Washington, DC 20549
                                    FORM 8-K
                                 CURRENT REPORT
     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
        Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported) March 19, 1999
                     Spectrum Information Technologies, Inc.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
Delaware                                 0-15596             75-1940923
(State or other jurisdiction             (Commission         IRS Employer 
of incorporation or organization)        File Number)        Identification No.)
                     P.O. Box 1006, New York, NY 10268-1006
                    (Address of principal executive offices)
Registrant's telephone number, including area code (914) 251-1800
          (Former name or former address, if changed since last report)
Item 2 - Acquisition or Disposition of Assets

     (a)  Description of Transaction

     On March 19,  1999,  Spectrum  Information  Technologies,  Inc.  a Delaware
corporation   doing   business  as  Siti-   (the  "Company"  or  the
"Registrant"),  entered into an Investment  and Business  Development  Agreement
(the  "Investment  Agreement"),  a copy of which is  attached  as  Exhibit  10.1
hereto, with,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation ("MM"), and Joseph
Langhan and Donald Moore (collectively, the "Individuals").  The parties entered
into the  Investment  Agreement to provide for the further  development of a web
site known as  ""  (the "Web Site"), a  food/lifestyle  web site,
which was created by the Individuals.  Pursuant to the Investment Agreement, the
Individuals contributed certain assets to MM relating to the Web Site (primarily
consisting of its domain name and certain recipes and product inventory) for 80%
of the stock of MM and the Company  contributed  $105,000 from its capital to MM
for 20% of the  stock of MM.  Joseph  Langhan  will be the  President  and Chief
Executive  Officer and Donald Moore will be the  Executive  Vice  President  and
Chief Operating Officer of MM. Each Individual will also be a director of MM.
     The Web Site will  undergo a four month  testing  period and launch  phase.
After  completion  of the launch  phase,  the  Company  may elect to exercise an
option (the "Merger  Option") to acquire the MM Shares owned by the  Individuals
by merging a new  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of the Company with and into MM. The
Individuals  would receive up to an aggregate of 500,000 shares of the Company's
common stock, par value $0.001 ("Company  Shares"),  in exchange for their stock
of MM,  250,000  shares of which will be delivered  upon  exercise of the Merger
Option.  The terms of the merger are set forth in a Merger  Agreement (which has
not yet been  executed),  a copy of which is attached as Exhibit 2.1 hereto.  If
the Company  exercises  the Merger  Option,  it will  contribute  an  additional
$295,000  from its  capital  to MM (a  limited  portion  of which  may have been
contributed earlier if necessary).

     If the Company does not exercise the Merger Option,  100,000 Company Shares
(in the  aggregate)  will be delivered to the  Individuals in  consideration  of
their efforts and the failure to complete the term of the  Investment  Agreement
and the Company will transfer back to MM all stock of MM owned by the Company.

     If the Company  exercises the Merger  Option,  it will have another  option
(the  "Termination  Option")  two  months  later  to  terminate  the  Investment
Agreement.  If the Company does not exercise the Termination Option, pursuant to
the Merger  Agreement,  an additional  150,000 Company Shares (in the aggregate)
will be  delivered  to the  Individuals  and the  Company  will make  additional
contributions  to MM in the  approximate  aggregate  amount of $600,000 over the
following six month period. In addition,  the Merger Agreement provides that the
Individuals  will have the right to  receive up to  100,000  additional  Company
Shares (in the  aggregate)  if certain  performance  criteria  are met after two
years of operations.
     The Termination  Option provides that upon exercise (1) the Individuals may
require the Company to sell all of the MM stock to the  Individuals,  or (2) the
Company may require the  Individuals  to acquire all of the MM stock,  in either
event  in  exchange  for  an  aggregate  100,000  Company  Shares  held  by  the

     Pursuant to the Investment  Agreement,  the Individuals will have the right
under  certain  circumstances  to  share  in  the  net  proceeds  of a  sale  or
acquisition of MM (to be paid in Company  Shares) on or prior to March 19, 2004,
and  will  have a right of  first  refusal  with  respect  to any  such  sale or
acquisition of MM prior to such date. The Individuals  were also granted certain
rights  in  the  event  of a  financing  by MM and  will  be  granted  customary
"piggy-back" registration rights. Additionally, the Individuals will be entitled
to certain incentive stock or cash bonuses and/or compensation for their efforts
in  evaluating  new  business  opportunities  for the Company.  Conversely,  the
Company will have right of first refusal on any business  opportunities  located
or originated by the Individuals.

     The  foregoing  description  of the  Investment  Agreement  and the  Merger
Agreement is  qualified  in its entirety by reference to the attached  copies of
the Investment Agreement and the Merger Agreement.

Item 7 - Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Information and Exhibits.

     (a)  Financial Statements of Business Acquired.

          In   accordance  with  paragraph (4) of Item 7(a), not later than June
4, 1999, the Registrant will file financial statements of, Inc.,
on an amendment to this Current Report on Form 8-K.

     (c)  Exhibits.

          Exhibit No.    Description

          2.1            Form of Merger  Agreement  among  Spectrum  Information
                         Technologies,   Inc.,,   Inc.,  Joseph
                         Langhan  and Donald  Moore 

          10.1           Investment  and Business  Development  Agreement  among
                         Spectrum      Information      Technologies,      Inc.,
               , Inc., Joseph Langhan and Donald Moore,
                         dated March 19, 1999

          99.1           Press release dated March 22, 1999


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereto duly authorized.

Dated:    April 2, 1999


                         By  /s/ Lawrence M. Powers
                             Lawrence M. Powers
                             President, Chief Executive Officer and
                             Chairman of the Board of Directors


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

     Exhibit No.    Description

     2.1            Form  of  Merger   Agreement   among  Spectrum   Information
                    Technologies,  Inc.,,  Inc., Joseph Langhan
                    and Donald Moore (not yet executed;  held in escrow by Sills
                    Cummis Radin Tischman Epstein & Gross, P.A.)

     10.1           Investment and Business Development Agreement among Spectrum
                    Information  Technologies,   Inc.,,   Inc.,
                    Joseph Langhan and Donald Moore, dated March 19, 1999

     99.1           Press release dated March 22, 1999