Exhibit  10.4


BY AND BETWEEN:    THE WIDECOM GROUP INC., a body politic and corporate, 
                   duly incorporated according to the laws of the Province of 
                   Ontario, having its head office and principal place of 
                   business in the City of Mississauga, Ontario

                   (hereinafter referred to as "Licensor")

                   PARTY OF THE FIRST PART

AND:               3294340 CANADA INC., a body politic and corporate, duly 
                   incorporated according to the Canadian Business 
                   Corporations Act, having its head office and principal 
                   place of business in the City of Montreal, Province of 

                   (hereinafter referred to as "Licensee")

                   PARTY OF THE SECOND PART

- -----------------------

12.1    WHEREAS Licensor owns the Intellectual Property (as hereinafter 

12.2    WHEREAS Licensee wishes to obtain from Licensor an exclusive license 
to use the Intellectual Property for research and development purposes in 
order to develop improvements, modifications, additions or alterations to 
the Intellectual Property so as to improve the Plotter, the Scanner and the 
Applications Software (as hereinafter defined) and to develop one or more 
new marketable products, and Licensor wishes to grant such license to 
Licensee subject to the terms and conditions set forth hereinafter;

12.3    WHEREAS Licensor wishes to obtain from Licensee, upon completion of 
such research and development, an exclusive perpetual license to i) use the 
improvements, modifications, additions or alterations to the Intellectual 
Property developed by Licensee for research and development purposes in 
order to develop improvements, modifications, additions or alterations to 
the Intellectual Property developed by Licensee and the Plotter, the Scanner 
and the Applications Software and any other product manufactured using same, 
ii) manufacture, distribute, sell and market any improved product or other 
product manufactured using such new intellectual property in the Territory 
(as hereinafter defined), and iii) grant sub-licenses of those rights; and

12.4    WHEREAS Licensee wishes to grant the license referred to in 
subsection 1.3 hereof to Licensor, subject to the terms and conditions set 
forth in the license agreement entered into between Licensee and Licensor 
simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement.


- -----------------------------

13.1    Definitions.  As used in this Agreement, initial capitalized terms 
defined in Schedule "2.1" shall have the meaning set out in such Schedule.

13.2    Gender.  Any reference in this Agreement to any gender shall include 
both genders and the neutral, and words used herein importing the singular 
number only shall include the plural and vice versa.

13.3    Headings.  The division of this Agreement into Sections, subsections 
and other subdivisions, and the insertion of headings are for convenience of 
reference only and shall not affect or be utilized in the construction or 
interpretation of this Agreement.

13.4    Severability.  Any Section, subsection or other subdivision of this 
Agreement or any other provision of this Agreement which is, or becomes, 
illegal, invalid or unenforceable shall be severed therefrom and shall be 
ineffective to the extent of such illegality, invalidity or unenforceability 
and shall not affect or impair the remaining provisions hereof, which 
provisions shall be severed from an illegal or unenforceable Section, 
subsection or other subdivision of this Agreement or any other provisions of 
this Agreement.

13.5    Entire Agreement.  This Agreement together with any other 
instruments to be delivered pursuant hereto, constitute the entire agreement 
among the Parties pertaining to the subject matter hereof and supersede all 
prior agreements, understandings, negotiations, and discussions, whether 
oral or written, between the Parties.

13.6    Amendments.  No amendment of this Agreement shall be binding unless 
otherwise expressly provided in an instrument duly executed by each Party 

13.7    Waiver.  Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, no waiver 
of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a 
waiver of any other provisions (whether or not similar), nor shall such 
waiver constitute a continuing waiver unless otherwise expressly provided in 
an instrument duly executed by the Parties.

13.8    Delays.  When calculating the period of time within which or 
following which any act is to be done or step taken pursuant to this 
Agreement, the day which is the reference day in calculating such period 
shall be excluded. If the day on which such delay expires is not a Business 
Day, then the delay shall be extended to the next succeeding Business Day.

13.9    Preamble.  The preamble hereof shall form an integral part of this 

13.10    Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted 
and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Province of Quebec and the 
laws of Canada applicable therein.

- ------------------------------

14.1    Licensor hereby grants to Licensee, and Licensee hereby accepts, the 
exclusive right to use the Intellectual Property for research and 
development purposes in order to develop improvements, modifications, 
additions or alterations to the Intellectual Property, including, without 
limitation, a print head to be comprised in the Plotter which would enhance 
the print speed of the Plotter, as well as the development of a full contact 
scan chip to be comprised in the Scanner, so as to improve the Plotter and 
the Scanner and to develop one or more new marketable products (hereinafter 
called the "Rights") during the Term.

14.2    During the Term of this Agreement, Licensor, including any of its 
Affiliates, shareholders, directors, employees or consultants, shall not, 
directly or indirectly, without Licensee's prior written consent, use the 
Intellectual Property for research and development purposes as contemplated 
in this Agreement, nor shall it grant all or a portion of the Rights to any 

- -------------------------------------

15.1    Following the execution of this Agreement, and at any other time 
upon request by Licensee, Licensor shall disclose to Licensee the 
Intellectual Property and all other documents, information and data required 
by Licensee pursuant to the execution of this Agreement, including, without 
limitation, the source-code of the Software and the Applications Software.

- -------------------------------------

16.1    Licensee undertakes to use the Intellectual Property for research 
and development purposes in order to develop improvements, modifications, 
additions or alterations to the Intellectual Property in the manner 
described in section 3.1 hereof so as to improve the Plotter, the Scanner 
and the Applications Software and to develop one or more new marketable 

- --------------------------------------------------------

17.1    The Parties hereby agree that any improvements, modifications, 
additions and alterations made to the Intellectual Property and any patents, 
technology, know-how and trade secrets resulting from such improvements, 
modifications, additions and alterations developed by or on behalf of 
Licensee, its agents, employees, consultants or representatives at any time 
during the Term shall be the exclusive property of Licensee.  Licensor shall 
cooperate fully with and assist Licensee in obtaining, at Licensor's 
expense, patents, copyrights, industrial designs, trademarks and other 
intellectual property registration with respect to such improvements, 
modifications, additions and alterations. The Parties further agree that, in 
consideration for the grant of the Rights, Licensee shall, simultaneously 
with the execution of this Agreement, execute and deliver a license 
agreement, pursuant to which Licensee shall grant to Licensor an exclusive 
perpetual license to i) use the improvements, modifications, additions or 
alterations to the Intellectual Property developed by Licensee for research 
and development purposes in order to develop improvements, modifications, 
additions or alterations to the Intellectual Property developed by Licensee, 
the Plotter, the Scanner, the Applications Software and any other product 
manufactured using same, ii) manufacture, distribute, sell and market any 
improved product and other product manufactured using such new intellectual 
property in the Territory, and iii) grant sub-licenses of those rights.

- ---------------------------------------

18.1    Each Party hereby acknowledges that it may receive Confidential 
Information from the other Party (the "Disclosing Party").  Each Party 
hereby acknowledges, accepts and agrees that:

      18.1.1    the Confidential Information is non public and confidential 
      and shall at all times remain the property of the Disclosing Party;

      18.1.2    the disclosure by the Disclosing Party of the Confidential 
      Information to the other Party (the "Receiving Party") is for the sole 
      purpose of enabling it to carry out its obligations under the terms of 
      this Agreement; and

      18.1.3    the Receiving Party shall not assert, directly or 
      indirectly, any right with respect to the Confidential Information 
      which may impair or be adverse to the Disclosing Party's ownership 

18.2    Each Party shall keep the Confidential Information, and the fact 
that the Confidential Information has been provided, confidential at all 
times (regardless of the extent or duration of the relationship of the 
Parties and regardless of whether such Confidential Information was 
disclosed before or after the date of this Agreement) and shall not disclose 
such Confidential Information, in whole or in part, to any person other than 
to its sub-licensees, agents, employees and other authorized representatives 
(collectively herein referred to as the "Representatives") who need to know 
such information in connection with the performance of its obligations under 
the terms of this Agreement, without the prior written consent of the 
Disclosing Party.  Each Party agrees to use, and shall use its best efforts 
to ensure that its Representatives use, the same degree of care as such 
Party uses to protect its own Confidential Information.  Each Party shall 
inform its Representatives of the confidential nature of the Confidential 
Information and shall require such Representatives to keep such information 
confidential.  Each Party shall be fully responsible for any breach of this 
Agreement by its Representatives.

18.3    Any Confidential Information disclosed by the Disclosing Party shall 
remain the sole and exclusive property of the Disclosing Party.

18.4    Any Confidential Information supplied to the Receiving Party by the 
Disclosing Party prior to the execution of this Agreement shall be 
considered in the same manner and be subject to the same treatment as the 
Confidential Information made available after the execution of this 

18.5    In the event of a material breach of the undertakings of either 
Party under this Section 7, money damages may be inadequate and the 
Disclosing Party shall be entitled to seek injunctive relief and specific 
performance.  Such remedy shall not be deemed to be the exclusive remedy for 
any such breach but shall be in addition to all other remedies available at 
law.  The Disclosing Party shall be entitled to reasonable legal fees 
(including reasonable attorney's fees and expenses) and other costs 
reasonably incurred to remedy any and all material breaches by the Receiving 
Party of this Agreement.

- -----------------------------------

19.1    Term.  Subject to the provisions of Section 8.2 hereof, the grant 
herein of the Rights shall be for a term commencing on the date of execution 
hereof and terminating on the earlier of i) the date of Completion of the 
Research and Development, or ii) the date on which no more funds shall be 
available to Licensee to pursue the research and development contemplated in 
this Agreement, or iii) the expiration of a five (5)-year period (the 

19.2    Default.  Without prejudice to any other remedy available at law, 
either Party (the "Notifying Party") shall have the right to terminate this 
Agreement immediately upon written notice to the other (the "Defaulting 
Party") if:

      19.2.1    there is a material breach by the Defaulting Party of any 
      provision of this Agreement other than the provisions of Section 7, 
      provided such breach continues unremedied for at least sixty (60) days 
      after written notice of such is given to the Defaulting Party;

      19.2.2    there is a breach by the Defaulting Party of any provision 
      of Section 7; or

      19.2.3    an Event of Default occurs with respect to the Defaulting 

19.3    Upon termination of this Agreement:

      19.3.1    Licensee will cease to hold any interest in the Rights 
      granted to it in this Agreement and the Intellectual Property;

      19.3.2    Licensee will immediately deliver to Licensor all 
      documentation or other information provided to Licensee under this 
      Agreement, without retaining any copy or record of them.

19.4    Termination of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever will not 
release the Parties from any obligation which remains unfulfilled at that 
time or release the Parties from those obligations which survive such 
termination including, without limiting the foregoing, the obligations set 
forth in Sections 7 and 11.

- ---------------------------------------------

20.1    Licensor hereby represents and warrants:

      20.1.1    that it owns the Intellectual Property, and that the 
      Intellectual Property constitutes all the intellectual property 
      required to perform the research and development contemplated by this 

      20.1.2    that it has the right to grant the Rights;

      20.1.3    that, as of the date hereof, the Intellectual Property is 
      free and clear of any hypothecs, liens or encumbrances.  However, in 
      the event that Licensor wishes to hypothecate or encumber any of the 
      Intellectual Property, Licensor hereby agrees and undertakes to inform 
      its creditors of the existence of this Agreement;

      20.1.4    that the Patents have been duly filed with the appropriate 
      Authorities and such filing remains in full force and effect;

      20.1.5    that the execution, delivery and performance of this 
      Agreement, the granting of the Rights and the consummation of the 
      transactions contemplated hereby will not breach, violate or conflict 
      with any instrument or agreement, written or oral, governing the 
      Intellectual Property and will not cause the forfeiture or termination 
      or give rise to a right of forfeiture or termination of Licensor' 
      rights to the Intellectual Property or in any way impair the right of 
      Licensor to bring any action for the infringement of the Intellectual 
      Property or any part thereof;

      20.1.6    that there are no pending or, to the best of Licensor's 
      knowledge, threatened proceedings, litigation or other adverse claims 
      affecting, or with respect to, the Intellectual Property or any part 
      thereof and no Person is, to the best of Licensor's knowledge, 
      infringing the Intellectual Property;

      20.1.7    that it has all the rights and power to enter into this 

      20.1.8    that the undersigned officer has full authority to execute 
      this Agreement.

20.2    Licensee hereby represents and warrants:

      20.2.1    that it has all the rights and power to enter into this 

      20.2.2    that the undersigned officer has full authority to execute 
      this Agreement;

      20.2.3    that this Agreement does not violate the terms of any other 
      agreement to which Licensee is subject or to which Licensee is bound.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

21.1    Licensor will maintain the validity of the Patents, and take all 
steps to register the Patents in any jurisdictions as may be required by 
Licensee from time to time, by paying all required maintenance fees and 
other costs associated with maintaining the validity and registering the 

21.2    Each Party shall promptly notify the other of any infringement or 
threatened infringement by a third party of the Intellectual Property as 
well as any action to invalidate or revoke the Intellectual Property which 
may come to its attention.

21.3    The Parties shall consult with one another with respect to each 
infringement or violation of the Intellectual Property.  Whenever the 
Parties conclude that proceedings should be taken with respect to any such 
infringement or violation, they shall promptly and diligently prosecute same 
and each party shall assume one-half (1/2) of the costs and expenses related 
thereto and be entitled to one-half (1/2) of all recoveries and awards 
therefrom.  Whenever a Party advises the other Party that it does not intend 
to participate in any such proceedings, the other Party shall be free to 
prosecute same and shall pay all costs and expenses related thereto and be 
entitled to all recoveries and awards therefrom.  Licensor shall, however, 
be entitled to join in any such proceedings at any time.  The parties shall 
at all times fully cooperate in the prosecution of all such proceedings.

21.4    If only one of the Parties decides to institute suit or action, it 
is understood that the Party that did not institute suit or action shall 
render all reasonable assistance to the Party that did institute suit or 
action, including, but not limited to, executing all documents as may be 
reasonably requested by the Party that did institute such suit or action, 
and providing all necessary documentation evidencing the infringement that 
such Party has in its possession or may acquire thereafter.

21.5    In the event that Licensee initiates any and all lawsuits involving 
or relating to the Intellectual Property, it shall do so in good faith and 
to the best of its ability.

21.6    Licensee shall not contest the ownership or validity of the 
Intellectual Property, whether directly or indirectly, at any time during 
the Term or at any time thereafter.

- ------------------------------

22.1    Licensee shall indemnify and save and hold Licensor harmless from 
and against any debts, liabilities, claims, actions, causes of actions, 
suits, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including injury or death to 
persons, damage to property and reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, 
which Licensor is or may become liable for or be compelled to pay as a 
result or by reason of any act or omission of Licensee or its directors, 
officers, servants, agents or employees in connection with Licensee's 
performance under the terms of this Agreement, or arising or resulting in 
any way from the use of the Intellectual Property, subject to the provisions 
of subsection 11.2 hereof.

22.2    Licensor shall indemnify and save and hold Licensee harmless from 
and against any debts, liabilities, claims, actions, causes of action, 
suits, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including injury or death to 
persons, damage to property and reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, 
which Licensee is or may become liable for or be compelled to pay as a 
result or by reason of any act or omission of Licensor or its directors, 
officers, servants, agents or employees in connection with Licensor' 
performance under the terms of this Agreement, or any defects of the 
Intellectual Property, or by reason of any proceeding of a third party 
claiming that the use of all or any part of the Intellectual Property by 
Licensee constitutes an infringement of its rights.

22.3    Throughout the Term and for a period of two (2) years after its 
termination, each Party shall maintain comprehensive general public 
liability insurance, including blanket contractual liability and personal 
injury liability endorsements, against claims for product liability and such 
other claims as are contemplated herein.  Such insurances shall be for no 
less than one million CDN dollars ($1,000,000 CDN) per occurrence and shall 
be written with a reputable insurer.  The other Party shall be named as an 
additional insured, as its interest may appear, under each such policy of 
insurance.  Each such policy shall contain an endorsement providing that 
coverage thereunder shall not be amended, reduced or cancelled without 
thirty (30) days prior written notice having been provided to the other 

- ----------------------

23.1    Notices.  All notices, requests, demands and other communications 
hereunder shall be given in writing and shall be given by telecopier, or 
delivered by hand, to the other Party at the following addresses:

if to Licensor:               THE WIDECOM GROUP INC.
                              55, City Centre Dr.
                              Suite 500
                              Mississauga, Ontario
                              L5B 1M3

                              Attention: The President

                              Telecopier: (905) 566-0181

if to Licensee:               3294340 CANADA INC.
                              c/o Raja Tuli
                              55, City Centre Dr.
                              Suite 500
                              Mississauga, Ontario
                              L5B 1M3

                              Attention: The President

                              Telecopier: (905) 566-0181

with a copy in all cases to:  LAPOINTE ROSENSTEIN
                              1250 Rene-Levesque Blvd. West
                              Suite 1400
                              Montreal, Quebec
                              H3B 5E9

                              Attention: Perry Kliot

                              Telecopier: (514) 925-9001

or at such other address as the parties may have previously indicated to the 
other Party in writing in conformity with the foregoing. Any such notice, 
request, demand or other communication shall be deemed to have been received 
on the date of delivery if delivered by hand, or the next Business Day 
immediately following the date of transmission if sent by telecopier. The 
original copy of any notice sent by telecopier shall be forwarded to the 
other Party by registered mail, receipt return requested.

- ---------------------------------------

24.1    Press release.  Any press release or any public announcement, 
statement or publicity with respect to the transaction contemplated in this 
Agreement shall be made only with the prior consent of both Parties.

24.2    Further documents.  Each Party upon the request of the other, shall 
do, execute, acknowledge and deliver or cause to be done, executed, 
acknowledged or delivered all such further acts, deeds, documents, 
assignments, transfers, conveyances, powers of attorney and assurances as 
may be reasonably necessary or desirable to effect complete consummation of 
the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

24.3    Successors and assigns.  This Agreement and the provisions hereof 
shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Parties and their 
respective successors and permitted assigns.  Licensee shall not assign any 
of its rights, title and interest in and to this Agreement without Licensor' 
prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or 

24.4    Time of the essence.  Time shall be of the essence in this 

24.5    Arbitration.  Any dispute or controversy between the Parties 
relating to any matter arising out of or connected with the rights and 
obligations of the Parties hereto under this Agreement shall be settled in 
accordance with the provisions of subsection 6.11 and Section 18 of the 
Shareholders Agreement.

24.6    Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in any number of 
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of 
which together shall constitute one and the same document.

24.7    Language.  The parties hereto confirm their consent that this 
Agreement as well as all documentation contemplated hereby or pertaining 
hereto or to be executed in connection herewith be drawn up in the English 
language; les parties consentent a ce que cette convention de meme que tous 
documents envisages par les presentes ou y ayant trait ou qui seront signes 
relativement aux presentes soient rediges en anglais.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have signed at the place and on the date 
first hereinabove mentioned.

3294340 CANADA INC.                    THE WIDECOM GROUP INC.

Per:                                   Per:            
      Raja S. Tuli                           Raja S. Tuli

                                                              Licence Agreement

                               SCHEDULE "2.1"


"Affiliate" of a Person means an entity which controls, is controlled by, or 
is under common control with such Person; however, the Parties shall not be 
deemed to be "Affiliates" of one another for the purposes of this Agreement;

"Applications Software" means the two applications software packages owned 
by Licensor, namely i) the software known as the "WIDEview" software, which 
is designed to enhance the user's documents imaging capabilities and which 
is generally sold together with the Scanner, and ii) the software known as 
the "SLC-OVLY" software, which enables users to scan documents into AutoCAD 
software and edit documents by converting the scanned image from raster 
format to vector format;

"Authorities" means, in any jurisdiction, all applicable governmental or 
regulatory bodies, agencies, officials, and other authorities in such 

"Business Day" means any day, other than a Saturday or Sunday or a day on 
which the principal commercial banks in the Province of Quebec are not open 
for business during normal banking hours;

"Completion of the Research and Development" means the date on which 
Licensor shall have confirmed to Licensee that the research and development 
contemplated by this Agreement has been completed to its satisfaction;

"Confidential Information" means all concepts, methods, procedures, 
inventions, know-how, secrets, data and other information, whether in 
written, printed, electronic, unrecorded or any other form whatsoever, and 
whether known now or developed throughout the duration of this Agreement and 
which relates in any way to the Intellectual Property, including processes, 
research and development, manufacture and use thereof, and all 
communications and documentation relevant to the Intellectual Property, or 
which relates in any way to the business of the Disclosing Party, except for 
information that the Receiving Party can reasonably demonstrate:

            a)  is in the public domain (provided that information in the 
      public domain has not or does not come into the public domain as the 
      result of disclosure by a receiving Party);

            b)  is known to the Receiving Party prior to disclosure by the 
      other Party;

            c)  becomes available to a Party on a non-confidential basis 
      from a source other than the Disclosing Party; or

            d)  is independently developed by the Receiving Party through 
      Persons who have not had access to, or knowledge of the Confidential 
      Information of the Disclosing Party;

"Event of Default" means, with respect to any Defaulting Party, the 
occurrence of any of the following events:

            a)  an order is made or a resolution or other action is taken 
      for the dissolution, liquidation, winding up or other termination of 
      the corporate existence of the  Defaulting Party; or

            b)  the Defaulting Party commits an act of bankruptcy, becomes 
      insolvent; makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditors or 
      proposes to its creditors a reorganization, arrangement, composition 
      or readjustment of its debts or obligations or otherwise proposes to 
      take advantage of or shelter under any legislation for the protection 
      of debtors; or

            c)  if any proceeding is taken with respect to a compromise or 
      arrangement, or to have the Defaulting Party declared bankrupt or to 
      have a receiver appointed in respect of the Defaulting Party or a 
      substantial portion of its property such proceeding is instituted by 
      the Defaulting Party or is not opposed by the Defaulting Party or such 
      proceeding is instituted by a Person other than the Defaulting Party 
      and the Defaulting Party does not proceed diligently and in good faith 
      to have such proceeding withdrawn forthwith; or

            d)  the Defaulting Party is placed under judicial management, 
      provisionally or finally, or a receiver or a receiver and manager of 
      any of the assets of the Defaulting Party is appointed and such 
      receiver, receiver and manager is not removed within sixty (60) days 
      of such appointment unless the Defaulting Party diligently contest, in 
      good faith, the validity of the appointment of such receiver or 
      receiver and manager; or

            e)  the Defaulting Party ceases or takes steps to cease to carry 
      on its business;

"Intellectual Property" means the Patents, the Know-How and the Software;

"Know-How" means all present technical knowledge, unpatented inventions, 
manufacturing and trade secrets, secret processes, manufacturing procedures, 
methods, as well as current and accumulated experience acquired by Licensor 
as a result of research, practical experience or otherwise, with respect to 
the Plotter, the Scanner and the Applications Software;

"Parties" means Licensee and Licensor and their respective successors and 
permitted assigns and "Party" means any one of them;

"Patents" means the issued patents and patent applications or parts thereof 
which describe or claim subject matter conceived or reduced to practice by 
Licensor bearing numbers US 08403177, US 08510510, US 08546788 and US 
08546785 attached hereto, and any reissues, extensions, substitutions, 
confirmations, registrations, revalidations, additions, or continuations, 
continuations-in-part, and divisions of the foregoing which are granted 

"Person" means an individual, partnership, joint venture, trustee, trust, 
corporation, division of a corporation, unincorporated organization or other 
entity or a government, state or agency or political subdivision thereof, 
and pronouns have a similarly extended meaning;

"Plotter" means a 36-inch-wide plain paper printer developed by Licensor and 
known as the "WIDEfax Plotter";

"Scanner" means a color wide format scanner capable of scanning a document 
up to 36" wide and known as the "WIDEfax Scan";

"Shareholders Agreement" means the Memorandum of Agreement of even date 
among the Parties, 3294412 Canada Inc., 3294421 Canada Inc. and Societe 
Innovatech du Grand Montreal, setting forth the terms and conditions which 
will govern the relationship of Licensor, 3294412 Canada Inc., 3294421 
Canada Inc. and Societe Innovatech du Grand Montreal as shareholders of 

"Software" means any software, other than the Applications Software, 
required to perform the research and development contemplated in this 

"Territory" means the world, except for the Province of Quebec, in Canada.