Washington, D.C. 20549

(Mark One)

[X]  Quarterly  Report Pursuant  to  Section 13  or  15(d) of  the  Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934 for the quarter ended SEPTEMBER 30, 1995, or

[ ]    Transition report pursuant  to Section 13  or 15(d)  of the  Securities
       Exchange Act of 1934 for the transition period from                   


                          FIRST MIDWEST BANCORP, INC.
            (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

         DELAWARE                                              36-3161078
(State or other jurisdiction of                              (IRS Employer
Identification No.)
incorporation or organization)

                    300 PARK BLVD., SUITE 405, P.O. BOX 459
                         ITASCA, ILLINOIS  60143-0459
              (Address of principal executive offices) (zip code)

                                (708) 875-7450
             (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

                          COMMON STOCK, NO PAR VALUE
          Securities Registered Pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act

Indicate  by  check mark  whether  the Registrant  (1) has  filed  all reports
required to be filed by Section 13  or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934  during the  preceding 12  months (or  for such  shorter period  that the
Registrant was required  to file such  reports), and (2)  has been subject  to
such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes  [X]  No  [ ]

As of November  8, 1995, 12,349,052  shares of the  Registrant's no par  value
common stock were outstanding, excluding treasury shares.  

                     Exhibit Index is located on page 23.

                          FIRST MIDWEST BANCORP, INC.

                                   FORM 10-Q

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                             PAGE

   Item 1. Financial Statements

      Consolidated Statements of Condition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    3

      Consolidated Statements of Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    4

      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    5

      Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements  . . . . . . . . . . . .    6

   Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial 
      Condition and Results of Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12


   Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

                         PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION

                          ITEM 1. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                           FIRST MIDWEST BANCORP, INC.
               (Dollar amounts in thousands except per share data)

                                                 SEPTEMBER 30,  DECEMBER 31,
                                                    1995 (1)         1994 (2)

  Cash and due from banks                        $ 124,941     $   107,180 
  Federal funds sold and other short term 
   investments                                      56,162          15,694 
  Securities available for sale, at market value   716,817         696,384 
  Securities held to maturity, at amortized cost 

   (market value of $126,495 and $165,536 at 
   September 30, 1995 and December 31, 1994, 
   respectively)                                   124,213         168,644 
  Loans, net of unearned discount                1,929,487       1,785,200 
  Reserve for loan losses                          (26,776)        (24,083)
                                                 -----------   ------------
  Net loans                                      1,902,711       1,761,117 

  Premises, furniture and equipment                 44,074          40,329 
  Accrued interest receivable                       24,705          18,358 
  Other assets                                      50,630          67,395 
                                                 -----------   ------------
  TOTAL ASSETS                                  $3,044,253     $ 2,875,101 
                                                 ===========   ============
  Demand deposits                                $ 330,885     $   346,864 
  Savings deposits                                 241,202         270,192 
  NOW accounts                                     298,284         292,570 
  Money market deposits                            237,321         194,548 
  Time deposits                                  1,043,621         890,234 
                                                 ------------   ------------
   Total deposits                                2,151,313       1,994,408 

  Short-term borrowings                            646,222         665,500 
  Accrued interest payable                          10,097           9,120 
  Other liabilities                                 15,775          19,958 
                                                 -----------   ------------
  TOTAL LIABILITIES                              2,823,407       2,688,986 
                                                 -----------     ----------

  Preferred stock, no par value: 1,000,000 shares 
   authorized, none issued                             ---             --- 
  Common stock, no par value: 20,000,000 shares 
   authorized; 12,551,430 issued; 
   12,344,118 and 12,197,480 outstanding at 
   September 30, 1995 and December 31, 1994, 
   respectively                                     23,465          23,465 
  Additional paid-in capital                        25,762          25,913 
  Retained earnings                                177,979         165,893 
  Unrealized net depreciation on securities, 
   net of tax                                       (1,968)        (20,767)
  Treasury stock, at cost - 207,312 and 353,950 
   shares at September 30, 1995 and December 31, 1994,
   respectively                                     (4,392)         (8,389)
                                                 -----------   ------------
  TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                       220,846         186,115 
                                                 -----------   ------------
  TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY    $3,044,253      $2,875,101 
                                                 ===========    ============

See notes to consolidated financial statements.
(1)  Unaudited
(2)  Audited - See December 31, 1994 Form 10-K for Auditor's Report.

                                                    FIRST MIDWEST BANCORP, INC.
                                                 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME
                                       (Dollar amounts in thousands, except per share data)

                                                                 QUARTERS ENDED               NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                                SEPTEMBER 30, (1)            SEPTEMBER 30, (1)
                                                           ------------------------       -------------------------
                                                               1995           1994            1995              1994
                                                           ------------    ------------    ---------     --------------
Interest and fees on loans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $     43,391   $      36,313 $    125,699     $    102,321
Interest on securities available for sale . . . . . . .         10,574           9,848       33,037           31,093
Interest on securities held to maturity . . . . . . . .          2,872           2,175        7,860            3,387
Interest on federal funds sold and other 
 short-term investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          1,059             785        2,305            1,262
                                                           ------------   ------------ -------------    -----------
   TOTAL INTEREST INCOME  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         57,896          49,121      168,901          138,063
                                                           ------------   ------------ -------------    -----------
INTEREST EXPENSE                                                                                 
Interest on deposits  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         20,567          14,620       55,318           41,075
Interest on short-term borrowings . . . . . . . . . . .          9,617           7,373       30,609           17,490
                                                           ------------   ------------ -------------    -----------
   TOTAL INTEREST EXPENSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         30,184          21,993       85,927           58,565
                                                           ------------   ------------ -------------    -----------
   NET INTEREST INCOME  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         27,712          27,128       82,974           79,498
PROVISION FOR LOAN LOSSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          3,810           1,838        7,982            5,130
                                                           ------------   ------------ -------------    -----------
   Net interest income after provision for loan losses          23,902          25,290       74,992           74,368
                                                           ------------   ------------ -------------    -----------
NONINTEREST INCOME                                                                     
Service charges on deposit accounts . . . . . . . . . .          2,333           2,472        6,839            7,232
Trust income  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          1,481           1,478        5,067            4,624
Other service charges, commissions and fees . . . . . .          1,686           1,706        4,655            4,524
Net revenues on real estate loans held for sale . . . .            471              91          992              913
Security transactions, net  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              7               4          539            1,263
Other income  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            628             449        2,160            1,535
                                                           ------------   ------------ -------------    -----------
   TOTAL NONINTEREST INCOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          6,606           6,200       20,252           20,091
                                                           ------------   ------------ -------------    -----------
NONINTEREST EXPENSE                                                                                  
Salaries and wages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          9,574           9,447       28,611           27,790
Retirement and other employee benefits  . . . . . . . .          1,865           2,268        7,122            7,436
Occupancy expense of premises . . . . . . . . . . . . .          1,560           1,373        4,167            4,081
Equipment expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          1,467           1,313        4,313            3,811
Computer processing expense . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          1,805           1,306        4,756            3,650
FDIC insurance premiums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            (42)          1,082        2,166            3,349
Advertising and promotions expense  . . . . . . . . . .            511             592        1,689            1,727
Foreclosed real estate expense, net . . . . . . . . . .             43             337          852            1,211
Restructure reserve adjustment  . . . . . . . . . . . .           (810)            ---         (810)             ---
Other expenses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          3,942           4,580       12,595           14,402
                                                           ------------   ------------ -------------    -----------
   TOTAL NONINTEREST EXPENSE  . . . . . . . . . . . . .         19,915          22,298       65,461           67,457
                                                           ------------   ------------ -------------    -----------
Income before income tax expense  . . . . . . . . . . .         10,593           9,192       29,783           27,002
Income tax expense  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          3,831           3,484       10,689           10,177
                                                           ------------   ------------ -------------    -----------
   NET INCOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $      6,762   $       5,708 $     19,094     $     16,825
                                                           ============   ============ =============    ===========
   NET INCOME PER SHARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $       0.55   $        0.47 $       1.56     $       1.38
   Cash dividends declared per share  . . . . . . . . .   $       0.19   $        0.17 $       0.57     $       0.51
   Weighted average shares outstanding  . . . . . . . .     12,293,483      12,144,913   12,243,323       12,169,442
                                                           ============   ============ =============    ===========

See notes to consolidated financial statements.
(1)  Unaudited

                                                    FIRST MIDWEST BANCORP, INC.
                                               CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                                                   (Dollar amounts in thousands)

                                                                                            NINE MONTHS ENDED
                                                                                            SEPTEMBER 30, (1)
                                                                                            1995          1994
                                                                                       -------------  -------------
   Net income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    $     19,094   $     16,825  
   Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:
     Provision for loan losses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           7,982          5,130 
     Provision for depreciation   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           4,095          3,684 
     Net amortization of securities available for sale premiums and discounts   . .           1,324          1,966 
     Net accretion of securities held to maturity premiums and discounts  . . . . .          (1,982)          (415)
     Net gains on securities available for sale transactions  . . . . . . . . . . .            (537)        (1,237)
     Net gains on securities held to maturity   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              (1)           (22)
     Net gains on sales of premises, furniture and equipment  . . . . . . . . . . .            (103)           (78)
     Net decrease in deferred income taxes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             (71)          (450)
     Net amortization of purchase accounting adjustments and goodwill   . . . . . .           1,046          1,116 

     Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
        Net (increase) decrease in loans held for sale  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         (14,052)         3,031 
        Net increase in accrued interest receivable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          (6,347)        (1,910)
        Net increase in other assets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             (95)            (3)
        Net increase in accrued interest payable  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             977            576 
        Net decrease in other liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          (4,112)        (3,283)
                                                                                       -------------  -------------
          NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           7,218         24,930 
                                                                                       -------------  -------------

Securities available for sale:
   Proceeds from sales  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         342,706        206,388 
   Proceeds from maturities, calls and paydowns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          96,682        143,929 
   Purchases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        (429,891)      (296,224)

Securities held to maturity:
   Proceeds from maturities, calls and paydowns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         223,213         15,179 
   Purchases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        (176,710)       (38,495)
Loans made to customers, net of principal collected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        (136,415)      (155,179)
Proceeds from sales of foreclosed real estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           4,697         13,245 
Proceeds from sales of premises, furniture and equipment  . . . . . . . . . . . . .             158            327 
Purchases of premises, furniture and equipment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          (7,895)        (4,834)
                                                                                       -------------  -------------
   NET CASH USED BY INVESTING ACTIVITIES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         (83,455)      (115,664)
                                                                                       -------------  -------------

Net increase in deposit accounts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         156,905         30,314 
Net (decrease) increase in short-term borrowings  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         (19,278)       181,021 
Purchases of treasury stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             (78)        (3,220)
Sale of treasury stock  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           2,697            --
Cash dividends  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          (7,007)        (6,203)
Exercise of stock options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           1,227            866 
                                                                                       -------------  -------------
   NET CASH USED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         134,466        202,778 
                                                                                       -------------  -------------
   Net increase in cash and cash equivalents  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          58,229        112,044 
   Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         122,874        118,301 
                                                                                       -------------  -------------
   CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF PERIOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    $    181,103   $    230,345 
                                                                                       =============  =============

Supplemental disclosures:
   Interest paid to depositors and creditors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    $     84,950   $     57,989 
   Income taxes paid  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          11,123         10,242 
   Non-cash transfers to foreclosed real estate from loans  . . . . . . . . . . . .             649          4,004 
                                                                                       =============  ============
See notes to consolidated financial statements.
(1)  Unaudited

             (Dollar amounts in thousands, except per share data)


The  unaudited  interim consolidated  financial  statements  of First  Midwest
Bancorp, Inc. ("First Midwest") included in this report reflect all normal and
recurring  adjustments which are, in  the opinion of  Management, necessary to
fairly  present  the  results for  the  interim  periods  presented.   Certain
reclassifications  have been  made to  the 1994  data to  conform to  the 1995
presentation,  and the results of operations for the interim periods presented
are not necessarily indicative of the results to be expected for the full year
1995.   The  accounting and  reporting policies  of First  Midwest conform  to
generally  accepted  accounting principles  and  general  practice within  the
banking  industry.    For  details  of  significant  accounting  policies  and
practices, in addition to that provided below, refer to First Midwest's Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994.

Accounting  Standards Board ("FASB")  issued Statement No.  114 "Accounting by
Creditors for Impairment  of a Loan",  and in 1994  issued Statement No.  118,
which amends Statement No. 114.  These Statements, which First Midwest adopted
as  of January 1,  1995, address the  accounting by creditors  for an impaired
loan by specifying how the reserve for loan losses related to such loan should
be determined.   A  loan is  considered impaired  when it is  probable that  a
creditor will be unable to collect all contractual principal  and interest due
according  to the  contractual terms  of the  loan agreement.   The  amount of
impairment is the  difference between  a creditor's recorded  investment in  a
loan and the present value of expected future cash flows from such loan or, as
a practical  expedient, at either such  loan's observable market price  or the
fair  value of the  collateral supporting  such loan.   These  Statements also
prescribe  the accounting treatment for certain loans that are restructured in
a troubled  debt  restructuring  and impose  new  rules with  respect  to  the
classification of  in-substance foreclosed loans.   First Midwest's disclosure
with respect  to the Statements  is provided  in the accounting  policies that
follow entitled "Loans" and "Foreclosed Real Estate" and in note 4, located on
page 9, of this Form 10-Q.

LOANS - Loans are carried at the principal amount outstanding, net of unearned
income, including certain  deferred loan  fees.  Interest  income on loans  is
accrued  based on principal amounts outstanding.  Unearned discount on certain
consumer installment loans  is credited to  income over the  term of the  loan
using the sum-of-the-month's digits method which approximates the  level yield

Generally a loan, including an impaired  loan, is classified as nonaccrual and
the  accrual  of  interest  thereon  discontinued  when,  in  the  opinion  of
Management, there is reasonable doubt as to the timely  collection of interest
or principal.   When a  loan is placed  on nonaccrual status,  unpaid interest
credited to income in the current year is reversed and unpaid interest accrued
in  prior years  is charged  against the  reserve for  loan losses.   Interest
received on nonaccrual loans  is either applied against principal  or reported
as   interest  income,   according  to   management's   judgment  as   to  the

collectibility  of principal.   Nonaccrual  loans are  returned to  an accrual
status when,  in the  opinion of  Management,  the financial  position of  the
borrower and other  relevant factors  indicate there is  no longer  reasonable
doubt as to the timely payment of principal or interest.

FORECLOSED  REAL  ESTATE  -  Foreclosed  real  estate, including  certain  in-
substance  foreclosures,  includes properties  acquired  in  partial or  total
satisfaction  of certain  loans  and  is  included  in  other  assets  in  the
accompanying consolidated statements of condition.

In  accordance with  FASB Statement No.  114, a  loan is classified  as an in-
substance foreclosure when  First Midwest takes possession of  loan collateral
regardless  of whether  a formal  foreclosure proceeding  takes place.   Loans
previously classified as in-substance foreclosure  but for which First Midwest
had  not taken  possession  of  the  collateral  were  reclassified  to  loans
effective  January  1, 1995.    The reclassification  had no  impact  on First
Midwest's financial condition or results of operations.

GOODWILL  AND OTHER  INTANGIBLES -  Goodwill, representing  the excess  of the
purchase price over  the fair value of net assets  acquired using the purchase
method of accounting, is  being amortized using the straight-line  method over
periods not exceeding twenty years.  At September  30, 1995, goodwill totaling
$13,941  is  included  in  other   assets  in  the  accompanying  consolidated
statements of condition.

Included  in other  assets  in  the  accompanying  consolidated  statement  of
condition  at September 30, 1995 are other intangibles, primarily core deposit
premiums and organizational costs, totaling $3,316. 

First  Midwest  assesses   the  recoverability  of  its  goodwill   and  other
intangibles on a periodic  basis through review of various economic factors in
determining whether impairment, if any, exists.

ACCOUNTING  FOR  MORTGAGE SERVICING  RIGHTS -  Effective  April 1,  1995 First
Midwest  adopted FASB  Statement  No. 122  ("FASB  No. 122")  "Accounting  for
Mortgage Servicing Rights".   FASB No. 122 amends Statement No. 65 "Accounting
for  Certain Mortgage Banking Activities"  to require that  a mortgage banking
enterprise recognize as separate  assets the rights to service  mortgage loans
for  others, however  those servicing  rights   are acquired,  eliminating the
previously existing  accounting distinctions between servicing rights acquired
through purchase  transactions and  those acquired through  loan originations.
The Statement also requires the  assessment of capitalized mortgage  servicing
rights for impairment to be  based on the current fair value of  those rights.
Impairment is recognized through  a valuation allowance established through  a
charge to expense.

Pursuant  to  the requirements  of FASB  No.  122, First  Midwest's originated
mortgage servicing rights are carried at fair value which approximated $905 at
September 30, 1995.  Such servicing rights are amortized over the average life
of the  loans serviced which  approximates seven years.   As of  September 30,
1995 the valuation allowance for originated mortgage  servicing rights totaled
$163; no writedowns were recorded during the quarter.


SECURITIES  AVAILABLE  FOR SALE  -  The amortized  cost  and  market value  of
securities available  for sale at September 30, 1995 and December 31, 1994 are
as follows:

                                                            Securities Available for Sale                
                                            September 30, 1995                          December 31, 1994
                                 ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------
                                             Gross     Gross                            Gross      Gross
                                Amortized Unrealized Unrealized  Market    Amortized Unrealized  Unrealized  Market 
                                   Cost      Gains     Losses     Value       Cost      Gains      Losses     Value
                                 --------- ---------  --------  ---------   --------  ---------  ----------   -----
U.S. Treasury securities  . .   $ 298,967  $  1,483   $  (569)  $ 299,881   $134,204  $     ---  $(2,666)  $ 131,538
U.S. Agency securities  . . .     172,502         9      (151)    172,360     10,012        ---     (705)      9,307
Mortgage-backed securities  .     245,552       301    (2,151)    243,702    566,640         87  (27,882)    538,845
Other securities  . . . . . .         874        -          -         874     17,335         24     (665)     16,694
                                 --------- ---------  --------  ---------   --------  ---------  --------  ---------
   Total  . . . . . . . . . .   $ 717,895  $  1,793   $(2,871)  $ 716,817   $728,191  $     111 $(31,918)  $ 696,384
                                 ========= =========  ========  =========   ========  =========  ========  =========

  U.S. Treasury Securities - Since December 31, 1994 approximately $176,500 in
  U.S.  Treasury securities were  purchased.  Such purchases  were funded from
  the proceeds  of paydowns  and sales  of U.S.  Agency  and other  securities
  classified  as available for sale and maturities of U.S. Agencies classified
  as held to maturity.  A decline in general market interest rates during 1995
  resulted in a reduction in gross unrealized losses from ($2,666) at year-end
  1994 to gross unrealized gains and losses of $1,483 and ($569), respectively
  as of September 30, 1995.

  U.S.  Agency  Securities -  The  growth in  this portfolio  of approximately
  $162,000 since December 31, 1994 is due primarily to purchases of short-term
  discount securities  and were funded  by sales and  maturities of  mortgage-
  backed securities as discussed below.

  Mortgage-Backed   Securities   -   Mortgage-backed    securities   represent
  collateralized mortgage  obligation bonds (CMOs)  and mortgage-backed  pass-
  through  securities.   These  securities are  primarily  normal pass-through
  certificates  issued by  agencies of  the U.S.  government or  are AAA-rated
  agency-backed CMOs  with specific tranches  selected for their  cashflow and
  prepayment  characteristics.   The  approximate  $320,000  reduction in  the
  amortized cost since  year-end 1994 primarily  reflects sales of  securities
  during 1995 totaling approximately $305,000 and maturities of $15,000. These
  transactions  were conducted to reposition the portfolio in order to enhance
  the overall portfolio liquidity as well as to reduce price volatility.

  Gross  unrealized  losses  in this  security  category  totaled ($2,151)  at
  September 30,  1995 of which  approximately ($790) is  attributable to  CMOs
  that were purchased in  conjunction with the arbitrage transaction discussed
  in  Management's Discussion  and Analysis  under the  section entitled  "Net
  Interest  Income"  located  on page  12 of  this  Form 10-Q  (also  refer to
  "Mortgage-Backed  Securities"   discussion  below).     The   principal  CMO
  securities balance related to the ($790) in unrealized loss was reduced from
  $206,000 as of December 31, 1994, to $175,000 as of September 30, 1995; such
  reduction is attributable to the portfolio repositioning as discussed above.
  Interest rates  on these  CMOs reset  monthly and  are indexed  to one-month
  LIBOR,  plus a  spread of approximately  125 basis  points.   These CMOs are
  subject to lifetime interest rate "caps" which represent ceilings set on the
  interest coupons of  the securities, which are  in the range of  9 - 9 1/2%.
  The  general decline in interest rates since  the end of 1994 has positively
  affected  the market  value of  the caps imbedded  within such  CMOs.   As a
  result,  the ($2,151) in gross unrealized losses on the CMOs as of September
  30,  1995 represents a reduction from such gross unrealized loss outstanding
  at year-end 1994 which totaled ($27,882).

  Other Securities - Other securities  totaled $874 as of September 30,  1995,
  representing  a  $16,461 reduction  since  year-end  1994.   This  reduction
  represents the sale of an  equity mutual fund security during 1995  with the
  proceeds   reinvested  in  higher-yielding  U.S.  Treasury  securities  with
  durations similar to those of the securities sold.

For  the  nine  months ended  September  30,  1995,  proceeds  from  sales  of
securities available for  sale totaled  $342,706 with gross  gains and  losses
realized  on such sales  totaling $1,552 and ($1,014),  respectively.  For the

year ended  December 31, 1994, proceeds from  the sale of securities available
for sale  totaled $206,388.  Gross gains and  losses realized on sales for the
year ended December 31, 1994 were $1,780 and ($541), respectively.

SECURITIES  HELD  TO  MATURITY  -  The  amortized cost  and  market  value  of
securities held to maturity at September 30, 1995 and December 31, 1994 are as

                                                             Securities Held to Maturity                 
                                           September 30, 1995                         December 31, 1994
                                 ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------
                                             Gross     Gross                            Gross      Gross
                                Amortized Unrealized Unrealized  Market    Amortized Unrealized  Unrealized   Market
                                   Cost      Gains     Losses     Value       Cost      Gains      Losses      Value
                                 --------- ---------  --------  ---------   --------  ---------  ----------     ---
U.S. Treasury securities  . .   $    926   $      6   $    -    $    932    $    721  $       -  $    (9)  $     712
U.S. Agency securities  . . .          -          -        -           -      46,149          -      (36)     46,113
Mortgage-backed securities  .     85,879      1,905        -      87,784      85,801          -   (3,033)     82,768
State and municipal securities    25,063        402       (52)    25,413      25,731        324     (351)     25,704
Other securities  . . . . . .     12,345         21        -      12,366      10,242        ---       (3)     10,239
                                 --------- ---------  --------  ---------   --------  ---------  --------  --------
   Total  . . . . . . . . . .   $124,213   $  2,334   $   (52)  $126,495    $168,644  $     324  $(3,432)  $ 165,536
                                 ========= =========  ========  =========   ========  =========  ========  =======

Securities held to maturity  declined by approximately $44,000 to  $124,213 as
of September 30, 1995 from  $168,644 as of December 31, 1994, due primarily to
U.S. Agency securities.

U.S.  Agency Securities  - U.S.  Agency securities  declined  by approximately
$46,000 since December 31, 1994.   The decline resulted from purchases for the
nine months of 1995 totaling  approximately $100,000 less maturities  totaling
$146,000.   Residual proceeds from maturities were reinvested in U.S. Treasury
securities classified as available for sale, as discussed on page 7.

Mortgage-Backed Securities - The mortgage-backed securities in the table above
consist  of approximately $86,000 in  CMOs that were  purchased in conjunction
with  the  arbitrage  transaction  discussed in  Management's  Discussion  and
Analysis under the  section entitled "Net Interest Income"  located on page 12
of this Form 10-Q.  Interest rates on these CMOs reset monthly and are indexed
to  one month LIBOR, plus a  spread of approximately 125  basis points.  These
CMOs are subject to lifetime interest rate caps of 9% which represent ceilings
set  on the  interest  coupons of  the  securities.   The  general decline  in
interest rates  since the end of 1994 has positively affected the market value
of the  caps imbedded within such  CMOs.  As  a result, the  $1,905 unrealized
gains as  of September  30, 1995 represent  a significant fluctuation  from an
unrealized loss outstanding at year-end 1994 which totaled ($3,033).

For  the  nine  months  ended  September  30,  1995,  proceeds from  calls  of
securities held to maturity totaled  $223,213; gross gains of $1 and  no gross
losses were realized on such calls.  Proceeds from calls of securities held to
maturity for  the year ended December  31, 1994 totaled $41,722.   Gross gains
and losses realized on those calls totaled $22 and ($1), respectively.  


The following table provides the book value of loans, by major classification,
as of the dates indicated:

                                       September 30,   December 31,
                                             1995         1994

  Commercial and industrial   . . . . . .   $ 572,284   $514,628 
     Agricultural . . . . . . . . . . . .      30,946     33,546 
     Consumer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     531,953    499,313 
     Real estate - 1-4 family . . . . . .     269,447    215,821 
     Real estate - commercial . . . . . .     424,035    441,570 
     Real estate - construction . . . . .      88,757     67,356 
     Other  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      12,065     12,966 
                                             --------    ------- 
     Total  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $1,929,487 $1,785,200 
                                             ========    ======= 

Real estate 1-4 family loans, in the  table above, include loans held for sale
totaling  $18,115 and $4,063,  at September  30, 1995  and December  31, 1994,


The following  table presents changes in  the reserve for loan  losses for the
quarter and nine months ended September 30, 1995 and 1994:

                                                                      Quarters ended        Nine months ended
                                                                       September 30,          September 30,
                                                                   ---------------------  ----------------------
                                                                     1995        1994        1995        1994
                                                                   ---------   ---------  ---------   ----------
Balance at beginning of period  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $  24,844    $ 21,571   $ 24,083     $ 21,654 
     Provision for loan losses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       3,810       1,838      7,982        5,130 
     Loans charged-off  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      (2,659)     (1,169)    (7,157)      (5,625)
     Recoveries of loans previously charged-off . . . . . . . .         781         612      1,868        1,693 
                                                                   ---------   ---------  ---------   ----------
         Net loans charged-off  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      (1,878)       (557)    (5,289)      (3,932)
                                                                   ---------   ---------  ---------   ----------
Balance at end of period  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $  26,776    $ 22,852   $ 26,776     $ 22,852 
                                                                   =========   =========  =========   =========

The recorded investment  in loans determined  to be impaired at  September 30,
1995 totaled $16,759.  For a  definition of impairment, in addition to methods
of  measuring  the  amount  of  impairment,  refer  to  the  section  entitled
"Accounting  for Creditors  for  Impairment  of  a  Loan" in  Note  1  to  the
consolidated financial  statements located on  Page 6 of  this Form 10-Q.   Of
such  $16,759, $8,797 have collateral values less than the recorded investment
in such loans for which a specific loan loss reserve of $3,318 is  maintained;
the $7,962  balance of  impaired  loans have  collateral  values equal  to  or
greater than the recorded investment  in such loans.  Further, of  the $16,759
in  impaired loans,  $8,817  were  classified  as  nonaccrual  and  $7,942  as

At  September  30,  1995 the  reserve  for  loan  losses totaled  $26,776  and
consisted of specific reserves for impaired loans of $3,318, general allocated
reserves of $8,376 and unallocated reserves of $15,082.  An explanation of the
methodology  used to  determine the level  of the  reserve for  loan losses is
provided in  Management's Discussion and  Analysis under the  section entitled
"Provision and Reserve  for Loan Losses" beginning on page 19 of this Form 10-

Information  with respect to the average recorded investment in impaired loans
and interest income recorded on such loans is provided below:

                                    Quarter ended  Nine months ended
                                    Sept. 30, 1995  Sept. 30, 1995   
                                     -------------  -------------
  Average recorded investment 
   in impaired loss . . . . . . .   $      17,465   $      16,973
  Interest income - total . . . .             167             499
  Interest income - cash basis  .   $         133   $         465
                                     =============  =============


In the  normal course  of  business, First  Midwest is  a  party to  financial
instruments with  off-balance sheet risk  to meet the  financing needs of  its
customers and to  reduce its own exposure  to fluctuations in  interest rates.
These instruments  include commitments  to extend  credit, standby letters  of
credit, commercial  letters of  credit, forward  sales contracts  and interest
rate  swap  transactions.    Those instruments  involve,  to  varying degrees,
elements  of credit and interest rate risk  in excess of the amount recognized
in the  statement of  condition.   The contract or  notional amounts  of those
instruments  reflect the  extent  of involvement  that  First Midwest  has  in
particular classes of financial instruments.

As  of September  30, 1995, the  contractual amount  of commitments  to extend
credit  totaled $420,287, $73,114 of which represents unused home equity lines
of  credit.   The contractual  amount  of standby  letters  of credit  totaled
$40,181 and commercial letters of credit were $402.

First  Midwest enters into certain sales  contracts for the future delivery of
loans  at a specified price and date.  These contracts, in the form of forward
sales  agreements,  are  entered into  to  limit  exposure  to fluctuation  in
interest rates in First Midwest's mortgage  loan sales operations.  As part of
such loan sales operations, First Midwest  generally contracts for the sale of
loans  without recourse.  Forward sales agreements outstanding as of September
30, 1995 totaled $19,000.  
Interest  rate swap transactions generally  involve the exchange  of fixed and
floating  rate  interest  payment  obligations  without  the  exchange  of the
underlying principal amounts.   First Midwest enters into interest  rate swaps
with third parties in order to limit variations in net interest income.  First
Midwest has also utilized interest rate swaps referred to as  "basis" swaps to
lock in spreads  on its prime rate-based loan portfolios.   Credit exposure on
the interest  rate swaps is comprised of the aggregate net interest payable to
First Midwest by the counterparty in addition to the aggregate unrealized gain
on the interest rate swap position.  First Midwest maintains a policy limiting
credit  exposure to any  counterparty to  not more  than 2.5%  of consolidated
stockholders'  equity.   In  addition,  First  Midwest's interest  rate  swaps
generally  require the  establishment of  a mutual  mark-to-market arrangement
whereby cash  collateral may be required  to be on deposit  with First Midwest
and/or the agreement's counterparty.

First  Midwest had  interest  rate swaps  with  an aggregate  notional  amount
totaling  $255,900 in place, hedging  various balance sheet  categories, as of
September 30, 1995.  Further  information with respect to these  interest rate
swap contracts is presented below:

                                                              Average      Fair Value      Weighted Average Rate
Notional                                        Maturity       as of        Interest      Interest
Type of Interest Rate Swap                       Amount      (in years)     9/30/95       Received       Paid
- --------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------    ----------  -----------
Receive fixed rate/Pay variable rate  . .     $    55,900           1.6   $       527          6.53%        5.88%
Basis swaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     $   200,000           3.0   $    (3,740)         5.31%        6.37%
                                              ============  ============   ===========    ==========  ===========

The  fair value  of interest  rate swaps  is the  estimated amount  that First
Midwest  would pay  to terminate the  swap agreements  at the  reporting date,
taking into account  current interest  rates and the  creditworthiness of  the
swap counter-parties.


First Midwest's pending acquisition  of CF Bancorp, Inc. ("CF"),  announced in
the  second quarter of 1995,  continues on schedule.  CF is the holding company
of Citizens Federal Savings Bank,  F.S.B.,  which  is headquartered  in  
Davenport, Iowa with three additional offices in Davenport and Bettendorf, Iowa.

Pursuant to the acquisition, CF Shareholders will receive 1.4545 shares of First
Midwest common stock for each share of CF's common stock in a tax-free exchange.
Based on First Midwest's September 30 closing price of $28.50 per share, each 
share of CF's common stock has an implied value of $41.45, with the total 
transaction valued at approximmately $38.0 million based upon total CF, common
shares currently outstanding. Requisite regulatory approval was received
from the Federal Reserve Board during the third quarter and the remaining 
regulatory approvals are anticipated so as to permit a late-December, 1995 
closing. Incident to the acquisition, First Midwest will record an acquisition 
charge estimated to be in the range of $3,700 to $4,200. The actual acquisition 
charge will be determined and recorded in the quarter in which the 
acquisition is consummated.

CF had total assets and stockholders' equity of $222,OO0 and $23,000, 
respectively, at Septemher 30, 1995. For the nine months ended September 30, 
1993, CF reported net income of $2,223 and return on average assets and equity 
of 1.32% and 12.81%, respectively.


During  the  second quarter  of  1995  settlement discussions  were  initiated
arising out of litigation brought by First Midwest relating to a claim against
its  fidelity bond insurance carrier.  Incident thereto the carrier informally
communicated a  settlement offer which  was rejected by First  Midwest.  While
the possibility of  settlement still  exists, First Midwest  is preparing  for
trial which is tentatively scheduled to commence late in the fourth quarter of
1995 or the first quarter of 1996.  Neither  the possibility nor the timing of
settlement or litigation outcome can be reasonably determined or quantified at
this time.

During the third quarter  of 1995, pursuant to a  registration statement filed
with the Securities and Exchange Commission, First Midwest sold 100,000 shares
of  its common  stock held  in treasury  through a  licensed broker/dealer  to
certain institutional and  accredited investor  clients of such  dealer.   Net
proceeds from the sale of such stock is approximately $2.7  million which will
be used by First Midwest for general corporate purposes.


The discussion presented below provides an analysis of First Midwest's results
of operations and  financial condition for the  quarter and nine  months ended
September  30, 1995  as compared  to the  same period  in 1994.   Management's
discussion  and analysis should be  read in conjunction  with the consolidated
financial statements and  accompanying notes presented elsewhere in  this Form
10-Q.  Dollar amounts are presented in thousands, except for per share data.

                            SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE

Net Income
- ----------

Net  income for the  third quarter  of 1995 increased  to $6,762, or  $.55 per
share from $5,708, or $.47 per share in the third quarter of 1994 representing
an increase of 17% on a per share basis.  Net income for the nine months ended
September 30, 1995 totaled $19,094, or $1.56 per share as compared to $16,825,
or $1.38 per share for the like period in 1994, representing a 13% increase on
a per share basis.

Presented in  the table below  is an  income statement analysis  comparing the
change in the  components of net  income for the  periods ended September  30,
1995  and 1994.   The  increase or  decrease in each  net income  component is
further detailed in the discussion and analysis that follows.

                                                           Quarters Ended               Nine Months Ended
                                                            September 30,                September 30,
                                                ----------------------------------    ----------------------
                                                 1995        1994        Change       1995       1994      Change
                                              ---------   ---------   ---------    ---------  ---------  --------
  Net interest income (tax equivalent)  . . .   $  28,039   $ 27,471  $    568    $  83,907  $  80,545 $  3,362 

  Provision for loan losses . . . . . . . . .       3,810      1,838     1,972        7,982      5,130    2,852 
  Noninterest income  . . . . . . . . . . . .       6,606      6,200       406       20,252     20,091      161 
  Noninterest expense . . . . . . . . . . . .      19,915     22,298    (2,383)      65,461     67,457   (1,996)
                                                ---------- ---------  ---------   ---------  --------- ---------
  Income before income taxes  . . . . . . . .      10,920      9,535     1,385       30,716     28,049    2,667 
  Income tax expense  . . . . . . . . . . . .       3,831      3,484       347       10,689     10,177      512 
  Tax equivalent adjustment . . . . . . . . .         327        343       (16)         933      1,047     (114)
                                                ---------- ---------  ---------   ---------  --------- ---------

     Net Income   . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $   6,762  $   5,708  $  1,054    $  19,094  $  16,825 $  2,269 
                                                ========== =========  =========   =========  ========= =========
     Net Income Per Share . . . . . . . . . .   $     .55  $     .47  $     .08   $    1.56  $    1.38 $     .18
                                                ========== =========  =========   =========  ========= =========

Return on Average Assets and Stockholders' Equity
- -------------------------------------------------

Return on average assets  was 0.89% for the third quarter  of 1995 as compared
to 0.81% for the same quarter in 1994.   Return on average assets for the nine
months  ended September 30, 1995 was 0.87%,  as compared to 0.82% for the like
period in 1994.  

Return on  average stockholders'  equity  for the  third quarter  of 1995  was
12.39%, as  compared  to 11.97%  for  the 1994  quarter.   Return  on  average
stockholders' equity was  12.47% for the nine months ended September 30, 1995,
as compared to 11.62% for the like period in 1994.

                              NET INTEREST INCOME

Net interest  income is the principal source of earnings for First Midwest and
represents  the difference between interest  income and fees  earned on loans,
securities and  other earning  assets and  the interest  expense paid  for the
funding sources used to finance those assets.  Net interest income is impacted
by  both the  volume of earning  assets and  paying liabilities  and the rates
earned  and paid, respectively, on those assets and liabilities.  Net interest
margin  represents net  interest  income as  a  percentage of  total  interest
earning assets.

For purposes of the following discussion, both net interest income and  margin
have  been adjusted  to a  fully tax-equivalent  basis for  certain tax-exempt
loans and securities.  The following summarizes net interest income and margin
for the periods ended September 30, 1995 and 1994:

                                                         Quarters ended            Nine months ended
                                                          September 30,              September 30,
                                                    -------------------------   -------------------------
                                                       1995          1994          1995          1994
                                                    -----------   -----------   ----------   ------------
Interest income, as reported  . . . . . . . . .     $   57,896    $  49,121     $ 168,901    $   138,063 
         Tax equivalent adjustment  . . . . . .            327          343           933          1,047 
                                                    -----------   -----------   ----------   ------------
    Tax equivalent interest income  . . . . . .         58,223       49,464       169,834        139,110 
    Interest expense  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        (30,184)     (21,993)      (85,927)       (58,565)
                                                    -----------   -----------   ----------   ------------
         Tax equivalent net interest income . .     $   28,039    $  27,471     $  83,907    $    80,545 
                                                    ===========   ===========   ==========   ============
         Tax equivalent net interest margin . .           3.99%        4.18%         4.12%          4.24%
                                                    ===========   ===========   ==========   ============
           - excluding arbitrage(1)   . . . . .           4.27%        4.56%         4.44%          4.64%
                                                    ===========   ===========   ==========   ============
   (1) Refer to the following discussion for a description of the arbitrage.

Net interest income on a tax equivalent totaled $28,039 for  the third quarter
of 1995,  representing an increase of $568, or  2.1% over the year ago quarter
totaling $27,471.  The interest margin decreased to 3.99% for the 1995 quarter
as compared to 4.18% for the same quarter in  1994.  For the nine months ended
September  30, 1995,  net  interest income  totaled  $83,907, representing  an
increase of $3,362 or 4.2% over the like period in 1994 totaling $80,545.  Net
interest margin  decreased to 4.12% for  the 1995 period as  compared to 4.24%
for the same period in 1994.  

Included  in average  earning  assets during  the third  quarter  of 1995  was
approximately  $260,000  in  securities  purchased incident  to  an  arbitrage
transaction; the  average balance of such securities  for the third quarter of
1994  was  approximately $298,000.   The  arbitrage  involves the  purchase of
floating  rate securities  and  the simultaneous  financing  of this  purchase
through repurchase agreements with investment banks who are primary dealers in
U.S. Government  securities.  The arbitrage  adds to net interest  income as a
result of the spread between the rate of interest earned on the securities and
that paid  on the underlying funding source.  The average interest rate earned
on the securities during the third quarter of 1995 was 7.28% while the average
interest rate paid  on the underlying funding source was  6.03% for a positive
net interest rate spread of 1.25%.  The average interest rates earned and paid
on the arbitrage investment in the third quarter of 1994 were 5.95% and 4.75%,
respectively,  for a  positive net interest  spread of  1.20%.   Excluding the
effect of  the arbitrage, which  reduces the  net interest margin  due to  the
addition of a significant volume of lower-yielding securities, tax  equivalent
net interest margin would  have been 4.27% for  the third quarter of  1995 and
4.44% for the first.

For the nine months ended September 30, 1995 the average principal position of
the arbitrage  was $278,000 with  a positive  net spread on  such position  of
approximately  142 basis  points.   For the  same period  in 1994  the average
principal  position  of the  arbitrage  was  $303,000  with  a net  spread  of
approximately 126 basis points.

As  shown in  the Volume/Rate  Analysis  on page  15, the  $8,759 increase  in
interest income for the quarter is largely attributable to volume and interest
rate variances  on loans totaling $7,078.   The majority of  the loan interest
income variance resulted  from loan volumes,   which increased by $216,197  in
the current quarter over the  like quarter last year, primarily due  to growth
in the commercial, real  estate, and indirect  consumer loan portfolios.   The
remaining loan  interest income variance  resulted from interest  rates, which
increased to an average of 9.00% for the 1995 quarter from 8.49% in 1994.

Interest expense increased by $8,191 for the third quarter of 1995 as compared
to the same period in 1994, due to volumes and interest rates on time deposits
and  interest  rates  in short-term  borrowings.    Interest  expense on  time
deposits increased by  $5,099 primarily from an  upward shift in  the interest
rate environment  resulting in increased average  rates of 5.88% for  the 1995
quarter  as compared  to 4.55%  for the  1994 quarter,  and also  reflects the
impact of $149,635 in growth in First Midwest's fixed term deposits.  Interest
rates  on short-term  borrowings,  in the  form  of federal  funds  purchased,
repurchase agreements  and Federal Home Loan Bank notes, increased to 6.15% in
1995 from 4.82% in 1994.  

Volume  and interest rate  variances for the  nine months  ended September 30,
1995 as compared to 1994  are provided in the Volume/Rate Analysis on  page 16
and generally follow those provided for the quarterly periods.  In addition, a
positive  interest rate variance in securities available for sale reflects the
repricing  of   certain  short-term  securities  in   a  higher  interest-rate

First  Midwest  manages  interest rate  risk  by  conducting  simulations that
demonstrate  the changes  that  would  occur  in  net  interest  income  under
different interest rate scenarios  and balance sheet structures.  This form of
modeling  is conducted monthly, involves adjustments  to balance sheet volumes
over a  24 month forward period, incorporates a repricing analysis  of earning

assets and funding sources  and considers certain other balance  sheet hedging
vehicles such as interest rate swaps.   First Midwest has generally followed a
policy of maintaining a balanced mix of rate-sensitive assets and liabilities,
making each side of the balance sheet equally flexible in  reacting to changes
in market  interest rates so  that net interest  income will not  be adversely
affected by more than 1-3%, regardless of whether rates rise or fall rapidly.


The  table below summarizes the changes in average interest-earning assets and
interest-bearing liabilities  as well as the average  rates earned and paid on
these  assets and liabilities, respectively,  for the quarters ended September
30, 1995 and 1994.  The table also details the increase and decrease in income
and expense for each major category of assets and liabilities and analyzes the
extent to which such variances are attributable to volume and rate changes.

                                            QUARTERS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 AND 1994
                                                          AVERAGE INTEREST              INTEREST         INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN
                                 AVERAGE BALANCES         RATES EARNED/PAID          INCOME/EXPENSE      INT. INCOME/EXPENSE DUE TO:
                         -------------------------------  --------------------  -----------------------  ---------------------------
                                               INCREASE                POINTS                     INCR.             VOLUME/
                           1995        1994   (DECREASE)  1995  1994  INC/(DEC) 1995      1994   (DECR.) VOL  RATE   RATE   TOTAL
                        ----------   --------  ---------  ----- -----  -------  ------    -----  -----  ----- ----  ------  -----
Federal funds sold 
  and other short-term
  investments           $   56,836     65,343    (8,507)  7.39% 4.77%    262  $  1,058      785   273  $(102)  431    (56)   273 
Securities available 
  for sale                 626,754    694,838   (68,084)  6.69  5.62     107    10,574    9,848   726 (1,028)1,754     --    726 
Securities held 
  to maturity:
  Taxable                  160,391    116,575    43,816   5.93  5.69      24     2,398    1,673   725    629    70     26    725 
  Nontaxable (1)            26,789     33,034    (6,245) 10.80  9.27     153       729      772   (43)  (146)  127    (24)   (43)
Loans, net of unearned 
  discount (1)           1,916,102  1,699,905   216,197   9.00  8.49      51    43,464   36,386 7,078  4,816 2,262     --  7,078 
                         ---------- ---------  ---------  ----  ----   -----  --------   ------ -----  ----- -----    ---- -----

  Total interest-
    earning assets (1)  $2,786,872  2,609,695   177,177   8.29% 7.52%     77  $ 58,223   49,464 8,759 $4,169 4,644    (54) 8,759 
                         ========== =========  =========  =====  ====  =====  ========   ====== =====  ===== =====    ==== =====

Savings deposits        $  247,036    281,560   (34,524)  2.18% 2.28%   (10)  $  1,355    1,621  (266) $(199)  (77)    10   (266)
NOW accounts               326,592    316,946     9,646    2.60 2.28     32      2,137    1,821   316     55   253      8    316 
Money market deposits      241,565    211,676    29,889    3.55 2.55    100      2,160    1,361   799    192   532     75    799 
Time deposits            1,005,938    856,303   149,635    5.88 4.55    133     14,916    9,817 5,099  1,903 3,196     --  5,099 
Short-term borrowings      620,576    606,496    14,080    6.15 4.82    133      9,616    7,373 2,243    171 2,024     48  2,243 
                         ---------- ---------  ---------  -----  ----  -----  --------   ------ -----  ----- -----    ---  -----

  Total interest-
    bearing liabilities $2,441,707  2,272,981   168,726   4.90% 3.84%   106   $ 30,184   21,993 8,191 $2,122 5,928    141  8,191 
                         ========== =========  =========  =====  ====  =====  ========   ====== =====  ===== =====    ===  =====

  Net interest 
    margin/income                                         3.99% 4.18%   (19)  $ 28,039   27,471   568 $2,047(1,284)  (195)   568 
                                                          =====  ====  =====  ========  ======= =====  =====  ====    ===   ====

  Net interest income/
    margin - excluding
    arbitrage transaction 
    (1)(2)                                                4.27% 4.56%   (29)  $ 27,233  $26,698   535 $1,999(1,464)    --    535 
                                                          =====  ====  =====  ========  =======  =====  ====  ===    ===    ===

(1)Interest income and yields are presented on a tax-equivalent basis assuming
a statutory Federal Income tax rate of 35%.
(2)Refer   to  the  discussion  contained  in  "Net  Interest  Income"  for  a
description of the arbitrage.


The  table below summarizes the changes in average interest-earning assets and
interest-bearing liabilities as  well as the average rates earned  and paid on
these  assets  and  liabilities,  respectively,  for  the  nine  months  ended
September 30, 1995 and 1994.  The table also details the increase and decrease
in income  and expense for each  major category of assets  and liabilities and
analyzes the  extent to  which such variances  are attributable to  volume and
rate changes.

                                           NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1995 AND 1994
                                                          AVERAGE INTEREST              INTEREST            INCR/(DECR) IN
                                 AVERAGE BALANCES         RATES EARNED/PAID          INCOME/EXPENSE     INT INCOME/EXP DUE TO:
                         ------------------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------------
                                               INCREASE                POINTS                   INCR.        VOLUME/
                           1995        1994   (DECREASE)  1995  1994  INC/(DEC) 1995      1994  (DECR)  VOL.  RATE    RATE  TOTAL
                         ---------   --------  --------  ------ -----  ------   ------  ------  ------  ----  ------  ---- ------  
Federal funds sold
  and other short-
  term investments      $   41,123     37,762     3,361   7.49% 4.47%    302  $  2,304   1,262  1,042   $112     854   76  1,042 
Securities available
  for sale                 661,613    781,729  (120,116)  6.68  5.32     136    33,037  31,092  1,945 (5,236)  7,181   --  1,945 
Securities held 
  to maturity:                                                                                                            
  Taxable                  129,284     43,097    86,187   6.73  5.74      99     6,511   1,849  4,662  4,290     372   --  4,662 
  Nontaxable (1)            30,007     33,486    (3,479)   9.25 9.45    (20)     2,076   2,366   (290)  (246)    (49)   5   (290)
Loans, net of 
  unearned discount (1)  1,859,599  1,643,442   216,157    9.05  8.34    71    125,906 102,541 23,365 14,184   9,181   --  23,365 
                         ---------- ---------  ---------  -----  ----  -----  -------- ------- ------ ------   -----   --- ------

  Total interest-
    earning assets (1)  $2,721,626  2,539,516   182,110   8.34% 7.32%    102  $169,834 139,110 30,724 $13,104  17,539   81 30,724 
                         ========== =========  =========  =====  ====  =====  ======== ======= ====== ======= =======  === ======

Savings deposits        $  256,473    280,744   (24,271)  2.18% 2.35%   (17)  $  4,177   4,939   (762)$ (427)   (367)  32   (762)
NOW accounts               302,819    304,626    (1,807)  2.50  2.19     31      5,655   4,991    664    (30)    698   (4)   664 
Money market deposits      218,666    224,601    (5,935)  3.21  2.50     71      5,254   4,196  1,058   (111)  1,201  (32) 1,058 
Time deposits              958,564    819,746   138,818   5.61  4.40    121     40,232  26,949 13,283  5,044   8,239   -- 13,283 
Short-term borrowings      638,184    563,410    74,774   6.41  4.15    226     30,609  17,490 13,119  2,569  10,550   -- 13,119 
                         ---------- ---------  ---------  -----  ----  -----  --------  ------ -----  -----  ------  --- ------

  Total interest-
    bearing liabilities $2,374,706  2,193,127   181,579   4.84% 3.57%   127   $ 85,927  58,565 27,362 $7,045  20,321   (4)27,362 
                         ========== =========  =========  =====  ====  =====  ========  ====== =====  =====  ======   === ======

  Net interest margin/
    income (1)                                            4.12% 4.24%   (12)  $ 83,907  80,545  3,362 $6,059  (2,782)  85  3,362 
                                                          =====  ====  =====  ========  =======  =====  ====  =====  ===  =====

  Net interest income/
    margin - excluding
    arbitrage transaction
    (1)(2)                                                4.44% 4.64%   (20)  $ 81,254  77,919  3,335 $5,828  (2,493)  --  3,335 
                                                         =====  ====  =====  ========  =======  =====  ====  ======  ===  ===== 
(1)Interest income and yields are presented on a tax-equivalent basis assuming
a statutory Federal Income tax rate of 35%. 

(2)Refer   to  the  discussion  contained  in  "Net  Interest  Income"  for  a
description of the arbitrage. 

                              NONINTEREST INCOME

Noninterest income totaled $6,606 for the quarter ended September 30, 1995, as
compared  to $6,200 for the same quarter  in 1994.  The increase totaling $406
is attributable  to the categories of  net revenues on real  estate loans held
for  sale and other  income.   For the nine  months ended  September 30, 1995,
noninterest income totaled $20,252 as compared  to $20,091 for the same period
in 1994.  The $161 increase over 1994 is primarily attributable  to the higher
level of trust  income and other income, net of declines in service charges on
deposit accounts  and security gains,  recorded in 1995  as compared to  1994.
Provided  below is  a discussion  covering period-to-period  variances in  the
major categories of noninterest income.  

Service charges on  deposit accounts declined by $139 for  the 1995 quarter as
compared to 1994, while declining by $393 for the first nine months of 1995 as
compared to 1994.  Such  decline is primarily attributable to  service charges
on  nonsufficient funds and business demand accounts, the latter due primarily
to  higher  rate credits  given to  business  customers for  services, thereby
reducing hard dollar service charges assessed.

Trust income  for the quarter was increased  by $3 as compared  to 1994 and by
$443  for the first nine months in 1995 as compared to 1994.  The year-to-date
increase resulted  from a combination  of growth  in new business  and certain
nonrecurring accounting adjustments.

Other service charges, commissions and fees includes fees derived from a  wide
range of  products and  services.   Such fees  declined  by $20  in the  third
quarter  of 1995 as compared to 1994 and  increased by $131 for the first nine
months of 1995  as compared to the same period in  1994.  The increase for the
year-to-date period is due primarily to increased revenues on merchant fees on
credit card sales and debit card income.

Net revenues on real estate loans held for sale increased by $380 for the 1995
quarter as compared to 1994 and increased  by $79 for the first nine months of
1995 as compared  to 1994.   The increase  for the quarter  resulted from  the
growth in  real estate loan  originations which  totaled $66,000  in the  1995
quarter and $26,000 for the same quarter in 1994.

Other  income increased by $179 for  the 1995 quarter as  compared to 1994 and
$625  for the  first nine months  of 1995 as  compared to 1994  primarily as a
result of increased ATM income and certain miscellaneous gains on asset sales.
 The  increase for the first nine months of  1995 also reflects a $431 gain on
the sale of approximately $13 million in student loans recorded  in the second
quarter of 1995.

                              NONINTEREST EXPENSE

Noninterest  expense totaled $19,915 for the quarter ended September 30, 1995,
decreasing from $22,298 for the same quarter in  1994.  The $2,383 decrease is
attributable  to  reduced   retirement  benefits,  FDIC  insurance   premiums,
foreclosed  real estate and other expense and a restructure charge adjustment.
Partially offsetting these  reduced expenses  were increases  in salaries  and
wages, occupancy  and equipment, and  computer processing costs.   Noninterest
expense totaled  $65,461 for the  first nine months  of 1995, decreasing  from
$67,457 for the same period in 1994.  Provided below is a  discussion covering
period-to-period variances in major categories of noninterest expense.

Retirement and other employee benefits decreased by $403 in  the third quarter
of 1995 as compared to the 1994 quarter and by $314 for the first  nine months
of 1995 as compared  to the same period in  1994.  Variances for  both periods
resulted primarily from reduced  plan participants, the salaries of  which are
used as a base in determining retirement plan accruals.

FDIC insurance  premiums decreased by $1,124  in the third quarter  of 1995 as
compared to  the like  1994 period,  and declined $1,183  for the  nine months
ended September 30, 1995 as compared to  the 1994 nine month period.   Revised
rate assessments became effective  during the third quarter of  1995, reducing
assessed premiums from  $.23 to $.04 per $100 of  deposits retroactive to June
1, 1995.  As  a result, a savings of  $1,000 was recognized in the  1995 third
quarter, approximately  $800 of  which represents permanent  quarterly premium
reductions  and $200 representing an additional refund of June, 1995 premiums.
Including  premiums  assessed  on  First  Midwest's  Oakar  deposits,  deposit
insurance premiums should average  approximately $.05 per $100 of  deposits in
prospective periods.

Foreclosed real estate expense for the third quarter of 1995 decreased by $294
as compared  to the same period  in 1994; year-to-date, such  expense was $359
less than the 1994 nine month period.   Such decreases are due primarily to  a
$2,300 reduction in principal balances of foreclosed property held.

Other expenses for the third quarter of 1995 decreased by  $638 as compared to
the same period in  1994, and by $1,807 for  the first nine months of  1995 as
compared to the same 1994 period.   Approximately $170 of the quarter decrease
and $287 of the year-to-date decrease is due to reduced legal fees, while $516
of  the  quarter decrease  and  $747 of  the  nine month  decrease  is due  to
reductions  in  other professional  services.   The  nine month  variance also
reflects a $400 reduction  in fidelity bond and other  liability insurance and
$110 in reduced discretionary employee education expense.

A restructure  reserve adjustment of $810 was recorded in the third quarter of
1995.    The adjustment  reduced the  $3,900 restructure  reserve, established
through a charge  recorded in December, 1994, in order  to reduce such reserve
to a level necessary to accommodate estimated payouts that will be made during
the  fourth  quarter of  1995.   Additional  information with  respect  to the
restructure reserve is provided on page 21 of this Form 10-Q.

Salaries and wages increased by $127, or 1.3% in  the third quarter of 1995 as
compared to the 1994 quarter and by $821, or 3.0% for the first nine months of
1995 over the same period in 1994.  The increase, more predominant in the year
to date period than in the current quarter, is attributable to a general merit
increase of 4% on average in  1995, offset by a declining full-time equivalent
employee complement in the third quarter of 1995 as compared to 1994.

Equipment expense  increased by $154 in the third  quarter of 1995 and by $502
on a  year-to-date basis as  compared to  like 1994 periods  due primarily  to
depreciative  expense of  technology-related  system upgrades  and capitalized
purchases of furniture and equipment.

Computer processing expense increased by $499 for the 1995 quarter as compared
to  the 1994  quarter and  by  $1,106 for  the first  nine months  of  1995 as
compared  to  the same  period  in  1994  due  primarily to  one-time  systems
conversion  and  other computer  processing  costs incurred  during  the third
quarter to facilitate the bank consolidation activities.

                              INCOME TAX EXPENSE

Income tax  expense totaled $3,831 for  the third quarter of  1995, increasing
from  $3,484 for  the same period  in 1994  and reflects  effective income tax
rates of  36.2% and 37.9%, respectively.   For the first nine  months of 1995,
income  tax expense totaled $10,689 as compared to $10,177 in 1994, reflecting
effective income tax rates of 35.9% and 37.7%, respectively.   The variance in
income tax  expense and the effective  tax rates is  primarily due to  $414 in
state enterprise zone tax credits,  of which $149 was recognized in  the first
quarter of 1995, $100 in the second quarter, and $165 in the third quarter.


At September 30, 1995, nonperforming assets totaled $22,012 and loans past due
90  days  or more  and still  accruing totaled  $8,629.   The  following table

summarizes  nonperforming assets and loans past due  90 days or more and still
accruing, as of the close of the last five calendar quarters:

Nonperforming Assets and                                             1995                             1994          
                                                    --------------------------------------- ------------------------
90 Day Past Due Loans                                Sept. 30      June 30       March 31     Dec. 31     Sept. 30
- --------------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------  -----------
Nonaccrual loans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    $    8,817    $    11,621       12,481   $    10,214   $   16,385
Renegotiated loans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         7,942          7,779        7,704         8,317            3
                                                    -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------  -----------
   Total nonperforming loans  . . . . . . . . .        16,759         19,400       20,185        18,531       16,388
Foreclosed real estate  . . . . . . . . . . . .         5,253          7,288        8,542         9,483        7,580
                                                    -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------  -----------
   Total nonperforming assets . . . . . . . . .    $   22,012    $    26,688  $    28,727   $    28,014   $   23,968
                                                    ===========  ===========  ============  ===========  ===========
   % of total loans plus foreclosed real estate          1.14%         1.40%         1.57%        1.56%        1.38%
                                                    ===========  ===========  ============  ===========  ===========
90 Day past due loans accruing interest . . . .    $    8,629    $     3,697  $     5,894   $     3,888   $    6,571
                                                    ===========  ===========  ============  ===========  ===========

Nonaccrual  loans decreased by $1,397 since December 31, 1994 and renegotiated
loans declined by $375,  primarily reflecting payments recorded on  such loans
since year-end 1994.  Foreclosed real estate  declined by $4,230 primarily due
to the sale of several commercial properties and single-family homes.

First Midwest's discussion of FASB  Statement No. 114 and the  disclosure with
respect to impaired  loans is contained in  notes 1 and 4  to the consolidated
financial statements, located on pages 6 and 9, respectively.


Transactions  in  the reserve  for loan  losses during  the quarters  and nine
months  ended September  30,  1995 and  1994 are  summarized in  the following

                                                         Quarters ended              Nine months ended
                                                          September 30                  September 30
                                                    -------------------------    ------------------------
                                                       1995          1994           1995         1994
                                                   -----------   -----------    -----------    --------
Balance at beginning period                         $   24,844  $   21,571 $       24,083  $   21,654 
        Provision for loan process  . . . . . . .        3,810       1,838          7,982       5,130 
        Loans charged of  . . . . . . . . . . . .       (2,659)     (1,169)        (7,157)     (5,625)
        Recoveries of loans previously charged-off         781         612          1,868       1,693 
                                                    -----------   -----------    ----------- -----------
           Net loans charged-off  . . . . . . . .       (1,878)       (557)        (5,289)     (3,932)
                                                    -----------   -----------    ----------- -----------
   Balance at end of period . . . . . . . . . . .   $   26,776    $  22,852      $   26,776  $   22,852 
                                                    ===========   ===========    =========== ===========

The  provision  for  loan  losses  is the  cost  of  providing  a  reserve for
anticipated  future loan losses.   The provision charged  to operating expense
for the  third quarter of 1995  totaled $3,810 as  compared to $1,838  for the
same  quarter in 1994 and $7,982 for the first nine months of 1995 as compared
to $5,130 for the same period in 1994.  The increase in the provision totaling
$1,972 and  $2,852 for the  quarter and nine  months, respectively, is  due in
part  to an additional  provision of $1,400  recorded in the  third quarter of
1995,  resulting from Management's decision  to increase the  reserve for loan
losses to a level more closely approximating peers.  The remaining increase in
the provision for both periods  is due to approximately $200,000 in  growth in

loans  outstanding since  September  30,  1994.  Loans  charged  off,  net  of
recoveries for the quarter totaled $1,878, or .39% of average loans in 1995 as
compared to $557, or .13% in 1994.  For the nine month period, net charge offs
totaled  $5,289 or .38% of average  loans in 1995 and $3,932  or .32% in 1994.
The level of the provision for loan losses charged to operating expense in any
given period is dependent upon many factors, including loan growth and changes
in  the   composition  of   the   loan  portfolio,   net  charge-off   levels,
delinquencies, collateral  values, and Management's assessment  of current and
prospective economic conditions in First Midwest's primary market areas.

At September 30,  1995, the reserve for loan losses  totaled $26,776, or 1.39%
of loans.   The  reserve for loan  losses is  maintained at  a level which  is
considered  adequate in relation to the risk  of future losses within the loan
portfolio.   The  reserve is  comprised of  specific allocations  for impaired
loans,  general  allocations and  unallocated reserves.    The portion  of the
reserve  applicable  to  impaired  loans  is  discussed   in  note  4  to  the
consolidated financial statements  located on  page 9.   The general  reserve,
which  is allocated to specific  categories of the  loan portfolio, represents
First Midwest's judgement as to  potential loss exposure based on  both actual
loan losses experienced over the preceding  three years as well as the results
of  independent loan ratings and credit reviews performed for loans identified
to have unfavorable credit characteristics.

The unallocated portion of the  reserve is that part that is  not specifically
allocated to  either a  particular  loan on  which a  loss  is anticipated  or
allocated  to  a  general  loan  category  based  upon  historical  loan  loss
experience.  The  unallocated portion of the  reserve for loan losses  totaled
$15,082, or 56% of the total reserve, at September 30, 1995.


                                        Period Ended         
                                September 30, December 31,       Change
                                      1995       1994         $         %
                                   ----------  ---------  --------  ----------
Total assets  . . . . . . . . . . $3,044,253 $2,875,101   169,152      5.88
Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1,929,487  1,785,200   144,287      8.08
Securities available for sale . .    716,817    696,384    20,433      2.93
Securities held to maturity . . .    124,213    168,644   (44,431)    26.35 
Deposits  . . . . . . . . . . . .  2,151,313  1,994,408   156,905      7.87
Short-term borrowings . . . . . .    646,222    665,500   (19,278)     2.90
Stockholders' equity  . . . . . .    220,846    186,115    34,731     18.66 
                                    =========  =========  =========  =========

At September 30, 1995, assets  totaled $3,044,253  and were $169,152,  or 5.9%
in excess of  the December 31, 1994  level of $2,875,101.   Loans increased by
$144,287 to $1,929,487 at September 30, 1995, from $1,785,200  at December 31,
1994.  Such increase  was attributable to approximately $58,000  in commercial
loans, $54,000  in 1-4  family real  estate and $45,000  in indirect  consumer

A  discussion  regarding  changes in  the  period-end  balances of  securities
available  for sale  and  held  to maturity  is  provided  in  note 2  to  the
consolidated financial statements located on pages 7 and 8.

Deposits increased by  $156,905 at September 30, 1995 as  compared to December
31, 1994 primarily in the  category of time deposits, which grew  $153,387 due
to promotional offerings of various term certificates of deposit products.

Stockholders' equity increased to $220,846 at September 30, 1995 from $186,115
at December  31, 1994.    In addition  to capital  growth  through net  income
retained  in excess  of  dividends paid,  the increase  is  attributable to  a
$18,799 after-tax recovery since December 31, 1994 of  the net unrealized loss

on securities, which  is  recorded  as a separate  component of  stockholders'
equity.   Note 2, located  on page 7  of this  Form 10-Q, provides  additional
information with  respect to  the gross  unrealized gains  and  losses in  the
securities portfolios.  Stockholders' equity also increased due to the sale of
approximately $2,700 of common stock held in treasury in August, 1995.

                               CAPITAL ANALYSIS

First  Midwest and  its  national Bank  Affiliate  are subject  to  risk-based
capital  guidelines  promulgated  by  their respective  regulatory  authority.
These  guidelines are used  to evaluate capital  adequacy and are  based on an
institution's  asset risk  profile and  off-balance sheet  exposure.   Capital
ratios in excess  of the minimum required regulatory ratios must be maintained
in order for financial institutions to  take advantage of more favorable risk-
based  deposit  insurance  assessments  and to  receive  favorable  regulatory
treatment incident to acquisition and other expansion activities.  

The  table below  compares First  Midwest's capital  structure to  the minimum
capital  ratios required by its  primary regulator, the  Federal Reserve Board
("FRB").   Also provided is a comparison of capital ratios for First Midwest's
national  banking  subsidiary,  First  Midwest  Bank,  N.A.,  to  its  primary
regulator, the Office of the Comptroller  of the Currency ("OCC").  Both First
Midwest and First Midwest Bank, N.A. are subject to the minimum capital ratios
defined  by banking regulators pursuant to the FDIC Improvement Act ("FDICIA")
and have capital measurements well in excess of the minimums required by their
respective bank  regulatory  authorities to  be considered  "well-capitalized"
which is the highest capital category established under the FDICIA.

                                                                As of September 30, 1995                         
                                                            Bank Holding Company                National Bank           Minimum
                                                            --------------------            ---------------------              
                                                                         Minimum                              Minimum      Well-
                                                                        Required                             Required  Capitalized
                                                       First Midwest          FRB      FMB, N.A.                OCC       FDICIA
                                                       --------------    --------      --------             --------       ---
Tier 1 capital to risk-based assets . . . . . . . .       10.19%            4.00%          9.23%                4.00%      6.00%
Total capital to risk-based assets  . . . . . . . .       11.44%            8.00%         10.48%                8.00%     10.00%
Leverage ratio  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        6.94%            3.00%          6.68%                3.00%      5.00%
                                                         ======            =====         ======               ======      ====== 

First Midwest believes that it has a responsibility to reward its stockholders
with  a meaningful  current return  on their  investment and,  as part  of the
Company's dividend  policy, First  Midwest's Board  of  Directors reviews  the
Company's dividend payout ratio  periodically to ensure that it  is consistent
with internal capital guidelines and industry standards.  As a  result of such
review, in February,  1995, First  Midwest's Board of  Directors authorized  a
quarterly dividend increase  to $0.19  per share representing  a 12%  increase
compared to the  previous quarterly dividend  of $0.17.   As of September  30,
1995, the dividend payout ratio was 36.1% on a trailing four quarters basis.

                             COMPANY RESTRUCTURING

In August 1994, First Midwest announced a major plan of restructuring intended
to  improve  its  financial   performance  and  enhance  the   efficiency  and
effectiveness of both the Company's sales and support operations.  Pursuant to
the  restructuring, during  the second  quarter of  1995 First  Midwest's four
Affiliates  merged  into   a  single  bank,   First  Midwest  Bank,   National

A restructure  charge in the pretax  amount of $3,900 was  recorded during the
fourth  quarter of  1994 to  establish a  reserve for  various expenses  to be
incurred incident to the restructuring.   For the nine months  ended September
30, 1995, approximately  $2.3 million in  restructure expenses were  incurred,
primarily  for severance  and  related employee  costs.   Such  expenses  were
originally estimated at approximately $3.1 million, with the difference due to

certain accelerated  employee terminations and reduced  outplacement usage and
costs.  As a result, an adjustment to the restructure reserve in the amount of
$810  was  recorded  which  brought  the  reserve  to  a  level  necessary  to
accommodate estimated payouts  that will be made during the  fourth quarter of
1995.  The  restructure reserve, which totaled $745 at  September 30, 1995, is
expected to be closed out by December 31, 1995.

The restructuring  activities giving  rise to  the  charge were  substantially
completed during the third  quarter of 1995.  The restructuring is anticipated
to  result in permanent annualized pretax savings of approximately $7 million,
such savings being primarily related to compensation and benefit expense saved
on the approximate 180 positions eliminated. 

                          PART II.  OTHER INFORMATION

                   ITEM 6. EXHIBITS AND REPORTS ON FORM 8-K

      (a)       Exhibits - See Exhibit Index appearing on page 23.

      (b)       Form 8-K  - No reports on Form 8-K were filed during the third
                quarter of 1995.


Pursuant to  the requirements  of  the Securities  Exchange Act  of 1934,  the
registrant has  duly caused  this report  to be signed  on its  behalf by  the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                           First Midwest Bancorp, Inc.     

Date:  November 11, 1995                   DONALD J. SWISTOWICZ     
                                           Donald J. Swistowicz
                                           Executive Vice President*

* Duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Registrant.

                                 EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit                                                            Sequential 
Number                      Description of Documents               Page Number
- ------                      ------------------------               -----------

  19                        Quarterly Report to Shareholders for            24
                            the Quarter ended September 30, 1995

  27                        Financial Data Schedule                         28

                                                                    Exhibit 19
Letter to Shareholders

We  are pleased to report  to you on the positive  results for the quarter and
nine months ended September 30, 1995.

Net income for the quarter  ended September 30, 1995 rose 17% to $6.8 million,
or 55 cents per  share, from last year's third quarter of  $5.7 million, or 47
cents per share.   For the first nine months  of 1995, net income rose  13% to
$19.1 million, or $1.56  per share, as compared to last  year's like period of
$16.8 million, or $1.38 per share.

The  increase  in core  earnings for  both the  third  quarter and  nine month
periods  was consistent with plan and consensus estimates.  Nonrecurring items
that impacted  the results for both periods  include FDIC insurance rebates, a
restructuring reserve  adjustment, a  one-time charge for  Bank consolidation-
related costs and an increase in the provision for loan losses, as follows:

o   Reductions  in  FDIC  insurance  premiums  contributed approximately  $1.0
    million in savings during the third quarter of 1995.

o   The $3.9 million  restructuring reserve established in December,  1994 was
    adjusted by  $810,000.  With restructuring  activities virtually completed
    as of September 30, 1995, the reserve was adjusted to a level necessary to
    accommodate payouts that will be made during the fourth quarter.

o   The consolidation of the Company's four Banks into a single operating unit
    was  completed during  the  third quarter  and  resulted in  approximately
    $400,000 in  one-time costs including computer  processing and conversion,
    overtime and temporary help, supplies and printing, and other initial set-
    up costs.

o   Loan loss expense increased due to a one time additional provision of $1.4
    million  recorded  during  the  quarter.    The   increase  resulted  from
    Management's decision to  increase the reserve for loan  losses to a level
    more closely approximating peer levels.  

The quarter saw  continued improvement  in credit  quality with  nonperforming
representing 0.87%  of total loans at  September 30, 1995 compared  to 0.95% a
year  ago and  1.04%  at December  31, 1994.    Further, nonperforming  assets
represented 1.14% of total loans plus foreclosed assets at September 30, 1995,
again  comparing favorably to both 1.38% a year  ago and 1.56% at December 31,

Our pending acquisition  of CF  Bancorp continues on  schedule with  requisite
regulatory approvals being  anticipated so as to permit a  late December 1995-
early January 1996 closing.  The acquisition is expected to enhance book value
per share immediately and enhance earnings per share within one year.

In addition to  the positive performance  discussed, the critically  important
restructuring and consolidation of our four Banks into a single operating unit
was successfully concluded during the quarter.

As always we are appreciative of your support.

C. D. OBERWORTMANN                              ROBERT P. O'MEARA
- ------------------                              -----------------
C. D. Oberwortmann                              Robert P. O'Meara
Chairman of the Board                           President and  Chief Executive

                                                                         Quarters Ended                 Nine Months Ended
CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (unaudited)                   September 30,                   September 30,

(Amounts in thousands except per share data)                          1995            1994            1995            1994
Interest and fees on loans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $    43,391     $    36,313     $   125,699     $    102,321
Interest on securities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        13,446          12,023          40,897           34,480
Interest on funds sold and other short-term investments . . . .         1,059             785           2,305            1,262

    Total interest income   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        57,896          49,121         168,901          138,063

Interest on deposits  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        20,567          14,620          55,318           41,075
Interest on short-term borrowings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         9,617           7,373          30,609           17,490

    Total interest expense  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        30,184          21,993          85,927           58,565

    Net interest income   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        27,712          27,128          82,974           79,498

PROVISIONS FOR LOAN LOSSES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,810           1,838           7,982            5,130

    Net interest income after provision for loan losses   . . .        23,902          25,290          74,992           74,368

Service charges on deposit accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         2,333           2,472           6,839            7,232
Trust fees  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,481           1,478           5,067            4,624
Other service charges, commissions and fees . . . . . . . . . .         1,686           1,706           4,655            4,524
Net revenues on real estate loans held for sale . . . . . . . .           471              91             992              913
Securities transactions, net  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             7               4             539            1,263
Other income  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           628             449           2,160            1,535
    Total noninterest income  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         6,606           6,200          20,252           20,091

Salaries and wages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         9,574           9,447          28,611           27,790
Retirement and other employee benefits  . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,865           2,268           7,122            7,436
Occupancy expenses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,560           1,373           4,167            4,081
Equipment expenses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,467           1,313           4,313            3,811
Computer processing costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,805           1,306           4,756            3,650
FDIC insurance premiums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           (42)          1,082           2,166            3,349
Restructure reserve adjustment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          (810)            -              (810)             -  
Other expenses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,496           5,509          15,136           17,340

    Total noninterest expense   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        19,915          22,298          65,461           67,457

    Income before income tax expense  . . . . . . . . . . . . .        10,593           9,192          29,783           27,002

Income tax expense  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,831           3,484          10,689           10,177

    NET INCOME  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $     6,762     $     5,708     $    19,094     $     16,825

    NET INCOME PER SHARE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $      0.55     $      0.47     $      1.56     $       1.38

CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CONDITION (unaudited)  . .                          September 30,

(Amounts in thousands)                                                               1995            1994

Cash and due from banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    $     124,941     $   146,918 
Funds sold and other short-term investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           56,162          83,427 
Securities available for sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          716,817         679,397 
Securities held to maturity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          124,213         149,089 
Loans     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        1,929,487       1,733,578 
Reserve for loan losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          (26,776)        (22,852)

    Net loans   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        1,902,711       1,710,726 

Premises, furniture and equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           44,074          39,895 
Accrued interest receivable and other assets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           75,335          73,685 

    Total assets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    $   3,044,253     $ 2,883,137 

Deposits  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    $   2,151,313     $ 1,964,310 
Short-term borrowings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          646,222         705,763 
Accrued interest payable and other liabilities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           25,872          25,474 

    Total liabilities   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        2,823,407       2,695,547 

Stockholders' Equity:
Common stock  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           23,465          23,465 
Additional paid-in capital  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           25,762          26,155 
Retained earnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          177,979         164,416 
Unrealized net depreciation on securities available for sale (1)  . . . . .           (1,968)        (16,277)
Treasury stock, at cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           (4,392)        (10,169)

    Total stockholders' equity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          220,846         187,590 

Total liabilities and stockholders' equity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    $   3,044,253     $ 2,883,137 
(1) Represents the  difference, after  tax, between  the amortized  cost and market  value of  securities available for  sale; this
    difference will fluctuate as the market value of such securities changes.

CREDIT QUALITY (unaudited)                                                                   
                                                                                         September 30, 

(Amounts in thousands)                                                               1995            1994
Nonaccrual loans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $       8,817    $     16,385
Renegotiated loans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $       7,942    $          3
Foreclosed real estate  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $       5,253    $      7,580
Loans past due 90 days and still accruing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $       8,629    $      6,571

Nonperforming loans to loans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           0.87%           0.95%
Nonperforming assets to loans plus foreclosed real estate . . . . . . . . . .           1.14%           1.38%
Reserve for loan losses to loans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           1.39%           1.32%
Reserve for loan losses to nonperforming loans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         159.77%         139.44%

Net loan charge-offs - year to-date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $       5,289    $      3,932

Net loan charge-offs (annualized) to average loans  . . . . . . . . . . . . .           0.38%           0.32%

                                                                         Quarters Ended                 Nine Months Ended
Financial Highlights (unaudited)                                          September 30,                   September 30,

(Amounts in thousands except per share data)                          1995            1994            1995            1994

Net income  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $      6,762    $      5,708    $     19,094    $     16,825
Net income per share  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $       0.55    $       0.47    $       1.56    $       1.38
Return on average equity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         12.39%          11.97%          12.47%          11.62%

Return on average assets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          0.89%           0.81%           0.87%           0.82%

                                                                         Quarters Ended                 Nine Months Ended
STOCK PERFORMANCE (unaudited)                                             September 30,                   September 30,
                                                                      1995            1994            1995            1994
Market Price:
    At period end   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $      28.50    $      28.25    $      28.50    $      28.25
    High  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $      29.75    $      28.50    $      29.75    $      28.75
    Low   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $      24.25    $      24.75    $      23.25    $      24.50
Book value per share at period end  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $      17.89    $      15.46    $      17.89    $      15.46
Market price to book value at period end  . . . . . . . . . . .   $       1.6X    $       1.8x    $       1.6X    $       1.8x
Dividends paid per share  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $       0.19    $       0.17    $       0.57    $       0.51