
                                                                    EXHIBIT 99.1

[CANADA FLAG LOGO] Industry Canada           Industrie Canada

CERTIFICATE                                  CERTIFICAT
OF CONTINUANCE                               DE PROROGATION

CANADA BUSINESS                              LOI CANADIENNE SUR

ATI TECHNOLOGIES INC.                                428568-9

- ----------------------------------------     ----------------------------------------
Name of corporation-                         Corporation number-
Denomination de la societe                   Numero de la societe

I hereby certify that the above-             Je certifie que la societe susmentionnee
named corporation was continued under        a ete prorogee en vertu de l'article 187
section 187 of the Canada Business           de la Loi canadienne sur les societes par
Corporations Act, as set out in the          actions, tel qu'il est indique dans les
attached articles of continuance.            clauses de prorogation ci-jointes.

/s/ Richard G. Shaw                          JANUARY 31, 2005 / LE 31 JANVIER 2005
- ------------------------
Richard G. Shaw                              Date of Continuance - Date de la
Director - Directeur                         prorogation


[CDN FLAG LOGO]  Industry Canada    Industrie Canada                FORM II                          FORMULAIRE II
                                                             ARTICLES OF CONTINUANCE           CLAUSES DE PROROGATION
                 Canada Business    Loi canadienne sur les        (SECTION 187)                     (ARTICLE 187)
                 Corporations Act   societes par actions

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 -- Name of the Corporation                                Denomination sociale de la societe   2 -- Taxation Year End
                                                                                                      Fin de l'annee d'imposition
  ATI TECHNOLOGIES INC.                                                                                       M     D - J
                                                                                                             0 8     3 1
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 -- The province or territory in Canada where the          La province ou le territoire au Canada ou se situera le siege social
     registered office is to be situated


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 -- The classes and the maximum number of shares that      Categories et le nombre maximal d'actions que la societe est autorisee
     the corporation is authorized to issue                 a emettre

  (i)  an unlimited number of common shares; and

  (ii) an unlimited number of preferred shares.

  The annexed Schedule "A" is incorporated in this form.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- Restrictions, if any, on share transfers               Restrictions sur le transfert des actions, s'il y a lieu


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 -- Number (or minimum and maximum number) of directors    Nombre (ou nombre minimal et maximal) d'administrateurs

  Minimum : 3, Maximum : 15

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -- Restrictions, if any, on business the corporation may  Limites imposees a l'activite commerciale de la societe, s'il y a lieu
     carry on


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 -- (1) If change of name effected, previous name          (1) S'il y a changement de denomination sociale, indiquer le
                                                                denomination sociale anterieure

     (2) Details of incorporation                           (2) Details de la constitution

   August 20, 1985 under the Business Corporations Act

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 -- Other provisions, if any                               Autres dispositions, s'il y a lieu

  The annexed Schedule "B" is incorporated in this form.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Signature               Printed Name - Nom an lettres moulees     10 -- Capacity of - En qualite de      11 -- Tel. No. - No de tel.

/s/ David Orton         David Orton                               President and Chief                    905-882-2600
                                                                  Executive Officer
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IC 3247 (2003/06)                                                                                                      [CANADA LOGO]

                                                          FEB - 1 2005

                                  SCHEDULE "A"
                          TO ARTICLES OF CONTINUANCE OF
                              ATI TECHNOLOGIES INC.

Part 1 - Interpretation

      In these Share Provisions, the following words, terms and phrases shall
have the following meanings

      (a)   "Act" means the Canada Business Corporations Act or its successor,
            as amended, replaced or re-enacted from time to time;

      (b)   "final distribution" means the distribution of assets of the
            Corporation on any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
            Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, or other distribution
            of assets of the Corporation among its shareholders for the purpose
            of winding up its affairs; and

      (c)   "Share Provisions" means the rights, privileges, restrictions and
            conditions attaching to the common shares and the preferred shares
            of the Corporation.

      These Share Provisions, as from time to time amended, shall be read
without regard to paragraph headings, which are included for ease of reference
only, and with all changes in gender and number permitted by the context.

Part 2 - Common Shares

      The rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching to the
common shares are as follows:

2.1   Dividends and Distributions: Subject to the rights of the holders of any
other class or series of shares of the Corporation, the holders of the common
shares are entitled to receive equally, share for share: (i) all dividends
declared by the directors, (ii) all property of the Corporation that is ever
distributed to any of its shareholders (including without limitation on any
final distribution) and (iii) any remaining property of the Corporation on

2.2   Votes: The holders of the common shares are entitled to receive notice of
and to attend all meetings of shareholders of the Corporation, except meetings
at which only holders of another specified class or series of shares are
entitled to vote, and are entitled to one vote for each common share held on all
votes taken at such meetings.

Part 3 - Preferred Shares

      The rights, privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching to the
preferred shares as a class are as follows:

3.1   Directors' Rights to Issue in One or More Series: The preferred shares may
at any time and from time to time be issued in one or more series. Before any
shares of a particular series are issued the directors of the Corporation shall
fix the number of shares which will form such series and shall, subject to the
limitations set out herein, by resolution determine the designation, rights,
privileges, restrictions and conditions to be attached to the preferred shares
or such series, including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing:

                                     - 2 -

      (a)   the rate, amount or method of calculation of dividends (if any)
            payable thereon;

      (b)   if applicable, the time or times and place or places of payment of

      (c)   if applicable, the consideration for and the terms and conditions of
            any purchase for cancellation, retraction or redemption thereof;

      (d)   conversion, exchange or reclassification rights attached thereto (if

      (e)   voting rights attached thereto (if any);

      (f)   if applicable, the terms and conditions of any share purchase plan
            or sinking fund and the restrictions respecting payment of dividends
            on or the repayment of capital in respect of any shares ranking
            junior to the preferred shares; and

      (g)   any other terms not inconsistent with these Share Provisions;

the whole subject to the filing with the Director (as defined in the Act) of
Articles of Amendment in prescribed form designating such series of preferred
shares including the designation, rights, privileges, restrictions and
conditions attaching thereto as determined by the directors and the issuance of
a Certificate of Amendment with respect thereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
the preferred shares shall not be entitled to any voting rights except as
prescribed by law or except if the Corporation has failed to pay dividends on
any series of preferred shares.

3.2   Ranking of Preferred Shares: Each series of preferred shares shall, with
respect to the payment of dividends and the distribution of assets in the event
of a liquidation, whether voluntary or involuntary, or any other distribution of
assets of the Corporation among its shareholders for the purpose of winding up
its affairs, rank on a parity with each other series of preferred shares, and
shall be entitled to a preference over the common shares and over any other
shares ranking junior to the preferred shares, and the preferred shares of any
series may also be given such other preferences not inconsistent with sections
3.1 to 3.7 hereof over the common shares and over any other shares ranking
junior to the preferred shares as may be determined by resolution of the
directors of the Corporation. If any amount of cumulative dividends, whether or
not declared, or any amount of declared non-cumulative dividends in respect of
any preferred shares is not paid in full, the preferred shares of all series
shall participate rateably in respect of such dividends in accordance with the
sums which would be payable on such shares if all such dividends were declared
and paid in full; and if any amount payable on a return of capital in the event
of the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation in respect of
any preferred shares is not paid in full, the preferred shares of all series
shall participate rateably in respect of any return of capital in accordance
with the sums which would be payable on such return of capital if all sums so
payable were paid in full; provided, however, that in the event of there being
insufficient assets to satisfy in full all such claims as aforesaid, the claims
of the holders of the preferred shares with respect to return of capital shall
first be paid and satisfied and any assets remaining thereafter shall be applied
towards the payment and satisfaction of claims in respect of dividends.

3.3   Voting Rights. Except as hereinafter referred to or as required by law or
in accordance with any voting rights which may from time to time be attached to
any series of preferred shares

                                     - 3 -

the holders of preferred shares as a class shall not be entitled as such to
receive notice of, to attend or to vote at any meeting of the shareholders of
the Corporation; provided that the holders of preferred shares as a class shall
be entitled to notice of meetings of shareholders called for the purpose of
authorizing the dissolution of the Corporation or the sale, lease, or exchange
of all or substantially all the property of the Corporation other than in the
ordinary course of business of the Corporation.

3.4   Amendment with Approval of Holders of Preferred Shares: The rights,
privileges, restrictions and conditions attaching to the preferred shares as a
class may be added to, removed or changed but only with the approval of holders
of preferred shares given in accordance with the requirements of the Act and the
minimum requirements provided for in section 3.5 hereof.

3.5         Approval of Holders of Preferred Shares: Subject to section 3.7
hereof, the approval of the holders of preferred shares as a class to any
matters referred to in these Share Provisions may be given as specified below:

      (a)   Approval and Quorum: Any approval required to be given by the
            holders of preferred shares shall be deemed to have been
            sufficiently given if it shall have been given by a resolution
            signed by all of the holders of the then outstanding preferred
            shares or by a resolution passed by the affirmative vote of not less
            than two-thirds of the votes cast by holders of preferred shares who
            voted in respect of that resolution at a meeting of the holders of
            preferred shares called and held for such purpose in accordance with
            the by-laws of the Corporation at which holders of not less than
            one-quarter of the then outstanding preferred shares are present in
            person or presented by proxy; provided that, if at any such meeting
            a quorum is not present within one-half hour after the time
            appointed for such meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned to the
            same day in the next week at the same time and to such place as the
            chairman of the meeting may determine and, subject to the provisions
            of the Act, it shall not be necessary to give notice of such
            adjourned meeting. At such adjourned meeting the holders of
            preferred shares present in person or represented by proxy shall
            constitute a quorum and may transact the business for which the
            meeting was originally called and a resolution passed thereat by the
            affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the votes cast by
            holders of the preferred shares at such meeting shall constitute the
            approval of the holders of preferred shares.

      (b)   Votes: On every poll taken at any meeting in respect of which only
            the holders of preferred shares of more than one series are entitled
            to vote, each holder of preferred shares shall be entitled to one
            vote in respect of the greater of (i) each $1.00 of stated capital
            added to the appropriate stated capital account of the Corporation
            in respect of the issue of each such share and (ii) each $1.00 of
            the liquidation preference or redemption preference (excluding any
            amount payable in respect of declared but unpaid or accrued but
            unpaid dividends) attached to each such share (and if the
            liquidation preference and redemption preference are not the same at
            the applicable time, then the greater of the two).

                                     - 4 -

Subject to the foregoing, the formalities to be observed with respect to
proxies, the giving or waiving of notice of any such meeting and the conduct
thereof shall be those from time to time prescribed in the Act and the by-laws
of the Corporation with respect to meetings of shareholders.

3.6   Shares Issued in Series with Identical Rights: Where preferred shares are
issued in more than one series with identical rights, privileges, restrictions,
conditions and designations attached thereto, all such series of preferred
shares shall rank pari passu and participate equally and proportionately without
discrimination or preference as if all such series of preferred shares had been
issued simultaneously and all such series of preferred shares may be designated
as one series.

3.7   Limitations: Subject to the provisions of the Act, the holders of
preferred shares or any series thereof shall not, unless the rights, privileges,
restrictions and conditions attached to the preferred shares of any particular
series thereof provide to the contrary, be entitled to vote separately as a
class or series on, or to dissent in respect of, any proposal to amend the
Articles of the Corporation to:

      (a)   increase or decrease any maximum number of authorized preferred
            shares or any series thereof, or increase any maximum number of
            authorized shares of a class or series having rights or privileges
            equal or in priority to the preferred shares or any series thereof;

      (b)   effect an exchange, reclassification or cancellation of all or part
            of the preferred shares or any series thereof; or

      (c)   create a new class or series of shares equal or in priority to the
            preferred shares or any series thereof.

                                SCHEDULE B TO THE
                           ARTICLES OF CONTINUANCE OF
                              ATI TECHNOLOGIES INC.

Charging Power: Without restricting any of the powers and capacities of the
Corporation, whether derived from the Canada Business Corporations Act, or
otherwise, the Corporation may mortgage, hypothecate, pledge or otherwise create
a security interest in all or any present or future, real or personal, movable
or immovable, legal or equitable property of the Corporation (including without
limitation its book debts, rights, powers, franchises and undertakings) for any
purpose whatsoever.

Authorization to Appoint Additional Directors: Subject to the provisions of the
Canada Business Corporations Act, the directors of the Corporation may, within
the minimum and maximum number permitted by the articles, appoint one or more
additional directors, who shall hold office for a term expiring not later than
the close of the next annual meeting of the shareholders, provided that the
total number of additional directors so appointed may not exceed one-third of
the number of directors elected at the previous meeting of shareholders.