Exhibit A

            AMENDMENT NO. 1

DOCUMENT:              TPW/WA01/3126203
DRAFT DATE:            06/11/02

APPROVAL DATE:         __________________

                        Employee Stock Ownership Plan
                          Westfield Financial, Inc.


1.    Section 1.3 - The flush language at the end of section 1.3 of the Plan
      shall be amended, effective January 1, 2002, to read in its entirety
      as follows:

            In no event, however, shall an Employee's Allocation
            Compensation for any Plan Year include any compensation in
            excess of $170,000 (in Plan Years beginning before January 1,
            2002) and $200,000 (in Plan Years beginning after December 31,
            2001).  The $170,000 and $200,000 limitations set forth in the
            preceding sentence shall be indexed in accordance with
            regulations prescribed under section 401(a)(17) of the Code.  If
            there are less than twelve (12) months in the Plan Year, the
            limitations (as adjusted) shall be prorated by multiplying such
            limitation by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number
            of months in the Plan Year and the denominator of which is
            twelve (12).

2.    Section 1.29 - Section 1.29 shall be amended, effective as of January
      1, 2002, to add the following sentence to the end thereof:

      The Company has not elected to use the top 20% election mentioned in
      subparagraph (ii)(B) of this section.

3.    Section 1.44 - Section 1.44 shall be amended, effective as of January
      1, 2001, by replacing the phrase "January 1, 2001" with "January 1,
      2002 " and the phrase "December 31, 2001 " with "December 31, 2002."

4.    Section 1.54 - Section 1.54 shall be amended, effective as of January
      1, 2002, by adding the following sentence to the end thereof:

      In addition, for Limitation Years after 1997, each Employee's Total
      Compensation shall include any amounts by which the Employee's
      compensation paid by the Employer or any Affiliated Employer has been
      reduced pursuant to a compensation reduction agreement under the terms
      of any plan described in section 457 of the Code.

5.    Section 8.2 - Subparagraph 8.2(a) shall be amended, effective January
      1, 2002, to read in its entirety as follows:

      (a)   Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Plan, no amount
            shall be allocated to a Participant's Account for any Limitation
            Year to the extent that such allocation would result in an
            Annual Addition of an amount exceeding:

            (i)   for Limitation Years beginning before January 1, 2002, the
                  lesser of (A) $30,000 (or such other amount as is
                  permissible under section 415(c)(1)(A) of the Code), or
                  (ii)(B) twenty-five percent (25%) of the Participant's
                  Total Compensation paid during such Limitation Year; and

            (ii)  for Limitation Years beginning after December 31, 2001,
                  the lesser of (A) $40,000 (or such other amount as is
                  permissible under section 415(c)(1)(A) of the Code), or
                  (B) one hundred percent (100%) of the Participant's Total
                  Compensation paid during such Limitation Year.

6.    Section 8.2 - Subparagraph 8.2(c)(i)(A) shall be amended, effective as
      of January 1, 2001, to read in its entirety as follows:

      (A)   all contributions by the Employer (including contributions made
            under a salary reduction agreement pursuant to sections 401(k),
            408(k) or 403(b) of the Code) under any qualified defined
            contribution plan or simplified employee pension (other than
            this Plan) maintained by the Employer, as well as the
            Participant's allocable share, if any, of any forfeitures under
            such plans as well as all amounts allocated to an individual
            medical benefit account, as defined in section 415(l)(2) of the
            Code, which is part of a pension or annuity plan maintained by
            the Employer; plus

7.    Section 8.2 - Subparagraph 8.2(c)(i) of the Plan shall be amended,
      effective as of January 1, 2002, to include a new sentence at the end
      thereof which shall read in its entirety as follows:

      In Limitation Years beginning after December 31, 2001, catch-up
      elective deferrals under section 414(v) of the Code shall not be
      included as Annual Additions.

8.    Section 9.3 - Section 9.3 shall be amended, effective as of January 1,
      2002, to read in its entirety as follows:

            Upon the termination of employment of a Participant or Former
            Participant for any reason other than death or Disability, that
            portion of the balance credited to his Account which is not
            vested at the date of such termination shall be forfeited upon
            the earliest of (a) full distribution of the vested portion of
            the Account or (b) the fifth anniversary following the date of
            re-employment. The proceeds of such forfeited amounts, reduced
            by any amounts required to be credited because of re-employment
            pursuant to section 9.4, shall be treated as Forfeitures and
            shall be disposed of as provided in section 9.5.  If no portion
            of the balance credited to an Account of a Participant or Former
            Participant is vested as of the date of his termination of
            employment, a distribution of $0, representing full distribution
            of the Account, shall be deemed to have been made to the
            Participant or Former Participant on such date.


9.    Section 9.4 - Section 9.4 shall be amended, effective as of January 1,
      2002, to read in its entirety as follows:

            If an Employee forfeited any amount of the balance credited to
            his Account upon his termination of employment, and is re-
            employed by any Affiliated Employer prior to the occurrence of
            five consecutive One-Year Breaks in Service, then:

            (i)   an amount equal to the Fair Market Value of the Shares
                  forfeited, determined as of the date of forfeiture; and

            (ii)  the amount credited to his General Investment Account that
                  was forfeited, determined as of the date of forfeiture;

            shall be credited back to his Account; provided, however, that
            the Employee repays the amount distributed to him from his
            Account as a result of such termination no later than the fifth
            anniversary of his re-employment or the end of the fifth Plan
            Year to begin after such distribution, whichever is earlier.
            Such amounts to be re-credited shall be obtained from the
            proceeds of the forfeited amounts redeemed pursuant to section
            9.3 during the Plan Year in which the repayment is made, unless
            such proceeds are insufficient, in which case the Employee's
            Employer shall make an additional contribution in the amount of
            such deficiency.  For purposes of this section 9.4, a
            Participant or Former Participant who received a distribution of
            $0, shall be deemed to have made repayment on the date of re-
            employment with an Employer.

10.   Section 12.2 - Subsection 12.2(b) of the Plan shall be amended,
      effective as of January 1, 2002, to read in its entirety as follows:

      (b)   Dividends paid with respect to Shares allocated to a person's
            Share Investment Account shall be credited to such person's
            Share Investment Account. Cash dividends credited to a person's
            General Investment Account shall be, at the direction of the
            Committee, either: (i) held in such General Investment Account
            and invested in accordance with sections 10.2 and 11.3; (ii)
            distributed immediately to such person; (iii) distributed to
            such person within 90 days of the close of the Plan Year in
            which such dividends were paid; (iv) used to make payments of
            principal or interest on a Share Acquisition Loan; provided,
            however, that the Fair Market Value of Financed Shares released
            from the Loan Repayment Account as a result of such payment
            equals or exceeds the amount of the dividend; or (v) in calendar
            years beginning after December 31, 2001 either held as provided
            in section 12.2(b)(i) or distributed as provided in section
            12.2(b)(ii), as each person shall elect for his own Account.

11.   Section 13.3 - Section 13.3(a) shall be amended, effective as of
      January 1, 2002, by adding a new sentence at the end thereof to read
      as follows:

            If an Account of a Participant or Former Participant does not
            contain any vested amounts as of the date of his termination of
            employment with all Affiliated Employers, a distribution of $0,
            representing full distribution of the Account, shall be deemed
            to have been made to the Participant or Former Participant on
            such date.


12.   Section 13.6 - Subsections 13.6(c)(iii) and (iv) of the Plan shall be
      amended, effective as of January 1, 2002, to read in their entirety as

      (iii) "Eligible Retirement Plan" means an individual retirement
            account described in section 408(a) of the Code, an individual
            retirement annuity described in section 408(b) of the Code, an
            annuity plan described in section 403(a) of the Code, or a
            qualified trust described in section 401(a) of the Code, and
            (for distributions after December 31, 2001 only) an annuity
            contract described in section 403(b) of the Code or an eligible
            deferred compensation plan under section 457(b) of the Code
            which is maintained by a state, political subdivision of a
            state, or an agency or instrumentality of a state or political
            subdivision thereof and which agrees to separately account for
            amounts transferred into such plan from this Plan, that accepts
            the distributee's eligible rollover distribution.  However, in
            the case of an eligible rollover distribution made before
            January 1, 2002 to a current or former spouse who is the
            alternate payee under a qualified domestic relations order as
            defined in Code section 414(p) or to a surviving spouse, an
            eligible retirement plan is only an individual retirement
            account or individual retirement annuity.

      (iv)  "Eligible Rollover Distribution" means any distribution of all
            or any portion of the balance to the credit of the distributee,
            except that an eligible rollover distribution does not include:
            any distribution that is one of a series of substantially equal
            periodic payments (not less frequently than annually) made for
            the life (or life expectancy) of the distributee or the joint
            lives (or joint life expectancies) of the distributee and the
            distributee's designated Beneficiary, or for a specified period
            of ten (10) years or more; any distribution to the extent such
            distribution is required under section 401(a)(9) of the Code;
            any distribution made after December 31, 1999 on account of
            hardship; and in the case of a distribution made before January
            1, 2002, the portion of any distribution that is not includible
            in gross income (determined without regard to the exclusion for
            net unrealized appreciation with respect to employer
            securities).  A portion of a distribution that is includible in
            the gross income of the distributee that is treated as an
            eligible rollover distribution may only be transferred in a
            direct rollover to an eligible retirement plan that agrees to
            separately account for such portion of the distribution.  This
            section 13.6 shall not apply to any eligible rollover
            distributions during a year that are reasonably expected (as
            determined by the Committee) to total less than $200.  In no
            event shall any withdrawal during service that is made on
            account of hardship be considered an "eligible rollover
            distribution".  This section 13.6 shall be interpreted to comply
            with the provisions of section 401(a)(31) of the Code.

13.   Section 17.2 - Section 17.2 of the Plan shall be amended, effective as
      of January 1, 2002, to read in its entirety as follows:

            Section 17.2   Definition of Top Heavy Plan.

      (a)   Subject to section 17.2(c), the Plan is a Top Heavy Plan if, as
            of a Determination Date: (i) it is not a member of a Required
            Aggregation Group, and (ii)(A) the sum of the Cumulative Accrued
            Benefits of all Key Employees exceeds 60% of (B) the sum of the
            Cumulative Accrued Benefits of all Employees (excluding former
            Key Employees), former Employees (excluding former Key Employees
            and other former Employees who have not performed any services
            for the Company or any Affiliated Employer during the
            immediately preceding 5 Plan Years if the


            Determination Date is before January 1, 2002 and one Plan Year
            if the Determination Date is after December 31, 2001) and their

      (b)   Subject to section 17.2(c), the Plan is a Top Heavy Plan if, as
            of a Determination Date: (i) the Plan is a member of a Required
            Aggregation Group, and (ii)(A) the sum of the Cumulative Accrued
            Benefits of all Key Employees under all plans that are members
            of the Required Aggregation Group exceeds 60% of (B) the sum of
            the Cumulative Accrued Benefits of all Employees (excluding
            former Key Employees), former Employees (excluding former Key
            Employees and other former Employees who have not performed any
            services for the Company or any Affiliated Employer during the
            immediately preceding 5 Plan Years if the Determination is
            before January 1, 2002 and one Plan Year if the Determination
            Date is after December 31, 2001), and their Beneficiaries under
            all plans that are members of the Required Aggregation Group.

      (c)   Notwithstanding sections 17.2(a) and 17.2(b), the Plan is not a
            Top Heavy Plan if, as of a Determination Date: (i) the Plan is a
            member of a Permissible Aggregation Group, and (ii)(A) the sum
            of the Cumulative Accrued Benefits of all Key Employees under
            all plans that are members of the Permissible Aggregation Group
            does not exceed 60% of (B) the sum of the Cumulative Accrued
            Benefits of all Employees (excluding former Key Employees),
            former Employees (excluding former Key Employees and other
            former Employees who have not performed any services for the
            Company or any Affiliated Employer during the immediately
            preceding 5 Plan Years if the Determination Date is before
            January 1, 2002 and one Plan Year if the Determination Date is
            after December 31, 2001), and their Beneficiaries under all
            plans that are members of the Permissible Aggregation Group.

14.   Section 17.4 - Subsection 17.4(a)(iii) of the Plan shall be amended,
      effective as of January 1, 2002, to read in its entirety as follows:

      (iii) the amount of any distributions of such person's Cumulative
            Accrued Benefits under the Plan (including, for Plan Years
            beginning after December 31, 2001, distributions under
            terminated plans that would have been included in the Required
            Aggregation Group if not terminated) during the 5-year period
            (for all distributions for Plan Years beginning before January
            1, 2002 and for in-service distributions for Plan Years
            beginning after December 31, 2001) or 1-year period (for all
            distributions other than in-service distributions for Plan Years
            beginning after December 31, 2001) ending on the Determination

15.   Section 17.5 - Subsection 17.5(a)(iv) shall be amended, effective as
      of January 1, 2002, by adding the words "in plan years beginning
      before January 1, 2002" at the beginning thereof.

16.   Section 17.6 - Section 17.6 shall be amended, effective as of January
      1, 2002, to read in its entirety as follows:

            Section 17.6   Required Aggregation Group.

      For purposes of this Article XVII, a Required Aggregation Group shall
      consist of (a) this Plan; (b) any other qualified plans currently
      maintained (or previously maintained and terminated within the five
      year period ending on the Determination Date) by the Employer and any
      Affiliated Employers that cover Key Employees; and (c) any other


      qualified plans currently maintained (or previously maintained and
      terminated within the five year period ending on the Determination
      Date) by the Employer and any Affiliated Employers that cover Key
      Employees that are required to be aggregated for purposes of
      satisfying the requirements of sections 401(a)(4) or 410(b) of the

      In Witness Whereof, this Amendment has been executed by the
undersigned officer of Westfield Financial, Inc. pursuant to authority given
by resolution of the Board of Directors.

                                       Westfield Financial, Inc.



                                                                  Exhibit A

            Amendment No. 2

Document:              WA01/3131269
Draft Date:            12/06/02

Board of Directors
Approval Date:         __________________

                        Employee Stock Ownership Plan
                          Westfield Financial, Inc.

                       Effective as of January 1, 2002
                        Incorporating Amendment No. 1


1.    Article I - Section 1.11 of the Plan shall be amended, effective as of
      January 1, 2003, to read in its entirety as follows:

                  Section 1.11   Designated Beneficiary means a natural
            person designated by a Participant or Former Participant as a
            Beneficiary under section 13.2 and shall not include any
            Beneficiary designated by a person other than a Participant or
            Former Participant or any Beneficiary other than a natural
            person. If a natural person is the beneficiary of a trust which
            a Participant or Former Participant has named as his
            Beneficiary, such natural person shall be treated as a
            Designated Beneficiary if: (a) the trust is a valid trust under
            applicable state law (or would be a valid trust except for the
            fact that it does not have a corpus); (b) the trust is
            irrevocable or will, by its terms, become irrevocable upon the
            death of the Participant or Former Participant; (c) the
            beneficiaries of the trust who are beneficiaries with respect to
            the trust's interest as a Beneficiary are identifiable from the
            terms of the trust instrument; and (d) the following information
            is furnished to the Committee:

                        (i)   by the Participant or Former Participant, if
                  any distributions are required to be made pursuant to
                  section 13.5 prior to the death of the Participant or
                  Former Participant and (in the case of distributions after
                  December 31, 2002 only) the Participant's or Former
                  Participant's spouse is his sole primary Beneficiary,
                  either: (A) a copy of the trust instrument, together with
                  a written undertaking by the Participant or Former
                  Participant to furnish a copy of any subsequent amendment
                  to the Committee within a reasonable time after such
                  amendment is made; or (B)(I) a list of all of the
                  beneficiaries of the trust (including contingent and
                  remainderman beneficiaries with a description of the
                  conditions on their entitlement); (II) a certification of
                  the Participant or Former Participant to the effect that,
                  to the best of his knowledge, such list is correct and
                  complete and that the conditions of section 1.11(a), (b)
                  and (c) are satisfied; (III) a written undertaking to
                  provide a new certification to the extent that an
                  amendment changes any


                  information previously certified; and (IV) a written
                  undertaking to furnish a copy of the trust instrument to
                  the Committee on demand; and

                        (ii)  by the trustee of the trust within nine months
                  after the death of the Participant or Former Participant
                  (prior to January 1, 2003) or by October 31st of the first
                  calendar year that begins after the death of the
                  Participant or Former Participant (subsequent to December
                  31, 2002), if any distributions are required to be made
                  pursuant to section 13.5 after the death of the
                  Participant or Former Participant, either: (A) a copy of
                  the actual trust instrument for the trust; or (B)(I) a
                  final list of all of the beneficiaries of the trust
                  (including contingent and remainderman beneficiaries with
                  a description of the conditions on their entitlement) as
                  of the date of death (prior to January 1, 2003) or as of
                  September 30th of the first calendar year that begins
                  after the date of death (subsequent to December 31, 2002);
                  (II) a certification of the trustee to the effect that, to
                  the best of his knowledge, such list is correct and
                  complete and that the conditions of section 1.11(a), (b)
                  and (c) are satisfied; and (III) a written undertaking to
                  furnish a copy of the trust instrument to the Committee on

2.    Article XIII - Section 13.5(b) of the Plan shall be amended, effective
      as of January 1, 2003, by replacing the last two sentences thereof
      with a new subsection 13.5(c) and renumbering the following sections
      accordingly.  The new subsection 13.5(c) shall read in its entirety as

            (c)   For purposes of section 13.5(b):

                  (i)   for taxable years beginning before January 1, 2003,
            the life expectancy of a Participant or Former Participant (or
            the joint life and last survivor expectancy of a Participant or
            Former Participant and his Designated Beneficiary) for the
            calendar year in which the Participant or Former Participant
            attains age 701/2 shall be determined on the basis of Tables V and
            VI, as applicable, of section 1.72-9 of the Income Tax
            Regulations as of the Participant's or Former Participant's
            birthday in such year. Such life expectancy or joint life and
            last survivor expectancy for any subsequent year shall be equal
            to the excess of (1) the life expectancy or joint life and last
            survivor expectancy for the year in which the Participant or
            Former Participant attains age 701/2, over (2) the number of whole
            years that have elapsed since the Participant or Former
            Participant attained age 701/2; and

                  (ii)  for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2002,
            during the Participant's or Former Participant's lifetime, life
            expectancy shall be equal to:

                        (1)   the distribution period in the Uniform
                  Lifetime Table set forth in section 1.401(a)(9)-9 of the
                  Treasury regulations, using the Participant's age as of
                  the Participant's birthday in such calendar year; or

                        (2)   if the Participant's spouse is the sole
                  Designated Beneficiary and the spouse is more than ten
                  years younger than the


                  Participant, the number in the Joint and Last Survivor
                  Table set forth in section 1.401(a)(9)-9 of the Treasury
                  regulations, using the Participant's and spouse's attained
                  ages as of the Participant's and spouse's birthdays in
                  such calendar year.

      In Witness Whereof, this Amendment has been executed by the
undersigned officer of Westfield Financial, Inc. pursuant to authority given
by resolution of the Board of Directors.

                                       Westfield Financial, Inc.

                                       By ________________________________