLE 5. ADJUSTMENT OF CONVERSION RIGHTS.......................................................................11

         5.1.     Definitions....................................................................................11

         5.2.     Adjustment in Rights...........................................................................13

         5.3.     Adjustment in Conversion Price.................................................................14

         5.4.     Rules for Adjustment in Rights and Exercise Price..............................................16

         5.5.     Notice of Adjustment in Exercise Price and Rights..............................................18

         5.6.     Corporation to Reserve Shares..................................................................18

         5.7.     Applicable Securities Legislation..............................................................18

ARTICLE 6. REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS.............................................................19

         6.1.     Corporation's Representations and Warranties...................................................19


         6.2.     Holder Representations and Warranties..........................................................23

         6.3.     Holder's Acknowledgments.......................................................................24

         6.4.     Corporation's Positive Covenants...............................................................24

         6.5.     Corporation's Negative Covenants...............................................................27

ARTICLE 7. EVENTS OF DEFAULT.....................................................................................29

         7.1.     Events of Default..............................................................................29

         7.2.     Rights Upon Default............................................................................30

         7.3.     Charges and Expenses...........................................................................31

         7.4.     Further Assurances.............................................................................31

         7.5.     Performance by the Secured Party...............................................................31

         7.6.     Dealings by the Holder.........................................................................31

         7.7.     No Set-Off.....................................................................................31

ARTICLE 8. SECURITY..............................................................................................32

         8.1.     Security.......................................................................................32

ARTICLE 9. GENERAL PROVISIONS....................................................................................32

         9.1.     Notices........................................................................................32

         9.2.     Amendments.....................................................................................33

         9.3.     Time of the Essence............................................................................33

         9.4.     Severability...................................................................................34

         9.5.     Counterparts...................................................................................34

         9.6.     Further Assurances.............................................................................34

         9.7.     Entire Agreement...............................................................................34

         9.8.     Transferability................................................................................34

         9.9.     Parties In Interest............................................................................35


SCHEDULE A        Common Share Purchase Warrants

SCHEDULE B        Conversion Notice

SCHEDULE C        Security Interest

SCHEDULE D        Material Contracts



                          CONVERTIBLE SECURED DEBENTURE

         THIS DEBENTURE issued as of the 3rd day of November, 2004.


         VIVENTIA BIOTECH INC., a corporation governed by the laws of the
         Province of Ontario (hereinafter, the "Corporation")


         LESLIE DAN, of the City of Toronto in the Province of Ontario
         (hereinafter the "Holder")

         WHEREAS the Holder has agreed to purchase and the Corporation has
agreed to sell a convertible secured debenture on the terms and conditions set
out herein in the principal amount of $12,584,142.47;

         NOW THEREFORE this Debenture witnesses that in consideration of $1.00
and other good and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which
are hereby acknowledged), the Corporation agrees as follows:

                                   ARTICLE 1.


         For the purposes of this Debenture, unless otherwise defined herein,
the following terms shall have the following meanings ascribed to them:

         (a)      "BOARD" means the board of directors of the Corporation;

         (b)      "BUSINESS DAY" means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or
                  any other day that is a statutory or civic holiday in the
                  Province of Ontario;


         (c)      "CAPITAL LEASE" means a capital lease or a lease, which should
                  be treated as a capital lease, in each case under generally
                  accepted accounting principles;

         (d)      "CHANGE OF CONTROL EVENT" means an event or series of related
                  events whereby the Dan Family ceases to Control the

         (e)      "COLLATERAL" has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 1(a)
                  of Schedule "C";

         (f)      "COMMON SHARES" means the common shares in the capital of the
                  Corporation, provided that if a change referred to in Sections
                  5.2 or 5.3 occurs in respect of or affecting the Common
                  Shares, then thereafter "Common Shares" means the shares or
                  other securities or property purchasable or receivable on the
                  conversion of this Debenture as a result of any such change;

         (g)      "COMMON SHARE PURCHASE WARRANTS" means the common share
                  purchase warrants issued upon the conversion of this Debenture
                  evidenced by a certificate in the form attached hereto as
                  Schedule "A";

         (h)      "CONTRACTS" means agreements, franchises, leases, easements,
                  servitudes, privileges and other rights acquired from persons;

         (i)      "CONTROL" has the meaning given thereto in the Business
                  Corporations Act (Ontario) on the date hereof;

         (j)      "CONVERSION DATE" means 10:00 a.m. (Toronto time) on the
                  effective date of conversion as provided in Section 4.1;

         (k)      "CONVERSION NOTICE" has the meaning ascribed thereto in
                  Section 4.1(a);

         (l)      "CONVERSION PRICE" means $1.50, subject to adjustment as
                  provided in Article 5;

         (m)      "CURRENT MARKET PRICE" has the meaning ascribed thereto in
                  Section 5.1;

         (n)      "DAN FAMILY" means Leslie Dan, Andrea Dan-Hytman and their
                  respective associates and affiliates, as defined in the
                  Securities Act (Ontario);

         (o)      "DEBENTURE" means this interest bearing convertible secured
                  debenture of the Corporation in the principal amount of

         (p)      "DEFAULT" means an event, which, with the giving of notice,
                  lapse of time or otherwise would constitute an Event of

         (q)      "DEFICIENCY" means, at any time, the difference, if any

                  (i)      the aggregate of:

                           (A)      the amount of the Obligations at that time;

                           (B)      the Reasonable Expenses incurred up that
                                    time; and


                  (ii)     the proceeds of disposition received by the Holder
                           from a disposition of the Collateral in accordance
                           with Section 3.1a(vi) of Schedule "C";

         (r)      "DIVIDEND PAID IN THE ORDINARY COURSE" has the meaning
                  ascribed thereto in Section 5.1;

         (s)      "ENCUMBRANCE" means, in respect of any Person, any mortgage,
                  debenture, pledge, hypothec, lien, charge, assignment by way
                  of security, consignment, lease, hypothecation, security
                  interest granted or permitted by such Person or arising by
                  operation of law, in respect of any such Person's property or
                  assets, or any consignment or Capital Lease of property by
                  such Person as consignee or lessee or any other security
                  agreement, trust or arrangement having the effect of security
                  for the payment of any debt, liability or obligation, or any
                  title defect, adverse claim or other encumbrance and
                  "ENCUMBRANCES", "ENCUMBER" and "ENCUMBERED" shall have
                  corresponding meanings;

         (t)      "EQUITY SHARES" has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section

         (u)      "EVENT OF DEFAULT" means any of the events described in
                  Section 7.1;

         (v)      "EXISTING LOCATIONS" means 147 Hamelin Street, Winnipeg,
                  Manitoba and 10 Four Seasons Place, Suite 501, Toronto,

         (w)      "HOLDER'S COUNSEL" means the firm of Cassels Brock & Blackwell
                  LLP or such other firm of legal counsel as the Holder may from
                  time to time designate;

         (x)      "INDEBTEDNESS" means, without duplication, with respect to any
                  Person and calculated on a consolidated or combined basis, as
                  applicable, (i) indebtedness for borrowed money, (ii)
                  obligations under Capital Leases, (iii) obligations under
                  letters of credit, guarantees, legally binding comfort letters
                  or indemnities issued in connection therewith, whether issued
                  for the benefit of the Corporation or a Subsidiary of the
                  Corporation or another or others, (vi) obligations arising
                  pursuant to bankers' acceptance facilities or indemnities
                  issued in connection therewith, and (v) all other contingent
                  obligations incurred for the purpose of or having the effect
                  of providing financial assistance to another entity,
                  including, without limitation, guarantees, endorsements of
                  bills of exchange (other than for collection or deposit in the
                  ordinary course of business), obligations to purchase assets
                  regardless of the delivery or non-delivery thereof and
                  obligations to make advances or otherwise provide financial
                  assistance to any other entity,

         (y)      "INTEREST" has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 3.1;

         (z)      "INTEREST CONVERSION PRICE" means the ten (10) day weighted
                  average trading price of the Corporation's Common Shares on
                  the TSX for the ten (10) consecutive trading days preceding
                  the giving of a Conversion Notice less the maximum discount
                  permitted by the TSX;

         (aa)     "INTEREST RATE" has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section


         (bb)     "MATERIAL ADVERSE EFFECT" means, (i) a material adverse effect
                  on the business, assets, liabilities, operations, results of
                  operations or condition (financial or other) of the
                  Corporation on a consolidated basis, or the ability of the
                  Corporation to carry on its business or a significant part of
                  its business, (ii) any impairment of the ability of the
                  Corporation to perform any of its obligations hereunder or
                  otherwise, or (iii) any material impairment of any lien
                  granted by the Corporation to the Holder, in each case as
                  determined by the Holder;

         (cc)     "MATERIAL CONTRACT" means all Contracts, the breach or default
                  of which could have a Material Adverse Effect, all such
                  Material Contracts of the Corporation and its Subsidiaries as
                  of the date hereof being listed on Schedule "D" all as may be
                  amended, supplemented, restated or replaced from time to time;
                  and when used in relation to any Person, the term "Material
                  Contracts" shall mean and refer to Material Contracts to which
                  such Person is a party or by which it or any of its assets is
                  bound and includes any Material Contract to which such Person
                  may hereafter become a party or be bound, and "Material
                  Contract" means any one of them;

         (dd)     "MATURITY DATE" means 10:00 a.m. (Toronto time) on November 3,

         (ee)     "OBLIGATION" means all indebtedness, liabilities and
                  obligations (whether direct, indirect, absolute, contingent or
                  otherwise) of the Corporation from time to time, under or in
                  respect of this Debenture;

         (ff)     "OTHER DEBENTURE(s)" means the interest bearing convertible
                  secured debenture(s) of the Corporation being on the same
                  terms and conditions as this Debenture in favour of ADH
                  Investments (1999) Inc;

         (gg)     "OTHER HOLDER" means ADH Investments (1999) Inc;

         (hh)     "PATENTS" means the patents and patent applications identified
                  in Appendix 1 to Schedule "C", and all registrations and
                  recordings of those patents in Canada, the United States of
                  America or elsewhere, including any reissue, continuation or
                  other extension in whole or in part of any such patent;

         (ii)     "PAYMENT AND SECURITY SHARING AGREEMENT" means the agreement
                  of even date herewith among the Corporation, the Holder and
                  the Other Holder dealing with payment and security sharing
                  among the Holder and Other Holder;

         (jj)     "PERMITTED ENCUMBRANCES" means, in respect of any Person,

                  (i)      undetermined or inchoate Encumbrances and charges
                           incidental to construction, maintenance or operations
                           which have not at the time been filed pursuant to law
                           or which relate to obligations not yet due and

                  (ii)     the Encumbrance of taxes and assessments for the then
                           current year, the Encumbrance for taxes and
                           assessments not at the time overdue and Encumbrances
                           securing worker's compensation assessments and the
                           lien for specified taxes and assessments which are
                           overdue but the validity of which


                           is being contested at the time in good faith, if such
                           Person shall have made on its books provision
                           reasonably deemed by it to be adequate therefor;

                  (iii)    any Encumbrance or any right of distress reserved in
                           or exercisable under any lease for rent and for
                           compliance with the terms of such lease provided that
                           such obligations are not in default;

                  (iv)     any Encumbrance resulting from cash or governmental
                           obligations deposited in the ordinary course of
                           business in connection with contracts, bids, tenders
                           or to secure worker's compensation, unemployment
                           insurance, surety or appeal bonds, costs of
                           litigation, when required by law, public and
                           statutory obligations, liens or claims incidental to
                           current construction, mechanics', warehousemen's,
                           carriers' and other similar liens;

                  (v)      any Encumbrance resulting from security given in the
                           ordinary course of business to a public utility or
                           any governmental authority when required by such
                           utility or governmental authority in connection with
                           the operations of the Corporation;

                  (vi)     easements, rights of way and servitudes and other
                           similar rights in real property which in the opinion
                           of Holder's Counsel, acting reasonably, will not in
                           the aggregate materially impair the use of the land
                           concerned for the purpose for which it is held or
                           used by such Person;

                  (vii)    title defects or irregularities which in the opinion
                           of Holder's Counsel, acting reasonably, are of a
                           minor nature and in the aggregate will not materially
                           impair the use of the property for the purposes for
                           which it is held by such person or materially affect
                           the Security Interest;

                  (viii)   any Encumbrance resulting from any judgment rendered
                           or claim filed against such Person which such Person
                           shall be contesting in good faith and by appropriate
                           proceedings, if such Person shall have made on its
                           books provisions reasonably deemed by it to be
                           adequate therefor;

                  (ix)     construction, contractors', mechanics', carriers',
                           warehousemen's, suppliers' and materialmen's liens
                           and liens in respect of vacation pay, workers'
                           compensation, unemployment insurance or similar
                           statutory obligations, provided the obligations
                           secured by such liens are not yet due and payable
                           and, in the case of construction liens, which have
                           not yet been filed or for which the Corporation has
                           not received written notice of a lien;

                  (x)      liens arising from court or arbitral proceedings,
                           provided that the claims secured thereby are being
                           contested in good faith by the Corporation or a
                           subsidiary; execution thereon has been stayed and
                           continues to be stayed; and such liens do not, in the
                           aggregate, materially detract from the value of the
                           assets of the Corporation or materially impair the
                           use thereof in the business of the Corporation;


                  (xi)     any Encumbrance resulting from the excess of the
                           amount of any taxes, rates, assessments or
                           governmental charges or levies for which final
                           assessments have not been received over and above the
                           amount of such taxes, rates, assessments or
                           governmental charges or levies as estimated by a
                           responsible officer of such Person;

                  (xii)    all rights reserved to or vested in any governmental
                           authority by the terms of any lease, licence,
                           franchise, grant or permit held by such Person or by
                           any statutory provision to terminate any such lease,
                           licence, franchise grant or permit or to require
                           annual or periodic payments as a condition of the
                           continuance thereof or to distrain against or to
                           obtain a lien on any property or assets of such
                           Person in the event of failure to make such annual or
                           other periodic payments;

                  (xiii)   liens in connection with any Capital Lease to the
                           extent they are limited to the assets which are the
                           subject of such Capital Leases (or other agreement
                           carrying the right to use);

                  (xiv)    Purchase Money Security Interests;

                  (xv)     the Security Interest;

                  (xvi)    the security interest in the Other Debenture(s);

                  (xvii)   such other liens as may be consented to in writing by
                           the Holder; and

                  (xviii)  the extension, renewal or refinancing of any of the

         (kk)     "PERMITTED INDEBTEDNESS" means in respect of the Corporation
                  and the Subsidiaries,

                  (i)      Indebtedness incurred pursuant to this Debenture:

                  (ii)     Indebtedness incurred pursuant to the Other
                           Debenture(s); and

                  (iii)    Indebtedness secured by Permitted Encumbrances;

         (ll)     "PERSON" includes any individual, corporation, company,
                  partnership, association state, trust or government or any
                  agency of political subdivision of any government;

         (mm)     "PRINCIPAL" means the principal amount of indebtedness
                  outstanding from time to time under this Debenture;

         (nn)     "PROCEEDS", of any Collateral, means property in any form
                  derived, directly or indirectly, from any dealing with such
                  Collateral or the proceeds therefrom and includes any payment
                  representing indemnity or compensation for loss or damage to
                  such Collateral or proceeds therefrom, including, without
                  limitation, insurance proceeds;


         (oo)     "PURCHASE MONEY SECURITY INTEREST" means any Encumbrance
                  given, assumed or arising by operation of law, including
                  Capital Leases, to provide or secure, or to provide the
                  obligor with funds to pay, the whole or any part of the
                  consideration for the acquisition of property where the
                  principal amount of the obligation secured by such Encumbrance
                  is secured only by the property being acquired by the obligor,
                  and includes the renewal or refinancing of any such
                  Encumbrance upon the same property provided that the
                  indebtedness secured and the security therefore are not
                  increased thereby;

         (pp)     "REASONABLE EXPENSES" means any and all reasonable expenses
                  incurred from time to time by the Holder or any Receiver in
                  connection with the protection, perfection or preservation of
                  the security and other rights constituted hereby, in enforcing
                  payment or performance of the Obligations or any part thereof
                  or in locating, taking possession of, transporting, holding,
                  repairing, processing, preparing for and arranging for the
                  disposition of and/or disposing of the Collateral or in
                  contemplation of any of the foregoing and any and all other
                  reasonable expenses incurred by the Holder or any Receiver as
                  a result of the Holder or such Receiver exercising any of its
                  rights or remedies hereunder or at law, including, without in
                  any way limiting the generality of the foregoing, any and all
                  legal expenses including those incurred in any legal action or
                  proceeding or appeal therefrom commenced or taken in good
                  faith by the Holder and any and all fees and disbursements of
                  any counsel, accountant or valuator or any similar Person
                  employed by the Holder in connection with any of the foregoing
                  and the costs of insurance and payment of taxes (other than
                  taxes relating to the income of the Holder) and other charges
                  incurred in retaking, holding, repairing, processing and
                  preparing for disposition and disposing of the Collateral

         (qq)     "RECEIVER" means a receiver, a reorganization manager or any
                  similar Person appointed in accordance with Section 3 of
                  Schedule "C";

         (rr)     "SECURITY DOCUMENTS" has the meaning ascribed thereto in
                  Section 8.1;

         (ss)     "SECURITY INTEREST" has the meaning ascribed thereto in
                  Section 1(a) of Schedule "C";

         (tt)     "SUBSIDIARY" means 20025 Yukon Inc. and "SUBSIDIARIES" means
                  the Subsidiary and/or any other corporation of which more than
                  50% of the outstanding shares of any class carrying voting
                  rights are beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, by the

         (uu)     "TRADE MARKS" means the trade marks, trade names, trade
                  styles, service marks, certification marks, prints and labels
                  identified in Appendix 2 to Schedule "C, and all similar,
                  present or future marks, styles, prints or labels and all
                  applications, registrations and recordings thereof in Canada,
                  the United States of America or elsewhere, including every
                  renewal, reissue or other extension of any registration or

         (vv)     "TSX" means the Toronto Stock Exchange; and


         (ww)     "UNITS" means the units comprised of one Common Share and one
                  half of one Common Share Purchase Warrant to be issued upon
                  the conversion of this Debenture;


         For the purposes of this Debenture, except as expressly provided or
unless the context requires otherwise:

         (a)      the headings used throughout this Debenture are for ease of
                  reference only and shall not in any way affect the meaning or
                  interpretation of this Debenture;

         (b)      any reference herein to a numbered or lettered part or section
                  refers to the specified part or section of this Debenture;

         (c)      "hereto", "herein", "hereof", "hereunder" and similar
                  expressions refer to this Debenture and not to any particular
                  part or section of this Debenture;

         (d)      any words or expressions contained in this Debenture which
                  impart the singular number include the plural number and vice

         (e)      any words or expressions contained in this Debenture which
                  impart any gender include all genders; and

         (f)      all dollar amounts expressed herein refer to lawful currency
                  of Canada.

1.3.     SCHEDULES

         The following schedules attached hereto are hereby incorporated into
and form part of this Debenture:

                  Schedule "A"            -     Common Share Purchase Warrants
                  Schedule "B"            -     Conversion Notice
                  Schedule "C"            -     Security Interest
                  Schedule "D"            -     Material Contracts


         This Debenture and all matters arising hereunder shall be governed by
and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the
laws of Canada applicable therein. Each of the parties hereto, by the execution
and delivery of this Debenture, irrevocably and unconditionally, with respect to
any matter or thing arising out of or pertaining to this Debenture, hereby
attorns and submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the
Province of Ontario for the determination of all matters arising pursuant to
this Debenture.



         Whenever any payment hereunder (whether in regard to Principal,
Interest or otherwise) shall become due on a day which is not a Business Day,
the due date thereof shall be extended to the next succeeding Business Day.
During an extension under this Section 1.5 of any due date for payment of any
Principal sum, Interest shall be payable to the date of actual payment of such
Principal sum at the rate payable hereunder.


         All payments made in respect of the repayment of this Debenture shall
be applied firstly to payment of costs, secondly to payment of Interest and
thirdly to payment of Principal.

                                   ARTICLE 2.


         The Corporation for value received hereby promises to pay to or to the
order of the Holder on the Maturity Date, the principal amount of Twelve
Million, Five Hundred and Eighty-four Thousand, One Hundred and Forty-two
Dollars and Forty-seven Cents ($12,584,142.47). On the Maturity Date, or earlier
as required by Section 7.2 hereof, payment of Principal is to be made in lawful
money of Canada at the address of the Holder set out in Section 9.1 or other
location designated by the Holder by notice to the Corporation. The Obligations
and the rights of the Holder and the Other Holder, as between themselves, are
subject to the provisions of the Payment and Security Sharing Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE 3.

3.1.     INTEREST

         The Corporation shall pay interest ("Interest") on the Principal
outstanding from time to time under this Debenture (including without limitation
any capitalized interest), and any other monies due and payable hereunder, both
before and after maturity, default or judgment, at four and one half per cent
(4.5%) per annum, computed on a 365 day basis (the "Interest Rate"), accruing
daily and compounded annually until the Principal has been paid in full or has
been converted. For greater certainty, on November 3, 2005 all accrued interest
shall be capitalized and added to the Principal. Interest shall accrue until
full payment of the Principal has been received by the Holder or all of the
Principal has been converted into Units in accordance with Article 4.

                                   ARTICLE 4.


         (a)      Subject to the provisions of this Debenture, the Holder may,
                  at its option, at any time from the date of issuance of this
                  Debenture, in whole or in part, by delivering to the
                  Corporation this Debenture together with the conversion notice
                  attached as


                  Schedule "B" hereto (the "Conversion Notice") duly executed by
                  the Holder, indicating what portion of the Principal and/or
                  accrued Interest the Holder then wishes to convert, convert
                  all or any of the Principal and/or accrued Interest into
                  Units, and the Principal and/or accrued Interest will be
                  deemed to be reduced accordingly.

         (b)      The Principal will be converted into Units at the Conversion
                  Price and the Conversion Price will be subject to adjustment
                  in accordance with Article 5. Accrued Interest will be
                  converted into Units at the Interest Conversion Price.

         (c)      The completion by the Holder of a Conversion Notice and
                  delivery of same to the Corporation for conversion shall be
                  deemed to create and constitute a contract between the Holder
                  and the Corporation whereby (i) the Holder or its nominee
                  designated in the Conversion Notice subscribes for the number
                  of Units which the Holder shall be entitled to receive upon
                  such conversion of the Principal and Interest stated in the
                  Conversion Notice; (ii) provided the Common Shares comprising
                  the Units so subscribed for are issued as fully paid and
                  non-assessable, the indebtedness under this Debenture is
                  satisfied and discharged to the extent this Debenture is
                  converted; and (iii) the Corporation and the Holder agree that
                  the satisfaction and discharge of the Indebtedness under this
                  Debenture evidenced by this Debenture, to the extent of the
                  Principal and accrued Interest so converted, and completion of
                  conversion, constitutes full payment of the subscription price
                  for the Units issuable on such conversion and thereafter such
                  portion of the Principal and accrued Interest under this
                  Debenture shall not be considered outstanding hereunder and
                  the Holder shall have no right with respect to such Principal
                  and accrued Interest except to receive the certificate for
                  Common Shares and Common Share Purchase Warrants comprising
                  the Units. With respect to the Units, Common Shares and Common
                  Share Purchase Warrants, as required from time to time under
                  the securities legislation which governs the Corporation or
                  any hold period imposed by a regulatory authority, the Holder
                  agrees to be bound by any applicable hold period. The
                  certificates evidencing the Common Shares and Common Share
                  Purchase Warrants shall contain the following legend:

                           UNITED STATES SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED (THE
                           MAY NOT BE SOLD, TRANSFERRED, OFFERED FOR SALE,
                           REGISTRATION IS NOT REQUIRED.

                           BEFORE MARCH 4, 2004."

         (d)      Concurrently with the surrender of this Debenture for
                  conversion pursuant to this Article 4, the Corporation will
                  provide to the Holder a receipt acknowledging the


                  Corporation's obligation to issue Units to the Holder. As
                  promptly as practicable after the surrender or deemed
                  surrender of this Debenture for conversion pursuant to this
                  Section 4.1(d) (and in any event within three Business Days),
                  the Corporation will issue and/or deliver, as the case may be,
                  to the Holder or its nominee(s) a certificate or certificates
                  representing the number of fully paid and non-assessable
                  Common Shares and Common Share Purchase Warrants comprising
                  the Units into which all or any portion of the Principal and
                  accrued Interest has been converted.

         (e)      Upon conversion pursuant to this Article 4, the Debenture
                  shall be deemed cancelled and the Principal and accrued
                  Interest evidenced hereby shall be and shall be deemed to be
                  fully satisfied and discharged, and, if any Principal remains
                  outstanding under this Debenture after giving effect to such
                  conversion, the Corporation will issue a new Debenture, in
                  form identical to this Debenture, except that it will be equal
                  in principal amount to the amount of the Principal amount
                  outstanding immediately following the conversion.

         (f)      The conversion of this Debenture pursuant to this Article 4
                  will be deemed to have been made at the close of business on
                  the date on which the certificate(s) referred to in Section
                  4.1(d) have been received by the Holder so that the Holder's
                  rights in respect of the converted portion of the Principal
                  and accrued Interest will terminate at that time and the
                  Person or Persons entitled to receive Units into which the
                  whole or any part of this Debenture is converted will be
                  treated, as between the Corporation and that Person or
                  Persons, as having become the holder or holders of record of
                  the Common Shares and Common Share Purchase Warrants
                  comprising those Units at that time.

         (g)      As a condition precedent to taking any action which would
                  require an adjustment or readjustment of the Conversion Price
                  pursuant to Article 5, the Corporation will take any action
                  which may, in the opinion of its counsel, be necessary for the
                  Corporation to validly and legally issue, as fully paid and
                  non-assessable common shares, all the Common Shares which the
                  Holder is entitled to receive on the conversion of the
                  Debenture. The Corporation agrees that it will at all times
                  keep sufficient Common Shares reserved for the purpose of
                  issue upon conversion of the Debenture. All Common Shares will
                  be duly and validly issued as fully paid and non-assessable
                  common shares in the capital of the Corporation.

                                   ARTICLE 5.
                         ADJUSTMENT OF CONVERSION RIGHTS


         In this Article 5, the following terms have the following meanings:

         "CURRENT MARKET PRICE" at any particular date means the weighted
         average trading price of the Common Shares on the TSX (or, if the
         Common Shares are not then listed and posted for trading on the TSX, on
         any other stock exchange in Canada on which the Common Shares are
         listed and posted for trading as may be selected for that purpose by
         the Board) during the 20 consecutive trading days ending on a date not
         earlier than the fifth trading day


         before the particular date or, if the Common Shares are not listed and
         posted for trading on any stock exchange, the current market price of
         the Common Shares as determined by the Board, which determination shall
         be conclusive; and for the purposes hereof, "trading day" means a day
         on which the relevant stock exchange is open for business and the
         Common Shares may be traded on that exchange on that day;

         "DIVIDEND PAID IN THE ORDINARY COURSE" means a dividend paid on the
         Common Shares in any financial year of the Corporation, whether in

                           (i)      cash,

                           (ii)     securities of the Corporation, including
                                    rights, options or warrants to purchase any
                                    securities or property of the Corporation or
                                    other assets of the Corporation (but
                                    excluding rights, options or warrants
                                    referred to in Section 5.3(b) and rights,
                                    options or warrants referred to in
                                    parentheses in Section 5.3(c)(iv)), or

                           (iii)    property or other assets of the Corporation,

         in each case to the extent that the amount or value of such dividend
         together with the amount or value of all other such dividends
         theretofore paid in such financial year (any such securities, property
         or other assets so distributed to be valued at the fair market value of
         such securities, property or other assets, as the case may be, as
         determined by the board of directors of the Corporation, which
         determination shall be conclusive) does not exceed the greater of:

                           (i)      150% of the greater of

                                    (A)      the aggregate amount of dividends
                                             paid by the Corporation on the
                                             Common Shares in the period of
                                             twelve (12) consecutive months
                                             ended immediately prior to the
                                             first day of such financial year;

                                    (B)      one-third of the aggregate amount
                                             of dividends paid by the
                                             Corporation on the Common Shares in
                                             the period of thirty-six (36)
                                             consecutive months ended
                                             immediately prior to the first day
                                             of such financial year; or

                           (ii)     100% of the consolidated net income of the
                                    Corporation before extraordinary items (but
                                    after dividends payable on all shares
                                    ranking prior to, or on a parity with the
                                    Common Shares, with respect to the payment
                                    of dividends) for the period of twelve (12)
                                    consecutive months ended immediately prior
                                    to the first day of such financial year,
                                    such consolidated net income, extraordinary
                                    items and dividends to be as shown in the
                                    audited consolidated financial statements of
                                    the Corporation for such period of twelve
                                    (12) consecutive months or if there are no
                                    audited consolidated financial statements
                                    for such period, computed in accordance with
                                    generally accepted accounting principles,
                                    consistent with those applied in the


                                    preparation of the most recent audited
                                    consolidated financial statements of the
                                    Corporation; and

         "EQUITY SHARES" means the Common Shares and any shares of any other
         class or series of the Corporation which may from time to time be
         authorized for issue if by their terms such shares confer on the
         holders thereof the right to participate in the distribution of assets
         upon the voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or
         winding-up of the Corporation beyond a fixed sum or a fixed sum plus
         accrued dividends.


         (a)      If, at any time after the date hereof and prior to the
                  Maturity Date, there is a reclassification of the outstanding
                  Common Shares or change of the Common Shares into other shares
                  or securities or any other capital reorganization of the
                  Corporation or a consolidation, merger or amalgamation of the
                  Corporation with or into any other corporation (any such event
                  being called a "Capital Reorganization"), the Holder shall be
                  entitled to receive and shall accept for the same aggregate
                  consideration, upon the conversion of this Debenture at any
                  time after the record date on which the holders of Common
                  Shares are determined for the purpose of the Capital
                  Reorganization (the "relevant record date"), in lieu of the
                  number of securities to which it was theretofore entitled upon
                  such exercise, the kind and amount of shares or other
                  securities of the Corporation or of the corporation resulting
                  from the Capital Reorganization that the Holder would have
                  been entitled to receive as a result of such Capital
                  Reorganization if, on the relevant record date, it had been
                  the holder of record of the number of Common Shares in respect
                  of which the Debenture is being converted, and such shares or
                  other securities shall be subject to adjustment thereafter in
                  accordance with provisions which are the same, as nearly as
                  may be possible, as those contained in this Article 5;
                  provided that no such Capital Reorganization shall be
                  implemented unless all necessary steps have been taken so that
                  the Holder shall be entitled to receive the kind and amount of
                  shares or other securities of the Corporation or of the
                  corporation resulting from the Capital Reorganization as
                  provided above.

         (b)      If, at any time after the date hereof and prior to the
                  Maturity Date, any adjustment in the Conversion Price shall
                  occur as a result of:

                  (i)      an event referred to in Section 5.3(a);

                  (ii)     the fixing by the Corporation of a record date for an
                           event referred to in Section 5.3(b); or

                  (iii)    the fixing by the Corporation of a record date for an
                           event referred to in Section 5.3(c) if such event
                           constitutes the issue or distribution to the holders
                           of all of its outstanding Common Shares of (i) Equity
                           Shares, or (ii) securities exchangeable for or
                           convertible into Equity Shares at an exchange or
                           conversion price per share less than the Current
                           Market Price on such record date, or (iii) rights,
                           options or warrants to acquire Equity Shares or
                           securities exchangeable for or convertible into
                           Equity Shares at an exercise, exchange


                           or conversion price per share less than the Current
                           Market Price on such record date;

                  then the number of securities purchasable upon the subsequent
                  conversion of the Debenture shall be adjusted simultaneously
                  with the adjustment to the Conversion Price provided in
                  Section 5.3 by multiplying the number of securities issuable
                  upon the conversion of the Debenture immediately prior to such
                  adjustment by a fraction which shall be the reciprocal of the
                  fraction employed in the adjustment of the Conversion Price.


         The Conversion Price shall be subject to adjustment from time to time
         as follows:

         (a)      If, at any time after the date hereof and prior to the
                  Maturity Date, the Corporation:

                  (i)      subdivides its outstanding Common Shares into a
                           greater number of shares,

                  (ii)     consolidates its outstanding Common Shares into a
                           smaller number of shares, or

                  (iii)    issues Common Shares to the holders of all of its
                           outstanding Common Shares by way of a stock dividend
                           or other distribution other than a Dividend Paid in
                           the Ordinary Course,

                  (any of such events being called a "Common Share
                  Reorganization"), the Conversion Price shall be adjusted
                  effective immediately after the record date on which the
                  holders of Common Shares are determined for the purpose of the
                  Common Share Reorganization (the "relevant record date") by
                  multiplying the Conversion Price in effect immediately prior
                  to the relevant record date by a fraction:

                           (A)      the numerator of which shall be the number
                                    of Common Shares outstanding on the relevant
                                    record date before giving effect to the
                                    Common Share Reorganization; and

                           (B)      the denominator of which shall be the number
                                    of Common Shares outstanding on the relevant
                                    record date after giving effect to the
                                    Common Share Reorganization.

         (b)      If, at any time after the date hereof and prior to the
                  Maturity Date, the Corporation fixes a record date for the
                  issue of rights, options or warrants to the holders of all of
                  its outstanding Common Shares (the "relevant record date")
                  under which such holders are entitled, during a period
                  expiring not more than 45 days after the relevant record date
                  (the "Rights Period"), to subscribe for or purchase Common
                  Shares at a price per share, or securities exchangeable for or
                  convertible into Common Shares at an exchange or conversion
                  price per share less than 95% of the Current Market Price on
                  the relevant record date (any of such events being called a
                  "Rights Offering"), the Conversion Price shall be adjusted
                  effective immediately after the end of the Rights


                  Period by multiplying the Conversion Price in effect
                  immediately prior to the end of the Rights Period by a

                  (i)      the numerator of which shall be the aggregate of:

                           (A)      the number of Common Shares outstanding on
                                    the relevant record date, and

                           (B)      the number determined by dividing (1) either
                                    (a) the product of the number of Common
                                    Shares issued or subscribed for during the
                                    Rights Period under the Rights Offering and
                                    the price at which such Common Shares were
                                    offered, or, as the case may be, (b) the
                                    product of the exchange or conversion price
                                    of the securities exchangeable for or
                                    convertible into Common Shares and the
                                    number of Common Shares for, or into which
                                    the securities so offered pursuant to the
                                    Rights Offering could have been exchanged or
                                    converted during the Rights Period, by (2)
                                    the Current Market Price on the relevant
                                    record date; and

                  (ii)     the denominator of which shall be, in the case of
                           Section 5.3(b)(i)(B)(1)(a), the number of Common
                           Shares outstanding on the relevant record date plus
                           the number of Common Shares actually issued or
                           subscribed for during the Rights Period upon exercise
                           of the rights, warrants or options under the Rights
                           Offering and, in the case of Section
                           5.3(b)(i)(B)(1)(b), the number of Common Shares
                           outstanding on the relevant record date plus the
                           number of Common Share for or into which the
                           securities so offered pursuant to the Rights Offering
                           could have been exchanged or converted during the
                           Rights Period.

                  If the Debenture has been converted during the period
                  beginning immediately after the record date for a Rights
                  Offering and ending on the last day of the Rights Period for
                  that Rights Offering then, in addition to the securities to
                  which the Holder is otherwise entitled upon such exercise
                  pursuant to this Debenture, the Holder shall be entitled to
                  that number of additional securities which, when added to the
                  number of securities to which the Holder is entitled upon such
                  exercise, equals the number of securities to which the Holder
                  would have been entitled upon exercise if the Holder had
                  converted the Debenture immediately after the end of the
                  Rights Period and after giving effect to the adjustment of the
                  Conversion Price provided for in this Section 5.3(b). Such
                  additional Common Shares shall be deemed to have been issued
                  to the Holder immediately following the end of the Rights

         (c)      If, at any time after the date hereof and prior to the
                  Maturity Date, the Corporation fixes a record date (the
                  "relevant record date") for the issue or distribution to the
                  holders of all of its outstanding Common Shares of:

                  (i)      shares of any class in its capital,

                  (ii)     evidences of its Indebtedness,


                  (iii)    assets or property, or

                  (iv)     rights, options or warrants to subscribe for or
                           purchase any of the foregoing (other than rights,
                           options or warrants to purchase Common Shares
                           exercisable within 45 days of the date of issue of
                           the rights, options or warrants at a price per share
                           equal to or greater than 95% of the Current Market

                  and if such issue or distribution does not constitute a Common
                  Share Reorganization, a Rights Offering or a Dividend Paid in
                  the Ordinary Course (any of such events referred to in
                  Sections 5.3(c)(i) through 5.3(c)(iv) being called a "Special
                  Distribution"), the Conversion Price shall be adjusted
                  immediately after the relevant record date by multiplying the
                  Conversion Price in effect on the relevant record date by a

                           (A)      the numerator of which shall be the
                                    difference obtained when (a) the amount by
                                    which the aggregate fair market value of the
                                    shares, rights, options, warrants, evidences
                                    of Indebtedness or assets or property, as
                                    the case may be, which are distributed in
                                    the Special Distribution exceeds the fair
                                    market value of the consideration, if any,
                                    received therefor by the Corporation, is
                                    subtracted from (b) the product obtained
                                    when the number of Common Shares outstanding
                                    on the relevant record date is multiplied by
                                    the Current Market Price on the relevant
                                    record date; and

                           (B)      the denominator of which shall be the
                                    product obtained when the number of Common
                                    Shares outstanding on the relevant record
                                    date is multiplied by the Current Market
                                    Price on the relevant record date;

                  provided that no such adjustment shall be made if the result
                  of such adjustment would be to increase the Conversion Price
                  in effect immediately before the relevant record date. Any
                  determination of fair market value shall be made by the Board
                  and their determination shall be conclusive. To the extent
                  that any Special Distribution is not made, the Conversion
                  Price shall be readjusted effective immediately to the
                  Conversion Price that would then be in effect based upon the
                  shares, rights, options or warrants, evidences of
                  Indebtedness, assets or property actually distributed.


         For the purpose of this Article 5:

         (a)      The adjustments provided for in this Article 5 are cumulative
                  and shall be made successively wherever an event referred to
                  in a particular section of this Article occurs, subject to the
                  following provisions of this Article.

         (b)      No adjustment in the Conversion Price shall be required unless
                  such adjustment would require an increase or decrease of at
                  least 1% in the Conversion Price and no adjustment shall be
                  made in the number of securities issuable on conversion of the
                  Debenture unless it would result in a change of at least
                  one-hundredths of a


                  Common Share; provided, however, that any adjustments which,
                  by reason of this section, are not required to be made shall
                  be carried forward and taken into account in a subsequent
                  adjustment and so on.

         (c)      Any Common Shares owned by or held for the account of the
                  Corporation shall be deemed not to be outstanding for the
                  purpose of any computation under Section 5.3.

         (d)      No adjustment to the Conversion Price shall be made in respect
                  of any event described in Section 5.3 (other than the events
                  referred to in Sections 5.3(a)(i) and 5.3(a)(ii)) if the
                  Holder is entitled to participate in such event on the same
                  terms as though, and to the same effect AS if, it had
                  converted this Debenture in full prior to or on the effective
                  date or record date of such event, provided that such
                  participation is subject to all necessary regulatory approval.

         (e)      In any case in which this Article 5 requires that an
                  adjustment become effective immediately after a record date
                  for an event referred to herein, the Corporation may defer,
                  until the occurrence of such event, issuing to the Holder in
                  respect of the conversion of the Debenture after such record
                  date and before the occurrence of such event the additional
                  securities issuable upon such exercise by reason of the
                  adjustment required by such event and delivering to the Holder
                  any distributions declared with respect to such additional
                  securities after such record date and before such event;
                  provided, however, that the Corporation delivers to the Holder
                  an appropriate instrument evidencing its right to receive such
                  additional securities and such distributions upon the
                  occurrence of the event requiring such adjustment.

         (f)      If the Corporation fixes a record date to determine the
                  holders of Common Shares entitled to receive any dividend or
                  distribution or fixes a record date to take any other action
                  and thereafter, but before the distribution to shareholders of
                  any such dividend or distribution or the taking of such other
                  action, the Corporation legally abandons its plan to pay such
                  dividend or distribution or take such other action, then no
                  adjustment pursuant to this paragraph shall be required by
                  reason of the fixing of such record date.

         (g)      If the Board does not fix a record date for a Common Share
                  Reorganization, Special Distribution or Rights Offering, the
                  Corporation shall be deemed to have fixed as the record date
                  therefor the close of business on the day on which the Board
                  authorizes the making of the Common Shares Reorganization,
                  Special Distribution or Rights Offering, as the case may be.

         (h)      If any question at any time arises with respect to the
                  Conversion Price or the number of Common Shares issuable upon
                  the conversion of this Debenture, such question shall be
                  conclusively determined by the auditors from time to time of
                  the Corporation, or if they are unable or unwilling to act, by
                  such other firm of independent chartered accountants as may be
                  selected by the Corporation with the concurrence of the
                  Holder, and any such determination shall be binding upon the
                  Holder, the Corporation and all shareholders. If any such
                  determination is made, the Corporation shall deliver a
                  certificate to the Holder describing such determination.


         (i)      As a condition precedent to the taking of any action which
                  would require any adjustment to the conversion Rights or
                  Conversion Price, the Corporation must have taken all action
                  which may be necessary in order that the Corporation shall
                  have issued and reserved in its authorized capital and may
                  validly and legally issue as fully-paid and non-assessable all
                  of the Common Shares or other securities which the Holder is
                  entitled to receive on full conversion hereof in accordance
                  with the provisions hereof.

         (j)      In the case the Corporation, after the date of issuance of
                  this Debenture, takes any action affecting the Common Shares,
                  other than an action described in Article 5, which in the
                  opinion of the Board would materially affect the rights of the
                  Holder, the Conversion Price will be adjusted in such manner,
                  if any, and at such time by action by the Board but subject in
                  all cases to any necessary regulatory approval. Failure of the
                  taking of action by the Board so as to provide for an
                  adjustment on or prior to the effective date of any action by
                  the Corporation affecting the Common Shares will be conclusive
                  evidence that the Board has determined it to be equitable to
                  make no adjustment.


         (a)      At least fourteen (14) days prior to the effective date or
                  record date, as the case may be, of any event which requires
                  or might require an adjustment pursuant to this Article 5, the
                  Corporation shall deliver to the Holder a certificate of the
                  Corporation specifying the particulars of such event and, if
                  determinable, the required adjustment and the computation of
                  such adjustment.

         (b)      In case any adjustment for which a notice in Section 5.5(a)
                  has been given is not then determinable, the Corporation shall
                  promptly after such adjustment is determinable deliver to the
                  Holder a certificate of the Corporation containing a
                  computation of such adjustment.


         The Corporation covenants with the Holder that the Corporation will at
all times reserve and keep available out of its authorized Common Shares, solely
for the purpose of issue upon conversion of this Debenture as provided in this
Article 5, and issue to the Holder or its nominee upon exercise of the
conversion rights hereunder, such number of Common Shares as will then be
issuable upon the conversion of this Debenture.


         The Corporation will not, directly or indirectly, do any act or thing
or, to the extent that it is able, permit any act or thing to be done, which
would remove or deny any registration or prospectus exemption available under
any applicable securities legislation with respect to the issuance of Common
Shares upon the exercise of the conversion rights contained in this Debenture.


                                   ARTICLE 6.


         The Corporation hereby represents, warrants and covenants to and with
the Holder and acknowledges that the Holder is relying upon such
representations, warranties and covenants (which representations, warranties and
covenants shall survive the date hereof) that:

         (a)      each of the Corporation and the Subsidiary is duly organized
                  and validly existing under the laws of Ontario and Yukon,
                  respectively; each is duly registered, licensed or qualified
                  as an extra-provincial corporation in each jurisdiction where
                  it carries on business or where the failure to be so
                  registered, licensed or qualified will result in a Material
                  Adverse Effect; other than the Subsidiary, a wholly-owned
                  subsidiary of the Corporation, the Corporation has no

         (b)      the Corporation has the corporate power, capacity and
                  authority to enter into, and to perform its obligations under,
                  this Debenture; this Debenture has been duly authorized,
                  executed and delivered by the Corporation and is a valid and
                  binding obligation of it, enforceable in accordance with its
                  terms, subject to applicable bankruptcy, insolvency and other
                  laws of general application limiting the enforceability of
                  creditors' rights and to the fact that specific performance is
                  an equitable remedy available only in the discretion of the
                  court; all agreements contemplated by this Debenture to which
                  the Corporation is a party will be duly authorized, executed
                  and delivered by the Corporation and will be valid and binding
                  obligations of it, enforceable in accordance with their
                  respective terms, subject to applicable bankruptcy, insolvency
                  and other laws of general application limiting the
                  enforceability of creditors' rights and to the fact that
                  specific performance is an equitable remedy available only in
                  the discretion of the court;

         (c)      each of the Corporation and the Subsidiary has the corporate
                  power and capacity to own or lease its assets and to carry on
                  its business as now conducted by it and as is presently
                  intended to be conducted by it. The Corporation carries on
                  business only at the Existing Locations and all Collateral is
                  located at the Existing Locations;

         (d)      the issue of this Debenture and the performance by the
                  Corporation of its other obligations contemplated hereby does
                  not require the approval or consent of any government
                  authority having jurisdiction, except such as has already been
                  obtained and will not result in a breach of, and does not
                  create a state of facts which, after notice or lapse of time
                  or both, will result in a breach of, and does not and will not
                  conflict with, (i) any of the terms, conditions or provisions
                  of the constating documents or by-laws or resolutions of the
                  shareholders and directors of the Corporation or the
                  Subsidiary, any Material Contract; (ii) to the knowledge of
                  the Corporation, any statute, rule or regulation applicable to
                  the Corporation or the Subsidiary; and (iii) to the knowledge
                  of the Corporation, any judgment decree or order binding the
                  Corporation, the Subsidiary or the property or assets of the
                  Corporation or the Subsidiary;


         (e)      the authorized capital of the Corporation consists of an
                  unlimited number of Common Shares and an unlimited number of
                  preference shares, issuable in series, of which, as at the
                  date hereof 29,186,465 Common Shares (and no other shares) are
                  issued and outstanding as fully paid and non-assessable; the
                  authorized capital of the Subsidiary consists of an unlimited
                  number of class A shares of which, as at the date hereof, one
                  class A share (and no other shares) is issued and outstanding
                  as fully paid and non-assessable, and such share is owned by
                  the Corporation; all such issued and outstanding securities
                  have been validly issued and are outstanding as fully paid and
                  non-assessable; there are no shareholders agreements, pooling
                  agreements, voting trusts or other agreements or
                  understandings with respect to the voting of any securities,
                  or any of them, of the Corporation or of the Subsidiary; other
                  than the convertible debentures issued on June 20, 2002 to the
                  Holder and Other Holder which will be repaid on the date
                  hereof, 11,447,113 share purchase warrants issued and
                  outstanding and 1,596,992 options to purchase Common Shares,
                  each of which entitles the holder to purchase one Common Share
                  at varying exercise prices, there are no agreements, options,
                  warrants, rights of conversion or other rights pursuant to
                  which either the Corporation or the Subsidiary is, or may
                  become, obligated to issue any shares or any securities
                  convertible or exchangeable, directly or indirectly, into any
                  shares of the Corporation or the Subsidiary, respectively.

         (f)      the Common Shares to be delivered to the Holder, when
                  delivered to the Holder, shall be fully-paid and
                  non-assessable shares in the capital of the Corporation;

         (g)      the Corporation will, at all times while the Common Share
                  Purchase Warrants are outstanding, allot and maintain
                  sufficient number of Common Shares to satisfy the exercise of
                  Common Share Purchase Warrants comprising the Purchased Units;

         (h)      each of the Corporation and the Subsidiary is current and
                  up-to-date with all filings required to be made by it under
                  the corporate laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation and
                  the securities laws of the provinces of Canada where it is a
                  reporting issuer or its equivalent, as applicable except where
                  not filing would not have a Material Adverse Effect;

         (i)      the Corporation is a reporting issuer not in default of its
                  obligations under the securities laws of British Columbia,
                  Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario (the "Provinces") and no
                  material change relating to the Corporation has occurred with
                  respect to which the requisite material change report has not
                  been filed under the securities laws of the Provinces and no
                  such disclosure has been made on a confidential basis;

         (j)      none of the materials filed by or on behalf of the Corporation
                  with the applicable securities commissions or the stock
                  exchanges (the "Public Record") contained a misrepresentation
                  as at the date of such filing which has not been corrected;

         (k)      to the knowledge of the Corporation, each of the Corporation
                  and the Subsidiary has conducted and is conducting its
                  business in compliance with all applicable material licensing,
                  anti-pollution and environmental protection legislation,
                  regulations or by-laws or other similar legislation, laws,
                  by-laws, rules and regulations of any governmental or
                  regulatory bodies; to the knowledge of the Corporation, there
                  is no


                  licensing, anti-pollution or environmental legislation,
                  regulation, by-law or lawful requirement presently in force
                  which the Corporation anticipates that it or the Subsidiary
                  will be unable to comply with without adversely affecting its
                  financial condition, results of operations, business or
                  prospects in any jurisdiction in which its business is carried

         (l)      to the knowledge of the Corporation, each of the Corporation
                  and the Subsidiary holds all material licenses, certificates,
                  registrations, permits, consents or qualifications required by
                  the appropriate state, provincial, municipal or federal
                  regulatory agencies or bodies necessary in order to enable its
                  business to be carried on as now conducted and to the
                  knowledge of the Corporation, all such licenses, certificates,
                  registrations, permits, consents and qualifications are valid
                  and subsisting and in good standing and do not contain any
                  unusual burdensome provision, condition or limitation which
                  has a Material Adverse Effect on the Corporation or the
                  Subsidiary and, to the knowledge of the Corporation, neither
                  the Corporation nor the Subsidiary has received any notice of
                  proceedings relating to the revocation or modification of any
                  such licenses, certificates, registrations, permits, consents,
                  or qualifications which, if the subject of an unfavorable
                  decision, ruling or finding would materially and adversely
                  affect the conduct of the business, operations, financial
                  condition or income or future prospects of the Corporation or
                  the Subsidiary;

         (m)      to the knowledge of the Corporation, no legal or governmental
                  proceedings have been instituted or threatened to which either
                  the Corporation or the Subsidiary is a party or to which the
                  property of the Corporation or the Subsidiary is subject that
                  would result individually or in the aggregate in a Material
                  Adverse Effect;

         (n)      the audited consolidated annual financial statements of the
                  Corporation as at and for the year ended December 31, 2003
                  contained in the Corporation's annual report for such year:

                  (i)      have been prepared in accordance with generally
                           accepted accounting principles applied on a basis
                           consistent with those of preceding fiscal periods;

                  (ii)     represent fully, fairly and correctly the
                           consolidated assets, liabilities and financial
                           condition of the Corporation and the Subsidiary as at
                           the end of such fiscal year and the consolidated
                           results of its operations and the changes in its
                           financial position for the year then ended;

                  (iii)    are in accordance with the books and records of the
                           Corporation and the Subsidiary; and

                  (iv)     contain and reflect all necessary adjustments for the
                           fair presentation of the results of operations and
                           the financial condition of the business of the
                           Corporation and the Subsidiary on a consolidated
                           basis for the period covered thereby,


                  and there has not been any material adverse change in the
                  financial position of the Corporation or the Subsidiary, or
                  their businesses, assets, liabilities or undertaking since the
                  end of such fiscal year other than as specified in the Public

         (o)      the unaudited consolidated interim financial statements of the
                  Corporation as at and for the six months ended June 30, 2004:

                  (i)      have been prepared in accordance with generally
                           accepted accounting principles applied on a basis
                           consistent with those of preceding fiscal periods;

                  (ii)     represent fully, fairly and correctly the
                           consolidated assets, liabilities and financial
                           condition of the Corporation and the Subsidiary as at
                           June 30, 2004 and the consolidated results of its
                           operations and the changes in its financial position
                           for the period then ended;

                  (iii)    are in accordance with the books and records of the
                           Corporation and the Subsidiary; and

                  (iv)     contain and reflect all necessary adjustments for the
                           fair presentation of the results of operations and
                           the financial condition of the business of the
                           Corporation and the Subsidiary on a consolidated
                           basis for the period covered thereby,

                  and there has not been any material adverse change in the
                  financial position of the Corporation or the Subsidiary, or
                  their businesses, assets, liabilities or undertaking since the
                  end of such fiscal period other than as specified in the
                  Public Record;

         (p)      the auditors of the Corporation who audited the consolidated
                  financial statements for the most recently completed fiscal
                  year for which audited financial statements are available and
                  who provided their audit report thereon are independent public
                  accountants as required under applicable Canadian securities

         (q)      each of the Corporation and the Subsidiary has filed all
                  necessary tax returns and has paid all applicable taxes of
                  whatever nature for all tax years to the date hereof to the
                  extent such taxes have become due or have been alleged to be
                  due and there are no tax deficiencies or interest or penalties
                  accrued or accruing, or alleged to be accrued or accruing,
                  thereon with respect to the Corporation or the Subsidiary
                  which, in any of the above cases, might reasonably be expected
                  to result in an adverse change in the condition, financial or
                  otherwise, or in the earnings, business affairs or business
                  prospects of the Corporation or the Subsidiary, other than
                  existing tax deficiencies not in excess of $50,000;

         (r)      no order ceasing or suspending trading in securities of the
                  Corporation or prohibiting the sale of securities by the
                  Corporation has been issued and, to the knowledge of the
                  Corporation, no proceedings for this purpose have been
                  instituted or are pending;

         (s)      to the knowledge of the Corporation, each of the Corporation
                  and the Subsidiary is in compliance with all laws respecting
                  employment and employment practices, terms


                  and conditions of employment, pay equity and wages, except
                  where such non-compliance would not constitute an adverse
                  material fact of the Corporation or the Subsidiary or result
                  in an adverse material change to the Corporation or the
                  Subsidiary, and has not and is not engaged in any unfair
                  labour practice;

         (t)      there is no requirement for the Corporation to make any filing
                  with, give notice to or obtain any licence, permit,
                  certificate, registration, authorization, consent or approval
                  of any governmental or regulatory authority or third party as
                  a condition to the execution, delivery and performance of this
                  Debenture by the Corporation except for filing with the
                  Ontario Securities Commission ("OSC") of a report on Form
                  45-501F1 or similar filings required on the issue of the
                  Common Shares and Common Share Purchase Warrants issuable
                  pursuant to this Debenture, each prepared and executed in
                  accordance with OSC Rule 45-501 and accompanied by the
                  prescribed fees, and complying with the requirements imposed
                  by the TSX as a condition to the listing of the Common Shares
                  issuable upon conversion of the Debenture and exercise of the

         (u)      each of the Corporation and the Subsidiary has good title to
                  the assets which are subject to the Security Interest, free
                  and clear of any Encumbrances other than Permitted
                  Encumbrances, whether fixed or floating, on any such assets
                  and no Person has any agreement or right to acquire an
                  interest in such assets, other than as provided herein;

         (v)      no Default or Event of Default has occurred and is continuing;

         (w)      neither the Corporation nor the Subsidiary has any
                  Indebtedness other than Permitted Indebtedness; and

         (x)      Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of Schedule C provide a complete and
                  accurate description of all of the material Patents and Trade
                  Marks of the Corporation, respectively, and the Corporation
                  does not own, license or have any other interest in any other
                  material Patents or Trademarks except as disclosed therein.


         The Holder represents, warrants and certifies to the Corporation as
follows and acknowledges that the Corporation is relying on such
representations, warranties and certification in selling this Debenture:

         (a)      the Holder is purchasing the Debenture as principal for the
                  Holder's own account and not for the benefit of any other

         (b)      the Holder is a resident of the Province of Ontario;

         (c)      this Debenture has been duly authorized, executed and
                  delivered by, and constitutes a legal, valid, binding and
                  enforceable obligation of, the Holder;

         (d)      the Holder has not received any document purporting to
                  describe the business and affairs of the Corporation that has
                  been prepared primarily for delivery to and review


                  by prospective investors so as to assist those investors to
                  make an investment decision in respect of the Debentures being

         (e)      the Holder has not been created or is not being used primarily
                  for the purpose of acquiring or holding securities of the

         (f)      the Holder, if a company, either (i) had net assets of at
                  least $5,000,000 as reflected in its most recently prepared
                  financial statements; or (ii) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of
                  an individual who beneficially owns, or who together with a
                  spouse beneficially owns, financial assets having an aggregate
                  realizable value that, before taxes, but net of any related
                  liability (necessary liabilities incurred or assumed for the
                  purpose of financing the acquisition or ownership of financial
                  assets and liabilities that are secured by financial assets)
                  exceeds $1,000,000;

         (g)      the Holder, if an individual, beneficially owns, or together
                  with a spouse beneficially owns, financial assets having an
                  aggregate realizable value that, before taxes but net of any
                  related liabilities, exceeds $1,000,000.


         The Holder acknowledges that:

         (a)      the Debentures and any securities into which they are
                  convertible will be subject to transfer and resale
                  restrictions pursuant to the Securities Act (Ontario) and the
                  regulation, rules, orders, instruments and published policy
                  statements applicable thereunder, including Multilateral
                  Instrument 45-102 Resale of Securities;

         (b)      the Holder's purchase of the Debentures has not been made
                  through or as a result of, and the distribution of the
                  Debentures is not being accompanied by, an advertisement or
                  general solicitation in printed or public media, or general or
                  regular print circulation, radio or television or
                  telecommunications, including electronic display of any other
                  form of advertisement;

         (c)      the Holder is responsible for obtaining such legal advice as
                  the undersigned considers appropriate in connection with the
                  execution, delivery and performance of this Debenture and any
                  subsequent transfer or resale of Debentures or any securities
                  into which they are convertible.


         The Corporation covenants and agrees that so long as this Debenture is

         (a)      Punctual Payment. It will duly and punctually pay or cause to
                  be paid all amounts payable by the Corporation to the Holder
                  hereunder at the times and in the manner provided for herein;

         (b)      Use of Proceeds. Principal amounts advanced under this
                  Debenture shall only be used to finance discovery research and
                  product development initiatives as approved by the Board;


         (c)      Conduct of Business. It will and will cause each of its
                  Subsidiaries to do all things necessary or desirable to
                  maintain its and their respective corporate existence in its
                  and their respective present jurisdictions of incorporation,
                  maintain its and their respective corporate power and capacity
                  to own its and their respective properties and assets, and
                  carry on its and their respective businesses in a commercially
                  reasonable manner;

         (d)      Maintain Property and Assets. It will maintain and cause each
                  of its Subsidiaries to maintain all of its property and assets
                  in good repair and working condition, consistent with the
                  industry standards, reasonable wear and tear excepted, and
                  continue to carry on its business as presently conducted and
                  in compliance with all licences and permits and maintain its
                  books and records in a manner consistent with good business
                  practice and in a manner sufficient to permit the Holder to
                  confirm compliance by the Corporation with the Corporation's
                  covenants hereunder;

         (e)      Inspection. It will at any reasonable time and from time to
                  time upon reasonable prior notice, permit the Holder or
                  representatives thereof to conduct inspections of the books
                  and records of the Holder and its Subsidiaries and to make
                  copies thereof, and to discuss the affairs, finances and
                  accounts of the Corporation and its Subsidiaries with the
                  auditors and officers of the Corporation;

         (f)      Other Obligations. It will pay or cause to be paid and cause
                  each of its Subsidiaries to pay or cause to be paid when
                  required all amounts related to taxes, wages, workers'
                  compensation obligations, government royalties or pension fund
                  obligations and any other amount which may result in an
                  Encumbrance against the assets of the Corporation or any of
                  its Subsidiaries arising under any statute or regulation,
                  other than a Permitted Encumbrance or to make adequate reserve
                  for any such amount the payment of which is being contested;

         (g)      Compliance with Applicable Law and Contracts. It will do or
                  cause to be done or cause each of its Subsidiaries to do or
                  cause to be done all acts necessary or desirable to comply
                  with all applicable, federal, provincial and municipal laws,
                  requirements, standards, the non-compliance with which could
                  have a Material Adverse Effect upon it or any Subsidiary. It
                  will and will cause each of its Subsidiaries to comply with
                  the requirements of all Material Contracts to which it and
                  they respectively are parties or by which respectively it and
                  they or its and their properties are bound, non-compliance
                  with which would, singly or in the aggregate, have a Material
                  Adverse Effect upon its or any one of its Subsidiaries'
                  respective business, property, financial condition or

         (h)      Accounting Methods and Financial Records. It will and will
                  cause each of its Subsidiaries to maintain a system of
                  accounting which is established and administered in accordance
                  with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles, keep
                  adequate records and books of account in which accurate and
                  complete entries shall be made in accordance with Canadian
                  generally accepted accounting principles reflecting all
                  transactions required to be reflected by such accounting
                  principles and keep accurate and complete records of any
                  property owned by it and each of them, respectively;


         (i)      Financial Statements. It will provide the Holder with its
                  audited and unaudited financial statements for the Corporation
                  in accordance with applicable corporate and securities laws
                  together with such other financial information as the Holder
                  may request from time to time;

         (j)      Payment of Taxes and Claims. It will and will cause each of
                  its Subsidiaries to:

                  (i)      pay and discharge all lawful claims for labour,
                           material and supplies;

                  (ii)     pay and discharge all obligations which may result in
                           liens on its assets;

                  (iii)    pay and discharge all taxes payable by it and each of
                           them, respectively; and

                  (iv)     withhold and collect all taxes required to be
                           withheld and collected by it and each of them,
                           respectively, and remit such taxes to the appropriate
                           governmental body at the time and in the manner
                           required; provided that nothing in this Section
                           6.4(j) shall preclude the Corporation from contesting
                           in good faith any of the matters referred to therein
                           if it makes an adequate reserve for any such amount,
                           the payment of which is being contested;

         (k)      Notice of Event of Default. It will, as soon as it shall
                  become aware of the same, give notice to the Holder of any
                  Default, Event of Default, or the occurrence or non-occurrence
                  of any event which constitutes, or which with the passage of
                  time or giving of notice or both would constitute, a material
                  default under any other agreement to which it is a party or by
                  which it or any of its properties may be bound, giving in each
                  case the details thereof and specifying the action proposed to
                  be taken with respect thereto, regarding the Corporation or
                  any Subsidiary of the Corporation;

         (l)      Insurance. The Corporation shall maintain and cause its
                  Subsidiaries to maintain insurance on its and their respective
                  properties and assets and for the operation of its and their
                  respective businesses in such amounts and against such risks
                  as would be customarily obtained and maintained by a prudent
                  owner of similar properties and assets operating a similar
                  business (including without limitation appropriate liability
                  insurance), and shall provide certified copies of such
                  policies to the Holder upon request. Such policies of
                  insurance shall include coverage against loss or damage of its
                  property and assets by fire and other hazards, and business
                  interruption insurance. All such insurance policies relating
                  to properties and assets shall name the Holder and the Other
                  Holder as loss payees as their interests may appear and copies
                  thereof or certificates in respect of the coverage provided
                  thereby shall be delivered to the Holder upon request. The
                  Corporation shall pay all premiums in respect of such
                  insurance when due and shall promptly furnish the Holder upon
                  request with receipts or other satisfactory evidence of the
                  payment thereof. Prior to any Event of Default any insurance
                  proceeds in an amount (i) less than $25,000 shall be paid
                  directly to the Corporation to be used to replace or repair
                  the property in respect of which the proceeds have been paid,
                  and (ii) equal to or greater than $25,000 shall be paid
                  directly to the Holder and the Other Holder and may, at the
                  option of the Holder and the Other Holder by joint written
                  instruction to the Corporation, be applied against any
                  Obligations hereunder and under the Other Debenture(s) or


                  released to the Corporation without prejudicing any rights or
                  remedies of the Holder or Other Holder hereunder or under the
                  Other Debenture(s) or affecting any Obligations;

         (m)      Compliance with Securities Legislation and Matters. The
                  Corporation shall comply with the requirements of all
                  applicable securities laws and the regulations thereunder and
                  shall take no step with a view to, or which would result in,
                  the Corporation ceasing to be a reporting issuer in good
                  standing under the Securities Act (Ontario) or the Regulation
                  thereunder or under the securities laws of any other

         (n)      Maintain Listing. The Corporation shall continuously maintain
                  the listing of its Common Shares on the TSX or upon such other
                  stock exchange as may be acceptable to the Holder and shall
                  use reasonable efforts to ensure that all Common Shares which
                  are issuable upon the exercise of the conversion rights
                  hereunder are listed on such stock exchange as and when
                  issued; and

         (o)      Secondary Offering. If, at any time, the Corporation
                  undertakes a treasury offering of shares by way of prospectus,
                  the Holder may participate by way of a secondary offering of
                  which the Holder may sell all or any of the Common Shares
                  beneficially owned by the Holder, unless this right would, in
                  the opinion of the financial advisor and/or underwriter
                  retained to complete such transaction, materially prejudice
                  the offering.


         The Corporation hereby covenants and agrees with the Holder that it
will not, so long as any amount owing hereunder shall remain unpaid, and it will
not permit or cause any of its Subsidiaries to, without the prior written
consent of the Holder:

         (a)      Security Interests. Create, issue, incur, assume or permit to
                  exist any Encumbrance on any of its property other than (i)
                  Encumbrances in favour of the Holder; and (ii) Permitted
                  Encumbrances, nor do or permit anything to adversely affect
                  the ranking or validity of the Security Interest except by
                  incurring a Permitted Encumbrance.

         (b)      Change in Nature of Business. Make or permit or cause any
                  Subsidiary to make any material change in the nature of its or
                  their respective existing business.

         (c)      Mergers. Enter into any transaction (whether by way of
                  reconstruction, reorganization, consolidation, dissolution or
                  otherwise) whereby all or any substantial part of its
                  undertaking, property or assets would become the property of
                  any other Person or, in the case of any such amalgamation, of
                  the continuing corporation resulting therefrom.

         (d)      Disposal of Assets. Directly or indirectly, sell, lease,
                  assign, transfer, abandon, convey or otherwise dispose of any
                  of its undertaking or assets (including any capital stock of
                  any of its Subsidiaries or other corporation) except as

                  (i)      the Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries may, in
                           the ordinary course of business, sell any inventory
                           or other assets that are customarily sold by the


                           Corporation or such Subsidiary as part of the normal
                           operation of its respective business; and

                  (ii)     the Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries may, in
                           the ordinary course of business, sell equipment,
                           fixtures, materials or supplies that are no longer
                           required in the business of the Corporation or such
                           Subsidiary or that are worn-out or obsolete.

         (e)      Distributions. Declare, make or pay any dividend or other
                  distribution on any share in the capital of the Corporation or
                  a Subsidiary other than a distribution made by a Subsidiary to
                  the Corporation.

         (f)      Alteration of Capital. Purchase, redeem or retire in any way
                  any shares of its capital or otherwise reduce its issued or
                  paid up capital in respect of such shares or otherwise permit
                  a change in the authorized capital structure or in the terms
                  of any of its classes of share.

         (g)      Transactions Out of the Ordinary Course. Enter into or effect
                  any transactions out of the ordinary course of business.

         (h)      Financial Assistance. Provide any financial assistance to any
                  Person except financial assistance provided to the Corporation
                  by a Subsidiary of the Corporation or to a Subsidiary of the
                  Corporation by the Corporation.

         (i)      Maintenance and Ownership of Subsidiaries. In the case of the
                  Corporation, sell or otherwise dispose of any shares of the
                  capital of any of its Subsidiaries or permit any of such
                  Subsidiaries to issue, sell or otherwise dispose of any shares
                  of the capital or the capital of any other of such
                  Subsidiaries, except to the Corporation.

         (j)      Winding-up. Take or institute proceedings for the winding-up,
                  reorganization or dissolution of the Corporation or any

         (k)      Changing Location etc. Change its name or the location of its
                  chief executive office or remove or otherwise permit any
                  Collateral (other than inventory in transit) to be located at
                  any location other than Existing Locations, without providing
                  the Holder with 30 days prior written notice thereof and
                  promptly taking such other steps, if any, as the Holder may
                  require to maintain the perfection of the Security Interest.

         (l)      Additional Indebtedness. Incur any Indebtedness other than
                  Permitted Indebtedness.

         (m)      Subsidiaries. Have any Subsidiaries other than the Subsidiary
                  without the consent of the Holder.


                                   ARTICLE 7.
                                EVENTS OF DEFAULT


         The occurrence of any one or more of the following events or conditions
(each such event or condition being an "Event of Default") shall constitute a
default under this Debenture:

         (a)      except as otherwise provided in this Section, the Corporation
                  does not observe or perform any of the Corporation's
                  obligations under this Debenture or any other agreement or
                  document existing at any time between the Corporation and the
                  Holder and such default remains unremedied to the satisfaction
                  of the Holder seven calendar days after written notice thereof
                  is given to the Corporation by the Holder;

         (b)      any representation, warranty or statement made by or on behalf
                  of the Corporation to the Holder is untrue in any material
                  respect at the time when or as of which it was made;

         (c)      the Corporation ceases or threatens to cease to carry on in
                  the normal course the Corporation's business or any material
                  part thereof;

         (d)      the holder of a charge takes possession of all or any part of
                  the Corporation's property having a value in excess of
                  $150,000, or a distress, execution or other similar process is
                  levied against all or any part of such property having a value
                  in excess of $150,000;

         (e)      if an order ceasing or suspending or prohibiting trading in
                  any securities of the Corporation shall be issued by any stock
                  exchange or securities regulatory authority having
                  jurisdiction and such situation continues in excess of two

         (f)      default by the Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries in the
                  performance or observance of any covenant, condition or
                  obligation contained in any agreement between the Corporation
                  or its Subsidiary, as the case may be, and any Person, where
                  such default gives rise to a right to enforce security against
                  the Corporation or its Subsidiary, as the case may be, where
                  the default, or the cumulative defaults are in excess of

         (g)      the Corporation fails to pay to any Person any Indebtedness in
                  excess of $250,000 in aggregate when due (whether at scheduled
                  maturity or by required prepayment, acceleration, demand or
                  otherwise) and such failure continues after any applicable
                  grace period, except as the Holder and Other Holder have
                  otherwise agreed;

         (h)      an event of default occurs under the Other Debenture(s);

         (i)      any event occurs which would have a Material Adverse Effect on
                  the Corporation and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole;

         (j)      if the Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries is in default
                  under any Material Contract to which it is a party and such
                  default is not cured before the earlier of (i) 30 days


                  after the occurrence of such default, and (ii) five Business
                  Days prior to the expiry of the applicable cure period, if
                  any, under such Material Contract;

         (k)      if a final judgment or decree for the payment of money due
                  shall have been obtained or entered against the Corporation or
                  any of its Subsidiaries in an amount of $100,000 or more and
                  such judgment or decree shall not have been and remain
                  vacated, discharged or stayed pending appeal within the
                  applicable appeal period;

         (l)      if a decree or order of a court of competent jurisdiction is
                  entered adjudging the Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries a
                  bankrupt or insolvent or approving as properly filed a
                  petition seeking the winding-up of the Corporation or any of
                  its Subsidiaries under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement
                  Act (Canada), the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) or
                  the Winding-Up and Restructuring Act (Canada) or any other
                  bankruptcy, insolvency or analogous law or issuing
                  sequestration or process of execution against any substantial
                  part of the assets of the Corporation or any of its
                  Subsidiaries or ordering the winding up or liquidation of its
                  affairs and any such decree or order continues unstayed and in
                  effect for a period of thirty (30) days;

         (m)      if the Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries becomes
                  insolvent, makes any assignment in bankruptcy or makes any
                  other assignment for the benefit of creditors, makes any
                  proposal under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (Canada) or
                  any comparable law, seeks relief under the Companies'
                  Creditors Arrangement Act (Canada), the Winding Up and
                  Restructuring Act (Canada) or any other bankruptcy, insolvency
                  or analogous law, is adjudged bankrupt, files a petition or
                  proposal to take advantage of any act of insolvency, consents
                  to or acquiesces in the appointment of a trustee, receiver,
                  receiver and manager, interim receiver, custodian,
                  sequestrator or other Person with similar powers of itself or
                  of all or any substantial portion of its assets, or files a
                  petition or otherwise commences any proceeding seeking any
                  reorganization, arrangement, composition or readjustment under
                  any applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium,
                  reorganization or other similar law affecting creditors'
                  rights or consents to, or acquiesces in, the filing of such a
                  petition; or

         (n)      if any Change of Control Event occurs.


         Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default the entire Principal amount
outstanding hereunder shall at the option of the Holder forthwith become
immediately due and payable, with Interest thereon, at the rate determined as
herein provided, to the date of actual payment thereof, all without notice,
presentment, protest, demand, notice of dishonour or any other notice of demand
whatsoever, all of which are hereby expressly waived by the Corporation. In such
event the Holder may in its discretion exercise any right or recourse and/or
proceed by any action, suit, remedy or proceeding against the Corporation
authorized or permitted by law for the recovery of all the Indebtedness and
liabilities of the Corporation to the Holder and proceed to exercise any and all
rights hereunder and under the security constituted by the Security Interest. No
right will be exclusive of or dependent upon or merge in any other right, and
one or more of such rights may be exercised independently or in combination from
time to time.



         The Corporation agrees to pay on demand all costs and expenses incurred
(including among other things legal fees) and fees charged by the Holder in
connection with obtaining or discharging this Debenture to and by the Holder or
any Receiver in exercising any remedy under this Debenture and in carrying on
the Corporation's business. All such amounts will bear interest from time to
time at the rate equal to the rate payable on the Principal sum hereunder, and
the Corporation will reimburse the Holder upon demand for any amount so paid.


         The Corporation will from time to time as soon as practicable upon
request by the Holder take such action as the Holder may consider necessary to
give effect to this Debenture.


         In the event that the Corporation fails to perform any obligations
under this Debenture, including keeping the Collateral free and clear of all
Encumbrances, other than Permitted Encumbrances, the Holder may, at its option
and without being under any obligation to do so, perform such obligations and
the Corporation shall pay to the Holder, immediately upon demand, all costs and
expenses (including, without limitation, legal fees on a solicitor-client basis)
incurred by the Holder in connection therewith and all such costs and expenses
shall form part of the Obligations, bear interest at the Interest Rate, both
before and after demand and judgment from the date incurred by the Holder and
shall be secured by the Security Interest. The performance by the Holder of any
obligation of the Corporation hereunder or the curing of any Event of Default by
the Holder shall not constitute a waiver by the Holder of any of its rights,
remedies or privileges hereunder or relieve the Corporation from its default or
any consequences thereof.


         The Holder may grant renewals, extensions of time and other
indulgences, take and give up securities, accept compositions, grant full,
partial and conditional releases and discharges, perfect or fail to perfect any
securities, release any Collateral to third parties and otherwise deal or fail
to deal with the Corporation, debtors of the Corporation, guarantors, sureties
and others and with the Collateral and other securities as the Holder may see
fit, all without prejudice to any liability of the Corporation to the Holder or
the Holder's rights and remedies under this Debenture, the Personal Property
Security Act (Ontario) or otherwise at law.

7.7.     NO SET-OFF

         The Obligations shall be paid by the Corporation without regard to any
equities between the Corporation and the Holder or any right of set-off or
cross-claim that the Corporation may have against the Holder.


                                   ARTICLE 8.

8.1.     SECURITY

         As general and continuing security for the payment and performance of
the Obligations, the Corporation hereby grants a security interest in favour of
the Holder as set out in Schedule "C" and shall execute and deliver in favour of
the Holder, all such further, security agreements, instruments and documents
(collectively with this Debenture being the "SECURITY DOCUMENTS") and do all
such other acts and things as the Holder may from time to time require, to
create, grant and maintain a first perfected Encumbrance on the Collateral in
favour of the Holder, subject only to Permitted Encumbrances. All Security
Documents shall, in form and substance, be satisfactory to the Holder, acting
reasonably. The Corporation acknowledges and agrees that as at the date hereof
there are additional Security Documents that will have to be executed and
delivered by the Corporation and additional registrations and other steps that
will have to be taken by the Corporation and others in order for the Security
Interest to constitute a first perfected Encumbrance on all of the Collateral,
subject only to Permitted Encumbrances, and agrees that the right of the Holder
to require such Security Documents and the performance of such other acts and
things at any time and from time to time shall not be prejudiced by any delay on
the part of the Holder in requesting same. The Corporation constitutes and
appoints the Holder and any officer or agent of the Holder, with full power of
substitution, as the Corporation's true and lawful attorney-in-fact with full
power and authority in the place of the Corporation and in the name of the
Corporation or in its own name, from time to time in the Holder's discretion
after any Event of Default or any default under this section, to take any and
all appropriate action and to execute any and all documents and instruments as,
in the opinion of such attorney may be necessary or desirable to accomplish the
purposes of this Debenture. These powers are coupled with an interest and are
irrevocable until this Debenture and the Security Documents are terminated and
released. Nothing in this section affects the right of the Holder as secured
party or any other Person on the Holder's behalf, to sign and file or deliver
(as applicable) all such financing statements, financing change statements,
notices, verification agreements and other documents relating to the Collateral
and this Debenture and any Security Documents as the Holder or such other Person
considers appropriate

                                   ARTICLE 9.
                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

9.1.     NOTICES

         Any notice, communication, payment or demand required or permitted to
be given under this Debenture shall be deemed to have been sufficiently given to
the recipient if delivered personally, or (other than in the case of payment) if
sent by facsimile or sent by ordinary first class mail within Canada, postage
prepaid, addressed as follows:


         (a)      to the Corporation at:

                  Viventia Biotech Inc.
                  10 Four Seasons Place
                  Suite 501
                  Toronto ON   M9B 6H7

                  Attention:        Michael Byrne, Chief Financial Officer
                                    and Corporate Secretary

                  Facsimile:        (416) 335-9306

         (b)      to the Holder at:

                  78 The Bridle Path
                  Toronto, Ontario
                  M3B 2B1

                  Attention:        Leslie Dan

                  Facsimile:        (416) 291-2162

         Any such mailing shall be deemed to be received on the date of delivery
if delivered personally, on the next Business Day following the transmission by
facsimile confirmed by the sender thereof or on the third Business Day following
the date of mailing or, in the event of any disruption, strike or interruption
in the Canadian postal service after mailing and prior to receipt, on the third
Business Day following full resumption of such Canadian postal service. Either
party hereto may change its facsimile number or address for the purpose of this
Section 9.1 by giving written notice of such change to the other.


         Neither this Debenture nor any provision hereof may be amended, waived,
discharged, or terminated orally, but only by an instrument in writing signed by
the party against whom enforcement of the amendment, waiver, discharge, or
termination is sought. No delay or omission by the Holder in exercising any
rights or remedies hereunder or in respect of any Obligations or the performance
by the Corporation of any Obligations in default shall operate as a waiver
thereof or of any other rights or remedies of the Holder. No single or partial
exercise of any rights or remedies by the Holder shall preclude any other or
further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other rights or remedies. A
written waiver of any right or remedy shall be effective only for the specific
purpose and time, if any, stipulated therein and shall not operate as a waiver
of any other rights or remedies of the Holder. This Debenture may not be
amended, supplemented or otherwise modified without the prior written consent of
the Other Holder.


         Time is expressly declared to be of the essence of this Debenture in
respect of all payments to be made hereunder, the exercise of any redemption and
conversion rights hereunder, and all covenants and agreements to be performed
and fulfilled.



         If any covenant or obligation of any party contained herein, or if any
provision of this Debenture or its application to any Person or circumstance
shall to any extent be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Debenture
or the application of such covenant or obligation to Persons or circumstances
other than those to which it is held invalid or unenforceable shall not be
affected, and each provision and each covenant and obligation contained in this
Debenture shall be separately valid and enforceable, to the fullest extent
permitted by law or at equity.


         This Debenture may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of
which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which taken together shall be
deemed to constitute one and the same instrument, and it shall not be necessary
in making proof of this Agreement to produce or account for more than one such


         Each of the Corporation and the Holder shall promptly cure any default
by it in the execution and delivery of this Debenture or of any of the other
agreements provided for hereunder to which it is a party. The Corporation, at
its expense, shall promptly execute and deliver or cause to be executed and
delivered to the Holder, upon request by the Holder, all such other and further
documents, agreements, opinions, certificates and instruments in compliance
with, or accomplishment of the covenants and agreements of the Corporation
hereunder or more fully to state the obligations of the Corporation set out
herein or under any other loan document or to make any recording, file any
notice or obtain any consent, all as may be reasonably necessary or appropriate
in connection therewith. The Corporation hereby irrevocably constitutes and
appoints any officer for the time being of the Holder and each Receiver, the
true and lawful attorney of the Corporation, at any time that an Event of
Default shall have occurred and be continuing, with full power of substitution
to execute and deliver all such agreements, instruments and documents and to do
all such further acts and things with the right to use the name of the
Corporation whenever and wherever it may be deemed necessary or expedient.


         This Debenture, the Payment and Security Sharing Agreement and the
confirmations delivered in respect of the Security Interest constitute the whole
and entire agreement between the parties hereto and cancel and supersede any
prior agreements, undertakings, declarations, commitments, representations,
written or oral, in respect thereof.


         Except for transfers provided for in the Payment and Security Sharing
Agreement, this Debenture may only be transferred by the Holder with the prior
written consent of the Corporation not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.



         This Debenture shall be binding on the Corporation and its successors
and will be binding on and will enure to the benefit of the Holder and its
successors and assigns.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Corporation and the Holder have executed this
Debenture as of the 3rd day of November, 2004.

                                   VIVENTIA BIOTECH INC.

                                   By:    /s/ Michael Byrne
                                          Name:      Michael Byrne
                                          Title:     Chief Financial Officer


                                          /s/ Leslie Dan
                                          LESLIE L. DAN

                                  SCHEDULE "A"


                                  SCHEDULE "B"
                                CONVERSION NOTICE

TO:      Viventia Biotech Inc. (the "Corporation")

FROM:    Leslie L. Dan (the "Holder")

RE:      The Convertible Secured Debenture issued by the Corporation to the
         Holder as of November 3, 2004 (the "Debenture")

         All terms used in this Conversion Notice which are defined in the
Debenture have the meanings attributed thereto in the Debenture.

         The Holder hereby irrevocably elects to convert $_________________ of
the Principal outstanding as of the date hereof under this Debenture and
evidenced by the Debenture into Units at the Conversion Price and
$_________________ of the Interest outstanding as of the date hereof under this
Debenture and evidenced by the Debenture into Units at the Interest Conversion
Price. Please issue, register and deliver the Common Shares and Common Share
Purchase Warrants comprising such Units in the name of:






                  DATED:                    , 200_.

                                                 LESLIE L. DAN

                                  SCHEDULE "C"
                                SECURITY INTEREST

1.       SECURITY

         (a)      Security. Subject to Sections 1(c) and 1(d) of this Schedule
                  "C", as continuing security for the due and timely payment and
                  performance by the Corporation of its obligations hereunder,
                  the Corporation hereby (i) grants a security interest in and
                  conveys, assigns, hypothecates, mortgages and charges, as and
                  by way of a first fixed and floating mortgage and charge to
                  and in favour of the Holder (the "Security Interest"), all its
                  undertaking and business and all its property and assets and
                  rights for the time being, both present and future, of
                  whatsoever nature and kind and wheresoever situate (the
                  "Collateral") including, without limitation,

                  (i)      each of the Patents identified in Appendix 1,
                           including all rights to receive royalty, licence or
                           other payments due to the Corporation from any
                           licensed user or other use of the Patents;

                  (ii)     each of the Trade Marks identified in Appendix 2,
                           including all goodwill of the business of the
                           Corporation symbolized by each of the Trade Marks and
                           all rights of the Corporation as the registered owner
                           of the Trade Marks, including the right to receive
                           royalty, licence or other payments due to the
                           Corporation from any registered user or other user of
                           any Trade Marks;

                  (iii)    any present or future claim by, or right of action
                           of, the Corporation against any Person with respect
                           to the infringement of any of the Trade Marks or

         (b)      Attachment. The parties acknowledge and agree that value has
                  been given for the granting of the Security Interest and that
                  they have not agreed to postpone the time for attachment,
                  except for after-acquired property forming part of the
                  Collateral, the attachment to which will occur forthwith upon
                  the Corporation acquiring rights in such Collateral.

         (c)      Exception for Last Day of Leases. The Security Interest
                  granted hereby does not and shall not extend to, and the
                  Collateral shall not include, the last day of the term of any
                  lease or sub-lease, oral or written, or any agreement
                  therefor, now held or hereafter acquired by the Corporation
                  but, upon the sale of the leasehold interest or any part
                  thereof, the Corporation shall stand possessed of such last
                  day in trust to assign the same as the Holder shall direct.

         (d)      Exception for Contractual Rights. The Security Interest hereby
                  granted does not and shall not extend to, and the Collateral
                  shall not include, any agreement, right, franchise, licence or
                  permit (collectively, "Contractual Rights") to which the
                  Corporation is a party or of which the Corporation has the
                  benefit, to the extent that the creation of the Security
                  Interest therein would constitute a breach of the terms of, or
                  permit any Person to terminate, the Contractual Rights (the
                  "Restricted Rights"), but the Corporation shall hold its
                  interest therein in trust for the Holder


                  and shall assign such Restricted Rights to the Holder
                  forthwith upon obtaining the consent of the other party or
                  parties thereto. Upon the request of the Holder, the
                  Corporation shall use all commercially reasonable efforts to
                  obtain any consent required to permit any Restricted Rights to
                  be subject to the Security Interest. The Corporation shall use
                  commercially reasonable efforts to provide that any agreement
                  after the date hereof does not require any consent to permit
                  the Contractual Rights created thereunder to become subject to
                  the Security Interest and, except as disclosed to and approved
                  by the Holder in writing, none of the existing Restricted
                  Rights are Material Contracts.

         (e)      Permitted Dealings with Collateral. Unless an Event of Default
                  has occurred, the Corporation may, without the consent of the

                  (i)      deal with the Collateral as permitted by the
                           Debenture; and

                  (ii)     subject to Section 2 of this Schedule "C", collect
                           proceeds and accounts in the ordinary course of

         (f)      Delivery of Instruments, Securities, Etc.

                  (i)      If an Event of Default has occurred the Corporation
                           shall, upon request of the Holder, forthwith deliver
                           to the Holder, to be held by the Holder hereunder,
                           all instruments, securities, letters of credit,
                           advances of credit and negotiable documents of title
                           in its possession or control which pertain to or form
                           part of the Collateral and shall, as required, duly
                           endorse the same for transfer in blank or as the
                           Holder may direct and shall use commercially
                           reasonable efforts to deliver to the Holder any and
                           all consents or other instruments or documents
                           necessary to comply with any restrictions on the
                           transfer thereof in order to transfer the same to the

                  (ii)     Subject to any other written agreements or
                           instruments in effect from time to time between the
                           parties, unless an Event of Default has occurred and
                           is continuing the Corporation shall be entitled (i)
                           to receive all distributions of any kind whatsoever
                           at any time payable on or with respect to the
                           Collateral and (ii) to vote the Collateral and to
                           give consents, waivers, notices and ratifications and
                           to take other action in respect of the Collateral;
                           provided, however, that no vote shall be cast and no
                           consent, waiver, notice or ratification shall be
                           given and no action be taken which would impair the
                           Collateral or which would be inconsistent with or
                           violate any provision of this Debenture or any other
                           written agreement or instrument in effect from time
                           to time between the parties.

                  (iii)    Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default the Holder
                           and during the continuance thereof shall be entitled
                           to enjoy and exercise all of the rights referred to
                           in Section (f)(ii) of this Schedule "C" in such
                           manner as it sees fit.

         (g)      Verification of Collateral. The Holder shall have the right at
                  any time and from time to time to verify the existence and
                  state of the Collateral in any manner the Holder


                  may consider appropriate and the Corporation agrees to furnish
                  all assistance and information and to perform al such acts as
                  the Holder may reasonably request in connection therewith and
                  for such purpose to grant to the Holder or its agents access
                  to all places where Collateral may be located and to all
                  premises occupied by the Corporation.


         (a)      Control of Proceeds and Accounts. After the occurrence of an
                  Event of Default the Holder, if demand has been made in
                  accordance with Section 3(a) of this Schedule "C", may take
                  control of any Proceeds and accounts and may notify any
                  account debtor or any obligor under any instrument held by the
                  Corporation or the Holder to make payment in respect of any
                  Proceeds and accounts directly to the Holder, whether or not
                  the Corporation has theretofore been making collections on the

         (b)      Proceeds and Accounts Received in Trust. After the occurrence
                  of an Event of Default has occurred, if the Corporation shall
                  collect or receive any accounts or shall be paid for any of
                  the other Collateral or shall receive any Proceeds, all money
                  so collected or received by the Corporation shall be received
                  by the Corporation as trustee for the Holder and, if demand
                  has been made in accordance with Section 3(a) of this Schedule
                  "C", shall be paid to the Holder forthwith upon demand and the
                  Holder may, in its discretion, apply the same in reduction of
                  the Obligations or hold the same as further Collateral


         (a)      Remedies Upon Default. Upon the occurrence of an Event of
                  Default, the Obligations shall, at the option of the Holder,
                  forthwith become immediately due and payable by the
                  Corporation to the Holder and the Holder may thereafter,
                  without further notice to the Corporation except as provided
                  at law or in this Debenture:

                  (i)      commence legal action to enforce payment or
                           performance of the Obligations;

                  (ii)     require the Corporation, at the Corporation's
                           expense, to assemble the Collateral at a place or
                           places designated by notice in writing given by the
                           Holder to the Corporation, and the Corporation agrees
                           to so assemble the Collateral;

                  (iii)    require the Corporation, by notice in writing given
                           by the Holder to the Corporation, to disclose to the
                           Holder the location or locations of the Collateral,
                           and the Corporation agrees to make such disclosure
                           when so required by the Holder;

                  (iv)     without legal process, enter any premises where the
                           Collateral may be situated and take possession of the
                           Collateral by any method permitted by law;


                  (v)      repair, process, complete, modify or otherwise deal
                           with the Collateral and prepare for the disposition
                           of the Collateral, whether on the premises of the
                           Corporation or otherwise and, in connection with any
                           such action, utilize any of the Corporation's
                           property without charge;

                  (vi)     dispose of the Collateral by private or public sale,
                           lease or otherwise upon such terms and conditions as
                           the Holder may determine and whether or not the
                           Holder has taken possession of the Collateral;

                  (vii)    carry on all or any part of the business or
                           businesses of the Corporation and, to the exclusion
                           of all others (including the Corporation), enter
                           upon, occupy and, subject to any requirements of law
                           and subject to any leases or agreements then in
                           place, use all or any of the premises, buildings,
                           plant, undertaking and other property of, or used by,
                           the Corporation for such time and in such manner as
                           the Holder sees fit, free of charge, and, except to
                           the extent required by law, the Holder shall not be
                           liable to the Corporation for any act, omission or
                           negligence in so doing or for any rent, charges,
                           depreciation or damages or other amount incurred in
                           connection therewith or resulting therefrom other
                           than from the Holder's gross negligence or wilful

                  (viii)   file such proofs of claim or other documents as may
                           be necessary or desirable to have its claim lodged in
                           any bankruptcy, winding-up, liquidation, dissolution
                           or other proceedings (voluntary or otherwise)
                           relating to the Corporation;

                  (ix)     borrow money for the purpose of carrying on the
                           business of the Corporation or for the maintenance,
                           preservation or protection of the Collateral and
                           mortgage, charge, pledge or grant a security interest
                           in the Collateral, whether or not in priority to this
                           Debenture, to secure repayment of any money so

                  (x)      where the Collateral has been disposed of by the
                           Holder as provided in Section 3(a)(vi) of this
                           Schedule "C", commence legal action against the
                           Corporation for the Deficiency, if any;

                  (xi)     appoint, by an instrument in writing delivered to the
                           Corporation, a Receiver of the Collateral and remove
                           any Receiver so appointed and appoint another or
                           others in its stead or institute proceedings in any
                           court of competent jurisdiction for the appointment
                           of a Receiver, it being understood and agreed that:

                           (A)      the Holder may appoint any Person as
                                    Receiver, including an officer or employee
                                    of the Holder, with such Person's prior
                                    written consent;

                           (B)      such appointment may be made at any time
                                    after an Event of Default, either before or
                                    after the Holder shall have taken possession
                                    of the Collateral;


                           (C)      the Holder may, from time to time, fix the
                                    reasonable remuneration of the Receiver and
                                    direct the payment thereof out of the
                                    Collateral or any Proceeds; and

                           (D)      the Receiver shall be deemed to be the agent
                                    of the Corporation for all purposes, and,
                                    for greater certainty, the Holder shall not
                                    be, in any way, responsible for any actions,
                                    whether wilful, negligent or otherwise, of
                                    any Receiver, and the Corporation hereby
                                    agrees to indemnify and save harmless the
                                    Holder from and against any and all claims,
                                    demands, actions, costs, damages, expenses
                                    or payments which the Holder may hereafter
                                    suffer, incur or be required to pay as a
                                    result of, in whole or in part, any action
                                    taken by the Receiver or any failure of the
                                    Receiver to do any act or thing;

                  (xii)    pay or discharge any mortgage, charge, encumbrance,
                           lien, adverse claim or security interest claimed by
                           any Person in the Collateral ranking prior to or pari
                           passu with the Security Interest and the amount so
                           paid shall be added to the Obligations and shall bear
                           interest calculated from the date of payment at the
                           Interest Rate until paid; and

                  (xiii)   take any other action, suit, remedy or proceeding
                           authorized or permitted by this Debenture or at law
                           or equity.

         (b)      Sale of Collateral. The parties acknowledge and agree that any
                  sale referred to in Section 3(a)(vi) of this Schedule "C" may
                  be either a sale of all or any portion of the Collateral and
                  may be by way of public auction, public tender, private
                  contract or otherwise without notice, advertisement or any
                  other formality, except as required by law, all of which are
                  hereby waived by the Corporation to the extent permitted by
                  law. To the extent not prohibited by law, any such sale may be
                  made with or without any special condition as to an upset
                  price, reserve bid, title or evidence of title or other matter
                  and, from time to time as the Holder in its sole discretion
                  thinks fit, with power to vary or rescind any such sale or buy
                  in at any public sale and resell. The Holder may sell the
                  Collateral for a consideration payable by instalments either
                  with or without taking security for the payment of such
                  instalments and may make and deliver to any purchaser thereof
                  good and sufficient deeds, assurances and conveyances of the
                  Collateral and give receipts for the purchase money, and any
                  such sale shall be a perpetual bar, both at law and in equity,
                  against the Corporation and all those claiming an interest in
                  the Collateral by, from, through or under the Corporation.

         (c)      Reference to Secured Party Includes Receiver. For the purposes
                  of Sections 3(a), 3(b) and 3(c)of this Schedule "C", a
                  reference to the "Holder" shall, where the context permits,
                  include any Receiver appointed in accordance with Section 3 of
                  this Schedule "C".

         (d)      Payment of Expenses. The amount of the Reasonable Expenses
                  shall be paid by the Corporation to the Holder, as applicable,
                  from time to time forthwith after demand therefor is given by
                  the Holder, as applicable, to the Corporation, together with


                  interest thereon from the date that is five Business Days from
                  the date of such demand of such demand at the Interest Rate,
                  and payment of such Reasonable Expenses together with such
                  interest shall be secured by the Security Interest.

         (e)      Payment of Deficiency. Where the Collateral has been disposed
                  of by the Holder as provided herein, the Deficiency, if any,
                  shall be paid by the Corporation to the Holder forthwith after
                  demand therefor has been given by the Holder to the
                  Corporation, together with interest thereon calculated from
                  the date of such demand at the Interest Rate, and the payment
                  of the Deficiency together with such interest shall be secured
                  by the Security Interest.

         (f)      Rights and Remedies Not Mutually Exclusive. To the fullest
                  extent permitted by law, the Holder's rights and remedies,
                  whether provided for in this Debenture or otherwise, are not
                  mutually exclusive and are cumulative and not alternative and
                  may be exercised independently or in any combination.

         (g)      No Obligation to Enforce. The Holder shall not be under any
                  obligation to, or liable or accountable for any failure to,
                  enforce payment or performance of the Obligations or to seize,
                  realize, take possession of or dispose of the Collateral and
                  shall not be under any obligation to institute proceedings for
                  any such purpose.

         (h)      Exclusion of Liability of Holder and Receiver. The Holder
                  shall not, nor shall any Receiver appointed by it, be liable
                  for any failure to exercise its rights, powers or remedies
                  arising hereunder or otherwise, including without limitation
                  any failure to take possession of, collect, enforce, realize,
                  sell, lease or otherwise dispose of, preserve or protect the
                  Collateral, to carry on all or any part of the business of the
                  Corporation relating to the Collateral or to take any steps or
                  proceedings for any such purposes. Neither the Holder nor any
                  Receiver appointed by it shall have any obligation to take any
                  steps or proceedings to preserve rights against prior parties
                  to or in respect of Collateral including without limitation
                  any instrument, chattel paper or securities, whether or not in
                  the Holder's or the Receiver's possession, and neither the
                  Holder nor any Receiver appointed by it shall be liable for
                  failure to do so. Subject to the foregoing, the Holder shall
                  use reasonable care in the custody and preservation of the
                  Collateral in its possession.


Possession of Collateral. For so long as any Collateral is in the possession of
the Holder:

         (a)      the Holder may, at any time following the occurrence of an
                  Event of Default, grant or otherwise create a security
                  interest in such Collateral upon any terms, whether or not
                  such terms impair the Corporation's right to redeem such

         (b)      the Holder may, at any time following the occurrence of an
                  Event of Default use such Collateral in any manner and to such
                  extent as it deems necessary; and

         (c)      the Holder shall have no duty of care whatsoever with respect
                  to such Collateral other than to use reasonable care in the
                  custody and preservation thereof, provided that the Holder
                  need not take any steps of any nature to defend or preserve


                  rights of the Corporation therein against the claims or
                  demands of others or to preserve rights therein against prior

                            APPENDIX 1 AND APPENDIX 2

                         LIST OF PATENTS AND TRADE MARKS

See attached list

Updated September 2004               Page 1

                                                                                                       INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
                                                                                                       VIVENTIA BIOTECH INC.
                                                                                                       CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

VB (Ref)    Patent/Patent App                 Product       Title                                      Filed
- --------    -----------------                 -------       -----                                      -----
            95 922 373.6                      A6            Human Monoclonal Antibodies Specific to    June 16, 1995
                                                            Cell Cycle Independent Glioma Surface
                                                            Antigen (A6)

            695 22 689.4-08                   A6            Human Monoclonal Antibodies Specific to    November 05, 2001
                                                            Cell Cycle Independent Glioma Surface
                                                            Antigen (A6)

            EP 0 766 736                      A6            Human Monoclonal Antibodies Specific to    November 05, 2001
                                                            Cell Cycle Independent Glioma Surface
                                                            Antigen (A6)

            EP 0 766 736                      A6            Human Monoclonal Antibodies Specific to    November 05, 2001
                                                            Cell Cycle Independent Glioma Surface
                                                            Antigen (A6)

            08/264.093                        A6            Human Monoclonal Antibodies Specific to    June 21, 1994
                                                            Cell Cycle Independent Glioma Surface
                                                            Antigen (A6)

            33696/97                          H11           Antigen Binding Fragments (H11) that       May 22, 1997
                                                            Specifically Detect Cancer Cells,
                                                            Nucleotides Encoding the Fragments, and
                                                            Use Thereof for the Prophylaxis and
                                                            Detection of Cancers

            PI 9710811-1                      H11           Antigen Binding Fragments (H11) that       November 10, 1998
                                                            Specifically Detect Cancer Cells,
                                                            Nucleotides Encoding the Fragments, and
                                                            Use Thereof for the Prophylaxis and
                                                            Detection of Cancers

VB (Ref)    Patent/Patent App                 Country      Patent No             Date of Issue       A Brief Status
- --------    -----------------                 -------      ---------             -------------       --------------
            95 922 373.6                      Europe       EP 0 766 736          September 12, 2001

            695 22 689.4-08                   Germany      DE 695 22 689.4-08    April 12, 2002

            EP 0 766 736                      France       EP(FR) 0766736        April 2002

            EP 0 766 736                      U.K.         EP(UK) 0766736        April 2002

            08/264.093                        U.S.         5,639,863             June 17, 1997

            33696/97                          Australia    AU 725238             January 25, 2001

            PI 9710811-1                      Brazil

Updated September 2004               Page 2

                                                                                                       INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
                                                                                                       VIVENTIA BIOTECH INC.
                                                                                                       CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

VB (Ref)    Patent/Patent App                 Product       Title                                      Filed
- --------    -----------------                 -------       -----                                      -----
            255,540                           H11           Antigen Binding Fragments (H11) that       May 22, 1997
                                                            Specifically Detect Cancer Cells,
                                                            Nucleotides Encoding the Fragments, and
                                                            Use Thereof for the Prophylaxis and
                                                            Detection of Cancers

            CN 97194815.1                     H11           Antigen Binding Fragments (H11) that       November 28, 1998
                                                            Specifically Detect Cancer Cells,
                                                            Nucleotides Encoding the Fragments, and
                                                            Use Thereof for the Prophylaxis and
                                                            Detection of Cancers

            97929703.3                        H11           Antigen Binding Fragments (H11) that       May 22, 1997
                                                            Specifically Detect Cancer Cells,
                                                            Nucleotides Encoding the Fragments, and
                                                            Use Thereof for the Prophylaxis and
                                                            Detection of Cancers

            P9902713                          H11           Antigen Binding Fragments (H11) that       May 22, 1987
                                                            Specifically Detect Cancer Cells,
                                                            Nucleotides Encoding the Fragments, and
                                                            Use Thereof for the Prophylaxis and
                                                            Detection of Cancers

            127193                            H11           Antigen Binding Fragments (H11) that       November 28, 1998
                                                            Specifically Detect Cancer Cells,
                                                            Nucleotides Encoding the Fragments, and
                                                            Use Thereof for the Prophylaxis and
                                                            Detection of Cancers

VB (Ref)    Patent/Patent App                 Country      Patent No             Date of Issue       A Brief Status
- --------    -----------------                 -------      ---------             -------------       --------------
            255,540                           Canada

            CN 97194815.1                     China

            97929703.3                        Europe

            P9902713                          Hungary

            127193                            Israel

Updated September 2004               Page 3

                                                                                                       INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
                                                                                                       VIVENTIA BIOTECH INC.
                                                                                                       CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

VB (Ref)    Patent/Patent App                 Product       Title                                      Filed
- --------    -----------------                 -------       -----                                      -----
            9-542853                          H11           Antigen Binding Fragments (H11) that       May 22, 1997
                                                            Specifically Detect Cancer Cells,
                                                            Nucleotides Encoding the Fragments, and
                                                            Use Thereof for the Prophylaxis and
                                                            Detection of Cancers

            989695                            H11           Antigen Binding Fragments (H11) that       May 22, 1997
                                                            Specifically Detect Cancer Cells,
                                                            Nucleotides Encoding the Fragments, and
                                                            Use Thereof for the Prophylaxis and
                                                            Detection of Cancers

            332566                            H11           Antigen Binding Fragments (H11) that       May 22, 1997
                                                            Specifically Detect Cancer Cells,
                                                            Nucleotides Encoding the Fragments, and
                                                            Use Thereof for the Prophylaxis and
                                                            Detection of Cancers

            985,150                           H11           Antigen Binding Fragments (H11) that       May 22, 1997
                                                            Specifically Detect Cancer Cells,
                                                            Nucleotides Encoding the Fragments, and
                                                            Use Thereof for the Prophylaxis and
                                                            Detection of Cancers

            9805601-3                         H11           Antigen Binding Fragments (H11) that       May 22, 1997
                                                            Specifically Detect Cancer Cells,
                                                            Nucleotides Encoding the Fragments, and
                                                            Use Thereof for the Prophylaxis and
                                                            Detection of Cancers

VB (Ref)    Patent/Patent App                 Country      Patent No             Date of Issue       A Brief Status
- --------    -----------------                 -------      ---------             -------------       --------------
            9-542853                          Japan

            989695                            Mexico

            332566                            New Zealand  332566                 December 07, 2000

            985,150                           Norway

            9805601-3                         Singapore    60444                  April 18, 2000

Updated September 2004               Page 4

                                                                                                       INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
                                                                                                       VIVENTIA BIOTECH INC.
                                                                                                       CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

VB (Ref)    Patent/Patent App                 Product       Title                                      Filed
- --------    ------------------                -------       -----                                      -----
            09/194,164                        H11           Antigen Binding Fragments (H11) that       November 20, 1998
                                                            Specifically Detect Cancer Cells,
                                                            Nucleotides Encoding the Fragments, and
                                                            Use Thereof for the Prophylaxis and
                                                            Detection of Cancers

            101,108                           H11           Antigen Binding Fragments (H11) that       May 22, 2000
                                                            Specifically Detect Cancer Cells,
                                                            Nucleotides Encoding the Fragments, and
                                                            Use Thereof for the Prophylaxis and
                                                            Detection of Cancers

            505305 (Divisional of 332566)     H11           Antigen Binding Fragments (H11) that       June 21, 2000
                                                            Specifically Detect Cancer Cells,
                                                            Nucleotides Encoding the Fragments, and
                                                            Use Thereof for the Prophylaxis and
                                                            Detection of Cancers

            72432/00 (Divisional of AU        H11           Antigen Binding Fragments (H11) that       December 20, 2000
            Patent 725238)                                  Specifically Detect Cancer Cells,
                                                            Nucleotides Encoding the Fragments, and
                                                            Use Thereof for the Prophylaxis and
                                                            Detection of Cancers

            08/862,124 (Priority over         H11           Antigen Binding Fragments (H11) that       May 22, 1997
            08/657,449 CIP)                                 Specifically Detect Cancer Cells,
                                                            Nucleotides Encoding the Fragments, and
                                                            Use Thereof for the Prophylaxis and
                                                            Detection of Cancers

VB (Ref)    Patent/Patent App                 Country      Patent No             Date of Issue       A Brief Status
- --------    -----------------                 -------      ---------             -------------       --------------
            09/194,164                        US

            101,108                           Hong Kong

            505305 (Divisional of 332566)     N. Zealand   NZ 505305             October 7, 2002

            72432/00 (Divisional of AU        Australia
            Patent 725238)

            08/862,124 (Priority              US           6,207,153             March 27, 2001
            over 08/657,449 CIP)

Updated September 2004               Page 5

                                                                                                       INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
                                                                                                       VIVENTIA BIOTECH INC.
                                                                                                       CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

VB (Ref)    Patent/Patent App                 Product       Title                                      Filed
- --------    -----------------                 -------       -----                                      -----
            10/651,453 (Further               H11           Antigen Binding Fragments (H11) that       August 29, 2003
            Continuation of US                              Specifically Detect Cancer Cells,
            App.09/782,397                                  Nucleotides Encoding the Fragments, and
            (US-2003-0021779-A1) which is                   Use Thereof for the Prophylaxis and
            a Continuation of                               Detection of Cancers

            PCT/CA00/01027                    Camel A6      Enhanced Phage Display Libraries of        September 07, 2000
                                                            Human VH Fragments and Methods for
                                                            Producing Same

            10/070,503 (National Phase        Camel A6      Enhanced Phage Display Libraries of        October 23, 2003
            Entry in the U.S.)                              Human VH Fragments and Methods for
                                                            Producing Same

            2384388 (National Phase Entry     Camel A6      Enhanced Phage Display Libraries of        March 03, 2002
            in Canada)                                      Human VH Fragments and Methods for
                                                            Producing Same

            PCT/CA01/01845 (based on U.S.     Llama A6      Phage Display Libraries of Human VH        December 21, 2001
            Provisional 60/258,031 filed                    Fragments
            November 22, 2000)

            10/451,585 (National Phase        Llama A6      Phage Display Libraries of Human VH        June 21, 2003
            Entry in the U.S.)                              Fragments

VB (Ref)    Patent/Patent App                 Country      Patent No             Date of Issue       A Brief Status
- --------    -----------------                 -------      ---------             -------------       --------------
            10/651,453 (Further               U.S.
            Continuation of US
            (US-2003-0021779-A1) which is
            a Continuation of

            PCT/CA00/01027                    Canada       WO 01/18058 A2        March 15, 2001

            10/070,503 (National Phase        U.S.
            Entry in the U.S.)

            2384388 (National Phase Entry     Canada
            in Canada)

            PCT/CA01/01845 (based on U.S.     Canada       WO 02-051870          July 04, 2002
            Provisional 60/258,031 filed
            November 22, 2000)

            10/451,585 (National Phase        U.S.
            Entry in the U.S.)

Updated September 2004               Page 6

                                                                                                       INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
                                                                                                       VIVENTIA BIOTECH INC.
                                                                                                       CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

VB (Ref)    Patent/Patent App                 Product       Title                                      Filed
- --------    -----------------                 -------       -----                                      -----
            2,447,832 (National Phase         Llama A6      Phage Display Libraries of Human VH        June 20, 2003
            Entry in Canada)                                Fragments

            EP 01 27 1932.4                   Llama A6      Phage Display Libraries of Human VH        July 22, 2003

            PCT/CA2004/000637                 Proxinium     Methods for Treating Cancer Using an       April 30, 2004
                                              (V84-845)     Immunotoxin

            60/554,580 (Provisional)                        T-Cell Epitopes in                         March 19, 2004

            60/578,291 (Provisional)          VB1-008       Tumor Specific Antibody                    June 10, 2004

VB (Ref)    Patent/Patent App                 Country      Patent No             Date of Issue       A Brief Status
- --------    -----------------                 -------      ---------             -------------       --------------
            2,447,832 (National Phase        Canada
            Entry in Canada)

            EP 01 27 1932.4                  Europe

            PCT/CA2004/000637                U.S.

            60/554,580 (Provisional)         U.S.

            60/578,291 (Provisional)         U.S.

Updated September 2004               Page 1                INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
                                                           VIVENTIA BIOTECH INC.
                                                        CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
VBI FILE REF.    TRADEMARK      TRADEMARK         FILED                COUNTRY      REGISTRATION    DATE             A BRIEF
                 APPLICATION                                                        NO.             REGISTERED       STATUS
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 1,070,975      VIVENTIA(TM)      August 14, 2000      Canada       TMA573,326      January 9, 2003

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 865627         VIVENTIA(TM)      February 9, 2001     Australia    885627          January 30, 2003

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 2093110        VIVENTIA(TM)      February 14, 2001    Europe       2093110         February 19, 2003

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 76/205555      VIVENTIA(TM)      February 5, 2001     U.S.         2,745,868       August 5, 2003

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 1,117,077      HYBRIDOMICS(TM)   September 28, 2001   Canada       TMA601,345      February 4, 2004

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 76/382,011     HYBRIDOMICS(TM)   March 14, 2002       U.S.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 1,117,078      IMMUNO MINING(TM) September 28, 2001   Canada       TMA591,709      October 7, 2003

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Updated September 2004               Page 2                INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
                                                           VIVENTIA BIOTECH INC.
                                                        CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
VBI FILE REF.    TRADEMARK      TRADEMARK         FILED                COUNTRY      REGISTRATION    DATE             A BRIEF
                 APPLICATION                                                        NO.             REGISTERED       STATUS
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               76/382,289       IMMUNO MINING(TM)     March 14, 2002       U.S.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               1,107,351        VBI Design Logo       June 21, 2001        Canada       TMA591,802      October 8, 2003

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               898237           VBI Design Logo       December 17, 2001    Australia    898237          July 22, 2002

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               76/350,349       VBI Design Logo       December 19, 2001    U.S.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               301 72 865.8/01  VBI Design Logo       December 21, 2001    Germany      30172865        August 20, 2002

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               1,128,376        ARMED ANTIBODIES(TM)  January 16, 2002     Canada       TMA607,930      April 19, 2004

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Updated September 2004               Page 3                INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
                                                           VIVENTIA BIOTECH INC.
                                                        CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
VBI FILE REF.    TRADEMARK      TRADEMARK         FILED                COUNTRY      REGISTRATION    DATE             A BRIEF
                 APPLICATION                                                        NO.             REGISTERED       STATUS
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               6/424,575        ARMED ANTIBODIES(TM)  June 26, 2002        U.S.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               1,128,377        IMMUNOMINE(TM)        January 16, 2002     Canada       TMA 591,451     October 3, 2003

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               76/428,124       IMMUNOMINE(TM)        June 27, 2002        U.S.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               1,140,763        UnLock(TM)            May 13, 2002         Canada       TMA607,270      April 7, 2004

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               76/467,853       UnLock(TM)            November 8, 2002     U.S.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               30254575.1/05    UnLock(TM)            November 7, 2002     Germany      30254575        August 25, 2003

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Updated September 2004               Page 4                INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
                                                           VIVENTIA BIOTECH INC.
                                                        CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
VBI FILE REF.    TRADEMARK      TRADEMARK         FILED                COUNTRY      REGISTRATION    DATE             A BRIEF
                 APPLICATION                                                        NO.             REGISTERED       STATUS
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               1,211,855        Proxinium(TM)         April 1, 2004        Canada

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               78/394,609       Proxinium(TM)         April 1, 2004        U.S.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               1,211,862        Vicinium(TM)          April 1, 2004        Canada

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               78/394,619       Vicinium(TM)          April 1, 2004        U.S.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  SCHEDULE "D"

                               MATERIAL CONTRACTS

See attached list.

                              MATERIAL AGREEMENTS

1.   Exclusive License Agreement between Biovation Limited and Viventia Biotech
     Inc., dated March 8, 2004

2.   Exclusive License Agreement between the Trustees of Columbia University in
     the City of New York and Viventia Biotech Inc., dated December 19, 2003

3.   Exclusive License Option Agreement between the Trustees of Columbia
     University in the City of New York and Viventia Biotech Inc., dated
     March 1, 2002

4.   License Agreement between McGill University and Novopharm Limited, dated
     April 28, 1994

5.   License Agreement between Tanox, Inc. and Viventia Biotech Inc., dated
     August 20, 2002

6.   License Agreement between University of Zurich and Viventia Biotech Inc.,
     dated January 9, 2003

7.   Non-exclusive License Agreement between XOMA Ireland Limited and Viventia
     Biotech Inc., dated November 30, 2001

8.   Property Lease between Almad Investments Limited and Viventia Biotech
     Inc., dated January 26, 2004

9.   Net Office Lease between Fana Burnhamthorpe Corp. and Viventia Biotech
     Inc., dated November 20, 2000