Washington, D.C. 20549

                                  FORM 10-Q

              Quarterly Report Under Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                       Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the Quarter Ended March 31, 1999         Commission File No. 0-29812

                         BERKSHIRE ENERGY RESOURCES

Massachusetts                                                 04-3408946

115 Cheshire Road, Pittsfield, Massachusetts                  01201-1803

Registrant's telephone number, including Area Code          413:442-1511

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports 
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act 
of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the 
Registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to 
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                          Yes   [X]        No   [ ]

At March 31, 1999 the Registrant had issued and outstanding 2,448,313 
shares of Common Stock, no par value.

                         BERKSHIRE ENERGY RESOURCES
                   (In Thousands Except Per Share Amounts)

                                         Three Months Ended
                                       3/31/99        3/31/98

Operating Revenues                     $23,544        $24,768
Cost of Gas Sold                        10,626         12,715

Operating Margin                        12,918         12,053

Other Operating Expenses                 4,241          3,913
Depreciation                             1,974          2,041
Other Taxes                                857            812

      Total                              7,072          6,766

Operating Income                         5,846          5,287
Other Income - Net                         986            261

Operating and Other Income               6,832          5,548
Interest Expense                         1,126          1,129
      Pre-Tax Income                     5,706          4,419

Income Taxes                             2,192          1,680

NET INCOME                               3,514          2,739
Retained Earnings at Beginning 
 of Period                               7,252          7,688

      Total                             10,766         10,427

Dividends Declared:
  Preferred Stock                            3              4
  Common Stock                             710            651

      Total Dividends                      713            655

Retained Earnings at End
 of Period                             $10,053        $ 9,772

Earnings Available for Common 
 Stock                                 $ 3,511        $ 2,735

Average Shares of Common Stock
 Outstanding                           2,448.3        2,285.7

Basic and Diluted Earnings  
 Per Share of Common Stock               $1.43          $1.20

See Independent Accountants' Review Report and Notes to
Financial Statements.

                         BERKSHIRE ENERGY RESOURCES
                   (In Thousands Except Per Share Amounts)

                                         Nine Months Ended
                                      3/31/99        3/31/98

Operating Revenues                    $41,677        $45,571
Cost of Gas Sold                       18,242         22,887

Operating Margin                       23,435         22,684

Other Operating Expenses               11,416         10,741
Depreciation                            3,735          3,622
Other Taxes                             1,594          1,481

      Total                            16,745         15,844

Operating Income                        6,690          6,840
Other Income - Net                      1,891          1,316

Operating and Other Income              8,581          8,156
Interest Expense                        3,361          3,387
      Pre-Tax Income                    5,220          4,769

Income Taxes                            1,980          1,790

NET INCOME                              3,240          2,979
Retained Earnings at Beginning
 of Period                              8,911          8,739

      Total                            12,151         11,718

Dividends Declared:
  Preferred Stock                          11             12
  Common Stock                          2,087          1,934
      Total Dividends                   2,098          1,946

Retained Earnings at End
 of Period                            $10,053        $ 9,772

Earnings Available for Common
 Stock                                $ 3,229        $ 2,967

Average Shares of Common Stock
 Outstanding                          2,384.8        2,255.1
Basic and Diluted Earnings 
 Per Share of Common Stock              $1.35          $1.32

See Independent Accountants' Review Report and Notes to 
Financial Statements.

                         BERKSHIRE ENERGY RESOURCES
                   (In Thousands Except Per Share Amounts)

                                          Twelve Months Ended
                                        3/31/99        3/31/98

Operating Revenues                      $50,707        $56,797
Cost of Gas Sold                         22,378         28,547

Operating Margin                         28,329         28,250

Other Operating Expenses                 14,736         14,198
Depreciation                              4,522          4,447
Other Taxes                               1,983          1,841

      Total                              21,241         20,486

Operating Income                          7,088          7,764
Other Income - Net                        2,178          1,592

Operating and Other Income                9,266          9,356
Interest Expense                          4,365          4,425
      Pre-Tax Income                      4,901          4,931

Income Taxes                              1,846          1,854
NET INCOME                                3,055          3,077
Retained Earnings at Beginning 
 of Period                                9,772          9,246

      Total                              12,827         12,323
Dividends Declared:
  Preferred Stock                            15             12
  Common Stock                            2,759          2,539

      Total Dividends                     2,774          2,551

Retained Earnings at End
 of Period                              $10,053        $ 9,772

Earnings Available for Common
 Stock                                  $ 3,040        $ 3,065

Average Shares of Common Stock
 Outstanding                            2,359.0        2,239.3
Basic and Diluted Earnings 
 Per Share of Common Stock              $  1.29        $  1.37

See Independent Accountants' Review Report and Notes to 
Financial Statements.

                         BERKSHIRE ENERGY RESOURCES
                         CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                               (In Thousands)

                                       March 31,      June 30,
                                         1999          1998
                                     (Unaudited)     (Audited)

Utility Plant:
  Utility Plant - at original cost      $110,609       $106,654
  Less: Accumulated Depreciation          34,436         31,371

      Utility Plant - Net                 76,173         75,283
Other Property:
  Other Property - at original cost       13,961         12,784
  Less:  Accumulated Depreciation          7,048          6,420

      Other Property - Net                 6,913          6,364

Current Assets:
  Cash                                       259            160
  Accounts Receivable (net of 
   allowance for doubtful accounts        13,141          6,096
   Mar. 1999-$1,162;June 1998-$974)
  Other Receivables                          844            181
  Inventories (at the lower of
   average cost or market):
    Natural Gas                            1,272          2,313
    Liquefied Petroleum                       75            134
    Materials and Supplies                 1,906          1,814
    Prepayments and Other                    587            979

      Total Current Assets                18,084         11,677

  Deferred Debits:
    Unamortized Debt Expense               2,156          2,200
    Capital Stock Expense                    242            275
    Environmental Cleanup Costs              903            800
    Other                                  1,543          1,414

      Total Deferred Debits                4,844          4,689

  Recoverable Environmental Cleanup
   Costs                                   3,290          3,290
      TOTAL ASSETS                      $109,304       $101,303

See Independent Accountants' Review Report and Notes to 
Financial Statements.

                          BERKSHIRE ENERGY RESOURCES
                         CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                               (In Thousands)

                                           March 31,     June 30,
                                             1999         1998
                                          (Unaudited)   (Audited)

Common Shareholders' Equity:
  Common Stock-no par                      $ 27,412      $ 24,625
  Retained Earnings                          10,053         8,911

      Total Common Shareholders' Equity      37,465        33,536
Redeemable Cumulative Preferred Stock           312           321

Long-Term Debt                               40,000        34,000
Current Liabilities:
  Notes Payable to Banks                     10,100         7,085
  Current Maturities of Long-Term Debt            0         6,000
  Accounts Payable                            2,010         3,024
  Other Current Liabilities                   2,567         3,098
  Refundable(Recoverable) Gas Costs             110          (370)
  Taxes Accrued (Prepaid)                     2,199          (224)

      Total Current Liabilities              16,986        18,613

   Other Liabilities                          1,738         1,676

Unamortized Investment Tax Credit             1,087         1,139

Deferred Income Taxes                         8,426         8,728

Reserve for Recoverable Environmental
 Cleanup Costs                                3,290         3,290


See Independent Accountants' Review Report and Notes to 
Financial Statements.

                          BERKSHIRE ENERGY RESOURCES
                               (In Thousands)

                                                 Nine Months Ended
                                              3/31/99         3/31/98

Cash flows from Operating Activities:
  Net Income                                  $ 3,240        $ 2,979

Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income to Net
Cash Provided by Operating Activities:
  Depreciation and Amortization                 4,107          4,125
  Provision for Losses on Accounts
  Receivable                                      827            852
  Refundable(Recoverable) Gas Costs               480          1,856
  Deferred Income Taxes                          (302)          (854)
Changes in Assets and Liabilities Which
  Provided (Used) Cash:
  Accounts Receivable                          (7,872)        (5,359)
  Other Receivables                              (663)           204
  Inventories                                   1,008            878
  Unamortized Debt Expense                        (28)             0
  Accounts Payable                             (1,014)        (1,130)
  Taxes Accrued                                 2,423          2,621
  Other                                          (308)        (1,571)

      Total Adjustments                        (1,342)         1,622
Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities       1,898          4,601

Cash Flows used in Investing Activities:
  Construction Expenditures                    (5,493)        (5,197)

Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
  Dividends Paid                               (2,099)        (1,946)
  Proceeds from Notes Payable                   3,015          1,345
  Redemption of Preferred Stock                    (9)           (42)
  Proceeds from Other 
   Stock Transactions                           2,787          1,330
Net Cash Provided by Financing Activities       3,694            687

Net Increase in Cash                               99             91
Cash at Beginning of Period                       160            356
Cash at End of Period                         $   259        $   447

Supplemental Disclosures of Cash Flow Information:

  Cash Paid During the Year for:
    Interest(net of amount capitalized)       $ 3,660        $ 3,253
    Income Taxes(net of refund)               $    38        $   352

See Independent Accountants' Review Report and Notes to 
Financial Statements.

Berkshire Energy Resources
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
March 31,1999
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in Thousands Except Share Amounts)


      The accompanying unaudited consolidated financial statements have 
been prepared in accordance with the instructions to Form 10-Q and do not 
include all of the information and footnotes required by generally accepted 
accounting principles for complete consolidated financial statements.  The 
Company has reclassified certain amounts for prior years to conform with 
the 1999 presentation.  All adjustments, which in the opinion of management 
are necessary for a fair presentation of the operations for the interim 
periods presented, have been made.  These adjustments are of a normal 
recurring nature.  The results of operations for such interim periods are 
not necessarily indicative of results of operations for a full year.  These 
consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with the 
summary of accounting policies and notes to financial statements included 
in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 

BERKSHIRE ENERGY RESOURCES (formerly The Berkshire Gas Company)

      The Berkshire Gas Company adopted a holding company corporate 
structure effective December 31, 1998, to capitalize on competitive 
opportunities associated with the deregulation of the natural gas industry.

      The adoption of a holding company structure effectively reorganized 
and segregated the Company's regulated business activities from its non-
regulated activities, thereby offering greater flexibility to compete in 
non-regulated markets without the inherent delay of regulation.

      The holding company, known as Berkshire Energy Resources, has been 
organized as a Massachusetts Business Trust and initially has as its 
subsidiaries The Berkshire Gas Company, Berkshire Propane, Inc., and 
Berkshire Energy Marketing, Inc.

      The results of operations for these subsidiaries/divisions have been 
reflected in the accompanying consolidated financial statements for the 
period ended March 31, 1999.  Effective December 31, 1998, the outstanding 
shares of The Berkshire Gas Company Common Stock were automatically 
exchanged on a share-for-share basis for Berkshire Energy Resources Common 
Shares (no par value), and Berkshire Energy Resources became the holding 
company of The Berkshire Gas Company.  The Berkshire Gas Company stock 
symbol, BGAS has changed to BERK, in recognition of the new corporate 
identity. The stock continues to be traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market.


      To provide protection from dramatic weather fluctuations, the Company 
purchased weather insurance for the winter period November 1, 1998, through 
March 31, 1999.  Berkshire Gas will receive insurance proceeds based on the 
criteria that the total degree days for the aforementioned winter period 
were less than 95% of the twenty-year average degree days for the period.  
The Company has recognized proceeds, based on the number of degree days 
under the 95% threshold.


     On April 1, 1999 the Company rolled-over the $6,000,000 Medium-Term 
Note at 6.10%, for a five-year term.



      Like other companies in the natural gas industry, the company is a 
party to governmental actions associated with former gas manufacturing 
sites.  Management estimates that expenditures to remediate and monitor 
known environmental sites will range from $3,290 to $12,302. In accordance 
with SFAS No. 5, the Company has recorded the most likely cost of $3,290.  
The Company's unamortized cost at March 31, 1999 was $903 and should be 
recovered over a seven-year period through the Cost of Gas Adjustment 
Clause ("CGAC").

       Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
                            Results of Operations
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Results of Operations - Third Quarter Ended March 31, 1999 versus Third 
Quarter Ended March 31, 1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

      The Company considers Operating Margin (Operating Margin or Gross 
Profit Operating Revenues Net of Cost of Gas Sold) to be a more pertinent 
measure of operating results than Operating Revenues.  This is due 
primarily to the fact that revenues include changes in the cost of natural 
gas which must be recovered or returned to customers through the Cost of 
Gas Adjustment Clause.  Consequently, changes in the cost of gas will 
effect revenue levels, but does not have a corresponding effect on income.  
Additionally, margins earned on interruptible gas sold and transported are 
flowed back to the customers and therefore are not included in income.  
Accordingly, the discussion below pertains to Operating Margin.

      Operating Margin increased $865,000 or 7.2% from the three months 
ended March 31, 1998.  The effects of 11% colder weather during this 
quarter resulted in increased sales volumes for both natural gas and 
propane.  Also, growth in the propane customer base contributed to the 
additional margins.

                                                   1999         1998

3 Month Firm MCF Sold & Transported              2,691,000     2,559,000
3 Month Consolidated Operating Margin          $12,918,000   $12,053,000

      Other Operating Expenses increased $328,000 or 8.4%, primarily 
representative of additional administrative costs incurred by the Company 
to implement changes to the corporate structure as well as the development 
of strategies to compete in the deregulated market.  Also effecting 
operating expenses were higher marketing costs, customer service expenses 
and investments in new technologies.  Partially offsetting the increases 
was a decrease in bad debt expense as a result of a change in the recovery 
mechanism for the portion of bad debt expense related to gas costs.  This 
portion of the bad debts will be recovered through the CGAC.

       Depreciation decreased $67,000 due to reclassification of 
depreciation expense related to the propane subsidiary's leasing of 

      Other Taxes increased $45,000 primarily due to increased personal 
property taxes reflecting growth in plant assets and higher tax rates.

      Other Income increased $725,000 primarily representing gross proceeds 
recognized from weather insurance.  The Company purchased insurance to 
protect against warmer than normal weather for the winter period of 
November 1, 1998 through March 31, 1999.

      Income Taxes increased $512,000 due to a related increase in Pre-Tax 

      Dividends were $59,000 higher due to an increase in the number of 
shares outstanding reflecting active shareholder participation in the 
Company's Dividend Reinvestment Program ("DRIP").

       Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
                            Results of Operations
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Results of Operations - Nine Months Ended March 31, 1999 versus Nine Months 
Ended March 31, 1998
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Operating Margin increased $751,000 or 3.3% as compared with the nine 
months ended March 31, 1998 for the same reasons as discussed in the Three 
Months Results discussed above.

                                                   1999          1998

9 Month Firm MCF Sold & Transported              4,988,000     4,983,000
9 Month Consolidated Operating Margin          $23,435,000   $22,684,000

      Other Operating Expenses increased $675,000 or 6.3% due to the same 
reasons as explained in the Three Months Results discussed above.

      Depreciation Expense increased $113,000 due to an increase in the 
amount of depreciable assets.

      Other Taxes increased $113,000 or 7.6%; Other Income increased 
$575,000 or 43.7%; Income Taxes increased $190,000; Dividends on Common 
Stock increased $153,000 from the nine months ended March 31, 1998; all for 
the same reasons previously discussed in the Results of Operations - Third 

       Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
                            Results of Operations
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Results of Operations - Twelve Months Ended March 31, 1999 versus Twelve 
Months Ended March 31, 1998
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Earnings available for Common Stock were $3,040,000 for the twelve 
months ended March 31, 1999 as compared to $3,065,000 for 1998.  Earnings 
for both years are lower than anticipated due to the effects of consecutive 
warmer winters. 

     Operating Margin increased $79,000 or 0.3% from the twelve months 
ended March 31, 1998.  Margins were similar to the prior year as both years 
reflected warmer temperatures. 

                                                   1999          1998

12 Month Firm MCF Sold & Transported             6,121,000     6,424,000
12 Month Consolidated Operating Margin         $28,329,000   $28,250,000

      Other Operating Expenses rose $538,000 or 3.8% over the twelve months 
ended March 31, 1998.  The increase is due to costs incurred for the 
restructuring to a holding company, employee benefits, costs for the 
development and implementation of new information systems companywide 
and increased marketing and promotion expenses.

      Depreciation Expense increased $75,000 or 1.7% due to an increase in 
depreciable assets.

      Other Income increased $586,000 or 36.8% from 1998 primarily due to 
weather insurance proceeds previously described above. 

      Other Taxes increased $142,000 or 7.7% due to increases in plant 
property and municipal tax rates.

      Dividends declared on Common Stock increased $220,000 primarily due 
to additional shares outstanding through the Company's DRIP, and to a 
lesser extent, a quarterly increase in dividends to $.29 per share from 
$.285 in the fourth quarter of fiscal 1998.


      The Company added approximately $5,493,000 to Plant assets during the 
nine months ended March 31, 1999.  These construction expenditures 
primarily represent investments in new and replacement mains and services.

      The capital structure of the Company at March 31, 1999 was 48.2% 
Common Equity, 0.4% Preferred Stock and 51.4% Long-Term Debt.

      Cash flows from operating activities have decreased compared to the 
nine month period ended March 31, 1998, primarily due to fluctuation in 
refundable (recoverable) gas costs, customer refunds and increases in 
accounts receivable.

      The Company initially finances construction expenditures and other 
funding needs primarily with short-term bank borrowings, and with the funds 
from the DRIP.

      The Company continually evaluates its short-term borrowing position 
and based on prevailing interest rates, market conditions, etc., makes 
determinations regarding repayments of short-term borrowings through long-
term debt or equity.  

      It is management's view that the Company has adequate access to 
capital markets and will have sufficient capital resources, both internal 
and external, to meet anticipated capital requirements.

      On April 1, 1999 the Company rolled over the $6,000,000 Medium Term 
Note at 6.10%, for a five-year term.

      Funds for environmental clean-up costs are initially financed through 
short-term borrowings and all such costs will be recovered over a seven 
year period under a ruling issued by the Massachusetts Department of 
Telecommunications and Energy ("DTE"), formerly the Massachusetts 
Department of Public Utilities ("MDPU").

      Cautionary Statement for Purposes of the "Safe Harbor" Provisions of 
the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995

      This Quarterly Report contains forward-looking statements within the 
meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  Actual 
results could differ materially from those contemplated by such statements.  
Such statements reflect management's current views, are based on many 
assumptions and are subject to risks and uncertainties.

      Certain important factors which could cause such results to differ 
include risks associated with the Company's maintaining contracts with 
specific customers, government regulation, the increasingly competitive 
nature of the markets in which the Company is engaged, and dependence on 
key personnel.  These factors are not intended to represent a complete list 
of the general or specific risks that may affect the Company.

Year 2000 Compliance

      The Company has identified all significant applications that will 
require modification to ensure Year 2000 Compliance. Internal and external 
resources are being used to make the required modifications and test Year 
2000 Compliance.

      The Company believes that the most critical risk relates to the 
replacement and modification of its business application software.

      During the second quarter of fiscal 1999, the Company has replaced 
its core business applications which support customer service, billing, 
collection, jobbing and engineering.  This upgraded system is Year 2000 
compliant.  The installation and testing of the upgrade to the Company's 
current finance, accounting, payroll and inventory system is currently in 
progress.  It is anticipated that this will be completed by the end of the 
current fiscal year, and those systems will be Year 2000 compliant. These 
upgrades were initiated in the normal course of addressing business needs.

      The Company has also assessed the other areas of its business not 
related to its core information systems.  Presently, the Company believes 
that these areas which include automated meter reading, dispatch, 
administrative and distribution, can be modified or upgraded without 
disruption of service or material cost.  Necessary upgrades and 
replacements are expected to be completed by October, 1999.

      Due to the complexity of the Year 2000 problem and the reliance on 
certain critical vendors and suppliers, there can be no guarantees that the 
Company will achieve Year 2000 compliance or that critical vendors and 
suppliers will achieve Year 2000 compliance.  A vendor management program 
has been undertaken as part of the Company's effort to obtain reasonable 
assurances from key vendors that there will not be any interruptions in the 
supply of goods and services as a result of the Year 2000 issues. The 
Company is preparing strategies to address potential failures of 
significant vendors in its contingency plans.

      The Company is currently developing a business contingency plan 
addressing Year 2000 risks to its internal systems and critical vendors.  
The plan will include continuation strategies for critical business 
processes and is expected to be completed by mid-1999.

      The total cost to the Company of Year 2000 Compliance activities has 
not been and is not anticipated to be material to its financial position or 
results of operations in any given year.  Management has budgeted $50,000 
for fiscal year 2000 to address Year 2000 related expenditures.  These 
costs and the date on which the Company plans to complete Year 2000 
modification and testing processes are based on management's best 
estimates, which were derived utilizing numerous assumptions of future 
events including the continued availability of certain resources, third 
party modification plans and other factors.  However, there can be no 
guarantee that these estimates will be achieved and actual results could 
differ from those plans.

BERKSHIRE ENERGY RESOURCES (formerly The Berkshire Gas Company)

      Berkshire Gas Company adopted a holding company corporate structure 
effective December 31, 1998, to capitalize on competitive opportunities 
associated with the deregulation of the natural gas industry.

      The adoption of a holding company structure effectively reorganized 
and segregated the Company's regulated business activities from its non-
regulated activities, thereby offering greater flexibility to compete in 
non-regulated markets without the inherent delay of regulation.

      The holding company, known as Berkshire Energy Resources, has been 
organized as a Massachusetts Business Trust and initially has as its 
subsidiaries The Berkshire Gas Company, Berkshire Propane, Inc., and 
Berkshire Energy Marketing, Inc.  The results of operations for these 
subsidiaries have been reflected in the accompanying consolidated financial 
statements for the period ended March 31, 1999.  Effective December 31, 
1998, the outstanding shares of Berkshire Gas Company Common Stock were 
automatically exchanged on a share-for-share basis for Berkshire Energy 
Resources Common Shares (no par value), and Berkshire Energy Resources 
became the holding company of Berkshire Gas Company.  The Berkshire Gas 
Company stock symbol, BGAS has changed to BERK, in recognition of the new 
corporate identity. The stock continues to be traded on the Nasdaq Stock 


Item 1.     Legal Proceedings
- -----------------------------

            No developments during the quarter.

Item 2.     Changes in Securities
- ---------------------------------

            On April 1, 1999 the Company rolled-over the
            $6,000,000 Medium-Term Note at 6.10%, for a five-year

Item 3.     Defaults Upon Senior Securities
- -------------------------------------------

            Not Applicable

Item 4.     Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
- ---------------------------------------------------------------


Item 5.     Other Information
- -----------------------------

            Not Applicable

Item 6.     Exhibits and Reports on Form 8 - K
- ----------------------------------------------

            (a) List of Exhibits
                 Exhibit 27 - Financial Data Schedule

      The consolidated balance sheet as of March 31, 1999, the related 
consolidated statements of income and retained earnings for the three 
month, nine month and twelve month periods ended March 31, 1999 and 1998, 
and the consolidated statements of cash flows for the nine month periods 
ended March 31, 1999 and 1998 have been reviewed, prior to filing, by the 
Registrant's independent public accountants, Deloitte & Touche LLP, whose 
report covering their review of the financial statements is presented 
Deloitte & Touche LLP
                            City Place          Telephone:(860) 280-3000
                            185 Asylum Street   Facsimile:(860) 280-3051
                            Hartford, Connecticut 06103-3402


Berkshire Energy Resources:

We have reviewed the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of Berkshire 
Energy Resources (formerly, Berkshire Gas Company) (the "Company") as of 
March 31, 1999,  the related consolidated statements of income and retained 
earnings for the three month, nine month and twelve month periods ended 
March 31, 1999 and 1998, and the consolidated statements of cash flows for 
the nine month periods ended March 31, 1999 and 1998.  These consolidated 
financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management.

We conducted our reviews in accordance with standards established by the 
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.  A review of interim 
financial information consists principally of applying analytical 
procedures to financial data and making inquiries of persons responsible 
for financial and accounting matters.  It is substantially less in scope 
than an audit conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing 
standards, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion regarding 
the financial statements taken as a whole.  Accordingly, we do not express 
such an opinion.

Based on our reviews, we are not aware of any material modifications that 
should be made to such financial statements for them to be in conformity 
with generally accepted accounting principles.

We have previously audited, in accordance with generally accepted auditing 
standards, the balance sheet of The Berkshire Gas Company as of June 30, 
1998, and the related statements of income, stockholders' equity, and of 
cash flows for the year then ended (not presented herein); and in our 
report dated August 12, 1998, we expressed an unqualified opinion on those 
financial statements.  In our opinion, the information set forth in the 
accompanying balance sheet as of June 30, 1998 is fairly stated, in all 
material respects, in relation to the balance sheet from which it has been 

/s/ Deloitte & Touche LLP
May 10, 1999 


      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Act of 
1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf 
by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                       BERKSHIRE ENERGY RESOURCES

                                       /s/ Michael J. Marrone
                                       Michael J. Marrone
                                       Vice President, Treasurer &
                                       Chief Financial Officer

Dated: May 13, 1999