(RULE 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                    EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (AMENDMENT NO. ___)

Filed by the Registrant /_/
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant /_/

Check the appropriate box:
/_/  Preliminary Proxy Statement             /_/  Confidential, for Use of the
/X/  Definitive Proxy Statement                   Commission Only (as permitted
/_/  Definitive Additional Materials              by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
/_/  Soliciting Material Pursuant to
     Rule Section 240.14a-12

                             PATAPSCO BANCORP, INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
/X/   No fee required.
/_/   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and

      (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

      (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

      (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction
           computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on
           which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

      (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

      (5)  Total fee paid:

/_/   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

/_/   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act
      Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
      paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
      number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

      (1) Amount Previously Paid:

      (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

      (3) Filing Party:

      (4) Date Filed:



                               September 28, 2004

Dear Stockholder:

         You are  invited  to attend the annual  meeting  of  stockholders  (the
"Annual  Meeting") of Patapsco  Bancorp,  Inc. (the "Company") to be held at the
office  of The  Patapsco  Bank,  located  at 1301  Merritt  Boulevard,  Dundalk,
Maryland 21222 on Thursday, October 28, 2004 at 4:00 p.m., local time.

         The  accompanying  notice  and  proxy  statement  describe  the  formal
business to be transacted at the Annual Meeting.  During the Annual Meeting,  we
will also report on the operations of the Company's wholly owned subsidiary, The
Patapsco Bank.  Directors and officers of the Company will be present to respond
to any questions the stockholders may have.

         It is  important  that your  shares are  represented  at this  meeting,
whether or not you attend the meeting in person and  regardless of the number of
CURRENTLY  PLAN TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL  MEETING.  This will not  prevent  you from
voting in person but will  assure that your vote is counted if you are unable to
attend the Annual Meeting.


                                   /s/ Joseph J. Bouffard

                                   Joseph J. Bouffard
                                   President and Chief Executive Officer

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             PATAPSCO BANCORP, INC.
                             1301 MERRITT BOULEVARD
                          DUNDALK, MARYLAND 21222-2194
                                 (410) 285-1010
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         TO BE HELD ON OCTOBER 28, 2004
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN that the annual  meeting of  stockholders  (the
"Annual Meeting") of Patapsco Bancorp,  Inc. (the "Company") will be held at the
office  of The  Patapsco  Bank,  located  at 1301  Merritt  Boulevard,  Dundalk,
Maryland 21222, on Thursday, October 28, 2004 at 4:00 p.m., local time.

         A Proxy  Statement and form of proxy for the Annual  Meeting  accompany
this notice.

         The Annual Meeting is for the purpose of considering and acting upon:

         1.   The election of three directors of the Company for terms of three

         2.   The approval of the Patapsco Bancorp, Inc. 2004 Stock Incentive
              Plan; and

         3.   The transaction of such other matters as may properly come before
              the Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

         The Board of Directors is not aware of any other business to come
before the Annual Meeting.

         Any action may be taken on any one of the  foregoing  proposals  at the
Annual Meeting on the date specified  above or on any date or dates to which, by
original or later adjournment, the Annual Meeting may be adjourned. Stockholders
of record at the close of business on  September  14, 2004 are the  stockholders
entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting and any adjournments thereof.

         You are  requested to fill in and sign the  accompanying  form of proxy
which is  solicited  by the Board of  Directors  and to mail it  promptly in the
accompanying  envelope. The proxy will not be used if you attend and vote at the
Annual Meeting in person.

                                         BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                         /s/ Theodore C. Patterson

                                         THEODORE C. PATTERSON

Dundalk, Maryland
September 28, 2004

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                             PATAPSCO BANCORP, INC.
                             1301 MERRITT BOULEVARD
                          DUNDALK, MARYLAND 21222-2194
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                                OCTOBER 28, 2004
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         This proxy statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation
of proxies by the Board of Directors of Patapsco  Bancorp,  Inc. (the "Company")
to be used at the annual meeting of  stockholders  (the "Annual  Meeting") which
will be  held at the  office  of The  Patapsco  Bank,  located  at 1301  Merritt
Boulevard,  Dundalk, Maryland 21222, on Thursday,  October 28, 2004 at 4:00 p.m.
This proxy  statement  and the  accompanying  notice and form of proxy are being
first mailed to stockholders on or about September 28, 2004.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Stockholders who execute proxies retain the right to revoke them at any
time.  Unless so revoked,  the shares  represented by properly  executed proxies
will be voted at the Annual Meeting and all adjournments thereof. Proxies may be
revoked by written notice to Theodore C. Patterson, Secretary of the Company, at
the address  shown above,  by filing a  later-dated  proxy prior to a vote being
taken on a particular  proposal at the Annual Meeting or by attending the Annual
Meeting  and voting in  person.  The  presence  of a  stockholder  at the Annual
Meeting will not in itself revoke such stockholder's proxy.

         Proxies  solicited  by the Board of  Directors  of the Company  will be
voted in accordance with the directions given therein. WHERE NO INSTRUCTIONS ARE
The proxy confers  discretionary  authority on the persons named therein to vote
with  respect to the  election of any person as a director  where the nominee is
unable to serve or for good cause will not serve,  and  matters  incident to the
conduct of the Annual Meeting.  If any other business is presented at the Annual
Meeting,  proxies will be voted by those named  therein in  accordance  with the
determination  of a  majority  of the  Board of  Directors.  Proxies  marked  as
abstentions will not be counted as votes cast.  Shares held in street name which
have been  designated  by brokers on proxies as not voted will not be counted as
votes cast. Proxies marked as abstentions or as broker nonvotes,  however,  will
be treated as shares  present for  purposes of  determining  whether a quorum is

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         The securities  entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting  consist of the
Company's  common  stock,  $.01  par  value  per  share  (the  "Common  Stock").
Stockholders  of record as of the close of business on  September  14, 2004 (the
"Record  Date") are  entitled  to one vote for each  share of Common  Stock then
held.  At the Record  Date,  the Company had  1,390,752  shares of Common  Stock
issued  and  outstanding.  The  presence,  in person or by proxy,  of at least a
majority of the total number of shares of Common Stock  outstanding and entitled
to vote will be necessary to constitute a quorum at the Annual Meeting.

         Persons  and groups  beneficially  owning in excess of 5% of the Common
Stock are required to file certain reports regarding such ownership  pursuant to
the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  as amended  (the  "Exchange  Act").  The
following table sets forth, as of the Record Date, certain information as to the
Common Stock believed by management to be  beneficially  owned by persons owning
in excess of 5% of the Company's Common Stock.

                                                         AMOUNT AND                 PERCENT OF
                                                          NATURE OF                  SHARES OF
NAME AND ADDRESS                                         BENEFICIAL                COMMON STOCK
OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                                     OWNERSHIP (1)               OUTSTANDING
- -------------------                                     -------------               -----------

Patapsco Bancorp, Inc.                                   115,755 (2)                   8.3%
Employee Stock Ownership Plan ("ESOP")
1301 Merritt Boulevard
Dundalk, Maryland  21224

Tontine Financial Partners, L.P.                          77,580 (3)                   5.6%
Tontine Management, L.L.C.
Jeffrey L. Gendell
55 Railroad Avenue, 3rd Floor
Greenwich, Connecticut  06830

Joseph J. Bouffard                                        86,149 (4)                   6.0%
The Patapsco Bank
1301 Merritt Boulevard
Dundalk, Maryland  21222

- -----------------------
(1)   In accordance  with Rule  13d-3 under the Exchange Act, a person is deemed
      to be the beneficial  owner,  for purposes of this table, of any shares of
      Common Stock if he or she has or shares  voting or  investment  power with
      respect  to  such  Common  Stock  or has a  right  to  acquire  beneficial
      ownership at any time within 60 days from the Record Date. As used herein,
      "voting  power" is the power to vote or direct  the  voting of shares  and
      "investment  power" is the power to dispose or direct the  disposition  of
(2)   These  shares are  held in a suspense account for future  allocation among
      participating employees as the loan used to purchase the shares is repaid.
      The ESOP trustees,  currently  Directors O'Neill,  Patterson and Bouffard,
      vote all  allocated  shares in  accordance  with the  instructions  of the
      participants. Unallocated shares and shares for which no instructions have
      been  received  are  voted  by the  ESOP  trustees  in the  same  ratio as
      participants  direct the voting of allocated  shares or, in the absence of
      such direction,  as directed by the Company's  Board of Directors.  At the
      Record Date, 115,755 shares had been allocated under the ESOP.
(3)   Based on  a  Schedule  13D filed on January 16, 2003.   Tontine  Financial
      Partners,  L.P., Tontine  Management,  L.L.C. and Jeffrey L. Gendell share
      voting  and  dispositive  power with  respect  to 73,587  shares of Common
      Stock,  and Jeffrey L. Gendell has sole voting and dispositive  power with
      respect to 3,993 shares of Common Stock.
(4)   Includes  40,079  shares  Mr.  Bouffard  has the right to acquire upon the
      exercise of options  exercisable  within 60 days of the Record Date.  Does
      not include shares with respect to which Mr.  Bouffard shares voting power
      by virtue of his position as a trustee of the trust holding 115,755 shares
      under the Company's ESOP.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       PROPOSAL I -- ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


         The Company's Board of Directors  currently  consists of eight members.
The Company's  Articles of Incorporation  require that directors be divided into
three  classes,  as  nearly  equal in  number as  possible,  with  approximately
one-third of the directors  elected each year.  Under the Company's  Articles of
Incorporation,  directors  are  elected  by a  plurality  of the votes cast at a
meeting at which a quorum is present.

         It is intended that the persons  named in the proxies  solicited by the
Board of  Directors  will vote for the  election of the named  nominees.  If any
nominee is unable to serve, the shares  represented by all valid proxies will be
voted  for the  election  of such  substitute  as the  Board  of  Directors  may
recommend or the size of the Board may be reduced to eliminate  the vacancy.  At
this time,  the Board knows of no reason why any nominee might be unavailable to


         The  following  table sets forth,  for each  nominee for  director  and
continuing  director of the  Company,  his or her age,  the year he or she first
became a director of The  Patapsco  Bank (the  "Bank"),  which is the  Company's
principal  operating  subsidiary,  and the  expiration  of his or her  term as a
director.  All such  persons were  appointed as directors in 1995 in  connection
with the  incorporation  and organization of the Company,  except for Mr. Waters
who was appointed as a director in August 1999 to fill a vacancy on the Board of
Directors  and Messrs.  Bozel and Hoffman who became  directors in November 2000
upon the Company's  acquisition of Northfield Bancorp, Inc. Each director of the
Company also is a member of the Board of Directors of the Bank.

                                                                    YEAR FIRST
                                              AGE AT                ELECTED AS                CURRENT
                                             JUNE 30,               DIRECTOR OF                TERM
               NAME                            2004                  THE BANK                TO EXPIRE
               ----                            ----                  ---------               ---------

                                  BOARD NOMINEES FOR TERMS TO EXPIRE IN 2007

        Thomas P. O'Neill                       51                     1995                    2004
        William R. Waters                       61                     1999                    2004
        Gary R. Bozel                           46                     2000                    2004

                                        DIRECTORS CONTINUING IN OFFICE

        Douglas H. Ludwig                       66                     1992                    2005
        Theodore C. Patterson                   72                     1979                    2005
        Joseph J. Bouffard                      54                     1995                    2006
        Nicole N. Glaeser                       46                     1993                    2006
        J. Thomas Hoffman                       56                     2000                    2006

         Set forth below is  information  concerning  the  Company's  directors.
Unless otherwise stated, all directors have held the positions  indicated for at
least the past five years.

         THOMAS P.  O'NEILL  was named  Chairman of the Board of the Company and
the Bank in August  1999 and has been a director  since  1995.  He is a managing
director of American  Express Tax and Business  Services.  Formerly,  he was the
managing  partner  of the  regional  accounting  firm of  Wolpoff & Company  LLP
("Wolpoff"),  which merged with  American  Express Tax and Business  Services in
1998.  He joined  Wolpoff as a staff  accountant in 1974 and became a partner in
1983.  Mr.  O'Neill is a member of the American  Institute  of Certified  Public
Accountants and the Maryland Association of Certified Public Accountants. He has
served on the boards of many charitable and civic groups.

         WILLIAM R. WATERS is Vice President and Secretary of Bel Air Pontiac in
Bel Air, Maryland. He is the President and owner of Bel Air Medicine Inc., which
trades  as  The  Medicine  Shop.  He  is a  member  of  the  advisory  board  of
Donahue-Hart and Associates, an insurance and financial services company located
in Bel Air,  Maryland.  He was  formerly  a member  of the  Board of the  Bank's
predecessor  organization,  Patapsco Federal Savings and Loan Association,  from
1984 to 1994.

         GARY R. BOZEL is the managing  principal of Gary R. Bozel & Associates,
a certified public accounting firm in Towson,  Maryland. Mr. Bozel served as the
Chairman of the Board of  Northfield  Bancorp,  Inc. from March 1998 to November
2000 and as the Chairman of the Board of  Northfield  Federal  Savings Bank from
1996 to November  2000. He also served as the  President of  Northfield  Federal
Savings Bank from 1993 to 1996.  Mr. Bozel is a member of the board of directors
and finance committee of the Towson Golf and Country Club.


         DOUGLAS H. LUDWIG  served as a teacher,  counselor and principal in the
high schools of the southeast area of the Baltimore  County Public Schools until
his   retirement  in  1992.  Mr.  Ludwig  has  been  active  in  many  community
organizations during his 47 years of residence in Dundalk.

         THEODORE C. PATTERSON is Secretary of both the Company and the Bank and
is a retired  physician.  Prior to his retirement in September  1996, he was the
Medical Director of Meridian-Heritage  Nursing Center and staff physician at the
Fort Howard V.A. Medical Center.  He is the recipient of many awards,  including
Dundalk  Citizen  of the Year for 1990,  Baltimore  County  Physician  Community
Service  Award,  University  of Maryland  School of Medicine  Dedicated  Service
Award,  and  most  recently,  the  Distinguished  Service  Award  given  by  the
University  of  Maryland  Medical  Alumni  Association.  He has held  leadership
positions in a number of community  organizations  and  currently  serves on the
Board of Todd's Inheritance Historical Site, Inc.

         JOSEPH J.  BOUFFARD is the Company and the Bank's  President  and Chief
Executive Officer.  He joined the Bank's  predecessor,  Patapsco Federal Savings
and Loan  Association  (the  "Association"),  in April 1995 as its President and
Chief  Executive  Officer.  Prior to joining the  Association,  Mr. Bouffard was
Senior  Vice  President  of The  Bank of  Baltimore,  and its  successor,  First
Fidelity Bank. Prior to that, he was President of Municipal Savings Bank, FSB in
Towson,  Maryland. He is a current Board member of the Dundalk Community College
Foundation, the Maryland Bankers Association and the Maryland Financial Bank. He
is a former chairman of the Board of Governors of the Maryland  Mortgage Bankers
Association.  He served as Treasurer  of the  Neighborhood  Housing  Services of
Baltimore  and was a charter  member and  Treasurer  of the Towson  Towne Rotary

         NICOLE N. GLAESER is Budget  Director for the  Baltimore  County Police
Department,  a position  she has held since  1988.  On a  part-time  basis,  Ms.
Glaeser is a practicing attorney and also a Certified Public Accountant.

         J. THOMAS HOFFMAN is a  self-employed  financial  consultant in Towson,
Maryland.  Mr.  Hoffman  is  also  a  registered  representative  with  Signator
Investors,  Inc. He served as Secretary of the Board of Directors of  Northfield
Federal  Savings  Bank  from  1983 to 1998.  He also  served  as  Secretary  for
Northfield  Bancorp,  Inc.  from 1998 to 2000.  He is a member of the  Parkville
Optimist Club, Towson Business  Association,  Building Congress and Exchange and
the  American  Subcontractors  Association  where he sits on the Board.  He is a
member of various trade organizations associated with his profession.


         The following sets forth information with respect to executive officers
of the Bank who do not serve on the Board of Directors.

                                         AGE AT
                                        JUNE 30,
NAME                                      2004                TITLE WITH THE BANK
- ----                                      ----                -------------------
Frank J. Duchacek, Jr.                     60                 Senior Vice President - Operations
Michael J. Dee                             44                 Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and
                                                                Controller of the Company and the Bank
Laurence S. Mitchell                       57                 Senior Vice President - Lending

         FRANK J.  DUCHACEK,  JR. is a Senior Vice President who joined the Bank
in February  1996 as its Vice  President of  Commercial  Lending.  Prior to that
time, Mr. Duchacek was a credit underwriter and business development officer for
First Union Bank,  successor of First Fidelity Bank, N.A. From 1989 to 1993, Mr.
Duchacek was a department  manager for  commercial  lending at Provident Bank of
Maryland.  During the preceding 28 years, Mr. Duchacek  occupied various lending
and management  positions with Union Trust Bank and its successor,  Signet Bank,
Maryland.  Mr.  Duchacek is a Director of Maryland Bank Services and served as a
member of the  Maryland  Home  Improvement  Commission.  He is  active  with the
American  Cancer  Society - Relay  for  Life,  St.  John's  Episcopal  Church in
Kingsville, Maryland and St. John's Chapel, Cornersville, Maryland.


         MICHAEL J. DEE joined the Company and the Bank in May 1999 as its Chief
Financial  Officer and Controller.  From September 1997 to May 1999, Mr. Dee was
Vice  President  of  Management  Accounting  for Sandy Spring  National  Bank of
Maryland.  From May 1995 to October  1997,  Mr. Dee was the Manager of Financial
Planning and Analysis with United Press  International in Washington,  D.C. From
December  1989 to March 1995,  Mr. Dee was employed by The Bank of Baltimore and
its successors,  First Fidelity Bank, N.A. and First Union Bank, in a variety of
financial positions. Mr. Dee is a Certified Management Accountant ("CMA").

         LAURENCE  S.  MITCHELL  joined  the  Bank  in  November  of  1999  as a
commercial  lending  officer.  In July 2003, he became Senior Vice  President of
commercial  lending for the Bank. Prior to joining  Patapsco,  Mr. Mitchell held
positions  in  various  banks  relating  to  commercial   lending  and  business
development. He is an active member of the Harford County Chamber of Commerce, a
Board  member of the  Baltimore  County  Chamber  of  Commerce,  a member of the
Leadership and Development  Committee of the Maryland Bankers Association and an
instructor for the Center for Financial Training Mid-Atlantic, formerly known as
the American Institute of Banking.


         GENERAL.  The Board of Directors of the Company holds  regular  monthly
meetings  and special  meetings as needed.  During the year ended June 30, 2004,
the Board of Directors  of the Company met 14 times.  No director of the Company
attended  fewer than 75% in the aggregate of the total number of Board  meetings
held while he or she was a member  during  the year ended June 30,  2004 and the
total number of meetings  held by  committees  on which he or she served  during
such fiscal year.

         AUDIT COMMITTEE.  The Board of Directors'  Audit Committee  consists of
Directors O'Neill,  Waters,  Bozel and Glaeser,  who serves as Chairperson.  All
members of the Audit  Committee are deemed to be independent  within the meaning
of Rule 4200(a)(15) of the National  Association of Securities  Dealers' listing
standards.  The Board of Directors has designated  Directors O'Neill,  Bozel and
Glaeser as audit committee  financial  experts under the rules of the Securities
and Exchange  Commission.  The  Committee  met seven times during the year ended
June  30,  2004  to  examine  and  approve  the  audit  report  prepared  by the
independent  auditors  of the  Company,  to review and  retain  the  independent
auditors  engaged by the  Company,  to review the  internal  audit  function and
internal accounting  controls,  and to review and approve Company policies.  The
Audit Committee has adopted a written  charter,  a copy of which was attached as
Exhibit A to the 2003 Proxy Statement.

         NOMINATING  COMMITTEE.  The Company's full Board of Directors acts as a
nominating  committee.  The  Company's  full  Board of  Directors  met once as a
Nominating  Committee  during the year ended June 30, 2004.  It is the policy of
the Nominating Committee to consider director candidates recommended by security
holders who appear to be qualified to serve on the Company's Board of Directors.

         COMPENSATION COMMITTEE.  The Board of Directors' Compensation Committee
consists of Directors Patterson, O'Neill and Hoffman. The Compensation Committee
evaluates  the  compensation  and  benefits  of  the  directors,   officers  and
employees,  recommends changes, and monitors and evaluates employee performance.
The Compensation Committee met ten times during the year ended June 30, 2004.



         SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE. The following table sets forth the cash and
noncash  compensation  for the fiscal years ended June 30,  2004,  2003 and 2002
awarded to or earned by the President and Chief  Executive  Officer for services
rendered in all  capacities  to the Company and the Bank during those years.  No
other  executive  officer of the Company  earned salary and bonus in fiscal year
2004 exceeding  $100,000 for services  rendered in all capacities to the Company
and the Bank.

                                                                             LONG-TERM COMPENSATION
                                         ANNUAL COMPENSATION (1)           -------------------------
                                  -------------------------------------     RESTRICTED   SECURITIES
NAME AND              FISCAL                           OTHER ANNUAL          STOCK       UNDERLYING    ALL OTHER
- ------------------    ----        ------      -----    ----------------     --------      -------     ------------
Joseph J. Bouffard    2004        $124,196    $15,781     $    --            $  --       $   --          $32,833(3)
President and CEO     2003         119,329     15,524          --               --           --           29,971
                      2002         103,500     23,627          --               --        11,772(4)       17,145

- ---------------------
(1)  Executive officers of the Bank receive indirect compensation in the form of
     certain  perquisites  and  other  personal  benefits.  The  amount  of such
     benefits  received by the named  executive  officer in fiscal year 2004 did
     not exceed 10% of the executive officer's salary and bonus.
(2)  Does  not  include  the aggregate amount of perquisites and other benefits,
     which was less than  $50,000  or 10% of the total  annual  salary and bonus
(3)  For fiscal year 2004, consists  of  $2,882  of matching contributions under
     the Bank's  401(k) Plan and $29,951 in Common  Stock and cash  allocated to
     Mr. Bouffard's account under the ESOP.
(4)  Adjusted  for a  three-for-one  stock  split  paid on August  30,  2004 and
     a 10% stock dividend paid on December 13, 2002.

         YEAR-END  OPTION  VALUES.  The following  table sets forth  information
concerning  the  value  as of June 30,  2004 of  options  held by the  executive
officer named in the Summary Compensation Table set forth above. No options were
granted to or exercised by the named  executive  officer  during the fiscal year
ended June 30,  2004.  No options held by any  executive  officer of the Company
repriced during the past fiscal year.

                            NUMBER OF SECURITIES                   VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                           UNDERLYING UNEXERCISED                  IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS
                          OPTIONS AT FISCAL YEAR-END (1)           AT FISCAL YEAR-END (2)
                        --------------------------------      ------------------------------
- ----                    -----------        -------------      -----------      -------------
Joseph J. Bouffard        40,079               4,282            $344,683          $30,735

- -----------------
(1)  Adjusted for 10% stock dividends paid on December 7, 2001 and December  13,
     2002 and a three-for-one  stock split declared on August 30, 2004.
(2)  Based on the  difference  between  the fair  market value of the underlying
     Common Stock of $13.47 as quoted on the OTC  Electronic  Bulletin  Board on
     June 30, 2004 and the  exercise  prices of the  options as  adjusted  for a
     three-for-one stock split paid on August 30, 2004.


         GENERAL.  Each  nonemployee  member of the Company's Board of Directors
receives a fee of $450 for each  regular  and  special  meeting  attended of the
Company's  Board of Directors and $200 for each meeting  attended of a committee
of either the Company's or the Bank's Board of Directors. The Chairperson of the
Audit Committee receives $450 for each Audit Committee meeting.  The Chairman of
the Board receives an additional $500 per month. No fees are paid for attendance
at meetings of the Bank's Board of Directors.

         Nonemployee  directors  also  participate  in the Company's  1996 Stock
Option and Incentive  Plan (the "Option Plan") and Incentive  Compensation  Plan
(the  "ICP").  During the year ended June 30,  2004,  no director  received  any
awards under the Option Plan.  Under the ICP, each  nonemployee  director  other
than the  Chairman  of the Board  received a $1,908  cash bonus for fiscal  year
2004,  which was paid to the nonemployee  directors in August 2004. The Chairman
of the Board of Directors received a $2,685 cash bonus for fiscal 2004 under the


         DIRECTOR  RETIREMENT  PLAN. The Bank's Board of Directors has adopted a
retirement plan (the "Directors' Plan") for each nonemployee director (i) who is
a  voting  member  of the  Bank's  Board  of  Directors  at any time on or after
September 28, 1995,  which is the plan's  effective date, and (ii) who is not an
employee on the date of being both  nominated  and elected or  reelected  to the
Bank's  Board of  Directors.  Under  the  Directors'  Plan,  a  participant  who
terminates  service as a voting  member of the Bank's  Board of  Directors  will
receive a payment equal to the product of his or her "Benefit  Percentage,"  his
or her "Vested  Percentage," and $65,185. A participant's  "Benefit  Percentage"
increases  from 0% for less than five years of  service  on the Bank's  Board of
Directors  to 30% for five  years  of  service,  and  thereafter  in  additional
increments  of 7% for each year of service from six to fourteen  years,  to 100%
for fifteen or more years of service. A participant's "Vested Percentage" begins
at 50%,  increases to 75% upon  completion of one year of service  following the
effective date, and becomes 100% if the  participant  completes a second year of
service following the effective date. However, a participant's Vested Percentage
becomes  100%  regardless  of his or her  years  of  service  in the  event  the
participant  terminates  service on the Bank's Board of Directors  due to death,
"disability,"  retirement  at or after age 72,  or in the event of a "change  in
control"  (as such terms are  defined in the  Directors'  Plan).  The  provision
accelerating a  participant's  Vested  Percentage due to a change in control may
have the effect of deferring a hostile change in control by increasing the costs
of acquiring control.

         Each  participant  may elect to receive his or her plan benefits either
in a lump sum cash  payment or in  substantially  equal annual  payments  over a
period of up to ten  years,  in which  event the  undistributed  portion  of the
participant's  benefits  will be credited with an annual rate of return equal to
the Bank's highest rate of interest on certificates of deposit having a one-year
term.  If  a  participant   dies,  his  or  her  beneficiary  will  receive  the
participant's   benefits  in  a  lump  sum  (unless  the  participant  elects  a
distribution period of up to ten years).

         The Bank  will pay all plan  benefits  from  its  general  assets,  and
expects to  establish a trust to hold plan  benefits in the event of a change in
control  of the  Bank.  All  expenses  associated  with the  implementation  and
maintenance  of the trust will be paid by the Bank. The Bank will fund the trust
through a lump sum deposit of an amount that is  projected to be  sufficient  to
pay each  director the  benefits to which he or she is entitled  pursuant to the
Directors'  Plan as of the date of the change in control.  Trust  assets will be
subject to the claims of the Bank's general creditors.

         During the year ended June 30, 2004, $5,449,  $5,549, $5,249 and $1,432
were credited  under the Directors'  Plan for the benefit of Directors  Glaeser,
Ludwig, O'Neill and Patterson, respectively.

         DIRECTORS  DEFERRED   COMPENSATION  PLAN.  The  Company  maintains  the
Patapsco  Directors  Deferred  Compensation Plan (the "Stock Plan") and Patapsco
Bancorp,  Inc. Cash Deferred Compensation Plan (the "Cash Plan") for the benefit
of the Company's directors.  Under the Stock Plan,  participating directors were
permitted  to defer the receipt of Board fees that earned a rate of return based
on the  performance  of the Common  Stock.  Amounts  accrued to the  accounts of
participating  directors as of August 15, 2001 were  converted into the right to
receive a fixed  number of shares of Common  Stock based on the market price for
the Common  Stock on August 15, 2001.  Each  participant  previously  elected to
receive  shares  of Common  Stock  under the Plan in a lump sum or over a period
shorter than ten years,  beginning in the first day of the first month following
termination of service.  Until the shares are  distributed to  participants,  no
dividends are paid on the stock to be distributed to  participants  in the Stock
Plan.  The Stock Plan has been  suspended,  and no further fee  deferrals may be
made under the Stock  Plan.  To provide a funding  mechanism,  the  Company  has
established  a grantor trust in order to hold assets with which to pay benefits.
Participants  do not have any legal  rights to the assets of the grantor  trust.
Trust assets remain subject to claims of the Company's general creditors.

         DEFERRED CASH COMPENSATION PLAN. Effective August 15, 2001, the Company
established  the Patapsco  Bancorp,  Inc. Cash Deferred  Compensation  Plan (the
"Cash  Plan") for the benefit of the  Company's  directors.  Each  Director  may
elect,  within 30 days of becoming a participant  or in advance of any July 1st,
to defer receipt of all or any portion of the compensation  otherwise payable to
him or her from the Company,  in cash,  for any plan year in which the Cash Plan
is in effect.  Deferred  amounts are  credited  by the Company to a  bookkeeping
account ("Deferral  Account").  In addition,  a participant who deferred amounts
under the Stock Plan,  as in effect prior to August 15, 2001,  was  permitted to
make a one-time election to transfer the value of amounts credited to his or her
account  under  the  Stock  Plan to the Cash Plan by  entering  into a  deferred
compensation  agreement with the Company.  The Deferral Account  appreciates for
each plan year as though the funds were  invested  in a fund  having the highest
interest rate that the Bank pays on certificates of deposit having a term of one
year.  Account  balances


will be distributed in a lump sum or in substantially equal monthly installments
over a  period  of  years  selected  by  the  participant,  beginning  at an age
specified by the participant or following  termination of service as a director.
Deferred  amounts  continue for all purposes to be part of the general assets of
the  Company  and no  person  other  than the  Company  shall,  by virtue of the
provisions  of the Cash Plan,  have any interest in such  assets.  To the extent
that any person acquires a right to receive  payments from the Company under the
Cash Plan, such right will be no greater than the right of any unsecured general
creditor of the Company.  No compensation was paid to directors  pursuant to the
Cash Plan for the year ended June 30, 2004.


         The Company and the Bank have entered into an employment agreement (the
"Employment  Agreement")  with Mr.  Joseph  J.  Bouffard,  President  and  Chief
Executive  Officer  of the  Bank and of the  Company.  In such  capacities,  Mr.
Bouffard  is  responsible  for  overseeing  all  operations  of the Bank and the
Company, and for implementing the policies adopted by the Boards of Directors of
the Company and the Bank. The Employment  Agreement provides for a term of three
years. On each  anniversary date from the date of commencement of the Employment
Agreement,  the term of Mr. Bouffard's employment under the Employment Agreement
may be extended for an  additional  one-year  period  beyond the then  effective
expiration  date,  upon a  determination  by the  Board  of  Directors  that Mr.
Bouffard's  performance has met the required performance standards and that such
Employment  Agreement  should be extended.  The  Employment  Agreement  was most
recently  extended on October 30, 2003.  The Employment  Agreement  provides Mr.
Bouffard  with a salary  review by the Boards of  Directors  not less often than
annually, as well as with inclusion in any discretionary bonus plans, retirement
and medical plans,  customary  fringe benefits and vacation and sick leave.  Mr.
Bouffard's  base salary  currently is $137,093.  The  Employment  Agreement will
terminate upon Mr. Bouffard's death or disability, and is terminable by the Bank
for  "just  cause"  as  defined  in the  Employment  Agreement.  In the event of
termination for just cause, no severance benefits are available to Mr. Bouffard.
If the Company or the Bank terminates Mr.  Bouffard  without just cause, he will
be  entitled  to a  continuation  of his  salary and  benefits  from the date of
termination  through the remaining  term of the  Employment  Agreement,  plus an
additional  12-month  period  (with  payments  from the Bank not to exceed three
times his five years'  average  compensation).  If the  Employment  Agreement is
terminated  due to Mr.  Bouffard's  "disability"  (as defined in the  Employment
Agreement),  he will be entitled to a  continuation  of his salary and  benefits
through  the  date  of  such   termination,   including   any  period  prior  to
establishment of Mr. Bouffard's disability. In the event of Mr. Bouffard's death
during the term of the  Employment  Agreement,  his estate  will be  entitled to
receive his salary through the last day of the month in which his death occurs.

         The Employment  Agreement provides that, in the event of Mr. Bouffard's
involuntary  termination  of employment  in connection  with, or within one year
after,  any "change in control" (as defined in the Employment  Agreement) of the
Bank or the  Company,  other than for "just  cause," Mr.  Bouffard  will be paid
within 10 days of such termination an amount equal to the difference between (i)
2.99 times his "base  amount," as defined in Section  280G(b)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code and (ii) the sum of any other parachute payments,  as defined under
Section  280G(b)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, that Mr. Bouffard  receives on
account  of the  change  in  control.  The  Employment  Agreement  with the Bank
provides  that,  within five  business  days before or after a change in control
which  was  not  approved  in  advance  by a  resolution  of a  majority  of the
Continuing Directors, the Bank shall fund, or cause to be funded, a trust in the
amount of 2.99 times Mr.  Bouffard's  base amount,  that will be used to pay Mr.
Bouffard  amounts owed to him upon  termination,  other than for just cause. The
Employment  Agreement also provides for a similar lump sum payment to be made in
the event of Mr. Bouffard's voluntary  termination of employment within one year
following  a  change  in  control,  upon  the  occurrence,  or  within  90  days
thereafter,  of certain specified events following the change in control,  which
have not been  consented to in writing by Mr.  Bouffard.  Such events  generally
relate  to a  reduction  in Mr.  Bouffard's  salary,  benefits  or  duties.  The
aggregate  payments that would be made to Mr. Bouffard  assuming his termination
of employment under the foregoing circumstances at June 30, 2004 would have been
approximately  $409,907.  These provisions may have an  anti-takeover  effect by
making it more  expensive  for a  potential  acquiror  to obtain  control of the
Company.  In the event that Mr. Bouffard  prevails over the Company and the Bank
in a legal dispute as to the Employment Agreement, he will be reimbursed for his
legal and other expenses.


         In  January  1998,  in  order  to  provide   Joseph  J.  Bouffard  (the
"Executive")  with  supplemental  retirement  benefits and thereby encourage his
continuing  service as President and Chief Executive  Officer of the Company and
the  Bank,  the  Bank  has  entered  into a  Supplemental  Executive  Retirement
Agreement  (the "SERA") with the


Executive. Pursuant to the terms of the SERA, the Bank established an account in
the name of the  Executive  to which the Bank  credits  $439 on the first day of
each month in which the Executive  continues to be employed  with the Bank.  For
each calendar year,  the value of this account will  appreciate or depreciate as
if the account was invested in, at the  election of the  Executive,  the highest
rate paid by the Bank on  certificates  of deposit  having a term of one year, a
fund that  invested in the Common Stock or a mutual fund agreed upon by the Bank
and the  Executive.  The  Executive is fully  vested in amounts  credited to his
account under the SERA.

         Upon his  termination  of  employment  from the Bank for a reason other
than Just Cause,  the  balance in the  Executive's  account  will be paid to him
either in a lump sum or in substantially equal annual installments over a period
of up to ten  years,  with the  first  installment  due on the  first day of the
second month after he leaves employment.  If the Executive's employment with the
Bank is  terminated  for Just  Cause,  he will  forfeit the right to receive any
payments pursuant to the SERA. In the event of a Change in Control,  the present
value of the  benefits to which the  Executive  is entitled  shall be payable in
accordance with his distribution election form.


         The Bank  offers  loans to its  directors  and  officers.  These  loans
currently are made in the ordinary course of business with the same  collateral,
interest  rates and  underwriting  criteria as those of comparable  transactions
prevailing  at the  time  and do not  involve  more  than  the  normal  risk  of
collectibility  or present other  unfavorable  features.  Under current law, the
Bank's  loans to  directors  and  executive  officers are required to be made on
substantially the same terms,  including interest rates, as those prevailing for
comparable  transactions  and must not  involve  more  than the  normal  risk of
repayment or present other unfavorable features.  Furthermore, all loans to such
persons must be approved in advance by a disinterested  majority of the Board of
Directors.  At June 30,  2004,  the  Bank's  loans to  directors  and  executive
officers totaled $266,000 or 1.6% of the Company's stockholders' equity, at that

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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         Subject to shareholder  approval at this Annual  Meeting,  the Board of
Directors has adopted the Patapsco Bancorp,  Inc. 2004 Stock Incentive Plan (the
"Plan") and is  proposing  that the Plan be  approved  at the Annual  Meeting to
enable the Company to design  appropriate  awards and  incentives,  although the
amount  and  nature  of the  proposed  awards  under  the Plan have not yet been
determined.  The  proposal  may be adopted by a majority  of all votes cast at a
meeting at which a quorum is present.

         If the Plan is approved,  90,000 shares of Common Stock (the  "Shares")
will initially be available for issuance under the Plan pursuant to a variety of
awards  ("Awards"),  including  stock options  ("Options"),  share  appreciation
rights (sometimes  referred to as "SARs"),  restricted shares,  restricted share
units,  deferred share units and performance awards. An additional 40,146 Shares
will be  available  for  issuance  solely  in  order  to  settle  past  deferred
compensation  obligations  of  the  Company.  If the  Plan  is  approved  by the
shareholders,  the Board intends to cause the Shares that will become  available
for issuance to be registered on a Form S-8  registration  statement to be filed
with the Securities and Exchange Commission.



         The Plan is set forth in full as APPENDIX A to this Proxy Statement and
is summarized  below.  The following  summary is not intended to be complete and
reference should be made to APPENDIX A for a complete statement of the terms and
provisions of the Plan. Capitalized terms used in this summary and not otherwise
defined will have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Plan.


         PURPOSE.  The  purpose of the Plan is to attract,  retain and  motivate
select  employees,  officers,  consultants  and directors of the Company and its
affiliates  (collectively  referred  to as  "Eligible  Persons")  and to provide
incentives and rewards for superior performance.

         SHARES  SUBJECT TO THE PLAN. The Plan provides that no more than 90,000
Shares may be issued pursuant to new Awards under the Plan. An additional 40,146
Shares  will be  available  for  issuance  in  order  to  settle  past  deferred
compensation  obligations  of the Company.  These Shares shall be authorized but
unissued shares, or shares that the Company acquires and holds in treasury.  The
number of  Shares  available  for  Awards,  as well as the terms of  outstanding
Awards,  are subject to  adjustment  as  provided in the Plan for stock  splits,
stock dividends, recapitalizations and other similar events.

         The  Shares  subject  to  any  Award  that  expires,  or is  forfeited,
cancelled  or becomes  unexercisable,  will again be  available  for  subsequent
Awards,  except as prohibited by law. In addition,  future Awards may occur with
respect to Shares that the Company refrains from otherwise  delivering  pursuant
to an Award as payment of either the  exercise  price of an Award or  applicable
withholding and employment taxes.

         ADMINISTRATION.  Either the Board of Directors or a committee appointed
by the Board will  administer the Plan. The Board of Directors and any committee
exercising  discretion  under the Plan from time to time are  referred to as the
"Committee." The  Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors is currently
acting as the Committee for purposes of the Plan.  The Board of Directors may at
any time appoint additional members to the Committee, remove and replace members
of the Committee with or without cause, and fill vacancies on the Committee.  To
the extent permitted by law, the Committee may authorize one or more persons who
are  reporting  persons for  purposes of Rule 16b-3 under the  Exchange  Act (or
other officers) to make Awards to eligible persons who are not reporting persons
for purposes of Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange  Act (or other  officers  whom the
Company has specifically  authorized to make Awards).  With respect to decisions
involving an Award intended to satisfy the  requirements of Code section 162(m),
the Committee must consist of two or more directors who are "outside  directors"
for purposes of that Code section.  The  Committee  may delegate  administrative
functions to individuals who are reporting persons for purposes of Rule 16b-3 of
the Exchange Act, officers or employees of the Company or its affiliates.

         Subject to the terms of the Plan,  the Committee has express  authority
to determine the Eligible Persons who will receive Awards, the number of Shares,
units or SARs to be  covered  by each  Award,  and the terms and  conditions  of
Awards. The Committee has broad discretion to prescribe, amend and rescind rules
relating to the Plan and its administration,  to interpret and construe the Plan
and the terms of all Award  agreements,  and to take all  actions  necessary  or
advisable to administer  the Plan.  Within the limits of the Plan, the Committee
may accelerate the vesting of any Awards, allow the exercise of unvested Awards,
and may modify,  replace, cancel or renew Awards. In addition, the Committee may
under certain  circumstances,  and subject to  shareholder  approval for certain
broad-based programs,  buy-out options or SARs, or reduce the exercise price for
outstanding Options or SARs.

         The Plan provides that the Company and its  affiliates  will  indemnify
members of the Committee and their delegates against any claims,  liabilities or
costs  arising from the good faith  performance  of their duties under the Plan.
The Plan  releases  these  individuals  from  liability  for good faith  actions
associated with the Plan's administration.

         ELIGIBILITY.  The  Committee  may grant  Options  that are  intended to
qualify as incentive stock options ("ISOs") only to employees, and may grant all
other Awards to Eligible Persons, including employees, directors or consultants.
The Plan and the  discussion  below  use the term  "Participant"  to refer to an
Eligible Person who has received an Award under the Plan.

         Substantially  all  of  the   approximately  81  employees   (including
officers) of the Company and its affiliates and the Company's seven non-employee
directors  would be eligible to  participate  in the Plan.  Although  authorized
under the Plan,  the Company does not currently  anticipate  granting  Awards to
consultants under the Plan.

         OPTIONS.  Options granted under the Plan provide  Participants with the
right to purchase  Shares at a predetermined  exercise price.  The Committee may
grant  Options  that are  intended to qualify as ISOs,  or options


that are not intended to so qualify  ("Non-ISOs").  The Plan also  provides that
ISO treatment may not be available for Options that become first  exercisable in
any calendar year to the extent the value of the underlying  shares that are the
subject of the option exceeds  $100,000 (based upon the fair market value of the
Shares on the option grant date).  During the life of the Plan,  no  participant
may  receive  Options and SARs  (defined  below) that relate to more than 45,000

         SHARE  APPRECIATION   RIGHTS  ("SARs").   A  share  appreciation  right
generally  permits a Participant to receive,  upon exercise,  cash and/or Shares
equal in value  to the  excess  of (i) the  fair  market  value,  on the date of
exercise,  of the Shares with respect to which the SAR is being exercised,  over
(ii) the exercise price of the SAR for such shares. The Committee may grant SARs
in tandem with, or  independently  of,  Options.  SARs that are  independent  of
Options may limit the value payable on exercise to a  percentage,  not exceeding
100%, of the excess value over the exercise price.

         EXERCISE PRICE FOR OPTIONS AND SARs. The exercise price of Non-ISOs and
SARs may not be less than 50% of the fair market  value on the grant date of the
Shares  subject to the Award.  The  exercise  price of ISOs may not be less than
110% of the fair market value on the grant date of the underlying Shares subject
to the Award for Participants who own more than ten percent of our Shares on the
grant date. For ISOs granted to other  Participants  and for Options intended to
be exempt from Code Section  162(m)  limitations,  the exercise price may not be
less than 100% of the fair market  value of the  underlying  Shares on the grant
date. As of September 14, 2004, the closing price of a Share on the OTC Bulletin
Board ("OTC") was $13.00 per share.

         EXERCISE OF OPTIONS AND SARs. To the extent  exercisable  in accordance
with its  corresponding  Award  Agreement,  an Option or SAR may be exercised in
whole or in part,  and from time to time  during  its term,  subject  to earlier
termination  relating to a holder's  termination of employment or service.  With
respect to Options,  the Committee has the  discretion to accept  payment of the
exercise price in any of the following forms (or  combination of them):  cash or
check in U.S. dollars,  certain Shares and by means of a cashless exercise under
a program approved by the Committee.

         The term over which  Participants may exercise Options and SARs may not
exceed ten years from the date of grant (five years in the case of ISOs  granted
to  employees  who,  at the time of grant,  own more  than 10% of the  Company's
outstanding Shares).

DEFERRED SHARE UNITS.  Under the Plan, the Committee may grant restricted shares
that are  forfeitable  until  certain  vesting  requirements  are met, may grant
restricted share units which represent the right to receive Shares after certain
vesting  requirements are met, and may grant unrestricted shares as to which the
Participant's  interest is immediately  vested.  For restricted Awards, the Plan
provides the Committee  with  discretion  to determine the terms and  conditions
that govern vesting of a  Participant's  interest in the applicable  Award.  The
Plan  provides for deferred  share units in order to permit  certain  directors,
consultants   or  select  members  of  management  to  defer  their  receipt  of
compensation payable in cash or Shares (including shares that would otherwise be
issued  upon the  vesting of  restricted  shares and  restricted  share  units).
Deferred share units represent a future right to receive Shares.

         Whenever Shares are released pursuant to these Awards,  the Participant
will be entitled to receive  additional  Shares that reflect any stock dividends
that the  Company's  shareholders  received  between  the date of the  Award and
issuance or release of the Shares.  Likewise,  a Participant will be entitled to
receive a cash  payment  reflecting  any cash  dividends  paid to the  Company's
shareholders  during the same period.  Such cash dividends will accrue interest,
at 5% per annum,  from their  payment date to the Company's  shareholders  until
paid in cash to  Participants  at the time when the Shares to which they  relate
are either  released  from  restrictions  in the case of restricted  shares,  or
issued, in the case of restricted share units.

         PERFORMANCE   AWARDS.  The  Plan  authorizes  the  Committee  to  grant
performance-based  awards in the form of  Performance  Units that the  Committee
may,  or may  not,  designate  as  "Performance  Compensation  Awards"  that are
intended to be exempt from Code  section  162(m)  limitations.  In either  case,
Performance  Awards vest and become payable based upon the  achievement,  within
the  specified  period of time,  of  performance  objectives  applicable  to the
individual,  the  Company or any  affiliate.  Performance  Awards are payable in
Shares,  cash or some  combination  of the  two;  they are  also  subject  to an
individual  Participant  limit of  $500,000  and 45,000  Shares per


performance period. The Committee decides the length of performance periods, but
the periods may not be less than one fiscal year of the Company.

         With respect to Performance Compensation Awards, the Plan requires that
the  Committee  specify in  writing  the  performance  period to which the Award
relates,  and an objective formula by which to measure whether and the extent to
which the Award is earned on the basis of the level of performance achieved with
respect to one or more performance measures.  Once established for a performance
period, the performance measures and performance formula applicable to the Award
may not be amended or modified  in a manner  that would  cause the  compensation
payable  under the Award to fail to  constitute  performance-based  compensation
under Code Section 162(m).

         Under the Plan,  the  possible  performance  measures  for  Performance
Compensation Awards include basic, diluted or adjusted earnings per share; sales
or revenue;  earnings before interest,  taxes and other adjustments (in total or
on a per share basis); basic or adjusted net income;  returns on equity, assets,
capital,  revenue or similar  measures;  economic value added;  working capital;
total  shareholder  return;  and  product  development,  product  market  share,
research, licensing, litigation, human resources, information services, mergers,
acquisitions  and sales of assets of affiliates or business units. To the extent
applicable,  each  measure  will be  determined  in  accordance  with  generally
accepted accounting  principles as consistently  applied by the Company (or such
other standard applied by the Committee) and, if so determined by the Committee,
and in the case of a Performance  Compensation  Award,  to the extent  permitted
under Code section 162(m),  adjusted to omit the effects of extraordinary items,
gain or loss on the  disposal  of a business  segment,  unusual or  infrequently
occurring  events  and  transactions  and  cumulative   effects  of  changes  in
accounting principles.  Performance measures may vary from performance period to
performance period, and from Participant to Participant,  and may be established
on a stand-alone basis, in tandem or in the alternative.

         INCOME TAX  WITHHOLDING.  As a  condition  for the  issuance  of Shares
pursuant to Awards,  the Plan requires  satisfaction of any applicable  federal,
state, local or foreign withholding tax obligations that may arise in connection
with the Award or the issuance of Shares.

         TRANSFERABILITY.   Awards   may  not  be   sold,   pledged,   assigned,
hypothecated,  transferred  or  disposed  of,  other than by will or the laws of
descent and  distribution,  except to the extent the Committee  permits lifetime
transfers to charitable institutions,  certain family members, or related trusts
or as otherwise  approved by the  Committee  for a select group of management or
highly compensated employees.

         CERTAIN  CORPORATE  TRANSACTIONS.  The Committee shall equitably adjust
the number of shares covered by each outstanding Award, and the number of shares
that have been  authorized for issuance under the Plan but as to which no Awards
have yet been granted, or that have been returned to the Plan upon cancellation,
forfeiture or expiration of an Award,  as well as the price per share covered by
each such  outstanding  Award, to reflect any increase or decrease in the number
of issued  shares  resulting  from a stock split,  reverse  stock  split,  stock
dividend,  combination,  recapitalization  or reclassification of the Shares, or
any other increase or decrease in the number of issued shares  effected  without
receipt  of  consideration  by the  Company.  Upon  the  occurrence  of any such
transaction or event,  the Committee may  substitute for any or all  outstanding
Options under the Plan such alternative  consideration  (including securities of
any surviving  entity) as it may in good faith  determine to be equitable  under
the circumstances  and may require in connection  therewith the surrender of all
Options so replaced.  In any case, a substitution of securities will not require
the consent of any Participant.

         In addition, in the event or in anticipation of a Change in Control (as
defined in the Plan),  the  Committee  may at any time, in its sole and absolute
discretion  and  authority,  without  obtaining  the  approval or consent of the
Company's shareholders or any Participant with respect to his or her outstanding
Awards (except to the extent an Award provides  otherwise),  take one or more of
the  following  actions:   (i)  arrange  for  or  otherwise  provide  that  each
outstanding Award will be assumed or substituted with a substantially equivalent
award by a successor  corporation  or a parent or subsidiary  of such  successor
corporation;  (ii)  accelerate  the  vesting of Awards  for any period  (and may
provide  for  termination  of  unexercised  Options  and SARs at the end of that
period)  so that  Awards  shall  vest (and,  to the  extent  applicable,  become
exercisable)  as to the  Shares  that  otherwise  would have been  unvested  and
provide that repurchase rights of the Company with respect to Shares issued upon
exercise  of an Award shall  lapse as to the


Shares subject to such repurchase  right; or (iii) arrange or otherwise  provide
for payment of cash or other  consideration  to Participants in exchange for the
satisfaction and cancellation of outstanding Awards.

         Notwithstanding the above, upon the Involuntary Termination (as defined
in the Plan) in connection with, or within 12 months  following  consummation of
the Change in Control of a Participant  holding an Award assumed or  substituted
by a successor  in a Change in Control,  then any assumed or  substituted  Award
held by the terminated  Participant at the time of termination  shall accelerate
and become  fully  vested  (and  exercisable  in full in the case of Options and
SARs),  and any repurchase  right  applicable to any Shares shall lapse in full.
The  acceleration of vesting and lapse of repurchase  rights provided for in the
previous  sentence  shall occur  immediately  prior to the effective date of the
Participant's termination.

         In the  event of any  distribution  to the  Company's  shareholders  of
securities of any other entity or other assets (other than dividends  payable in
cash or stock of the Company)  without receipt of  consideration by the Company,
the Committee may, in its discretion,  appropriately  adjust the price per share
covered by each  outstanding  Award to reflect the effect of such  distribution.
Finally,  if the Company  dissolves or liquidates,  all Awards will  immediately
terminate,  subject to the ability of the Board to exercise any discretion  that
the Board may exercise in the case of a Change in Control.

         TERM OF PLAN;  AMENDMENTS AND TERMINATION.  The term of the Plan is ten
years from August 18,  2004,  which is the date on which it was  approved by the
Board.  The Board of Directors  may from time to time,  amend,  alter,  suspend,
discontinue  or terminate the Plan;  provided  that no amendment,  suspension or
termination  of the Plan shall  materially  and adversely  affect Awards already
granted unless it relates to an adjustment pursuant to certain transactions that
change the Company's capitalization or as otherwise mutually agreed upon between
the Participant and the Committee.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Committee
may amend the Plan to eliminate  provisions  which are no longer  necessary as a
result  of  changes  in  tax  or  securities  laws  or  regulations,  or in  the
interpretation thereof.


         The following is a brief summary of certain tax consequences of certain
transactions  under the Plan.  This  summary is not  intended to be complete and
does not describe state or local tax consequences.

         UNITED STATES TAX LAWS.  Under the United States Internal Revenue Code,
the Company  will  generally be entitled to a deduction  for federal  income tax
purposes  at the same time and in the same  amount as the  ordinary  income that
Participants  recognize pursuant to Awards (subject to the discussion below with
respect to Code  section  162(m)).  For  Participants,  the  expected  U.S.  tax
consequences of Awards are as follows:

         Non-ISOs. A Participant will not recognize income at the time a Non-ISO
is granted.  At the time a Non-ISO is exercised,  the Participant will generally
recognize  ordinary  income  in an  amount  equal to the  excess of (i) the fair
market value of the Shares issued to the  Participant  on the exercise date over
(ii) the exercise price paid for the Shares.  Upon the subsequent sale of Shares
acquired   pursuant  to  the  exercise  of  a  Non-ISO,   the  appreciation  (or
depreciation)  in value of the Shares after the date of exercise will be treated
either as short-term or long-term  capital gain (or loss)  depending on how long
the shares have been held.

         ISOs. A Participant will not recognize income upon the grant of an ISO.
Participants  generally  will  not  recognize  income  upon  exercise  of an ISO
(however, the amount by which the fair market value of the shares at the time of
exercise  exceeds the option  exercise price is a tax  preference  item possibly
giving  rise to  alternative  minimum  tax  liability).  If the  Shares  are not
disposed  of within  two years  from the date the ISO was  granted or within one
year  after  the ISO was  exercised,  any  gain  realized  upon  the  subsequent
disposition  of the shares will be  characterized  as stock capital gain and any
loss will be  characterized  as stock  capital  loss.  If both of these  holding
period  requirements are not met, then a "disqualifying  disposition" occurs and
(i) the Participant recognizes gain in the amount by which the fair market value
of the shares at the time of exercise  exceeded the  exercise  price for the ISO
and (ii) any remaining amount realized on disposition (except for certain "wash"
sales,  gifts or sales to related persons) will be characterized as capital gain
or loss.


         Deferral  Election Form. A Deferral  Election Form is intended to allow
an  eligible  Participant  to defer  receipt  of the gain  that he or she  would
otherwise  realize upon the exercise of Options awarded under the Plan,  subject
to the terms and conditions  described on the form.  Subject to the requirements
stated on the Deferral  Election Form, the Company will take any actions that it
considers  reasonably necessary or proper to assure that any changes in the U.S.
federal tax laws will not accelerate the date of a Participant's income taxation
to a date before the Participant receives Shares pursuant to his or her Deferral
Election Form.

         Share Appreciation Rights. A Participant to whom an SAR is granted will
not recognize  income at the time of grant of the SAR. Upon exercise of the SAR,
the Participant must recognize taxable compensation income in an amount equal to
the value of any cash or Shares that the Participant receives.

         Restricted  Shares,  Restricted  Share Units,  Deferred Share Units and
Performance  Awards. In general,  a Participant will not recognize income at the
- -------------------
time of grant of restricted shares, restricted share units, deferred share units
or performance awards,  unless the Participant elects with respect to restricted
shares or restricted  share units to accelerate  income  taxation to the date of
the Award. In this event, a Participant would recognize ordinary income equal to
the  excess of the market  value of the  restricted  shares  over any amount the
Participant  pays for them  (in  which  case  subsequent  gain or loss  would be
capital in nature).  In the absence of an election to accelerate income taxation
to the date of an Award,  a  Participant  must  recognize  taxable  compensation
income  equal to the value of any cash or Shares that the  Participant  receives
when the Award vests. The same tax consequences  apply to performance awards and
Awards in the form of unrestricted shares.

         Special Tax Provisions.  Under certain  circumstances,  the accelerated
vesting,  cash-out or accelerated  lapse of restrictions on Awards in connection
with a change in control  of the  Company  might be deemed an "excess  parachute
payment" for purposes of the golden  parachute  tax  provisions  of Code Section
280G, and the  Participant may be subject to a 20% excise tax under Section 4999
of the Code and the Company may be denied a tax  deduction.  Furthermore,  under
certain  circumstances  the  Company  may not be able to  deduct  the  aggregate
compensation  in  excess  of  $1,000,000  attributable  to  Awards  that are not
"performance-based" within the meaning of Code Section 162(m).

         GENERAL TAX LAW CONSIDERATIONS.  The preceding  paragraphs are intended
merely to summarize certain important tax law consequences  concerning grants of
Awards under the Plan and the disposition of Shares issued  thereunder as of the
date of this Proxy Statement. Special rules may apply to the Company's officers,
directors or greater  than ten percent  shareholders.  Participants  in the Plan
should  review the current tax  treatment of their Awards with their  individual
tax advisors at the time of grant, exercise or any other transaction relating to
their Awards or the underlying Shares.


         The Company  anticipates  that Awards will be granted under the Plan at
the discretion of the Committee  after the effective date of the Plan, as deemed
appropriate.  Consequently,  it is not  possible to  determine  at this time the
amount or dollar value of Awards to be received by the future participants under
the Plan,  other than to note that the Committee has not granted any Awards that
are contingent upon the approval of the Plan.



         The following table sets forth certain information about Company common stock that may be issued upon exercise of options,
warrants and rights under all of the Company's  equity  compensation  plans as of June 30, 2004. The Company does not maintain any
equity compensation plans that have not been approved by stockholders.

                                                (a)                           (b)                             (c)
                                                                                                Number of securities remaining
                                     Number of securities to be                                 available for future issuance
                                      issued upon exercise of       Weighted-average exercise     under equity compensation
                                        outstanding options,          price of outstanding       plans (excluding securities
                                          warrants & rights       options, warrants and rights     reflected in column (a))
                                         ------------------       ----------------------------     ------------------------

Equity compensation plans
  approved by security holders                197,898                         $5.40                         8,562

Equity compensation plans not
  approved by security holders                 40,146                           --                           --
                                              -------                                                      -------

       Total                                  238,044                          5.40                         8,562


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         The following  table sets forth,  as of the Record Date, the beneficial
ownership  of  the   Company's   Common  Stock  and  the   Company's   Series  A
Non-cumulative  Perpetual Convertible Preferred Stock (the "Preferred Stock") by
each of the Company's  directors and nominees,  the sole executive officer named
in the Summary Compensation Table and by all directors and executive officers as
a group.

                                   AMOUNT AND            PERCENT OF           AMOUNT AND             PERCENT OF
                                    NATURE OF             SHARES OF            NATURE OF              SHARES OF
NAME                           OF COMMON STOCK (1)       OUTSTANDING      OF PREFERRED STOCK         OUTSTANDING
- ----                           -------------------       -----------      ------------------         -----------

Joseph J. Bouffard                  86,149                  6.02%                  --                     --
Nicole N. Glaeser                   20,151                  1.44                  109                    .11%
Douglas H. Ludwig                   22,004                  1.57                   --                     --
Thomas P. O'Neill                   33,888                  2.42                2,162                   2.17
Theodore C. Patterson               30,641                  2.19                   --                     --
William R. Waters                   13,684                   .98                  240                    .24
Gary R. Bozel                       43,577                  3.06                8,293                   8.32
J. Thomas Hoffman                   30,641                  2.19                3,087                   3.10

All Executive Officers
   and Directors
   as a Group (11 persons)         354,591                 22.65               14,659                  14.70

(1)  For  the definition of beneficial ownership, see Footnote 1 to the table in
     "Voting   Securities  and  Principal  Holders  Thereof."  Unless  otherwise
     indicated,  ownership  is direct and the named  individual  exercises  sole
     voting and investment power over the shares listed as beneficially owned by
     such person. Amounts shown include (i) 40,079, 8,176, 6,454, 2,050, 10,513,
     3,401,  1,678,  1,678 and 116,331 shares which may be acquired by Directors
     Bouffard,  Glaeser, Ludwig, O'Neill,  Patterson,  Waters, Bozel and Hoffman
     and by all  directors  and  executive  officers  of the Company as a group,
     respectively,  upon the exercise of options  exercisable  within 60 days of
     the Record  Date and (ii) 0, 435,  0,  8,633,  0, 958,  33,114,  12,326 and
     58,553  shares of Common  Stock  issuable to Directors  Bouffard,  Glaeser,
     Ludwig, O'Neill, Patterson, Waters, Bozel and Hoffman, and to all directors
     and executive  officers of the Company as a group,  respectively,  upon the
     conversion  of shares of  preferred  stock.  Does not  include  shares with
     respect to which  Directors  O'Neill,  Patterson and Bouffard share "voting
     power" by virtue of their  positions  as  trustees  of the  trusts  holding
     115,755 shares under the Company's ESOP.  Shares held by the ESOP trust and
     allocated to the accounts of participants  are voted in accordance with the
     participants'  instructions,  and unallocated  shares are voted in the same
     ratio as ESOP participants direct the voting of allocated shares or, in the
     absence of such direction, in the ESOP trustees' best judgment.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         The Audit  Committee has reviewed and  discussed the audited  financial
statements of the Company with  management  and has discussed  with Beard Miller
Company LLP ("Beard Miller"),  the Company's independent  auditors,  the matters
required to be discussed  under  Statements  on Auditing  Standards No. 61 ("SAS
61").  In  addition,  the Audit  Committee  has  received  from Beard Miller the
written  disclosures  and the letter  required to be  delivered  by Beard Miller
under Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1 ("ISB Standard No. 1") and has
met with  representatives  of Beard  Miller to discuss the  independence  of the
auditing firm.

         The Audit  Committee  has reviewed  the  non-audit  services  currently
provided by the Company's  independent  auditors and has considered  whether the
provision of such services is compatible with  maintaining  the  independence of
the Company's independent auditors.

         Based on the Audit Committee's review of the financial statements,  its
discussion  with  Beard  Miller  regarding  SAS 61,  and the  written  materials
provided by Beard Miller  under ISB  Standard  No. 1 and the related  discussion
with Beard Miller of their independence,  the Audit Committee has recommended to
the Board of


Directors  that the audited  financial  statements of the Company be included in
its Annual  Report on Form  10-KSB  for the year ended June 30,  2004 for filing
with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                               THE AUDIT COMMITTEE
                                NICOLE N. GLAESER
                                  GARY R. BOZEL
                                WILLIAM R. WATERS
                                THOMAS P. O'NEILL

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         On January 2, 2004, Anderson Associates LLP ("Anderson") announced that
it was joining Beard Miller to become the Baltimore office of Beard Miller. As a
result,  on January 2, 2004,  Anderson  resigned as independent  auditors of the
Company.  On January 8, 2004, the Company  engaged Beard Miller as its successor
independent audit firm. The Company's engagement of Beard Miller was approved by
the Company's Audit Committee on January 8, 2004.

         Anderson served as the Company's  independent  accountants to audit the
Company's consolidated financial statements as of and for the fiscal years ended
June  30,  2003 and  2002.  Anderson's  reports  on the  Company's  consolidated
financial  statements  as of and for the years  ended June 30, 2003 and 2002 did
not contain an adverse  opinion or  disclaimer of opinion and were not qualified
or modified as to uncertainty, audit scope or accounting principles.

         During the Company's  fiscal years ended June 30, 2003 and 2002 and the
subsequent  interim period from July 1, 2003 through January 2, 2004, there were
no  disagreements  with  Anderson  on any  matter of  accounting  principles  or
practices,  financial statement disclosure or auditing scope or procedure, which
disagreements,  if not  resolved to the  satisfaction  of  Anderson,  would have
caused Anderson to make reference to the subject matter of the  disagreements in
their report on the financial statements for such years.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         For the years ended June 30,  2004 and 2003,  the Company was billed by
its independent auditors for fees aggregating $57,600 and $52,600, respectively.
Such fees were comprised of the following:


         The  aggregate  fees  billed  for the  audit  of the  Company's  annual
financial statements and for the reviews of the financial statements included in
the  Company's  Quarterly  Reports on Form 10-Q were $52,200 and $45,500 for the
fiscal years ended June 30, 2004 and 2003, respectively.


         There were no fees billed by the  Company's  independent  auditors  for
audit-related services for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2004 and 2003.


         The aggregate fees billed by the Company's independent auditors for tax
services  for the  fiscal  years  ended June 30,  2004 and 2003 were  $5,400 and
$5,400,  respectively.  For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2004 and 2003,  these
fees related to the preparation of Federal and State income tax returns.



         The  aggregate  fees billed by the Company's  independent  auditors for
services not included above were $1,700 for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003.
No fees were billed by the  Company's  independent  auditors  for  services  not
included above for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2004.


         The Audit  Committee  does not have a policy  for the  pre-approval  of
non-audit services to be provided by the Company's independent auditor. Any such
services would be considered on a  case-by-case  basis.  All non-audit  services
provided by the independent auditors in fiscal years 2004 and 2003 were approved
by the Audit Committee.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Pursuant  to  regulations  promulgated  under  the  Exchange  Act,  the
Company's  officers,  directors  and  persons  who  own  more  than  10%  of the
outstanding  Common  Stock  ("Reporting  Persons")  are required to file reports
detailing  their  ownership  and  changes  of  ownership  in such  Common  Stock
(collectively,  "Reports"),  and to furnish the Company  with copies of all such
Reports.  Based  solely on its review of the  copies of such  Reports or written
representations  that no such Reports were necessary  that the Company  received
during the past fiscal year or with respect to the last fiscal year,  management
believes  that during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2004,  all of the Reporting
Persons complied with these reporting requirements.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


         It is the policy of the full Board of Directors of the Company,  acting
as a  Nominating  Committee,  to consider  director  candidates  recommended  by
shareholders who appear qualified to serve on the Board of Directors.  The Board
may choose not to consider an unsolicited recommendation if no vacancy exists on
the Board of  Directors  and the Board does not  perceive a need to increase the
size of the Board of  Directors.  In order to avoid the  unnecessary  use of the
Board's  resources,  the Board  will  consider  only those  director  candidates
recommended in accordance with the procedures set forth below.


         To submit a  recommendation  of a director  candidate  to the Board,  a
shareholder  should submit the following  information  in writing,  addressed to
Thomas P.  O'Neill,  the Chairman of the Board,  Patapsco  Bancorp,  Inc.,  1301
Merritt Boulevard, Dundalk, Maryland 21222-2194:

         1.       The name of the person recommended as a director candidate;

         2.       All information relating to such person that is required to be
                  disclosed  in   solicitations   of  proxies  for  election  of
                  directors  pursuant  to  Regulation  14A under the  Securities
                  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended;

         3.       The  written  consent of the  person  being  recommended  as a
                  director  candidate to being named in the proxy statement as a
                  nominee and to serving as a director if elected;

         4.       As to the shareholder making the recommendation,  the name and
                  address,  as he or she appears on the Company's books, of such
                  shareholder; provided, however, that if the shareholder is not
                  a  registered  holder  of  the  Company's  common  stock,  the
                  shareholder  should submit his or her name and address,  along
                  with a current written statement from the record holder of the
                  shares that reflects  ownership of the Company's common stock;


         5.       A statement disclosing whether such shareholder is acting with
                  or on behalf of any  other  person  and,  if  applicable,  the
                  identity of such person.

         In order for a director  candidate to be considered  for  nomination at
the  Company's  annual  meeting  of  shareholders,  the Board must  receive  the
recommendation  at least 120 calendar days before the date the  Company's  proxy
statement was released to  shareholders  in connection  with the previous year's
annual meeting, advanced by one year.


         The  Board has  adopted a set of  criteria  that it  considers  when it
selects  individuals  to be nominated for election to the Board of Directors.  A
candidate must meet any  qualification  requirements  set forth in the Company's
governing and Board or Committee governing documents.

         The Board will consider the following  criteria in selecting  nominees:
financial,   regulatory   and   business   experience;   familiarity   with  and
participation  in  the  local  community;  integrity,  honesty  and  reputation;
dedication  to the Company  and its  stockholders;  independence;  and any other
factors the Board deems relevant, including age, diversity, size of the Board of
Directors and regulatory disclosure obligations.

         In addition,  before nominating an existing director for re-election to
the  Board of  Directors,  the  Board  will  consider  and  review  an  existing
director's  Board and  committee  attendance  and  performance;  length of Board
service; experience,  skills and contributions that the existing director brings
to the Board; and independence.


         The process that the Board  follows when it  identifies  and  evaluates
individuals  to be  nominated  for  election  to the  Board of  Directors  is as

         IDENTIFICATION.  For purposes of identifying  nominees for the Board of
Directors,  the Board relies on personal  contacts of the committee  members and
other members of the Board of Directors,  as well as its knowledge of members of
the  Company's  local  communities.   The  Board  will  also  consider  director
candidates  recommended  by  shareholders  in  accordance  with the  policy  and
procedures set forth above. The Nominating Committee has not used an independent
search firm in identifying nominees.

         EVALUATION.  In evaluating potential  candidates,  the Board determines
whether the  candidate  is eligible  and  qualified  for service on the Board of
Directors by  evaluating  the candidate  under the selection  criteria set forth
above.  In  addition,  the  Board  will  conduct  a  check  of the  individual's
background and interview the candidate.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  OTHER MATTERS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         The Board of  Directors is not aware of any business to come before the
Annual Meeting other than those matters  described above in this proxy statement
and matters incident to the conduct of the Annual Meeting. However, if any other
matters  should  properly  come before the Annual  Meeting,  it is intended that
proxies in the accompanying  form will be voted in respect thereof in accordance
with the determination of a majority of the Board of Directors.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         The  cost of  soliciting  proxies  will be borne  by the  Company.  The
Company  will  reimburse  brokerage  firms and other  custodians,  nominees  and
fiduciaries for reasonable  expenses incurred by them in sending proxy materials
to the beneficial  owners of Common Stock. In addition to solicitations by mail,
directors,  officers and regular  employees  of the Company may solicit  proxies
personally or by telegraph or telephone without additional compensation.


         The Company's 2004 Annual Report to Stockholders,  including  financial
statements,  is being  mailed to all  stockholders  of record as of the close of
business on the Record Date. Any stockholder who has not received a copy of such
Annual Report may obtain a copy by writing to the Secretary of the Company. Such
Annual Report is not to be treated as a part of the proxy solicitation materials
or as having been incorporated herein by reference.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          ATTENDANCE AT ANNUAL MEETINGS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         The  Board  of  Directors  maintains  a  process  for  stockholders  to
communicate  with the Board of Directors.  Stockholders  wishing to  communicate
with the  Board of  Directors  should  send any  communication  to  Theodore  C.
Patterson,  Corporate Secretary, Patapsco Bancorp, Inc., 1301 Merritt Boulevard,
Dundalk, Maryland 21222-2194. All communications that relate to matters that are
within the scope of the  responsibilities of the Board and its Committees are to
be presented to the Board no later than its next  regularly  scheduled  meeting.
Communications  that relate to matters that are within the responsibility of one
of the Board Committees are also to be forwarded to the Chair of the appropriate
Committee.  Communications that relate to ordinary business matters that are not
within the scope of the Board's  responsibilities,  such as customer complaints,
are  to be  sent  to the  appropriate  officer.  Solicitations,  junk  mail  and
obviously frivolous or inappropriate communications are not to be forwarded, but
will be made available to any director who wishes to review them.

         Directors  are  expected  to prepare  themselves  for and to attend all
Board  meetings,  the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  and the  meetings of the
Committees  on which  they  serve,  with the  understanding  that on  occasion a
director  may be  unable  to  attend a  meeting.  Seven of the  Company's  eight
directors  attended  the  Company's  2003 Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders;  one
director was unavailable for business purposes.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Under the Company's  Articles of Incorporation,  stockholder  proposals
must be  submitted  in writing to the  Secretary  of the  Company at the address
stated later in this  paragraph no less than 30 days nor more than 60 days prior
to the  date of such  meeting;  provided,  however,  that if less  than 40 days'
notice of the meeting is given to  stockholders,  such  written  notice shall be
delivered or mailed,  as  prescribed,  to the Secretary of the Company not later
than the close of business on the tenth day following the day on which notice of
the meeting was mailed to stockholders. For consideration at the Annual Meeting,
a stockholder proposal must be delivered or mailed to the Company's Secretary no
later  than  October 8,  2004.  In order to be  eligible  for  inclusion  in the
Company's  proxy materials for next year's Annual Meeting of  Stockholders,  any
stockholder  proposal  to take  action at such  meeting  must be received at the
Company's main office at 1301 Merritt Boulevard,  Dundalk,  Maryland 21222-2194,
no  later  than  May 31,  2005.  Any  such  proposal  shall  be  subject  to the
requirements of the proxy rules adopted under the Exchange Act.

                                         BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                         /s/ Theodore C. Patterson

                                         THEODORE C. PATTERSON
Dundalk, Maryland
September 28, 2004

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-KSB
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                                      APPENDIX A

                             PATAPSCO BANCORP, INC.

                            2004 STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN


     Patapsco Bancorp, Inc. (the "Company") hereby establishes an incentive
compensation plan to be known as the "Patapsco Bancorp, Inc. 2004 Stock
Incentive Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), in order to provide
incentives and awards to select key management employees, consultants, and
directors of the Company and its Affiliates.

     The Plan permits the granting of the following types of awards ("Awards"),
according to the Sections of the Plan listed here:

        Section 6              Options
        Section 7              Share Appreciation Rights
        Section 8              Restricted Shares and Restricted Share Units
        Section 9              Deferred Share Units
        Section 10             Performance Awards

     The Plan is not intended to affect and shall not affect any stock options,
equity-based compensation, or other benefits that the Company or its Affiliates
may have provided, or may separately provide in the future pursuant to any
agreement, plan, or program that is independent of this Plan.


     Terms in the Plan that begin with an initial capital letter have the
defined meaning set forth in APPENDIX A, unless defined elsewhere in this Plan,
or the context of their use clearly indicates a different meaning.


     Subject to the provisions of Section 13 of the Plan, the maximum number of
Shares that the Company may issue is 130,146 Shares for all Awards, of which
40,146 Shares shall be issued solely to satisfy the Company's pre-existing
obligation to deliver Shares pursuant to deferred compensation awards that were
made before adoption of the Plan. For all Awards, the Shares issued pursuant to
the Plan may be authorized but unissued Shares, or Shares that the Company has
reacquired or otherwise holds in treasury.

     Shares that are subject to an Award that for any reason expires, is
forfeited, is cancelled, or becomes unexercisable, and Shares that are for any
other reason not paid or delivered under the Plan shall again, except to the
extent prohibited by Applicable Law, be available for subsequent Awards under
the Plan. In addition, the Committee may make future Awards with respect to
Shares that the Company retains from otherwise delivering pursuant to an Award
either (i) as payment of the exercise price of an Award, or (ii) in order to
satisfy the withholding or employment taxes due upon the grant, exercise,
vesting, or distribution of an Award. Notwithstanding the foregoing, but subject
to adjustments pursuant to Section 13 below, the number of Shares that are
available for ISO Awards shall be determined, to the extent required under
applicable tax laws, by reducing the number of Shares designated in the
preceding paragraph by the number of Shares granted pursuant to Awards (whether
or not Shares are issued pursuant to such Awards); provided that any Shares that
are either purchased under the Plan and forfeited back to the Plan, or
surrendered in payment of the Exercise Price for an Award shall be available for
issuance pursuant to ISO Awards.



     a.    GENERAL. The Committee shall administer the Plan in accordance with
           its terms, provided that the Board may act in lieu of the Committee
           on any matter. The Committee shall hold meetings at such times and
           places as it may determine and shall make such rules and regulations
           for the conduct of its business as it deems advisable. In the absence
           of a duly appointed Committee or if the Board otherwise chooses to
           act in lieu of a Committee, the Board shall function as the Committee
           for all purposes of the Plan.

     b.    COMMITTEE COMPOSITION. The Board shall appoint the members of the
           Committee. If and to the extent permitted by Applicable Law, the
           Committee may authorize one or more Reporting Persons (or other
           officers) to make Awards to Eligible Persons who are not Reporting
           Persons (or other officers whom the Committee has specifically
           authorized to make Awards). The Board may at any time appoint
           additional members to the Committee, remove and replace members of
           the Committee with or without Cause, and fill vacancies on the
           Committee however caused.

     c.    POWERS OF THE COMMITTEE. Subject to the provisions of the Plan, the
           Committee shall have the authority, in its sole discretion:

           i.    to determine Eligible Persons to whom Awards shall be granted
                 from time to time and the number of Shares, units, or SARs to
                 be covered by each Award;

           ii.   to determine, from time to time, the Fair Market Value of

           iii.  to determine, and to set forth in Award Agreements, the terms
                 and conditions of all Awards, including any applicable exercise
                 or purchase price, the installments and conditions under which
                 an Award shall become vested (which may be based on
                 performance), terminated, expired, cancelled, or replaced, and
                 the circumstances for vesting acceleration or waiver of
                 forfeiture restrictions, and other restrictions and

           iv.   to approve the forms of Award Agreements and all other
                 documents, notices and certificates in connection therewith
                 which need not be identical either as to type of Award or among

           v.    to construe and interpret the terms of the Plan and any Award
                 Agreement, to determine the meaning of their terms, and to
                 prescribe, amend, and rescind rules and procedures relating to
                 the Plan and its administration; and

           vi.   in order to fulfill the purposes of the Plan and without
                 amending the Plan, modify, cancel, or waive the Company's
                 rights with respect to any Awards, to adjust or to modify Award
                 Agreements (unilaterally for changes in Applicable Law), and to
                 recognize differences in foreign law, tax policies, or customs;

           vii.  to make all other interpretations and to take all other actions
                 that the Committee may consider necessary or advisable to
                 administer the Plan or to effectuate its purposes.

     Subject to Applicable Law and the restrictions set forth in the Plan, the
Committee may delegate administrative functions to individuals who are Reporting
Persons, officers, or Employees of the Company or its Affiliates.

     d.    DEFERENCE TO COMMITTEE DETERMINATIONS.  The Committee shall have the
           discretion to interpret or construe ambiguous, unclear, or implied
           (but omitted) terms in any fashion it deems to be appropriate in its
           sole discretion, and to make any findings of fact needed in the
           administration of


           the Plan or Award Agreements. The Committee's prior exercise of its
           discretionary authority shall not obligate it to exercise its
           authority in a like fashion thereafter. The Committee's
           interpretation and construction of any provision of the Plan, or of
           any Award or Award Agreement, shall be final, binding, and
           conclusive. The validity of any such interpretation, construction,
           decision or finding of fact shall not be given de novo review if
           challenged in court, by arbitration, or in any other forum, and shall
           be upheld unless clearly arbitrary or capricious.

     e.    NO LIABILITY; INDEMNIFICATION.  Neither the Board nor any Committee
           member, nor any Person acting at the direction of the Board or the
           Committee, shall be liable for any act, omission, interpretation,
           construction or determination made in good faith with respect to the
           Plan, any Award or any Award Agreement. The Company and its
           Affiliates shall pay or reimburse any member of the Committee, as
           well as any Director, Employee, or Consultant who takes action in
           connection with the Plan, for all expenses incurred with respect to
           the Plan, and to the full extent allowable under Applicable Law shall
           indemnify each and every one of them for any claims, liabilities, and
           costs (including reasonable attorney's fees) arising out of their
           good faith performance of duties under the Plan. The Company and its
           Affiliates may obtain liability insurance for this purpose.


     a.    GENERAL RULE. The Committee may grant ISOs only to Employees
           (including officers who are Employees) of the Company or an Affiliate
           that is a "parent corporation" or "subsidiary corporation" within the
           meaning of Section 424 of the Code, and may grant all other Awards to
           any Eligible Person. A Participant who has been granted an Award may
           be granted an additional Award or Awards if the Committee shall so
           determine, if such person is otherwise an Eligible Person and if
           otherwise in accordance with the terms of the Plan.

     b.    GRANT OF AWARDS.  Subject to the express provisions of the Plan, the
           Committee shall determine from the class of Eligible Persons those
           individuals to whom Awards under the Plan may be granted, the number
           of Shares subject to each Award, the price (if any) to be paid for
           the Shares or the Award and, in the case of Performance Awards, in
           addition to the matters addressed in Section 10 below, the specific
           objectives, goals and performance criteria that further define the
           Performance Award. Each Award shall be evidenced by an Award
           Agreement signed by the Company and, if required by the Committee, by
           the Participant. The Award Agreement shall set forth the material
           terms and conditions of the Award established by the Committee.

     c.    LIMITS ON AWARDS. During the term of the Plan and for purposes of
           imposing a maximum limit that permits Options and SARs to qualify for
           exemption from the limitations set forth under Section 162(m) of the
           Code, no Participant may receive Options and SARs that relate to more
           than 45,000 Shares. The Committee will adjust this limitation
           pursuant to Section 13 below.

     d.    REPLACEMENT AWARDS.  The Committee may, in its sole discretion and
           upon such terms as it deems appropriate, require as a condition of
           the grant of an Award to a Participant that the Participant surrender
           for cancellation some or all of the Awards that have previously been
           granted to the Participant under this Plan or otherwise. An Award
           that is conditioned upon such surrender may or may not be the same
           type of Award, may cover the same (or a lesser or greater) number of
           Shares as such surrendered Award, may have other terms that are
           determined without regard to the terms or conditions of such
           surrendered Award, and may contain any other terms that the Committee
           deems appropriate. In the case of Options, these other terms may not
           involve an Exercise Price that is lower than the Exercise Price of
           the surrendered Option unless the Company's shareholders approve the
           grant itself or the program under which the grant is made.



     a.    TYPES; DOCUMENTATION.  The Committee may in its discretion grant ISOs
           to any Employee and Non-ISOs to any Eligible Person, and shall
           evidence any such grants in an Award Agreement that is delivered to
           the Participant. Each Option shall be designated in the Award
           Agreement as an ISO or a Non-ISO, and the same Award Agreement may
           grant both types of Options. At the sole discretion of the Committee,
           any Option may be exercisable, in whole or in part, immediately upon
           the grant thereof, or only after the occurrence of a specified event,
           or only in installments, which installments may vary. Options granted
           under the Plan may contain such terms and provisions not inconsistent
           with the Plan that the Committee shall deem advisable in its sole and
           absolute discretion.

     b.    ISO $100,000 LIMITATION.  To the extent that the aggregate Fair
           Market Value of Shares with respect to which Options designated as
           ISOs first become exercisable by a Participant in any calendar year
           (under this Plan and any other plan of the Company or any Affiliate)
           exceeds $100,000, such excess Options shall be treated as Non-ISOs.
           For purposes of determining whether the $100,000 limit is exceeded,
           the Fair Market Value of the Shares subject to an ISO shall be
           determined as of the Grant Date, and there shall be disregarded ISOs
           cancelled before the start of a particular calendar year. In reducing
           the number of Options treated as ISOs to meet the $100,000 limit, the
           most recently granted Options shall be reduced first. In the event
           that Section 422 of the Code is amended to alter the limitation set
           forth therein, the limitation of this Section 6(b) shall be
           automatically adjusted accordingly.

     c.    TERM OF OPTIONS. Each Award Agreement shall specify a term at the end
           of which the Option automatically expires, subject to earlier
           termination provisions contained in Section 6(h) hereof; provided,
           that, the term of any Option may not exceed ten years from the Grant
           Date. In the case of an ISO granted to an Employee who is a Ten
           Percent Holder on the Grant Date, the term of the ISO shall not
           exceed five years from the Grant Date.

     d.    EXERCISE PRICE. The exercise price of an Option shall be determined
           by the Committee in its discretion and shall be set forth in the
           Award Agreement, subject to the following special rules:

           i.    ISOs. If an ISO is granted to an Employee who on the Grant Date
                 is a Ten Percent Holder, the per Share exercise price shall not
                 be less than 110% of the Fair Market Value per Share on such
                 Grant Date. If an ISO is granted to any other Employee, the per
                 Share exercise price shall not be less than 100% of the Fair
                 Market Value per Share on the Grant Date.

           ii.   Non-ISOs. The per Share exercise price for the Shares to be
                 issued pursuant to the exercise of a Non-ISO shall not be less
                 than 50% of the Fair Market Value per Share on the Grant Date.

           iii.  Named Executives. The per Share exercise price shall not be
                 less than 100% of the Fair Market Value per Share on the Grant
                 Date of an Option if (A) on such Grant Date, the Participant is
                 subject to the limitations set forth in Section 162(m) of the
                 Code, and (B) the grant is intended to qualify as
                 performance-based compensation under Section 162(m) of the

     e.    EXERCISE OF OPTION. The Committee shall in its sole discretion
           determine the times, circumstances, and conditions under which an
           Option shall be exercisable, and shall set them forth in the Award
           Agreement. The Committee shall have the discretion to determine
           whether and to what extent the vesting of Options shall be tolled
           during any unpaid leave of absence; provided, however, that in the
           absence of such determination, vesting of Options shall be tolled
           during any such leave approved by the Company.


     f.    MINIMUM EXERCISE REQUIREMENTS. An Option may not be exercised for a
           fraction of a Share. The Committee may require in an Award Agreement
           that an Option be exercised as to a minimum number of Shares,
           provided that such requirement shall not prevent a Participant from
           purchasing the full number of Shares as to which the Option is then

     g.    METHODS OF EXERCISE.  Prior to its expiration pursuant to the terms
           of the applicable Award Agreement, each Option may be exercised, in
           whole or in part (provided that the Company shall not be required to
           issue fractional shares), by delivery of written notice of exercise
           to the secretary of the Company accompanied by the full exercise
           price of the Shares being purchased. In the case of an ISO, the
           Committee shall determine the acceptable methods of payment on the
           Grant Date and it shall be included in the applicable Award
           Agreement. The methods of payment that the Committee may in its
           discretion accept or commit to accept in an Award Agreement include:

           i.    cash or check payable to the Company (in U.S. dollars);

           ii.   other Shares that (A) are owned by the Participant who is
                 purchasing Shares pursuant to an Option, (B) have a Fair Market
                 Value on the date of surrender equal to the aggregate exercise
                 price of the Shares as to which the Option is being exercised,
                 (C) were not acquired by such Participant pursuant to the
                 exercise of an Option, unless such Shares have been owned by
                 such Participant for at least six months or such other period
                 as the Committee may determine, (D) are all, at the time of
                 such surrender, free and clear of any and all claims, pledges,
                 liens and encumbrances, or any restrictions which would in any
                 manner restrict the transfer of such shares to or by the
                 Company (other than such restrictions as may have existed prior
                 to an issuance of such Shares by the Company to such
                 Participant), and (E) are duly endorsed for transfer to the

           iii.  a cashless exercise program that the Committee may approve,
                 from time to time in its discretion, pursuant to which a
                 Participant may concurrently provide irrevocable instructions
                 (A) to such Participant's broker or dealer to effect the
                 immediate sale of the purchased Shares and remit to the
                 Company, out of the sale proceeds available on the settlement
                 date, sufficient funds to cover the exercise price of the
                 Option plus all applicable taxes required to be withheld by the
                 Company by reason of such exercise, and (B) to the Company to
                 deliver the certificates for the purchased Shares directly to
                 such broker or dealer in order to complete the sale; or

            iv.  any combination of the foregoing methods of payment.

     The Company shall not be required to deliver Shares pursuant to the
exercise of an Option until payment of the full exercise price therefore is
received by the Company.

     h.    TERMINATION OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE.  The Committee may establish and
           set forth in the applicable Award Agreement the terms and conditions
           on which an Option shall remain exercisable, if at all, following
           termination of a Participant's Continuous Service. The Committee may
           waive or modify these provisions at any time. To the extent that a
           Participant is not entitled to exercise an Option at the date of his
           or her termination of Continuous Service, or if the Participant (or
           other person entitled to exercise the Option) does not exercise the
           Option to the extent so entitled within the time specified in the
           Award Agreement or below (as applicable), the Option shall terminate
           and the Shares underlying the unexercised portion of the Option shall
           revert to the Plan and become available for future Awards. In no
           event may any Option be exercised after the expiration of the Option
           term as set forth in the Award Agreement.


     The following provisions shall apply to the extent an Award Agreement does
not specify the terms and conditions upon which an Option shall terminate when
there is a termination of a Participant's Continuous Service:

           i.    Termination other than Upon Disability or Death or for Cause.
                 In the event of termination of a Participant's Continuous
                 Service (other than as a result of Participant's death,
                 disability, retirement or termination for Cause), the
                 Participant shall have the right to exercise an Option at any
                 time within one year following such termination to the extent
                 the Participant was entitled to exercise such Option at the
                 date of such termination, subject to the discretion of the
                 Committee to shorten this period to any date that is more than
                 one month after both (I) termination of the Participant's
                 Continuous Service and (II) the date on which the Participant
                 receives written notice of the earlier expiration date for the

           ii.   Disability. In the event of termination of a Participant's
                 Continuous Service as a result of his or her "disability"
                 within the meaning of Section 22(e)(3) of the Code, the
                 Participant shall have the right to exercise an Option at any
                 time within one year following such termination to the extent
                 the Participant was entitled to exercise such Option at the
                 date of such termination.

           iii.  Retirement. In the event of termination of a Participant's
                 Continuous Service as a result of Participant's retirement, the
                 Participant shall have the right to exercise the Option at any
                 time within six months following such termination to the extent
                 the Participant was entitled to exercise such Option at the
                 date of such termination.

           iv.   Death. In the event of the death of a Participant during the
                 period of Continuous Service since the Grant Date of an Option,
                 or within thirty days following termination of the
                 Participant's Continuous Service, the Option may be exercised,
                 at any time within one year following the date of the
                 Participant's death, by the Participant's estate or by a person
                 who acquired the right to exercise the Option by bequest or
                 inheritance, but only to the extent the right to exercise the
                 Option had vested at the date of death or, if earlier, the date
                 the Participant's Continuous Service terminated.

           v.    Cause. If the Committee determines that a Participant's
                 Continuous Service terminated due to Cause, the Participant
                 shall immediately forfeit the right to exercise any Option, and
                 it shall be considered immediately null and void.

     i.    REVERSE VESTING. The Committee in its sole and absolute discretion
           may allow a Participant to exercise unvested Options, in which case
           the Shares then issued shall be Restricted Shares having vesting
           restrictions analogous to those applicable to the unvested Options.

     j.    BUYOUT PROVISIONS.  The Committee may at any time offer to buy out
           an Option, in exchange for a payment in cash or Shares, based on such
           terms and conditions as the Committee shall establish and communicate
           to the Participant at the time that such offer is made. In addition,
           if the Fair Market Value for Shares subject to an Option is more than
           33% below their exercise price for more than 30 consecutive business
           days, the Committee may unilaterally terminate and cancel the Option
           either (i) by paying the Participant, in cash or Shares, an amount
           not less than the Black-Scholes value of the vested portion of the
           Option, or (ii) subject to the approval of the shareholders of the
           Company, by irrevocably committing to grant a new Option, on a
           designated date more than six months after such termination and
           cancellation of such Option (but only if the Participant's Continuous
           Service has not terminated prior to such designated date), on
           substantially the same terms as the cancelled Option, provided that
           the per Share exercise price for the new Option shall equal the per
           Share Fair Market Value of a Share on the date the new grant occurs.



     a.    GRANTS. The Committee may in its discretion grant Share Appreciation
           Rights to any Eligible Person, in any of the following forms:

           i.    SARs related to Options.  The Committee may grant SARs either
                 concurrently with the grant of an Option or with respect to an
                 outstanding Option, in which case the SAR shall extend to all
                 or a portion of the Shares covered by the related Option. An
                 SAR shall entitle the Participant who holds the related Option,
                 upon exercise of the SAR and surrender of the related Option,
                 or portion thereof, to the extent the SAR and related Option
                 each were previously unexercised, to receive payment of an
                 amount determined pursuant to Section 7(e) below. Any SAR
                 granted in connection with an ISO will contain such terms as
                 may be required to comply with the provisions of Section 422 of
                 the Code and the regulations promulgated thereunder.

           ii.   SARs Independent of Options. The Committee may grant SARs which
                 are independent of any Option subject to such conditions as the
                 Committee may in its discretion determine, which conditions
                 will be set forth in the applicable Award Agreement.

           iii.  Limited SARs.  The Committee may grant SARs exercisable only
                 upon or in respect of a Change in Control or any other
                 specified event, and such limited SARs may relate to or operate
                 in tandem or combination with or substitution for Options or
                 other SARs, or on a stand-alone basis, and may be payable in
                 cash or Shares based on the spread between the exercise price
                 of the SAR, and (A) a price based upon or equal to the Fair
                 Market Value of the Shares during a specified period, at a
                 specified time within a specified period before, after or
                 including the date of such event, or (B) a price related to
                 consideration payable to Company's shareholders generally in
                 connection with the event.

     b.    EXERCISE PRICE. The per Share exercise price of an SAR shall be
           determined in the sole discretion of the Committee, shall be set
           forth in the applicable Award Agreement, and shall be no less than
           50% of the Fair Market Value of one Share. The exercise price of an
           SAR related to an Option shall be the same as the exercise price of
           the related Option. The exercise price of an SAR shall be subject to
           the special rules on pricing contained in Sections 6(d) and 6(j)

     c.    EXERCISE OF SARS.  Unless the Award Agreement otherwise provides, an
           SAR related to an Option will be exercisable at such time or times,
           and to the extent, that the related Option will be exercisable;
           provided that the Award Agreement shall not, without the approval of
           the shareholders of the Company, provide for a vesting period for the
           exercise of the SAR that is more favorable to the Participant than
           the exercise period for the related Option. An SAR may not have a
           term exceeding ten years from its Grant Date. An SAR granted
           independently of any other Award will be exercisable pursuant to the
           terms of the Award Agreement, but shall not, without the approval of
           the shareholders of the Company, provide for a vesting period for the
           exercise of the SAR that is more favorable to the Participant than
           the exercise period for the related Option. Whether an SAR is related
           to an Option or is granted independently, the SAR may only be
           exercised when the Fair Market Value of the Shares underlying the SAR
           exceeds the exercise price of the SAR.

     d.    EFFECT ON AVAILABLE SHARES. To the extent that an SAR is exercised,
           only the actual number of delivered Shares (if any) will be charged
           against the maximum number of Shares that may be delivered pursuant
           to Awards under this Plan. The number of Shares subject to the SAR
           and the related Option of the Participant will, however, be reduced
           by the number of underlying Shares as to which the exercise relates,
           unless the Award Agreement otherwise provides.


     e.    PAYMENT. Upon exercise of an SAR related to an Option and the
           attendant surrender of an exercisable portion of any related Award,
           the Participant will be entitled to receive payment of an amount
           determined by multiplying -

           i.    the excess of the Fair Market Value of a Share on the date of
                 exercise of the SAR over the exercise price per Share of the
                 SAR, by

           ii.   the number of Shares with respect to which the SAR has been

     Notwithstanding the foregoing, an SAR granted independently of an Option
may limit the amount payable to the Participant to a percentage, specified in
the Award Agreement but not exceeding one-hundred percent (100%), of the amount
determined pursuant to the preceding sentence.

     f.    FORM AND TERMS OF PAYMENT.  Subject to Applicable Law, the Committee
           may, in its sole discretion, settle the amount determined under
           Section 7(e) above solely in cash, solely in Shares (valued at their
           Fair Market Value on the date of exercise of the SAR), or partly in
           cash and partly in Shares. In any event, cash shall be paid in lieu
           of fractional Shares. Absent a contrary determination by the
           Committee, all SARs shall be settled in cash as soon as practicable
           after exercise. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Committee may, in
           an Award Agreement, determine the maximum amount of cash or Shares or
           combination thereof that may be delivered upon exercise of an SAR.

           shall establish and set forth in the applicable Award Agreement the
           terms and conditions on which an SAR shall remain exercisable, if at
           all, following termination of a Participant's Continuous Service. The
           provisions of Section 6(h) above shall apply to the extent an Award
           Agreement does not specify the terms and conditions upon which an SAR
           shall terminate when there is a termination of a Participant's
           Continuous Service.

     h.    BUY-OUT. The Committee has the same discretion to buy-out SARs as it
           has to take such actions pursuant to Section 6(j) above with respect
           to Options.


     a.    RESTRICTED GRANTS.  The Committee may in its discretion grant
           restricted shares ("Restricted Shares") to any Eligible Person and
           shall evidence such grant in an Award Agreement that is delivered to
           the Participant which sets forth the number of Restricted Shares, the
           purchase price for such Restricted Shares (if any) and the terms upon
           which the Restricted Shares may become vested. In addition, the
           Company may in its discretion grant the right to receive Shares after
           certain vesting requirements are met ("Restricted Share Units") to
           any Eligible Person and shall evidence such grant in an Award
           Agreement that is delivered to the Participant which sets forth the
           number of Shares (or formula, that may be based on future performance
           or conditions, for determining the number of Shares) that the
           Participant shall be entitled to receive upon vesting and the terms
           upon which the Shares subject to a Restricted Share Unit may become
           vested. The Committee may condition any Award of Restricted Shares or
           Restricted Share Units to a Participant on receiving from the
           Participant such further assurances and documents as the Committee
           may require to enforce the restrictions.

     b.    UNRESTRICTED AWARDS. In addition, the Committee may grant Awards
           hereunder in the form of unrestricted Shares, which shall vest in
           full upon the date of grant or such other date as the Committee may
           determine or which the Committee may issue pursuant to any program
           under which one or more Eligible Persons (selected by the Committee
           in its discretion) elect to receive such unrestricted Shares in lieu
           of cash bonuses that would otherwise be paid.


     c.    VESTING AND FORFEITURE.  The Committee shall set forth in an Award
           Agreement granting Restricted Shares or Restricted Share Units, the
           terms and conditions under which the Participant's interest in the
           Restricted Shares or the Shares subject to Restricted Share Units
           will become vested and non-forfeitable. Except as set forth in the
           applicable Award Agreement or the Committee otherwise determines,
           upon termination of a Participant's Continuous Service for any other
           reason, the Participant shall forfeit his or her Restricted Shares
           and Restricted Share Units; provided that if a Participant purchases
           the Restricted Shares and forfeits them for any reason, the Company
           shall return the purchase price to the Participant only if and to the
           extent set forth in an Award Agreement.

           issue stock certificates that evidence Restricted Shares pending the
           lapse of applicable restrictions, and that bear a legend making
           appropriate reference to such restrictions. Except as set forth in
           the applicable Award Agreement or the Committee otherwise determines,
           the Company or a third party that the Company designates shall hold
           such Restricted Shares and any dividends that accrue with respect to
           Restricted Shares for future release pursuant to Section 8(f) below.

     e.    ISSUANCE OF SHARES UPON VESTING. As soon as practicable after vesting
           of a Participant's Restricted Shares (or Shares underlying Restricted
           Share Units) and the Participant's satisfaction of applicable tax
           withholding requirements, the Company shall release to the
           Participant, free from the vesting restrictions, one Share for each
           vested Restricted Share (or issue one Share free of the vesting
           restriction for each vested Restricted Share Unit), unless an Award
           Agreement provides otherwise. No fractional shares shall be
           distributed, and cash shall be paid in lieu thereof.

     f.    DIVIDENDS PAYABLE ON VESTING.  Whenever Restricted Shares are
           released to a Participant under Section 8(d) above or the Shares
           underlying Restricted Shares or Restricted Share Units are issued to
           a Participant pursuant to Section 8(e) above, such Participant may
           receive, in the sole discretion of the Committee (which may be set
           forth in an Award Agreement), with respect to each Share released or
           issued, an amount equal to any cash dividends (plus, in the
           discretion of the Committee, simple interest at a rate as the
           Committee may determine) and a number of Shares equal to any stock
           dividends, which were declared and paid to the holders of Shares
           between the Grant Date and the date such Share is released or issued.

     g.    SECTION 83(B) ELECTIONS. If a Participant who has received Restricted
           Share Units provides the Committee with written notice of his or her
           intention to make an election under Section 83(b) of the Code with
           respect to the Shares subject to such Restricted Share Units (the
           "Section 83(b) Election"), the Committee may in its discretion
           convert the Participant's Restricted Share Units into Restricted
           Shares, on a one-for-one basis, in full satisfaction of the
           Participant's Restricted Share Unit Award. Shares with respect to
           which a Participant makes a Section 83(b) Election shall not be
           eligible for deferral pursuant to Section 9 below.

     h.    DEFERRAL ELECTIONS. At any time within the calendar year in which a
           Participant who is a member of a select group of management or highly
           compensated employees (within the meaning of the Code) receives an
           Award of either Restricted Shares or Restricted Share Units, the
           Committee may permit the Participant to irrevocably elect, on a form
           provided by and acceptable to the Committee, to defer the receipt of
           all or a percentage of the Shares that would otherwise be transferred
           to the Participant upon the vesting of such Award.

           If the Participant makes this election, the Shares subject to the
election, and any associated dividends and interest, shall be credited to an
account established pursuant to Section 9 hereof on the date such Shares would
otherwise have been released or issued to the Participant pursuant to Section
8(e) above.



     a.    ELECTIONS TO DEFER.  The Committee may permit any Eligible Person who
           is a Director, Consultant or member of a select group of management
           or highly compensated employees (within the meaning of the Code) to
           irrevocably elect, on a form provided by and acceptable to the
           Committee (the "Election Form"), to forego the receipt of cash or
           other compensation (including the Shares deliverable pursuant to
           Options or Share Appreciation Rights, Restricted Shares for which a
           Section 83(b) Election has not been made, and Shares subject to
           Restricted Share Units), and in lieu thereof to have the Company
           credit to an internal Plan account (the "Account") a number of
           deferred share units ("Deferred Share Units") having a Fair Market
           Value equal to the Shares and other compensation deferred. These
           credits will be made at the end of each calendar month during which
           compensation is deferred. Each Election Form shall take effect five
           business days after its delivery to the Company, unless during such
           five business day period the Company sends the Participant a written
           notice explaining why the Election Form is invalid. Notwithstanding
           the foregoing sentence: (i) Election Forms shall be ineffective with
           respect to any compensation that a Participant earns before the date
           on which the Company receives the Election Form, and (ii) the
           Committee may unilaterally make awards in the form of Deferred Share
           Units, regardless of whether or not the Participant foregoes other

     b.    VESTING. Unless an Award Agreement expressly provides otherwise, each
           Participant shall be 100% vested at all times in any Shares subject
           to Deferred Share Units.

     c.    ISSUANCES OF SHARES. The Company shall provide a Participant with one
           Share for each Deferred Share Unit in five substantially equal annual
           installments that are issued before the last day of each of the five
           calendar years that end after the date on which the Participant's
           Continuous Service terminates, unless -

           i.    the Participant has properly elected a different form of
                 distribution, on a form approved by the Committee that permits
                 the Participant to select any combination of a lump sum and
                 annual installments that are completed within ten years
                 following termination of the Participant's Continuous Service,

           ii.   the Company has received the Participant's distribution
                 election form either more than 90 days before a Change in
                 Control, or more than one year before the date on which the
                 Participant's Continuous Service terminates for any reason
                 other than death, or before the Participant's death.

     Fractional shares shall not be issued, and instead shall be paid out in

     d.    CREDITING OF DIVIDENDS. Whenever Shares are issued to a Participant
           pursuant to Section 9(c) above, such Participant shall also be
           entitled to receive, with respect to each Share issued, a cash amount
           equal to any cash dividends (plus simple interest at a rate of five
           percent per annum, or such other reasonable rate as the Committee may
           determine), and a number of Shares equal to any stock dividends which
           were declared and paid to the holders of Shares between the Grant
           Date and the date such Share is issued.

     e.    HARDSHIP WITHDRAWALS.  In the event a Participant suffers an
           unforeseeable hardship within the contemplation of this Section 9(e),
           the Participant may apply to the Company for an immediate
           distribution of all or a portion of the Participant's Deferred Share
           Units. The hardship must result from a sudden and unexpected illness
           or accident of the Participant or a dependent of the Participant,
           casualty loss of property, or other similar conditions beyond the
           control of the Participant. Examples of purposes which are not
           considered hardships include post-secondary school expenses or the
           desire to purchase a residence. In no event will a distribution be
           made to the extent the hardship could be relieved through
           reimbursement or compensation by insurance or


           otherwise, or by liquidation of the Participant's nonessential assets
           to the extent such liquidation would not itself cause a severe
           financial hardship. The amount of any distribution hereunder shall be
           limited to the amount necessary to relieve the Participant's
           financial hardship. The Committee shall determine whether a
           Participant has a qualifying hardship and the amount which qualifies
           for distribution, if any. The Committee may require evidence of the
           purpose and amount of the need, and may establish such application or
           other procedures as it deems appropriate.

     f.    UNSECURED RIGHTS TO DEFERRED COMPENSATION. A Participant's right to
           Deferred Share Units shall at all times constitute an unsecured
           promise of the Company to pay benefits as they come due. The right of
           the Participant or the Participant's duly-authorized transferee to
           receive benefits hereunder shall be solely an unsecured claim against
           the general assets of the Company. Neither the Participant nor the
           Participant's duly-authorized transferee shall have any claim against
           or rights in any specific assets, shares, or other funds of the


     a.    PERFORMANCE UNITS. Subject to the limitations set forth in paragraph
           (c) hereof, the Committee may in its discretion grant Performance
           Units to any Eligible Person and shall evidence such grant in an
           Award Agreement that is delivered to the Participant which sets forth
           the terms and conditions of the Award.

     b.    PERFORMANCE COMPENSATION AWARDS.  Subject to the limitations set
           forth in paragraph (c) hereof, the Committee may, at the time of
           grant of a Performance Unit, designate such Award as a "Performance
           Compensation Award" in order that such Award constitutes "qualified
           performance-based compensation" under Code Section 162(m), in which
           event the Committee shall have the power to grant such Performance
           Compensation Award upon terms and conditions that qualify it as
           "qualified performance-based compensation" within the meaning of Code
           Section 162(m). With respect to each such Performance Compensation
           Award, the Committee shall establish, in writing within the time
           required under Code Section 162(m), a "Performance Period,"
           "Performance Measure(s)", and "Performance Formula(e)" (each such
           term being hereinafter defined).

     A Participant shall be eligible to receive payment in respect of a
Performance Compensation Award only to the extent that the Performance
Measure(s) for such Award are achieved and the Performance Formula(e) as applied
against such Performance Measure(s) determines that all or some portion of such
Participant's Award has been earned for the Performance Period. As soon as
practicable after the close of each Performance Period, the Committee shall
review and certify in writing whether, and to what extent, the Performance
Measure(s) for the Performance Period have been achieved and, if so, determine
and certify in writing the amount of the Performance Compensation Award to be
paid to the Participant and, in so doing, may use negative discretion to
decrease, but not increase, the amount of the Award otherwise payable to the
Participant based upon such performance.

     c.    LIMITATIONS ON AWARDS.  The maximum Performance Unit Award and the
           maximum Performance Compensation Award that any one Participant may
           receive for any one Performance Period shall not together exceed
           45,000 Shares and $500,000 in cash. The Committee shall have the
           discretion to provide in any Award Agreement that any amounts earned
           in excess of these limitations will either be credited as Deferred
           Share Units, or as deferred cash compensation under a separate plan
           of the Company (provided in the latter case that such deferred
           compensation either bears a reasonable rate of interest or has a
           value based on one or more predetermined actual investments). Any
           amounts for which payment to the Participant is deferred pursuant to
           the preceding sentence shall be paid to the Participant in a future
           year or years not earlier than, and only to the extent that, the
           Participant is either not receiving compensation in excess of these
           limits for a Performance Period, or is not subject to the
           restrictions set forth under Section 162(b) of the Code.


     d.    DEFINITIONS.

           i.    "Performance Formula" means, for a Performance Period, one or
                 more objective formulas or standards established by the
                 Committee for purposes of determining whether or the extent to
                 which an Award has been earned based on the level of
                 performance attained or to be attained with respect to one or
                 more Performance Measure(s). Performance Formulae may vary from
                 Performance Period to Performance Period and from Participant
                 to Participant and may be established on a stand-alone basis,
                 in tandem or in the alternative.

           ii.   "Performance Measure" means one or more of the following
                 selected by the Committee to measure Company, Affiliate, and/or
                 business unit performance for a Performance Period, whether in
                 absolute or relative terms (including, without limitation,
                 terms relative to a peer group or index):

                 1.    basic, diluted, or adjusted earnings per share;

                 2.    sales or revenue;

                 3.    earnings before interest, taxes, and other adjustments
                       (in total or on a per share basis);

                 4.    basic or adjusted net income;

                 5.    returns on equity, assets, capital, revenue or similar

                 6.    economic value added; working capital; total shareholder
                       return; and

                 7.    product development, product market share, research,
                       licensing, litigation, human resources, information
                       services, mergers, acquisitions, sales of assets of
                       Affiliates or business units.

     Each such measure shall be to the extent applicable, determined in
     accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as consistently
     applied by the Company (or such other standard applied by the Committee)
     and, if so determined by the Committee, and in the case of a Performance
     Compensation Award, to the extent permitted under Code Section 162(m),
     adjusted to omit the effects of extraordinary items, gain or loss on the
     disposal of a business segment, unusual or infrequently occurring events
     and transactions and cumulative effects of changes in accounting
     principles. Performance Measures may vary from Performance Period to
     Performance Period and from Participant to Participant, and may be
     established on a stand-alone basis, in tandem or in the alternative.

           iii.  "Performance Period" means one or more periods of time (of not
                 less than one fiscal year of the Company), as the Committee may
                 designate, over which the attainment of one or more Performance
                 Measure(s) will be measured for the purpose of determining a
                 Participant's rights in respect of an Award.

11.  TAXES

     A.    GENERAL. As a condition to the issuance or distribution of Shares
           pursuant to the Plan, the Participant (or in the case of the
           Participant's death, the person who succeeds to the Participant's
           rights) shall make such arrangements as the Company may require for
           the satisfaction of any applicable federal, state, local or foreign
           withholding tax obligations that may arise in connection with the
           Award and the issuance of Shares. The Company shall not be required
           to issue any Shares until such obligations are satisfied. If the
           Committee allows the withholding or surrender of Shares


           to satisfy a Participant's tax withholding obligations, the Committee
           shall not allow Shares to be withheld in an amount that exceeds the
           minimum statutory withholding rates for federal and state tax
           purposes, including payroll taxes.

     b.    DEFAULT RULE FOR EMPLOYEES. In the absence of any other arrangement,
           an Employee shall be deemed to have directed the Company to withhold
           or collect from his or her cash compensation an amount sufficient to
           satisfy such tax obligations from the next payroll payment otherwise
           payable after the date of the exercise of an Award.

     c.    SPECIAL RULES. In the case of a Participant other than an Employee
           (or in the case of an Employee where the next payroll payment is not
           sufficient to satisfy such tax obligations, with respect to any
           remaining tax obligations), in the absence of any other arrangement
           and to the extent permitted under the Applicable Law, the Participant
           shall be deemed to have elected to have the Company withhold from the
           Shares or cash to be issued pursuant to an Award that number of
           Shares having a Fair Market Value determined as of the applicable Tax
           Date (as defined below) equal to the amount required to be withheld.
           For purposes of this Section 11, the Fair Market Value of the Shares
           to be withheld shall be determined on the date that the amount of tax
           to be withheld is to be determined under the Applicable Law (the "Tax

     d.    SURRENDER OF SHARES. If permitted by the Committee, in its
           discretion, a Participant may satisfy the minimum applicable tax
           withholding and employment tax obligations associated with an Award
           by surrendering Shares to the Company (including Shares that would
           otherwise be issued pursuant to the Award) that have a Fair Market
           Value determined as of the applicable Tax Date equal to the amount
           required to be withheld. In the case of Shares previously acquired
           from the Company that are surrendered under this Section 11, such
           Shares must have been owned by the Participant for more than six
           months on the date of surrender (or such longer period of time the
           Company may in its discretion require).


     a.    GENERAL. Except as set forth in this Section 12, or as otherwise
           approved by the Committee for a select group of management or highly
           compensated Employees, Awards may not be sold, pledged, assigned,
           hypothecated, transferred or disposed of in any manner other than by
           will or by the laws of descent or distribution. The designation of a
           beneficiary by a Participant will not constitute a transfer. An Award
           may be exercised, during the lifetime of the holder of an Award, only
           by such holder, the duly-authorized legal representative of a
           disabled Participant, or a transferee permitted by this Section 12.

     b.    LIMITED TRANSFERABILITY RIGHTS.  Notwithstanding anything else in
           this Section 12, the Committee may in its discretion provide that an
           Award may be transferred, on such terms and conditions as the
           Committee deems appropriate, either (i) by instrument to the
           Participant's "Immediate Family" (as defined below), (ii) by
           instrument to an inter vivos or testamentary trust (or other entity)
           in which the Award is to be passed to the Participant's designated
           beneficiaries, or (iii) by gift to charitable institutions.  Any
           transferee of the Participant's rights shall succeed and be subject
           to all of the terms of this Award Agreement and the Plan. "Immediate
           Family" means any child, stepchild, grandchild, parent, stepparent,
           grandparent, spouse, former spouse, sibling, niece, nephew,
           mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law,
           brother-in-law, or sister-in-law, and shall include adoptive


     a.    CHANGES IN CAPITALIZATION.  The Committee shall equitably adjust the
           number of Shares covered by each outstanding Award, and the number of
           Shares that have been authorized for issuance under the Plan but as
           to which no Awards have yet been granted or that have been returned
           to the Plan


           upon cancellation, forfeiture, or expiration of an Award, as well as
           the price per Share covered by each such outstanding Award, to
           reflect any increase or decrease in the number of issued Shares
           resulting from a stock-split, reverse stock-split, stock dividend,
           combination, recapitalization or reclassification of the Shares, or
           any other increase or decrease in the number of issued Shares
           effected without receipt of consideration by the Company. In the
           event of any such transaction or event, the Committee may provide in
           substitution for any or all outstanding Options under the Plan such
           alternative consideration (including securities of any surviving
           entity) as it may in good faith determine to be equitable under the
           circumstances and may require in connection therewith the surrender
           of all Options so replaced. In any case, such substitution of
           securities shall not require the consent of any person who is granted
           Options pursuant to the Plan. Except as expressly provided herein, no
           issuance by the Company of shares of stock of any class, or
           securities convertible into shares of stock of any class, shall
           affect, and no adjustment by reason thereof shall be required to be
           made with respect to, the number or price of Shares subject to any

     b.    DISSOLUTION OR LIQUIDATION. In the event of the dissolution or
           liquidation of the Company other than as part of a Change of Control,
           each Award will terminate immediately prior to the consummation of
           such action, subject to the ability of the Committee to exercise any
           discretion authorized in the case of a Change in Control.

     c.    CHANGE IN CONTROL. In the event of a Change in Control, the Committee
           may in its sole and absolute discretion and authority, without
           obtaining the approval or consent of the Company's shareholders or
           any Participant with respect to his or her outstanding Awards, take
           one or more of the following actions:

           i.      arrange for or otherwise provide that each outstanding Award
                   shall be assumed or a substantially similar award shall be
                   substituted by a successor corporation or a parent or
                   subsidiary of such successor corporation (the "Successor

           ii.     accelerate the vesting of Awards so that Awards shall vest
                   (and, to the extent applicable, become exercisable) as to the
                   Shares that otherwise would have been unvested and provide
                   that repurchase rights of the Company with respect to Shares
                   issued upon exercise of an Award shall lapse as to the Shares
                   subject to such repurchase right;

           viii.   arrange or otherwise provide for the payment of cash or other
                   consideration to Participants in exchange for the
                   satisfaction and cancellation of outstanding Awards; or

           iv.     make such other modifications, adjustments or amendments to
                   outstanding Awards or this Plan as the Committee deems
                   necessary or appropriate, subject however to the terms of
                   Section 15(a) below.

     Notwithstanding the above, in the event a Participant holding an Award
assumed or substituted by the Successor Corporation in a Change in Control is
Involuntarily Terminated by the Successor Corporation in connection with, or
within 12 months following consummation of, the Change in Control, then any
assumed or substituted Award held by the terminated Participant at the time of
termination shall accelerate and become fully vested (and exercisable in full in
the case of Options and SARs), and any repurchase right applicable to any Shares
shall lapse in full, unless an Award Agreement provides for a more restrictive
acceleration or vesting schedule or more restrictive limitations on the lapse of
repurchase rights or otherwise places additional restrictions, limitations and
conditions on an Award. The acceleration of vesting and lapse of repurchase
rights provided for in the previous sentence shall occur immediately prior to
the effective date of the Participant's termination, unless an Award Agreement
provides otherwise.


     d.    CERTAIN DISTRIBUTIONS. In the event of any distribution to the
           Company's shareholders of securities of any other entity or other
           assets (other than dividends payable in cash or stock of the Company)
           without receipt of consideration by the Company, the Committee may,
           in its discretion, appropriately adjust the price per Share covered
           by each outstanding Award to reflect the effect of such distribution.


     The date of grant ("Grant Date") of an Award shall be the date on which the
Committee makes the determination granting such Award or such other date as is
determined by the Committee, provided that in the case of an ISO, the Grant Date
shall be the later of the date on which the Committee makes the determination
granting such ISO or the date of commencement of the Participant's employment
relationship with the Company.


           limitations of the Plan, the Committee may modify an Award, to
           accelerate the rate at which an Option or SAR may be exercised
           (including without limitation permitting an Option or SAR to be
           exercised in full without regard to the installment or vesting
           provisions of the applicable Award Agreement or whether the Option or
           SAR is at the time exercisable, to the extent it has not previously
           been exercised), to accelerate the vesting of any Award, to extend or
           renew outstanding Awards, or to accept the cancellation of
           outstanding Awards to the extent not previously exercised either for
           the granting of new Awards or for other consideration in substitution
           or replacement thereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, no
           modification of an outstanding Award shall materially and adversely
           affect such Participant's rights thereunder, unless either the
           Participant provides written consent or there is an express Plan
           provision permitting the Committee to act unilaterally to make the

     b.    SUBSTITUTION OF OPTIONS.  Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions
           or limits under the Plan, in the event the Company or an Affiliate
           acquires (whether by purchase, merger or otherwise) all or
           substantially all of outstanding capital stock or assets of another
           corporation or in the event of any reorganization or other
           transaction qualifying under Section 424 of the Code, the Committee
           may, in accordance with the provisions of that Section, substitute
           Options for options under the plan of the acquired company provided
           (i) the excess of the aggregate fair market value of the shares
           subject to an option immediately after the substitution over the
           aggregate option price of such shares is not more than the similar
           excess immediately before such substitution and (ii) the new option
           does not give persons additional benefits, including any extension of
           the exercise period.


     The Plan shall continue in effect for a term of ten (10) years from its
effective date as determined under Section 20 below, unless the Plan is sooner
terminated under Section 17 below.


     a.    AUTHORITY TO AMEND OR TERMINATE. Subject to Applicable Laws, the
           Board may from time to time amend, alter, suspend, discontinue, or
           terminate the Plan.

     b.    EFFECT OF AMENDMENT OR TERMINATION. No amendment, suspension, or
           termination of the Plan shall materially and adversely affect Awards
           already granted unless either it relates to an adjustment pursuant to
           Section 13 above, or it is otherwise mutually agreed between the
           Participant and the Committee, which agreement must be in writing and
           signed by the Participant and the Company. Notwithstanding the
           foregoing, the Committee may amend the Plan to eliminate provisions
           which are no longer necessary as a result of changes in tax or
           securities laws or regulations, or in the interpretation thereof.



     Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan or any agreement entered
into by the Company pursuant to the Plan, the Company shall not be obligated,
and shall have no liability for failure, to issue or deliver any Shares under
the Plan unless such issuance or delivery would comply with Applicable Law, with
such compliance determined by the Company in consultation with its legal


     The Company, during the term of this Plan, will at all times reserve and
keep available such number of Shares as shall be sufficient to satisfy the
requirements of the Plan.


     This Plan shall become effective on the date of its approval by the Board;
provided that this Plan shall be submitted to the Company's shareholders for
approval, and if not approved by the shareholders in accordance with Applicable
Laws (as determined by the Committee in its discretion) within one year from the
date of approval by the Board, this Plan and any Awards shall be null, void, and
of no force and effect. Awards granted under this Plan before approval of this
Plan by the shareholders shall be granted subject to such approval, and no
Shares shall be distributed before such approval.


     All disputes relating to or arising from the Plan shall be governed by the
internal substantive laws (and not the laws of conflicts of laws) of the State
of Maryland, to the extent not preempted by United States federal law. If any
provision of this Plan is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be
invalid and unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue to be fully


     a.    U.S. SECURITIES LAWS.  This Plan, the grant of Awards, and the
           exercise of Options and SARs under this Plan, and the obligation of
           the Company to sell or deliver any of its securities (including,
           without limitation, Options, Restricted Shares, Restricted Share
           Units, Deferred Share Units, and Shares) under this Plan shall be
           subject to all Applicable Law. In the event that the Shares are not
           registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Act"),
           or any applicable state securities laws prior to the delivery of such
           Shares, the Company may require, as a condition to the issuance
           thereof, that the persons to whom Shares are to be issued represent
           and warrant in writing to the Company that such Shares are being
           acquired by him or her for investment for his or her own account and
           not with a view to, for resale in connection with, or with an intent
           of participating directly or indirectly in, any distribution of such
           Shares within the meaning of the Act, and a legend to that effect may
           be placed on the certificates representing the Shares.

     b.    OTHER JURISDICTIONS.  To facilitate the making of any grant of an
           Award under this Plan, the Committee may provide for such special
           terms for Awards to Participants who are foreign nationals or who are
           employed by the Company or any Affiliate outside of the United States
           of America as the Committee may consider necessary or appropriate to
           accommodate differences in local law, tax policy or custom. The
           Company may adopt rules and procedures relating to the operation and
           administration of this Plan to accommodate the specific requirements
           of local laws and procedures of particular countries. Without
           limiting the foregoing, the Company is specifically authorized to
           adopt rules and procedures regarding the conversion of local
           currency, taxes, withholding procedures and handling of stock
           certificates which vary with the customs and


           requirements of particular countries. The Company may adopt sub-plans
           and establish escrow accounts and trusts as may be appropriate or
           applicable to particular locations and countries.

23.  NO SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS.  Neither a Participant nor any transferee of a
     Participant shall have any rights as a shareholder of the Company with
     respect to any Shares underlying any Award until the date of issuance of a
     share certificate to a Participant or a transferee of a Participant for
     such Shares in accordance with the Company's governing instruments and
     Applicable Law. Prior to the issuance of Shares pursuant to an Award, a
     Participant shall not have the right to vote or to receive dividends or any
     other rights as a shareholder with respect to the Shares underlying the
     Award, notwithstanding its exercise in the case of Options and SARs. No
     adjustment will be made for a dividend or other right that is determined
     based on a record date prior to the date the stock certificate is issued,
     except as otherwise specifically provided for in this Plan.

24.  NO EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS. The Plan shall not confer upon any Participant any
     right to continue an employment, service or consulting relationship with
     the Company, nor shall it affect in any way a Participant's right or the
     Company's right to terminate the Participant's employment, service, or
     consulting relationship at any time, with or without Cause.


                             PATAPSCO BANCORP, INC.

                            2004 STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN


                             APPENDIX A: DEFINITIONS


As used in the Plan, the following definitions shall apply:

         "AFFILIATE" means any entity which together with the Company is under
common control within the meaning of Section 414 of the Code (provided that 50%
shall be substituted for 80% when applying the Section 414 common control

         "APPLICABLE LAW" means the legal requirements relating to the
administration of options and share-based plans under applicable U.S. federal
and state laws, the Code, any applicable stock exchange or automated quotation
system rules or regulations, and the applicable laws of any other country or
jurisdiction where Awards are granted, as such laws, rules, regulations and
requirements shall be in place from time to time.

         "AWARD" means any award made pursuant to the Plan, including awards
made in the form of an Option, an SAR, a Restricted Share, a Restricted Share
Unit, a Deferred Share Unit and a Performance Award, or any combination thereof,
whether alternative or cumulative, authorized by and granted under this Plan.

         "AWARD AGREEMENT" means any written document setting forth the terms of
an Award that has been authorized by the Committee. The Committee shall
determine the form or forms of documents to be used, and may change them from
time to time for any reason.

         "BOARD" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

         "CAUSE" for termination of a Participant's Continuous Service will (i)
have the meaning set forth in any employment or severance agreement between the
Participant and the Company or any Affiliate, and (ii) in the absence of such an
agreement, mean that the Participant's employment or other service with the
Company or an Affiliate has terminated for any of the following reasons: (i) the
Participant's willful failure to substantially perform his or her duties and
responsibilities to the Company or deliberate violation of a material Company
policy; (ii) the Participant's commission of any material act or acts of fraud,
embezzlement, dishonesty, or other willful misconduct; (iii) the Participant's
material unauthorized use or disclosure of any proprietary information or trade
secrets of the Company or any other party to whom the Participant owes an
obligation of nondisclosure as a result of his or her relationship with the
Company; or (iv) Participant's willful and material breach of any of his or her
obligations under any written agreement or covenant with the Company.

         The Committee shall in its discretion determine whether or not a
Participant is being terminated for Cause. The Committee's determination shall,
unless arbitrary and capricious, be final and binding on the Participant, the
Company, and all other affected persons. The foregoing definition does not in
any way limit the Company's ability to terminate a Participant's employment or
consulting relationship at any time, and the term "Company" will be interpreted
herein to include any Affiliate or successor thereto, if appropriate.

         "CHANGE IN CONTROL" means any of the following:

         (I) any Person is or becomes the Beneficial Owner, directly or
indirectly, of securities of the Company representing 50% or more of the
combined voting power of the Company's then outstanding securities, excluding
any Person who becomes such a Beneficial Owner in connection with a transaction
described in paragraph (III)(B) below;


         (II) the following individuals cease for any reason to constitute a
majority of the number of directors then serving: individuals who, on the date
hereof, constitute the Board and any new director (other than a director whose
initial assumption of office is in connection with an actual or threatened
election contest, including but not limited to a consent solicitation, relating
to the election of directors of the Company) whose appointment or election by
the Board or nomination for election by the Company's shareholders was approved
or recommended by the affirmative vote of a majority of the directors then still
in office who either were directors on the date hereof or whose appointment,
election or nomination for election was previously so approved or recommended
("Continuing Directors");

         (III) there is consummated a merger or consolidation of the Company or
any direct or indirect subsidiary of the Company with any other corporation,
other than a merger or consolidation in which (A) the Company's shareholders
receive or retain voting common stock in the Company or the surviving or
resulting corporation in such transaction on the same pro rata basis as their
relative percentage ownership of Company common stock immediately preceding such
transaction and a majority of the entire Board of the Company are or continue to
be Continuing Directors following such transaction, or (B) the Company's
shareholders receive voting common stock in the corporation which becomes the
public parent of the Company or its successor in such transaction on the same
pro rata basis as their relative percentage ownership of Company common stock
immediately preceding such transaction and a majority of the entire Board of
such parent corporation are Continuing Directors immediately following such

         (IV) the sale of any one or more Company subsidiaries, businesses or
assets not in the ordinary course of business and pursuant to a shareholder
approved plan for the complete liquidation or dissolution of the Company; or

         (V) there is consummated any sale of assets, businesses or subsidiaries
of the Company which, at the time of the consummation of the sale, (x) together
represent 50% or more of the total book value of the Company's assets on a
consolidated basis or (y) generated 50% or more of the Company's pre-tax income
on a consolidated basis in either of the two fully completed fiscal years of the
Company immediately preceding the year in which the Change in Control occurs;
provided, however, that, in either case, any such sale shall not constitute a
Change in Control if such sale constitutes a Rule 13e-3 transaction and at least
60% of the combined voting power of the voting securities of the purchasing
entity are owned by shareholders of the Company in substantially the same
proportions as their ownership of the Company immediately prior to such sale.

         Notwithstanding the foregoing, a "Change in Control" shall not be
deemed to have occurred by virtue of the consummation of any transaction or
series of integrated transactions immediately following which the record holders
of the common stock of the Company immediately prior to such transaction or
series of transactions continue to have substantially the same proportionate
ownership in an entity which owns all or substantially all of the assets of the
Company immediately following such transaction or series of transactions.

         "CODE" means the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

         "COMMITTEE" means one or more committees or subcommittees of the Board
appointed by the Board to administer the Plan in accordance with Section 4
above. With respect to any decision involving an Award intended to satisfy the
requirements of Section 162(m) of the Code, the Committee shall consist of two
or more Directors of the Company who are "outside directors" within the meaning
of Section 162(m) of the Code.

         "COMPANY" means Patapsco Bancorp, Inc., a Maryland corporation;
provided, however, that in the event the Company reincorporates to another
jurisdiction, all references to the term "Company" shall refer to the Company in
such new jurisdiction.

         "CONSULTANT" means any person, including an advisor, who is engaged by
the Company or any Affiliate to render services and is compensated for such


         "CONTINUOUS SERVICE" means the absence of any interruption or
termination of service as an Employee, Director, or Consultant. Continuous
Service shall not be considered interrupted in the case of: (i) sick leave; (ii)
military leave; (iii) any other leave of absence approved by the Committee,
provided that such leave is for a period of not more than 90 days, unless
reemployment upon the expiration of such leave is guaranteed by contract or
statute, or unless provided otherwise pursuant to Company policy adopted from
time to time; (iv) changes in status from Director to advisory director or
emeritus status; or (iv) in the case of transfers between locations of the
Company or between the Company, its Affiliates or their respective successors.
Changes in status between service as an Employee, Director, and a Consultant
will not constitute an interruption of Continuous Service.

         "DEFERRED SHARE UNITS" mean Awards pursuant to Section 9 of the Plan.

         "DIRECTOR" means a member of the Board, or a member of the board of
directors of an Affiliate.

         "ELIGIBLE PERSON" means any Consultant, Director or Employee and
includes non-Employees to whom an offer of employment has been extended.

         "EMPLOYEE" means any person whom the Company or any Affiliate
classifies as an employee (including an officer) for employment tax purposes.
The payment by the Company of a director's fee to a Director shall not be
sufficient to constitute "employment" of such Director by the Company.

         "EXCHANGE ACT" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

         "FAIR MARKET VALUE" means, as of any date (the "Determination Date")
means: (i) the closing price of a Share on the New York Stock Exchange or the
American Stock Exchange (collectively, the "Exchange"), on the Determination
Date, or, if shares were not traded on the Determination Date, then on the
nearest preceding trading day during which a sale occurred; or (ii) if such
stock is not traded on the Exchange but is quoted on NASDAQ or a successor
quotation system, (A) the last sales price (if the stock is then listed as a
National Market Issue under The Nasdaq National Market System) or (B) the mean
between the closing representative bid and asked prices (in all other cases) for
the stock on the Determination Date as reported by NASDAQ or such successor
quotation system; or (iii) if such stock is not traded on the Exchange or quoted
on NASDAQ but is otherwise traded in the over-the-counter, the mean between the
representative bid and asked prices on the Determination Date; or (iv) if
subsections (i)-(iii) do not apply, the fair market value established in good
faith by the Board.

         "GRANT DATE" has the meaning set forth in Section 14 of the Plan.

         "INCENTIVE SHARE OPTION OR ISO" hereinafter means an Option intended to
qualify as an incentive stock option within the meaning of Section 422 of the
Code, as designated in the applicable Award Agreement.

         "INVOLUNTARY TERMINATION" means termination of a Participant's
Continuous Service under the following circumstances occurring on or after a
Change in Control: (i) termination without Cause by the Company or an Affiliate
or successor thereto, as appropriate; or (ii) voluntary termination by the
Participant within 60 days following (A) a material reduction in the
Participant's job responsibilities, provided that neither a mere change in title
alone nor reassignment to a substantially similar position shall constitute a
material reduction in job responsibilities; (B) an involuntary relocation of the
Participant's work site to a facility or location more than 50 miles from the
Participant's principal work site at the time of the Change in Control; or (C) a
material reduction in Participant's total compensation other than as part of an
reduction by the same percentage amount in the compensation of all other
similarly-situated Employees, Directors or Consultants.

         "NON-ISO" means an Option not intended to qualify as an ISO, as
designated in the applicable Award Agreement.

         "OPTION" means any stock option granted pursuant to Section 6 of the


         "PARTICIPANT" means any holder of one or more Awards, or the Shares
issuable or issued upon exercise of such Awards, under the Plan.

         "PERFORMANCE AWARDS" mean Performance Units and Performance
Compensation Awards granted pursuant to Section 10.

         "PERFORMANCE COMPENSATION AWARDS" mean Awards granted pursuant to
Section 10(b) of the Plan.

         "PERFORMANCE UNIT" means Awards granted pursuant to Section 10(a) of
the Plan which may be paid in cash, in Shares, or such combination of cash and
Shares as the Committee in its sole discretion shall determine.

         "PLAN" means this Patapsco Bancorp, Inc. 2004 Stock Incentive Plan.

         "REPORTING PERSON" means an officer, Director, or greater than ten
percent shareholder of the Company within the meaning of Rule 16a-2 under the
Exchange Act, who is required to file reports pursuant to Rule 16a-3 under the
Exchange Act.

         "RESTRICTED SHARES" mean Shares subject to restrictions imposed
pursuant to Section 8 of the Plan.

         "RESTRICTED SHARE UNITS" mean Awards pursuant to Section 8 of the Plan.

         "RULE 16B-3" means Rule 16b-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act, as
amended from time to time, or any successor provision.

         "SAR" OR "SHARE APPRECIATION RIGHT" means Awards granted pursuant to
Section 7 of the Plan.

         "SHARE" means a share of common stock of the Company, as adjusted in
accordance with Section 13 of the Plan.

         "TEN PERCENT HOLDER" means a person who owns stock representing more
than ten percent (10%) of the combined voting power of all classes of stock of
the Company or any Affiliate.


                                                  REVOCABLE PROXY

                                                PATAPSCO BANCORP, INC.

      /X/  PLEASE MARK VOTES                                                                             Vote    Vote     For all
      ---  AS IN THIS EXAMPLE                                                                            For    Withheld   Except

   ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS                        1.   The election as directors of all
          OCTOBER 28, 2004                                    nominees listed below (except as            ____      ____     ____
                                                              marked to the contrary below).             /___/     /___/    /___/

The  undersigned  hereby  appoints  Douglas H.  Ludwig,       For three-year terms:
Nicole  N.  Glaeser  and J.  Thomas  Hoffman  with full
powers  of  substitution,  to act as  proxies  for  the       THOMAS P. O'NEILL
undersigned,  to vote all  shares  of  Common  Stock of       WILLIAM R. WATERS
Patapsco  Bancorp,   Inc.  (the  "Company")  which  the       GARY R. BOZEL
undersigned  is entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting
of  Stockholders,  to be  held  at  the  office  of The
Patapsco  Bank,  located  at  1301  Merritt  Boulevard,
Dundalk,  Maryland  21222,  on  Thursday,  October  28,
2004,  at 4:00  p.m.,  and at any and all  adjournments
thereof, as follows.
                                                         INSTRUCTION:  TO WITHHOLD AUTHORITY TO VOTE FOR ANY INDIVIDUAL NOMINEE,
                                                         MARK "FOR ALL EXCEPT" AND WRITE THAT NOMINEE'S NAME IN THE SPACE
                                                         PROVIDED BELOW.

                                                                                                        Vote      Vote
                                                                                                         For    Against   Abstain

                                                         2.   The approval of the Patapsco Bancorp,      ____     ____      ____
                                                              Inc. 2004 Stock Incentive Plan.           /___/    /___/     /___/


                                                         The Board of Directors recommends a vote "FOR" Proposals 1 and 2.

                                                         THIS PROXY WILL BE VOTED AS DIRECTED, BUT IF NO INSTRUCTIONS ARE SPECIFIED,
                                                         THIS  PROXY  WILL  BE  VOTED  FOR THE  LISTED  NOMINEES  AND FOR THE  OTHER
                                                         PROPOSITION  STATED.  IF ANY OTHER  BUSINESS  IS  PRESENTED  AT THE  ANNUAL
                                                         MEETING,  THIS  PROXY  WILL BE  VOTED  BY  THOSE  NAMED  IN THIS  PROXY  IN
                                        ----------       ACCORDANCE WITH THE  DETERMINATION OF A MAJORITY OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS.
Please be sure to sign and date        /  Date   /       AT THE PRESENT TIME,  THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS  KNOWS OF NO OTHER BUSINESS TO
this Proxy in the box below.           ----------        BE  PRESENTED  AT THE  ANNUAL  MEETING.  THIS PROXY  CONFERS  DISCRETIONARY
/------------------------------------------------------/ AUTHORITY  ON THE HOLDERS  THEREOF TO VOTE WITH  RESPECT TO THE ELECTION OF
/                                                      / ANY  PERSON AS  DIRECTOR  WHERE THE  NOMINEE IS UNABLE TO SERVE OR FOR GOOD
/------------------------------------------------------/ CAUSE  WILL NOT SERVE AND  MATTERS  INCIDENT  TO THE  CONDUCT OF THE ANNUAL
Stockholder sign above    Co-holder (if any) sign above  MEETING.


                                                       PATAPSCO BANCORP, INC.
                                                          DUNDALK, MARYLAND
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          THIS PROXY IS SOLICITED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
     Should the above signed be present and elect to vote at the Annual Meeting or at any adjournment thereof and after notification
to the Secretary of the Company at the Annual Meeting of the stockholder's  decision to terminate this proxy, then the power of said
attorneys and proxies shall be deemed terminated and of no further force and effect.
     The undersigned  acknowledges  receipt from the Company prior to the execution of this proxy of notice of the annual meeting, a
Proxy Statement dated September 28, 2004 and an Annual Report to Stockholders.
     Please sign  exactly as your name  appears on the  envelope in which this form of proxy was mailed.  When  signing as attorney,
executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please give your full title. If shares are held jointly, each holder should sign.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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