Exhibit No. 2.1

    Form of Merger Agreement among Spectrum Information Technologies, Inc.,
             Minutemeals.com, Inc., Joseph Langhan and Donald Moore

                                MERGER AGREEMENT

     This Merger Agreement dated as of ____________,  1999 (this "Agreement") by
and among Spectrum Information Technologies,  Inc. doing business as Siti-Sites.
com, a Delaware corporation ("SITI"),  SITI-II, Inc., a Delaware corporation and
a wholly-owned subsidiary of SITI (0SITI-II"), Minutemeals.com, Inc., a Delaware
corporation  ("MM"),  and Joseph Langhan and Donald Moore (each an  "Individual"
and, collectively, the "Individuals").

     WHEREAS, SITI, MM, and the Individuals have entered into the Investment and
Business  Development  Agreement  dated as of March 19,  1999  (the  "Investment
Agreement"),  pursuant to which SITI has the right to  effectuate  the merger of
SITI-II with and into MM upon the terms and conditions set forth herein;

     WHEREAS, in connection with the Investment Agreement, SITI, the Individuals
and Sills, Cummis, Radin, Tischman,  Epstein & Gross, P.A., as escrow agent (the
"Escrow  Agent"),  have entered into the Escrow  Agreement  dated March 19, 1999
(the "Escrow Agreement"),  pursuant to which the Escrow Agent was holding and in
the future will hold certain items in escrow to be released in  accordance  with
the terms thereof, of the Investment Agreement and of this Agreement;

     WHEREAS,  SITI has exercised its option to effectuate such merger under the
Investment Agreement; and

     WHEREAS,  the Boards of Directors and shareholders of SITI,  SITI-II and MM
deem such merger to be advisable and in the best  interests of their  respective
corporations,  and such Boards of Directors and shareholders  have approved such
merger upon the terms and conditions set forth herein;

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set
forth herein, the parties hereby agree as follows:

1.     The parties shall cause SITI-II to be merged (the "Merger") with and into
MM by duly filing a certificate of merger in the form attached hereto as Exhibit
A (the  "Certificate  of Merger")  with the  Secretary  of State of the State of
Delaware.  The  Merger  shall be  effected  upon  the  terms  set  forth in this
Agreement and shall be effective  upon the filing of the  Certificate of Merger.
MM shall be the  surviving  corporation  in the  merger and shall  continue  its
corporate  existence  under the laws of the State of Delaware  and the  separate
corporate existence of SITI-II shall cease.

2.     Following the filing of the Certificate of Merger as set forth above, the
Merger  shall have the effects set forth  herein and in the General  Corporation
Law of the State of Delaware.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
and subject  thereto,  after such filing all the property,  rights,  privileges,
powers and franchises of MM and Siti-II shall vest in the surviving corporation,
and all debts, liabilities, obligations,  restrictions,  disabilities and duties
of  MM  and  Siti-II   shall   become  the  debts,   liabilities,   obligations,
restrictions, disabilities and duties of the surviving corporation.

3.     Following the filing of the Certificate of Merger as set forth above, (i)
the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of SITI-II shall become the  Certificate of
Incorporation of the surviving  corporation until amended in accordance with the
provisions thereof and applicable law, provided that following the filing of the
Certificate of Merger such Certificate of Incorporation shall be amended so that
the name of the surviving corporation shall be "Minutemeals.com, Inc.", (ii) the
By-Laws of SITI-II shall become the By-Laws of the surviving  corporation  until
amended in accordance with the provisions  thereof and applicable law, and (iii)
the directors of SITI-II  immediately prior to the effective date of the Merger,
as well as Joseph Langhan and Donald Moore  (collectively,  the  "Individuals"),
shall be the initial directors of the surviving corporation, and the officers of
MM  immediately  prior to the effective  date of the Merger shall be the initial
officers of the surviving  corporation,  each to hold office in accordance  with
the Certificate of Incorporation and the By-Laws of the surviving corporation.

4.     Following  the filing of the Certificate of Merger as set forth above, by
virtue of the Merger and without any action on the part of SITI-II, MM, or their
respective  shareholders,  (i) each issued and outstanding share of common stock
of MM shall be canceled, shall be deemed to be no longer outstanding,  shall not
be transferable on the books of the surviving corporation and shall, in the case
of the Individuals,  be converted  automatically into and represent the right to
receive 500,000 shares (250,000 in the name of each Individual) of SITI's common
stock,  par value $0.001 ("SITI  Shares"),  subject to the terms and  conditions
hereof and of the Investment Agreement, and (ii) the shares of common stock, par
value $0.001 per share,  of SITI-II  issued and  outstanding  shall be converted
into and exchangeable for, in the aggregate,  100 validly issued, fully paid and
non-assessable  shares  of  common  stock,  par value  $0.01,  of the  surviving
corporation,  which shall constitute all of the issued and outstanding shares of
the surviving corporation.

5.     At  the  effective  time of the  Merger,  SITI shall  deliver (or deliver
instructions  to its transfer  agent to issue and deliver) (i) 125,000 shares of
SITI's  common  stock,  par value $0.001  ("SITI  Shares"),  to each  Individual
(250,000 SITI Shares in total), and (ii) 125,000 SITI Shares in the name of each
Individual  (250,000  SITI Shares in total) to the Escrow  Agent,  to be held in
escrow pursuant to the Escrow Agreement.

6.     At the  commencement of the Marketing Phase (as defined in the Investment
Agreement),  provided that SITI has not  exercised its option to terminate  this
Agreement  at the end of the  Start-Up  Phase  pursuant  to Section  6(a) of the
Investment  Agreement,  SITI and the Individuals  shall each instruct the Escrow
Agent to release an additional 75,000 SITI Shares from escrow to each Individual
(150,000 additional SITI Shares in total). 

7.   If the gross revenues of MM from the operations of the Business (as defined
in the Investment  Agreement)  are at least 80% of the agreed budget  formulated
pursuant to the  Investment  Agreement  (as such budget may be amended by mutual


consent of SITI and at least one  Individual,  if at least one  Individual is an
executive officer of MM) during the twelve-month period commencing at the end of
the Marketing  Phase,  SITI and the  Individuals  shall each instruct the Escrow
Agent to release 50,000 SITI Shares from escrow to each Individual (100,000 SITI
Shares in total).  If such test is not met, SITI and the Individuals  shall each
instruct  the Escrow  Agent to release the  remaining  100,000  SITI Shares from
escrow to SITI.

8.     This  Agreement  (including  any Schedules  and Exhibits  hereto) and the
Investment  Agreement  contain  the entire  understanding  of the  parties  with
respect to the subject  matter  hereof.  All rights and  remedies of the parties
under any provision of this  Agreement  shall be in addition to any other rights
and  remedies  provided  hereunder  or under  applicable  law. No  amendment  or
modification  of this Agreement shall be valid or binding unless made in writing
and executed by the  parties.  The waiver by any party hereto of a breach of any
provision of this Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any
preceding or succeeding breach and no failure by any party to exercise any right
or  privilege  hereunder  shall be  deemed a waiver  of such  party's  rights or
privileges  hereunder  or shall be  deemed a waiver  of such  party's  rights to
exercise the same at any subsequent  time or times  hereunder.  All consents and
waivers shall be in writing.  This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed
and enforced in accordance with, the laws of the State of New York, exclusive of
conflicts of laws  provisions.  This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, be
binding upon and be enforceable by and against the parties and their  respective
administrators,  heirs,  legatees,  devisees,  distributees,  personal and legal
representatives, executors, successors and permitted assigns. This Agreement may
be  executed in two or more  counterparts,  each of which  shall  constitute  an
original,  but  all of  which  when  taken  together  shall  constitute  but one

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  have duly  executed and  delivered  this
Agreement, or caused this Agreement to be duly executed and delivered, as of the
day and year first written above.

ATTEST:                                     SPECTRUM INFORMATION
                                            TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

_________________________                   By:__________________________

ATTEST:                                     SITI-II, INC.

________________________                    By:__________________________


ATTEST:                                     MINUTEMEALS.COM, INC.

________________________                    By:__________________________


________________________                    _____________________________
                                            JOSEPH LANGHAN


________________________                    _____________________________
                                            DONALD MOORE


                                    Exhibit A

                              CERTIFICATE OF MERGER
