2497 Dixie Highway
                        Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky 41017
                               (606) 331-2419


      Notice is hereby given that the 1999 Annual Meeting of Shareholders of 
Columbia Financial of Kentucky, Inc. ("CFKY"), will be held at the Holiday 
Inn, 2100 Dixie Highway, Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky, on January 28, 1999, at 11:00 
a.m., Eastern Standard Time (the "Annual Meeting"), for the following 
purposes, all of which are more completely set forth in the accompanying Proxy 

      1.   To re-elect three directors of CFKY for terms expiring in 2001;

      2.   To ratify the selection of VonLehman & Company Inc. as the auditors 
           of CFKY for the current fiscal year; and 

      3.   To transact such other business as may properly come before the 
           Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

      Only shareholders of CFKY of record at the close of business on December 
2, 1998, will be entitled to receive notice of and to vote at the Annual 
Meeting and at any adjournments thereof.  Whether or not you expect to attend 
the Annual Meeting, we urge you to consider the accompanying Proxy Statement 
QUORUM MAY BE ASSURED AT THE ANNUAL MEETING.  The giving of a proxy does not 
affect your right to vote in person in the event you attend the Annual 

                                       By Order of the Board of Directors

                                       Robert V. Lynch, President

Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky
December 11, 1998

                             2497 Dixie Highway
                        Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky  41017
                               (606) 331-2419

                               PROXY STATEMENT


      The enclosed proxy (the "Proxy") is being solicited by the Board of 
Directors of Columbia Financial of Kentucky, Inc., an Ohio corporation 
("CFKY"), for use at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of CFKY to be held at 
the Holiday Inn, 2100 Dixie Highway, Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky, on January 28, 
1999, at 11:00 a.m., Eastern  Standard Time (the "Annual Meeting").  Without 
affecting any vote previously taken, the Proxy may be revoked by a shareholder 
by execution of a later dated proxy received by CFKY before the Proxy is 
exercised or by giving notice of revocation to CFKY in writing or in open 
meeting before the Proxy is exercised.  Attendance at the Annual Meeting will 
not, of itself, revoke a Proxy.

      Each properly executed Proxy received prior to the Annual Meeting and 
not revoked will be voted as specified thereon or, in the absence of specific 
instructions to the contrary, will be voted:

      FOR the re-election of Daniel T. Mistler, Fred A. Tobergte and Geraldine 
      Zembrodt as directors of CFKY for terms expiring in 2001, and

      FOR the ratification of the selection of VonLehman & Company Inc. 
      ("VonLehman") as the auditors of CFKY for the current fiscal year. 

      Proxies may be solicited by the directors, officers and other employees 
of CFKY and Columbia Federal Savings Bank, the wholly owned subsidiary of CFKY 
("Columbia Federal"), in person or by telephone, telecopy, telegraph or mail 
only for use at the Annual Meeting.  The cost of soliciting Proxies will be 
borne by CFKY.

      Only shareholders of record as of the close of business on December 2, 
1998 (the "Voting Record Date"), are entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.  
Each such shareholder will be entitled to cast one vote for each share owned.  
CFKY's records disclose that, as of the Voting Record Date, there were 
2,671,450 votes entitled to be cast at the Annual Meeting.

      This Proxy Statement is first being mailed to shareholders of CFKY on or 
about December 18, 1998.

                                VOTE REQUIRED

      A majority of the votes eligible to be cast at the Annual Meeting must 
be present in person or by proxy to establish a quorum.  Abstentions will be 
counted as present for purposes of establishing a quorum.

      Under Ohio law and CFKY's Code of Regulations (the "Regulations"), the 
three nominees receiving the greatest number of votes will be elected as 
directors.  Each shareholder will be entitled to cast one vote for each share 
owned. Shares as to which the authority to vote is withheld are not counted 
toward the election of directors or toward the election of the individual 
nominees specified in the enclosed Proxy.  If the enclosed Proxy is signed and 
dated by the shareholder but no vote is specified thereon, the shares held by 
such shareholder will be voted FOR the re-election of the three nominees.

      The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of CFKY 
represented in person or by proxy at the Annual Meeting is necessary to ratify 
the selection of VonLehman as the auditors of CFKY for the current fiscal 
year.  Abstentions will have the same effect as a vote against the approval of 
such ratification.  If a shareholder has signed and dated a proxy in the form 
of the enclosed Proxy, but has not voted on the ratification of the selection 
of VonLehman by checking the appropriate block on the proxy, such person's 
shares will be voted FOR the ratification of the selection of VonLehman.


      The following table sets forth certain information with respect to the 
only persons known to CFKY to own beneficially more than five percent of the 
outstanding common shares of CFKY as of December 2, 1998:

                                              Amount and Nature of           Percent of
Name and Address                              Beneficial Ownership       Shares Outstanding
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

First Bankers Trust Company, N.A., Trustee         213,716(1)                   8.0%
Columbia Financial of Kentucky, Inc.
Employee Stock Ownership Plan
1201 Broadway
Quincy, IL 62301           

- ---------------------
<F1>  First Bankers Trust Company, N.A., holds such shares with sole voting 
      and dispositive power as the Trustee of the Columbia Financial of 
      Kentucky, Inc., Employee Stock Ownership Plan.

      The following table sets forth certain information with respect to the 
number of common shares of CFKY beneficially owned by each director and 
executive officer of CFKY and by all directors and executive officers of CFKY 
as a group at December 2, 1998:

                                         Amount and Nature of        Percent of
Name and Address (1)                     Beneficial Ownership    Shares Outstanding
- --------------------                     --------------------    ------------------
                                          Sole         Shared  

J. Robert Bluemlein                         500           250          0.03%
Kenneth R. Kelly                         15,000        15,000          1.12
John C. Layne                                 -           427          0.02
Robert V. Lynch                          15,000        15,000          1.12
Daniel T. Mistler                           120         2,548          0.10
Fred A. Tobergte, Sr.                    10,000             -          0.37
Geraldine Zembrodt                        4,878         4,780          0.36
All directors and executive officers 
  as a group (10 persons)                68,985        46,243          4.31

- --------------------
<F1>  Each of the persons listed on this table may be contacted at the address 
      of CFKY.


      The Regulations provide for a Board of Directors consisting of seven 
persons divided into two classes.  In accordance with Section 2.03 of the 
Regulations, nominees for election as directors may be proposed only by the 
directors or by any shareholder entitled to vote for the election of directors 
if such shareholder has submitted a written notice of a proposed nominee to 
the Secretary of CFKY by the sixtieth day before the first anniversary of the 
most recent annual meeting of shareholders held for the election of directors.  
Each such written notice of a proposed nominee shall set forth the name, age, 
business or residence address of the nominee, the principal occupation or 
employment of the nominee, the numbers of shares of CFKY owned beneficially 
and/or of record by the nominee and the length of time such shares have been 
so owned. 

      The Board of Directors proposes the re-election of the following persons 
to serve until the Annual Meeting of Shareholders in 2001 and until their 
successors are duly elected and qualified or until their earlier resignation, 
removal from office or death:

                                                         Director of Columbia    Director of
Name                     Age       Positions(s) Held        Federal Since        CFKY Since 
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Daniel T. Mistler        56        Director                      1997               1997
Fred A. Tobergte, Sr.    80        Director                      1981               1997
Geraldine Zembrodt       54        Director                      1993               1997

      If any nominee is unable to stand for election, any proxies granting 
authority to vote for such nominee will be voted for such substitute as the 
Board of Directors recommends.

      Mr. Mistler is an attorney who joined Deters, Benzinger & LaVelle, PSC, 
a law firm located in Covington, Kentucky in 1984 and now serves on its Board 
of Directors and manages its residential real estate department.

      Mr. Tobergte served the Kentucky Department of Transportation for twenty 
years, where he held various positions, including that of Enforcement Officer, 
prior to his retirement in 1981.

      Ms. Zembrodt has co-owned and operated The Village Gallerie, an art and 
framing gallery located in Ft. Wright, Kentucky, since May 1995.  Ms. Zembrodt 
previously co-owned and operated The Sample Shop, a gift shop then located in 
Ft. Wright, Kentucky, from 1982 to May 1994.

      The following directors will continue to serve after the Annual Meeting 
for the terms indicated.

                                                 Director of Columbia     Director of 
Name                  Age    Position(s) Held        Federal Since        CFKY Since    Term Expires
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

J. Robert Bluemlein    80    Director                   1970                 1997           2000
Kenneth R. Kelly       77    Director,                  1965                 1997           2000
                             Chairman of the
John C. Layne          49    Director                   1995                 1997           2000
Robert V. Lynch        53    Director,                  1978                 1997           2000
                             President, CEO

      Mr. Bluemlein retired in 1983 after serving as Vice President of 
Columbia Federal from 1970 to 1983.  Prior to becoming Vice President and 
Director of Columbia Federal, Mr. Bluemlein was Executive Vice President of 
Star Federal.  

      Mr. Kelly has been Chairman of the Board of Columbia Federal since 1983.  
He has served as President and co-owner of Kelly Brothers Lumber Co., a lumber 
and building supply store in Covington, Kentucky, since its founding in 1947.  

      Mr. Layne has been a partner in Rafalske & Layne, LLP, Certified Public 
Accountants, which has its offices in Cincinnati, Ohio, since 1982.  

      Mr. Lynch has been employed by Columbia Federal since 1971, served as 
Treasurer from 1974 to 1977, has served as President and Chief Executive 
Officer since 1977 and has been a director since 1978.  

Meetings of Directors

      CFKY was incorporated in October 1997.  The Board of Directors of CFKY 
met seven times for regularly scheduled and special meetings during the fiscal 
year ended September 30, 1998.  No director attended fewer than 75% of the 
aggregate of such meetings and all meetings of the committees of which such 
director was a member.

      Each director of CFKY is also a director of Columbia Federal.  The Board 
of Directors of Columbia Federal met 13 times during the fiscal year ended 
September 30, 1998.  No director attended fewer than 75% of the aggregate of 
such meetings and all meetings of the committees of which such director was a 

Committees of Directors

      The Board of Directors of CFKY has an Audit Committee.  The Audit 
Committee recommends audit firms to the full Board of Directors and reviews 
and approves the annual independent audit report.  The members of the Audit 
Committee are Messrs. Bluemlein, Kelly and Tobergte.  As CFKY did not commence 
business until the middle of fiscal year 1998, the Audit Committee did not 
meet during fiscal year 1998, although the Audit Committee of Columbia Federal 
did meet.

      The Board of Directors of CFKY does not have a nominating committee or a 
compensation committee.

      The full Board of Directors of Columbia Federal periodically serves as a 
compensation committee to determine compensation for executive officers.  The 
Board of Directors of Columbia Federal met once in such a capacity in fiscal 
year 1998.  

Executive Officers

      In addition to Mr. Lynch, the President and CEO of CFKY and Columbia 
Federal, the following persons are executive officers of CFKY and hold the 
designated positions:

Name                 Age   Position(s) Held
- -------------------------------------------

Abijah Adams         53    Treasurer of CFKY and controller of 
                           Columbia Federal
Carol S. Margrave    43    Secretary of CFKY and Treasurer and
                           Secretary of Columbia Federal 
Edward J. Schwartz   49    Vice President of CFKY and Columbia Federal 

      Mr. Adams joined Columbia Federal as Accountant in 1978 and became 
Controller in 1987.

      Ms. Margrave has been employed by Columbia Federal since 1979, serving 
as Branch Manager from 1983 to 1992 and Assistant Secretary from 1992 to 1993, 
when she became Secretary and Treasurer.

      Mr. Schwartz has been employed by Columbia Federal since 1972, serving 
as Assistant Vice President until 1994, when he became Vice President.  Mr. 
Schwartz is responsible for IRAs and mortgage servicing.


Directors' Compensation

      Each director of Columbia Federal, except for the Chairman of the Board, 
receives a retainer fee of $1,066 per month for service as a director of 
Columbia Federal.  The Chairman of the Board of Directors receives a monthly 
fee of $1,311.  No fees are paid for service as a director of CFKY.

Executive Officers' Compensation

      The following table presents certain information regarding the cash 
compensation received by Robert V. Lynch, the President and Chief Executive 
Officer of CFKY and Columbia Federal.  No other executive officer of Columbia 
Federal or CFKY received salary and bonus compensation exceeding $100,000 
during fiscal year 1998.

                         Summary Compensation Table

                                             Annual Compensation
Name and Principal    Fiscal Year Ended   -------------------------    All Other
     Position           September 30      Salary ($)(1)   Bonus ($)   Compensation
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Robert V. Lynch             1998          $136,222(2)     $2,307        $3,691(5)
President and Chief         1997           133,800(3)      7,075         3,799(5)
Executive Officer           1996           117,442(4)      2,075         3,168(5)

- ---------------------
<F1>  Does not include amounts attributable to other miscellaneous benefits 
      received by executive officers.  The cost to Columbia Federal of 
      providing such benefits to Mr. Lynch was less than 10% of his cash 

<F2>  Includes a salary of $123,430 and directors' fees of $12,792.

<F3>  Includes a salary of $121,650 and directors' fees of $12,150.

<F4>  Includes a salary of $105,842 and directors' fees of $11,600.

<F5>  Consists of Columbia Federal's contribution to Mr. Lynch's 401(k)
      defined contribution plan account.

Employment Agreement

      Columbia Federal has entered into an employment agreement with Robert V. 
Lynch effective April 15, 1998 (the "Employment Agreement").  CFKY and 
Columbia Federal currently have no employment agreements with any other 
officers.  The Employment Agreement provides for a term of three years and a 
salary and performance review by the Board of Directors not less often than 
annually, as well as inclusion of the employee in any formally established 
employee benefit, bonus, pension and profit-sharing plans for which senior 
management personnel are eligible.  The Employment Agreement also provides for 
vacation and sick leave.

      The Employment Agreement is terminable by Columbia Federal at any time.  
In the event of termination by Columbia Federal for "just cause," as defined 
in the Employment Agreement, Mr. Lynch will have no right to receive any 
compensation or other benefits for any period after such termination.  In the 
event of termination by Columbia Federal other than for just cause, at the end 
of the term of the Employment Agreement or in connection with a "change of 
control," as defined in the Employment Agreement, Mr. Lynch will be entitled 
to a continuation of salary payments for a period of time equal to the term of 
the Employment Agreement and a continuation of benefits substantially equal to 
those being provided at the date of termination of employment until the 
earliest to occur of the end of the term of the Employment Agreement or the 
date the employee becomes employed full-time by another employer.

      The Employment Agreement also contains provisions with respect to the 
occurrence of a "change of control" within six months after or within one year 
before (1) the termination of employment of Mr. Lynch for any reason other 
than just cause, retirement or termination at the end of the term of the 
agreement, (2) a change in the capacity or circumstances in which he is 
employed or (3) a material reduction in his responsibilities, authority, 
compensation or other benefits provided under the Employment Agreement without 
his written consent.  In the event of any such occurrence, Mr. Lynch will be 
entitled to payment of an amount equal to three times the greater of his 
annual salary set forth in the Employment Agreement or the annual salary 
payable to Mr. Lynch as a result of any annual salary review.  In addition, 
Mr. Lynch would be entitled to continued coverage under all benefit plans 
until the earliest of the end of the term of the Employment Agreement or the 
date on which he is included in another employer's benefit plans as a full-
time employee.  The maximum he may receive, however, is limited to an amount 
which will not result in the imposition of a penalty tax pursuant to Section 
280G(b)(3) of the Code or exceed limitations imposed by the OTS.  "Control," 
as defined in the Employment Agreement, generally refers to the acquisition by 
any person or entity of the ownership or power to vote 25% or more of the 
voting stock of Columbia Federal or CFKY, the control of the election of a 
majority of Columbia Federal's or CFKY's directors or the exercise of a 
controlling influence over the management or policies of Columbia Federal or 

Certain Transactions With Columbia Federal

      Columbia Federal makes loans to directors who are not full-time 
employees of Columbia Federal in the ordinary course of business and on the 
same terms and conditions, including interest rates and collateral, as those 
of comparable loans to other persons.  On February 13, 1997, Columbia Federal 
adopted a policy whereby Columbia Federal will make first mortgage loans to 
its full-time employees, including directors and officers who are full-time 
employees, without closing costs and at an interest rate that is one percent 
less than the interest rate charged for comparable loans to other persons, 
subject to the following conditions:  (i) the employee must sign an agreement 
that the interest rate will be increased by one percent should the employee's 
employment with Columbia Federal terminate for any reason; (ii) the employee 
must reimburse Columbia Federal for any related out-of-pocket expenses that 
are paid to a third party; (iii) the loan must be for the employee's personal 
single-family residence; (iv) the loan must satisfy all of Columbia Federal's 
normal underwriting criteria; (v) each employee may only have one outstanding 
loan on favorable terms at any one time; and (vi) Columbia Federal's Board of 
Directors must approve the loan.

      The following table sets forth certain information regarding loans made 
on terms more favorable than those offered to the public to executive officers 
and directors of CFKY whose indebtedness to Columbia Federal exceeded $60,000 
at any time since October 1, 1996:

                                                                              Largest balance    Balance at
                                                   Loan                       during 2 years    September 30,
Name                 Position                origination date   Collateral    ended 9/30/98         1998
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Carol S. Margrave    Secretary, Treasurer         5/9/97        Personal       $92,000             $90,109
Edward J. Schwartz   Vice President               9/24/98       Personal        99,900              99,900

      None of the outstanding loans to directors and executive officers 
involve more than the normal risk of collectibility or present other 
unfavorable features, and all are current in their payments.


      The Board of Directors of CFKY has selected VonLehman to act as CFKY's 
independent auditor for the current fiscal year and recommends that the 
shareholders ratify the selection.  The firm has audited the books of CFKY or 
Columbia Federal since 1992.  Management expects that a representative of 
VonLehman will be present at the Annual Meeting, will have the opportunity to 
make a statement if he or she so desires and will be available to respond to 
appropriate questions.

      The Board of Directors of CFKY recommends that the shareholders of CFKY 
ratify the selection of the auditors for the current fiscal year.  
Accordingly, the shareholders of CFKY will be asked to approve the following 
resolution at the Annual Meeting:

      RESOLVED, that the selection of VonLehman & Company Inc. as the auditors 
      of CFKY for the current fiscal year be, and it hereby is, ratified.


      Any proposals of shareholders intended to be included in the proxy 
statement for the 2000 Annual Meeting of Shareholders of CFKY should be sent 
to CFKY by certified mail and must be received by CFKY by August 20, 1999.  In 
addition, if a shareholder intends to present a proposal at the 2000 Annual 
Meeting without including the proposal in the proxy materials related to that 
meeting, and if the proposal is not received by November 3, 1999, then the 
proxies designated by the Board of Directors of CFKY for the 2000 Annual 
Meeting of shareholders of CFKY may vote in their discretion on any such 
proposal any shares for which they have been appointed proxies without mention 
of such matter in the proxy statement or on the proxy card for such meeting.

      Management knows of no other business that may be brought before the 
Annual Meeting.  It is the intention of the persons named in the enclosed 
Proxy to vote such Proxy in accordance with their best judgment on any other 
matters that may be brought before the Annual Meeting.


                                       By Order of the Board of Directors

                                       Robert V. Lynch, President
Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky
December 11, 1998

                               REVOCABLE PROXY



      The undersigned shareholder of Columbia Financial of Kentucky, Inc. 
("CFKY"), hereby constitutes and appoints Robert V. Lynch and John C. Layne, 
or either of them, as the Proxy or Proxies of the undersigned with full power 
of substitution and resubstitution, to vote at the Annual Meeting of 
Shareholders of CFKY to be held at the Holiday Inn, 2100 Dixie Highway, Ft. 
Mitchell, Kentucky, on January 28, 1999, at 11:00 a.m., Eastern Time (the 
"Annual Meeting"), all of the shares of CFKY which the undersigned is entitled 
to vote at the Annual Meeting, or at any adjournment thereof, on each of the 
following proposals, all of which are described in the accompanying Proxy 

1.    The election of three directors for terms expiring in 2001:

      [ ]   FOR all nominees            [ ]   WITHHOLD authority to
            listed below                      vote for all nominees
            (except as marked to the          listed below:
            contrary below):

                         Daniel T. Mistler
                         Fred A. Tobergte
                         Geraldine Zembrodt

(INSTRUCTION:  To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, write 
that nominee's name in the space provided below).


2.    The ratification of the selection of VonLehman & Company Inc., certified 
      public accountants, as the auditors of CFKY for the current fiscal year.

      [ ]   FOR          [ ]   AGAINST           [ ]   ABSTAIN

3.    In their discretion, upon such other business as may properly come 
      before the Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

      The Board of Directors recommends a vote "FOR" the nominees and the 
proposals listed above.

      Important:  Please sign and date this proxy on the reverse side.

      This Proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed 
herein by the undersigned shareholder.  Unless otherwise specified, the shares 
will be voted FOR proposals 1 and 2.

      All Proxies previously given by the undersigned are hereby revoked.  
Receipt of the Notice of the Annual Meeting and of the accompanying Proxy 
Statement is hereby acknowledged.

      Please sign exactly as your name appears on your Stock Certificate(s).  
Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Guardians, Attorneys and Agents should 
give their full titles.

____________________________           ______________________________
Signature                              Signature

____________________________           ______________________________
Print or Type Name                     Print or Type Name

Dated: _____________________           Dated: _______________________