Washington, D.C. 20549


                                   FORM 8-K/A
                                (Amendment No. 1)

                                 CURRENT REPORT
     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of The Securities Exchange Act of 1934

        Date of report (Date of earliest event reported): August 2, 2004

                         VOLT INFORMATION SCIENCES, INC.
             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

          New York                       1-9232                  13-5658129
- ------------------------------      -----------------       --------------------
(State or Other Jurisdiction           (Commission            (I.R.S. Employer
      of Incorporation)                File Number)          Identification No.)

560 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York                           10022
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Address of Principal Executive Offices)                         (Zip Code)

                                 (212) 704-2400
              (Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

                                 Not Applicable
          (Former Name or Former Address, if Changed Since Last Report)

Check  the  appropriate  box  below  if the  Form  8-K  filing  is  intended  to
simultaneously  satisfy the filing obligation of the registrant under any of the
following provisions:

[]   Written communications pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act (17
     CFR 230.425)
[]   Soliciting  material pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the Exchange Act (17 CFR
[]   Pre-commencement   communications  pursuant  to  Rule  14d-2(b)  under  the
     Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14d-2(b))
[]   Pre-commencement   communications  pursuant  to  Rule  13e-4(c)  under  the
     Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13e-4(c))

       Volt Information Sciences, Inc. ("Volt") hereby amends its Current Report
on Form 8-K,  filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission on August 17,
2004, to delete Item 7 in its entirety and substitute Item 9.01. therefor.

Item 9.01.  Financial Statements and Exhibits.
- ----------  ----------------------------------

       The financial  statements of the Directory & Operator  Services  business
("DOS") of Nortel Networks  Corporation  ("Nortel  Networks")  contained in this
Report have been prepared by, and provided to Volt by Nortel Networks. On August
2, 2004, among other things,  Nortel Networks  contributed  substantially all of
DOS' operating  assets  (consisting  principally of customer base and contracts,
intellectual  property and inventory) and certain specified  liabilities of DOS,
to Volt Delta Resources,  LLC  ("VoltDelta"),  then a wholly owned subsidiary of
Volt Information Sciences,  Inc. ("Volt"), in exchange for a 24% minority equity
interest in VoltDelta. The financial statements contained in this Report cover a
period prior to such  contribution and all information  relating to DOS has been
provided  by Nortel  Networks.  While  Volt has no reason  to  believe  that the
financial statements and other information provided by Nortel Networks contained
in  this  Report  are not  accurate  or  complete,  Volt  does  not  assume  any
responsibility  of any kind for the accuracy or  completeness  of such financial
statements or other information.

       All of the financial statements of the DOS operations for periods through
June 30, 2004  contained in this Report  reflect the DOS operations as conducted
by Nortel Networks.  The pro forma financial statements combine Nortel Network's
DOS Business' (as conducted by Nortel Networks) financial statements with Volt's
financial  statements.  The pro forma  information is being furnished solely for
informational  purposes  and  is  not  indicative  of the  combined  results  of
operations  or financial  position that might have been achieved for the periods
or dates  indicated,  nor is it necessarily  indicative of the future results of
the combined company.

       For further  information  concerning  the financial  statements of Nortel
Networks, see their filings under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (NYSE: NT)
including  the most recent  Form 8-K for Nortel  Networks  Corporation  filed on
October 14, 2004, Results of Operations and Financial  Condition,  Other Events,
Financial  Statements  and Exhibits.  See also Note 4 to the  unaudited  interim
financial  statements  contained  in Appendix 2 to this report  which  states as

              "Note (4)  Financial  Statements  of Nortel  Networks:  As of this
       date,  Nortel  Networks  has not  completed  its  consolidated  financial
       statements  for the year ended  December 31, 2003 or the six months ended
       June 30, 2004. As publicly announced, the Nortel Networks Audit Committee
       has undertaken an independent review of the circumstances  leading to the
       initial   restatement  of  certain  historical   consolidated   financial
       statements of Nortel  Networks in December  2003. As a result of the work
       done in  connection  with the  independent  review,  Nortel  Networks has
       announced  that it will need to revise and  restate  its 2003 and certain
       prior period consolidated  financial  statements.  In connection with the
       planned  revisions  and  restatements,   Nortel  Networks  procedures  to
       determine  all  adjustments  to the year  ended  2003 and  certain  prior
       periods are ongoing. As a result, additional adjustments to the financial
       statements  may be  identified.  As at this  date,  to  Nortel  Networks'
       knowledge,  there are no transactions or other matters that may result in
       material adjustments to the financial statements."

            (a) Financial Statements of Businesses Acquired.

                  Appendix 1

                  Index to Financial Statements

                  Report of Independent Registered Chartered Accountants

                  The following  audited  financial  statements of the Directory
                  and Operator  Services  business acquired from Nortel Networks
                  (the "DOS Business"):

                  (i)   Statement of Operations  for the Year Ended December 31,

                  (ii)  Balance Sheet as at December 31, 2003

                  (iii) Statement of Net  Investment for the Year Ended December
                        31, 2003

                  (iv)  Statement of Cash Flows for the Year Ended  December 31,

                  (v)   Notes  to  Financial   Statements  for  the  Year  Ended
                        December 31, 2003


                  Appendix 2

                  The  following  unaudited interim financial statements of  the
                  DOS Business:

                  (i)   Statement  of  Operations  for the six months ended June
                        30, 2004 (unaudited)

                  (ii)  Balance Sheet as at June 30, 2004 (unaudited)

                  (iii) Notes to Unaudited Interim Financial  Statements for the
                        six months ended June 30, 2004 (unadited)

            The  unaudited  interim financial statements of the DOS Business are
            for  informational purposes and  have  not been  subjected to review
            procedures by an Independent Registered Chartered Accountant.

            (b) Pro Forma Financial Information.

                  Appendix 3

                  The following unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial
                  statements  of Volt  giving  effect  to the  acquisition  as a
                  purchase of the DOS Business by Volt:

                  (i)   Pro-Forma Condensed Combined Balance Sheet  as of August
                        1, 2004 (unaudited)

                  (ii)  Pro-Forma  Condensed  Combined  Statements of Income for
                        the Nine  Months  Ended  August 1, 2004 and for the Year
                        Ended November 2, 2003 (unaudited)

                  (iii) Notes  to   Pro-Forma   Condensed   Combined   Financial
                        Statements (unaudited)

            (c)   Exhibits:

            2.1*  Contribution  Agreement  made and entered  into as of June 11,
                  2004 by and  between  Volt  Delta  Resources,  LLC and  Nortel
                  Networks Inc.

            2.2*  Members' Agreement made and entered into as of August 2, 2004
                  by and between Volt Delta Resources, LLC, Nortel Networks
                  Inc., Volt Delta Resource Holdings, Inc., Nuco I, Ltd. and
                  Volt Information Sciences, Inc.

            2.3*  First  Amendment  dated as of July 29, 2004 to the Amended and
                  Restated  Credit  Agreement  dated as of April 12,  2004 among
                  Volt Information Sciences,  Inc., Gatton Volt Consulting Group
                  Limited,  the  guarantors  party  thereto,  the lenders  party
                  thereto and JPMorgan Chase Bank, as administrative agent.

            23.1  Consent of Independent Registered Chartered Accountants.

         * Previously filed with the initial filing of this Report.


                                S I G N A T U R E

      Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended,  the  registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf
by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                  VOLT INFORMATION SCIENCES, INC.

Date     October 18, 2004         By: /s/ James J. Groberg
                                      James J. Groberg, Senior Vice President


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

           Number                    Description
           ------                    -----------

            2.1*  Contribution  Agreement  made and entered  into as of June 11,
                  2004 by and  between  Volt  Delta  Resources,  LLC and  Nortel
                  Networks Inc.

            2.2*  Members' Agreement made and entered into as of August 2, 2004
                  by and between Volt Delta Resources, LLC, Nortel Networks
                  Inc., Volt Delta Resource Holdings, Inc., Nuco I, Ltd. and
                  Volt Information Sciences, Inc.

            2.3*  First  Amendment  dated as of July 29, 2004 to the Amended and
                  Restated  Credit  Agreement  dated as of April 12,  2004 among
                  Volt Information Sciences,  Inc., Gatton Volt Consulting Group
                  Limited,  the  guarantors  party  thereto,  the lenders  party
                  thereto and JPMorgan Chase Bank, as administrative agent.

            23.1 Consent of Independent Registered Chartered Accountants.

         * Previously filed with the initial filing of this Report.


                                  Appendix 1

                         DIRECTORY AND OPERATOR SERVICES

                   (A Business of Nortel Networks Corporation)

                     Financial Statements for the year ended
                                December 31, 2003


                         DIRECTORY AND OPERATOR SERVICES
                   (A Business of Nortel Networks Corporation)

                          Index to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Chartered Accountants................        7

Statement of Operations for the Year Ended
December 31, 2003  ...................................................        8

Balance Sheet as at December 31, 2003  ...............................        9

Statement of Net Investment for the Year Ended
December 31, 2003  ...................................................       10

Statement of Cash Flows for the Year Ended
December 31, 2003  ...................................................       11

Notes to Financial Statements for the Year Ended
December 31, 2003  ...................................................     12-23


             Report of Independent Registered Chartered Accountants

To the Board of Directors of
Nortel Networks Corporation

We have audited the  accompanying  balance  sheet of the  Directory and Operator
Services  business  ("Directory  and  Operator  Services")  of  Nortel  Networks
Corporation  ("Nortel  Networks")  as at  December  31,  2003,  and the  related
statements of operations, net investment and cash flows for the year then ended.
These financial statements are the responsibility of Nortel Networks management.
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial  statements based
on our audit.

We conducted  our audit in accordance  with the standards of the Public  Company
Accounting  Oversight Board (United States of America).  Those standards require
that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether
the financial  statements are free of material  misstatement.  An audit includes
examining,  on a test basis,  evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in
the  financial  statements.  An audit also  includes  assessing  the  accounting
principles  used  and  significant  estimates  made  by  management,  as well as
evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We believe that our
audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our  opinion,  such  financial  statements  present  fairly,  in all material
respects, the financial position of the Directory and Operator Services business
of Nortel  Networks as at December 31, 2003,  and the results of its  operations
and its  cash  flows  for the year  then  ended in  conformity  with  accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

The accompanying financial statements have been prepared from records maintained
by Nortel  Networks and may not necessarily be indicative of the conditions that
would have existed or the results of  operations  if the  Directory and Operator
Services  business  had been  operated as an  independent  company.  Portions of
certain  expenses  represent  charges and allocations  made from Nortel Networks
applicable to Directory and Operator  Services,  most of which are transacted at
amounts  which   approximate   "cost"  rather  than  market  rates  for  similar
transactions with companies outside of the Nortel Networks group.

/s/ Deloitte & Touche LLP
Independent Registered Chartered Accountants

Toronto, Canada
October 8, 2004


                         DIRECTORY AND OPERATOR SERVICES
                   (A Business of Nortel Networks Corporation)

                             Statement of Operations
                             Year Ended December 31,
                           (thousands of U.S. dollars)


Revenues .....................................    $40,448
Cost of revenues .............................     26,467

Gross profit .................................     13,981

Operating expenses:
   Selling, general and administrative expense      1,228
   Research and development expense ..........      4,062

           Total operating expenses ..........      5,290

Earnings before income taxes .................      8,691

Income taxes .................................      3,249

Net earnings .................................    $ 5,442

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                         DIRECTORY AND OPERATOR SERVICES
                   (A Business of Nortel Networks Corporation)

                                  Balance Sheet
                               As at December 31,
                           (thousands of U.S. dollars)


Current assets:
   Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts
        of $3 ............................................................    $ 2,489
   Net receivable from Nortel Networks Corporation .......................     44,957
   Inventories - net .....................................................      1,052
   Other current assets ..................................................          2

        Total current assets .............................................     48,500

Plant and equipment - net ................................................      1,101

Deferred income taxes - net ..............................................      2,770

Total assets .............................................................    $52,371

                         LIABILITIES AND NORTEL NETWORKS
                           CORPORATION NET INVESTMENT

Current liabilities:
   Accounts payable ......................................................    $   518
   Customer deposits .....................................................        917
   Other accrued liabilities .............................................      3,152

        Total current liabilities ........................................      4,587

Guarantees, contingencies and commitments (Note 10)

Nortel Networks Corporation net investment ...............................     47,784

Total liabilities and Nortel Networks Corporation net investment .........    $52,371

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                         DIRECTORY AND OPERATOR SERVICES
                   (A Business of Nortel Networks Corporation)

                           Statement of Net Investment
                             Year Ended December 31,
                           (thousands of U.S. dollars)


Balance, December 31, 2002 ...............................    $42,288
    Stock option compensation ............................         54
    Net earnings .........................................      5,442
Balance, December 31, 2003 ...............................    $47,784

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                         DIRECTORY AND OPERATOR SERVICES
                   (A Business of Nortel Networks Corporation)

                             Statement of Cash Flows
                             Year Ended December 31
                           (thousands of U.S. dollars)

Cash flows from (used in) operating activities:
   Net earnings ...................................................      $  5,442
   Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net cash from (used in)
      operating activities:
         Depreciation .............................................         1,456
         Stock option compensation ................................            54
         Deferred income taxes recovery ...........................          (794)
         Loss on disposal of equipment ............................           421
         Provision for doubtful accounts ..........................           (21)
         Change in operating assets and liabilities:
            Accounts receivable ...................................         3,234
            Inventories ...........................................            (2)
            Accounts payable and other accrued liabilities ........         1,649
            Receivable from Nortel Networks Corporation ...........       (10,147)
            Customer deposits .....................................        (1,778)

Net cash used in operating activities .............................          (486)

Cash flows from investing activities:
   Proceeds on disposition of plant and equipment .................           546
   Expenditures for plant and equipment ...........................           (60)

Net cash from investing activities ................................           486

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents ..............             -

Cash and cash equivalents, at beginning of year ...................             -

Cash and cash equivalents, at end of year .........................      $      -

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                         DIRECTORY AND OPERATOR SERVICES
                   (A Business of Nortel Networks Corporation)

                          Notes to Financial Statements
              (thousands of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise stated)

1.     Description of the business

       The accompanying  financial statements reflect the carved-out  operations
       of the Directory and Operator Services business  ("Directory and Operator
       Services"),   a  business  of  Nortel   Networks   Corporation   ("Nortel
       Networks").  The financial  statements  include the assets,  liabilities,
       revenues  and  cost  of  revenues  of  Directory  and  Operator  Services
       products, as well as personnel,  facilities and other expenses which were
       attributable   to   Directory   and   Operator   Services'   general  and
       administrative,   research  and  development,  and  sales  and  marketing

       Expenses   including,   but  not  limited  to,  management  salaries  and
       management stock  compensation plans have been allocated to the Directory
       and Operator  Services  business based on management's  estimate of usage
       based  on  headcount  and  other  measures.   Management   considers  the
       allocation methodology used to allocate expenses reasonable.

       The financial position, results of operation, and cash flows of Directory
       and Operator Services may differ from those that would have been achieved
       had the business operated independently.

       The Directory and Operator  Services  business supplies systems (hardware
       and   software),   as  well  as  support,   maintenance   and  associated
       professional services, for  directory-and-operator-services  applications
       and platform  operator  workstation-executable  solutions from a database
       via operator  positions or  automation  systems.  Directory  and Operator
       Services   focuses  on  established   products  and  on  emerging  market
       opportunities  such as  location  based  services  ("LBS"),  directories,
       enhanced services and web technologies.

       Directory and Operator Services  principal products and services include:
       (i) System Sales  (hardware  and  software)  to implement  one or more of
       Directory Assistance, Enhanced Information Services, Operator Assistance,
       or Intercept  services;  (ii)  Database  management  services;  and (iii)
       maintenance service and support primarily from providing system upgrades,
       maintenance  support,  training,  remote  support and repair  services to

2.     Significant accounting policies

       Basis of presentation

       The accompanying  financial statements of Directory and Operator Services
       have been prepared in accordance  with  accounting  principles  generally
       accepted  in the  United  States of  America  ("GAAP").  These  financial
       statements  are expressed in United States dollars as the greater part of
       the financial  results and net assets of Directory and Operator  Services
       are denominated in United States dollars.


                         DIRECTORY AND OPERATOR SERVICES
                   (A Business of Nortel Networks Corporation)

                          Notes to Financial Statements
              (thousands of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise stated)

       Use of estimates

       The preparation of financial  statements in conformity with GAAP requires
       management  to make  estimates and  assumptions  that affect the reported
       amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and
       liabilities  as at the date of the financial  statements and the reported
       amounts of revenues  and expenses  during the  reporting  period.  Actual
       results  may  differ  from  those  estimates.  Estimates  are  used  when
       accounting  for items and matters  such as  allowance  for  uncollectible
       accounts  receivable,  inventory  obsolescence,  product warranty,  asset
       valuations,  impairment  assessments,  employee  benefits,  taxes,  other
       provisions and contingencies.

       Financial instruments

       The amounts reported for accounts receivable,  accounts payable and other
       financial instruments are considered to approximate fair value based upon
       comparable market information available at the balance sheet date.

       The financial instruments that potentially subject Directory and Operator
       Services to  concentrations  of credit risk  comprise  principally  trade
       receivables.  Traditionally,  Directory and Operator  Services'  customer
       base was dispersed  across many  different  geographic  areas  throughout
       North America  consisting  principally  of  telecommunication  operators.
       Directory and Operator  Services  performs ongoing credit  evaluations of
       its customers and  maintains an allowance  for potential  credit  losses.
       Collateral,  such as letters of credit and bank guarantees,  is generally
       not required.

       In the normal  course of business,  Directory  and Operator  Services has
       exposures to foreign  currency  fluctuations  arising  from,  among other
       activities,   foreign  currency  sales  and  purchases  and  intercompany

       Translation of foreign currencies

       The functional  currency of Directory and Operator Services is the United
       States dollar.

       Transactions  and financial  statement  items  denominated  in a currency
       other than the functional  currency are translated into the United States
       dollar at the  exchange  rates in effect at the  balance  sheet  date for
       monetary  assets and  liabilities,  and at historical  exchange rates for
       non-monetary assets and liabilities. Revenues and expenses are translated
       at  average  rates  for the  period,  except  for  depreciation  which is
       translated on the same basis as the related  assets.  Resulting  gains or
       losses are reflected in net earnings.

       Revenue recognition

       Directory and Operator  Services revenue is derived  primarily from three
       sources:  (i) System Sales  (hardware  and  software) to implement one or
       more of Directory  Assistance,  Enhanced Information  Services,  Operator
       Assistance, or Intercept services; (ii) Database management services; and
       (iii)  maintenance  service and support  primarily from providing  system
       upgrades,  maintenance  support,  training,  remote  support  and  repair
       services to customers.


                         DIRECTORY AND OPERATOR SERVICES
                   (A Business of Nortel Networks Corporation)

                          Notes to Financial Statements
              (thousands of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise stated)

       Directory and Operator  Services  recognizes  revenue under  Statement of
       Position  ("SOP") 81-1  "Accounting for Performance of  Construction-Type
       and Certain  Production-Type  Contracts" ("SOP 81-1"), SOP 97-2 "Software
       Revenue  Recognition" ("SOP 97-2"), and Staff Accounting Bulletin ("SAB")
       104 "Revenue  Recognition in Financial  Statements" ("SAB 104") depending
       upon  the  terms  of the  contract.  Revenue  is  recognized  net of cash
       discounts and allowances.

       For contracts involving multiple deliverables, where the deliverables are
       governed by more than one authoritative standard,  Directory and Operator
       Services  generally  applies the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board
       ("FASB")  Emerging  Issues Task Force ("EITF") Issue No. 00-21,  "Revenue
       arrangements with multiple  deliverables"  ("EITF 00-21"),  and evaluates
       each  deliverable  to determine  whether it represents a separate unit of
       accounting  based on the  following  criteria:  (a) whether the delivered
       item has value to the customer on a standalone  basis,  (b) whether there
       is objective and reliable  evidence of the fair value of the  undelivered
       item(s),  and (c) if the  contract  includes  a  general  right of return
       relative to the delivered item,  delivery or performance of the delivered
       item(s)  is  considered  probable  and  substantially  in the  control of
       Directory  and  Operator   Services.   Directory  and  Operator  Services
       allocates revenue to each unit of accounting or element based on relative
       fair values.  Each unit of  accounting  is then  accounted  for under the
       applicable revenue  recognition  guidance.  For arrangements that include
       hardware and software, provided that the software is not essential to the
       functionality  of the hardware  and the  hardware and software  represent
       separate units of accounting,  revenue related to the software element is
       recognized  under SOP 97-2 and revenue related to the hardware element is
       recognized under SOP 81-1 or SAB 104. For arrangements where the software
       is essential to the functionality of the hardware,  revenue is recognized
       for the software and the hardware as one unit of  accounting  pursuant to
       SOP  97-2  for  off-the  shelf  products  and  pursuant  to SOP  81-1 for
       customized products.

       For long-term  contracts,  primarily those related to customized  network
       solutions and network build outs,  revenues are recognized under SOP 81-1
       using the  percentage-of-completion  method. The percentage-of-completion
       method  measures the  percentage of costs  incurred to date on a contract
       relative to the estimated total expected contract costs. Profit estimates
       on  long-term  contracts  are  revised  periodically  based on changes in
       circumstances  and any losses on contracts  are  recognized in the period
       that  such  losses  become  known.  Generally,  the  terms  of  long-term
       contracts  provide for progress  billing  based on  completion of certain
       phases of work.  Contract  costs  incurred  towards the completion of the
       project that are unbilled are  accumulated  in the  contracts in progress
       account  included in  accounts  receivable  - net.  Billings in excess of
       revenues  recognized  to date on  long-term  contracts  are  included  in
       advance  billings in excess of  revenues,  a component  of other  accrued

       Revenue for hardware sold  separately  that does not require  significant
       customization is recognized under SAB 104. Hardware revenue, net of trade
       discounts  and  allowances,  is  recognized  upon  shipment  and when all
       significant contractual obligations have been satisfied and collection is
       reasonably assured.

       Engineering,  installation  and  other  services  are  recognized  as the
       services are performed.

       Directory and Operator  Services  makes  certain  sales through  multiple
       distribution  channels,  primarily  resellers  and  distributors.   These
       customers are generally given certain rights of return. For products sold


                         DIRECTORY AND OPERATOR SERVICES
                   (A Business of Nortel Networks Corporation)

                          Notes to Financial Statements
              (thousands of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise stated)

       through these distribution  channels,  revenue is recognized from product
       sales at the time of shipment to the distribution  channel.  Accruals for
       estimated sales returns and other  allowances are recorded at the time of
       shipment and are based on contract terms and prior claims experience.

       Software revenue is generally recognized under SOP 97-2. Software revenue
       under SOP 97-2 is recognized when  persuasive  evidence of an arrangement
       exists,  when the software is delivered in accordance  with all terms and
       conditions  of  the  customer  contracts,   when  the  fee  is  fixed  or
       determinable  and when  collection  is reasonably  assured.  For software
       arrangements involving multiple elements, Directory and Operator Services
       allocates  revenue to each  element  based on vendor  specific  objective
       evidence of relative fair values, which are derived by allocating a value
       to each element that is based upon the prices charged when the element is
       sold separately.

       Research and development

       Research and development costs are charged to net earnings in the periods
       in which they are incurred.  Related  investment tax credits are deducted
       from the income tax provision.

       Income taxes

       Directory and Operator Services provides for income taxes using the asset
       and  liability  method.  This  approach  recognizes  the  amount of taxes
       payable or refundable for the current year as well as deferred tax assets
       and liabilities  for the future tax  consequence of events  recognized in
       the consolidated  financial  statements and tax returns.  Deferred income
       taxes are  adjusted  to  reflect  the  effects  of changes in tax laws or
       enacted tax rates.

       In  establishing  the  appropriate   income  tax  valuation   allowances,
       Directory and Operator  Services  assesses the  realizability  of its net
       deferred tax assets quarterly and based on all available  evidence,  both
       positive and negative, determines whether it is more likely than not that
       the  remaining  net  deferred  tax  assets or a portion  thereof  will be


       Inventories  are valued at the lower of cost  (calculated  on a first-in,
       first-out  basis)  or  market.  The cost of  finished  goods  and work in
       process is comprised of material, labor and manufacturing overhead.

       Property and equipment

       Property and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated  depreciation.
       Depreciation  is  calculated on a  straight-line  basis over the expected
       useful lives of the related assets (generally three to five years).  Upon
       disposal,  the assets and related  accumulated  depreciation  are removed
       from Directory and Operator Services accounts, and the resulting gains or
       losses are reflected in the statement of operations.

       Impairment or disposal of long-lived assets (property and equipment)

       Long-lived assets held and used

       Directory and Operator  Services tests long-lived  assets or asset groups
       for recoverability when events or changes in circumstances  indicate that
       their carrying amount may not be recoverable.  Circumstances  which could
       trigger a review include,  but are not limited to: significant  decreases
       in the market price of the asset; significant adverse changes


                         DIRECTORY AND OPERATOR SERVICES
                   (A Business of Nortel Networks Corporation)

                          Notes to Financial Statements
              (thousands of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise stated)

       in  the  business  climate  or  legal  factors;   accumulation  of  costs
       significantly  in  excess  of the  amount  originally  expected  for  the
       acquisition  or  construction  of the asset;  current period cash flow or
       operating  losses  combined  with a history  of losses or a  forecast  of
       continuing  losses  associated  with the use of the asset;  and a current
       expectation  that the asset will more likely than not be sold or disposed
       at a loss before the end of its estimated useful life.

       Recoverability  is assessed based on the carrying amount of the asset and
       its fair  value  which is  generally  determined  based on the sum of the
       undiscounted  cash flows expected to result from the use and the eventual
       disposal of the asset. An impairment loss is recognized when the carrying
       amount is not  recoverable  and  exceeds  fair  value of the  asset.  The
       impairment  loss is measured as the amount by which the  carrying  amount
       exceeds fair value.

       Long-lived assets held for sale

       Long-lived  assets are classified as held for sale when certain  criteria
       are  met,  which  include:  management  commitment  to a plan to sell the
       assets;  the  availability  of the  assets  for  immediate  sale in their
       present  condition;  whether an active program to locate buyers and other
       actions to sell the assets has been  initiated;  whether  the sale of the
       assets  is  probable  and their  transfer  is  expected  to  qualify  for
       recognition as a completed  sale within one year;  whether the assets are
       being marketed at reasonable  prices in relation to their fair value; and
       how unlikely it is that  significant  changes will be made to the plan to
       sell the assets.

       Directory and Operator Services measures long-lived assets to be disposed
       of by sale at the lower of  carrying  amount  and fair value less cost to
       sell.  These assets are no longer  depreciated.  Fair value is determined
       using quoted market prices or the anticipated  cash flows discounted at a
       rate commensurate with the risk involved.

       Long-lived assets to be disposed of other than by sale

       Directory and Operator  Services  classifies an asset or asset group that
       will be  disposed  of  other  than by sale as held  and  used  until  the
       disposal  transaction  occurs.  The asset or asset group  continues to be
       depreciated  based on  revisions to its  estimated  useful life until the
       date of disposal or abandonment.

       Recoverability  is assessed based on the carrying amount of the asset and
       the sum of the  undiscounted  cash  flows  expected  to  result  from the
       remaining  period  of use and the  eventual  disposal  of the  asset.  An
       impairment loss is recognized when the carrying amount is not recoverable
       and exceeds the fair value of the asset.

       Customer deposits

       Customer  deposits  consist  of  amounts  billed to  customers  for which
       services will be performed over future periods.

       Warranty costs

       Directory and Operator  Services products are covered by product warranty
       plans  generally  for 90  days.  A  liability  for the  expected  cost of
       warranty-related  claims is  established  when  products are sold and the
       related  revenue is  recognized.  In estimating  the warranty  liability,
       historical material replacement costs and the associated labor to correct
       the  product  failure  are  considered.  Revisions  are made when  actual
       experience differs materially from historical  experience.  Known product
       defects are specifically  accrued for as Directory and Operator  Services
       becomes aware of such defects.


                         DIRECTORY AND OPERATOR SERVICES
                   (A Business of Nortel Networks Corporation)

                          Notes to Financial Statements
              (thousands of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise stated)

       Pension, post-retirement and post-employment benefits

       Pension  expense,  based on  management's  assumptions,  consists of the:
       actuarially  computed costs of pension benefits in respect of the current
       year's service;  imputed  returns on plan assets and imputed  interest on
       pension  obligations;  and straight-line  amortization under the corridor
       approach  of  experience  gains and losses,  assumption  changes and plan
       amendments  over  the  expected  average  remaining  service  life of the
       employee group.

       The  expected  costs  of  post-retirement  and  certain   post-employment
       benefits,  other than pensions,  for active  employees are accrued in the
       consolidated  financial  statements of Nortel  Networks  during the years
       employees provide service as the liabilities reside with Nortel Networks.
       These costs are  recorded  based on  actuarial  methods and  assumptions.
       Other  post-employment  benefits are recognized when the event triggering
       the obligation  occurs.  These costs have been allocated to the financial
       statements of Directory and Operator Services based on headcount.

       Stock-Based Compensation

       Under various stock option  programs of Nortel  Networks,  options may be
       granted to various eligible  employees of Directory and Operator Services
       to purchase common shares of Nortel Networks.

       In December  2002,  the FASB issued  Statement  of  Financial  Accounting
       Standards  ("SFAS") No. 148,  "Accounting for Stock-Based  Compensation -
       Transition  and  Disclosure  - an Amendment  of FASB  Statement  No. 123"
       ("SFAS 148"), which amended the transitional  provisions of SFAS No. 123,
       "Accounting  for  Stock-based  Compensation"  ("SFAS 123"),  to allow the
       recognition  of  stock-based  compensation  under  the fair  value  based

       Prior to January 1, 2003,  Directory and Operator Services,  as permitted
       under SFAS 123, applied  Accounting  Principles Board Opinion ("APB") No.
       25,  "Accounting  for Stock Issued to Employees"  ("APB 25"), and related
       interpretations   in  accounting  and  providing   disclosures   for  its
       stock-based  compensation plans. Under SFAS 123 and APB 25, Directory and
       Operator Services did not expense employee stock-based compensation using
       the fair value based method.

       Effective  January 1, 2003,  Directory and Operator  Services  elected to
       expense employee stock-based compensation relating to their employees who
       hold  options  of Nortel  Networks  using  the fair  value  based  method
       prospectively  for all awards  granted or modified on or after January 1,
       2003.  The fair value at grant date of stock  options is estimated  using
       the  Black-Scholes   option-pricing   model.   Compensation   expense  is
       recognized on a straight line basis over the stock option vesting period.
       The impact of the  adoption of the fair value based  method for  expenses
       recognition  of  employee  awards  resulted in $54 (net of tax of nil) of
       stock option expense during 2003.

       Had Directory and Operator  Services  applied the fair value based method
       to all stock-based awards, reported net earnings would have been adjusted
       to the pro forma amount indicated below for the year ended December 31:


       Net eanings - reported                                      $5,442
          Stock based compensation - reported                          54
          Pro forma stock option expense                             (706)
       Net earnings - pro forma                                    $4,790


                         DIRECTORY AND OPERATOR SERVICES
                   (A Business of Nortel Networks Corporation)

                          Notes to Financial Statements
              (thousands of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise stated)

       The following  weighted  average  assumptions  were used in computing the
       fair value of stock  options  used to compute pro forma net  earnings for
       the year ended December 31:


       Black-Scholes weighted-average assumptions
          Expected dividend yield                                    0.00%
          Expected volatility                                       92.49%
          Risk-free interest rate                                    2.81%
          Expected option life in years                                 4

       Weighted-average stock option fair value
          per option granted in Nortel Networks                    $ 1.57

Recent pronouncements

a)     In March 2004, the EITF reached consensus on Issue No. 03-1, "The Meaning
       of  Other-Than-Temporary   Impairment  and  Its  Application  to  Certain
       Investments"  ("EITF 03-1").  EITF 03-1 provides  guidance on determining
       when an  investment is considered  impaired,  whether that  impairment is
       other than  temporary,  and the  measurement of an impairment  loss. EITF
       03-1 is effective for Nortel Networks investment  evaluations for periods
       commencing  July 1, 2004.  EITF 03-1 is applicable to marketable debt and
       equity  securities  within  the scope of SFAS No.  115,  "Accounting  for
       Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities" ("SFAS 115"), and SFAS
       No. 124,  "Accounting  for  Certain  Investments  Held by  Not-for-Profit
       Organizations",  and equity  securities that are not subject to the scope
       of SFAS 115 and not accounted for under the equity method of  accounting.
       On  September  30,  2004 the FASB  issued  FSB EITF Issue  03-1-1,  which
       delayed  the  effective  date  of  paragraph  10 to 20 of EITF  03-1  The
       adoption  of EITF  03-1 is not  expected  to have a  material  impact  on
       Directory  and Operator  Services  results of  operations  and  financial

b)     On December 8, 2003,  the Medicare  Prescription  Drug,  Improvement  and
       Modernization  Act of 2003 (the  "MPDIM  Act") was signed into law in the
       United States. The MPDIM Act introduced a prescription drug benefit under
       Medicare  (specifically  Medicare Part D) as well as a federal subsidy to
       sponsors of retiree health care benefit plans that provide a benefit that
       is at least  actuarially  equivalent to Medicare Part D. Nortel  Networks
       currently  sponsors  retiree health care plans that provide  prescription
       drug benefits to its U.S. retirees. On May 19, 2004, FASB Financial Staff
       Position  ("FSP")   "Financial   Accounting   Standards"   ("FAS")  106-2
       "Accounting   and  Disclosure   Requirements   Related  to  the  Medicare
       Prescription  Drug,  Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003" ("FSP FAS
       106-2")  was  issued,  which  addresses  the  accounting  and  disclosure
       requirements  associated  with  Medicare  Part D.  Directory and Operator
       Services has elected to retroactively  recognize the effects of the MPDIM
       Act to the date of enactment  effective for the three-month  period ended
       June 30,  2004.  The  adoption  of the MPDIM Act did not have a  material
       impact on Directory  and  Operator  Services'  results of  operation  and
       financial condition in 2003.

3.     Accounting changes

       (a)    Determining whether an arrangement contains a lease

       In May 2003, the EITF reached a consensus on Issue No. 01-8, "Determining
       Whether  an  Arrangement  Contains  a Lease"  ("EITF  01-8").  EITF  01-8
       provides guidance on how to determine  whether an arrangement  contains a
       lease that is within the scope of FASB Statement No. 13,  "Accounting for
       Leases."  The  guidance in EITF 01-8 is based on whether the  arrangement
       conveys to the  purchaser  (or the  lessee) the right to use or control a
       specific asset, and is effective for Directory and Operator  Services for
       arrangements  entered into or modified  after June 30, 2003. The guidance
       in ETIF 01-8 did not have a material  impact on  Directory  and  Operator
       Services  results of operations  and financial  condition.  The impact of
       EITF 01-8 on Directory and Operator Services future results of operations
       and financial  condition will depend on the terms  contained in contracts
       signed or contracts amended in the future.


                         DIRECTORY AND OPERATOR SERVICES
                   (A Business of Nortel Networks Corporation)

                          Notes to Financial Statements
              (thousands of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise stated)

       (b)    Accounting for certain financial  instruments with characteristics
              of both liabilities and equity

       In May 2003,  the FASB  issued  SFAS No.  150,  "Accounting  for  Certain
       Financial  Instruments  with  Characteristics  of  both  Liabilities  and
       Equity"  ("SFAS  150").  SFAS 150 clarifies  the  accounting  for certain
       financial instruments with characteristics of both liabilities and equity
       and requires that those  instruments  be classified as liabilities on the
       balance  sheets.  Previously,  many of those financial  instruments  were
       classified as equity.  SFAS 150 is effective  for  financial  instruments
       entered into or modified after May 31, 2003 and otherwise is effective at
       the beginning of the first interim period  beginning after June 15, 2003.
       The adoption of SFAS 150 did not have a material  impact on Directory and
       Operator Services results of operations and financial condition.

       (c)    Amendment  of  SFAS  133 on  derivative  instruments  and  hedging

       In April 2003, the FASB issued SFAS No. 149,  "Amendment of Statement 133
       on Derivative  Instruments and Hedging Activities" ("SFAS 149"). SFAS 149
       amends and clarifies  accounting  for derivative  instruments,  including
       certain  derivative  instruments  embedded in other contracts and hedging
       activities under SFAS No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and
       Hedging  Activities"  ("SFAS 133").  In particular,  SFAS 149:  clarifies
       under what  circumstances a contract with an initial net investment meets
       the  characteristic  of a derivative as discussed in SFAS 133;  clarifies
       when a derivative contains a financing  component;  amends the definition
       of an  "underlying"  to  conform it to the  language  used in FIN 45; and
       amends certain other existing  pronouncements.  SFAS 149 is effective for
       contracts  entered into or modified after June 30, 2003, except as stated
       below, and for hedging relationships  designated after June 30, 2003.

       The  provisions of SFAS 149 that relate to guidance in SFAS 133 that have
       been  effective  for fiscal  quarters  which began prior to June 15, 2003
       will continue to be applied in accordance with their respective effective
       dates. In addition,  certain provisions  relating to forward purchases or
       sales of when-issued securities or other securities that do not yet exist
       will be  applied  to both  existing  contracts  as well as new  contracts
       entered into after June 30, 2003.

       Effective  July 1, 2003,  Directory  and  Operator  Services  applied the
       requirements of SFAS 149 on a prospective basis to contracts entered into
       or modified  after June 30, 2003. The adoption of SFAS 149 did not have a
       material impact on Directory and Operator  Services results of operations
       and financial condition.

       (d)    Consolidation of variable interest entities (VIE)

       In January  2003,  the FASB  issued FIN 46,  "Consolidation  of  Variable
       Interest Entities an  interpretation of Accounting  Research Bulletin No.
       51, "Consolidated  Financial Statements" ("FIN 46"). FIN 46 clarifies the
       application of  consolidation  guidance to those entities defined as VIEs
       (which includes, but is not limited to special purpose entities,  trusts,
       partnerships and other legal structures) in which equity investors do not
       have the  characteristics of a "controlling  financial interest" or there
       is not sufficient equity at risk for the entity to finance its activities
       without  additional   subordinated  financial  support.  FIN  46  applies
       immediately  to all  VIEs  created  after  January  31,  2003  and by the
       beginning  of the first  interim or annual  reporting  period  commencing
       after June 15,  2003 for VIEs  created  prior to  February  1,  2003.  In
       October 2003,  the FASB issued FSP No. FIN 46-6,  deferring the effective
       date for applying  the  provisions  of FIN 46 for VIEs  created  prior to
       February 1, 2003 to the end of the first  interim or annual period ending
       after December 15, 2003. While the criteria for deferral were met, Nortel
       Networks  elected early  application  of FIN 46.  Effective July 1, 2003,
       Nortel Networks  prospectively began consolidating certain VIEs for which
       Nortel  Networks was  considered  the primary  beneficiary  following the
       guidance  of FIN 46. In  December  2003,  the FASB  issued  FIN 46R which
       amends and  supercedes  the  original FIN 46. The adoption of FIN 46R did
       not have a material impact on Directory and Operator  Services results of
       operations and financial condition or their accounting treatment of VIEs.


                         DIRECTORY AND OPERATOR SERVICES
                   (A Business of Nortel Networks Corporation)

                          Notes to Financial Statements
              (thousands of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise stated)

4.     Inventories - net

       Inventories as at December 31 consist of the following:


       Spare parts ..............                             $  7,559

          Less inventory provisions                             (6,507)

       Inventories - net ........                             $  1,052

5.     Plant and equipment - net

       Property and equipment as at December 31 consists of the following:


       Equipment ........................................     $ 25,703
       Furniture and fixtures ...........................          540

       Less accumulated depreciation ....................      (25,142)

       Property and equipment - net                           $  1,101

       During the 2003 fiscal year,  Directory and Operator Services disposed of
       equipment  having a net book value of $421 for nil proceeds.  The loss on
       disposal has been included in the statement of operations as follows:


       Selling, general and administrative expense.......     $    321
       Research and development expense..................          100
                                                              $    421

6.     Other accrued liabilities

       Other accrued liabilities at December 31 consist of the following:


       Accrued compensation .............................     $  1,656
       Contractual liabilities ..........................        1,095
       Cost of sales accruals ...........................          221
       Selling, general and administrative accrual ......          180

       Other accrued liabilities ........................     $  3,152

7.     Segment information and major customers

       In accordance with SFAS 131, "Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise
       and Related Information,"  Directory and Operator Services is required to
       disclose information about its products, services, the geographic area in
       which it operates,  and major customers.  Directory and Operator Services
       operates in a single industry  segment which supplies  systems  (hardware
       and   software),   as  well  as  support,   maintenance   and  associated
       professional services, for  directory-and-operator-services  applications
       and platform operator workstation-executable solutions. The following are
       revenues by  geographic  region based on the location of the customer for
       the year ended December 31:


       United States ....................................     $ 34,422
       Canada ...........................................        4,347
       Other International...............................        1,679
       Total ............................................     $ 40,448


                         DIRECTORY AND OPERATOR SERVICES
                   (A Business of Nortel Networks Corporation)

                          Notes to Financial Statements
              (thousands of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise stated)

       Revenue Streams

       Total  revenues  are  segregated  between  product  sales and services as
       follows: Revenues earned as a result of services provided were $29,973 or
       74%;  revenues  earned as a result of product  sales were $10,475 or 26%;
       and the cost of revenue for services provided were 20,382 or 77% and cost
       of revenue for product sales were $6,085 or 23%.

       Major customers

       External  revenues include amounts from three separate  customers located
       in the United  States in the  amounts of  $12,690,  $11,245 and $5,419 or
       31%,  28%,  and 13% of  total  revenues  respectfully,  in  2003.  All of
       Directory   and   Operator    Services    customers    operate   in   the
       telecommunications industry.

       Plant and Equipment - net

       The  following  table sets forth plant and  equipment - net by geographic
       region as of December 31:

       United States                                          $  1,017
       Canada ...........................................           84
       Total ............................................     $  1,101

8.     Incomes taxes

       Directory and Operator Services results of operations are included in the
       income tax returns  filed for Nortel  Networks.  Directory  and  Operator
       Services income tax provision, deferred income tax balances and valuation
       allowance  have been  determined for financial  statement  purposes as if
       Directory and Operator Services filed separate tax returns. The following
       is a reconciliation of income taxes,  calculated at the Canadian combined
       Federal  and  provincial  income tax rates,  to the income tax  provision
       included in the accompanying  Statements of Operations for the year ended
       December 31:

       Income taxes at Canadian rates
          (2003 - 33.28%) ...............................     $  2,892
       Difference between Canadian rates
          and rates in other jurisdictions ..............          339
       Permanent and other differences ..................           18
       Income tax (benefit) provision ...................     $  3,249
       Current ..........................................     $  4,043
       Deferred .........................................         (794)
                                                              $  3,249

       The following table shows the significant components included in deferred
       income taxes as at December 31:

       Provisions and reserves ..........................     $  2,559
       Plant and equipment ..............................          211
       Net deferred income tax asset                           $ 2,770

       The  current  tax  provision  of $4,043  was  offset by losses  and other
       carry-forward amounts of Nortel Networks.

       Since Directory and Operator  Services results of operations are included
       in the income tax returns filed for Nortel Networks,  the deferred income
       tax assets of $2,770 will be realized by Nortel Networks.

       Investment  tax credits of nil have been  recorded as a reduction  of the
       income tax expense for the year.


                         DIRECTORY AND OPERATOR SERVICES
                   (A Business of Nortel Networks Corporation)

                          Notes to Financial Statements
              (thousands of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise stated)

9.     Related Party Transactions - Nortel Networks

       The following table presents  intercompany balances between Directory and
       Operator  Services and Nortel  Networks and its  affiliates  for the year
       ended December 31:


       Balance receivable at beginning of the year .............     $ 34,810

       Net amounts received (paid) by Nortel Networks on
         behalf of Directory and Operator Services .............       10,147
       Balance receivable from Nortel Networks at end
         of the year ...........................................     $ 44,957

       The intercompany balances are non-interest bearing with no specific terms
       of repayment.

       Transactions  with  related  parties  for the year ended  December 31 are
       summarized as follows:

       Billed to related parties
          Proceeds on disposition of plant and equipment      $    546
          Intercompany revenues .............................      256
       Billed from related parties
          Cost of revenues ..................................  $   239

10.    Guarantees, contingencies and commitments


       Directory and Operator  Services has entered into agreements that contain
       features  which meet the  definition of a guarantee  under FIN 45. FIN 45
       defines a guarantee to be a contract that contingently requires Directory
       and  Operator  Services  to make  payments  (either  in  cash,  financial
       instruments,  other assets,  common shares of Nortel Networks Corporation
       or through the  provision  of services) to a third party based on changes
       in an  underlying  economic  characteristic  (such as  interest  rates or
       market  value)  that is related  to an asset,  a  liability  or an equity
       security of the other  party.  Directory  and  Operator  Services has the
       following  major type of  guarantee  that is  subject  to the  disclosure
       requirements of FIN 45.

       Historically,   Directory   and  Operator   Services  has  not  made  any
       significant  indemnification payments under such agreements and no amount
       has been accrued in the accompanying financial statements with respect to
       these indemnification guarantees.

       On February 14, 2003,  Nortel Networks  principal  operating  subsidiary,
       Nortel Networks  Limited  ("NNL"),  entered into an agreement with Export
       Development Canada ("EDC") regarding arrangements to provide for support,
       on a secured basis, of certain  performance  related  obligations arising
       out of  normal  course  business  activities  for the  benefit  of Nortel
       Networks (the "EDC Support  Facility").  NNL's  obligations under the EDC
       Support  Facility also became secured on an equal and ratable basis under
       the  security   agreements  entered  into  by  NNL  and  various  of  its
       subsidiaries  that  pledged  substantially  all of  the  assets  of  NNL,
       including Directory and Operator Services business, in favor of the banks
       under the NNL and Nortel Networks Inc.  ("NNI") $750 April 2000 five year
       credit  facilities (the "Five Year Facilities") and the holders of Nortel
       Networks public debt securities.  This security became effective in favor


                         DIRECTORY AND OPERATOR SERVICES
                   (A Business of Nortel Networks Corporation)

                          Notes to Financial Statements
              (thousands of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise stated)

       of the banks and the public  debt  holders on April 4, 2002.  On July 10,
       2003,  NNL and EDC  amended  the  terms of the EDC  Support  Facility  by
       extending the termination  date of the facility to December 31, 2005 from
       June 30, 2004.

       Operating lease commitments

       At December 31, 2003, the future minimum  payments under operating leases
       for the years ending December 31 consisted of:

       2004                                                   $    723
       2005                                                        568
       2006                                                        596
       2007                                                        626
       2008                                                        321
       Thereafter                                                    -
       Total future minimum payments                          $  2,834

       Rental expense on operating  leases for the year ended December 31, 2003,
       amounted to $445.


       On January 29, 2003,  Nortel  Networks  received a letter from Telecordia
       Technologies   ("Telecordia")   which  states  "the  Automated  Directory
       Assistance  Service  Plus ("ADAS  Plus") line of  products  and  services
       associated  with the Directory and Operator  Services  business  infringe
       United States patent laws.

       Nortel Networks is unable to ascertain the ultimate monetary liability or
       financial  impact  to Nortel  Networks  of the above  matter  which  seek
       damages  of  indeterminate  amounts.  Nortel  Networks  cannot  determine
       whether this action will have a material  adverse effect on the business,
       results of operations and financial  conditions of Directory and Operator
       Services  business.  Nortel  Networks  intends to vigorously  defend this

11.    Subsequent Event

       On August 2, 2004 Nortel Networks  completed the  contribution of certain
       assets (excluding net receivable from Nortel Networks and deferred income
       taxes) and certain  liabilities  of the Directory  and Operator  Services
       business to  VoltDelta,  a wholly owned  subsidiary  of Volt  Information
       Sciences,  Inc.  ("VIS"),  in return  for a 24%  interest  in  VoltDelta.
       VoltDelta  is a leading  provider of directory  and operator  services in
       North America and Europe.  After a period of two years,  Nortel  Networks
       and VIS  each  have an  option  to  cause  Nortel  Networks  to sell  its
       VoltDelta shares to VIS for proceeds ranging from $25 to $70 million.  As
       a result of this transaction, approximately 155 Nortel Networks Directory
       and  Operator  Services  employees  in North  America  and Mexico  joined


                                   Appendix 2

                      Directory and Operator Services
                (a Business of Nortel Networks Corporation)
         Statement of Operations for the Six Months Ended June 30, 2004

(thousands of  U.S. Dollars)
Revenues                                                           $ 18,012
Cost of revenues                                                     10,348
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gross profit                                                          7,664

Selling, general and administrative expense                             616
Research and development expense                                      1,747
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings before income taxes                                          5,301
Income tax provision                                                  1,981
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net earnings                                                       $  3,320

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                         Directory and Operator Services
                   (a Business of Nortel Networks Corporation)
                        Balance Sheet as at June 30, 2004

(thousands of U.S. Dollars)
Current assets
   Accounts receivable - net                                       $  1,371
   Receivable from Nortel Networks Corporation                       46,991
   Inventories - net                                                  1,552
   Other current assets                                                   2
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total current assets                                                 49,916

Plant and equipment - net                                               856
Deferred income taxes - net                                           2,746
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total assets                                                       $ 53,518

Current liabilities
   Accounts payable                                                $    403
   Customer deposits                                                    907
   Other accrued liabilities                                          1,074
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total current liabilities                                             2,384

Contingencies (Note 2)

Nortel Networks Corporation net investment                           51,134
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total liabilities and Nortel Networks Corporation net investment   $ 53,518

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                         DIRECTORY AND OPERATOR SERVICES
                   (a business of Nortel Networks Corporation)


       Note (1) General: The accompanying unaudited interim financial statements
have been prepared in accordance with accounting  principles  generally accepted
in the  United  States  for  interim  financial  statements  [and  Article  1 of
Regulation S-X, promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission related to
interim  period  financial  statements].  Accordingly,  these interim  financial
statements  do  not  include  certain  information  and  footnotes  required  by
generally  accepted  accounting  principles for complete  financial  statements.
However,  the accompanying  unaudited interim financial  statements  contain all
adjustments (consisting only of normal recurring accruals) which, in the opinion
of management of Nortel Networks Corporation, are necessary in order to make the
financial  statements  not  misleading.  The results of  operations  for interim
periods are not  necessarily  indicative  of the results to be expected  for the
full year. For further  information,  refer to the audited financial  statements
(including the footnotes  thereto) for the year ended December 31, 2003 included
elsewhere in this report.

       Note (2)  Contingencies:  On January 29, 2003, Nortel Networks received a
letter from Telecordia  Technologies  ("Telecordia") which states "the Automated
Directory  Assistance  Service Plus ("ADAS  Plus") line of products and services
associated  with the Directory and Operator  Services  business  infringe United
States patent laws.

       Nortel Networks is unable to ascertain the ultimate monetary liability or
financial  impact to Nortel  Networks of the above  matter which seek damages of
indeterminate amounts. Nortel Networks cannot determine whether this action will
have a  material  adverse  effect on the  business,  results of  operations  and
financial  conditions  of  Directory  and  Operator  Services  business.  Nortel
Networks intends to vigorously defend this action.

       Note (3)  Acquisition:  On August 2, 2004 Nortel  Networks  completed the
contribution  of certain assets  (excluding net receivable  from Nortel Networks
and deferred income taxes) and certain liabilities of the Directory and Operator
Services  business to VoltDelta,  a wholly owned  subsidiary of Volt Information
Sciences, Inc. ("VIS"), in return for a 24% interest in VoltDelta.  VoltDelta is
a leading  provider of  directory  and  operator  services in North  America and
Europe. After a period of two years, Nortel Networks and VIS each have an option
to cause  Nortel  Networks  to sell its  VoltDelta  shares  to VIS for  proceeds
ranging from $25 to $70 million. As a result of this transaction,  approximately
155 Nortel Networks  Directory and Operator Services  employees in North America
and Mexico joined VoltDelta.

       Note (4) Financial Statements of Nortel Networks: As of this date, Nortel
Networks has not completed its  consolidated  financial  statements for the year
ended  December  31,  2003 or the six months  ended June 30,  2004.  As publicly
announced,  the Nortel  Networks  Audit  Committee has undertaken an independent
review of the  circumstances  leading  to the  initial  restatement  of  certain
historical  consolidated  financial  statements  of Nortel  Networks in December
2003. As a result of the work done in connection  with the  independent  review,
Nortel  Networks has announced  that it will need to revise and restate its 2003
and certain prior period consolidated  financial statements.  In connection with
the planned revisions and restatements,  Nortel Networks procedures to determine
all adjustments to the year ended 2003 and certain prior periods are ongoing. As
a result,  additional adjustments to the financial statements may be identified.
As at this date, to Nortel  Networks'  knowledge,  there are no  transactions or
other  matters  that  may  result  in  material  adjustments  to  the  financial


                                   Appendix 3

(b)      Pro Forma Financial Information


       The following  unaudited pro forma condensed combined balance sheet as of
August 1, 2004 and the  unaudited  pro forma  condensed  combined  statements of
income for the nine months ended August 1, 2004 and for the year ended  November
2, 2003 are based on the  historical  financial  statements  of Volt and the DOS
Business  after giving  effect to (i) the  transaction  as a purchase of the DOS
Business by Volt using the purchase method of accounting (ii) the recognition of
a minority interest to reflect Nortel Networks' 24% investment in VoltDelta, and
(iii) the assumptions and adjustments described in the accompanying notes to the
unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements. Financial and other
information  regarding the DOS business which is  incorporated  in the Pro-Forma
information  has been furnished by Nortel  Networks (see first  paragraph  under
Item 9.01 above).

       The pro forma  information is preliminary,  is being furnished solely for
informational  purposes  and  is  not  indicative  of the  combined  results  of
operations  or financial  position that might have been achieved for the periods
or dates  indicated,  nor is it necessarily  indicative of the future results of
the  combined  company.  The pro  forma  information  is  based  on  preliminary
estimates and  assumptions set forth in the notes to such  information.  It does
not reflect differences in the way the businesses were or will be conducted, nor
does it reflect  cost  savings  that may be  realized  from the  elimination  of
certain  expenses and from synergies that may be created or the costs to achieve
such cost savings or synergies.  No assurance can be given that cost savings and
synergies will be realized.

       Pro forma  adjustments are necessary to reflect the purchase  price,  the
minority  interest and to adjust Volt's net tangible and  intangible  assets and
liabilities to preliminary estimated fair values. Pro forma adjustments are also
necessary to reflect  amortization  expense  related to  amortizable  intangible
assets,  changes in depreciation  and amortization  expense  resulting from fair
value  adjustments to net tangible  assets,  interest expense and the income tax
effects related to the minority interest and the pro forma adjustments.

       The  pro  forma   adjustments   and  allocation  of  purchase  price  are
preliminary  and are based on Volt's estimate of the fair value of the assets to
be acquired and liabilities to be assumed. The preliminary  valuations have been
considered  in the  estimates of the fair values  reflected in the unaudited pro
forma condensed combined financial statements.

       The final purchase  price  allocation  will be completed  after asset and
liability  valuations are finalized.  A final determination of these fair values
will include Volt management's consideration of final valuations,  which will be
based on the net tangible and intangible assets of the DOS Business that existed
as of the closing date. Any final  adjustments  may change the allocation of the
purchase  price,  which could  affect the fair value  assigned to the assets and
liabilities,  and could result in a change to the unaudited pro forma  condensed
combined financial statements presented.  Amounts allocated to intangible assets
with definite lives may change, which could result in an increase or decrease in
amortization of intangible assets. Estimates related to the determination of the
lives of the assets acquired may also change,  which could result in an increase
or decrease in depreciation or amortization expense.

       The unaudited pro forma condensed  combined balance sheet is presented as
if the  transaction  had been  completed  on  August 1,  2004 and  combines  the
historical  balance sheet of Volt at August 1, 2004 and the  historical  balance
sheet of the DOS Business (as it was  conducted by Nortel  Networks) at June 30,



       The unaudited pro forma condensed  combined  statements of income for the
nine  months  ended  August 1, 2004 and for the year ended  November 2, 2003 are
presented as if the  transaction  had been  completed  on November 4, 2002.  The
unaudited pro forma condensed  combined  statement of income for the nine months
ended August 1, 2004 combines the historical results of Volt for the nine months
then ended,  and the DOS Business (as it was  conducted by Nortel  Networks) for
the nine months ended June 30, 2004.

       The unaudited pro forma  condensed  combined  statement of income for the
year ended November 2, 2003 combines the historical results of Volt for the year
then ended and the DOS Business for the year ended December 31, 2003.

       The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements should be
read in conjunction with the historical  consolidated  financial  statements and
accompanying  notes  contained in Volt's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year
ended November 2, 2003; Volt's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the nine months
ended August 1, 2004; the DOS Business' financial statements of the DOS Business
(as it was conducted by Nortel  Networks) as of and for the year ended  December
31, 2003; and the DOS Business' financial  statements of the DOS Business (as it
was  conducted  by Nortel  Networks) as of and for the six months ended June 30,

       The unaudited pro forma condensed combined  financial  statements are not
intended  to  represent  or to be  indicative  of the  consolidated  results  of
operations or financial  condition of the combined  company that would have been
reported had the transaction been completed as of the dates presented and should
not be  considered  as  representative  of the  future  consolidated  results of
operations or financial condition of the combined company.

       The income tax rate applied to the pro forma  adjustments  is 40.0%,  the
expected rate. The income tax rate applied to the earnings  attributable  to the
minority  interest is 3.4% for the nine months ended August 1, 2004 and 7.8% for
the year ended November 2, 2003.  This differs  significantly  from the expected
rate due to the  structure of VoltDelta,  which has been  organized as a limited
liability  company in which  substantially  all the taxable income earned in the
United States is taxed at the parent company level (Volt and Nortel Networks).

       Intercompany  balances or  transactions  between the combining  companies
were not  significant  for any of the periods  presented.  No material pro forma
adjustments  were required to conform the DOS Business'  accounting  policies to
Volt's accounting policies.  Certain reclassifications have been made to conform
the Volt and the DOS Business historical amounts to the pro forma presentation.


AUGUST 1, 2004

                                                                                         DOS          Pro Forma          Pro Forma
                                                                         Volt(a)      Business(a)    Adjustments       Consolidated
                                                                        ---------      --------        --------          ---------
                                                                                       (In thousands of dollars)
      Cash and cash equivalents, including restricted
       cash of $34,472                                                 $   68,736                   $   3,491 (b)      $     72,227
       Short-term investments                                               4,187                                             4,187
       Trade accounts receivable-net                                      378,368     $ 1,371          (1,371)(c)           378,368
       Inventories                                                         31,904       1,552            (113)(d)            33,343
       Deferred income taxes                                                8,705                                             8,705
       Prepaid expenses and other assets                                   15,654           2              (2)(c)            15,654
       Due from Nortel Networks                                                        46,991         (46,991)(c)
                                                                       ----------      ------       ---------            ----------
     TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                                 507,554      49,916         (44,986)              512,484

   Property, plant and equipment-net                                       83,400         856             779 (e)            85,035
    Deposits and other assets                                               2,701                      (1,252)(f)             1,449
    Intangible assets-net                                                     372                      15,900 (g)            16,272
    Goodwill                                                                8,983                      20,295 (c)            29,278
                                                                       ----------      ------       ---------            ----------
    TOTAL ASSETS                                                       $  603,010     $50,772       $  (9,264)         $    644,518
                                                                       ==========      ======       =========            ==========

       Notes payable to banks                                          $    7,717                                      $      7,717
       Current portion of long-term debt                                      394                                               394
       Accounts payable                                                   170,329     $   403       $    (403)(c)           170,329
       Accrued wages and commissions                                       49,731                         700 (b)            50,431
       Other accrued expenses                                              41,797       1,074           1,115 (i)            43,986
       Deferred income and other liabilities                               35,122         907           2,791 (b)            37,913
     Income taxes payable                                                   5,424                                             5,424
                                                                       ----------      ------       ---------            ----------

     TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                                            310,514       2,384           3,296               316,194
     Accrued insurance                                                      4,012                                             4,012
     Long-term debt                                                        13,799                       1,828 (j)            15,627
     Deferred income taxes                                                 10,770      (2,746)          2,746 (c)            10,770
     Minority interests                                                                                34,000 (k)            34,000

       Common stock, par value $.10;
       Authorized--30,000,000 shares; issued--15,225,425 shares             1,524                                             1,524
       Paid-in capital                                                     41,597                                            41,597
       Retained earnings                                                  221,212                                           221,212
       Accumulated other comprehensive loss                                  (418)                                             (418)
       Nortel Network's investment                                                     51,134         (51,134)(c)
                                                                       ----------      ------       ---------            ----------
     TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                           263,915      51,134         (51,134)              263,915
                                                                       ----------      ------       ---------            ----------

     TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                        $  603,010     $50,772       $  (9,264)         $    644,518
                                                                       ==========     =======       =========            ==========

See Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Financial Statements



                                                                                       DOS            Pro Forma          Pro Forma
                                                                        Volt (a)    Business  (a)    Adjustments        Consolidated
                                                                        -----       ----------      ------------        ------------
                                                                                  (In thousands, except per share data)

  NET SALES                                                            $1,390,655     $29,065                          $  1,419,720

  Cost of sales                                                         1,290,650      19,854                             1,310,504
  Selling and administrative                                               57,640       1,146                                58,786
  Depreciation and amortization                                            18,832                   $     768 (b)            19,600
                                                                       ----------      ------       ---------            ----------
                                                                        1,367,122      21,000             768             1,388,890
                                                                       ----------      ------       ---------            ----------

  OPERATING  PROFIT                                                        23,533       8,065            (768)               30,830

  Interest income                                                             684                                               684
  Other expense - net                                                      (3,065)         (3)                               (3,068)
  Foreign exchange loss                                                       (98)                                              (98)
  Interest expense                                                         (1,321)                        (57)(e)            (1,378)
                                                                       ----------      ------       ---------            ----------
  Income from continuing operations before income taxes                    19,733       8,062            (825)               26,970
  Income tax provision                                                     (7,764)     (3,013)            307 (d)            (8,214)
                                                                                                           23 (e)
                                                                                                        2,233 (f)

  Minority interest in earnings of consolidated subsidiary                                             (3,592)(c)            (5,825)
                                                                       ----------      ------       ---------            ----------

  INCOME FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS                                    $   11,969     $ 5,049       $  (4,087)           $   12,931
                                                                       ==========      ======       =========            ==========

                                                                                            Per Share Data
    Income from continuing operations per share                        $     0.79                                        $     0.85
                                                                       ==========                                        ==========

  Weighted average number of  shares
    outstanding-basic                                                      15,226                                            15,226
                                                                       ==========                                        ==========

    Income from continuing operations per share                        $     0.78                                        $     0.84
                                                                       ==========                                        ==========

  Weighted average number of  shares
    outstanding-diluted                                                    15,342                                            15,342
                                                                       ==========                                        ==========

See Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Financial Statements.



                                                                                       DOS            Pro Forma          Pro Forma
                                                                        Volt (a)    Business  (a)    Adjustments        Consolidated
                                                                        -----       ----------      ------------        ------------
                                                                                  (In thousands, except per share data)
  NET SALES                                                            $1,609,857     $40,448                          $  1,650,305

  Cost of sales                                                         1,502,148      30,529                             1,532,677
  Selling and administrative                                               71,607       1,228                                72,835
  Depreciation and amortization                                            24,331                   $   1,024(g)             25,355
                                                                       ----------      ------       ---------            ----------
                                                                        1,598,086      31,757           1,024             1,630,867
                                                                       ----------      ------       ---------            ----------
OPERATING  PROFIT                                                          11,771       8,691          (1,024)               19,438

  Interest income                                                             708                                               708
  Other expense                                                            (2,661)                                           (2,661)
  Foreign exchange loss                                                       299                                               299
  Interest expense                                                         (2,070)                       (174)(j)            (2,244)
                                                                       ----------      ------       ---------            ----------
Income before income taxes                                                  8,047       8,691          (1,198)               15,540
Income tax provision                                                       (3,286)     (3,249)            410 (i)            (4,548)
                                                                                                           69 (j)
                                                                                                        1,508 (k)

Minority interest in earnings of consolidated
subsidiary                                                                                             (3,006)(h)            (4,514)
                                                                       ----------      ------       ---------            ----------

NET INCOME                                                             $    4,761    $  5,442       $  (3,725)         $      6,478
                                                                       ==========      ======       =========            ==========

Per Share Data

Basic and Diluted:
 Net income per share                                                  $     0.31                                      $       0.43
                                                                       ==========                                        ==========

 Weighted average number of  shares
 outstanding-basic                                                         15,218                                            15,218
                                                                       ==========                                        ==========

 Weighted average number of  shares
 outstanding-diluted                                                       15,225                                            15,225
                                                                       ==========                                        ==========

See Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements.


(in thousands of dollars)

Description of Transaction

       On June  11,  2004,  Volt  Delta  Resources,  LLC  ("VoltDelta"),  then a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Volt Information Sciences, Inc. ("Volt") entered into
a Contribution  Agreement with Nortel Networks Inc.  ("Nortel  Networks")  under
which Nortel  Networks agreed to contribute  substantially  all of the operating
assets  (consisting  principally  of customer base and  contracts,  intellectual
property and inventory) and certain  specified  liabilities of its Directory and
Operator  Services  business ("DOS Business") to VoltDelta in exchange for a 24%
minority equity interest in VoltDelta.

       Also, on August 2, 2004, Volt Delta Resources Holdings,  Inc. and Nuco I,
Ltd.,  each a  wholly-owned  subsidiary of Volt,  and VoltDelta and Volt entered
into a Members' Agreement (the "Members'  Agreement") with Nortel Networks which
provided  for  the  management  of  VoltDelta  and  the  respective  rights  and
obligations of the equity owners thereof.  The Members'  Agreement provides that
commencing two years from the date thereof,  Nortel  Networks may exercise a put
option or  VoltDelta  may  exercise  a call  option,  in each case to effect the
purchase by VoltDelta of Nortel Networks' minority equity interest in VoltDelta.
If either party  exercises its option between the second and third year from the
date of the Members' Agreement,  the price to be paid to Nortel Networks for its
24% minority equity interest will be the product of the revenue of VoltDelta for
the twelve month period ended as of the fiscal quarter immediately preceding the
date of the option exercise (the "VoltDelta  Revenue Base") multiplied by 70% of
the  enterprise  market value to revenue  formula index of specified  comparable
companies (which index shall not exceed 1.8),  times Nortel Networks'  ownership
interest  in  VoltDelta  (the amount so  calculated  would not exceed 30% of the
VoltDelta  Revenue  Base),  with a minimum  payment of $25 million and a maximum
payment of $70 million.  If the option is  exercised  after three years from the
date of the Members'  Agreement,  the price to be paid will be a mutually agreed
upon amount.

Pro Forma Adjustments

Balance Sheet

(a)    Certain  reclassifications have been made to the historical  presentation
       of Volt and the DOS Business financial information in order to conform to
       the unaudited pro forma condensed combined presentation.
(b)    Represents  payment  of $3,491  from  Nortel  Networks  to  VoltDelta  to
       compensate  for  accrued  vacation  ($700),  which was  included in other
       accrued  expenses  at June 30, 2004, and  transferred  customer  deposits
       ($2,791) (as estimated at August 2, 2004).
(c)    Under  the   purchase   method  of   accounting,   the  total   estimated
       consideration  as  shown  in the  table  below  is  allocated  to the DOS
       Business'  tangible and intangible  assets and liabilities based on their
       estimated  fair  values  as of the closing  date.  The  consideration  in
       preliminarily allocated as follows (in thousands):

                          Calculation of Consideration

Issuance of 24% of the membership interest of VoltDelta in
  exchange for substantially all of the assets and
  certain specified liabilities of the DOS Business (1)                  $34,000
Future payments to Nortel Networks from Volt (2)                           3,769
Estimated direct fees and expenses (3)                                     1,500
       Total consideration                                               $39,269

       (1)    Represents the fair value of the assets and specified  liabilities
              of  the  DOS  Business  acquired.   Volt  engaged  an  independent
              valuation firm to assist in the determination of the fair value of
              the Nortel  Networks'  24% interest in  VoltDelta,  including  the
              acquisition of substantially  all the operating assets and certain
              liabilities of Nortel Networks' DOS Business. The valuation firm


(in thousands of dollars)

Pro Forma Adjustments (continued)
Balance Sheet (continued)

              used  comparable  multiples of revenue,  EBITDA and EBIT and other
              valuation  methods  to  assist  in the  determination  of the fair
       (2)    Represents  the present  value (at six  percent) of two  mandatory
              payments due to Nortel  Networks from Volt of $2,000 each,  one in
              February  2005 and the other in  February  2006 as  required in an
              agreement  for joint  marketing  and product  development  between
              Nortel  Networks and  VoltDelta.  This  agreement  may be extended
              beyond its initial two year term.
       (3)    Represents   estimated  direct   transaction   costs  incurred  by
              VoltDelta,  for legal,  financial advisory,  valuation,  auditing,
              accounting  and  other   services.   Included  in  such  costs  is
              approximately  $850 paid or  accrued  for  services  rendered  and
              expenses  reimbursed  to the law  firm of  which  Lloyd  Frank,  a
              director of Volt, is of counsel.

                                                                   Net Assets

DOS Business book value of net assets                              $   51,134

Initial purchase allocation adjustment
Assets not acquired by VoltDelta
     Accounts receivable, net                                          (1,371)
     Other current assets                                                  (2)
     Due from Nortel Networks                                         (46,991)
     Deferred income taxes                                             (2,746)
Liabilities not assumed by VoltDelta
     Account payable                                                      403
Inventories (see note d)                                                 (113)
Property, plant and equipment (see note e)                                779
Deposits and other assets (see note f)                                 (1,252)
Intangible assets (see note g)                                         15,900
Deferred income and other liabilities (see note h)                        907
Other accruals (see note i)                                            (1,115)
Long-term debt (see note j)                                            (1,828)
Minority interest (see note k)                                        (34,000)

Adjustment to goodwill                                             $   20,295

(d)    Represents  adjustment  of spare  parts and  equipment.  This  amount was
       estimated as part of the initial  assessment  of the fair value of assets
       to  be  acquired  and  liabilities  to be  assumed.  This  adjustment  is
       preliminary  and  is  based  on  VoltDelta's  estimates  and  preliminary
       valuations. The actual adjustment may differ materially and will be based
       on final valuations.
(e)    Reflects the estimated adjustments required to record property, plant and
       equipment  at its fair value based on a  depreciated  replacement  value,
       including equipment valued at $811, acquired subsequent to June 30, 2004.
       This adjustment is preliminary and is based on VoltDelta's  estimates and
       preliminary  valuations.  The actual adjustment may differ materially and
       will be based on final valuations.


(in thousands of dollars)

Pro Forma Adjustments (continued)
Balance Sheet (continued)

(f)    Represents that portion of direct transaction costs incurred by VoltDelta
       through August 1, 2004.
(g)    Represents the fair value of customer relationships ($15,100) and product
       technology   ($800)  to  be  amortized   over  16  years  and  10  years,
       respectively. Volt engaged an independent valuation firm to assist in the
       determination  of the fair  value  of the  intangible  assets  of the DOS
       Business. The customer relationship  intangible asset allocation reflects
       the nature of the markets  within  which the DOS Business  operates,  the
       price  sensitivity of many of its customers,  and the high probability of
       customer renewal of relatively  short-term  contracts.  A discounted free
       cash flow methodology was used in the determination of the fair value and
       life  of  the  customer   relationship   intangible  asset.  The  product
       technology  intangible assets are attributable to existing technology and
       its fair value and life was determined based on an income approach in the
       form of a relief from royalty methodology.  No value has been assigned to
       in-process research and development.
(h)    Represents the DOS Business' customer deposits at June 30, 2004 (see note
       a above) for those deposits at August 2, 2004 transferred to VoltDelta.
(i)    Reflects the present  value of the first  payment due to Nortel  Networks
       ($1,941) (see note c above) and direct  transaction  costs incurred since
       August 2,  2004  ($248),  partially  offset by  certain  liabilities  not
       assumed by VoltDelta ($1,074).
(j)    Represents  the present  value of the second of the two  payments  due to
       Nortel Networks (see note c above).
(k)    Reflects  the fair value of 24% of the  membership  interest of VoltDelta
       (see note c above).


(in thousands of dollars)

Pro Forma Adjustments (continued)
Statement of Income

                                                                                             For the nine
                                                                                             months ended
                                                                                            August 1, 2004(a)

a)     The unaudited pro forma condensed combined balance sheet and statement of
       income, as of, and for the nine months ended August 1, 2004 include DOS's
       results,  as of,  and for the  nine  months  ended  June  30,  2004.  The
       unaudited pro forma condensed  combined  statement of income for the year
       ended November 2, 2003 includes DOS's results for the year ended December
       31,  2003.  Certain  reclassifications  have been made to the  historical
       presentation of Volt and the DOS Business financial  information in order
       to conform to the unaudited pro forma condensed combined presentation.

b)     Represents an adjustment to reflect  incremental  amortization  resulting
       from  a  fair  value  adjustment  to  amortizable  intangible  assets  as

                                                                            Pro Forma
                                                         Useful Life          2004
                                        Fair Value        (in years)       Amortization
                                        ----------       -----------       ------------
            Customer Relationships      $15,100               16             $  708
            Product Technology              800               10                 60
                                        -------                              ------
                                        $15,900                              $  768            $  (768)

c)     Recognition of 24% minority interest of Nortel Networks for fiscal 2004:

         Historical net income  -  VoltDelta                    $11,185
                                   DOS                            5,049
         Historical combined net income                         $16,234
         Allocation from Volt of
           general and administrative costs                      (1,344)(1)
         Tax effect of additional allocation                        538
         Amortization of intangible assets                         (768)
         Tax effect of amortization                                 307
         Adjusted net income                                    $14,967

       24% minority                                                                             (3,592)

                  (1) Represents  estimated  additional  charges  from  Volt for
                      support, including financial reporting system expenses.

d)     Reduction of tax provision due to recognizing  tax benefit related to the
       amortization of intangible assets.                                                          307

e)     Interest  expense on present value of two payments
       due to Nortel Networks.                                    $ (57)
       Reduction  of tax  provision  due to  recognizing
       tax benefit of interest expense.                              23                            (34)
                    Total effect on net income                                                 $(4,087)

f)     Represents the minority interest portion of estimated income taxes provided
       on substantially  all the taxable income earned in the United States, taxed
       at the parent company level.                                                           $ 2,233


(in thousands of dollars)

Pro Forma Adjustments (continued)
Statement of Income (continued)

                                                                                               For the
                                                                                              year ended
                                                                                           November 2, 2003(a)

g)     Represents an adjustment to reflect  incremental  amortization  resulting
       from  a  fair  value  adjustment  to  amortizable  intangible  assets  as

                                                                            Pro Forma
                                                         Useful Life          2004
                                        Fair Value        (in years)       Amortization
                                        ----------       -----------       ------------
            Customer Relationships      $15,100               16             $  944
            Product Technology              800               10                 80
                                        -------                              ------
                                        $15,900                              $1,024            ($1,024)

h)     Recognition of 24% minority interest of Nortel Networks for fiscal 2003:

         Historical net income  -  VoltDelta                    $ 8,691
                                   DOS                            5,442
         Historical combined net income                         $14,133
         Allocation from Volt of
           general and administrative costs                      (1,656)(1)
         Tax effect of additional allocation                        662
         Amortization of intangible assets                       (1,024)
         Tax effect of amortization                                 410
         Adjusted net income                                    $12,525

       24% minority                                                                             (3,006)

                  (1) Represents  estimated  additional  charges  from  Volt for
                      support, including financial reporting system expenses.

i)     Reduction of tax provision due to recognizing tax benefit
       related to the amortization of intangible assets.                                           410

j)     Interest  expense on present value of two payments
       due to Nortel Networks.                                  $  (174)
       Reduction  of tax  provision  due to  recognizing
       tax benefit of interest expense.                              69                           (105)
                    Total effect on net income                                                 $(3,725)

k)     Represents the minority interest portion of estimated income taxes provided
       on substantially  all the taxable income earned in the United States, taxed
       at the parent company level.                                                            $ 1,508
