EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

      AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") made as of the first day of July, 1997 by 
and between Parlex Corporation, a Massachusetts corporation (the "Company"), 
and Herbert W. Pollack of Lexington, Massachusetts (the "Employee").

      In consideration of the mutual promises herein contained, the Company 
and the Employee hereby agree as follows:

      1.  Employment

      The Company hereby employs the Employee, and the Employee hereby 
accepts employment by the Company to render such services in connection with 
the business of the Company as the Company may from time to time request.  
However, the services to be rendered shall be consistent with the level of 
responsibility that the Employee has previously held and shall be performed 
only at the Company's headquarters or at such other location that is 
acceptable to the Employee.  The term of the Employee's employment hereunder 
shall begin on July 1, 1997 and shall end on June 30, 2000.

      2.  Compensation

      In consideration of all services to be rendered by the Employee during 
the term of this Agreement, the Company shall pay to the Employee during the 
term of his employment hereunder compensation at the rate of eighteen 
thousand two hundred and twenty dollars ($18,220.00) per month, payable on 
the last business day of each calendar month or at such other times as the 
Company and the Employee shall agree.

      3.  Death Benefit

      If the Employee dies during the term of employment hereunder, the 
Company agrees to pay to the Designated Beneficiary (as hereinafter defined) 
the compensation provided in section 2 for the remaining term of this 
Agreement.  The Company shall also continue to pay the Designated 
Beneficiary for a period of twenty-four (24) months after June 30, 2000 an 
amount equal to seventy-five percent (75%) of the rate of compensation per 
month payable to the Employee pursuant to section 2 hereof at the time of 
the Employee's death.

      For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Designated Beneficiary" 
shall be the person or persons designated in a writing filed by the Employee 
with the Company or, upon the death of the Employee without having made such 
a designation, the Employee's estate.

      4.  Fringe Benefits

      In addition to the compensation provided for in section 2 above, while 
this Agreement is in effect Employee shall be entitled to receive all fringe 
benefits and perquisites customarily extended to officers and key employees 
of the Company, including but not limited to, profit sharing, bonus, stock 
option, health and life insurance.  The Company agrees to continue medical, 
hospital and life insurance benefits for the Employee for a period of 24 
months after completion of the term of the Agreement with co-payments to be 
made by the Employee subject to and on a basis consistent with the terms and 
conditions of such plans during the term of this Agreement.  If the Employee 
dies during the term of the Agreement, the Company shall continue to provide 
medical and hospital benefits for his spouse for a period of 24 months 
beginning with the first month after the Employee's death with co-payments 
to be made by his spouse as provided herein.

      5.  Further Covenants

      5.1  The Employee agrees that all knowledge and information of a 
secret or confidential nature with respect to the business of the Company 
possessed or acquired by him will be held in confidence and will not, either 
during or after his employment by the Company, be disclosed, published, or 
made use of without the consent of the Company unless and until such 
knowledge and information shall have ceased to be secret or confidential as 
evidenced by general public knowledge.

      5.2  The Employee agrees that all inventions, developments, patents, 
and patent applications relating to the business of the Company made, 
conceived, or obtained by him either alone or in conjunction with others 
during the term of his employment by the Company shall be the sole property 
of the Company.  The Employee agrees to promptly disclose and assign to the 
Company all such inventions, developments, patents, and patent applications, 
and, at the request of the Company to promptly execute and deliver any 
documents and take any other action which the Company deems necessary or 
advisable in order to vest in it all rights to such inventions, 
developments, patents, and patent applications.

      5.3  The Employee agrees that at the termination of his employment by 
the Company he will promptly deliver to the Company all technical data, 
drawings, memoranda, customer lists, and other documents in his possession 
or control which relate to the business of the Company.

      5.4  The Employee agrees that so long as he is employed by the Company 
hereunder, and for a period of twelve (12) months after he ceases to be 
employed by the Company, he will not, directly or indirectly, own, operate, 
or manage or participate in the ownership, operation, or management of, or 
be connected in any matter (whether as owner, employee, or otherwise) with, 
any business in competition with that of the Company anywhere in the United 
States; provided, however, the Employee shall not be deemed to be in 
violation of this subsection 5.4 solely by reason of his ownership of not 
more than two percent (2%) of the equity of any corporation whose stock is 
regularly traded on a national securities exchange or in the over-the-
counter market.  In the event the Company terminates the Employee's 
employment with the Company during the term of this Agreement and said 
termination was not for cause (as said term is defined herein), then and in 
that event only the post termination provisions of this Section 5.4 shall 
not apply.  For purposes of this Agreement, the term "cause" shall mean that 
the Employee shall have breached or failed to perform his obligations and 
job responsibilities in accordance with the terms and conditions of this 
Agreement or his job description, shall demonstrate negligence, 
inefficiency, gross misconduct, dishonesty, or insubordination in the 
execution of his duties as an employee of the Company, or upon conviction of 
a felony or any crime involving moral turpitude.

      5.5  The Employee agrees that so long as he is employed by the Company 
hereunder and for a period of twelve (12) months after he ceases to be 
employed by the Company, he will not, directly or indirectly, through one or 
more persons, offer employment to any employee of the Company, assist in the 
hiring of any employee of the Company  by any other person, or encourage any 
employee of the Company to terminate his or her employment by the Company.  
In the event the Company terminates the Employee's employment with the 
Company during the term of this Agreement and said termination was not for 
cause (as said term is defined in Section 5.4 above), then and in that event 
only the post termination provisions of this Section 5.5 shall not apply.

      5.6  The Employee agrees that the remedy at law for the breach of any 
of the provisions of this section 5 will be inadequate and that the Company 
shall be entitled to injunctive or other equitable relief, in addition to 
any other remedy it may have, without having to prove actual damage to the 
Company because of any breach hereunder by him.

      6.  Change of Control

      In the event of a Change of Control (as defined herein), the Company 
shall, in the sole discretion of the Employee, pay to the Employee in a lump 
sum, an amount equal to the aggregate amount accrued to the deferred 
compensation account, including interest, held by the Company for Employee 
since May of 1982 and all compensation to be paid to Employee under the 
terms of this Agreement through June 30, 2000.  The payment shall be made to 
Employee within 30 days after receipt of written notice from Employee 
exercising his rights under this provision.  For purposes of this section, 
the term "Change of Control" means the happening of any of the following: 
(i) when any "person", as such term is used in Sections 13(d) and 14(d) of 
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Act") (other than the Company or a 
subsidiary or any employee benefit plan (including its trustee) of either 
the Company or a subsidiary) becomes the "beneficial owner" (as defined in 
Rule 13d-3 under the Act), directly or indirectly of securities of the 
Company representing 30 percent or more of the combined voting power of the 
Company's then outstanding securities; or (ii) the occurrence of a 
transaction requiring stockholder approval for the acquisition of the 
Company by an entity other than the Company or its subsidiary through 
purchase of assets, or by merger, or otherwise or (iii) if, as a result of, 
or in connection with, any tender or exchange offer, merger or other 
business combination, sale of assets or contested election, or any 
combination of the foregoing transactions, the persons who were directors of 
the Company before such transaction shall cease to constitute a majority of 
the Board of Directors of the Company or of any successor institution.  For 
purposes of this Section, the term "person" shall exclude all persons who 
are currently officers or directors of the Company, or spouses, or spouses, 
blood relatives or stepchildren of such officers or directors, and trusts 
for the benefit of any such persons, and the estates of any such persons.

      7.  Attachment; assignability

      The right of the Employee or his Designated Beneficiary to any payment 
hereunder shall not be subject in any manner to attachment or other legal 
process for the debts of the Employee or such Designated Beneficiary, and 
the right to any such payment shall not be subject to anticipation, 
alienation, sale, transfer, assignment, or encumbrance.

      8.  Severability

      The provisions of this Agreement shall be severable, and the 
invalidity of any portion of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of 
any other portion hereof.

      9.  Successors

      This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of 
the Company, its successors and assigns, and the Employee, his executors, 
administrators, and personal representatives.

      10.  Governing Law

      This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with 
the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Agreement to be 
executed in its behalf by an officer thereof thereunto duly authorized and 
has caused its seal to be hereunto affixed and duly attested, and the 
Employee has hereunto set his hand and seal, as of the day and year first 
above written.

ATTEST:                                PARLEX CORPORATION:

______________________________         By: /s/ Peter J. Murphy
                                           Peter J. Murphy, President 


                                       /s/ Herbert W. Pollack
                                       Herbert W. Pollack