Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE
                       SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

         Date of report (Date of earliest event reported): June 1, 2005

                        CBL & ASSOCIATES PROPERTIES, INC.

             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

            Delaware                   1-12494                 62-154718
         (State or Other           (Commission File         (I.R.S. Employer
 Jurisdiction of Incorporation)        Number)            Identification No.)

           Suite 500, 2030 Hamilton Place Blvd, Chattanooga, TN 37421
           (Address of principal executive office, including zip code)

                                 (423) 855-0001
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

              (Former name, former address and former fiscal year,
                         if changed since last report)

      Check the appropriate box below if the Form 8-K filing is intended to
simultaneously satisfy the filing obligation of the registrant under any of the
following provisions (see General Instruction A.2. below):

[  ] Written communications  pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act (17
     CFR 230.425)

[  ] Soliciting  material  pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the Exchange Act (17
     CFR 240.14a-12)

[  ] Pre-commencement  communications  pursuant  to Rule  14d-2(b)  under the
     Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14d-2(b))

[  ] Pre-commencement  communications  pursuant  to Rule  13e-4(c)  under the
     Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13e-4(c))


ITEM 9.01 Financial Statements and Exhibits

     CBL & Associates Properties, Inc. (the "Company') acquired seven malls, one
associated  center and one lifestyle  center during the year ended  December 31,
2005.  Although none of the  properties  acquired are  individually  significant
according to the provisions of Rule 3-14 of Regulation S-X of the Securities and
Exchange Commission,  they are significant in the aggregate. This Current Report
on Form 8-K is being filed to provide certain historical and pro forma financial
information  related to these  acquisitions,  which are described below. In this
Current  Report on Form 8-K,  dollars  are in  thousands,  except  for per share

     Effective June 1, 2005, the Company  acquired a 70% joint venture  interest
in Laurel Park Place,  a regional mall in Livonia,  MI, for a purchase  price of
$80,363.  The purchase  price  consisted of $2,828 in cash,  the  assumption  of
$50,654 of  non-recourse  debt that bears interest at a stated rate of 8.50% and
matures in December  2012 and the  issuance of 571,700  Series L Special  Common
Units  ("L-SCUs")  in the  Operating  Partnership  with a fair  value of $26,881
($47.02  per  special  common  unit).  The  Company  recorded a debt  premium of
$10,552,  computed using an estimated  market interest rate of 5.00%,  since the
debt  assumed was at an  above-market  interest  rate  compared to similar  debt
instruments at the date of acquisition.

     The L-SCUs receive a minimum  distribution  of $0.7575 per unit per quarter
($3.03 per unit per year).  Upon the  earlier to occur of June 1, 2020,  or when
the  distribution  on the  common  units  exceeds  $0.7575  per  unit  for  four
consecutive calendar quarters, the L-SCUs will thereafter receive a distribution
equal to the amount paid on the common units.

     The Company may elect to acquire the remaining  30%  ownership  interest in
the joint venture,  or a portion thereof,  at anytime  following the acquisition
date for a purchase  price of  $14,000,  which will be paid  either  through the
issuance  of  common  units  of  limited  partner   interest  in  the  Operating
Partnership or with cash, at the Company's  election.  If the Company  exercises
its right to acquire the  remaining  30% joint  venture  interest,  or a portion
thereof, prior to December 2012 through the issuance of common units, the common
units issued will not be entitled to receive  distributions until after December
2012.  If the Company does not exercise its right to acquire the  remaining  30%
joint venture interest, then the joint venture partner owning that interest will
receive a preferred  return equal to the greater of 12% or the 10-year  treasury
rate plus 800 basis points on the portion of its joint venture interest that has
not yet been  acquired by the Company.  The Company  receives all of the profits
and losses of this joint  venture and is  responsible  for all of its debt.  The
$14,000 value of the minority  partner's  interest has been recorded in Accounts
Payable and Accrued Liabilities.

     On  July  14,  2005,  the  Company   acquired  The  Mall  of  Acadiana,   a
super-regional  mall in  Lafayette,  LA, for a cash  purchase  price,  including
transaction  costs,  of $175,204.  The Company  also entered into 10-year  lease
agreements  for 13.4  acres of land  adjacent  to The  Mall of  Acadiana,  which
provide the Company the right to purchase the land for a cash purchase  price of
$3,327  during the first year of the lease term,  $3,510  during the second year
and  amounts  increasing  by 10%  per  year  for  each  year of the  lease  term
thereafter. After the first year, the seller may put the land to the Company for
a price  equal to the amounts set forth in the  previous  sentence.  The Company
also obtained a ten-year option to acquire  another  adjacent 14.9 acre tract of
land for a cash  purchase  price of $3,245  during  the first six  months of the
option, which increases to $3,407 during the second six months of the option and
to $3,570 during the remaining nine years of the option.


     On November 7, 2005,  the Company  acquired  Layton Hills Mall in Salt Lake
City, UT for a cash purchase price,  including  transaction  costs, of $120,926.
The Company funded a portion of the purchase price with a new,  short-term  loan
of $102,850  that bears  interest at the London  Interbank  Offered Rate plus 95
basis points and has a maturity of March 2006 plus two 30-day extension options.

     On November 16, 2005, the Company  acquired Oak Park Mall in Overland,  KS,
Hickory Point Mall in Forsyth,  IL, and Eastland Mall in  Bloomington,  IL for a
purchase price,  including  transaction  costs, of $508,180,  which consisted of
$127,112 in cash,  the  assumption  of $335,100 of interest  only,  non-recourse
loans that bear  interest at a stated rate of 5.85% and mature in November  2015
and the issuance of 1,144,924  Series K special  common units (the  "K-SCUs") of
limited partner interest in CBL & Associates Limited Partnership (the "Operating
Partnership") with a fair value of $45,969.  The Company funded part of the cash
portion of the  purchase  price with a new,  non-recourse  loan of $33,150  that
bears interest at 5.85% and matures in November 2015.

     The K-SCUs  receive a dividend at a rate of 6.0%,  or $2.85 per K-SCU,  for
the first year following the close of the transaction and 6.25%, or $2.96875 per
K-SCU,   thereafter.   When  the   quarterly   distribution   on  the  Operating
Partnership's  common units exceeds the quarterly  K-SCU  distribution  for four
consecutive quarters, the K-SCUs will receive distributions at the rate equal to
that paid on the Operating Partnership's common units. At any time following the
first  anniversary  of the closing date,  the holders of the K-SCUs may exchange
them, on a one-for-one  basis,  for shares of the Company's  common stock or, at
the Company's election, their cash equivalent.

     On November 16,  2005,  the Company  formed a 50/50 joint  venture with The
Richard E.  Jacobs  Group to own  Triangle  Town Center and its  associated  and
lifestyle  centers,  Triangle Town Place and Triangle Town Commons,  in Raleigh,
NC. The joint  venture  property  was valued at  $283,500.  Concurrent  with its
formation,   the  joint  venture  entered  into  a  new  ten-year,   fixed  rate
non-recourse  loan of  $200,000  that bears  interest  at 5.737% and  matures in
December 2015, which is secured by the collective centers. The proceeds from the
loan were used to retire an existing  construction  loan totaling  approximately
$121,830 with the balance paid to Jacobs as a partial return of Jacobs'  equity.
The Company's initial capital  contribution to the joint venture was $1,452. The
joint venture equity will be equalized  between  Jacobs and the Company  through
future   contributions   by  the  Company  and   through   property   cash  flow
distributions.  The Company will account for its investment in the joint venture
using the equity method of accounting.

     Listed below are the financial statements,  pro forma financial information
and exhibits filed as part of this report:

(a)  Financial Statements of Businesses Acquired

     The  statement  of certain  revenues  and  certain  operating  expenses  of
     Lafayette Associates,  L.L.C. (d/b/a The Mall of Acadiana) (described under
     Item 9.01) as listed in the accompanying Index to Financial  Statements and
     Pro Forma Financial  Information is filed as part of this Current Report on
     Form 8-K.

     The  statement of certain  revenues and certain  operating  expenses of Oak
     Park  Investments,  L.P.  (described  under  Item  9.01) as  listed  in the
     accompanying  Index  to  Financial   Statements  and  Pro  Forma  Financial
     Information is filed as part of this Current Report on Form 8-K.

(b)  Pro Forma Financial Information

     The pro forma financial  information of CBL & Associates  Properties,  Inc.
     listed in the  accompanying  Index to  Financial  Statements  and Pro Forma
     Financial Information is filed as part of this Current Report on Form 8-K.


(c)  Exhibits

23.1 Consent of Deloitte & Touche LLP

23.2 Consent of Deloitte & Touche LLP



Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                        CBL & ASSOCIATES PROPERTIES, INC.

                                                /s/ John N. Foy
                                                   John N. Foy
                                                 Vice Chairman,
                                      Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Date:  January 17, 2006


                         PRO FORMA FINANCIAL INFORMATION

         The following historical financial statements and pro forma financial
information are presented in accordance with Rule 3-14 and Article 11,
respectively, of Regulation S-X of the Securities and Exchange Commission. The
historical financial statements have been audited only for certain properties
acquired. With respect to Lafayette Associates, L.L.C. (d/b/a The Mall of
Acadiana) and Oak Park Investments, L.P., the historical financial statements
have been audited only for the most recent fiscal year preceding the respective
acquisition date as these transactions did not involve a related party and the
registrant, after reasonable inquiry, is not aware of any material factors
related to the acquired properties not otherwise disclosed that would cause the
reported financial information to not be necessarily indicative of future
operating results. In addition, as the properties will be directly or indirectly
owned by entities that will elect or have elected to be treated as real estate
investment trusts (as specified under sections 856-860 of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986) for Federal income tax purposes, a presentation of estimated
taxable operating results is not applicable.


Independent Auditors' Report                                                 7

Statement of Certain Revenues and Certain Operating Expenses
   for the Six-Month Period Ended June 30, 2005 (Unaudited)
   and for the Year Ended December 31, 2004                                  8

Notes to the Statement of Certain Revenues and Certain Operating
   Expenses for the Six-Month Period Ended June 30, 2005
   (Unaudited) and for the Year Ended December 31, 2004                      9


Independent Auditors' Report                                                11

Statement of Certain Revenues and Certain Operating Expenses
   for the Nine-Month Period Ended September 30, 2005
   (Unaudited) and for the Year Ended December 31, 2004                     12

Notes to the Statement of Certain Revenues and Certain
   Operating Expenses for the Nine-Month Period Ended
   September 30, 2005 (Unaudited) and for the Year Ended
   December 31, 2004                                                        13


Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of Operations for the
   Year Ended December 31, 2004 (Unaudited)                                 16

Pro Forma Consolidated Statement of Operations for the
   Nine Months Ended September 30, 2005 (Unaudited)                         17

Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet as of September 30,
   2005 (Unaudited)                                                         18



To the Board of Directors and Stockholders
CBL & Associates Properties, Inc.:

We have  audited the  accompanying  statement  of certain  revenues  and certain
operating expenses of Lafayette Associates,  L.L.C. (d/b/a the Mall of Acadiana)
(the "Property) for the year ended December 31, 2004.  This financial  statement
is the  responsibility of the Property's  management.  Our  responsibility is to
express an opinion on this financial statement based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards  generally accepted
in the  United  States of  America.  Those  standards  require  that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain  reasonable  assurance  about  whether the financial
statement is free of material  misstatement.  An audit includes consideration of
internal  control  over  financial  reporting  as a basis  for  designing  audit
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of
expressing an opinion on the  effectiveness  of the Property's  internal control
over  financial  reporting.  Accordingly,  we express no such opinion.  An audit
includes  examining,  on a test  basis,  evidence  supporting  the  amounts  and
disclosures in the financial statement, assessing the accounting principles used
and significant estimates made by management,  as well as evaluating the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audit  provides  a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

The accompanying  statement of certain revenues and certain  operating  expenses
was prepared for the purpose of complying with the rules and  regulations of the
Securities and Exchange Commission (for inclusion in the filing of a Form 8-K by
CBL &  Associates  Properties,  Inc.  as a  result  of  the  acquisition  of the
Property).  Material  amounts,  described in Note 1 to the  statement of certain
revenues and certain operating expenses, that would not be directly attributable
to those resulting from future operations of the Property are excluded,  and the
financial  statement  is  not  intended  to be a  complete  presentation  of the
Property's revenues and expenses.

In our  opinion,  such  financial  statement  presents  fairly,  in all material
respects,  certain revenues and certain  operating  expenses of the Property for
the year ended  December  31,  2004 in  conformity  with  accounting  principles
generally accepted in the United States of America.


December 11, 2005
Detroit, Michigan



DECEMBER 31, 2004
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                               Six Months Ended
                                                                June 30, 2005                  Year Ended
                                                                 (unaudited)               December 31, 2004

     Minimum                                                             $ 4,746                     $ 9,567
     Percentage                                                                6                         310
  Tenant reimbursements                                                    2,442                       4,880
  Other income                                                               112                         106
           Total revenues                                                  7,306                      14,863

  Property operating                                                         836                       1,694
  Real estate taxes                                                          107                         207
  Maintenance and repairs                                                  1,373                       2,703
          Total expenses                                                   2,316                       4,604

          Excess of certain revenues over
                certain operating expenses                                $4,990                     $10,259
See accompanying notes to financial statements.



DECEMBER 31, 2004


The accompanying  statements of certain revenues and certain operating  expenses
(the "Statements")  relate to Lafayette  Associates,  L.L.C.  (d/b/a The Mall of
Acadiana)  (the  "Property"),   a  super-regional   enclosed  shopping  mall  in
Lafayette, LA.

The  Statements  are  prepared  for the purpose of  complying  with Rule 3-14 of
Regulation S-X  promulgated  under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  as a
result of the acquisition of the Property by CBL & Associates  Properties,  Inc.
Accordingly,  the Statements are not  representative of the actual operations of
the Property for the periods presented as certain revenues and certain operating
expenses  have been  excluded.  Such items include  depreciation,  amortization,
interest expense, management fees, leasing commissions and interest income.


Revenue   Recognition  -  Rental  income   comprises   minimum  rents,   expense
reimbursements and percentage rent payments.  Minimum rents with fixed increases
are  recognized on a  straight-line  basis over the initial terms of the related
leases.  Tenant  reimbursements  are  recognized  in the period that the related
costs are incurred.  The Property  accounts for these leases as operating leases
as it has retained  substantially all risks and benefits of property  ownership.
Percentage  rent is  recognized  when the tenant's  reported  sales have reached
certain levels specified in the respective lease.

Use of Estimates - The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with
accounting  principles  generally  accepted  in the  United  States  of  America
requires  management to make estimates and assumptions  that affect the reported
amounts  of assets and  liabilities  and  disclosure  of  contingent  assets and
liabilities at the date of the financial  statements and the reported amounts of
revenues and expenses during the reporting  period.  Actual results could differ
from those estimates.

The  accompanying  financial  statement for the six-month  period ended June 30,
2005 is unaudited;  however,  it has been prepared in accordance with accounting
principles  generally  accepted  in the  United  States of America  for  interim
financial  information and in conjunction  with the rules and regulations of the
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Accordingly, it does not include all of
the  disclosures  required by accounting  principles  generally  accepted in the
United States of America for complete  financial  statements.  In the opinion of
management  of the  Property,  all  adjustments  (consisting  solely  of  normal
recurring matters) necessary for a fair presentation for the interim period have
been  included.  The results for the interim period ended June 30, 2005, are not
necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for the full year.



The Property has non-cancelable  operating leases with tenants requiring monthly
payments of specified  minimum rent.  The leases  generally  provide for minimum
rentals,  plus percentage  rentals based upon the retail stores' sales volume. A
majority  of  the  leases   require   reimbursement   by  the  tenant  of  their
proportionate  share of real  estate  taxes and  common  area  expenses.  Future
minimum rental commitments under the non-cancelable operating leases at December
31, 2004 are as follows (in thousands):

Year Ending December 31:

                   2005                                     $ 8,126
                   2006                                       7,753
                   2007                                       7,043
                   2008                                       6,128
                   2009                                       5,363
                Thereafter                                   12,581
                  Total                                    $ 46,994


On July 14,  2005,  the  Property  was sold to  affiliates  of CBL &  Associates
Properties, Inc. for $175,000,000.



To the Board of Directors and Stockholders
CBL & Associates Properties, Inc.:

We have  audited the  accompanying  statement  of certain  revenues  and certain
operating  expenses of Oak Park  Investments,  L.P. (the "Property) for the year
ended December 31, 2004. This financial  statement is the  responsibility of the
Property's  management.  Our  responsibility  is to  express  an opinion on this
financial statement based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards  generally accepted
in the  United  States of  America.  Those  standards  require  that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain  reasonable  assurance  about  whether the financial
statement is free of material  misstatement.  An audit includes consideration of
internal  control  over  financial  reporting  as a basis  for  designing  audit
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of
expressing an opinion on the  effectiveness  of the Property's  internal control
over  financial  reporting.  Accordingly,  we express no such opinion.  An audit
includes  examining,  on a test  basis,  evidence  supporting  the  amounts  and
disclosures in the financial statement, assessing the accounting principles used
and significant estimates made by management,  as well as evaluating the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audit  provides  a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

The accompanying  statement of certain revenues and certain  operating  expenses
was prepared for the purpose of complying with the rules and  regulations of the
Securities and Exchange Commission (for inclusion in the filing of a Form 8-K by
CBL &  Associates  Properties,  Inc.  as a  result  of  the  acquisition  of the
Property).  Material  amounts,  described in Note 1 to the  statement of certain
revenues and certain operating expenses, that would not be directly attributable
to those resulting from future operations of the Property are excluded,  and the
financial  statement  is  not  intended  to be a  complete  presentation  of the
Property's revenues and expenses.

In our  opinion,  such  financial  statement  presents  fairly,  in all material
respects,  certain revenues and certain  operating  expenses of the Property for
the year ended  December  31,  2004 in  conformity  with  accounting  principles
generally accepted in the United States of America.


December 21, 2005
Atlanta, Georgia



DECEMBER 31, 2004
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                             Nine Months Ended
                                                            September 30, 2005                Year Ended
                                                                (unaudited)               December 31, 2004

     Minimum                                                           $ 13,175                    $ 18,081
     Percentage                                                             623                       1,225
     Other rents                                                            579                         766
  Tenant reimbursements                                                   6,716                       8,348
  Other income                                                               45                          55
           Total revenues                                                21,138                      28,475


  Property operating                                                      2,114                       2,926
  Real estate taxes                                                       2,190                       2,728
  Maintenance and repairs                                                 1,558                       1,662
          Total expenses                                                  5,862                       7,316

          Excess of certain revenues over
                certain operating expenses                              $15,276                     $21,159
See accompanying notes to financial statements.



DECEMBER 31, 2004


The accompanying  statements of certain revenues and certain operating  expenses
(the  "Statements")  relate to Oak Park Investments,  L.P. (the "Property"),  an
enclosed shopping mall in Kansas City, MO.

The  Statements  are  prepared  for the purpose of  complying  with Rule 3-14 of
Regulation S-X  promulgated  under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  as a
result of the acquisition of the Property by CBL & Associates  Properties,  Inc.
Accordingly,  the Statements are not  representative of the actual operations of
the Property for the periods presented as certain revenues and certain operating
expenses have been excluded. Such items excluded are depreciation, amortization,
interest expense, management fees, leasing commissions and interest income.


Revenue   Recognition  -  Rental  income   comprises   minimum  rents,   expense
reimbursements and percentage rent payments.  Minimum rents with fixed increases
are  recognized on a  straight-line  basis over the initial terms of the related
leases.  Tenant  reimbursements  are  recognized  in the period that the related
costs are incurred.  The Property  accounts for these leases as operating leases
as it has retained  substantially all risks and benefits of property  ownership.
Percentage  rent is  recognized  when the tenant's  reported  sales have reached
certain levels specified in the respective lease.

Use of Estimates - The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with
accounting  principles  generally  accepted  in the  United  States  of  America
requires  management to make estimates and assumptions  that affect the reported
amounts  of assets and  liabilities  and  disclosure  of  contingent  assets and
liabilities at the date of the financial  statements and the reported amounts of
revenues and expenses during the reporting  period.  Actual results could differ
from those estimates.

The accompanying  financial  statement for the nine-month period ended September
30,  2005 is  unaudited;  however,  it has  been  prepared  in  accordance  with
accounting  principles  generally  accepted in the United  States of America for
interim financial  information and in conjunction with the rules and regulations
of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Accordingly, it does not include
all of the disclosures  required by accounting  principles generally accepted in
the United States of America for complete financial  statements.  In the opinion
of management  of the Property,  all  adjustments  (consisting  solely of normal
recurring matters) necessary for a fair presentation for the interim period have
been included.  The results for the interim period ended September 30, 2005, are
not  necessarily  indicative  of the results  that may be expected  for the full



The Property has non-cancelable  operating leases with tenants requiring monthly
payments of specified  minimum rent.  The leases  generally  provide for minimum
rentals,  plus percentage  rentals based upon the retail stores' sales volume. A
majority  of  the  leases   require   reimbursement   by  the  tenant  of  their
proportionate  share of real estate taxes and common area expenses.  The minimum
future rentals below do not include amounts which may be received under tenants'
leases from percentage rents,  which are based on tenant sales, or other charges
to cover certain  operating costs.  Future minimum rental  commitments under the
non-cancelable  operating  leases  at  December  31,  2004  are as  follows  (in

Year Ending December 31:

                   2005                                     $17,231
                   2006                                      16,425
                   2007                                      15,155
                   2008                                      13,121
                   2009                                      10,067
                Thereafter                                   30,016
                  Total                                   $ 102,015


On November 16, 2005,  the Property was sold to  affiliates  of CBL & Associates
Properties, Inc. for $392,000,000.


                         Pro Forma Financial Information

     The following  unaudited pro forma  consolidated  financial  statements are
based on the historical  consolidated  financial  statements of CBL & Associates
Properties, Inc. (the "Company"),  Lafayette Associates,  L.L.C. (d/b/a The Mall
of Acadiana) and Oak Park  Investments,  L.P., and certain other properties that
were acquired during the year ended December 31, 2005, consolidated and adjusted
to give effect to the  acquisitions  as  described  in Item 9.01 of this Current
Report on Form 8-K.  These  statements  should be read in  conjunction  with the
audited historical financial statements and notes thereto of the Company for the
year ended December 31, 2004,  which are included in the Company's Annual Report
on Form 10-K, as amended, for the year ended December 31, 2004. These statements
should also be read in conjunction with the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K
dated January 10, 2006, which was filed to update certain items in the Company's
Annual Report on Form 10-K, as amended,  for the year ended December 31, 2004 to
reflect the application of the requirements of Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards  ("SFAS")  No.  144,  "Accounting  for the  Impairment  or Disposal of
Long-Lived Assets" and the effects of the Company's stock split that occurred in
June  2005.  These  statements  should  also  be  read in  conjuction  with  the
historical financial statements of Lafayette Associates,  L.L.C. (d/b/a The Mall
of Acadiana)and Oak Park Investments, L.P.included elsewhere in this Form 8-K.

     The unaudited pro forma consolidated  statements of operations for the year
ended  December 31, 2004 and the nine months ended  September 30, 2005,  present
the results for the Company and the acquired  properties as if the  acquisitions
had  occurred  on  January  1,  2004.  The  accompanying   unaudited  pro  forma
consolidated  balance  sheet as of  September  30,  2005,  gives  effect  to the
acquisitions  that  occurred  subsequent to that date as if they had occurred on
September 30, 2005.

     The Company's  actual  consolidated  financial  statements will reflect the
effects of the  acquisitions  on and after the  applicable  closing dates rather
than the dates indicated above. The unaudited pro forma  consolidated  financial
statements  neither  purport  to  represent  what the  consolidated  results  of
operations or financial  condition actually would have been had the acquisitions
in fact  occurred  on the  assumed  date,  nor do they  purport to  project  the
consolidated results of operations and financial position for any future period.

     The acquisitions, with the exception of the Triangle joint venture, will be
accounted for by the purchase method and,  therefore,  assets and liabilities of
the  properties  will be recorded  based on their  estimated  fair  values.  The
Triangle  joint  venture  will be  accounted  for  using  the  equity  method of


                        CBL & Associates Properties, Inc.
                 Pro Forma Consolidated Statements of Operations
                      For The Year Ended December 31, 2004
             (Unaudited and in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                               Mall of
                                                  CBL          and Oak       Other         Pro Forma           CBL
                                               Historical      Park Mall  Acquisitions(a)  Adjustments      Pro Forma
                                               -----------     ---------- ---------------  ------------    ------------
   Minimum rents                               $  476,578      $  27,648    $  23,774      $  3,612(b)     $    531,612
   Percentage rents                                15,948          1,535        1,092             -              18,575
   Other rents                                     16,102            766        2,005             -              18,873
   Tenant reimbursements                          218,736         13,228       10,765             -             242,729
   Management, development and leasing fees         9,791              -            -             -               9,791
   Other                                           20,098            161          141             -              20,400
                                               -----------     ---------- ---------------  ------------    ------------
     Total revenues                               757,253         43,338       37,777         3,612             841,980
                                               -----------     ---------- ---------------  ------------    ------------

   Property operating                             115,173          4,620        7,202             -             126,995
   Depreciation and amortization                  142,043              -            -        36,788(c)          178,831
   Real estate taxes                               58,081          2,935        2,682             -              63,698
   Maintenance and repairs                         43,531          4,365        2,899             -              50,795
   General and administrative                      35,338              -            -             -              35,338
   Loss on impairment of real estate assets         3,080              -            -             -               3,080
   Other                                           16,373              -            -             -              16,373
                                               -----------     ---------- ---------------  ------------    ------------
     Total expenses                               413,619         11,920       12,783        36,788             475,110
                                               -----------     ---------- ---------------  ------------    ------------
 Income from operations                           343,634         31,418       24,994       (33,176)            366,870
 Interest income                                    3,355              -            -             -               3,355
 Interest expense                                (177,219)             -            -       (34,775)(d)        (211,994)
 Gain on sales of real estate assets               29,272              -            -             -              29,272
 Equity in earnings of unconsolidated
   affiliates                                      10,308              -        5,498       (11,068)(e)           4,738
 Minority interest in earnings:
     Operating partnership                        (85,186)             -            -         6,647(f)          (78,539)
     Shopping center properties                    (5,365)             -            -             -              (5,365)
                                               -----------     ---------- ---------------  ------------    ------------
 Income from continuing operations                118,799         31,418       30,492       (72,372)            108,337
 Preferred dividends                              (18,309)             -            -             -             (18,309)
                                               -----------     ---------- ---------------  ------------    ------------
 Income from continuing operations available
          to common shareholders               $  100,490      $  31,418    $  30,492      $(72,372)       $     90,028
                                               ===========     ========== ===============  ============    ============
 Basic per share data:
   Income from continuing operations
     available to common shareholders          $     1.63                                                  $       1.46
                                               ===========                                                 ============
   Weighted average common shares
     outstanding                                   61,602                                                        61,602

 Diluted per share data:
   Income from continuing operations
     available to common shareholders          $     1.57                                                  $       1.41
                                               ===========                                                 ============
   Weighted average common and potential
     dilutive common shares outstanding            64,004                                                        64,004
(a)  Other Acquisitions  includes Laurel Park Place, Layton Hills Mall, Eastland
     Mall,  Hickory Point Mall and the Company's  equity  investment in Triangle
     Town Center, Triangle Town Commons and Triangle Town Place.

(b)  Reflects the amortization of acquired above- and below-market leases.

(c)  Represents  depreciation and amortization  expense related to buildings and
     improvements, tenant improvements,  in-place leases and tenant relationship
     of the acquired properties.

(d)  Reflects  interest  expense on the  $823,928  of debt  assumed or  borrowed
     (including debt premiums resulting from purchase accounting adjustments) in
     connection with the properties  acquired during 2005,  which had a weighted
     average  interest rate of 5.32%.  This amount  includes the cash portion of
     the purchase price of each property  acquired totaling  $291,622,  which is
     assumed to have been  borrowed at the  Company's  borrowing  rate under its
     lines of credit.

(e)  Reflects the Company's share of the depreciation  and amortization  expense
     related to buildings and  improvements  and the interest expense related to
     the Company's 50/50 joint venture that owns Triangle Town Center,  Triangle
     Town Commons and  Triangle  Town Place,  which is  accounted  for using the
     equity method of accounting.

(f)  Reflects  the  allocation  of  earnings  to the  minority  interest  in the
     Operating Partnership as a result of the acquired properties.


                        CBL & Associates Properties, Inc.
                 Pro Forma Consolidated Statements of Operations
                     For The Nine Months Ended September 30,
           2005 (Unaudited and in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                               Mall of
                                                  CBL          and Oak       Other         Pro Forma           CBL
                                               Historical      Park Mall  Acquisitions(a)  Adjustments      Pro Forma
                                               -----------     ---------- ---------------  ------------    ------------
   Minimum rents                               $  394,485      $  18,331    $  15,746      $  2,381(b)     $    430,943
   Percentage rents                                12,972            630          841             -              14,443
   Other rents                                      8,320            579          963             -               9,862
   Tenant reimbursements                          184,598          9,329        6,636             -             200,563
   Management, development and leasing fees        17,927              -            -             -              17,927
   Other                                           15,768            223          76              -              16,067
                                               -----------     ---------- ---------------  ------------    ------------
     Total revenues                               634,070         29,092       24,262         2,381             689,805
                                               -----------     ---------- ---------------  ------------    ------------

   Property operating                              95,539          3,119        4,118             -             102,776
   Depreciation and amortization                  130,663              -            -        23,712(c)          154,375
   Real estate taxes                               47,626          2,297        2,171             -              52,094
   Maintenance and repairs                         36,673          3,076        1,812             -              41,561
   General and administrative                      28,641              -            -             -              28,641
   Loss on impairment of real estate assets           262              -            -             -                 262
   Other                                           10,256              -            -             -              10,256
                                               -----------     ---------- ---------------  ------------    ------------
     Total expenses                               349,660          8,492        8,101        23,712             389,965
                                               -----------     ---------- ---------------  ------------    ------------
 Income from operations                           284,410         20,600       16,161       (21,331)            299,840
 Interest income                                    6,214              -            -             -               6,214
 Interest expense                                (151,822)             -            -       (28,268)(d)        (180,090)
 Loss on extinguishment of debt                      (928)             -            -             -                (928)
 Gain on sales of real estate assets               53,581              -            -             -              53,581
 Gain on sales of real estate assets               21,619              -            -             -              21,619
 Equity in earnings of unconsolidated
   affiliates                                       6,769              -        5,197        (8,321)(e)           3,645
 Minority interest in earnings:
   Operating partnership                          (87,176)             -            -         5,919(f)          (81,257)
   Shopping center properties                      (3,661)             -            -             -              (3,661)
                                               -----------     ---------- ---------------  ------------    ------------
 Income from continuing operations                129,006         20,600       21,358       (52,001)            118,963
 Preferred dividends                              (22,926)             -            -             -             (22,926)
                                               -----------     ---------- ---------------  ------------    ------------
 Income from continuing operations available
   to common shareholders                      $   106,080     $  20,600    $  21,358      $(52,001)       $     96,037
                                               ===========     ========== ===============  ============    ============
 Basic per share data:
   Income from continuing operations
     available to common shareholders          $     1.69                                                  $       1.53
                                               ===========                                                 ============
   Weighted average common shares
     outstanding                                   62,693                                                        62,693

 Diluted per share data:
   Income from continuing operations
     available to common shareholders          $     1.63                                                  $       1.48
                                               ===========                                                 ============
   Weighted average common and potential
     dilutive common shares outstanding            64,973                                                        64,973
(a)  Other Acquisitions  includes Laurel Park Place, Layton Hills Mall, Eastland
     Mall,  Hickory Point Mall and the Company's  equity  investment in Triangle
     Town Center, Triangle Town Commons and Triangle Town Place.

(b)  Reflects the amortization of acquired above- and below-market leases.

(c)  Represents  depreciation and amortization  expense related to buildings and
     improvements,  tenant  improvements  and  in-place  leases of the  acquired

(d)  Reflects  interest  expense on the  $823,928  of debt  assumed or  borrowed
     (including debt premiums resulting from purchase accounting adjustments) in
     connection with the properties  acquired during 2005,  which had a weighted
     average  interest rate of 5.32%.  This amount  includes the cash portion of
     the purchase price of each property  acquired totaling  $291,622,  which is
     assumed to have been  borrowed at the  Company's  borrowing  rate under its
     lines of credit.

(e)  Reflects the Company's share of the depreciation  and amortization  expense
     related to buildings and  improvements  and the interest expense related to
     the Company's 50/50 joint venture that owns Triangle Town Center,  Triangle
     Town Commons and  Triangle  Town Place,  which is  accounted  for using the
     equity method of accounting.

(f)  Reflects  the  allocation  of  earnings  to the  minority  interest  in the
     Operating  Partnership  as a result  of the  issuance  of  limited  partner
     interests as part of the purchase price consideration.


                        CBL & Associates Properties, Inc.
                      Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet
                               September 30, 2005
                      (in thousands, except share amounts)

                                                                         CBL           Pro-forma             CBL
                                                                     Historical       Adjustments         Pro Forma
                                                                  ---------------   ----------------   ---------------
 Real estate assets:
   Land                                                           $    702,250      $    62,820(a)      $    765,070
   Buildings and improvements                                        5,066,292          513,984(a)         5,580,276
                                                                  ---------------   ----------------   ---------------
                                                                     5,768,542          576,804            6,345,346
   Less: accumulated depreciation                                     (683,390)               -             (683,390)
                                                                  ---------------   ----------------   ---------------
                                                                     5,085,152          576,804            5,661,956
   Developments in progress                                            216,318                -              216,318
                                                                  ---------------   ----------------   ---------------
     Net investment in real estate                                   5,301,470          576,804            5,878,274
 Cash, restricted cash and cash equivalents                             36,802                -               36,802
   Tenant, net of allowance                                             41,232                -               41,232
   Other                                                                 3,915                -                3,915
 Mortgage notes receivable                                              18,104                -               18,104
 Investment in unconsolidated affiliates                                80,059            1,560(b)            81,619
 Other assets                                                          140,507           90,322(a)           230,829
                                                                  ---------------   ----------------   ---------------
                                                                  $  5,622,089      $   668,686          $ 6,290,775
                                                                  ===============   ================   ===============
 Mortgage and other notes payable                                 $  3,664,086      $   584,698(c)       $ 4,248,784
 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                              247,273           38,019(a)           285,292
                                                                  ---------------   ----------------   ---------------
     Total liabilities                                               3,911,359          622,717            4,534,076
                                                                  ---------------   ----------------   ---------------
 Commitments and contingencies
 Minority interests                                                    606,179           27,818(d)           633,997
                                                                  ---------------   ----------------   ---------------
 Shareholders' equity:
 Preferred Stock, $.01 par value, 15,000,000 shares authorized:
 8.75% Series B cumulative redeemable preferred stock,
     2,000,000 shares outstanding                                           20                -                   20
 7.75% Series C cumulative redeemable preferred stock,
     460,000 shares outstanding                                              5                -                    5
 7.375% Series D cumulative redeemable preferred stock,
     700,000 shares outstanding                                              7                -                    7
 Common Stock, $.01 par value, 95,000,000 shares authorized,
     63,557,518 issued and outstanding                                     636                -                  636
 Additional paid-in capital                                          1,052,988           18,151(d)         1,071,139
 Deferred compensation                                                  (9,691)               -               (9,691)
 Other comprehensive income                                                310                -                  310
 Retained earnings                                                      60,276                -               60,276
                                                                  ---------------   ----------------   ---------------
 Total shareholders' equity                                          1,104,551           18,151            1,122,702
                                                                  ---------------   ----------------   ---------------
                                                                  $  5,622,089      $   668,686          $ 6,290,775
                                                                  ===============   ================   ===============
(a)  Represents  the  allocation of the purchase price of Layton Hills Mall, Oak
     Park Mall,  Eastland Mall and Hickory Point Mall to the assets acquired and
     liabilities assumed.  Tangible and intangible  assets/liabilities  (and the
     related  weighted  average  depreciable  life) include land,  buildings (40
     years), site improvements (10 years), tenant improvements (10 years), above
     and below market leases (15 years),  in-place  leases (10 years) and tenant
     relationship  (40 years).  The purchase price  allocations  for Laurel Park
     Place  and  The  Mall  of  Acadiana  are  not  included  in the  pro  forma
     adjustments as these  properties were acquired prior to September 30, 2005,
     and are included in the CBL Historical amounts.

(b)  Represents the Company's investment in Triangle Town Center,  Triangle Town
     Commons  and  Triangle  Town  Place,  which  are  owned in a joint  venture
     accounted for using the equity method.

(c)  Represents  debt of $471,100  assumed or incurred  in  connection  with the
     acquisitions of Layton Hills Mall, Oak Park Mall, Eastland Mall and Hickory
     Point Mall plus the  aggregate  cash of $113,589  paid in  connection  with
     these acquisitions and the investment in the Triangle properties,  which is
     assumed to have been borrowed under the Company's lines of credit.

(d)  Represents the value of $45,969 attributable to the 1,144,924 K-SCUs issued
     as part of the  consideration  to acquire Oak Park Mall and Eastland  Mall.
     This  amount is offset  by a  reclassification  of  $18,151  to  additional
     paid-in  capital  resulting from an allocation  made between  shareholders'
     equity and minority  interest in the operating  partnership  to reflect the
     change in ownership of the operating  partnership's  underlying equity as a
     result  of  the  change  in  the  number  of  operating  partnership  units