HOLLY GOLD PROPERTY





                            WESTERN GOLDFIELDS, INC.

                                 EFFECTIVE DATE:

                                OCTOBER 20, 2004

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


SECTION I - DEFINITIONS                                                       4

Section II - REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES                                   7

2.1      Capacity of the Parties                                              7
2.2      Disclosures                                                          7
2.3      WG Representation and Warranties                                     7
2.4      MGE-IW-IW Representations and Warranties                             8
2.5      Survival of Representations and Warranties                           8

Section III - PURPOSE                                                         8
3.1      General                                                              8
3.2      Purposes                                                             8

Section IV - RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES                                      8
4.1      No Partnership                                                       8
4.2      Other Business Opportunities                                         9
4.3      Transfer or Termination of Rights                                    9
4.4      Implied Covenants                                                    9

Section V - Terms                                                             9
5.1      Effecitve Date and Lease Time Period Term                            9
5.2      General Terms                                                        9
5.3      Obligations                                                         11
5.4      Default                                                             11
5.5      Production Royalty                                                  11
5.6      Mining of Gold and Mineral Specimens                                11

Section VI - DUTIES OF OPERATOR                                              12
6.1      Powers and Duties of WG                                             12
6.2      Standard of Care                                                    13
6.3      Assessment Work                                                     13

Section VII - AUDIT AND ACCOUNTING                                           13
7.1      Audits                                                              13
7.2      General Accounting Records                                          14

Section VIII - Withdrawal and termination                                    14
8.1      Termination by Expiration or Agreement                              14
8.2      Withdrawal                                                          14
8.3      Continuing Obligations and Environmental Liabilities                14
8.4      Disposition of Assets Upon Termination                              14
8.5      Non-Compete Covenants                                               14
8.6      Right to Data After Termination                                     15
8.7      Continued Authority                                                 15

Section IX - aCQUISITIONS WITHIN AREA OF INTEREST                            15
9.1      Acquisitions Within Area of Interest                                15

Section X - ABANDONMENT AND SURRENDER OF PROPERTIES                          15
10.1     Abandonment and Surrender of Properties                             15
10.2     Reacquisition                                                       15

Section XI - TRANSFER OF INTEREST                                            16
11.1     General                                                             16
11.2     Limitations and Free Transferability                                16

Section XII - CONFIDENTIALITY                                                17
12.1     General                                                             17
12.2     Exceptions                                                          17
12.3     Draft for Comment                                                   17
12.4     Notice Required                                                     17
12.5     Duration of Confidentiality                                         17

Section XIII - GUARANTEE                                                     18
13.1     MGE-IW-IW Gaurantees of its Affiliates                              18
13.2     WG Gaurantees of its Affiliates                                     18

Section XIV - GENERAL PROVISIONS                                             18
14.1     Notices and Payment                                                 18
14.2     Binding Effect                                                      18
14.3     Waiver                                                              18
14.4     Modification                                                        19
14.5     Force Majeure                                                       19
14.6     Governing Law                                                       19
14.6     Arbitration                                                         19
14.7     Further Assurances                                                  19
14.8     Survival of Terms and Conditions                                    19
14.9     Entire Agreement; Successors and Assigns                            20
14.10    Dollars                                                             20
14.11    Counterparts                                                        20

EXECUTION PAGE                                                               20

EXHIBIT "A" - THE HOLLY CLAIMS and  PROPERTY                                 21

EXHIBIT "B" - NET SMELTER ROYALTY                                            22


                               HOLLY GOLD PROPERTY


         THIS  AGREEMENT is made,  entered into and effective on the 20th day of
October,  2004,  (the "Effective  Date"),  regardless of the dates upon which it
actually is signed by the parties  hereto,  between  MOUNTAIN GOLD  EXPLORATION,
INC.,  a Nevada  Corporation  and IW  EXPLORATION  CO.,  a  Nevada  Corporation,
collectively  referred to herein as  ("MGE-IW")  whose  address is 3537 Brighton
Way, Reno, NV 89509 and WESTERN GOLDFIELDS,  INC., an Idaho Corporation,  herein
referred to as ("WG") whose address is 961 Matley Lane, Suite 120, Reno,  Nevada
89502.  Pursuant to this  Agreement,  MGE-IW grants WG an Exploration and Mining
Lease Agreement for the Holly Gold Property (the "Project"), located in Pershing
County,  Nevada.  The  Project  is  comprised  of such  mineral  rights  as more
particularly  described in Exhibit "A" hereto and additional  mineral rights, if
any, acquired within the Area of Interest defined also in Section I, Section IX,
Exhibit "A".


         WHEREAS,  MGE-IW controls,  holds rights and/or owns an interest in the
Holly Gold  Property  located  in  Pershing  County,  Nevada  including  (herein
referred  to as (the  "Property")  and as  identified,  described  and  shown in
Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "C".

         WHEREAS,  WG  desires  to enter into an  Exploration  and Mining  Lease
Agreement with MGE-IW for the Holly Gold Property.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  MGE-IW and WG agree to enter into an Exploration  and
Mining  Lease  Agreement,  herein  referred  to  as  (the  "Agreement")  and  in
consideration  of the mutual  covenants and  agreements  contained  herein,  the
Parties mutually agree as follows:

                             SECTION I - DEFINITIONS

"ACCOUNTING PROCEDURE" means the procedures set forth in Section 6.1 h and 7.2.

"ACQUIRING PARTY" means the Party who has acquired  additional  interests within
the Area of Interest  and as  described  in Section  9.1,  12.1 and 12.2 of this

"ACTUAL  EXPENDITURES"  means all  expenditures  of WG after the Effective  Date
shall be WG's Actual Expenditures.

"ADVANCED  ROYALTY  PAYMENTS"  means the  advanced  royalty  payments to be made
during the term of Agreement described in Section 5.2.

"AFFILIATE'(S)"   means   in   respect   of   a   party,   any   individual'(s),
partnership'(s),  corporation'(s),  representative'(s),   consultant'(s),  joint
venture'(s),  or other form of enterprise that directly or indirectly  controls,
is controlled by, or is under common control with, MGE-IW or WG. For purposes of
the preceding sentence,  "control" means possession,  directly or indirectly, of
the  power to direct or cause  direction  of  management  and  policies  through
ownership of voting securities, contract, voting trust or otherwise.

"AGREEMENT"  means this  Holly Gold  Property  -  Exploration  and Mining  Lease
Agreement or any  agreements  that involve or influence  MGE-IW,  including  all
amendments and modifications thereof, and all schedules and exhibits,  which are
hereby incorporated herein by reference.


"AREA OF INTEREST (AOI)" means an Area of Mutual  Interest which includes Mining
Claims,  mill sites,  tunnel rights,  real property,  third parties claims,  fee
lands, private lands, permits, concessions,  leases,  right-of-ways,  easements,
water rights any and all other property rights,  titles and interests consisting
of sections 1-3,  10-14 T26N R34E and sections 6, 7 and 18 T 26N R35E.  and more
particularly described and shown in Section 5.2 (d), 9.1, Exhibit "A".

"ASSETS"  means the  assets of the Holly  Gold  Property  and  includes  without
limitation  the  Property,  Metals  and all other  real and  personal  property,
tangible and intangible, held or to be held for the benefit of the Property.

"BUDGET" means a detailed  estimate and actual  expenditures  of all costs to be
incurred by WG with respect to a Program.

"MINING  CLAIMS" means all patented  and/or  unpatented  lode and placer claims,
mill sites and tunnel rights within the Property and Area of Interest.

 "DATA" means all and any geological, geochemical and geophysical data generated
and  acquired  including,  but not  limited  to all  written  and  digital  data
including  but not limited to:  reports,  documents  correspondences,  financial
documents,  maps, drill logs, drill chips trays,  core,  coarse rejects,  pulps,
core  tests,  surveys,   assays,  analyses,   production  reports,   operations,
technical,  accounting and financial  records,  and other  information  acquired
while this Agreement is in effect.

"DEEMED  EXPENDITURES"  means  the  amount  determined  in  accordance  with the
provisions in Section 5.2 of this Agreement.

"DEVELOPMENT"  means all preparation  other than Exploration for the removal and
recovery of Metals,  including the construction or installation of a mill or any
other improvements to be used for the mining, handling,  milling,  processing or
other beneficiation of Metals.

"DOLLARS OR $" means all currency, dollars or moneys are in U.S Dollar Currency.

"WG" means Western  Goldfields,  Inc., a company  incorporated under the laws of
Idaho and its Affiliates, successors and assigns.

"EFFECTIVE DATE" means October 20, 2004.

"EXPLORATION"  means all activities  directed toward ascertaining the existence,
location, quantity, quality or commercial value of deposits of Metals.

"EXPLORATION  EXPENDITURES"  means all cash,  expenses and  obligation  spent or
incurred  by WG on  Operations  and shall  include,  but not be limited  to, all
rentals,  fees,  option  payments and assessment work required to keep the Holly
Gold Property Exploration and Mining Lease Agreement and the Lode Claims and AOI
comprising  the  Property in good  standing,  all  expenditures  for  Corporate,
Exploration  Field  Office,  and  all  office  and  field  related   exploration
activities including, without limitations, geophysical, geological, geochemical,
analytical and laboratory work, all surveys, drilling,  assaying,  metallurgical
testing,  engineering,  and  all  other  expenditures  directly  benefiting  the

"FORCE MAJEURE" shall have the meaning described to it in Section 14.5.

"INTEREST" means all rights,  titles and interests to any and all MGE-IW Claims,
AOI, Lands, Property-Properties, and/or agreements.

"LANDS" means all Mining Claims, mill sites,  tunnel rights, real property,  fee
lands, private lands, permits, concessions,  leases,  right-of-ways,  easements,
water rights or any other property rights, titles and interests.


"LEASE"  means  the  ("Holly  Gold  Property  -  Exploration  and  Mining  Lease
Agreement") granted by MGE-IW to WG as described in Section 5.1.

"METAL INTEREST" means any applicable mining easement and other mining rights or
interests and all Lands  acquired on the Property and those  additional  Metals,
Metal Interests, Metal Products and Ore, which may be substituted,  supplemented
or acquired to form part of the Property.

"MINING" means the mining,  extracting,  producing,  handling,  milling or other
processing of Metals.

"METALS" means all precious and base metals including:  gold, silver,  antimony,
mercury,  copper,  lead,  zinc,  and all other  metals,  concentrates  which are
discovered  or  exist  on the  Property  or  which  can be  extracted,  mined or
processed by any method presently known or developed or invented.

"METAL PRODUCTS" means the metallic precipitates,  cathodes, leach solutions and
any other  primary,  secondary or final product  derived from operating the mine
during the term of this Agreement or removed from the Property.

"MGE-IW"  means   Mountain  Gold   Exploration,   Inc.,  a  Nevada   Corporation
incorporated  under the laws of Nevada with 50% ownership in the Property and IW
Exploration  Co. a Nevada  Corporation  with 50%  ownership  in the Property and
their Affiliates, successors, and assigns.

"MGE-IW CLAIMS" means Mountain Gold  Exploration,  Inc. and IW Exploration Co.'s
claims, lands, and any all rights, titles and interests within the perimeters of
the claims with regards to all Metals, Metal Interests,  Ores and Metal Products
within the claims that are of record as of the effective date of this Agreement,
and more particularly described and shown in Section 5.2 (d), 9.1, Exhibit "A".

"ORE" means  Metals from the  Property,  that  justifies  either:  (1) mining or
removing  from the  property  during the term of this  Agreement,  shipping  and
selling the same, or delivering the same, to a processing  plant for physical or
chemical treatment;  (2) treatment,  including leaching,  on the Property during
the term of this Agreement.

"OPERATIONS"  means the activities on or in relation to the Property carried out
under this Agreement including,  without limitation,  Exploration,  Development,
Financing,  Mining,  and  Acquisition  of  additional  Properties in the Area of
Interest, and marketing of Metals.

"OPERATOR" means WG or any and all "Affiliates,"  successor  operators,  whether
during the Lease Period or thereafter.

"PARTY" AND "PARTIES" mean the Parties to this Agreement,  MGE-IW and Affiliates
and WG and Affiliates.

"PROGRAM" means a description in reasonable  detail of Operations and Budgets to
be  conducted  and  objectives  to be  accomplished  by WG for a specified  time

"PROJECT"  means the conduct of work relating to the Property for the purpose of

"PROJECT  ACCOUNT"  shall mean for the  account of the Holly  Gold  Property  as
funded by WG or Affiliates during the Lease Period.

"PROPERTY"  or  "PROPERTIES"  means an Area of Mutual  Interest  and the Metals,
Metal Interests and Metal Products in all lands within an Area of Interest (AOI)
boundary which includes MGE-IW Claims, mill sites, tunnel rights, real property,
third parties claims, fee lands, private lands,  permits,  concessions,  leases,
right-of-ways, easements, water rights any and other property rights, titles and
interests  which exists or acquired  while this  Agreement is in affect and more
particularly described and shown in Section 5.2 (d), 9.1, Exhibit "A".


"PROPERTY PAYMENTS" means all payments or expenditures required pursuant to this
Agreement  and all payments or  expenditures  required to maintain  title to the
Property or Metal Interest in the Property,  including without limitation to the

"ROYALTY" means the non-executive, non-participating and non-working net smelter
returns  production  royalty of: 1. two percent Net Smelter  Royalty  ("2% NSR")
payable to MGE-IW (one (1%) percent to Mountain Gold  Exploration,  Inc. and one
(1%) percent to IW Exploration Co. from the MGE-IW Claims).

"TERMS" means the payments,  production  royalty,  stock, and all other monetary
interests outlined in accordance with Section 5.2.

"TRANSFER" means sell, grant, assign, encumber,  pledge, quit claim or otherwise
commit or dispose of.

"WG" means Western Goldfields Corporation, a company incorporated under the laws
of Idaho, and its Affiliates, successors and assigns.

"WORK  COMMITMENT"  means the  commitment of WG to fund  Exploration  and Mining
Expenditures as set forth in Section 5.2.

"WORK COMMITMENT PERIOD" means the period beginning on the Effective Date as set
forth in Section 5.2.

"WORK EXPENDITURE NOTICE" shall mean the notice from an authorized officer of WG
stating that the expenditures required under Section 5.2 have been completed.



         Each of the  Parties  represents  and  warrants  to the  best of  their
knowledge as of the Effective Date and as of the date this Agreement is actually
signed as follows:

          a)   That it is an individual or corporation duly  incorporated and in
               good standing in its jurisdiction of incorporation and that it is
               qualified  to do  business  and  is in  good  standing  in  those
               jurisdictions  where necessary in order to carry out the purposes
               of this Agreement;

          b)   That it has the capacity to enter into and perform this Agreement
               and all transactions  contemplated  herein and that all corporate
               and other  actions  required  to  authorize  it to enter into and
               perform this Agreement have been properly taken;

          c)   That this  Agreement  has been duly  executed and delivered by it
               and is valid and binding upon it in accordance with its terms.


         Each of the  Parties  represents  and  warrants  to the  best of  their
knowledge  and as of the  Effective  Date and as of the date this  Agreement  is
actually signed that it is unaware of any material facts or circumstances  which
have not been  disclosed  in this  Agreement,  which  should be disclosed to any
other Party in order to prevent the representations in this Agreement from being
materially misleading.



          a)   WG and/or its Affiliates  shall not commit any act or acts, which
               will encumber or cause a lien to be placed on the claims.

          b)   WG  and/or  its  Affiliates  will at its sole  cost and  expense,
               remove or take  remedial  action  with  regards to any  materials
               released by WG or its Affiliates, contractors and agents into the
               environment  at, on or near the  Property  after the date of this
               Agreement  for which any removal or  remedial  action is required
               pursuant to any law, regulations or governmental action,  whether
               enacted,  made or declared  in force  before or after the date of
               this Agreement.

          c)   WG will at all times retain any and all liabilities  arising from
               the handling, treatment,  storage,  transportation or disposal of
               environmental or similar  contaminants on or near the Property by
               WG or by WG's Affiliates.


         MGE-IW represents and warrants to the best of their knowledge as of the
Effective Date and as of the date this Agreement is actually signed that:

          a)   MGE-IW properly located, staked and recorded the MGE-IW Claims as
               described  in  Exhibit  "A" and  the  MGE-IW  Claims  are in good
               standing under the laws of the applicable jurisdiction.

          b)   MGE-IW has paid all rentals,  taxes,  assessments,  charges, fees
               and other  levies  imposed  upon or required  with respect to the
               MGE-IW Claims.

          c)   MGE-IW makes no representations or warranty,  express or implied,
               as  to  the  accuracy,   reliability  or   completeness   of  any
               information  or data made  available  to WG  hereunder  or to the
               fitness  or  suitability  of such  information  or  data  for any


         The above  representations  are  conditions  on which the parties  have
relied in entering into this  Agreement  and each party will  indemnify and hold
harmless from all loss,  damage,  costs,  actions and suits arising out of or in
connection  with any breach of any  representation  or warranty made by them and
contained in this Agreement (including,  without limitations,  lawyer's fees and

                              SECTION III - PURPOSE

3.1      GENERAL

         This  Agreement  is to set forth  requirements  of WG to  maintain  and
exercise the  Exploration and Mining Lease  Agreement.  MGE-IW and WG agree that
all of their  rights  and all of the  Operations  on or in  connection  with the
Property,  Assets or the Area of  Interest  shall be subject to and  governed by
this Agreement.

3.2      PURPOSES

         The  purpose  and  scope  of  this  Agreement  is for  WG to  undertake
Operations  with a view to initially  conducting  exploration  of the  Property,
develop  potential  mineral showings and ultimately to delineate and mine one or
more ore deposits  containing precious and/or base metals amenable to commercial




         Nothing  contained  in this  Agreement  shall be deemed  to  constitute
either Party the partner or the venturer of the other,  or,  except as otherwise
herein  expressly  provided,  to  constitute  either  Party  the  agent or legal
representative  of the other,  or to create any fiduciary  relationship  between
them.  The  Parties  do not intend to create,  and this  Agreement  shall not be
construed  to create,  any  mining,  commercial  or other  partnership  or joint
venture. Neither Party, nor any of its directors,  officers,  employees,  agents
and  attorneys,  or  Affiliates,  shall  act for or  assume  any  obligation  or
responsibility  on behalf  of the other  Party,  except as  otherwise  expressly
provided  herein,  and any such  action or  assumption  by a Party's  directors,
officers,  employees,  agents and attorneys,  or Affiliates shall be a breach by
such Party of this Agreement. The rights, duties, obligations and liabilities of
the Parties  shall be several and not joint or  collective.  Each Party shall be
responsible  only for its obligations as herein set out and shall be liable only
for its  share of the costs  and  expenses  as  provided  herein,  and it is the
express  purpose and intention of the Parties that their ownership of Assets and
the rights acquired hereunder shall be as tenants in common.


         Except as expressly  provided in this Agreement,  each Party shall have
the right  independently  to engage in and receive full  benefits  from business
activities,  whether or not competitive with the Operations,  without consulting
any  other  Party.  The  doctrines  of  "corporate   opportunity"  or  "business
opportunity" shall not be applied to any other activity,  venture,  or operation
of any Party,  and no Party  shall have any  obligation  to any other Party with
respect to any opportunity to acquire any property  outside the Area of Interest
at any time.


         Except as otherwise  provided in this Agreement,  neither MGE-IW nor WG
shall transfer all or any part of its interest in the Property,  the Properties,
the Assets or this  Agreement  or  otherwise  permit or cause such  interests to
terminate without approval by written consent by both Parties.


         There are no implied  covenants  contained in this Agreement other than
those of good faith and fair dealing.

                                SECTION V - TERMS


         The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be October 20, 2004.  Unless
sooner  terminated as provided in this Agreement,  the term of this  Exploration
and Mining Lease  Agreement shall be for a primary period of Ten (10) years from
the effective  date and for so long  thereafter as WG continues to make Advanced
Royalty  Payments  to  MGE-IW.  In no  event,  however,  shall  the term of this
Agreement exceed fifty (50) years.


         General  Terms of this  Exploration  and Mining Lease  Agreement are as

          a)   Royalty:  The Royalty that WG shall pay to MGE-IW,  in accordance
               with  Section  1  Definitions,  5.5 and  Exhibit  "B" shall be as
               1.   Two  percent  Net  Smelter  Royalty  ("2%  NSR")  payable to
                    MGE-IW; (one (1%) percent to Mountain Gold Exploration, Inc.
                    and one (1%) percent to IW  Exploration  Co. from the MGE-IW


          b)   Payments:  Advance  Royalty  Payment  schedule  beginning  of the
               Effective Date due to MGE-IW while this Agreement is in force are
               as follows:
               o    On Signing:  The Effective  Date                  $ 6,208
                    plus 25,000 shares of WG restricted  stock (includes
                    reimbursement of the BLM and County 2004 Annual Filing)
               o    Due on or before March 1, 2005                    $12,000
                    plus 50,000 shares of WG restricted stock
               o    Due on or before the 1st year Anniversary         $20,000
                    plus 75,000 shares of WG restricted stock
               o    Due on or before the 2nd year Anniversary         $30,000
                    plus 100,000 shares of WG restricted stock
               o    Due on or before the 3rd year Anniversary         $40,000
               o    Due on or before the 4th year Anniversary         $50,000
               o    Due on or before the 5th year Anniversary         $75,000
               o    Due on or before the 6th year Anniversary
                    and each  thereafter                              $100,000

          c)   Exploration  Expenditures - Work Commitment:  Minimum yearly work
               obligations shall be:
               o    Prior to the 1st Anniversary date of this Agreement $10,000
               o    Prior to the 2nd Anniversary date of this Agreement $20,000
               o    Prior to the 3rd Anniversary date of this Agreement $50,000
               o    Prior to the 4th Anniversary date of this Agreement $100,000
               o    Prior to the 5th Anniversary date of this Agreement $150,000
               o    Prior to the 6th Anniversary date of this Agreement
                    and each thereafter                                 $200,000

               All expenditures  would be cumulative and any excess spent in any
               one  year   would  be   credited   towards   future   exploration
               obligations.   If  there  is  any   deficiency  in  the  required
               Exploration  Expenditures in any required time period, WG may pay
               75% of such deficiency in US dollars to MGE-IW as the fulfillment
               of WG's obligation.  Such payment shall be paid within 30 days at
               the  end of the  time  period  in  question.  If the  Exploration
               Expenditures,  Advanced  Royalty  Payments or Royalty Payment are
               not  completed as set forth  above,  the  Exploration  and Mining
               Lease Agreement shall terminate  automatically  and WG shall have
               no further  rights or interests in the Holly Gold  Property,  and
               the parties shall have no further obligation to each other.

          d)   Area of  Interest  (AOI):  There  shall  be an  Area of  Interest
               appurtenant to this Agreement  which shall be defined as sections
               1-3,  10-14 T26N R34E and  sections  6, 7 and 18 T 26N R35E.  All
               Lands acquired by MGE-IW or WG within the Area of Interest during
               the term of this Agreement  shall be made apart of this Agreement
               and  the  claims,  lands,  interests,   leases,  joint  ventures,
               purchases or  otherwise,  any and all interests or of the like in
               the Property shall be made apart of this Agreement.

          e)   New Claims  Acquired:  All new claims  staked or  acquired  by WG
               shall be located and recorded in the MGE-IW's  names,  subject to
               the existing terms of this Agreement, and all associated fees and
               costs shall be paid in full by WG or Affiliate's.

          f)   Annual Claim Fees and other Payments:  WG or Affiliates shall pay
               all Federal,  State and County  annual  mining claim  maintenance
               fees, rental fees and/or any and all taxes that constitute all or
               part of the Holly Gold Property.  WG or affiliate companies agree
               to pay all Federal and County  annual  mining claim  maintenance,
               rental  fees or real  property  taxes and any and all other  fees
               which  constitute  all or part of the  Property  prior to June 1,
               2004 and of


               each calendar year  thereafter  while this Agreement is in force.
               WG agrees to assume all underlying finder side agreements

          g)   Construction of Protection  Fences: WG agrees to construct within
               the 1st  Anniversary of this  Agreement all fencing  securing any
               and all potential  unsafe mine or trench  openings or cuts on the
               Property. WG accepts all responsibilities and liabilities for any
               and all possible injuries to third parties on the property.


         WG shall be obligated during this Agreement to conduct  activities as a
prudent operator in accordance with Section 6.1 and 6.2.

5.4      DEFAULT

         Subject to the terms of  Section  5, if WG fails to perform  any of the
obligations specified in this Agreement and in particularly Sections 5.2 and 5.3
required  to maintain  this  Agreement  on the date called for such  performance
hereunder,  MGE-IW may give a written notice (the "Default  Notice")  specifying
the due date and the  obligation  not performed and if performance or payment in
full is not  received  within  thirty  (30)  days of the  Default  Notice,  this
Agreement shall expire upon the expiration of five (5) days after the receipt by
WG of a termination notice. Upon Termination, WG shall have no rights, titles or
interests of any and all kinds  whatsoever in the  Property,  the Royalty or any
other rights.  Interests or Assets obtained or governed by this Agreement during
the term from and after that date,  unless  during  such  thirty (30) day notice
period  WG cures any  default  and keeps  this  Agreement  and the Lease in good


         WG shall pay to MGE-IW the Royalty described in this Section, Section 1
(Definitions), Section 5.2 (a) and Exhibit "B" during the time which WG produces
any Metals,  Metals  Products,  Ore or Metal  Interests.  Payment of the Royalty
shall be determined  and paid in accordance  with the provisions of Exhibit "B".
The Royalty  payable by WG to MGE-IW under this Agreement  shall be based on the
payments  actually  received  by WG minus  those  deductions  specified  for Net
Smelter Returns in Exhibit "B" or, if WG retains title to gold or silver derived
from Metals,  Metals  Products,  Metal  Interests or Ore, on the average  fiscal
quarter  price  minus those  deductions  specified  for Net  Smelter  Returns in
Exhibit "B". The Royalty percentage rate shall be as follows:

          1.   Two  percent Net Smelter  Royalty  ("2% NSR")  payable to MGE-IW;
               (one (1%) percent to Mountain Gold Exploration, Inc. and one (1%)
               percent to IW Exploration Co. from the MGE-IW Claims);


         In the  event WG  identifies  unique  gold or other  mineral  specimens
during mining,  it shall take reasonable  measures to accommodate the collection
of such specimens by MGE-IW or its representatives,  provided that such activity
does  not  delay,  or  otherwise  interfere  with  WG's  exploration  or  mining
operations.  WG shall  determine,  in its sole  discretion,  whether and in what
manner gold and other mineral  specimen  collection  activities  are  allowable,
based upon its exploration and mining plans. Within 30 days after MGE-IW removes
any gold or other mineral  specimens from the Property,  MGE-IW shall deliver to
WG, as payment, such specimens amounting to 50% of the total market value of the
removed  specimens.  Any specimen removed by MGE-IW shall be valued based upon a
mutually  accepted  method.  If MGE-IW  and WG are unable to agree on a mutually
accepted  valuation,   the  value  of  such  specimens  shall  be  independently
determined by a committee of two third-party appraisers, with MGE-IW and WG each
selecting one appraiser.  WG shall not be  responsible  for any Royalties on any
gold  specimens  collected  by MGE-IW or its  representatives.  MGE-IW  shall be
solely liable for any royalty obligation arising under the


Underlying  Agreements  or any  state,  federal or local  law,  relating  to the
collection of gold specimens by MGE-IW or its representatives.

                         SECTION VI - DUTIES OF OPERATOR


          a)   WG  shall  keep  the  Assets  free and  clear  of all  liens  and
               encumbrances and mechanic's or material men's liens.

          b)   In no event  shall WG permit or allow  title to the  Assets to be
               lost as the result of the  non-payment of any taxes,  assessments
               or like charges; and shall do all other acts reasonably necessary
               to maintain the Assets.

          c)   WG shall:  (i)  apply for all  necessary  permits,  licenses  and
               approvals;  (ii) comply with all applicable laws and regulations;
               (iii) notify  promptly  MGE-IW of any  allegations of substantial
               violation  thereof;  and (iv)  prepare  and file all  reports  or
               notices  required  by WG.  WG  shall  not be in  breach  of  this
               provision  if a violation  has occurred in spite of the WG's good
               faith  efforts to comply,  and WG has timely cured or disposed of
               such  violation  through  performance,  or  payment  of fines and
               penalties.  For greater certainty,  in respect of Subsections 6.1
               (b) during the Lease Period,  WG shall be responsible  for title,
               property and permitting issues.

          d)   WG shall  prosecute  and defend,  but shall not initiate  without
               consent of MGE-IW,  all litigation or administrative  proceedings
               arise  out  of  Operations.   MGE-IW  shall  have  the  right  to
               participate  in such  litigation or  administrative  proceedings.
               MGE-IW  shall  approve  in  advance  any   settlement   involving
               payments,  commitments or obligations in excess of fifty thousand
               dollars (US$50,000) in cash or value.

          e)   WG shall  maintain a General  Liability  Insurance  Policy in the
               amount of $1,000,000  for the benefit of the Property  while this
               Agreement is in affect. WG shall deliver to MGE-IW within 10 days
               of Notification,  a copy of all insurance  policies or Agreements
               that involve or influence MGE-IW.

          f)   WG shall not: (i) dispose of Assets or begin a liquidation of the
               Property;  or (ii)  dispose of all or a  substantial  part of the

          g)   WG shall perform or cause to be performed during the term of this
               Agreement   all  work   necessary  to  comply  with   agreements,
               concessions or other  instruments  constituting and governing the
               MGE-IW  Claims,  Property and  Operations and shall take measures
               necessary to maintain same in full force and effect.

          h)   WG shall keep and maintain all required  accounting and financial
               records  pursuant to the  Accounting  Procedure and in accordance
               with customary accounting practices in the mining industry and as
               necessary to comply with local law and accounting requirements of
               the jurisdiction of the Property.

          i)   At the  request of MGE-IW,  WG shall keep  MGE-IW  advised of all
               Operations  by  submitting  in  writing  and in  digital  form to
               MGE-IW:  (i) quarterly  progress reports which include statements
               of  expenditures  and  comparisons  of such  expenditures  to the
               adopted Budget;  (ii) periodic summaries of data acquired;  (iii)
               copies of reports  concerning  Operations;  (iv) a detailed final
               report  within  forty-five  (45) days  after  completion  of each
               Program and/or Budget,  which shall include  comparisons  between
               actual and  budgeted  expenditures  and  comparisons


               between  the  objectives  and results of  Programs;  and (v) such
               other reports as MGE-IW may reasonably request.

          j)   At all  reasonable  times WG shall provide  MGE-IW access to, and
               the  right to  inspect,  remove  and  copy  any and all  reports,
               documents correspondences, financial documents, maps, drill logs,
               core  tests,  surveys,  assays,  analyses,   production  reports,
               operations,  technical,  accounting  and financial  records,  and
               other information acquired while this Agreement is in effect.

          k)   WG shall undertake all other activities  reasonably  necessary to
               fulfil the foregoing.


         WG shall conduct all  Operations in a good,  workmanlike  and efficient
manner, in accordance with sound mining and other applicable  industry standards
and practices,  and in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Property,
the Holly Gold  Exploration  and Mining  Lease  Agreement,  any Metal  Interest,
claims, leases, licenses,  permits, contracts and other agreements pertaining to
the Assets.  WG shall not be liable for any act or omission  resulting in damage
or loss except to the extent caused by or attributable to WG's  negligence.  The
Operator shall timely post any bonding requirement in accordance with applicable
government  regulations for any operation  conducted for the Property.  WG shall
have the  obligation to apply such Standard of Care at all time during the Lease


         (a) If required by applicable law, WG shall perform,  to the extent not
already performed by MGE-IW,  annual labor or assessment work for the benefit of
the  Property,  pay any  maintenance,  rental,  holding  fee,  or other  payment
required to maintain  the MGE-IW  Claims for the  assessment  year  beginning on
September 1, 2003,  and for every  assessment  year  thereafter  with respect to
those MGE-IW  Claims for which WG continues  this  Agreement  beyond July 1st of
that year.  In the event WG gives notice of  termination  to MGE-IW  pursuant to
Section 13, on or before July 1, WG shall have no obligation to make any payment
to maintain the subject MGE-IW Claims that is or becomes due after the date such
notice is given.  If any such law permits the  performance of assessment work or
annual  labor in lieu of making all or a portion of any such  payment,  WG shall
determine whether to make such payment,  perform such work or labor, or both. If
required by applicable law, WG shall pay any location fee or payment required to
relocate any Claim that WG determines,  pursuant to Section 8(b), below,  should
be relocated.

         (b) For  each  assessment  year in which WG  performs  annual  labor or
assessment work or makes any such payment, it shall prepare, record, and file in
a proper and timely manner such affidavits and other documents  relating thereto
as are required to maintain the Claims and in good standing.

                       SECTION VII - AUDIT AND ACCOUNTING

7.1      AUDITS

         MGE-IW may request an annual or  quarterly  audit.  Upon  request  made
within  twenty-four (24) months  following the end of any calendar year,  MGE-IW
may audit the accounting and financial  records for such calendar year (or other
accounting   period).   All  written  exceptions  to  and  claims  upon  WG  for
discrepancies  disclosed  by such audit  shall be made not more than twelve (12)
months  after  initiation  of the audit.  Failure to make any such  exception or
claim within the twelve (12) month period  after  initiation  of the audit shall
mean the audit is correct and binding. The audit shall be done at the expense of
MGE-IW unless a  discrepancy  of at least ten percent (10%) is disclosed by such
audit in any material item in the financial statements. If such a discrepancy of
at least ten percent (10%) is disclosed the specific audit costs shall be to WG.



         WG  shall  maintain  detailed  and  comprehensive   accounting  records
suitable to establish a detailed audit trail, in accordance with this Accounting
Procedure,  including  general  ledgers,  supporting  and  subsidiary  journals,
invoices,  checks and other  customary  documentation,  sufficient  to provide a
record of  revenues  and  expenditures  and  periodic  statements  of  financial
position and the results of operations for managerial,  tax, regulatory or other
financial reporting purposes for MGE-IW and the Property.  Such records shall be
retained  for the  duration  of the  period  allowed  to MGE-IW for audit or the
period  necessary  to  comply  with tax or other  regulatory  requirements.  The
records shall comply with generally accepted accounting principles in the United
States ("U.S. GAAP"). Furthermore, WG shall provide MGE-IW and its auditors with
reasonable  access to its books and  records  for  purposes  of  complying  with
applicable reporting requirements for MGE-IW and its affiliates.



         This Agreement shall  terminate as expressly  provided  herein,  unless
earlier terminated by written agreement by both parties.


         WG may terminate and withdraw from the Property in accordance  with the
provision  of  this  Agreement.  Upon  such  withdrawal,  this  Agreement  shall
terminate, and WG shall give MGE-IW the option to have transferred to MGE-IW all
of its rights, titles,  interests and Data of the Property and/or Assets without
cost,  free and clear of all  encumbrances  arising  by,  through  or under such
withdrawing  Party,  except those to which both  Parties  have agreed.  WG shall
execute  and deliver  all  instruments  as may be  necessary  in the  reasonable
judgement  of MGE-IW to affect the  transfer of its  interests  in the  Property
and/or Assets to MGE-IW.


         During the term of this Agreement and after termination of the Property
or this  Agreement  under  Sections 8.1 and 8.2, WG shall remain  liable for its
liabilities  to  third  parties  (whether  such  arises  before  or  after  such
withdrawal),   including   environmental   liabilities   and   related   bonding
requirement.   WG's   liabilities   shall  include   environmental   damage  and
liabilities, which are caused by or as a result of work done on the Property.


         Promptly  after  termination  under Sections 8.1 and 8.2, WG shall take
all action  necessary to wind up the  activities of the Property.  All costs and
expenses  incurred in connection  with the termination of this Agreement and any
business related to this Agreement shall be expenses chargeable to WG.


         Neither a Party that withdraws or is deemed to have withdrawn  pursuant
to Section 8.2, nor any Affiliate of such a Party,  shall directly or indirectly
acquire any interest or right to explore or mine,  or both,  on any property any
part of which is within the  Property  while this  Agreement  in  enforce.  If a
withdrawing  Party,  or the  Affiliate of a  withdrawing  Party,  breaches  this
Section, such Party shall be obligated to offer to convey to the non-withdrawing
Party,  without  cost,  any such property or interest so acquired (or ensure its
Affiliate  offers to convey the  Property  or  interest  to the  non-withdrawing
Party, if the acquiring Party is the withdrawing Party's Affiliate).  Such offer
shall be made in writing and can be accepted by the non-withdrawing Party at any
time within ten (30) days after the offer is  received  by such  non-withdrawing


Party.  Failure of a Party's  Affiliate to comply with this Section,  shall be a
breach by such Party of this Agreement.


         After  termination  of the  Property  pursuant to Sections 8.1 and 8.2,
each  Party  shall be  entitled  to make  copies of all  applicable  information
acquired  hereunder  before the effective  date of  termination  not  previously
furnished to it, but a terminating or withdrawal  Party shall not be entitled to
any such copies after any other termination or withdrawal.


         On termination  of the Property under Sections 8.1 and 8.2,  MGE-IW (or
WG, in the event of a withdrawal  by MGE-IW)  shall have the power and authority
to do all things which are  reasonably  necessary or convenient  to: (a) wind up
operations  and  (b)  complete  any  transaction  and  satisfy  any  obligation,
unfinished or unsatisfied, at the time of such termination or withdrawal, if the
transaction or obligation  arises out of operations prior to such termination or
withdrawal.  MGE-IW  shall  have the power  and  authority  to grant or  receive
extensions  of time or change  the  method of  payment  of an  already  existing
liability or obligation,  prosecute and defend actions on behalf of both Parties
and the Property, and take any other reasonable action.



         There shall be an Area of Interest (AOI)  appurtenant to this Agreement
which shall be defined as the following area:  sections 1-3, 10-14 T26N R34E and
sections 6, 7 and 18 T 26N R35E. as specified in Section 1 and Exhibit "A".

         If WG or its Affiliates (the Acquiring  Party)  acquiring any Interest,
including without limitation,  any Metals, minerals,  surface or water rights or
Metal  Interests,  Metal  Products,  Ores  within the AOI shall be  required  to
include  one  hundred  percent  (100%)  of such  Interest  in the  Lands to this
Agreement,  and  made  subject  to this  Agreement  under  the  same  terms  and
conditions as the acquisition of such Metal Interest by the Acquiring Party.

         If MGE-IW is the Acquiring  Party of such Metal Interest in the Area of
Interest, such interest shall be required to offer one hundred percent (100%) to
WG for the benefit of the Property.  If WG does not elect within sixty (60) days
of  receiving a written  notice from MGE-IW to have the Metal  Interest  and the
area or Lands recommended to be included in the Property,  MGE-IW shall have the
exclusive  rights,  title and  interests to acquire all Interests to the area or
Lands recommended and submitted to WG.



         MGE-IW may authorize WG to cause the surrender or  abandonment  of part
or  all  of  the  Properties.   If  MGE-IW  authorizes  any  such  surrender  or
abandonment,  then WG shall so  notify  MGE-IW  during  this  Agreement,  and at
MGE-IW's sole,  exclusive  election and option, WG shall assign to MGE-IW by the
appropriate  conveyance  document  and  without  cost,  of that  Interest in the
Property to be  abandoned  or  surrendered,  and the  abandoned  or  surrendered
Property shall cease to be part of the Property and this Agreement, and WG shall
remain obligated for liabilities arising prior to abandonment.



         If any Lands within the Property are abandoned or surrendered under the
provisions  of Section  10.1,  by WG,  then  unless  this  Agreement  is earlier
terminated,  WG shall abandon all Interests to the Lands and Property-Properties
and WG agrees not acquire any Interests to the abandoned or surrendered Lands or
Property (s) for a period of two years following the date of such abandonment or
surrender.  If WG reacquires any Property (s) in violation of this Section,  the
MGE-IW may elect by notice to the reacquiring  Party within 45 days after it has
actual notice of such reacquisition, to have such properties made subject to the
terms of this  Agreement.  In the event such an election is made, the reacquired
properties  shall  thereafter  be  treated  as the  Property,  and the  costs of
reacquisition shall be borne solely by WG.

                        SECTION XI - TRANSFER OF INTEREST

11.1     GENERAL

         The transfer by a party to any Interest in this Agreement, the Property
or this Agreement shall be subject to the  non-transferring  parties pre-emptive
right in accordance with this Section.


         The Transfer right of WG or for MGE-IW in Section 11.1 shall be subject
to the following terms and conditions:

          a)   A Party wishing to transfer an Interest shall promptly notify the
               other of its intentions,  by written notice stating the price and
               other  pertinent  terms of the  intended  transfer  and  shall be
               accompanied by a copy of the offer or contract for sale.

          b)   The other  Party  shall  have  thirty  (30) days from the date of
               delivery and receipt of the notice to state  whether it elects to
               acquire  the  offered  Interest at the same price and on the same
               terms and conditions as set forth in the notice.

          c)   If the other Party so elects,  the transfer  shall be consummated
               as promptly as possible after the election notice is delivered to
               the transferring Party.

          d)   If the  non-transferring  Party does not so elect to exercise its
               right, the  transferring  Party shall have one hundred and eighty
               (180) days to consummate the proposed  transaction with the third
               party   on   terms   no  less   favourable   that   made  to  the
               non-transferring Party.

          e)   If the transaction is not consummated within the said one hundred
               and eighty (180) days, the  non-transferring  Party's pre-emptive
               right shall be revived.

          f)   Any transfer made without obtaining the non-transferring  Party's
               waiver of such right or compliance  with the  subsections of this
               Section will be null and void.

          g)   No transferee of all or any part of the Interest of a Party shall
               have the rights of that Party unless and until the transferee, as
               of the effective  date of the Transfer,  has committed in writing
               to be bound by this  Agreement as if an original Party thereto to
               the same extent as the transferring Party.

          h)   No  Transfer   permitted  by  this  Section   shall  relieve  the
               transferring  Party  of  its  share  of  any  liability,  whether
               accruing  before or after  such  Transfer,  which  arises  out of
               Operations conducted prior to such Transfer.

          i)   The  transferring  Party and the  transferee  shall  bear all tax
               consequences of the Transfer.


          j)   In the  event  of a  Transfer  of  less  than  all  of a  Party's
               Interest, the transferring Party and its transferee shall act and
               be treated as one.

          k)   If the Transfer is the grant of a security  interest by mortgage,
               deed of trust,  pledge, lien or other encumbrance of any interest
               in this Agreement, any Party's Interest or the Assets to secure a
               loan or other indebtedness of a Party in a bona fide transaction,
               such security  interest shall be subordinate to the terms of this
               Agreement  and  the  rights  and  interests  of the  other  Party
               hereunder. Upon any foreclosure or other enforcement of rights in
               the security  interest the acquiring third party shall be subject
               to the  pre-emptive  right described in this Section and it shall
               comply  with and be bound by the  terms  and  conditions  of this

          l)   No  transfer,  sale or  disposition  shall in any way  modify the
               non-transferring rights in the Property.

                          SECTION XII - CONFIDENTIALITY

12.1     GENERAL

         The financial terms of this Agreement and all  information  obtained in
connection  with  the  performance  of this  Agreement  shall  be the  exclusive
property of the Parties and,  except as provided in Section  12.2,  shall not be
disclosed to any third party or the public without the prior written  consent of
the other Party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.


         The consent required by Section 12.1 shall not apply to a disclosure:

          a)   To an Affiliate, consultant, contractor or subcontractor that has
               a bona fide need to be informed  provided  such person  agrees to
               maintain the confidentiality of such information;

          b)   To any third party to whom the  disclosing  Party  contemplates a
               Transfer  of all or  any  part  of  its  Interest  in or to  this
               Agreement,  its  Participating  Interest,  or the Assets provided
               such  party  agrees  to  maintain  the  confidentiality  of  such
               information; or

          c)   To a governmental  agency or to the public,  which the disclosing
               Party  believes  in good faith is required  by  pertinent  law or
               regulation or the rules of any stock  exchange  provided that the
               pertinent disclosure is given to the other party and no objection
               is received within twenty-four (24) hours.


         In the event that either WG or MGE-IW  wishes or is required to issue a
press release or public statement,  it will first provide the other Party with a
draft copy for review and  comment.  In the event that the other  Party fails to
comment on the release  within  twenty-four  (24) hours of its receipt,  or such
earlier  deadline as may be necessary to permit the Party issuing the release to
satisfy all regulatory requirements, they will be deemed to have approved of the
release in its entirety.


         In any case to which Section 12.3 is applicable,  the disclosing  Party
shall  give  notice  to the other  Party  concurrently  with the  making of such
disclosure. As to any disclosure pursuant to Section 12.2 (a) and (b), only such
confidential  information  as such third party shall have a legitimate  business
need to know  shall be  disclosed  and such third  party  shall  first  agree in
writing to protect the confidential  information from further  disclosure to the
same extent as the Parties are obligated under this Section.



         The  provisions  of this  Section  shall apply  during the term of this
Agreement and for two years following  termination of this Agreement pursuant to
Section  8.1,  and  shall  continue  to apply to any  Party  who  Transfers  its
Participating Interest, for two (2) years following the date of such occurrence.

                            SECTION XIII - GUARANTEE


         MGE-IW hereby  guarantees  the  performance  by its Affiliates of their
respective obligations under this Agreement.


         WG  hereby  guarantees  the  performance  by its  Affiliates  of  their
respective obligations under this Agreement.

                        SECTION XIV - GENERAL PROVISIONS


         All notices, payments and other required communications  ("Notices") to
the Parties shall be in writing, and shall be addressed respectively as follows:

         MGE-IW's Authorized Representative:    Ishiung J. Wu
         3537 Brighton Way                      Telephone No: 775-322-2033
         Reno, Nevada 89509                     Facsimile No:  775-322-2033

         WG's Authorized Representative:             Thomas K. Mancuso
         961 Matley Lane, Suite 120 Telephone No:    775-337-9433
         Reno, Nevada 89502                          Facsimile No:  775-337-9441
         Email: tmancuso@westerngoldfields.net

         All Notices  shall be given (i) by personal  delivery to the Party,  or
(ii)  by  electronic  communication  OR  EMAIL,  with  a  confirmation  sent  by
registered or certified mail return receipt requested, or (iii) by registered or
certified  mail return  receipt  requested.  All Notices  shall be effective and
shall be deemed delivered (i) if by personal delivery on the date of delivery if
delivered  during normal  business  hours,  and, if not delivered  during normal
business  hours,  on the  next  business  day  following  delivery,  (ii)  if by
electronic  communication  on the next  business  day  following  receipt of the
electronic  communication,  and (iii) if solely by mail on the next business day
after actual receipt. A Party to this Agreement may change its address by Notice
to the other Party to this  Agreement.  Any payment  called for shall be made at
the place  designated  in this Section  14.1.  Any payment shall be made in U.S.
clearinghouse funds, or as otherwise permitted by the receiving Party.

         Notification or changes of authorized  representatives for WG or MGE-IW
shall be provided in writing, in advance, in accordance with Section 14.1.



         WG and MGE-IW agree to be bound by this  Agreement  from the  Effective
Date  and  that  this  Agreement  shall  replace  any  prior  understandings  or
agreements.  Each Party agrees to bear its own costs for the negotiation of this

14.3     WAIVER

         The  failure  of a Party to insist  on the  strict  performance  of any
provision of this  Agreement  or to exercise  any right,  power or remedy upon a
breach hereof shall not  constitute a waiver of any provision of this  Agreement
or limit the Party's  right  thereafter to enforce any provision or exercise any


         No modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing
and duly executed by the Parties.


         Except for the  obligation  to make payments  when due  hereunder,  the
obligations  of a Party shall be suspended to the extent and for the period that
performance is prevented by any cause,  whether  foreseeable  or  unforeseeable,
beyond its reasonable control,  including,  without limitation,  labour disputes
(however  arising and whether or not employee  demands are  reasonable or within
the power of the Party to grant); acts of God; Laws, instructions or requests of
any government entity; judgements or orders of any court; inability to obtain on
reasonably  accepted  terms  any  public  or  private  license,  permit or other
authorization;  curtailment  or  suspension  of activities to remedy or avoid an
actual or alleged,  present or  prospective  violation  of  environmental  laws;
action or inaction by any federal, state or local agency that delays or prevents
the  issuance or granting of any approval or  authorization  required to conduct
operations beyond the reasonable  expectations of the Party seeking the approval
or  authorization;  acts of war or conditions  arising out of or attributable to
war,  whether  declared or  undeclared;  riot,  civil  strife,  insurrection  or
rebellion; fire, explosion,  earthquake,  storm, flood, drought or other adverse
weather  condition;  delay or failure by suppliers or transporters of materials,
parts,  supplies,  services or equipment or by contractors'  or  subcontractors'
shortage  of,  or  inability  to  obtain,  labour,  transportation,   materials,
machinery,  equipment,  supplies, utilities or services; accidents; breakdown of
equipment,   machinery  or   facilities;   actions  by  native  rights   groups,
environmental  groups,  or other similar special interest  groups;  or any other
cause whether  similar or dissimilar to the foregoing.  The affected Party shall
promptly  give  notice  to the other  Party of the  suspension  of  performance,
stating therein the nature of the  suspension,  the reasons  therefore,  and the
expected duration thereof.  The affected Party shall resume  performance as soon
as reasonably possible.  During the period of suspension the obligations of both
Parties to advance funds shall be reduced to levels consistent with then current


         It is mutually understood and agreed that the rights and obligations of
the parties under or related to this  Agreement  shall be governed in accordance
with and by the laws of the State of Nevada  (without  regards to choice of laws
provisions),  both as to interpretation and performance,  and that any action at
law, suit in equity or judicial proceeding for the enforcement of this Agreement
or any provision thereof shall be instituted only in the courts of Washoe County
in  the  State  of  Nevada  and  maintained  only  in  any  court  of  competent
jurisdiction  in  Washoe  County to the State of  Nevada.  In the event  suit or
action is filed by any party to enforce this Agreement or respect to a breach of
this Agreement,  the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover,  in addition
to all other costs,  damages and rewards, its reasonable attorney fees at trial,
upon any appeal and petition for review.



         An arbitration  procedure for the  interpretation of this Agreement and
any dispute  arising between the Parties will be implemented  under  arbitration
proceedings  all  parties  agreed  in  advance.   It  is  expressly  agreed  and
acknowledged  that  WG and  MGE-IW  will  cause  their  subsidiaries  and  their
representatives involved in the Property, whether directly or indirectly, to act
in  accordance  with  any  arbitration  result  and to  cause  them to take  all
reasonable  steps  to  confirm  or carry  out any  ruling  or order  made in the
arbitration  proceedings  or as a  result  of  any  arbitration  proceedings  or


         Each of the Parties to take from time to time such  actions and execute
such  additional  instruments  as may be  reasonably  necessary or convenient to
implement and carry out the intent and purpose of this Agreement.


         The following  Sections shall survive the termination of this Agreement
to the full extent  necessary for their  enforcement  and the  protection of the
Party in whose favor they run: Sections 2.2, 5.4, 8.2, 8.3, 12.3 and 12.5.


         This  Agreement  contains the entire  understanding  of the Parties and
supersedes all prior agreements and understandings  between the Parties relating
to the subject matter hereof.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to
the benefit of the respective  successors and permitted  assigns of the Parties.
In the event of any conflict  between this  Agreement  and any Exhibit  attached
hereto, the terms of this Agreement shall be controlling.


         This  Agreement  may be executed in two or more  counterparts,  each of
which shall be deemed to be an original  and all of which taken  together  shall
constitute one and the same instrument.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
duly executed and delivered as of the day and year first above written.


By:    /s/ Ishiung J.  Wu
       Ishiung J.  Wu, MGE-IW's Authorized Representative



By:    /s/ Thomas K. Mancuso
       Thomas K. Mancuso, President


                                   EXHIBIT "A"


                               HOLLY GOLD PROPERTY


                                 "THE PROPERTY"



         NAME OF CLAIMS                     BLM SERIAL NO.
         --------------                     --------------

         Holly 1-3, 5, 7-8, 19-29           817380-817396

         Holly 4                            854528

         Holly 6                            854527

         Holly 31                           817398

         Holly 33                           817400

         Holly 35                           817402

         Holly 37                           817404

         Holly 38                           817405

2) The Property and Area of Interest (AOI)

There shall be an "Area of Interest"  (AOI)  appurtenant to this  Agreement,  in
accordance  with  Section I, Section 9.1 and be defined as sections  1-3,  10-14
T26N R34E and sections 6, 7 and 18 T 26N R35E.


                                   EXHIBIT "B"

                              "NET SMELTER ROYALTY"

         Attached to and made part of that certain  Exploration and Mining Lease
Agreement made between Western  Goldfields.  Inc. and Mountain Gold  Exploration
Inc. and IW  Exploration  Co. in respect of the Holly Gold Property  dated as of
the October 20, 2004.


         Where used herein:

         AGREEMENT means the above-referenced and attached Agreement,  including
         any amendments thereto or renewals or extensions thereof.

         FISCAL  PERIOD  means  each  calendar  year  during  the  term  of  the

         MGE-IW shall mean MGE-IW.

         PRODUCT means Ore,  Metals or Metal  Interests as defined in Section 1,
         Definitions of the Agreement.

         ROYALTY  INTEREST means the share of Net Smelter  Returns payable under
         the  Agreement,  which  is  specified  in  Section  5.2  and 6.0 of the

         SELLER shall mean WG.

         Words and expressions defined in the Agreement have the same meaning in
this Schedule.


         In the event that WG sells  Product  derived  from the  Property,  "Net
Smelter  Returns" shall mean the actual proceeds paid to and received by WG from
any mint, smelter,  refinery or other purchaser for the sale of Product produced
from the Property and sold,  after  deducting  from such  proceeds the following
charges  actually  paid by WG to the extent  that they were not  deducted by the
purchaser  in computing  payment:  smelting  and  refining  charges;  penalties;
smelter  assay costs and umpire  assay  costs;  cost of freight and  handling of
ores, metals or concentrates from the Property to any mint,  smelter,  refinery,
or other purchaser; insurance on all such ores, metals or concentrates;  customs
duties;  severance and export and import taxes or tariffs  payable in respect of
said  ores,  metals or  concentrates.  In no event  shall WG deduct  the cost of
mining,  leaching or any other cost of processing at WG's mine facilities in the
determination of Net Smelter Returns.

         In the event that WG retains  title to gold or silver  derived from the
Property that is refined by any mint, smelter or refinery, "Net Smelter Returns"
shall mean the  number of ounces of gold  and/or  silver  derived  from  Product
during a fiscal  quarter  multiplied by (i) for gold, the average London Bullion
Market  Association  P.M. gold Fixing for the fiscal  quarter of production  and
(ii) for silver,  the average  London Bullion  Market  Association  daily Silver
Fixing  for the  fiscal  calendar  quarter  of  production  minus the  following
charges, actually paid by WG: smelting and refining charges' penalties;  smelter
assay costs and umpire assay costs' cost of freight and handling of ores, metals
or concentrates from the Property to any mint smelter or refinery;  insurance on
all such ores, metals or concentrates;  customs duties; severance and export and
import taxes or tariffs payable in respect of said ores, metals or concentrates.
In no event  shall


WG deduct the cost of mining,  leaching or any other cost of  processing at WG's
mine facilities in the determination of Net Smelter Returns.

3)       PAYMENT

         The  Royalty  Interest  shall  be  paid  on a  quarterly  basis  within
forty-five  (45) days  after the end of each  fiscal  quarter  in respect of the
actual proceeds received in such fiscal quarter.

         Each payment under the preceding  paragraph  shall be  accompanied by a
statement  indicating the calculation of Net Smelter Returns.  The MGE-IW of the
Royalty  Interest  shall be entitled to audit,  inspect,  and copy during normal
business  hours,  such  books and  records as are  necessary  to  determine  the
correctness of the payment of the Royalty Interest, provided, however, that such
audit shall be made only on an annual basis and within twelve (12) months of the
end of the end of the Fiscal Period in respect of which such audit is made.

         WG shall pay MGE-IW interest on late Royalty payments at the Prime Rate
plus three  percent  (3%) for the time period after the  forty-fifth  (45th) day
after the end of a fiscal quarter for which a Royalty  payment is due MGE-IW and
the date WG makes that Royalty payment to MGE-IW.


         For the purposes of  calculating  the amount of Royalty  payable if the
sales of any Product are to a company or enterprise  associated with the seller,
and if the sale price is not  negotiated  on an arm's length  basis,  the seller
shall,  for the purposes of calculating Net Smelter Returns and  notwithstanding
the actual amount of such sale price,  add to any moneys actually  received with
respect to such sale an amount which  represents a reasonable net sale price for
such sale as if  negotiated  at arm's  length and after  taking into account all
pertinent  circumstances  (including,  without  limitation,  then current market
conditions  relating to products  similar to such  Product;  terms of agreements
between  arm's length  parties for the purchase and sale of similar  products in
similar  quantities  for  delivery  over similar  periods of time;  and physical
and/or chemical characteristics of such Products).

         The seller shall by notice inform the MGE-IW of the Royalty Interest of
the quantum of such  reasonable  net sale price and if the MGE-IW of the Royalty
Interest does not object  thereto  within 180 days after receipt of such notice,
said quantum shall be final and binding upon the MGE-IW of the Royalty Interest.

         If the MGE-IW of the Royalty Interest objects to such quantum by notice
delivered  to the  seller  within  said  180  days,  then  the  quantum  of such
reasonable  net  sale  price  shall  be  decided  by  arbitration  with a single
arbitrator  to be appointed in accordance  with the  provisions of the Agreement
and the  arbitrator  shall have reference  first to the Agreement,  and then, if
necessary,  to practices used in mining operations that are of a similar nature.
The arbitrator shall be entitled to retain such independent mining  consultants,
as MGE-IW considers necessary. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and
binding on the parties and will not be subject to appeal.


         The  determination  of Net Smelter Returns is based on the premise that
production will be developed solely on the Property. Other mining properties may
be  incorporated  with the Property into a single mining project and the metals,
ores or concentrates pertaining to each may be blended or commingled at the time
of mining  or at any time  thereafter,  provided  however,  that the  respective
mining  properties  (including  the Property)  shall have  allocated to them the
proportionate  share  of the Net  Smelter  Returns  realized  from  such  single
operation,  all as determined in accordance with the  commingling  provisions of
the  Agreement  and  generally  accepted  accounting  principles.  The MGE-IW or
representative appointed by MGE-IW of the Royalty Interest shall have the right,
during reasonable  business hours and upon prior notice to WG. To enter upon the
mining properties and to inspect the plant and procedures  followed with respect
to allocations  made under this  paragraph  provided that such entry shall be at
the sole risk and cost of the MGE-IW of the  Royalty  Interest.  If the  parties
disagree on the  allocation of actual  proceeds  received and  deductions,  such
disagreement  shall be referred  to  arbitration  in the manner  provided in the
Agreement and the arbitrator  shall have reference  first to the Agreement,  and
then, if necessary, to practices used in mining operations that are of a similar
nature.  The  arbitrator  shall be entitled to retain  such  independent  mining
consultants and financial advisors,  as the arbitrator considers necessary.  The
decision of the arbitrator shall be final binding on the parties.
