Washington, D.C. 20549

                                  FORM 10-Q

              Quarterly Report Under Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                       Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the Quarter Ended March 31, 2000             Commission File No. 0-29812

                         BERKSHIRE ENERGY RESOURCES

Massachusetts                                                     04-3408946

115 Cheshire Road, Pittsfield, Massachusetts                      01201-1803

Registrant's telephone number, including Area Code              413:442-1511

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
Registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                                                      Yes    X    No
                                                          -------    -------

At March 31, 2000, the Registrant had issued and outstanding 2,526,276
shares of Common Stock, no par value.

                         BERKSHIRE ENERGY RESOURCES
                   (In Thousands Except Per Share Amounts)

                                   Three Months Ended
                                   3/31/00    3/31/99
                                   -------    -------

Operating Revenues                 $25,637    $23,544
Cost of Gas Sold                    11,997     10,626

Operating Margin                    13,640     12,918

Other Operating Expenses             4,779      4,241
Depreciation                         1,449      1,974
Other Taxes                            921        857
      Total                          7,149      7,072

Operating Income                     6,491      5,846
Other Income - Net                     764        986

Operating and Other Income           7,255      6,832
Interest Expense                     1,163      1,126
      Pre-Tax Income                 6,092      5,706

Income Taxes                         2,400      2,192

NET INCOME                           3,692      3,514
Retained Earnings at Beginning
 of Period                           6,878      7,252

      Total                         10,570     10,766

Dividends Declared:
  Preferred Stock                        4          3
  Common Stock                         745        710

      Total Dividends                  749        713

Retained Earnings at End
 of Period                         $ 9,821    $10,053

Earnings Available for Common
 Shares                            $ 3,688    $ 3,511

Average Common Shares
 Outstanding                       2,526.3    2,448.3
Basic and Diluted Earnings
 Per Common Share                    $1.46      $1.43

See Independent Accountants' Review Report and Notes to
Financial Statements.

                         BERKSHIRE ENERGY RESOURCES
                   (In Thousands Except Per Share Amounts)

                                    Nine Months Ended
                                   03/31/00    03/31/99
                                   --------    --------

Operating Revenues                 $44,837     $41,677
Cost of Gas Sold                    20,740      18,242

Operating Margin                    24,097      23,435

Other Operating Expenses            12,700      11,416
Depreciation                         3,235       3,735
Other Taxes                          1,823       1,594

      Total                         17,758      16,745

Operating Income                     6,339       6,690
Other Income - Net                   1,798       1,891

Operating and Other Income           8,137       8,581
Interest Expense                     3,329       3,361

      Pre-Tax Income                 4,808       5,220

Income Taxes                         2,043       1,980

NET INCOME                           2,765       3,240
Retained Earnings at Beginning
 of Period                           9,300       8,911

      Total                         12,065      12,151

Dividends Declared:
  Preferred Stock                       11          11
  Common Stock                       2,233       2,087

      Total Dividends                2,244       2,098

Retained Earnings at End
 of Period                         $ 9,821     $10,053

Earnings Available for Common
 Shares                            $ 2,754     $ 3,229

Average Common Shares
 Outstanding                       2,523.0     2,384.8
Basic and Diluted Earnings
 Per Common Share                    $1.09       $1.35

See Independent Accountants' Review Report and Notes to
Financial Statements.

                         BERKSHIRE ENERGY RESOURCES
                   (In Thousands Except Per Share Amounts)

                                    Twelve Months Ended
                                   03/31/00     03/31/99
                                   --------     --------

Operating Revenues                 $53,869      $50,707
Cost of Gas Sold                    24,983       22,378

Operating Margin                    28,886       28,329

Other Operating Expenses            15,321       14,736
Depreciation                         4,105        4,522
Other Taxes                          2,276        1,983

      Total                         21,702       21,241

Operating Income                     7,184        7,088
Other Income - Net                   1,949        2,178

Operating and Other Income           9,133        9,266
Interest Expense                     4,351        4,365

      Pre-Tax Income                 4,782        4,901

Income Taxes                         2,024        1,846

NET INCOME                           2,758        3,055
Retained Earnings at Beginning
 of Period                          10,053        9,772

      Total                         12,811       12,827

Dividends Declared:
  Preferred Stock                       15           15
  Common Stock                       2,975        2,759

      Total Dividends                2,990        2,774

Retained Earnings at End
 of Period                         $ 9,821      $10,053

Earnings Available for Common
 Shares                            $ 2,743      $ 3,040

Average Common Shares
 Outstanding                       2,506.0      2,359.0
Basic and Diluted Earnings
 Per Common Share                  $  1.09      $  1.29

See Independent Accountants' Review Report and Notes to
Financial Statements.

                         BERKSHIRE ENERGY RESOURCES
                         CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                               (In Thousands)

                                            March 31,      June 30,
                                              2000           1999
                                            ---------      --------
                                           (Unaudited)     (Audited)

Property, Plant and Equipment
 - at original cost:
  Gas-related activities                    $119,142       $110,405
  Unregulated activities                      13,144         14,007
                                             132,286        124,412
Less: Accumulated Depreciation
 and amortization:
  Gas-related activities                      36,535         34,075
  Unregulated activities                       5,723          6,973
                                              42,258         41,048
Property, Plant and Equipment - Net:
  Gas-related activities                      82,607         76,330
  Unregulated activities                       7,421          7,034
                                              90,028         83,364

Current Assets:
Cash                                             291            117
  Accounts Receivable:
  Gas-related activities (less
   allowance for doubtful accounts
   Mar.2000-$1,242;June 1999-$1,000)          11,180          6,498
  Unregulated activities (less
   allowance for doubtful accounts
   Mar. 2000-$10;June 1999-$19)                2,206            654
  Gas-related activities (at cost)             2,068          4,137
  Unregulated activities (at the lower           253            164
   of average cost or market)
Recoverable Gas Costs                            248            188
Prepayments and Other                            649          1,238

      Total Current Assets                    16,895         12,996

  Deferred Debits:
    Unamortized Debt Expense - Net             2,072          2,150
    Capital Stock Expense - Net                  198            232
    Environmental Cleanup Costs                  919            718
    Other                                      3,161          2,293
      Total Deferred Debits                    6,350          5,393

  Recoverable Environmental Cleanup
   Costs                                       3,335          3,335
      TOTAL ASSETS                          $116,608       $105,088

See Independent Accountants' Review Report and Notes to
Financial Statements.

                          BERKSHIRE ENERGY RESOURCES
                         CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                               (In Thousands)

                                           March 31,       June 30,
                                             2000            1999
                                           ---------       --------
                                          (Unaudited)      (Audited)

Common Shareholders' Equity:
  Common Shares                            $ 28,937        $ 28,596
  Retained Earnings                           9,821           9,300

Total Common Shareholders' Equity            38,758          37,896

Redeemable Cumulative
 Preferred Stock                                310             312

Long-Term Debt                               40,000          40,000

Current Liabilities:
  Notes Payable to Banks                     15,480           7,100
  Accounts Payable                            2,313           2,636
  Other Current Liabilities                   2,101           2,628
  Taxes Accrued (Prepaid)                     1,816            (397)

      Total Current Liabilities              21,710          11,967

Other Liabilities                             2,361           1,538

Unamortized Investment Tax Credit             1,019           1,070

Deferred Income Taxes                         9,115           8,970

Reserve for Recoverable Environmental
 Cleanup Costs                                3,335           3,335

 AND LIABILITIES                           $116,608        $105,088

See Independent Accountants' Review Report and Notes to
Financial Statements.

                         BERKSHIRE ENERGY RESOURCES
                               (In Thousands)

                                                        Nine Months Ended
                                                       03/31/00    03/31/99
                                                       --------    --------

Cash flows from Operating Activities:
  Net Income                                           $  2,765    $ 3,240

Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income
 to Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities:
  Depreciation and Amortization                           3,746      4,107
  Provision for Losses on Accounts
   Receivable                                               816        827
  Refundable (Recoverable) Gas Costs                        (60)       480
  Deferred Income Taxes                                     145       (302)
Changes in Assets and Liabilities Which
 Provided (Used) Cash:
  Accounts Receivable                                    (7,050)    (8,535)
  Inventories                                             1,980      1,008
  Accounts Payable                                         (323)    (1,014)
  Taxes Accrued                                           2,213      2,423
  Other                                                    (211)      (337)
      Total Adjustments                                   1,256     (1,343)
Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities                 4,021      1,897

Cash Flows Used in Investing Activities:
  Construction Expenditures                             (10,322)    (5,493)

Cash Flows Provided by (Used in)
 Financing Activities:
  Dividends Paid                                         (2,244)    (2,098)
  Proceeds from Notes Payable                             8,380      3,015
  Proceeds from Other Stock
   Transactions - Net                                       339      2,778
Net Cash Provided by
 Financing Activities                                     6,475      3,695
Net Increase in Cash                                        174         99
Cash at Beginning of Period                                 117        160
Cash at End of Period                                  $    291    $   259

Supplemental Disclosures of Cash Flow Information:

  Cash Paid During the Year for:
    Interest(net of amount capitalized)                $  3,736    $ 3,660
    Income Taxes(net of refund)                        $    372    $    38

See Independent Accountants' Review Report and Notes to
Financial Statements.

Berkshire Energy Resources
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
March 31, 2000
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in Thousands Except Share Amounts)


      The accompanying unaudited consolidated financial statements have
been prepared in accordance with the instructions to Form 10-Q and do not
include all of the information and footnotes required by generally accepted
accounting principles for complete consolidated financial statements. The
Company has reclassified certain amounts for prior years to conform with
the fiscal year 2000 presentation. All adjustments, which in the opinion of
management are necessary for a fair presentation of the operations for the
interim periods presented, have been made. These adjustments are of a
normal recurring nature. The results of operations for such interim periods
are not necessarily indicative of results of operations for a full year.
These consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with
the summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements
included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended
June 30, 1999.


      Like other companies in the natural gas industry, the Company is a
party to governmental actions associated with former gas manufacturing
sites. Management estimates that expenditures to remediate and monitor
known environmental sites will range from $3,335 to $12,673. In accordance
with SFAS No. 5, the Company has recorded the most likely cost of $3,335.
The Company's unamortized cost at March 31, 2000 was $919 and should be
recovered over a seven-year period through the Local Distribution
Adjustment Clause (LDAC).

      The Company operates two segments: regulated activities and
unregulated diversified businesses. Gas-related activities (regulated)
consist primarily of natural gas distribution to residential, commercial
and industrial customers, as well as the sale and leasing of gas-burning
equipment. Diversified businesses (unregulated) consist primarily of the
distribution of liquefied petroleum gas, the commodity sale of energy to
commercial and industrial customers and providing on-premise HVAC (Heating
Ventilation and Air Conditioning) and plumbing services in commercial,
industrial and residential markets. The Company's primary market is western
Massachusetts, eastern New York and southern Vermont.

      Information about the Company's operations, by business segments is
presented below.

Revenues:                    Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended
                            03/31/00     03/31/99     03/31/00     03/31/99
                            --------     --------     --------     --------

Gas-Related Activities      $22,196      $21,315      $38,420      $37,543
Unregulated Activities        3,441        2,229        6,417        4,134
Total                       $25,637      $23,544      $44,837      $41,677

Operating Margin:            Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended
                            03/31/00     03/31/99     03/31/00     03/31/99
                            --------     --------     --------     --------

Gas-Related Activities      $11,982      $11,695      $21,093      $21,144
Unregulated Activities        1,658        1,223        3,004        2,291
Total                       $13,640      $12,918      $24,097      $23,435

Operating Income(Loss):      Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended
                            03/31/00     03/31/99     03/31/00     03/31/99
                            --------     --------     --------     --------

Gas-Related Activities      $ 6,100      $ 5,387      $ 6,568      $ 6,156
Unregulated Activities          391          459         (229)         534
Total                       $ 6,491      $ 5,846      $ 6,339      $ 6,690

Net Income(Loss):            Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended
                            03/31/00     03/31/99     03/31/00     03/31/99
                            --------     --------     --------     --------

Gas-Related Activities      $ 3,595      $ 3,245      $ 3,278      $ 2,946
Unregulated Activities           97          269         (513)         294
Total                       $ 3,692      $ 3,514      $ 2,765      $ 3,240

Property, Plant and Equipment:
      Property, Plant and Equipment for Gas-Related activities include
expenditures related to the construction of a LNG facility of $5,465,000.
Included in the Construction Work-In Progress (CWIP) at December 31, 1999
was $5,116,000 that was transferred into Plant in service during the third
quarter of fiscal 2000.

Merger with Energy East:
      On November 9, 1999, the Company signed a definitive merger agreement
with Energy East Corporation under which the Company will become a wholly-
owned subsidiary of Energy East. Energy East will acquire all of the common
shares of Berkshire Energy Resources for $38.00 per share in cash. The
transaction has an equity market value of approximately $96 million, based
on approximately 2,523,479 of Berkshire common shares outstanding. Energy
East will also assume approximately $40,000,000 of Berkshire preferred
stock and long-term debt. The transaction will be accounted for using the
purchase method of accounting.

      The merger was approved on February 29, 2000 by Berkshire
shareholders. The merger is also subject to Energy East receiving the
approval of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The Company
expects the transaction to close by mid-year 2000.


      To provide financial protection from dramatic weather fluctuations,
the Company purchased a weather contract for the winter period January 1
through March 31, 2000. The Company has received proceeds based on the
criteria that the total degree-days for the aforementioned winter period
were less than 95% of the twenty-year average degree-days for the period.
The Company recognized proceeds, based on the number of degree-days under
the threshold.

       Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
                            Results of Operations

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Results of Operations - Third Quarter Ended March 31, 2000 versus Third
Quarter Ended March 31, 1999
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Consolidated net income was $3,692,000 for the three months ended
March 31, 2000 compared to $3,514,000 for the same period a year earlier.
Operating Margins from natural gas, propane and HVAC sales increased
$722,000 or 5.6% as compared to 1999.

      Operating Margin on sales of natural gas increased $287,000 or 2.5%
as compared to 1999. The increase was due to the growth in the number of
firm customers. Operating Margin (Operating Margin or Gross Profit =
Operating Revenues net of Cost of Gas Sold) is primarily affected by the
level of firm gas sold and transported. Interruptible gas sold and
transported has minimal or no effect on Operating Margin since those
margins are primarily flowed back to the firm customers through the Cost of
Gas Adjustment Clause (CGAC) and LDAC. The Company's sales are affected by
weather as the majority of its firm customers use natural gas for heating.
Changes in the cost of natural gas do not affect Operating Margin as these
changes are recovered or returned to customers through the CGAC. Margins on
sales from unregulated businesses increased $435,000 due to the acquisition
of two plumbing and heating businesses in October, 1999.

                                             2000            1999
                                             ----            ----

3 Month Firm MCF Sold & Transported         2,794,000       2,691,000
3 Month Consolidated Operating Margin     $13,640,000     $12,918,000

      Other Operating Expenses increased $538,000 or 12.7% as compared with
1999. The increase is primarily due to professional fees related to the
merger with Energy East as well as operating expenses associated with
running the plumbing and heating businesses acquired in the fall of 1999.

      Depreciation Expense decreased $525,000 or 26.6%. The Company made an
adjustment of $497,000 to correct depreciation recorded in prior periods
related to utility equipment. The adjustment had no material effect on any
period that the Company has previously reported.

      Other Taxes increased $64,000, primarily due to increased property
taxes reflecting growth in plant assets and higher tax rates, and to a
lesser extent, payroll taxes on the increased payroll base.

      Other Income - Net decreased $222,000 or 22.5% from 1999. The Company
recognized proceeds from a weather protection contract in both fiscal 2000
and 1999. The proceeds were less in the current year because the length and
type of contract was modified in fiscal 2000.

      Income taxes increased $208,000 due to higher earnings, and by the
tax effects of non-deductible merger costs of $621,000.

      Common Share Dividends increased $35,000 due to additional shares
outstanding through the Company's Dividend and Optional Cash Purchase Plan
(DRIP) and, to a lesser extent, an increase in the quarterly dividend to
$.295 per share from $.29 per share effective the fourth quarter of fiscal
year 1999.

       Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
                            Results of Operations

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Results of Operations - Nine Months Ended March 31, 2000 versus Nine Months
Ended March 31, 1999
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Net Income for the nine months ended March 31, 2000 was $2,765,000 as
compared to $3,240,000 for the same period in 1999. Earnings were impacted
by costs of $621,000 related to the merger with Energy East. Losses
incurred during the initial year of the newly acquired HVAC operations also
effected earnings.
      Operating Margin increased $662,000 or 2.8% compared to the nine
months ended March 31, 1999, primarily due to margins on the HVAC
businesses acquired this fiscal year as well as growth in sales of propane.

                                             2000            1999
                                             ----            ----

9 Month Firm MCF Sold & Transported         5,086,000       4,988,000
9 Month Consolidated Operating Margin     $24,097,000     $23,435,000

      Other Operating Expenses increased $1,284,000 or 11.2%, Depreciation
decreased $500,000 or 13.4%, Other Taxes increased $229,000 or 14.4%, Other
Income decreased $93,000 or 4.9%, Income Taxes increased $63,000, and
Common Share Dividends increased $146,000, all for the same reasons
discussed in the Third Quarter Results above.

       Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
                            Results of Operations

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Results of Operations - Twelve Months Ended March 31, 2000 versus Twelve
Months Ended March 31, 1999
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Earnings available for Common Stock were $2,743,000 for the twelve
months ended March 31, 2000 as compared to $3,040,000 for 1999. Earnings
were impacted by merger costs and HVAC losses as discussed in the Nine
Month Results of Operations.

      Operating Margin increased $557,000 or 2.0% from 1999, primarily due
to margins on the HVAC businesses acquired this fiscal year as well as
growth in sales of propane.

                                              2000            1999
                                              ----            ----

12 Month Firm MCF Sold & Transported         6,288,000       6,121,000
12 Month Consolidated Operating Margin     $28,886,000     $28,329,000

      Other Operating Expenses increased by $585,000 or 4.0% as a result of
professional fees related to the merger with Energy East as well as
operating expenses associated with running the plumbing and heating
businesses acquired during the second quarter of fiscal 2000, partially
offset by lower bad debts of the regulated utility due to a change in the
recovery mechanism for the portion of bad debt expense related to gas
costs, and a reduction of pension costs as a result of very positive
performance of the investment vehicles in which fund assets are invested.

      Depreciation decreased $417,000 or 9.2%. The Company made an
adjustment of $497,000 to correct depreciation recorded in prior periods
related to utility equipment. The adjustment had no material effect on any
period that the Company has previously reported.

      Other Taxes increased $293,000 or 14.8% due to increases in the plant
property tax base and municipal tax rates and payroll taxes related to
increased payroll.

      Other Income - Net decreased $229,000 or 10.5% due to changes in
weather protection proceeds as explained in the Third Quarter Results.

      Income Taxes increased $178,000 due to the tax effects of non-
deductible merger costs.

      Common Share Dividends increased by $216,000 or 7.8% due to
additional shares outstanding through the Company's Dividend Reinvestment
and Optional Cash Purchase Plan (DRIP) over the twelve-month period, and to
a lesser extent, an increase in the quarterly dividend to $.295 per share
from $.29 per share effective the fourth quarter of fiscal year 1999.

      Cash flows provided by operating activities were $4,021,000 for the
nine months ended March 31, 2000, as compared to $1,897,000 in 1999,
primarily due to a decrease in accounts receivable and inventory. Capital
requirements have been primarily funded by internal sources. The issuance
of long-term financing is dependent on management's evaluation of needs,
financial market conditions and other factors. Short-term bank financing is
used to meet seasonal cash requirements. The Company has adequate resources
to cover immediate cash needs.

      The Company initially finances construction expenditures and other
funding needs primarily with internal sources, short-term bank borrowings
and the reinvestment of dividends. The Company continually evaluates its
short-term borrowing position, and based on prevailing interest rates,
market conditions, and other considerations, makes determinations regarding
conversion of short-term borrowings to long-term debt or equity. The
Company added $10,322,000 to Property, Plant and Equipment during the nine
months ended March 31, 2000, of which $5,465,000 relates to the
construction of a LNG facility and $1,036,000 investment in non-regulated
plant and equipment assets. The remaining construction expenditures
primarily represent investments in new and replacement mains and services.

Merger with Energy East:
      On November 9, 1999, the Company signed a definitive merger agreement
with Energy East Corporation under which the Company will become a wholly-
owned subsidiary of Energy East. Energy East will acquire all of the common
shares of Berkshire Energy Resources for $38.00 per share in cash. The
transaction has an equity market value of approximately $96 million, based
on approximately 2,523,479 million of Berkshire common shares outstanding.
Energy East will also assume approximately $40,000,000 of Berkshire
preferred stock and long-term debt. The transaction will be accounted for
using the purchase method of accounting.

      The merger was approved on February 29, 2000 by Berkshire
shareholders. The merger is also subject to Energy East receiving the
approval of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The Company
expects the transaction to close by mid-year 2000.

Business Acquisitions:
      The Company purchased the assets of Shedd Inc. and Yankee Plumbing
and Heating Inc., based in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, in the fall of 1999.
Services provided by these companies include the sale, installation and
maintenance of boilers, furnaces, heat pumps and air conditioning equipment
and ductwork. These businesses will be operated under Berkshire Service
Solutions, Inc., an unregulated subsidiary that is engaged in the commodity
sale of energy to commercial and industrial customers and provides on-
premise HVAC and plumbing services in commercial, industrial and
residential markets.

      The acquisition of these companies demonstrates the Company's
commitment to expand opportunities in the competitive energy marketplace.

      The capital structure of the Company at March 31, 2000 was 49.0%
Common Equity, .4% Preferred Stock and 50.6% Long-Term Debt.

      Funds for environmental clean-up costs are initially financed through
short-term borrowings and all such costs will be recovered over a seven-
year period under a ruling issued by the Massachusetts Department of
Telecommunications and Energy (DTE).

Year 2000 Compliance

      The Company did not experience any Year 2000 disruptions or system
related problems during the new-year rollover. The total cost to the
Company of Year 2000 Compliance activities has not been material to its
financial position or results of operations in any given year. Management
has budgeted fifty-thousand dollars for fiscal year 2000 to address Year
2000 related expenditures.

      Cautionary Statement for Purposes of the "Safe Harbor" Provisions of
the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995

      This Quarterly Report contains forward-looking statements within the
meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual
results could differ materially from those contemplated by such statements.
Such statements reflect management's current views, are based on many
assumptions and are subject to risks and uncertainties.

      Certain important factors which could cause such results to differ
include risks associated with the Company's maintaining contracts with
specific customers, government regulation, the increasingly competitive
nature of the markets in which the Company is engaged, and dependence on
key personnel. These factors are not intended to represent a complete list
of the general or specific risks that may affect the Company.


Item 1.   Legal Proceedings
- -------   -----------------

          A lawsuit formerly reported by Berkshire Gas Company (BGAS), the
predecessor of Berkshire Energy Resources, on Form 8-K dated December 18,
1998 has been resolved. A settlement was negotiated by both parties, which
had no material impact to the financial statements of the Company.

Item 2.   Changes in Securities
- -------   ---------------------

          Not Applicable

Item 3.   Defaults Upon Senior Securities
- -------   -------------------------------

          Not Applicable

Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
- -------   ---------------------------------------------------

          At a special shareholders meeting convened at Company
headquarters in Pittsfield, Massachusetts on February 29, 2000, Berkshire
Energy Resources shareholders voted to approve a proposed merger with
Energy East Corporation. Under the terms of the agreement, Berkshire Energy
Resources shareholders will receive a cash payment of $38.00 per share at
the close of the transaction.

Item 5.   Other Information
- -------   -----------------

          The Company has made and entered into a collective bargaining
agreement with the Local Union of the United Steelworkers of America for
the period April 1, 2000 through March 31, 2003. The previous contract
expired on March 31, 2000.

Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8 - K
- -------   ----------------------------------

          (a) List of Exhibits
                Exhibit 27 - Financial Data Schedule

The consolidated balance sheet as of March 31, 2000, the related
consolidated statements of income and retained earnings for the three
month, nine month and twelve month periods ended March 31, 2000 and 1999,
and the consolidated statements of cash flows for the nine month periods
ended March 31, 2000 and 1999 have been reviewed, prior to filing, by the
Registrant's independent public accountants, Deloitte & Touche LLP, whose
report covering their review of the consolidated financial statements is
presented below.

Deloitte &
  Touche LLP
- ------------     ---------------------------------------------------
                 City Place        Telephone:(860) 280-3000
                 185 Asylum Street Facsimile:(860) 280-3051
                 Hartford, Connecticut 06103-3402


Berkshire Energy Resources:
We have reviewed the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of Berkshire
Energy Resources (formerly The Berkshire Gas Company) (the "Company") as of
March 31, 2000, the related consolidated statements of income and retained
earnings for the three month, nine month and twelve month periods ended
March 31, 2000 and 1999, and the consolidated statement of cash flows for
the nine month periods ended March 31, 2000 and 1999. These consolidated
financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management.

We conducted our reviews in accordance with standards established by the
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A review of interim
financial information consists principally of applying analytical
procedures to financial data and of making inquiries of persons responsible
for financial and accounting matters. It is substantially less in scope
than an audit conducted in accordance with auditing standards generally
accepted in the United States of America, the objective of which is the
expression of an opinion regarding the consolidated financial statements
taken as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.

Based on our reviews, we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to such condensed consolidated financial statements for them
to be in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the
United States of America.

We have previously audited, in accordance with auditing standards generally
accepted in the United States of America, the consolidated balance sheet of
Berkshire Energy Resources as of June 30, 1999, and the related
consolidated statements of income, shareholders' equity, and cash flows for
the year then ended (not presented herein); and in our report dated August
12, 1999, we expressed an unqualified opinion on those consolidated
financial statements. In our opinion, the information set forth in the
accompanying consolidated balance sheet as of June 30, 1999 is fairly
stated, in all material respects, in relation to the consolidated balance
sheet from which it has been derived.

Deloitte & Touche LLP
May 1, 2000


      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by
the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                       Berkshire Energy Resources

                                       /s/Michael J. Marrone
                                       Michael J. Marrone
                                       Vice President, Treasurer &
                                       Chief Financial Officer

Dated: May 11, 2000