WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

( X )        Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
             Exchange Act of 1934

             For the quarterly period ended September 30, 2000.


(    )       Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
             Exchange Act of 1934

             For the transition period from ____________ to ____________

                           Commission File No. 0-15192

                          dick clark productions, inc.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Delaware                                                      23-2038115
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of                             (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                             Identification No.)

             3003 West Olive Avenue, Burbank, California 91505-4590
          (Address of principal executive offices, including zip code)

                                 (818) 841-3003
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Indicate  by check  mark  whether  the  registrant  (1) has filed  all  reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X      No ___

Below are indicated the number of shares outstanding of each of the registrant's
classes of common stock as of November 13, 2000.

Class                                       Outstanding at November 13, 2000
- - -----                                      ---------------------------------

Common Stock, $0.01 par value                                      9,281,000

Class A Common Stock, $0.01 par value                                910,000

                          dick clark productions, inc.

                                    Form 10-Q

                    For the Quarter Ended September 30, 2000

PART 1.       FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                                 Page

Item 1.       Financial Statements

              Consolidated Balance Sheets as of September 30, 2000 (unaudited)
              and June 30, 2000................................................................  3

              Consolidated Statements of Operations for the three months ended
              September 30, 2000 and September 30, 1999 (unaudited)............................  4

              Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the three months ended
              September 30, 2000 and September 30, 1999 (unaudited)............................  5

              Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.......................................  6

Item 2.       Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
              Results of Operations............................................................  7


Item 6.       Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K................................................. 10

              SIGNATURES....................................................................... 11


   ITEM 1.

                          dick clark productions, inc.

                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                 September 30,       June 30,
   Assets                                                           2000               2000
- - -------------------------------------                       ------------------- ----------------

     Cash and cash equivalents                               $       7,677,000  $      5,298,000
     Marketable securities                                          49,237,000        53,174,000
     Accounts receivable                                             3,119,000         4,609,000
     Program costs, net                                              8,442,000         5,599,000
     Prepaid royalty, net                                            2,344,000         2,424,000
     Current and deferred income taxes                                 284,000           373,000
     Property, plant and equipment, net                             10,892,000        11,058,000
     Goodwill and other assets, net                                  1,417,000         1,388,000
                                                             ------------------ ----------------
        Total assets                                         $      83,412,000  $     83,923,000
                                                             ================== ================

   Liabilities & Stockholders' Equity

     Accounts payable                                        $       4,759,000  $      6,143,000
     Accrued residuals and participations                            1,521,000         2,737,000
     Production advances and deferred revenue                        3,940,000         2,075,000
     Current and deferred income taxes                                       -                 -
                                                             ------------------ ----------------

        Total liabilities                                           10,220,000        10,955,000

     Commitments and contingencies

     Minority interest                                                 813,000           759,000

     Stockholders' Equity:

     Class A common stock, $.01 par value,
         2,000,000 shares authorized
           910,000 shares outstanding                                    9,000             9,000
     Common stock, $.01 par value,
        20,000,000 shares authorized
          9,282,000 shares issued at September 30, 2000
            and June 30, 2000                                           93,000            93,000
     Treasury stock, at cost, 1,493 shares
                at September 30, 2000 and June 30, 2000                (23,000)          (23,000)
     Additional paid-in capital                                     30,060,000        30,060,000
     Retained earnings                                              42,240,000        42,070,000
                                                             ------------------ ----------------
        Total stockholders' equity                                  72,379,000        72,209,000
                                                             ------------------ ----------------

        Total liabilities & stockholders' equity             $      83,412,000  $     83,923,000
                                                             ================== ================

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these balance sheets.


                          dick clark productions, inc.

                                                                           For the Three Months Ended
                                                                                  September 30,
                                                                            2000                1999
                                                                         --------              ------

      Revenue                                                     $         10,449,000 $        10,585,000

      Costs related to revenue                                               9,626,000           9,531,000
                                                                   -------------------  ------------------
         Gross profit                                                          823,000           1,054,000

      General and administrative expense                                     1,415,000           1,167,000

      Minority interest expense                                                 55,000              70,000

      Interest and other income                                               (906,000)           (902,000)
                                                                   -------------------  ------------------

         Income before provision for income taxes                              259,000             719,000

      Provision for income taxes                                                89,000             248,000
                                                                   -------------------  ------------------

         Income before cumulative effect of accounting change                  170,000             471,000

      Cumulative effect of accounting change                                         -            (111,000)
                                                                   -------------------  ------------------

        Net income                                                $            170,000 $           360,000
                                                                   ===================  ==================

      Per share data:

         Basic earnings per share:
              Before cumulative effect of accounting change       $               0.02 $              0.05
              Cumulative effect of accounting change                                 -               (0.01)
                                                                   -------------------  ------------------
              Net income                                          $               0.02 $              0.04

         Diluted earnings per share:
              Before cumulative effect of accounting change       $               0.02 $              0.05
              Cumulative effect of accounting change                                 -               (0.01)
                                                                   -------------------  ------------------
              Net income                                          $               0.02 $              0.03
                                                                   ===================  ==================

      Weighted average number of shares outstanding, basic                  10,190,000          10,186,000

      Weighted average number of shares outstanding, diluted                10,336,000          10,318,000
                                                                   ===================  ==================

    The  accompanying   notes  are  an  integral  part  of  these   consolidated


                         dick clark productions, inc.



                                                                                               For the Three Months
                                                                                                 ended September 30,
                                                                                             2000                   1999
                                                                                             ----------         --------

       Cash flows from operating activities:

         Net income                                                             $           170,000    $            360,000

         Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
               used by operations:
           Amortization expense                                                           4,307,000               4,221,000
           Depreciation expense                                                             364,000                 334,000
           Investment in program costs                                                   (7,040,000)             (6,650,000)
           Minority interest, net                                                            54,000                  71,000

           Changes in assets and liabilities:
               Accounts receivable                                                        1,490,000                 300,000
               Other assets                                                                 (59,000)               (110,000)
               Accounts payable, accrued residuals and participations                    (2,600,000)             (1,443,000)
               Production advances and deferred revenue                                   1,865,000               2,425,000
               Current and deferred income taxes payable                                     89,000                  33,000
                                                                                -------------------    --------------------
       Net cash used by operations                                                       (1,360,000)               (459,000)
                                                                                -------------------    --------------------

       Cash flows from investing activities:

         Purchases of marketable securities                                                (726,000)             (4,292,000)
         Sales of marketable securities                                                   4,663,000               5,554,000
         Expenditures on property, plant and equipment                                     (198,000)               (834,000)
         Disposals of property, plant and equipment                                               -                   7,000
                                                                                -------------------    --------------------
       Net cash provided by investing activities                                          3,739,000                 435,000
                                                                                -------------------    --------------------

       Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                               2,379,000                 (24,000)

       Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period                               5,298,000               6,023,000
                                                                                -------------------    --------------------
       Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period                           $         7,677,000    $          5,999,000
                                                                                ===================    ====================

       Supplemental Disclosures of Cash Flow Information:
         Cash paid during the period for income taxes                           $            20,000    $            173,000

       The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part  of  these  consolidated


                          dick clark productions, inc.


      1.      Basis of Financial Statement Presentation

          The consolidated financial statements of dick clark productions,  inc.
and subsidiaries  (collectively  the "Company") have been prepared in accordance
with accounting  principles  generally accepted in the United States for interim
financial  information.  Interim financial  statements do not include all of the
information and footnotes required by accounting  principles  generally accepted
in  the  United  States  for  complete  year-end   financial   statements.   The
accompanying  financial  statements  should be read in conjunction with the more
detailed  financial  statements and related  footnotes for the fiscal year ended
June 30, 2000, as included in the Company's 2000 Annual Report on Form 10-K (the
"Annual  Report") filed with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission.  A signed
independent accountant's report regarding the June 30, 2000 financial statements
is included in the Annual Report.  Significant  accounting  policies used by the
Company are  summarized  in Note 2 to the financial  statements  included in the
Annual Report.

          In the opinion of  management,  all  adjustments  (which  include only
recurring normal adjustments)  required for a fair presentation of the financial
position  of the  Company  as of  September  30,  2000,  and the  results of its
operations  and cash flows for the periods  ended  September  30, 2000 and 1999,
respectively, have been made. Operating results for the three-month period ended
September 30, 2000 are not necessarily  indicative of the operating  results for
the entire fiscal year ending June 30, 2001.

          The carrying  values of the Company's  assets are reviewed when events
and  circumstances  indicate  that the  carrying  value  of an asset  may not be
recoverable.  If it is determined  that an impairment loss has occurred based on
undiscounted  future cash flows,  then a loss is  recognized in the statement of
operations using a discounted cash flow or fair value model.

          In April of 1998,  the AICPA issued  Statement of Position  98-5 ("SOP
98-5"),  "Reporting on the Costs of Start-Up Activities." SOP 98-5 requires that
all nongovernmental  entities expense costs of start-up activities (pre-opening,
pre-operating and organizational costs) as those costs are incurred and requires
the  write-off of any  unamortized  balances  upon  implementation.  The Company
adopted SOP 98-5 in the first  quarter of the fiscal year ending June 30,  2000.
The  financial  impact of SOP 98-5 was  recorded  as a  cumulative  effect of an
accounting change of $111,000, net of a tax benefit of $60,000.


          In June of 2000 the AICPA  issued  Statement  of  Position  00-2 ("SOP
00-2"),  "Accounting by Producers or Distributors of Films". The primary changes
from the guidance of SFAS No. 53 relate to the  accounting for  advertising  and
marketing costs in accordance with SOP 93-7,  "Reporting on Advertising  Costs",
limitations on certain ultimates that companies can use in their individual film
forecast method,  and more specific guidance related to projects in development.
SOP 00-2 is effective for fiscal years  beginning  after  December 15, 2000. The
Company adopted SOP 00-2 during the first quarter of the fiscal year ending June
30, 2001.  There was no material impact on the financial  results of the Company
as a result of adoption.

          On April 25, 2000,  the Company  declared a 10% stock  dividend of the
common  stock and Class A common  stock to all holders of record as of the close
of business on May 25, 2000,  which was distributed on June 23, 2000. On each of
May 15, 1998 and June 11, 1999,  the Company  distributed a 5% stock dividend of
the  common  stock and Class A common  stock to all  holders of record as of the
close of business on May 4, 1998 and May 21,  1999,  respectively.  Accordingly,
stock  share  data  have  been  adjusted  to  include  the  effect  of the stock

      ITEM 2.



          The Company's  business  activities  consist of two business segments:
entertainment  operations and restaurant  operations.  The entertainment segment
contributed  approximately  50% of the  Company's  consolidated  revenue for the
three-month   period  ended   September  30,  2000.  The  Company's   television
programming  is  generally  licensed  to the major  television  networks,  cable
networks,  domestic and foreign syndicators,  and advertisers.  The Company also
receives  production  fees from  program  buyers  who  retain  ownership  of the
programming.  In addition,  the Company derives revenue from the rerun broadcast
of its programs on network and cable television and in foreign markets,  as well
as the  licensing  of its  media and film  archives  for use in  feature  films,
television  movies,  etc.  The Company also derives revenue from the development
and execution of non-traditional  marketing communications  programs,  corporate
meetings  and  special  events,  new  product  introductions,  trade  shows  and
exhibits, event marketing, film, video and leisure attractions.  The Company, on
a limited basis,  also develops  feature films in association  with  established
studios that can provide financing necessary for production.

          License fees for the production of television  programming are paid to
the Company pursuant to license  agreements  during production and upon delivery
of the programs or shortly thereafter. Revenue from network and cable television
license agreements is recognized for financial  statement purposes upon delivery
of each program or in the case of a series, each episode. Revenue from the rerun
broadcast of television  programming  (both  domestic and foreign) is recognized
for each program when a particular program becomes  contractually  available for
broadcast.  Depending  on the  type  of  contract,  revenue  for  the  Company's
communications projects is recognized when the services are completed for a live
event,  when a tape or film is  delivered  to a customer,  or when  services are
completed  pursuant  to a  particular  phase of a contract  which  provides  for
periodic payments.


          Production costs of television programs are capitalized and charged to
operations  on an  individual  basis in the ratio that the current  year's gross
revenue  bears to  management's  estimate of the total  revenue for each program
from all sources. Substantially all television production costs are amortized in
the initial year of delivery except for television movies and series where there
would be anticipated  future  revenue earned from rerun and other  exploitation.
Successful  television  movies and series can achieve  substantial  revenue from
rerun  broadcasts  in both  foreign  and  domestic  markets  after  the  initial
broadcast,  thereby  allowing a portion of the production  costs to be amortized
against future revenue.  Distribution costs of television  programs are expensed
in the period incurred.  Costs for  communications  projects are capitalized and
expensed as revenue is recognized.


          Revenue  for  the   three-months   ended   September  30,  2000,   was
$10,449,000,  compared to $10,585,000 for the comparable  period in the previous
fiscal year. This decrease in revenue was primarily due to a decrease in revenue
in the entertainment operations, offset in part by an increase in revenue in the
restaurant operations. In the entertainment operations,  the decrease in revenue
for the three-months ended September 30, 2000, as compared to the same period in
the previous fiscal year, was primarily from communications projects,  offset in
part by increased revenue from television series and specials production. In the
restaurant  operations,  the  increase  in revenue  for the  three-months  ended
September 30, 2000, as compared to the same period in the previous  fiscal year,
was primarily from new units,  offset in part by decreased revenue from existing
units and lost revenue from one closed unit.

          Gross profits or losses for the Company's  productions  for any period
is a function of the  profitability  of the  individual  programs  and  projects
delivered  during  that  period.  Overall,  the  Company's  gross  profits  as a
percentage of revenue  decreased for the three-month  period ended September 30,
2000,  as compared to the  corresponding  period in the  previous  fiscal  year,
primarily as a result of decreased profitability  recognized from communications
projects.  This  decrease in gross  profits was offset in part by a reduction in
the gross losses in the  restaurant  operations  during the  three-month  period
ended  September  30,  2000,  as  compared  to the  corresponding  period in the
previous fiscal year, as a result of increased profitability in several existing
units due to cost reductions and due to the closure of an  unprofitable  unit in
fiscal 2000.


          The Company has funded its working capital requirements for television
production  primarily  through  installment  payments from license fees from the
television and cable networks and minimum guaranteed  distribution payments from
independent distributors. The Company has generally been able to cover the costs
of  its  television  programming  and  corporate  projects  through  license  or
syndication  fees and  production  revenue  respectively,  and has  incurred  no
significant capital expenditure commitments.


          The Company expects that its available capital base and cash generated
from operations will be more than sufficient to meet its cash  requirements  for
the foreseeable future.

          The Company  has no  outstanding  bank  borrowings  or other  borrowed
indebtedness and had cash and marketable securities  (principally  consisting of
government securities) of approximately $56,914,000 as of September 30, 2000.

- - -------

         Certain  statements  in  the  foregoing  Management's   Discussion  and
Analysis (the "MD&A") are not historical  facts or information and certain other
statements  in the MD&A are forward  looking  statements  that involve risks and
uncertainties,  including,  without limitation, the Company's ability to develop
and sell television programming, to implement its licensing and related strategy
for its  restaurant  operations  and to  attract  new  corporate  communications
clients,  and such competitive and other business risks as from time to time may
be detailed in the Company's Securities and Exchange Commission reports.

- - ----------------------------

         The Company's  business  activities  consist of two business  segments:
entertainment operations and restaurant operations.  The factors for determining
the reportable  segments were based on the distinct nature of their  operations.
They are  managed as  separate  business  units  because  each  requires  and is
responsible  for  executing  a  unique  business  strategy,  as  managed  by the
respective chief operating  decision makers.  Summarized  financial  information
concerning the Company's  reportable  segments is shown in the following  tables
(in thousands):

                                                                Business Segments
           (dollars in thousands)                       Entertainment           Restaurant         Total
- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Three-months ended September 30, 2000
         Revenue                                                $5,263             $5,186            $10,449
         Gross Profit (loss) (1)                                   888               (65)                823
         Identifiable assets                                    68,041             15,371             83,412
- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Three-months ended September 30, 1999
         Revenue                                                $5,654             $4,931            $10,585
         Gross Profit (loss) (1)                                 1,270              (216)              1,054
         Identifiable assets                                    56,373             14,991             71,364
- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  Does  not include  corporate   overhead  of  $825,000   and   $558,000  for
entertainment,  and $590,000 and $609,000 for the restaurant  segment during the
three-months ended September 30, 2000 and 1999, respectively.  Gross profit also
excludes minority interest expense and interest and other income.


                           PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

              Item 1.          None

              Item 2.          None

              Item 3.          None

              Item 4.          Not Applicable

              Item 5.          None

              Item 6.          Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

                                    (a)  Exhibits

                                           Number       Description
                                           ------       -----------
                                            27          Financial Data Schedule

                                    (b)  Reports

                                                          No event has  occurred
                                                  during the  quarter  for which
                                                  this   report  is  filed  that
                                                  would  require the filing of a
                                                  report   on  Form   8-K   and,
                                                  therefore,  no such report has
                                                  been filed.



          Pursuant to the  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                          dick clark productions, inc.

                          By:   /s/ William S. Simon
                                William S. Simon
                                Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
                                (Principal financial officer and authorized
                                to sign on behalf of the registrant)

      Date:   November 14, 2000
