April 12, 2006

     United States
     Securities and Exchange Commission
     100 F Street N.W.
     Washington, D.C. 20549
     Joyce Sweeney, Accounting Branch Chief

     Re:    PVF Capital Corp.
            Form 10-K for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2005
            File No. 0-24948

     Dear Ms. Sweeney:

     Following  is our  response and  additional  information  requested in your
     comment letter dated April 4, 2006.

     10-K for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2005, page 1

     Item 1. Business

     Non-Performing Loans and Other Problem Assets, page 6

     1.  Comment  question:  We note your  response  to  comments 1 and 2 of our
     letter  dated  February  23,  2006.  Please  tell us and in future  filings
     disclose how you determined  that the allowance for loan losses is adequate
     to absorb probable  losses on these loans. In your analysis,  describe your
     process  for  evaluating  the  underlying  collateral,  including  how  you
     consider  the  impact of the  elongated  foreclosure  process,  potentially
     vacant  and not  well  maintained  real  estate,  and poor  local  economic
     conditions. Please show us in your supplemental response what the revisions
     will look like in future filing.

     Response:  Our analysis of the allowance for loan losses considers  changes
     in  non-accrual  loans and the  potential  that  probable  loan losses will
     increase as economic conditions  deteriorate and the underlying  collateral
     is subjected to an elongated foreclosure process.

     Of the  $11,750,195  in non-accrual  loans as of June 30, 2005,  $4,290,435
     were  individually   identified  as  impaired.   All  of  these  loans  are
     collateralized   by  various  forms  of   nonresidential   real  estate  or
     residential   construction   loans.  These  loans  were  reviewed  for  the
     likelihood  of  full  collection  based  primarily  on  the  value  of  the
     underlying  collateral,  and, to the extent we believed  collection of loan
     principal  was  in  doubt,  we  established  specific  loss  reserves.  Our
     evaluation of the underlying  collateral  included a  consideration  of the
     potential  impact  of  erosion  in real  estate  values  due to poor  local
     economic  conditions  and a  potentially  long  foreclosure  process.  This
     consideration  involves  discounting the original  appraised  values of the
     real  estate to arrive at an estimate  of the net  realizable  value of the
     collateral.  Through our  evaluation of the  underlying  collateral,  which
     includes  an  inspection  of  the  property,  we  determined  that  despite
     difficult conditions, these loans are generally well-secured.  Through this
     process, we established specific loss reserves related to these loans as of
     June 30, 2005 of $245,030. In addition,  given the inherent risk related to
     estimating  probable losses on these loans, we established  reserves of 10%
     of the remaining balance, or $404,541.

     United States
     Securities and Exchange Commission
     Joyce Sweeney, Accounting Branch Chief
     April 12, 2006
     Page 2

     The  remaining  non-accrual  loans  with  a  balance  totaling  $7,459,760,
     represents homogeneous one-to-four family loans. These loans are subject to
     the classification process described in pages 7 - 8 of our Annual Report on
     Form 10-K. The loss allocations  applied to adversely  classified loans are
     based on our historical loss experience, adjusted for environmental factors
     such  as  local  economic   conditions  and  changes  in  interest   rates.
     Additionally, the loss allocations consider the potential that the value of
     this  collateral  may erode during the  foreclosure  process.  Through this
     process,  we established general loss reserves for these loans of $730,976.
     We also  establish  specific  reserves  for these  loans to the extent such
     losses are  identifiable.  As of June 30,  2005,  we  established  specific
     reserves of $150,000 related to these loans.

     We will  add this  disclosure  in the  format  presented  above  to  future

     2. Comment Question:  In light of the significant amount of loans more than
     365 days past due, please tell us and in future filings please disclose the

           o  the  duration  (e.g.  weighted  average  length of  time past due)
              of past due  status for the  significant  categories  of  impaired
           o  the extent to which the foreclosure process has been initiated for
              these loans; and
           o  the  expected  amount  of  time  between  the  initiation  of  the
              foreclosure  process or other court  proceedings  and the point at
              which loans are collected,  transferred  to Real Estate Owned,  or
              charged off.

       Response:  Impaired loans represent non-accrual loans plus accruing loans
       ninety  or more  days  past due in the  nonresidential  real  estate  and
       residential  construction  loan categories.  Of these 82%, or $3,518,484,
       are  commercial  real  estate  loans.  As of June 30,  2005,  foreclosure

       proceedings  had been  initiated on loans in this category with principal
       balances of $3,020,137.  As of June 30, 2005,  impaired  commercial  real
       estate  loans  have been  past due,  on  average,  600 days.  Foreclosure
       proceedings  for these  loans are subject to  external  factors,  such as
       bankruptcy and other legal  proceedings that may delay the disposition of
       the loan, but generally  occur within a period of time ranging from 12 to
       60 months from the time they are  initiated  until the loan is ultimately
       collected, transferred to Real Estate Owned, or charged-off.

       We will add this  disclosure  in the  format  presented  above to  future

       In addition, on behalf of the Company, the undersigned acknowledges that:

           o  the Company is  responsible  for the adequacy and accuracy of  the
              disclosure in the filings reviewed by the Commission staff;
           o  staff  comments  or changes to  disclosure  in  response  to staff
              comments in the filings reviewed by the staff do not foreclose the
              Commission from taking any action with respect to the filing; and

     United States
     Securities and Exchange Commission
     Joyce Sweeney, Accounting Branch Chief
     April 12, 2006
     Page 3

           o  the  Company  may not assert  staff  comments  as a defense in any
              proceeding  initiated  by the  Commission  or any person under the
              federal securities laws of the United State.

       If you have any questions please feel free to contact the undersigned.


       PVF Capital Corp.

       /s/ C. Keith Swaney

       C. Keith Swaney
       President, Chief Operating Officer
       and Treasurer