Washington, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM 8-K

                                 Current Report
                     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

        Date of report (Date of earliest event reported): August 2, 2004

                         VOLT INFORMATION SCIENCES, INC.
             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

          New York                       1-9232                13-5658129
- ----------------------------          -----------          ------------------
(State or Other Jurisdiction          (Commission          (I.R.S. Employer
      of Incorporation)               File Number)         Identification No.)

560 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York                                   10022
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Address of Principal Executive Offices)                              (Zip Code)

                                 (212) 704-2400
              (Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

                                 Not Applicable
          (Former Name or Former Address, if Changed Since Last Report)

Item 2.  Acquisition or Disposition of Assets.
- -------  -------------------------------------

         On  August  2,  2004,  Volt  Delta  Resources,  LLC  ("VoltDelta"),   a
wholly-owned  subsidiary of Volt Information Sciences,  Inc. ("Volt"),  closed a
Contribution Agreement (the "Contribution Agreement") that had been entered into
with  Nortel  Networks  Inc.  ("Nortel  Networks")  on June 11, 2004 under which
Nortel  Networks  contributed   substantially  all  of  the  assets  (consisting
principally of customer base and contracts, intellectual property and inventory)
and certain specified liabilities of its directory and operator services ("DOS")
business  to  VoltDelta  in  exchange  for a 24%  minority  equity  interest  in
VoltDelta.  VoltDelta  plans to use the assets  acquired from Nortel Networks to
enhance the operation of its DOS business.

         Also on August 2, 2004, Volt Delta Resource Holdings,  Inc. and Nuco I,
Ltd., each a wholly-owned  subsidiary of Volt, VoltDelta and Volt entered into a
Members'Agreement (the "Members' Agreement") with Nortel Networks which provided
for the management of VoltDelta and the respective rights and obligations of the
equity owners thereof. The Members' Agreement provides that commencing two years
from the date thereof Nortel Networks may exercise a put option or VoltDelta may
exercise a call  option,  in each case to effect the  purchase by  VoltDelta  of
Nortel  Networks'  minority  equity  interest  in  VoltDelta.  If  either  party
exercises  its  option  between  the  second and third year from the date of the
Members'  Agreement,  the price  paid to Nortel  Networks  for its 24%  minority
equity  interest  will be the product of the revenue of VoltDelta for the twelve
month period ended as of the fiscal  quarter  immediately  preceding the date of
option  exercise  (the  "VoltDelta  Revenue  Base")  multiplied  by  70%  of the
enterprise  market  value  to  revenue  formula  index of  specified  comparable
companies (which index shall not exceed 1.8),  times Nortel Networks'  ownership
interest  in  VoltDelta  (the amount so  calculated  would not exceed 30% of the
VoltDelta  Revenue Base),  with a minimum payment of US$25 million and a maximum
payment of US$70 million.  If the option is exercised after three years from the
date of the Members'  Agreement,  the price paid will be a mutually  agreed upon

         In addition,  on July 29, 2004,  Volt entered into a First Amendment to
the Amended and Restated Credit Agreement dated as of April 12, 2004 among Volt,
Gatton Volt Consulting Group Limited,  the guarantors party thereto, the lenders
party thereto and JPMorgan  Chase Bank,  as  administrative  agent,  under which
VoltDelta  was  released as a guarantor  and  collateral  grantor  under  Volt's
multibank credit facility as required under the Contribution Agreement.

         The above  summary  does not purport to be complete and is qualified in
its entirety by reference to the exhibits to this Report.

Item 7.  Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Information and Exhibits.
- -------  -------------------------------------------------------------------

         (a)    Financial Statements of Businesses Acquired

         (b)    Pro Forma Financial Information

                Volt will file the financial  statements and pro forma financial
                information  required  by Item 7 not  later  than  75 days  from
                August 2, 2004.

         (c)    Exhibits:

                2.1   Contribution  Agreement  made and entered  into as of June
                      11,  2004 by and  between  Volt Delta  Resources,  LLC and
                      Nortel Networks Inc.


                2.2   Members'  Agreement  made and entered into as of August 2,
                      2004 by and  between  Volt Delta  Resources,  LLC,  Nortel
                      Networks Inc., Volt Delta Resource Holdings, Inc., Nuco I,
                      Ltd. and Volt Information Sciences, Inc.

                2.3   First  Amendment  dated as of July 29, 2004 to the Amended
                      and Restated  Credit  Agreement dated as of April 12, 2004
                      among  Volt  Information   Sciences,   Inc.,  Gatton  Volt
                      Consulting  Group Limited,  the guarantors  party thereto,
                      the lenders  party  thereto and  JPMorgan  Chase Bank,  as
                      administrative agent.


                                S I G N A T U R E

         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                      VOLT INFORMATION SCIENCES, INC.

Date     August 17, 2004              By: /s/ James J. Groberg
                                         James J. Groberg, Senior Vice President


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

Number      Description
- --------    -----------

2.1         Contribution  Agreement made and entered into as of June 11, 2004 by
            and between Volt Delta Resources, LLC and Nortel Networks Inc.

2.2         Members' Agreement made and entered into as of August 2, 2004 by and
            between Volt Delta Resources,  LLC, Nortel Networks Inc., Volt Delta
            Resource Holdings, Inc., Nuco I, Ltd. and Volt Information Sciences,

2.3         First  Amendment  dated  as of  July  29,  2004 to the  Amended  and
            Restated  Credit  Agreement  dated as of April 12,  2004  among Volt
            Information  Sciences,  Inc.,  Gatton Volt Consulting Group Limited,
            the guarantors party thereto, the lenders party thereto and JPMorgan
            Chase Bank, as administrative agent.
