Washington, DC 20549

                                  FORM 8-K

             Current Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15 (d) of
                         The Securities Act of 1934

     Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported):   January 30, 1997

                           THE WIDECOM GROUP INC.
           (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

                               Ontario, Canada
               (State or Other Jurisdiction of Incorporation)

               1-13589                               98-0139939
      (Commission File Number)            (IRS Employer Identification No.)

55 City Centre Drive, Suite 500, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada       L5B 1M3
- -------------------------------------------------------------      ----------
          (Address of Principal Executive Offices)                 (Zip Code)

                               (905) 566-0180
            (Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

        (Former Name or Former Address, If Changed Since Last Report)


Item 1.    Change in Control of Registrant.

           Not Applicable.

Item 2.    Acquisition or Disposition of Assets.

           Not Applicable.

Item 3.    Bankruptcy or Receivership.

           Not Applicable.

Item 4.    Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant.

           Not Applicable.

Item 5.    Other Events.

      As of January 30, 1997, the Registrant announced that it has finalized 
a joint venture agreement with Societe Innovatech du Grand Montreal, an 
instrumentality of the Province of Quebec, Canada ("Innovatech").  Each of 
the Registrant and Innovatech purchased 450 shares of the Class A Common 
Stock of NovImage Inc., a Quebec corporation ("NovImage") for a purchase 
price of approximately US $1,875,000 each.  The consideration paid by the 
Registrant for the stock of NovImage was in cash and was derived from the 
Registrant's working capital.  In addition, two other corporations, 3294412 
Canada Inc., a Quebec corporation and 3294421 Canada Inc, a Quebec 
corporation, both of which corporations are wholly-owned by Raja S. Tuli, 
President and Chief Executive Officer of the Registrant, each acquired 50 
shares of the Class A Common Stock of NovImage in exchange for the transfer 
to NovImage of certain patents, patent applications and other technology and 
intellectual property rights of those companies.

In connection with the transaction, the Registrant licensed all of its 
patents and technology relating to its scanner and plotter manufacturing and 
its WideView[TRADEMARK] and SLC-OVLY[TRADEMARK]  software (collectively, the 
"Intellectual Property") to NovImage for research and development purposes 
in order to develop improvements, modifications, additions or alterations to 
the Intellectual Property and to develop new products.  In exchange for this 
license and the payment of a 0.5% royalty fee on net revenue, licensing 
revenue and net sales to sub-licensees, NovImage granted the Registrant an 
exclusive perpetual worldwide (with the exception of the Province of Quebec, 
Canada) license to use such improved scanner and plotter technology and 
software to manufacture, distribute, market and sell the improved scanner, 
plotter and software, and any new products developed by NovImage.  NovImage 
retained such rights with respect to the Province of Quebec, Canada.

In connection with the transaction, the Registrant also entered into a Stock 
Exchange Agreement with Innovatech pursuant to which Innovatech would be 
permitted, under certain circumstances, to exchange its shares of NovImage 
for up to 253,000 shares of common stock of the Registrant for which 
Innovatech would have demand registration rights.

Item 6.    Resignation of Registrant's Directors.

           Not Applicable.

Item 7.    Financial Statements and Exhibits.

           Exhibits to this Form 8-K are attached hereto.

Item 8.    Change in Fiscal Year.

           Not Applicable.


      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 
the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the 
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                       The WideCom Group Inc.,
                                         an Ontario Corporation

Dated:   January 30, 1997              /s/  Raja S. Tuli
                                       Raja S. Tuli, President and 
                                                     Chief Executive Officer

                                Exhibit Index

Exhibit No.     Description
- -----------     -----------

  10.1          Memorandum of Agreement by and between The WideCom Group Inc. 
                and Societe Innovatech Du Grand Montreal and 3294412 Canada
                Inc. and 3294340 Canada Inc. regarding Flat Panel and
                Fingerprint technology.

  10.2          Subscription Agreement dated October 2, 1996 between Societe 
                Innovatech Du Grand Montreal and 3294340 Canada Inc.

  10.3          Subscription Agreement dated October 2, 1996 between The
                WideCom Group Inc. and 3294340 Canada Inc.

  10.4          License Agreement between The WideCom Group Inc. ("Licensor") 
                and 3294340 Canada Inc. ("Licensee")

  10.5          License Agreement between 3294340 Canada Inc. ("Licensor") and 
                The WideCom Group Inc. ("Licensee")

  10.6          Stock Exchange between The WideCom Group Inc. and Societe 
                Innovatech Du Grand Montreal

  20.1          Press Release