Exhibit 10.2


                 constituted according to An Act respecting Societe 
                 Innovatech du Grand Montreal, R.S.Q., ch. S-17.2, having 
                 its head office and principal place of business in the 
                 City of Montreal, Province of Quebec,

                 (hereinafter referred to as "Innovatech")

                 PARTY OF THE FIRST PART

AND:             3294340 CANADA INC., a body politic and corporate, duly 
                 incorporated according to the Canadian Business 
                 Corporations Act, having its head office and principal 
                 place of business in the City of Montreal, Province of Quebec,

                 (hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation")

                 PARTY OF THE SECOND PART

- ----------------------

1.1    WHEREAS Innovatech wishes to subscribe for shares from the treasury 
of the Corporation at the price set forth hereinafter, the whole on the 
terms and conditions hereinafter set out in this Agreement.

1.2    WHEREAS concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, Widecom 
entered into a Subscription Agreement with the Corporation (the "Widecom 
Subscription Agreement") providing for the subscription by Widecom for 
shares from the treasury of the Corporation.

1.3    WHEREAS concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, Finger 
Print entered into a Rollover Agreement with the Corporation pursuant to 
which Finger Print sold its technology to the Corporation in consideration 
of the issuance by the Corporation to Finger Print of 50 Class A Shares in 
the capital stock of the Corporation (the "Finger Print Rollover 

1.4    WHEREAS concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, Flat Panel 
entered into a Rollover Agreement with the Corporation pursuant to which 
Flat Panel sold its technology to the Corporation in consideration of the 
issuance by the Corporation to Flat Panel of 50 Class A Shares in the 
capital stock of the Corporation (the "Flat Panel Rollover Agreement").


- -----------------------------

2.1    Definitions.  In this Agreement:

      2.1.1    "Agreement" shall mean this Subscription Agreement and all 
      instruments supplemental hereto or in amendment or confirmation 
      hereof; "herein", "hereof", "hereto", "hereunder" and similar 
      expressions mean and refer to this Agreement and not to any particular 
      Section, subsection or other subdivision; "Section", "subsection" or 
      other subdivision of this Agreement means and refers to the specified 
      Section, subsection or other subdivision of this Agreement;

      2.1.2    "Business Day" shall mean any day, other than a Saturday or 
      Sunday or a day on which the principal commercial banks in the 
      Province of Quebec are not open for business during normal banking 

      2.1.3    "Class A Shares" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in 
      the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation;

      2.1.4    "Dollar", "Dollars" and the sign "$" shall, unless otherwise 
      indicated, each mean lawful money of Canada;

      2.1.5    "Finger Print" shall mean 3294412 Canada Inc.;

      2.1.6    "Finger Print Rollover Agreement" shall have the meaning 
      ascribed thereto in subsection 1.3;

      2.1.7    "Flat Panel" shall mean 3294421 Canada Inc.;

      2.1.8    "Flat Panel Rollover Agreement" shall have the meaning 
      ascribed thereto in subsection 1.4;

      2.1.9    "Governmental Body" shall mean (i) any domestic or foreign 
      national, federal, provincial, state, municipal or other government or 
      body, (ii) any multinational, multilateral or international body, 
      (iii) any subdivision, agent, commission, board, instrumentality or 
      authority of any of the foregoing governments or bodies, (iv) any 
      quasi-governmental or private body exercising any regulatory, 
      expropriation or taxing authority under or for the account of any of 
      the foregoing governments or bodies, or (v) any domestic, foreign, 
      international, multilateral or multinational judicial, quasi-judicial, 
      arbitration or administrative court, tribunal, commission, board or 

      2.1.10    "Innovatech Shares" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto 
      in subsection 3.1;

      2.1.11    "Person" shall mean an individual, corporation, company, 
      cooperative, partnership, trust, unincorporated association, entity 
      with judicial personality, Governmental Body; and pronouns when they 
      refer to a Person have a similarly extended meaning;

      2.1.12    "Shareholders Agreement" shall mean the Memorandum of 
      Agreement of even date among the parties hereto and Widecom, Finger 
      Print and Flat Panel setting forth the terms and conditions which will 
      govern the relationship of the shareholders of the Corporation;

      2.1.13    "Widecom License Agreement" shall mean the license agreement 
      entered into between Widecom and the Corporation on the date hereof by 
      which Widecom licenses to the Corporation all its technology, which 
      the Corporation shall be entitled to use for scientific research and 
      experimental development;

      2.1.14    "Widecom" shall mean The Widecom Group Inc.;

      2.1.15    "Widecom Subscription Agreement" shall have the meaning 
      ascribed thereto in subsection 1.2.

2.2    Gender.  Any reference in this Agreement to any gender shall include 
both genders and the neutral, and words used herein importing the singular 
number only shall include the plural and vice versa.

2.3    Headings.  The division of this Agreement into Sections, subsections 
and other subdivisions, and the insertion of headings are for convenience of 
reference only and shall not affect or be utilized in the construction or 
interpretation of this Agreement.

2.4    Severability.  Any Section, subsection or other subdivision of this 
Agreement or any other provision of this Agreement which is, or becomes, 
illegal, invalid or unenforceable shall be severed therefrom and shall be 
ineffective to the extent of such illegality, invalidity or unenforceability 
and shall not affect or impair the remaining provisions hereof, which 
provisions shall be severed from an illegal or unenforceable Section, 
subsection or other subdivision of this Agreement or any other provisions of 
this Agreement.

2.5    Entire Agreement.  This Agreement together with any other instruments 
to be delivered pursuant hereto, constitute the entire agreement among the 
parties pertaining to the subject matter hereof and supersede all prior 
agreements, understandings, negotiations, and discussions, whether oral or 
written, among any or all of the parties.

2.6    Amendments.  No amendment of this Agreement shall be binding unless 
otherwise expressly provided in an instrument duly executed by each of the 
parties hereto.

2.7    Waiver.  Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, no waiver of 
any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a 
waiver of any other provisions (whether or not similar), nor shall such 
waiver constitute a continuing waiver unless otherwise expressly provided in 
an instrument duly executed by the parties.

2.8    Delays.  When calculating the period of time within which or 
following which any act is to be done or step taken pursuant to this 
Agreement, the day which is the reference day in calculating such period 
shall be excluded. If the day on which such delay expires is not a Business 
Day, then the delay shall be extended to the next succeeding Business Day.

2.9    Preamble.  The preamble hereof shall form an integral part of this 

2.10    Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted 
and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Province of Quebec and the 
laws of Canada applicable therein.

- ---------------------------

3.1    Innovatech Subscription.  Subject to the terms and conditions 
contained herein, Innovatech hereby subscribes for four hundred and fifty 
(450) Class A Shares (collectively the "Innovatech Shares") of the 
Corporation's share capital at the aggregate subscription price of two 
million and five hundred thousand dollars ($ 2,500,000.00). The Corporation 
hereby accepts the subscription of Innovatech for the Innovatech Shares 
subject to the terms and conditions contained herein.

3.2    Payment and Issue of Innovatech Shares.  Innovatech hereby agrees to 
remit to the Corporation on the date hereof the aggregate subscription price 
set forth in subsection 3.1, and the Corporation shall, upon receipt of a 
cheque for the aggregate subscription price set forth in subsection 3.1, 
issue the Innovatech Shares to Innovatech and deliver share certificates 
representing same.

- ---------------------------------------------

4.1    Representations and Warranties of Innovatech.  Innovatech hereby 
represents and warrants to the Corporation, and acknowledges and confirms 
that the Corporation is relying upon such representations and warranties in 
connection herewith and would not have entered into this Agreement without 
such representations and warranties:

      4.1.1    it is duly constituted or formed, validly existing and in 
      good standing under the laws pursuant to which it was constituted or 

      4.1.2    it has the necessary corporate power and authority to execute 
      this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder. The execution 
      of this Agreement by it and the performance by it of its obligations 
      hereunder have been duly authorized by all necessary action on its 
      part. The execution of this Agreement by it and performance by it of 
      its obligations hereunder do not require any action or consent of, any 
      registration with, or notification to any Person, or any action or 
      consent under any laws to which it is subject, other than the consent 
      of the board of directors of Innovatech, which has been obtained;

      4.1.3    the execution of this Agreement, the consummation of the 
      transactions contemplated herein, the performance by it of its 
      obligations hereunder and the compliance by it with this Agreement do 

      violate, contravene or breach, or constitute a 
            default under, its constating laws or by-laws; or

      violate, contravene or breach any laws to which it is 

      4.1.4    neither it nor any of its directors, officers, employees or 
      agents has employed or incurred any liability to any broker, finder or 
      agent for any brokerage fees, finder's fees, commissions or other 
      amounts with respect to this Agreement or any of the transactions 
      contemplated hereby.

4.2    Representations and Warranties of the Corporation.  The Corporation 
hereby represents and warrants as follows to Innovatech and acknowledges and 
confirms that Innovatech is relying upon such representations and warranties 
in connection herewith and would not have entered into this Agreement 
without such representations and warranties:

      4.2.1    the Corporation:

      is duly incorporated, validly existing and in good 
            standing under the laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation; 

      has not carried on any business since its 

      4.2.2    the Corporation has the necessary corporate power and 
      authority to execute this Agreement and to perform its obligations 
      hereunder. The execution of this Agreement by the Corporation and the 
      performance by the Corporation of its obligations hereunder have been 
      duly authorized by all necessary action on its part. The execution of 
      this Agreement by the Corporation and performance by the Corporation 
      of its obligations hereunder do not require any actions or consent of, 
      any registration with, or notification to, any Person, or any action 
      or consent under any laws to which the Corporation is subject;

      4.2.3    the execution of this Agreement, the consummation of the 
      transactions contemplated herein, the performance by the Corporation 
      of its obligations hereunder and the compliance by it with this 
      Agreement do not:

       violate, contravene or breach, or constitute a 
             default under, the constating documents or by-laws of the 

       violate, contravene or breach, or constitute a 
             default under any contract, agreement, indenture, instruments, 
             or commitment to which the Corporation may be a party, or its 
             properties may be subject, or by which it is bound or affected; 

       violate, contravene or breach any applicable laws to 
             which the Corporation is subject;

      4.2.4    the authorized capital of the Corporation consists of an 
      unlimited number of Class A Shares, an unlimited number of Class B 
      Shares, an unlimited number of Class C Shares, an unlimited number of 
      Class D Shares, an unlimited number of Class E Shares and an unlimited 
      number of Class F Shares. After giving effect to this Agreement, the 
      Finger Print Rollover Agreement, the Flat Panel Rollover Agreement and 
      the Widecom Subscription Agreement, the only shares of the Corporation 
      which are issued and outstanding are the Innovatech Shares, the fifty 
      (50) Class A shares issued to Finger Print pursuant to the Finger 
      Print Rollover Agreement, the fifty (50) Class A shares issued to Flat 
      Panel pursuant to the Flat Panel Rollover Agreement and the four 
      hundred and fifty (450) Class A shares issued to Widecom pursuant to 
      the Widecom Subscription Agreement, which shares are fully paid and 

      4.2.5    no Person has any agreement, option, right or privilege 
      (whether pre-emptive or contractual) capable of becoming an agreement 
      for the purchase from the Corporation of any securities of the 
      Corporation other than as provided in the Shareholders Agreement;

      4.2.6    neither the Corporation nor any of its respective directors, 
      officers, employees or agents has employed or incurred any liability 
      to any broker, finder or agent for any brokerage fees, finder's fees, 
      commissions or other amounts with respect to this Agreement or any of 
      the transactions contemplated hereby;

      4.2.7    the Corporation is not a non-resident of Canada within the 
      meaning of the Income Tax Act (Canada).

4.3    Reliance on Representations and Warranties.  Notwithstanding any 
investigation conducted prior or subsequent to the date hereof, the parties 
shall be entitled to rely upon the representations and warranties set forth 
herein and the obligations of the parties with respect thereto shall survive 
the execution of this Agreement for a period of three (3) years except for 
the representations and warranties set forth in subsections 4.2.4 and 4.2.5 
which shall survive indefinitely.

4.4    Representations and Warranties of Widecom. Widecom hereby agrees and 
confirms that the representations and warranties made by it pursuant to 
subsection 4.1 of the Widecom Subscription Agreement shall apply mutatis 
mutandis in favour of Innovatech as if made in this Agreement and hereby 
acknowledges and confirms that Innovatech is relying upon such 
representations and warranties in connection herewith and would not have 
entered into this Agreement without such representations and warranties. 
Widecom hereby also agrees and confirms that the representations and 
warranties made by it pursuant to Section 9 of the Widecom License Agreement 
shall apply mutatis mutandis in favour of Innovatech as if made in this 
Agreement and hereby also acknowledges and confirms that Innovatech is 
relying upon such representations and warranties in connection herewith and 
would not have entered into this Agreement without such representations and 

4.5    Representations and Warranties of Flat Panel.  Flat Panel hereby 
agrees and confirms that the representations and warranties made by it 
pursuant to subsection 3.1 of the Flat Panel Rollover Agreement shall apply 
mutatis mutandis in favour of Innovatech as if made in this Agreement and 
hereby acknowledges and confirms that Innovatech is relying upon such 
representations and warranties in connection herewith and would not have 
entered into this Agreement without such representations and warranties.

4.6    Representations and Warranties of Finger Print.  Finger Print hereby 
agrees and confirms that the representations and warranties made by it 
pursuant to subsection 3.1 of the Finger Print Rollover Agreement shall 
apply mutatis mutandis in favour of Innovatech as if made in this Agreement 
and hereby acknowledges and confirms that Innovatech is relying upon such 
representations and warranties in connection herewith and would not have 
entered into this Agreement without such representations and warranties.

- ------------------------------

5.1    The Corporation hereby covenants to indemnify and save harmless 
Innovatech from and against any claims, demands, actions, causes of actions, 
judgments, damages, losses (which shall include any diminution in value), 
liabilities, costs or expenses (including, without limitation, interest, 
penalties and reasonable attorneys' and experts' fees and disbursements) 
which may be made against Innovatech or which it may suffer or incur solely 
as a result of, arising out of or relating to any incorrectness in, or 
breach of, any representation or warranty made by the Corporation in this 

5.2    Widecom hereby covenants to indemnify and save harmless Innovatech 
from and against any claims, demands, actions, causes of actions, judgments, 
damages, losses (which shall include any diminution in value), liabilities, 
costs or expenses (including, without limitation, interest, penalties and 
reasonable attorneys' and experts' fees and disbursements) which may be made 
against Innovatech or which it may suffer or incur solely as a result of, 
arising out of or relating to any incorrectness in, or breach of, any 
representation or warranty made by Widecom in this Agreement.

5.3    Flat Panel hereby covenants to indemnify and save harmless Innovatech 
from and against any claims, demands, actions, causes of actions, judgments, 
damages, losses (which shall include any diminution in value), liabilities, 
costs or expenses (including, without limitation, interest, penalties and 
reasonable attorneys' and experts' fees and disbursements) which may be made 
against Innovatech or which it may suffer or incur solely as a result of, 
arising out of or relating to any incorrectness in, or breach of, any 
representation or warranty made by Flat Panel in this Agreement.

5.4    Finger Print hereby covenants to indemnify and save harmless 
Innovatech from and against any claims, demands, actions, causes of actions, 
judgments, damages, losses (which shall include any diminution in value), 
liabilities, costs or expenses (including, without limitation, interest, 
penalties and reasonable attorneys' and experts' fees and disbursements) 
which may be made against Innovatech or which it may suffer or incur solely 
as a result of, arising out of or relating to any incorrectness in, or 
breach of, any representation or warranty made by Finger Print in this 

- ---------------------------------

6.1    Further Assurances.  Each party upon the request of the others, shall 
do, execute, acknowledge and deliver or cause to be done, executed, 
acknowledged or delivered all such further acts, deeds, documents, 
assignments, transfers, conveyances, powers of attorney and assurances as 
may be reasonably necessary or desirable to effect complete consummation of 
the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

6.2    Successors in Interest.  This Agreement and the provisions hereof 
shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties and their 
respective successors and permitted assigns.

6.3    Arbitration.  Any dispute or controversy between the Corporation and 
Innovatech relating to any matter arising out of or connected with the 
rights and obligations of the parties hereto under this Agreement shall be 
settled in accordance with the provisions of subsection 6.11 and Section 17 
of the Shareholders Agreement.

6.4    Notices.  All offers, acceptances, rejections, notices, requests, 
authorizations, permissions directions, demands and other communications 
hereunder shall be given in writing and shall be given by telecopier, or 
delivered by hand, to the other party at the following addresses:

if to Innovatech:             SOCIETE INNOVATECH DU GRAND MONTREAL
                              2020 University Avenue
                              Suite 1527
                              Montreal, Quebec
                              H3A 2A5

                              Attention: Andre Duquenne

                              Telecopier: (514) 864-4220

if to the Corporation:        3294340 CANADA INC.
                              55 City Centre Dr.
                              Suite 500
                              Mississauga, Ontario
                              L5B 1M3

                              Attention:  President

                              Telecopier: (905) 566-0181

with a copy in all cases to:  LAPOINTE ROSENSTEIN
                              1250 Rene-Levesque Blvd. West
                              Suite 1400
                              Montreal, Quebec
                              H3B 5E9

                              Attention: Perry Kliot

                              Telecopier: (514) 925-9001

with a copy in all cases to:  BOIVIN O'NEIL
                              2000 Mansfield Street
                              Suite 1300
                              Montreal, Quebec
                              H3A 3A1

                              Attention: Anne O'Neil

                              Telecopier: (514) 844-5836

or at such other address as the parties may have previously indicated to the 
other parties in writing in conformity with the foregoing. Any such notice, 
request, demand or other communication shall be deemed to have been received 
on the date of delivery if delivered by hand, or the next Business Day 
immediately following the date of transmission if sent by telecopier. The 
original copy of any notice sent by telecopier shall be forwarded to the 
other party by registered mail, receipt return requested.

6.5    Time of the essence.  Time shall be of the essence in this Agreement.

6.6    Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in any number of 
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of 
which together shall constitute one and the same document.

6.7    Legal Fees.  The Corporation hereby confirms that it shall pay for 
all legal fees incurred by Innovatech in connection with the preparation 
and/or review of this Agreement, as well as all other agreements executed on 
this day among Innovatech, Widecom, Finger Print, Flat Panel and the 

6.8    Use of Subscription Price.  The Corporation hereby confirms that the 
aggregate subscription price paid by Innovatech for the Innovatech Shares 
shall be used by it substantially for the purposes and in the manner set out 
in the business plan prepared by Widecom dated March 14, 1996, as amended on 
July 31, 1996.

6.9    Language.  The parties hereto agree that this Agreement as well as 
all documentation contemplated hereby or pertaining hereto or to be executed 
in connection herewith be drawn up in the English language; les parties 
consentent a l'effet que cette convention de meme que tous documents 
envisages par les presentes ou y ayant trait ou qui seront signes 
relativement aux presentes soient rediges en anglais.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed at the place and on the 
date first hereinabove mentioned.


      Bernard Coupal

3294340 CANADA INC.

      Raja S. Tuli


      AND TO THESE PRESENTS DOES INTERVENE the undersigned, who hereby takes 
cognizance of this Agreement and agrees to be bound by the provisions of 
subsections 4.4 and 5.2 of this Agreement which are applicable to it.

      Montreal, this 2nd day of October, 1996.




      AND TO THESE PRESENTS DOES INTERVENE the undersigned, who hereby takes 
cognizance of this Agreement and agrees to be bound by the provisions of 
subsections 4.5 and 5.3 of this Agreement which are applicable to it.

      Montreal, this 2nd day of October, 1996.

3294421 CANADA INC.



      AND TO THESE PRESENTS DOES INTERVENE the undersigned, who hereby takes 
cognizance of this Agreement and agrees to be bound by the provisions of 
subsections 4.6 and 5.4 of this Agreement which are applicable to it.

      Montreal, this 2nd day of October, 1996.

3294412 CANADA INC.


                            SOLIDARY UNDERTAKING

      The undersigned hereby takes cognizance of this Agreement and agrees 
to be solidarily bound with 3299421 Canada Inc. in respect of the 
representations, warranties and indemnifications made by 3294421 Canada Inc. 
pursuant to subsections 4.5 and 5.3 of this Agreement and to be solidarily 
bound with 3294412 Canada Inc. in respect of the representations, warranties 
and indemnifications made by 3294412 Canada Inc. pursuant to subsections 4.6 
and 5.4 of this Agreement.

      Montreal, this 2nd day of October, 1996.