BY AND BETWEEN

                                WEETAMOE BANCORP


                                 FAIRBANK, INC.

                            DATED AS OF APRIL 5, 1996

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


ARTICLE I - THE MERGER                                                           1
    1.01    The Merger                                                           1
    1.02    Effective Time                                                       2
    1.03    Effects of the Merger                                                2
    1.04    Conversion of Fairbank Common Stock                                  2
    1.05    Dissenters' Rights                                                   3
    1.06    Other Matters                                                        3

ARTICLE II - EXCHANGE OF SHARES                                                  3
    2.01    The Company or Bank to Make Merger Consideration Available           3
    2.02    Payment for Shares                                                   4

    3.01    Corporate Organization                                               5
    3.02    Capitalization                                                       6
    3.03    Authority; No Violation                                              7
    3.04    Consents and Approvals                                               8
    3.05    Financial Statements                                                 8
    3.06    Absence of Undisclosed Liabilities                                   9
    3.07    Absence of Certain Changes or Events                                 9
    3.08    Loan Portfolio                                                      11
    3.09    Investments                                                         11
    3.10    Title to Properties                                                 12
    3.11    Leases                                                              12
    3.12    Legal Proceedings                                                   13
    3.13    Compliance with Applicable Laws                                     13
    3.14    Taxes                                                               13
    3.15    Employee Benefit and Other Plans                                    14
    3.16    Contracts and Commitments; No Defaults                              15
    3.17    Environmental Matters                                               16
    3.18    Fairbank Information                                                17
    3.19    Insurance                                                           17
    3.20    Broker's Fees                                                       17
    3.21    Agreements with Regulatory Agencies                                 17

    4.01    Corporate Organization                                              18
    4.02    Capitalization.                                                     18
    4.03    Authority; No Violation                                             19
    4.04    Consents and Approvals                                              20
    4.05    Financial Statements                                                20
    4.06    Broker's Fees                                                       21
    4.07    Absence of Certain Changes or Events                                21
    4.08    Legal Proceedings                                                   21
    4.09    Company Information                                                 22
    4.10    Compliance With Applicable Law                                      22
    4.11    Agreements with Regulatory Agencies                                 22
    4.12    Regulatory Approvals                                                22

    5.01    Covenants of Fairbank                                               22
    5.02    Covenants of the Company                                            25

ARTICLE VI - ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS                                              26
    6.01    Regulatory Matters.                                                 26
    6.02    Access to Information                                               27
    6.03    Shareholder Approval                                                28
    6.04    Legal Conditions to Merger                                          28
    6.05    Fairbank and Target Employees                                       28
    6.06    Additional Agreements                                               29
    6.07    Disclosure Supplements                                              29
    6.08    Current Information                                                 29
    6.09    Environmental Assessment                                            30
    6.10    Public Announcements                                                30
    6.11    Execution and Authorization of Bank Merger Agreement                30

ARTICLE VII - CONDITIONS PRECEDENT                                              31
    7.01    Conditions to Each Party's Obligations Under This Agreement         31
    7.02    Conditions to the Obligations of the Company Under This Agreement   31
    7.03    Conditions to the Obligations of Fairbank Under This Agreement      33

ARTICLE VIII - CLOSING                                                          34
    8.01    Time and Place                                                      34
    8.02    Deliveries at the Closing                                           34

ARTICLE IX - TERMINATION AND AMENDMENT                                          34
    9.01    Termination                                                         34
    9.02    Effect of Termination                                               36
    9.03    Amendment                                                           36
    9.04    Extension; Waiver                                                   36

ARTICLE X - MISCELLANEOUS                                                       37
   10.01    Expenses                                                            37
   10.02    "Unauthorized Action;" Liquidated Damages Under Certain 
             Circumstances                                                      37
   10.03    Non-Survival of Representations and Warranties                      37
   10.04    Notification of Certain Matters                                     38
   10.05    Notices                                                             38
   10.06    Parties in Interest                                                 39
   10.07    Complete Agreement                                                  39
   10.08    Counterparts                                                        40
   10.09    Governing Law                                                       40
   10.10    Headings                                                            40

                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

         AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER, dated as of April 5, 1996, by and between
Weetamoe  Bancorp,  a  Massachusetts  corporation  (the "Company") and Fairbank,
Inc., a Massachusetts corporation ("Fairbank").

         WHEREAS,  the Boards of  Directors  of the  Company and  Fairbank  have
determined  that it is in the best interests of their  respective  companies and
their shareholders to consummate the business  combination  transaction provided
for herein in which New Sub, as defined in Section 1.01 of this Agreement, will,
subject  to the  terms and  conditions  set forth  herein,  merge  with and into
Fairbank (the "Merger"); and

         WHEREAS,  subject to the provisions of Section 6.11 of this  Agreement,
as soon as  practicable  after the  execution  and  delivery of this  Agreement,
Slade's Ferry Bank, a  Massachusetts  chartered trust company and a wholly-owned
subsidiary of the Company (the "Bank," and  sometimes  referred to herein as the
"Resulting  Bank"),  and  National  Bank of  Fairhaven,  a  national  bank and a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Fairbank ("Target"), will enter into a Bank Agreement
and Plan of Merger (the "Bank Merger  Agreement")  providing for the merger (the
"Bank  Merger")  of Target with and into the Bank,  and it is intended  that the
Bank Merger be consummated immediately following the consummation of the Merger;

         WHEREAS, the parties desire to make certain representations, warranties
and  agreements  in  connection  with the Merger and also to  prescribe  certain
conditions to the Merger.

         NOW,   THEREFORE,   in   consideration   of   the   mutual   covenants,
representations, warranties and agreements contained herein, and intending to be
legally bound hereby, the parties agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I
                                   THE MERGER

      1.01 The Merger. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, in
accordance with Chapter 156B of the  Massachusetts  General Laws (the "M.G.L."),
at the  Effective  Time (as defined in Section 1.02  hereof),  the Company shall
acquire  all of the  outstanding  capital  stock of  Fairbank  in a  transaction
whereby SFB New Sub,  Inc., a corporation  to be organized by the Bank under the
laws of the Commonwealth of  Massachusetts  as a wholly-owned  subsidiary of the
Bank ("New Sub") shall merge with and into  Fairbank  (the  "Merger").  Fairbank
shall be the surviving corporation  (hereinafter sometimes called the "Surviving
Corporation")  in the Merger,  and shall continue its corporate  existence under
the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  Upon consummation of the Merger,
the separate  corporate  existence of New Sub shall terminate.  Each outstanding
share of stock of New Sub  immediately  prior  to the  Effective  Time  shall be
converted into one share of stock of the Surviving  Corporation at the Effective
Time and shall remain  outstanding  after the Effective Time.  Each  outstanding
share of stock of  Fairbank  immediately  prior to the  Effective  Time shall be
converted into the right to receive payment in the Merger as provided in Section
1.04 below.  The name of the  Surviving  Corporation  shall become "SFB New Sub,
Inc." at the  Effective  Time.  The  Company  or the Bank may  dissolve  New Sub
following the Effective Time of the Merger.

      1.02 Effective Time. The Merger shall become effective as set forth in the
certificate  of merger  which shall be filed with the  Secretary of State of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts (the "Massachusetts Certificate of Merger" and the
"Massachusetts  Secretary")  on the  Closing  Date (as  defined in Section  8.01
hereof).  The term  "Effective  Time" shall be the date and time when the Merger
becomes effective, as set forth in the Massachusetts Certificate of Merger.

      1.03 Effects of the Merger.  At and after the Effective  Time,  the Merger
shall have the effects set forth in Chapter 156B, Section 80 of the M.G.L.

      1.04 Conversion of Fairbank Common Stock.

            (a) At the Effective  Time,  each share of the common stock,  no par
      value,  of  Fairbank  ("Fairbank  Common  Stock")  issued and  outstanding
      immediately  prior to the  Effective  Time  (except for (i) shares held by
      Fairbank as treasury  shares,  (ii) shares owned by any direct or indirect
      subsidiary  of Fairbank  other than such  shares  held as security  for an
      obligation to Fairbank or such subsidiary and as to which Fairbank or such
      subsidiary  has an  immediate  right of  sale,  (iii)  shares  held by the
      Company or the Bank other than in a fiduciary  or trust  capacity  for the
      benefit of third parties,  and (iv) shares as to which dissenters'  rights
      have been  perfected)  shall,  by virtue of this Agreement and without any
      action  on  the  part  of  the  holder  thereof,  be  converted  into  and
      exchangeable for $193.31 in cash ("Per Share Merger  Consideration") to be
      paid by the Company or the Bank as hereinafter provided.

            (b) At the  Effective  Time,  all of the shares of  Fairbank  Common
      Stock  converted  into cash  pursuant to this Article I shall no longer be
      outstanding and shall automatically be cancelled and shall cease to exist,
      and each certificate  (each a "Certificate")  previously  representing any
      such shares of Fairbank Common Stock shall thereafter  represent the right
      to  receive  the Per Share  Merger  Consideration  into which the share of
      Fairbank Common Stock  represented by such  Certificate has been converted
      pursuant to this Section 1.04. Certificates previously representing shares
      of Fairbank  Common  Stock  shall be  exchanged  for the Per Share  Merger
      Consideration  upon the surrender of such  Certificates in accordance with
      Section 2.02 hereof, without any interest thereon.

            (c) At the Effective  Time, (i) all shares of Fairbank  Common Stock
      that are owned by Fairbank as treasury shares, (ii) all shares of Fairbank
      Common Stock that are owned  directly or indirectly  by any  subsidiary of
      Fairbank, and (iii) shares of Fairbank Common Stock held by the Company or
      the Bank other than in a fiduciary  or trust  capacity  for the benefit of
      third  parties  shall  be  cancelled  and  shall  cease  to  exist  and no
      consideration shall be delivered in exchange therefor.

      1.05 Dissenters' Rights. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the
contrary and unless  otherwise  provided by applicable  law,  shares of Fairbank
Common Stock which are issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective
Time and which are owned by  shareholders  who,  pursuant to applicable law, (a)
file with Fairbank,  before the taking of the vote of Fairbank's shareholders on
the Merger,  written  objection  to the Merger  stating an  intention  to demand
payment for their  shares,  if the Merger is effected,  and (b) whose shares are
not  voted  in favor of the  Merger  (the  "Dissenting  Shares"),  shall  not be
converted  into Per Share  Merger  Consideration  as provided  in Section  1.04,
unless  and until  such  holders  shall  have  failed to  perfect  or shall have
effectively  withdrawn  or lost  their  right of  appraisal  and  payment  under
applicable  law, but shall be entitled to payment of the appraised value of such
Dissenting  Shares in  accordance  with the  provisions  of Chapter  156B of the
M.G.L. If any such holder shall have failed to perfect or shall have effectively
withdrawn or lost such right of appraisal,  Fairbank Common Stock of such holder
shall  thereupon be deemed to have been  converted into the right to receive and
become  exchangeable for, at the Effective Time, Per Share Merger  Consideration
determined pursuant to Section 1.04 hereof.

      1.06 Other  Matters.  At and after the Effective  Time:  (i) the Surviving
Corporation's main office shall be located in Somerset,  Massachusetts, (ii) the
Directors  and  officers  of New Sub  holding  office  immediately  prior to the
Effective  Time shall be the  Surviving  Corporation's  Directors  and officers,
(iii)  the  Certificate  of  Incorporation   and  Bylaws  of  New  Sub  existing
immediately   prior  to  the  Effective   Time  shall  be  the   Certificate  of
Incorporation and Bylaws of the Surviving Corporation, (iv) the capital stock of
the  Surviving  Corporation  at the  Effective  Time shall be as provided in the
Certificate of  Incorporation of New Sub, and (v) the minimum and maximum number
of  Directors  of  the  Surviving  Corporation  shall  be as  set  forth  in the
Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Surviving Corporation.

                                   ARTICLE II
                               EXCHANGE OF SHARES

      2.01 The Company or Bank to Make Merger  Consideration  Available.  At the
Effective  Time, the Company shall deposit,  or shall cause the Bank to deposit,
with a bank or trust company selected by the Company (and reasonably  acceptable
to  Fairbank)  (the  "Exchange  Agent"),  for  the  benefit  of the  holders  of
Certificates,  for exchange in accordance  with this Article II, cash sufficient
to pay the  merger  consideration  provided  for in  Section  1.04 (the  "Merger
Consideration") (such cash being hereinafter referred to as the "Exchange Fund")
to be paid  pursuant  to Section  1.04 in  exchange  for  outstanding  shares of
Fairbank  Common  Stock.  The  Exchange  Fund shall be invested by the  Exchange
Agent,  as directed  by the  Company or the Bank in writing,  (i) solely in U.S.
Treasury  obligations,  or (ii) a mutual fund or similar  investment  pool which
invests its assets substantially in U.S. Treasury obligations,  or which invests
its assets in repurchase  agreements which are collateralized or secured by U.S.
Treasury obligations, and any net earnings with respect thereto shall be paid to
the Company or the Bank as and when requested by the Company or the Bank. If for
any reason (including losses) the Exchange Fund is inadequate to pay the amounts
to which holders of shares of Fairbank Common Stock shall be entitled under this
Agreement, the Company shall be liable for the payment thereof.

      2.02 Payment for Shares.

            (a) As soon as practicable after the Effective Time, and in no event
      later than three business days  thereafter,  the Exchange Agent shall mail
      to each  holder of record of a  Certificate  or  Certificates  a letter of
      transmittal (which shall specify that delivery shall be effected, and risk
      of loss and title to the  Certificates  shall pass,  only upon delivery of
      the  Certificates  to the  Exchange  Agent)  and  instructions  for use in
      effecting  the  surrender  of the  Certificates  in  exchange  for  Merger
      Consideration  into which the shares of Fairbank Common Stock  represented
      by such Certificate or Certificates  shall have been converted pursuant to
      this  Agreement.   Upon  surrender  of  a  Certificate  for  exchange  and
      cancellation  to  the  Exchange  Agent,   together  with  such  letter  of
      transmittal,  duly  executed,  the  holder of such  Certificates  shall be
      entitled to receive in exchange  therefor a check  representing the amount
      of cash to which such  holder of Fairbank  Common  Stock shall have become
      entitled  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  Article  I  hereof,  and  the
      Certificate so surrendered shall forthwith be cancelled.  No interest will
      be paid or accrued on any cash payable  hereunder  or on unpaid  dividends
      and distributions, if any, payable to holders of Certificates.

            (b) At the Effective  Time and until so  surrendered  and exchanged,
      each such  Certificate  shall  represent  solely the right to receive  Per
      Share Merger  Consideration  as provided for in this Agreement.  If Merger
      Consideration  (or any portion  thereof) is to be  delivered to any person
      other than the person in whose name the Certificate representing shares of
      Fairbank Common Stock surrendered in exchange  therefor is registered,  it
      shall be a condition to such exchange that the  Certificate so surrendered
      shall be properly endorsed or otherwise be in proper form for transfer and
      that the person  requesting  such exchange shall pay to the Exchange Agent
      any  transfer or other  taxes  required by reason of the payment of Merger
      Consideration  to a  person  other  than  the  registered  holder  of  the
      Certificate  surrendered,  or shall  establish to the  satisfaction of the
      Exchange Agent that such tax has been paid or is not applicable.

            (c) After the  Effective  Time,  there shall be no  transfers on the
      stock  transfer  books of Fairbank of the shares of Fairbank  Common Stock
      which were issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time.
      If, after the Effective Time,  Certificates  representing  such shares are
      presented for transfer to the Exchange Agent,  they shall be cancelled and
      exchanged for Merger Consideration as provided in this Article II.

            (d) Any portion of the Exchange  Fund that remains  unclaimed by the
      shareholders  of Fairbank for 12 months after the Effective  Time shall be
      paid to the  Company or the Bank  (depending  on which  made the  original
      deposit).  Any shareholders of Fairbank who have not theretofore  complied
      with this Article II shall thereafter look only to the Company or the Bank
      for payment of Per Share Merger  Consideration  deliverable  in respect of
      each share of Fairbank Common Stock such  shareholder  holds as determined
      pursuant to this Agreement,  in each case,  without any interest  thereon.
      Notwithstanding the foregoing,  none of the Company,  the Bank,  Fairbank,
      the  Exchange  Agent or any other  person  shall be  liable to any  former
      holder  of  shares  of  Fairbank  Common  Stock  for any  amount  properly
      delivered to a public official pursuant to applicable  abandoned property,
      escheat or similar laws.

            (e) In the event that any Certificate  shall have been lost,  stolen
      or  destroyed,  upon the making of an affidavit of that fact by the person
      claiming such Certificate to be lost, stolen or destroyed and, if required
      by the Company, the posting by such person of a bond in such amount as the
      Company may reasonably  direct as indemnity  against any claim that may be
      made against it with respect to such Certificate,  the Exchange Agent will
      issue in exchange for such lost, stolen or destroyed Certificate,  the Per
      Share Merger Consideration deliverable in respect thereof pursuant to this

                                   ARTICLE III

      Fairbank hereby represents and warrants to the Company as follows:

      3.01 Corporate Organization.

            (a) Fairbank is a corporation  duly organized,  validly existing and
      in good  standing  under the laws of the  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts.
      Fairbank has the corporate  power and authority to own or lease all of its
      properties  and  assets  and to carry on its  business  as it is now being
      conducted,  and is duly  licensed  or  qualified  to do  business  in each
      jurisdiction  in which the nature of the  business  conducted by it or the
      character or location of the  properties  and assets owned or leased by it
      makes  such  licensing  or  qualification  necessary.   Fairbank  is  duly
      registered as a bank holding  company  under the Bank Holding  Company Act
      (the "BHC Act"). The copies of Fairbank's Certificate of Incorporation and
      Bylaws, each certified by its Secretary,  which are being delivered to the
      Company herewith,  are complete and correct copies of such documents as in
      effect as of the date of this Agreement.  Except as listed on the attached
      Schedule   3.01(a),   Fairbank  does  not  have  any  direct  or  indirect
      wholly-owned  subsidiaries  or  capital  stock or other  equity  ownership
      interest in any  corporation,  partnership or other entity which totals 5%
      or more of such entity's total equity. As used in this Agreement, the word
      "Subsidiary,"  when used in respect to any party,  means any  corporation,
      partnership or other organization, whether incorporated or unincorporated,
      which is consolidated with such party for financial statement purposes.

            (b) Target is a national banking association duly organized, validly
      existing and in good standing under the laws of the United States.  Target
      has  the  corporate  power  and  authority  to  own  or  lease  all of its
      properties  and  assets  and to carry on its  business  as it is now being
      conducted.  Target  has all  necessary  federal,  state and local  banking
      authorization  to own or lease its  properties  and assets and to carry on
      its  business as it is being  conducted.  The  accounts of  depositors  of
      Target  are  insured by the Bank  Insurance  Fund  ("BIF") of the  Federal
      Deposit Insurance Corporation (the "FDIC") in accordance with law and with
      the regulations of the FDIC and all premiums and  assessments  required in
      connection therewith have been paid. The copies of Target's Certificate of
      Incorporation  and Bylaws,  each certified by its Secretary as of the date
      of this Agreement,  which are being delivered to the Company herewith, are
      complete and correct copies in effect as of the date of this Agreement.

            (c) As of the  date of this  Agreement,  to the best  knowledge  and
      belief of the Boards of Directors of Fairbank and Target, the minute books
      of Fairbank  and  Target,  respectively,  contain  complete  and  accurate
      records  of all  meetings  through  March 15,  1996,  and other  corporate
      actions of their respective shareholders and Board of Directors (including
      committees of their respective Board of Directors).

      3.02 Capitalization.

            (a) The  authorized  capital  stock of  Fairbank  consists of 70,000
      shares of Fairbank Common Stock and 100 shares of preferred  stock, no par
      value ("Preferred  Stock").  As of the date of this Agreement,  there were
      44,275  shares of Fairbank  Common  Stock  issued and  outstanding  and no
      shares  reserved for issuance upon exercise of stock options.  At the date
      of this Agreement,  10 shares of Preferred Stock are outstanding,  each of
      which shares of Preferred  Stock shall be  repurchased  by Fairbank at the
      Closing for $100 per share. All issued and outstanding  shares of Fairbank
      Common Stock have been duly  authorized  and validly  issued and are fully
      paid and  nonassessable.  Fairbank  does not have and is not  bound by any
      outstanding  subscriptions,   options,  warrants,  calls,  commitments  or
      agreements  of any  character  calling for the purchase or issuance of any
      shares of Fairbank capital stock or any security representing the right to
      purchase or otherwise  receive any capital stock of Fairbank.  None of the
      shares of capital  stock of Fairbank  has been issued in  violation of the
      preemptive rights of any person.

            (b) The  authorized  capital  stock of Target  consists  of  100,000
      shares of common stock,  $8.00 par value ("Target Common  Stock"),  and no
      shares of preferred  stock. As of the date of this  Agreement,  there were
      72,500 shares of Target Common Stock issued and outstanding,  all of which
      are owned by Fairbank, and no shares held in Target's treasury or reserved
      for  issuance.  All issued and  outstanding  shares of Target Common Stock
      have  been duly  authorized  and  validly  issued  and are fully  paid and

      3.03 Authority; No Violation.

            (a)  Fairbank has all  necessary  corporate  power and  authority to
      execute and deliver this  Agreement  and to  consummate  the  transactions
      contemplated  hereby.  The  execution  and  delivery of this  Agreement by
      Fairbank and the consummation by Fairbank of the transactions contemplated
      by this  Agreement  have been duly and  validly  approved  by the Board of
      Directors  of  Fairbank.  The Board of  Directors of Fairbank has directed
      that this Agreement and the transactions  contemplated hereby be submitted
      to  Fairbank's  shareholders  for  consideration  at  a  meeting  of  such
      shareholders  and,  except  for  the  adoption  of this  Agreement  by the
      requisite vote of Fairbank's shareholders,  no other corporate proceedings
      on the part of Fairbank are  necessary to approve  this  Agreement  and to
      consummate the transactions  contemplated  hereby. This Agreement has been
      duly and validly executed and delivered by Fairbank and (assuming adoption
      of the Agreement by the requisite  vote of  Fairbank's  shareholders,  due
      authorization,  execution  and  delivery  by the  Company,  and receipt of
      necessary regulatory approvals) constitutes a valid and binding obligation
      of Fairbank,  enforceable  against  Fairbank in accordance with its terms,
      except as  enforcement  may be limited by  general  principles  of equity,
      whether applied in a court of law or a court of equity, and by bankruptcy,
      insolvency  and similar  laws  affecting  creditors'  rights and  remedies

            (b)  Neither  the  execution  and  delivery  of  this  Agreement  by
      Fairbank,   nor  the   consummation   by  Fairbank  of  the   transactions
      contemplated  hereby,  nor compliance by Fairbank with any of the terms or
      provisions  hereof,  will (i) violate any provision of the  Certificate of
      Incorporation or Bylaws of Fairbank or (ii) assuming that the consents and
      approvals  referred  to in  Section  3.04  hereof are duly  obtained,  (x)
      violate any statute, code, ordinance,  rule, regulation,  judgment, order,
      writ,  decree  or  injunction   applicable  to  Fairbank  or  any  of  its
      Subsidiaries,  or (y) except as set forth in  Schedule  3.03(b),  violate,
      result in a breach of any provision  of,  constitute a default  under,  or
      result in the creation of any material lien,  pledge,  security  interest,
      charge  or other  encumbrance  upon any of the  properties  or  assets  of
      Fairbank  under any of the terms,  conditions  or  provisions of any note,
      bond, mortgage,  indenture,  deed of trust, license,  lease,  agreement or
      other  instrument or obligation to which Fairbank is a party,  or by which
      it or any of its properties or assets may be bound or affected.

            (c)  Target  has all  necessary  corporate  power and  authority  to
      execute  and  deliver  the Bank Merger  Agreement  and to  consummate  the
      transactions  contemplated thereby. Upon the due and valid approval of the
      Bank Merger  Agreement by the Board of Directors of Target and by Fairbank
      as the sole shareholder of Target,  no other corporate  proceedings on the
      part  of  Target  will  be  necessary  to  consummate   the   transactions
      contemplated  thereby.  The Bank  Merger  Agreement,  upon  execution  and
      delivery by Target,  will be duly and validly  executed  and  delivered by
      Target and will (assuming due authorization, execution and delivery by the
      Bank)  constitute a valid and binding  obligation  of Target,  enforceable
      against Target in accordance with its terms,  except as enforcement may be
      limited by general  principles of equity whether applied in a court of law
      or a court of  equity  and by  bankruptcy,  insolvency  and  similar  laws
      affecting creditors' rights and remedies generally.

            (d) Neither the execution and delivery of the Bank Merger  Agreement
      by Target, nor the consummation by Target of the transactions contemplated
      thereby,  nor  compliance  by Target  with any of the terms or  provisions
      thereof,   will  (i)  violate  any   provision  of  the   Certificate   of
      Incorporation  or Bylaws of Target or (ii)  assuming that the consents and
      approvals  referred  to in  Section  3.04  hereof are duly  obtained,  (x)
      violate any statute, code, ordinance,  rule, regulation,  judgment, order,
      writ,   decree  or   injunction   applicable  to  Target  or  any  of  its
      Subsidiaries,  or (y) except as set forth in  Schedule  3.03(d),  violate,
      result in a breach of any provision  of,  constitute a default  under,  or
      result in the creation of any material lien,  pledge,  security  interest,
      charge or other encumbrance upon any of the properties or assets of Target
      under any of the  terms,  conditions  or  provisions  of any  note,  bond,
      mortgage,  indenture,  deed of trust, license,  lease,  agreement or other
      instrument or obligation to which Target is a party, or by which it or any
      of its properties or assets may be bound or affected.

      3.04 Consents and Approvals. Except for (i) the filing of applications and
notices,  as  applicable,  with the Board of  Governors  of the Federal  Reserve
System (the "FRB") under the BHC Act and the Federal Reserve Act (the "FRA") and
approval of such  applications and notices,  (ii) the filing of applications and
notices, as applicable,  with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (the
"OCC")  under  the  National  Bank Act and  approval  of such  applications  and
notices,  (iii) the filing of applications and notices, as applicable,  with the
FDIC under the Bank Merger Act and  approval of such  applications  and notices,
(iv)  the  filing  of  applications  with  the  Commissioner  of  Banks  of  the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts (the "Commissioner") under Chapter 172, Section 36
of the  M.G.L.  and the  Board  of Bank  Incorporation  of the  Commonwealth  of
Massachusetts  (the "Board") under Chapter 167A,  Sections 2 and 4 of the M.G.L.
and approvals of such  applications,  (v) the approval of this  Agreement by the
requisite  vote  of  the  shareholders  of  Fairbank,  (vi)  the  filing  of the
Massachusetts  Certificate  of Merger with the  Massachusetts  Secretary,  (vii)
filings and  approvals  required by the Bank Merger  Agreement,  and (viii) such
filings,  authorizations  or approvals as may be set forth in Schedule  3.04, no
consents  or  approvals  of or filings or  registrations  with any  governmental
entity  or with  any  third  party  are  necessary  in  connection  with (a) the
execution  and delivery by Fairbank of this  Agreement and the  consummation  by
Fairbank of the Merger and the other transactions  contemplated  hereby, and (b)
the  execution  and  delivery  by Target of the Bank  Merger  Agreement  and the
consummation   by  Target  of  the  Bank  Merger  and  the  other   transactions
contemplated thereby.

      3.05  Financial  Statements.  Fairbank  has  previously  delivered  to the
Company  copies  of  the  consolidated   balance  sheets  of  Fairbank  and  its
Subsidiaries as of December 31 for each of the three fiscal years 1993, 1994 and
1995 and the related consolidated statements of income, changes in shareholders'
equity and cash flows for the fiscal years 1993  through  1995,  inclusive  (the
"Financial  Statements").  The Financial Statements (including the related notes
where  applicable)  are true and  complete  and fairly  present in all  material
respects the results of the consolidated operations and changes in shareholders'
equity and consolidated  financial position of Fairbank and its Subsidiaries for
the respective  fiscal periods or as of the respective  dates therein set forth;
each of the Financial Statements (including the related notes, where applicable)
complies in all material respects with the applicable  accounting  requirements,
and each of such statements  (including the related notes, where applicable) has
been prepared in accordance  with GAAP  consistently  applied during the periods
involved,  except as  indicated in the notes  thereto.  The books and records of
Fairbank  have been,  and are being,  maintained  in all  material  respects  in
accordance with applicable  legal and accounting  requirements  and reflect only
valid transactions.

      3.06  Absence of  Undisclosed  Liabilities.  Except  for the  transactions
contemplated  by this  Agreement  and as set  forth in  Schedule  3.06,  neither
Fairbank nor any Subsidiary has incurred any liability (contingent or otherwise)
that is material to Fairbank or such  Subsidiary or that, when combined with all
similar liabilities, would be material to Fairbank or such Subsidiary, except as
disclosed  in the notes to  Fairbank's  December 31, 1995  consolidated  balance

      3.07 Absence of Certain Changes or Events.

            (a)  Except as set forth in  Schedule  3.07(a) or  elsewhere  in the
      Schedules  delivered by Fairbank,  since December 31, 1995,  there has not

                  (1) any material  adverse change in the business,  operations,
            properties,  assets  or  financial  condition  of  Fairbank  or  any
            Subsidiary and no fact or condition  exists which Fairbank  believes
            will cause such a material adverse change in the future;

                  (2) any loss  (for  purposes  of this  subsection  3.07(a)(2),
            "loss"  shall not mean a loan loss),  damage,  destruction  or other
            casualty  materially and adversely  affecting any of the significant
            properties,  assets  or  business  of  Fairbank  or  any  Subsidiary
            (whether or not covered by insurance);

                  (3) any  increase in the  compensation  payable by Fairbank or
            any  Subsidiary  to any of its  employees  whose total  compensation
            after such increase was in excess of $30,000 per annum, or to any of
            its Directors,  officers, agents, consultants, or any bonus, service
            award or other like benefit  granted,  made or accrued to the credit
            of any such Director, officer, agent, consultant or employee, or any
            welfare,  pension,  retirement,  severance  or  similar  payment  or
            arrangement  made or agreed to by Fairbank or any Subsidiary for the
            benefit  of  any  such  Director,   officer,  agent,  consultant  or
            employee,  except  for  those  granted  in the  ordinary  course  of
            business and consistent with past practice;

                  (4) any  change in any  method  of  accounting  or  accounting
            practice of Fairbank or any Subsidiary;

                  (5) any  rescheduling  or having a moratorium on payments,  or
            writing off as  uncollectible  of any individual loan of Fairbank or
            any  Subsidiary  in excess of $25,000,  or loans in the aggregate in
            excess of $100,000; or

                  (6) any  agreement  or  understanding,  whether  in writing or
            otherwise, of Fairbank or any Subsidiary to do any of the foregoing.

            (b) Except as set forth in  Schedule  3.07(b),  since  December  31,
      1995, neither Fairbank nor any Subsidiary has:

                  (1) issued or sold any promissory notes, stock, bonds or other
            corporate securities of which it is the issuer;

                  (2)  declared,  paid or set aside for payment any  dividend or
            other  distribution  (whether in cash, stock or property) in respect
            of its capital stock;

                  (3) split,  combined or reclassified any shares of its capital
            stock,  or redeemed,  purchased or otherwise  acquired any shares of
            its capital stock or other securities;

                  (4)  sold,  assigned,  encumbered  or  transferred  any of its
            assets (real, personal or mixed, tangible or intangible),  cancelled
            any  debts or  claims or waived  any  rights of  substantial  value,
            except, in each case, in the ordinary course of business;

                  (5)  entered  into  or  amended  any   collective   bargaining
            agreement or suffered any material strike, work stoppage, slow down,
            or other labor disturbance;

                  (6) amended its Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws, or any
            provision thereof, or proposed any such amendment;

                  (7)  borrowed  or agreed to borrow any funds or  incurred,  or
            become  subject  to,  any  obligation  or  liability   (absolute  or
            contingent),  except for borrowings from the Federal Reserve Bank of
            Boston or other borrowings in the ordinary course of business;

                  (8)  waived  any rights of value  which in the  aggregate  are
            material  considering the business of Fairbank and its  Subsidiaries
            taken as a whole;

                  (9) made any material investment or commitment therefor in any
            person,  corporation,  association,  partnership,  joint  venture or
            other entity;

                  (10)  permitted  the  occurrence of any change or event within
            its  control  which  would  render  any of its  representations  and
            warranties contained herein untrue in any material respect at and as
            of the Effective Time;

                  (11) incurred any liability  that has had, or to the knowledge
            of Fairbank or any Subsidiary,  any liability that could  reasonably
            be expected to have,  a material  adverse  effect on Fairbank or any
            Subsidiary, or their business or operations taken as a whole; or

                  (12)  entered  into any other  transaction  other  than in the
            ordinary course of business or in connection  with the  transactions
            contemplated by this Agreement.

      3.08 Loan  Portfolio.  Except as set forth in Schedule 3.08, all evidences
of  indebtedness  reflected  as  assets  of  Fairbank  and its  Subsidiaries  in
Fairbank's 1995 Financial  Statements are in all respects binding obligations of
the respective  primary obligors named therein and no material amount thereof is
subject  to any  defenses  known to  Fairbank  or any  Subsidiary  which  may be
asserted  against  Fairbank or any  Subsidiary.  Except as set forth on Schedule
3.08,  Fairbank has  delivered to the Company a true and complete list and brief
description  of all real  property  (other than  personal  residences)  in which
Fairbank or any Subsidiary has an interest as creditor or mortgagee  securing an
amount or amounts greater than $250,000 to one borrower,  or a series of related
borrowers. Except as set forth in such list, there are no outstanding loans held
by Fairbank or any Subsidiary with an unpaid balance of $50,000 or more in which
a default has occurred and is  continuing.  For the purposes  hereof,  "default"
shall include but not be limited to a failure of an obligor to make any payments
with  respect  to any  loans  for 60 days or more  past  the due  date  for such
payment. Schedule 3.08 sets forth (i) all of the loans in the original principal
amount in excess of $100,000 of Fairbank or any  Subsidiary  that as of the date
of this  Agreement  are  classified  by Fairbank or such  Subsidiary or any bank
regulatory examiner as "Special Mention,"  "Substandard,"  "Doubtful," "Loss" or
"Classified,"  together with the aggregate  principal  amount of and accrued and
unpaid  interest on such loans by category.  To the best of its  knowledge,  the
amount established by Fairbank and its Subsidiaries as a reserve for loan losses
on the date hereof is sufficient in all material respects to cover losses in the
loan portfolio as it now exists.

      3.09 Investments.

            (a)  Except  as  set  forth  in  Schedule  3.09,   Fairbank  has  no
      Subsidiaries  and no  equity  interest  or  other  investment,  direct  or
      indirect, in any corporation,  partnership,  joint venture or other entity
      other than interests that have been pledged to Fairbank or a Subsidiary as
      collateral  for loans or  obligations  made by Fairbank or a Subsidiary in
      the  ordinary  course of its  lending  business.  To the  extent  any such
      interest  has been  foreclosed  or  otherwise  thereafter  become owned by
      Fairbank or a  Subsidiary,  no filing  with any  regulatory  authority  is

            (b) Except as disclosed in the notes to Fairbank's December 31, 1995
      consolidated  balance  sheet or on Schedule 3.09 and except for pledges to
      secure  public funds or for other  purposes  required by law,  none of the
      investments  reflected  under  the  heading  "Investment   Securities"  in
      Fairbank's  1995 Balance Sheet which are owned by Fairbank or a Subsidiary
      at the Effective  Time and none of the  investments  made by Fairbank or a
      Subsidiary  since December 31, 1995 are subject to any investment or other
      restriction,  whether  contractual or statutory,  which materially impairs
      the ability of the holder freely to dispose  thereof in the open market at
      any time.

      3.10 Title to Properties.  Except as set forth in Schedule 3.10,  Fairbank
and its  Subsidiaries  have good,  valid and marketable  title to, (a) all their
respective  owned  real  properties,  and (b) all other  properties  and  assets
reflected in the 1995 Balance Sheet or acquired since  December 31, 1995,  other
than any of such properties or assets which have been sold or otherwise disposed
of since  December  31, 1995 in the ordinary  course of business and  consistent
with past practice. Except as set forth in Schedule 3.10, all of such properties
and  assets  are free and clear of title  defects  and  obligations,  mortgages,
pledges, liens, claims, charges, security interests or other encumbrances of any
nature whatsoever,  including, without limitation,  leases, options to purchase,
conditional sales contracts, collateral security arrangements and other title or
interest  retention  arrangements,  and  are  not,  in the  case of  owned  real
property,  subject to any  easements,  building  use  restrictions,  exceptions,
reservations  or  limitations  of any nature  whatsoever  except those having no
material  adverse  effect upon the  operations of Fairbank or any  Subsidiary or
which  would  involve no  material  expense to correct or remove.  All  personal
property material to the business, operations or financial condition of Fairbank
or any Subsidiary,  and all buildings,  structures and fixtures used by Fairbank
or any Subsidiary in the conduct of their respective business,  are, to the best
knowledge  of  Fairbank,  in good  operating  condition  and have been  properly
maintained.  Except as set forth in  Schedule  3.10,  neither  Fairbank  nor any
Subsidiary has received any  notification  of any violation  (which has not been
cured) of any building,  zoning or other law, ordinance or regulation in respect
of such property or structures or the use thereof by Fairbank or any Subsidiary.

      3.11 Leases.  Except as listed in Schedule 3.11, Fairbank has delivered to
the  Company an  accurate  and  complete  list of all leases  pursuant  to which
Fairbank  or any  Subsidiary,  as  lessee,  leases  real or  personal  property,
including,  without limitation,  all leases of computer or computer services and
all arrangements for time-sharing or other data processing services,  describing
for each lease the financial  obligations  of Fairbank or any  Subsidiary  under
such  lease,  its  expiration  date and  renewal  terms.  Except as set forth in
Schedule 3.11, (a) all such leases are valid and binding and are  enforceable in
accordance  with their terms,  and (b) to the best knowledge of Fairbank,  there
exists on the part of Fairbank or any  Subsidiary  no event of default or event,
occurrence,  condition or act which with the giving of notice, the lapse of time
or the happening of any further event or condition  would become a default under
any such lease.

      3.12 Legal Proceedings. Except as set forth in the attached Schedule 3.12,
neither Fairbank nor any Subsidiary is a party to any, and there are no, pending
or, to the best knowledge of Fairbank and its  Subsidiaries,  threatened  legal,
administrative,  arbitration or other  proceedings,  claims,  actions,  suits or
governmental  investigations  against,  or of a  nature  that  may  result  in a
material monetary claim or charge against,  Fairbank, any Subsidiary,  or any of
the current officers or Directors of any of them, or challenging the validity or
propriety of the transactions  contemplated in this Agreement;  and there is not
known to Fairbank any reasonable basis for any such proceedings,  claim,  action
or governmental investigation. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
Schedule 3.12 includes a complete list and summary description of all pending or
threatened litigation involving any claim against Target, whether directly or by
counterclaim,  involving a "lender liability" cause of action.  Neither Fairbank
nor any  Subsidiary  is a party to any order,  judgment or decree which will, or
might  reasonably be expected to, affect its business,  operations,  properties,
assets,  financial condition,  prospects or results of operations or its ability
to acquire any  property or conduct  business in any area in which it  presently
does  business.  Set forth in Schedule  3.12 hereto is also a listing of any and
all class actions or shareholders'  actions pending or, to the best knowledge of
Fairbank,  threatened against Fairbank,  any of its Subsidiaries,  or any of the
officers or Directors of Fairbank or any of its Subsidiaries,  regardless of the
amount in controversy.

      3.13  Compliance  with   Applicable   Laws.   Fairbank  and  each  of  its
Subsidiaries  holds,  and  have  at  all  times  held,  all  material  licenses,
franchises,  permits and authorizations  necessary for the lawful conduct of the
businesses of Fairbank and its Subsidiaries.  Except as previously  disclosed to
the Company as set forth in Schedule 3.13,  Fairbank and its  Subsidiaries  have
complied in all  materials  respects with and are not in default in any material
respect under, any applicable law, statute, order, rule, regulation,  policy and
guideline of any federal,  state or local governmental authority relating to it,
and which may materially affect the business,  operations or financial condition
of Fairbank or any Subsidiary, and have not received notice of violation of, and
do  not  know  of  any  violations  of,  any  of the  above.  No  suspension  or
cancellation of any material  license,  franchise,  permit or  authorization  is

      3.14 Taxes.  Fairbank and its  Subsidiaries  have properly and  accurately
completed  and  duly  filed  in  correct  form  all  federal,  state  and  local
information and tax returns required to be filed by them (all such returns being
accurate and complete in all respects) and have duly paid or made provisions for
the payment of all taxes and other  charges  which have been incurred or are due
or claimed to be due from them by  federal,  state or local  taxing  authorities
(including,  without limitation, those due in respect of its properties, income,
business,  capital stock, deposits,  franchises,  licenses, sales and payrolls).
The amounts set up as reserves for taxes on the 1995  Balance  Sheet are, to the
best of Fairbank's knowledge, sufficient in the aggregate for the payment of all
unpaid  federal,  state and local  taxes,  whether or not  disputed,  accrued or
applicable  for the period  ended  December  31,  1995 or for any year or period
prior thereto, and for which Fairbank or any Subsidiary may be liable in its own
right or as  transferee  of the assets  of, or  successor  to, any  corporation,
person, association,  partnership, joint venture or other entity. To the best of
Fairbank's  knowledge,  there are no pending  questions  relating  to, or claims
asserted  for,  taxes or  assessments  upon Fairbank or any  Subsidiary  nor has
Fairbank or any  Subsidiary  been  requested to give any waivers  extending  the
statutory period of limitation applicable to any federal,  state or local income
tax return for any period.  Proper and accurate  amounts  have been  withheld by
Fairbank and its  Subsidiaries  from their  employees  for all prior  periods in
compliance with the tax withholding  provisions of applicable federal, state and
local laws.  Federal,  state and local  returns,  accurate  and  complete in all
material  respects,  have been filed by Fairbank  and its  Subsidiaries  for all
periods  for which  returns  were due with  respect to income  tax  withholding,
Social Security,  property,  sales,  retirement plan and unemployment taxes; and
the amounts  shown on such  returns to be due and payable have been paid in full
or adequate provision therefor has been included by Fairbank in its consolidated
financial statements as of December 31, 1995.

      3.15  Employee  Benefit and Other  Plans.  Except as set forth in Schedule
3.15,  neither  Fairbank nor any  Subsidiary  maintains nor  contributes  to any
"employee  pension  benefit plan" or "employee  welfare  benefit  plan," as such
terms are defined in Section 3 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
1974,  as amended  ("ERISA").  With  respect to any such plan listed on Schedule
3.15,  Fairbank and its  Subsidiaries  are in  compliance  with,  and such plans
comply with, ERISA. In this connection,  (i) no "reportable  event" has occurred
and is continuing with respect to any such plans;  (ii) the statements of assets
and  liabilities  of such plans as of the close of the most recent plan year for
which financial statements are available,  and the statements of changes in fund
balance and in financial  position,  or the  statements of changes in net assets
available for each plan's benefits, for the plan year then ended, fairly present
the  financial  condition  of such  plan for such  plan  year;  (iii)  except as
disclosed in the annual reports of the plans,  no "prohibited  transaction"  (as
defined in Section 406 of ERISA) resulting in material  liability of Fairbank or
any  Subsidiary  has  occurred  with  respect  to the  plans;  (iv) no breach of
fiduciary  responsibility under Part 4 of Title I of ERISA resulting in material
liability of Fairbank or any  Subsidiary has occurred with respect to the plans;
(v) all  contributions  required to be made to the plans have been made; (vi) no
waiver of the minimum funding  standards under ERISA or the Code is in effect or
has been applied for with respect to the plans; (vii) as of the latest valuation
date,  the  present  value of the  assets  of all plans  listed on the  attached
Schedule 3.15 which are subject to Title IV of ERISA (other than  "Multiemployer
Plans," as defined in Section 3 of  ERISA),  exceeds  the  present  value of all
vested  accrued  benefits  under such plans,  based upon  actuarial  assumptions
currently  utilized for such plans;  (viii) neither  Fairbank nor any Subsidiary
currently  maintains or contributes to a  Multiemployer  Plan;  (ix) each of the
plans listed on the attached  Schedule  3.15 which is intended to be a qualified
plan within the meaning of Section 401(a) of the Code has been determined by the
Internal Revenue Service to be so qualified to the extent required under current
law, and Fairbank is not aware of any fact or circumstance which would adversely
affect the qualified  status of any such plan; and (x) no liability  under Title
IV of ERISA has been  incurred by Fairbank or any  Subsidiary  that has not been
satisfied in full.

      3.16 Contracts and Commitments; No Defaults.

            (a) Set  forth  in or  attached  to  Schedule  3.16(a)  are true and
      correct copies of the following  documents or summary  descriptions (lists
      of agency and date in the case of regulatory reports with respect to which
      the contents are  confidential) of the following  information  relating to
      Fairbank and its Subsidiaries:

                  (1) any bank  regulatory  agency reports since January 1, 1994
            or other  communication  relating to such examination of Fairbank or
            any  Subsidiary  which have been made  available  to Fairbank or any

                  (2)  the  name  of  each  bank  with  which  Fairbank  or  any
            Subsidiary has an account or safekeeping or custodial arrangement or
            correspondent  relationship  and the  names of all  persons  who are
            authorized with respect thereto;

                  (3) all  mortgages,  indentures,  promissory  notes,  deeds of
            trust, loan or credit agreements or similar  instruments under which
            Fairbank or any  Subsidiary  is indebted in an amount  greater  than
            $100,000  for  borrowed  money or the price of  purchased  property,
            accompanied   by  copies   thereof   including  all   amendments  or
            modifications of any thereof; and

                  (4)  any  pending  application,  including  any  documents  or
            materials relating thereto,  which has been filed by Fairbank or any
            Subsidiary with any bank regulatory authority in order to obtain the
            approval of such bank regulatory  authority for the establishment of
            a new branch bank or for any other purpose.

            (b) Except as set forth in Schedule  3.16(b),  neither  Fairbank nor
      any Subsidiary is a party to or bound by any:

                  (1) contract with or  arrangement  for any Director,  officer,
            employee,  former  employee,  agent or  consultant  with  respect to
            employment,  salary,  bonus,  percentage or incentive  compensation,
            pension, deferred compensation or retirement payments, or any profit
            sharing, stock option, stock purchase or other employee benefit plan
            or arrangement;

                  (2) collective bargaining or union contract or agreement;

                  (3) contract,  commitment or arrangement  for the borrowing of
            money or for  obtaining a line of credit  (except for federal  funds

                  (4) contract or agreement for the future purchase by it of any
            materials,  equipment,  services, or supplies, which continues for a
            period of more  than 12 months  (including  periods  covered  by any
            option  to renew by either  party),  or which  provides  for a price
            materially in excess of the prevailing market price;

                  (5)  contract  containing  covenants  purporting  to limit its
            freedom to compete;

                  (6) contract or commitment for the  acquisition,  construction
            or refurbishment  of any owned real property,  branch or significant

                  (7) contract or  commitment  upon which its total  business is
            substantially dependent; or

                  (8) agreement or arrangement for the sale of any of Fairbank's
            stock or significant tangible assets.

            (c) Except as set forth in Schedule  3.16(c),  neither  Fairbank nor
      any  Subsidiary  has  committed  a default  with  respect to any  material
      contract,  agreement  or  commitment  to which it is a party,  and neither
      Fairbank nor any Subsidiary has received  notice of any such default,  nor
      has Fairbank or any  Subsidiary  knowledge  of any facts or  circumstances
      which would reasonably indicate that Fairbank or any Subsidiary will be or
      may be in such default under any such  contract,  agreement,  arrangement,
      commitment or other instrument subsequent to the date hereof.

      3.17 Environmental Matters. Except as set forth in Schedule 3.17:

            (a) To the best  knowledge  and belief of the Board of  Directors of
      Fairbank and Target, Fairbank and its Subsidiaries are in compliance,  and
      have in the last three years been in compliance, with all applicable laws,
      rules, regulations,  standards and requirements adopted or enforced by the
      United States Environmental Protection Agency (the "EPA") and of state and
      local  agencies  with  jurisdiction  over  pollution or  protection of the
      environment,  except  where such  noncompliance  or  violations  could not
      reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on Fairbank taken
      as a whole; and

            (b) There is no suit, claim, action or proceeding pending before any
      court or governmental entity (and, to the best of Fairbank's knowledge, no
      basis exists for the assertion or commencement  thereof) in which Fairbank
      or  any  Subsidiary  has  been  named  as  a  defendant  (i)  for  alleged
      noncompliance  with any  environmental  law,  rule or  regulation  or (ii)
      relating to the release into the environment of any Hazardous Material (as
      hereinafter  defined) or oil at or on a site presently or formerly  owned,
      leased,  or  operated  by  Fairbank  or any  Subsidiary  or to  Fairbank's
      knowledge,  on a site with respect to which Fairbank or any Subsidiary has
      made a commercial real estate loan and has a mortgage or security interest
      in, except where such  noncompliance  or release would not have a material
      adverse effect on Fairbank taken as a whole.  "Hazardous  Material"  means
      any pollutant, contaminant, or hazardous substance under the Comprehensive
      Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. Section
      9601 et seq., or any similar state law.

      3.18 Fairbank Information. No representation or warranty contained in this
Agreement,  including  the  Schedules  hereto,  and no statement or  information
contained in any  certificate,  list or other  writing  furnished to the Company
pursuant to the provisions hereof, including without limitation for inclusion in
any  regulatory  application,  filing or report,  contains  or will  contain any
untrue  statement of a material fact or omits to state a material fact necessary
in order to make the statements herein or therein not misleading. No information
material to the Merger and which is  necessary to make the  representations  and
warranties  herein contained not misleading,  has been withheld from, or has not
been delivered in writing to, the Company.

      3.19  Insurance.  Set forth in Schedule  3.19 is an accurate  and complete
list of all  policies of  insurance,  including  the amounts  thereof,  owned by
Fairbank or any  Subsidiary or in which  Fairbank or any  Subsidiary is named as
the insured party. All such policies are valid, outstanding and enforceable.

      3.20 Broker's Fees. Neither Fairbank nor any Subsidiary,  nor any of their
respective officers, Directors or employees has employed any broker or finder or
incurred any liability for any broker's  fees,  commissions  or finder's fees in
connection with the transactions contemplated herein, except as disclosed in the
attached Schedule 3.20.

      3.21 Agreements with Regulatory Agencies.  Except as set forth in Schedule
3.21,  neither Fairbank nor any Subsidiary is subject to any cease and desist or
other order issued by, or is a party to any written agreement, consent agreement
or  memorandum  of  understanding  (each  a  "Regulatory  Agreement")  with  any
regulatory  agency or other  governmental  entity that restricts in any material
respect the conduct of its business or that relates to its capital adequacy, its
credit  policies or its  management,  nor has  Fairbank or any  Subsidiary  been
notified  by any  regulatory  agency  or other  governmental  entity  that it is
considering issuing or requesting any Regulatory Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE IV

      The Company hereby represents and warrants to Fairbank as follows:

      4.01 Corporate Organization.

            (a) The Company is a corporation  duly organized,  validly  existing
      and in good standing under the laws of the Commonwealth of  Massachusetts.
      The Company has the  corporate  power and authority to own or lease all of
      its  properties and assets and to carry on its business as it is now being
      conducted,  and is duly  licensed  or  qualified  to do  business  in each
      jurisdiction  in which the nature of the  business  conducted by it or the
      character or location of the  properties  and assets owned or leased by it
      makes such  licensing  or  qualification  necessary.  The  Company is duly
      registered as a bank holding  company under the BHC Act. The copies of the
      Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Company,  each certified by
      its  Secretary,  which are  being  delivered  to  Fairbank  herewith,  are
      complete and correct  copies of such documents as in effect as of the date
      of this Agreement.

            (b) The Bank is a  state-chartered  capital stock trust company duly
      organized,  validly  existing and in good  standing  under the laws of the
      Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts.  The Bank  has the  corporate  power  and
      authority to own or lease all of its properties and assets and to carry on
      its  business  as it is now being  conducted.  The Bank has all  necessary
      federal,  state  and  local  banking  authorization  to own or  lease  its
      properties  and  assets  and to  carry  on  its  business  as it is  being
      conducted.  The accounts of  depositors of the Bank are insured by the BIF
      of the FDIC in accordance  with law and with the  regulations  of the FDIC
      and all premiums and  assessments  required in connection  therewith  have
      been paid.  The  copies of the Bank's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  and
      Bylaws,  each certified by its Secretary as of the date of this Agreement,
      which are being delivered to Fairbank  herewith,  are complete and correct
      copies in effect as of the date of this Agreement.

      4.02 Capitalization.

            (a)  The  authorized  capital  stock  of  the  Company  consists  of
      5,000,000  shares of  Company  Common  Stock,  and no shares of  preferred
      stock. As of the date of this Agreement,  there were 2,754,912.280  shares
      of Company  Common  Stock  issued and  outstanding,  no shares held in the
      Company's treasury, and (except as described below) no shares reserved for
      issuance  upon  exercise  of  outstanding  stock  options.  All issued and
      outstanding  shares of Company Common Stock have been duly  authorized and
      validly  issued and are fully paid and  nonassessable.  Except for 250,000
      shares of Company  Common Stock  reserved for  issuance  upon  exercise of
      outstanding stock options that have been granted pursuant to the Company's
      Stock Option Plans and 100,000 shares of Company Common Stock reserved for
      issuance pursuant to the Company's Dividend Reinvestment Plan, the Company
      does not have and is not bound by any outstanding subscriptions,  options,
      warrants,  calls,  commitments or agreements of any character  calling for
      the  purchase or issuance  of any shares of Company  capital  stock or any
      security  representing  the right to  purchase  or  otherwise  receive any
      capital  stock of the Company.  None of the shares of capital stock of the
      Company  has been  issued in  violation  of the  preemptive  rights of any

            (b) The  authorized  capital stock of the Bank consists of 2,000,000
      shares of common  stock,  $2.50 par value ("Bank  Common  Stock"),  and no
      shares of preferred  stock. As of the date of this  Agreement,  there were
      700,000 shares of Bank Common Stock issued and  outstanding,  all of which
      are held by the  Company,  and no shares  held in the Bank's  treasury  or
      reserved for issuance.  All issued and  outstanding  shares of Bank Common
      Stock have been duly  authorized and validly issued and are fully paid and

      4.03 Authority; No Violation.

            (a) The Company has all necessary  corporate  power and authority to
      execute and deliver this  Agreement  and to  consummate  the  transactions
      contemplated  hereby.  The execution and delivery of this Agreement by the
      Company  and  the   consummation  by  the  Company  of  the   transactions
      contemplated  hereby have been duly and  validly  approved by the Board of
      Directors of the Company,  and no other corporate  proceedings on the part
      of the Company are necessary to consummate the  transactions  contemplated
      hereby. This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by
      the Company and  (assuming  due  authorization,  execution and delivery by
      Fairbank)  constitutes  a valid and  binding  obligation  of the  Company,
      enforceable  against the Company in accordance  with its terms,  except as
      enforcement may be limited by general principles of equity whether applied
      in a court of law or a court of equity and by  bankruptcy,  insolvency and
      similar laws affecting creditors' rights and remedies generally.

            (b) Neither the  execution  and  delivery of this  Agreement  by the
      Company  nor  the   consummation  by  the  Company  of  the   transactions
      contemplated  hereby,  nor compliance by the Company with any of the terms
      or provisions hereof, will (i) violate any provision of the Certificate of
      Incorporation  or Bylaws of the Company or (ii) assuming that the consents
      and approvals  referred to in Section 4.03 are duly obtained,  (x) violate
      any statute,  code, ordinance,  rule, regulation,  judgment,  order, writ,
      decree or injunction applicable to the Company or any of its Subsidiaries,
      or (y)  violate,  result in a breach of any  provision  of,  constitute  a
      default  under,  or result in the creation of any material  lien,  pledge,
      security interest,  charge or other encumbrance upon any of the respective
      properties or assets of the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  under any
      of the  terms,  conditions  or  provisions  of any note,  bond,  mortgage,
      indenture, deed of trust, license, lease, agreement or other instrument or
      obligation to which the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries is a party, or
      by which they or any of their respective properties or assets may be bound
      or affected.

            (c) The Bank has full  corporate  power and authority to execute and
      deliver the Bank  Merger  Agreement  and to  consummate  the  transactions
      contemplated  thereby.  Upon the due and valid approval of the Bank Merger
      Agreement  by the Company as the sole  shareholder  of the Bank,  no other
      corporate  proceedings  on the  part  of the  Bank  will be  necessary  to
      consummate  the  transactions   contemplated   thereby.  The  Bank  Merger
      Agreement, upon execution and delivery by Target, will be duly and validly
      executed and delivered by the Bank and will  (assuming due  authorization,
      execution  and  delivery  by  Target)   constitute  a  valid  and  binding
      obligation of the Bank,  enforceable  against the Bank in accordance  with
      its terms,  except as enforcement may be limited by general  principles of
      equity  whether  applied  in a court  of law or a court of  equity  and by
      bankruptcy,  insolvency and similar laws affecting  creditors'  rights and
      remedies generally.

            (d) Neither the execution and delivery of the Bank Merger  Agreement
      by the  Bank,  nor  the  consummation  by  the  Bank  of the  transactions
      contemplated  thereby, nor compliance by the Bank with any of the terms or
      provisions  thereof,  will (i) violate any provision of the Certificate of
      Incorporation or Bylaws of the Bank or (ii) assuming that the consents and
      approvals  referred  to in  Section  4.03  hereof are duly  obtained,  (x)
      violate any statute, code, ordinance,  rule, regulation,  judgment, order,
      writ,  decree  or  injunction  applicable  to  the  Bank  or  any  of  its
      Subsidiaries,  or (y)  violate,  result in a breach of any  provision  of,
      constitute  a default  under,  or result in the  creation of any  material
      lien, pledge,  security interest,  charge or other encumbrance upon any of
      the properties or assets of the Bank under any of the terms, conditions or
      provisions of any note, bond, mortgage, indenture, deed of trust, license,
      lease,  agreement or other instrument or obligation to which the Bank is a
      party,  or by which it or any of its  properties or assets may be bound or

      4.04 Consents and Approvals. Except for (i) the filing of applications and
notices, as applicable,  with the FRB under the BHC Act and the FRA and approval
of such  applications and notices,  (ii) the filing of applications and notices,
as  applicable,  with the FDIC under the Bank  Merger Act and  approval  of such
applications and notices, (iii) the filing of applications with the Commissioner
and the Board under Chapter 172,  Section 36 and Chapter 167A,  Sections 2 and 4
of the  M.G.L.  and  approvals  of such  applications,  (iv) the  filing  of the
Massachusetts  Certificate of Merger with the Massachusetts  Secretary of State,
(v) filings and approvals  required by the Bank Merger Agreement,  and (vi) such
filings,  authorizations  or approvals as may be set forth in Schedule  4.04, no
consents  or  approvals  of or filings or  registrations  with any  governmental
entity  or with  any  third  party  are  necessary  in  connection  with (a) the
execution and delivery by the Company of this Agreement and the  consummation by
the Company of the Merger and the other  transactions  contemplated  hereby, and
(b) the execution and delivery by the Bank of the Bank Merger  Agreement and the
consummation  by  the  Bank  of the  Bank  Merger  and  the  other  transactions
contemplated  thereby.  The  affirmative  vote of the holders of the outstanding
shares of Company  Common Stock is not required to approve this Agreement or the
transactions contemplated hereby.

      4.05  Financial  Statements.  The  Company  has  previously  delivered  to
Fairbank  copies  of the  consolidated  balance  sheets of the  Company  and its
Subsidiaries  as of  December  31 for the  fiscal  years  1994  and 1995 and the
related consolidated  statements of income,  changes in shareholders' equity and
cash flows for the fiscal years 1994 and 1995 (the "Financial Statements").  The
Financial Statements (including the related notes where applicable) are true and
complete  and  fairly  present  in all  material  respects  the  results  of the
consolidated  operations and changes in  shareholders'  equity and  consolidated
financial position of the Company and its Subsidiaries for the respective fiscal
periods or as of the respective  dates therein set forth;  each of the Financial
Statements  (including  the related  notes,  where  applicable)  complies in all
material respects with the applicable accounting  requirements,  and each of the
Financial  Statements  (including the related notes,  where applicable) has been
prepared  in  accordance  with GAAP  consistently  applied  during  the  periods
involved, except as indicated in the notes thereto. The books and records of the
Company  have been,  and are  being,  maintained  in all  material  respects  in
accordance with applicable  legal and accounting  requirements  and reflect only
valid transactions.

      4.06 Broker's  Fees.  Neither the Company nor any  Subsidiary,  nor any of
their  respective  officers or  Directors,  has employed any broker or finder or
incurred any liability for any broker's  fees,  commissions  or finder's fees in
connection with any of the transactions contemplated herein, except as disclosed
in SCHEDULE 4.06.

      4.07 Absence of Certain Changes or Events. Except as set forth in SCHEDULE
4.07, since December 31, 1995

            (a) there has not been any  material  adverse  change in the Company
      and its Subsidiaries, their businesses or operations taken as a whole;

            (b)  there  has  not  been  any  incurrence  by the  Company  of any
      liability  that  has  had,  or to  the  knowledge  of the  Company,  could
      reasonably be expected to have, a material adverse effect on the Company's
      and its Subsidiaries' ability to consummate the transactions  contemplated
      hereby; and

            (c) there has not been any change in any of the  accounting  methods
      or practices of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries  other than changes
      required by applicable law or generally accepted accounting principles.

      4.08 Legal  Proceedings.  There are no pending or to the  knowledge of the
Company,  threatened,  legal,  administrative,  arbitral  or other  proceedings,
claims, actions or governmental investigations of any nature against the Company
or any  Subsidiary of the Company,  as to which there is, in the judgment of the
Company, a reasonable likelihood of adverse determination and which if adversely
determined,  would,  individually  or in the  aggregate,  as of the date hereof,
prevent or materially and adversely  affect the Company's  ability to consummate
the  transactions  contemplated  hereby.  Set forth in Schedule 4.08 hereto is a
list of any  pending or to the  knowledge  of the  Company,  threatened,  legal,
administrative,  arbitral or other  proceeding,  claim,  action or  governmental
investigation of any nature against the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company
which involves a claim of $50,000 or more.

      4.09  Company  Information.  The  information  provided  in writing by the
Company for  inclusion in the Proxy  Statement  (as defined in Section  6.01(a))
will not  contain  any untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omit to state a
material  fact  necessary  to make  the  statements  therein,  in  light  of the
circumstances in which they are made, not misleading.

      4.10  Compliance  With  Applicable  Law.  The  Company  and  each  of  its
Subsidiaries  holds,  and  have  at  all  times  held,  all  material  licenses,
franchises, permits and authorizations necessary for the lawful conduct of their
respective  businesses.  The Company and its  Subsidiaries  have complied in all
material respects with and are not in default in any material respect under any,
applicable law, statute,  order,  rule or regulation of any governmental  entity
relating to the Company or any of its Subsidiaries,  except where the failure to
hold such license,  franchise,  permit or authorization or such noncompliance or
default would not have a material adverse effect on the Company, and neither the
Company nor any of its  Subsidiaries  has  received  notice of  violation of any
material violations of any of the above.

      4.11 Agreements with Regulatory  Agencies.  Neither the Company nor any of
its Subsidiaries is subject to any cease and desist or other order issued by, or
is a  party  to any  written  agreement,  consent  agreement  or  memorandum  of
understanding  (each a "Regulatory  Agreement")  with any  regulatory  agency or
other governmental  entity that restricts in any material respect its ability to
consummate the transactions contemplated hereby or that relates in any manner to
its capital adequacy, its credit policies or its management, nor has the Company
or any of its  Subsidiaries  been  notified  by any  regulatory  agency of other
governmental  entity that it is considering issuing or requesting any Regulatory

      4.12  Regulatory  Approvals.  The Company is not,  as of the date  hereof,
aware of any reason why the regulatory  approvals  required to be obtained by it
or any of its  Subsidiaries  to  consummate  the Merger  would not be  satisfied
within the time frame  customary  for  transactions  of the nature  contemplated

                                    ARTICLE V

      5.01  Covenants  of  Fairbank.  During  the  period  from the date of this
Agreement to the Effective  Time,  Fairbank will conduct its business,  and will
cause each  Subsidiary to conduct its business,  only in the ordinary course and
consistent  with  prudent  business  and/or  banking  practice,   will  use  all
reasonable  efforts to preserve the properties of Fairbank and its  Subsidiaries
wherever  located,  and  will  comply  in all  material  respects  with all laws
applicable  to  Fairbank  and  its  Subsidiaries  or to  the  conduct  of  their
respective  businesses,  or to the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement.
Fairbank  agrees not to take any action or permit anything to be done that would
be contrary to or in breach of the  conditions or provisions of this  Agreement.
Fairbank  will use all  reasonable  efforts to preserve  intact the  business of
Fairbank and its  Subsidiaries,  to keep  available the present  services of the
employees of Fairbank and its Subsidiaries,  and to preserve the goodwill of the
customers  of  Fairbank  and its  Subsidiaries  and  others  with whom  business
relationships exist.  Fairbank will, from the date hereof until at least through
the  consummation of the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  keep all
insurance  policies  set forth in  SCHEDULE  3.19 in full force and  effect.  In
addition,  Fairbank agrees that from the date hereof to the  consummation of the
Merger,  and except as otherwise  consented to or approved by a duly  authorized
officer of the  Company in  writing,  which  consent  shall not be  unreasonably
withheld,  or as permitted or required by this Agreement,  neither  Fairbank nor
any Subsidiary will:

            (a) enter into or amend any  contract or  arrangement  of the nature
      required to be set forth in SCHEDULE 3.16;

            (b) change any  provision of its  Certificate  of  Incorporation  or
      Bylaws or similar governing documents;

            (c) change  the number of issued  shares of its  capital  stock,  or
      issue or grant any option, warrant, call, commitment,  subscription, right
      to purchase or agreement of any  character  relating to its  authorized or
      issued capital stock,  or any securities  convertible  into shares of such
      stock,  or split,  combine or reclassify  any shares of its capital stock,
      declare,  set aside or pay any dividend or other distribution  (whether in
      cash,  stock or  property  or any  combination  thereof) in respect of its
      capital  stock or redeem or  otherwise  acquire  any shares of its capital
      stock,  except as may be necessary  to secure its  position  pursuant to a
      debt previously contracted;

            (d) make  unsecured  loans in excess of $15,000  for any  individual
      loan or in excess of $200,000 in the aggregate;

            (e)  make  any  secured  loan  or  loans,   other  than   conforming
      residential  mortgage  loans,  in an aggregate  amount to any one borrower
      (including  members  of his/her  immediate  family or  affiliates  of such
      borrower) in excess of $200,000, except for loans sold to investors;

            (f) make any loans to any  Director  or  employee of Fairbank or any
      Subsidiary,  or any  member or  affiliate  of their  respective  families,
      except within the limits of binding  commitments and lines of credit as in
      effect on the date of this Agreement;

            (g) other than with respect to residential  mortgage loans, renew or
      otherwise  reinstate  any loan that has been in default for a period of 60
      days or more which, when added to any loans outstanding to the families or
      affiliates of any maker or surety of the defaulted  loans  (whether or not
      such other loans are in default)  has a balance  outstanding  in excess of
      $100,000,  except that Fairbank or any Subsidiary may accept  payments for
      the purpose of bringing loans current, so long as there is no amendment or
      restructuring of the loans;

            (h) offer rates on deposits more than 0.50% in excess of the average
      of those offered by similarly chartered institutions in its market area at
      the time that such rates are to be offered, or offer loan pricing which is
      materially below its competitors in the local market.

            (i) hire or retain any new employees, consultants or contractors, or
      increase  the   compensation   of  current   employees,   consultants   or
      contractors,   except  that  Fairbank  and  its   Subsidiaries   may  hire
      replacements  for current  employees  who are not  officers or managers if
      such employees cease to be employees of Fairbank or a Subsidiary;

            (j) make any capital expenditures in excess of $10,000;

            (k) enter  into any real  property  lease or any  lease of  personal
      property  or extend  or  modify  any  existing  lease of real or  personal

            (l) acquire or agree to acquire,  by merging or consolidating  with,
      or by purchasing a substantial equity interest in or a substantial portion
      of the assets of, or by any other manner, any business or any corporation,
      partnership,  association  or  other  business  organization  or  division
      thereof or otherwise  acquire any assets,  other than in  connection  with
      foreclosures,  settlements in lieu of foreclosure or troubled loan or debt
      restructurings in the ordinary course of business, which would be material
      to Fairbank or such Subsidiary;

            (m) take any action that is  intended or would  result in any of its
      representations  and  warranties  set  forth  in this  Agreement  being or
      becoming  untrue in any material  respect,  or in any of the conditions to
      the Merger set forth in Article VII not being satisfied, or in a violation
      of any  provision  of this  Agreement  except,  in every  case,  as may be
      required by applicable law;

            (n) change its methods of accounting in effect at December 31, 1995,
      except as required by changes in GAAP or regulatory  accounting principles
      as concurred to by Fairbank's independent auditors;

            (o) take or  cause  to be  taken  any  action  which  would,  or may
      reasonably  be expected to,  significantly  delay or  otherwise  adversely
      affect the regulatory approvals required to consummate the Merger;

            (p)  other  than  activities  in the  ordinary  course  of  business
      consistent with prior practice, sell, lease, encumber, assign or otherwise
      dispose of, or agree to sell, lease, encumber, assign or otherwise dispose
      of, any of its material assets, properties or other rights or agreements;

            (q) other than in the ordinary  course of business  consistent  with
      past  practice,   incur  any  indebtedness  for  borrowed  money,  assume,
      guarantee, endorse or otherwise as an accommodation become responsible for
      the obligations of any other individual, corporation or other entity;

            (r)  file  any  application  to  open,  relocate  or  terminate  the
      operations of any banking office;

            (s)  make  any  equity  investment  or  commitment  to make  such an
      investment in real estate or in any real estate development project, other
      than in connection with  foreclosures,  settlements in lieu of foreclosure
      or  troubled  loan  or  debt  restructurings  in the  ordinary  course  of

            (t) purchase or sell loans in bulk;

            (u)  foreclose  upon or take  deed or title to any  commercial  real
      estate without first conducting a Phase I environmental  assessment of the
      property;   or  foreclose  upon  such   commercial  real  estate  if  such
      environmental  assessment  indicates the presence of hazardous material in
      amounts  which,  if such  foreclosure  were to occur,  would be reasonably
      likely  to  result  in a  material  adverse  effect  on  Fairbank  or  any
      Subsidiary, or its business and operations taken as a whole;

            (v) terminate the employment of, or change in any material  respect,
      the  duties,  obligations,  responsibilities,  or  position  of any senior
      officer of Fairbank or any Subsidiary; or

            (w) agree to do any of the foregoing.

      5.02  Covenants  of the  Company.  During the period from the date of this
Agreement to the Effective Time,  except as expressly  contemplated or permitted
by this Agreement or with the prior written consent of Fairbank, which shall not
be unreasonably  withheld, the Company and its Subsidiaries shall carry on their
respective  businesses in the ordinary course  consistent with past practice and
use  all  reasonable   efforts  to  preserve   intact  their  present   business
organizations  and  relationships.   Without  limiting  the  generality  of  the
foregoing  and as otherwise  contemplated  by this  Agreement or consented to in
writing by Fairbank, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, the Company shall
not, and shall not permit any of its Subsidiaries to:

            (a) take any action that is  intended or would  result in any of its
      representations  and  warranties  set  forth  in this  Agreement  being or
      becoming  untrue in any material  respect,  or in any of the conditions to
      the Merger set forth in Article VII not being satisfied, or in a violation
      of any  provision  of this  Agreement,  except,  in every case,  as may be
      required by applicable law;

            (b) change its methods of accounting in effect at December 31, 1995,
      except  in  accordance  with  changes  in  GAAP or  regulatory  accounting
      principles as concurred to by the Company's  independent  certified public

            (c) take or  cause  to be  taken  any  action  which  would,  or may
      reasonably  be expected to,  significantly  delay or  otherwise  adversely
      affect the regulatory approvals required to consummate the Merger; or

            (d) agree to do any of the foregoing.

                                   ARTICLE VI
                              ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS

      6.01 Regulatory Matters.

            (a)  Fairbank  shall  promptly  prepare  a proxy  statement  for the
      meeting of its  shareholders  called for the  purpose  of  approving  this
      Agreement (the "Proxy  Statement") and Fairbank shall thereafter  promptly
      mail the Proxy Statement to its shareholders.

            (b) The parties hereto shall cooperate with each other and use their
      best efforts to prepare and file promptly all necessary documentation,  to
      effect all applications,  notices, petitions and filings, and to obtain as
      promptly   as   practicable   all   permits,   consents,   approvals   and
      authorizations  of all third parties and  governmental  entities which are
      necessary or advisable to consummate the transactions contemplated by this
      Agreement  (including  without limitation the Merger and the Bank Merger).
      The  parties  hereto  agree  that they will  consult  with each other with
      respect  to  the  obtaining  of  all  permits,  consents,   approvals  and
      authorizations of all third parties and governmental entities necessary or
      advisable to consummate the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement
      and each  party  will keep the other  apprised  of the  status of  matters
      relating to completion of the transactions contemplated herein.

            (c) The Company and Fairbank shall, upon request, furnish each other
      with all information concerning themselves, their respective Subsidiaries,
      directors,  officers  and  shareholders  and such other  matters as may be
      reasonably  necessary or advisable in connection  with the Proxy Statement
      or any other statement, filing, notice or application made by or on behalf
      of the Company,  Fairbank or any of their  respective  Subsidiaries to any
      governmental  entity in connection  with the Merger or the Bank Merger and
      the other transactions contemplated hereby.

            (d) The Company and Fairbank shall promptly  furnish each other with
      copies of written  communications  received by the Company or Fairbank, as
      the  case  may  be,  or any of  their  respective  Subsidiaries  from,  or
      delivered by any of the foregoing to, any  governmental  entity in respect
      of the transactions contemplated hereby.

      6.02 Access to Information.

            (a) Upon  reasonable  notice and subject to applicable laws relating
      to the exchange of  information,  Fairbank  shall afford to the  officers,
      employees,  accountants, counsel and other representatives of the Company,
      access,  during  normal  business  hours  during the  period  prior to the
      Effective Time, to all its properties,  books, contracts,  commitments and
      records relating to the ownership, operation,  obligations and liabilities
      of Fairbank  and its  Subsidiaries,  including,  but not limited to, their
      respective  books of account  (including  general  ledgers),  tax records,
      minute books of Directors'  and  shareholders'  meetings,  Certificate  of
      Incorporation,  Bylaws, contracts and agreements,  public filings with any
      regulatory  authority,  plans  affecting  its  employees,  and  any  other
      business  activities  or  prospects  in  which  the  Company  may  have an
      interest. During such period, Fairbank shall make available to the Company
      (i) a copy of each report,  schedule, and other document filed or received
      by  Fairbank  or  any  Subsidiary  during  such  period  pursuant  to  the
      requirements  of  federal  or  state  banking  laws  and  (ii)  all  other
      information  concerning  their  respective   businesses,   properties  and
      personnel as the Company may reasonably  request  (other than  information
      which  Fairbank or any  Subsidiary  is not  permitted  to  disclose  under
      applicable law). As to information which Fairbank or any Subsidiary is not
      permitted  by law to  disclose,  Fairbank  will,  upon  request  from  the
      Company,  use all  reasonable  efforts to obtain any consent,  approval or
      waiver that may be required for such disclosure.

            (b) Upon  reasonable  notice and subject to applicable laws relating
      to the exchange of  information,  the Company  shall,  and shall cause its
      Subsidiaries to, afford to the officers, employees,  accountants,  counsel
      and other  representatives  of Fairbank,  access,  during normal  business
      hours during the period prior to the Effective  Time, to such  information
      regarding  the  Company  and  its  Subsidiaries  as  shall  be  reasonably
      necessary  to  confirm  that the  representations  and  warranties  of the
      Company  contained  herein are true and correct and that the  covenants of
      the Company contained herein have been performed in all material respects.
      As to information  which the Company or any Subsidiary is not permitted by
      law to disclose,  the Company will,  upon request from  Fairbank,  use all
      reasonable  efforts to obtain any consent,  approval or waiver that may be
      required for such disclosure.

            (c) Neither the Company nor any of its  Subsidiaries,  nor  Fairbank
      nor  Target,  shall  be  required  to  provide  access  to or to  disclose
      information where such access or disclosure would violate or prejudice the
      rights of the  customers  of such party,  jeopardize  the  attorney-client
      privilege of the institution in possession or control of such  information
      or  contravene  any  law,  rule,  regulation,   order,  judgment,  decree,
      fiduciary duty or binding agreement entered into prior to the date of this
      Agreement.  The parties hereto will make appropriate substitute disclosure
      arrangements  under   circumstances  in  which  the  restrictions  of  the
      preceding sentence apply.

            (d) Each of the Company,  Bank,  Fairbank and Target will hold,  and
      shall  cause  its  counsel,   independent  certified  public  accountants,
      appraisers and investment  bankers to hold, in confidence any confidential
      data or information made available to it in connection with this Agreement
      using the same  standard  of care to  protect  such  confidential  data or
      information as is used to protect its own confidential information. If the
      transactions  contemplated by this Agreement are not consummated,  each of
      the  parties  agrees  that it shall  return or cause to be returned to the
      party  providing  such  information  all written  materials and all copies
      thereof that were  supplied to it and that  contain any such  confidential
      data or information.

      6.03 Shareholder Approval.

            (a)  Fairbank  shall take all steps  necessary  to duly  call,  give
      notice of,  convene and hold a meeting of its  shareholders  to be held as
      soon as is  reasonably  practicable  for the  purpose  of voting  upon the
      approval of this Agreement. Fairbank will, through its Board of Directors,
      recommend  to  its  shareholders   approval  of  this  Agreement  and  the
      transactions  contemplated  hereby  and  such  other  matters  as  may  be
      submitted to its shareholders in connection with this Agreement; provided,
      however,  that nothing contained in this Section 6.03 or elsewhere in this
      Agreement  shall  prohibit  Fairbank's  Board of Directors from failing to
      make such  recommendation or modifying or withdrawing its  recommendation,
      if such  Board  shall  have  concluded  in good  faith  with the advice of
      counsel and in  consideration of the requirements of Section 10.02 of this
      Agreement  that  such  action is  required  to  prevent  such  Board  from
      breaching its fiduciary  duties to the  shareholders  of Fairbank,  and no
      such action shall constitute a breach of this Agreement.

      (b) The Company,  as sole  shareholder of the Bank, and Fairbank,  as sole
shareholder of Target,  shall take all steps necessary to duly call, give notice
of,  convene  and hold a meeting of the  shareholder(s)  of the Bank and Target,
respectively, (or take action by written consent) for the purpose of voting upon
the approval of the Bank Merger Agreement.

      6.04 Legal  Conditions to Merger.  Each of the Company and Fairbank shall,
and the Company and Fairbank shall cause each of their  respective  Subsidiaries
to,  use its best  efforts  (a) to  take,  or cause  to be  taken,  all  actions
necessary,  proper or advisable to comply  promptly with all legal  requirements
which may be  imposed  on such  party or its  Subsidiaries  with  respect to the
Merger, the Bank Merger, and, subject to the conditions set forth in Article VII
hereof,  to consummate the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement and the
Bank Merger  Agreement and (b) to obtain (and to cooperate  with the other party
to obtain) any consent,  authorization,  order or approval of, or any  exemption
by, any  governmental  entity and any other  third party which is required to be
obtained by Fairbank or the Company or any of their  respective  Subsidiaries in
connection  with the  Merger  and the Bank  Merger,  and the other  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement and the Bank Merger Agreement.

      6.05 Fairbank and Target Employees. All employees of Target on the Closing
Date shall become  employees of Bank at their current salary levels and,  except
as provided herein,  entitled to all rights and privileges of similarly situated
employees of Bank.  The Closing Date shall be considered  the beginning  date of
employment of such employees by the Bank and such employees  shall be subject to
the  Bank's  performance  criteria.  Such  employees  shall be  entitled  to all
benefits  of  employees  so  newly  hired  available  to  the  Bank's  employees
thereafter;  provided  that the Bank will waive any  eligibility  period for (i)
medical and health insurance and (ii) group life insurance.  Other than officers
who are parties to  change-in-control  severance  agreements  with  Fairbank and
Target,  all officers of Target will have the same title with Bank and will have
commensurate responsibilities to their present duties.

      6.06 Additional  Agreements.  In case at any time after the Effective Time
any further  action is  necessary  or desirable to carry out the purpose of this
Agreement,  or to  vest  the  Surviving  Corporation  with  full  title  to  all
properties,  assets, rights, approvals,  immunities and franchises of any of the
parties to the Merger, and the Resulting Bank with full title to all properties,
assets,  rights,  approvals,  immunities and franchises of any of the parties to
the Bank  Merger,  the  proper  officers  and  Directors  of each  party to this
Agreement and their respective Subsidiaries shall take all such necessary action
as may be reasonably requested by, and at the sole expense of, the Company.

      6.07  Disclosure  Supplements.  From time to time  prior to the  Effective
Time,  each party will promptly  supplement or amend the Schedules  delivered in
connection  with the execution of this Agreement to reflect any matter which, if
existing,  occurring  or known at the date of this  Agreement,  would  have been
required to be set forth or described in such Schedules or which is necessary to
correct any  information  in such Schedules  which has been rendered  inaccurate
thereby.  No supplement or amendment to such Schedules shall have any effect for
the purposes of determining satisfaction of the conditions set forth in Sections
7.02(a) or 7.03(a) hereof,  as the case may be, or the compliance by Fairbank or
the  Company,  as the case may be, with the  respective  covenants  set forth in
Sections 5.01 and 5.02 hereof.

      6.08 Current Information.

            (a)  During  the  period  from  the  date of this  Agreement  to the
      Effective  Time,  Fairbank  will  cause  one or  more  of  its  designated
      representatives,  and any other representative reasonably requested by the
      Company,  to be available,  upon the reasonable request of the Company, to
      confer on a regular  basis  with  representatives  of the  Company  and to
      report the general  status of the ongoing  operations  of Fairbank and its
      Subsidiaries.  Fairbank  and its  Subsidiaries  will  promptly  notify the
      Company of any  significant  change in the normal  course of  business  of
      Fairbank and its Subsidiaries, financial or otherwise, or in the operation
      of their properties, and of any governmental complaints, investigations or
      hearings (or communications  indicating that the same may be contemplated)
      or the institution or the threat of any significant  litigation  involving
      Fairbank or any Subsidiary and will keep the Company  reasonably  informed
      of such events and permit the Company access to all significant  materials
      prepared in connection therewith.

            (b) The Company will promptly notify Fairbank of any material change
      in the normal course of business of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries
      and of any governmental  complaints,  investigations  or hearings,  or the
      institution of significant  litigation involving the Company or any of its
      Subsidiaries, and will keep Fairbank reasonably informed of such events.

      6.09  Environmental  Assessment.  Fairbank  agrees,  to the  extent  it is
legally permitted, to allow the Company, its agents and representatives,  at the
Company's  expense,  to conduct an  environmental  site  assessment  of any real
property owned  (including  assets held as other real estate owned) or leased by
Fairbank or any Subsidiary, and agrees to cooperate in providing information and
other assistance to the Company,  its agents and  representatives  in connection
therewith,  including, without limitation,  providing access and entry onto such
real property for the purpose of making  appropriate  environmental  and related
inspections. An environmental site assessment may include sampling and intrusive
studies if the  Company's  representative  deems them  advisable in light of the
current standards. Fairbank shall be entitled, as a condition to its obligations
hereunder, to be indemnified to its reasonable satisfaction from and against any
loss or damage incurred from the conducting of any such site assessment (but not
the  findings  thereof).  The Company  shall  contract  for any site  assessment
desired by it not later than 30 days after the later of the date hereof or, with
respect to property  acquired after the date hereof,  the date Fairbank notified
the Company of such acquisition.

      6.10 Public Announcements.  Except to the extent required otherwise by the
securities  laws or any state or federal  banking  laws,  with  respect to which
Fairbank  and the  Company  may act upon the  advice of their  respective  legal
counsel,  neither Fairbank,  nor the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries,  shall
issue any press release or otherwise  make any public  statement with respect to
this  Agreement  or any of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  prior to the
Effective  Time without  obtaining  the consent to or approval  thereof from the
other party, which consent or approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.

      6.11 Execution and Authorization of Bank Merger Agreement.

            (a) Not later than 30 days following the date of this Agreement, (i)
      the Company  shall (x) cause the Board of Directors of the Bank to approve
      the Bank Merger  Agreement,  (y) cause the Bank to execute and deliver the
      Bank Merger  Agreement,  and (z) approve the Bank Merger  Agreement as the
      sole  shareholder of the Bank, and (ii) Fairbank shall (x) cause the Board
      of  Directors  of Target to approve the Bank Merger  Agreement,  (y) cause
      Target to execute and deliver the Bank Merger  Agreement,  and (z) approve
      the Bank Merger  Agreement  as the sole  shareholder  of Target.  The Bank
      Merger  Agreement  shall  contain  terms that are normal and  customary in
      light of the transactions  contemplated  hereby and necessary to carry out
      the purposes of this Agreement and will terminate upon termination of this

            (b) Not later than 30 days following the date of this Agreement, the
      Company  or the Bank  shall (i) cause the  formation  of New Sub to occur,
      (ii)  cause  the  Board of  Directors  of New Sub to  approve  the  Merger
      Agreement, (iii) cause New Sub to execute and deliver the Merger Agreement
      and (iv) approve the Merger Agreement as the sole shareholder of New Sub.

            (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a) and (b) above,
      the Company  shall have the option to elect to defer for such period as it
      deems  advisable,  or elect to eliminate in its entirety,  the Bank Merger
      Agreement, in which case all references in this Agreement to such document
      shall be deemed modified as appropriate.

                                   ARTICLE VII
                              CONDITIONS PRECEDENT

      7.01  Conditions to Each Party's  Obligations  Under This  Agreement.  The
respective  obligations of each party under this  Agreement  shall be subject to
the  fulfillment at or prior to the Effective Time of the following  conditions,
none of which may be waived:

            (a) This Agreement and the  transactions  contemplated  hereby shall
      have been approved and adopted by the  affirmative  vote of the holders of
      at least two-thirds of the outstanding shares of Fairbank Common Stock.

            (b)  This  Agreement  and  the  Bank  Merger   Agreement,   and  the
      transactions  contemplated  hereby and thereby shall have been approved by
      the FRB, the OCC, the Commissioner,  the Board, the FDIC, and by any other
      regulatory  authority  having  appropriate  jurisdiction,   none  of  such
      approvals  shall  contain  any term or  condition  which  would (i) have a
      material adverse effect on the business, operations, properties, assets or
      financial  condition  of any party to this  Agreement  or the Bank  Merger
      Agreement,  or the Surviving  Corporation  or the Resulting  Bank, or (ii)
      otherwise  materially  impair the value of any of the  foregoing,  and all
      appropriate waiting periods shall have expired.

            (c) Neither the Company  nor  Fairbank  nor any of their  respective
      Subsidiaries  shall be  subject to any order,  decree or  injunction  of a
      court or agency of  competent  jurisdiction  which  prevents or delays the
      consummation of the Merger or the Bank Merger.

      7.02  Conditions to the  Obligations of the Company Under This  Agreement.
The  obligations of the Company under this Agreement shall be further subject to
the  satisfaction,  at  or  prior  to  the  Effective  Time,  of  the  following
conditions, any one or more of which may be waived by the Company:

            (a) Each of the obligations of Fairbank  required to be performed by
      it at or  prior  to the  Effective  Time  pursuant  to the  terms  of this
      Agreement shall have been duly performed and complied with in all material
      respects and the  representations  and warranties of Fairbank contained in
      this  Agreement  shall be true and correct in all material  respects as of
      the date of this  Agreement and as of the Effective Time as though made at
      and as of the  Effective  Time (except as otherwise  contemplated  by this
      Agreement),  and the Company  shall have  received a  certificate  to that
      effect signed by the Chief  Executive  Officer and by the Chief  Financial
      Officer of Fairbank.

            (b) All action  required to be taken by, or on the part of, Fairbank
      to authorize the execution,  delivery and performance of this Agreement by
      Fairbank and the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby
      shall  have  been duly and  validly  taken by the  Board of  Directors  of
      Fairbank and Fairbank  shareholders  and the Company  shall have  received
      certified copies of the resolutions evidencing such authorization.

            (c) The  Company  shall have  received  certificates  as of a day as
      close as practicable  to the date of the Effective  Time from  appropriate
      authorities  as to the good  standing  of, and of the payment of franchise
      taxes, if any, in Massachusetts by Fairbank.

            (d) Any and all permits and  approvals  of  governmental  bodies and
      material consents (including all consents of landlords) and authorizations
      of other  third  parties  shall have been  obtained  by  Fairbank  and the
      Company which are required with respect to and are necessary in connection
      with  (i)  the  consummation  of the  Merger  and the  other  transactions
      contemplated  hereby,  (ii) the ownership by the Surviving  Corporation of
      all of the  properties  and assets of  Fairbank,  (iii) the conduct by the
      Surviving Corporation of the business of Fairbank as conducted by Fairbank
      at the Effective  Time,  (iv) the  consummation of the Bank Merger and the
      other  transactions  contemplated  by the Bank Merger  Agreement,  (v) the
      ownership by the  Resulting  Bank of all of the  properties  and assets of
      Target,  or (vi) the  conduct by the  Resulting  Bank of the  business  of
      Target as conducted by Target at the Effective Time.

            (e) The Company  shall have  received an opinion,  dated the date of
      Closing,  from  counsel  to  Fairbank,  in form and  substance  reasonably
      satisfactory  to the Company,  on the matters set forth on EXHIBIT 7.02(e)

            (f) The Company shall have received from  Shatswell,  MacLeod & Co.,
      independent public accountants,  a letter dated as of the Closing Date, in
      form and substance reasonably  satisfactory to the Company, on the matters
      set forth on Exhibit 7.02(f) hereto.

            (g) Neither the Company nor Fairbank  shall be subject to any order,
      decree or injunction of a court or agency of competent  jurisdiction which
      would impose  limitations  on the ability of the Surviving  Corporation to
      exercise  full rights of  ownership  of the assets or business of Fairbank
      and no  action,  suit,  proceeding  or  investigation  shall be pending or
      threatened which, in the opinion of counsel to the Company,  is reasonably
      likely to result in any such order, decree or injunction.

            (h) The Company shall have received the results of any environmental
      site assessment contracted for in accordance with Section 6.09 hereof, and
      based upon such environmental site assessment, not more than $50,000 shall
      be  needed  to be  expended  to  correct  any  deficiency  cited  in  such
      assessment  and, in the case of property used for Target bank  operations,
      it shall not be necessary  to cease using the cited  location for a period
      in  excess of 30 days in order to  complete  such  corrections,  provided,
      that, as to any deficiency that can be corrected  reasonably  promptly and
      before the Effective Time, Target shall have the option of correcting such

            (i) The real property  leases to which Fairbank or any Subsidiary is
      a party shall have  remained in full force and effect as of the  Effective
      Time and shall not have been  terminated by reason of the  consummation of
      the Merger.

            (j) There shall not be shareholders of Fairbank  holding ten percent
      (10%) or more of the outstanding shares of Fairbank Common Stock that have
      properly  exercised their rights of appraisal  pursuant to Chapter 156B of
      the M.G.L.

      Fairbank  and  its  Subsidiaries   will  furnish  the  Company  with  such
certificates  of their  officers or others and such other  documents to evidence
fulfillment  of the conditions set forth in this Section 7.02 as the Company may
reasonably request.

      7.03 Conditions to the  Obligations of Fairbank Under This Agreement.  The
obligations  of Fairbank under this  Agreement  shall be further  subject to the
satisfaction,  at or prior to the Effective  Time, of the following  conditions,
any one or more of which may be waived by Fairbank:

            (a) Each of the obligations of the Company  required to be performed
      by it at or prior to the  Effective  Time  performed and complied with and
      the  representations  and  warranties  of the  Company  contained  in this
      Agreement shall be true and correct in all respects as of the date of this
      Agreement  and as of the  Effective  Time as though  made at and as of the
      Effective Time (except as otherwise  contemplated by this Agreement),  and
      Fairbank  shall have received a  certificate  to that effect signed by the
      Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer of the Company.

            (b) All  action  required  to be taken  by,  or on the part of,  the
      Company to  authorize  the  execution,  delivery and  performance  of this
      Agreement  by  the  Company  and  the  consummation  of  the  transactions
      contemplated hereby shall have been duly and validly taken by the Board of
      Directors  of the  Company,  and Fairbank  shall have  received  certified
      copies of the resolutions evidencing such authorization.

            (c) The conditions in Section 7.02(d) shall have been satisfied.

            (d)  Fairbank  shall have  received at the time of execution of this
      Agreement,  and again  within  five  days  prior to  mailing  of the Proxy
      Statement,  in form and substance reasonably  satisfactory to Fairbank, an
      opinion from Bank Analysis Center,  Inc., or such other investment  banker
      as may be selected by  Fairbank,  that the terms of the Merger are fair to
      Fairbank and its shareholders from a financial point of view.

            (e)  Fairbank  shall have  received  an  opinion,  dated the date of
      Closing,  from counsel to the Company,  in form and  substance  reasonably
      satisfactory  to  Fairbank,  on the matters  set forth on Exhibit  7.03(e)

      The Company will furnish  Fairbank with such  certificates of its officers
or others and such other documents to evidence fulfillment of the conditions set
forth in this Section 7.03 as Fairbank may reasonably request.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

      8.01 Time and Place.  Subject to the  satisfaction  of the  conditions  of
Article VII hereof, the closing (the "Closing") of the transactions contemplated
hereby  shall take place at such  location as shall be agreed to by the parties,
at 9:00  A.M.,  on the  third  business  day  after the date on which all of the
conditions contained in Article VII, to the extent not waived, are satisfied; or
at such other  place,  at such other time,  or on such other date as the Company
and Fairbank may mutually agree upon for the Closing to take place (the "Closing
Date"),  time being of the essence;  and the Company and  Fairbank  agree to use
their  reasonable  best efforts  such that the Closing  shall occur on or before
September 30, 1996.

      8.02 Deliveries at the Closing.  At the Closing,  there shall be delivered
to the Company and Fairbank the opinions,  certificates, and other documents and
instruments required to be delivered under Articles VI and VII hereof.

                                   ARTICLE IX
                            TERMINATION AND AMENDMENT

      9.01 Termination.  Notwithstanding  any other provision of this Agreement,
this Agreement,  and with it the Bank Merger Agreement, may be terminated at any
time  prior to the  Effective  Time,  whether  before or after  approval  of the
matters presented in connection with the Merger by the shareholders of Fairbank:

            (a) by mutual  consent  of the  Company  and  Fairbank  in a written
      instrument, if the Board of Directors of each so determines by a vote of a
      majority of the members of its entire Board;

            (b) by either the Company or  Fairbank  upon  written  notice to the
      other party (i) 45 days after the date on which any request or application
      for a regulatory  approval  required to consummate  the Merger or the Bank
      Merger   shall  have  been   denied  or   withdrawn   at  the  request  or
      recommendation of the governmental  entity which must grant such requisite
      regulatory approval, unless within the 45 day period following such denial
      or withdrawal a petition for rehearing or an amended  application has been
      filed with the applicable governmental entity; provided,  however, that no
      party shall have the right to terminate  this  Agreement  pursuant to this
      Section 9.01(b) if such denial or request or recommendation for withdrawal
      shall  be due to the  failure  of the  party  seeking  to  terminate  this
      Agreement to perform or observe the covenants and agreements of such party
      set forth herein;

            (c) by either the Company or  Fairbank if the Merger  shall not have
      been  consummated  on or before  September  30,  1996,  time  being of the
      essence,  unless the failure of the Closing to occur by such date shall be
      due to (i) the failure of the party seeking to terminate this Agreement to
      perform or observe in any material respect the covenants and agreements of
      such party set forth  herein,  or (ii) delay in  obtaining  any  necessary
      governmental approval unless such delay is due to the failure of the party
      seeking to terminate  this Agreement to perform or observe in any material
      respect the covenants and agreements of such party set forth herein;

            (d) by  either  the  Company  or  Fairbank  if the  approval  of the
      shareholders of Fairbank required for the consummation of the Merger shall
      not have been  obtained  by reason of the  failure to obtain the  required
      vote at a duly held  meeting  of  shareholders  or at any  adjournment  or
      postponement thereof;

            (e)  by  either  the  Company  or  Fairbank   (provided,   that  the
      terminating  party is not then in material  breach of any  representation,
      warranty,  covenant or other  agreement  contained  herein) if there shall
      have been a material  breach of any of the  representations  or warranties
      set forth in this  Agreement on the part of the other party,  which breach
      is not  cured  within  45  days  following  written  notice  to the  party
      committing such breach,  or which breach,  by its nature,  cannot be cured
      prior to the Closing;

            (f)  by  either  the  Company  or  Fairbank   (provided,   that  the
      terminating  party is not then in material  breach of any  representation,
      warranty,  covenant or other  agreement  contained  herein) if there shall
      have been a material  breach of any of the  covenants  or  agreements  set
      forth in this Agreement on the part of the other party, which breach shall
      not have been cured  within 45 days  following  receipt  by the  breaching
      party of written notice of such breach from the other party hereto;

            (g) by the Company or Fairbank, if it shall have determined that the
      Merger has become  imprudent  by reason of the  institution,  or threat of
      institution, by any governmental agency of any litigation or proceeding to
      restrain or prohibit the consummation of the Merger or the Bank Merger; or

            (h) by the  Company  if, in order to  obtain  any  required  permit,
      consent,  approval or authorization  of any governmental  authority having
      jurisdiction,  the Company or the Resulting Bank will be required to agree
      to, or will be subjected to, a limitation  upon its  activities  following
      the  Effective  Time which the Company  reasonably  regards as  materially

      9.02 Effect of Termination.  In the event of termination of this Agreement
by either the Company or Fairbank as provided in Section 9.01,  this  Agreement,
and with it the Bank Merger  Agreement,  shall forthwith become void and have no
further effect except (i) Sections 6.02(d), 9.02, 10.02 and 10.03, shall survive
any  termination of this  Agreement,  and (ii)  notwithstanding  anything to the
contrary  contained  in this  Agreement,  no party shall be relieved or released
from any liabilities or damages arising out of its breach of any representation,
warranty, or other provision of this Agreement.

      9.03 Amendment.  Subject to compliance with applicable law, this Agreement
may be amended by the parties  hereto,  by action taken or  authorized  by their
respective  Boards of  Directors,  at any time  before or after  approval of the
matters presented in connection with the Merger by the shareholders of Fairbank;
provided,  however, that after any approval of the transactions  contemplated by
this Agreement by Fairbank's  shareholders,  there may not be,  without  further
approval of such shareholders, any amendment of this Agreement which reduces the
amount or changes the form of the  consideration  to be delivered to  Fairbank's
shareholders  hereunder in any material  respect other than as  contemplated  by
this  Agreement.  This  Agreement may not be amended  except by an instrument in
writing signed on behalf of each of the parties hereto.

      9.04  Extension;  Waiver.  At any time prior to the  Effective  Time,  the
parties  hereto,  by action taken or  authorized  by their  respective  Board of
Directors,  may,  to the  extent  legally  allowed,  (a) extend the time for the
performance of any of the obligations or other acts of the other parties hereto,
(b) waive any  inaccuracies  in the  representations  and  warranties  contained
herein or in any document  delivered  pursuant  hereto and (c) waive  compliance
with any of the  agreements or conditions  contained  herein (other than Section
7.01);   provided,   however,  that  after  any  approval  of  the  transactions
contemplated  by this  Agreement by Fairbank's  shareholders,  there may not be,
without further approval of such  shareholders,  any extension or waiver of this
Agreement or any portion thereof which reduces the amount or changes the form of
the  consideration to be delivered to Fairbank's  shareholders  hereunder in any
material respect other than as contemplated by this Agreement.  Any agreement on
the part of a party  hereto to any such  extension or waiver shall be valid only
if set forth in a written  instrument  signed on behalf of such party,  but such
extension or waiver  shall not operate as a waiver of, or estoppel  with respect
to, any subsequent or other failure.

                                    ARTICLE X

      10.01  Expenses.  Except  as  otherwise  provided  herein,  all  costs and
expenses  incurred  in  connection  with  this  Agreement  and the  transactions
contemplated hereby, including,  without limitation,  attorney,  accountant, and
investment  banker fees and expenses,  shall be paid by the party incurring such
costs and expenses.  The fees of Bank Analysis Center and Day, Berry & Howard in
connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby shall be
paid by Fairbank on or prior to the Closing Date.

      10.02   "Unauthorized    Action;"   Liquidated   Damages   Under   Certain

            (a)  Fairbank  shall  not  solicit,  approve  or  recommend  to  its
      shareholders,  or  undertake  or enter  into with or  without  shareholder
      approval,  either as the  surviving or  disappearing  or the  acquiring or
      acquired corporation, any other merger, consolidation,  asset acquisition,
      tender  offer or other  takeover  transaction,  or  furnish or cause to be
      furnished any information concerning the business, properties or assets of
      Fairbank  or any  Subsidiary  to any  person  or  entity,  other  than the
      Company,  interested  in any such  transaction  (except for  Directors and
      executive  officers of Fairbank and such other  persons as may be required
      by law),  and Fairbank will not authorize or permit Target or any officer,
      Director, employee,  investment banker or other representative directly or
      indirectly to, solicit,  encourage or support any offer from any person or
      entity (other than the Company) to acquire substantially all of the assets
      of Fairbank or Target,  to acquire 10% or more of the outstanding stock of
      Fairbank or Target,  to enter into an agreement to merge with  Fairbank or
      Target, or to take any other action that would have substantially the same
      effect as the foregoing  (hereinafter a "Takeover  Transaction"),  without
      the  written  consent of the  Company  (any such  solicitation,  approval,
      undertaking, authorization, permission or other action referred to in this
      sentence being sometimes referred to as an "unauthorized action").

            (b) If either  Fairbank or the Company fails to perform any material
      covenant or agreement in this Agreement, or if any material representation
      or warranty by Fairbank  or the  Company is  determined  to be  materially
      untrue  (the  party  which  fails to  perform  or which  makes the  untrue
      representation or warranty being referred to as a "Breaching Party"),  and
      if at the time of the failure or untrue  representation or warranty by the
      Breaching   Party,   the  other  party  is  not  a  Breaching  Party  (the
      "Non-Breaching  Party"),  and if the  Agreement is  thereafter  terminated
      prior to the Effective  Time, then the Breaching Party shall on demand pay
      to the Non-Breaching Party as liquidated damages the sum of $500,000.

      10.03  Non-Survival  of  Representations  and  Warranties.  The respective
representations  and  warranties  of the Company and Fairbank  contained in this
Agreement or in any instrument or certificate  delivered  pursuant hereto by the
Company or Fairbank  shall expire on and be terminated and  extinguished  at the
Effective  Time;  provided,  however,  that after the Effective  Time,  any such
representation  or warranty of the Company or Fairbank shall not be deemed to be
terminated or extinguished so as to deprive the Company of any defense at law or
in equity which it would  otherwise  have to any claim against it by any person,
firm, corporation or other legal entity.

      10.04 Notification of Certain Matters.

            (a) Fairbank shall give prompt notice to the Company and the Company
      shall give prompt notice to Fairbank, of (i) the occurrence, or failure to
      occur,  of any event which  occurrence or failure would be likely to cause
      any representation or warranty contained in this Agreement to be untrue or
      inaccurate in any material respect at any time from the date hereof to the
      Effective Time, and (ii) any material  failure of Fairbank or the Company,
      as the  case  may be,  or of any  officer,  Director,  employee  or  agent
      thereof, to comply with or satisfy any covenant, condition or agreement to
      be complied with or satisfied by it hereunder,  provided, however, that no
      such notifications  shall affect the  representations or warranties of the
      parties or the conditions to the obligations of the parties hereunder.

            (b)  Fairbank  agrees to notify the Company by  telephone  within 24
      hours of  receipt  of any  inquiry  with  respect  to a  proposed  merger,
      consolidation,   assets  acquisition,   tender  offer  or  other  takeover
      transaction  with another  person or receipt of a request for  information
      from the FRB, the OCC, the FDIC,  the  Commissioner,  the Board,  or other
      governmental  authority with respect to a proposed acquisition of Fairbank
      or Target by another  party.  Fairbank  will promptly  communicate  to the
      Company  the  terms  of any such  proposal,  discussion,  negotiation,  or
      inquiry,  including  the  identity of the party  making  such  proposal or
      inquiry  and  will  immediately  provide  the  Company  with a copy of any
      written documents reflecting the foregoing.

      10.05 Notices. All notices or other  communications  hereunder shall be in
writing and shall be deemed given if delivered  personally  or mailed by prepaid
certified first class mail (return receipt requested) or by recognized overnight
delivery service addressed as follows:

                     (a)   If to the Company,  to:
                           Weetamoe Bancorp 
                           100 Slade's Ferry Avenue
                           Somerset, MA 02726 
                           Attention: Chief Executive Officer

                           Copies to:

                           Law Offices of Peter G. Collias
                           84 North Main Street
                           P.O. Box 2519
                           Fall River, MA 02722-2519

                           and to:

                           McGowan, Engel, Tucker, Garrett & Schultz
                           One International Place
                           Suite 701
                           Boston, MA 02110-2636
                           Attention:  Thomas H. Tucker, Esq.

                     (b)   If to Fairbank, to:

                           Fairbank, Inc.
                           75 Huttleston Avenue
                           Fairhaven, MA 02719
                           Attention:  Chief Executive Officer

                           Copy to:

                           Day, Berry & Howard
                           CityPlace I
                           Hartford, CT 06103
                           Attention:  Robert M. Taylor, III, Esq.

or such other address as shall be furnished in writing by either party,  and any
such notice or  communication  shall be deemed to have been given as of the date
so mailed.

      10.06 Parties in Interest.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall
inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their  respective  successors and
assigns;  provided,  however, that neither this Agreement nor any of the rights,
interests  or  obligations  hereunder  shall be assigned by either  party hereto
without the prior written  consent of the other party,  and that nothing in this
Agreement  is intended to confer,  expressly or by  implication,  upon any other
person  any  rights or  remedies  under or by reason of this  Agreement.  If any
provision   or  part  of   this   Agreement   is   deemed   unenforceable,   the
unenforceability of the other provisions and parts shall not be affected.

      10.07  Complete  Agreement.  This  Agreement,  including the documents and
other writings referred to herein or delivered  pursuant  thereto,  contains the
entire  agreement and  understanding  of the parties with respect to its subject
matter,  other than the  Confidentiality  Agreement.  There are no restrictions,
agreements,  premises,  warranties,  covenants or undertakings  other than those
expressly  set forth  herein or therein.  This  Agreement  supersedes  all prior
agreements and understandings  between the parties,  both written and oral, with
respect to its subject matter.

      10.08  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be  executed  in  one  or  more
counterparts  all of which shall be  considered  one and the same  agreement and
each of which shall be deemed an original.

      10.09  Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

      10.10  Headings.  The  Article  and  Section  headings  contained  in this
Agreement  are for  reference  purposes only and shall not affect in any way the
meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company and Fairbank have caused this Agreement to
be executed by their duly authorized officers as of the day and year first above

                                        WEETAMOE BANCORP

                                        By  /s/ JAMES D. CAREY
                                                James D. Carey
                                                Its Executive Vice President


- -----------------------------

                                        FAIRBANK, INC.

                                        By  /s/ DAVID J. MCINTIRE
                                                David J. McIntire
                                                Its Chairman


- -----------------------------


                              AGREEMENT OF NEW SUB

         New Sub, being duly authorized,  hereby agrees to the provisions of the
above Agreement and Plan of Merger.

Attest:                                  NEW SUB

- ------------------------------           -------------------------------------
                                                James D. Carey
Secretary                                       Its Chief Executive Officer

                                                                Schedule 3.01(a)

                        Subsidiaries and Equity Ownership

1.    Fairbank,  Inc. owns 100% of the outstanding  common stock of the National
      Bank of Fairhaven.

                                                                Schedule 3.03(b)

                         Notes or Agreements of Fairbank

1.    Fairbank,  Inc. is a party to a Loan  Agreement  with Fleet  National Bank
      dated November 25, 1994 (as amended). Section 5.2(c) of the Loan Agreement
      prohibits  the merger of  Fairbank  without the prior  written  consent of
      Fleet.  Fairbank  intends to repay the Loan  Agreement  on or prior to the
      Closing Date.

                                                                Schedule 3.03(d)

                          Notes or Agreements of Target


                                                                   Schedule 3.04

                             Consents and Approvals


                                                                   Schedule 3.06

                             Undisclosed Liabilities


                                                                Schedule 3.07(a)

                            Certain Changes or Events

1.    On March  27,  1996 the  Loan  Committee  of  National  Bank of  Fairhaven
      recommended  a  $35,000  charge  off of a loan to  James  Killoran.  It is
      anticipated that the Board of Directors will act on this recommendation at
      its next or a subsequent meeting of the Board of Directors.

                                                                Schedule 3.07(b)

                            Certain Changes or Events

1.    National Bank of Fairhaven  will continue to make  quarterly  dividends to
      Fairbank,  Inc.  to pay the Fleet Loan  Agreement  referenced  in Schedule
      3.03(b).  On March 28,  1996,  a $125,000  dividend  was declared for this

2.    National  Bank of  Fairhaven  has  entered  into an  agreement  to sell an
      ATM/night depository currently in storage to Cambridge Savings Bank.

                                                                   Schedule 3.08

                                 Loan Portfolio

1.    List of loans in amounts  greater  than  $250,000  dated March 26, 1996 is

2.    Problem Loan Report dated February 29, 1996 is attached.

3.    Non-Accrual Report dated February 29, 1996 is attached.

                                                                   Schedule 3.09



                                                                   Schedule 3.10

                               Title To Properties

1.    National  Bank of  Fairhaven  has  acquired a parcel of Other Real  Estate
      Owned  located at 35 Summer  Street in  Fairhaven.  The former use of such
      property was in noncompliance with local zoning restrictions.

                                                                   Schedule 3.11



                                                                   Schedule 3.12

                                Legal Proceedings

1.    National Bank of Fairhaven is a defendant in a lawsuit,  Alda DosSantos v.
      N.B. Fairhaven,  resulting from an alleged slip and fall injury at the New
      Bedford branch.

2.    In connection with a collection matter involving 639 County Street Assoc.,
      a  borrower  of the  Bank,  a claim of  unfair  business  practices  under
      Massachusetts law has been asserted.

3.    Fairbank,  Inc. may be subject to claims or potential  liability resulting
      from the  business  and  activities  of  Fairbank  Mortgage  Co., a former
      subsidiary  that  was  sold  to  Centerbank,  Waterbury,  Connecticut,  in
      December, 1987.

4.    Fairbank,  Inc. and National Bank of Fairhaven may be subject to claims or
      potential  liability  resulting from the termination of employment of Gary
      P. Fealy.

                                                                   Schedule 3.13

                         Compliance with Applicable Law

1.    Section 23A and 23B of the Federal Reserve Act.

2.    Fair lending laws.

                                                                   Schedule 3.15

                        Employee Benefit and Other Plans

1.    National Bank of Fairhaven maintains the National Bank of Fairhaven Profit
      Sharing Plan.

                                                                Schedule 3.16(a)

                            Contracts and Commitments

1.    OCC Reports of Examination dated November 8, 1994 and November 22, 1995.

2.    Federal  Reserve Board Bank Holding  Company  Reports dated April 14, 1994
      and October 31, 1994.

3.    List of Correspondent Banks attached.

4.    The Fleet Loan Agreement referenced in Schedule 3.03(b).

                                                                Schedule 3.16(b)

                            Contracts and Commitments

1.    Fairbank,   Inc.   and  National   Bank  of   Fairhaven   are  parties  to
      Change-in-Control Severance Agreements dated November 7, 1995 (as amended)
      with Wayne M. Frost,  Edward  Bernardo,  Jr.,  Gary P.  Fealy,  and Fatima

                                                                Schedule 3.16(c)

                     Contracts and Commitments; No Defaults


                                                                   Schedule 3.17

                              Environmental Matters


                                                                   Schedule 3.19


1.    A list of insurance policies is attached. 

                                                                   Schedule 3.20

                                  Broker's Fees

1.    The contract  between Bank Analysis Center and Fairbank,  Inc. dated March
      14, 1995 is attached.

                                                                   Schedule 3.21

                       Agreements with Regulatory Agencies

1.    1988 Federal Reserve Board Memorandum of Understanding.

2.    February 1994 Letter Commitment with OCC.

                                                                   Schedule 4.04

                             Consents and Approvals


                                                                   Schedule 4.06

                                  Broker's Fees


                                                                   Schedule 4.07

                            Certain Changes or Events


                                                                   Schedule 4.08

                                Legal Proceedings


                                                                 Exhibit 7.02(e)

                                 Form of Opinion

      [To be provided.] 

                                                                 Exhibit 7.02(f)

                               Accountant's Letter

      [To be provided.]

                                                                 Exhibit 7.03(e)

                                 Form of Opinion

      [To be provided.]