Exhibit 3.2

                              Amended and Restated
                         Charter of the Audit Committee
                                     of the
                               Board of Directors
                                SPAR Group, Inc.
                           Dated (as of) May 18, 2004


     1. The Board of Directors (the "Board") of SPAR Group, Inc.  ("SGRP"),  has
established  a  standing  committee  of the  members  of the Board  (the  "Audit
Committee")  to assist the Board in fulfilling  its  oversight  responsibilities
respecting  the  accounting,  auditing and financial  reporting  and  disclosure
principles, policies, practices and controls of SGRP and its direct and indirect
subsidiaries (together with SGRP, collectively, the "Company"), the integrity of
the Company's financial  statements,  the audits of the financial  statements of
the Company and the Company's compliance with legal and regulatory  requirements
and disclosure.  In furtherance  thereof, the Board has adopted this Amended and
Restated Charter of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of SPAR Group,
Inc.,  Dated (as of) May 18,  2004 (as the same may be  supplemented,  modified,
amended,  restated or replaced from time to time in the manner provided  herein,
this  "Charter"),  to establish  and govern  (among other  things) the purposes,
membership,  meetings,   responsibilities,   duties  and  powers  of  the  Audit
Committee.  The Audit  Committee and its meetings and  activities  also shall be
governed by and  conducted  in  accordance  with the  provisions  applicable  to
committees generally as contained in the By-Laws (as defined in item V.2 below).

     2.   The Audit Committee's primary duties and responsibilities are to:

     (a)  Serve as an independent  and objective  party to monitor the Company's
          financial  reporting  process and internal  accounting  and disclosure
          control system and their adequacy and effectiveness;

     (b)  Be directly responsible for the appointment,  compensation,  retention
          and oversight of the work of any  registered  public  accounting  firm
          engaged for the  purpose of  preparing  or issuing an audit  report or
          performing  other  audit,  review or attest  services  for the Company
          (hereinafter referred to as the "Company's Independent Accountants");

     (c)  Resolve  disagreements between the Company's senior management and the
          Company's Independent Accountants regarding financial reporting;

     (d)  Communicate directly with the Company's Independent Accountants;

     (e)  Review and appraise  the audit  efforts of the  Company's  Independent

     (f)  Provide  an  open  avenue  of   communication   among  the   Company's
          Independent Accountants, the Company's financial and senior management
          and the Board;

     (g)  Review and approve, in advance, all non-audit services to be performed
          by the Company's Independent Accountants;

     (h)  Review  the  performance,   qualifications  and  independence  of  the
          Company's Independent Accountants;

     (i)  Review the financial reports and other financial  information provided
          by SGRP to any governmental body or the public;

     (j)  Encourage  continuous  improvement  of, and foster  adherence  to, the
          Company's   accounting,   disclosure  and  similar  control  policies,
          procedures and practices at all levels;


     (k)  Furnish  the  committee  report  required  by the  rules  of the U. S.
          Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  (the  "SEC") to be  included in
          SGRP's annual proxy statement;

     (l)  Review and approve the overall fairness of all material  related-party
          transactions; and

     (m)  Perform such other  functions as may be required  from time to time by
          the  Nasdaq  Stock  Market,  Inc.  (the  "Nasdaq"),  the SEC or  other
          applicable law.

     3. The Audit Committee will fulfill these  responsibilities by carrying out
the activities  enumerated in Section IV of this Charter and by performing  such
other  activities  consistent  with  this  Charter  as may from  time to time be
necessary or appropriate.


     1. The Audit  Committee shall consist of three or more members of the Board
(as such number may be fixed from time to time by the Board).

     2. The members of the Audit  Committee  shall be independent  directors and
free from any  relationship  that, in the opinion of the Board,  would interfere
with the  exercise of his or her  independent  judgment as a member of the Audit
Committee.   For  purposes  of  this  Charter,  the  minimum  standards  for  an
independent  director  shall  be as  provided  in the  applicable  rules  of the
Nasdaq's  National  Market  System (as the same may be  supplemented,  modified,
amended,  restated or replaced from time to time, the "Nasdaq  Rules"),  and the
provisions of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (as the same may
be supplemented,  modified, amended, restated or replaced from time to time, the
"Exchange  Act"), and the rules and regulations  promulgated  thereunder (as the
same may be supplemented,  modified,  amended, restated or replaced from time to
time, the "Exchange Act Rules"), in each case as then in effect respecting Audit

     3. All members of the Audit Committee  shall be "financially  literate" and
otherwise qualified to serve as members under the Nasdaq Rules, as determined by
the Board.  The Nasdaq Rules  currently  require  (among other  things) that all
members of the Audit  Committee must be able to read and understand  fundamental
financial  statements,  including (without  limitation) a balance sheet,  income
statement and cash flow statement.

     4.  Additionally,  at least one member of the Audit  Committee  shall be an
"audit committee  financial  expert" under the Exchange Act Rules, as determined
by the Board. The Exchange Act Rules currently require (among other things) that
such member have past employment experience in finance or accounting,  requisite
professional  certification  in accounting,  or other  comparable  experience or
background which results in such member's  financial  sophistication,  including
(without  limitation)  being or having  been a chief  executive  officer,  chief
financial   officer  or  other   senior   officer   with   financial   oversight
responsibilities or any other comparable  experience or background  resulting in
financial sophistication.

     5. The candidates for membership in the Audit  Committee shall be nominated
by the Governance  Committee prior to the  consideration  of the election of its
members at the annual  organizational  meeting of the Board (the "Organizational
Meeting"),  generally  held  in  conjunction  with  SGRP's  annual  stockholders
meeting.  If no such  nominations  have been received by the time such matter is
considered at the Organizational Meeting, nominations to the Audit Committee may
be made by any member of the Board.


     6. The members of the Audit  Committee shall be elected by the Board at the
annual  organizational  meeting of the Board (generally held in conjunction with
the  Organizational  Meeting) or in any other meeting duly called or action duly
taken as provided in the By-Laws.

     7. The Board,  in any  meeting  duly  called or other  action duly taken as
provided in the By-Laws,  at any time may (a)  designate a chairman of the Audit
Committee (the "Chairman") from among the members of the Audit Committee and (b)
remove any such member as Chairman,  either with or without cause.  If the Board
has not so acted,  the members of the Audit Committee may designate the Chairman
by majority vote of the full Audit Committee membership. Any Chairman who ceases
to  be  a  member  of  the  Board  or  Audit   Committee   automatically   shall
simultaneously cease to be Chairman of the Audit Committee.


     1. The Audit  Committee  may provide  for the holding of regular  meetings,
with or without  notice,  and may fix the time and place at which such  meetings
shall be held,  with  all  notices  given or  waived  and all  meetings  held in
accordance  with the By-Laws.  Each  scheduled  Board meeting shall be deemed to
include a  corresponding  scheduled  Audit  Committee  meeting unless  expressly
stated otherwise in scheduling such Board meeting.

     2. The notice of a meeting may provide,  or the Audit Committee may request
(in advance or at the meeting),  that members of the Company's senior management
or  others  attend a  meeting  of the  Audit  Committee  and  provide  pertinent
information as necessary and available.

     3. As part of its  responsibility to foster open  communication,  the Audit
Committee shall meet at least semi-annually with the Company's senior management
and the Company's  Independent  Accountants  in separate  executive  sessions to
discuss any matters  that the Audit  Committee  or any of these  groups  believe
should be discussed privately.  In addition, the Audit Committee shall meet with
the Company's  Independent  Accountants and the Company's  senior  management to
review and discuss the Company's quarterly financial statements  consistent with
Section IV below.

     4. The Audit  Committee  shall  maintain  minutes  or other  records of its
meetings  and  activities,  which  shall be  maintained  with the minutes of the
Board,  and shall  report the same to the Board as and when  requested.  Written
consents by the Audit Committee shall be filed with the minutes of the Board.


     The Audit Committee's responsibilities,  duties and powers shall consist of
the following:

Documents and Reports

     1. On an  annual  basis,  and  more  often as it  determines  circumstances
reasonably  warrant,  the Audit  Committee shall review and discuss this Charter
and  recommend  to the Board any changes in or additions to this Charter that it
may deem necessary or desirable.


     2. The Audit Committee shall,  prior to its filing,  mailing or release (as
the case may be), in  consultation  with the Company's  Independent  Accountants
and/or the Company's senior management, as and to the extent the Audit Committee
deems appropriate:

     (a)  review  and  discuss  each  report to be filed by SGRP with the SEC on
          Forms 10-K and 10-Q and each  related  quarterly  or annual  financial
          statement, as applicable,  in each case including (without limitation)
          the review and discussion of:

          (i)  the  proposed  presentations  of  earnings,  underlying  material
               reserves and accruals, highly judgmental areas, audit adjustments
               (whether or not recorded),  and  suitability  of the  significant
               accounting policies and principles applied;

          (ii) the  proposed  disclosures  under  "Management's  Discussion  and
               Analysis  of  Financial  Condition  and  Results of  Operations",
               including the development, selection and disclosure of accounting
               policies that may be regarded as critical;

          (iii)any certification,  report, opinion or review summary rendered by
               the   Company's   Independent   Accountants   or  the   Company's
               management,  including  (without  limitation) those setting forth
               significant  financial  reporting  issues and  judgments  made in
               connection  with the  preparation of the financial  statements or
               the effects of using  alternative  GAAP methods on the  Company's
               financial statements; and

          (iv) any major issue regarding the Company's accounting principles and
               financial statement presentations within its knowledge, including
               any significant changes in the Company's selection or application
               of accounting principles and financial statement presentation;

     (b)  review and discuss  SGRP's Annual Report to its  shareholders  and its
          Proxy Statement;

     (c)  furnish  the Audit  Committee's  annual  report to be  included in the
          Proxy Statement as required by the Exchange Act Rules;

     (d)  review and discuss  earnings  press  releases,  including the type and
          presentation  of information to be included in earnings press releases
          (and in  particular  the use of "pro  forma"  or  "adjusted"  non-GAAP

     (e)  review  and  discuss  financial   information  and  earnings  guidance
          provided to analysts and rating agencies; and

     (f)  review  and  discuss  such  other  reports  or  documents  within  its
          authority  and  knowledge  for  submission  to the SEC,  Nasdaq or the
          public as:

          (i)  may from time to time be required  under the  Exchange Act Rules,
               the Nasdaq Rules, the DGCL (as defined below) or other applicable
               law; or

          (ii) the  Audit  Committee  may from  time to time  deem  appropriate,
               provided  that the Audit  Committee or Chairman  shall have given
               the  Chief  Executive   Officer  and  Chief   Financial   Officer
               reasonable  prior  written  notice  of its  desire  to make  such

provided  that in the  case of  paragraphs  (d),  (e) and (f) the  Chairman  may
represent  and act on behalf of the entire Audit  Committee for purposes of this
review, with or without consultation of the other members, and shall present the
results thereof at the next meeting of the Audit Committee.


Company's Independent Accountants

     3. On an annual  basis,  the Audit  Committee  shall  appoint the Company's
Independent  Accountants to be engaged by the Company for the forthcoming fiscal
year, and periodically (as often as it determines that circumstances  reasonably
warrant)  the Audit  Committee  shall  review and  determine  the fees and other
compensation and terms of engagement of the Company's Independent Accountants.

     4. On an  annual  basis,  and  more  often as it  determines  circumstances
reasonably   warrant,   the  Audit   Committee  shall  confirm  and  assure  the
qualifications and independence of the Company's  Independent  Accountants under
the Exchange Act Rules, and (without limiting the foregoing) the Audit Committee

     (a)  review and discuss with the Company's  Independent  Accountants all of
          such firm's significant  relationships that would be reasonably likely
          to  adversely  effect  its  independence  or  objectivity,   including
          (without  limitation)  whether such firm's  performance of permissible
          non-audit services is compatible with the auditor's independence,  any
          relationship  or service between such firm and the Company (other than
          the audit and approved non-audit services), and any other relationship
          or service reported by such firm to the Board that would be reasonably
          likely to adversely  affect the  independence  or  objectivity of such

     (b)  receive,  review and discuss the written statements from the Company's
          Independent  Accountants (i) required by Independence  Standards Board
          Standard  No. 1, as  amended,  modified or  supplemented  from time to
          time, and (ii) respecting its internal quality-control procedures, any
          material issues raised by (A) the most recent internal quality-control
          review,  or  peer  review,  of  such  firm,  or  (B)  any  inquiry  or
          investigation by governmental or professional  authorities  within the
          last five years,  in either case  respecting  one or more  independent
          audits  carried out by such firm, and any steps taken to deal with any
          such issues;

     (c)  review  and  discuss  the  performance  of the  Company's  Independent
          Accountants,  including  (without  limitation) (i) the performance and
          qualifications  of such  firm's lead audit  partner  and senior  audit
          manager  assigned to the  Company's  audit,  (ii) the rotation of such
          firm's  audit  partners  and  others  as may be  required  by  GAAP or
          applicable law, and present its  conclusions to the Board  conclusions
          with respect thereto;

     (d)  report  to the Board  its  conclusions  respecting  such  reviews  and
          discussions  and  recommend  appropriate  action(s)  to  be  taken  to
          confirm,  assure or enforce the independence and other  qualifications
          and performance of the Company's Independent Accountants, and

     (e)  direct,  recommend or approve any proposed  discharge of the Company's
          Independent Accountants when circumstances reasonably warrant.

     5.  The  Audit  Committee  periodically  (as  often as it  determines  that
circumstances reasonably warrant) shall:

     (a)  consult with the Company's Independent Accountants out of the presence
          of the Company's management about internal  accounting,  reporting and
          disclosure  controls,  the  completeness and accuracy of the Company's
          financial  statements  and  other  matters  of  concern  to the  Audit

     (b)  review and discuss the nature and scope of the annual  audit  proposal
          by  the   Company's   independent   accountant   and  its   views  and
          recommendations (if any);


     (c)  receive and discuss any  reports or  communications  submitted  to the
          Audit Committee by the Company's  Independent  Accountants as required
          or permitted by SAS 61;

     (d)  approve, in advance, either:

          (i)  each audit or permitted  non-audit service to be performed by the
               Company's Independent Accountants, provided that between meetings
               the Chairman may  represent and act on behalf of the entire Audit
               Committee   in   approving   such   services,   with  or  without
               consultation of the other members,  and shall present the results
               thereof at the next meeting of the Audit Committee, or

          (ii) policies and procedures  respecting  the Company's  engagement of
               the Company's  Independent  Accountants  for particular  types of
               audit or  permitted  non-audit  services to be  performed  within
               specified  periods  of time,  which also may  included  specified
               expense  limits;  provided that (A) the Audit  Committee is given
               notice of each  engagement  for such service by the Company,  and
               (B) such policies and procedures do not include delegation of the
               Audit  Committee's  responsibilities  under the  Exchange Act and
               Exchange Act Rules to the Company's management;

     (e)  recommend  to the  Board the  advisability  of  having  the  Company's
          Independent  Accountants or other independent  public accountants make
          specified  studies  and  reports as to  auditing  matters,  accounting
          procedures,  tax or other matters,  which in the case of the Company's
          Independent  Accountants  shall be only to the extent  permitted under
          the Exchange Act Rules; and

     (f)  receive direct reports from the Company's Independent Accountants.

Financial Reporting Principles, Processes and Improvements

     6.  The  Audit  Committee  periodically  (as  often as it  determines  that
circumstances  reasonably  warrant) shall,  in  consultation  with the Company's
Independent  Accountants and/or the Company's senior  management,  as and to the
extent the Audit Committee deems appropriate:

     (a)  review  the  integrity  of  the  financial  and  regulatory  reporting
          practices  and  processes  of the Company and its  subsidiaries,  both
          internal and external,  including (without limitation) the adequacy of
          the Company's internal accounting,  auditing, reporting and disclosure
          controls,  any  significant  deficiencies  in such controls within its
          knowledge  (and any  special  audit  steps that have been or should be
          adopted in light of material control  deficiencies),  and any material
          changes in or additions to such  controls,  and recommend to the Board
          and  management  any material  changes in or additions to them that it
          deems necessary or desirable;

     (b)  review and consider the quality and  appropriateness  of the Company's
          accounting  principles,  policies  and  practices  as  applied  in its
          financial  reporting,  including  (without  limitation)  all  critical
          accounting  principles,   policies  and  practices,   all  alternative
          treatments  of  financial   information   within  generally   accepted
          accounting   principles   ("GAAP")  that  have  been   discussed  with
          management  officials of the Company,  the ramifications of the use of
          such  alternative  disclosures  and  treatments,   and  the  treatment
          preferred by the Company's Independent Accountants;

     (c)  review and discuss  the likely  effect of changes in or  additions  to
          applicable law, regulation or GAAP or their interpretation  (including
          those pending and proposed) within its knowledge likely to be material
          to any of the matters within its authority;


     (d)  review and discuss any material financial or non-financial arrangement
          of the  Company  within  its  knowledge  that  does not  appear on the
          financial statements of the Company;

     (e)  review and, if not  required by GAAP,  approve any  proposed  material
          change in or addition to the Company's accounting, auditing, reporting
          and disclosure principles, policies, practices or controls as proposed
          to the Audit Committee by the Company's Independent Accountants or the
          Company's senior management;

     (f)  review the  implementation  and effect of all material  changes in and
          additions  to  the  accounting,  auditing,  reporting  and  disclosure
          principles,  practices or controls  within its  knowledge,  whether as
          previously approved or recommended by the Audit Committee, as required
          by  GAAP,  Nasdaq  Rules,  Exchange  Act  Rules or  applicable  law or
          otherwise; and

     (g)  review the Company's policies with respect to risk assessment and risk

     7. The Audit  Committee  shall  establish  regular and separate  systems of
disclosure to the Audit Committee by each of the Company's senior management and
the Company's  Independent  Accountants regarding any significant judgments made
by the  Company's  senior  management  in  their  preparation  of the  financial
statements and the view of each as to appropriateness of such judgments.

     8. The Audit Committee shall review  (following its completion) and discuss
separately  with  each of the  Company's  senior  management  and the  Company's
Independent  Accountants  the  results  of the  Company's  annual  audit and any
significant  difficulties  encountered during the course of the audit, including
(without  limitation)  the  overall  scope of the  audit (if  changed  from that
previously  presented to the Audit Committee),  any restrictions on the scope of
work  of  or  access  to  required  information  by  the  Company's  Independent
Accountants,  the  results  of the annual  audit  examination  by the  Company's
Independent  Accountants  and any  accompanying  management  letters,  any audit
problems or difficulties encountered by the Company's Independent Accountants in
the course of their audit work and management's  response to such audit problems
or  difficulties,  any reports by the  Company's  Independent  Accountants  with
respect to interim periods, and any schedule of unadjusted  differences or other
material written  communications  between the Company's Independent  Accountants
and the Company's management.

     9. The Audit Committee shall review any significant disagreement or dispute
among the Company's senior management and the Company's Independent  Accountants
in connection with the preparation of any of the Company's financial statements.

     10. The Audit Committee  shall review and discuss any  disclosures  made to
the Audit Committee by the Company's Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial
Officer during their certification  process for the Form 10-K and 10-Q about any
significant  deficiencies  in the design or  operation  of internal  controls or
material  weaknesses  therein  and  any  fraud  involving  management  or  other
employees who have a significant role in the Company's internal controls.

     11. The Audit Committee shall review and discuss with the Company's counsel
any legal matter that could have a significant impact on the Company's financial


12. The Audit Committee shall  establish  procedures for the receipt,  retention
and  treatment  of  complaints  received  by the Company  regarding  accounting,
internal accounting controls, or auditing matters.

13. The Audit Committee shall  establish  procedures for the receipt,  retention
and treatment of confidential,  anonymous submission by employees of the Company
and its subsidiaries of concerns regarding  questionable  accounting or auditing


Related Party Transactions

     14. The Audit  Committee  shall review and approve (in accordance  with the
Nasdaq Rules,  the Exchange Act Rules,  the DGCL and other  applicable  law) the
overall fairness of any agreement, arrangement or non-recurring transaction with
the Company in which any of the  following  persons has or will have a direct or
indirect material  interest that would require  disclosure under Item 404 of SEC
Regulation S-K:

     (a)  Any director or executive officer of the Company;

     (b)  Any nominee for election as a director;

     (c)  Any  security  holder who is known to the  Company to own of record or
          beneficially  more than  five  percent  of any class of the  Company's
          voting securities; and

     (d)  Any family  member of any of the  foregoing  persons  under the Nasdaq
          Rules  (currently,   (i)  such  person's  spouse,  (ii)  the  parents,
          brothers,  sisters  and  children  of such  person,  whether by blood,
          marriage or adoption,  and (iii) anyone else residing in such person's

Any such person may have such an  indirect  interest  through  any  corporation,
partnership,   limited  liability  company,  trust  or  other  entity  owned  or
controlled by them, as provided in the Exchange Act Rules.

The Audit  Committee  shall make such review and fairness  approval (A) prior to
the  commencement of any such material  agreement,  arrangement or non-recurring
transaction  and (B)  periodically  thereafter  as often as the Audit  Committee
determines that circumstances reasonably warrant.

Legal Compliance and Updates

     15.  The  Audit  Committee  periodically  (as often as it  determines  that
circumstances  reasonably  warrant) shall,  in  consultation  with the Company's
counsel, alone and/or with the Company's senior management, as and to the extent
the Audit Committee deems appropriate:

     (a)  review and discuss any  regulatory,  compliance,  legal or other issue
          respecting any financial statement, reporting, audit or related matter
          within  its  knowledge  that could  have a  significant  impact on the
          Company or its  financial  statements,  SEC  filings  or other  public
          disclosures, and recommend to the Board any corrective or other action
          that it may deem necessary or desirable;

     (b)  review  and  discuss  the  potential  effect on  financial  statement,
          reporting, audit or related issue of any applicable material change or
          initiative  in any Nasdaq Rule,  any  Exchange  Act Rule,  the DGCL or
          other  applicable  law  or  the  interpretation   thereof  within  its
          knowledge,  and  recommend to the Board any changes in or additions to
          the Company's governing documents, policies, principles,  practices or
          processes respecting financial statement,  reporting, audit or related
          matters that it deems necessary or desirable to deal with such effect;

     (c)  review the implementation of changes in and additions to the Company's
          governing  documents,  policies,  principles,  practices  or processes
          respecting  financial statement,  reporting,  audit or related matters
          within its knowledge, whether as previously approved or recommended by
          the Audit Committee or as previously required by the Nasdaq Rules, the
          Exchange Act Rules, the DGCL or other applicable law;

     (d)  recommend  to the  Board the  advisability  of  having  the  Company's
          counsel,  auditors or other experts or  professionals  make  specified
          studies and reports as to  financial  statement,  reporting,  audit or
          related matters; and


     (e)  receive direct reports from the Company's counsel.

     16. The Audit  Committee shall  establish  regular and separate  systems of
communication  with each of the Company's  senior  management  and the Company's
counsel,  review and  discuss  with them any matter  within  its  authority  and
knowledge that is reasonably likely to have a significant impact on the Company,
and  recommend  to the Board any  corrective  or other  action  that it may deem
necessary or desirable.

Other Responsibilities, Duties and Powers

     17. The Audit Committee shall report its actions and any recommendations to
the Board after each Audit Committee meeting.

     18. The Audit Committee shall have the  responsibility,  duty and power, at
any time and from time to time,  to the same  extent and with the same effect as
if the entire Board were acting:

     (a)  to conduct or authorize  investigations  into matters within the Audit
          Committee's   scope  of   responsibilities   under  this  Charter  and
          applicable law;

     (b)  to retain independent  counsel,  accountants or others to assist it in
          the  conduct of an  investigation  or such  other  action as the Audit
          Committee may otherwise determine as necessary to carry out its duties
          under this Charter and applicable law, the fees and expenses of all of
          which will be paid by the Company; and

     (c)  to perform any other  activities  related or  incidental to the duties
          and  rights  conferred  on the Audit  Committee  (by this  Charter  or
          otherwise)  as the Audit  Committee or the Board from time to time may
          deem necessary or reasonably appropriate.

     19. In  addition  to the  responsibilities,  duties and powers of the Audit
Committee set forth in this Charter,  the Audit  Committee  also shall have such
other  responsibilities,  duties and powers (if any) as may from time to time be
expressly granted to it under the Certificate, the By-Laws, any Board resolution
with continuing  effect, any Nasdaq Rule, any Exchange Act Rule, the DGCL or any
other applicable law.


     1. Notwithstanding  anything in this Charter to the contrary: (a) the Audit
Committee  is an  oversight  body,  and it is not the role or duty of the  Audit
Committee to (i)  implement,  administer  or apply the  accounting,  auditing or
financial  reporting  or  disclosure  policies,  practices  or  controls  of the
Company,  (ii) plan or conduct any audit of the Company or any audit of the work
of the Company's  Independent  Accountants  or the Company's  management,  (iii)
prepare or certify  any of the  Company's  financial  statements  or any portion
thereof,  (iv) determine or assure that the Company's  financial  statements and
disclosures  are  complete  or accurate  or are in  accordance  with GAAP or any
applicable  rule  or  regulation,  or (v)  determine  or  assure  the  Company's
compliance  with  any  legal or  regulatory  requirement,  all of which  are and
continue  to be the  responsibilities  of the  Company's  management  and/or the
Company's  Independent  Accountants,  as the case may be; (b) the members of the
Audit  Committee  are not,  and shall not  under any  circumstance  be deemed or
construed to be (by virtue of their Audit Committee membership,  this Charter or
any  action  taken  as  contemplated  hereunder  or  otherwise),  (i)  officers,
employees or auditors of SGRP or any of its  subsidiaries  and (ii) directors of
any  of  SGRP's   subsidiaries;   (c)  the  Audit  Committee  may  rely  on  the
representations of and other information  provided by the Company's  Independent


Accountants,  the Company's officers, employees and counsel and experts or other
professionals retained by the Company or the Audit Committee;  and (d) the legal
liability (actual,  potential or otherwise) of the Audit Committee members shall
not be (and shall not be deemed or construed to be) any greater than that of any
outside director of SGRP who is not a member of the Audit Committee.

     2. For the purposes of this Charter:

     (a)  "Certificate"  shall mean the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of SGRP
          filed on November 29, 1995,  with the  Secretary of State of the State
          of Delaware, as the same may have been and from time to time hereafter
          may  be  duly  amended  or  restated  in  the  manner  provided  under
          applicable law.

     (b)  "By-Laws" shall mean the Amended and Restated By-Laws of SGRP dated as
          of May 18,  2004,  as the  same may  have  been and from  time to time
          hereafter  may be  supplemented,  amended  or  restated  in the manner
          provided therein.

     (c)  "DGCL"  shall  mean  the  General  Corporation  Law  of the  State  of
          Delaware,  as the same may have been and from  time to time  hereafter
          may be amended or restated, and any succeeding statute.

     3.  This  Charter  constitutes  supplemental  by-laws  of SGRP and shall be
governed and  supplemented  by and construed and  interpreted in accordance with
the By-Laws.  Without in any way limiting the preceding sentence, the provisions
of Article X of the By-Laws (and the applicable definitions appearing elsewhere)
are hereby  incorporated  into this  Charter by  reference as if fully set forth
herein and shall be construed as if this Charter were the "By-Laws"  referred to
in those  incorporated  provisions.  In the event of any  conflict  between  any
specific  provision of this Charter and the By-Laws,  the specific  provision of
this Charter shall control and be given effect.

     4. The  terms  and  provisions  of this  Charter  are each  subject  to the
relevant terms and  provisions of the  Certificate  and  applicable  law. In the
event that any term or provision of this  Charter  conflicts or is  inconsistent
with any term or provision of the  Certificate  or  applicable  law, the term or
provision  of the  Certificate  or  applicable  law shall  control  and be given
