Information Statement Pursuant to Section 14(c) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

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                                GVC Venture Corp.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

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     1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     3)   Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

     4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     5)   Total fee paid:

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                                GVC VENTURE CORP.
                              200 East 66th Street
                                   Suite B603
                          New York, New York 10021-9181

                                                                    May 25, 2004

Dear Stockholder:

     You are cordially  invited to attend a Special  Meeting of  Stockholders of
GVC Venture Corp. to be held at the offices of Jenkens & Gilchrist Parker Chapin
LLP, 9th Floor, 405 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York on Wednesday,  June 30,
2004 at 10:00 a.m., New York time.

     As detailed in the enclosed  Information  Statement,  there are a number of
important  matters for you to consider.  Please review the  proposals  contained
within the  enclosed  materials  carefully.  We believe  that they  represent  a
significant and beneficial opportunity for the Company and its stockholders.

                      WE ARE NOT ASKING YOU FOR A PROXY AND

     A copy of the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-KSB for the fiscal year
ended June 30,  2003 and  Quarterly  Report on Form  10-QSB for the nine  months
ended  March 31,  2004,  each of which has been  filed with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission,  is attached hereto,  but neither are incorporated in, and
are not deemed a part of, the Information Statement.

     We look forward to the Special  Meeting of  Stockholders,  and we hope that
you will attend the meeting.


                                  Gordon Banks,
                                  President and Chief Executive Officer

                                GVC Venture Corp.
                              200 East 66th Street
                                   Suite B603
                          New York, New York 10021-9181

                           TO BE HELD ON JUNE 30, 2004

                                                              New York, New York
                                                                    May 25, 2004
To the Stockholders of
GVC Venture Corp.:

         NOTICE IS  HEREBY  GIVEN  that a special  meeting  (the  "Meeting")  of
Stockholders  of GVC Venture Corp.  (the  "Company")  will be held on Wednesday,
June 30,  2004,  at 10:00  a.m.,  New York  time,  at the  offices  of Jenkens &
Gilchrist  Parker Chapin LLP, 9th Floor,  405 Lexington  Avenue,  New York,  New
York, for the purpose of considering and acting upon the following matters:

         (1) To authorize an amendment to the Company's Restated  Certificate of
Incorporation, as amended (the "Certificate of Incorporation") to reduce the par
value of the Company's Common Stock from $.10 per share to $0.01 per share;

         (2)  To  authorize  an  amendment  to  the  Company's   Certificate  of
Incorporation  to  establish  a par value of $.01 per  share  for the  Company's
Preferred Stock;

         (3)  To  authorize  an  amendment  to  the  Company's   Certificate  of
Incorporation to effect a one-for-two stock  combination  (reverse split) of the
Company's outstanding Common Stock;

         (4)  To  authorize  an  amendment  to  the  Company's   Certificate  of
Incorporation to effect a one-for-three stock combination (reverse split) of the
Company's outstanding Common Stock;

         (5) To elect one Class I director,  one Class II director and one Class
III director to serve subject to, and from the time of, the  consummation of the
transaction   described  under  the  caption   "Proposed   Transaction"  in  the
Information  Statement to which this Notice is attached until the 2004, 2005 and
2006 Annual Meetings of Stockholders,  respectively,  and until the election and
qualification of their respective successors; and

         (6) The  transaction  of such other business as may properly be brought
before the meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof.

         The Board of Directors  has fixed the close of business on May 14, 2004
as the record date for the determination of stockholders  entitled to notice of,
and to vote at, the meeting.

                                By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                         Marc J. Hanover,

                      WE ARE NOT ASKING YOU FOR A PROXY AND

                                GVC Venture Corp.
                              200 East 66th Street
                                   Suite B603
                          New York, New York 10021-9181

                              INFORMATION STATEMENT
                       For Special Meeting of Stockholders
                           To be Held on June 30, 2004


         This  Information  Statement,  to be mailed to stockholders on or about
May 25, 2004,  is furnished  by the Board of Directors of GVC Venture  Corp.,  a
Delaware  corporation  (the  "Company"),   for  use  at  a  Special  Meeting  of
Stockholders  of the Company (the  "Meeting") to be held on Wednesday,  June 30,
2004, and at any adjournments or postponements thereof. The Meeting will be held
at the place and time stated in the notice attached hereto.

                             NOT TO SEND US A PROXY.

Stockholders Entitled to Vote

         Only  holders of record of the  Company's  Common  Stock  (the  "Common
Stock") as of the close of  business  on May 14,  2004 (the  "Record  Date") are
entitled  to notice  of,  and to vote at, the  Meeting  or any  adjournments  or
postponements  thereof for which no new record date is fixed. As of the close of
business on the Record Date, there were issued and outstanding  5,294,516 shares
of Common Stock. A stockholder whose Common Stock is held in "street name" (that
is, whose shares are held by, and  registered  in the name of, a broker or other
nominee)  who wishes to vote at the Meeting will need to obtain a proxy in favor
of the stockholder from the institution that holds the stockholder's  shares and
attend the Meeting.

Quorum Requirement

         The  presence  of a  majority  of the  outstanding  Common  Stock  will
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the Meeting.

Required Votes

         Each share of Common  Stock held as of the Record  Date is  entitled to
one vote on each matter to be acted upon at the Meeting. The affirmative vote of
a  majority  of the  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock  will be  required  to
authorize each of the proposed amendments to the Company's Restated  Certificate
of Incorporation, as amended (the "Certificate of Incorporation").  Accordingly,
abstentions  and unvoted  shares will have the effect of a negative  vote on the
proposed amendments. A plurality of the votes of the shares present in person or
represented  by proxy at the  Meeting and  entitled  to vote on the  election of
directors  will  be  required  for  the  election  of  directors.   Accordingly,
abstentions  and unvoted shares will have no effect on the vote for the election
of directors.

Purposes of Meeting

     The Meeting is being held for the following purposes:

     o    to   authorize  an  amendment   to  the   Company's   Certificate   of
          Incorporation  to reduce the par value of the  Company's  Common Stock
          from $.10 per share to $.01 per share in order to

          o    enable the Company to complete the  transaction  described  under
               the  caption   "Proposed   Transaction,"   below  (the  "Proposed
               Transaction"); and

          o    facilitate any  transaction  that may arise in the future for the
               acquisition,  sale or  merger  of the  Company  and  which  could
               involve the issuance of shares of the Company's Common Stock;

     o    to   authorize  an  amendment   to  the   Company's   Certificate   of
          Incorporation  to  establish  a par  value of $.01 per  share  for the
          Company's  authorized  Preferred  Stock,  none of which have ever been
          issued by the Company,  in order to reduce the annual  Delaware  state
          franchise taxes payable by the Company;

     o    to  authorize a reverse  split of the  Company's  Common  Stock of one
          share for each two shares outstanding or, alternatively, one share for
          each three shares outstanding,  either of which the Board of Directors
          may implement at any time on or prior to one year after the Meeting in
          order to create a capital  structure that would be more  attractive to
          those who may be interested in business combinations with the Company;

     o    to  elect   directors  to  serve  if  the  Proposed   Transaction   is

     Messrs.  Russell  Banks,  Gordon  Banks and  Palisade  Investors  LLC,  the
beneficial owners of shares of Common Stock  constituting 56.4% of the Company's
outstanding  Common  Stock,  have agreed to vote in favor of each of the matters
proposed  in  this  Information  Statement  to  be  presented  at  the  Meeting.
Accordingly, a favorable vote on each of such proposals is assured.

No Dissenters' Rights

         Under Delaware law, stockholders are not entitled to dissenters' rights
with respect to any of the matters  proposed in this  Information  Statement for
consideration at the Meeting.


                              OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT

         The following table sets forth information,  as at April 30, 2004, with
respect to the shares of Common  Stock  that are  beneficially  owned by (i) any
person  (including any "group," as that term is used in Section  13(d)(3) of the
Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934)  who is  known  to  the  Company  to be the
beneficial owner of more than five percent of the Company's  outstanding  Common
Stock,  (ii) the  executive  officers of the  Company,  (iii) each  director and
nominee to serve as a director of the Company  and (iv) all  executive  officers
and directors of the Company as a group:

                                                    Amount and Nature
                                                    of Beneficial            Percent
  Beneficial Owner                                  Ownership (1)            of Class (2)
  ----------------                                  -------------------      ------------
  Palisade Investors LLC
  1 Bridge Plaza
  Fort Lee, NJ 07024                                1,504,545(3)(4)             28.4%

  Russell Banks
  330 South Ocean Blvd.
  Palm Beach, FL 33480                                980,761(4)(5)             18.5%

  Janice Banks
  330 South Ocean Beach
  Palm Beach, FL  33480                               543,395(6)(5)             10.3%

  Lloyd Frank
  405 Lexington Avenue
  New York, New York  10174                           294,846(7)                 5.6%

  Gordon Banks                                        249,808(3)(4)              4.7%

  Bernard Zimmerman & Company, Inc.
  Bernard Zimmerman
  18 High Meadow Road
  Weston, CT 06883                                      --   (3)(4)             --

  Conrad J. Gunther, Jr.                                --   (3)                --

  Marc J. Hanover                                     194,149(8)                 3.6%
  Directors and executive officers as a
       group (5 persons)                            1,674,718(9)                31.4%
- ---------------------------

(1)  Unless otherwise noted, the beneficial owner has sole voting and investment
     power  with  respect  to the shares  beneficially  owned by the  beneficial

(2)  Asterisk indicates that the percentage is less than one percent.

(3)  See "Proposed  Transaction," below, for information  regarding the proposed
     purchase of additional  shares as to which such person or entity may become
     the beneficial owner upon consummation of the Proposed Transaction.

(4)  See "Proposed Transaction," below, for information regarding a Stockholders
     Agreement entered into among such persons and entities.  As a result, under
     Securities and Exchange Commission rules, each of such persons and entities
     may be deemed to be the  beneficial  owner of all of the  2,984,353  shares
     that are subject to the Stockholders Agreement, with

(Footnotes continued on following page)


     shared  voting  power with  respect to those  shares.  Therefore,  Palisade
     Investors  LLC,  Gordon Banks and Bernard  Zimmerman & Company,  Inc.  (and
     Bernard  Zimmerman)  may be  deemed  the  beneficial  owners  of  2,984,353
     (56.4%),  Russell  Banks may be deemed the  beneficial  owner of  2,995,134
     (56.6%),  and Janice Banks may be deemed the beneficial  owner of 3,227,748
     (61.9%),  shares of the Company's presently  outstanding Common Stock. Each
     person and entity disclaims beneficial ownership of the shares owned by the
     others that may, by virtue of such rules,  be  attributed to such person or

(5)  Includes 761 shares owned by a trust of which Russell Banks is the trustee.
     Excludes  250,000 shares of Common Stock owned by Janice Banks,  Mr. Banks'
     wife,  and 293,395  shares owned by The Russell Banks Family Trust of which
     Janice Banks is co-trustee and shares voting and  dispositive  power, as to
     all of which excluded shares Mr. Banks disclaims beneficial ownership.

(6)  Includes  293,395  shares  owned by The Russell  Bank Family Trust of which
     Janice  Banks  and  Lloyd  Frank  are  co-trustees  and  share  voting  and
     dispositive  power.  Excludes  980,761 shares of Common Stock  beneficially
     owned by Russell Banks, Mrs. Banks' husband,  as to which shares Mrs. Banks
     disclaims beneficial ownership.

(7)  Includes 1,451 shares owned by Mr. Frank's wife and 293,395 shares owned by
     The Russell  Banks  Family  Trust of which Mr.  Frank and Janice  Banks are
     co-trustees and share voting and dispositive power.

(8)  Includes  35,000 shares subject to an option that is presently  exercisable
     in full. Mr.  Hanover has agreed to terminate the option upon  consummation
     of the Proposed Transaction.

(9)  Excludes the shares that are excluded in footnote 4.

                              PROPOSED TRANSACTION

         The  Company  currently  does not engage in any  activities  other than
seeking  potential  opportunities  for an  acquisition,  sale,  merger  or other
business  combination.  As of December 31, 2003, the Company had cash of $14,000
and liabilities of $176,000, including $50,000 owed to each of Mr. Russell Banks
and Palisade Investors LLC ("Palisade"),  principal stockholders of the Company,
and $13,000  advanced to the Company in November 2003 by Mr. Martin L. Berman, a
principal of Palisade, to enable the Company to pay certain expenses. All of the
Company's  liabilities  are  currently  due,  except for the amounts owed to Mr.
Banks and Palisade,  which are due in November 2004.  Thus, the Company does not
currently have sufficient cash to pay all of its liabilities.

         In January 2004, the Company was  approached by Mr. Bernard  Zimmerman,
President  and  principal  shareholder  of Bernard  Zimmerman  &  Company,  Inc.
("Zimmerman  Company"),  who  expressed  his  belief  that  some  privately-held
companies that desire to be public may be interested in acquiring control of the
Company,  through a merger or otherwise,  as a method for themselves  becoming a
publicly-held  company.  Mr.  Zimmerman has advised the Company that he does not
have any prospective  business combination partners under consideration but that
any business  combination  is almost certain to result in a change in control of
the Company and substantial dilution to existing stockholders. Management of the
Company  believes that the experience  and knowledge  that Mr.  Zimmerman has in
advising  private  and public  companies  in  numerous  merger  and  acquisition
negotiations and transactions could afford stockholders a potential  opportunity
to realize value from the Company's status as a public entity.

     Mr.  Zimmerman  expressed a willingness to help the Company  identify,  and
take an active role in seeking value for the Company's  stockholders through, an
acquisition,  sale,  merger or  otherbusiness  combination with a privately-held
company  seeking to operate as a publicly-held  company.  In furtherance of this
objective, Zimmerman Company offered to make an investment in the


Company,  through a purchase of Common  Stock,  in an amount that is expected to
enable the Company to continue,  for a reasonable period of time, its search for
such a merger or other business transaction.

         Mr. Zimmerman's willingness to do so was conditioned upon Russell Banks
and  Palisade  capitalizing  the  Company's  obligations  to them and  Jenkens &
Gilchrist Parker Chapin LLP, the Company's largest creditor,  agreeing to extend
the obligations due it from the Company. Mr. Zimmerman advised management of the
Company that neither he nor  Zimmerman  Company would receive any salary or fees
in  connection  with their  efforts in  finding a merger  partner or  otherwise,
except  for  the  reimbursement  of  their  reasonable   out-of-pocket  business
expenses, unless the directors unanimously authorize compensation or fees.

         Following  discussions,  it was determined  that, in addition to shares
that would be purchased by Zimmerman  Company,  Berman  Industries Inc. ("Berman
Industries"), as the assignee of the right to receive repayment from the Company
for the $13,000  advance  made by Mr.  Berman to the  Company in November  2003,
would  convert that  obligation  into shares of the  Company's  Common Stock and
Gordon Banks,  President and Chief  Executive  Officer of the Company and son of
Russell Banks  (Chairman and a principal  stockholder of the Company) would also
invest $13,000 through the purchase of shares of the Company's Common Stock.

         As a result, on April 29, 2004, Zimmerman Company, Gordon Banks and the
Berman Industries  entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement with the Company (the
"Stock  Purchase  Agreement")  pursuant  to which  Zimmerman  Company  agreed to
purchase  6,300,000  shares of the  Company's  Common Stock for $63,000,  Gordon
Banks  agreed to purchase  1,300,000  shares of the  Company's  Common Stock for
$13,000 and Berman Industries agreed to convert the Company's $13,000 obligation
to it incurred in November 2003 into  1,300,000  shares of the Company's  Common
Stock.  Subject to the closing of the  Proposed  Transaction  and the payment of
$100, Zimmerman Company has granted options to Conrad J. Gunther, Jr., a nominee
to serve as a director subject to, and from the time of, the consummation of the
Proposed Transaction (see "Election of Directors"),  and to Berman Industries to
purchase  300,000 and 1,300,000,  respectively,  of the shares to be acquired by
Zimmerman  Company pursuant to the Stock Purchase  Agreement,  exercisable until
June 30, 2005 at an exercise price of $.01 per share,  the same price to be paid
by Zimmerman Company for such shares.

         As reported by Bloomberg LP Investor Services,  since July 1, 2001, the
market  price of the  Company's  Common  Stock has ranged  from a high of $0.003
(3/10 of one cent) to a low of $0.00013  (13/100 of one cent) per share,  except
for one  reported  trade of 500  shares at $0.05  per  share on March 28,  2003.
Except for that trade,  all other  reported  trades since November 18, 2002 have
been at $0.00013 per share.  The last  reported  trade of the  Company's  Common
Stock prior to the date of the Stock Purchase Agreement was $0.00013 on February
24, 2004. As at March 31, 2004, the Company had a negative book value per share.
Accordingly,  the purchase price to be paid by Zimmerman  Company,  Gordon Banks
and Berman Industries of $.01 per share pursuant to the Stock Purchase Agreement
exceeds  both the market  price  during this period of time and the current book
value per share (which is negative) of the Company's Common Stock.

         Russell  Banks  and  Palisade  have  agreed  to  the  cancellation  and
capitalization   of  the  principal  and  accrued   interest  on  the  Company's
obligations to them  condition upon  completion of the purchase of shares in the
Company by Zimmerman Company, Gordon Banks and Berman Industries.

     Conditioned  upon  completion of the  foregoing,  the law firm of Jenkens &
Gilchrist  Parker  Chapin LLP,  counsel to the Company,  has agreed to defer the
Company's  obligations owed them forlegal  services rendered prior to January 1,
2004  and in  connection  with  the  foregoing  transactions  (an  aggregate  of
approximately $75,000) on a non-interest basis until the earlier of December 31,


the  liquidation  of the  Company  or the  Company's  merger  with,  or  sale of
substantially  all of its assets to, or  another  change in control  transaction
with, another entity that is approved by the Company's Board of Directors (other
than as a result of the Stock Purchase  Agreement),  following which transaction
or series of transactions  the current  stockholders of the Company  immediately
preceding the  effectiveness  of the first of such  transactions do not own more
than 50% of the  outstanding  voting power of the resulting  entity  immediately
following the effectiveness of the last of such transactions.

         Other currently  identified creditors will be paid in the normal course
of business following the purchase of shares by Zimmerman Company,  Gordon Banks
and Berman Industries pursuant to the Stock Purchase Agreement.

         Zimmerman  Company (which will not own any shares until the purchase of
shares pursuant to the Stock Purchase  Agreement),  Russell Banks,  Janice Banks
(wife of Russell  Banks) and Gordon  Banks (the "Banks  Family"),  Palisade  and
Berman  Industries  have  also  entered  into  a  Stockholders   Agreement  (the
"Stockholders  Agreement") pursuant to which they have agreed that all shares of
the  Company's  stock  owned by them at the time  (as  well as any  shares  they
acquire under the Stock Purchase Agreement and shares they may transfer to third
persons, including the shares that Zimmerman Company may transfer to Mr. Gunther
and Berman  Industries  upon their  exercise of the  options  granted to them by
Zimmerman Company) will be voted:

         o        in favor of each matter proposed in this Information Statement
                  to be submitted to stockholders at the Meeting; and

         o        for the election of one director selected by the Banks Family,
                  one director  selected by Palisade and Berman Industries and a
                  number of  directors  that would  constitute a majority of the
                  Board  selected by  Zimmerman  Company.  The Banks  Family has
                  nominated  Gordon Banks and  Zimmerman  Company has  nominated
                  Bernard  Zimmerman and Conrad J. Gunther,  Jr. for election at
                  the Meeting to serve as directors  of the Company  subject to,
                  and following, the closing under Stock Purchase Agreement (see
                  "Election   of   Directors,"   below).   Palisade  and  Berman
                  Industries   have   advised  the  Company  that  they  do  not
                  anticipate nominating a director at the current time.

         The Stockholders Agreement is to terminate on the earliest to occur of:
(i) the termination of the Stock Purchase  Agreement without the purchase of any
Shares  thereunder;  (ii)  December 31, 2006;  or (iii) the  liquidation  of the
Company or the Company's merger with, or sale of substantially all of its assets
to, or another  change in  control  transaction  with,  another  entity  that is
approved by the Board of Directors,  following  which  transaction  or series of
transactions the stockholders of the Company  immediately  prior to the first of
such  transactions do not own more than 50% of the  outstanding  voting power of
the resulting entity at the effective date of the last of such transactions.

         As a  result  of the  issuance  of the  shares  pursuant  to the  Stock
Purchase  Agreement,  the stock ownership of Zimmerman  Company (which presently
does not own any shares of Common Stock), the Banks Family,  Palisade and Berman
Industries would increase from 56.4% of the Company's  outstanding  Common Stock
to 83.7% of the Company's outstanding Common Stock.

         The Company's  Certificate of Incorporation  and By-laws (which are not
proposed for amendment at this Meeting) require the affirmative vote of at least
80% of the  Company's  outstanding  Common  Stock in order  to  alter,  amend or
repeal, or adopt any provision  inconsistent with,  certain provisions  thereof,
including provisions that:

         o        require a classified Board of Directors and establish the size
                  of the Board (at between three and twelve,  as determined from
                  time to time by a majority of the entire  Board of  Directors)
                  and the term of  directors;


         o        provide that  directors may be removed only for cause and then
                  only by the affirmative vote of the holders of at least 80% of
                  the  outstanding  shares  of  capital  stock  of  the  Company
                  entitled to vote in the election of directors;

         o        provide  that no person  shall be eligible  for  election as a
                  director  unless  nominated  by the  Board of  Directors  or a
                  request  that  his or her  name be  placed  in  nomination  is
                  received from a stockholder  of record by the Secretary of the
                  Company  at least 60 days  prior  to the  date  fixed  for the
                  applicable  stockholders'  meeting,  together  with a  written
                  consent of such person to serve as a director;

         o        provide that any action required or permitted to be taken at a
                  meeting  of  stockholders  may be  taken  by  written  consent
                  without a meeting only by at least 80% of the stockholders;

         o        require  that notice of meetings of the Board of  Directors be
                  given not less than 48 hours  before  such  meeting by mail or
                  the calendar day  preceding  such meeting if given by personal
                  delivery; and

         o        require that a "Business Combination," as defined, that is not
                  approved by the Company's  Board of Directors,  be approved by
                  the  affirmative  vote  of not  less  than  80%  of the  votes
                  entitled  to be cast by the  holders  of all then  outstanding
                  shares of voting stock of the Company.  Among other things,  a
                  business   combination  includes  a  reclassification  of  the
                  Company's securities  (including a reverse split) that has the
                  effect of increasing the  proportionate  share of any class of
                  capital   stock   that  is   beneficially   owned  by  certain
                  "Interested  Stockholders,"  as defined,  and their affiliates
                  and  associates.  Neither  the  Proposed  Transaction  nor the
                  reverse split described under the caption "Proposed  Amendment
                  to the  Company's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to Effect a
                  Reverse  Split of the  Company's  Common  Stock"  below,  will
                  require  such  approval as each of which has been  approved by
                  the Company's Board of Directors.

         These   provisions  are  generally   considered  to  be   anti-takeover
provisions that may deter the acquisition of control of the Company.

         The following table sets forth the shares of the Company's Common Stock
that the parties to the Stockholders  Agreement are presently,  and after giving
effect to the Proposed  Transaction will be, entitled to vote and the percentage
of outstanding shares represented by those shares:

                                       Before Proposed Transaction                  After Proposed Transaction
                                   ------------------------------------            ----------------------------
                                   Number                  Percent                   Number         Percent
                                   of Shares               of Class (1)            of Shares        of Class(1)
                                   ---------               ------------            ---------        -----------
Banks Family                       1,479,808 (2)             27.9% (2)              2,779,808 (2)   19.6% (2)
Palisade and Berman Industries     1,504,545                 28.4%                  2,804,545 (3)   19.8% (3)
                                   ---------               -------                  -------------   ---------
                                   2,984,353                 56.4%                  5,584,353        39.4%
Zimmerman Company                         --                                        6,300,000 (3)    44.4% (3)
                                                                                    -------------    ---------
                                                                                    1,884,353        83.7%
All other stockholders             2,310,163                 43.6%                  2,310,163        16.3%
                                   ---------               -------                  ---------        -----
Total outstanding shares           5,294,516               100.0%                  14,194,516       100.0%

- -------------------

(1)      Percentages may not add due to rounding differences.

(Footnotes continued on following page)


(2)      Includes 980,000 shares owned by Russell Banks, 250,000 shares owned by
         Janice  Banks and 249,808  shares owned by Gordon  Banks.  Excludes 761
         shares as to which  Russell  Banks is trustee (and is entitled to vote)
         and 293,395  shares held by The Russell  Banks Family Trust as to which
         Janice Banks and Lloyd Frank are the  trustees and share voting  power,
         which  shares are not subject to the  Stockholders  Agreement.  If such
         shares were subject to the  Stockholders  Agreement and included in the
         foregoing table as owned by the Banks Family, the Banks Family would be
         deemed the owner of an  aggregate of  1,773,964  (33.5%) and  3,073,964
         (21.7%) of the Company's  outstanding shares of Common Stock before and
         after, respectively, the Proposed Transaction.

(3)      Subject to the closing of the Proposed  Transaction  and the payment of
         $100,  Zimmerman Company has granted options to Conrad J. Gunther,  Jr.
         and Berman Industries to purchase 300,000 and 1,300,000,  respectively,
         of the shares to be acquired by Zimmerman Company pursuant to the Stock
         Purchase  Agreement,  exercisable  until June 30,  2005 at an  exercise
         price of $.01 per share, the same price to be paid by Zimmerman Company
         for such shares.  Assuming the exercise of the option immediately after
         the Proposed  Transaction,  Palisade and Berman Industries would own an
         aggregate of 4,104,545  shares  (26.9%),  Mr. Gunther would own 300,000
         shares (2.1%) and Zimmerman  Company would own 4,700,000 shares (33.1%)
         of the Company's then outstanding Common Stock.

         As owners  of more than 80% of the  Company's  Common  Stock  following
consummation of the Proposed  Transaction,  the Banks Family,  Palisade,  Berman
Industries  and  Zimmerman  Company,  would  be able  to  approve  any  Business
Combination  and would be able to alter,  amend or repeal or adopt any provision
inconsistent  with the  provisions  of the  Company's  Restated  Certificate  of
Incorporation  and By-laws  described  above without  first seeking  approval of
other  stockholders.   It  is  currently   anticipated  a  separate  meeting  of
stockholders  will be held or action taken by written  consent of the holders of
80% of the  Company's  Common Stock  without a meeting (but with an  information
statement) to terminate all or some of these provisions.

                                   PROPOSAL 1

                             $.10 TO $.01 PER SHARE

         The Certificate of  Incorporation  of the Company provides that the par
value of the  Company's  Common  Stock  is $0.10  per  share.  Under  applicable
provisions of the Delaware  General  Corporation Law, shares of stock with a par
value may be issued only for consideration  having a value of not less than such
par value. The Company's  Common Stock has traded only  sporadically for several
years,  with no reported  purchase  price in excess of $0.003 (3/10 of one cent)
per share  since  July 1, 2001  except for one  reported  trade of 500 shares at
$0.05  per  share  on March  28,  2003.  Accordingly,  it is  unlikely  that any
prospective  purchaser of the Company's Common Stock would be willing to provide
consideration of at least $0.10 per share.

         In this regard,  the Stock  Purchase  Agreement  provides for Zimmerman
Company,  Gordon  Banks and  Berman  Industries  to  purchase  an  aggregate  of
8,900,000  shares of the Company's Common Stock for a consideration of $0.01 per
share,  which is less than the $.10 par value per shareof the  Company's  Common
Stock (but more than the last reported (by Bloomberg LP Investor  Services trade
price of the Company's Common Stock of $0.00013 per share on February 27, 2004).
Accordingly, a reduction in the par value of the Company's Common Stock to $0.01
per share or less is required in order to consummate  the Proposed  Transaction,
which can not be accomplished


without an amendment to the Company's Certificate of Incorporation to reduce the
current $.10 par value of the Company's Common Stock to $0.01 per share or less.

         "Par Value" is a dollar value assigned to shares of stock, which is the
minimum  amount for which each share may be sold.  Historically,  the concept of
par value and the stated  capital of a company  were to  protect  creditors  and
senior  security  holders by ensuring  that a company  received at least the par
value as  consideration  for issuance of its shares.  Over time,  these concepts
have lost their  significance  for the most part. In fact,  Delaware (as well as
most  states)  permits  the  issuance  of  shares  without  par  value  and most
newly-formed companies have no par value or a minimal par value shares. Reducing
the par value of the Common Stock is not related to and should have no effect on
the market price of the Company's Common Stock.

         The  Board  also  believes  that  the  reduction  in par  value  of the
Company's Common Stock will also provide it with greater  flexibility in setting
the  consideration  that may be received  for shares of Common  Stock  issued in
other   transactions,   including  mergers,   acquisitions  and  other  business
combinations,  stock  issuances and issuances of securities  exercisable  for or
convertible into shares of Common Stock.

         Accordingly,  the Board of Directors  unanimously  adopted a resolution
proposing,  declaring  advisable  and  recommending,  regardless  of whether the
Proposed Transaction is consummated, that stockholders authorize an amendment to
the  Company's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to  reduce  the par value of the
Company's  Common  Stock  from $.10 per share to $.01 per  share.  The  proposed
amendment is reflected in Annex A to this Information Statement.

                                   PROPOSAL 2


         The  Company's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  permits  the  Board  of
Directors,  without further  stockholder  action, to issue up to an aggregate of
1,000,000 shares of Preferred  Stock,  without par value, in one or more series.
Thus,  the  Board of  Directors  has the  ability  to issue  some or all of such
shares,  designate  the  series  being  issued,  and  fix  the  relative  rights
(including  voting  rights),  preferences  (including  as to  dividends  and  in
liquidation)  and privileges  (including  rights to convert such Preferred Stock
into Common Stock or other securities of the Company, and rights with respect to
the redemption of such Preferred Stock, whether mandatory,  at the option of the
Company  or at the  option  of the  holder  thereof)  of each new  series of the
Preferred Stock, all without stockholder approval.

         The Company  has never  issued any  Preferred  Stock and has no present
plans to do so.

         The Company is proposing to amend its Certificate of  Incorporation  to
establish a par value of $0.01 for the Company's 1,000,000  authorized shares of
Preferred Stock.

         The primary reason for this action is to effect a savings in the amount
of  franchise  tax that the Company must pay each year to the State of Delaware.
The Company pays  franchise  tax in Delaware  based,  in part,  on the number of
shares of common stock and  preferred  stock that the Company is  authorized  to
issue under its Restated Certificate of Incorporation and, in the case of shares
having a par value,  either the par value  thereof or an assumed  value  thereof
pursuant to a formula under Delaware law. Because the Preferred Stock is without
par value,  the  Company's  2003  Delaware  franchise  taxes  applicable  to its
1,000,000 shares of Preferred Stock,  was  approximately  $3,150 (and would have
been approximately $6,300 had the Company been active). Establishing a


par value of $.01 per share for the  Company's  Preferred  Stock will reduce the
franchise tax applicable to the Preferred Stock to approximately $250.

         Accordingly,   the  Board  of  Directors  has  unanimously   adopted  a
resolution  proposing,  declaring  advisable  and  recommending,  regardless  of
whether the Proposed Transaction is consummated,  that stockholders authorize an
amendment to the Company's Certificate of Incorporation to establish a par value
of $.01 per share for the Company's  Preferred Stock. The proposed  amendment is
reflected in Annex A to this Information Statement.

                                PROPOSAL 3 AND 4

                          TO EFFECT A REVERSE SPLIT OF
                           THE COMPANY'S COMMON STOCK


         The Company's  Board of Directors has unanimously  adopted  resolutions
proposing,  declaring  advisable and recommending  that  stockholders  authorize
alternative Amendments to the Company's Certificate of Incorporation to effect a
stock  combination,  commonly known as a reverse stock split (the "Reverse Stock
Split) of the Company's  outstanding  shares of Common Stock in which either two
or three shares of existing  outstanding  Common Stock ("Old  Shares")  would be
exchanged for one share of new Common Stock ("New Shares"),  with any fractional
shares that would  otherwise be issuable being round up to the next whole share.
The number of Old Shares for which each New Share is to be exchanged is referred
to as the "Exchange Ratio."

         The proposed  Amendments,  which are identical  except for the Exchange
Ratio,  will be voted upon separately by stockholders.  Stockholders may vote to
authorize  one,  both or  neither  of the  Proposed  Amendments.  If both of the
proposed  Amendments  are  authorized by  stockholders,  the Company's  Board of
Directors  may effect a Reverse  Split using either of the two  Exchange  Ratios
included  in the  proposed  Amendments,  in  which  case  the  Board  would,  in
accordance with Section 242(c) of the Delaware General  Corporation Law, abandon
the other authorized  Amendment without further action by stockholders.  If only
one of the  Amendments is authorized  by  stockholders,  the Board may implement
only the Reverse Split and Exchange Ratio embodied in that Amendment.  The Board
of Directors has  recommended  that both of the  Amendments  being  presented to
stockholders be authorized.

         If  one  or  both  of  the  Proposed   Amendments   are  authorized  by
stockholders,  the Board of  Directors  will  have  authority,  without  further
stockholder  approval,  to file an Amendment  to the  Company's  Certificate  of
Incorporation (the "Reverse Split Amendment") with the Secretary of State of the
State of Delaware to  effectuate  the Reverse  Split  authorized by the selected
Amendment and to determine,  in its judgment,  the exact timing of the effective
date and time of the Reverse  Split at any time prior to the earlier of the next
annual meeting of  stockholders  and one year after the Meeting (the  "Effective

         The text of the proposed  one-for-two and  one-for-three  Reverse Split
Amendments (subject to inserting the effective date of the Reverse Split) is set
forth in Annexes B-1 and B-2, respectively, to this Information Statement.

         The Board of Directors reserves the right,  notwithstanding stockholder
authorization,  and without further action by stockholders,  to abandon or delay
the  Reverse  Split,  if at any  time  prior  to the  filing  of the  authorized
Amendment  with the Delaware  Secretary  of State,  it  determines,  in its


sole  discretion,  that the Reverse Split would not be in the best  interests of
the Company and its stockholders.

         The Reverse Split,  if effectuated,  will not change the  proportionate
equity  interests  of  the  Company's  stockholders,  nor  will  the  respective
proportionate voting rights and other rights of stockholders be altered,  except
for possible  immaterial changes due to the adjustment of fractional shares. The
Common  Stock issued  pursuant to the Reverse  Split would remain fully paid and
non-assessable.  The  Company  would  continue  to be  subject  to the  periodic
reporting  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934  notwithstanding
the Reverse Split.

         However,  since there will be no change in the number of the  Company's
authorized  shares of Common Stock by virtue of the Reverse Split and the number
of  outstanding  shares will be reduced,  the Company will be able to issue more
shares of Common Stock than it would be able to absent the Reverse Split.

Purposes of the Reverse Split

         The purpose of the Reverse Split is to create a capital  structure that
would be more attractive to those who may be interested in business combinations
with the Company.

Procedure for Effecting Reverse Split and Exchange of Stock Certificates

         Following  authorization  of  either  or  both  of  the  Reverse  Split
Amendments by the Company's  stockholders,  and if the Board of Directors  still
believes  that a  Reverse  Split in one of the  Exchange  Ratios  authorized  by
stockholders is in the best interests of the Company and its  stockholders,  the
Company  will  file a  Reverse  Split  Amendment  embodying  an  Exchange  Ratio
authorized by  stockholders,  as well as the appropriate  Effective Time for the
Reverse Split,  with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware.  Beginning
at the Effective  Time, the Old Shares of Common Stock will be exchanged for New
Shares of Common  Stock in the  Exchange  Ratio set forth in the  Reverse  Split
Amendment.  Each  certificate  representing  Old  Shares  will be deemed for all
corporate purposes to evidence ownership of New Shares.

         As soon as practicable  after the Effective Date,  stockholders will be
notified  that the Reverse  Split has been  effected  and of the exact  Exchange
Ratio. It is anticipated that the Company's  transfer agent will act as exchange
agent (the "Exchange  Agent") for purposes of implementing the exchange of stock
certificates.  Holders of Old  Shares  will be then  asked to  surrender  to the
Exchange Agent certificates representing Old Shares in exchange for certificates
representing  New Shares in accordance  with the procedures to be set forth in a
letter of transmittal  to be sent by the Company.  No new  certificates  will be
issued to a stockholder until the stockholder has surrendered such stockholder's
outstanding  certificate(s)  together  with the properly  completed and executed
letter of transmittal  to the Exchange  Agent.  STOCKHOLDERS  SHOULD NOT DESTROY

Fractional Shares

         No  fractional  share of  Common  Stock  or cash in lieu of  fractional
Common  Stock  will be  issued or paid in  connection  with the  Reverse  Split.
Instead, stockholders who would otherwise be entitled to receive a fraction of a
share  will be  entitled  to  receive a whole  share in lieu of such  fractional


Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Reverse Split

         The  following  is a summary of  certain  material  federal  income tax
consequences of the Reverse Split, and does not purport to be complete.  It does
not discuss any state,  local,  foreign or minimum income or other U.S.  federal
tax consequences. Also, it does not address the tax consequences to holders that
are subject to special tax rules, such as banks, insurance companies,  regulated
investment companies, personal holding companies, foreign entities,  nonresident
alien  individuals,  broker-dealers and tax-exempt  entities.  The discussion is
based on the  provisions of the United States  federal  income tax law as of the
date hereof,  which is subject to change retroactively as well as prospectively.
This summary also assumes that the Old Shares were,  and the New Shares will be,
held as a "capital  asset," as defined in the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended  (generally,  property  held for  investment).  The tax  treatment  of a
stockholder may vary depending upon the particular  facts and  circumstances  of
such stockholder.  Each stockholder  should consult with his, her or its own tax
advisor with respect to the consequences of the Reverse Split.

         No gain or loss should be recognized  by a  stockholder  of the Company
upon the  exchange of Old Shares for New Shares  pursuant to the Reverse  Split.
However,  to the  extent  that a  stockholder  would  have  been  entitled  to a
fractional  share and receives a whole share in lieu of such  fractional  share,
the excess of the fair market value of the whole share over the fractional share
to which the stockholder would have otherwise been entitled in the Reverse Split
(the "Dividend Fraction Value") will be treated as a taxable dividend.

         The aggregate tax basis of the New Shares received in the Reverse Split
will be the same as the  stockholder's  aggregate  tax  basis in the Old  Shares
exchanged  therefor  increased by the Dividend Fraction Value. The stockholder's
holding  period for the New Shares  will  include  the period  during  which the
stockholder  held the Old Shares  surrendered in the Reverse Split,  except that
the holding  period for the  fraction  of a share  issued to round up to nearest
whole share will commence at the Effective Time.

                                   PROPOSAL 5

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         The Company's Certificate of Incorporation and By-laws provide that the
Board of Directors  shall be divided into three classes,  designated as Class I,
Class II and Class III.  These  classes are  required  to be as nearly  equal in
number as the then total  number of directors  constituting  the entire Board of
Directors permits.  The Board currently consists of two directors,  comprised of
one Class I director  (Gordon Banks) and one Class II director  (Russell Banks).
Each of these  individuals has served as a director since 1987. John J. Hoey and
Cornelius J. Reid,  Jr.,  formerly  Class III directors  resigned  following the
Board's authorization of the Proposed Transaction (which they approved). Russell
Banks has agreed to resign as director  contemporaneously  with the consummation
of the Proposed Transaction.

         Under  the  Stockholders   Agreement,   Zimmerman  Company  and  Berman
Industries  (which presently do not own any shares of the Company's Common Stock
and, therefore,  will not be entitled to vote at the Meeting),  the Banks Family
and Palisade have agreed to vote their shares for one director designated by the
Banks Family and one director designated by Palisade and Berman Industries,  and
a sufficient  number of  directors to  constitute a majority of the entire Board
designated by Zimmerman Company, all directors to serve in classes designated by
Zimmerman Company.  Palisade currently has the right to designate two directors,
which right it has not exercised to date and will terminate  upon  completion of
the Proposed  Transaction and, in lieu thereof,  Palisade and Berman  Industries
will  have the right to  nominate  one  director  pursuant  to the  Stockholders
Agreement.  Palisade and Berman Industries have advised the Company that they do
not  anticipate


nominating a director at the current time. The Banks Family has nominated Gordon
Banks to serve as a Class I director and Zimmerman  Company has nominated Conrad
J.  Gunther,  Jr. and Bernard  Zimmerman for election at the Meeting to serve as
Class  II and  Class  III  directors,  respectively,  upon  consummation  of the
Proposed Transaction.

         Therefore,  stockholders  will be asked at the Meeting to elect  Gordon
Banks as a Class I director,  Conrad J. Gunther,  Jr. as a Class II director and
Bernard  Zimmerman  as a Class  III  director  to  serve  from  the  time of the
consummation  of the Proposed  Transaction  until the 2004, 2005 and 2006 Annual
Meetings of Stockholders,  respectively,  and until their respective  successors
are elected and qualified.

Background of Nominees

         Gordon  Banks,  48, has served as President  of the Company  since June
1988,  after serving as Vice President of the Company from its inception in 1987
until  June  1988.  Mr.  Banks was  designated  Chief  Executive  Officer by the
Company's Board of Directors in September  2003.  Since November 1988, Mr. Banks
has been  co-director  of Enviro  Stables Ltd., a company  engaged in acquiring,
breeding, racing and sale of horses.

         Conrad J.  Gunther,  Jr., 57, has been  President  of  E-Billsolutions,
Inc., an independent sales  organization that assists merchants in arranging the
processing of their credit card transactions,  since 2000. From 1994 until 2000,
Mr.  Gunther  served as  President  of C J Gunther &  Associates,  a provider of
financial  and  management  consulting  services,  and Managing  Director of The
Allied Group,  an insurance  brokerage  firm.  From 1989 until 1994 Mr.  Gunther
served as Executive  Vice  President and Chief  Operating  Officer of North Fork
Bancorporation, a bank holding company.

         Bernard  Zimmerman,  71, has been  President  and  Treasurer of Bernard
Zimmerman & Company,  Inc., a financial and management  consulting  firm,  since
1972.  Since July 2003,  Mr.  Zimmerman  has also served as President  and Chief
Executive  Officer and a director of FCCC,  Inc.,  a company  engaged in seeking
mergers,  acquisitions,  other business combinations and financial transactions.
Mr.  Zimmerman  also serves as a director  and member of the Audit  Committee of
Sbarro, Inc. and a trustee of the Institute for Cancer and Molecular Medicine at
Temple  University.  Mr. Zimmerman has been a certified public accountant in New
York for more than the past thirty-five years.

Background of Non-Continuing Director

         Russell Banks, 84, served as the Company's Chief Executive Officer from
its inception in 1987 until September  2003,  first as President until June 1988
and thereafter as Chairman of the Board of Directors. Mr. Banks has been retired
since  September  2003.  From 1961 until it was  acquired by  Imperial  Chemical
Industries PLC in June 1995, Mr. Banks was President,  Chief  Executive  Officer
and a director of Grow Group, Inc. (a manufacturer of specialty chemicals).

Executive Officers

         The Company's only current executive officers are Gordon Banks and Marc
J. Hanover.  Mr. Banks'  background is discussed  above.  Mr.  Hanover,  53, has
served  as  Vice  President-Finance,  Chief  Financial  Officer,  Secretary  and
Treasurer of the Company since its  inception.  Since November 1988, Mr. Hanover
has been  co-director  of Enviro  Stables Ltd., a company  engaged in acquiring,
breeding, racing and sale of horses.

         The Company's  officers  devote minimal time to the Company's  affairs.
The Company's officers serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.


         It is expected that following  completion of the Proposed  Transaction,
Mr.  Zimmerman  will replace  each of Russell  Banks as Chairman of the Board of
Directors,  Gordon Banks as President and Chief Executive  Officer,  and Marc J.
Hanover as Chief  Financial  Officer and Treasurer of the Company,  and that Mr.
Hanover will remain as Secretary of the Company. Mr. Zimmerman expects to devote
such time and attention as may be reasonably  required to the Company's  efforts
in seeking a business combination.

Family Relationships

         Gordon L. Banks is the son of  Russell  Banks.  Marc J.  Hanover is the
nephew of Russell  Banks'  wife.  None of the other  directors  or officers  are

Committees of the Board

         The  Board  of  Directors  has  no  standing  Audit,   Compensation  or
Nominating Committee or committee performing similar functions.  The Company has
no  operations  and only limited  resources  and,  even  following  the Proposed
Transaction,  would still have only  limited  resources.  The Board of Directors
believes that the costs of  establishing  such  committees,  including the funds
that would be needed to recruit  and retain  independent  directors  to serve on
such   committees  and  document  the  committees'   policies,   procedures  and
activities,  including  seeking  the help of counsel  therefor,  would be better
spent on complying with requisite  disclosure  rules and seeking an acquisition,
sale, merger or other business combination opportunity for the Company.  Messrs.
John J. Hoey and Cornelius J. Reid,  Jr., who resigned as directors on April 10,
2004,  were  independent  directors  of the  Company,  as  defined  in  Nasdaq's
corporate  governance  rules.  Messrs.  Russell  Banks  and  Gordon  Banks,  who
comprised  the  remaining  directors of the Company and are  presently  the sole
directors of the Company, are not deemed independent under those rules.

Meetings of the Board of Directors

         During the  Company's  fiscal  year ended June 30,  2003,  its Board of
Directors held one meetings. Each director attended at least 75% of the meetings
of the Board of Directors held during that fiscal year.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Executive Compensation

         No executive  officer  received any cash  compensation  during the past
three fiscal years.

Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year

         No  options  to  purchase  shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock were
granted by the Company to any executive officer during fiscal 2003.

Aggregated  Option  Exercises  in Last  Fiscal  Year and Fiscal  Year End Option

         No  options  to  purchase  shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock were
exercised by any  executive  officer  during fiscal 2003.  The only  outstanding
unexercised  options held at June 30, 2003 by the Company's  executive  officers
were options to purchase  10,000 and 25,000  shares of Common Stock held by Marc
J. Hanover,  Vice  President-Finance,  Chief  Financial  Officer,  Secretary and
Treasurer  of the  Company,  that  are  exercisable  in full at any  time  until
September 2005 and September 2008, respectively, at exercise prices of $0.22 and
$0.10 per share, respectively. Mr. Hanover has agreed that the option, which was
out-of-the-money (its exercise price exceeding the


market value of the Company's Common Stock),  be cancelled upon  consummation of
the Proposed Transaction.

Standard Remuneration of Directors

         Directors have not received compensation for services as a director for
more than the past three years.

Related Party Transactions

         On or about  March 15, 2002 and June 15,  2003,  Russell  Banks  loaned
$8,000  and  $42,000,  respectively,  to the  Company  and,  on or about each of
September 15, 2002 and April 15, 2003,  Palisade  loaned $25,000 to the Company.
Each loan bears interest at 6% per annum.  The loans ($100,000 in the aggregate)
were used to fund  expenses of the  Company.  The loans were  originally  due on
October 30, 2003 and have been  extended to November  30,  2004.  Mr.  Banks and
Palisade have agreed to the cancellation and capitalization of the principal and
accrued  interest on these loans  conditioned  upon  completion  of the Proposed

         In addition, in November 2003, Mr. Martin L. Berman advanced $13,000 to
the Company to enable the Company to pay certain other expenses.  The obligation
bears  interest at the rate of 6% per annum and is payable on November 30, 2004.
Mr. Berman has assigned this obligation to Berman Industries which has agreed to
convert this advance (and to waive the accrued interest  thereon) into 1,300,000
shares of Common Stock conditioned upon completion of the Proposed Transaction.


Independent Public Accountants

         On  December 9, 2003,  Ernst & Young LLP ("Ernst & Young")  resigned as
the Company's independent public accountants.  No replacement independent public
accounting firm has been selected to date.

         Ernst & Young's  report on the financial  statements of the Company for
each of the fiscal  years  ended June 30, 2002 and June 30, 2003 did not contain
any  adverse  opinion  or  disclaimer  of  opinion  and was not  modified  as to
uncertainty, audit scope or accounting principles, except that its report on the
Company's financial statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003 contained
a "going concern" qualification.

         During those fiscal years and the subsequent  interim period thereafter
through the date of termination of Ernst & Young's engagement:

         o There  were no  disagreements  with  Ernst &  Young,  whether  or not
resolved,  on any  matter  of  accounting  principles  or  practices,  financial
statement disclosure, or auditing scope or procedure,  which, if not resolved to
the  satisfaction  of Ernst & Young,  would  have  caused  Ernst & Young to make
reference  to the subject  matter of the  disagreement  in  connection  with its
report on the Company's consolidated financial statements for such years; and

         o There was no  "reportable  event,"  as that term is  defined  in Item
304(a)(1)(v) of Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation S-B, and there was
no  disagreement  or  difference  of opinion  with Ernst & Young  regarding  any
"reportable event".

         The  Company  provided  Ernst  &  Young  with a copy  of the  foregoing
statements  and  requested  that Ernst & Young furnish the Company with a letter
addressed to the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  stating  whether Ernst &
Young agreed with the statements made by the


Company.  By letter  dated  December  12, 2003 to the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission,  Ernst & Young advised that it was in agreement  with the statements
contained above.

         During those fiscal years and the subsequent  interim period thereafter
through  the date of  termination  of Ernst & Young's  engagement,  neither  the
Company nor anyone on behalf of the Company  consulted  any  independent  public
accounting firm (other than Ernst & Young)  regarding  either the application of
accounting principles to a specified completed or contemplated  transaction,  or
the type of audit opinion that might be rendered on the financial  statements of
the  Company or any matter  that was either  the  subject of a  disagreement  or
event, within the meaning of Item 304(a)(1)(iv) of Regulation S-B.

Principal Accountant Fees and Services

         The only fees incurred by the Company to Ernst & Young for professional
services  rendered  for the fiscal  years  ended June 30, 2002 and June 28, 2003
were $6,600 and $8,000,  respectively,  for professional  services  rendered for
Ernst & Young's audit of the Company's annual consolidated  financial statements
and review of the Company's interim  consolidated  financial statements included
in quarterly reports.

         In  connection  with the standards  for  independence  of the Company's
independent  public  accountants  promulgated by the SEC, the Company's Board of
Directors  considered  whether  the  services  provided  by  Ernst &  Young  was
compatible with maintaining the independence of Ernst & Young.

Policy  on Audit  Committee  Pre-Approval  of Audit  and  Permissible  Non-Audit
Services of Independent Auditors

         The  Board of  Directors  present  policy is to  pre-approve  all audit
services  and  permissible   non-audit  services  provided  by  the  independent
auditors.  In fiscal 2002 and 2003, the Company's  auditors performed only audit
services at a  pre-agreed  upon fee. In the  future,  services by the  Company's
independent auditors could include audit services,  audit-related  services, tax
services  and other  services.  It is  expected  that  pre-approval  will be for
periods up to one year for  services  and be set forth in an  engagement  letter
approved by the Board of Directors that is detailed as to the particular service
or category of services  to be provided  and subject to a specific  budget.  The
independent  auditors  and  management  are  required  to report to the Board of
Directors regarding the extent of services provided by the independent  auditors
in  accordance  with  this  pre-approval  procedures  and as to the fees for the
services performed to date.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

         Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange Act requires the  Company's
executive officers and directors, and persons who beneficially own more than 10%
of the Company's Common Stock, to file initial reports of ownership, and reports
of changes of ownership,  of the Company's equity securities with the Securities
and  Exchange  Commission  and furnish  copies of those  reports to the Company.
Based  solely on written  representations  that no  reports  were  required  and
information  available to the Company  regarding the record ownership of shares,
the Company  believes  that no reports were required to be filed by such persons
with respect to the Company's fiscal year ended June 30, 2003.

Stockholder Proposals

         For Inclusion in a Company Proxy Statement

         From time to time  stockholders may present proposals for consideration
at a meeting of  stockholders  which may be proper subjects for inclusion in the
Company's   proxy  statement  and  form


of proxy relating to that meeting.  Stockholder proposal, other than nominations
for directors, intended to be included in the Company's proxy statement and form
of proxy  (should the Company  determine  to solicit  proxies for such  meeting)
relating to the Company's Annual Meeting of Stockholders, presently scheduled to
be held on or about November 30, 2004, must be received by the Company by August
2, 2004.

         Director Nominations

         Under the Company's Certificate of Incorporation, no person is eligible
for election as a director unless (a) nominated by the Board of Directors or (b)
a written  request that his or her name be placed in nomination is received from
a  stockholder  of record by the  Secretary of the Company not less than 60 days
prior to the date fixed for the meeting,  together  with the written  consent of
such person to serve as a director.

         Stockholders  who wish to  recommend  a candidate  for  election to the
Board of Directors on the Board's  proposed  slate of Directors  may submit such
recommendation  to the Secretary or President of the Company for  transmittal to
the Board of  Directors.  Any  recommendation  must  include  the name,  contact
information,  background,  experience  and other  pertinent  information  on the
proposed  candidate and must be received by October 2, 2004 for consideration by
the Board.

         Although  the Board is willing to consider  candidates  recommended  by
stockholders,   it  has  not  adopted  a  formal   policy  with  regard  to  the
consideration  of  any  director  candidates  recommended  by  stockholders.  In
identifying and evaluating  nominees for director,  the Board will consider each
candidate's  qualities,  experience,  background  and  skills,  as well as other
factors, which the candidate may bring to the Board of Directors.

         Each member of the Board of  Directors of the Company  participates  in
the  consideration of director  nominees.  The Company does not believe that, in
light of its inactive  status and lack of resources  currently  available to it,
that having a separate  nominating  committee would provide added benefit to the

         Other Proposals to be Presented at the Meeting

         As to any other  proposals  intended to be presented  by a  stockholder
without  inclusion in the  Company's  proxy  statement and form of proxy for the
Company's  next Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  (should  the Company  elect to
submit  proxies),  the  proxies  named in the  Company's  form of proxy for that
meeting will be entitled to exercise  discretionary  authority on that  proposal
unless the Company  receives notice of the matter on or before October 16, 2004.
However,  even if such notice is timely received,  such proxies may nevertheless
be  entitled to exercise  discretionary  authority  on that matter to the extent
permitted by Securities and Exchange Commission regulations.

         Any of the  foregoing  proposals,  as  well as any  questions  relating
thereto, should be directed to the President or Secretary of the Company, at the
Company's  principal  executive  offices,  presently  located  at 200 East  66th
Street, Suite B603, New York, New York 10021-9181.

Communication with Directors

         Stockholders or other interested parties may communicate  directly with
the Board of  Directors  by mail  addressed  to the Board of Directors or to the
attention of a specific member of the Board of Directors. Any such communication
should be addressed to Marc J. Hanover,  Secretary of the Company, 200 East 66th
Street, Suite B603, New York, New York 10021-4181, if sent prior to consummation
of the Proposed  Transaction or to the attention of Bernard  Zimmerman,  18 High
Meadow Road, Weston,  Connecticut  06883, if sent following  consummation of the
Proposed Transaction. Consummation of the Proposed Transaction will be reflected
in a Current Report on


Form 8-K filed by the Company with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission
(the "SEC"),  a copy of which may be obtained  from the SEC's  Public  Reference
Room,  450 Fifth  Street,  NW,  Washington,  DC 20549 upon payment of prescribed
fees, and also may be reviewed on the SEC's website:  If the
communication is addressed to the entire Board,  copies thereof will be made and
forwarded to each member of the Board. If such  communication  is addressed to a
specific  member  of the  Board it will  not be  opened  and  will be  forwarded
directly to that member of the Board.

         This process has been  approved by John H. Hoey and  Cornelius J. Reid,
Jr., who were, at the time of the Company's adoption of this policy, independent
directors, within the meaning of the standards for independence of board members
established  by  (although  the  Company  is not  listed  on) the New York Stock
Exchange.  Messrs. Hoey and Reid resigned following the Board's authorization of
the  Proposed  Transaction  and the  adoption of this policy (both of which were
approved by them).

Director Attendance at Stockholders Meetings

         The Company  expects members of the Board of Directors to attend Annual
Meetings of  Stockholders.  All members of the Board of  Directors  attended the
Company's last Annual Meeting of Stockholders, held on December 6, 2000.

Additional Information

         The cost of solicitation of this Information  Statement,  including the
cost of reimbursing banks and brokers for forwarding this Information  Statement
to their principals, will be borne by the Company.

Annual Report

         A copy of the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form  10-KSB for the fiscal
year ended June 30, 2003 and Quarterly Report on Form 10-QSB for the nine months
ended  March 31,  2004,  each of which has been  filed with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission,  is attached hereto,  but neither are incorporated in, and
are not deemed a part of, this Information Statement. A copy of those reports is
also  available,  without charge,  to  stockholders  upon request that should be
addressed to Marc J.  Hanover,  Secretary of the Company,  200 East 66th Street,
Suite B603, New York, New York  10021-9181  until  consummation  of the Proposed
Transaction and,  thereafter,  to Bernard Zimmerman,  President,  18 High Meadow
Road, Weston, Connecticut 06883.

Other Matters

         The Board of Directors  does not intend to bring before the Meeting any
matters other than those  specifically  described  above and knows of no matters
other than the foregoing to come before the Meeting.

                                        By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                                  Marc J. Hanover,

Dated:  May 25, 2004


                                     Annex A

  Proposed Amendment to the first paragraph of Article FOURTH of the Company's
                     Restated Certificate of Incorporation.

   Words in brackets are to be deleted; words in bold are to be substituted.

         FOURTH: The total number of shares which the Corporation shall
         have authority to issue is Fifty One Million (51,000,000),  of
         which Fifty Million  (50,000,000) shall be Common Stock with a
         par value of [Ten  Cents  ($.10) ] One Cent  ($.01) per share;
         and One Million  (1,000,000) shall be Preferred Stock [without
         par value ] with a par value of One Cent ($.01) per share.


                                    Annex B-1

         Article FOURTH of the Company's  Restated  Certificate of Incorporation
is to be amended to add the following to the end thereof:

         "Effective 12:01 a.m. on , 20 (the "Effective Date"), each two
         (2)  shares of Common  Stock of the  Corporation  then  issued
         shall be automatically combined into one share of Common Stock
         of  the  Corporation.  There  shall  be no  fractional  shares
         issued.  In lieu thereof,  holders of record thereof who would
         otherwise be entitled to receive a fraction of a share will be
         entitled to receive a whole  share in lieu of such  fractional

                                    Annex B-2

         Article FOURTH of the Company's  Restated  Certificate of Incorporation
is to be amended to add the following to the end thereof:

         "Effective  12:01 a.m. on , 20 (the  "Effective  Date"),  each
         three  (3)  shares  of Common  Stock of the  Corporation  then
         issued  shall be  automatically  combined  into  one  share of
         Common Stock of the Corporation.  There shall be no fractional
         shares issued. In lieu thereof,  holders of record thereof who
         would  otherwise  be entitled to receive a fraction of a share
         will be  entitled  to  receive  a whole  share in lieu of such
         fractional share."


                       2003 Annual Report on Form 10-KSB

                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-KSB

     ACT OF 1934.

For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003.

     EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934.

For the transition period from ______________________ to ______________________

Commission File No. 0-15862

                                GVC VENTURE CORP.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

         Delaware                                         13-3018466
- ------------------------------------        -----------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of                      (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)                       Identification No.)

200 East 66th Street, Suite B603, New York, N.Y.              10021-9181
- ------------------------------------------------              ----------
(Address of principal executive offices)                      (Zip code)

Registrant's telephone number including area code: 212-446-6725

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:  None
Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:  None

                  Common Stock, $ .10 par value

         Check whether the issuer (1) filed all reports required to be filed by
Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act during the past 12 months (or for such
shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2)
has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.
Yes [ ] No [X]

         Registrant expects to file its current report on Form 10Q for the
quarter ended September 30, 2003 originally due November 17, 2003 on or about
December 5, 2003.

         Check if there is no disclosure of delinquent filers in response to
Item 405 of Regulation S-B contained in this form, and no disclosure will be
contained, to the best of registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or
information statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-KSB
or any amendment to this Form 10-KSB. [ ]

         The registrant had no revenues in the fiscal year ended June 30, 2003.

         The aggregate market value as of September 15, 2003 of the registrant's
Common Stock held by non-affiliates of the registrant was $529, computed on the
basis of the last reported trade on June 13, 2003 on the Over-the-Counter
Bulletin Board of the Nasdaq. On that date one trade was reported at $.0001 per

         The number of shares outstanding of the registrant's Common Stock as of
September 15, 2003 was 5,294,516.


          Transitional Small Business Disclosure Format Yes [ ] No [X]

Item 1.  Business
- -------  --------

         GVC Venture Corp. (the "Company"), currently engages in no activities
other than seeking potential opportunities for an acquisition, sale or merger.
Management, while it looks at opportunities, it investigated two opportunities
during fiscal 2003. Neither of these resulted in any meeting of the minds and
all activity relating to these two opportunities have ceased. The Company
intends to continue its search for potential business opportunities.

         Mr. Russell Banks, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company,
and Palisade Investors LLC now known as Palisade Investors LLC have previously
funded the expenses of the Company. Mr. Banks and Palisade Investors LLC have
advised the Company that they are reviewing whether or not they will continue to
provide further funding for the Company. At June 30, 2003, the Company's
liabilities of $166,000 exceeded the Company's cash and cash equivalents (the
Company's only assets) of $15,000. Accordingly, the Company is considering
various alternatives to a merger, acquisition or sale, including the cessation
of its activities and/or its liquidation and dissolution.

- ---------

         The Company currently has no full time employees.

Item 2.  Properties
- -------  ----------

         The Company neither owns nor leases any real property. The Company's
mailing address is 200 East 66th Street, Suite B603, New York, NY 10021-9181.

Item 3.  Legal Proceedings
- -------  -----------------

         The Company is not a party to any legal proceeding.

Item 4.  Submission of matters to a Vote of Security Holders
- -------  ---------------------------------------------------

         No matters were submitted to a vote of shareholders during the fourth
quarter of the fiscal year covered by this Report.


                                     PART II

Item 5.  Market for Registrant's Common Equity and related Stockholder Matters
- -------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------

         The Company is currently quoted on Nasdaq's Over-the-Counter Bulletin
Board under the symbol: GPAX, where trading activity is minimal. The following
table sets forth actual trade prices for the Company's Common Stock for each
quarterly period during the fiscal years ended June 30, 2003 and 2002, as
reported by the Bulletin Board. The prices are without markups, markdowns or

Fiscal 2003                           High                                Low
- -----------                           ----                                ---
First Quarter (1)                     .001  (1)                           .001
Second Quarter (2)                    .001  (1)                           .0001
Third Quarter (3)                     .0001 (2)                           .0001
Fourth Quarter (4)                    .0001 (3)                           .0001

Fiscal 2002
First Quarter (1)                     .003 (2)                            .001
Second Quarter (2)                    .001 (3)                            .0001
Third Quarter (3)                     .001 (2)                            .0001
Fourth Quarter (4)                    .001 (3)                            .001
- ----------------

     (1) During this quarter there were five trades.

     (2) During this quarter there were three trades.

     (3) During this quarter there were two trades.

         To date the Company has not paid any cash dividends, and it is not
anticipated that dividends will be paid in the foreseeable future.

         As of September 15, 2003, there were approximately 3,589 holders of
record of the Company's Common Stock.

Equity Compensation Plan Information
- ------------------------------------

         The following sets forth certain information as of June 30, 2003
concerning the Company's equity compensation plans:

                                                                                      NUMBER OF SECURITIES
                                                                                          REMAINING FOR
                              BE ISSUED UPON EXERCISE       EXERCISE PRICE OF          EQUITY COMPENSATION
                                WARRANTS AND RIGHTS        WARRANTS AND RIGHTS             COLUMN (A)
                                        (A)                        (B)                         (C)
                             -------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------------
Equity compensation plans            35,000(1)                       $.13                      -0-
approved by security
Equity compensation                      -0-                        --                         -0-


plans not approved by security

- ---------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------------
Total                                35,000                          $.13                      -0-
- ---------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------------

(1)      Represents options to purchase an aggregate of 35,000 shares of Common
         Stock granted to the Vice President-Finance, Secretary and Treasurer of
         the Company at exercise prices per share equal to the fair market value
         per share of the Company's Common Stock on the date of grant.

Item 6.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
- -------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
         of Operations

         The following discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction
with the Consolidated Financial Statements and notes thereto contained in Item 7
of this Report.


         The Company currently engages in no operating activities other than
seeking potential opportunities for an acquisition, sale or merger. None have
resulted in any meeting of the minds and all activity relating opportunities
have ceased. Any acquisition or merger is likely to result in a change in
control of the Company. The Company intends to continue its search for potential
business opportunities. As noted below (see "Liquidity and Capital Resources"),
the Company is considering various alternatives to a merger, acquisition or
sale, including the cessation of its activities and/or its liquidation and

         The following table sets forth selected financial information relating
to the consolidated results of operations and financial position of the Company
and its subsidiaries for the five years ended June 30, 2003.

                                         FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,
                                  2003     2002     2001     2000     1999
                                  ----     ----     ----     ----     ----
                                      (IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)
Statement of Operations Data:
Revenues (1)                       $-       $-       $-       $-       $-
Loss from Continuing
  Operations (2)                  (40)    (105)     (80)     (37)     (39)
Per Share Data:
Basic and Diluted Loss from
  Continuing Operations (2)      (.01)    (.02)    (.02)    (.01)    (.01)
                                 ====     ====     ====     ====     ====


                                         FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,
                                  2003     2002     2001     2000     1999
                                  ----     ----     ----     ----     ----
                                      (IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)
Balance Sheet Data:
Total Assets                    $  15    $   3    $  18    $  56    $  38
Long-Term Obligations             100       50      N/A      N/A      N/A(1)
Total Liabilities                 166      114      N/A      N/A      N/A
Total Stockholders'
  Equity/(Deficit)               (151)    (111)      (8)      32       19
Book Value Per Share            ($.03)   ($.02)      --    $ .01    $ .01
Cash Dividends Per Share           --       --       --       --       --

(1)      The Company has had no revenues and has engaged in no operating
         activities since fiscal 1994.

(2)      Based upon the weighted average shares of Common Stock outstanding of
         5,294,516 in 2003; 5,241,377 shares in 2002; 3,948,044 shares in 2001;
         3,198,043 shares in 2000; and 3,114,710 shares in 1999.

Results of Operations
- ---------------------

Fiscal 2003 compared to Fiscal 2002
- -----------------------------------

         The Company had no revenues in either fiscal 2003 or fiscal 2002.

         Expenses in fiscal 2003 were $ 40,000, a decrease of $65,000 from
fiscal 2002. The decrease was a result of the absence of $75,000 of legal
expenses, principally legal fees, incurred in fiscal 2002 in connection with a
proposed merger that was not completed, partially offset by $8,000 higher state
and local taxes.

Fiscal 2002 compared to Fiscal 2001
- -----------------------------------

         The Company had no revenues in either fiscal 2002 or 2001.

         Expenses were $105,000 in fiscal 2002, a $25,000 increase over fiscal
2001. The increase was a result of legal expenses of $75,000 incurred for a
proposed merger that was not completed, partially offset by the absence of
annual meeting expenses and $5,000 lower state and local taxes.

Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements
- ------------------------------

         The Company has no off-balance sheet financing arrangements.

Liquidity and Capital Resources
- -------------------------------

         During fiscal 2003, the Company had a positive cash flow of $12,000,
principally as a result of a $50,000 loan from Palisade Investors LLC, which was
partially offset by the use of cash to finance the net loss of $40,000.

- ----------
(1) This information is not available.


         Mr. Russell Banks, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company,
and Palisade Investors LLC have previously funded the expenses of the Company.
Mr. Banks and Palisade Investors LLC have advised the Company that are reviewing
whether or not they will continue to provide further funding for the Company. At
June 30, 2003, the Company's liabilities of $166,000 exceeded the Company's cash
and cash equivalents (the Company's only assets) of $15,000. Accordingly, the
Company is considering various alternatives to a merger, acquisition or sale,
including the cessation of its activities and/or its liquidation and


Item 7.  Financial Statements and Supplementary Data

         The following consolidated financial statements of the Company are
contained in this Report on the pages indicated:

   Report of Independent Auditors.......................................................             8
   Consolidated Financial Statements:
       Consolidated Balance Sheets - June 30, 2003 and 2002.............................             9

       Consolidated Statements of Operations -
           years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001.....................................            10

       Consolidated Statements of Stockholders'(Deficit) -
           years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001.....................................            11

       Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows - Years ended June 30, 2003, 2002, and 2001            12

       Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.......................................            13


                         REPORT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

The Board of Directors and Shareholders
GVC Venture Corp. and Subsidiaries

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of GVC Venture
Corp. and subsidiaries (collectively, the "Company") as of June 30, 2003 and
2002, and the related consolidated statements of operations, stockholders'
equity (deficit), and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended
June 30, 2003. These financial statements are the responsibility of the
Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement
presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our

The accompanying financial statements have been prepared assuming the Company
will continue as a going concern. As shown in the financial statements, the
Company has incurred losses of $40,000 and $105,000 for the years ended June 30,
2003 and 2002, respectively. These losses have significantly weakened the
Company's financial position and its ability to meet current operating expenses,
and, at June 30, 2003, the Company's current liabilities exceeded its current
assets by $151,000. There can be no assurance that the Company will have
sufficient funds to finance its operations, which continue to show losses,
through the year ending June 30, 2003. As a result there is substantial doubt
about the Company's ability to continue as a going concern.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the consolidated financial position of GVC Venture Corp.
and subsidiaries at June 30, 2003 and 2002, and the results of their operations
and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended June 30,
2002 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United

                                             /s/ ERNST & YOUNG LLP
New York, New York
October 10, 2003


                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                                    June 30,
                                                                                 2003       2002
                                                                                -------    -------
                                                                        (In thousands, except share data)

- ------
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents                                                       $    15    $     3
Accounts Receivables and other current
Total Current Assets                                                                 15          3
                                                                                -------    -------

Total Assets                                                                    $    15    $     3
                                                                                =======    =======

Liabilities and Stockholders' Deficit
- -------------------------------------

Current Liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued expenses                                           $    66    $    64

Total Current Liabilities                                                       $    66    $    64

Long-Term Debt                                                                  $   100    $    50

Stockholders' Deficit
Common Stock - $ .10 par value; 50,000,000 shares authorized 5,294,516 shares
and 5,294,516 shares issued and outstanding in 2003
and 2002, respectively                                                              529        529
Paid-in capital                                                                   1,688      1,688
Accumulated Deficit                                                              (2,368)    (2,328)

Total Stockholders' Deficit                                                        (151)      (111)
                                                                                -------    -------

Total Liabilities & Stockholders' Deficit                                       $    15    $     3
                                                                                =======    =======

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements



                                                                   YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,
                                                            2003           2002          2001
                                                         ---------      ---------      ---------
                                                             (In thousands except share data)
Corporate Office Expenses                              $        40    $       105    $        80
Other (income)/expense:
Interest (income)/expense, net                                  --             --             --
NET LOSS                                               $       (40)          (105)           (80)
                                                         ---------      ---------      ---------

LOSS PER SHARE                                         $      (.01)   $      (.02)   $      (.02)
                                                         =========      =========      =========

Weighted Average Number of Common Shares Outstanding     5,294,516      5,241,377      3,948,044

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.



                                                          Common     Paid-in   Accumulated
                                                           Stock     Capital     Deficit
                                                          -------    -------    -------
                                                                  (In thousands)
Balance at June 30, 2000                                  $   361    $ 1,814    $(2,143)
Net Loss                                                      (80)
Purchase of 800,000 shares each by one investor and the
Chairman of the Board, respectively                           160       (120)
                                                          -------    -------    -------
Balance at June 30, 2001                                  $   521    $ 1,694    $(2,223)

Net Loss                                                                           (105)
Purchase of 80,000 shares by the
Chairman of the Board                                           8         (6)
                                                          -------    -------    -------
Balance at June 30, 2002                                  $   529    $ 1,688    $(2,328)

Net Loss                                                                            (40)
                                                          -------    -------    -------
Balance at June 30, 2003                                  $   529    $ 1,688    $(2,368)
                                                          =======    =======    =======

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.



                                                                                       June 30,
                                                                               2003     2002     2001
                                                                               -----    -----    -----
                                                                                     (In thousands)
Net Loss                                                                       $ (40)   $(105)   $ (80)

Adjustment to reconcile net loss to net Cash (used) by operating activities:
Changes in operating assets and Liabilities - net:
(Increase)/decrease in accounts receivable                                        --       10      (10)
(Increase)/decrease in prepaid expenses, other current assets and
   other assets                                                                   --       --        1
Increase/(decrease) in accounts payable, accrued expenses and other
   current liabilities                                                             2       38        2

   ACTIVITIES                                                                    (38)     (57)     (87)

Purchase of the Company's common stock by
one investor and the Chairman of the Board                                        --        2       40
Loan from Chairman of the Board                                                   --       50       --
Loan from Palisade Investors LLC                                                  50       --       --
                                                                               -----    -----    -----
NET CASH PROVIDED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                         50       52       40
                                                                               -----    -----    -----
  EQUIVALENTS                                                                     12       (5)     (47)

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR                                     3        8       55
                                                                               -----    -----    -----
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR                                       $  15    $   3    $   8
                                                                               =====    =====    =====
Supplemental Schedule of Cash Flow Information:

   Interest and Income Taxes paid were as follows:
                             (In thousands)

         Interest                                                              $   0    $   0    $   0
         Income Taxes                                                          $   8    $   9    $   7
                                                                               =====    =====    =====

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements



Note A - Accounting Policies and Basis of Presentation
- ------------------------------------------------------

         The Company currently engages in no operating activities other than
seeking potential opportunities for an acquisition, sale, merger or liquidation.

         Consolidated: The Consolidated Financial Statements include the
accounts of the Company and its subsidiaries. Significant intercompany
transactions and accounts have been eliminated in consolidations.

         Income Taxes: The Company has operating loss carryforwards of $
8,292,000 which expire as follows; $ 5,161,000 - 2004; $ 499,000 - 2005; $
329,000 - 2006; $ 301,000 - 2007; $ 571,000 - 2008; $ 929,000 - 2009; $ 99,000 -
2010; $ 34,000 - 2011, $ 34,000 - 2012, $ 33,000 - 2013, $ 40,000 - 2014, $
37,000 - 2015; $ 80,000 - 2016, $ 105,000 - 2017 and $ 40,000 - 2018.

         A full valuation allowance has been recorded as a reserve against
deferred tax assets due to the Company's history of operating losses.

         Net Loss Per Share: Basic and diluted loss per share is based on the
weighted average number of shares outstanding in fiscal 2003, 2002 and 2001.
Basic and diluted loss per share are equivalent for all periods presented, as
there is a loss from operations in each period.

         Cash Equivalents: The Company considers all highly liquid investments
with a maturity of three months or less when purchased to be cash equivalents.

Note B - Commitments and Contingencies:
- ---------------------------------------

         Rental expenses for leases for continuing operations was $ 0, $ 0 and $
0 in 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively. Future minimum rental commitments at
June 30, 2003 were $ 0.

Note C - Accounts Payable and Accrued Expense

         Accounts payable, accrued expenses and other current liabilities
consist of the following:

                   June 30,     June 30,
                     2003        2002
                     ----        ----
                       (In thousands)
Trade creditors       $ 2        $ 2
Professional fees      57         56
State & Local Taxes     7          6
Total                 $66        $64

Note D - Incentive Plan
- -----------------------

         The Company has an incentive plan covering 1,250,000 shares of its
common stock for restricted stock awards and stock options.


         In fiscal 2001 options to purchase 25,000 shares were granted. No
options were granted in fiscal 2002 and 2003, respectively.

         At June 30, 2003, there were options to purchase 10,000 and 25,000
shares issued and outstanding at an exercise price of $ .22 and $ .10 per share,

Note E - Quasi Reorganization
- -----------------------------

         In 1990, the Company established a new basis for accounting for assets,
liabilities and stockholders' equity. There were no changes in the historical
asset values of the Company as fair values were not significantly different and
as a result, the paid-in-capital and the deficit of the Company were reduced by
$ 26,070,000.


Item 8.  Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and
- -------  ---------------------------------------------------------------
         Financial Disclosures.

         Not applicable.

Item 8A. Controls and Procedures.
- -------  -----------------------

         As of the end of the period covered by this Report, management of the
Company, with the participation of the Company's President and principal
executive officer and the Company's Vice President-Finance and principal
financial officer, evaluated the effectiveness of the Company's "disclosure
controls and procedures," as defined in Rule 13a-15(e) under the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934. Based on that evaluation, these officers concluded that,
as of the date of their evaluation, the Company's disclosure controls and
procedures were effective to provide reasonable assurance that information
required to be disclosed in the Company's periodic filings under the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 is accumulated and communicated to our management,
including those officers, to allow timely decisions regarding required

         During the period covered by this Report, there were no changes in the
Company's internal control over financial reporting that have materially
affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company's internal
control over financial reporting.


                                    PART III

Item 9.  Directors and Executing Officers of the Registrant
- -------  --------------------------------------------------

         The following information is given with respect to each director and
executive officer of the Company:

                                    Position presently held with Company
Russell Banks                       Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director

John J. Hoey                        Director

Cornelius J. Reid, Jr.              Director

Gordon L. Banks                     President, Chief Executive Officer and Director

Marc J. Hanover                     Vice President-Finance, Chief Financial Officer Secretary and Treasurer

         Russell Banks, 84, has served as the Company's Chief Executive Officer
from its inception through September 2003, first as President until June 1988
and since then as Chairman of the Board of Directors. From 1961 through June 8,
1995, Mr. Banks's principal occupation was as President, Chief Executive Officer
and a Director of Grow Group, Inc. (a manufacturer of specialty chemicals).
Imperial Chemical Industries PLC acquired Grow Group, Inc, by means of a cash
tender offer in June 1995.

         Gordon L. Banks, 48, has served as President of the Company since June
1988, after service as Vice President of the Company since its inception. Mr.
Banks was designated Chief Executive Officer by the Company's Board of Directors
in September 2003.

         John J. Hoey, 64, President of Beneficial Capital Corp., which wholly
owns, controls, or has a significant equity interest in public and private oil
and gas companies, proprietary schools, and brew pubs. He has been a Director of
Beneficial Capital Corp. for more than the past six years. Mr. Hoey was
President, Chief Executive Officer and Director of Hondo Oil & Gas Inc.
("Hondo"), an oil and gas company, until it was merged into Lonmin, Plc. (UK) on
December 23, 1998. He became a Director of Hondo in June 1993 and CEO on
December 1, 1993.

         Cornelius J. Reid, 79, has, since November 1989, been Vice Chairman of
AON Insurance Services of New York and, for more than five years prior thereto
was Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and a Director of Rollins Hudig Hall of
New York, Inc. (formerly Rollins Burdick Hunter), an insurance brokerage firm.

         Marc J. Hanover, 53, has served as Vice President-Finance, Chief
Financial Officer Secretary and Treasurer of the Company since its inception.

         The Company's officers devote minimal time to the Company's affairs.
The Company's officers serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.
Directors serve until the election of their successors.


         Gordon L. Banks is the son of Russell Banks. Marc J. Hanover is the
nephew of Russell Banks' wife. None of the other directors or officers are

         Under the arrangement with Palisade Investors LLC ("Palisade"),
Palisade has the right to designate two directors. Palisade has not exercised
this right to date. (See "Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and
Management" in Item 11 of this Report.)

Item 10. Executive Compensation
- -------------------------------

         No executive officer has received any cash compensation during the past
three fiscal years.

Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year
- ---------------------------------

         No options to purchase shares of the Company's Common Stock were
granted by the Company to any executive officer during fiscal 2003.

Aggregated Option Exercises in Last Fiscal Year and Fiscal Year End Option
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------

         No options to purchase shares of the Company's Common Stock were
exercised by any executive officer during fiscal 2003. The following table
contains information with respect to unexercised options held at June 30, 2003
by the Company's executive officers.

                                                                 Number of             Value of Unexercised
                                                                 Unexercised Options   In-the-Money Options
                                                                 at June 30, 2003 (#)  at June 30, 2003 ($)
       Name and Principal      Shares
       Position                Acquired On        Value          Exercisable/          Exercisable/
                               Exercise(#)        Realized ($)   Unexercisable         Unexercisable
       Russell Banks                   0                0                 0                      0

       Gordon L. Banks                 0                0                 0                      0

       Marc J. Hanover                 0                0              35,000/0                  0/0 (1)
       VP Finance

         (1) On June 30, 2003, the exercise price of all options exceeded the
market value of the Company's Common Stock.

Standard Remuneration of Directors
- ----------------------------------

         The Company has discontinued its practice of paying non-employee
directors an annual retainer of $5,000 and a fee of $500 for participating in
each Board or Committee meeting. No payment had been made to the board members
for at least three years.

Item 11. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management.
- -------  ---------------------------------------------------------------


         The following table sets forth information, at September 15, 2003, as
to the shares of the Company's Common Stock beneficially owned by (a) the only
persons (including any "group" as the term is used in Section 13(d)(3) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) known by the Company to
beneficially own more than five percent of the outstanding shares of Common
Stock of the Company, the Company's only class of voting securities (b) each
director of the Company, and (c) directors and executive officers of the Company
as a group:

                                                                     Amount and Nature
                                   Name                              of Beneficial           Percent
Title of Class                     Beneficial Owner                  Ownership (1)           of Class (2)
- --------------                     ----------------                  -------------------     ------------
Common Stock                       Palisade Investors LLC                   1,504,545          28.4%
                                   1 Bridge Plaza
                                   Fort Lee, NJ  07024

Common Stock                       Russell Banks                            1,524,156(3)       28.8%
                                   330 South Ocean Blvd.
                                   Apt. 5D Palm Beach, FL 33480

Gordon Banks                                                                  249,808           4.7%

John J. Hoey                                                                   22,727             *

Cornelius J. Reid, Jr.                                                         22,840             *

Directors and executive officers as a                                       1,978,680(4)        37.1%
   group(5 persons, including the above)
- ---------------------------

(1)      Unless otherwise noted, the beneficial owner has sole voting and
         investment power.
(2)      Asterisk indicates that the percentage is less than one percent.
         Percent of class assumes the issuance of the shares subject to the
         portion of the options held by such person that are exercisable within
         60 days after September 15, 2003 but (except for the calculation of
         beneficial ownership by all directors and executive officers as a
         group) by no other person.
(3)      Includes 294,156 and 250,000 shares of common stock owned by a trust of
         which Mr. Banks is the trustee and by his wife, respectively.
(4)      Includes the shares reflected in footnote 3 and 35,000 shares subject
         to the portion of options held by an executive officer that were
         exercisable in full on September 15, 2003.

Item 12. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions
- -------- ----------------------------------------------

         Mr. Russell Banks and Palisade Investors LLC have each previously
loaned $50,000 to the Company, bearing interest at 6% per annum. The loans were
originally due on October 30, 2003 and have been extended to November 30, 2004.
All funds were and are being used to fund the expenses of the Company.

Item 13. Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and Reports On Form 8-K
- -------  ----------------------------------------------------------------

         (a) (1) Financial Statements


         The consolidated financial statements of the Company identified below
are contained in Item 7 of this Report on the pages indicated:

Report of Independent Auditors..........................................................        8
Consolidated Financial Statements:
         Consolidated Balance Sheets - June 30,.........................................        9
         Consolidated Statements of Operations -
             years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001...................................        10
         Consolidated Statements of Stockholders'(Deficit) -
             years ended June 30, 2003, 2002 and 2001...................................        11
         Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows -
             years ended June 30, 2003, 2002, and 2001..................................        12
         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.....................................        13

                  (a)      (2) Financial Statement Schedules

         The schedules for which provision is made in the applicable accounting
regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission are not required under the
related instructions or are inapplicable and, therefore, have been omitted.

                  (a)   (3)  Exhibits

*3.1     Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the Company. (Annex C to the
         Company's Information Statement which formed a part of its Registration
         Statement on Form 10).

+3.2     By Laws of the Company, as amended (Exhibit 3.2).

*4.1     Certificate of Common Stock, par value $ .10 per share, of the Company
         (Exhibit 4.1).

+10.4x   Registrant's Executive Incentive Plan, as amended (Exhibit 10.4).

31(a)    Certification of Principal Executive Officer of the Company pursuant to
         Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

31(b)    Certification of Principal Financial Officer of the Company pursuant to
         Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

32(a)    Certification pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
         of the Principal Executive Officer of the Company.

32(b)    Certification pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
         of the Principal Financial Officer of the Company.

- ----------------

*        Filed as the parenthetically indicated exhibit to Amendment No. 1 to
         the Company's Registration of Securities on Form 10, File 10, File No.
         0-15862, and incorporated herein by reference.


+        Filed as the parenthetically indicated exhibit to Company's Annual
         Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 1990, File No. 0-15862,
         and incorporated herein by reference.

+        Filed as the parenthetically indicated exhibit to the Company's Annual
         Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 1992, and incorporated
         herein by reference.

x        Management contract.

         (b)      Reports on Form 8-K

         No Reports on Form 8-K were filed during the fourth quarter of the
         Company's year ended June 20, 2003.

Item 14. Principal Account, Fees and Services
- -------- ------------------------------------

         The only professional services rendered by Ernst & Young LLP to the
Company for the fiscal years ended June 30 2003 and June 30, 2002 were audit
services, the fees for which were $8,000 and $7,000 respectively. Ernst & Young
LLP provided no audit-related services, tax services or other services during
either fiscal year.



         Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this Report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                                 GVC VENTURE CORP.

Dated:  December 3, 2003

                                                 /s/ Gordon Banks
                                                 Gordon Banks, President
                                                 and Chief Executive Officer

         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
this Report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the
Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

                                              /s/ Russell Banks
                                              Russell Banks, Chairman of the
                                              Board of Directors
                                              Date: December 3, 2003

                                              /s/ Gordon Banks
                                              Gordon Banks, President
                                              and Chief Executive Officer
                                              Date: December 3, 2003

                                              /s/ Marc Hanover
                                              Marc Hanover, Vice-President
                                              Finance and Treasurer (Principal
                                              Chief Financial Officer and
                                              Accounting Officer)
                                              Date: December 3, 2003

                                              /s/ John J. Hoey
                                              John J. Hoey, Director
                                              Date: December 3, 2003

                                              /s/ Cornelius J. Reid, Jr.
                                              Cornelius J. Reid, Jr.
                                              Date: December 3, 2003


      Quarterly Report on Form 10-QSB for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2004


                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-QSB

     ACT OF 1934.

For the Quarter ended March 31, 2004

     EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934.

For the transition period from ____________________ to _____________________

Commission File No. 0-15862

                                GVC VENTURE CORP.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

         Delaware                                         13-3018466
- -------------------------------                      ------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of                      (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)                       Identification No.)

200 East 66th Street, Suite B603, New York, NY            10021-9181
- ----------------------------------------------       ------------------
(Address of principal executive offices)                  (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number including area code: 212-446-6725

         Check whether the issuer: (1) filed all reports required to be filed by
Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act during the past 12 months (or for such
shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2)
has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes __ No

         State the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes
of common equity, as of latest practicable date: As of May 7, 2004, there were
5,294,516 shares of Common Stock, $.10 par value per share outstanding.

Transitional Small Business Disclosure Format:   Yes               No    X
                                                     ------           ------

- --------
1 The issuer has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d)
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, except that this Report and the issuer's
Quarterly Report on Form 10-QSB for the quarters ended September 30, 2003 and
December 31, 2003 have not been reviewed in accordance with statement on
Auditing Standards No. 100.

Item 1.  Financial Statements


                                                               March 31,       June 30,
                                                                  2004           2003
                                                                 -------       -------
                                                            (In thousands except share data)

Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                                     $     4       $    15
                                                                 -------       -------
      Total current assets                                             4            15
                                                                 -------       -------

Total Assets                                                     $     4       $    15
                                                                 =======       =======

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity

Current liabilities:
   Accounts payable and accrued expenses (Note B)                $    80       $    66
   Current portion of long-term debt to affiliates (Note B)          100             -
   Advance from affiliate of stockholder (Note B)                     13             -
                                                                 -------       -------
      Total current liabilities                                      193            66

Long-Term Debt to Affiliates                                           -           100

Stockholders' Equity (Note B)

Preferred Stock - no par value; 1,000,000 shares
  authorized, no shares issued and outstanding                         -             -
Common Stock - $.10 par value; 50,000,000
   shares authorized, 5,294,516 shares issued and
   outstanding                                                       529           529
Paid-in capital                                                    1,688         1,688
Accumulated deficit                                               (2,406)       (2,368)
                                                                 -------       -------

  Total stockholders' deficit                                       (189)         (151)
                                                                 -------       -------

Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity                       $     4       $    15
                                                                 -------       -------

                 See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements



                                    Three Months Ended                 Nine Months Ended
                                         March 31,                         March 31,
                               -----------------------------      -----------------------------
                                  2004              2003              2004              2003
                               ----------        -----------      ------------      -----------
                                                   (In thousands except share and per share data)
Corporate office expenses      $       25        $        17      $         33      $        30
Interest on debt                        2                  2                 5                3
                               ----------        -----------      ------------      -----------
  Net loss                     $       27        $        19      $         38      $        33
                               ==========        ===========      ============      ===========

Net loss per share             $     0.00        $      0.00      $       0.00      $     0.00
                               ==========        ===========      ============      ==========

Weighted average number
     of common shares
     outstanding - basic
     and diluted                5,294,516          5,294,516         5,294,516       5,294,516
                               ==========         ==========         =========       =========

                 See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements



                                                    Nine Months Ended March 31,
                                                         2004       2003
                                                         ----       ----
                                                         (In thousands)

Net loss                                                 $(38)      $(33)
Adjustment to reconcile net loss to net
      cash provided (used) by operating activities:
Changes in operating assets and liabilities - net:
Increase/(decreases) in accounts payable and
      accrued expenses                                     14          7
                                                         ----       ----
NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) BY OPERATING                     (24)       (26)
                                                         ----       ----

INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES:                                      -          -
                                                         ----       ----

Advance from affiliate of stockholder                      13          -
Loan from affiliate                                         -         25
                                                         ----       ----

      ACTIVITIES                                           13         25
                                                         ----       ----

      EQUIVALENTS                                         (11)        (1)

      OF PERIOD                                            15          3
                                                         ----       ----

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF PERIOD               $  4       $  2
                                                         ====       ====

   Cash paid for interest                                $  -       $  -
   Cash paid for income taxes                            $  4       $  5
                                                         ====       ====

                 See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements



          A. The accompanying unaudited consolidated financial statements have
been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for
interim financial information and the instructions to Form 10-QSB and Regulation
S-X related the preparation of interim financial statements. Accordingly, they
do not include all of the information and footnotes required by generally
accepted accounting principles for complete financial statements. In the opinion
of management, the accompanying unaudited consolidated financial statements
contain all adjustments (consisting of normal recurring accruals) considered
necessary for a fair presentation. Operating results for the three and nine
months ended March 31, 2004 are not necessarily indicative of the results that
may be expected for the full year ending June 30, 2004. For further information
refer to the consolidated financial statements and footnotes thereto included in
the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2003.

          B. On April 29, 2004, Bernard Zimmerman & Company, Inc. ("Zimmerman
Company"), Gordon Banks, President, Chief Executive Officer and a director of
the Company, and Berman Industries, Inc. ("Berman Industries") entered into a
Stock Purchase Agreement (the "Stock Purchase Agreement") with GVC Venture Corp.
(the "Company") pursuant to which Zimmerman Company agreed to purchase 6,300,000
shares of the Company's Common Stock for $63,000, Gordon Banks agreed to
purchase 1,300,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock for $13,000 and Berman
Industries agreed to convert the Company's $13,000 obligation to it into
1,300,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock (the "Proposed Transaction").
Consummation of the Proposed Transaction is subject to, among other things, the
reduction of the par value of the Company's Common Stock discussed below.

          Contemporaneously therewith, Russell Banks, Chairman of the Board of
Directors and a director of the Company, and Palisade Investors LLC
("Palisade"), principal stockholders of the Company, agreed to the cancellation
and capitalization of the principal (an aggregate of $100,000) and accrued
interest on the Company's obligations to them condition upon completion of the
purchase of shares in the Company by Zimmerman Company, Gordon Banks and Berman
Industries, as contemplated in the Stock Purchase Agreement.

          Conditioned upon completion of the foregoing, the law firm of Jenkens
& Gilchrist Parker Chapin LLP, counsel to the Company, has agreed to defer,
among other things, the Company's obligations owed it for legal services
rendered prior to January 1, 2004 and in connection with the Proposed
Transaction (an aggregate of approximately $60,000 at March 31, 2004) on a
non-interest basis until the earlier of December 31, 2010, the liquidation of
the Company or the Company's merger with, or sale of substantially all of its
assets to, or another change in control transaction with, another entity that is
approved by the Company's Board of Directors (other than as a result of the
Stock Purchase Agreement), following which transaction or series of transactions
the current stockholders of the Company immediately preceding the effectiveness
of the first of such transactions do not own more than 50% of the outstanding
voting power of the resulting entity immediately following the effectiveness of
the last of such transactions.

          The Company proposes to hold a special meeting of stockholders (the
"Meeting") to, among other things, (i) authorize an amendment to the Company's
Restated Certificate of Incorporation to reduce the par value of the Company's
Common Stock from $.10 per share to $.01 per share in order to, among other
things, enable the Company to complete the Proposed Transaction; (ii) authorize
an amendment to the Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation to establish
a par value of $.01 for the Company's authorized Preferred Stock; and (iii)
authorize the Company's Board of Directors to implement, without further
stockholder action, a reverse split of the Company's Common Stock.


Item 2.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition And
          Results of Operations


          The Company currently engages in no operating activities. The Company
has been seeking potential opportunities for an acquisition, sale or merger or
another business transaction.

          On April 29, 2004, Bernard Zimmerman & Company, Inc. ("Zimmerman
Company"), Gordon Banks, President, Chief Executive Officer and a director of
the Company, and Berman Industries, Inc. ("Berman Industries") entered into a
Stock Purchase Agreement (the "Stock Purchase Agreement") with GVC Venture Corp.
(the "Company") pursuant to which Zimmerman Company agreed to purchase 6,300,000
shares of the Company's Common Stock for $63,000, Gordon Banks agreed to
purchase 1,300,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock for $13,000 and Berman
Industries agreed to convert the Company's $13,000 obligation to it into
1,300,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock (the "Proposed Transaction").
Consummation of the Proposed Transaction is subject to, among other things, the
reduction of the par value of the Company's Common Stock discussed below. The
Company proposes to hold a special meeting of stockholders (the "Meeting") to:
(i) authorize an amendment to the Company's Restated Certificate of
Incorporation to reduce the par value of the Company's Common Stock from $.10
per share to $.01 per share in order to, among other things, enable the Company
to complete the Proposed Transaction.

          Contemporaneously therewith, Russell Banks, Chairman of the Board of
Directors and a director of the Company, and Palisade Investors LLC
("Palisade"), principal stockholders of the Company, have agreed to the
cancellation and capitalization of the principal (an aggregate of $100,000) and
accrued interest on the Company's obligations to them condition upon completion
of the purchase of shares in the Company by Zimmerman Company, Gordon Banks and
Berman Industries as contemplated in the Stock Purchase Agreement.

          Following completion of the Proposed Transaction, it is intended that
the Company will seek an acquisition, sale, merger or other business combination
with a privately-held company seeking to operate as a publicly-held company or
another transaction.

Results of Operations - Three months ended March 31, 2004 compared with three
months ended March 31, 2003

          Corporate expenses were $8,000 higher in the fiscal 2004 period than
in the fiscal 2003 period primarily as a result of higher legal expenses in
connection with investigating a potential business transaction. Interest
expenses of $2,000 relates to loans owed to Russell Banks, the Company's
Chairman of the Board, and Palisade, principal stockholders of the Company made
between March 2002 and April 2003, and an advance of $13,000 from an affiliate
of Palisade made in November 2003.

Results of Operations - Nine months ended March 31, 2004 compared with nine
months ended March 31, 2003

          Corporate expenses increased by $3,000 in the nine months ended March
31, 2004 from the comparable period in fiscal 2003 primarily as a result of
higher legal expenses in connection with investigating potential business
transactions. Interest expense in the fiscal 2004 nine month period increased by
$2,000 over the nine months ended March 31, 2004 as a result of higher average
loan balances from the comparable period in fiscal 2003 from the loans made to
the Company by the Company's Chairman of the Board and Palisade, principal
stockholders of the Company, and an advance of $13,000 from an affiliate of
Palisade Investors made in November 2003.


Liquidity and Capital Resources

          During the nine months ended March 31, 2004, the Company had a
negative cash flow of $11,000, as a result of the net loss of $38,000 that was
funded by a $13,000 loan from an affiliate of Palisade, $11,000 of the Company's
cash and a $14,000 increase in current liabilities. At March 31, 2004, the
Company had cash and cash equivalents of $4,000.

          At March 31, 2004, the Company's liabilities of $193,000 (all of which
were current liabilities) exceeded the Company's cash and cash equivalents (the
Company's only assets) of $4,000. See, however, "general," above regarding the
Proposed Transaction which is expected to enable the Company to continue, for a
reasonable period of time, its search for such a merger or other business
combination. If the Proposed Transaction is not completed, the Company may be
forced to liquidate and dissolve if the Company's principal stockholder or
others do not provide funding to the Company.

Off-Balance Sheet Financing

          The Company has no off-balance sheet financing arrangements within the
meaning of Item 303(c) of Regulation S-B.

Forward Looking Statements

          Certain statements in this Report are "forward-looking statements"
within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When
used in this Report, words such as "may," "should," "seek," "believe," "expect,"
anticipate," "estimate," "project," "intend," "strategy" and similar expressions
are intended to identify forward-looking statements regarding events, conditions
and financial trends that may affect the Company's future plans, operations,
business strategies, operating results and financial position. Forward-looking
statements are subject to a number of known and unknown risks and uncertainties
that may cause actual results, trends, performance or achievements of the
Company, or industry trends and results, to differ materially from the future
results, trends, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such
forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include the
consummation of the Proposed Transaction, the Company's ability to locate and
consummate other financings if the Proposed Transaction is not completed or if
funds to be raised in the Proposed Transaction are not sufficient to enable the
Company to timely effectuate an acquisition, sale, merger or other business
combination or other transaction, the nature and degree of success of any such
business combination or transaction, if consummated, and general economic and
business conditions in the United States. These and certain other factors are
discussed in this Report and from time to time in other Company reports filed
with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company does not assume an
obligation to update the factors discussed in this Report or such other reports.

Item 3.   Controls and Procedures

          As of the end of the period covered by this report, management of the
Company, with the participation of the Company's President, who is its principal
executive officer, and the Company's Vice President-Finance, who is its
principal financial officer, evaluated the effectiveness of the Company's
"disclosure controls and procedures," as defined in Rule 13a-15(e) under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Based on that evaluation, these officers
concluded that, as of the date of their evaluation, the Company's disclosure
controls and procedures were effective to provide reasonable assurance that
information required to be disclosed in the Company's periodic filings under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 is accumulated and communicated to our
management, including those officers, to allow timely decisions regarding
required disclosure.

          During the period covered by this Report, there were no changes in the
Company's internal control over financial reporting that have materially
affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company's internal
control over financial reporting.


                           PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

Item 5.   Other Information

          (a)       Reference is made to Note B to the Notes to the Consolidated
                    Financial Statements contained in this Report for
                    information concerning a proposed sale of an aggregate of
                    8,900,000 shares of the Company's common stock and related

          (b)       On April 10, 2004, after approving the transactions in Note
                    B of the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
                    included in this Report, John H. Hoey and Cornelius J. Reid
                    resigned as directors.

Item 6.   Exhibits And Reports On Form 8-K

          (a)       Exhibits:

         Number       Description

          31.1      Certificate of the Principal Executive Officer pursuant to
                    Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 for Quarterly
                    Report on Form 10-QSB for period ended December 31, 2003.

          31.2      Certificate of the Principal Financial Officer pursuant to
                    Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 for Quarterly
                    Report on Form 10-QSB for period ended December 31, 2003.

          32.1      Certificate of the Principal Executive Officer pursuant to
                    18 U.S.C. Section 1350 as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of
                    the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

          32.2      Certificate of the Principal Financial Officer pursuant to
                    18 U.S.C. Section 1350 as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of
                    the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

          (b)       Reports on Form 8-K:

          No reports on Form 8-K were filed during the quarter ended March 31,
2004. However, on April 30, 2004, the Company filed a Current Report on Form 8-K
dated (date of earliest event reported) April 29, 2004 reporting under Item 5,
Other Events, and Item 7, Financial Statements and Exhibits, describing the
Proposed Transaction in greater detail than contained in this Report.



         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
this Report has been signed below on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto
duly authorized.

                                    GVC VENTURE CORP.

Date:    May 14, 2004               By:/s/ Gordon Banks
                                             Gordon Banks, President
                                             (Principal Executive
                                             Officer) and Director

Date:    May 14, 2004               By: /s/ Marc J. Hanover
                                             Marc J. Hanover, Vice-
                                             President Finance and Treasurer
                                             (Principal Chief Financial Officer)
                                             and Accounting Officer
