Counselors at Law

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                                                     May 6, 2008

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Russell Mancuso, Esq.
Branch Chief
Division of Corporation Finance
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street N.E.
Washington D.C.  20549

                      Re:  Rada Electronic Industries Ltd.
                           Registration Statement on Form F-3
                           Filed April 11, 2008
                           File No. 333-150197

Dear Mr. Mancuso:

         On behalf of our client, Rada Electronic Industries Ltd. (the
"Company"), we are submitting this letter in response to the written comment of
the Staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission"), in a
letter to our client, dated April 25, 2008 (the "Comment Letter"), with respect
to the Company's Registration Statement of Form F-3 (the "Registration
Statement"). We have repeated the comment below and have provided a response.

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1.   We note that the  registration  statement  covers  the  resale of  ordinary
     shares that are being offered by an affiliate in a large amount. Generally,
     we view  resale  transactions  by  related  parties  of this  amount  as an
     offering "by or on behalf of the issuer" for purposes of Rule  415(a)(4) of
     Regulation C. Under the rule, equity securities  offered by or on behalf of
     the  registrant  cannot be sold "at the market"  price  unless the offering
     satisfies the requirements set forth in the rule. Therefore, you should:

     o    file a registration statement for the "resale" offering at the time of
          each  conversion  because you are not eligible to conduct the offering
          on a delayed or continued basis under Rule 415(a)(1)(x);

     o    register the transaction on a form that you are eligible to register a
          primary offering;

Russell Mancuso, Esq.                                                          2

     o    identify the affiliate  selling  stockholder  as an underwriter in the
          registration statement; and

     o    include  the  fixed  price  at which  the  underwriter  will  sell the
          securities for the duration of the offering.

     If you do not agree,  please  advise the staff of the  company's  basis for
     determining  that  the  transaction  is  appropriately  characterized  as a
     transaction  that  is  eligible  to be made on a  shelf  basis  under  Rule
     415(a)(1)(i).  Address in your analysis  shares  previously  registered for
     resale  by the  affiliate  and all  other  relationships  you have with the

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Although neither we nor the Company necessarily concur with the Staff's view, in
Amendment No. 1 to the Registration Statement, the Company has withdrawn the
shares that were to be offered by the affiliate.

         Please do not hesitate to contact me at (212) 238-8605 with any
questions or comments you may have.

                                            Very truly yours,

                                            /s/ Steven J. Glusband
                                            Steven J. Glusband

cc: Shiri Lazarovich