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                                                                      Exhibit 24

The Board of Directors
New York Bancorp Inc.

We consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration Nos.  33-23468,
33-23478, 33-41107, 33-41108, 33-75754, 33-75756 and 33-90440 on Form S-8 of New
York  Bancorp  Inc.  of our report  dated  October  23,  1995,  relating  to the
consolidated  statements  of  financial  condition  of New York Bancorp Inc. and
Subsidiary  as of  September  30,  1995 and 1994  and the  related  consolidated
statements of income,  changes in shareholders' equity and cashflows for each of
the years in the  three-year  period ended  September 30, 1995,  which report is
incorporated  by  reference  in the  September  30,  1995  Form 10-K of New York
Bancorp Inc. Our report  refers to changes in  accounting  effective  October 1,
1993 for certain debt and equity  securities,  income taxes and  postretirement
benefits other than pensions.

                                             /s/  KPMG Peat Marwick LLP

New York, New York
December 13, 1995