Exhibit 99.1




1.       FINANCIAL STATEMENTS................................................1

1.1      Consolidated balance sheets (in NLG)................................2

1.2      Consolidated statements of operations (in NLG)......................3

1.3      Consolidated statements of stockholders' equity (in NLG)............4

1.4      Consolidated statements of cash flows (in NLG)......................5

1.5      Notes to the consolidated financial statements......................6


                                               NOTES         DECEMBER 31, 1999             DECEMBER 31, 1998
                                                             -----------------             -----------------
Cash and cash equivalents                                      3,923                         29,247
Accounts receivable                            1.5.4       2,258,666                      1,348,482
Inventories                                    1.5.5         972,764                        649,747
Prepaid expenses and other current assets                    205,307                         85,881
                                                             -------                         ------

Total current assets                                                       3,440,660                     2,113,357
PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT                         1.5.6                       1,261,567                     1,181,167
INTANGIBLES                                    1.5.3                               -                       889,417
DEFERRED TAX ASSETS                            1.5.9                               -                             -

                                                                           ---------                     ---------
Total assets                                                               4,702,227                     4,183,941
                                                                           ---------                     ---------



Bank overdraft                                 1.5.7       1,233,327                        204,749
Accounts payable and accrued expenses          1.5.8       1,593,593                      1,198,767
Social securities and other taxes                            296,817                        240,604
Short term debt                                1.5.10        248,000                        256,000
Deferred revenues                                            363,818                        355,653

Total current liabilities                                                  3,735,555                     2,255,773
LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS                          1.5.10                      1,252,250                     1,500,250
Minority interest                                                              7,740                         5,600
COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES                  1.5.15                              -                             -
                                                                           ---------                     ---------

Total liabilities                                                          4,995,545                     3,761,623


Common stock,                                  1.5.11         40,000                         40,000
(NLG100 par value, authorised and issued 2000
and 400 shares)
Retained earnings                              1.3         (333,318)                        382,318
Total stockholder's equity                                                 (293,318)                       422,318
                                                                           ---------                     ---------
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                                 4,702,227                     4,183,941
                                                                           ---------                     ---------

The  accompanying  accounting  policies  and notes are an  integral  part of the
consolidated financial statements.




                                               NOTES         DECEMBER 31, 1999             DECEMBER 31, 1998
                                                             -----------------             -----------------
Revenue                                        1.5.12      11,686,964                    10,247,111
Cost of sales                                  1.5.13     (7,267,106)                   (7,095,106)
                                                          ----------                    ----------

GROSS PROFIT                                                               4,419,858                     3,152,005


Personnel expenses                                          2,389,362                     1,448,969
General and administrative expenses                         1,493,104                     1,586,004
Amortization of intangibles                    1.5.3                -                       136,833
Impairment of intangibles                      1.5.3          889,417                             -
Depreciation                                                  248,634                       236,134
                                                          ----------                    ----------

Total operating expenses                                                   5,020,517                     3,407,940
                                                                           ---------                     ---------

LOSS FROM OPERATIONS                                                       (600,659)                     (255,935)

Net interest expense                                                       (112,837)                     (174,564)
                                                                           ---------                     ---------

Loss before income taxes                                                   (713,496)                     (430,499)

Provision for income taxes                     1.5.9                               -                      (34,952)
                                                                           ---------                     ---------

RESULT AFTER INCOME TAX                                                    (713,496)                     (465,451)

Outside shareholders' interest                                               (2,140)                         2,398
                                                                           ---------                     ---------

NET LOSS ATTRIBUTABLE TO STOCKHOLDERS *        1.3                         (715,636)                     (463,053)
                                                                           ---------                     ---------

* Net loss attributable to stockholders is equal to comprehensive income

The  accompanying  accounting  policies  and notes are an  integral  part of the
consolidated financial statements.




                                                   COMMON STOCK              RETAINED
                                              SHARES          AMOUNT         EARNINGS          TOTAL
Balance as at January 1, 1998                       400          40,000          845,371         885,371
Net loss for 1998                                     -               -        (463,053)       (463,053)
                                              ---------      ----------     ------------    ------------
Balance as at December 31, 1998                     400          40,000          382,318         422,318
Net loss for 1999                                     -               -        (715,636)       (715,636)
                                              ---------      ----------     ------------    ------------
Balance as at December 31, 1999                     400          40,000        (333,318)       (293,318)

The  accompanying  accounting  policies  and notes are an  integral  part of the
consolidated financial statements.




                                                                 DECEMBER 31, 1999           DECEMBER 31, 1998
                                                                 -----------------           -----------------
Net loss attributable to stockholders                                        (715,636)                   (463,053)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided by
operating activities:
  - Allowances and provisions                                  (115,240)                     230,419
  - Amortization of intangibles                                        -                     136,833
  - Impairment of intangibles                                    889,417                           -
  - Depreciation of tangible fixed assets                        248,634                     236,134
                                                                 -------                     -------

Cash provided by operating activities                                        1,022,811                     603,386
Change in operating assets and liabilities, net of
acquisitions :
  - (Increase)/decrease in accounts receivable                 (890,628)                   1,241,733
  - (Increase)/decrease in inventories                         (177,664)                     711,397
  - Increase/(decrease) in accounts payable and accrued          350,779                 (1,381,915)
  - Increase/(decrease) in deferred revenue                        8,165                   (670,510)
  - Other                                                       (61,072)                     (1,820)
                                                                -------                      ------

Cash invested in operating assets and liabilities                            (770,420)                   (101,115)
                                                                             --------                    --------

Net cash (used in)/provided by operating activities                          (463,245)                      39,218

Capital expenditure                                            (334,657)                   (234,371)
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired                      -                   (238,038)
                                                               --------                    --------

Net cash used in investing activities                                        (334,657)                   (472,409)


Loans repaid                                                   (256,000)                   (248,000)
Loans received                                                         -                     873,250
                                                               --------                    ---------

Net cash (used in)/provided by financing activities                          (256,000)                     625,250
                                                                           ----------                    --------
Net (decrease)/increase in cash                                            (1,053,902)                     192,059
                                                                           ----------                    --------
Cash at beginning of period                                                  (175,502)                   (367,561)
                                                                           ----------                    --------
Cash at end of period                                                      (1,229,404)                   (175,502)
                                                                           ----------                    --------

The  accompanying  accounting  policies  and notes are an  integral  part of the
consolidated financial statements.




1.5.1    Basis of presentation

The  accompanying  financial  statements  have been prepared on a  going-concern
basis and in compliance  with US GAAP.  All amounts are stated in Dutch Guilder,
unless  stated  otherwise.   The  going-concern  basis  basis  contemplates  the
realization of assets and the satisfaction of liabilities in the ordinary course
of business.

The Group  reported a net loss of NLG  715,636 for the year ended  December  31,
1999 and a deficit in stockholders'  equity of NLG 293,318.  Negative cash flows
from  operations  amounted  to  NLG  463,245  during  1999.   Unutilised  credit
facilities  amounted  to  NLG  416,673  at  December  31,  1999  whilst  current
liabilities exceeded current assets by NLG 294,895.

Subsequent  to December  31, 1999,  the Group  obtained a letter of support from
it's  prospective  new parent  company  (see note  1.5.17)  to fund the  Group's
expected  working  capital  requirements to September 30, 2001. The support will
take on the form of a loan  not  extending  to more  than  NLG 2,5  million.  At
September 2000 funding in this regard  amounted to NLG 1,7 million.  Ultimately,
the Group's  ability to continue in operation  will be dependent  upon obtaining
additional working capital and achieving profitable operations.

1.5.2    Business and summary of significant accounting policies

Kwatrobox B.V., ("the company") is jointly owned by QQC B.V., Peces B.V., Rendex
B.V. and Wodan B.V. . The  principal  activity of the company is the holding and
management of group companies. These group companies ("the group") specialise in
the  manufacture  and servicing of "auction clock" systems which are used in the
auction of  perishable  goods.  In addition,  the group also  develops  software
specific to auctions and industries associated to auctions such as importers and
exporters,  the wholesale trade, line drivers and growers.  The sale of hardware
and software  related to these operation  forms part of this service.  The group
operates from 3 offices in the  Netherlands.  Revenue is mainly  generated  from
customers within the Netherlands.

The principal accounting policies have been set out below :

(a)      Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with generally  accepted
accounting  principles  requires  management to make estimates and  assumptions,
that affect the reported  amounts of assets and  liabilities,  the disclosure of
contingent  assets and  liabilities at the date of the financial  statements and
the  reported  amounts of revenues  and expenses  during the  reporting  period.
Actual results could differ from those estimates.

(b)      Principles of Consolidation

The consolidated  financial statements reflect the operations of the company and
its subsidiaries,  where control exists. All significant  inter-company accounts
and transactions have been eliminated upon consolidation.



Details of subsidiaries are as follows:

                                                     SHAREHOLDING %
                                                        1999            1998

Automatiseringsbureau Palm  BV                           100             100
Palm Veilingsystemen BV                                  100             100
Nieaf Systems BV                                         100             100
Scoop BV                                                  80              80

(c)      Revenue Recognition

Net sales  represent  sales invoiced to customers,  exclusive of value added tax
and net of discounts allowed.

Revenues for  projects  (time and  materials-based  arrangements  and  fixed-fee
arrangements)   are  recognized  on  the   percentage-of-completion   method  of
accounting  based on the ratio of costs incurred to total estimated  costs.  The
cumulative  impact of any  revision in  estimates  of the cost to  complete  and
losses on projects in process are  reflected  in the period in which they become
known. Revenues exclude reimbursable expenses charged to customers.

Revenues for maintenance  contracts are deferred and recognized ratably over the
contractual periods during which services are performed.

Revenues  for the sales of hardware and  customized  software  applications  are
recognized upon delivery.

Unbilled  revenues  represent labor costs incurred and estimated  earnings,  and
production  in  excess  of  contractual  billings  to-date.   Deferred  revenues
represent  billings of production  and other client  reimbursable  out-of-pocket
costs in excess of revenues recognized to-date.

(d)      Significant Customers and Concentration of Credit Risk

For the year ended December 1998 one client, Bloemenveiling Holland (Naaldwijk),
accounted  for more  than 10% of  revenue.  (1999 : no  client  exceeded  10% of

Financial  instruments that subject the Group to credit risks consist  primarily
of trade accounts  receivable.  The Group performs  ongoing credit  evaluations,
generally does not require collateral, and establishes an allowance for doubtful
accounts based upon factors surrounding the credit risk of customers, historical
trends,  and  other   information.   To  date,  such  losses  have  been  within
management's expectations. For the years ended December 1998 and 1999, no client
accounted for more than 10% of the Group's accounts receivable.

(e)      Cash and cash equivalents



Cash  equivalents  include  commercial  paper and other securities with original
maturities  of 90 days or less.  Book value  approximates  fair value due to the
short maturity of those instruments.

(f)      Inventories

Inventories  are stated at the lower of cost or net  realisable  value.  Cost is
determined by the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method. Net realisable value is the
estimate of the selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the costs
of completion and selling expenses.

(g)      Warranty provision

A warranty  provision  is raised in respect to the  exposure  of the  company to
future  warranty  claims.  This  provision is calculated  based upon actual past
warranty claims and sales of products under warranty.

(h)      Property and Equipment

Property and equipment are stated at cost, net of accumulated  depreciation  and
amortization.  Upon  retirement or disposal,  the cost of the disposed asset and
the related accumulated  depreciation are removed from the accounts and any gain
or loss is reflected in income.  The Group  provides for  depreciation  of other
fixed assets over their estimated useful lives, using the straight-line  method,
as follows:


Buildings                                                40 years
Computer equipment                                        3 years
Office equipment                                          5 years
Motor vehicles                                            5 years
Additions  which  amount  to less than NLG  2,000  are  expensed  in the year of

(i)      Intangible Assets

Goodwill,  which represents the excess of the purchase price over the fair value
of the net assets  acquired,  is included in intangible  assets and is amortized
over a period of 5 years on a straight-line basis.

The amortization  period is re-assessed in periods  subsequent to the first year
of an acquisition when a permanent diminution in value has occurred.

(j)      Accounting for Long-Lived Assets

The Group accounts for  long-lived  assets in accordance  with the  provisionsof
SFAS No.  121,  "Accounting  for the  Impairment  of  Long-Lived  Assets and for
Long-Lived  Assets to be  Disposed  Of." This  statement  establishes  financial
accounting  and  reporting  standards for the  impairment of long-lived  assets,
certain  identifiable  intangibles,  and goodwill  related to those



assets to be held and used, and for long-lived  assets and certain  identifiable
intangibles to be disposed of.

(k)      Operating leases

Expenses relating to operating leases are charged to the profit and loss account
in the year in which they occur.

(l)      Income Taxes

The Group accounts for income taxes using the asset and liability method.  Under
this method,  deferred tax assets and  liabilities are recognized for the future
tax  consequences  attributable to differences  between the financial  statement
carrying  amounts of  existing  assets and  liabilities  and their tax bases for
operating  profit  and tax  liability  carry  forward.  Deferred  tax assets and
liabilities  are measured  using enacted tax rates  expected to apply to taxable
income in the years in which  those  temporary  differences  are  expected to be
recovered  or settled.  The effect on deferred  tax assets or  liabilities  of a
change in tax rates is recognized in the period that the tax change occurs.

(m)      Comprehensive Income

Effective  with  year-end  1998  reporting,  the Company  has adopted  SFAS 130,
"Comprehensive  Income". SFAS 130 requires net income to be adjusted for changes
in equity due to  non-income  sources.  As there are no such items within equity
for the year-end 1998 or 1999 reporting, no comprehensive income has been shown.

(n)      Segment reporting

Effective  with  year-end  1998  reporting,  the Company  has adopted  SFAS 131,
"Disclosures About Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information".  SFAS 131
establishes standards for the reporting of operating segment information in both
annual reports and interim financial reports issued to shareholders. The Company
believes that it is operating in one segment,  being the delivery of information
technology  solutions to perishable goods auctions and industries  associated to
these auctions.

(o)      New Accounting Pronouncements

In June 1998, the Financial  Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued SFAS No.
133,  "Accounting  for  Derivatives and Hedging  Activities,  which  establishes
accounting and reporting standards of derivative instruments,  including certain
derivative instruments embedded in other contracts,  and for hedging activities.
This  statement is effective  for all quarters of fiscal years  beginning  after
June 15,  1999.  In July 1999,  the FASB issues SFAS No.  137,  "Accounting  for
Derivative Instruments and Hedging  Activities-Deferral of the Effective Date of
FASB No. 133," which amends SFAS No. 133 to be effective for all fiscal quarters
of all fiscal years  beginning  after June 15, 2000. The Company does not expect
the adoption of this standard to have a material effect on the Company's results
of consolidated operations, financial position, or cash flows.



In December 1999, the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  ("SEC") issued Staff
Accounting  Bulletin  ("SAB") 101, Revenue  Recognition in Financial  Statements
which provides guidance related to revenue  recognition based on interpretations
and  practices  followed  by the SEC.  SAB 101 was  effective  the first  fiscal
quarter of fiscal years beginning after December 15, 1999 and requires companies
to  report  any  changes  in  revenue  recognition  as a  cumulative  change  in
accounting principle at the time of implementation in accordance with Accounting
Principles Board Opinion 20, "Accounting Changes". In March 2000, the SEC issued
SAB 101A, "Amendment: Revenue Recognition in Financial Statements," which delays
implementation  of SAB 101 until June 30, 2000.  Subsequently the SEC issued SAB
101B,  which further delays the  implementation  of SAB 101 to no later than the
4th quarter of the fiscal year beginning after December 31, 1999. The Group will
adopt SAB 101 and is currently in the process of evaluating the impact,  if any,
SAB 101 will have on its financial position or results of operations.

1.5.3    Intangible fixed assets:  Acquisitions

At  30  April  1998  a  wholley  owned   subsidiary  of  Kwatrobox   B.V.,  Palm
Veilingsystemen  B.V.,  purchased  100% of the  issued  share  capital  of Nieaf
Systems B.V. (the "acquired  company").  The acquired company specialises in the
manufacture  and  servicing  of "auction  clock"  systems  which are used in the
auction of perishable goods.

Details of the assets and liabilities acquired and goodwill are as follows :


Cash and cash equivalents                                                353,212
Accounts receivable                                                    1,325,294
Inventories                                                            1,069,266
Property and equipment                                                    68,881
Accounts Payable                                                       (560,441)
Other liabilities                                                    (1,665,049)
Deferred revenue                                                     (1,026,163)
Goodwill                                                               1,026,250
Total purchase consideration discharged by cash                          591,250
Less : Cash and cash equivalents in subsidiary acquired                (353,212)
Cash outflow on acquisition                                              238,038

The  acquisition  has been accounted for under the purchase method of accounting
and,  accordingly,  the  purchase  price has been  allocated to the tangible and
intangible  assets  acquired  and  liabilities  assumed  on the  basis  of their
respective  fair  values  at  the  acquisition   date.  As  a  result  of  these
acquisitions,  the Company has recorded goodwill of NLG 1.026.250,  which is the
excess cost of net assets  acquired and is being amortized over a useful life of
5 years.

The amortization period was re-assessed at December 1999, being the first period
subsequent  to the first year of  acquisition.  Nieaf  Systems B.V. had incurred
losses  during 1999 and further  losses were  projected  for 2000.  These losses
resulted from the fact that no contracts to install



new auctioning systems had been established since the date of acquisition.  As a
result key programmers have left the employ of the company.

It was determined that a permanent diminution in value had occurred. Accordingly
the unamortizised  balance of goodwill amounting to NLG 889,417 was amortized in
one year.

Intangible fixed assets consist of the following :

                                                        1999            1998
                                                   ---------       ---------

Goodwill                                             889,417       1,026,250
Less : Accumulated amortization                            -       (136,833)
Less : Impairment                                  (889,417)               -
                                                   ---------       ---------
                                                           0         889,417
                                                   ---------       ---------
1.5.4    Accounts receivable

Accounts  receivable  is shown net of  allowance  for  doubtful  accounts of NLG
56,134.  (1998 : NLG 75,690).  Accounts  receivable has been pledged as security
for the credit facilities set out in note 1.5.7.

1.5.5    Inventories

Inventories consist of the following :

                                                        1999            1998
                                                   ---------       ---------

Finished goods                                     1,238,210       1,171,496
Work in progress                                     243,332         132,382
                                                   ---------       ---------
                                                   1,481,542       1,303,878
Allowance for obsolete inventory                   (508,778)       (654,131)
                                                     972,764         649,747
                                                   ---------       ---------

Inventories  have been pledged as security for the credit  facilities set out in
note 1.5.7.

1.5.6    Property and Equipment

Property and equipment consist of the following :

                                                         1999             1998
                                                    ---------        ---------

Buildings                                             948,904           948,904
Computer equipment                                    821,567           996,328
Office equipment                                      659,939           429,511

                                                    2,430,410         2,374,743



Accumulated depreciation                           1,168,843)       (1,193,576)
                                                   ---------        ----------

Net property and equipment                         1,261,567         1,181,167
                                                   ---------         ---------

The  building  and  equipment  have been  pledged  as  security  for the  credit
facilities set out in note 1.5.7.

1.5.7 Bank overdraft

The group's bankers have extended credit facilities of NLG 2,116,250 (1998 : NLG
1,493,250) to the group in the form of a bank overdraft and mortgage loan. These
facilities  have been secured by a first and second  mortgage on the building as
well as by the accounts  receivable,  inventories and equipment of Nieaf Systems
B.V.  and  Automatiseringsbureau  Palm B.V. . Interest on the bank  overdraft is
determined  at 6,25%,  payable  quarterly  in  arrears.  Un-utilised  facilities
amounted to NLG 416,673 (1998: NLG 795,251).

1.5.8 Accounts payable and accrued expenses

Accounts payable and accrued expenses consists of the following:

                                                          1999             1998
                                                     ---------        ---------
Accounts payable                                     1,066,143          633,089
Provision for warranty                                 148,811          104,764
Accruals                                               378,639          460,914
                                                     ---------        ---------
                                                     1,593,593        1,198,767
                                                     ---------        ---------

1.5.9    Income taxes

Taxation from ordinary  activities is calculated at the current taxation rate in
the Netherlands of 35%. The taxation expense consists of the following:

                                                            1999            1998

Current  taxation                                             -          34,952
Deferred taxation                                      (108,498)       (166,423)
                                                       --------        --------

                                                       (108,498)       (131,471)
Valuation allowance                                     108,498         166,423
                                                       --------        --------
                                                              -          34,952
                                                       --------        --------

From August 14, 1998  Kwatrobox  B.V.  formed a fiscal unity with group  company
PalmVeilingsystemen  B.V..  From January 1, 1999  Kwatrobox  B.V.  also formed a
fiscal unity with all other group  companies  with the exception of Scoop B.V. .
Estimated  losses  which may be utilised  for tax amounted to NLG 71,576 (1998 :
Nil).  These  losses do not  expire.  Provisional  payments  in respect of taxes
amounted to NLG 157,159 (1998 : NLG 64,401).



The tax effects of temporary differences that give rise to a significant portion
of the net deferred income tax assets (liabilities) are as follows:

                                                                  1999            1998
                                                              --------        --------
Differences between fiscal and US GAAP reporting :
  Provisions                                                    80,885         135,078
  Fixed assets depreciation                                     48,195          31,345
  Intangible amortization (tax ruling obtained for portion)    110,833               -
Effect of estimated losses to be utilised for tax               25,052               -
Other                                                            9,955               -
                                                              --------        --------
Net current deferred tax assets                                274,920         166,423
Valuation allowance                                           (274,920)       (166,423)
                                                              --------        --------

                                                                     -               -
                                                              --------        --------

Deferred  taxation  has arisen  mainly due to  differences  between  the results
reported for statutory and fiscal purposes and the results  reported for US GAAP
purposes.  Deferred  tax assets  reflect the net tax effects of the tax credits,
net operating loss carry forwards and temporary differences between the carrying
amounts of assets and liabilities for financial  reporting  purposes and amounts
used for income tax  purposes.  The  ultimate  realization  of the  deferred tax
assets is dependent upon the generation of sufficient  future taxable income.  A
valuation  allowance has been raised for the  realisation of deferred tax assets
due to the uncertainty  that sufficient  future taxable income will be generated
to realize these assets.  This uncertainty  stems from the fact that losses were
incurred in both 1998 and 1999. Management expects that losses will continue for
the foreseeable future.

A reconciliation  of the difference  between the statutory Dutch income tax rate
and the Group's effective tax rate follows:

                                                             1999        1998
                                                         --------    --------
Statutory income tax rate                                    -35%        -35%
Capital investment deduction                                  -2%         -1%
Schooling deduction                                           -2%         -1%
Intangible amortization                                       23%          6%
Other                                                          1%          1%
                                                         --------    --------
Effective tax rate before provision for impairment of
deferred tax assets                                          -15%        -30%
Valuation allowance                                           15%         38%

Effective tax rate                                             0%          8%
                                                         --------    --------



1.5.10   Long-term liabilities

Long term liabilities comprise:

                                                                             1999            1998
                                                                        ---------       ---------
Loan Tele Flower Auction                                        i         750,000         875,000
Loan to companies under the control of the directors           ii         284,000         388,000
Mortgage                                                      iii         466,250         493,250
                                                                        ---------       ---------

                                                                        1,500,250       1,756,250
Less : Short term portion                                               (248,000)       (256,000)
                                                                        ---------       ---------

                                                                        1,252,250       1,500,250
                                                                        ---------       ---------

i        On 22 May 1998, Tele Flower Auction B.V. provided the Group with a loan
         of NLG 1 million  repayable in equal  instalments of NLG 125,000 over 8
         years and bearing interest at a rate of 5%, payable annually.

         In addition to the interest, Tele Flower Auction BV is also entitled to
         10% of the annual after-tax profit of one of the Group companies (Nieaf
         Systems  B.V.)  during the term of the loan.  Payments  in this  regard
         amounted to NLG nil in 1999 (1998 : NLG 8,838)

ii       Loans  from  companies  under  the  control  of  the  directors  can be
         summarised as follows :

                                                             1999         1998
                                                          -------      -------

         Van Veen Boy's B.V.                               71,000       97,000
         Peces B.V.                                        71,000       97,000
         Rendex B.V.                                       71,000       97,000
         Wodan B.V.                                        71,000       97,000
                                                          -------      -------

                                                          284,000      388,000
                                                          -------      -------

         These loans were  received in terms of a loan  agreement  dated May 30,
         1995;  bear interest at a rate of 6% and are repayable in equal monthly
         instalments of NLG 2,000 per loan.

iii      The mortgage  concerns a loan from the group's  bankers and is included
         in the credit  facilities  of the group as set out in note  1.5.7.  The
         loan bears interest at 4,5% and is repayable in monthly  instalments of
         NLG 2,250 (exclusive of interest).

         Maturities of long-term debt are as follows :


         2000                                                           27,000



         2001                                                           27,000
         2002                                                           27,000
         2003                                                           27,000
         2004                                                           27,000
         Thereafter                                                    331,250


1.5.11 Stockholder's equity

The authorised share capital amounts to NLG 200,000 divided into 2,000 shares of
NLG 100 each.  Of the  authorised  share capital 400 shares have been issued and
paid in (1998 : 400).

1.5.12 Revenue

Revenue is generated as follows :

                                                          1999             2000
                                                     % of total      % of total
                                                     ----------      ----------

Netherlands                                                  93              88
Rest of Europe                                                7               1
Other                                                         0              11
                                                     ----------      ----------
                                                            100             100
                                                     ----------      ----------

Revenue can be categorised as follows:

                                                           1999            1998
                                                     ----------      ----------

Hardware                                              5,544,694       4,356,131
Software                                              2,581,508       2,207,546
Project                                               3,560,762       3,683,434
                                                     ----------      ----------

                                                     11,686,964      10,247,111
                                                     ----------      ----------

1.5.13   Cost of sales

Cost of sales can be categorised as follows:

                                                           1999            1998
                                                     ----------      ----------

Hardware                                              5,169,247       4,207,303
Software                                                913,896         703,592
Project                                               1,183,963       2,184,211
                                                     ----------      ----------
                                                      7,267,106       7,095,106
                                                     ----------      ----------



1.5.14   Pension plans

One of the group companies,  Nieaf Systems B.V., contributes to a multi-employer
defined  contribution  pension plan. The plan is  administered by the Foundation
for the Metal and  Electro-technical  Industry  and covers all of the 20 (1998 :
19)  employees  of the  group  company.  Premiums  paid to the  fund  have  been
recognised as costs and amounted to NLG 123,363 (1998 : NLG 94,131).

1.5.15   Commitments and contingencies

Operating leases

Commitments  under  operating  leases  which  cannot be  cancelled in respect of
premises amounted to NLG 868,098 at December 1999. These  commitments  expire as
follows :


2000                                                                 208,488
2001                                                                 196,804
2002                                                                 196,804
2003                                                                 190,402
2004                                                                  75,600


Total payments under operating  lease in respect of motor vehicles  (cancellable
leases) and property amounted to NLG 559,017 (1998 : NLG 456,547).

1.5.16   Related party transactions

Kwatrobox  B.V.  has  received  loans from  companies  under the  control of the
directors  as set  out in  note  1.5.10  amounting  to NLG  284,000  (1998:  NLG
388,000).  Management  fees paid to these companies for the years ended December
1998 and 1999 amounted to NLG 638,660 (1998: NLG 617,848).

1.5.17   Subsequent events

In  January  2000,   e-Auction  Global  Trading  Inc.  through  a  wholly  owned
subsidiary,  VWholesaler.com B.V., entered into negotiations to purchase all the
shares of  Kwatrobox  B.V..  Management  expect  that this  transaction  will be
finalised by November 2000. By September 2000 e-Auction  Global Trading Inc. had
lent funds  totalling NLG 1,7 million to the Kwatrobox  Group.  In addition,  it
provided a letter of  support  in terms of which it  commits  itself to fund the
Group's expected working capital requirements to September 30, 2001.





In our opinion,  the  accompanying  consolidated  balance sheets and the related
consolidated  statements of operations,  stockholders'  equity and of cash flows
present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of
Kwatrobox  B.V.  and its  subsidiaries  at December  31, 1999 and 1998,  and the
results  of their  operations  and their cash flows for each of the two years in
the period ended  December 31, 1999, in conformity  with  accounting  principles
generally  accepted in the United  States.  These  financial  statements are the
responsibility of the Company's management;  our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these  financial  statements  based on our audits.  We conducted  our
audits of these  statements in  accordance  with  auditing  standards  generally
accepted in the United States,  which require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial  statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and  disclosures in the financial  statements,  assessing
the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and
evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above.

Subsequent to December 31, 1999,  the Company  obtained a letter of support from
it's  prospective  new parent  company (see note  1.5.1).  The  Company's  plans
anticipate   obtaining   additional   funding  to  fund  it's  working   capital
requirements and future growth until such time as it is able to generate revenue
sufficient to support its expenditures.

Amsterdam, 25 September, 2000

/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers N.V.

PricewaterhouseCoopers N.V.


                    Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Statements

                          E-AUCTION GLOBAL TRADING INC.

                             (A NEVADA CORPORATION)

                   PRO FORMA BALANCE SHEET - DECEMBER 31, 1999

                                 (IN U.S. FUNDS)


                                      E-AUCTION          SCS     PRO FORMA      KWATROBOX     PRO FORMA      PRO FORMA
                                                               ADJUSTMENTS                  ADJUSTMENTS
Current assets
 Cash                                 4,179,394      284,686   (3,000,000)          1,787     (321,902)     1,143,966
 Cash guarantees                              -       29,060             -              -             -        29,060
 Investment in Schelfhout             1,000,000                (1,000,000)              -             -             -
 Inventories                                  -      468,372             -        443,213             -       911,585
 Accounts receivable                          -      709,958             -      1,029,099             -     1,739,057
 Prepaid expenses                             -            -             -         93,542             -        93,542
 Other                                        -       12,849             -              -             -        12,849
                                      5,179,394    1,504,925   (4,000,000)      1,567,642     (321,902)     3,930,059

Capital assets                           34,247      668,181             -        574,798             -     1,277,226
Goodwill, net of accumulated
amortization                                  -            -     5,505,417              -     3,197,163     8,702,580
                                      5,213,641    2,173,106     1,505,417      2,142,440     2,875,261    13,909,865


Bank overdraft                                -            -             -        561,931             -       561,931
Accounts payable and accrued
expenses                              1,809,843    1,126,963             -        726,077             -     3,662,883
Loans payable                         2,000,000            -             -              -             -     2,000,000
Shareholder loan                      2,200,000            -             -              -     1,394,910     3,594,910
Other current liabilities                     -      117,896             -        413,994             -       531,890
Share subscriptions received          1,858,229            -             -              -             -     1,858,229
                                      7,868,072    1,244,859             -      1,702,002     1,394,910    12,209,843
Long-term obligations                         -      173,655             -        570,553             -       744,208
Non-controlling interest                      -            -                        3,527             -         3,527
Redeemable common stock                       -            -     3,636,364              -             -     3,636,364
                                                                                        -             -             -
Capital                                       1      831,842     (831,843)         18,225     2,127,775     2,146,000
Cumulative translation adjustment                          -             -              -      (10,144)      (10,144)
Deficit                             (2,654,432)     (77,250)   (1,299,104)      (151,867)     (637,280)   (4,819,933)
                                    (2,654,431)      754,593   (2,130,947)      (133,642)     1,480,351(2,684,076)
                                      5,213,641    2,173,106     1,505,417      2,142,440     2,875,261    13,909,865

                          E-AUCTION GLOBAL TRADING INC.

                             (A NEVADA CORPORATION)


                          YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1999

                                 (IN U.S. FUNDS)

                                 E-AUCTION         SCS         PRO FORMA     KWATROBOX          PRO FORMA   PRO FORMA
                                                            ADJUSTMENTS                     ADJUSTMENTS
Revenue                                      -     3,469,498             -      5,646,811             -     9,116,309
Cost of sales                                -   (1,229,958)             -    (3,511,260)             -   (4,741,218)
Gross profit                                 -     2,239,540             -      2,135,550             -     4,375,090

Operating expenses

 Personnel expenses                    458,924     1,188,048             -      1,154,472             -     2,801,444
 General and administrative
  expenses                           1,195,508       195,738             -        721,426             -     2,112,672
 Loan fee                            1,000,000             -             -              -             -     1,000,000
 Impairment of intangibles                   -             -             -        429,741             -       429,741
 Services and other goods                    -       747,199             -              -             -       747,199
 Depreciation and amortization               -             -     1,376,354        120,133       799,291     2,295,778
Total operating expenses             2,654,432     2,130,985     1,376,354      2,425,772       799,291     9,386,834

Loss from operations               (2,654,432)       108,555   (1,376,354)      (290,221)     (799,291)   (5,011,743)
Net interest expense                                       -                     (54,520)             -      (54,520)
Loss before income taxes           (2,654,432)       108,555   (1,376,354)      (344,741)     (799,291)   (5,066,263)
Provision for income taxes                            49,061                            -             -        49,061
Net loss before                    (2,654,432)        59,494   (1,376,354)      (344,741)     (799,291)   (5,115,324)
non-controlling interest

Non-controlling interest                     -             -             -        (1,034)             -       (1,034)
Net loss                           (2,654,432)        59,494   (1,376,354)      (345,775)     (799,291)   (5,116,358)

Loss per share, historical, basic and diluted                                                                (0.07)
Pro Forma                                                                                                    (0.13)


                          E-AUCTION GLOBAL TRADING INC.
                             (A NEVADA CORPORATION)
                          YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1999
                                 (IN U.S. FUNDS)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      These pro forma financial statements have been prepared in connection with
      the purchase of Schelfhout  Computer  Systems N.V.  ("Schelfhout")  by the
      Company  in a  purchase  agreement  dated  January  7,  2000  and with the
      purchase of  Kwatrobox  B.V.  and its  subsidiaries  ("Kwatrobox")  by the
      Company in a purchase agreement dated June 5, 2000 and amended November 1,

      The pro forma balance sheet  reflects the  acquisition as if it took place
      on December 31, 1999.  The condensed pro forma income  statement  reflects
      the  combined  operations  for the year ended  December 31, 1999 as if the
      acquisition had taken place at January 1, 1999.


The goodwill on the acquisition is calculated as follows:

    Purchase price                                                                           7,636,364
    Net tangible assets of SCS acquired
    Total Assets                                                             2,173,106
    Less:  Liabilities                                                       1,418,513         754,593
                                                                            ----------       ---------
    Excess of purchase price over net tangible assets, being goodwill                        6,881,771
      Goodwill is to be amortized on a straight-line basis over 5 years.

      The purchase price is $7,636,364 and is to be paid as follows:

    Refundable deposit                                         $1,000,000 paid

    Cash on closing                                            3,000,000 paid subsequent to year end
    Common shares at fair value issued on                      3,636,364 issued subsequent to year end
    closing (3,636,364)


      The  3,636,364  common  shares are not free  trading  and are subject to a
      timed  release  formula  which allows for release of 454,545  shares worth
      $750,000 on each of the 6, 12, 18 and 24 month  anniversary of the closing
      and 606,061 shares with a deemed value of $1,000,000 on each of the 36, 48
      and 60 month  anniversary of the closing.  If the Company's shares are not
      freely trading on any given release date the equivalent cash is to be paid
      by the Company and the shares returned to the treasury.

      The financial information for the respective companies is based on audited
      financial  statements.  The SCS  financial  information  was  prepared  in
      accordance with Belgian generally accepted  accounting  principles and was
      reported on by other auditors without  reservation.  There are no material
      differences   between  Belgian  and  U.S.  generally  accepted  accounting
      principles with respect to these financial  statements.  The exchange rate
      used to convert SCS's historical income statement was 1.06626, this is the
      average  exchange  rate for 1999  between  Euro's  and U.S.  dollars.  The
      exchange rate used to convert SCS's historical  balance sheet was 1.00410,
      this is the exchange  rate at December  31, 1999  between  Euro's and U.S.

                              KWATROBOX ACQUISITION

      On June 5, 2000 the Company  entered  into a pledge  agreement to purchase
      100% of the issued and outstanding shares of Kwatrobox B.V.  ("Kwatrobox")
      under the terms and conditions of the draft share purchase agreement.  For
      the purpose of the payment  schedule,  the parties agreed the closing date
      of the share purchase  agreement is deemed to be June 5, 2000, however the
      purchase was not completed until November 1, 2000.

      The goodwill on the acquisition is calculated as follows:


    Purchase price                                                                            3,862,812
    Net tangible assets of SCS acquired
    Total Assets                                                              2,142,439
    Less:  Liabilities                                                        2,276,082       (133,642)
                                                                              ---------       --------

    Excess of purchase price over net tangible assets, being goodwill                         3,996,454

      Goodwill is to be amortized on a straight-line basis over 5 years.

      In connection with the purchase  agreement,  the Company agreed to pay the
      vendors  11,250,000  Dutch  Guilders  or  $4,828,500  based  on an  agreed
      exchange rate of 0.4292 at the June 5, 2000. For accounting purposes,  the
      fair  value of the shares is deemed to be $1.48 per  share.  The  purchase
      price is payable in cash and common shares of the Company as follows:


                                                                      Shares            Guilders               US $
      Cash, paid on June 5, 2000                                                         750,000            321,902
      Cash, payable on June 5, 2001                                                    2,250,000            965,707
      Cash, payable on June 5, 2001                                                    1,000,000            429,203
      Shares, issued on June 5, 2000                                 500,000                                740,000
      Shares, escrowed until June 5, 2001                            600,000                                888,000
      Shares, escrowed until June 5, 2002                            150,000                                222,000
      Shares (potential based on performance)                        200,000                                296,000
      Purchase price                                               1,450,000           4,000,000          3,862,812

      The  1,450,000  common  shares are not free  trading  and are subject to a
      timed release  formula which allows for release of 600,000  shares on June
      5, 2001 and 150,000 shares on June 5, 2002.  Additionally,  the Company is
      also  committed  to  issuing up to 200,000  common  shares to the  vendors
      subject to Kwatrobox  meeting  performance  requirements  for a three-year
      period commencing June 5, 2000.

      The financial information for the respective companies is based on audited
      financial statements.  The Kwatrobox financial information was prepared in
      accordance  with  US  generally  accepted  accounting  principles  and was
      reported on by other auditors without reservation.  The exchange rate used
      to convert Kwatrobox's historical income statement was 0.4832, this is the
      average  exchange  rate for 1999 between  Guilders and U.S.  dollars.  The
      exchange  rate used to convert  Kwatrobox's  historical  balance sheet was
      0.4556,  this is the exchange  rate at December 31, 1999 between  Guilders
      and U.S. dollars.


                    Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information

                          E-AUCTION GLOBAL TRADING INC.

                             (A NEVADA CORPORATION)

                  PRO FORMA BALANCE SHEET - SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

                                 (IN U.S. FUNDS)


                                                    E-AUCTION          KWATROBOX          PRO FORMA           PRO FORMA
Current assets
 Cash                                               7,838,378             12,650                 -          7,851,028
 Demand loan receivable                               749,668                  -         (749,668)                  -
 Inventories                                          279,560            323,604                 -            603,164
 Accounts receivable                                1,109,737            834,556                 -          1,944,293
 Work in progress                                      74,725                  -                 -             74,725
 Prepaid expenses                                      73,681              7,490                 -             81,171
                                                   10,125,749          1,178,300         (749,668)         10,554,381
Deposits on acquisition of Kwatrobox                1,062,125                  -       (1,062,125)                  -
Capital assets                                        775,547            524,972                 -          1,300,519
Goodwill                                            6,178,159            211,515         2,597,695          8,987,370
                                                   18,141,580          1,914,787           785,902         20,842,269

Bank overdraft                                              -            326,160                -             326,160
Accounts payable and accrued expenses               1,516,372            811,037                -           2,327,409
Current portion of long term debt                      67,692                  -                -              67,692
Shareholder loan                                            -                  -        1,394,910           1,394,910
Other current liabilities                             457,084            754,697        (749,668)             462,113
                                                    2,041,148          1,891,894          645,242           4,578,284

Long-term obligations                                 225,934            530,861                -             756,795
Non-controlling interest                              667,262              4,013                -             671,275
Redeemable common stock                             3,636,364                  -                -           3,636,364

Capital                                                61,510             15,957        1,387,552           1,465,019
Additional paid in capital                         17,225,894                  -                -          17,225,894
Cumulative translation adjustment                      65,485                  -           37,035             102,520
Deficit                                           (5,782,017)          (527,938)      (1,283,927)         (7,593,882)
                                                   11,570,872          (511,981)          140,661          11,199,551
                                                   18,141,580          1,914,787          785,902          20,842,269


                          E-AUCTION GLOBAL TRADING INC.

                             (A NEVADA CORPORATION)


                      NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

                                 (IN U.S. FUNDS)

                                                   E-AUCTION         KWATROBOX         PRO FORMA          PRO FORMA
Revenue                                            2,931,321         3,274,315                -         6,205,636
Cost of sales                                    (1,803,393)       (1,397,522)                -       (3,200,915)
GROSS PROFIT                                       1,127,928         1,876,793                -         3,004,721

 Salaries and benefits                             1,218,392         2,049,236                -         3,267,628
 Consulting                                        1,232,999                 -                -         1,232,999
 Sales, general and administrative                   896,527           530,183                -         1,426,710
 Depreciation and amortization                     1,194,889           151,275        1,398,759         2,744,923

Total operating expenses                           4,542,807         2,730,695        1,398,759         8,672,261

LOSS FROM OPERATIONS                             (3,414,879)         (853,902)      (1,398,759)       (5,667,540)
Non-controlling interest                             182,616                 -                -           182,616
Net interest expense                               (173,441)            50,471                -         (122,970)
Loss before income taxes                         (3,058,822)         (904,373)      (1,398,759)       (5,361,954)
Provision for income taxes                            68,763                 -                -            68,763
NET LOSS                                         (3,127,585)         (904,373)      (1,398,759)       (5,430,717)

Outside shareholders' interest                             -             (990)                -             (990)
Unrealized foreign exchange gain                      65,485                 -                -            65,485
COMPREHENSIVE LOSS                               (3,127,585)         (905,363)      (1,398,759)       (5,431,707)

Loss per share, historical, basic and diluted                                                              (0.05)
Pro Forma                                                                                                  (0.09)


                          E-AUCTION GLOBAL TRADING INC.
                             (A NEVADA CORPORATION)
                      NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2000
                                 (IN U.S. FUNDS)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      These pro forma financial statements have been prepared in connection with
      the purchase of Kwatrobox B.V. and its  subsidiaries  ("Kwatrobox") by the
      Company in a purchase agreement dated June 5, 2000 and amended November 1,

      The pro forma balance sheet  reflects the  acquisition as if it took place
      on December 31, 1999.  The condensed pro forma income  statement  reflects
      the combined operations for the nine months ended September 30, 2000 as if
      the acquisition had taken place at January 1, 2000.


      On June 5, 2000 the Company  entered  into a pledge  agreement to purchase
      100% of the issued and outstanding shares of Kwatrobox B.V.  ("Kwatrobox")
      under the terms and conditions of the draft share purchase agreement.  For
      the purpose of the payment  schedule,  the parties agreed the closing date
      of the share purchase  agreement is deemed to be June 5, 2000, however the
      purchase was not completed until November 1, 2000.

      The goodwill on the acquisition is calculated as follows:

    Purchase price                                                                            3,862,812
    Net tangible assets of SCS acquired
    Total Assets                                                              2,142,439
    Less:  Liabilities                                                        2,276,082       (133,642)
                                                                              ---------       --------

    Excess of purchase price over net tangible assets, being goodwill                         3,996,454

      Goodwill is to be amortized on a straight-line basis over 5 years.


      In connection with the purchase  agreement,  the Company agreed to pay the
      vendors  11,250,000  Dutch  Guilders  or  $4,828,500  based  on an  agreed
      exchange rate of 0.4292 at the June 5, 2000. For accounting purposes,  the
      fair  value of the shares is deemed to be $1.48 per  share.  The  purchase
      price is payable in cash and common shares of the Company as follows:

                                                                           Shares         Guilders             US $
      Cash, paid on June 5, 2000                                                           750,000          321,902
      Cash, payable on June 5, 2001                                                      2,250,000          965,707
      Cash, payable on June 5, 2001                                                      1,000,000          429,203
      Shares, issued on June 5, 2000                                      500,000                           740,000
      Shares, escrowed until June 5, 2001                                 600,000                           888,000
      Shares, escrowed until June 5, 2002                                 150,000                           222,000
      Shares (potential)                                                  200,000                           296,000
      PURCHASE PRICE                                                    1,450,000        4,000,000        3,862,812

      The  1,450,000  common  shares are not free  trading  and are subject to a
      timed release  formula which allows for release of 600,000  shares on June
      5, 2001 and 150,000 shares on June 5, 2002.  Additionally,  the Company is
      also  committed  to  issuing up to 200,000  common  shares to the  vendors
      subject to Kwatrobox  meeting  performance  requirements  for a three-year
      period commencing June 5, 2000.

      The  financial  information  for the  respective  companies  is  based  on
      unaudited  financial  statements for the period ended  September 30, 2000.
      The Kwatrobox  financial  information  was prepared in accordance  with US
      generally  accepted  accounting  principles  and was  reported on by other
      auditors for the year ended  December 31, 1999  without  reservation.  The
      exchange rate used to convert Kwatrobox's  historical income statement was
      0.4269,  this is the  average  exchange  rate  for the nine  months  ended
      September 30, 2000 between  Guilders and U.S.  dollars.  The exchange rate
      used to convert  Kwatrobox's  historical balance sheet was 0.3989, this is
      the exchange rate at September 30, 2000 between Guilders and U.S. dollars.
