
                  Form of  Restricted Stock Award under the
              Slade's Ferry Bancorp 2004 Equity Incentive Plan

                            SLADE'S FERRY BANCORP
                         2004 EQUITY INCENTIVE PLAN
                        RESTRICTED STOCK AWARD NOTICE

Name of Award Recipient                              Social Security Number

                               Street Address

City                                State                          ZIP Code

This Restricted Stock Award Notice is intended to set forth the terms and
conditions on which an Award has been granted under the Slade's Ferry
Bancorp 2004 Equity Incentive Plan.  Set forth below are the specific terms
and conditions applicable to this Award.  Attached as Exhibit A are its
general terms and conditions.

   Restricted Stock Award     (A)       (B)       (C)       (D)       (E)

<s>                          <c>       <c>       <c>       <c>       <c>
           Effective Date
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Class of Shares*    Common    Common    Common    Common    Common
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   No. of Awarded Shares*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Type of Award (Escrow
 or Legended Certificate)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Vesting Date*

*     Subject to adjustment as provided in the Plan and the General Terms and

By signing where indicated below, Slade's Ferry Bancorp (the "Company")
grants this Award upon the specified terms and conditions, and the Award
Recipient acknowledges receipt of this Restricted Stock Award Notice,
including Exhibit A, and agrees to observe and be bound by the terms and
conditions set forth herein and acknowledges receipt of a Prospectus dated
May 13, 2004 for the Slade's Ferry Bancorp 2004 Equity Incentive Plan.

Slade's Ferry Bancorp                  Award Recipient

By __________________________          ____________________________________


Instructions:  This page should be completed by or on behalf of the
Personnel Committee.  Any blank space intentionally left blank should be
crossed out.  An Award consists of shares granted with uniform terms and
conditions.  Where shares granted under an Award are awarded on the same
date with varying terms and conditions (for example, varying vesting
dates), the awards should be recorded as a series of grants each with its
own uniform terms and conditions.

                                                                  EXHIBIT A

                            SLADE'S FERRY BANCORP
                         2004 EQUITY INCENTIVE PLAN
                           RESTRICTED STOCK AWARD

                        General Terms and Conditions

      Section 1.  Size and Type of Award.  The shares of Common Stock, par
value $.01 per share, of Slade's Ferry Bancorp ("Shares") covered by this
Award ("Awarded Shares") are listed on this Restricted Stock Award Notice.
Your Restricted Stock Award Notice designates the Awarded Shares as either
"Escrow" or "Legended Certificate".

            (a)  Legended Certificate.  If your Awarded Shares are
      designated "Legended Certificate," a stock certificate evidencing the
      Awarded Shares will be issued in your name.  The stock certificate
      will bear a legend indicating that it is subject to all of the terms
      and conditions of this Award Notice and the Plan.  You may elect to
      be taxed on the Fair Market Value of the Awarded Shares as of the
      date they are placed in the brokerage account in your name, pursuant
      to section 83(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.  You must make
      this election in writing, in the manner required by applicable
      Internal Revenue Service Regulations, and file it with the Internal
      Revenue Service and the Company within 30 days after the date on
      which the Awarded Shares are placed in your brokerage account.

            (b)  Escrow.  If your Awarded Shares are designated "Escrow,"
      the Awarded Shares will either be held in the name of the Plan
      Funding Agent  on a pooled basis with other Awarded Shares that have
      been designated "Escrow," or they will be evidenced by a legended
      stock certificate in your name that will be held on your behalf.  You
      will not be permitted to elect to be taxed currently on the Fair
      Market Value of the Awarded Shares and instead will be subject to
      income tax on the Awarded Shares as and when they become vested.

      Section 2.  Vesting.

            (a)  Vesting Dates.  The Vesting Dates for your Awarded Shares
      are specified on this Award Notice.  On each Vesting Date, you will
      obtain unrestricted ownership of the Awarded Shares that vest on that
      Vesting Date.  A stock certificate (or a book entry listing)
      evidencing your unrestricted ownership of the vested Awarded Shares
      will be distributed to you or placed in a brokerage account on your
      behalf.  If a legended stock certificate evidencing these Awarded
      Shares was previously placed in your brokerage account, it will be
      exchanged for an unrestricted certificate or book entry listing.

            (b)  Forfeitures.   If you terminate service with the Company
      prior to a Vesting Date, you will forfeit any Awarded Shares that are
      scheduled to vest on that date.  Your service with the Company will
      not be treated as having terminated for vesting purposes if you
      continue as a director emeritus of the Company.  When you forfeit
      Awarded Shares, all of your interest in the Awarded Shares will be
      canceled and any stock certificate or other evidence of ownership
      that was placed in a brokerage account for you will be returned to
      the Plan Funding Agent to be used for future awards to others.  You
      agree to take any action and execute and deliver any document that
      the Company requests to effect the return of your unvested Awarded
      Shares.  In the event you do not cooperate with the Company in this
      regard, you hereby appoint and designate the Company as your
      attorney-in-fact for the purpose of taking any action and signing any
      document, in your name, which the Company determines is necessary to
      enforce the forfeiture.

            (c)  Accelerated Vesting.  All of your Awarded Shares that have
      not previously vested will become fully vested immediately, and
      without any further action on your part, in the event of your death,
      Disability (as defined by the Personnel Committee) or Retirement (as
      defined by the Personnel Committee) before your termination of
      service with the Company or in the event a Change of Control (as
      defined by the Personnel Committee) occurs before you terminate
      service with the Company.   You may designate a Beneficiary to
      receive any Awarded Shares that vest upon your death using the
      Beneficiary Designation attached as Appendix A.

            (d)  Definition of Service.  For purposes of determining the
      vesting of your Awarded Shares, you will be deemed to be in the
      service of the Company for so long as you serve in any capacity as an
      employee, officer, non-employee director or consultant of the Company
      or Slade's Ferry Bank.

      Section 3.  Dividends.  If your Awarded Shares are in the form of
Legended Certificates, any dividends declared by the Company with a record
date that is after the Effective Date specified in this Award Notice will
be credited to your brokerage account for your benefit on an unrestricted
basis.  If your Awarded Shares are designated "Escrow", you will receive
the dividends on an unrestricted basis, but they will be paid to you by,
and will be taxable in the same manner as other compensation paid to you
by, the Company; by signing this Award Notice and accepting its terms, you
direct Personnel Committee and/or the Plan Funding Agent to remit to the
Company for payment to you any dividends that either of them may receive as
the record holder of your unvested Awarded Shares.

      Section 4.  Voting Rights.  You shall have the  right to control all
voting rights relating to all unvested Awarded Shares.   If your Awarded
Shares are placed in your brokerage account, you will receive proxy
materials for voting in the same manner as other shareholders with Shares
in brokerage accounts.  If your unvested Awarded Shares are held by the
Personnel Committee or the Plan Funding Agent, such entity will ask you for
voting directions and will follow your directions in voting your unvested
Awarded Shares.

      Section 5.  Amendment.  This Award Notice may be amended, in whole or
in part and in any manner not inconsistent with the provisions of the Plan,
at any time and from time to time, by written agreement between you and the

      Section 6.  Plan Provisions Control.  This Award Notice, and the
rights and obligations created hereunder, shall be subject to all of the
terms and conditions of the Plan.  In the event of any conflict between the
provisions of the Plan and the provisions of this Award Notice, the terms
of the Plan, which are incorporated herein by reference, shall control.  By
signing this Award Notice, you acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Plan
and a copy of the Prospectus for the Plan dated May 13, 2004.

                            SLADE'S FERRY BANCORP
                         2004 EQUITY INCENTIVE PLAN

                        Beneficiary Designation Form

INFORMATION    Use this form to designate the Beneficiary(ies) who will
               receive Shares available for distribution  at the time of
               your death.

Name of
Award Recipient _________________________  Social Security Number ___-__-____

BENEFICIARY    Complete sections A and B. If no percentage shares are
DESIGNATION    specified, each Beneficiary in the same class (primary or
               contingent) shall have an equal share.  If any designated
               Beneficiary predeceases you, the shares of each remaining
               Beneficiary in the same class (primary or contingent) shall
               be increased proportionately.

A.  PRIMARY BENEFICIARY(IES).  I hereby designate the following person as
my primary Beneficiary under the Plan, reserving the right to change or
revoke this designation at any time prior to my death:

        Name                Address         Relationship  Birthdate     Share
____________________  ____________________  ____________  _________  _________%
____________________  ____________________  ____________  _________  _________%
____________________  ____________________  ____________  _________  _________%

B.  CONTINGENT BENEFICIARY(IES).  I hereby designate the following
person(s) as my contingent Beneficiary(ies) under the Plan to receive
benefits only if all of my primary Beneficiaries should predecease me,
reserving the right to change or revoke this designation at any time prior
to my death with respect to all outstanding Awarded Shares:

        Name                Address         Relationship  Birthdate     Share
____________________  ____________________  ____________  _________  _________%
____________________  ____________________  ____________  _________  _________%
____________________  ____________________  ____________  _________  _________%

  S  H   I understand that this Beneficiary Designation shall be
         effective only if properly completed and received by the Personnel
  I  E   Committee of Slade's Ferry Bancorp prior to my death, and that it
         is subject to all of the terms and conditions of the Plan.  I also
  G  R   understand that an effective Beneficiary designation revokes my prior
         designation(s) with respect to all outstanding Awarded Shares.
  N  E

         ________________________________________    ______________________
                      Your Signature                          Date

___________________________  Internal Use Only  _______________________________

This Beneficiary Designation was received               Comments
by the Personnel Committee of Slade's Ferry
Bancorp on the date indicated.

By ________________________  ______________
     Authorized Signature         Date