72 DEVON ROAD, UNIT 18
                      BRAMPTON, ONTARIO, CANADA L6T 5B4
                       TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 20, 1998

To the Shareholders of

      NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of The 
Widecom Group, Inc. (the "Company") will be held at ________ in Toronto, 
Canada on November 20, 1998 at 10:00 a.m., for the following purposes:

      1.  To elect FIVE (5) Director(s) to the Company's Board of Directors 
to hold office for a period of one (1) year or until their successors are 
duly elected and qualified; and

      2.  To approve the issuance of securities of the Company in a private 
placement offering of up to 50 Units, each Unit consisting of: (i) 40,000 
shares of Common Stock; and (ii) a 12% three-year convertible note in the 
principal amount of $20,000, at a purchase price of $30,000 per Unit and such 
other terms described in the Proxy Statement; and

      3.  To approve the acquisition of Diprin, Inc., an entity owned by 
Raja Tuli, the Company's Chairman, for a purchase price of 500,000 shares of 
the Company's Common Stock; and

      4.  To approve a proposal to grant the Board of Directors the 
authority to amend the Certificate of Incorporation of the Company to effect 
a reverse stock split of the Company's Common Stock in the range of from 
two-for-one (2:1)  to eight-for-one (8:1) of the Company's Common Stock, 
$.01 par value per share; and 

to transact such other business as may properly be brought before the 
Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

      The close of business on September 21, 1998 has been fixed as the 
record date for the determination of Shareholders entitled to notice of, and 
to vote at, the Annual Meeting and any adjournment thereof.

      You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting.  Whether or 
not you plan to attend, please complete, date and sign the accompanying 
proxy and return it promptly in the enclosed envelope to assure that your 
shares are represented at the Annual Meeting.  If you do attend, you may 
revoke any prior proxy and vote your shares in person if you wish to do so.  
Any prior proxy will automatically be revoked if you execute the 
accompanying proxy or if you notify the Secretary of the Company, in 
writing, prior to the Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

                                       By Order of the Board of Directors

                                       SUNEET S. TULI, Secretary

Dated: October 26, 1998


                           THE WIDECOM GROUP, INC.
                           72 Devon Road, Unit 18
                      Brampton, Ontario, Canada L6T 5B4


                               PROXY STATEMENT


                       TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 20, 1998


      This Proxy Statement and the accompanying form of proxy will be mailed 
on or about October 28, 1998 to the holders of the Company's Common Stock of 
record ("Record Date") on September 21, 1998 of THE WIDECOM GROUP, INC., an 
Ontario, Canada corporation (the "Company") in connection with the 
solicitation of proxies by the Board of Directors of the Company for use at 
the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held on November 20, 1998 at ________ 
in Toronto, Canada and at any adjournment thereof.


      Shares of the Company's Common Stock represented by an effective proxy 
in the accompanying form will, unless contrary instructions are specified in 
the proxy, be voted as follows: (i) FOR the election of five (5) Directors to 
the Company's Board of Directors; (ii) FOR the approval of a private 
offering of units, minimum of $600,000 and maximum of $1,500,000; (iii) 
FOR the approval of the acquisition of Diprin, Inc. an entity owned by 
Raja S. Tuli; (iv) FOR the proposal to amend the Company's Certificate of 
Incorporation to effect a reverse stock split in the range of from two-for-
one (2:1) to eight-for-one (8:1) of the Company's Common Stock, par value 
$.01 per share; and (v) FOR such other matters as may be properly brought 
before the meeting and for which the persons named on the enclosed proxies 
determine, in their sole discretion to vote in favor. 

      Any such proxy may be revoked at any time before it is voted.  A 
shareholder may revoke his or her  proxy by notifying the Secretary of the 
Company either in writing prior to the Annual Meeting, in person at the 
Annual Meeting, by submitting a proxy bearing a later date or by voting in 
person at the Annual Meeting.  A majority of the shares present and voting 
at the Annual Meeting is required for approval of all proposals being 
submitted to the shareholders for their consideration except, the proposal 
to amend the Company's Certificate of Incorporation to effect a reverse 
stock split which requires a favorable vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the votes 
cast at the Annual Meeting.  A shareholder voting through a proxy who 
abstains with respect to the election of Directors is considered to be 
present and entitled to vote on the election of Directors at the Annual 
Meeting, and is in effect a negative vote, but a shareholder (including a 
broker) who does not give authority to a proxy to vote, or withholds authority 
to vote, on the election of Directors shall not be considered present and 
entitled to vote on the election of Directors.  A shareholder voting through 
a proxy who abstains with respect to approval of any other matter to come 
before the Annual Meeting is considered to be present and entitled to vote 
on that matter and is in effect a negative vote, but a shareholder (including 
a broker) who does not give authority to a proxy to vote, or withholds 
authority to vote, on any such matter shall not be considered present and 
entitled to vote thereon.

      The Company will bear the cost of the solicitation of proxies by the 
Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors may use the services of its 
executive officers and certain directors to solicit proxies from shareholders 
in person and by mail, telegram and telephone.  Arrangements may also be made 
with brokers, fiduciaries, custodians, and nominees to send proxies, proxy 
statements and other material to the beneficial owners of the Company's 
Common Stock held of record by such persons, and the Company may reimburse 
them for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred by them in so doing.

      The Annual Report to Shareholders on the Company's Report on Form 10-K 
for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1998, including financial statements, 
accompanies this Proxy Statement.

      The principal executive offices of the Company are located at 72 Devon 
Road, Unit 18, Brampton, Ontario, Canada; the Company's telephone number is 
(905) 712-0505.

Independent Public Accountants

      The Board of Directors of the Company has selected BDO Dunwoody 
("BDO"), Chartered Accountants, as independent accountants of the Company 
for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1999.  Shareholders are not being asked 
to approve such selection because such approval is not required under the 
Company's Bylaws or the Canada Business Companies Act.  The audit services 
provided by BDO, consists of examination of financial statements, services 
relative to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and 
consultation in regard to various accounting matters.  Representatives of 
BDO, are expected to be present at the Annual Meeting, will have the 
opportunity to make a statement if they so desire, and will be available to 
respond to appropriate questions.


      The securities entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting are the 
Company's common stock, $.01 par value per share (the "Common Stock").  The 
presence, in person or by proxy, of a majority of shares entitled to vote 
will constitute a quorum for the Annual Meeting.  Each share of Common Stock 
entitles its holder to one vote on each matter submitted to shareholders.  
The close of business on September 21, 1998 has been fixed as the Record 
Date for the determination of the Common Stock shareholders entitled to 
notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting and any adjournment thereof.  As 
of September 21, 1998, there were 7,154,598 shares of Common Stock issued and 
outstanding.  Voting of the shares of Common Stock is on a non-cumulative 

      The following table sets forth certain information as of October 15, 
1998, with respect to each Director, each nominee for Director, each 
executive officer, all Directors and Officers as a group and the persons 
(including any "group" as that term is used in Section 13(d)(3) of the 
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) known by the Company to be the 
beneficial owner of more than five (5%) percent of any class of the 
Company's voting securities.

                                             Amount and
                                             Nature of             Percentage of
                                             Beneficial             Outstanding
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner(1)     Ownership(2)           Shares Owned
- ---------------------------------------     ------------           -------------

Raja S. Tuli...........................     1,498,509(3)              20.945%
Lakhbir S. Tuli........................     1,026,258                 14.34 %
Suneet S. Tuli.........................       805,597(4)              11.26 %
Dr. Ajit Singh.........................           ---                   ---
Bruce Vallillee........................           ---                   ---
Willem J. Botha........................           ---                   ---
Mark Maltese...........................        13,334                   0.2
Lt. Colonel K.C. Sharma................           ---                   ---
Stan Seitz.............................           ---                   ---
All executive officers and directors
 as a group (six persons)..............     3,343,698(2)(3)(4)        46.545%

- --------------------
<F1>  Unless otherwise indicated, the business address of each beneficial 
      owner is 72 Devon Road, Unit #18, Brampton, Ontario, Canada, L6T 5B4.
<F2>  Except as indicated by footnote, the persons named in the table have 
      sole voting and investment power with respect to all shares of Common 
      Stock shown as beneficially owned by them. Each beneficial owner's 
      percentage ownership is determined by assuming that convertible 
      securities, options or warrants that are held by such person (but not 
      those held by any other person) and which are exercisable within 60 
      days of the date hereof have been exercised. 
<F3>  Includes (i) 175,000 Common Shares issuable upon exercise of currently 
      exercisable options at a price of $2.125 per share and 50,000 shares 
      issuable upon exercise of currently exercisable warrants at a price of 
      $2.125 per share, and (ii) 32,500 shares owned by Diversified 
      Investors Capital Services of North America, Inc., a New York 
      corporation, 30,500 shares owned by Pyrotech Limited, a Cayman Islands 
      corporation, and 4,000 shares owned by Donald J. Schattle, 
      respectively, as to which Mr. Tuli has voting rights pursuant to a 
      stock exchange agreement.
<F4>  Includes 75,000 Common Shares issuable upon exercise of currently 
      exercisable options at a price of $2.125 per share and 50,000 Common 
      Shares issuable upon exercise of currently exercisable warrants at a 
      price of $2.125 per share.

Certain Reports

      No person who, during the fiscal year ended March 31, 1998, was a 
Director, officer or beneficial owner of more than ten percent of the 
Company's Common Stock (which is the only class of securities of the Company 
registered under Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the 
"Act") (a "Reporting Person") failed to file on a timely basis, reports 
required by Section 16 of the Act during the most recent fiscal year.  The 
foregoing is based solely upon a review by the Company of Forms 3 and 4 
during the most recent fiscal year as furnished to the Company under Rule 
16a-3(d) under the Act, and Forms 5 and amendments thereto furnished to the 
Company with respect to its most recent fiscal year, and any representation 
received by the Company from any Reporting Person that no Form 5 is 

      It is expected that the following will be considered at the Annual 
Meeting and action taken thereon:

                         I.  ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

      The Board of Directors has unanimously approved, and recommends 
Shareholder approval to elect six (6) Director(s) to the Company's Board of 
Directors to hold office for a period of one (1) year or until their 
successors are duly elected and qualified.


      The By-laws of the Company provide that the Board of Directors shall 
be comprised of not less than one (1) nor more than nine (9) persons.  The 
Board of Directors currently consists of five  (5) members elected for a 
term of one year and until their successors are duly elected and qualified.

      At the Annual Meeting of Shareholders, five (5) Directors will be 
elected to serve until the 1999 Annual Meeting of Shareholders and until 
their respective successors shall have been duly elected and shall have 
qualified.  The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares 
of Common Stock voting at the Annual Meeting is required for the approval of 
the nominees for a Director.  All proxies received by the Board of Directors 
from holders of the common stock will be voted for the election as directors 
of the nominees listed below if no direction to the contrary is given. In the 
event any nominee is unable to serve, the proxy solicited hereby may be voted, 
in the discretion of the proxies, for the election of another person in his 
stead. The Board of Directors knows of no reason to anticipate that this 
will occur.

      The following table sets forth certain information as of the date 
hereof with respect to the Directors of the Company, including all nominees 
for election to the Company's Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting. 

                                 Position with                 Continually
       Name                     Company; and Age                  Since        Term Expires
       ----                     ----------------               -----------     ------------


Raja S. Tuli           President, Chief Executive Officer 
                       and Director of the Company, 32            1990            1999

Suneet S. Tuli         Executive Vice President, Secretary 
                       and Director of the Company, 30            1992            1999

Lt. Colonel
K.C. Sharma            Director, 57                               1998            1999

Dr. Ajit Singh         Director, 57                               1992            1999

Bruce D. Vallillee     Director, 77                               1995            1999

- --------------------

Raja S. Tuli, founder of the Company, has been President, Chief Executive 
Officer and a director of the Company since its inception. From the 
Company's inception to August 1993, Mr. Tuli was also Treasurer of the 
Company. From 1987 to 1990 Mr. Tuli was President of CaCE Ltd. a family-
owned architectural/construction business. Mr. Tuli received a Bachelor of 
Science degree in Computer Engineering in 1988 from the University of 
Alberta. Mr. Tuli is a resident Canadian national. Mr. Raja Tuli is the 
brother of Suneet S. Tuli.

Suneet S. Tuli has been Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing and 
Secretary since September 1993, and a director of the Company since October 
1992 and was the Marketing manager of the Company from June 1990 to August 
1993. Mr. Tuli received a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering 
from the University of Toronto in April 1990 and is a resident Canadian 
national. Mr. Tuli is the brother of Raja S. Tuli.

Lt. Colonel Kailash Chander Sharma is a director of the Company.  Lieutenant 
Colonel Sharma  possesses a Masters Degree in Political Science from Delhi 
University. Lt.Col. Sharma has a lengthy military background occupying 
several senior posts with significant levels of responsibility including 
strategic planning and public relations.  Lt. Col. Sharma is proficient in 
government organizational and regulatory matters and since 1992 has operated 
a private consulting company, named Sharma's Consulting Company Private 

Dr. Ajit Singh has been a director of the Company since October 1992. Dr. 
Singh is the Senior Fellow at Queens' College, University of Cambridge in 
England, and its Director of Studies in Economics. Since 1987, Dr. Singh has 
held the Dr. William M. Scholl Visiting Chair in the Department of Economics 
at the University of Notre Dame in the United States. Dr. Singh has been a 
senior economic advisor the governments of Mexico and Tanzania, and is the 
author of Takeovers, Their Relevance to the Stock Market and the Theory of 
the Firm. Dr. Singh is the uncle of Raja and Suneet Tuli. 

Bruce D. Vallillee has been a director of the Company since September 1995. 
Since April 1994, Mr. Vallillee has been President of Vallillee Wide Format 
Products, Ltd. a company engaged in wide format document management and 
equipment sales. From 1987 to 1994, Mr. Vallillee was the President of 
Vallillee Electronics, Ltd., a company engaged in the distribution of 
electronic products. From 1976 to 1987, Mr. Vallillee was Vice President - 
Sales and Marketing for ITT/Canon Canada, the Canadian joint venture of ITT 
Corporation and Canon Electronics Corp. Mr. Vallillee is a resident Canadian 

Under Ontario law, a majority of the directors of the Company must be 
resident Canadians. A resident Canadian is defined, generally, to be an 
individual who is (i) a Canadian citizen ordinarily resident in Canada, (ii) 
a Canadian citizen not ordinarily resident in Canada who is a member of a 
prescribed class of persons, or (iii) a permanent resident within the 
meaning of the Immigration Act (Canada), and ordinarily resident in Canada. 
A majority of the Board of Directors are presently Canadian residents. 

Board Meetings, Committees and Compensation of Directors

      During the fiscal year ended March 31, 1998, although no meetings of 
the Board of Directors were held, on five (5) occasions the Board took 
action by unanimous written consent in lieu of a meeting. 

      The Audit Committee is the only currently standing committee of the 
Board of Directors. The members of the committee are Lt. Colonel Kailash 
Chander Sharma and Bruce D. Vallillee.  The Audit Committee reviews (i) the 
Company's audit functions, (ii) with management, the finances, financial 
condition, and interim financial statements of the Company, and (iii) with 
the Company's independent auditors, the year end financial statements of the 
Company.  Members of the Audit Committee do not receive additional 
compensation for such service.

      No director of the Company received any compensation for such services 
as a director during the Company's last three fiscal years ended March 31, 
1998. Directors who are employees of the Company receive no additional 
compensation for serving on the Board of Directors. Non-employee directors 
are reimbursed for their out-of-pocket expenses in attending Board meetings 
and a per diem of $1,000.

Executive Compensation

      The following table sets forth the cash compensation paid or accrued 
by the Company during the fiscal year ended March 31, 1998 to those persons 
serving as officers of the Company for the year ended March 31, 1998.  No 
other officer was compensated at a rate in excess of $100,000.

                         SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

Name                    Year     Salary & Commission     Consulting Fees      Total
- ----                    ----     -------------------     ---------------      -----

Raja S. Tuli            1998          $ 56,850             $69,874(1)        $126,724
 (President &
 C.E.O)                 1997          $ 19,100             $79,360           $ 98,460

                        1996          $      0             $79,225           $ 79,225

Suneet S. Tuli          1998          $ 52,584             $59,892(1)        $112,477
 (Secretary, V.P.-
 Sales & Marketing)     1997          $ 50,405             $35,520           $ 85,925

                        1996          $ 51,902             $     0           $ 51,902

Mark Maltese            1998          $139,548                 nil           $139,548
 (Sales Manager)
                        1997          $ 47,917             $     0           $ 47,917

                        1996               N/A

- --------------------
<F1>  Such amounts were paid by the Company to a consulting company owned by 
      the respective officers of the company for the year ended March 31, 


                                                                                             Realizable Value
                                                Individual Grants                           At Assumed Annual    Alternative To
                                   -----------------------------------------                  Rates of Stock      (f) And (g):
                                    Number Of     Percent Of                                Price Appreciation     Grant Date
                                    Securites    Total Options                               For Option Term          Value
                                   Underlying     Granted To      Exercise                  ------------------   ---------------
                                     Options     Employees In      Of Base     Expiration                          Grant Date
              Name                 Granted (#)   Fiscal Year %   Price($/sh)      Date      5% ($)    10% ($)    Present Value $
- -------------------------------    -----------   -------------   -----------   ----------   ------   ---------   ---------------
              (a)                      (b)            (c)            (d)          (e)        (g)        (h)            (i)

Raja S. Tuli (CEO)                   25,000          8.9767        $2.125       09/23/07      0      $3,612.50          0
Suneet S. Tuli (Executive Vice
 President Sales & Marketing)        25,000          8.9767        $2.125       09/23/07      0      $3,612.50          0
Mark Maltese (Vice President of
 Sales & Marketing)                  40,000         14.3627        $2.125       09/23/07      0      $5,780.00          0

Note:  Stock Value @ Grant Date = $0.875.

 Aggregated Option/SAR Exercises In Last Fiscal Year and FY-End Option Values

                                                                  Number Of
                                                                  Securities         Value Of
                                                                  Underlying       Unexercised
                                                                  Unexercised      In-The-Money
                                                                  Options At        Options At
                                                               Fiscal Year-End    Fiscal Year-End
                                    Shares                           (#)                ($)
                                 Acquired On        Value        Exercisable/       Exercisable/
             Name                Exercise (#)   Realized ($)    Unexercisable      Unexercisable
- ------------------------------   ------------   ------------   ----------------   ---------------
             (a)                     (b)            (c)              (d)                (e)

Raja S. Tuli, (CEO)                   0              0         175,000 / 0               0
Suneet S. Tuli (Executive Vice 
 President Sales & Marketing)         0              0          75,000 / 0               0
Mark Maltese (Vice President 
 of Sales & Marketing)                0              0          13,334 / 26,666          0

Note:  (A)  Year End Stock Price = $ 0.75
       (B)  Year End Stock Price < Option Price therefore Options are not 
            "In-The-Money" and have no value for this calculation.

                           Stock Performance Graph




S        400-

$        300-



                            1994        1995        1996        1997        1998

                          31-Mar-94   31-Mar-95   31-Mar-96   31-Mar-97   31-Mar-98
                          ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------

NASDAQ                     239.36       266.3      361.54      401.76      609.68
The WideCom Group, Inc                               9.5         3.88        0.75
Intergraph                   9.13        11.88      16           7.75        8.47

1995 Stock Option Plan

      In 1995, the Board of Directors adopted the 1995 Stock Option Plan 
(the "1995 Plan") to attract, retain and motivate persons as key service 
providers to the corporation and its affiliates and to advance the interest 
of the Company by providing such persons with the opportunity, through 
shares options, to acquire a proprietary interest in the Company.  The 1995 
Plan was approved by shareholders in July, 1995.  In January, 1997 the 1995 
Plan was amended to increase the number of shares eligible for grant from 
375,000 shares to 500,000 shares.

      The 1995 Plan is available for certain eligible persons which means 
any director, officer or employee of the Company or any Affiliate, or any 
other service provider or a corporation controlled by an eligible person, 
the issued and outstanding voting shares of which are, and will continue to 
be, beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, by such eligible person 
and/or spouse, children and/or grandchildren of such eligible person 
("Eligible Person").  Options may be granted by the Board to any Eligible 
Person, provided, however, that the aggregate number of shares reserved for 
issuance upon the exercise of all Options granted to both Raja S. Tuli and 
Suneet S. Tuli shall not exceed 250,000 Options.

      The number of shares subject to each Option, the Option price of each 
Option, the expiration date of each Option, the extent to which each Option 
is exercisable from time to time during the term of the Option and other 
terms and conditions relating to each such Option shall be determined by the 
Board.  The Option price of any Option shall in no circumstances be lower 
than the market price on the date on which the grant of the Option is 
approved by the Board.

      The terms of the Option shall not exceed 10 years from the date of the 
grant of the Option.

      No Options shall be granted to any Optionee if the total number of 
Shares issuable to such Optionee under this Plan, together with any shares 
reserved for issuance to such Optionee under options for services or any 
other stock option plans, would exceed 5% of the issued and outstanding 

      Subject to provisions of the 1995 Plan, an Option may be exercised 
from time to time by delivery to the Company at its registered office of a 
written notice of exercise addressed to the Secretary of the Company 
specifying the number of shares with respect to which the Option is being 
exercised and accompanied by payment in full, by cash or certified check, of 
the Option Price of the Shares then being purchased.

      In the event that the shares are at any time changed or affected as 
result of the declaration of a stock dividend thereon or their subdivision 
or consolidation, the number of shares reserved for Option shall be adjusted 
accordingly by the Board to such as they deem proper in their discretion.  
In such event, the number of, and the price payable for, any shares that are 
then subject to Option may also be adjusted by the Board to such extent as 
they deem proper in their discretion.

Certain Relationships And Related Transactions

      In November 1995, the Company entered into an indemnification 
agreement with Raja Tuli, Suneet Tuli, Lakhbir Tuli and the Whale Securities 
Co., L.P., the underwriter of the Company's initial public offering 
("Whale") pursuant to which: (i) the Company, Raja Tuli, Suneet Tuli and 
Lakhbir Tuli, jointly and severally, agreed to indemnify and hold Whale 
harmless for any and all losses, claims, damages, expenses or liabilities it 
may suffer (including reasonable legal fees and expenses) as a result of any 
claim arising out of or based upon or related to a claim asserted by Mr. 
Debs who commenced an action against the Company in New York County Supreme 
Court in 1995 ("Claim") (including legal fees and expenses) as a result of a 
Claim, which indemnity may be made in cash or Common Shares, and (iii) in 
the event the Company issues any Common Shares or other equity securities to 
Mr. Debs or any person or entity claiming through, or designated by, Mr. 
Debs, Raja Tuli, Suneet Tuli and Lakhbir Tuli agreed to deliver to the 
Company, for cancellation, an equivalent number of Common Shares, each in 
proportion to his respective current beneficial ownership interest in the 
Company.  In February 1996, the Company settled the Debs litigation for 
$185,000.  In connection therewith Raja Tuli, Suneet Tuli and Lakhbir Tuli 
each contributed 7,368, 3,760 and 4,959 shares to the Company to be held by 
the Company as treasury stock.

      As of January 30, 1997, the Company announced that it has finalized a 
joint venture agreement with Societe Innovatech du Grand Montreal, an 
instrumentality of the Province of Quebec, Canada ("Innovatech").  Both the 
Company and Innovatech purchased 450 shares of the Class A Common Stock of 
NovImage Inc., a Quebec corporation ("NovImage") for a purchase price of 
approximately US $1,875,000 each. The consideration paid by the Company for 
the stock of NovImage was in cash and was derived from the Company's working 
capital. In addition, two other corporations, 3294412 Canada Inc., a Quebec 
corporation and 3294421 Canada Inc., a Quebec corporation, both of which 
corporations are partially-owned by Raja S. Tuli, President and Chief 
Executive Officer, of the Company, each acquired 50 shares of the Class A 
Common Stock of NovImage in exchange for the transfer to NovImage of certain 
patents, patent applications and other technology and intellectual property 
rights of those companies.

      In connection with the transaction, the Company licensed all of its 
patents, software and technology relating to its scanner and plotter 
manufacturing to NovImage for research and development purposes in order to 
develop improvements, modifications, additions or alterations to the 
Intellectual Property and to develop new products. 

      In exchange for this license and the payment of a 0.5% royalty fee on 
net revenue, licensing revenue and net sales to sub-licensees, NovImage 
granted the Company an exclusive perpetual worldwide (with the exception of 
the Province of Quebec, Canada) license to use such improved scanner and 
plotter technology and software to manufacture, distribute, market and sell 
the improved scanner, plotter and software, and any new products developed 
by NovImage. NovImage retained such rights with respect to the Province of 
Quebec, Canada.

      In connection with the transaction, the Company also entered into a 
Stock Exchange Agreement with Innovatech pursuant to which Innovatech would 
be permitted, under certain circumstances, to exchange its shares of 
NovImage for up to 253,000 shares of common stock of the Company for which 
Innovatech would have demand registration rights.

      Although the Company believes that the foregoing transactions were on 
terms no less favorable than would have been available from unaffiliated 
third parties in arm's length transaction, there can be no assurance that 
this is the case. All future transaction and loans between the Company and 
its officers, directors and 5% shareholders will be on terms no less 
favorable than could be obtained from independent, third parties and will be 
approved by a majority of the independent and disinterested members of the 
Board of Directors. There can be no assurance, however, that future 
transactions or arrangements between the Company and its affiliates will be 
advantageous, that conflicts of interest will not arise with respect thereto 
or that if conflicts do arise, that they will be resolved in favor of the 

      On September 9, 1998, Raja S. Tuli, President and Chief Executive 
Officer, Suneet S. Tuli, Executive Vice President and Secretary, and Lakhbir 
S. Tuli, an independent consultant for the Company and the father of Raja 
and Suneet Tuli, purchased, in the aggregate, 1,176,470 shares of the 
Company's Common Stock at $.17 cents per share in a private transaction in 
order to provide the Company with funds for working capital.

      On September 20, 1998, Lakhbir S. Tuli made a non-interest bearing 
loan to the Company in the amount of $13,333 US dollars.

Vote Required 

      The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of 
Common Stock voting at the Annual Meeting is required for the approval of 
the nominees for a Director.




      The Board of Directors has unanimously approved, and recommends 
Shareholder approval of, a private placement offering of up to 50 Units, 
each Unit consisting of: (i) 40,000 shares of Common Stock; and (ii) a 12% 
three-year convertible note in the principal amount of $20,000 at a purchase 
price of $30,000 per Unit. If the minimum number of Units offered are sold, 
the gross proceeds will be $600,000; if the maximum number of Units offered 
are sold, the gross proceeds will be $1,500,000.

Background of Proposal

      As shown in the financial statements included in its Annual Report on 
Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 1998, (a copy of which has been 
delivered to each Shareholder with this Proxy Statement) the Company has a 
pressing need for additional financing.  The Company's heavy investment in 
property, plant, equipment and inventories, its continuing operating losses 
and its $1,850,000  investment in NovImage have substantially reduced the 
Company's cash position. Additionally, the Company has recently introduced 
several new products and requires funds in order to manufacture and 
distribute these new products.  As a result, management believes it is 
necessary to raise additional capital and is conducting a private placement 
offering (the "Offering") in an attempt to raise the necessary funds. The 
Company believes that the maximum offering amount sought to be raised in 
this Offering will satisfy the Company's working capital needs for the next 
9-12 months.

      Companies whose securities are quoted on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market 
(the "Nasdaq") are required to obtain Shareholder approval if the sale or 
issuance by the Company of common stock (or securities convertible into or 
exercisable for common stock) equal to 20% or more of the common stock or 
20% or more of the voting power outstanding.  On the Record Date, the 
Company had 7,154,598 shares of Common Stock outstanding.  Given that the 
proposed Offering described below constitutes in excess of 20% of the 
Company's outstanding Common Stock, the Company cannot proceed  with the 
Offering without the affirmative vote of the majority of the Company's 
Shareholders voting on this Proposal. 


      After due consideration the Board of Directors has determined that the 
following proposed Offering is in the Company's best interests.  As 
currently contemplated, the Company has agreed with an investment banking 
firm, to act as the placement agent ("Placement Agent") for the Offering, 
for sale to persons who qualify as "accredited investors" (as defined in 
Rule 501 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Act"), of a 
minimum of 20 Units and a maximum of 50 Units, each Unit consisting of (a) 
40,000 shares (the "Shares") of common stock, par value $.01 per share, of 
the Company (the "Common Stock") and (b) a $20,000 principal amount 
convertible note with a 12% rate of interest paid quarterly (the "Notes").  
As presently contemplated, subject to early prepayment or redemption, the 
Notes are convertible into shares of Common Stock at the conversion price of 
$1.00. The Notes mature three (3) years from the date of issuance.   One-
half of the principal amount of the Notes may be converted during a 30-day 
period commencing 180 days following the initial closing of the Offering and 
the remaining principal amount of the Notes may be converted at any time 
commencing 360 days from the initial closing of the Offering. 

      In the event that the Company does not receive approval of this 
Offering from its shareholders, within six months of the initial closing of 
this Offering, then the Notes become immediately due and payable and interest 
thereon shall increase from 12% per annum to 20% per annum effective as of 
the date of issuance of the Notes.   

      The Notes are redeemable, in whole or in part, at the option of the 
Company, provided that: (i) the Shares underlying the Notes are registered 
for resale under the Act; (ii) during the 20 consecutive trading days ending 
within 45 days of the date of the written Notice of Redemption, the closing 
bid price of the Common Stock is not less than 150% of the conversion price, 
and (iii) the trading volume of the Common Stock is not less than 30,000 
shares per day. 

      The Placement Agent will receive a commission of 10% of the gross 
proceeds from the sale of the Units, as well as a 3% nonaccountable expense 
allowance reimbursement for its expenses relating to the Offering. In 
addition, the Placement Agent will receive warrants to purchase 12,000 shares 
per Unit sold in the Offering, exercisable for a period of five (5) years at 
an exercise price of $.30 per share.

      The Company intends to use the proceeds from the sale of the Units 
offered hereby for the promotion, marketing and advertising and sales for 
new copier and printer products.  The Company also intends to use the 
proceed for general operating expenses, including the payment of outstanding 
payables and salaries of officers and employees.

      No offering of the securities referred to above is being made by this 
Proxy Statement.  This Proxy Statement shall not constitute an offer to sell 
or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any prior sale of 
such securities in any state in which such offer, solicitation or sale would 
be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws 
of any such state.

Vote Required 

      The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of 
Common Stock voting at the Annual Meeting is required for the approval of 
the Offering.



                       THE ACQUISITION OF DIPRIN, INC.

      The Board of Directors has unanimously approved, and recommends 
Shareholder approval of, the acquisition of Diprin, Inc.

Background of Proposal

      The Company has recently agreed in principle to acquire Diprin, Inc., 
a recently formed company incorporated in Ontario, Canada.  Diprin, Inc. is 
wholly-owned by Mr. Raja Tuli, the Company's President and Chief Executive 
Officer,  and has 100 shares of common stock outstanding. After the 
acquisition, the Company will be the sole owner of Diprin, Inc. 

      Diprin, Inc. is completing development of a portable photo-printer to 
conform its technology to that of the rapidly expanding consumer digital 
camera market.  Industry forecasts have estimated that sales of digital 
cameras in the United States will exceed 3 million units by the year 2000.  
The Company believes the technology being developed will allow digital 
cameras to become instant photo producing cameras similar to the instant 
photo producing cameras marketed by Polaroid. To the Company's knowledge, 
the portable photo-printer being developed by Diprin, Inc. will be the 
smallest available and the most affordable, based on the price of existing 
units.  Diprin, Inc. has no previous  operations, contracts, revenues or 


      The current proposal is for the Company to acquire Diprin, Inc. in a 
stock for stock exchange. The Company will give Mr. Raja Tuli 500,000 shares 
of the Company's Common Stock in exchange for the 100 shares of Common Stock 
of Diprin, Inc.  The Board of Directors believes it is in the Company's best 
interests to acquire Diprin, Inc. and anticipates consummating the transaction 
within the next 60 days, assuming approval by the Company's shareholders. 

      Companies whose securities are quoted on Nasdaq are required to obtain 
Shareholder approval   if acquiring the assets of another company and any 
director, officer or substantial shareholder of the Company has a 5% or 
greater interest (or such persons collectively have a 10% or greater 
interest), directly or indirectly in the assets to be acquired or in the 
consideration to be paid in the transaction or series of related 
transactions and the present or potential issuance of common stock, could 
result in an increase in outstanding common shares or voting power of 5% or 
more.  Accordingly, this proposed acquisition  cannot take place without the 
affirmative vote of the majority of the Company's Shareholders voting on this 

      The Board believes the acquisition of Diprin, Inc. to be in the best 
interests of the Company.  The Board has determined that the purchase price, 
for which Diprin, Inc. is being offered to the Company, is fair and 
reasonable, although no outside or independent valuation of Diprin, Inc. has 
been obtained.

Vote Required

      The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of 
Common Stock voting at the Annual Meeting is required for the approval of 
the proposed acquisition of Diprin, Inc.



                               OF COMMON STOCK

      The Board of Directors has unanimously approved, and recommends 
Shareholder approval of, an amendment to the Company's Articles of 
Incorporation to grant authority to the Board of Directors to declare and 
implement a reverse stock split in the range of from two-for-one (2:1) to 
eight-for-one (8:1) ("Reverse Stock Split").

Background of Proposal

      The Board of Directors has unanimously approved a proposal to amend 
the Certificate of Incorporation to effect a Reverse Stock Split of the 
Company's Common Stock, $.01 par value per share, in the range of from two-
for-one to eight-for-one, whereby from two shares of Common Stock to eight 
shares of Common Stock may be exchanged for one (1) new share of Common 
Stock issued and outstanding on the effective date of the amendment to the 
Certificate of Incorporation, and all fractional shares resulting from the 
Reverse Stock Split will be settled in cash.  The Reverse Stock Split will 
not affect the par value of the Common Stock.  There are presently 
20,000,000 shares of Common Stock, $.01 par value per share, authorized by 
the Company's Certificate of Incorporation.  As of the Record Date, there 
were 7,154,598 shares of Common Stock issued and outstanding. 

      The Reverse Stock Split is being proposed in order for the Company to 
maintain the listing of its Common Stock and Warrants on Nasdaq.  The 
Company's Common Stock is listed for trading on Nasdaq under the symbol 
"WIDEF" and the Warrants are listed under the symbol "WIDWF".  On May 27, 
1998, the Company received a Letter from Nasdaq  regarding the Company's 
ability to continue to meet its maintenance criteria.  Under Nasdaq rules, 
in order to maintain listing of its Common Stock and Warrants on Nasdaq, a 
Company must have, among other things, $2,000,000 of net tangible assets or 
market capitalization of $35,000,000 or $500,000 of net revenue in the 
latest fiscal year or 2 of 3 previous fiscal years and a minimum bid price 
of $1.00 per share.  In addition, Nasdaq reserves the right to withdraw or 
terminate the Company's listing on Nasdaq at any time and for any reason in 
its discretion.

      The Nasdaq letter stated that based upon a review of the price data of 
the Company's Common Stock on the 30 days' prior to May 27th, the per share 
price was less than $1.00 per share.  Nasdaq advised the Company that so 
long as the bid price of the Company's Common Stock increased to over $1.00 
per share for at least 10 consecutive trading days prior to August 27, 1998, 
the Company would be in compliance with the maintenance requirement and no 
further action would be taken by Nasdaq to delist the Company's Common 
Stock.  On October 16, 1998, a hearing was conducted by Nasdaq at which the 
Company outlined several proposals being considered by Company that would 
enable it to meet Nasdaq's maintenance listing criteria.  At this time, 
Nasdaq has not made a final determination on the matter.

      The Company proposes to implement the Reverse Stock Split in the range 
of from two-for-one to eight-for-one in an attempt to comply with the Nasdaq 
maintenance regulations dependant upon the price of the Common Stock at the 
date of the Reverse Stock Split.  In the event that the Company completes 
the Reverse Stock Split,  the number of shares that an investor owns would 
be reduced, but theoretically the economic value of the shares held by an 
investor would have the same value as prior to the split.  For example, if a 
Shareholder has 1,000 shares and the market price is $.50 per share and a 
eight for one Reverse Stock Split is effected, the Shareholder will be 
holding 125 shares worth $4.00 per share.  While there can be no assurances 
that the price of the Common Stock on a post-split basis will increase to 
the mathematical equivalent of the Reverse Stock Split, the Board of 
Directors believes that it is the Company's only alternative currently 
available to raise the price of the Common Stock to a level which will be 
acceptable in order to maintain the Company's listing on Nasdaq.   


      The following description of the amendment is qualified in its 
entirety by reference to the form of the Amended and Restated Certificate of 
Incorporation annexed hereto as Appendix B.

      The Company's Certificate of Incorporation currently authorizes the 
issuance of 20,000,000 shares of Common Stock par value $.01 per share.  As 
of the Record Date, the Company had issued and outstanding 7,154,598 shares 
of Common Stock.  As of such date, there was also reserved for issuance upon 
the conversion or exercise of various securities of the Company 2,462,460 
shares of Common Stock, leaving a total of 10,382,942 authorized, unissued 
and unreserved shares of Common Stock available for future issuances.

      If Proposal IV is approved by Shareholders, each share would be 
exchanged for one (1) new share of Common Stock in accordance with the 
Reverse Stock Split, as of the date on which the amendment to the Company's 
Certificate of Incorporation is filed with the Ministry of Consumer and 
Commercial Relations for the Province of Ontario, Canada (the "Effective 
Date").  The par value of the Common Stock would not be effected. 

      No fractional shares of new Common Stock will be issued for any 
fractional new share interest.  Rather, each Shareholder who would otherwise 
receive a fractional new share of Common Stock as a result of the Reverse 
Stock Split will receive an amount of cash equal to the average of the low 
bid price of a share of Common Stock as reported by the National Quotation 
Bureau, Inc., (or if no price is quoted, the market value of the Common 
Stock as determined by the Board of Directors) on the date immediately 
preceding the Effective Date multiplied by the number of shares of Common 
Stock held by such holder that would otherwise have been exchanged for such 
fractional interest.  In the event that no market price from the National 
Quotation Bureau is available on the Effective Date, the Board of Directors 
will determine the market price based upon the market price of the Common 
Stock during the most recent 10-day period for which market prices are 
available.  Because the price of the Common Stock fluctuates, the amount to 
be paid for fractional shares cannot be determined until the Effective Date 
and may be greater or less than the price on the date that any Shareholder 
executes his proxy. 

      If this Proposal is approved, the Company will notify Shareholders of 
the filing of the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation with the 
Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations for the Province of Ontario, 
Canada and will furnish to Shareholders of record as of the close of 
business on the Effective Date with a Letter of Transmittal for use in 
exchanging certificates.  The Shareholders of the Company, promptly after 
the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation becomes effective, 
will be requested to mail their certificates representing their shares of 
Common Stock of the Company to the Exchange Agent named in the Letter of 
Transmittal in order that a new stock certificate giving effect to the 
Reverse Stock Split may be issued and proceeds of the settlement of 
fractional interests delivered promptly.

      After giving effect to the settlement of fractional shares of Common 
Stock, there will be no material differences between those securities 
outstanding prior to the Effective Date of a Reverse Stock Split and those 
to be outstanding after the Effective Date of a Reverse Stock Split.  A 
Reverse Stock Split will,  however, result in adjustments to the exercise 
price, conversion rates and number of shares issuable upon the exercise or 
conversion of certain outstanding options and warrants.

      As a result of the Reverse Stock Split, cash proceeds received from 
the settlement of fractional shares may result in a Shareholder realizing 
taxable gain or loss to the extent of the difference between such proceeds 
and the cost or other basis applicable to the fractional shares.  No 
officer, director, associate or affiliate of the Company is expected to 
derive any material benefit from approval of a Reverse Stock Split other 
than the benefits which would be enjoyed by any other person holding the 
same number of shares.

      The Board of Directors believes that it is in the best interests of 
the Company to grant the Board of Directors authority to declare and 
implement up to a eight-for-one Reverse Stock Split without the delay and 
expense of calling a special meeting to secure Shareholder approval. 

Vote Required

      A favorable vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast at the Annual 
Meeting is required for the approval of the proposed amendment to the 
Articles of Incorporation to grant the Board of Directors authority to 
declare and implement Reverse Stock Split of common stock.  


                            FINANCIAL INFORMATION


      Each such request must set forth a good faith representation that as 
of the Record Date, the person making the request was the beneficial owner 
of Common Shares of the Company entitled to vote at the 1998 Annual Meeting 
of Shareholders.

                             VI.  OTHER BUSINESS

      As of the date of this Proxy Statement, the foregoing is the only 
business which the Board of Directors intends to present, and is not aware 
of any other matters which may come before the Annual Meeting.  If any other 
matter or matters are properly brought before the Annual Meeting, or any 
adjournments thereof, it is the intention of the persons named in the 
accompanying form of proxy to vote the proxy on such matters in accordance 
with their judgment.


      Proposals of shareholders intended to be presented at the Company's 
1999 Annual Meeting of Shareholders must be received by the Company on or 
prior to July 23, 1999 to be eligible for inclusion in the Company's proxy 
statement and form of proxy to be used in connection with the 1999 Annual 
Meeting of Shareholders.

                                       By Order of the Board of Directors

                                       SUNEET S. TULI, Secretary

Dated: October 26, 1998


                           The WIDECOM GROUP, INC.
             Annual Meeting of Shareholders - November 20, 1998

                  Proxy Solicited By The Board of Directors

The undersigned hereby appoints Raja S. Tuli  and Suneet S. Tuli, and each 
of them, proxies, with full power of substitution, to vote all shares of 
common stock of the Widecom Group, Inc. owned by the undersigned at the 
Annual Meeting of shareholders of The Widecom Group, Inc. to be held on 
November 20, 1998 and at any adjournments thereof, hereby revoking any proxy 
heretofore given. The undersigned instructs such proxies to vote:

I.    Election of Directors

      [ ]  For all nominees listed below     [ ]  Withhold authority
           (except as marked to the               to vote for all nominees
           contrary below)                        listed below

(Instruction: To withhold authority for any individual nominee, strike a 
line through the nominee's name in the list below.)

       Raja  S. Tuli     Lt. Colonel K.C. Sharma    Bruce D. Vallillee
       Suneet S. Tuli    Dr. Ajit Singh

                                   (Continued and to be signed on reverse side)

II.   Proposal For The Private Placement of Units

      [ ]  For        [ ]  Against      [ ]  Abstain

III.  Proposal For The Acquisition of Diprin, Inc.

      [ ]  For        [ ]  Against      [ ]  Abstain

IV.   Proposal To Amend The Articles of Incorporation To Grant the Board of 
      Directors Authority to Declare and Implement Reverse Splits of Common 

      [ ]  For        [ ]  Against      [ ]  Abstain

and to vote upon any other business as may properly become before the 
meeting or any adjournment thereof, all as described in the proxy statement 
dated October 26, 1998 receipt of which is hereby acknowledged.

Either of the proxies or their respective substitutes. who shall be present 
and acting shall have and may exercise all the powers hereby granted. The 
shares represented by this proxy will be voted FOR the election of five 
directors, FOR the Proposal For The Private Placement of Units, FOR the 
Proposal For The Acquisition of Diprin, Inc., and FOR the Proposal To Amend 
The Articles of Incorporation To Grant the Board of Directors Authority to 
Declare and Implement Reverse Splits of Common Stock,  unless contrary 
instructions are given. Said proxies will use their discretion with respect 
to any other matters which properly come before the meeting.



                             (Please date and sign exactly as accounts. Each 
                             joint owner should sign. Executors, 
                             administrators, trustees, etc. should also so 
                             indicate when signing.)

                             The proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board 
                             of Directors. Please sign and return in the 
                             enclosed envelope.