                           Washington, D.C. 20549

                                  FORM S-4
                           REGISTRATION STATEMENT
                      UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933

                                 MNB Bancorp
           (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

        Massachusetts                     6711                04-3405895
(State or other jurisdiction       (Primary Standard       (I.R.S. Employer
     of incorporation or       Industrial Classification    Identification
        organization)                Code Number)                 No.)

                            300 East Main Street
                        Milford, Massachusetts 01757
                               (508) 634-4100
             (Address, including zip code, and telephone number,
      including area code, of registrant's principal executive offices)

                         ROBERT J. LEWIS, President
                                 MNB Bancorp
                            300 East Main Street
                        Milford, Massachusetts 01757
                               (508) 634-4100
          (Name, address, including zip code, and telephone number,
                 including area code, of agent for service)

                                 Copies to:
                            DAVID F. HANNON, ESQ.
                 Craig and Macauley Professional Corporation
                            Federal Reserve Plaza
                             600 Atlantic Avenue
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02210

Approximate date of commencement of the proposed sale of the securities to 
the public:  As soon as practicable after this Registration Statement 
becomes effective.

If the securities being registered on this Form are being offered in 
connection with the formation of a holding company and there is compliance 
with General Instruction G, check the following box: [x]



                                                 Proposed          Proposed
                                                 maximum           maximum
Title of each class of           Amount to be    offering price    aggregate           Amount of
securities to be registered      registered*     per unit**        offering price**    registration fee
- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common Stock, $1 par value       200,035         $58.06            $11,614,032.00      $3,426.14
<F*>  The number of shares of Common Stock stated above is the maximum number 
      of such shares which may be issued upon consummation of the Merger 
<F**> Calculated in accordance with Rule 457(f)(2) on the basis of the book 
      value of the Common Stock, $1 par value, of The Milford National Bank 
      and Trust Company on December 31, 1997.


                                 MNB BANCORP

                            Cross Reference Sheet
                  pursuant to Item 501 of Registration S-K
                 (Showing the location in the Prospectus of
                responses to the Items of Part I of Form S-4)

No.     Caption                               Heading in Prospectus
- - ----    -------                               ---------------------

1.      Forepart of Registration Statement 
        and Outside Front Cover Page of 
        Prospectus                            Facing Page of Registration 
                                              Statement, Cross Reference 
                                              Sheet, Outside Front Cover 
                                              Page of Prospectus.

2.      Inside Front and Outside Back Cover 
        Pages of Prospectus                   Inside Front Cover Page of 
                                              Prospectus, "TABLE OF 

3.      Risk Factors, Ratio of Earnings to
        Fixed Charges and Other Information   "SUMMARY"

4.      Terms of the Transaction              "SUMMARY," "REORGANIZATION 
                                              PLAN - MERGER," "DESCRIPTION 
                                              OF THE BANK'S COMMON STOCK," 
                                              "DESCRIPTION OF THE HOLDING 
                                              COMPANY'S COMMON STOCK"

5.   Pro Forma Financial Information          N/A

6.   Material Contact with the Company Being
     Being Acquired                           "REORGANIZATION PLAN - MERGER"

7.   Additional Information Required for 
     Reoffering by Persons and Parties 
     Deemed to be Underwriters                N/A

8.   Interests of Named Experts and Counsel   N/A

9.   Disclosure of Commission Position on 
     Indemnification for Securities Act 
     Liabilities                              "REORGANIZATION PLAN -MERGER - 
                                              Other Considerations"

10.  Information with Respect to S-3
     Registrants                              N/A

11.  Incorporation of Certain Information
     by Reference                             N/A

12.  Information with Respect to S-2 or
     S-3 Registrants                          N/A


13.  Incorporation of Certain Information
     by Reference                             N/A

14.  Information with Respect to
     Registrants Other than S-3 or S-2
     Registrants                              "HISTORY AND BUSINESS - The 
                                              Bank," "REGULATION AND 
                                              SUPERVISION," "MARKET PRICE 
                                              AND DIVIDENDS - Holding 
                                              Company Stock," "FINANCIAL 
                                              MATTERS -Selected Financial 
                                              Data," "REORGANIZATION PLAN - 
                                              MERGER - Description of 
                                              Reorganization Plan," 

15.  Information with Respect to S-3 
     Companies                                N/A

16.  Information with Respect to S-2 or
     S-3 Companies                            N/A

17.  Information with Respect to Companies
     Other than S-3 or S-2 Companies          "HISTORY AND BUSINESS - The 
                                              Bank," "REGULATION AND 
                                              SUPERVISION," "MARKET PRICE 
                                              AND DIVIDENDS - Bank Stock," 
                                              "FINANCIAL MATTERS - Selected 
                                              Financial Data," "SECURITY 
                                              OWNERSHIP - The Bank," 

18.  Information if Proxies, Consents or 
     Authorizations are to be Solicited       "THE MEETING," REORGANIZATION 
                                              PLAN - MERGER - Rights of 
                                              Dissenting Shareholders," 
                                              "MANAGEMENT," "SECURITY 
                                              OWNERSHIP," "MISCELLANEOUS 

19.  Information if Proxies, Consents or 
     Authorizations are not to be Solicited
     or in an Exchange Offer                  N/A

- - ----------------
"N/A" means omitted because the answer is negative or the item is not 


                                 MNB BANCORP
                            300 East Main Street
                        Milford, Massachusetts  01757
                               (508) 634-4100


                       COMMON STOCK (PAR VALUE $1.00)



      This Proxy Statement and Prospectus is furnished in connection with 
the solicitation of proxies by the management of The Milford National Bank 
and Trust Company (the "Bank") in connection with the Annual Meeting of 
Shareholders of the Bank to be held on April 8, 1998 to consider and act 
upon the merger of the Bank into a subsidiary of MNB Bancorp (the "Holding 
Company"), pursuant to which all the outstanding shares of common stock of 
the Bank would be exchanged for shares of common stock of the Holding 
Company on the basis of one share of the common stock of the Holding 
Company, par value $1.00, for each share of the common stock of the Bank, 
par value $1.00.  This Proxy Statement has been mailed to all holders of 
record of the common stock of the Bank as of the close of business on 
February 27, 1998.  The cost of soliciting the proxies will be borne by the 
Bank.  The Holding Company has filed a Registration Statement with the 
Securities and Exchange Commission covering the shares of common stock of 
that corporation to be issued in connection with the merger of the Bank into 
a subsidiary of the Holding Company.  This Proxy Statement also constitutes 
a "prospectus" and has been filed with the Securities and Exchange 
Commission as part of the Registration Statement.  Please see page vi "Risk 
Factors" for a description of certain risks in connection with the shares of 
the Holding Company.


      The date of this proxy statement and prospectus is March 9, 1998.




Summary                                                               iii
The Meeting                                                             1
Election of Directors                                                   2
  Information about Nominees                                            3
  Executive Officers                                                    4
  Beneficial Ownership of Bank Stock by Nominees and Officers           5
  Committees                                                            6
  Remuneration of Officers and Directors                                6
Reorganization Plan - Merger                                            7
  Reasons for Reorganization                                            7
  Description of the Reorganization Plan                                9
  Federal Tax Consequences                                             11
  Rights of Dissenting Shareholders                                    12
  Certain Conditions of Merger                                         13
  Differences in Shareholders' Rights                                  13
  Other Considerations                                                 18
History and Business                                                   19
  The Bank                                                             19
  The Holding Company                                                  20
Regulation and Supervision                                             21
Market Price and Dividends                                             22
  Bank Stock                                                           22
  Holding Company Stock                                                22
Financial Matters                                                      23
  Selected Financial Data                                              23
  Capitalization                                                       24
Management                                                             25
  Transactions with Management of Continuing Bank                      25
Description of Bank's Common Stock                                     25
  Dividend Rights                                                      25
  Voting Rights - Cumulative Voting                                    25
  Liquidation Rights                                                   25
  Preemptive Rights                                                    26
  Dissenters' Rights                                                   26
  Other Matters                                                        26
Description of the Holding Company's Common Stock                      26
  Dividend Rights                                                      26
  Voting Rights                                                        26
  Liquidation Rights                                                   27
  Preemptive Rights                                                    27
  Dissenters' Rights                                                   27
  Other Matters                                                        27
Financial Statements                                                   27
Litigation                                                             27
Miscellaneous Matters                                                  28
Legal Opinions                                                         28
Exhibit A - Merger Agreement
Exhibit B - Certain Provisions of 12 U.S.C. [Section Sign]215a  Relating to
            Dissenters' Rights
Exhibit C - Certain Provisions of Certificate of Incorporation
            of Holding Company
Exhibit D - Certain Provisions of By-Laws of the Holding Company


      Shareholders of the Holding Company will receive annual reports of the 
financial condition and results of operations of the Holding Company, which 
reports will be audited and prepared on a consolidated or unconsolidated 
basis in the discretion of the Board of Directors from time to time.  






      The following is a brief summary of certain information contained 
elsewhere in this Proxy Statement and Prospectus.  Certain capitalized terms 
in this Summary are defined elsewhere herein.  Reference is made to, and 
this Summary is qualified in its entirety by, the more detailed information 
in this Proxy Statement and Prospectus and the documents referred to herein.

The Companies

      The Milford National Bank and Trust Company ("Bank") is a national 
banking association that conducts a general commercial banking business 
primarily in Milford, Massachusetts.  The Bank offers general retail banking 
services, commercial and consumer loans, and other banking services.  The 
principal executive office of the Bank is located at 300 East Main Street, 
Milford, Massachusetts, 01757, and its telephone number is (508) 634-4100.  

      MNB Bancorp ("Holding Company") has recently been incorporated under 
the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the purpose of becoming a 
bank holding company within the meaning of the Bank Holding Company Act of 
1956, as amended.  The Holding Company has caused Milford Bank, National 
Association ("New Bank"), a wholly-owned subsidiary, to be chartered solely 
for the purpose of this transaction.  The principal executive office of 
Holding Company is located at 300 East Main Street, Milford, Massachusetts  
01757, and its telephone number is (508) 634-4100.  See "HISTORY AND 
BUSINESS - The Holding Company."

The Meeting

      Time, Date and Place.  The Bank's Annual Meeting of Shareholders will 
be held on April 8, 1998 at 10:00 A.M., local time, at 300 East Main Street, 
Milford, Massachusetts,  01757.  See "THE MEETING."

      Record Date, Shares Entitled to Vote.  Holders of Bank common stock of 
record at the close of business on February 27, 1998 are entitled to notice 
of, and to vote at, the Bank's Annual Meeting and any adjournments thereof.  
On February 27, 1998, there were 200,035 shares of Bank common stock 
outstanding.  See "THE MEETING."

      Purposes of Meeting.  The shareholders of the Bank are being asked to 
fix the number of directors to be elected and to elect directors.  The 
shareholders of the Bank are also being asked to ratify and confirm an 
Agreement to Merge involving the Bank, the New Bank, and the Holding 
Company, a copy of which is annexed hereto as Exhibit A and which is 
incorporated herein by reference (the "Merger Agreement").  Under the Merger 
Agreement, the Bank will be merged with and into the New Bank, a newly-
formed national banking association that is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the 
Holding Company.  See "REORGANIZATION PLAN-MERGER-Description of the 
Reorganization Plan."  As a result of the merger, the separate existence of 
the Bank will cease and the combined entity (the "Continuing Bank") will 
operate under the name 


"The Milford National Bank and Trust Company" as a wholly-owned subsidiary 
of the Holding Company.

      Vote Required.  Consummation of the merger between the New Bank and 
the Bank requires the approval of two-thirds of the outstanding shares of 
common stock of the Bank and of the New Bank.  Approximately 35% of the 
outstanding shares of common stock of the Bank are owned by the executive 
officers and Directors of the Bank and their affiliates, while 100% of the 
outstanding shares of common stock of the New Bank are owned by the Holding 
Company.  The Bank has been advised that all of its executive officers and 
Directors intend to vote their shares of Bank common stock for approval of 
the Merger Agreement, and the Holding Company has indicated its intention to 
vote its shares of the New Bank in favor of the merger.  See "REORGANIZATION 
PLAN -MERGER-Description of the Reorganization Plan."

The Merger

      Effect of Merger.  Upon consummation of the merger, the Bank will be 
merged with and into the New Bank, and each outstanding share of Bank common 
stock, par value $1.00, (other than dissenting shares) will be converted 
into one share of Holding Company common stock, par value $1.00.  The merger 
will become effective on the date specified in the Merger Agreement, 
provided all statutory conditions are satisfied.  See "REORGANIZATION PLAN-
MERGER-Description of the Reorganization Plan."

      Recommendations of the Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors of 
the Holding Company and the Bank both unanimously recommend votes for 
approval of the Merger Agreement.

Federal Income Tax Consequences

      The merger is designed to result in the exchange by the Bank's 
shareholders of their Bank common stock for Holding Company common stock on 
a tax-free basis.  An opinion as to the federal tax consequences of the 
transaction has been obtained from Craig and Macauley Professional 
Corporation, special counsel to the Bank and the Holding Company.  See 
"REORGANIZATION PLAN -MERGER-Federal Income Tax Consequences."

Dissenters' Rights

      Under the Merger Agreement and federal law, a shareholder of the Bank 
who has voted against the merger or has given written notice at or prior to 
the Annual Meeting that he dissents from the plan of merger, shall, upon 
compliance with certain statutory procedures, be entitled to receive the 
fair value in cash of his Bank common stock, as determined in accordance 
with Federal law.  See "REORGANIZATION PLAN - MERGER - Rights of Dissenting 


Selected Financial Data

      The following table sets forth selected historical per share data for 
the Bank.  Data concerning the Holding Company is omitted because the 
Holding Company has had no operating history.  All figures are calculated on 
the basis of 200,035 shares.

The Milford National Bank and Trust Company
Historical Per Share Data

                                                  Year Ended December 31
                                    1997        1996        1995        1994        1993
                                    ----        ----        ----        ----        ----

Book value per share               $58.06      $51.44      $42.36      $38.15      $36.85
Cash dividends paid per share      $ 0.64      $ 0.48      $ 0.36      $ 0.27      $ 0.20
Net Income per Share               $ 6.25      $10.09      $ 0.98      $ 5.52      $ 4.29

      Pro forma financial information regarding the Holding Company after 
its acquisition of the Bank is not presented since it would involve no 
meaningful change in the data shown above.

Comparative Market Price

      Shares of the Bank's stock are held by approximately 121 record 
holders, and are infrequently traded.  Trading prices during 1996 and 1997 
ranged, to the Bank's knowledge, from $53 to $75.  To date in 1998, there 
have been to the Bank's knowledge no shares traded.  See "MARKET PRICE AND 
DIVIDENDS - Bank Stock."

      Data concerning the market value of Holding Company shares is omitted 
because the Holding Company has had no operating history and none of its 
shares has been traded.  See "MARKET PRICE AND DIVIDENDS - Holding Company 

Certain Legal Matters

      The merger is subject to the requirements of Federal banking statutes, 
rules and regulations, which provide that the merger may not be consummated 
without the approval of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal 
Reserve Board, and the review of the Attorney General of the United States.  
Preliminary approval both to form the New Bank and to merge the Bank into 
the New Bank has already been obtained from the Comptroller of the Currency, 
and notice has been given to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve.  
See "REORGANIZATION PLAN - MERGER - Description of the Reorganization Plan."


Comparison of Common Stock

      The Bank, as a national banking association, is regulated under 
Federal banking laws.  The Holding Company, as a Massachusetts corporation, 
is governed by the corporate laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  
Because of the difference in the laws, shareholders of the Bank who become 
shareholders of the Holding Company as a result of the merger may have 
different rights.  See "REORGANIZATION PLAN - MERGER - Differences in 
Shareholders' Rights."

Risk Factors

      The transaction contemplated by the Merger Agreement is principally 
designed to reorganize the corporate structure of the Bank in order to 
conduct the business of the Bank as a wholly owned subsidiary of a 
registered bank holding company.  The transaction, if consummated, will not 
represent any material change in the nature of the business conducted by the 

      Presented below are certain "risk factors" associated with the 
combined business of the Holding Company and the Bank which may be present 
as a result of the Bank's reorganizing its business structure, through the 
consummation of the transaction contemplated by the Merger Agreement, into a 
subsidiary of the Holding Company.  These risk factors represent those 
identified by the Board of Directors of the Bank and may not represent all 
of the risk factors associated with the transaction contemplated by the 
Merger Agreement.

      Company's Financial Condition.  Shareholder's electing to receive 
Holding Company stock for Bank stock do so without the ability of analyzing 
the historical financial performance of the Holding Company.  The Holding 
Company is a newly formed Massachusetts corporation and has no history of 
financial performance.  The Holding Company's financial condition 
immediately following the effective date of the consolidation contemplated 
by the Merger Agreement will depend on the operation and profitability of 
the Bank at the time of and after the effective date of the reorganization.  
As the Holding Company continues to operate in the future, additional 
factors may affect its profitability including, among others:  (i) 
businesses started or acquired by the Holding Company other than the Bank; 
(ii) the nature of federal or state laws and regulations applicable to the 
Holding Company; and (iii) the effect of management.

      Banking Institutions.  The financial services industry and banking in 
particular has undergone a complex deregulation process.  Interest rate 
limitations on what banks may pay to depositors have been phased out; 
"regional" interstate banking pacts and "true interstate" banking, allowing 
financial institutions to cross state lines have been and will continue to 
be enacted nationally and in many states; and competition has increased 
among banks and other companies to provide traditional banking services.  
These changes have resulted in increased competition for a market share of 
the financial services industry.  The Holding Company and the Bank will be 
affected by these changes in the future.  The conduct of the Bank's business 
as a subsidiary of the Holding Company may increase the ability to compete 
in this newly deregulated environment.


      Anti-takeover Provisions.  The Holding Company's Articles of 
Organization and By-Laws contain provisions intended to be "anti-takeover" 
in nature as discussed above, including a supermajority vote provision, fair 
price provision, and additional items.  The presence of all of these 
provisions may have the effect of discouraging outside offers for the shares 
of the Holding Company and may also give management more control over the 
acceptance or rejection of business combination transactions than otherwise.  
Such provisions may have certain negative effects. See "REORGANIZATION PLAN 
- - - MERGER - Differences in Shareholders' Rights."


                                 THE MEETING

      This Proxy Statement and Prospectus is furnished to shareholders in 
connection with the solicitation of proxies on behalf of the Board of 
Directors of The Milford National Bank and Trust Company (the "Bank") to be 
used at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the Bank to be held at 300 
East Main Street, Milford, Massachusetts 01757, April 8, 1998 at 10:00 A.M. 
and at any adjournments thereof.

      The close of business on February 27, 1998 has been fixed as the 
record date for determining shareholders of the Bank entitled to notice of 
and to vote at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders.  There is one authorized 
class of stock of the Bank, $1.00 par value common stock.  As of the record 
date, the number of shares of common stock outstanding and entitled to vote 
at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders was 200,035.

      The following table sets forth certain information as of the record 
date with respect to all individuals known to the Bank to be the beneficial 
owner of more than 5% of the outstanding common stock of the Bank:

                             Number of Shares            Percent of
Name and Address of Owner    Beneficially OWNED(1)(2)    Outstanding Shares
- - -------------------------    ------------------------    ------------------

Gilbert Kahn, Jr., Trustee          10,608(3)                   5.3%
under Indenture of Trust 
dated November 3, 1994 
by Shelley D. Vincent III
38 Wood Road
Morristown, NJ  07960

Dorothy R. Horne                    25,234(4)                 12.6%
P.O. Box 1122
Westboro, MA  01581

Mary G. Vincent                     90,554(5)                 45.3%
300 East Main Street
Milford, MA  01757

<F1>  Based upon information provided to the Bank by the indicated persons.
<F2>  Under applicable Federal regulations, a person is treated as the 
      beneficial owner of a security if the person, directly or indirectly 
      (through contract, arrangement, understanding, relationship or 
      otherwise) has or shares (a) voting power, including the power to vote 
      or to direct the voting, of such security, or (b) investment power 
      with respect to such security, including the power to dispose or 
      direct the disposition of such security.  A person is also deemed to 
      have beneficial ownership of any security that such person has the 
      right to acquire within 60 days.  Unless indicated in another footnote 
      to this tabulation, each person listed has sole voting and investment 
      power with respect to the shares set forth opposite his or her name.
<F3>  Mr. Kahn is a Director of the Bank.
<F4>  Includes 2,010 shares owned by Mrs. Horne's husband.  Mrs. Horne is a 
      Director of the Bank.
<F5>  Consists of  shares held in two trusts of which Mrs. Vincent is sole 
      lifetime beneficiary.


      The affirmative vote of a majority of the shares of common stock of 
the Bank represented at the Annual Meeting is required to fix the number of 
directors and to elect directors.

      Cumulative voting is permitted for the election of directors.  Each 
shareholder electing to cumulate his or her votes may cast that number of 
votes for any one nominee (or may distribute that number of votes among 
several nominees) as equals the product of multiplying the number of 
nominees for election by the number of shares the shareholder is entitled to 
vote at the meeting.  A shareholder who desires to exercise cumulative 
voting rights is encouraged to attend the meeting in person in order to 
direct the allotment of his or her votes.  Such rights may also be exercised 
by a shareholder submitting a form of proxy on which the desired allotment 
of votes is properly indicated.

      The affirmative vote of two-thirds of the outstanding shares of common 
stock of the Bank is necessary for the ratification and confirmation of the 
Merger Agreement hereinafter described.

      Execution of the enclosed proxy will not affect the shareholder's 
right to attend the meeting and vote in person, since a shareholder giving a 
proxy has the power to revoke it by delivering a notice of revocation, or a 
duly executed proxy bearing a later date, to the Bank at any time before the 
proxy is exercised at the meeting.

      The accompanying proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors of the 
Bank.  The expense of solicitation will be borne by the Bank.  To the extent 
necessary to assure sufficient representation of the shareholders at the 
meeting, officers and employees of the Bank may personally, by telephone or 
by other means, contact shareholders to request the return of proxies.  Such 
officers and employees will receive no additional compensation for such 
services.  Banks, brokerage houses and other institutions, nominees or 
fiduciaries will be requested to forward the proxy material to beneficial 
owners in order to solicit authorizations for the execution of proxies.  The 
Bank may, upon request, reimburse such banks, brokerage houses and other 
institutions, nominees and fiduciaries for their expenses in forwarding such 

                            ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

      The Articles of Association of the Bank provide that the shareholders 
fix by resolution the exact number of directors at the Annual Meeting of 
Shareholders.  The Bank's Board of Directors presently consists of 13 
members.  One director, David B. Lowell, has announced that he will retire 
at the end of his term and will not stand for re-election.

      It is proposed by the Board of Directors that at this meeting the 
number of directors who shall constitute the full Board of Directors until 
the next annual meeting shall be fixed at 12 and that the individuals named 
below will be nominated for election as directors to serve until the 1999 
Annual Meeting of Shareholders and for such further time as may be required 
for the election and qualification of their successors.  Unless


returned proxies properly indicate that authority to vote for nominees is 
withheld, all proxies received by the Bank in time for the 1998 meeting will 
be voted to fix the number of directors at 12 and, in the event the number 
of directors is so fixed, in favor of the election of the following 
nominees.  In the event any of the nominees unexpectedly become unable or 
unwilling to accept nomination for election, the persons named in the 
accompanying form of proxy and authorized to vote in the election will vote 
the shares represented by executed proxies in favor of the nomination and 
election of such substitute nominees as the Board of Directors of the Bank 
may select.

                             Board of Directors

Information About Nominees

      Opposite the name of each nominee in the following table is shown (1) 
his age; (2) Bank offices held; (3) date on which his term of office as a 
Director of the Bank began; and (4) his business experience during the past 
five years, current occupation and employment.  Each Director is elected to 
serve for a term of one year or until his successor is elected and 
qualified.  No Director holds a directorship in any company with a class of 
securities registered pursuant to Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act 
of 1934, as amended, or subject to the requirements of Section 15(d) of such 
Act or any company registered as an investment company under the Investment 
Company Act of 1940, as amended. 

                                                         of the      Business Experience During Past
                                                         Bank        5 Years; Current Occupation or
Name                     Age      Bank Offices Held      Since       Employment; Directorship
- - ----                     ---      -----------------      --------    -------------------------------

Leonard M. DeLoia        60       Director               1977        President, The Prudential Lenmar Realty
Michael A. Diorio        52       Director               1996        Principal, Diorio, Hudson & Pavento, P.C.,
                                                                     Certified Public Accountant
William B. Gannett       74       Director               1977        Retired
Dorothy R. Horne         75       Director               1985        Executive Secretary, Retired
Gilbert Kahn, Jr.        58       Director               1997        Director, Corporate Development, 
                                                                     Union Camp Corporation
Roger R. Lavallee        47       Director               1990        President, Custom Alarm Service, Inc.
Robert J. Lewis          51       President, Director    1996        1997 President and Chief Executive Officer,
                                                                     The Milford National Bank and Trust Company
George R. Marino         65       Director               1988        Retired
Henry C. Papuga          47       Chairman of the        1990        Manager, Milford Water Company
                                  Board Directors
Thomas C. Sawyer, Sr.    53       Director               1987        Publisher, Milford Daily News
Linda L. Varney          54       Director               1993        President and Treasurer, Varney Bros. 
                                                                     Sand and Gravel, Inc.
William J. Vitalini      38       Director               1996        President, B. Vitalini, Inc.; Certified 
                                                                     Public Accountant

      During 1997, there were 15 meetings of the Board of Directors, which 
meets every month.  Directors attended in 1997 at least 92% of all Board 
meetings and meetings of committees of which they were members.


      Bank Directors receive a $200 monthly retainer, $250 for each Board of 
Directors meeting attended, and $100 for each committee meeting attended.  
The Chairman of the Board also receives another $1,000 per year.

Executive Officers

      Henry C. Papuga is Chairman of the Board of the Bank, Robert J. Lewis 
is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Bank and Anne M. Dygon is 
the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.  The officers of the 
Holding Company will initially be Henry C. Papuga, Chairman of the Board, 
Robert J. Lewis, President and Chief Executive Officer, Anne M. Dygon, 
Treasurer and Kathrine Baldwin, Clerk.

      All of the nominees were elected by the shareholders at the 1997 
Annual Meeting.

      Nominations for election to the Board of Directors of the Bank may 
also be made by any shareholder in accordance with the By-Laws of the Bank.  
The By-Laws provide that nominations for directors, other than those made on 
behalf of the existing Board of Directors of the Bank, must be made in 
writing and delivered or mailed to the President of the Bank and to the 
Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D.C., not less than 7 days nor more 
than 50 days prior to the annual meeting.  Such notification must contain 
the following information to the extent known to the shareholder:  (a) the 
name and address of each proposed nominee; (b) the principal occupation of 
each proposed nominee; (c) the total number of shares of capital stock of 
the Bank that will be voted for each proposed nominee; (d) the name and 
residence address of the notifying shareholder; and (e) the number of shares 
of capital stock of the Bank owned by the notifying shareholder.  
Nominations not made in accordance with such requirements may, in the 
discretion of the Chairman of the meeting, be disregarded, and upon his 
instructions, the vote tellers may disregard all votes cast for each such 


Beneficial Ownership of Bank Stock by Nominees and Officers

      The following table and related notes set forth information as of the 
record date regarding common stock of the Bank beneficially owned by each 
nominee for Director of the Bank and by all Directors and executive officers 
of the Bank as a group.

Name of Individual           Number of Shares              Percent of
or Persons in Group          Beneficially Owned(1)(2)      Outstanding Shares
- - -------------------          ------------------------      ------------------

Leonard M. DeLoia             1,334                          .67%
Michael A. Diorio                25                          .01%
William B. Gannett            1,534                          .77%
Dorothy R. Horne             25,234(3)                     12.61%
Gilbert Kahn, Jr.            15,608(4)                      7.80%
Roger R. Lavallee             2,001                         1.00%
Robert J. Lewis                  60                          .03%
George R. Marino              1,334                          .67%
Henry C. Papuga               1,000                          .50%
Thomas C. Sawyer, Sr.         1,000                          .50%
Linda L. Varney               9,460(5)                      4.73%
William J. Vitalini           2,868(6)                      1.43%
All Directors, nominees 
 and executive officers(7)   68,617                        34.31%

      Consummation of the merger will not affect the amount and percentage 
of present holdings of any of the 5% beneficial shareholders, Directors, or 
Directors and executive officers as a group indicated in the tables above.

<F1>  Based upon information provided to the Bank by the indicated persons.
<F2>  Under applicable Federal regulations, a person is treated as the beneficial 
      owner of a security if the person, directly or indirectly (through contract, 
      arrangement, understanding, relationship or otherwise) has or shares (a) 
      voting power, including the power to vote or to direct the voting, of such 
      security, or (b) investment power with respect to such security, including 
      the power to dispose or direct the disposition of such security.  A person 
      is also deemed to have beneficial ownership of any security that such person 
      has the right to acquire within 60 days.  Unless indicated in another 
      footnote to this tabulation, each person listed has sole voting and 
      investment power with respect to the shares set forth opposite his or her 
<F3>  Includes 2,010 shares owned by Mrs. Horne's husband.
<F4>  Includes 2,500 shares owned by Mr. Kahn's wife and 10,608 shares held by Mr. 
      Kahn as trustee.
<F5>  Includes 6,820 shares owned by Varney Bros. Sand and Gravel, Inc. of which 
      Ms. Varney is an officer, and 640 shares held in a trust of which Ms. Varney 
      is a beneficiary.
<F6>  Includes 200 shares owned by Mr. Vitalini's minor children.
<F7>  The term "executive officer" means the Chairman of the Board, President, 
      Senior Vice President and Cashier.



      The Board of Directors each year appoints certain directors to serve 
on standing committees of the Board of Directors, consisting of the 
Advisory/Long-Term Planning Committee, Asset & Liability Committee, Audit 
Committee, Budget Committee, Governance/Compensation Committee, Loan 
Committee, and Trust Committee.

      The members of the Advisory/Long-Term Planning Committee are Messrs. 
DeLoia, Diorio, Gannett and Kahn and Ms. Horne and Varney.  During 1997, the 
committee met four times.

      The members of the Asset & Liability Committee are Messrs. Diorio, 
Lowell, Sawyer and Vitalini and Ms. Horne.  During 1997, the committee met 
twelve times.

      The members of the Audit Committee are Messrs. Lowell, Marino, Papuga 
and Vitalini. During 1997, the Audit Committee met seven times.

      The members of the Budget Committee are Messrs. Diorio, Lowell, 
Papuga, Sawyer and Vitalini and Ms. Horne.  During 1997, the committee met 
four times.

      The members of the Governance/Compensation Committee are Messrs. 
DeLoia, Diorio, Marino, Papuga and Sawyer and Ms. Horne.  During 1997, the 
committee met six times.

      The members of the Loan Committee are Messrs. Lavallee, Marino and 
Sawyer and Ms. Varney.  During 1997, the committee met 44 times.

      The members of the Trust Committee are Messrs. DeLoia, Gannett and 
Kahn and Ms. Horne and Varney.  During 1997, the committee met 12 times.

Remuneration of Directors and Officers

      The following table provides certain summary information concerning 
compensation paid or accrued by the Bank to or on behalf of the Bank's Chief 
Executive Officer for the year ended December 31, 1997.

Name and Principal Position      1997 Year Salary ($)      Bonus ($)      Other Annual Compensation ($)(1)
- - ---------------------------      --------------------      ---------      --------------------------------

Robert J. Lewis, President and        $125,000              $10,000                   $30,697
 Chief Executive Officer

<F1>  Included in other annual compensation are various relocation benefits 
      in the amount of $29,725.


      Employees of the Bank become eligible for participation under the 
Bank's 401(K) Savings Plan when they have completed twelve consecutive 
months in which they have worked 1000 hours of service and attain the age of 
21.  Employees are allowed to contribute up to the lesser of 15% of their 
compensation or $9,500 annually.  The Board votes each year as to the 
matching contribution by the Bank in the next year.

                         REORGANIZATION PLAN-MERGER

      The proposed Merger Agreement, if adopted, would result in the 
reorganization of the business of the Bank as a wholly-owned subsidiary of 
MNB Bancorp, a newly formed holding company which is a Massachusetts 
corporation (the "Holding Company").  Shareholders of the Bank would receive 
common stock of the Holding Company in exchange for their present holdings 
of stock in the Bank at the rate of one share of common stock of the Holding 
Company, par value $1.00, for each share of common stock of the Bank, par 
value $1.00.

      The Board of Directors of the Bank has unanimously approved and 
recommends that the Bank's shareholders approve the reorganization of the 
Bank as described below by voting for the ratification and confirmation of 
the Merger Agreement hereinafter described.

Reasons For the Reorganization

      The Board of Directors of the Bank is of the opinion, after careful 
consideration of various alternatives, that the reorganization of the Bank 
as a wholly-owned subsidiary of a one-bank holding company is in the best 
interest of shareholders because it best places the Bank in a position to 
meet and solve the needs of its present and potential customers while 
maintaining its status as an independent bank.  While some increased costs, 
consisting primarily of increased administration expenses occasioned by the 
operation of the Holding Company, increased reporting requirements of 
regulatory agencies, and increased taxes resulting from the taxation of the 
Holding Company as a Massachusetts corporation, will result from the 
operation of the Holding Company, it is thought that these would be amply 
justified for the reasons herein described.

      It is believed that the flexibility afforded by the proposed corporate 
structure would permit a more efficient utilization of the resources, 
facilities and special skills of the Bank.  Thus, the Bank directly as well 
as the subsidiaries of the Holding Company will be able to compete more 
effectively in performing the banking and related services which the Bank 
presently offers.  At the same time, the Holding Company may, through other 
subsidiaries to the extent permitted by law and regulation, enter a broader 
range of financial product markets and adopt, and more readily furnish, 
newly developed and more diversified financially-related services.

      It is further believed that operational options will be enhanced by 
the adoption of a one-bank holding company vehicle.  Some existing functions 
of the Bank could be


undertaken by subsidiaries of the Holding Company.  Similarly, new services 
could be offered by other subsidiaries of the Holding Company.

      Under the terms of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended, 
and the regulations thereunder, the Holding Company is limited in the 
services which it may provide.  Generally, only such services as are found 
by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to be so closely 
related to banking or managing or controlling banks as to be a proper 
incident thereto, may be performed by the Holding Company.  A bank holding 
company may engage in such permitted activities directly or through one or 
more subsidiaries.  Such activities currently include, among others, (1) 
making or acquiring loans that could be made by mortgage, finance, credit 
card or factoring companies, (2) performing the functions of a trust 
company, (3) acting as an investment or financial advisor, (4) leasing real 
or personal property in certain situations, (5) making investments to 
promote community welfare, and (6) providing data processing and 
transmission services.  There is presently pending legislation before 
Congress which if passed and signed by the President would expand the number 
and scope of activities in which a bank holding company may engage.

      There are, however, no present plans under consideration to transfer 
any activities of the Bank to subsidiaries of the Holding Company, to 
acquire existing companies or to form any new subsidiaries of the Holding 
Company.  Any activity which other subsidiaries of the Holding Company might 
hereafter undertake will, of course, be carefully weighed in light of 
prudence, the best interest of shareholders, requirements of present and 
future customers and the limitations on activities imposed by applicable 

      In addition to the reasons of increased flexibility of operations 
described above, the Board of Directors believes that the formation of a 
holding company is appropriate at this time because of the protection which 
a holding company can afford the Bank and its shareholders against unwanted 
or unattractive takeover attempts.  There is little doubt that the present 
time is a time of unprecedented change in the banking industry.

      The regulated character of the banking industry would not preclude a 
takeover bidder from acquiring voting control of the Bank and merging it 
into another bank or operating it as a subsidiary of another bank holding 
company.  While such a reorganization of the Bank might be accomplished on 
terms favorable to the Bank's shareholders, the acquiring entity's incentive 
to negotiate with the Bank's Board of Directors would be diminished to the 
extent that the acquiring entity possessed voting control of the Bank, since 
in that case the acquiring entity would control both parties to the 
transaction.  As a result, such a reorganization could be accomplished on 
terms unfavorable to the Bank's shareholders or in a manner which would 
preclude a proper evaluation of the merits of the proposed transaction in 
light of alternatives.

      While the Bank is not aware of being the target of any takeover 
attempt, it has been a matter of concern to your Board of Directors to 
provide a measure of protection to the Bank and its shareholders against a 
takeover bid for the Bank which might, in the opinion of the Board of 
Directors and shareholders, not represent adequately the value 


of the Bank.  For this reason, as indicated in "Differences in Shareholders' 
Rights" below, the corporate structure of the Holding Company has been 
designed to make the Bank less vulnerable to an unfriendly takeover attempt.

      The Holding Company has been organized with a corporate structure 
which would make it more difficult to acquire control of the Holding 
Company's Board of Directors over a short period of time by acquiring a 
controlling block of the Holding Company's stock, thereby increasing the 
time which the shareholders and Directors of the Holding Company would have 
to consider the benefits and drawbacks of, and alternatives to, a proposed 
acquisition of the Holding Company.  Since the Bank would be a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of the Holding Company, control of the Bank could be obtained by 
obtaining control of the Holding Company.

      It is believed that the use of the holding company vehicle in 
conjunction with certain corporate governance provisions which serve to 
encourage takeover bidders to negotiate a proposed acquisition of the Bank 
with the Board of Directors of the Holding Company will enable management to 
negotiate from a position of strength in connection with any such proposal 
and will permit shareholders to adequately consider the merits of and 
alternatives to any such proposal.

      The specific provisions of the Holding Company's Articles of 
Organization and By-Laws which will result in differences between the rights 
of holders of the Bank's stock and the rights of holders of the Holding 
Company's stock are discussed below under "Differences in Shareholders' 
Rights." Since the reorganization plan will result in the exchange of shares 
of the Bank's stock for shares of the Holding Company's stock, shareholders 
are urged to study carefully the discussion contained therein.

      At present, the Bank's authorized capital is 250,000 shares of common 
stock, of which 200,035 shares are outstanding.  The Holding Company will 
have 1,000,000 shares of authorized common stock, of which 799,965 shares 
will remain unissued after 200,035 shares of common stock are issued in 
exchange for shares of the Bank's common stock.  These shares will be 
available for issuance from time to time for any proper corporate purpose 
without further action by shareholders of the Holding Company.

Description of the Reorganization Plan

      The Holding Company has been organized at the direction of the Bank 
and will hold, at the time the merger becomes effective, all the stock of a 
newly-organized national bank, temporarily named Milford Bank, National 
Association (the "New Bank").  The Holding Company has outstanding one share 
of common stock, par value $1.00, which has been issued to the firm of Craig 
and Macauley Professional Corporation for consideration of $1.00.  This 
share will be repurchased by the Holding Company for a cash price equal to 
that paid by such firm as soon as the merger is completed.  


      With the exception of certain shareholders of the Bank who may have 
elected to receive cash rather than Holding Company stock in exchange for 
their shares, the distribution of ownership in the Holding Company after the 
merger will be identical to the distribution of ownership in the Bank just 
prior to the merger.

      The New Bank has been organized solely for purposes of effecting the 
proposed reorganization plan and has not engaged in the business of banking.  
The reorganization plan is proposed to be accomplished by merging the Bank 
with and into the New Bank pursuant to the terms of the Merger Agreement.  
Upon consummation of the merger, the Continuing Bank, as defined in the next 
paragraph, will assume the name of the Bank, "The Milford National Bank and 
Trust Company," and the shareholders of the Bank will automatically become 
owners of one share of common stock of the Holding Company for each share of 
common stock of the Bank held by them.

      Consummation of the merger requires the affirmative vote of two-thirds 
of the shares of common stock of the Bank and of the New Bank.  The Holding 
Company has indicated its intention to vote its shares of the New Bank in 
favor of the merger.  The reorganization also requires the approval of both 
the Comptroller of the Currency and the Board of Governors of the Federal 
Reserve System, and is subject to conditions specified in the Merger 
Agreement.  Preliminary approval both to form the New Bank and to merge the 
Bank into the New Bank has already been obtained from the Comptroller of the 
Currency.  The merger will be consummated on the effective date specified in 
the certificate of approval to be issued by the Comptroller of the Currency.  
The Comptroller of the Currency is required to notify the Attorney General 
of the United States of its preliminary approval and the merger may not be 
consummated before the 30th calendar day after the date of the preliminary 
approval of the Comptroller of the Currency, provided the Attorney General 
does not sue to enjoin the merger.  The business of the Bank will then be 
carried on as a subsidiary of the Holding Company with the same Directors, 
officers and personnel and the same offices and properties as those of the 
Bank.  Since the corporate identities and businesses of both the Bank and 
the New Bank will be merged, and will continue after the merger, in the 
combined institution, such combined institution is hereinafter called the 
"Continuing Bank" whenever the reference is to the situation existing at and 
after consummation of the merger.

      Upon consummation of the merger, shareholders of the Bank will become 
shareholders of the Holding Company.  Outstanding certificates for shares of 
common stock of the Bank will represent shares of common stock of the 
Holding Company.  Shareholders of the Bank will be entitled to exchange 
their present share certificates for new certificates evidencing shares of 
common stock of the Holding Company.  All shareholders will be notified in 
writing of the date of the consummation of the merger and will be instructed 
at that time as to the procedure for exchanging their present share 
certificates for new certificates.  Bank personnel will be made available at 
that time to assist any shareholder with such exchange.  Until so exchanged, 
the certificates for shares of common stock of the Bank will represent the 
Holding Company shares into which the Bank shares have been converted; 



      With the exception of shareholders of the Bank who have elected to 
receive cash rather than Holding Company stock in exchange for their shares, 
the distribution of ownership in the Holding Company after the merger will 
be identical to the distribution of ownership in the Bank just prior to the 

      In the event the proposed merger is not consummated, the expenses of 
the reorganization plan, including the cost of organizing the Holding 
Company and the New Bank, will be assumed by the Bank.

Federal Tax Consequences

      The Bank and the Holding Company have received a written opinion of 
Craig and Macauley Professional Corporation, special counsel, substantially 
to the effect that, for federal income tax purposes:

      1.  The transaction contemplated by the Merger Agreement will 
constitute a reorganization under Section 368(a) of the Internal Revenue 

      2.  No gain or loss will be recognized by a Bank shareholder receiving 
solely shares of Holding Company stock in exchange for all of his or her 
common stock of the Bank.

      In connection with the opinion, representations were made to Craig and 
Macauley Professional Corporation by Bank management to the following 
effect: that there was no plan or intention by Bank shareholders owning more 
than 5% of the shares of the Bank common stock and the management of the 
Bank knows of no plan or intent on the part of the remaining holders of Bank 
common stock to sell or dispose of shares of Holding Company stock that Bank 
shareholders will be entitled to receive in the merger that would reduce the 
number of shares of Holding Company stock held after the merger by former 
Bank shareholders to a number of shares having the value at the time of the 
merger of less than 50% of the total value of all shares of Bank stock 
outstanding immediately before the merger.  For these purposes cash paid to 
dissenting shareholders, if any, will be considered cash received on sale or 
disposition of Holding Company stock that such shareholders are entitled to 
receive in the merger.

      Shareholders of the Bank should be aware of the following: such an 
opinion of counsel is subject to satisfaction of representations and 
conditions stated in the opinion; such an opinion relies upon the facts set 
forth or referred to in the opinion, including facts stated or represented 
by responsible officers of the Bank; and an opinion of counsel is not 
binding upon the Internal Revenue Service or the courts.


      No information is provided herein with respect to the tax consequences 
of the merger under any applicable state, local or foreign tax laws.  
Therefore, tax consequences for any particular Bank shareholder may be 
affected by matters not discussed herein.


      Those Bank shareholders who properly exercise their dissenters rights 
will receive cash in exchange for their Bank stock.  Such cash payments will 
be treated and received as distributions in redemption of their Bank stock 
subject to the provisions and limitations of Internal Revenue Code, Section 
302 (concerning distributions and redemptions of stock) and Section 318 
(concerning constructive stock ownership rules).  Gain, if any, will be 
recognized to each dissenting Bank shareholder in the amount of the excess 
of the cash received over the adjusted tax basis of the shares of Bank stock 
surrendered.  Any gain will be recognized as a capital gain, and any loss 
will be recognized as a capital loss, provided the Bank stock surrendered is 
a capital asset in the hands of such dissenting Bank shareholder on the 
effective date of the reorganization.

Rights of Dissenting Shareholders

      Section 11 of the Merger Agreement and Federal law (12 U.S.C. [Section
Sign] 215a) provide that any shareholder of the Bank who has voted against
the merger at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders or has given notice in
writing at or prior to such meeting to the President of the Bank or the
presiding officer of the meeting, that he dissents from the plan of merger,
shall be entitled to receive the value of the shares so held by him when the
merger shall be approved by the Comptroller of the Currency upon written
request made to the Continuing Bank at any time before thirty days after the
date of consummation of the merger, accompanied by the surrender of his stock
certificates.  The value of the shares of any dissenting shareholder shall 
be ascertained, as of the effective date of the merger, by an appraisal made 
by a committee of three persons, one selected by the vote of the holders of 
the majority of the stock, the owners of which are entitled to payment in 
cash by reason of such request; one selected by the Directors of the 
Continuing Bank; and one selected by the two persons so selected.  The 
valuation agreed upon by any two of the three appraisers shall govern.  If 
the value so fixed shall not be satisfactory to any dissenting shareholder 
who has requested payment, that shareholder may, within five days after 
being notified of the appraised value of such shares, appeal to the 
Comptroller of the Currency who shall cause a reappraisal to be made which 
shall be final and binding as to the value of the shares of the appellant.  
If, within ninety days from the date of consummation of the merger, for any 
reason one or more of the appraisers is not selected as above provided, or 
the appraisers fail to determine the value of such shares, the Comptroller 
of the Currency shall, upon written request of any interested party, cause 
an appraisal to be made which shall be final and binding on all parties.  
The expenses of the appraisal or reappraisal shall be paid by the Continuing 


The value of the shares ascertained shall be promptly paid to such 
dissenting shareholders by the Continuing Bank.  The shares of common stock 
of the Holding Company which would have been delivered to such dissenting 
shareholders had they not requested payment shall be sold at an advertised 
public auction sale and if such shares are sold at a price greater than the 
amount paid to such dissenting shareholders, the excess in such sale price 
shall be paid to such dissenting shareholders.  All shareholders will be 
notified in writing of the date of consummation of the merger.

215a).  A COPY OF PERTINENT PROVISIONS OF 12 U.S.C. [Section Sign] 215a IS

      The Bank's special counsel has advised the Bank that the receipt of 
amounts by dissenting shareholders in payment for their shares as aforesaid 
may result in the recognition of gain or loss under the Federal income tax 
and other income tax laws.

      Provided that the number of dissenting shareholders is not 
significant, the merger will be treated for accounting purposes as a pooling 
transaction. See "FINANCIAL MATTERS - Capitalization."

Certain Conditions of the Merger

      The Merger Agreement provides that it may be terminated by the Board 
of Directors of the Bank or the New Bank if, among other things, (i) the 
number of shares of common stock of the bank voted against the merger, or in 
respect of which written notice is given purporting to dissent from the 
merger, shall make consummation of the merger unwise; (ii) any action, suit, 
proceeding or claim has been instituted, made or threatened relating to the 
proposed merger; (iii) any action, consent or approval which is necessary to 
permit the Continuing Bank after the merger to conduct all or any part of 
the business and activities of the Bank shall not have been obtained; (iv) 
the opinion of counsel relating to federal tax matters shall not have been 
obtained as provided above under "Federal Tax Consequences;" or (v) for any 
other reason consummation of the merger is inadvisable.

Differences In Shareholders' Rights

      One of the results of the proposed reorganization is that the 
shareholders of the Bank, whose rights are governed by Federal law and by 
the Articles of Association and By-Laws of the Bank, will become 
shareholders of the Holding Company, whose rights will be governed by 
Massachusetts law and by the Articles of Organization and By-Laws of the 
Holding Company.  The Holding Company has been incorporated in 
Massachusetts.  The Holding Company's principal office will continue to be 
in Milford, Massachusetts.


      Various provisions of the Articles of Organization and By-Laws of the 
Holding Company have been prepared with the intention of maintaining the 
Bank's status as an independent bank by making it more difficult to acquire 
voting control of the Board of Directors of the Holding Company, thereby 
making it more difficult to acquire control of the Continuing Bank.  The 
following is a description of the differences in the rights of shareholders 
of the Holding Company and the rights of shareholders of the Bank which 
result from such provisions, followed in each case by a discussion of the 
effect the provisions would have on the rights of shareholders of the 
Holding Company.  The descriptions contained in this Proxy Statement and 
Prospectus of various provisions of the Articles of Organization and By-Laws 
of the Holding Company are intended only as summaries of such provisions and 
are qualified by reference to the text of such provisions, which are set 
forth in their entirety as Exhibits C and D to this Proxy Statement and 

      1.  Under the Articles of Organization of the Holding Company, the 
Board of Directors of the Holding Company will be divided into three 
approximately equal classes to be designated, respectively, Class 1, Class 
2, and Class 3.  Each initial Class 1 director will hold office until the 
Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held in 1999, each initial Class 2 
director will hold office until the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be 
held in 2000, and each initial Class 3 Director will hold office until the 
Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held in 2001, and, in each case, until 
their successors are duly elected and qualified or until their earlier 
resignation, removal from office or death.  Upon expiration of the term of 
office of each initial Director as aforesaid, each class of Directors will 
be elected for a term of three years.  Thus, only one class of Directors 
will be elected hereafter at each Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the 
Holding Company, with the remaining classes continuing their respective 
three-year terms.  The provision of the Holding Company's Articles of 
Organization which sets forth the division of the Board into three classes 
may be amended only by the affirmative vote of at least 80% of the shares of 
each class of stock of the Holding Company outstanding and entitled to vote.

      The advantage of this type of provision from the perspective of 
protecting the interests of shareholders of the Holding Company in the event 
of a takeover bid is that it extends the time required to make any change in 
control of the Board of Directors and thus tends to encourage negotiations 
with the Board of Directors in connection with attempted takeovers. A change 
in control of the Board of Directors of the Bank can be made by a simple 
majority (or less, if cumulative voting rights are exercised) of the Bank's 
shareholders at a single annual meeting.  With the classification of the 
Board of Directors, the holder of a majority of the stock of the Holding 
Company could not effect a change in the control of the Board of Directors 
at fewer than two shareholders' meetings unless the holder had obtained 
sufficient voting strength to amend the provisions of the Holding Company's 
Articles of Organization relating to classification of Directors.  In 
addition, because certain actions by the Holding Company require the 
approval of more than a simple majority of the Board of Directors, as more 
fully described elsewhere in this Proxy Statement and Prospectus, the holder 
of a majority of the stock of the Holding Company could not obtain control 
of the Board of Directors 


sufficient to accomplish certain corporate actions until it had exercised 
its voting rights at three consecutive Annual Meetings of Shareholders.

      A possible disadvantage of a classified board is that it may be viewed 
as tending to perpetuate management of the Holding Company and the members 
of the Board of Directors in their positions because of the additional time 
required to change control of the Board.  The existence of a classified 
board will increase the amount of time required for a takeover bidder to 
obtain control of the Holding Company without the approval of the Board of 
Directors and as a result may discourage certain takeover bids, including 
some which might be viewed favorably by shareholders.

      The Board believes that any such disadvantage is outweighed by the 
consideration that a classified board will assist the Bank in maintaining 
its status as an independent bank.  The Board believes, in addition, that 
the use of a classified board will give the Holding Company's Board 
stability and continuity which is not available to the Bank under Federal 
banking laws because Directors may serve for one-year terms only under 
Federal banking laws.

      2.  Federal banking statutes governing the Bank require the approval 
of two-thirds of the capital stock of the Bank and the approval of the 
Comptroller of the Currency in connection with any merger or consolidation 
of the Bank with any other bank, and require the approval of two-thirds of 
the capital stock of the Bank in connection with any voluntary liquidation 
or dissolution of the Bank.  Other transactions, including a sale of all, 
substantially all or a substantial part of the assets of the Bank, the 
issuance of securities by the Bank and a reclassification or 
recapitalization of the stock of the Bank can be accomplished by the vote of 
a majority of the Board of Directors of the Bank.

      Under Article 6, Section 5 of the Holding Company's Articles of 
Organization, none of the above-described transactions could be entered into 
by the Holding Company unless one of the following conditions shall have 
been met:  (i) the transaction shall have been approved by at least 80% of 
the total number of shares of stock of the Holding Company entitled to vote 
on the matter and by at least a majority of the total number of shares of 
stock of the Holding Company entitled to vote on the matter not owned by the 
entity which is a party to the transaction, or any subsidiary or affiliate 
thereof (the "Receiving Entity"); (ii) the transaction shall have been 
approved by at least 80% of the members of the Board of Directors of the 
Holding Company not affiliated with the Receiving Entity (hereinafter the 
"Unaffiliated Directors"); (iii) the transaction shall have been approved by 
a majority of the Unaffiliated Directors prior to the date on which the 
Receiving Entity first acquired any share of the Holding Company's stock; or 
(iv) the transaction shall have been approved by the holders of at least a 
majority of the shares of each class of stock of the Holding Company 
entitled to vote on the matter and by at least a majority of the shares of 
each class of stock of the Holding Company entitled to vote on the matter 
not owned by the Receiving Entity or any stockholder of the Receiving 
Entity, and the aggregate of the cash and fair market value of all 
consideration to be paid to holders of the common stock of the Holding 
Company is equal to a Premium Price described in the next paragraph.  The 
provisions of the 


Holding Company's Articles of Organization which set forth the requirements 
for approval of the above-described transactions may not be amended except 
by the affirmative vote of at least 80% of the shares of each class of stock 
of the Holding Company outstanding and entitled to vote.

      The Premium Price provisions referred to in (iv) above basically 
require that the Receiving Entity pay the Holding Company's remaining 
shareholders an amount equal to the greater of (a) the highest price paid 
per share by the Receiving Entity in acquiring any of the Holding Company's 
stock; or (b) an amount which is at least four times the per share book 
value of the Holding Company's common stock as of the last day of the most 
recent fiscal quarterly period of the Holding Company preceding the date of 
the vote of shareholders approving the transaction in question; provided, 
however, that the consideration to be paid to the holders of the common 
stock of the Holding Company shall be in the same form as that paid by the 
Receiving Entity in acquiring the shares of the common stock held by it 
except to the extent that any stockholder of the Holding Company shall 
otherwise agree.

      The advantage of these provisions from the perspective of protecting 
the interests of shareholders of the Holding Company is that it provides an 
incentive to potential takeover bidders to engage in negotiations with the 
Board of Directors before initiating a takeover attempt so that any 
acquisition of the Holding Company may be arranged on terms as favorable as 
possible to the shareholders.

      One possible disadvantage of this provision, from the point of view of 
shareholders, is that it would encourage takeover bidders to negotiate with 
the Board of Directors.  Thus, this provision may be viewed as tending to 
assist the Board of Directors, and consequently management as well, to 
retain their present positions.

      The Board believes that the advantages which will accrue to 
shareholders of the Holding Company by virtue of this provision in terms of 
additional bargaining strength in the event of a takeover attempt outweigh 
any potential which this provision may have for discouraging tender offers 
which might be viewed by shareholders as beneficial.

      3.  There is no provision of the Bank's Articles of Association or By-
Laws which specifies the circumstances under which Directors of the Bank may 
be removed from office by shareholders and there is similarly no provision 
of the Federal banking statutes which specifies such circumstances.

      Under the By-Laws of the Holding Company, shareholders would have the 
right to remove Directors of the Holding Company from office only for cause, 
which would be limited to (a) an adjudication by a court that a Director has 
been negligent or has engaged in deliberate misconduct in carrying out his 
duties to the Holding Company; (b) a determination by the remaining 
Directors that a Director has acted in derogation of his duties to the 
Holding Company; (c) conviction of a Director of a felony; (d) the granting 
by a court to a Director of immunity to testify in a criminal proceeding in 
which another is convicted of a felony; (e) a determination by the remaining 


that a Director is mentally incompetent; or (f) failure of a Director to 
fulfill the qualifications for Directors hereinafter described.  The 
provisions of the Holding Company's By-Laws which set forth the 
circumstances under which Directors may be removed by shareholders may be 
amended only by the affirmative vote of at least 80% of the shares of each 
class of stock of the Holding Company outstanding and entitled to vote, or 
by the affirmative vote of at least 80% of the Directors then in office.

      The advantage of such a provision from the perspective of protecting 
the interests of shareholders of the Holding Company in the event of a 
takeover bid is that it precludes the removal of Directors unless removal is 
justified for reasons other than a desire to obtain control of the Board of 
Directors.  In order for a takeover bidder to obtain control of the Holding 
Company, it must control a majority of the Board of Directors and, in order 
to accomplish certain acts subject to greater voting requirements under the 
Holding Company's Articles of Organization, a greater percentage than a 
majority.  One method of obtaining the necessary voting control to obtain 
these latter ends where a takeover bidder has acquired sufficient shares to 
elect only a majority of the Board of Directors is for the takeover bidder 
to remove Directors without cause and fill the vacancies thus created.  The 
requirement that a specified cause be shown before a Director may be removed 
prevents this from happening, thus encouraging takeover bidders to obtain 
the cooperation of the existing Board.

      This provision of the Holding Company's By-Laws will make the removal 
of Directors more difficult and thus may be thought to perpetuate present 
management since the Board of Directors has the power to retain and 
discharge management.  On balance, the Board of Directors believes that this 
provision is warranted because it will ensure that Directors of the Holding 
Company will not be removed from office for reasons unrelated to their 
performance of their duties.

      4.  Under Federal banking statutes, each Director of the Bank must be 
a citizen of the United States, and at least two-thirds of the Directors 
must reside in Massachusetts or within one hundred miles of the location of 
the Bank.  In addition, each Director must own capital stock of the Bank or 
a holding company of the Bank with an aggregate par value of not less than 
$1,000.  Under the By-Laws of the Holding Company, unless waived by the 
affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the shareholders or two-thirds of 
the Directors then in office, each Director: (a) may not be or have been for 
a period of at least six months prior to the date of his election, an 
officer or Director of any bank (except for a subsidiary of the Holding 
Company), any bank holding company or any entity in competition with the 
Holding Company or the Bank, and (b) must have been a United States Citizen 
for at least six months.

      This provision is intended to make it difficult for a takeover bidder 
to assemble a slate of Directors on the assumption that a potential takeover 
bidder is more likely than not to be a competing bank or bank holding 
company.  By making the task of assembling a slate of Directors more 
difficult, it is thought that takeover bidders will be more inclined to 
negotiate with the Board of Directors prior to commencing a tender offer, 
thus increasing the bargaining strength of the Board to the ultimate benefit 
of the shareholders.


      The Board feels that the qualifications required of Directors by the 
Holding Company's By-Laws will help to maintain the Bank's status as an 
independent bank following the formation of the Holding Company, and 
consequently are preferable to the qualifications required of Directors of 
the Bank under the Federal banking laws, which present no genuine obstacle 
to a takeover bidder.

      5.  Under Federal banking statutes, the Board of Directors of the Bank 
must consist of no fewer than five and no more than twenty-five Directors.  
There are currently thirteen members of the Bank's Board of Directors, and 
shareholders of the Bank may vote at any time to increase the number of 
Directors up to the maximum number permitted by law.  Under the By-Laws of 
the Holding Company, neither the shareholders nor the Directors of the 
Holding Company could vote to increase the size of the Board by more than 
two Directors in any one year.

      The advantage of this provision from the point of view of protecting 
the interests of shareholders in the event of a takeover attempt is that 
this restriction would prevent a takeover bidder from circumventing the 
provisions of the Holding Company's Articles of Organization which classify 
the Board of Directors into three classes, with one class being elected in 
each year.  A takeover bidder which would otherwise have to exercise its 
voting control at two Annual Meetings could, by voting for the creation of 
additional directorships, obtain control of the Board of Directors in a 
shorter period of time than would otherwise be the case under the staggered 
system for the election of Directors.  The takeover bidder would then be in 
a position to exercise voting control of the Board of Directors to the 
potential detriment of shareholders in connection with the takeover bid.

Other Considerations

      Under the tax laws of Massachusetts (where more than 85% of the Bank's 
shareholders reside), the taxation of dividends on capital stock is the same 
with respect to stock of national banks as it is with Massachusetts business 
corporation.  There is no personal property tax on the capital stock of 
Massachusetts business corporation or national banks.  In other 
jurisdictions, however, capital stock of national banks may be exempt from 
property taxes, or dividends thereon may be exempt from taxation, whereas 
shares of bank holding companies may not be so exempt.  Under the laws of 
some jurisdictions, shares of common stock of the Holding Company may not be 
legal investments for certain categories of investors, whereas shares of 
common stock of the Bank are legal investments for such investors.

      Each Director, officer, employee or agent or former Director, officer, 
employee or agent of the Holding Company, and each person who has served at 
the request of the Holding Company ("Requested Capacity") as a Director, 
officer, employee or agent of another entity in which the Holding Company 
owns shares or of which it is a creditor is indemnified under the By-Laws of 
the Holding Company against expenses or loss provided that no 
indemnification shall be provided for any person with respect to any matter 
as to which such person shall have been adjudicated in any proceeding 


not to have acted in good faith in the reasonable belief that his action was 
in the best interests of the Holding Company.  The Holding Company may 
purchase and maintain indemnity insurance, to the extent permitted by 
Massachusetts law, on behalf of any person who is or was a Director, 
officer, employee or agent of the Holding Company or is or was serving in a 
Requested Capacity of another entity.

      The terms of indemnification of Directors, officers and employees of 
the Holding Company contained in Article V of the By-Laws of the Holding 
Company are generally similar in legal effect to those contained in Article 
X of the Articles of Association of the Continuing Bank (Exhibit A to the 
Merger Agreement annexed as Exhibit A hereto).  Insofar as indemnification 
for liabilities arising under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the 
"Act"), may be permitted to Directors, officers and controlling persons of 
the Holding Company pursuant to the aforementioned By-Law provision, the 
Holding Company has been informed that in the opinion of the Securities and 
Exchange Commission such indemnification is against public policy as 
expressed in the Act, and is therefore unenforceable.

      In addition to the indemnification provisions described above, Article 
6, Section 8 of the Holding Company's Articles of Organization imposes 
certain limitations on the ability of the Holding Company and its 
shareholders to recover monetary damages from the Holding Company's 
Directors for breach of fiduciary duty by such Directors in their capacity 
as Director.  Directors of the Holding Company continue to have liability to 
the Holding Company and its stockholders for monetary damages for any breach 
of fiduciary duty involving (i) breaches of the duty of loyalty to the 
Holding Company or its stockholders, (ii) acts or omissions not in good 
faith which involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law, 
(iii) liability under Sections 61 or 62 of Chapter 156B of the Massachusetts 
General Laws (involving certain dividends or stock repurchases) or (iv) any 
transaction from which the Director derived an improper personal benefit.  
Equitable remedies such as an injunction or rescission also continue to be 
available.  There is no provision of the Articles of Association of the Bank 
or the Continuing Bank which is similar in legal effect to Article 6, 
Section 8 of the Holding Company's Articles of Organization.

                            HISTORY AND BUSINESS

The Bank

      The Bank was organized in 1849 under a state charter and was named 
Milford Bank.  In 1865, the Bank reorganized becoming a national banking 
association.  The Bank acquired trust powers on November 2, 1926.  As of 
December 31, 1997, the Bank employed 75 full time employees and 16 part time 
employees.  In the past five years, the Bank has not consummated any merger, 
consolidation or other acquisition of assets.

      The banking business in the market area served by the Bank is highly 
competitive.  The Bank competes actively with other Banks as well as other 
financial institutions engaged in the business of accepting deposits or 
making loans, such as savings and loans associations and mutual savings 
banks and finance companies.


      The Bank's service area is generally limited to that portion of 
Worcester County, Massachusetts in and around the communities of Milford and 
Mendon.  The Town of Milford is a well-developed financial community.  In 
addition to the Bank, there are five thrifts and other commercial banks in 
Milford.  The Bank, with total assets on December 31, 1997 of $138,000,000 
has the least assets of such financial institutions.

      The Bank's main office (36,200 sq. feet) at 300 East Main Street, 
Milford, Massachusetts is owned by the Bank and the Bank also owns its 
branch offices at 256 Main Street, Milford, Massachusetts (2,750 sq. feet) 
and the building located at 146 South Main Street, Milford, Massachusetts 
(3,200 sq. feet).  The Bank leases the land on which the 146 South Main 
Street branch is located and the branch located at 14 Hastings Street, 
Mendon, Massachusetts (2,150 sq. feet).

      The Bank conducts the normal operations of an independent commercial 
bank offering a full range of banking services including the acceptance of 
individual, nonprofit, municipal and business demand and savings deposits, 
as well as NOW accounts and individual retirement accounts, the making of 
commercial, real estate, installment and other loans, and the offering of 
automated teller services.

      The Bank's Trust Department furnishes a wide range of trust services 
to individuals, corporations, municipalities and charitable organizations.  
The Bank acts as executor, administrator and trustee of personal estates and 
trusts, provides investment, advisory and custody services, and acts as 
fiscal agent and paying agent.  The book value of assets under management on 
behalf of the Bank's customers was $94,580,000 at December 31, 1997.

The Holding Company

      The Holding Company was incorporated on January 28, 1998 as a business 
corporation under Chapter 156B of Massachusetts General Laws, pursuant to 
the authorization and direction of the Directors of the Bank.  The Holding 
Company has applied to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 
for prior approval to become a bank holding company upon consummation of the 
Merger, and has entered into the Merger Agreement with the Bank.  To date, 
the Holding Company has engaged in no business other than as necessary and 
incidental to effecting the merger with the Bank pursuant to the Merger 
Agreement.  There is no established public market for the Holding Company 
Stock and none is expected to develop as a result of the Merger.  The 
Holding Company owns no property.

      Upon consummation of the Merger, the Holding Company will be a bank 
holding company registered with the Board of Governors of the Federal 
Reserve System under the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended, with 
the Continuing Bank as its wholly-owned subsidiary.  The Holding Company 
will have corporate power to engage in such activities as are permitted to 
business corporations under Chapter 156B of the Massachusetts General Laws, 
subject to the limitations of the Bank Holding Company Act and regulations 
thereunder of the Board of Governors of the Federal 


Reserve System.  In general, the Bank Holding Company Act and regulations 
restrict the Holding Company with respect to its own activities and 
activities of any subsidiaries to the business of banking or such other 
activities which are closely related to the business of banking.  See 
"REORGANIZATION PLAN - MERGER - Reasons for the Reorganization."

                         REGULATION AND SUPERVISION

      The Bank is, and the Continuing Bank will be, subject to regulation by 
the Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal 
Reserve System, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.  The business 
of the Bank is, and the business of the Continuing Bank will be, subject in 
certain cases to state laws applicable to banks.

      The Holding Company and its subsidiaries will be affiliates of the 
Continuing Bank under federal law and as such will be subject to examination 
by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the purpose of 
determining the effect of the relations between the Continuing Bank and such 
affiliates upon the affairs of the Continuing Bank.  The Federal Reserve Act 
also imposes certain restrictions on loans by the Continuing Bank to the 
Holding Company, on investments by the Continuing Bank in stock or 
securities of the Holding Company, on the taking by the Continuing Bank of 
such stock or securities as collateral security for loans to any borrower, 
and on certain other activities.  By virtue of such relationship with the 
Continuing Bank, the Holding Company and its subsidiaries may under certain 
circumstances be subject to restrictions imposed by federal law with respect 
to engaging in certain aspects of the securities business.  In addition, 
affiliates of the Continuing Bank will be subject to examination at the 
discretion of the Comptroller of the Currency.

      Under the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended, no corporation 
may become a bank holding company as defined therein, without prior approval 
of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.  The Holding 
Company will also have to secure prior approval of the Board of Governors of 
the Federal Reserve System if it wishes to acquire voting shares of any 
other bank, if after such acquisition it would own or control more than 5% 
of the voting shares of such bank.  The Holding Company is also limited 
under the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended, as to the types of 
business in which it may engage.

      The Holding Company will, in addition, become a bank holding company 
subject to Massachusetts law if it acquires control of 25% or more of the 
voting stock of another bank in addition to the Bank.  


                         MARKET PRICE AND DIVIDENDS

Bank Stock

      Shares of the Bank's stock are currently held by approximately 121 
record holders.  The Bank's common stock is not registered under Section 12 
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  There is only limited trading 
activity in such shares.  To the Bank's knowledge, the shares of the Bank's 
common stock are traded at infrequent, irregular intervals, with 1,214 
shares traded in 5 transactions during 1996 and 1,581 shares traded in 6 
transactions during 1997.  During that period, to the Bank's knowledge, 
shares were traded at prices ranging between $53 and $75.  To the Bank's 
knowledge, there have been no shares traded in 1998.

      The following table sets forth cash dividends paid by the Bank in 1996 
and 1997.

                                            Cash Dividends
                                            (per share)

      February                              $.24
      August                                $.24

      February                              $.32
      August                                $.32

Holding Company Stock

      The Holding Company is newly organized and does not have any history 
of operations as of the date of this Proxy Statement and Prospectus.  There 
is currently no established trading market for the Holding Company Stock and 
there can be no guarantee that such a market will develop.

      It is expected that cash dividends of the Holding Company after 
consummation of the merger will be delivered and paid on approximately the 
same schedule as that followed with respect to recent cash dividends on the 
common stock of the Bank.  The Holding Company's future dividends will 
depend upon its earnings, financial condition and other factors.  At the 
outset, it is anticipated that the monetary requirements of the Holding 
Company for expenses as well as dividends will be obtained from dividends 
paid by the Continuing Bank.  The amount of available dividends the 
Continuing Bank will be allowed to pay the Holding Company is limited and 
subject to laws and strict government regulations, and in some instances may 
require prior approval of regulatory agencies.


                              FINANCIAL MATTERS

Selected Financial Data

      The following table presents a summary of the major components of the 
Bank's financial statements for each of the five years ended December 31, 
1997.  All information concerning the Bank should be read in conjunction 
with other financial statements and related notes previously provided by the 

                                                       Year ended December 31
                                                 (In thousands except per share data)
                                      1997         1996         1995         1994         1993
                                      ----         ----         ----         ----         ----

Income Statement Data          
  Interest and Dividend Income      $ 10,218     $  9,835     $  9,455     $  8,257     $  7,131
  Interest Expense                     3,175        3,021        2,588        2,047        2,239
  Net Interest and Dividend Income     7,043        6,814        6,867        6,210        4,892
  Provision for Loan Losses              137          285          135          272          100
  Other Income                           924          728          746          470          766
  Other Expense                        5,800        3,902        7,236        4,594        4,094
  Income Tax                             780        1,337           45          709          605
  Net Income                        $  1,250     $  2,018     $    197     $  1,105     $    859
Balance Sheet Data (at end of
  Total Assets                      $138,196     $127,519     $116,291     $116,944     $108,424
  Net Loans                           71,208       64,618       65,792       60,058       50,978
  Total Deposits                     125,732      116,440      106,937      108,698      100,782
  Total Stockholder's Equity          11,615       10,290        8,473        7,630        7,370
Per Common Share Data          
  Net Income                        $   6.25     $  10.09     $   0.98     $   5.52     $   4.29
  Cash dividends                        0.64         0.48         0.36         0.27         0.20
  Book Value                           58.06        51.44        42.36        38.15        36.85

The Holding Company is newly organized and has no history of operations.



      The capitalization of the Bank at December 31, 1997, and the proposed 
capitalization of the Bank, the Continuing Bank and the Holding Company 
prior to the consummation of the merger contemplated by the Merger Agreement 
and as adjusted to give effect to the merger, are as follows:

                                         December 31,        Prior to              Upon
                                            1997             Merger(a)           Merger(a) 
                                         ------------        ---------           ---------

  Shareholders' Equity:
    Common Stock - Par Value $1.00       $   200,035        $   200,035
      Authorized                             250,000 Shs        250,000 Shs
      Outstanding                            200,035 Shs        200,035 Shs
  Surplus                                $ 3,858,355        $ 3,858,355
  Undivided Profits(d)                   $ 7,556,583        $ 7,556,583
      Total Capital Funds                $11,614,973        $11,614,973

New Bank
  Shareholders' Equity:
    Common Stock - Par Value $1.00                          $  100,000         $   300,035
      Authorized                                             1,000,000 Shs       1,000,000 Shs
      Outstanding                                              100,000 Shs         300,035 Shs
  Surplus                                                   $   20,000         $ 3,878,355
  Undivided Profits(d)                                      $        0         $ 7,436,583
      Total Capital Funds                                   $  120,000         $11,614,973(b) 
Holding Company
  Shareholders' Equity:
    Common Stock - Par Value $1.00                          $     1.00         $   200,035
      Authorized                                             1,000,000 Shs       1,000,000 Shs
      Issued                                                         1(c)          200,035 Shs
  Surplus                                                   $        0         $ 3,878,355
  Undivided Profits(d)                                      $        0         $ 7,536,583
      Total Capital Funds                                   $     1.00         $11,614,973

<Fa>  Where applicable, based on December 31, 1997 surplus and undivided 
      profits of the Bank.
<Fb>  It is anticipated that after the merger the Continuing Bank will 
      declare a special dividend to the Holding Company, the effect of which 
      would be to reduce undivided profits.  Origination expenses shall be 
      included in such dividend and $120,000 of such funds shall be repaid 
      to a bank, from which the Holding Company will borrow the funds to 
      provide initial capitalization of the New Bank.
<Fc>  In order to effect the organization of the Holding Company, one share 
      of its common stock has been issued to the firm of Craig and Macauley 
      Professional Corporation for consideration of $1.00.  Upon 
      consummation of the merger, such share shall be repurchased by the 
      Holding Company for a cash price equal to that paid by such firm. 
<Fd>  Undivided profits include $284,683 which represents the net unrealized 
      gain on securities available for sale.



      All Directors of the Bank immediately prior to the merger will become, 
upon consummation of the merger, Directors of the Continuing Bank, and all 
Directors of the Bank will be Directors of the Holding Company.  It is not 
presently contemplated that the Directors and officers of the Holding 
Company will receive any compensation other than that received in their 
capacities as Directors and officers of the Continuing Bank.

Transactions With Management of Continuing Bank

The Bank has had, currently has, and expects to continue to have in the 
future, banking transactions (including loans and extensions of credit) in 
the ordinary course of its business with its Directors and executive 
officers and various corporations of which they are officers.  Such banking 
transactions have been and are on substantially the same terms, including 
interest rates, collateral and repayment conditions, as those prevailing at 
the same time for comparable transactions with others and do not involve 
more than the normal risk of collectibility or present other unfavorable 
features.  Upon consummation of the merger, the Continuing Bank will hold 
all rights of property of the Bank then existing and will succeed to the 
rights of the Bank under such banking transactions.


Dividend Rights

      Holders of common stock of the Bank are entitled to receive such 
dividends as are declared by the Bank's Board of Directors out of funds 
legally available therefor.

Voting Rights - Cumulative Voting

      Each holder of common stock of the Bank is entitled to one vote for 
each share of stock held by him.  In all elections of Directors, each 
shareholder has the right to vote the number of shares of stock owned by him 
for as many persons as there are Directors to be elected, or to cumulate 
such shares and give one candidate as many votes as will equal the number of 
Directors multiplied by the number of shares of his stock, or to distribute 
his votes on the same principle among as many candidates as he shall think 

Liquidation Rights

      In the event of liquidation, the holders of common stock of the Bank 
will be entitled to receive pro rata any assets distributable to 
shareholders in respect of shares held by them.


Preemptive Rights

      In case of an increase in the capital stock of the Bank, each 
shareholder has the preemptive right to subscribe for such number of shares 
of the proposed increase in the capital stock as he may be entitled to 
according to the number of shares owned by him before the stock is 

Dissenters' Rights

      Under certain circumstances set forth in the Federal banking laws and 
upon compliance with statutory procedures applicable to dissenting 
shareholders, holders of the Bank's common stock are entitled to receive the 
value of the shares held by them.  Such circumstances include the conversion 
of the Bank to a state-charted institution, the merger or consolidation of 
the Bank with a state bank under a state charter, or the consolidation or 
merger of the Bank with another national banking association.

Other Matters

      Federal banking laws contain a provision authorizing a pro rata 
assessment upon shareholders of the Bank to cover any impairment of capital, 
the assessment to be enforced only by sale, to the extent necessary, of the 
stock of the shareholder assessed.  After the consummation of the merger, 
any such assessment would be paid by the Holding Company.

                                COMMON STOCK

Dividend Rights

      Holders of the Holding Company's common stock will be entitled to 
receive such dividends as are declared by its Board of Directors out of 
funds legally available therefor.

Voting Rights

      The shares of common stock of the Holding Company, unlike the shares 
of common stock of the Bank, will not have cumulative voting rights.  This 
means that the holders of more than 50% of the shares of common stock of the 
Holding Company voting for the election of Directors can elect 100% of the 
class of Directors standing for election at any meeting if they choose to do 
so, and in such event, the holders of the remaining shares voting for the 
election of Directors will not be able to elect any person or persons to the 
Board of Directors of the Holding Company at the meeting.


Liquidation Rights

      In the event of dissolution of the Holding Company and the liquidation 
thereof, the holders of common stock of the Holding Company will be entitled 
to receive pro rata any assets distributable to shareholders in respect of 
shares held by them.

Preemptive Rights

      Holders of common stock of the Holding Company will not have any right 
to subscribe to any additional securities which may be issued by the Holding 

Dissenters' Rights

      Holders of the common stock of the Holding Company will, under certain 
circumstances set forth in the Massachusetts corporate laws, and upon 
compliance with statutory procedures, be entitled to receive the value of 
the shares held by them.  Among the types of transactions giving rise to a 
right of appraisal under Massachusetts law are most mergers and 

Other Matters

      The common stock of the Holding Company will not have any redemptive 
provisions applicable thereto, and the shares, when issued upon consummation 
of the merger, will be fully paid and non-assessable.

                            FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

      The Bank's Annual Report to Shareholders, containing financial 
statements for the year ended December 31, 1997 prepared in accordance with 
generally accepted accounting principles, has been previously furnished to 
shareholders.  Additional copies of such Report may be obtained without 
charge upon request to:  Anne M. Dygon, Senior Vice President and Chief 
Financial Officer, The Milford National Bank and Trust Company, 300 East 
Main Street, Milford, MA  01757.  Pro forma financial data concerning the 
Holding Company after its acquisition of the Bank is not presented since it 
would involve no meaningful change in the information contained in the 
Annual Report.


      There are no material pending legal proceedings to which the Bank is a 
party or to which any of its property is subject.

      The Holding Company is not involved in any litigation.


                            MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS

      Action will be taken on whatever other business may properly come 
before the meeting.  Neither the Board of Directors nor anyone named in the 
solicited proxy is aware of any other matters to be considered at the Annual 
Meeting.  If any other matters properly come before the meeting, the persons 
named in the enclosed form of proxy will vote all proxies with respect to 
such matters in accordance with the recommendations of the Board of 

      The Board of Directors urges you to mark, sign, date and return the 
enclosed proxy as promptly as possible, whether or not you plan to attend 
the meeting in person.  If you do attend, you may then withdraw your proxy, 
or you may withdraw your proxy by a subsequently dated proxy delivered to 
Norman Noorjanian, Senior Vice President and Cashier, The Milford National 
Bank and Trust Company, 300 East Main Street, Milford, MA  01757.

      Following the merger, the shareholders of the Holding Company will be 
furnished with annual financial statements of the Holding Company similar to 
those furnished by the Bank in the past.

                               LEGAL OPINIONS

      Legal matters relating to this Proxy Statement and Prospectus have 
been passed on by Craig and Macauley Professional Corporation, Boston, 
Massachusetts, special counsel to The Milford National Bank and Trust 
Company and MNB Bancorp.

                                       By Order of the Board of Directors

                                       /s/  Robert J. Lewis 
                                       Robert J. Lewis, President
                                       and Chief Executive Officer

Dated:  March 9, 1998


                                EXHIBIT A TO

                             AGREEMENT TO MERGE

                 The Milford National Bank and Trust Company
                               with and into,
                            under the charter of,
                     Milford Bank, National Association
                             under the title of
                "The Milford National Bank and Trust Company"

      This AGREEMENT is made between The Milford National Bank and Trust 
Company (hereinafter referred to as "Bank"), a national banking association 
located at 300 East Main Street, Milford, County of Worcester, in the 
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and Milford Bank, National Association 
(hereinafter referred to as "New Bank"), a national banking association 
located at the same address, and is assented to by MNB Bancorp, a 
Massachusetts corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Holding Company").

      The Bank and New Bank are banks duly organized under the banking laws 
of the United States of America.  As of December 31, 1997, the Bank had 
capital stock issued and outstanding in the amount of 200,035 (divided into 
200,035 shares of common stock of the par value of $1.00 per share), surplus 
of $3,858,355 and undivided profits (including unrealized gains on 
securities available for sale) of $7,756,583.

      New Bank was organized on January 26, 1998 and has authorized capital 
stock in the amount of $1,000,000 (divided into 1,000,000 shares of common 
stock of the par value of $1.00 per share).  Immediately prior to the merger 
becoming effective, 100,000 shares of New Bank shall be issued and 
outstanding and New Bank shall have a surplus in the amount of $20,000.  The 
merger hereby provided for shall hereinafter be called the "merger."

      Holding Company is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the 
Commonwealth of Massachusetts and has its principal office in the Town of 
Milford, County of Worcester, Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  Holding 
Company's authorized capital stock consists of 1,000,000 shares of common 
stock, of the par value of $1.00 per share.

      A majority of the Board of Directors of the Bank and a majority of the 
Board of Directors of New Bank have, respectively, approved this Agreement 
and authorized its execution.  A majority of the Board of Directors of 
Holding Company has approved this Agreement, agreed that Holding Company 
shall join in and be bound by it, and authorized the undertakings 
hereinafter made by the Holding Company.


      This Agreement is and shall be deemed to be a plan of reorganization 
within the meaning of Section 368 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as 

      NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the Bank and New 
Bank, joined in by Holding Company, hereby make this Agreement prescribing 
the terms and conditions of merger of the Bank and New Bank as follows:

                                  Section 1

      Bank shall be merged into New Bank under the Charter and Articles of 
Association of New Bank pursuant to the provisions of, and with the effect 
provided in, Section 2 of Chapter 209 of the Act of Congress of November 7, 
1918, as amended (12 U.S.C.  Section 215a).

                                  Section 2

      The name of the surviving association (hereinafter referred to as the 
"Association") shall be "The Milford National Bank and Trust Company " and 
its charter number shall be 866.

                                  Section 3

      The business of the Association shall be that of a national banking 
association.  This business shall be conducted by the Association at its 
main office which shall be located at 300 East Main Street, Milford, 
Massachusetts, and its legally established branches.

                                  Section 4

      The amount of capital stock of the Association shall be $300,035 
divided into 300,035 shares of common stock, each of $1.00 par value, and at 
the time the merger shall become effective, the Association shall have a 
Surplus of $3,878,355, and Undivided Profits, which when combined with the 
capital and surplus will be equal to the combined capital structures of the 
merging banks as stated in the preamble of this Agreement, adjusted, 
however, for normal earnings and expenses between December 31, 1997 and the 
effective time of the merger.


                                  Section 5

      (a)  Upon the merger becoming effective, the corporate existence of 
the Bank and New Bank shall, as provided by the aforementioned Act of 
Congress, be merged into and continued in the Association, and the 
Association shall be deemed to be the same corporation as the Bank and New 
Bank.  All rights, franchises and interests of the Bank and New Bank, 
respectively, in and to every type of property (real, personal and mixed) 
and choses in action shall be transferred to and vested in the Association 
by virtue of such merger without any deed or other transfer, and the 
Association, without any order or action on the part of any court or 
otherwise, shall hold and enjoy all rights of property, franchises, and 
interests, including appointments, designations and nominations, and all 
other rights and interests as trustee, executor, administrator, registrar of 
stocks and bonds, guardian of estates and persons, assignee, receiver and in 
every other fiduciary capacity, in the same manner and to the same extent as 
such rights, franchises, and interests were held or enjoyed by the Bank and 
New Bank, respectively, at the time the merger becomes effective.  
Thereafter, the Association shall engage in the business of a national 
banking association at the main office and the legally established and 
approved branches of the Bank.

      (b)  Upon the merger becoming effective, the Association shall be 
liable for all liabilities of the Bank; and all liabilities, obligations and 
contracts of the Bank and of New Bank, respectively, matured or unmatured, 
whether accrued, absolute, contingent or otherwise, and whether or not 
reflected or reserved against on balance sheets, books of account, or 
records of the Bank or New Bank, as the case may be, shall be those of the 
Association, and shall not be released or impaired by the merger, and all 
rights of creditors and other obligees and all liens on property of either 
the Bank or New Bank shall be preserved unimpaired.

                                  Section 6

      This Agreement shall be submitted to the shareholders of the Bank and 
New Bank for ratification and confirmation at meetings to be called and held 
in accordance with the applicable provisions of law and their respective 
Articles of Association and By-laws.  The Bank and New Bank shall proceed 
expeditiously and cooperate fully in the procurement of any other consents 
and approvals and in the taking of any other action, and the satisfaction of 
all other requirements prescribed by law or otherwise, necessary for 
consummation of the merger on the terms herein provided including, without 
being limited to, the preparation and submission of an application to the 
Comptroller of the Currency of the United States for approval of the merger 
under the provisions of Section 18(c) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, 
as amended (12 USC Section 1828(c)) and Section 215a of Title 12 United 
States Code.


                                  Section 7

      Upon the merger becoming effective:

      (a)  Each share of the common stock of the Bank shall, by virtue of 
this Agreement and without any action on the part of the holder thereof, be 
converted into and become one (1) share of the common stock of Holding 
Company, and outstanding certificates representing shares of common stock, 
par value $1.00 per share, of the Bank shall thereafter represent shares of 
common stock, par value $1.00 per share, of Holding Company.  Each holder of 
any such shares of the Bank which shall have been so converted into common 
stock of Holding Company, shall, upon surrender in proper form to the 
Association for cancellation of one or more stock certificates (hereinafter 
called "Old Certificates") which, prior to the merger becoming effective, 
represented common stock of the Bank, be entitled to receive as evidence of 
the shares so converted one or more stock certificates (hereinafter called 
"New Certificates") bearing the name of Holding Company as issuer, for the 
number of shares of Holding Company represented by such Old Certificates 
when surrendered.  Until so surrendered, each Old Certificate shall be 
deemed, for all corporate purposes, to evidence the ownership of the number 
of shares of common stock of the Holding Company which the holder thereof 
would be entitled to receive upon its surrender, except that Holding Company 
may withhold, from the holder of shares represented by such Old 
Certificates, distribution of any or all dividends declared by Holding 
Company on such shares until such time as such Old Certificate shall be 
surrendered in exchange for one or more New Certificates, at which time 
dividends so withheld by Holding Company with respect to such shares shall 
be delivered, without interest thereon, to the shareholder to whom such New 
Certificates are issued.

      (b)  The amount, and the number of shares, of common stock of New Bank 
outstanding immediately before the merger becomes effective (specifically 
$100,000 divided into 100,000 shares of the par value of $1.00 each) shall 
be increased by the amount and the number of shares of the common stock of 
the Bank outstanding immediately before the merger becomes effective, 
(specifically $200,035 divided into 200,035 shares of the par value of $1.00 
each, such figures being adjusted to reflect all increases, if any, in the 
capital stock of Bank from this date until immediately before the merger) 
with the effect that the amount and the number of shares of the common stock 
of the Association outstanding upon the completion of the merger shall be 
equal to the aggregate amount and the aggregate number of shares of common 
stock of the Bank and New Bank, combined, immediately before the merger 
(adjusted to reflect all increases in the common stock of the Bank and in 
the common stock of New Bank after this date until immediately before the 
merger becomes effective).  


      (c)  No cash shall be allocated to shareholders of the Bank (except as 
to those shareholders who elect to dissent from the plan of merger as 
provided in Section 11 hereof) or to any other person, firm or corporation, 
and stock shall be allocated as follows:

            (i)  To shareholders of the Bank of record at the time the 
      merger becomes effective there shall be allocated one (1) share of 
      common stock of Holding Company for each one (1) share of common stock 
      of the Bank held of record at the time of the merger; and

            (ii)  To Holding Company there shall be allocated the amount, 
      and the number of shares, of common stock of the Association of the 
      par value of $1.00 per share, which shall be equal to the amount, and 
      the number of shares, of common stock of the Bank outstanding 
      immediately before the merger.

      (d)  The shares of the capital stock of New Bank issued and 
outstanding at the time of the merger shall continue to be issued and 
outstanding shares of the Association.

                                  Section 8

      Neither of the banks shall declare or pay any dividend to its 
shareholders between the date of this Agreement and the time at which the 
merger shall become effective, except in the ordinary course of business, 
nor dispose of any of its assets in any other manner except in the normal 
course of business and for adequate value.

                                  Section 9

      The present Board of Directors of Bank shall continue to serve as the 
Board of Directors of the Association until the next annual meeting or until 
such time as their successors have been elected and have qualified.

                                  Section 10

      Effective as of the time this merger shall become effective as 
specified in the "Certificate Approving Merger" to be issued by the 
Comptroller of the Currency, the Articles of Association of the Association 
shall read in their entirety as provided in Exhibit A hereto.  The By-Laws 
of the Association shall be the By-Laws of New Bank.


                                  Section 11

      Any shareholder of the Bank who shall have voted against the merger at 
the meeting of the shareholders of the Bank held for the purpose set forth 
in Section 6 of this Agreement or who shall have given notice in writing at 
or prior to such meeting to the presiding officer that he dissents from the 
plan of merger, shall be entitled to receive the value of the shares so held 
by him when the merger shall be approved by the Comptroller of the Currency 
upon written request made to the Association at any time before thirty days 
after the date of consummation of the merger, accompanied by the surrender 
of his stock certificates.  The value of the shares of any dissenting 
shareholder shall be ascertained, as of the effective date of the merger, by 
an appraisal made by a committee of three persons, composed of (1) one 
selected by the vote of the holders of the majority of the stock, the owners 
of which are entitled to payment in cash (by reason of such dissent and 
request for appraisal); (2) one selected by the directors of the 
Association; and (3) one selected by the two so selected.  The valuation 
agreed upon by any two of the three appraisers shall govern.  If the value 
so fixed shall not be satisfactory to any dissenting shareholder who has 
requested payment, that shareholder may, within five days after being 
notified of the appraised value of such shares, appeal to the Comptroller of 
the Currency, who shall cause a reappraisal to be made which shall be final 
and binding as to the value of the shares of the appellant.  If within 
ninety days from the date of consummation of the merger, for any reason one 
or more of the appraisers is not selected as herein provided, or the 
appraisers fail to determine the value of such shares, the Comptroller of 
the Currency shall upon written request of any interested party cause an 
appraisal to be made which shall be final and binding on all parties.  The 
expenses of the Comptroller of the Currency in making the reappraisal or the 
appraisal, as the case may be, shall be paid by the Association.  The value 
of the shares ascertained shall be promptly paid to the dissenting 
shareholders by the Association.

                                  Section 12

      Effectuation of the merger herein provided for is conditional upon:

      (a)  Ratification and confirmation of this Agreement by vote of the 
shareholders of the Bank and the New Bank as required by law;

      (b)  The approval of the Comptroller of the Currency of the merger 
herein provided for; and

      (c)  Procurement of all other consents and approvals, and satisfaction 
of all other requirements prescribed by law, which are necessary for 
consummation of the merger.


                                  Section 13

      In the event that:

      (a)  The number of shares of capital stock of the Bank voted against 
the merger, or in respect of which written notice is given purporting to 
dissent from the merger, shall make consummation of the merger unwise in the 
opinion of either the Board of Directors of the Bank or the Board of 
Directors of New Bank; or

      (b)  Any action, suit, proceeding or claim has been instituted, made 
or threatened relating to the proposed merger which shall make consummation 
of the merger inadvisable in the opinion of either the Board of Directors of 
the Bank or the Board of Directors of New Bank; or

      (c)  Any action, consent or approval, governmental or otherwise, which 
is, or in the opinion of counsel for the Bank may be, necessary to permit or 
enable the Association, upon and after the merger, to conduct all or any 
part of the business and activities of the Bank up to the time of the 
merger, in the manner in which such activities and business are then 
conducted, shall not have been obtained; or

      (d)  For any other reason consummation of the merger is inadvisable in 
the opinion of the respective Boards of Directors of both the Bank and New 

then this Agreement may be terminated at any time before the merger becomes 
effective by written notice by either the Bank or New Bank to the other of 
them, authorized or approved by resolution adopted by the Board of Directors 
of the one of them giving such notice.  Upon termination by written notice 
as provided in this Section 13, this Agreement shall be void and of no 
further effect, and there shall be no liability by reason of this Agreement 
or the termination thereof on the part of the Bank, New Bank, Holding 
Company or the directors, officers, employees, agents or shareholders, or 
any of them.

                                  Section 14

      Subject to the terms of and upon satisfaction of all requirements of 
law and the conditions specified in this Agreement, including, among other 
conditions, receipt of the approval of the Comptroller of the Currency 
specified in the Act of Congress referred to in Section l of this Agreement, 
the merger shall become effective at the time specified in the certificate 
to be issued by the Comptroller of the Currency under the seal of his office 
approving the merger.


      WITNESS, the signature and seals of said merging banks this 4th day of 
February, 1998, each hereunto set by its Chairman and attested by its 
President, pursuant to a resolution of its Board of Directors, acting by a 
majority thereof, and witness the signatures hereto of a majority of each of 
said Boards of Directors:

ATTEST:                              THE MILFORD NATIONAL BANK 
                                      AND TRUST COMPANY

/s/ Robert J. Lewis                  By:  /s/  Henry C. Papuga
President                                 Chairman


/s/  Dorothy R. Horne                    /s/  Linda L. Varney 

/s/  Michael A. Diorio                   /s/  Robert J. Lewis 

/s/  Henry C. Papuga                     /s/  Gilbert Kahn, Jr. 

/s/  Thomas C. Sawyer, Sr. 

State of New Jersey
County of Passaic, ss.

      On the 6th day of February, 1998, before me personally came Gilbert 
Kahn, Jr. to me known to be the person described in and who executed the 
foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same.

                                         /s/  Joyce A. Venezia 
                                         Notary Public

(Seal of Notary)                         My commission expires on:

                                         Joyce A. Venezia
                                         Notary Public, State of New Jersey
                                         No. 2187917
                                         Qualified in Essex County
                                         Commission Expires April 4, 2001


ATTEST:                              MILFORD BANK, NATIONAL

/s/ Robert J. Lewis                  By:  /s/  Henry C. Papuga 
President                                 Chairman


/s/  Michael A. Diorio                    /s/  Henry C. Papuga 

/s/  Thomas C. Sawyer, Sr.                /s/  Robert J. Lewis 

/s/  Linda L. Varney 


      MNB Bancorp hereby assents to the foregoing Agreement, undertakes that 
it will be bound thereby and that it will do and perform all acts and things 
therein referred to or provided to be done by it.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, MNB Bancorp has caused this undertaking to be 
executed by its duly authorized officer and its corporate seal to be 
hereunto affixed this 11th day of February, 1998.

ATTEST:                              MNB BANCORP

/s/ Kathrine Baldwin                 By:  /s/ Robert J. Lewis 
Kathrine Baldwin, Clerk                   Robert J. Lewis, President



                                   )      SS.
COUNTY OF WORCESTER                )

      On this 4th day of February, 1998, before me, a Notary Public for the 
State and County aforesaid, personally came Henry C. Papuga, as Chairman, 
and Robert J. Lewis, as President, of The Milford National Bank and Trust 
Company, and each in his capacity acknowledged the foregoing instrument to 
be the act and deed of said association and the seal affixed thereto to be 
its seal; and came Robert J. Lewis, Henry C. Papuga, Dorothy R. Horne, 
Michael A. Diorio, Thomas C. Sawyer, Sr., and Linda L. Varney, and each of 
them acknowledged said instrument to be the act and deed of said association 
and of himself as director thereof.

      WITNESS my official seal and signature this day and year aforesaid.

                                       /s/ David F. Hannon 
                                       Notary Public

(Seal of Notary)                       My Commission Expires:

                                       David F. Hannon
                                       A Notary Public of Massachusetts
                                       My Commission Expires Nov. 22, 2002


                                   )      SS.  Milford
COUNTY OF WORCESTER                )

      On this 11th day of February, 1998, before me, a Notary Public for the 
State and County aforesaid, personally came Henry C. Papuga, as Chairman, 
and Robert J.  Lewis, as President, of Milford Bank, National Association, 
and each in his capacity acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be the act 
and deed of said association and the seal affixed thereto to be its seal; 
and came Robert J. Lewis, Henry C. Papuga, Michael A. Diorio, Thomas C. 
Sawyer, Sr., and Linda L. Varney, being a majority of the Board of Directors 
of said association and each of them acknowledged said instrument to be the 
act and deed of said association and of himself as director thereof.

      WITNESS my official seal and signature this day and year aforesaid.

                                       /s/ Kathrine Baldwin 
                                       Notary Public

(Seal of Notary)                       My Commission Expires:  06/21/2002

                                   )      SS.  Milford
COUNTY OF WORCESTER                )

      On this 11th day of February, 1998, before me, a Notary Public for the 
State and County aforesaid, personally came Robert J. Lewis, as President of 
MNB Bancorp, and in his said capacity acknowledged the foregoing instrument 
to be the act and deed of said corporation and the seal affixed thereto to 
be its seal.

      WITNESS my official seal and signature this day and year aforesaid.

                                       /s/ Kathrine Baldwin 
                                       Notary Public

(Seal of Notary)                       My Commission Expires:  06/21/2002


                          EXHIBIT A TO EXHIBIT A OF

                           ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION

      For the purpose of organizing an Association to carry on the business 
of banking under the laws of the United States, the undersigned do hereby 
enter into the following Articles of Association.

      FIRST.  The title of this Association shall be The Milford National 
Bank and Trust Company.

      SECOND.  The Main Office of the Association shall be in Milford, 
Worcester County, Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  The general business of 
the Association shall be conducted at its main office and its branches.

      THIRD.  The Board of Directors of this Association shall consist of 
not less than five nor more than twenty-five shareholders, the exact number 
to be fixed and determined from time to time by resolution of a majority of 
the full Board of Directors or by resolution of the shareholders at any 
annual or special meeting thereof.  Each director shall own $1,000 aggregate 
par value in this national bank or in a company which has control of the 
bank.  Any vacancy in the Board of Directors may be filled by action of the 
Board of Directors.

      FOURTH.  There shall be an annual meeting of the shareholders, the 
purpose of which shall be the election of Directors and the transaction of 
whatever other business may be brought before said meeting.  It shall be 
held at the main office or other convenient place as the Board of Directors 
may designate, on the day of each year specified therefor in the By-Laws, 
but if no election is held on that day, it may be held on any subsequent day 
according to such lawful rules as may be prescribed by the Board of 

      Nominations for election to the Board of Directors may be made by the 
Board of Directors or by any stockholder of any outstanding class of capital 
stock of this Association entitled to vote for election of directors.  
Nominations other than those made by, or on behalf of the existing 
management of this Association shall be made in writing and shall be 
delivered or mailed to the President of this Association and to the 
Comptroller of the 


Currency, Washington, D.C., not less than 14 days nor 
more than 50 days prior to any meeting of stockholders called for the 
election of directors, provided, however, that if less than 21 days' notice 
of the meeting is given to shareholders, such nominations shall be mailed or 
delivered to the President of this Association and to the Comptroller of the 
Currency not later than the close of business on the seventh day following 
the day on which the notice of meeting was mailed.  Such notification shall 
contain the following information to the extent known to the notifying 
shareholder: (a) the name and address of each proposed nominee; (b) the 
principal occupation of each proposed nominee; (c) the total number of 
shares of capital stock of this Association that will be voted for each 
proposed nominee; (d) the name and residence address of the notifying 
shareholder; and (e) the number of shares of capital stock of this 
Association owned by the notifying shareholder.  Nominations not made in 
accordance herewith may, in his or her discretion, be disregarded by the 
Chairperson of the meeting, and upon his or her instructions, the vote 
tellers may disregard all votes cast for such nominees.

      FIFTH.  The authorized amount of capital stock of this Association 
shall be 1,000,000 shares of common stock of the par value of one dollar 
($1.00) each; but said capital stock may be increased or deceased from time 
to time, in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the United States.

      If the capital stock is increased by the sale of additional shares 
thereof, each shareholder shall be entitled to subscribe for such additional 
shares in proportion to the number of shares of said capital stock owned by 
him on the record date fixed by the Board of Directors in connection with 
the issuance of such additional shares, unless another time subsequent to 
the date of the shareholders' meeting is specified in a resolution by the 
shareholders at the time the increase is authorized.  The Board of Directors 
shall have the power to prescribe a reasonable period of time within which 
the pre-emptive rights to subscribe to the new shares of capital stock must 
be exercised.

      SIXTH.  The Board of Directors shall appoint one of its members 
Chairperson of the Board.  The Board of Directors shall appoint a President 
of the Association and shall have the power to appoint one or more Vice 
Presidents; and to appoint a Cashier and such other officers and employees 
as may be required to transact the business of this Association.

      The Board of Directors shall have the power to define the duties of 
the officers and employees of the Association; to fix the salaries to be 
paid to them; to dismiss them; to require bonds from them and to fix the 
penalty thereof; to regulate the manner in which any increase of the capital 
of the Association shall be made; to manage and administer the business and 
affairs of the Association; to make all By-laws that it may be lawful for it 
to make; and generally to do and perform all acts that it may be legal for a 
Board of Directors to do and perform.


      SEVENTH.  The Board of Directors shall have the power to change the 
location of the main office to any other place within the limits of Milford, 
Massachusetts, without the approval of the shareholders but subject to the 
approval of the Comptroller of the Currency; and shall have the power to 
establish or change the location of any branch or branches of the 
Association to any other location, without the approval of the shareholders 
but subject to the approval of the Comptroller of the Currency.

      EIGHTH.  The corporate existence of this Association shall continue 
until terminated in accordance with the laws of the United States.

      NINTH.  The Board of Directors of this Association, or any three or 
more shareholders owning, in the aggregate, not less than twenty-five 
percent of the stock of this Association, may call a special meeting of 
shareholders at any time.  Unless otherwise provided by the laws of the 
United States, a notice of the time, place, and purpose of every annual and 
special meeting of the shareholders shall be given by first-class mail, 
postage prepaid, mailed at least ten days prior to the date of such meeting 
to each shareholder of record at his or her address as shown upon the books 
of this Association.

      TENTH.  This Association shall indemnify each person (and his heirs, 
executors, administrators, or other legal representatives) who is, or shall 
have been, a Director, officer, employee or agent of this Association or any 
person who, at the request of this Association, is serving, or shall serve 
as a Director, officer, employee or agent of another organization in which 
this Association owns shares or of which it is a creditor, against all 
liabilities and expenses (including judgments, fines, penalties and 
attorneys' fees and all amounts paid, other than to this Association or such 
other organization, in compromise or settlement) reasonably incurred by any 
such Director, officer, or person in connection with, or arising out of, any 
action, suit or proceeding in which any such Director, officer, or person 
may be a party defendant or with which he may be threatened or otherwise 
involved, directly or indirectly, by reason of his being or having been a 
Director, officer, employee or agent of this Association or such other 
organization, except in relation to matters as to which any such Director, 
officer, or person shall be finally adjudged (other than by consent) in such 
action, suit or proceeding not to have acted in good faith and in a manner 
he reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of this 
Association or such other organization, and, with respect to any criminal 
action or proceeding he had no reasonable cause to believe his conduct was 
unlawful; provided, however, that indemnity shall not be made with respect 
to any such amounts paid in compromise or settlement or by consent, unless 
the Board of Directors shall have determined in good faith that the 
Director, officer or person making such compromise, settlement, or consent 
acted, in connection


with the matter or matters out of which such 
compromise, settlement or consent arose, in good faith and in a manner he 
reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of this 
Association or such other organization, and, with respect to any criminal 
action or proceeding that he had no reasonable cause to believe his conduct 
was unlawful.  Such indemnification may include payment by this Association 
of expenses in defending a civil or criminal action or proceeding in advance 
of the final disposition of such action or proceeding upon receipt of any 
undertaking by the person indemnified to repay such payment if he shall be 
adjudicated to be not entitled to indemnification under this Article.

      The foregoing right to indemnification shall not be exclusive of any 
other rights to which any such Director, officer or person is entitled under 
any agreement, vote of stockholders, statute, or as a matter of law, or 
otherwise.  The provisions of this Article are separable, and if any 
provision or portion hereof shall for any reason be held inapplicable, 
illegal or ineffective, this shall not affect any right of indemnification 
existing otherwise than under this Article.

      ELEVENTH.  These Articles of Association may be amended at any regular 
or special meeting of the shareholders by the affirmative vote of the 
holders of a majority of the stock of this Association, unless the vote of 
the holders of a greater amount of stock is required by law, and in that 
case by the vote of the holders of such greater amount.


                                EXHIBIT B TO

                             DISSENTER'S RIGHTS
                       12 U.S.C. [Section Sign] 215a

(b)  Dissenting shareholders.

      If a merger shall be voted for at the called meetings by the necessary 
majorities of the shareholders of each association or State bank 
participating in the plan of merger, and thereafter the merger shall be 
approved by the Comptroller, any shareholder of any association or State 
bank to be merged into the receiving association who has voted against such 
merger at the meeting of the association or bank of which he is a 
stockholder, or has given notice in writing at or prior to such meeting to 
the presiding officer that he dissents from the plan of merger, shall be 
entitled to receive the value of the shares so held by him when such merger 
shall be approved by the Comptroller upon written request made to the 
receiving association at any time before thirty days after the date of 
consummation of the merger, accompanied by the surrender of his stock 

(c)  Valuation of shares.

      The value of the shares of any dissenting shareholder shall be 
ascertained, as of the effective date of the merger, by an appraisal made by 
a committee of three persons, composed of (1) one selected by the vote of 
the holders of the majority of the stock, the owners of which are entitled 
to payment in cash; (2) one selected by the directors of the receiving 
association; and (3) one selected by the two so selected. The valuation 
agreed upon by any two of the three appraisers shall govern. If the value so 
fixed shall not be satisfactory to any dissenting shareholder who has 
requested payment, that shareholder may, within five days after being 
notified of the appraised value of his shares, appeal to the Comptroller, 
who shall cause a reappraisal to be made which shall be final and binding as 
to the value of the shares of the appellant.


(d)  Application to shareholders of merging associations: Appraisal by 
     Comptroller; expenses of receiving association; sale and resale of 
     shares; State appraisal and merger law.  

      If, within ninety days from the date of consummation of the merger, 
for any reason one or more of the appraisers is not selected as herein 
provided, or the appraisers fail to determine the value of such shares, the 
Comptroller shall upon written request of any interested party cause an 
appraisal to be made which shall be final and binding on all parties. The 
expenses of the Comptroller in making the reappraisal or the appraisal, as 
the case may be, shall be paid by the receiving association. The value of 
the shares ascertained shall be promptly paid to the dissenting shareholders 
by the receiving association. The shares of stock of the receiving 
association which would have been delivered to such dissenting shareholders 
had they not requested payment shall be sold by the receiving association at 
an advertised public auction, and the receiving association shall have the 
right to purchase any of such shares at such public auction, if it is the 
highest bidder therefor, for the purpose of reselling such shares within 
thirty days thereafter to such person or persons and at such price not less 
than par as its board of directors by resolution may determine. If the 
shares are sold at public auction at a price greater than the amount paid to 
the dissenting shareholders, the excess in such sale price shall be paid to 
such dissenting shareholders. The appraisal of such shares of stock in any 
State bank shall be determined in the manner prescribed by the law of the 
State in such cases, rather than as provided in this section, if such 
provision is made in the State law; and no such merger shall be in 
contravention of the law of the State under which such bank is incorporated. 
The provisions of this subsection shall apply only to shareholders of (and 
stock owned by them in) a bank or association being merged into the 
receiving association.


                                EXHIBIT C TO

                          Certain Provisions of the
                         Articles of Organization of
                                 MNB BANCORP

      The provisions of the Articles of Organization of MNB Bancorp (the 
"Holding Company") referred to in the foregoing Proxy Statement and 
Prospectus are set forth in their entirety below.

      1.  The provisions of the Articles of Organization (the "Charter") 
relating to the classification of the Board of Directors are contained in 
Section 3 of Article 6 of the Charter and read in their entirety as follows:

            3.  The Board of Directors shall be divided into three classes:  
      Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3, which shall be as nearly equal in 
      number as possible.  Each Director shall serve for a term ending on 
      the date of the third Annual Meeting of Stockholders following the 
      Annual Meeting at which such Director was elected; provided, however, 
      that each initial Director in Class 1 shall hold office until the 
      Annual Meeting of Stockholders in 1999; each initial Director in Class 
      2 shall hold office until the Annual Meeting of Stockholders in 2000; 
      and each initial Director in Class 3 shall hold office until the 
      Annual Meeting of Stockholders in 2001.

      Section 3 of Article 6 of the Charter may not be altered, amended or 
repealed except by the affirmative vote of at least eighty percent of the 
shares of each class of the stock of the Holding Company outstanding and 
entitled to vote.

      2.  The provisions of the Charter which govern the Holding Company's 
ability to enter into mergers, consolidations and certain other business 
combinations are contained in Section 5 of Article 6 of the Charter and read 
in their entirety as follows:

            5.  (a)  Neither this corporation nor any of its subsidiaries 
      shall be a party to any of the transactions specified in this Section 
      5(a) (a "Subject Transaction") or enter into any agreement providing 
      for any Subject Transaction unless one or more of the conditions 
      specified in Section 5(b) below shall have been satisfied:


                  (i)   any merger or consolidation (whether in a single 
            transaction or a series of related transactions) other than a 
            merger or consolidation of this corporation and any of its 
            subsidiaries or a merger or consolidation of any subsidiaries of 
            this corporation;

                  (ii)  any sale, lease, exchange, transfer or distribution 
            of all or substantially all or a substantial portion of the 
            property or assets of this corporation or any of its 
            subsidiaries, including its goodwill;

                  (iii) the issuance of any securities, or of any rights, 
            warrants, or options to acquire any securities of this 
            corporation or any of its subsidiaries, to any stockholder other 
            than by stock dividend declared and paid to all stockholders of 
            this corporation or pursuant to an employee stock ownership plan 
            or an employee stock option plan established by this 

                  (iv)  any reclassification of the stock of this 
            corporation or any of its subsidiaries or any recapitalization 
            or other transaction (other than a redemption of stock) which 
            has the effect, directly or indirectly, of increasing the 
            proportionate share of stock of this corporation or any of its 
            subsidiaries held by any person;

                  (v)   the dissolution of this corporation or any 
            subsidiary thereof or any partial or complete liquidation of 
            this corporation or any subsidiary thereof.

            (b)  This corporation or any of its subsidiaries may enter into 
      any Subject Transaction if one or more of the following conditions 
      shall have been satisfied and any additional approval or consent 
      required by law shall have been obtained:

                  (i)   the Subject Transaction shall have been approved by 
            the holders of at least eighty percent (80%) of the shares of 
            each class of the stock of this corporation outstanding and 
            entitled to vote on the matter, and by at least a majority of 
            the shares of each class of the stock of this corporation 
            outstanding and entitled to vote on the matter which are not 
            owned, directly or indirectly, by the entity (a) other than this 
            corporation, which is a party to the proposed merger or 
            consolidation, (b) to which the assets of this corporation are 
            proposed to be sold, leased, 


            exchanged, transferred or distributed, or to which securities of
            this corporation or any of its subsidiaries are proposed to be
            issued or whose ownership share of this corporation or any of its
            subsidiaries is proposed to be increased, (c) or to which the
            assets of this corporation are proposed to be distributed on any
            dissolution or liquidation (such entity together with any
            subsidiary or affiliate being referred to as the "Receiving

                  (ii)  the Subject Transaction shall have been approved by 
            at least eighty percent (80%) of the Directors of this 
            corporation not affiliated with (or owners, either directly or 
            indirectly, of shares of) the Receiving Entity (the 
            "Unaffiliated Directors"); or

                  (iii) the Subject Transaction shall have been approved by 
            a majority of Unaffiliated Directors prior to the date on which 
            the Receiving Entity first acquired any share of stock of this 

            (c)  Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Subject Transaction shall 
      not be subject to the requirements of Section 5(b) if:

                  (i)   the Subject Transaction is approved by the holders 
            of at least a majority of the shares of each class of the stock 
            of this corporation outstanding and entitled to vote on the 
            matter, and by the holders of at least a majority of the shares 
            of each class of the stock of this corporation outstanding and 
            entitled to vote on the matter not owned, directly or 
            indirectly, by the Receiving Entity; and

                  (ii)  the aggregate of the cash and fair market value of 
            all consideration to be paid per share to the holders of the 
            Common Stock of this corporation in connection with the Subject 
            Transaction (when adjusted for stock splits, stock dividends, 
            reclassification of shares or otherwise) shall be equal to the 
            greater of: (a) the highest price per share paid by the 
            Receiving Entity in acquiring any of this corporation's Common 
            Stock; or (b) an amount which is at least four times the per 
            share book value of this corporation's Common Stock as of the 
            last day of the most recent fiscal quarterly period of this 
            corporation preceding the date of the vote of stockholders 
            approving the Subject Transaction; provided, however, that the 
            consideration to be paid to the holders of the


            Common Stock of this corporation shall be in the same form as
            that paid by the Receiving Entity in acquiring the shares of the
            Common Stock held by it except to the extent that any stockholder
            of this corporation shall otherwise agree.

      Section 5 of the Articles may not be amended or repealed except by the 
affirmative vote of at least eighty percent of the shares of each class of 
stock of the Holding Company outstanding and entitled to vote.


                                EXHIBIT D TO

                          Certain Provisions of the
                                 By-Laws of
                                 MNB Bancorp

      The provisions of the By-Laws of MNB Bancorp (the "Holding Company") 
referred to in the foregoing Prospectus and Proxy Statement are set forth in 
their entirety below.

      1.  The provisions of the By-Laws of the Holding Company (the "By-
Laws") defining the causes for which directors may be removed from office 
are contained in Article II, Section 6 of the By-Laws and read in their 
entirety as follows:

            6.  Removal.  (a)  A Director may be removed from office (i) for 
      cause by vote of a majority of the stockholders entitled to vote in 
      the election of Directors, provided that the Directors of a class 
      elected by a particular class of stockholders may be removed only by 
      the vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of such class or 
      (ii) for cause by vote of a majority of the Directors then in office.  
      A Director may be removed for cause only after reasonable notice and 
      opportunity to be heard before the body proposing to remove him.

            (b)  For purposes of this Article II, Section 6, the term 
      "cause" shall be deemed to refer to the following acts or events:  (i) 
      an adjudication, by a court of competent jurisdiction, that a Director 
      has been negligent or has engaged in deliberate misconduct in carrying 
      out his duties as an officer or Director of the corporation, or has 
      breached his fiduciary duty as an officer or Director of the 
      corporation; (ii) the determination, by a majority of the remaining 
      Directors of the corporation, that a Director's acts or omissions have 
      been in derogation of his duties as an officer or Director of the 
      corporation; (iii) a Director shall have been convicted of a felony by 
      a court of competent jurisdiction, and such conviction shall remain in 
      effect beyond the expiration of all applicable appeal periods; (iv) a 
      Director shall have been granted immunity to testify in any proceeding 
      in which another individual shall have been convicted of a felony; (v) 
      a Director shall cease to fulfill the qualifications required of 
      Directors by Article II, Section


      2, of these By-Laws; and (vi) a Director shall have been determined by
      a majority of the remaining Directors to be mentally incompetent or
      otherwise unable to perform his duties as a Director of the corporation.

      The provisions of Article II, Section 2 referred to in Article II, 
Section 6 are set forth in Number 2 immediately below.

      2.  The provisions of the By-Laws which define the qualifications 
which individuals must satisfy in order to be eligible to become directors 
of the Holding Company are contained in Article II, Section 2 of the By-
Laws, and read in their entirety as follows:

             2.  Election and Eligibility.  A Board of Directors of such 
      number as shall be fixed by the stockholders shall be elected by the 
      stockholders at the annual meeting.  Unless waived by the affirmative 
      vote of at least two-thirds of the stockholders or two-thirds of the 
      Directors then in office, no person shall be eligible to be a director 
      of the corporation unless such person: (1) is not, and has not been 
      for a period of at least six (6) months prior to the date of his 
      election, an officer or director of any bank (other than a subsidiary 
      of the corporation), any bank holding company (as defined in Section 2 
      of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended) or any company in 
      competition with the corporation or any subsidiary thereof; and (2) 
      has been a United States citizen for at least six (6) months.

      3.  The provisions of the By-Laws which limit the number of new 
directorships which may be created in any one year are contained in Article 
II, Section 4 of the By-Laws and read in their entirety as follows:

            4.  Enlargement of the Board.  The number of the Board of 
      Directors may be increased and one or more additional Directors 
      elected at any annual or special meeting of the stockholders or by 
      vote of a majority of the Directors then in office.  The Board of 
      Directors may not be enlarged by the addition of more than two 
      Directors in any year, exclusive of increases in the number of the 
      Board of Directors in connection with the issuance of preferred stock.


                                   PART II

Item 20:  Indemnification of Directors and Officers

      Each Director, officer, employee or agent of the Holding Company, and 
each person who serves at the request of the Holding Company ("Requested 
Capacity") as a Director, officer, employee or agent of another organization 
or who serves at the request of the Holding Company in any capacity with 
respect to any employee benefit plan is indemnified under the By-Laws of the 
Holding company against expenses or loss provided that no indemnification 
shall be provided for any person with respect to any matter as to which such 
person shall have been finally adjudicated in any proceeding not to have 
acted in good faith in a manner he reasonably believed to be in or not 
opposed to the best interests of the Holding Company.  The Holding Company 
may purchase and maintain indemnity insurance, to the extent permitted by 
Massachusetts law, on behalf of any person who is or was a Director, 
officer, employee or agent of the Holding Company or is or was serving in a 
Requested Capacity of another entity or of any employee benefit plan.

Item 21:  Exhibits Filed

Number      Exhibit
- - ------      -------

  2         Agreement to Merge dated February 11, 1998 between The Milford 
            National Bank and Trust Company and Milford Bank, National 
            Association (attached to Proxy Statement and Prospectus as 
            Exhibit A).

  3.1       Articles of Organization of Registrant.

  3.2       By-Laws of Registrant.

  5         Opinion of counsel regarding legality.

  8         Opinion of counsel regarding tax matters.

 24.1       Consent of Craig and Macauley Professional Corporation 
            (contained in its opinion filed as Exhibit 5).


 99.A       Form of President's letter to Shareholders of The
            Milford National Bank and Trust Company.

 99.B       Form of Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders
            of The Milford National Bank and Trust Company.

 99.C       Form of Proxy to be delivered to Shareholders
            of The Milford National Bank and Trust Company.

Item 22:  Undertakings

      The undersigned Registrant hereby undertakes as follows:  that prior 
to any public reoffering of the securities registered hereunder through use 
of a prospectus which is a part of this registration statement, by any 
person or party who is deemed to be an underwriter within the meaning of 
Rule 145(c), the issuer undertakes that such reoffering prospectus will 
contain the information called for by the applicable registration form with 
respect to reofferings by persons who may be deemed underwriters, in 
addition to the information called for by the other Items of the applicable 

      The Registrant undertakes that every prospectus (i) that is filed 
pursuant to the paragraph immediately preceding, or (ii) that purports to 
meet the requirements of section 10(a)(3) of the Securities Act of 1933 and 
is used in connection with an offering of securities subject to Rule 415 
thereunder, will be filed as a part of an amendment to the registration 
statement and will not be used until such amendment is effective, and that, 
for purposes of determining any liability under the Securities Act of 1933, 
each such post-effective amendment shall be deemed to be a new registration 
statement relating to the securities offered therein, and the offering of 
such securities at that time shall be deemed to be the initial bona fide 
offering thereof.

      The undersigned Registrant hereby undertakes to supply by means of a 
post-effective amendment all information concerning a transaction, and the 
company being acquired involved therein, that was not the subject of and 
included in the registration statement when it became effective.



      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act, the Registrant has 
duly caused this registration statement to be signed on its behalf by the 
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, in the Town of Milford, Commonwealth 
of Massachusetts on February 4, 1998.

                                    MNB Bancorp

                                    By:  /s/  Robert J. Lewis
                                              Robert J. Lewis

      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1993, this 
registration statement has been signed by the following persons in the 
capacities and on the dates indicated.

Name                      Title                             Date
- - ----                      -----                             ----

/s/  Robert J. Lewis      President and Chief Executive     February 4, 1998
Robert J. Lewis           Officer (Principal Executive

/s/  Anne M. Dygon        Treasurer (Principal Financial    February 4, 1998
Anne M. Dygon             Officer and Principal Accounting

______________________    Director                          February _, 1998
Leonard M. DeLoia

/s/  Michael A. Diorio    Director                          February 4, 1998
Michael A. Diorio

______________________    Director                          February _, 1998
William B. Gannett

/s/  Dorothy R. Horne     Director                          February 4, 1998
Dorothy R. Horne


/s/  Gilbert Kahn, Jr.    Director                          February 6, 1998
Gilbert Kahn, Jr.

______________________    Director                          February _, 1998
Roger R. Lavallee

/s/  Robert J. Lewis      Director                          February 4, 1998
Robert J. Lewis

______________________    Director                          February _, 1998
George R. Marino

/s/  Henry C. Papuga      Director                          February 4, 1998
Henry C. Papuga

/s/  Thomas C. Sawyer, Sr.  Director                        February 4, 1998
Thomas C. Sawyer, Sr.

/s/  Linda L. Varney      Director                          February 4, 1998
Linda L. Varney

______________________    Director                          February _, 1998
William J. Vitalini


                                EXHIBIT INDEX

    Number      Exhibit                                          Page
    ------      -------                                          ----

     2          Agreement to Merge dated February 11, 1998
                between The Milford National Bank and Trust
                Company and Milford Bank, National Association
                attached to Proxy Statement and Prospectus as
                Exhibit A                                          40

     3.1        Articles of Organization of Registrant             69

     3.2        By-Laws of Registrant                              81

     5          Opinion of counsel regarding legality              95

     8          Opinion of counsel regarding tax matters           96

    24.1        Consent of Craig and Macauley Professional 
                Corporation (contained in its opinion filed
                as Exhibit 5)                                      95

    99.A        Form of President's letter to Shareholders of
                The Milford National Bank and Trust Company        97

    99.B        Form of Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                of The Milford National Bank and Trust Company     98

    99.C        Form of Proxy to be delivered to Shareholders
                of The Milford National Bank and Trust Company     99
