Washington, DC 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

       Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported) December 11, 1998

                     Spectrum Information Technologies, Inc.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Delaware                             0-15596                  75-1940923
State or other jurisdiction          (Commission             IRS Employer
of incorporation or organization)    File Number)           Identification No.)

                2700 Westchester Avenue, Purchase, New York 10577
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code (914) 251-1800

          (Former name or former address, if changed since last report)

Item 1 - Changes in Control of Registrant

     On  December  11,  1998  (the   "Closing   Date"),   Spectrum   Information
Technologies,  Inc. (the  "Registrant")  entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement
with Powers & Co. pursuant to which Powers & Co.  purchased  3,000,000 shares of
Registrant's  common  stock par value $.001 (the  "Common  Stock") and an option
(the "Option") to acquire an additional  1,800,000  shares of Common Stock at an
exercise  price of $0.15 per  share.  Powers & Co.  paid cash  consideration  of
$600,000 at the closing.  The source of the  consideration was from the personal
funds of Lawrence M. Powers,  the principal of Powers & Co., except for $100,000
from the personal funds of Maurice W. Schonfeld, a new director described below.

     Immediately   preceding  the  transaction,   Registrant  had  approximately
1,668,698  shares of Common Stock issued and  outstanding  and 801,706 shares of
convertible   Class  A  Stock  issued  and   outstanding.   The  Class  A  Stock
automatically converts to Common Stock on March 31, 1999. Upon completion of the
transaction,  Powers  & Co.  acquired  approximately  64.2%  of the  issued  and
outstanding  Common Stock,  and  approximately  55% of the  aggregate  shares of
outstanding stock, including Common Stock and Class A Stock.

     In  connection  with  the  transaction,  Registrant's  directors  as of the
Closing Date appointed Lawrence M. Powers Chief Executive Officer and a director
of the Registrant,  and Registrant's prior directors  thereafter  resigned.  The
Board filled two  vacancies by  appointing  Mr.  Schonfeld  and Jon M. Gerber as
directors  of the  Registrant,  and Mr.  Powers was elected  Chairman by the new
board. Mr. Gerber was elected Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer.  Registrant's
previous  officers as of the Closing Date also resigned in  connection  with the
transaction,  which  resignations  were deemed  terminations  without just cause
under  their  employment  contracts.  These  officers  entered  into  settlement
agreements as to such contracts with the  Registrant,  that became  effective at
closing of the transaction.

     In a  subsequent  transaction  entered  into  on  December  12,  1998,  the
Registrant entered into a stock purchase agreement with Robert Ingenito pursuant
to which Mr. Ingenito purchased 500,000 shares of Registrant's  Common Stock and
an option to acquire an additional 300,000 shares of Common Stock at an exercise
price of $0.15  per  share,  bringing  the total new  equity  investment  in the
Registrant to $700,000.  Mr. Ingenito paid cash consideration of $100,000 at the
closing, the source of which was his own personal funds. Concurrently,  Powers &
Co.  assigned  as a gift  200,000  shares of its  Common  Stock and an option to
acquire 80,000 shares of Common Stock, which represents a portion of the Option,
to Mr. Gerber, who is a second cousin of Mr. Powers. Messrs. Schonfeld, Ingenito
and  Gerber  are  entering  investment  agreements  similar  to  the  investment
agreement between  Registrant and Powers & Co. which is included as Exhibit B to
Exhibit 10.1 hereto.

     The Registrant is planning to change its corporate name to,
inc.  but its stock  symbol  will remain  "SITI".  The name change is subject to
shareholder  approval  and  will  be  presented  at  the  next  meeting  of  the
Registrant's  shareholders,  which is to be  scheduled  within the next  several
months.   Shareholders  owning  approximately   two-thirds  of  the  issued  and
outstanding shares of Common Stock have expressed approval of the name change as
being  in the  best  interest  of  the  Registrant  and  its  shareholders.  The
Registrant  also  plans to change  its  legal  address,  which it will  announce
shortly, as new management  conserves assets and changes the strategic direction
of the Registrant.

     A copy of the Stock  Purchase  Agreement  and press release are attached as
exhibits and are incorporated by reference herein.

Item 7 - Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Information and Exhibits.

(c) Exhibits.

Exhibit No.                Description

10.1                      The  Stock  Purchase  Agreement  between  Powers & 
                          Co.  and  Spectrum Information Technologies, Inc.
                          dated December 11, 1998. 

99.1                      Press release dated December 14, 1998.
99.2                      Press release dated December 17, 1998.


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereto duly authorized.

Dated:   December 17, 1998

                                    SPECTRUM INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                                     By  /s/ Lawrence M. Powers
                                          Lawrence M. Powers
                                          President, Chief Executive Officer and
                                          Chairman of the Board of Directors


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit No.                Description

10.1                      The  Stock  Purchase  Agreement  between  Powers & 
                          Co.  and  Spectrum Information Technologies, Inc.
                          dated December 11, 1998. 

99.1                      Press release dated December 14, 1998.
99.2                      Press release dated December 17, 1998.

                                Exhibit No. 10.1

                The Stock Purchase Agreement between Powers & Co.
      and Spectrum Information Technologies, Inc. dated December 11, 1998.

                                  Powers & Co.

                                                              December 11, 1998

Spectrum Information Technologies, Inc.
2700 Westchester Avenue
Purchase, NY 10577

Re:      Stock Purchase Agreement


     The  following  sets  forth the  terms  and  conditions  of a  purchase  of
securities in Spectrum  Information  Technologies,  Inc. (the  "Company") by the
undersigned, to be completed concurrently with the execution of this Agreement:

     1. Stock Purchase.  Powers & Company ( "Powers")  shall purchase  3,000,000
shares of common stock par value $.001 of the Company (the "Common Stock"),  and
an option to  acquire  1,800,000  additional  shares of such  Common  Stock (the
"Option"), for a total purchase price of $600,000,  payable by bank or certified
check upon the  execution of this  Agreement.  The terms and  provisions  of the
Option  are set forth in  Exhibit A annexed  hereto.  The  parties  hereto  have
further entered the Investor's  Representation Letter attached hereto as Exhibit

     2. Representations and Warranties of the Company. These representations and
warranties  shall  survive  for twelve (12)  months  following  the date of this
Agreement.  In consideration  of the purchase  described above and the remaining
terms hereof, the Company represents and warrants that to its knowledge:

          a.   Stock  Ownership.  Upon  issuance,  the  Common  Stock  and the 
shares underlying the Option will be duly authorized and validly issued, fully
paid and non-assessable. The Option shall be enforceable in accordance with its

          b.   Title. Following  consummation of the transaction,  the Company
warrants title to the Common Stock and Option and  covenants and agrees at its
expense to defend Powers's  right,  title and ownership of the Common Stock 
whether issued on the date  hereof or upon  exercise  of the  Option)  against
the  claims and demands of all persons whomsoever.

          c.   Company's Good Standing.  The Company is a corporation  duly
organized, validly  existing and in good standing  under the laws of the State
of Delaware, and has all necessary powers to carry on its business as now 
operated by it.
         d.     Authorization to Convey Stock.  The Company has full power and
authority to enter into this Agreement and the Option and, the Company hasfull
power and authority to sell, convey, assign and transfer the Common Stock and
Option to Powers and otherwise consummate the transaction contemplated by this
Agreement;  this Agreement constitutes the valid and binding obligations of the
Company enforceable in accordance with its terms, neither the execution and
delivery of this Agreement and the Option, nor the consummation of the
transaction contemplated herein in the manner herein provided, will violate any
agreement to which the Company is a party or by which the Company is bound, or
any law, order, decree or judgment applicable to the Company; and, excepting the
need for closing in accordance with the Stock Purchase Agreement, no
authorization, approval or consent of any third party is required for the lawful
execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the Option by the

          e.   All the reports filed by the Company under the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934,  from March 31, 1997  through the date of this  Agreement
are true and correct in all  material  respects,  comply in all  material
respects  with the federal  securities laws, are complete and up-to-date as of 
the date reported in all material  respects,  and neither contain any untrue 
statement of a material fact,  nor  omit to state  any  material  fact  
necessary,  in the  light of the circumstances  under  which  the  statements
are made,  to make the  statements therein not misleading.

          f.   The cash flow requirements schedule annexed hereto as Exhibit C
is,  which is based on estimates  made in good faith as of the date  hereof,  is
true and correct,  contains a list of all liabilities to be paid or provided for
by the  Company  through  the date  hereof,  and the cash  sources and means for
paying such liabilities.  There are no other claims,  liabilities or obligations
(contingent or otherwise) of the Company, except as set forth in this Agreement,
existing option  agreements as set forth in a schedule hereto, a closing balance
sheet (which presents estimates made in good faith of the assets and liabilities
of the  Company  as of the  date  hereof)  or a  supplementary  disclosure  list
approved by the undersigned, such schedule, balance sheet and list are contained
in  Exhibit D annexed  hereto.  Except as set forth in  Exhibit  D, there are no
outstanding  options,  warrants,  subscription  or other rights or  arrangements
relating to, or with respect to, any equity  interest in the Company.  There are
currently: (i) 1,629,295 shares of Common Stock outstanding;  (ii) 37,980 shares
of the Company's  Class A Convertible  Preferred  Stock issued and  outstanding;
(iii)  2,955,191  shares  of  the  Company's   pre-reorganization  common  stock
outstanding that have not yet been submitted to the Company's transfer agent for
conversion in  accordance  with the 75 to 1 stock split (which will yield 39,403
shares of Common Stock if and when  converted);  and (iv) 762,303  shares of the
Company's  Class A  Convertible  Preferred  Stock  issued to the trustee for the
Class Action lawsuit  pending  instructions  for  distribution to members of the

          g.   The  Company  has  disclosed  two  threatened  claims  to Powers
alleging  collectively  $28,000  in  damages  and  has  provided   documentation
regarding such claims to Powers.  Other than such claims and as disclosed in the
Company's  filings  with the SEC,  there are no  litigations  or  investigations
pending or threatened  against the Company by or in any court or  administrative
agency,  and all term and provisions of its Third Amended Plan of Reorganization
that was substantially  consummated on March 31, 1997 have been performed by the
Company in accordance  therewith,  including without limitation,  the payment of
all  administrative  costs relating  thereto through the date of this Agreement.
Except as may be included in Exhibit C, there are no unpaid  claims for legal or
accounting fees or other professional fees or costs.

          h.   All written statements,  documents,  schedules,  and agreements
furnished  to the  undersigned,  in  connection  with this  Agreement  are true,
complete,  correct  and  up-to-date  as of the date  furnished  in all  material
respects,  and neither contain any untrue statement of a material fact, nor omit
to state any material fact necessary,  in the light of the  circumstances  under
which the statements are made, to make the statements therein not misleading.

          i.   The  Board  of  Directors  of the  Company  (the  "Board")  has
reviewed the transaction  contemplated by this Agreement and a certified copy of
its minutes and  resolutions  approving  the  transaction  have been provided to

          j.   The  Company is in  compliance  in all material  respects  with
all material legal requirements applicable to it, its business and its assets.

     3.  Covenants of the Company.  The Company  agrees to fulfill the following
covenants as soon as possible after the date hereof:

          a.   The share and Option certificates  purchased by the undersigned
which consist of shares duly  authorized  and unissued  shall be  delivered,  as
provided in Exhibit A.

          b.   Concurrently  with the execution of this Agreement,  settlement
agreements,  providing  for  partial  payment  of  severance  benefits  in  full
settlement thereof,  with former employees that are resigning in accordance with
this Agreement that have  heretofore been approved by the Company in the form of
Exhibit E, shall be performed as provided therein.  As part of such settlements,
the Company shall enter option  agreements in the form of the agreement  annexed
hereto as Exhibit F with each of the identified former employees representing an
option to purchase an  aggregate of 300,000  shares of Common Stock  distributed
among such former  employees,  and shall use its best  efforts to register  such
option issuances pursuant to a Registration Statement on Form S-8 (if available)
as soon as  possible  after the date  hereof,  but agrees that it shall file the
Registration Statement within fifteen (15) days from the date of this Agreement.

          c.   Implementation  of the removal of the Company's current offices
in  Purchase,  NY shall be  completed,  with  appropriate  storage  of  records,
communication   arrangements  and  other  matters  to  conserve  expenses,  also
completed,  with reasonable  compensation payments to former employees for their
interim  assistance if necessary  through December 31, 1998,  recognizing  their
other  responsibilities.  Existing  storage areas in White Plains,  NY and Texas
will remain in an "as-is" condition.

          d.   After  review and  approval  of the  contemplated  transaction,
Donald J. Amoruso  shall resign as a director and the  remaining  members of the
Board of  Directors  shall  appoint  Lawrence  M.  Powers as a  director  of the
Company.  Thereafter,  Sheldon  Buckler,  George  Bugliarello and Robert Dalziel
shall resign.  Lawrence M. Powers shall then appoint Reese  Schonfeld and Jon M.
Gerber as directors.  Concurrently,  all corporate officers shall resign,  which
shall be deemed a  termination  without just cause as defined in the  employment
contracts pursuant

to  which  the  officers  were  employed.  Such  steps  shall  be  promptly
undertaken and all  announcements  and filings in connection  therewith shall be
jointly  prepared  with the  undersigned.  The Company  shall prepare and file a
current  report on Form 8-K  disclosing  the  transaction  contemplated  by this
Agreement and including this Agreement as an exhibit thereto.

          e.   Any  other acts, filings or activities  necessary or reasonably
appropriate to preserve and protect the assets and standing of the Company shall
be undertaken in a cooperative manner with the undersigned as soon as possible

     4.  Representations  and Warranties of Powers.  These  representations  and
warranties  shall  survive  for twelve (12)  months  following  the date of this
Agreement and are statements  regarding  current intention and not guarantees of
future  performance.  In  consideration of such purchase and the remaining terms
hereof, Powers, to its knowledge, represents and warrants as follows:

          a.   Powers  intends to cause the  Company to  implement  a business
strategy  related  to  Internet  marketing  and  believes  that it has access to
managerial,  technical and, as needed,  resources  necessary to implement such a
strategy following consummation of the transaction herein contemplated.

          b.   Powers  has no present  intention  to cause the Company to file
for bankruptcy under any applicable federal or state laws.

          c.   Powers  intends  to cause  the  Company  to  continue  to make
all of its required  filings  pursuant  to the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 
1934 and other applicable securities laws.

          d.   Powers  has  reviewed  Section  3.2 of  the  Company's 
Certificate  of Incorporation and in his good faith belief,  Lawrence M. Powers,
Reese Schonfeld and Jon M. Gerber are qualified to serve as directors of the 
Company as set forth in such section.

     5.   Release. Powers hereby releases and discharges the Company's present
and former directors and officers, and their agents, attorneys,  administrators,
successors and assigns  (hereinafter  referred to as the  "Releasees")  from all
actions,  causes of  action,  accounts,  agreements,  bonds,  bills,  covenants,
contracts,  controversies,  claims,  damages,  demands,  debts,  dues,  extents,
executions, judgments, liabilities, obligations, promises, predicate acts,

reckonings,  specialties,  suits,  sums of money,  trespasses and variances
whatsoever, in law, admiralty or equity (collectively, "Claims"), which, against
any of them, Powers, its owners, employees,  agents, attorneys,  administrators,
successors and assigns (hereinafter  referred to as the "Releasors") ever had or
now has or have, for, upon or by reason of any matter, cause or thing whatsoever
from  the  beginning  of the  world  to the day of the  date of this  Agreement;
provided,  however,  that such release does not extend to nor in any way release
the Company's obligations to Powers under this Agreement. Powers shall not cause
any of the  Releasors  to commence  an action on his behalf with  respect to any
matters covered by this release.

     6.  Modification,  Discharge,  Termination.  Neither this Agreement nor any
provisions  hereof shall be modified,  discharged,  or  terminated  except by an
instrument  in writing  signed by the party  against  whom any  waiver,  change,
discharge, or termination is sought.

     7.  Notices.  Any notice,  demand,  or other  communication  that any party
hereto may be required,  or may elect,  to give to anyone  interested  hereunder
shall be sufficiently  given if (a) deposited,  postage  prepaid,  registered or
certified,  return receipt requested,  addressed to such address as may be given
herein; or (b) delivered personally at such address.

     8.  Successors  and Assigns.  Except as  otherwise  provided  herein,  this
Agreement  shall be  binding  upon and  inure to the  parties'  benefit  and the
benefit of the parties' successors, legal representatives, and assigns.

     9. Entire  Agreement.  This Agreement and its Exhibits  hereto contains the
entire agreement of the parties, and there are no representations, covenants, or
other agreements except as stated or referred to herein.

     10.  Governing  Law. This  Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in
accordance  with  the  laws of the  State  of New  York,  both  substantive  and

     11.  Severability.  If any provision of this Agreement  shall be held to be
void or unenforceable  under the laws of any place governing its construction or
enforcement, this Agreement shall not be voidable as a result thereof, but shall
be  construed  to be  otherwise  in force  with the same  effect as though  such
provisions were omitted.

     12.  Section  Headings.  The  section  headings  contained  herein  are for
reference  purpose  only  and  shall  not in  any  way  affect  the  meaning  or
interpretation of this Agreement.

     If the foregoing  accurately reflects our agreement,  please so indicate in
the appropriate space

SPECTRUM INFORMATION                                 POWERS & CO.

_______________________________                 ________________________________
By:      Donald J. Amoruso                      By:      Lawrence M. Powers
Its:     Chief Executive Officer                Its:     Owner
Date:                                           Date:


                             STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT

     This STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT is made as of this 11th day of December,  1998,
by and between Spectrum  Information  Technologies,  Inc. a Delaware Corporation
("Spectrum") and Powers & Co. (the "Optionee").

     WHEREAS, Spectrum and Optionee have entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement
dated  December 11, 1998  providing for the sale to Optionee of shares of common
stock of this  corporation  and the stock option  described  herein at an agreed
overall cash purchase price of $600,000 which has been duly paid.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the payment  described,  the mutual
covenants  hereinafter set forth and for other good and valuable  consideration,
the parties hereto agree as follows:

1. GRANT OF OPTION.  Spectrum  hereby  grants to the Optionee the right and
option  (hereafter  called  the  "Option"),  to  purchase  all or any part of an
aggregate of 1,800,000  shares of Spectrum  common  stock,  par value $0.001 per
share, on the terms and conditions set forth herein. This grant is made pursuant
to a resolution of the Company's  Board of Directors duly adopted at its meeting
on December 10, 1998.

2. EXERCISE  PRICE AND  EXPIRATION.  The exercise  price and the expiration
dates as to the share underlying this Option shall be as follows:

Number of Share                     Exercise Price            Expiration Date

1,800,000                           $0.15 per share           December 11, 2003

3.  DURATION.  The Option  granted  hereby  shall become  exercisable  upon
issuance of this  Agreement  and shall  remain  exercisable  at the stated price
through the expiration  date set forth above.  To facilitate  partial  transfer,
exercise  or sale,  this  Option  may be  subdivided  into  options  in  smaller
denominations upon Optionee's request in writing from time to time.

4.  LIMITATION ON DISPOSITION.  The Option and underlying  shares of common
stock have not been  registered  under the Securities Act of 1933 (the "Act") or
under applicable state securities laws and, therefore, cannot be sold, assigned,
or otherwise  transferred unless they are subsequently  registered under the Act
and  under   applicable   state  securities  laws  or  an  exemption  from  such
registration  is then  available.  Optionee hereby agrees that it will not sell,
assign, or transfer the Option and underlying  shares following  exercise unless
they are registered  under the Act and under applicable state securities laws or
an exemption  from such  registration  is then  available,  according to a legal
opinion reasonably acceptable to the Company.

4.  MANNER OF EXERCISE OF OPTION.  This Option may be exercised,  subject to
the terms and conditions  contained herein, by delivering  written notice to the
Chief Executive Officer or President or Chief Accounting Officer of Spectrum, at
its principal office no less than three days in advance of the proposed exercise
date.  Such  notice  shall  specify  the  number of shares of common  stock with
respect to which the Option is being  exercised  and the  effective  date of the
proposed  exercise  and shall be signed by the  Optionee.  The  notice  shall be
accompanied by a certified  check or cash in the amount of the aggregate  option
exercise price for such number of shares. In no event shall stock be issued or

     certificates  be delivered  until full payment  shall have been received by
Spectrum as to such exercise or partial  exercise,  nor shall  Optionee have any
right  or  status  as a  shareholder  of such  underlying  shares  prior to such
exercise. Certificates for shares of common stock purchased upon the exercise of
the Option shall be delivered to the Optionee as soon as  practicable  following
the effective date on which the Option is exercised.

outstanding shares of the common stock of Spectrum are subdivided, consolidated,
increased,  decreased,  changed into or exchanged for a different number or kind
of  shares  or   securities   of  Spectrum   through   reorganization,   merger,
recapitalization,  reclassification,  capital  adjustment  or  otherwise,  or if
Spectrum shall issue common stock as a dividend or upon a stock split,  then the
number of shares  subject to the  unexercised  portion of this  Option  shall be
appropriately  adjusted  by the  Board  of  Directors.  Any such  adjustment  on
outstanding  Options shall be made without  change in the total  exercise  price
applicable  to the  unexercised  portion  of the  Option.  If, in the event of a
merger or  consolidation,  Spectrum is not the  surviving  corporation,  and the
event that the  Agreement  of Merger or  Consolidation  does not provide for the
substitution  of a new Option for this  Option,  or for the  assumption  of this
Option  by the  surviving  corporation,  or in the event of the  dissolution  or
liquidation of Spectrum,  the Optionee shall have the right immediately prior to
the effective date of such merger, consolidation, dissolution or liquidation, to
exercise this Option in whole or in part,  provided,  however,  that this Option
shall  not be  exercisable  in whole  or in part  later  than the date  noted in
paragraph 2 above.  Any adjustments  made pursuant to this section shall be made
by the Board of  Directors  of  Spectrum,  whose  good  faith  determination  in
compliance with Delaware law, as to what adjustment shall be made and the extent
thereof,  shall be final,  binding and  conclusive.  In computing any adjustment
hereunder,  any  fractional  share which might  otherwise  become  subject to an
Option shall be eliminated.


Donald Amoruso, Chairman, CEO & President


Powers & Co.
Lawrence M. Powers, Owner


                                  Powers & Co.

Spectrum Information Technologies, Inc.
2700 Westchester Avenue
Purchase, New York 10577


     Powers & Co.  ("Powers")  agreed  to  purchase  3,000,000  shares of common
stock,  $0.001 par value per share,  (the  "Common  Stock")  and an option  (the
"Option") to purchase an additional 1,800,000 shares of Common Stock of Spectrum
Information  Technologies,  Inc. (the "Company")  pursuant to the Stock Purchase
Agreement to which this letter agreement (this "Agreement") is attached and made
a part  thereof . The  transfer  of the Common  Stock and Option  shall close in
accordance  with the Purchase  Agreement  (the  "Closing").  Powers further sets
forth  statements upon which the Company or its affiliates may rely to determine
the suitability of the Powers to acquire the Common Stock and Option.

     1. Representations, Warranties and Agreements of Powers. In connection with
Powers's acquisition of the Common Stock and the Option, Powers hereby makes the
following representations, warranties, and agreements and confirms the following

          a.   Investment  Purpose.  Powers is acquiring  the Common Stock and
Option for its own account and for investment  purposes only and not with a view
to, or for resale in connection with, any  distribution  thereof as that term is
defined under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Act").

          b.   Review  and  Evaluation of  Information  Regarding the Company.
Powers and its representatives have received documents and information regarding
the Company during their due diligence,  including a copy of the Company's Third
Amended  Disclosure  Statement (the "Disclosure  Statement") with respect to the
Third Amended Plan of Reorganization (the "Plan"), and the Company's Amended and
Restated  Certificate of Incorporation and By-laws as included in the Disclosure
Statement.  Powers and its representatives  have received and reviewed a copy of
the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal  year ended March 31,
1998 and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1998.

              Powers acknowledges  that Powers has reviewed the above-referenced
documents,  Powers further acknowledges that Powers and its representatives have
had  the  opportunity  to ask  the  Company's  management  questions  about  the
Company's  business and  financial  condition  and that Powers has obtained such
information  as  requested  to the extent  deemed  necessary by Powers to permit
Powers to fully  evaluate the merits and risks of an  investment in the Company.
Further,  Powers  has  consulted  with  such  other  of  its  investment  and/or
accounting  and/or legal and/or tax advisors as Powers has deemed  necessary and
appropriate in making the decision to acquire the Common Stock and the Option.

          c.   Powers's   Financial  Experience.  Powers  is  a  sophisticated
investor and is sufficiently experienced in financial and business matters to be
capable  of  evaluating  the  merits  and risks of  Powers's  investment  in the

          d.   Suitability of Investment.  Powers has evaluated the merits and
risks of Powers's  proposed  investment  in the Company,  including  those risks
particular to Powers's  situation,  and has determined  that this  investment is
suitable for Powers.  Powers has adequate financial  resources for an investment
of this  character,  and at this time Powers  could bear a complete  loss of its

          e.   Unregistered Offering. Powers understands that the Common Stock
and Option are not being  registered,  on the basis that this issuance is exempt
from  registration  under  the Ac,  and the rules  and  regulations  promulgated
thereunder,  as a "transaction by an issuer not involving any public  offering,"
and under such other  exemptions as may be available,  and that reliance on such
exemption is  predicated,  in part, on Powers's  representations  and warranties
contained in this Agreement.

          f.   Limitations  on  Disposition.  The Common Stock and Option have
not been registered under the Act or under applicable state securities laws and,
therefore,   cannot  be  sold,   assigned,   or  otherwise   transferred  unless
subsequently registered under the Act and under applicable state securities laws
or an exemption from such  registration is then available.  Powers hereby agrees
that  Powers will not sell,  assign,  or  transfer  the Common  Stock and Option
unless it is registered under the Act and under applicable state securities laws
or an exemption from such  registration is then available,  according to a legal
opinion  reasonably  satisfactory to the Company.  Powers represents that Powers
can afford to hold the Common Stock and Option for an indefinite period of time.

          g.   Absence  of Official  Evaluation.  Powers  understands  that no
federal or state agency has made any finding or determination as to the fairness
of the  terms  of an  investment  in the  Company,  nor  any  recommendation  or
endorsement of the Common Stock or Option offered hereby.

          h.   Residence.  Powers is a sole proprietorship organized under the
laws of the State of New Jersey.

          i.   Non-reliance.  Powers is not  relying  on the  Company,  or its
affiliates,  or any representation contained herein or in the documents referred
to herein with respect to the personal tax consequences of its investment in the

          j.   Prohibition   on   Cancellation,    Termination,    Revocation,
Transferability and Assignment of the Agreement.  Powers hereby acknowledges and
agrees that, except as may be specifically provided herein or by applicable law,
Powers is not entitled to cancel,  terminate, or revoke this Agreement, and this
Agreement shall survive any assignment of the Common Stock or Option. Subject to
its rights of disposition as set forth in subparagraph f., Powers further agrees
that Powers may not transfer or assign the rights under this Agreement.

          k.   Authority  to Enter into Agreement.  Powers has the full right,
power,  and  authority  to execute and deliver  this  Agreement  and perform its
obligations hereunder.

          l.   Obligation.  This  Agreement  constitutes  a valid and  legally
binding  obligation of Powers and neither the execution of this  Agreement,  nor
the  consummation of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  will constitute a
violation of the laws of its jurisdiction or organizing documents.

          m.   Approvals Required. No approval, authorization,  consent, order
or other  action of, or filing  with,  any person,  firm or  corporation  or any
court,  administrative  agency or other  governmental  authority  is required in
connection  with the execution  and delivery of this  Agreement by Powers or the
consummation of the  transactions  described  herein other than filings with the
Securities  and  Exchange   Commission.   Powers  agrees  to  timely  make  such
notifications,  and  covenants  and agrees to use its best efforts to assist the
Company in timely making all required,  necessary and proper or advisable filing
or notifications under applicable law.

     4. Restrictive Legend. Each certificate representing the Common Stock shall
be  stamped  or  otherwise  imprinted  with a legend in the  following  form (in
addition to any legend required under applicable state securities laws):

     5. Survival of Representations,  Warranties,  Covenants and Agreements. The
representations,  warranties,  covenants and agreements  contained  herein shall
survive the Company's  delivery of the Common Stock and Option and acceptance by
the Company of Powers's agreement to acquire the Common Stock and Option.

     If the foregoing  accurately reflects our agreement,  please so indicate in
the appropriate space below.

SPECTRUM INFORMATION                             POWERS & CO.

_______________________________                ________________________________
By:      Donald J. Amoruso                     By:      Lawrence M. Powers
Its:     Chief Executive Officer               Its:     Owner
Date:                                          Date:


                     Spectrum Information Technologies, Inc.

                    Estimated Cash Flow Requirements Schedule

                                                 Approximate                             Projected Total
Description                                Date           Disbursements      Deposits    Cash Balance
G/L Beginning Balance                      12/11/98                                       933,663
Payroll                                    12/15/98          (48,905)                     884,758
Accounts receivable                        12/11/98                          45,966       930,724
Open accounts payable                      12/11/98         (162,099)                     768,625
Unclaimed bankruptcy funds                                                   33,628       802,253
Termination of lease agreements; misc.                       (31,000)                     771,253
Employee wind down expense                                   (60,174)                     711,079
Pmt of legal fees pursuant to indemnity                     (100,000)                     611,079
claim settlement

Remaining Balance                                                                         611,079
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           Severance Payments Schedule

Description                                            Disbursements             Amount

Aggregate severance obligation                                                   1,306,958

Severance payments to two officers                        (125,000)
during 11/98
Partial severance payments to terminated                  (559,826)

Unpaid balance of severance obligations                                          622,132
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Spectrum Information Technologies,
Stock Option Schedule

                                              1996 Stock Incentive Plan
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                         Employee       Option
                                              Total         Grant           Exercise    Termination    Expiration
Employee                                     Granted        date             price        date           date
Amoruso, Donald J.                           23,437       08/15/97           $2.1500    12/11/98        08/15/07
Drabkin, Mikhail                             10,224       08/15/97           $2.1500    11/15/98        02/13/99
du Fosse, Richard                            21,867       08/15/97           $2.1500    12/11/98        03/11/99
Graham, Christopher                          14,875       08/15/97           $2.1500    12/11/98        08/15/07
Graham, Christopher                           1,500       10/29/97           $1.6900    12/11/98        10/29/07
Hintze, Barry                                14,625       08/15/97           $2.1500    12/11/98        03/11/99
Marino, Salvatore                            10,800       08/15/97           $2.1500    12/11/98        03/11/99
Marino, Salvatore                             3,000       10/29/97           $1.6900    12/11/98        03/11/99
Alberga, Felicia                                375       08/15/97           $2.1500    10/30/98        01/28/99
Bohrman, Diana                                  375       08/15/97           $2.1500    10/30/98        01/28/99
Corrigan, Gregg                               1,875       08/15/97           $2.1500    10/30/98        01/28/99
George, Donna                                   750       08/15/97           $2.1500    10/30/98        01/28/99
Kessler, Kent                                 1,875       08/15/97           $2.1500    10/30/98        01/28/99
McFadden, Liz                                   225       08/15/97           $2.1500    10/30/98        01/28/99
Migliorini, Andy                              1,000       08/15/97           $2.1500    12/11/98        03/11/99
Migliorini, Andy                              3,000       05/02/98           $1.3125    12/11/98        03/11/99
Moore, Jim                                    1,500       06/08/98           $0.7500    11/30/98        02/28/99
Panepinto, Carlo                                375       08/15/97           $2.1500    10/30/98        01/28/99
Ramos, Chris                                  3,000       08/15/97           $2.1500    11/30/98        02/28/99
Ramos, Chris                                  1,500       05/02/98           $1.3125    11/30/98        02/28/99
Tantillo, Toni Ann                            2,500       08/15/97           $2.1500    12/11/98        03/11/99
Wraight, Chris                                2,500       02/27/98           $1.5000    11/15/98        02/13/99
                             subtotal      121,178
Buckler, Sheldon                             11,359       08/15/97           $2.1500    12/11/98        12/11/00
Bugliarello, George                          11,359       08/15/97           $2.1500    12/11/98        12/11/00
Dalzeil, Robert                              11,359       08/15/97           $2.1500    12/11/98        12/11/00
                                 total      155,255

                                         1998 Consultant Stock Incentive Plan
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              Total       Grant           Exercise                   Expiration
Consultant                                   Granted       date             price                       date

Martin Mand                                  10,000       10/14/97         $2.1500                     10/14/07
Bruce Judson                                 30,000       08/03/98         $0.8750                     08/03/08
Eric Enge                                    1,000        08/01/98         $0.8750                     08/01/08
                                     total  41,000





Spectrum Information Technologies,
Stock Option Schedule

                            1992 Stock Incentive Plan
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                          Employee         Option
                                               Total        Grant          Exercise     Termination      Expiration
Employee                                     Granted        date            price          date            date

D. Amoruso                                   6,667        12/31/94        $84.38          12/11/98        12/31/99
D. Amoruso                                   6,667        12/31/94       $168.75          12/11/98        12/31/99
D. Amoruso                                   6,667        12/31/94       $337.50          12/11/98        12/31/99
C. Graham                                    1,333        07/11/94       $225.00          12/11/98        07/11/04
A. Migliorini                                2,667        09/03/92       $225.00          12/11/98        09/03/03
A. Migliorini                                   67        07/29/92       $140.63          12/11/98        06/29/02
A. Migliorini                                1,333        08/21/92        $84.38          12/11/98        08/20/02
                             subtotal       25,401
S. Buckler                                   667          01/01/95       $131.25          12/11/98        12/31/04
G. Bugliarello                               667          01/01/95       $131.25          12/11/98        12/31/04
R. Daziel                                    667          01/01/95       $131.25          12/11/98        12/31/04
                               subtotal    2,001

Former employee, director, consultant
A. Panico                                    227          08/21/92        $84.38          01/31/96        01/31/01
A. Panico                                  4,000          08/21/92        $84.38          01/31/96        01/31/01
B. Forte'                                     67          09/03/93       $225.00          07/31/95        07/31/00
C. Keller                                     37          04/24/92       $324.75          01/25/95        01/25/00
D. G. Miller                                 667          07/05/94       $145.31       Ex-director        07/05/04
E. Maskaly                                 1,000          08/21/92        $84.38          12/30/94        12/30/99
E. Maskaly                                    67          06/30/92       $140.63          12/30/94        12/30/99
E. Maskaly                                 2,667          03/15/94       $225.00          12/30/94        12/30/99
G. Corrigan                                  267          09/03/93       $225.00          10/30/98        09/03/03
G. Petruzzelli                               667          08/21/92        $84.38          12/31/95        12/31/00
G. Petruzzelli                               667          09/03/93       $225.00          12/31/95        12/31/00
G. Smith                                     667          07/05/94       $145.31          12/31/94        12/31/99
J. Isdro                                      13          11/09/93       $225.00          01/25/95        01/25/00
J. Marchione                               2,667          05/25/94       $152.25          03/17/95        03/17/00
J. Pignatore                                 667          09/03/93       $225.00          02/09/95        02/09/00
J. Podbielak                                 267          09/03/93       $225.00          12/23/94        12/23/99
K. Bachand                                   727          09/03/93       $225.00          12/31/94        12/31/99
K. Kiernan                                   133          10/29/93       $225.00          10/01/95        10/01/00
L. Zlatkovich                                133          09/03/93       $225.00          12/31/94        12/31/99
N. Biondi                                    667          09/03/93       $225.00       Ex-director        09/03/03
RB&A                                       2,222          01/01/95        $75.00        Consultant        12/31/99
                           subtotal       18,496

                              total       45,898



Spectrum Information Technologies, Inc,
Supplimentary Disclosure List

Anticipated liabilities                               Amount
- -------------------------------------------------------------------

Bell Atlantic ISDN Line (agreement with Chris)      1,387.00
Bell Atlantic T1 Line (agreement with TAT)          3,054.94
Xerox Copier                                        1,144.85
Consolidated Health Plan Services                   3,000.00
Telephone - Boston                                    250.00
Telephone - New York                                2,000.00
Skytel                                                208.45
Pacific Bell                                          252.42
Protection Plus Security                            1,948.50
Oce Copier (pickup)                                   450.00
Public Storage - Dallas                                89.00
Board Meeting (2)                                   3,000.00
Navisite                                           13,000.00
California lease agreement                            925.00

Total                                              30,710.16



                     Spectrum Information Technologies, Inc.
                        Pre-Close Estimated Balance Sheet
                                December 11, 1998


Cash, unrestricted                                                  884,758.26

Trade accounts receivable                                               20,000

Inventory                                                               53,767
Inventory reserves                                                    (53,767)

Prepaid expenses                                                       103,170
Other                                                                    2,603
                                          Total current assets       1,010,531

Property, Plant and Equipment:
Machinery and equipment                                                425,676
Furniture, fixtures and leasehold improvements                          25,513
Less: Accumulated depreciation and amortization                      (243,875)

                                                  Total Assets       1,217,845


  Accounts payable:
    Trade                                                              113,194
  Accrued expenses                                                     204,175

  Reserve for litigation                                               300,000
  Reserve for claims                                                    25,000
                                     Total current liabilities         642,368

                                             Total liabilities         642,368

Shareholders' Equity
  Prefered stock                                                           800
  Common stock                                                           1,657
  Additional paid-in capital                                        72,348,511

  Retained earnings - prior period                                (70,758,529)
  Net Income (loss)                                                  (633,406)

  Retained earnings - end of period                               (71,391,935)



  Less: Treasury stock, at cost                                      (383,556)
  Comprehensive Income                                                       0
                                    Total shareholders' equity         575,477

                    Total liabilities and shareholders' equity       1,217,845



                              SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT

     This Settlement  Agreement (the  "Agreement") is made as of the 11th day of
December  1998,   among  [Former  Officer]   ("Former   Officer")  and  Spectrum
Information Technologies, Inc. (the "Company").

     WHEREAS,  Former  Officer  and  Company  have  entered  into an  Employment
Agreement,  as amended (the "Employment  Agreement"),  pursuant to which Company
may have incurred,  and may in the future incur,  certain  obligations to Former

     WHEREAS,  the  Employment  Agreement  provides for the employment of Former
Officer by Company  and  provides  that  Former  Officer is  entitled to certain
benefits in the event that Former Officer is terminated without just cause;

     WHERAS, in connection with the Stock Purchase Agreement of even date hereof
between  the  Company  and Powers & Co.,  Former  Officer is deemed to have been
terminated  without  cause under the  Employment  Agreement,  and the Company is
obligated, but has insufficient assets, to pay its entire obligations associated
with such termination; and, the Company desires to pay Former Officer and Former
Officer  desires to accept a partial  severance  payment  pursuant the terms and
conditions of this Agreement in full settlement of such obligations.

     NOW, THEREFORE,  for good and valuable consideration,  the receipt of which
is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:


     Former Officer agrees to release, remise, acquit and discharge the Company,
its  officers,   agents,   employees,   guarantors,   consultants,   independent
contractors, attorneys, advisers, successors and assigns (the "Spectrum Group"),
jointly and severally,  from any and all claims, known or unknown,  which Former
Officer,  his heirs,  successors,  or assigns  have, or may now or in the future
have,  against any member of the Spectrum Group and any and all liability  which
any member of the Spectrum Group has, or may now or in the future have to Former
Officer,  whether denominated claims,  demands,  causes of action,  obligations,
damages  or  liabilities,  arising  from any and all  bases,  including  but not
limited to any claims under any policy, agreement, arrangement or practice of or
with any member of the  Spectrum  Group or any federal,  state,  or local law or
regulation, relating to any matter, cause or thing whatsoever from the beginning
of the world to the date of this  Agreement;  but  excluding  any claims for (i)
indemnification  pursuant  to  Former  Officer's  Employment  Agreement  and the
Company's  Certificate of Incorporation or By-laws,  (ii) the performance by the
Company of its obligations  pursuant to the Stock Purchase Agreement,  including
those  related  to stock  options  and  those set  forth  herein,  and (iii) any
benefits that have accrued  pursuant to the Company's  employee  benefit  plans,
including  its 401K  plan.  These  releases  specifically  include,  but are not
limited to,  claims under the Civil Rights Act of 1964,  as amended by the Civil
Rights  Act of 1991,  and any  other  federal  or  state  civil  rights  claims,
including claims of age discrimination and other rights and claims arising under
the  Age  Discrimination  in  Employment  Act  and  the  Older  Workers  Benefit
Protection  Act.  This  release is for any  relief,  no matter how  denominated,
including,   but  not  limited  to,  wages,  back  pay,  front  pay,   benefits,
compensatory damages or punitive damages.  Former Officer further agrees that he
will not file or permit to be filed on his behalf any such claim.

     The Spectrum Group agrees to release,  remise,  acquit and discharge Former
Officer and his heirs,  successors  and assigns  (the "Former  Officer  Group"),
jointly  and  severally,  from any and all claims,  known or unknown,  which the
Spectrum Group has, or may now or in the future have,  against any member of the
Former  Officer Group and any and all  liability  which any member of the Former
Officer  Group has,  or may now or in the  future  have to the  Spectrum  Group,
whether denominated claims, demands, causes of action,  obligations,  damages or
liabilities,  arising from any and all bases,  including  but not limited to any
claims under any policy,  agreement,  or arrangement or any federal,  state,  or
local law or regulation,  relating to any matter, cause or thing whatsoever from
the  beginning of the world to the date of this mutual  release and waiver;  but
excluding  any  claims  for  the  performance  by  the  Former  Officer  of  his
obligations pursuant to the Stock Purchase Agreement, including those

     set  forth  herein.   This  release  is  for  any  relief,  no  matter  how
denominated.  The Spectrum  Group further agrees that it will not file or permit
to be filed on its behalf any such claim.

II.      Identified Consideration

     On the date hereof,  the Company shall pay to Former Officer a cash payment
of [ ] less applicable  withholding  taxes and other deductions  required by law
and issue to Former  Officer an option to  purchase [ ] shares of the  Company's
common  stock  substantially  in the form of  Exhibit  F to the  Stock  Purchase
Agreement.  Further,  the Company and Former Officer each  acknowledge that they
have  entered  into this  Agreement  in  consideration  for the  mutual  release
evidenced hereby and other good and valuable consideration.

     The  Company  has  purchased  Directors'  and  Officers'  six year  run-off
insurance  coverage  for the  benefit  of the  Company's  former  directors  and
officers,  including Former Officer.  The Company agrees that it will not cancel
or impair  in any way any of the  former  directors'  and  officers',  including
Former Officer's, entitlement to such insurance coverage.

     The  Company is duly  authorized  to enter  this  Agreement  pursuant  to a
resolution  of the Company's  Board of Directors  duly adopted at its meeting on
December 10, 1998.

III.     No Admission

     No party  hereto  admits any  liability  of any sort to any other party and
nothing herein is intended to, or shall be deemed to, constitute an admission of
liability  of any kind by any party.  Neither  Former  Officer nor the  Spectrum
Group shall make any statements of any kind regarding the other party that could
reasonably be interpreted as derogatory or disparaging.

IV.      Third-Party Beneficiary Rights

     The parties  hereto agree that the terms of this  Agreement  shall inure to
the benefit of and shall be enforceable by each member of the Spectrum Group and
the  Former  Officer  Group,  each  of  whom  is  intended  to be a  third-party
beneficiary hereof, and its respective successors and assigns.

V.       General Provisions

     (a) This Agreement  constitutes the entire  understanding of Former Officer
and the Company with respect to the subject  matter  hereof,  and supersedes all
prior understandings,  written or oral, except as expressly provided herein. The
terms of this  Agreement  may be  changed,  modified  or  discharged  only by an
instrument  in writing  signed by the  parties  hereto.  A failure of a party to
insist on strict  compliance  with any provision of this Agreement  shall not be
deemed a waiver of such provision or any other  provision  hereof.  In the event
that any  provision  of this  Agreement  is  determined  to be so broad as to be
unenforceable,  such  provision  shall be  interpreted to be only so broad as is

     (b)  This  Agreement  shall  be  construed,  enforced  and  interpreted  in
accordance  with  and  governed  by the laws of the  State  of New York  without
reference to the  principles  and conflicts of law. The courts of New York shall
have jurisdiction to entertain any action arising hereunder.

     (c) Former Officer acknowledges that he has been given more than 21 days to
consider this agreement and eight days to revoke his agreement hereto.

VI.      Knowing and Voluntary Waiver

     Former  Officer and the Company each agree and  acknowledge  that they have
read this Agreement, have consulted with an attorney of his or its choosing with
respect hereto and completely  understands the terms and consequences hereof and
that the execution of this  Agreement is his or its knowing,  free and voluntary

VII.     Survival

     Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Former Officer's
obligations  regarding ownership of employee  developments,  confidentiality and
return  of  materials  as  set  forth  in  the  Company's  Policy  Statement  on
Confidential  Information  and Work  Product  shall  survive the  execution  and
delivery of this Agreement.

                             Former Officer

                             SPECTRUM INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                             By:  Donald J. Amoruso, Chief Executive Officer


                             STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT

     This STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT is made as of this 11th day of December,  1998,
by and between Spectrum  Information  Technologies,  Inc. a Delaware Corporation
("Spectrum") and [ ] (the "Optionee").

     WHEREAS,  Spectrum  and Optionee  have entered into a Settlement  Agreement
dated December 11, 1998  providing for the settlement of certain  obligations of
the  Company  to  Optionee  in  exchange  for good and  valuable  consideration,
including  the  issuance of the option to purchase  common  stock of Spectrum as
described herein.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the payment  described,  the mutual
covenants  hereinafter set forth and for other good and valuable  consideration,
the parties hereto agree as follows:

     1. GRANT OF OPTION.  Spectrum  hereby  grants to the Optionee the right and
option  (hereafter  called  the  "Option"),  to  purchase  all or any part of an
aggregate of [ ] shares of Spectrum common stock, par value $0.001 per share, on
the terms and  conditions  set forth  herein.  This grant is made  pursuant to a
resolution  of the Company's  Board of Directors  duly adopted at its meeting on
December 10, 1998.

     2. EXERCISE  PRICE AND  EXPIRATION.  The exercise  price and the expiration
dates of this Option shall be as follows:

Number of Shares            Exercise Price                     Expiration Date

[            ]              $0.35 per share                    December 11, 2003

     3.  DURATION.  The Option  granted  hereby  shall become  exercisable  upon
issuance of this  Agreement  and shall  remain  exercisable  at the stated price
through the expiration  date set forth above.  To facilitate  partial  transfer,
exercise  or sale,  this  Option  may be  subdivided  into  options  in  smaller
denominations upon Optionee's request in writing from time to time.

     4. NO  RESTRICTION:  REGISTRATION.  This Option and the  underlying  shares
detailed  above are free of any  restrictions  on transfer  by any means,  or on
exercise or sale by Optionee or transferee,  except for any  restrictions  under
applicable  securities  law. The Company  shall use its best efforts to register
such option  issuances  pursuant  to a  Registration  Statement  on Form S-8 (if
available) as soon as possible  after the date hereof,  but agrees that it shall
file the  Registration  Statement within fifteen (15) days from the date of this
Agreement. All underlying shares to this Option have been previously authorized,
are  unissued,  and are set aside for the  purpose  of  issuance  upon  exercise
hereof,  in whole or in part, at any time or from time to time.  Optionee hereby
agrees  that it will not sell,  assign,  or transfer  the Option and  underlying
shares  following  exercise  unless they are registered  under the Act and under
applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such  registration is then
available, according to a legal opinion reasonably acceptable to the Company.

     5. MANNER OF EXERCISE OF OPTION.  This Option may be exercised,  subject to
the terms and conditions  contained herein, by delivering  written notice to the
Chief Executive

Officer  or  President  or Chief  Accounting  Officer of  Spectrum,  at its
principal  office no less than three days in  advance of the  proposed  exercise
date.  Such  notice  shall  specify  the  number of shares of common  stock with
respect to which the Option is being  exercised  and the  effective  date of the
proposed  exercise  and shall be signed by the  Optionee.  The  notice  shall be
accompanied by a certified  check or cash in the amount of the aggregate  option
exercise  price for such number of shares.  In no event shall stock be issued or
certificates  be  delivered  until  full  payment  shall have been  received  by
Spectrum as to such exercise or partial  exercise,  nor shall  Optionee have any
right  or  status  as a  shareholder  of such  underlying  shares  prior to such
exercise. Certificates for shares of common stock purchased upon the exercise of
the Option shall be issued in the name of Optionee and delivered to the Optionee
as soon as  practicable  following  the  effective  date on which the  Option is

outstanding shares of the common stock of Spectrum are subdivided, consolidated,
increased,  decreased,  changed into or exchanged for a different number or kind
of  shares  or   securities   of  Spectrum   through   reorganization,   merger,
recapitalization,  reclassification,  capital  adjustment  or  otherwise,  or if
Spectrum shall issue common stock as a dividend or upon a stock split,  then the
number of shares  subject to the  unexercised  portion of this  Option  shall be
appropriately  adjusted  by the  Board  of  Directors.  Any such  adjustment  on
outstanding  Options shall be made without  change in the total  exercise  price
applicable  to the  unexercised  portion  of the  Option.  If, in the event of a
merger or  consolidation,  Spectrum is not the  surviving  corporation,  and the
event that the  Agreement  of Merger or  Consolidation  does not provide for the
substitution  of a new option for this  Option,  or for the  assumption  of this
Option  by the  surviving  corporation,  or in the event of the  dissolution  or
liquidation of Spectrum,  the Optionee shall have the right immediately prior to
the effective date of such merger, consolidation, dissolution or liquidation, to
exercise this Option in whole or in part,  provided,  however,  that this Option
shall  not be  exercisable  in whole  or in part  later  than the date  noted in
paragraph 2 above.  Any adjustments  made pursuant to this section shall be made
by the Board of  Directors  of  Spectrum,  whose  good  faith  determination  in
compliance with Delaware law, as to what adjustment shall be made and the extent
thereof,  shall be final,  binding and  conclusive.  In computing any adjustment
hereunder,  any  fractional  share which might  otherwise  become  subject to an
Option shall be eliminated.


   Donald Amoruso, Chairman, CEO & President



                                Exhibit No. 99.1

                     Press release dated December 14, 1998.

For Immediate Release


CONTACT: For Media Only:                 Investors:
         Michael Freitag                 Spectrum Information Technologies, Inc.
         Kekst & Company                 Investor Relations
        (212) 593-2655                   Tel:  (914) 251-1800 ext. 182
                        Spectrum Information Technologies
                                 Raises Capital;
                      Names New CEO and Board of Directors

     PURCHASE, NY - December 14, 1998. Spectrum Information  Technologies,  Inc.
(OTC  BB:  SITI)  reported  today  that  Powers  &  Co.,  a  private  investment
organization, has invested $600,000 in the company. In exchange, Spectrum issued
to Powers & Co. 3,000,000 shares of common stock and an option pursuant to which
Powers & Co. may  purchase  an  additional  1,800,000  shares for an  additional
$270,000,  or $0.15 per share.  Spectrum's  stock  closed at $0.125 per share on

     In connection  with the  investment,  Spectrum  elected  Lawrence M. Powers
Chief  Executive  Officer and Chairman of  Spectrum's  Board of  Directors.  Mr.
Powers is the  principal of Powers & Co. and was  Chairman  and Chief  Executive
Officer of Spartech  Corporation (NYSE: SEH) from 1984 - 1992. At Spartech,  Mr.
Powers  raised  significant  capital  and led a  consolidation  in the  plastics
processing  industry,  building revenues from $25 million to $200 million during
his tenure.  In connection  with the  appointment of Mr.  Powers,  the company's
existing  directors resigned from the Board in favor of a new slate of directors
consisting of Reese Schonfeld and Jon M. Gerber.  Spectrum's  existing  officers
also resigned.

     Mr.  Powers  indicated  that he intends to implement a strategy  related to
Internet  marketing and the Board expects to appoint new officers and additional
Board  members.  Mr.  Powers also stated that the new  management  is  currently
considering several  alternatives.  Spectrum's FastLane Web acceleration service
will  continue to be  available  for a limited  time,  while the new  management
assesses it.

     Spectrum's departing Board issued the following statement,  "We are pleased
that Powers & Co. has invested in Spectrum,  and appointed  distinguished  board
members. We wish Larry and his new team success going forward."

     Mr. Powers is a private investor,  educated at Washington University,  Yale
Law School and various senior management programs at Harvard Business School. As
a New York securities lawyer, he handled many public offerings and acquisitions.

                                     * more*

Spectrum Information Technologies, Inc.
Page 2

     Reese Schonfeld, a new director and investor, has been in the broadcast and
cable news business for over thirty  years.  He helped found CNN (the Cable News
Network)  and was its first Chief  Executive.  He developed  several  other news
channels and programs  and, in 1992,  helped  develop the TV Food  Network.  Mr.
Schonfeld  served as  president  of this  network.  He was educated at Dartmouth
College,  and at  Columbia  University  where he  received  an M.A.  degree  and
graduated from its law school.

     Jon M. Gerber is a management consultant, with an engineering background in
high-tech  components  and computer  systems.  From 1987 through 1994, he was an
on-site  management  consultant  with many large  companies  where he focused on
improving  operations.  He has a B.A. in chemistry from Missouri  University and
received his M.B.A.  in finance from the  University of Wisconsin.  He presently
conducts his own investment broker/management business in New York.

     The new Board is also planning to appoint Robert  Ingenito a director,  who
will become an additional  investor.  Mr.  Ingenito has for over 25 years been a
key figure in developing the list industry and direct marketing business,  using
databases  and  programs for  Intranet  and  Internet  applications.  He founded
several   companies  in  these   fields,   and  now  owns  and  manages   Access
Communications  Systems, a specialized  transactional  mail company,  and Access
Direct Mail Systems, a high volume direct-mail company.

     Earlier this year, Spectrum launched FastLane,  an on-line Web acceleration
service, and, as previously  announced,  has been attempting to raise capital to
market the service.  In Spectrum's  recently filed quarterly report on Form 10-Q
for the period ended  September  30, 1998,  Spectrum  stated that it intended to
seek  protection  under  Chapter  11 of the U.S.  Bankruptcy  code if it did not
locate capital.

     This  press  release  contains   statements  that  are   "forward-looking,"
including  those  concerning the Company's new management and intended  business
direction.  There can be no assurance that  Spectrum's  new management  team can
successfully  implement  an Internet  marketing  strategy.  There are many risks
associated  with this strategy,  including the Company's  ability to attract and
retain skilled  managerial and technical staff, its low  capitalization  and its
ability to raise additional capital if necessary.

                                      * * *

                                Exhibit No. 99.2

                     Press release dated December 17, 1998.


CONTACT:  For Media Only:               Investors:
          Jon M. Gerber                 Spectrum Information Technologies, Inc.
          Spectrum Information          Investor Relations
          Technologies, Inc.            Tel:  (914) 251-1800 ext. 182
          Tel:  (914) 251-1800 ext. 112

                          Spectrum Will Change Name to
                         Announces Additional Investment

     PURCHASE, NY - December 17, 1998. Spectrum Information  Technologies,  Inc.
(OTC BB: SITI)  reported  today that it intends to change its corporate  name to,  inc. as it changes its direction to Internet marketing.  Formal
approval for the name change will be obtained in the next few months, as holders
of two-thirds of the Company's common stock have indicated prior approval.

     Lawrence M. Powers, Spectrum's newly appointed Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer,  stated,  "  is an appropriate  name for our new strategy
focusing  on  Internet  marketing."  Mr.  Powers  became  the  Company's  CEO in
connection  with a  $700,000  total  equity  investment  which he led with a 70%
participation.  In an announcement earlier this week, Spectrum named a new Board
of Directors and two new corporate officers,  and stated that the new management
team is currently considering several marketing projects.  Mr. Powers said today
that,  "  plans to  develop a  business  structure  that  utilizes
database and direct marketing technologies, applying them to Internet businesses
to drive revenues."

     The Company also  announced  that Robert  Ingenito had become a participant
with Mr. Powers,  investing $100,000 in the Company, and has joined its Board of
Directors.  The Company sold to Mr. Ingenito  500,000 shares of common stock and
an option  pursuant to which he may purchase an  additional  300,000  shares for
$0.15 per share,  a then  participation  equivalent to a new  director-investor,
Reese Schonfeld, described in the earlier announcement.

     Mr. Powers stated, "Bob Ingenito is also a successful entrepreneur.  We are
fortunate to have him invest in the Company and join our Board."

     Mr. Ingenito has for over 25 years been a key figure in developing the list
industry  and direct  marketing  business,  using  databases  and  programs  for
Intranet  and  Internet  applications.  He founded  several  companies  in these
fields, and he was president and a director of Acxiom Corp. (NYSE:  ACXM), now a
$700 million database company, at its inception in the 1980s as CCX Network. Mr.
Ingenito  now owns and manages  Access  Communications  Systems,  a  specialized
transactional mail company, and Access Direct Systems, a high volume direct-mail
company, with total revenues over $35 million. Mr. Powers was also a CCX Network
director  when Mr.  Ingenito was  president,  and has been a  consultant  in its
initial public offering.

                                    * more *
     December 17, 1998
     Page 2

     This  press  release  contains   statements  that  are   "forward-looking,"
including  those  concerning the Company's new management and intended  business
direction.  There can be no assurance that  Spectrum's  new management  team can
successfully  implement  an Internet  marketing  strategy.  There are many risks
associated  with this strategy,  including the Company's  ability to attract and
retain skilled  managerial and technical staff, its low  capitalization  and its
ability to raise additional capital if necessary.

                                      * * *