AMENDED AND RESTATED

                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION



     The  undersigned,  Lawrence  M.  Powers,  Chairman  of the  Board and Chief
Executive  Officer  of  Siti-Sites.com,   Inc.,  a  Delaware   corporation  (the
"Corporation"), hereby certifies that:

         1.    The name of the Corporation is Spectrum Information Technologies,

         2.    The  original  Certificate  of  Incorporation  was filed with the
               Secretary  of State of Delaware on April 1, 1987,  under the name
               Spectrum Cellular Corporation.

         3.    This  Amended  and Restated Certificate of Incorporation was duly
               adopted in accordance with Section 245 of the General Corporation
               Law of the State of Delaware  (the  "GCL") and,  upon filing with
               the Secretary of State in accordance with Section 103 of the GCL,
               shall   henceforth   supersede   the  original   Certificate   of
               Incorporation  and  shall,  as it may  thereafter  be  amended in
               accordance  with its terms and applicable law, be the Certificate
               of Incorporation of the Corporation.

         4.    The text of  the  Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation
               is  hereby  amended  and  restated  to  read in its  entirety  as

                                    ARTICLE I


     The name of the corporation  (hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation")

                              Siti-Sites.com, Inc.

                                   ARTICLE II

                                Registered Agent

     The name and address of the Corporation's  registered agent in the State of
Delaware is:

                            Corporation Trust Company
                               1209 Orange Street
                                 Wilmington, DE

                                   ARTICLE III


     The purpose of the  Corporation  is to engage in any lawful act or activity
for which a corporation  may be organized  under the General  Corporation Law of
the State of Delaware (the "GCL").

                                   ARTICLE IV

                                  Capital Stock

          A.    Authorized Stock.  The total number of shares of  all classes of
          stock with the Corporation shall have authority to issue is 40,000,000
          shares, of which 35,000,000  shares,  par value $.001 per share, shall
          be of a class designed "Common Stock" and 5,000,000 shares,  par value
          $.001 per share, shall be of a class designed "Preferred Stock."

          B.   Preferred Stock.  The  Board  of Directors is authorized, subject
          to the  limitations  prescribed  by law  and  the  provisions  of this
          Article  IV, to provide for the  issuance  from time to time in one or
          more series of any number of shares of Preferred  Stock and, by filing
          a certificate pursuant to the GCL (the "Preferred Stock Designation"),
          to establish  the number of shares to be included in each series,  and
          to fix the designation,  relative rights, preferences,  qualifications
          and  limitations  of the shares of each such series.  The authority of
          the Board of Directors with respect to each series shall include,  but
          not be limited to, determination of the following:

               (1)  The designation of the series, which may be by
                    distinguishing number, letter or title.

               (2)  The  number  of  shares  of  the  series.   Unless otherwise
                    provided by the Preferred  Stock  Designation,  the Board of
                    Directors may thereafter  increase or decrease the number of
                    shares, but not below the number of shares then outstanding.

               (3)  The  voting  rights, if any, of the holders of shares of the

               (4)  Whether   dividends,   if   any,   shall   be cumulative  or
                    noncumulative  and the  dividend  rate of the series and the
                    preferences,  if any, over any other series (or of any other
                    series over said series) with respect to dividends.

               (5)  Dates at which the dividends, if any, shall be payable.


               (6)  Whether  dividends  shall  be payable in cash, securities of
                    the Corporation or another entity, or other property.

               (7)  The  redemption  rights and  price  or  prices,  if any, for
                    shares of the series.

               (8)  The amounts  payable on,  and  the  preferences, if  any, of
                    shares  of the  series  in the  event  of any  voluntary  or
                    involuntary liquidation, dissolution, distribution of assets
                    or winding up of the Corporation's affairs.

               (9)  The  terms and amount of any purchase, retirement or sinking
                    fund provided for the purchase or redemption of the series.

               (10) Whether the shares of the  series shall  be convertible into
                    or exchangeable for any shares of any other class or series,
                    or any other security of the Corporation or any other entity
                    and, if so, the  specification of such other class or series
                    of such other security,  the conversion or exchange price or
                    prices or rate or rates, any adjustments  thereof,  the date
                    or dates at  which  such  shares  shall  be  convertible  or
                    exchangeable  and all other terms and conditions  upon which
                    such conversion or exchange may be made.

               (11) Whether the issuance of additional shares of Preferred Stock
                    shall be subject to  restrictions  as to issuance,  or as to
                    the  powers,  preferences,  or  other  rights  of any  other

               (12) The  right  of  the shares  of such series to the benefit of
                    conditions   and   restrictions   upon   the   creation   of
                    indebtedness  of the  Corporation  or any  subsidiary of the
                    Corporation,   upon  the  issue  of  any  additional   stock
                    (including any additional shares of such series or any other
                    series) and upon the payment of  dividends  or the making of
                    other   distributions  on,  and  the  purchase,   retention,
                    redemption or other  acquisition  by the  Corporation or any
                    subsidiary of, any outstanding stock of the Corporation.

               (13) Such  other powers, preferences and relative, participating,
                    optional and other special rights,  and the  qualifications,
                    limitations  and  restrictions   thereof  as  the  Board  of
                    Directors shall, determine.

     The holders of Preferred Stock shall not have any preemptive  rights except
to the extent such rights shall be  specifically  provided for in the resolution
or  resolutions  providing  for the  issuance  thereof  adopted  by the Board of


     C.   Common Stock.   Common  Stock shall be subject to the express terms of
the Preferred  Stock,  and any series thereof.  Each share of Common Stock shall
have the right to cast one vote for the election of  Directors  and on all other
matters upon which  stockholders are entitled to vote.  Cumulative  voting shall
not be permitted.

     D.   Record Holders. The Corporation shall  be entitled to treat the person
in whose name any share of its stock is  registered as the owner thereof for all
purposes and shall not be bound to recognize any equitable or other claim to, or
interest  in,  such  share on the part of any other  person,  whether or not the
Corporation  shall  have  notice  thereof,   except  as  expressly  provided  by
applicable law.

     E.   Quorum.  The holders of  a  majority  of  all issued  and  outstanding
shares  entitled to vote  generally  in the  election of  directors,  present in
person or represented by proxy,  will constitute a quorum for the transaction of
any business at any duly called meeting of stockholders.

     F.   Conversion of Class A Stock.

     (i)       On  March 31, 1999,  each  outstanding share of the Corporation's
     Class  A  Stock,   par  value  $.001  per  share  (the  "Class  A  Stock"),
     automatically  converted  into one  share of  Common  Stock.  The  Board of
     Directors shall have the authority to make any  determination of beneficial
     ownership  and changes  thereof  required to  effectuate  this Section F of
     Article IV.

     (ii)      The Corporation shall not be  obligated to issue to any holder of
     Class A Stock certificates  evidencing shares of Common Stock issuable upon
     the  conversion  of Class A Stock  into  Common  Stock  until  certificates
     evidencing  the  shares  of  Class A Stock  are  delivered  to  either  the
     Corporation  or any  transfer  agent of the  Corporation.  As  promptly  as
     practicable   thereafter   (and  after  surrender  of  the  certificate  or
     certificates representing shares of Class A Stock to the Corporation or any
     transfer agent of the Corporation), the Corporation shall issue and deliver
     to or upon the written order of such holder a certificate  or  certificates
     for the  number  of full  shares of Common  Stock to which  such  holder is
     entitled.  The person in whose name the  certificate  or  certificates  for
     Common  Stock are to be issued  shall be deemed to have  become a holder of
     record of such Common Stock effective on March 31, 1999.

     (iii)     The  Corporation  shall  pay  all documentary, stamp, transfer or
     other  transactional  taxes  attributable  to the  issuance  or delivery of
     shares of Common  Stock  upon  conversion  of any  shares of Class A Stock;
     provided, that the Corporation shall not be required to pay any taxes which
     may be payable  in respect of any  transfer  involved  in the  issuance  or
     delivery  of any  certificate  for such shares in a name other than that of
     the registered  holder of the Class A Stock in respect of which such shares
     are being issued.


          (iv) So long as there are any shares of Class A Stock outstanding, the
          Corporation shall reserve at all times,  free from preemptive  rights,
          out of its treasury  stock or its  authorized  but unissued  shares of
          Common  Stock,  or both,  solely  for the  purpose  of  effecting  the
          conversion of the shares of Class A Stock, sufficient shares of Common
          Stock to provide for the conversion of all outstanding shares of Class
          A Stock.

          G.   Voting by Class Action Trustee.

          (i)  Certain  shares  of  Class  A  Stock,  which  were  automatically
          converted to Common Stock on March 31, 1999(such stock being hereafter
          referred to as "Class  Action  Stock") were issued to the trustee (the
          "Class Action  Trustee") for the class action  plaintiffs  (the "Class
          Action  Plaintiffs") in securities class action litigation (the "Class
          Action  Suits")  against  the  Corporation  and  certain of its former
          officers and directors  which pending  before Judge  Frederic Block in
          the Eastern District of New York under the consolidated  caption In Re
          Spectrum Information Technologies  Litigation,  No. 93 Civ. 2295 (FB).
          The Class Action  Trustee shall be entitled to vote Class Action Stock
          that has not yet been distributed to a Class Action Plaintiff pursuant
          to the settlement of the Class Action Suits and the Corporation's Plan
          of  Reorganization,  filed with the  Bankruptcy  Court on  February 9,
          1996, as amended,  and is held by the Class Action  Trustee;  however,
          the Class  Action  Trustee  shall be required to vote the Class Action
          Stock in the same  proportions  and the same  manner as the holders of
          shares of Common Stock have voted.

                                    ARTICLE V

                                Rights Agreements

     The Board of Directors is hereby authorized to create and issue, whether or
not in connection with the issuance and sale of its stock or other securities or
property,  rights entitling the holders thereof to purchase from the Corporation
shares of stock or other  securities  of the  Corporation  or any other  entity,
recognizing that, under certain circumstances, the creation and issuance of such
rights could have the effect of  discouraging  third  parties from  seeking,  or
impairing  their  ability  to seek,  to  acquire a  significant  portion  of the
outstanding  securities of the Corporation,  to engage in any transaction  which
might  result in a change of  control  of the  Corporation  or to enter into any
agreement,  arrangement  or  understanding  with another party to accomplish the
foregoing or for the purpose of acquiring,  holding,  voting or disposing of any
securities of the  Corporation.  The times at which and the specific  terms upon
which such rights are to be issued will be  determined by the Board of Directors
and set forth in the contracts or  instruments  that  evidence such rights.  The
authority of the Board of Directors  with respect to such rights shall  include,
but not be limited to, determination of the following:

     A.   The  initial  purchase price per share or other unit of stock or other
securities or property to be purchased upon the exercise of such rights.


     B.   Provisions relating to  the times at which and the circumstances under
which such rights may be  exercised  or sold or  otherwise  transferred,  either
together with or  separately  from,  any other stock or other  securities of the

     C.   Provisions which set forth the type and amount of stock for which such
rights are exercisable and provisions  which adjust the number or exercise price
of such rights in the event of a combination,  split or  recapitalization of any
stock of the Corporation,  a change in ownership of the  Corporation's  stock or
other securities or a reorganization,  merger, consolidation,  sale of assets or
other  occurrence  relating to the Corporation or any stock of the  Corporation,
and  provisions  restricting  the ability of the  Corporation  to enter into any
stock transaction  absent an assumption by the other party or parties thereto of
the obligations of the Corporation under such rights.

     D.   Provisions  which  deny  the  holder  of  a  specified  percentage  of
outstanding  stock or other  securities of the Corporation the right to exercise
such rights and/or cause the rights held by such holder to become void.

     E.   Provisions  which  permit  the Corporation  to redeem or exchange such
rights,  which  redemption or exchange may be within the sole  discretion of the
Board of Directors, if the Board of Directors reserves such right to itself.

     F.  The appointment of a rights agent with respect to such rights.

                                   ARTICLE VI

                               Board of Directors

     A.   The  business  and  affairs of  the Corporation shall be managed by or
under the  direction  of the Board of  Directors.  Subject  to the rights of the
holders of any series of Preferred  Stock to elect  additional  directors  under
specific  circumstances,  the Board of Directors shall consist of no more than 7
directors,  the exact number of directors to be determined  from time to time by
resolution  adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of the entire Board of
Directors. The directors,  other than those who may be elected by the holders of
any series of Preferred Stock,  shall be divided into three classes,  designated
Class I, Class II and Class III. Each class shall  consist,  as nearly as may be
possible, of one-third of the total number of directors  constituting the entire
Board of  Directors.  Initially,  Class I directors  shall be elected for a one-
year term, Class II directors for a two-year term, and Class III directors for a
three-year  term.  At  each  succeeding  annual  meeting  of  the  stockholders,
successors  to the class of directors  whose terms expire at the annual  meeting
shall be elected for a three-year term.

     B.   Subject  to  the  rights  of  any  series  of Preferred Stock to elect
additional directors under specific circumstances, if the number of directors is
changed,  any increase or decrease shall be apportioned  among the classes so as


to maintain  the number of  directors in each class as nearly equal as possible,
and any  additional  director of any class  elected to fill a vacancy  resulting
from an increase in such class shall hold office for a term that shall  coincide
with the  remaining  term of that  class,  but in no case will a decrease in the
number of directors shorten the term of any incumbent director. A director shall
hold office until the annual  meeting for the year in which his term expires and
until  his  successor  shall be  elected,  subject,  however,  to  prior  death,
resignation,  retirement  or removal  from  office.  Any vacancy on the Board of
Directors that results from an increase in the number of directors may be filled
by a  majority  of the  directors  then in  office,  provided  that a quorum  is
present, and any other vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors may be filled
by a majority of the directors then in office, even if less than a quorum, or by
a sole remaining director.  Any director elected to fill a vacancy not resulting
from an increase in the number of directors  shall have the same  remaining term
as that of his predecessor  or, if such director has no predecessor,  as that of
the class of directors to which such director has been elected.

                                   ARTICLE VII

                        Transactions with Related Persons

     A.   In   addition   to   any   affirmative  vote required  by  law or this
Certificate of  Incorporation  or the Bylaws of the  Corporation,  and except as
otherwise  expressly  provided  in  Section C of this  Article  VII,  a Business
Combination (as  hereinafter  defined) with, or proposed by or on behalf of, any
Interested Stockholder (as hereinafter defined) or any Affiliate (as hereinafter
defined) or Associate (as hereinafter defined) of, any Interested Stockholder or
any person who thereafter  would be an Affiliate or Associate of such Interested
Stockholder shall require the affirmative vote of at least 66 2/3 percent of the
votes  entitled  to be cast by the  holders of all the then  outstanding  shares
entitled to vote generally in the election of directors ("Voting Stock"), voting
together  as a single  class,  excluding  Voting  Stock  Beneficially  Owned (as
hereinafter defined) by such Interested Stockholder. Such affirmative vote shall
be required  notwithstanding  the fact that no vote may be  required,  or that a
lesser  percentage  or separate  class vote may be  specified,  by law or in any
agreement with any national securities exchange or otherwise.

     B.   The   provisions  of  Section  A  of  this  Article  VII  shall not be
applicable to any particular Business Combination, and such Business Combination
shall  require only such  affirmative  vote, if any, as is required by law or by
any other provision of this  Certificate of  Incorporation  or the Bylaws of the
Corporation,  or any agreement  with any national  securities  exchange,  if the
Business  Combination  shall have been  approved,  either  specifically  or as a
transaction which is within an approved category of transactions,  by a majority
of the  Board  of  Directors  prior  to the  Acquisition  Date  (as  hereinafter


     C.   The following definitions shall apply  with respect  to  this  Article

          (i)       The  terms  "Affiliate"   and  "Associate"  shall  have  the
     respective  meanings ascribed to such terms in Rule 12b-2 promulgated under
     the Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the  "Exchange  Act") as in effect on
     the date this Certificate of  Incorporation  became effective under the GCL
     (the  term  "registrant"  in said  Rule  12b-2  meaning  in this  case  the

          (ii)      The   term   "Acquisition Date"   shall   mean  the  date on
     which any person becomes the Beneficial Owner of Voting Stock  representing
     10 percent or more of the votes  entitled  to be cast by the holders of all
     the then outstanding shares of Voting Stock.

          (iii)     A  person  shall  be  deemed  the "Beneficial Owner" of, and
     shall be  deemed  to  "Beneficially  Own",  shares  of  Capital  Stock  (as
     hereinafter defined):

                    (a)  which such person or any of such person's Affiliates or
          Associates,  directly or  indirectly,  has the sole or shared right to
          vote or dispose of or has  "beneficial  ownership"  of (as  determined
          pursuant to Rule 13d-3  promulgated under the Exchange Act or pursuant
          to any successor provision), pursuant to any agreement, arrangement or
          understanding,  whether  or not in  writing;  provided,  that a person
          shall not be deemed the  "Beneficial  Owner"  of, or to  "Beneficially
          Own",  any  security  under  this  Subsection  (a) as a  result  of an
          agreement,  arrangement  or  understanding  to vote such security that
          both (y) arises  solely from a revocable  proxy given in response to a
          public  proxy  or  consent  solicitation  made  pursuant  to,  and  in
          accordance   with,  the   applicable   provisions  of  the  rules  and
          regulations  promulgated  under  the  Exchange  Act  and  (z)  is  not
          reportable  by such  person  on  Schedule  13D  promulgated  under the
          Exchange Act (or any  comparable or successor  report)  without giving
          effect to any applicable waiting period; or

                    (b)  which  are  Beneficially Owned, directly or indirectly,
          by any other person (or any Affiliate or Associate thereof) with which
          such person (or any of such person's Affiliates or Associates) has any
          agreement,  arrangement or  understanding,  whether or not in writing,
          for the purpose of acquiring,  holding,  voting (except  pursuant to a
          revocable  proxy as described in the proviso to Subsection  (a) above)
          or disposing of any Capital Stock;

provided,  that (y) no director or officer of the Corporation (nor any Affiliate
or Associate of any such director or officer) shall,  solely by reason of any or
all of such  officers  acting  in  their  capacities  as  such,  be  deemed  the
"Beneficial  Owner" of or to "Beneficially Own" any shares of Capital Stock that
are Beneficially Owned by any other such director or officer,  and (z) no person
shall be deemed the "Beneficial Owner" of or to "Beneficially Own" any shares of
Voting Stock held in any voting trust,  any employee stock ownership plan or any


similar  plan or trust if such  person  does not  posses  the right to vote,  to
direct  the  voting of or to be  consulted  with  respect  to the voting of such

          (iv)      The term "Business Combination" shall mean:

                    (a) any merger or  consolidation  of the  Corporation or any
          Subsidiary   (as   hereinafter   defined)  with  (y)  any   Interested
          Stockholder  or (z)  any  other  company  (whether  or not  itself  an
          Interested Stockholder) which is or after such merger or consolidation
          would be an Affiliate or Associate of an Interested Stockholder; or

                    (b)  any sale, lease, exchange,  mortgage,  pledge, transfer
          or  other  disposition  or  security  arrangement,  investment,  loan,
          advance, guarantee, agreement to purchase, agreement to pay, extension
          of credit,  joint venture  participation or other  arrangement (in one
          transaction  or a series of  transactions)  with or for the benefit of
          any  Interested  Stockholder  or any  Affiliate  or  Associate  of any
          Interested Stockholder involving the Corporation or any Subsidiary and
          any  assets,  securities  or  commitments  of  the  Corporation,   any
          Subsidiary or any Interested Stockholder or any Affiliate or Associate
          of any  Interested  Stockholder  which  (except  for any  arrangement,
          whether  as  employee,  consultant  or  otherwise,  other  than  as  a
          director,   pursuant  to  which  any  Interested  Stockholder  or  any
          Affiliate or Associate thereof shall, directly or indirectly, have any
          control over or responsibility for the management of any aspect of the
          business  or  affairs  of  the  Corporation,  with  respect  to  which
          arrangements  the  value  tests  set forth  below  shall  not  apply),
          together with all other such arrangements  (including all contemplated
          future events),  has an aggregate Fair Market Value (as defined below)
          and/or  involves  aggregate  commitments  of  $5,000,000  or  more  or
          constitutes  more than 5 percent of the book value of the total assets
          (in the case of  transactions  involving  assets or commitments  other
          than Capital Stock) or 5 percent of the  stockholders'  equity (in the
          case of  transactions  in Capital  Stock) of the entity in question (a
          "Substantial  Part"),  as reflected in the most recent fiscal year-end
          consolidated  balance  sheet of such  entity  existing at the time the
          stockholders  of the  Corporation  would be  required  to  approve  or
          authorize the Business  Combination  involving the assets,  securities
          and/or commitments constituting any Substantial Part; or

                    (c)  the   adoption   of   any  plan  or  proposal  for  the
          liquidation or dissolution of the Corporation; or

                    (d)  any  reclassification  of securities of the Corporation
          (including  any  reverse  stock  split),  or  recapitalization  of the
          Corporation,  or any merger or  consolidation  of the Corporation with
          any of its Subsidiaries or any other transaction  (whether or not with
          or otherwise involving an Interested Stockholder) that has the effect,
          directly or indirectly, of increasing the proportionate share of any


          directly or indirectly,  of increasing the proportionate  share of any
          class or series of Capital Stock, or any securities  convertible  into
          Capital  Stock or into equity  securities of any  Subsidiary,  that is
          Beneficially  Owned by any Interested  Stockholder or any Affiliate or
          Associate of any Interested Stockholder; or

                    (e)  any  agreement, contract or other arrangement providing
          for any one or more of the actions  specified in the foregoing clauses
          (a) to (d).

               (v)  The term "Capital Stock" shall mean all capital stock of the
          Corporation authorized to be issued from time to time under Article IV
          of this Certificate of Incorporation.

               (vi) The term "Fair Market Value"  shall  mean (y) in the case of
          stock,  the  highest  closing  sale price  during  the  30-day  period
          immediately preceding the date in question of a share of such stock on
          the Composite Tape for New York Stock Exchange  listed stocks,  or, if
          such stock is not quoted on the Composite  Tape, on the New York Stock
          Exchange  or, if such  stock is not  listed on such  exchange,  on the
          principal  United  States  securities  exchange  registered  under the
          Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 on which such is listed,  or, if such
          stock is not listed on any such  exchange,  the  highest  closing  bid
          quotation  with  respect  to a share of such  stock  during the 60-day
          period  preceding the date in question on the National  Association of
          Securities  Dealers,  Inc.  Automated  Quotations System or any system
          then in use in its stead, or if no such quotations are available,  the
          fair market  value on the date in question of a share of such stock as
          determined by the Board of Directors in accordance with Subsection (i)
          of  Section D of this  Article  VII,  and (z) in the case of  property
          other than cash or stock,  the fair market  value of such  property on
          the date in  question  as  determined  by the  Board of  Directors  in
          accordance with Subsection (i) of Section D of this Article VII.

               (vii)     The term "Interested Stockholder" shall mean any person
          (other  than the  Corporation  or any  Subsidiary  and other  than any
          profit-sharing,  employee stock  ownership or other  employee  benefit
          plan  of the  Corporation  or any  Subsidiary  or  any  trustee  of or
          fiduciary with respect to any such plan when acting in such capacity),
          who (a) is the  Beneficial  Owner  of 10  percent  or more of the then
          outstanding  Voting Stock;  or (b) is an Affiliate or Associate of the
          Corporation  and at any time within the two- year  period  immediately
          prior to the date in question was the  Beneficial  Owner of 10 percent
          or more of the then outstanding Voting Stock.

               (viii)    The  term  "person"  shall  mean  any individual, firm,
          corporation,  partnership  or other entity and shall include any group
          comprised  of any person and any other person with whom such person or
          any  Affiliate  or  Associate  of  such  person  has  any   agreement,
          arrangement or understanding,  directly or indirectly, for the purpose
          of acquiring, holding, voting or disposing of Capital Stock.


               (ix)      The  term  "Subsidiary"  means  any  company of which a
          majority of any class of equity security is beneficially  owned by the
          Corporation;  provided,  however, for the purpose of the definition of
          Interested  Stockholder set forth in Subsection  (vii) of this Section
          C, the term "Subsidiary" shall mean only a company of which a majority
          of each  class  of  equity  securities  is  Beneficially  Owned by the

     D.   (i)  A  majority  of  the  Board of  Directors shall have the power to
          determine for the purpose of this Article VII, all  questions  arising
          under this Article VII, including,  without limitation,  (a) whether a
          person  is an  Interested  Stockholder,  (b) the  number  of shares of
          Capital Stock or other  securities  Beneficially  Owned by any person,
          (c) whether a person is an  Affiliate  or  Associate  of another,  (d)
          whether a Business  Combination  is with, or proposed by, or on behalf
          of an  Interested  Stockholder  or an  Affiliate  or  Associate  of an
          Interested Stockholder, (e) whether the assets that are the subject of
          any Business Combination have, or the consideration to be received for
          the  issuance or  transfer of  securities  by the  Corporation  or any
          Subsidiary in any Business  Combination  has, an aggregate Fair Market
          Value of $5,000,000 or more or constitutes  more than 5 percent of the
          book  value of the  total  assets or 5  percent  of the  stockholders'
          equity of the entity in question, (f) whether the assets or securities
          that  are  the  subject  of  any  Business  Combination  constitute  a
          Substantial  Part,  (g) the date on which  an  Interested  Stockholder
          became an Interested Stockholder, (h) the date on which an Acquisition
          Date occurred, (i) the Fair Market Value of stock or other property in
          accordance  with Subsection (vi) of Section C of this Article VII, and
          (j) any other matter relating to the  applicability  or effect of this
          Article VII. Any such determination shall be binding and conclusive on
          all parties.

               (ii)      The Board  of  Directors shall have the right to demand
          that any person who it believes is or may be an Interested Stockholder
          (or who holds of record shares of Capital Stock that are  Beneficially
          Owned by any person that the Board of Directors  believes is or may be
          an  Interested  Stockholder)  supply  the  Corporation  with  complete
          information  as to:  (a) the  record  holders of all shares of Capital
          Stock that are  Beneficially  Owned by such person;  (b) the number of
          shares of each class or series of Capital Stock that are  Beneficially
          Owned by such person and held of record by each such record holder and
          the numbers of the stock certificates  evidencing such shares; and (c)
          any  other  matter  relating  to the  applicability  or effect of this
          Article VII as the Board of Directors  may  reasonably  request.  Each
          such person shall  furnish such  information  within 10 days after the
          receipt of such demand.

     E.   Nothing  contained  in  this Article VII shall be construed to relieve
any Interested Stockholder from any fiduciary obligation imposed by law or to be
in derogation of any action,  past or future,  which has been or may be taken by
the Board of Directors or the  stockholders  with respect to the subject  matter
contained herein.


     F.   For  the  purposes  of  this  Article  VII,  a Business Combination is
presumed to have been proposed by, or on behalf of, an Interested Stockholder or
an  Affiliate  or  Associate  of  an  Interested  Stockholder  or a  person  who
thereafter  would  become  such  if  such  Interested  Stockholder,   Affiliate,
Associate or person  votes for or consents to the adoption of any such  Business
Combination,  unless as to such Interested Stockholder,  Affiliate, Associate or
person a majority  of the Board of  Directors  makes a  determination  that such
Business  Combination  is  not  proposed  by or on  behalf  of  such  Interested
Stockholder, Affiliate, Associate or person.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                         Personal Liability of Directors

      A.   A  director  of the Corporation shall not be personally liable to the
Corporation or its stockholders for monetary damages for any breach of fiduciary
duty as a  director,  except  that this  Section  A of  Article  VIII  shall not
eliminate or limit a director's  liability (i) for any breach of the  director's
duty of  loyalty  to the  Corporation  or its  stockholders,  (ii)  for  acts or
omissions not in good faith or which involve intentional misconduct or a knowing
violation  of law,  (iii)  pursuant  to Section  174 of the GCL, or (iv) for any
transaction from which such director derived an improper  personal  benefit.  If
the GCL is amended  after the date this  Amended  and  Restated  Certificate  of
Incorporation  became  effective  under the GCL to  authorize  corporate  action
further  eliminating or limiting the personal  liability of directors,  then the
liability of a director of the Corporation shall be eliminated or limited to the
fullest extent permitted by the GCL, as so amended from time to time.

     Without  limiting  the  generality  or the  effect  of the  foregoing,  the
Corporation  may enter into one or more  agreements  with any person,  which may
provide for  indemnification  greater or  different  than that  provided in this
Article VIII.

     Any repeal or  modification  of this  Section A of  Article  VIII shall not
increase the personal  liability of any director of this Corporation for any act
or occurrence  taking place prior to such repeal or  modification,  or otherwise
adversely  affect  any right or  protection  of a  director  of the  Corporation
existing at the time of such repeal or modification.

     The  provisions  of this  Section A of Article  VIII shall not be deemed to
limit or  preclude  indemnification  of a director  by the  Corporation  for any
liability of a director which has not been  eliminated by the provisions of this
Section A of Article VIII.

     B.   The  Corporation  shall  indemnify  to  the  full extent authorized or
permitted by law (as now or hereafter in effect) any person made,  or threatened
to be made a party or witness to any  threatened,  pending or completed  action,
suit or proceeding,  whether civil,  criminal, a administrative or investigative
(other than an action by or in the right of the  Corporation),  by reason of the
fact that such  person is or was a director,  officer,  employee or agent of the
Corporation  or by reason of the fact that such  person is or was serving at the


request of the Corporation as a director,  officer, employee or agent of another
corporation,  partnership,  joint venture, trust, employee benefit plan or other
enterprise.  Nothing contained herein shall affect any rights to indemnification
to which  employees other than directors and officers may be entitled by law. No
amendment or repeal of this Section B of Article VIII shall apply to or have any
effect on any right to  indemnification  provided  hereunder with respect to any
acts or omissions occurring prior to such amendment or repeal.

     C.   The  Corporation  shall  indemnify  to  the  full extent authorized or
permitted by law (as now or hereafter in effect) any person made,  or threatened
to be made a party or witness to any threatened,  pending or completed action or
suit by or in the right of the Corporation to procure a judgment in its favor by
reason of the fact that such person is or was a director,  officer,  employee or
agent of the  Corporation  or by reason  of the fact that such  person is or was
serving at the request of the  Corporation as a director,  officer,  employee or
agent of  another  corporation,  partnership,  joint  venture,  trust,  employee
benefit  plan or other  enterprise.  Nothing  contained  herein shall affect any
rights to  indemnification  to which employees other than directors and officers
may be entitled by law. No amendment or repeal of this Section C of Article VIII
shall  apply to or have any  effect  on any  right to  indemnification  provided
hereunder  with  respect  to any  acts  or  omissions  occurring  prior  to such
amendment or repeal.

     D.   The  Corporation  may  maintain  insurance, at its expense, to protect
itself  and any  director,  officer,  employee  or agent of the  Corporation  or
another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, employee benefit plan or
other  enterprise  against any such  expense,  liability or loss, or against any
other  expense,  liability or loss, to the extent  permitted  under the GCL. The
Corporation may also create a trust fund,  grant a security  interest and/or use
other  means  (including  but not limited to,  letters of credit,  surety  bonds
and/or  use  other  similar  arrangements),  as well  as  enter  into  contracts
providing  indemnification to the full extent authorized or permitted by law and
including  as  part  thereof  provisions  with  respect  to  any  or  all of the
foregoing,  to ensure the  payment of such  amounts as may become  necessary  to
effect indemnification as provided therein or elsewhere.

                                   ARTICLE IX

                               Amendment to Bylaws

     A.   In furtherance  and  not  in  limitation  of  the  powers conferred by
applicable law, the Board of Directors is expressly authorized and empowered to:

          (1)  adopt,  alter,   amend,   change  or  repeal  the  Bylaws  of the
Corporation;  provided,  however,  that  the  Bylaws  adopted  by the  Board  of
Directors under the powers hereby  conferred may be adopted,  altered,  amended,
changed or repealed by the Board of Directors  subject to the provisions of this
Amended and Restated  Certificate of Incorporation,  or the stockholders  having
voting power with  respect  thereto;  provided,  further,  that,  subject to the
provisions  of  Article  VI  of  this  Amended  and  Restated   Certificate   of


Incorporation,  in the case of amendments by stockholders,  the affirmative vote
of  the  holders  of at  least  80  percent  of the  voting  power  of the  then
outstanding  Voting Stock,  voting together as a single class, shall be required
to alter, amend or repeal the Bylaws; and

          (2)  from  time  to  time determine whether and to what extent, and at
what times and places,  and under what conditions and regulations,  the accounts
and books of the  Corporation,  or any of them,  shall be open to  inspection of
stockholders;  and,  except as so determined,  or as expressly  provided in this
Amended and Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation  or in any Preferred  Stock
Designation, no stockholder shall have any right to inspect any account, book or
document of the Corporation other than such rights as may be conferred by law.

     B.   The  Corporation  may  in  its  Bylaws confer powers upon the Board of
Directors  in  addition  to the  foregoing  and in  addition  to the  powers and
authorities  expressly conferred upon the Board of Directors in this Amended and
Restated  Certificate of Incorporation  or by law;  provided,  however,  that no
Bylaws  hereafter  adopted by the stockholders or otherwise shall invalidate any
prior act of the  directors  which  would have been valid if such Bylaws had not
been adopted.

                                    ARTICLE X

                               Shareholder Consent

     Notwithstanding any other provision of this Certificate of Incorporation or
the Bylaws of the Corporation to the contrary, no action required to be taken or
which may be taken at any  annual or  special  meeting  of  stockholders  of the
Corporation  may be taken by written  consent  without such a meeting except any
action taken upon the signing of a consent in writing by all stockholders of the
Corporation  having  voting power of the then  outstanding  Voting Stock setting
forth the action to be taken.  Subject to the rights of the holders of any class
or  series  of  Preferred  Stock,   special  meetings  of  stockholders  of  the
Corporation  may be called only by the Board of  Directors,  the Chairman of the
Board, the President of the Corporation.

                                   ARTICLE XI

                              Other Constituencies

     The Board of Directors,  when evaluating any (a) tender offer or invitation
for  tenders or  proposal to make a tender  offer or request or  invitation  for
tenders,  by another party,  for any equity  security of the  Corporation or (b)
proposal or offer by another party to (i) merge or consolidate  the  Corporation
or any subsidiary with another  corporation,  (ii) purchase or otherwise acquire
all or a substantial  portion of the properties or assets of the  Corporation or
any  subsidiary,  or sell or  otherwise  dispose  of to the  Corporation  or any


subsidiary  all or a  substantial  portion of the  properties  or assets of such
other party or (iii) liquidate,  dissolve, reclassify the securities of, declare
an extraordinary  dividend or recapitalize or reorganize the Corporation,  shall
be permitted (but not required) to take into account all factors which the Board
of Directors deems relevant,  including,  without  limitation,  to the extent so
deemed  relevant  the  potential  impact  on  employees,  customers,  suppliers,
partners,  joint  venturer and other  constituents  of the  Corporation  and the
communities in which the Corporation operates.

                                   ARTICLE XII

                   Amendments to Certificate of Incorporation

     Except as may be expressly  provided in this Certificate of  Incorporation,
the  Corporation  reserves  the  right at any time  from  time to time to amend,
alter,  change  or  repeal  any  provision  contained  in  this  Certificate  of
Incorporation,  or a  Preferred  Stock  Designation,  and any  other  provisions
authorized  by the laws of the  State of  Delaware  at the time in force  may be
added or inserted,  in the manner now or hereafter  prescribed herein or by law;
and all rights,  preferences and privileges of whatsoever  nature conferred upon
stockholders,  directors or any other persons whomsoever by and pursuant to this
Certificate  of  Incorporation  in its present form or as hereafter  amended are
granted  subject to the right reserved in this Article XIV;  provided,  however,
that any amendment or repeal of Article IX of this  Certificate of Incorporation
shall not adversely affect any right or protection existing hereunder in respect
of any act or omission  occurring  prior to such  amendment or repeal;  provided
further, that no Preferred Stock Designation shall be amended after the issuance
of any  shares of the  series of  Preferred  Stock  created  thereby,  except in
accordance  with  the  terms  of  such  Preferred  Stock   Designation  and  the
requirements of applicable law.

     IN WITNESS  HEREOF,  the  Corporation  has caused this Amended and Restated
Certificate of  Incorporation  to be signed by its Chief  Executive  Officer and
Chairman  of the  Board  and  attested  by its  Secretary  this  _______  day of
_________, 1999.

                                         SPECTRUM INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                                            Lawrence M. Powers,
                                            Chief Executive Officer and
                                            Chairman of the Board

Attest: ___________________
