Washington, D.C. 20549

                            FORM 10-Q

(Mark One)
         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 for the period ended December 30,
         1995, or

         EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 for the transition period from ________
         to ________

         Commission File No.        0-12719

      (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

         California                                        94-2656341
(State or other jurisdiction of            (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
 incorporation or organization)

4650 Norris Canyon Road, San Ramon, CA
(Address of principal executive offices)                94583
                                                     (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number:  (510) 328-4650

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by  Sections  13 or 15(d)  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934
during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter  period that the  registrant
was  required  to file such  reports),  and (2) has been  subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

                                    Yes    X         No
                                          ---             ---

Common stock outstanding as of December 30, 1995:    2,569,920

                                                           PAGE 2

                                    GIGA-TRONICS INCORPORATED


PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                                         Page No.
- ------------------------------                                                         --------

    ITEM 1  Financial Statements:

            Balance Sheets as of December 30, 1995 (unaudited)
            and March 25, 1995............................................................3

            Statements of Operations, three months and nine months ended
            December 30, 1995 and December 24, 1994 (unaudited)...........................4

            Statements of Cash Flows, nine months ended
            December 30, 1995 and December 24, 1994 (unaudited)...........................5

            Notes to Unaudited Financial Statements.......................................6

    ITEM 2  Management's Discussion and Analysis
            of Operations and Financial Condition.........................................7

- ---------------------------

    ITEM 1
     TO 5   Not Applicable

    ITEM 6  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

            (a) Exhibits

                (11)    Computation of Net Earnings and
                        Common Share Equivalents...........................................8
            (b)  Reports on Form 8-K

                 Not Applicable


                                                                          PAGE 3

                                             GIGA-TRONICS INCORPORATED

                                                  BALANCE SHEETS
                                         (In thousands, except share data)

                                                   December 30, 1995   March 25, 1995
                                                   -----------------   --------------

Cash and cash equivalents                               $  5,761           $  2,137
Investments                                                3,685              3,631
Trade accounts receivable                                  3,191              3,524
Inventories, net                                           4,871              6,701
Prepaid expenses                                             288                588
Deferred income taxes                                        850                868
                                                      ----------          ---------
    Total current assets                                  18,646             17,449

Property and Equipment:
Machinery and equipment                                    6,392              6,095
Office furniture and fixtures                                413                411
Leasehold improvements                                        97                 93
                                                      ----------          ---------
    Gross cost property and equipment                      6,902              6,599
Less accumulated depreciation and amortization            (4,861)           (4,212)
                                                        --------          --------
    Net property and equipment                             2,041              2,387
Patents and licenses                                       1,730              2,150
Other assets                                                 165                239
                                                      ----------         ----------
Total assets                                             $22,582            $22,225
                                                      ==========         ==========

                               LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY

Current Liabilities:
Accounts payable                                        $  1,397          $  1,477
Accrued commissions                                          355               318
Accrued expenses                                             696               745
Accrued payroll and benefits                                 593               778
Accrued warranty                                             459               417
Accrued earnout payable                                      393               472
Income taxes payable                                          57                --
                                                       ---------         ---------
Total liabilities                                          3,950             4,207

Shareholders' Equity:
Convertible preferred stock of no par value.
  Authorized 1,000,000 shares; no shares
  outstanding at December 30, 1995 and
  March 25, 1995                                          --                 --
Common stock of no par value.  Authorized
    40,000,000 shares; issued and outstanding
    2,569,920 shares at December 30, 1995
    and March 25, 1995                                    7,748              7,773
Unrealized loss on investments                              (41)               (77)
                                                         10,925             10,322
                                                      ---------          ---------
Total shareholders' equity                               18,632             18,018
                                                      ---------          ---------
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity              $22,582            $22,225
                                                      =========          =========

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                                                                          PAGE 4

                                                GIGA-TRONICS INCORPORATED
                                                STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
                                          (In thousands, except per share data)

                                                     Three Months Ended                     Nine Months Ended
                                                      ------------------                     -----------------


                                                    Dec. 30,         Dec. 24,            Dec. 30,          Dec. 24,
                                                        1995             1994                1995              1994
                                                    --------         --------            --------          --------

Net sales                                           $  6,171         $  5,853             $18,644           $17,006
Cost of sales                                       $  3,907         $  3,555             $11,781           $10,400
                                                    --------         --------           ----------        ---------
    Gross profit                                       2,264            2,298               6,863             6,606
Product development                                      556              681               1,841             1,877
Selling, general and administrative                    1,306            1,352               4,169             3,968
                                                   ---------         --------           ---------         ---------
    Operting expenses                                  1,862            2,033               6,010             5,845
    Net operating income                                 402              265                 853               761
Other income                                               7              --                  152                --
Amortization of intangibles                             (140)            (140)               (420)             (419)
Interest income, net                                      91               48                 219               135
                                                   ---------         --------          ----------       -----------
    Earnings before income taxes                         360              173                 804               477
Provision for income taxes                                90               44                 201               153
                                                   ---------        ---------          ----------       -----------
Net earnings                                       $     270        $     129           $     603        $      324
                                                   =========        =========           =========        ==========

Earnings per share of common stock                 $    0.10        $    0.05           $    0.23        $     0.13
                                                   =========        =========           =========        ==========

Weighted average common and common
      equivalent shares outstanding                    2,648            2,570               2,648             2,570
                                                   =========        =========           =========        ==========

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                                                                          PAGE 5

                                             GIGA-TRONICS INCORPORATED
                                             STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                                                  (In thousands)

                                                                     Nine Months Ended

                                                                 Dec. 30,          Dec. 24,
                                                                     1995              1994
                                                                 --------          --------
Cash flows provided from (used by) operations:
Net earnings as reported                                        $     603        $      324
Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to
  net cash provided from (used by) operating activities             3,380              (406)
                                                                 --------          ---------
                                                                    3,983               (82)

Cash flows used by investing  activities:
Re-purchase  of common stock                                          (25)                --
Investment sales/(purchases), net                                     (18)                52
Additions  to  property  and equipment                               (316)              (464)
                                                                 ---------          --------
   Net cash used by investing activities                             (359)              (412)

Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                    3,624               (494)
Beginning cash and cash equivalents                                 2,137              2,680
                                                                 --------          ---------
Ending cash and cash equivalents                                 $  5,761          $   2,186
                                                                 ========          =========

Supplementary disclosure of cash flow information:

    (1) No cash was paid for interest in the periods indicated.

    (2) Cash paid for income taxes in the  nine month period ending December 30
        1995 was $145,000.

    (3) Non-cash investing activities:

     The Company  incurred an unrealized gain of $36,000  (after-tax  effect) on
     investments held available for  sale during the  nine month  period  ending
     December 30, 1995.

                  See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                                                                          PAGE 6

                            GIGA-TRONICS INCORPORATED
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

(1)      Basis of Presentation

     The financial statements included herein have been prepared by the Company,
pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The results of operations  for the interim  periods shown in this report are not
necessarily  indicative  of results to be expected for the fiscal  year.  In the
opinion of management, the information contained herein reflects all adjustments
necessary  to make the  results of  operations  for the  interim  periods a fair
statement of such operations.  For further  information,  refer to the financial
statements  and footnotes  thereto,  included in the Annual Report on Form 10-K,
filed with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission for the year ended March 25,
(2)      Inventories (unaudited)

         Inventories consist of the following (in thousands):

                           December 30, 1995                March 25, 1995
                           -----------------                --------------

         Raw materials              $  1,834                      $  2,489
         Work-in-process               2,449                         3,347
         Finished goods                  588                           865
                                  ----------                    ----------

                                    $  4,871                      $  6,701
                                    ========                      ========

                                                                          PAGE 7


- -------------------------------------------------------------------

Net sales for the three month and nine month  periods  ended  December  30, 1995
increased 5% ($318,000) and 10% ($1,638,000), respectively, compared to the same
periods last year. The change  resulted  mostly from an increase in shipments of
microwave signal generator products.

Gross  profit for the current  three month and nine month  periods  decreased 1%
($34,000)  and  increased  4%  ($257,000),  respectively,  compared  to the same
periods last year.  The change was primarily due to higher sales volume,  offset
somewhat by unfavorable  product mix and additional  inventory  reserves for the
current nine month period.  For the current three month period,  the unfavorable
change in product mix more than offset the increase in sales volume.

Operating  expenses for the three and nine month periods decreased 8% ($171,000)
and increased 3% ($165,000),  respectively,  compared to prior year periods. The
changes are due to higher advertising costs,  offset somewhat by lower selling,
administrative  and product  development  expenses  for the  current  nine month
period.  For the current three month period, the lower expenses more than offset
the advertising costs.

Other income for the current nine month period was  primarily due to the sale of
certain fixed assets, and an insurance claim recovery.  Significant other income
is not expected in the fourth quarter.

Operating  income  for the  current  three  month and nine  month  periods  were
$402,000 and $853,000,  respectively,  compared to $265,000 and $761,000 for the
same  periods  last  year.  The  favorable  change  for the  quarter  was due to
increased  sales volume and lower  operating  expenses  for the quarter,  offset
somewhat by  unfavorable  product mix. The  favorable  change for the nine month
period was due to higher sales  volume,  offset somewhat by unfavorable  product
mix and higher operating expenses.

Earnings  before income taxes for the current three month and nine month periods
were $270,000 and $603,000, respectively,  compared to $129,000 and $324,000 for
the same periods last year.  The change was favorably  affected by sales volume,
other income and interest  income,  offset somewhat by operating  income factors
noted above.

Orders for the three month period  ended  December 30, 1995 were higher than the
same period last year,  while  orders for the nine month  period were lower than
the same period last year.  The  backlog of unfilled  orders as of December  30,
1995 are somewhat higher than the same period last year.

- -------------------

The Company  maintains a strong  financial  position,  with  working  capital of
$14,696,000  and a ratio of  current  assets to  current  liabilities  of 4.7 at
December 30,  1995.  The Company  continues  to fund all of its working  capital
needs from cash flow provided from operations. Cash provided from operations for
the nine  month  period  ended  December  30,  1995 was  $3,983,000.  Management
believes that cash reserves and investments  remain adequate to meet anticipated
operating needs.

During the nine month period,  the Company spent  $316,000 on new  manufacturing
and test equipment and other capital items.  The Company will continue to invest
in  capital  items  that  support  growth  and new  product  development,  raise
productivity  and improve quality.  Historically,  the Company has satisfied its
cash needs  internally for both operating and capital  expenses,  and management
expects to continue to do so.

                                                                          PAGE 8

                                   EXHIBIT II

PART II, Item 6

                            COMMON SHARE EQUIVALENTS
                      (In thousands, except per share data)

     Earnings  per share were  computed  using the  weighted  average  number of
shares  outstanding  plus,  when  dilutive,  incremental  shares  issuable  upon
exercise of outstanding options under the treasury stock method.

                                           Three Months Ended             Nine Months Ended
                                           ------------------             -----------------

                                        Dec. 30,        Dec. 24,         Dec. 30,         Dec. 24,
                                            1995            1994             1995            1994
                                      ----------      ----------       ----------      ----------

Weighted average number of
common shares outstanding:

 Common stock outstanding                  2,570           2,570            2,570            2,570
 Common stock equivalents                     78               0               78               0
                                      ----------      ----------        ---------       ---------
                                           2,648           2,570            2,648           2,570
                                      ==========      ==========        =========       =========
Net earnings                          $      270      $      129        $     603       $     324
                                      ==========      ==========        =========       =========
Net earnings per share of
    common stock                      $     0.10      $     0.05        $    0.23       $    0.13
                                      ==========      ==========        =========       =========

                                                                          PAGE 9


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                       GIGA-TRONICS INCORPORATED

Date:  1/16/96                         GEORGE H. BRUNS, JR.
       -------                         ----------------------------
                                       George H. Bruns, Jr.
                                       Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
                                       (Principal Executive Officer)

Date:  1/16/96                         GREGORY L. OVERHOLTZER
       -------                         ----------------------------
                                       Gregory L. Overholtzer
                                       Vice President, Finance and
                                       Chief Financial Officer
                                       (Principal Accounting Officer)