Ref:  CBD 1/0016

April 12, 2000

126/1 Krungthonburi Rd., Klongsan,
Bangkok 10600

Attention:  Miss Jariya Sae-Fa

Subject:    Credit Facilities

Dear Sirs,

UOB Radanasin Bank Public Company Limited ("the Bank") is pleased to offer you,
the following credit facilities ("the Facilities") subject to the main terms and
conditions stated herein.

1.   LINE OF CREDIT            Thai  Baht  45,000,000/-  (Thai  Baht Fort Five
                               Million Only)
1.1. OVERDRAFT ("O/D")
     PURPOSE                   For working capital.
     AMOUNT                    Thai Baht 5,000,000/-
     INTEREST                  Rate At 2% per annum over the Bank's Minimum
                               Overdraft Rate ("MOR") prevailing from time to
                               time (currently 8.75% per annum) on a 365-day
                               year basis with monthly rests.

     Other Condition           Repayable on demand.

1.2. Letter Credit ("L/C"), and Trust Receipt (T/R")

     Purpose                   For opening irrevocable sight or usance L/C up
                               to 180 days covering your imports to Thailand

     Amount                    Thai Baht 10,000,000/-

     Commission and Interest

     a)    L/C                 0.25% flat per 3 months


     b)    T/R                 At 2% per annum over the Bank's Minimum
                               Lending Rate ("MLR") prevailing from time to time
                               (currently 8.5% per annum). Interest shall be
                               calculated on a 365-day year basis and on the
                               actual number of days elapsed and shall be
                               payable on the maturity of each T/R.

     Engagement                Fee 2.5% per annum, payable in advance for usance

     Tenor                     Not exceeding 180 days.

     Repayment                 Repayable on the maturity of each T/R.
     Other Conditions          You are required to enter into a forward
                               exchange contract immediately on the day of
                               L/C issuance.

1.3. Packing Credit ("P/C") and Export Bills Negotiated ("EBN")

     Purpose                   For pre- Anderson post-export financing.

     Amount                    Thai Baht 20,000,000/-

     Interest Rate

     a)    P/C                 At 2% per annum over the Bank's MLR prevailing
                               from time to time.  Interest shall be
                               calculated on a 365-day year basis and on the
                               actual number of days elapsed and shall be
                               payable on the maturity of each P/C.

     b)    EBN                 (Usance L/C) At 2% per annum over the Bank's
                               MLR prevailing from time to time. Interest shall
                               be calculated on a 365-day year basis and on the
                               actual number of days elapsed and shall be
                               discounted up-front.

     Tenor                     Not exceeding 180 days.

     Repayment                 Repayable on the maturity of each P/C.

     Other Conditions          a)   P/C against L/C, not to exceed 80% of L/C

                               b)   P/C against purchase order/sales contract is
                                    subject to the Bank's approval and not to
                                    exceed 70% of purchase order/invoice amount.
                                    You are required to furnish the original L/C
                                    to the Bank within 3 months after date of
                                    financing failing which P/C will have to be

1.4.  Export Bills Discounted ("EBD")

     Purpose                   For post-exporting financing

     Amount                    Thai Baht 10,000,000/-


     Interest                  Rate At 2% per annum over the Bank's MLR
                               prevailing from time to time. Interest shall be
                               calculated on a 365-day year basis and on the
                               actual number of days elapsed and shall be
                               discounted up-front.

     Tenor                     Not exceeding 180 days.

     OTHER CONDITIONS          Drawees must be acceptable to the Bank.


The Facilities and all moneys owing by you from time to time shall be secured

     i.)   Registered  mortgage  over land title deed  no.77527  with total land
           area of 3-2-31.8  Rais owned by Erchart  Development  Co.,  Ltd.,  at
           Bang-Pai, Pasri-Charoen, Bangkok. The mortgage value shall be B45m.

     ii.)  Joint & Several Personal  Guarantee for Thai Baht  45,000,000/-  from
           Miss Jariya Sae-Fa and Mr. Kiattichai Tantikitmanee.

     iii.) Corporate   Guarantee  for  Thai  Baht   45,000,000/-   from  Erchart
           Development Co., Ltd.


     The Facilities ca be utilized only on completion of legal documentation and
     fulfillment of such conditions precedent as the Bank may require. The Bank
     has the right to implement a part of the Facilities and/or change the terms
     of its use from time to time.


     Notwithstanding the above terms and conditions, you would appreciate that
     the availability of the Facilities are subject to the Bank's periodic
     review and that any subsequent change in the Facilities shall be at the
     Bank's sole discretion.


     All costs and expenses, legal or otherwise, connected with the provision
     protection and realization of securities, and the processing implementation
     and recovery of moneys owing under the Facilities shall be payable by you
     on demand, on a full indemnity basis, together with interest from the date
     the costs and expenses are incurred to the date of full payment at such
     rate as the Bank may prescribe.


     You shall supply to the Bank on request all statements, information,
     materials and explanation relating to your business and financial position
     including, where appropriate, Annual Audited Financial Statements and
     Directors'/Auditors' Reports which shall be provided not later than 6
     months after the close of each financial year.



     You shall not, without the Bank's prior written consent (which will not
     be unreasonably withheld), undertake or permit any reorganization,
     amalgamation, reconstruction, take-over, substantial change of
     shareholders or any other schemes of compromise or arrangement affecting
     your present constitution or amend or alter any of the provisions in
     your Memorandum & Articles of Association relating to your borrowing
     powers and principal business activities.


     If the above is acceptable to you, kindly confirm by signing and returning
     the duplicate of this letter to the Bank, together with your Board of
     Directors' Resolution of Acceptance. Unless extended by the Bank, this
     offer will be treated as lapsed and cancelled after 14 days from the date

     We are pleased to be of service to you and look forward to a long and
     mutually beneficial relationship with you.

     For UOB Radanasin Bank Public Company Limited

/s/ Amporn Suchiani                     /s/ Steven Ngeo
------------------------------          -----------------------------
Mr. Amporn Suchinai                     Mr. Steven Ngeo
Corporate Banking Department 1          Head, Commercial Banking



We accept all the above terms and conditions and confirm that the directors who
have signed herein are duly authorized in accordance with the latest status and
all other documents submitted to the Bank

Signed on the 12th day of April, 2000.

/s/ Authorized Signatory
For and on behalf of
Creative Gems & Jewelry Company Limited
