Berkshire Gas Company 
                     1 9 9 5   A N N U A L   R E P O R T 
                                                           A Strong Tomorrow 
                                               Built on Today's Achievements 
A Strong Tomorrow Built  
on Today's Achievements 
A strong future is built on a track record of solid achievements 
and successes.  The theme of this year's Annual Report centers 
on many advances that have been and are being made throughout 
the Company with a focus on improving both short and long-term 
performance.  While specific actions are as diverse as a record 
sales send out, lower purchased gas costs, automated meter 
reading and sophisticated new computer systems, they all present 
a positive and compelling profile of Berkshire Gas and its 
comprehensive efforts to ensure continued growth and a strong 
profitable future. 
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30
                                                                          1995/1994                1994/1993 
OPERATIONS ($000)                               1995         1994         % Change     1993        % Change 
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
Operating Revenues                                $47,934      $53,029     -9.6%       $47,132     12.5% 
Operating Margin                                   23,114       25,144     -8.1         22,301     12.7  
Operating and Other Income                          9,418       11,201    -15.9          9,399     19.2  
Net Income                                          2,529        3,673    -31.1          2,810     30.7  
Earnings Available for Common Stock                 1,835        2,953    -37.9          2,066     42.9  

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
Earnings Per Share                                  $0.92        $1.69    -45.6%         $1.20     40.8% 
Dividends Per Share                                  1.10        1.085      1.4          1.080      0.5  
Book Value Per Share                                13.16        12.99      1.3          12.30      5.6  
Market Price (Year-End)                             15.00        16.25     -7.7          18.00     -9.7  
Average Shares of Common Stock Outstanding      1,990,517    1,751,830     13.6      1,718,522      1.9  
Number of Registered Common Shareholders            1,878        1,835      2.3          1,879     -2.3  
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
Gross Utility Plant ($000)                        $91,863      $86,098      6.7%       $83,016      3.7% 
Net Utility Plant ($000)                           69,326       66,191      4.7         65,846      0.5  
Capital Expenditures ($000)                         7,746        5,112     51.5          5,458     -6.3  
Total Gas Sold and Transported (MCF-000's)          7,392        7,362      0.4          6,712      9.7  
Total Natural Gas Customers                        31,925       31,445      1.5         31,053      1.3  
Propane Gallons Sold (000's)                        3,738        3,904     -4.3          3,522     10.8 

                            Berkshire Gas Company
To Our Shareholders:
     This year's report provides an overview of many of the positive
developments and advances made by the Company over the course of the past
year as well as a preview of future initiatives that are currently being
planned.  All of these efforts are geared toward improving short and
long-term profitability. 
     Despite a stagnant economy and yet another heating season beset by 
substantially warmer than normal weather, Berkshire Gas continues to focus
on efficiency, productivity and profitability as its highest priorities.
     The combination of a lackluster economy and warm weather exerted 
downward pressure on financial performance.  Earnings for the year were $.92 
as compared to 1994 earnings of $1.69 which reflected colder than normal 
weather and included a one time insurance settlement of $.23 per share.  
Normal weather during the winter period would have increased earnings by 
approximately $.45 per share.  Current year earnings also reflect a dilution 
of approximately $.11 per share as a result of the issuance of 295,000 
additional shares of Common Stock in October 1994. 
     As has been the case in four out of the last five years, weather was 
substantially warmer than normal during the 1994-95 heating season.  
Temperatures for the winter period were 8.4% warmer than normal and 13% 
warmer than the preceding year. 

     Weather during the month of January, which is traditionally the coldest 
winter month, was 20% warmer than normal.  Lost heating load in January 
significantly handicaps our best efforts to achieve a normal winter send out 
over the remaining months, even in the event of a return to normal 
temperatures.  Given the cyclical nature of weather patterns, we anticipate 
a return to more normal winter conditions in the near future. 


     Firm sales declined by 12% from the prior year largely due to lower 
heating demand as a result of warmer winter weather.  Firm transportation 
for the year, however, increased by 29% from 1994 partially offsetting the 
loss of margins from lower firm sales. 

     Capitalizing on the recent restructuring of the natural gas industry, 
the Company has been successful in tailoring its services and rates to the 
specific needs of larger customers.  In some cases, this has included 
conversion of firm sales to firm transportation.  Our ability to be flexible 
and responsive to the needs of individual customers greatly enhances 
our competitive position in what has become a truly open marketplace. 

     Despite warmer temperatures, the Company did establish a new record for 
gas sold during a single twenty-four hour period on February 6, 1995.  Sales 
for that day totaled 45,760 MCF, largely as a result of the Company's 
ability to offer additional transportation volumes to commercial and 
industrial customers.  The previous sales record was established in January 
of 1994 when volumes totaling 43,934 MCF were sold in one day. 


     During the year, the Company was successful in reducing its retail 
rates on three occasions.  These reductions were made possible as a result 
of refunds to the Company from its primary pipeline supplier, as mandated 
by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and lower gas costs.  The full 
amount of these recoveries is passed on to customers through the Cost of 
Gas Adjustment Clause on their monthly bills in concert with requirements 
of the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities. 

     As a result of these reductions and the Company's commitment to contain 
rates, customers are paying less today for natural gas service in 1995 
dollars than they did ten years ago.  Stable rates play a key role in 
retaining customers and in the Company's ability to attract new business. 
Cost Reduction

     The Company continues to reduce costs across the board. Operating 
expenses for 1995 were 10% lower than in the previous year.  This was 
accomplished in part by reductions in insurance cost, uncollectible 
accounts, legal expense, regulatory expense, salary and benefit costs and 
professional fees.  In addition, the Company anticipates further savings as 
a result of attrition, retirements and the realignment of staff to meet 
changing needs.  Company-wide employment is now below 160, down from an 
all-time high of 194 in 1989. 
Regulatory Environment

     As the nature of our industry has changed in recent years, so has the 
tenor of the regulatory environment.  In many sectors, new demands have been 
placed on regulators forcing them to rethink the role of government in the 
regulation of utilities.  Resulting changes have been, and will continue to 
be, positive for our industry.  We are working cooperatively with federal 
and state regulatory authorities to fully explore many of the new approaches 
to regulation currently being discussed. 

Berkshire Propane

     The Berkshire Propane Division attained new milestones in customer 
growth during the year.  The Division has consistently achieved annual 
double digit growth in the number of customer served.  At the same time, 
Berkshire Propane has added to its service territory and is lowering costs 
by increasing efficiency, as outlined elsewhere in this report.  As with the 
utility, Berkshire Propane also saw a reduction in volumes sold during the 
year due to warmer winter weather. 
New Initiatives

     To further heighten efficiency and increase productivity, while at the 
same time remaining mindful of our customers' needs, several key-automation 
based initiatives have been undertaken this year which hold great short and 
long-range promise.  Plans currently call for the investment of up to $2 
million dollars in systems and equipment which will significantly reduce 

     The flow of accurate and timely information is important in any 
organization.  Whether it is information needed to provide new service, to 
repair customer equipment or to assure adequate supplies of natural gas, 
reliable up-to-date information technology can make all the difference in 
the world.  In recognition of this, the Company has conducted an exhaustive 
review of both hardware and software, with the aid of expert information 
systems consultants, toward the goal of implementing an integrated 
information network Company-wide.  The adoption of this advanced technology 
will provide both management and employees with an extremely powerful tool 
that can be used to save time, improve customer service and make critical 
information available at a moment's notice.  Our investment in this project 
represents a commitment to further improvements at all levels of our 

     Our Distribution Department has also inaugurated a program which will 
have far reaching benefits both for customers and the Company.  Automated 
meter reading is being widely adopted by the natural gas industry.  Its use 
saves time, yields greater accuracy and makes it possible to read meters in 
difficult locations, or during periods of inclement weather when meters may 
not be readily accessible.  Additionally, it will eliminate the need to 
estimate bills, which focus group research has found to be chief among our 
customers' concerns.  Cost savings will be realized by a reduction in 
manpower needs as the program becomes fully implemented, as well as by a 
reduction in billing inquiries handled by customer service representatives.  
To date, more than 25% of the Company's 32,000 customer meters have been 
adapted to this new technology.

     Our employees are to be commended for openly embracing automated 
technology.  Many have been actively involved with the Company's consultants 
in the review, selection and implementation of the various systems discussed 
above, and their participation has been invaluable. 

     These initiatives represent just a portion of the work that has been 
undertaken toward improving operations and performance.  Other initiatives 
currently under way, or under consideration, are highlighted throughout this 
year's report.  Together they represent real advancements in technology and 
efficiency that will serve both the customer and the shareholder. 


     In spite of challenges presented by nature, this has been a year of 
progress toward our goal of improved profitability.  Berkshire Gas is 
an innovative and progressive company whose management is committed to 
providing the best possible service at the lowest possible cost while at 
the same time fulfilling the expectations of its shareholders.  Recent 
weather and economic trends have made it difficult to balance these 
interests, but you may be sure that we will continue our pursuit of these 
goals.  We are continuing along avenues intended to enhance performance and 
improve profitability during periods of adverse weather or economic 
conditions.  Most importantly, we are confident that today's achievements 
are providing a solid foundation for a bright future filled with 
opportunities for growth and expansion.  Your investment represents an 
endorsement of our initiatives for the future, and we thank you for your 
confidence and support. 
                       |                             |
                       |                             |
                       |           Photo of          |
                       |       Joseph T. Kelley      |
                       |     Chairman of the Board   |
                       |                             |
                       |                             |

                             /s/ Joseph T. Kelley
                            Chairman of the Board

                  |                                       |
                  |                                       |
                  |                Photo of               |
                  |           Scott S. Robinson           |
                  |  President & Chief Executive Officer  |
                  |                                       |
                  |                                       |

                            /s/ Scott S. Robinson
                     President & Chief Executive Officer

                            Berkshire Gas Company

                           Today's Accomplishments 
*     Initiated automated meter-reading. 
*     Automated productivity reporting and reduced supervisory staff. 
*     Expanded and upgraded the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition 
*     Implemented a computerized distribution-modeling system. 
*     Expanded distribution network. 
*     Streamlined Engineering record keeping. 
*     Accelerated cash flow. 
*     Improved response to customer inquiries.

                             Tomorrow's Advances 

*     Evaluate computer-aided dispatch systems. 
*     Expand distribution system capacity. 
*     Install paperless engineering systems. 
The following pages present a tour of each of the functional areas of the 
Berkshire Gas Company.  This state-of-the-Company overview has a dual focus: 
to highlight today's achievements and profile improvements, with an 
eye toward additional advances planned for the future.

        |                                                          |
        |                          Photo of                        |
        |                                                          |
        |         Meter Shop Technicians, Steve Fellmann and       |
        |    Tom Stefanik, complete installation of an automated   |
        |      rotary natural gas meter at Williams College to     |
        |               accommodate increased demand.              |
        |                                                          |

        |                                                          |
        |                         Photo of                         |
        |                                                          |
        |    Production Technician, Chris Benham, fine tunes a     |
        |  portion of the Company's Supervisory Control and Data   |
        | Acquisition System used to monitor real time performance |
        |           of the pipeline distribution network.          |
        |                                                          |

        |                                                          |
        |                         Photo of                         |
        |                                                          |
        |   A van equipped with automated meter reading equipment  |
        |   travels through a residential neighborhood collecting  |
        |     readings from customer meters for use in billing.    |
        |                                                          |

     The nerve center of a dynamic utility company is Operations.  At 
Berkshire Gas, this key component includes Customer Operations, Distribution 
and Engineering.  Together these departments are responsible for design, 
construction, operation and maintenance of the pipeline network and 
associated technology.  The Customer Information Center also falls under the 
aegis of Operations.  As the Company's front-line interface with customers, 
the importance of this function cannot be over stressed. 

     Customer Operations reached a milestone this year with the installation 
of 8,000 automated meters.  When all of the Company's 32,000 meters have 
been converted, this technology will eliminate estimated billing, simplify 
the billing process, reduce inquiries and increase customer satisfaction. 

     Customer Operation continually monitors its performance to ensure peak 
efficiency and cost-effectiveness.  An automated productivity-reporting 
system is being developed to computerize analyses now performed manually by 
supervisors.  As a result of effective use of new technology, the Company 
has been able to reduce supervisory staff requirements in this area.   

     In another technological advance, Distribution has expanded and 
upgraded its Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system.  Sensors and 
electronic controllers at critical locations throughout the distribution 
network allow dispatchers to view system performance in real time and make 
appropriate adjustments.  In addition, new computer models of the 
distribution system allow the Company to evaluate alternatives for future 

     To meet increasing demand for natural gas, Engineering is planning new 
facilities to serve the Amherst/Greenfield area, the fastest-growing segment 
of the Company's service area.  Engineering is also converting manual 
records to an Automated Mapping and Facilities Management system in order to 
streamline its operations. 

     The spotlight is also on efficiency in the Customer Information Center 
where monthly reports will soon be produced in two working days rather than 
the six-to-eight now required.  Cash flow also has been substantially 
improved by engaging an outside service firm to accelerate collection of 
overdue bills.   In addition, cross-training programs and advanced 
communications systems continue to improve the speed and quality of 
responses to information and service requests. 
     For the future, Customer Operations personnel are actively evaluating 
computer-aided dispatch systems that will provide information to field 
personnel more quickly and efficiently. 

     Further expansion of the Company's pipeline network and implementation 
of paperless engineering systems are two areas currently being reviewed by 
the Company's Engineering Department.  These advancements will help to 
increase efficiency and reduce costs in the future. 

     These successes, coupled with future plans to implement new technology 
and optimize staff resources, will improve the service the Company provides 
to its customers, while also making it possible to control costs and focus 
on profitability. 

        |                                                         |
        |                         Photo of                        |
        |                                                         |
        |   Senior Engineer, Dave Grande, evaluates avenues for   |
        |     future load growth using a computer model of the    |
        |              Company's distribution system.             |
        |                                                         |

        |                                                         |
        |                         Photo of                        |
        |                                                         |
        |  Customer Representative, Nicolette McGovern, accesses  |
        |     customer information using innovative technology    |
        |            designed to speed response time.             |
        |                                                         |

                            Berkshire Gas Company

Gas Supply Acquisition and Management

                           Today's Accomplishments 

*     Reduced the cost of purchased gas. 
*     Met record demand. 
*     Realized conservation and load management benefits. 

                             Tomorrow's Advances 

*     Secure fixed-price futures contracts. 
*     Accrue conservation performance incentives. 
     Deregulation and market-driven forces make it imperative for the 
Company to ensure reliable supplies of natural gas at competitive rates.  As 
a member of the Mansfield Consortium, which includes five other natural gas
distribution companies, Berkshire Gas has the same purchasing power as the 
state's largest utilities. 

     By skillfully negotiating contracts with multiple suppliers and 
capturing low wellhead prices, the Company purchases natural gas today for 
less than it did two years ago.  In addition to earning high ratings from 
the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities, the ability to negotiate 
favorable contracts on the open market permits competitive pricing that is 
helping Berkshire Gas retain existing customers and obtain new ones. 

     The availability of low-cost gas supplies has aided the Company in 
meeting growing consumer demand.  This was particularly evident this winter 
when the Company realized an all-time 24 hour sales record, despite 
unusually mild weather. 

     Energy conservation programs also continue to contribute to a healthy 
financial picture.  Conservation and load-management program services 
provided to 2,600 customers this year generated gas cost savings of 
approximately $1 million.   

     Looking toward the future, the Company's supply professionals are 
exploring new ways to meet customer pricing demands, including the 
utilization of natural gas futures contracts on the New York Mercantile
Exchange ("NYMEX") exchange.  At the same time, the Company's Conservation 
Department is completing a filing which, when approved by the Massachusetts 
Department of Public Utilities, will enable the Company to earn incentives 
and additional revenues from the successful implementation of its programs.

        |                                                         |
        |                         Photo of                        |
        |                                                         |
        |   Specialty Minerals Purchasing Manager, James Mirante  |
        |   and Quarry Superintendent, Lynn Burton, discuss the   |
        | future growth of their operations and associated energy |
        |  needs with Les Hotman, Berkshire Gas Vice-President of |
        |  Rates, Supply and Planning and Karen Zink, Manager of  |
        |                 Rates and Planning.                     |
        |                                                         |


                            Berkshire Gas Company


                           Today's Accomplishments 
*     Obtained favorable financing rates. 
*     Reduced employee benefit costs. 
*     Offered early-retirement options. 
*     Committed to company-wide, utility-specific software. 
                             Tomorrow's Advances 
*     Install integrated information systems. 
*     Realign staff assets. 

        |                                                         |
        |                         Photo of                        |
        |                                                         |
        |    Frank Swigut, Senior Manager and Business Systems    |
        |   Consulting for Deloitte & Touche, discusses various   |
        |    options for integrating technology and information   |
        |  with Berkshire Gas personnel as part of the Company's  |
        |    evaluation of new information processing hardware    |
        |                      and software.                      |
        |                                                         |

     Administration provides services essential to Company growth: financial 
strength, information management and manpower planning.  In the financial 
area, innovative financing negotiated at very favorable rates and the sale 
of additional equity in October of 1994, represent major steps toward a more
balanced capital structure.  Banking costs are also being significantly 
reduced by aggressively negotiating lower fees. 

     Additionally, competitive bidding has yielded broader and more flexible 
employee benefit plans at reduced cost to the Company.  As a result of 
regulatory reform and aggressive case management, workmen's compensation 
costs have been cut by one-third.  As automation continues to reduce the 
physical workload, the Company has been able to offer early-retirement 
options designed to maintain appropriate staffing levels. 

     Implementation of a networked computer system and company-wide, 
utility-specific software represents probably the most sweeping procedural 
change in Company history.  By promoting fast, easy and complete exchange of 
information between all departments, the new system will significantly 
improve internal productivity and responsiveness to customers. 

     In planning for the future, the Company is evaluating staffing needs 
and requirements in light of early retirements and the changing nature of 
the workplace as a result of automation.  Consequently, employees displaced 
by technology are being retrained and reeducated to assume new duties and 
meet needs that are emerging throughout the organization.  The realignment 
of staffing assets plays a critical role in cost control as well as 
providing employees new opportunities for growth and experience. 

     Finance, information services and manpower planning play critical roles 
in every aspect of the Company's operation.  Advances in these areas yield 
direct results to the bottom line.  The Company's finance and information 
services professionals are engaged daily in the pursuit of additional 
technology and innovative financial vehicles for the benefit of the 
Company's customers and its shareholders. The strength of these departments 
provides support for the Company's effort to seize opportunities and lay the 
foundation for a bright future. 

                            Berkshire Gas Company 

                           Today's Accomplishments 

*     Adopted team marketing. 
*     Realized load growth. 
*     Implemented target marketing program. 
*     Instituted customer retention program. 
*     Customized rates for large customers. 

                             Tomorrow's Advances 

*     Future load expansion. 
*     Expansion of custom services. 
*     Underground storage tank program. 

        |                                                         |
        |                         Photo of                        |
        |                                                         |
        |   Yankee Candle founder and President, Mike Kittredge,  |
        |  discusses the firm's recent conversion to natural gas  |
        |  with Walter Martin, a Senior Commercial and Industrial |
        |    Marketing Representative at Berkshire Gas. Yankee    |
        |  Candle manufacturers and sells an exciting line of top |
        |            quality candles around the globe.            |
        |                                                         |

        |                                                         |
        |                         Photo of                        |
        |                                                         |
        |       Senior Commercial and Industrial Marketing        |
        |    Representative, Rick Ryer, reviews details of the    |
        |  recent conversion of Pittsfield High School to natural |
        |  gas with Principal, Mark Matthews, and Sally Douglas,  |
        |  Budget Officer for the Pittsfield School Department.   |
        |                                                         |

     "Working together we can accomplish more than we can individually." 
With this in mind, the Company's marketing effort has focused on 
coordinating resources company-wide in a teamwork approach to promote and 
sell natural gas.  Combining the resources and talents of people throughout 
the organization has proven to be an effective approach. 

     As a result of this coordinated effort, the Company realized 
significant load additions over the past year.  Natural gas has been 
selected as the fuel of choice by new customers such as Wal Mart, the Old 
Country Buffet and the Willowood Nursing Home, all in Pittsfield, as well as 
the Clark Art Museum and Williams College in Williamstown, and the Yankee 
Candle Company in Deerfield. 

     Effective marketing requires both a knowledge of the marketplace as 
well as a thorough understanding of a potential customer's needs.  In 
identifying those needs, the Company's marketing professionals target key 
segments of specific markets.  Working with decision makers such as 
architects and engineers, the marketing team is able to secure additional 
load by providing information and access to the latest and most efficient 
natural gas technology, as well as detailed information about the Company 
and its services.  This program has been expanded to include traditional 
trade allies such as heating contractors and plumbers.  Building strong 
relationships with these target groups has paid solid dividends and 
contributed significantly to the Company's growth. 

     The quality of customer relationships is more important than ever in 
today's competitive marketplace.  In recognition of this, Berkshire Gas has 
initiated a pro-active marketing strategy.  A team of representatives from 
several Company departments is going out in the field, calling on key 
commercial and industrial customers.  These personal visits demonstrate a 
strong service commitment while eliminating potential problems and keeping 
the Company in touch with the latest business developments and customer 

     The advent of customized rates also has played a key role in meeting 
customers' changing needs.  Deregulation of the natural gas industry has 
introduced new competitive dimensions in the marketplace.  The Company now 
competes daily with marketers and outside suppliers.  Our ability to tailor 
services and rates to meet specific customer requirements is a key factor in 
the success of our marketing efforts.  The Company continues to focus on 
providing competitive services that are flexible and superior to those 
offered by all other suppliers.  Looking forward, the Company is committed 
to continued load growth.  The Amherst and Greenfield areas of the Company's 
service territory continue to offer the greatest near-term growth potential.  
To penetrate these markets, sales representatives are pursing new avenues, 
such as tailoring customer service packages to meet the particular needs of 
residential and commercial customers. 

     Environmental concerns are providing an opportunity for marketing to 
promote and expand the Company's underground storage tank program.  Owners 
of homes and businesses with leaking underground oil storage tanks are 
becoming increasingly concerned with the cost of environmental remediation 
of their property.  By packaging and offering attractive alternatives, new 
customers are converting daily to natural gas to satisfy their energy needs. 

     An emphasis on doing more with less, on teamwork and on change has 
helped the Company adjust to meet the evolving needs of the business and at 
the same time, capitalize on growth opportunities in the marketplace.  
Least-cost growth will continue to be an important goal as the Company 
markets its products and services in the future. 

                            Berkshire Gas Company 
Berkshire Propane 

                           Today's Accomplishments 

*     Increased customer base. 
*     Reduced truck loading time. 
*     Avoided a planned expansion of clerical staff.
*     Reduced supervisory staff. 
*     Reduced capital costs. 

                             Tomorrow's Advances 

*     Explore information-processing improvements. 
*     Expand service area.

        |                                                         |
        |                         Photo of                        |
        |                                                         |
        |   Berkshire Propane reached a milestone in its history  |
        | this year with the addition of its 5000th customer, the |
        |  Open Hearts Camp in Great Barrington, Massachusetts.   |
        |   The 400 acre camp is a summer retreat for youngsters  |
        |      who have undergone open heart surgery. It was      |
        |  established and endowed by the late Edward J. Madden,  |
        |          one of the first open heart patients.          |
        |                                                         |

Aggressive marketing initiatives have continued to expand Berkshire 
Propane's customer base.  Solid customer growth has led to the addition of 
the Division's 5,000th customer this year.  Management envisions further 
expanding the existing service area in New York and Massachusetts to 
continue to build on the Division's growth record. 

     Significant productivity improvements have resulted from modifications 
to Berkshire Propane's truck-filing facilities in Pittsfield, cutting 
loading time by 60 percent.  Steps such as this reduce overhead costs and 
heighten overall efficiency. 

     In addition, enhancements to the Company's computer system eliminated 
the need for a scheduled expansion of clerical staff.  Supervisory staff 
also has been reduced as the result of Company-wide improvements.  Other 
information-processing advances planned for the near future include 
computerized on-board ticketing and customer information storage. 

     The purchase of cylinders and tanks represents a significant capital 
expense which can be partially offset by refurbishing tanks recovered from 
customers.  Berkshire Propane has been able to more than triple the number 
of tanks refurbished this year, substantially cutting capital expenditures.  

     These reductions in both operating and capital costs, coupled with 
planned improvements in information processing and expansion of the service 
territory, will enhance the Division's ability to maintain consistent 
contributions to the profitability of the Company. 

                            Berkshire Gas Company 

Service Area 
     A strong future is built on a sound past.  For more than 140 years, 
Berkshire Gas has been serving the energy needs of western Massachusetts. 
Located in one of the most desirable areas of the Northeast, the Company's 
neighbors include prestigious educational institutions, R&D centers and 
high-tech businesses attracted by the region's natural beauty and superb 
quality of life. 

     A tradition of excellence has been built on the Company's long record 
of service.  Today we provide natural gas service to 19 cities and towns in 
Massachusetts with a combined population of 190,000.  The Berkshire Propane 
Division serves 107 communities in a 5,000 square mile area in western 
Massachusetts and eastern New York. 

     Our past success has been built on countless singular achievements and 
advancements.  The prospects for our future will likely be similarly 
determined.  With that in mind, we endeavor daily to change and adapt in the 
continued pursuit of excellence as we build on a long and proud history.
        |                                                         |
        |                         Photo of                        |
        |                                                         |
        |    Map of Western Massachusetts and Eastern New York    |
        |     State depicting service area by town and county.    |
        |                                                         |


The examples contained in this report all share a common goal:  to 
demonstrate accomplishments achieved or planned across all Company 
departments and functions.  Together they present the image of a Company 
that is optimizing its resources, controlling costs, and improving customer 
service.  With this strong foundation, coupled with clearly defined plans 
for the future, the Berkshire Gas Company is positioned for continued growth 
and profitability. 

                            Berkshire Gas Company

Financial Review
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

10-Year Comparative Summary 
 of Operations and Statistics                               14 
Management's Discussion and Analysis 
 of Financial Condition and Results of Operations           16 
Financial Statements: 
     Statements of Income and 
     Retained Earnings                                      19 
     Balance Sheets                                         20 
     Statements of Common Shareholders' 
     Equity and Redeemable Cumulative 
     Preferred Stock                                        21 
     Statements of Cash Flows                               22 
     Notes to Financial Statements                          23 
     Independent Auditors' Report                           29 
Quarterly Financial Information                             31 

Officers and Directors                                      32 

For the Years Ended June 30 
OPERATIONS ($000)                     1995        1994        1993        1992        1991
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating Revenues                    $  47,934   $  53,029   $  47,132   $  47,969   $  41,408 
Cost of Gas Sold                         24,820      27,885      24,831      26,741      22,341 
Operating Margin                         23,114      25,144      22,301      21,228      19,067 
Net Income                                2,529       3,673       2,810       1,952       1,462 
Earnings Available for  
 Common Stock                             1,835       2,953       2,066       1,849       1,377 

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings Per Share                    $    0.92   $    1.69   $    1.20   $    1.10   $    0.83 
Annualized Dividends Per Share             1.10        1.10        1.08        1.08        1.08 
Dividends Declared Per Share               1.10       1.085        1.08        1.08        1.23 
Book Value Per Share                      13.16       12.99       12.30       12.13       12.07 
Market Price (Year-End)                   15.00       16.25       18.00       14.75       13.00 
Average Shares of Common Stock 
 Outstanding                          1,990,517   1,751,830   1,718,522   1,687,734   1,655,550

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common Equity                         $  27,688   $  22,946   $  21,326   $  20,626   $  20,155 
Preferred Stock                           8,448       8,491       9,026       9,111       1,196 
Long-Term Debt                           30,983      31,083      25,413      26,564      28,156 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Capitalization              $  67,119   $  62,520   $  55,765   $  56,301   $  49,507 

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common Equity                              41.2%       36.7%       38.2%       36.6%       40.7% 
Preferred Stock                            12.6        13.6        16.2        16.2         2.4 
Long-Term Debt                             46.2        49.7        45.6        47.2        56.9 

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Payout Ratio                                120%         65%         90%         98%        130% 
Market-to-Book Ratio                        114         125         146         122         108 
Return on Average Common Equity             7.2        13.3         9.8         9.1         6.8 

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Capital Expenditures                 $    7,746   $   5,112    $  5,458   $   5,165   $   4,245 
Pipeline Construction                         0           0       5,659       1,539       4,526 
Gross Utility Plant                      91,863      86,098      83,016      79,942      76,404 
Net Utility Plant                        69,326      66,191      65,846      64,840      63,277 
Net Non-Utility Plant                     5,962       5,715       5,004       8,965      10,627 
Total Assets                             91,983      90,991      91,891      92,124      95,971 

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Residential                               2,513       2,839       2,730       2,639       2,347 
Commercial & Industrial                   2,305       2,625       2,681       2,703       2,480 
Interruptible                             1,104         807       1,012       1,468       1,092
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Natural Gas Sales               5,922       6,271       6,423       6,810       5,919 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Firm Transportation                       1,130         874         289           0           0 
Interruptible Transportation                340         217           0           0           0 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Gas Sold and Transported        7,392       7,362       6,712       6,810       5,919 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Propane Gallons Sold                      3,738       3,904       3,522       3,158       2,927

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Customer Meters                          31,925      31,445      31,053      30,507      30,641 
Maximum Daily MCF Sendout                45,760      43,934      39,446      38,237      37,095 
Minimum Daily MCF Sendout                 8,216       8,114       7,371       8,060       6,855 
Degree Days                               6,748       7,651       7,396       7,210       6,261 
20-Year Average Degree Days               7,354       7,356       7,341       7,348       7,432 
Number of Employees                         160         173         181         180         185 

<F1> *  Reflects the 2-for-1 Common Stock split in August 1986.


For the Years Ended June 30
OPERATIONS ($000)                     1990        1989        1988        1987        1986
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating Revenues                    $  39,476   $  37,274   $  34,992   $  37,321   $  36,958
Cost of Gas Sold                         20,280      20,953      19,619      21,033      23,938 
Operating Margin                         19,196      16,321      15,373      16,288      13,020 
Net Income                                2,047       1,769       1,757       2,364       1,395 
Earnings Available for  
 Common Stock                             1,955       1,671       1,653       2,253       1,278 

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings Per Share                   $     1.21   $    1.05   $    1.14   $    1.83   $    1.15 
Annualized Dividends Per Share             1.28        1.28        1.28        1.22        1.10 
Dividends Declared Per Share               1.28        1.28       1.235        1.15        1.07 
Book Value Per Share                      12.40       12.40       12.57       11.96       11.17 
Market Price (Year-End)                   14.50       17.25       16.75       18.50       16.00 
Average Shares of Common Stock 
 Outstanding                          1,622,563   1,595,075   1,444,738   1,232,884   1,115,500

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common Equity                         $  20,299   $  19,904   $  19,848   $  14,866   $  13,634 
Preferred Stock                           1,290       1,378       1,465       1,559       1,647 
Long-Term Debt                           29,147      23,066      14,952      16,906      10,792 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Capitalization              $  50,736   $  44,348   $  36,265   $  33,331   $  26,073

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common Equity                              40.1%       44.9%       54.7%       44.6%       52.3% 
Preferred Stock                             2.5         3.1         4.1         4.7         6.3 
Long-Term Debt                             57.4        52.0        41.2        50.7        41.4

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Payout Ratio                                106%        122%        112%         67%         96% 
Market-to-Book Ratio                        117         139         133         155         143 
Return on Average Common Equity             9.7         8.4         9.5        15.8        10.4 

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Capital Expenditures                  $   6,438   $  12,308   $   9,778   $   6,983    $  5,320 
Pipeline Construction                     6,475           0           0           0           0 
Gross Utility Plant                      71,805      65,657      55,310      47,105      41,196 
Net Utility Plant                        60,558      55,991      46,576      39,163      34,137 
Net Non-Utility Plant                     8,119       2,882       2,616       2,531       2,384 
Total Assets                             83,680      65,240      56,886      49,979      43,072

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Residential                               2,545       2,547       2,428       2,333       2,254 
Commercial & Industrial                   2,778       2,702       2,564       2,209       1,902 
Interruptible                             1,163       1,026         893         763       1,243
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Natural Gas Sales               6,486       6,275       5,885       5,305       5,399 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Firm Transportation                           0           0           0           0           0 
Interruptible Transportation                169         118          31           0           0 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Gas Sold and Transported        6,655       6,393       5,916       5,305       5,399 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Propane Gallons Sold                      2,789       2,588       2,293       2,075       1,905 

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Customer Meters                          30,395      29,733      28,684      27,894      27,250 
Maximum Daily MCF Sendout                38,012      37,480      38,917      35,469      32,659 
Minimum Daily MCF Sendout                 7,294       7,228       6,603       5,821       6,279 
Degree Days                               7,045       7,581       7,471       7,276       7,182 
20-Year Average Degree Days               7,474       7,474       7,479       7,504       7,502 
Number of Employees                         191         194         182         155         149 
<F1> *  Reflects the 2-for-1 Common Stock split in August 1986.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in Thousands Except Share and per Share Amounts) 
An Overview of 1995
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Operating Margin for 1995 decreased 8.1% to $23,114 from 
1994 levels of $25,144, resulting in decreased Net Income and 
Earnings Per Share of Common Stock of 31.1% to $2,529 and 45.6% 
to $.92, respectively, over the prior year's results.  The 
decreases in Operating Margins and Net Income for 1995 are 
primarily due to significantly warmer weather during the 
heating season relative to 1994, furthermore, 1994 results 
included proceeds from an insurance settlement which 
contributed $.23 to earnings per share, and to a lesser extent, 
the issuance of 295,000 shares of Common Stock diluted 1995 
earnings by $.11 per share.  Continued efforts in cost 
containment resulted in increased operating efficiencies 
reducing operating expenses by $1,320. The number of degree 
days in 1995 was 6,748, a decrease of 11.8% from the 1994 
level, and 8.2% below the 20-year average. 
   Net Utility Plant increased to approximately $69,326, a 4.7% 
increase above 1994, reflecting capital expenditures of $7,746, 
which were 52% above 1994 levels.  During 1995, the Company 
sold 295,000 shares of Common Stock netting proceeds of $4,213 
to repay short-term bank borrowings.  In 1995 the book value 
per share rose to $13.16 from $12.99 in 1994. 
Results of Operations
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1995 vs. 1994 
  Earnings available for Common Stock were $1,835 for 1995 as 
compared to $2,953 for 1994; Earnings Per Share of Common Stock 
based on the average number of shares outstanding for the same 
periods were $.92 and $1.69, respectively.  The $.77 or 45.6% 
decrease in per share earnings from 1994 is due primarily to 
significantly warmer weather during the heating season, 
furthermore 1994 results included proceeds from an insurance 
settlement which increased 1994 earnings by $.23 per share, and 
to a lesser extent, the issuance of 295,000 shares of Common 
Stock diluted 1995 earnings by $.11 per share. 
  Berkshire Gas Company considers Operating Margin (Operating 
Margin or Gross Profit=Operating Revenues Net of Cost of Gas 
Sold) to be a more pertinent measure of operating results than 
operating revenues because income is not significantly affected 
by changes in revenue due to similar fluctuations in gas costs.  
The Company is required to recover from or return to the 
customers through the Company's Cost of Gas Adjustment Clause 
("CGAC") any changes in the cost of natural gas. 
  Operating Margin decreased $2,030 or 8.1% as compared with 
1994.  Operating Margin is primarily affected by the change in 
the level of firm gas sold and transported.  Interruptible gas 
sold and transported has no effect on Operating Margin since 
those margins are flowed back to the firm customer.  The 
Company's sales are affected by weather as the majority of its 
firm customers use natural gas for heating.  The decrease from 
1994 is primarily due to lower volumes of firm gas sold due to 
11.8% warmer weather than 1994, partially offset by higher 
volumes of gas sold and transported at slightly lower margins 
from increased firm transportation volumes to industrial 

                                               1995        1994
                                               -------     -------

    Firm MCF Sold and Transported                5,948       6,338    
    Operating Margin                           $23,114     $25,144    
    Average Operating Margin Per Firm MCF      $  3.89     $  3.97    

     Other Operating Expenses consisted of the following: 

                                               1995        1994
                                               -------     -------

    Transmission and Distribution              $ 3,400     $ 3,407
    Customer Accounts                            2,740       3,162
    Administrative and General                   4,173       4,909
    Other                                        1,276       1,431
                                               -------     -------
    Total                                      $11,589     $12,909
                                               =======     =======

   Other Operating Expenses decreased $1,320 or 10.2% from 1994 
levels.  The decrease in Other Operating Expenses primarily 
reflects lower Customer Accounts expense of $422 due to lower 
levels of uncollectible accounts; decreased Administrative and 
General costs due to lower insurance costs of $254, lower 
employee welfare of $196 due to fewer medical claims, reduced 
legal expense of $64, lower shareholders expense of $45, lower 
regulatory expense of $49 and lower salaries and benefits of 
$138.  Other costs were $155 less than 1994, primarily due to 
lower professional fees associated with restructuring supply 
contracts brought about by the Federal Energy Regulatory 
Commission ("FERC") Order 636. 
   Depreciation Expense increased by $203 in 1995 over 1994 due 
to an increase in the amount of depreciable assets.  
   Other Income decreased $871 from 1994.  The decrease was 
primarily due to an insurance settlement that was included in 
1994 income in the amount of $403 (net of taxes and amounts 
previously recorded). Propane revenue was $170 less than 1994 
due to the significantly warmer weather during the heating 
season.  Interest income was $60 less resulting from the 
overcollection of prior period gas costs through the CGAC. 
   Interest Expense increased $178 due to higher long-term 
interest expense due to semi-annual pricing of the Medium-Term 
note, partially offset by lower short-term interest due to 
lower levels of borrowing.  Other Taxes increased $70 due to 
higher personal property valuations and rates. 
   Income Taxes decreased $887 from 1994 due to lower earnings 
in 1995.  
   Dividends Declared on Common Stock increased $312 due to 
additional shares outstanding, and to a lesser extent, 
dividends increased $.015 per share in 1995.  The Company sold 
295,000 shares of Common Stock during the second quarter of 
fiscal 1995. 
1994 vs. 1993 
   Earnings available for Common Stock were $2,953 for 1994 as 
compared to $2,066 for 1993; Earnings Per Share of Common Stock 
based on the average number of shares outstanding for the same 
periods were $1.69 and $1.20, respectively.  The $.49 or 40.8% 
increase in per share earnings over 1993  is primarily due to 
colder weather during the heating season, increased operating 
efficiencies and the settlement of an insurance claim relating 
to a line of business that was discontinued in the 1970's ($403 
net of taxes and amounts previously recorded which equates to 
$.23 on a per share basis). 
   Operating Margins increased $2,843 as compared with 1993.  
Operating Margin is primarily affected by the change in the 
level of firm gas sold and transported.  Interruptible gas sold 
and transported has no effect on Operating Margin since the 
margins are flowed back to the firm customer.  The Company's 
sales are affected by the weather as the majority of its firm 
customers use natural gas for heating.  The increase in 
Operating Margin in 1994 is primarily due to colder weather 
during the heating season which increased the volumes of firm 
gas sold by 638 MCF or 11.2%.  To a lesser extent, a 2.54% base 
rate increase effective April 1, 1993 contributed to the 
increased Margin.  

                                                 1994       1993
                                                 -------    -------

    Firm MCF Sold and Transported                  6,338      5,700
    Operating Margin                             $25,144    $22,301
    Average Operating Margin Per Firm MCF        $  3.97    $  3.91

     Operating Expenses consisted of the following: 

                                                 1994       1993
                                                 -------    -------

    Transmission and Distribution                $ 3,407    $ 3,382
    Customer Accounts                              3,162      2,599
    Administrative and General                     4,909      4,087
    Other                                          1,431      1,164 
                                                 -------    -------
    Total                                        $12,909    $11,232
                                                 =======    =======

  Other Operating Expenses increased $1,677 or 14.9% over 1993 
levels.  The increase in Other Operating Expenses primarily 
reflects higher Customer Accounts expense of $439 due to higher 
levels of uncollectible accounts; increased Administrative and 
General costs resulting from higher salaries, associated 
benefits and fees of $537, additional legal expense of $153, 
additional regulatory costs of $62, increased shareholder 
expenses primarily associated with the Company's Share Owner 
Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan ("DRIP") of $43;
Other costs for the residential conservation program of $121 
and professional fees of $123 associated with restructuring 
supply contracts brought about by the Federal Energy Regulatory 
Commission ("FERC") Order 636.
   Depreciation increased by $230 in 1994 over 1993 due to an 
increase in the level of depreciable assets, and, to a lesser 
extent, an increase in the composite depreciation rate from 
3.64% to 4.04% effective April 1, 1993. 
   Other Income increased $866 in 1994 over 1993.  The increase 
resulted primarily from the settlement of an insurance claim 
relating to a line of business that was discontinued in the 
1970's, in the amount of $403 (net of taxes and amounts 
previously recorded) and higher jobbing margins of $147.  
Increased interest income resulted from an undercollection of 
prior period gas costs through the CGAC approximating $137.  
The increase in other income is partially offset by lower 
rental income of $184 due to higher depreciation expense 
reflecting an adjustment for the change in the lives of rental 
assets during 1993. 
   Income Taxes for 1994 as compared with 1993 increased by 
$857 due to changes in net earnings as discussed above. 
Liquidity and Capital Resources
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Cash flows from operations, net of dividend payments, have 
generally provided the principal liquidity to meet operating 
requirements.  Capital requirements have been generally funded 
by both internal and external sources.  The issuance of long-term 
financing is dependent on management's evaluation of need, 
financial market conditions and other factors.  Short-term 
financing is used to meet seasonal cash requirements.   
   The Company initially finances construction expenditures and 
other funding needs primarily with short-term bank borrowings, 
and to a lesser extent with the reinvestment of dividends.  The 
Company continually evaluates its short-term borrowing position 
and based on prevailing interest rates, market conditions, 
etc., makes determinations regarding conversion of short-term 
borrowings to long-term debt or equity.  As part of this 
strategy, the Company sold 295,000 shares of Common Stock 
during the second quarter of fiscal 1995, netting proceeds of 
$4,213 to repay short-term bank borrowings. 
   The Company's capital expenditures were $7,746 in 1995, 
$5,112 in 1994, and $5,458 in 1993.  In addition, during 1993, 
approximately $5,659 was spent for the construction, planning 
and permitting of a pipeline for a 160 megawatt cogeneration 
project, for which the Company acted as the developer.  In 
1993, the Company conveyed its interest in the pipeline, at 
which time approximately $8,472 was transferred out of 
construction work in progress as these costs were completely 
reimbursed to the Company.  The Company expects fiscal 1996 
capital expenditures to total approximately $8,000. 
Construction expenditures will be financed initially through 
short-term borrowings and refinanced by issuing long-term debt 
and/or equity, to the extent that internally generated funds 
are not available. 
  Beginning June 15, 1993, the Company's Share Owner Dividend 
Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan ("DRIP") allowed for the 
sale of Common Stock shares at a 3.0% discount to plan 
participants to increase cash flow to support current 
construction expenditures. 
   As of June 30, 1995, the Company had lines of credit 
aggregating $25,500, all of which remained unused. 
   The Company's continued evaluation of its environmental 
protection requirements has indicated that present estimates of 
investigative and cleanup costs range from $2,894 to $8,777 and 
are expected to be incurred through 2010.  The anticipated 
level of expenditures has remained the same in 1995 from 1994 
and been reduced from 1993 estimates resulting from the 
Company's analysis and review of the sites and the commencement 
of clean-up activities at the first site. The Company has 
recorded the most likely costs of $2,894 in accordance with 
SFAS No. 5.  All costs, excluding carrying charges, are 
expected to be subject to recovery over a seven-year period 
under a ruling issued by the MDPU. 
   Capitalization at June 30, 1995, excluding current 
redemption requirements of long-term debt, consisted of 46.2% 
long-term debt, 41.2% common equity, and 12.6% preferred stock. 
   It is management's view that the Company has adequate access 
to capital markets and will have sufficient capital resources, 
both internal and external, to meet anticipated capital 

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

   The accompanying financial statements reflect the historical 
cost of events and transactions, regardless of the purchasing 
power of the dollar at the time.  Due to the capital intensive 
nature of the Company's business, the most significant impact 
of inflation is on the Company's depreciation of utility plant.  
Rate regulation, to which the Company is subject, allows 
recovery through its rates of only the historical cost of 
utility plant as depreciation.  The Company expects that any 
higher costs experienced upon replacement of existing 
facilities will be recovered through the normal regulatory 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(In Thousands Except Share Amounts)

                                                     Years Ended June 30
                                                     1995          1994          1993
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating Revenues                                   $  47,934     $  53,029     $  47,132
Cost of Gas Sold                                        24,820        27,885        24,831
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Margin                                        23,114        25,144        22,301
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other Operating Expenses                                11,589        12,909        11,232
Depreciation                                             3,624         3,421         3,191
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                                                   15,213        16,330        14,423
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Utility Operating Income                                 7,902         8,814         7,878
Other Income - Net                                       1,516         2,387         1,521
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating and Other Income                               9,418        11,201         9,399
Interest Expense                                         3,667         3,489         3,490
Other Taxes                                              1,697         1,627         1,544
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Pre-tax Income                                       4,054         6,085         4,365
Income Taxes                                             1,525         2,412         1,555
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET INCOME                                           $   2,529     $   3,673     $   2,810
Retained Earnings At Beginning of Period                 7,098         5,658         5,450
Adjustment to Retained Earnings                              0           390             0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                                                    9,627         9,721         8,260
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dividends Declared:
  Preferred Stock                                          694           720           744
  Common Stock                                           2,215         1,903         1,858
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total Dividends                                        2,909         2,623         2,602
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Retained Earnings at End of Period                   $   6,718     $   7,098     $   5,658

Earnings Available for Common Stock                  $   1,835     $   2,953     $   2,066

Average Shares of Common Stock Outstanding           1,990,517     1,751,830     1,718,522
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings Per Share of Common Stock                   $    0.92     $    1.69     $    1.20

Reference should be made to Notes to Financial Statements.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(In Thousands)                                                       June 30
                                                             1995        1994        1993
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Utility Plant:
  Utility Plant-at original cost                             $91,863     $86,098     $83,016
  Less: Accumulated Depreciation                              22,537      19,907      17,170
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Utility Plant-Net                                         69,326      66,191      65,846
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other Property: 
  Other Property-at original cost                             10,766       9,957       8,750
  Less: Accumulated Depreciation                               4,804       4,242       3,746
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Other Property-Net                                         5,962       5,715       5,004
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current Assets:
  Cash and Cash Equivalents                                      492          65          59
  Accounts Receivable                                          6,612       8,687       6,891
  Other Receivables                                              234         133         176
  Inventories                                                  3,236       3,629       3,089
  Prepayments                                                    178         146         145
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Total Current Assets                                    10,752      12,660      10,360
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred Debits:
  Unamortized Debt Expense                                       578         624         647
  Capital Stock Expense                                          638         340         420
  Environmental Cleanup Costs                                  1,046       1,030         872
  Other                                                          787       1,537       1,740
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Total Deferred Debits                                    3,049       3,531       3,679
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Recoverable Environmental Cleanup Costs.                     2,894       2,894       7,002
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   TOTAL ASSETS                                              $91,983     $90,991     $91,891

Common Shareholders' Equity:
  Common Stock                                               $ 5,259      $4,417      $4,333
  Premium on Common Stock                                     15,711      11,431      10,945
  Surplus Invested in Plant                                        0           0         390
  Retained Earnings                                            6,718       7,098       5,658
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Total Common Shareholders' Equity                       27,688      22,946      21,326
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Redeemable Cumulative Preferred Stock                          8,448       8,491       9,026
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Long-Term Debt (less current maturities)                      30,983      31,083      25,413
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current Liabilities: 
  Notes Payable to Banks                                           0       6,580      11,840
  Current Maturities of Long-Term Debt                           900         900       1,670
  Accounts Payable                                             3,091       2,776       3,047
  Taxes Accrued                                                  125        (155)        (85)
  Refundable (Recoverable) Gas Costs                           4,117         502      (1,019)
  Other Current Liabilities                                    5,518       5,261       2,931 
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Total Current Liabilities                               13,751      15,864      18,384
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Unamortized Investment Tax Credit                            1,355       1,430       1,506
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Deferred Income Taxes                                        6,864       8,283       9,234
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Reserve for Recoverable Environmental Cleanup Costs          2,894       2,894       7,002
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OTHER CREDITS                    $91,983     $90,991     $91,891

Reference should be made to Notes to Financial Statements.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(In Thousands Except Share Amounts)
                                                           June 30
                                                        1995        1994        1993
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Common Shareholders' Equity: 
Common Stock, $2.50 par value;shares authorized: 
  1995, 1994 and 1993 - 2,600,000; 2,600,000 and 
   2,100,000, respectively. 
Shares issued and outstanding: 1995-2,103,432;
 1994-1,766,909; 1993-1,733,068                         $ 5,259     $ 4,417     $ 4,333
Premium on Common Stock                                  15,711      11,431      10,945
Surplus Invested in Plant                                     0           0         390
Retained Earnings                                         6,718       7,098       5,658
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Total Common Shareholders' Equity                    $27,688     $22,946     $21,326
Redeemable Cumulative Preferred Stock: 
4.80%, $100 par value; 15,000 shares 
 authorized;issued and outstanding: 
 1995-4,478;1994-4,906;1993-5,257                       $   448     $   491     $   526
9.00%, $100 par value;10,000 shares 
 authorized;issued and outstanding:
 1995-0;1994-0;1993-5,000                                     0           0         500
8.40%, $100 par value; 80,000 shares 
 authorized;issued and outstanding: 
 1995, 1994, and 1993-80,000                              8,000       8,000       8,000
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Total Redeemable Cumulative Preferred Stock          $ 8,448     $ 8,491     $ 9,026

Reference should be made to Notes to Financial Statements.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(In Thousands)                                                Years Ended June 30
                                                              1995        1994       1993
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
  Net Income                                                  $ 2,529     $ 3,673     $ 2,810
  Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income to Net 
Cash Provided by Operating Activities: 
  Depreciation and Amortization                                 4,477       4,107       3,588
  Provision for Losses on Accounts Receivable                     741       1,274         808
  Refundable (Recoverable) Gas Costs                            3,615       1,521      (1,771)
  Deferred Income Taxes                                        (1,419)     (1,553)        841
Changes in Assets and Liabilities Which 
 Provided (Used) Cash:
  Accounts and Other Receivables                                1,233      (3,027)     (1,355)
  Inventories                                                     393        (540)     (1,090)
  Unamortized Debt Expense                                          0         (24)          0
  Unamortized Investment Tax Credit                                 0           0         (30)
  Unamortized Capital Stock Expense                              (155)          0        (183)
  Accounts Payable                                                315        (271)      1,010
  Taxes Accrued                                                   280         (70)       (129)
  Consumer Rebates and Other                                      960       2,977         172
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities                12,969       8,067       4,671
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash Flows from Investing Activities: 
  Capital Expenditures and Disposal Costs                      (7,746)     (5,112)     (5,458)
  Capital Expenditures - Transportation Pipeline                    0           0      (5,659)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Net Cash Used in Investing Activities                    (7,746)     (5,112)    (11,117)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
  Dividends Paid                                               (2,909)     (2,623)     (2,452)
  Current Maturities of Long-Term Debt                              0        (770)       (120)
  Proceeds from (Principal Payments on)
  Issuance of Long-Term Debt                                    (100)       5,670      (1,151)
  Proceeds from (Principal Payments on) 
   Notes Payable Borrowings-Net                                (6,580)     (5,260)      3,500
  Principal Payments on 
   Construction Loan Borrowings-Net                                 0           0      (4,284)
  Proceeds from Issuance of Common Stock-Net                    4,213           0           0
  Proceeds from Other Stock Transactions-Net                      580          34         408
  Proceeds from Reimbursement of Transportation 
   Pipeline Expenditures                                            0           0       2,091
  Proceeds from the Sale of Transportation Pipeline                 0           0       8,472
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Net Cash (Used in) Provided by Financing Activities      (4,796)     (2,949)      6,464
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents                         427           6          18
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year                     65          59          41
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Year                      $   492     $    65     $    59
Supplemental Disclosures of Cash Flow Information: 
  Cash Paid During the Year for: 
  Interest (net of amount capitalized)                        $ 3,452     $ 3,380     $ 3,327
  Income Taxes (net of refund)                                  3,027       2,552         974

Reference should be made to Notes to Financial Statements. 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in Thousands Except Share and Per Share Amounts)

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The Berkshire Gas Company ("the Company") is a publicly owned utility
engaged in the distribution and sale of natural gas for residential, 
commercial and industrial use, as well as the transportation of natural gas 
for larger industrial users.  The Company also sells and leases gas burning 
equipment, and markets liquefied petroleum gas through its Berkshire Propane 
operations. The Company is subject to regulation by the Massachusetts 
Department of Public Utilities ("MDPU"). The Company's accounting policies 
conform to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP") as applied to
public utilities giving effect to the accounting practices and policies of 
the MDPU.

Income Taxes
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Effective July 1, 1993, the Company adopted the provisions of Statement 
of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes." 
("SFAS No. 109"), which requires that the liability method be used in 
calculating deferred income taxes.  Upon adoption, the Company recorded 
deferred income tax liabilities for temporary differences for which deferred 
income taxes had not been provided and to adjust deferred tax balances to 
reflect changes in tax rates expected to be in effect during the periods the 
temporary differences reverse.

     With the adoption of SFAS No. 109, the Company has determined that it 
has excess deferred taxes which has resulted in the recording of a 
regulatory liability.  The regulatory liability reflects amounts due to the 
ratepayers which will be refunded through the regulatory process.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The Company depreciates its utility plant at straight line rates 
approved by the MDPU.  The current depreciable composite rate is 4.04% and 
has been in effect since April 1, 1993.  Depreciable non-utility property 
consists of rental equipment, propane tanks and related equipment used in 
the Company's liquefied petroleum gas operations, and is depreciated at 
annual rates ranging from 2.5% to 20.0%. 

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Customer meters are read or estimated on a monthly basis.  After the 
reading or estimation is prepared, customers are billed for their gas usage 
and any applicable monthly rental fee.  At the time of billing, revenues are 

     Pursuant to the MDPU, the Company is allowed to recover increases in 
gas costs and to refund any decreases in gas costs by way of the Cost of Gas 
Adjustment Clause ("CGAC"). A gas adjustment charge or refund for estimated
gas costs as compared with actual gas costs and any profit on the sale or 
transportation of interruptible volumes is included in the monthly customer 
billings via the CGAC.  Any difference between actual and estimated gas 
costs plus interest is accrued or deferred and is recorded in the month the 
related revenue is billed.

Unamortized Debt Expense
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The issuance costs associated with long-term debt are deferred and 
amortized over the life of the issue. 

Investment Tax Credit
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The unamortized balance of the investment tax credit ("ITC") relating 
to machinery and equipment acquisitions up through 1986 is deducted from 
federal income taxes and is deferred on the balance sheet, as prescribed by 
the MDPU, and is being amortized  over the expected lives of the applicable 
assets.  The unamortized balance of the ITC for the years ended June 30, 
1995, 1994 and 1993 was $1,355, $1,430 and $1,506, respectively.  The 
amortized portion for the years ended June 30, 1995, 1994 and 1993 was $75, 
$75 and $47, respectively.

Utility Plant
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The cost of maintenance, repairs and the renewal of items determined to 
be less than full units of plant property are charged to maintenance expense 
accounts.  The cost of betterments and the renewal of full units of plant 
property are charged to plant property accounts.  Costs include materials, 
labor and indirect charges for engineering, general and administrative and 
supervisory services. The book value of plant property replaced, retired or 
sold is concurrently removed from such plant property accounts and charged 
to accumulated depreciation along with its associated removal costs, less 
any salvage value.

     A functional classification for the cost of utility plant at June 30 is 
as follows: 

                                         1995         1994         1993
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Transmission and 
      Distribution Plant...........      $77,128      $72,000      $69,199 
     General Plant.................        9,549        8,995        8,664 
     Manufactured Gas 
      Production Plant.............        4,455        4,464        4,458 
     Construction in Progress......          731          639          695 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
          Total....................      $91,863      $86,098      $83,016

     Transmission and distribution plant consists of mains; services and 
meters, the cost for their installation; land and rights of way; and 
measuring and regulating station equipment which is used to deliver and to 
monitor gas used by the customer.  

     General plant consists of structures and their improvements, office 
furniture and equipment, including computers, and transportation equipment.  

     The manufactured gas production plant consists of land, gas mixing 
equipment and liquefied petroleum gas equipment used to supplement natural 
gas volumes during the peak season in order to meet customer demand.   

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Details of accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts, 
as of June 30 are as follows:

                                      1995        1994        1993
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Utility Service..................     $6,103      $8,133      $6,406 
Merchandise and Jobbing..........        118         140         124 
Liquefied Petroleum..............        391         414         361 
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     Total - Net ................     $6,612      $8,687      $6,891

     The allowance for doubtful accounts as of June 30, 1995, 1994 and 1993, 
respectively, is:  Utility - $832, $727 and $600; Merchandise - $44, $21 and 
$20; Liquefied Petroleum - $75, $68 and $54. 

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Materials, supplies and liquefied petroleum used in the non-utility 
operations are valued at the lower of average cost or market value; 
liquefied petroleum used in the utility operations is valued at cost; 
natural gas is recorded at cost.  The details of these inventories as of 
June 30 are as follows: 

                                     1995        1994        1993
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Materials and Supplies..........     $1,284      $1,357      $1,413 
Natural Gas.....................      1,702       2,088       1,526 
Liquefied Petroleum.............        250         184         150 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      TOTAL - Net...............     $3,236      $3,629      $3,089 

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The Company has reclassified certain amounts for prior years to conform 
with the 1995 presentation. 

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     On April 29, 1994, the Company received authorization from the MDPU to 
transfer $390 from Surplus Invested in Plant to Retained Earnings 
representing the surpluses resulting from the 1954 acquisition of Berkshire 
Gas Company and the 1958 acquisition of Greenfield Gas Light Company at less 
than net book value.  This transfer had no effect on the Company's earnings. 

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Earnings per share of Common Stock are calculated after the recognition 
of the dividend requirements for the Redeemable Cumulative Preferred Stock 
of $694 $720 and $744 for the fiscal years ended June 30, 1995, 1994 and 
1993, respectively. Earnings per share of Common Stock are based on the 
average number of Common shares outstanding.  The average number of Common 
Stock shares outstanding for the fiscal years ended June 30, 1995, 1994 and 
1993 were 1,990,517, 1,751,830 and 1,718,522, respectively.  

     The Company issued shares pursuant to the Share Owner Dividend 
Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan ("DRIP") of 41,586, 33,841 and 32,147 
for a total of $628, $569, and $492 during 1995, 1994 and 1993, respectively.

     Beginning June 15, 1993, the Company initiated a plan for the purchase 
of Common Stock whereby all holders of 10 shares or more are eligible to 
purchase shares of Common Stock at a 3% discount of the average of the bid 
and asked prices for the five days preceding the purchase date.  
Participants can purchase shares by either reinvesting dividends on Common 
Stock already held or through optional cash payments.  

     During fiscal 1995, the Company sold 295,000 shares of Common Stock in 
a public offering.  During fiscal 1994, 100,000 additional shares were 
authorized and approved by the MDPU pursuant to the DRIP. See "Redeemable 
Cumulative Preferred Stock" below concerning the restrictions on the 
payment of cash dividends on, or purchases of, Common Stock.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The Company has authorized two series of Cumulative Preferred Stock:  
the 4.8% and the 8.4%.  The redemption price per share for the 4.8% 
Cumulative Preferred Stock (as well as the amount due on voluntary 
liquidation) is $100.00.  The provisions of the 4.8% Cumulative Preferred 
Stock require the Company to offer to purchase up to 450 shares at par 
annually on September 15.  Pursuant thereto, the Company purchased 428 
shares during 1995, 351 shares during the 1994 fiscal year, and 357 shares 
during 1993.   

     The Company called and retired the 4,500 remaining shares of the 9.0% 
Cumulative Preferred Stock in January 1994.

     The provisions of the 8.4% Cumulative Preferred Stock provide for an 
annual mandatory sinking fund of 5,334 shares at par commencing in the year 
2003. The redemption price per share of the 8.4% Cumulative Preferred Stock 
(as well as the amount due on a voluntary liquidation basis) is $105.10 
beginning May 30, 2002 and thereafter gradually reduces to $100.

     The Charter provisions applicable to the Cumulative Preferred Stock and 
the First Mortgage Indenture contain restrictions on the use of retained 
earnings for the payment of cash dividends on, or purchases of, Common 
Stock.  At June 30, 1995, the Company's retained earnings were $6,718.  At 
such date, under the most restrictive of these provisions, $2,945 of the 
retained earnings were unrestricted.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Details regarding the Company's First Mortgage Bonds, Debentures, 
Senior and Medium-Term Notes Payable, and sinking funds (due after one year) 
as of June 30 are as follows: 

Description                             Maturing
                           Interest     Annually
First Mortgage Bonds:      Rate         Through      1995       1994       1993
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Series K                    7.7850      1997         $   520    $   540    $   560
       M                    9.3750      1998             720        800        880
       O                   12.7500      1995               0          0        210
       P                   10.0600      2019          10,000     10,000     10,000
Debenture:                  9.1250      2006           5,743      5,743      5,763
Senior Note:                9.6000      2020           8,000      8,000      8,000
Medium-Term Note:           7.0625      1999           6,000      6,000          0
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     TOTAL.....................................      $30,983    $31,083    $25,413

      All interest rates are fixed except in the case of the Medium-Term 
Note, which is variable based upon the LIBOR six month rate and which is 
convertible at the option of the Company to a fixed rate based upon the 
lender's cost of funds rate.  The aggregate amount of sinking fund and other 
maturities due in each of the next five years are:  1996 - $500; 1997 - 
$1,000; 1998 - $480; 1999 - $6,960; and 2000 - $400.  Series P, the Senior 
Note and the Medium-Term Note do not have sinking fund requirements.  The 
redemption of the Debenture is voluntary by the holder, is non-cumulative 
and cannot exceed $400 per year.

         The First Mortgage Bonds are collateralized by substantially all 
of the utility plant.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Details of other current liabilities as of June 30 are as follows: 

                                      1995       1994       1993
- ------------------------------------------------------------------

Accrued Interest..................    $  839     $  841     $  881
Insured Retirement Plan...........       377        414        314
Dividends Declared................       752        660        654
Accrued Consumer Rebates..........     2,044      2,091          6
Other.............................     1,506      1,255      1,076
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
      TOTAL.......................    $5,518     $5,261     $2,931

     Accrued consumer rebates represent refunds received from a major 
supplier of natural gas to the Company.  The refunds are associated with the 
supplier rate case before FERC, and are to be refunded to the ratepayer 
during the next fiscal year. 

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The Company has lines of credit aggregating $25,500 with various banks, 
all of which remained unused as of June 30, 1995.  The lines of credit are 
reviewed periodically with various banks and may be renewed or canceled.  In 
connection with these lines of credit, the Company borrows primarily at less 
than the prime rate.  In lieu of compensating balance requirements, the 
Company pays commitment fees on a portion of its credit lines equating to 
3/8 of 1% on $11,000 with the various banks.

     Information as to short-term borrowings is as follows: 

                                             1995         1994        1993
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance Outstanding at June 30..........     $     0      $ 6,580     $11,840 
Maximum Amount of Borrowings 
 at Any Month-End.......................      10,470       20,570      18,260 
Average Borrowings During the Year......       5,604       15,407      14,393 
Average Interest Rate at End of Year....        7.31%        5.04%       4.41% 
Weighted Average Interest Rate During
 the Year...............................        6.60%        4.65%       5.05%

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The difference in the effective tax rate compared with the statutory 
tax rate is shown in the following table:

                                       1995        1994        1993
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Tax at Statutory Rate...........        34%         34%        34% 
State Taxes (Net of Federal 
 Benefit).......................        4.5         4.6        4.4 
Investment Tax Credit...........       (1.9)       (1.2)      (1.7) 
Permanent Differences...........        1.0         2.2       (1.1) 
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Effective Tax Rate..............       37.6%       39.6%      35.6%

     A summary of the tax provision is as follows:

                                     1995       1994        1993
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Federal Income - Current..........   $2,169     $2,740      $  585 
Federal Income - Deferred.........     (923)      (751)        681  
State - Current...................      512        571         130 
State - Deferred..................     (233)      (148)        159
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ 
      TOTAL.......................   $1,525     $2,412      $1,555

     The components of the net deferred income tax liability at 
June 30 are as follows: 

                                                  1995        1994
- --------------------------------------------------------------------

Deferred Liabilities: 
  Investment Tax Credit.......................    $  558      $  602 
  Excess Tax over Book Depreciation...........     8,731       8,545 
  Environmental Response Costs................       207         216 
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
      Total Deferred Liabilities..............     9,496       9,363 
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred Assets: 
  Recoverable Gas Cost........................    (1,789)       (354) 
  Other.......................................      (843)       (726)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
      Total Deferred Assets...................    (2,632)     (1,080) 
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
      Total Net Deferred Income Taxes.........    $6,864      $8,283

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Federal, state and local laws and regulations establishing standards 
and requirements for the protection of the environment have increased in 
number and scope in recent years.  The Company cannot predict the future 
impact of such standards and requirements, which are subject to change and 
can have retroactive effectiveness.

     During fiscal 1990, the MDPU issued a generic ruling on cost recovery 
for environmental cleanup with respect to former gas manufacturing sites.  
Under the ruling, the Company will recover annual cleanup costs, excluding 
carrying costs, over a seven-year period through the CGAC.  This ruling also 
provides for the sharing of any proceeds received from insurance carriers 
equally between the Company and its ratepayers, and establishes maximum 
amounts that can be recovered from customers in any one year.  

     During the fiscal year ended June 30, 1995, the Company continued the 
analysis and field review of two parcels of real estate formerly used for 
gas manufacturing operations, which had been found to contain coal tar 
deposits and other substances associated with by-products of the gas 
manufacturing process.  The review and assessment process began in 1985 with 
respect to the first site, which is owned by the Company, and in 1989 with 
respect to the second site, which was formerly owned by the Company.  With 
the review and approval of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental 
Protection ("MDEP"), at one site, the investigative activities are proceeding,
while at the second site, the investigative work is near completion and 
remedial alternatives are being examined.  It is difficult to predict the 
potential financial impact of the sites until first, the nature and risk is 
fully characterized, and second, the remedial strategies and related 
technologies are determined.  The general philosophy of the Company is one 
of source removal and/or reduction coupled with risk minimization.  Assuming 
successful implementation, it is anticipated that through 2010 the level  of 
expenditures for the sites will range from $2,894 to $8,777.  The 
anticipated level of expenditures has remained the same in 1995 from 1994 
and been reduced from 1993 estimates resulting from the Company's analysis 
and review of the sites and the commencement of clean-up activities at the 
first site.  The Company has recorded the most likely cost of $2,894 in 
accordance with SFAS No. 5.  Ultimate expenditures cannot be determined 
until a remedial action plan can be developed and approved by the MDEP.  The 
Company's unamortized costs at June 30, 1995 were $1,046 and should be 
recovered using the formula discussed above.  

     Claims against the Company have been asserted by a general contractor 
and certain subcontractors involved in the construction of a transportation 
pipeline for which the Company served as developer.  Although the Company 
cannot predict the ultimate outcome of the claims, which the Company 
believes are without merit, it intends to contest the claims vigorously and 
believes that the outcome will not have a material adverse impact on the 
overall financial position or results of operations of the Company.  

     FERC Order 636 provides for 100% recovery by pipelines of any 
"Transition Costs" prudently incurred as a result of industry restructuring.  
As these costs have been and may be  approved in the future, they have been 
and will be passed through to the Company as demand charges associated with 
the transportation of gas through the pipeline.  Under current rate 
structures, these costs are recovered through the CGAC.  

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     A condensed summary of the Company's non-utility operations before 
income tax (included in the "Statements of Income and Retained Earnings" 
under "Other Income - Net") as of June 30 is as follows: 

                                            1995       1994        1993
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Merchandise and Jobbing: 
  Sales................................     $1,068     $1,438      $1,057 
  Cost of Sales and Expenses...........        862      1,117         910 
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Net..............................        206        321         147
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Appliance Rentals: 
  Revenues.............................      1,380      1,314       1,218 
  Expenses.............................        671        580         309
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
      Net..............................        709        734         909
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Liquefied Petroleum Gas:
  Sales................................      4,022      3,890       3,628 
  Cost of Sales and Expenses...........      3,703      3,463       3,235
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
      Net..............................        319        427         393
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Miscellaneous Net......................        282        905          72
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
      TOTAL............................     $1,516     $2,387      $1,521

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

       The Company has non-contributory funded retirement income plans 
covering substantially all employees.  The cost of the plans is actuarially 
determined, and it is the Company's policy to fund accrued pension costs. 
       The net pension cost in 1995, 1994 and 1993 is summarized as follows: 

                                      1995        1994        1993
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Service Cost......................    $  634      $  588      $  600
Interest Cost.....................     1,135       1,100       1,040 
Return on Plan Assets: 
  Actual..........................    (1,009)       (347)     (1,907) 
  Deferred........................      (397)       (978)        789
- -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
      Net Recognized Return.......    (1,406)     (1,325)     (1,118) 
Other.............................       259         249         242
- -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
      Net Pension Cost............    $  622      $  612      $  764

     The funded status and accrued pension cost for the defined benefit 
plans at June 30 are as follows: 

                                         1995         1994         1993 
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fair Value of Plan Assets............    $17,267      $16,150      $15,737 
Projected Benefit Obligation.........     16,647       16,545       15,715
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Excess (Deficiency) of Fair  
 Value of Plan Assets Over 
 Projected Benefit Obligation........        620         (395)          22  
Unrecognized Net Gain................     (3,315)      (2,564)      (3,208) 
Unrecognized Prior Service Cost......        930        1,001        1,048 
Unrecognized Net Obligation 
 (at transition).....................      1,469        1,649        1,829
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Accrued Pension Cost.................       (296)        (309)        (309) 
Accumulated Benefit Obligation.......     13,314       13,558       12,659 
Vested Benefit Obligation............     13,293       13,182       12,282
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Assumed Discount Rate................       7.00%        7.00%        7.00%
Assumed Rate of Compensation
 Increase............................      5.625%       5.875%       5.875% 
Expected Rate of Return on Plan 
 Assets..............................       9.25%        9.25%        8.75% 
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

       Approximately 98.7% of plan assets are invested in equity securities, 
debt securities and cash equivalents, and the balance is in other 
investments, principally real estate.  The benefit formula is based either 
on the number of years of service or the employee's average base salary for 
the five years yielding the highest average.  

     The Company maintains a 401(k) Post-Retirement Plan for all Company 
employees.  The Company matches up to 3 1/2% of a participating employee's 
annual salary.  The expense for the years ended June 30, 1995, 1994 and 1993 
related to the 401(k) Plan was $223, $213 and $204, respectively.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DELOITTE &                                                         City Place
  Touche LLP                                                185 Asylum Street
                                             Hartford, Connecticut 06103-3402
To the Shareholders of 
The Berkshire Gas Company: 
We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of The Berkshire Gas Company 
as of June 30, 1995, 1994 and 1993 and the related statements of income and 
retained earnings, common shareholders' equity and redeemable cumulative 
preferred stock and of cash flows for the years then ended.  These financial 
statements are the responsibility of the Company's management.  Our 
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based 
on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing 
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to 
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free 
of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, 
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  
An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and 
significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall 
financial statement presentation.  We believe that our audits provide a 
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, such financial statements present fairly, in all material 
respects, the financial position of the Company at June 30, 1995, 1994 and 
1993, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the years 
then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. 


August 25, 1995 

- -------------------------------

     A comparison of unaudited quarterly financial information is presented 
on page 31. 

- --------------

     The annual meeting of shareholders will be held at the Berkshire Hilton 
Inn, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, on November 14, 1995, at 10:00 A.M. 

- -------------------

       The Company has a program which allows for the reinvestment of 
dividends and optional cash payments to purchase additional shares of the 
Company's Common Stock at a 3% discount.  The Plan is available to holders 
of 10 shares or more and provides a convenient method to acquire additional 
shares without fees or other charges.  Shareholders who wish to take 
advantage of the Plan or want additional information may do so by 

The Berkshire Gas Company 
Attn:   Secretary of the Share Owner Dividend 
        Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan Committee 
        115 Cheshire Road 
        Pittsfield, Massachusetts 01201-1388 
        (413) 442-1511

- --------------

State Street Bank and Trust Company 
P.O. Box 8200 
Boston, Massachusetts 02266-8200 
- -------------

       The Common Stock of The Berkshire Gas Company is traded on the 
National Over-the-Counter Market and is quoted through the NASDAQ System 
under the symbol BGAS. 

- ---------------------

       Upon written request to the Company at 115 Cheshire Road, Pittsfield, 
Massachusetts 01201-1388, a copy of the Company's current Form 10-K Annual 
Report, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, will be 
provided to any shareholder without charge. 

     This report has been prepared for the purposes of information and 
record only and not in connection with the sale or offer for sale of 
securities, or any solicitation of an offer to buy securities.

- -------------------------------

For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30 (In Thousands Except Per Share Amounts) 
1995                                        First        Second       Third       Fourth
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating Revenues                          $ 4,832      $12,086      $21,615     $9,401  
Operating and Other Income (Loss)              (124)       2,378        5,869      1,295 
Income (Loss) Before Income Taxes            (1,258)       1,036        4,180         96     
Net Income (Loss)                              (766)         656        2,556         83  
Earnings (Loss) Per Share                     (0.53)        0.23         1.14      (0.04)  
Dividends Declared Per Share                  0.275        0.275        0.275      0.275  
Prices of Common Shares:                          
  High                                      17 3/4       16 3/4       16          15 3/4 
  Low                                       16           14 1/4       14 3/4      14 
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Revenues                          $ 4,542      $12,951      $25,948     $9,588 
Operating and Other Income (Loss)              (239)       2,881        7,290      1,269  
Income (Loss) Before Income Taxes            (1,249)       1,611        5,652         72 
Net Income (Loss)                              (752)       1,013        3,507        (95)  
Earnings (Loss) Per Share                     (0.54)        0.47         1.89      (0.15)      
Dividends Declared Per Share                   0.27         0.27         0.27      0.275  
Prices of Common Shares: 
  High                                      19           19           18 1/4      17 1/4 
  Low                                       17 1/4       17           16 1/2      15 1/2 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Revenues                          $ 5,092      $12,192      $21,037     $8,811 
Operating and Other Income (Loss)              (431)       2,440        6,184      1,206  
Income (Loss) Before Income Taxes            (1,471)       1,265        4,593        (22) 
Net Income (Loss)                              (879)         810        2,863         16          
Earnings (Loss) Per Share                     (0.62)        0.36         1.55      (0.10)  
Dividends Declared Per Share                   0.27         0.27         0.27       0.27  
Prices of Common Shares: 
  High                                      15 1/4       15 3/4       17 1/2      18 1/4 
  Low                                       14           14 1/4       14          16 1/2 

     The Common Stock of The Berkshire Gas Company is traded on the National 
Over-the-Counter Market and is quoted through the NASDAQ System (BGAS). 
Primarily because of the relatively small number of shareholders and the 
infrequency of trading, the average bid and asked prices noted above do not 
necessarily reflect actual transactions. 

     Earnings per Common Share have been computed based on average Common 
Shares outstanding in each period after recognition of Preferred Stock 

     It is currently the policy of the Board of Directors to declare cash 
dividends payable in July, October, January and April.  The dividend rate is 
reassessed regularly in light of existing conditions, the needs of the 
Company and the interests of shareholders.

     The sum of the quarterly earnings (loss) per share amounts many not 
equal the annual income per share due to the issuance of Common Stock.
The Berkshire Gas Company
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scott S. Robinson                              Michael J. Marrone 
President and Chief Executive Officer          Vice President, Treasurer and
                                               Chief Financial Officer
Les H. Hotman                                  Cheryl M. Clark 
Vice President, Supply, Rates and Planning     Clerk of the Corporation 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
George R. Baldwin**                            Franklin M. Hundley 
Area Chairman                                  Managing Director, 
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.,                     Rich, May, Bilodeau & 
a national insurance brokerage firm            Flaherty, P.C., a law firm 
John W. Bond* **                               Joseph T. Kelley* 
President,                                     Chairman of the Board
Kimbell Securities Corp., a securities         The Berkshire Gas Company
broker/dealer; Real estate management

Paul L. Gioia**                                Scott S. Robinson*
Partner,                                       President and Chief Executive
LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae,                Officer 
a law firm                                     The Berkshire Gas Company

William S. Goedecke**                          Robert B. Trask** 
First Vice President, Retired                  President and Chief Operating  
Smith Barney Harris Upham & Co., Inc.,         Officer,
An investment banking and stock brokerage      Country Curtains, Inc., 
firm                                           a mail-order/retail firm 
*   Executive Committee 
**  Audit Committee