Jenkens & Gilchrist Parker Chapin LLP

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                         THE CHRYSLER BUILDING             (512) 499-3800
                          405 LEXINGTON AVENUE            CHICAGO, ILLINOIS
                        NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10174           (312) 425-3900
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                             (212) 704-6000                (214) 855-4500
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                                                           (713) 951-3300
                            www.jenkens.com            LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA
                                                           (310) 820-8800
                                                         SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS
                                                           (210) 246-5000
                                                          WASHINGTON, D.C.
                                                           (202) 326-1500

                                                          November 6, 2001

SPAR Group, Inc.
580 White Plains Road
Tarrytown, NY  10591

Ladies and Gentlemen:

We have acted as counsel  for SPAR  Group,  Inc.,  a Delaware  corporation  (the
"Company"),  in  connection  with its  Registration  Statement  on Form S-8 (the
"Registration   Statement")  to  be  filed  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Act") relating to
the  registration of 3,600,000  shares of Common Stock, par value $.01 per share
(the  "Shares"),  issuable  upon the exercise of options that have been,  or may
from time to time be,  granted under the  Company's  2000 Stock Option Plan (the

In connection with the foregoing,  we have examined the  Registration  Statement
and  originals  or  copies,  satisfactory  to us,  of  the  following:  (i)  the
certificate  of  incorporation  and all  amendments  thereto  of the  Company as
certified  by the  Secretary of State of the State of Delaware on April 3, 2000;
(ii) the by-laws and all  amendments  thereto of the Company;  (iii)  records of
certain  proceedings  of the Board of Directors of the Company dated December 4,
2000, and a unanimous  written  consent of the Board of Directors of the Company
dated June 29, 2001, during or by which resolutions were adopted relating to the
approval of the Plan (items (i) through  (iii) will be referred to  individually
as  a  "Organizational   Document"  and  collectively  as  the   "Organizational
Documents");  and (iv) the Plan.  We have not examined  each option  contract in
respect of options granted under the Plan. We have,  however,  examined the form
of option  contract  we are advised is the form of option  contract  used by the
Company under the Plan.  We have also been  informed  that each option  contract
between the Company and option  holders under the Plan is  substantially  in the
form of the option  contract we have  examined.  In addition,  we have made such
other  investigations of applicable statutes and regulations of the State of New
York and the United States of America and the applicable  provisions of the DGCL
(as  hereinafter  defined)  currently  in effect as we  deemed  necessary  under
customary practice to enable us to render this Opinion Letter.

In  conducting  our  examination,  we  have  assumed  (with  your  consent)  the
genuineness   of  all   signatures  ,  the  legal  capacity  of  all  individual
signatories,  the accuracy of all documents submitted to us as originals and the
conformity to originals of all documents  submitted to us as copies  (whether or
not  certified).  As to any facts  material to such  opinion,  we have relied on
certificates of public  officials and  certificates,  oaths and  declarations of
officers  or other  representatives  of the  Company.  Each of the  governmental
certificates, publicly filed or recorded items and searches of public record (if
any) reviewed by us were obtained by an  independent  firm not under our control
or supervision, and we have assumed (with your consent) that they are sufficient
and would disclose no additional  relevant facts if updated  through the date of
this Opinion  Letter.  In  addition,  we have  assumed  (with your  consent) and
without  independent  investigation have relied upon the factual accuracy of the
information  contained in the items we examined and upon the assumptions we have
made in this  Opinion  Letter.  Except as  expressly  set forth in this  Opinion
Letter,  we have not undertaken any  independent  investigation,  examination or
inquiry to confirm or determine the existence or

                      Jenkens & Gilchrist Parker Chapin LLP

November 6, 2001
Page 2

absence of any facts, searched any of the books, records or files of the Company
or any other person,  searched any internal file,  court file,  public record or
other  information  collection,   or  examined  or  reviewed   anycommunication,
instrument,  agreement, document, file, financial statement, tax return, minute,
record,  lien, or other item.  The  Organizational  Documents,  the Plan and the
Registration  Statement are the only items of their respective types reviewed by
us in connection with or covered by us in this Opinion Letter.

Our  opinion is as of and  limited to the date hereof and we do not in any event
undertake to advise you of any facts or circumstances occurring or coming to our
attention  or any  changes in  applicable  law  subsequent  to the date  hereof.
Whenever  any  opinion  of ours  refers  to or  includes  the  payment  or other
performance  of any  obligation  or the  issuance,  execution or delivery of any
instrument,  certificate or other item after the date hereof, it is based on our
assumption  that: (i) all relevant facts and  circumstances  will be the same at
such future time as we believe them to be on the date hereof (except as noted in
the next  clause  (ii));  (ii) each  party will have taken all future or further
actions  necessary or appropriate  thereto;  (iii) no relevant  liens,  filings,
approvals,  permits or similar  items will have expired or  otherwise  adversely
changed;  and (iv) no  changes  will have  occurred  in any of the  Registration
Statement,   the  Plan,  the   Organizational   Documents,   or  other  relevant
certificates and documents, applicable law, trade usage or course of dealings.

Finally,  we are counsel admitted to practice only in the State of New York, and
we express no opinions as to the applicable laws of any jurisdiction  other than
those of the State of New York, the Delaware General  Corporation Law, including
the Constitution of the State of Delaware and reported judicial  interpretations
thereof (together with the Delaware General Corporation Law, the "DGCL") and the
United States of America.

Based upon and subject to the  foregoing,  we are of the opinion that the Shares
to be issued  pursuant to the exercise of options granted or to be granted under
the Plan will be,  when  issued  and the  exercise  price  therefor  fully  paid
pursuant  to  the  provisions  of the  Plan,  legally  issued,  fully  paid  and

We hereby  consent to the filing of a copy of this  opinion as an exhibit to the
Registration  Statement.  In giving  this  consent,  however we are not  thereby
admitting  that we are within the category of persons  whose consent is required
under Section 7 of the Act, the rules and regulations of the Securities Exchange
Commission  promulgated  thereunder,  or Item 509 of Regulation S-K  promulgated
under the Act.

                            Very truly yours,

                            /s/ Jenkens & Gilchrist Parker Chapin LLP

                            Jenkens & Gilchrist Parker Chapin LLP