EXHIBIT 11.0 - Computation of Earnings Per Share

                                             Three Months

          Net Income                         $   969,234
          Weighted average shares
             outstanding                       1,794,813

          Common stock equivalents due
             to dilutive effect of
             stock options                       132,539
          Total Weighted average common
             shares and equivalents
             outstanding                       1,927,352
          Primary earnings per share             $ .50
          Total weighted average common
             shares and equivalents
             outstanding for primary
             computation                       1,794,813

          Additional dilutive shares using
             the end of period market value
             versus the average market value
             when applying the treasury
             stock method                        132,539 *
          Total weighted average common
             shares and equivalents
             outstanding for fully
             diluted computation               1,927,352
          Fully diluted earnings per share       $ .50

*  If average share price is greater than ending price, the average price for
   both primary and fully diluted is used for the calculation.